Catalog: 1946-1947

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Catalog: 1946-1947 VOL. XV NO.1 CATALOG 1946-1947 BOISE JUNIOR COLLEGE BOISE, IDAHO "\: .. :\:- ' TABLE OF CONt~NTS Page' BOARD 01<'TRUSTEES . .__. __•. _" ... _... _.__. ._.__._ 3 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS . .• ...• __. .. ... • "____ 3 FACULTY 4 FACULTY COMMITTEES :_.••.• •. •__. __._.• .•. __.•__.• ••__•..• --------.--, 8 CALENDAR ._. ._.. _._. • , .__•. __.. _._.. .__.. __.__...• 9 GENERAL - INFORMATION . ._. •. __. .• •.. .•• ----.. -.. -.. 1.:(, FEES . _._. .•__.__. •. ---------.--.- --.. ------•.•.. ------ --- 18 ADMISSION 22 REGULATIONS . ._. •.. • • . :_._.. ----- ----.-- .-- --•.• -, -- 26 GRADUATION 28 CURRICULA: Art . ..__.. .__.. ._.. ._.... __.,__--------..-.--..-------- 30 Junior College A.B. and B.S. .._... ..__.... __. .__. 31 Bacte~iology __.. .... ._.. .__. --.--.- 33 Business ._.__' ..__. .._ .__,__, __ __-----'--34 Education ._.. ... .__. .__. .-,-'--.-------------..------_36 Engineering .._. .... __..__. , .. - ..-.--"_------------.--. 38 Home Economics .: ..__. .__.__.__.__.._ .._. --- 39 Music __. _ __ _._ __._.._ _._- 40, Pre-Law .._._ __: ,.__ _ __ _ --...•....... -.:-.-.-.-..... 41 ! ' Pre-Medic and Pre-Nursing __ _ ,.. _.._ _ 41 SEMI-PROFESSION AL CURRICULA: " Business ..__.. .._. .._..... _.__.__ __. ------..... -.---.--.... 42 Forestry ._. ..... .._._._.__ _.__._.__ ..__._.._.---------..-.--- 4.:(, Vocational Shops ..,. ..... ._ _.__.... __. ---..------..------ 45 t. DESCRIPTION OF COURSES: Lower Division University .__. ., . 48 Semi- Professional _._._. .._. ._-__--------.-.----..------ 69 REGISTER OF STUDENTS, 1945-46 ._.. " . 72 ~i . GENERAL INDEX . .... • .. ._________ 80 BOISE JUNIOR COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES E. D. BAIRD H: 'W. MORRISON MRS. ALFRED BUDGE, SR. J. L. DRISCOLL O. W. WORTHWINE OFFICERS OF THE BOARD J. L. DRISCOLL __._ _._.. ._._.. ..__.. _. .._------ ._.. PRESIDENT. E, D. BAIRD ._ __ __ _. _ ..__ VICE-PRESIDENT C. F. POTTER .. __.. .. .. .. .._.__. SECRETARy-TREASUREU ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS EUGENE B. CHAFFEE . ..__. .. __. ._._. .. .. .President A. B., M. A., Litt.D. CONAN E. MATHEWS . , __ .. _ _._..__._._ __.__._ _. Dean A.B. MARY T. HERSHEY _., Registrar A.B. R UBYLEE WHITE __._.. _ ," "_" _ Bursar ADA POIRIER BURKE _ __ __._00 Dean of Women if. B.E., M.A. ~~ LIBRARY MARY D. BEDFORD .__ . _ _ 00 __ •• __ •••••••••• 00 Librarian B.A., M.S. in Ed. BOISE JUNIOR COLLEGE FACULTY/ ADELAiDE ANDERSON ; , Pianq (1939) A.B., M:A. Chicago Musical College;. Piano study with Alexander Raab; Petey Grainger; 'Sigismonde Stojowski of New York; Ernesto Berumen, New York. M. DALE ARVEY Zoology (1940-44, 1946) A.B., University of California; l\:LS.,Univet:sity of Idaho. EUNICE H. AusT , Home Economics (1940) B.S. (H.Ec.), University of Idaho; M.S. (Ed.), Univer- sity of Minnesota. ROBERT E. BAIRD Engineering (1940-43, 1946) B.S. (EE.), EE., State College of Washington. GEORGE R. BARTLETT Sociology, Philosophy (1946) Ph;B., Ph.D., University of Chicago. JACOB BAUER Biology (1943) RS., M.S., Montana State College; University of Mis- souri. VERNON J. BECIO'l'ITH Woodworking (1940-42, 1946) . B.S., McPherson College; Lewiston Normal; College of Idaho. ' ADAcPOIRIER BURKE English, Dean of Women (1940) . B.E., State Teachers College, Wisconsin; M.S., State Uni- versity of Iowa; Wayne University; University of Wis- ,consin. L,EONARD CAPPS Radio Shop (1946) ,.l!tah State Agricultural College. HAYWARD C. CHAPLIN English (1946) .'B.A., Normal Diploma, University of Washington; M.A., , Stanford. A. H. CHATBURN Education, Guidance (1944) A.B:,College of Idaho; Albion Normal; University of I,daho; University of Colorado. ADEL,LACHRISTENSEN Women's Physical Ed. (1945) . :8;S., Brigham Young