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N Uns T Rip Y Ields M Arblefor C Hape COMPANY DONATES STONE FOR USE IN NEW HOSPITAL AT LEADVILLE Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Nuns Trip Yields M arble for C hape Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, In c, 1968—Permission to Reproduce, Except On Articles Otherwise M arked, Given After 12 M Friday Following Issue Acquiring the marble Marble Company had bought materialized, the s i s t e r s over the 12,096-foot Inde­ cherry and fir trees. At fo r the beautiful' altar in it and was haishing up dreamed of a beautiful white pendence Pass, through the Redstone the group saw the the new Leadville hos­ orders preparatory to closing marble altar of native Colo­ ghost town of Independence, quaint and artistic chalet of down and putting equipment rado stone, and thoughts then through Aspen and ^e wealthy Englishman Os­ pital's Chapel of Christ out of order for competitive took shape of a trip to Snow m ass. good, who lived there when DENVERCATUaiC Our King was an inter­ reasons. From time to time Marble before the area At Carbondale they left be was an executive of the esting experience that goes Sister Jean de Paul heard would become snowbound. the highway and continued Colorado Fuel and Iron back- to 1943, when Sister that large slabs of marble In mid-October, 1967, while along Crystal River Val­ Com pany. Jean de Paul, present admin­ were lying untouched near aspens were still quivering ley under towering Mt. Waste Marble istrator, first came to Lead- the old quarry. gold, the sisters took their Sopris and Colorado's most R a ilro od v ille . The Sisters Take Chevrolet on its first moun­ photographed Mt. Capitol At that time the Yule tain trip, following Highway and Snowmass Peak. Euggkd As the sisters and their A Trip to Marble REGISTER Quarry at Marble, Colo., was 82 past Twin Lidces, Mt. beauty of the scenery bor­ driver approached the town in the news as the Vermont As the new St. Vincent’s Elbert, and Mt. Massive, rowed color from choke (Turn to Page S — Column I) VOL. Lil. No. 44. THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1958 DENVER, COLORADO Noted for Pastoral Work Msgr. Hagus to MarkNew St. Vincent H ospitnl, Leadville, to Be D edicated 5 0 th Anniversary in Archbishop Vehr Priesthood on Juiy 1 2 The third oldest pri&st to be ordained for the Denver Diocese, one of Will Offer Moss the last links with the pioneer Church in the Archdiocese of Denver, will observe the 50th year of his ordination Saturday, July 12. The Et. Kev. Monsignor Charles H. Hagus, who served- the Denver At Rites June 22 In Boulder Diocese and Archdiocese 46 years before his retirem ent B y S is t e r J u l i a G il m o r e in 1954, said that tentative arrangements to honor the Colorful, age-old ceremonies of the Church occasion w ill include a Solemn Mass, coram Archiepis- will mark a major stride in Leadville history copo, at 10 a.m. Saturday, July 12, at Annunciation when the new St. Vincent’s Hospital there is Summer Classes Church, which the Monsignor hrfd served 20 years prior to dedicated Sunday afternoon, June 22, at 2 o’clock his retirement. He is in good by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of Denver. health at the age of 75. Offering of the Holy Sacri­ In Russian Are Msgr. Kipp, Fr. Walsh In Silver, Gold Are Senior Priests fice of the Mass by Ardibishop Only two priests in Northern Vehr in the Chapel of Christ Parish Project Colorado precede Monsignor Out King will be the first offi­ Hagus in years in the priest­ cial celebration in the new hood. the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Hospital's 'M' About 30 young people building. Visiting clergy, the In Boulder w ill undertake William Kipp of St. Mary’s New Sf. Vincent's Hospitol, Leadville, to Be Dedicoted June 22. Sisters of Charity of Leaven­ “something a little differ­ Church, Colorado Springs, who was ordained in 1904, and the worth located in Leadville, visit­ ent'” for the summer — a Recalls Miners' Rev. Christopher V. Walsh, LOW MASS IN CATHEDRAL JUKE 20 ing sisters, the medical staff and course in the Russian lan­ ordained in 1906 and now re­ the lay advisory board of the guage. tired. hospital w ill attend this Mass. T h e R« t . Edward Vollmer, Moniignor Hagut wai hern Generous Gifts O.S.B., palter ef Sacred ID L e a d v ille J u ly 6, 18S2, Quiet Observance in Pueblo to Mark Blessing of the entire hospital When the first St. Vin­ Heart Pariih, Boulder, an- four years after a new dis­ will precede dedication cere­ covery of silver brought hun­ cent’s Hospital, Leadville, nouncad that the eeurie will* monies at 2 