A F1lcsis Slibmilted Ta the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research 111 Partial Fullfillment of the Requirements of Tl,E Degree of Master of Arts
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The Baptistery San Giovanni in Florence and its Placement within the Chronology of Tuscan Romanesque Churches Brian E. Roy Dept. of Art History • McGill University March,1994 "A f1lCsis slIbmilted ta the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research 111 partial fullfillment of the requirements of tl,e degree of Master of Arts. " © Brian E. Roy, 1994 • / 1 Abslract • The controversial dating of the Baptistery San Giovanni i8 approached through formalistic considerations. FormaI analyses of the Baptistery and the Duomo (If Pisa lcad to comparison and isolation of definitive features of PIsan and Florcntine stylCb. As such, the buildines are shown to be prototypes and their rc~pcctivc rcceptions are traced ir. the Romanesque churches of Fiesole, EmpoIi, LUCCil, PIstoia and Sàfdinia. It is concluded that the Baptistery must have been complctcd bcfore the Duomo of Pisa was begun Résumé La datation du Baptistère San Giovanni à Flor(lnce est mise en question. Suivant des analyses formalistiques, les styles distinctifs des deux églises sont définis. La réception des deux monuments est tracée dans les églises d'Empoli, Fiesole, PistOle est Sardegna. Enfin, on trouve que la construction du Baptistère était compli>tc avant que la cathédrale de Pise il été commencée . • • II • Acktlowlcdgeme1lts Expressions of the most sincere gratitude are extcnded ta Dr. H. J. Biikt'r Jor 1/1::; guidance and encouragement, ta the staff at the Departl1le/lt of Art History, ta flte helpful personnel at Blackader-Lallterman library, alld to tlle Bram Carber Foundatiol1 for its gencrollS financial support . • • 111 • Introduction 1 1: Dating: 4 The Baptistery San Giovanni at Florence 4 The Duomo of Pisa 13 Il: Analyses and Comparison 14 The Baptistery San Giovanni 14 The Duomo of Pisa 20 Comparison 33 III: The Reception of the Baptistery San Giovanni 41 San Miniato al Monte 44 The Collegiate Church of Sant'Andrea at Empoli 45 The Badia Fiesolana 46 Slln Salvatore al Vescovo 47 IV: The Reception of the Duomo of Pisa 49 • Lucca: Duomo San Martino 49 San Mkhele in Foro 54 San Frediano 56 Pistoia: San Giovanni Fuorcivitas 58 San Bartolomeo in Pantano 59 Sardinia: Ozieri, Sant'Antioco di Bisarcio 61 Ottana, San Nicolô 61 Borutta, San Pietro di Sorres 63 Codrongianus, 5S Trinità di Saccargia 65 Conclusions 67 Bibliograpy 74 Gro~.mdplans and Illustrations 79 • l • ! Introduction • One problern WhlCh troltbles architectural histori,ms concerns thl' dating and building chronology of the BaptIstery San Giovanni at Plon.'nee. Long the subject of debate, construction dates as early as the fourth dnd as latl' as the twelfth century have been proposed. While 1110st sL'holars prt'sl'ntly agree that the building was begun in the eleventh ccntury, histonans in favour of a Romanesque dating have re-interpreted the ~dme body of evidence as those supporting an Early ChristIan dating. One point on which aIl scholars agree is that the marble incrustation covering aIl of the walls of the buildmg is Romanesque. D,lting the incrustation has bee:1 somewhat problemahc. In the carly part of the present century Beenken proposed a late tenth- or early eleventh-century date for tlw completion of the incrustation.1 This theory was countered in the fOllrtJ(~~ by Walter Horn, who compiled a chronology of Florentme ROllhlllPSqUt' churches.2 Horn's date of c1150 for the cornpletioll of the mcrustation has since received a favourable response from most scholar~ of Florl'lltll1e Romanesque architecture. The case for an carlier ~<ltmg has most fl'Cl'iltly been championed by Werner Jacobsen who places the initation of construction to the third decade of the eleventh ccntury, with a terminus post quem for the incrustation of 1093.3 The present thesis favours an carly to mid eleventh-century dating for the completion of ~he incrustation. As su ch, It is in line with the theories of 8eenken and Jacobsen, white contradictmg the popular theories of Walter Horn, and also of PIero Sanpaolesi who saw the Baptistery within a larger group of churches following the construction of the 1H. Beenken, "Der Florentiner Inkrustationsarchltektur des XI Jahrhunderts" 2W. Horn, Das Florentiner Baptisterium, and "Romanesque Churches ln Florence" • 3W. Jacobsen, "Zur Datierung der florentiner Baptlsteriums San Giovanm". 