
Committee on Development




Draft report Tomas Tobé (PE648.376v01-00)

Improving development effectiveness and efficiency of aid (2019/2184(INI))

AM\1214172EN.docx PE658.707v01-00

EN United in diversityEN AM_Com_NonLegReport

PE658.707v01-00 2/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Amendment 1 , , , Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Citation 5 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the 17th Steering Committee Meeting towards the 2019 Global Partnership Senior-Level Meeting (26-27 March 2019 Kampala, Uganda);

Or. en

Amendment 2 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Citation 8 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) of 20 November 1989;

Or. en

Amendment 3 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Citation 9 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the Council conclusions of 26 October 2015 on the EU Gender Action Plan 2016-20201a; ______

AM\1214172EN.docx 3/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN 1a https://www.consilium.europa.eu/media/2 4467/st13201-en15.pdf

Or. en

Amendment 4 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Citation 14 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the Council Conclusions on the EU Gender Action Plan 2016-20201a; ______1a https://www.consilium.europa.eu/media/2 4467/st13201-en15.pdf

Or. en

Amendment 5 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Citation 9 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the Commission Joint Staff Working document: Gender equality and Women through EU External Relations 2016-2020 SWD (2015) 182;

Or. en

Amendment 6

PE658.707v01-00 4/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Citation 14 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the European Commission Communication (2012): The roots of democracy and sustainable development: Europe's engagement with Civil Society in external relations;

Or. en

Amendment 7 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Citation 15 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the Commission Communication on the roots of democracy and sustainable development: Europe's engagement with Civil Society in external relationsCOM (2012) 492;

Or. en

Amendment 8 Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution Citation 16 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the study “Effective Development Cooperation - Does the EU deliver?: Detailed Analysis of EU Performance”, requested by the

AM\1214172EN.docx 5/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN European Commission and published in May 20201a; ______1a https://ec.europa.eu/international- partnerships/system/files/eu-development- effectiveness-monitoring-report- 2020_en.pdf

Or. en

Amendment 9 Miguel Urbán Crespo on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution Citation 16 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the study of May 2020 on the effectiveness of blended finance, entitled ‘The use of development funds for de-risking private investment: how effective is it in delivering development results?’;

Or. en

Amendment 10 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Citation 19 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

19 a having regard to the Commission Communication on Empowering local authorities in partner countries for enhanced governance and more effective development outcomes COM(2013) 280;

Or. en

PE658.707v01-00 6/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Amendment 11 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Citation 24 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to its resolution of 6 October 2015 on the role of local authorities in developing countries in development cooperation1b; ______1b https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/doc ument/TA-8-2015-0336_EN.html

Or. en

Amendment 12 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Citation 28 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the 2013 European Commission Communication on Empowering Local Authorities in partner countries for enhanced governance and more effective development outcomes;

Or. en

Amendment 13 Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution

AM\1214172EN.docx 7/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Citation 37 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the European Parliament resolution of 6 October 2015 on the role of local authorities in developing countries in development cooperation1 a, ______1 a https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal- content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:5201 5IP0336&from=PT

Or. fr

Amendment 14 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Citation 28 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to its previous resolutions, in particular of 6 October 2015 on the role of local authorities in developing countries in development cooperation1a; ______1a https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/doc ument/TA-8-2015-0336_EN.html

Or. en

Amendment 15 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Citation 31 a (new)

PE658.707v01-00 8/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the DAC Recommendation on the humanitarian- development-peace nexus of 22February 2019;

Or. en

Amendment 16 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Citation 18 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the Joint Communication of the European Commission ‘Towards a Comprehensive Strategy with Africa of 9 March 2020’;

Or. en

Amendment 17 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Citation 33 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to its resolution of 28 November 2019 on the ongoing negotiations for a new Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States1a; ______1a https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/doc ument/TA-9-2019-0084_EN.html

AM\1214172EN.docx 9/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Or. en

Amendment 18 Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Charles Goerens, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution Citation 35 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the OECD Report of 24 June 2020 entitled 'The impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis on development finance'24a; ______24a http://www.oecd.org/coronavirus/policy- responses/the-impact-of-the-coronavirus- covid-19-crisis-on-development-finance- 9de00b3b/