University. *DOUGLAS. B. CRUIKSHANK LEngineering, Physics (1937-40, 1946) . B.S., M.S., University of Idaho . • Grlint,ed leave of absence formllltary service. t Fl11lngvacancy created by leave of absence FACULTY 5 MAX E. DAY Sub-College Math. (1946) University of Idaho, Southern Branch; University of California; Radio Institute of Califor'nia. ALFRED W. DANIELS _ .. Machine Shop (1946) Casc University. ROBERT DE NEUFVILLE French, German (1940-:43, 1946) A.B., M.A., New College, Oxford; Dr. Jur., Marburg; Geneva University; Berlin University; Columbia Uni- versity. CLISBY T. EDLEFSEN _ Business (1939-42, 1946) A.B., College of Idaho; M.S. (Ed.), University of Idaho; Armstrong Business College, Berkeley, California. JOHN B. EDLEFSEN Sociology (1945) B.S., University of Idaho; M.A., State College of Wash- ington. BESSIE HARRIS FALK Business, Economics 1942) A.B., Stanford University; M.S., New York University; Graduate School of Business, Stanford University; Colo- rado State College; University of Washington. LUCILLE. T. FORTER _............................•. _ _ Voice (1982) Brenau College Conservatory, Georgia; Chicago Musical College; voice study with Herbert Witherspoon; Plunkett Greene, London; Idelle Patterson, New York; Charles Granville, Chicago; Cvarles Rowden, Los. Angeles; Wal- ter Golde, New York; Richard Hageman, Beverly Hillls. EUGENE GILES _ _ _ _.. _ _ _ _ Psychology (1946) B.A., M.A., State College of Washington; University of Washington. ADA Y. HATCH :._ _ _ _ _ English (1932) A.B., M.A., University of Idaho; University of California; University of Chicago; University of 'Vashington. HARRY JACOBY ._ _.. _ _.. __ Coach, Physical Ed. 1938-40, 1946) B.S. (Ed.), M.S. (Ed.), University of Idaho. YINA JASPER _ _ _ _ _ Secretarial Science (1946) A.B., College of Idaho; M.S., Armstrong College; Oregon State College. MARGERY POTTER KALLENBERGER._ .. _ _ _ Art (1945) A.B., University of Kansas; University of California. tELMER E. KIDDER _._ _ Engineering (1946) B.C.E., University of Maine. ; " 6 BOISE JUNIOR COLLE(;.E ALBERTC. LANPHERE~ .' : Ciarin~t~ Flute (1936) Diploma of Music, Monmo~th Conservatory; Pupil ,of L. Raquet, San Francisco; Pupil of A, Lindon, San, Francisco. TGRETAKARENLINDSTEDT Biology' (1945) B.A., University of Oregon. CONANE. MATHEWS ~ Art, (1989) A.B., College of Idaho; Utah State Agricultural College; California School of Fine Arts; University of California. ELSIE J. McFARLAND Mathematics (1932-34, 1987) A.B., M.A., Ph.D., University of California; University of Chicago. *C. BARTONMcMATH, JR Business, Economics (1939) B.S., Oregon State College; M.S., New York Uni~ersity. DWIGHTE. MITCHELL English, Journalism (1939-48, 1945) A.B., University of Oregon; M.A., University of Wash- . ington; Stanford University. KATHRYNECKHARDTMITCHELL ..__ , Violin (1982) Institute of Musical Art, New York; Pupil .of Franz Mairecher, Konzertmeister des Staatsoper, Meister Schule, Vienna, Austria. *STANLEYG. MITTELSTAEDT __ __ Chemistry (1940) A.B., Northwest Nazarene College; B.S., Ph. C., M.S., Washington State College; Purdue University. MERRITTM. NASH __ __ __ Business (1940-42, 1945) B.S., Oregon State College; M.S., New York University. DONALDJ. OBEE ~ , Life Science (1946) A.B., B.A., Ph.D., University of Kansas .. CAMILLEB. POWER __.. French, Spanish (1982-85, 1936) A.B., James Millikin University; ,M.A., University of Illinois; Diplome, Universite de Poitiers, Institut d'- Etudes Francaise de Touraine, Tours, France ; University of Chicago; University of Mexico; University of Wash- ington. EDWARDF. RHODENBAUGH ..............