In This Issue Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting January 28, 2004 The Apple Store Westfarms Mall Panther demo, hands-on G5 trials, great deals, etc. NEWSLETTER OF CONNECTICUT MACINTOSH CONNECTION, INC.JANUARY, 2004 Danger! iPod Could instead of making her surface was clear. Inspection of the wait to Christmas for it. car revealed the side walls on both Be Hazardous To After all, if I didn’t, I passenger tires were torn, and one rim Your Health! would have to burn 25 was badly chewed up. She had Mouse Tales CDs so she could lis- obviously tangled both right wheels By Don Dickey, president ten to the new book! with the curb, but why? Answer: iPod There was a single distraction. Whenever a good deal condition to my gift, appears, I often call Joe Arcuri however. Before shelling out $640 for a new and ask him to “talk me out of chrome plated alloy rim and half that it” if he can. He sometimes does the same with me. The iPod I ordered for a pair of new tires, I realized just Simultaneous failures arrived a couple of how lucky we were. This was a lesson led us to both purchase Umax days before Joe’s, so she walked away from. Had it clones and scanners, Wallstreet one morning I met him and his daugh- happened on Interstate 91 at 65 miles PowerBook G3s, Toshiba M4 digital ter Savannah for breakfast and per hour, things could have been cameras, PowerBook G4s, PowerBoy brought along the iPod to show him. much more tragic, to say the least.
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