Or. en

Amendment 19 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Citation 35 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to its resolution of 28 November 2019 on the 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain (COP 25)1a; ______1a https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/doc ument/TA-9-2019-0079_EN.html

Or. en

PE658.707v01-00 10/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Amendment 20 Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution Citation 37 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the Paris Agreement, the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the UNFCCC and the 11th Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 11), held in Paris, France, from 30 November to 11 December 2015,

Or. fr

Amendment 21 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Citation 35 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to its resolution of 15 January 2020 on the European Green Deal1a; ______1a https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/doc ument/TA-9-2020-0005_EN.html

Or. en

Amendment 22 Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution Citation 37 c (new)

AM\1214172EN.docx 11/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

- having regard to the Special Report on the Ocean, Cryosphere and Climate Change (SROCC) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of 25 September 2019,

Or. fr

Amendment 23 Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution Recital A

Motion for a resolution Amendment

A. whereas the global environment is A. whereas the global environment becoming more complex and uncertain, remains complex and uncertain as always, with a rise in conflict and geopolitical the many instances of misappropriation of rivalry and more frequent and severe aid, the ineffectiveness of many aid natural disasters, notably in developing interventions in terms of addressing the countries, which affect the most needs of the intended beneficiaries and vulnerable; whereas this highlights the the needs uncovered in European nations need for strengthened multilateralism and due to the Covid 19 pandemic, highlights continuous efforts to increase the the need for continuous efforts to increase effectiveness and impact of European aid; the effectiveness and impact of aid;

Or. en

Amendment 24 Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution Recital A

Motion for a resolution Amendment

A. whereas the global environment is A. whereas the global environment is becoming more complex and uncertain, becoming more complex and uncertain, with a rise in conflict and geopolitical with a rise in conflict and geopolitical rivalry and more frequent and severe rivalry, the effects of climate change and natural disasters, notably in developing biodiversity loss and more frequent and countries, which affect the most severe natural disasters, notably in

PE658.707v01-00 12/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN vulnerable; whereas this highlights the developing countries, which affect the need for strengthened multilateralism and most vulnerable; whereas this highlights continuous efforts to increase the the need for strengthened multilateralism effectiveness and impact of European aid; and continuous efforts to increase the effectiveness and impact of European aid;

Or. fr

Amendment 25 Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution Recital A

Motion for a resolution Amendment

A. whereas the global environment is A. whereas the global environment is becoming more complex and uncertain, becoming more complex and uncertain, with a rise in conflict and geopolitical with a rise in conflict and geopolitical rivalry and more frequent and severe rivalry, climate change and more frequent natural disasters, notably in developing and severe natural disasters, notably in countries, which affect the most developing countries, which affect the vulnerable; whereas this highlights the most vulnerable; whereas this highlights need for strengthened multilateralism and the need for strengthened multilateralism continuous efforts to increase the and continuous efforts to increase the effectiveness and impact of European aid; effectiveness and impact of European aid;

Or. fr

Amendment 26 György Hölvényi

Motion for a resolution Recital A

Motion for a resolution Amendment

A. whereas the global environment is A. whereas the global environment is becoming more complex and uncertain, becoming more complex and uncertain, with a rise in conflict and geopolitical with a rise in conflict notably religious rivalry and more frequent and severe intolerance and attacks on minorities and natural disasters, notably in developing geopolitical rivalry and more frequent and countries, which affect the most severe natural disasters, notably in vulnerable; whereas this highlights the developing countries, which affect the need for strengthened multilateralism and most vulnerable; whereas this highlights

AM\1214172EN.docx 13/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN continuous efforts to increase the the need for strengthened multilateralism effectiveness and impact of European aid; and continuous efforts to increase the effectiveness and impact of European aid;

Or. en

Amendment 27 Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Charles Goerens, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution Recital A a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

A a. whereas the world is struck by the Covid-19 pandemic; whereas the impact of this pandemic on developing countries and aid assistance beneficiary countries is still unclear; whereas the impact of this pandemic presents a significant strain on aid assistance capacities of donor countries and private investors;

Or. en

Amendment 28 Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution Recital A a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Aa. whereas the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected all countries, regardless of their level of development, is having a health-related impact, but also an economic and social impact; whereas this pandemic has an impact on development cooperation and imposes an obligation to ensure greater efficiency;