••.... Geology, Chemistry (1940) B.S., Iowa State College; M.S., University of Washing~ ton; University of Chicago; University of Iowa. • Granted leave of absence for military service. t Filling vacancy created by leave of absence. FACULTY 7 ALVINJ. RiTT~R ~ Education (1946) B.S., Washington University; M.Ed., St. Louis Uni- ve:rsitr. *J j Roy SCHwARTz ~ , English, Drama (1940) :a.S., M.A~, University of Oregon. ' JOSEPH B. S.PULNIK Chemisty (1941) ,B.S., M.S.; Ph:n., Oregon S'tate College. JAMESL.STRACHA~, Dir,cctor of Music Theory, Organ (1932) Mus:B., Oberlin College; Mus.M., University of Idaho; Royal Academy, London . ',., \ ELMA V.TilAJlP .L ,' •..,................••... ~,~ ,. Business (.1944) A.B., 'Linfield College j University 'of Oregon; Oregon State College. ' , " l' CARLW. WARNER.., Physical Educ., Physics ,B.S. (Ed.), Uiliversity of Idahoj,University of Cali- fornia j University of Southern California. , CARROLLE. WEBER : Theory, Voiq~,Pep" B(j,nd( 1946) B.S., University of Missouri j Graduate School of Music, , University of California jPupilof ,Mark W. Bills j Allen Schirmer j Herbert Gould, Chicl;lgo. > HAROLDWENNSTROM , , Drama, I Speech (1944) B.S., M.S., University of Idaho j University of Southern 'California. FRANCISA. WILEy History (1942-45, 1946) A.B., Emory and Henry CollegcjM.A., Duke University; Ph.D., University of California. • Granted leave of absence for military service. t Filling vacancy created by leave. of absence. 8 BOISE JUNIOR COLLEGE FACULTY COMMITTEES INSTRUCTIONAND CURRICULUM: Dr. Wiley, Chairman. Mrs. Hatch, Dr. Spulnik,_ Mr. C. Edlefsen, Dr. Obee, Mrs. Bedford. SCHOLARSHIPSAND STUDENT AID: Mr. John Edlefsen, Chairman. Mr. Ritter, Mrs. Power, Dr. McFarland, Dr. Bartlett. STUDENT ACTIVITIES: Dean Ada Burke, Chairman. , Mr. Wennstrom, Miss Christensen, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. :.: , Arvey. .."., ATHLETICS:' Mr. Nash, 'Chairman. Mr. C. Edlefsen, Mr. Baird, Miss Christensen, Mr. Strachan, Mr. Jacoby. GUIDANCEAND COUNSELING: Mr. Giles, Chairman. Mr. Chatburn, Mrs. Burke, Mr. Weber, Mrs. Bedford. ASSEMBLIES: Mr. \Chatburn, Chairman. Miss Anderson, Miss Hansen. LYCEUM: Mr. Strachan, Chairman. Miss Tharp, Mr. Wennstrom. FACULTY SOCIAL: Mrs. Forter, Chairman. Dr. de Neufville, Mr. Bauer, Mrs. Aust. GRADUATION: Mrs. Hershey, Chairman. Mrs. Power, Dr. Wiley, Mr. Cruikshank,
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    Fort Hays State University FHSU Scholars Repository University Leader Archive Archives Online 8-30-2012 University Leader, August 30, 2012 University Leader Staff Follow this and additional works at: Content Disclaimer The primary source materials contained in the Fort Hays State University Special Collections and Archives have been placed there for research purposes, preservation of the historical record, and as reflections of a past belonging ot all members of society. Because this material reflects the expressions of an ongoing culture, some items in the collections may be sensitive in nature and may not represent the attitudes, beliefs, or ideas of their creators, persons named in the collections, or the position of Fort Hays State University. Recommended Citation University Leader Staff, "University Leader, August 30, 2012" (2012). University Leader Archive. 828. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives Online at FHSU Scholars Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in University Leader Archive by an authorized administrator of FHSU Scholars Repository. Women's soccer wins 7-1 over Bethany See page 1B University Art students paint for mural for Women’s soccer wins Napoli’s restaurant 7-1 over Bethany See page 4A See page 1B The offi cial student publication of Fort Hays State University Vol. 108 No. 2 Thursday, August 30, 2012 Union receives scale model Tyler Parks “When I fi rst became The scale model ed screen and a plexi- The demolition of the ly added Dwight Drive The University Leader acquainted with the includes a touch screen glass top for protection.
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