p.m. Appearing on begin at 2 p.m. Monday, June dreds of men flocking to Cal­ became inadequate, toward the program in the afternoon 16, in the pariah tehool. ifornia Gulch, where precious Bishop Willgings 50th Anniversary the end of the 19th cen- metal was discovered as early with Archbishop Vehr will be Mrs. Tatiana Nennsberg, who biry, the sisters were as I8 6 0 . arts degree in 1905, he entered teaches Russian at the Univer­ Friday, June 20, is the 50th anniversary of the the Honorable Steve McNichols, obliged to consider building a When the future priest was SL Mary's Seminary, Bal­ sity of Colorado, will conduct ordination to the priesthood of the Most Rev. Joseph Governor of Colorado, and Jack new hospital. Unable to finance born, about 30,000 men surged timore, Md., for theological the one-hour coutse every the undertaking themselves, through the streets and covered C. W illging of Pueblo, first Bishop in Southern Colo­ study. Foster, editor of the Rocky weekday until the end of the Msgr. Charles Hagus they turned to the people of the hills around Leadville. rado. There w ill be a quiet celebration of the day by Mountain Neu/s a n d g u e s t aummer. The fee is $10 per He was ordained to the Leadville, and these sponsored “Every character of men was pupil. Bishop W illging and the priests working in his diocese. priesthood for the Helena Dio­ speaker for the occasion of the the sisters’ efforts, the miners there,” commented Father W il­ Elaborate plans were once cese June 20, 1908, by Bishop dedication. Robert Henderson, giving generously. It was originally planned as Archbishop Vehr liam Hewlett, “and most of A brother, Paul G. Wiilging of under way for a large celebra­ John P. Carroll in his native The hospital erected in 1900 a money-making venture for them were not looking for God Hollywood, Calif., will be in manager of American Metals tion but these were shelved parish, St Mary's, Dubuque. represented just half of the Sacred Heart Parish, with Mrs. or religion.” But already a Pueblo with his wife on that .Climax, Inc., is director of the after bis Illness early this For a year after ordination he planned construction, Funds Nennsberg turning over the To Offer Requiem second church had been built day. Also expected are some spring. He has now returned to studied in the Catholic Univer­ program . were inadequate for full reali­ tuition fees to the church. in the'town, the finest in the of Bishop WiUging’s nephews Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of health. sity of America, Washington, The program will include zation of objectives. When “But,” said Father Vollmer, vicariate apostolic, and a school from Dubuque, la., and Wash­ Denver will offer the Solemn The day is to be limited to D. C., and bis first appointment buildings are erected usually “ we’re not going to make much was founded in the very year ington, D. C. musical concert by the 46-piece Pontifical Funeral Mass at 10 the immediate members of his in Montana was as principal of a cornerstone containing ma- money off it. Even so, it will of Charles' birth. The future Following the Mass a brunch a.m. Saturday, June 14, for his family and to the priests of the S t Aloysius’ Institute, a board­ 3415th United States Air Force terial pertinent to the era is give the kids something a little priest was to have an educa­ will be served in a loeal res­ younger brother, Raymond H. diocese with a Low Mass to be ing and day school for boys Band, directed by M. Sgt. Robert cemented into a wall. Plans different to keep them occu­ tion not foreshadowed by his taurant. Invitations have been Vehr, 63, who died Tuesday, celebrated in the Sacred Heart founded by Bishop Carroll of A. Carmichael; vocal solos by called for a cornerstone to be pied for the summer.” raw surroundings. sent to all priests in the dio­ June 10, in Cincinnati. The Cathedra! June 20 at 10 a.m. Helena. The school was the placed in that half of the 1900 Like his brother, Louis, born cese. Miss Dorothy Ann Zalar, lyric If sufficient interest is shown services will he held in Our forerunner of the present Car- St. Vincent’s that was not built. three years before, he made his Led C hurch In the course and if an addi­ Mother of Sorrows Church, roU College, soprano, a native of Leadville In its stead a large “M” was early studies in the Cathedral Bishop Wiilging has led the tional teacher can be obtained, Cincinnati. Pilgrimage July 6 The privilege of petiing and graduate in voice and music placed in the wrought iron rail­ School and pursued his classical Catholic Church in Southern the Russian course may be con­ Mr.
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