Or. fr

PE658.707v01-00 14/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Amendment 29 Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Charles Goerens, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution Recital A b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

A b. whereas the current pandemic has severely disrupted and could have long- lasting effects on tourism, sea transport, and other ocean-based sectors, negatively impacting the economies of many developing countries, including the most vulnerable countries, small island developing states and least developed countries;

Or. en

Amendment 30 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital A a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

A a. Whereas aid effectiveness depends upon the way the principle of Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) is implemented; whereas more efforts are still needed to comply with PCD principles, especially in the field of EU migration, trade, climate and agriculture policies;

Or. en

Amendment 31 Janina Ochojska

AM\1214172EN.docx 15/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Recital A a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

A a. whereas development challenges have changed over the years, with the emergence of new global challenges such as migration, food security, peace and stability, and climate change;

Or. en

Amendment 32 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital A b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

A b. Whereas development effectiveness principles as well as all sources of development financing should be articulated so as to fulfil the objectives set in the Paris Climate Agreement;

Or. en

Amendment 33 Barry Andrews, Catherine Chabaud, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the world’s population is B. whereas the world’s population is growing faster than gross national income growing faster than gross national income (GNI), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, (GNI), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, where the population is expected to double where the population is expected to double over the next 30 years; whereas in spite of over the next 30 years; whereas in spite of strong economic growth, this will increase strong economic growth, this will increase the number of people living in poverty and the number of people living in poverty and unemployment, emphasising the urgent unemployment, emphasising the urgent

PE658.707v01-00 16/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN need to support developing countries need to support developing countries effectively in their efforts to reach the effectively in their efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); whereas the gap in aid financing for the SDGs is estimated at $2.5 trillion; whereas aid effectiveness will play a critical role in the success of the 2030 Agenda; whereas the role of blended finance in bridging this gap should be further explored;

Or. en

Amendment 34 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the world’s population is B. whereas the world’s population is growing faster than gross national income growing faster than gross national income (GNI), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, (GNI), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, where the population is expected to double where the population is expected to double over the next 30 years; whereas in spite of over the next 30 years; whereas in spite of strong economic growth, this will increase strong economic growth, this will increase the number of people living in poverty and the number of people living in poverty and unemployment, emphasising the urgent unemployment, emphasising the urgent need to support developing countries need to support developing countries effectively in their efforts to reach the effectively in their efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); whereas the region is already suffering from the health and economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, notably in terms of food insecurity, loss of income and livelihood and a looming debt crisis;

Or. en

Amendment 35 Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

AM\1214172EN.docx 17/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the world’s population is B. whereas the world’s population is growing faster than gross national income growing faster than gross national income (GNI), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, (GNI), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, where the population is expected to double where the population is expected to double over the next 30 years; whereas in spite of over the next 30 years to 2.1 billion in strong economic growth, this will increase 2050 and 3.8. billion at the end of the the number of people living in poverty and century; whereas in spite of strong unemployment, emphasising the urgent economic growth, this will increase the need to support developing countries number of people living in poverty and effectively in their efforts to reach the unemployment, emphasising the urgent Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); need to support developing countries effectively in their efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);

Or. fr

Amendment 36 Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the world’s population is B. whereas the world’s population is growing faster than gross national income growing faster than gross national income (GNI), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, (GNI), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, where the population is expected to double where the population is expected to double over the next 30 years; whereas in spite of over the next 30 years; whereas in spite of strong economic growth, this will increase strong economic growth, this will increase the number of people living in poverty and the number of people living in poverty and unemployment, emphasising the urgent unemployment, emphasising the urgent need to support developing countries need to firstly support developing countries effectively in their efforts to reach the effectively in their efforts to tackle the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); problem with overpopulation and secondly to make progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);

Or. en

Amendment 37

PE658.707v01-00 18/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B a. Whereas an EU-Africa strategy based on a partnership of equals entails taking into account the specific concerns of African countries in terms of economic diversification, industrialisation, loss of government revenues and regional integration;

Or. en

Amendment 38 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B a. whereas inequalities between countries are still very high, while inequality has a negative impact on aid efficiency and effectiveness;

Or. en

Amendment 39 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Recital B b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B b. Whereas internal and external policies of the EU and the Member States should not impact negatively on