2 Duomo of Pisa.4 Toward the objective of adcling welght to the argument of an early to • rnid eleventh-century datmg [')1 the completion of incrustation at the Baptistery San Giovanni, the present thesls proposes to place the Baptistery wlthm the chronology cf Tuscan Romanesque churches. The anchor of the chronology is the Duomo of PIsa, the initation of construction of which is securcly dated at 1064. The hypothesis is that the churches in the study are either before or after Pisa. The ultimate objective is placing the Baptistery relative to Pisa. The methodology begins with a thorough analysis of both the Baptistery and the Duomo, that the (orms and conceptions can be compared. In this way it is possible to lsolate slmilar and divergent features. As such, the divergent clements constitute a list of definitive criteria for either the Pisan or Florentine style. The validity of the criteria is tested by tracing the receptian of the Florentme and Pisan prototypes. The present study will show that the reception of the Flol'~ntine style was restricted and short lived, while the Pisan style was enthusiasticdIly received throughout the region, but conspicuously absent at Florence. Further, it will be shawn that the churches representative of the reception of the Baptistery were, by and large, cornpleted before any of the churches following Pis a were begun. Finally, the findings are interpreted in light of traditional evidence and theories. As such, the first chapter of this thesis is dedicated to the re examinatiOl\ of traditional evidence and theories concerning the dating and building chronology of the Baptistery. In the second chapter the Baptistery and the Duomo are analysed and compared so that conceptual ùifferences between the two can be isolated. Consequently, the reception of the • 4p. Sanpaolesi, Il Ouamo di Plsa, 125. J Florentine style is discussed in the third chapter, and that cf Pis.l in the • fourth. A concluding chapter syntheslzes the aforenwntioned dlScll~sillns, and finds that the Baphstery must have been t'egun beforl' the middll' of tl1l' eleventh century, with incrustation complete before constructu.m W,1S much advanced, or perhaps even begun, at Fisa. • • 4 Chapter 1: Dating the Baptistery San Giovanni at Florence • and the Duomo of Pisa Tlle Baplistery San Giovanni al Florence Therc is no definitive documentatIon to permit a precise dating of the Baptistery San Giovunni m Florence. Epigrdphic evidence is restricted and excavations have !pd to dIvergent interpretations. Many of the conclusions reached by scholars about the date of construction have beE'n based on stylistic comparison with more securely-dated buildings. The development of constructiona! techniques in Florentine Romanesque architecture has also been studICd and relative chronologies of the Florentine churches have been proposed. TitI' Documentation Documents fram Caralingian and Ottonian times attest to the existence of a basihca or temple dedicated to the Baptist 0ccupying the site of the present baptist~ry.:; The earliest record of the dedication of the church in 1059 appears in a twelfth-century document.6 The association of Pope Nicholas II 5"Dum ad preclaram potestatem domni Lambertl pllsslml Imperatons missus directus fUisset ln flnlbus Tuscle Amedeus cornes palatl[li] et c Jnvenisset clvltate FlorenCia in domlnlum eplscopll IpSIUS clvitatls, elus ln atno, ant(3 basilica sanct: loanni Baptlsta ... " Judgement record dated 897, onginal ln Archlvlo Arciv 7scovlle, Lucea, Manaresl, doc. 102 "concesslmus et condonaUlmus eeCleSlae Beati lohanms eplscopatui Florentino, cui Grasulfus uenerabllus auctre Deo preese Uldetur, id est terra ad modls duodeclm, quae dlcltur Campus Regis, prope Ipsam eccleslam" 898, onginal ln Florence ACF, Plattoh, doc. 7 "per uestra -::ar!ula offerslonls dedlste et offersiste ln ecJesla et domUi Sancti 10annL" Property Grant of Bishop Ralmbaldus dated 941, origlnal in ACF, Piatto/i, doc. 11. "terre et case Ille sunt prope eec\ a et dom us S lohannls." Property exchange of Bishop Lambert dated 1032, Archlvlo dl Stato, Lucca,S. Ponzlano, Cocchi,65, 125 "In cUitate Florentia lusta ecclesia et domUi Sanc!1 lohannls batIste .. " Gift ot priest Roland, dated 1040, Archlvio dl Stato, Florence, S Fellcltà, Plattoh, doc 42. 6The ded/catlon IS recorded tirs! ln the twelfth-century "Ri!us ln Eeclesla Servandi," • Ricardlana 3005, fol. 65 The notion IS repeated in an early 13th-century document with the dedication on 6 Nov, 1059 is fIrst mentioped ln the sl'\,l'ntl'l'nth • ceritury. Firm documentation records Nicholas' prt.'sencl' 1I1 Florl'l1ù' ,lt Il',lst from 7 Ncw. 1059 until Jan. 1060.7 The fourteenth-century Florentine chronicler Villani h.1S Il'ft Sl'\'l'r.li notes concerning the BaptIstery.8 He is the first to mention tlw Pis.1Il gifl ot two porphyry columns in 1117.9 These columns werl' ~)rigin,llly l'rl'clL'd iIl front of the Baptisteryl0 and later attached tn the l'.lst l'xtl'nor w,lll of thL' building in the Quattrocento. 11 Villani, and a number of otl1l'r wrîtl'rs - including Dante, Petrarch, and Poliziano - stated that the Bapllstl'ry W.1S converted from a Roman temple ta Mars. 12 Villani nlso records th.ll tlll' lantern was erected in 1150. 13 The replacement of the original semi-circular apse on the west pnd of the bUIlding with the rectc1ngular scarsclla in 1202 is first J1lentlolll'd III tlll' seven teenth century.14 Less reliable documenta tian rl'fers to 1Ill' 1Il~ talla tion of a Baptismal font of unknown shape and dimensions III 112H.' '1 "Mores et Consuetudines canonlce florentIne," Archlvlo dei Duomo, Florence, ser la/3/8, fol 25.