AM\1214172EN.docx 19/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN developing countries, in accordance with Policy coherence for development. Whereas there is an increasing emphasis on the promotion of EU external policy interests and that EU external assistance should continue to have development effectiveness and efficiency and partner countries’ needs at its core, in accordance with art. 208 of TFUE establishing that the reduction and eradication of poverty is the principle aim for development cooperation policy;

Or. en

Amendment 40 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Recital B c (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B c. whereas it is important to put in place measures which aim at building and increasing resilience of communities, in particular in fragile partner countries, in countries touched by conflicts or natural disasters, and in refugee hosting countries;

Or. en

Amendment 41 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Recital B d (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B d. whereas children’s health and well-being is a crucial target of development cooperation policies;

PE658.707v01-00 20/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Or. en

Amendment 42 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas the EU, as the world’s C. whereas the EU, as the world’s biggest donor of official development biggest donor of official development assistance (ODA), amounting to EUR 74.4 assistance (ODA), amounting to EUR 74.4 billion in 2018 and representing almost 57 billion in 2018 and representing almost 57 % of all ODA worldwide, is committed to % of all ODA worldwide, is committed to promoting effective development promoting effective development cooperation geared towards ending all cooperation geared towards ending all forms of poverty and inequality, and to forms of poverty and inequality, and to supporting its development partners in supporting its development partners in realising the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable realising the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; Development; whereas in 2019, DAC members collectively spent only 0.3% of GNI on ODA, with only five members meeting or exceeding the spending target (United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Luxembourg and Norway);

Or. en

Amendment 43 György Hölvényi

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas the EU, as the world’s C. whereas the EU together with its biggest donor of official development Member States, as the world’s biggest assistance (ODA), amounting to EUR 74.4 donor of official development assistance billion in 2018 and representing almost 57 (ODA), amounting to EUR 74.4 billion in % of all ODA worldwide, is committed to 2018 and representing almost 57 % of all promoting effective development ODA worldwide, is committed to cooperation geared towards ending all promoting effective development forms of poverty and inequality, and to cooperation geared towards ending all

AM\1214172EN.docx 21/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN supporting its development partners in forms of poverty and inequality, and to realising the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable supporting its development partners in Development; realising the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;

Or. en

Amendment 44 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital D

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D. whereas the principles of ownership D. whereas the principles of country and alignment, focusing on results, and democratic ownership and alignment, inclusive partnerships, transparency and focusing on results, inclusive partnerships, accountability, should underpin all forms transparency and accountability, should of development cooperation; underpin all forms of development cooperation to ensure development funds are used efficiently and effectively to properly achieve the SDGs;

Or. en

Amendment 45 Antoni Comín i Oliveres

Motion for a resolution Recital D

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D. whereas the principles of ownership D. whereas the principles of and alignment, focusing on results, ownership, alignment, suitability, stability, inclusive partnerships, transparency and multilateralism, resource sufficiency and accountability, should underpin all forms focusing on results, inclusive partnerships, of development cooperation; transparency and accountability, should underpin all forms of development cooperation;

Or. es

PE658.707v01-00 22/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Amendment 46 Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Da. whereas the role of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) is to to promote the principles of aid effectiveness; whereas it has three strategic priorities that will guide the Partnership’s contribution to the launch of the ‘Decade of Action’, namely: - promoting development effectiveness to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, - building better partnerships, - leveraging monitoring for action;

Or. fr

Amendment 47 Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D a. whereas the study “Effective Development Cooperation - Does the EU deliver?: Detailed Analysis of EU Performance” points to a decreased alignment of EU Member States and EU institutions to the effectiveness principles and related indicators, in particular predictability, use of indicators drawn from partner country owned results frameworks, using partner country public financial management systems and commitment to involve partner governments in project evaluations, and

AM\1214172EN.docx 23/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN transparent reporting;

Or. en

Amendment 48 Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D a. Whereas the EU’s development policies and partnerships must be built on sustainable political and economic cooperation with partners on an equal footing, with respect for human rights at its core; whereas its development policies must take into account the situation of forced displaced people, of vulnerable populations and of migrants and asylum seekers;

Or. en

Amendment 49 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D a. Whereas the 2019 report of the GPEDC indicates that progress on SDG 17.15 target “Respect each country’s policy space and leadership to establish and implement poverty eradication and sustainable development” is meagre and whereas the EU is not positively contributing to it by decreasing its use of country-led results framework;

Or. en

PE658.707v01-00 24/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Amendment 50 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D a. whereas, given the increase of protracted crises, the EU should continue its efforts to operationalise the humanitarian-development nexus with the aim to deliver long-lasting results;

Or. en

Amendment 51 Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D a. whereas the fragmentation of aid remains a persistent challenge arising from the proliferation of donors and aid agencies and lack of coordination of their activities and projects;

Or. en

Amendment 52 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Recital D b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D b. whereas during the programming process it is essential to guarantee a wide consultation in partner countries with all

AM\1214172EN.docx 25/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN relevant actors: local authorities, national parliaments, civil society, local NGO’s, women associations, marginalized groups, the UN and its agencies, the small and medium enterprises and the private sector;

Or. en

Amendment 53 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital D b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D b. Whereas without a bottom-up approach to development, it is impossible to maximize development results; whereas improved sharing of concrete examples and advice on successful projects on the ground in partner countries will help implementing the principles effectively and help achieving the intended results successfully;

Or. en

Amendment 54 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Recital D c (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D c. whereas an effective Private Sector Engagement (PSE) should be based on the five Kampala principles: inclusive country ownership, results and targeted impact, inclusive partnership, transparency and accountability and leave no-one behind;

PE658.707v01-00 26/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Or. en

Amendment 55 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Recital D d (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D d. whereas in the partner countries there are several other actors and donors which deliver humanitarian and development aid;

Or. en

Amendment 56 Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution Recital E

Motion for a resolution Amendment

E. whereas although the EU E. whereas although the EU institutions and Member States have a institutions and Member States as well as large stock of data and expertise in the local and regional authorities involved in field of development, it remains the development cooperation have a large insufficiently shared; whereas it should be stock of data and expertise in the field of made more accessible and should be used development, it remains insufficiently in policy-making; shared; whereas it should be made more accessible and should be used in policy- making;

Or. en

Amendment 57 Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital E

AM\1214172EN.docx 27/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

E. whereas although the EU E. whereas although the EU institutions and Member States have a institutions and Member States, local and large stock of data and expertise in the regional authorities as well as field of development, it remains international organisations and civil insufficiently shared; whereas it should be society organisations have a large stock of made more accessible and should be used data and expertise, it remains insufficiently in policy-making; shared; whereas it should be made more accessible and should be used in policy- making;

Or. en

Amendment 58 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Recital E

Motion for a resolution Amendment

E. whereas although the EU E. whereas although the EU institutions and Member States have a institutions, Member States and local and large stock of data and expertise in the regional authorities have a large stock of field of development, it remains data and expertise in the field of insufficiently shared; whereas it should be development, it remains insufficiently made more accessible and should be used shared; whereas it should be made more in policy-making; accessible and should be used in policy- making;

Or. en

Amendment 59 Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Recital E

Motion for a resolution Amendment

E. whereas although the EU E. whereas although the EU institutions and Member States have a institutions, Member States and local and large stock of data and expertise in the regional authorities have a large stock of field of development, it remains data and expertise in the field of

PE658.707v01-00 28/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN insufficiently shared; whereas it should be development, it remains insufficiently made more accessible and should be used shared; whereas it should be made more in policy-making; accessible and should be used in policy- making;

Or. en

Amendment 60 Mónica Silvana González, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Recital E a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

E a. Whereas triangular cooperation is especially efficient in improving cooperation to respond to common challenges, as preventing, managing and recovering from natural disasters that slow down and interrupt development, as security challenges in a wide region or as adapting small businesses models to the new economic challenges emerged during the coronavirus crisis.

Or. en

Amendment 61 Beata Kempa on behalf of the ECR Group

Motion for a resolution Recital E a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

E a. whereas the design and implementation of effective aid policy requires a deeper understanding of the impact of aid and the overall environment in which development aid operates;

Or. en

AM\1214172EN.docx 29/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Amendment 62 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment

F. whereas accessible and reliable aid F. whereas accessible and reliable aid data reinforces the transparency of aid data reinforces the transparency of aid flows and helps all development partners in flows and helps all development partners in their planning and coordination processes; their planning and coordination processes; whereas international standards as whereas international standards as promoted by the International Aid promoted by the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) make this Transparency Initiative (IATI) make this data comparable; data comparable; whereas achieving development results and working towards the SDGs needs detailed data on the local context, an agreed set of results to be targeted, joined-up action to work towards them, and fast public feedback to facilitate accountability;

Or. en

Amendment 63 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Recital F a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

F a. whereas gender equality is a key principle of EU development aid; whereas the impact of development policies is different on women and girls; whereas there is lack of gender-disaggregated data in the field of development;

Or. en

Amendment 64 Erik Marquardt

PE658.707v01-00 30/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital G

Motion for a resolution Amendment

G. whereas there is a real risk that the G. whereas there is a real risk that the benefits of development assistance and benefits of development assistance and foreign direct investment may be captured foreign direct investment may be captured by political and economic elites in partner by political and economic elites in partner countries; whereas this highlights the need and donor countries ; whereas this for development cooperation that aims at highlights the need for development bringing about transformational changes in cooperation that aims at bringing about political economies, notably related to transformational changes for human governance, the distribution of power, development in political economies, social exclusion and access to resources, as notably related to governance, the well as interaction with the global distribution of power, poverty reduction, economy; social exclusion, and safe and affordable access to resources such as food, water and sustainable energy, as well as appropriately regulated interaction with the global economy on trade, corporate liability and accountability in terms of human, social and environmental rights;

Or. en

Amendment 65 Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution Recital G

Motion for a resolution Amendment

G. whereas there is a real risk that the G. whereas there is a real risk that the benefits of development assistance and benefits of development assistance, foreign foreign direct investment may be captured direct investment and humanitarian aid by political and economic elites in partner may be captured by political and economic countries; whereas this highlights the need elites in partner countries; whereas forced for development cooperation that aims at displacement and migration are direct and bringing about transformational changes indirect consequences of unstable political in political economies, notably related to economies, notably related to governance, governance, the distribution of power, the distribution of power, social exclusion, social exclusion and access to resources, as a lack of access to resources and a lack of well as interaction with the global potential to interact with the global

AM\1214172EN.docx 31/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN economy; economy; whereas this highlights the need for tailor-made development cooperation that aims at bringing about inclusive transformational changes that tackle these core issues;

Or. en

Amendment 66 Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution Recital G

Motion for a resolution Amendment

G. whereas there is a real risk that the G. whereas there is a real risk that the benefits of development assistance and benefits of development assistance and foreign direct investment may be captured foreign direct investment may be captured by political and economic elites in partner by political and economic elites in partner countries; whereas this highlights the need countries; whereas this highlights the need for development cooperation that aims at for development cooperation that aims at bringing about transformational changes in bringing about transformational changes in political economies, notably related to political economies, notably related to governance, the distribution of power, governance, the distribution of power, social exclusion and access to resources, as social exclusion, redistributive policies, well as interaction with the global social protection and access to resources, economy; as well as interaction with the global economy;

Or. fr

Amendment 67 Bernhard Zimniok

Motion for a resolution Recital G

Motion for a resolution Amendment

G. whereas there is a real risk that the G. whereas most of the benefits of benefits of development assistance and development assistance and foreign direct foreign direct investment may be captured investment are captured by political and by political and economic elites in partner economic elites in partner countries; this countries; whereas this highlights the need highlights the need for development

PE658.707v01-00 32/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN for development cooperation that aims at cooperation that ensures full transparency bringing about transformational changes and accountability as well as effectiveness in political economies, notably related to and sustainability of all aid-interventions governance, the distribution of power, in terms of effect on the ground, before social exclusion and access to resources, any such interventions are committed to as well as interaction with the global by the EU; economy;

Or. en

Amendment 68 Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution Recital G

Motion for a resolution Amendment

G. whereas there is a real risk that the G. whereas there is a real risk that the benefits of development assistance and benefits of development assistance and foreign direct investment may be captured foreign direct investment may be captured by political and economic elites in partner by political and economic elites in partner countries; whereas this highlights the need countries; whereas this highlights the need for development cooperation that aims at to support and promote - through bringing about transformational changes development cooperation - the principles in political economies, notably related to of good governance, the rule of governance, the distribution of power, law, separation of powers, promotion of social exclusion and access to resources, human rights, combating social as well as interaction with the global exclusion, as well as interaction with the economy; global economy;

Or. fr

Amendment 69 Beata Kempa on behalf of the ECR Group

Motion for a resolution Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

G a. whereas Africa has become the centerpiece of gravity of the world, and a need for a strong alliance with Africa was

AM\1214172EN.docx 33/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN stressed by the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in her speech on the State of the Union; whereas the new, revigorated EU strategy for Africa and the Middle East, where both sides share opportunities and responsibilities is necessary, as well as a comprehensive partnership beyond trade and investment with new objectives in the area of the fight against illegal immigration and against terrorism;

Or. en

Amendment 70 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

G a. Whereas UNCTAD estimates developing countries need US$ 1 trillion in post-Covid-19 debt relief; whereas the World Bank, the IMF, the G20 and the G7 have taken public debt relief measures for the world poorest countries; whereas these measures should be completed to allow for development aid to effectively deliver on SDGs, including access to basic services, good governance and basic human rights in developing countries;

Or. en

Amendment 71 Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

PE658.707v01-00 34/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Ga. whereas the EU is present in all the oceans through its overseas territories - both the outermost regions and the overseas countries and territories - and it is crucial that it develop regional strategies incorporating locally expressed needs as closely as possible;

Or. fr

Amendment 72 Miguel Urbán Crespo on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

G a. whereas the EU Member States are the second-largest arms exporter globally, making them partly responsible in destabilizing various developing regions and counteracting development efforts; whereas the EU should strictly enforce export controls;

Or. en

Amendment 73 Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Jan-Christoph Oetjen

Motion for a resolution Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ga. whereas local authorities have a central role in achieving the SDGs and decentralised cooperation must be at the heart of the EU’s development strategy;

Or. fr

AM\1214172EN.docx 35/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Amendment 74 Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

G a. whereas aid policies that foster equality are proven to be more effective in achieving SDG's goal, notably fighting poverty and promoting education;

Or. en

Amendment 75 Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Jan-Christoph Oetjen

Motion for a resolution Recital G b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Gb. whereas development policies must take account of adaptation to the impact of climate change in terms of the displacement of vulnerable populations and the worsening of social inequalities, with a view to eradicating poverty;

Or. fr

Amendment 76 Miguel Urbán Crespo on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution Recital G b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

G b. whereas the income developing countries are losing due to illicit financial flows, including tax evasion, is more than

PE658.707v01-00 36/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN double the amount they are gaining through official external sources, including development assistance;

Or. en

Amendment 77 Miguel Urbán Crespo on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution Recital G c (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

G c. whereas the use of country-owned results frameworks and planning tools (PFM) by EU institutions is decreasing, though they play a significant role in effective development cooperation, for achieving the SDGs, and for achieving gender equality as they perform positively in mainstreaming gender responsiveness; whereas increased commitment in this regard is needed;

Or. en

Amendment 78 Miguel Urbán Crespo on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution Recital G d (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

G d. whereas new methods of development financing are arising and need thorough testing before approving them on a large scale; whereas blended finance has proven inadequate in generating the expected amount of funds and delivering the development results promised;

AM\1214172EN.docx 37/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Or. en

Amendment 79 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Stresses that effectiveness means 1. Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is behind, on the basis of the five aligned with partner countries’ own efforts effectiveness principles: ownership, and delivered through their institutions and alignment, harmonisation, results and systems in support of priorities that have mutual accountability; believes that when been agreed through inclusive and EU support is aligned with partner equitable policy processes, the impact is countries’ own efforts and delivered bigger, faster and more sustainable; through their institutions and systems, as well as local actors and civil society, in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

Or. en

Amendment 80 Antoni Comín i Oliveres

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Stresses that effectiveness means 1. Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts aligned with partner countries’ own efforts, and delivered through their institutions and giving priority to official development aid systems in support of priorities that have being appropriate to these countries' been agreed through inclusive and needs over any other interests donor equitable policy processes, the impact is countries may have, and delivered through

PE658.707v01-00 38/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN bigger, faster and more sustainable; their institutions and systems in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

Or. es

Amendment 81 Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Stresses that effectiveness means 1. Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is behind; believes that when European aligned with partner countries’ own efforts support is aligned with partner countries’ and delivered through their institutions and own efforts, but also with other donors' systems in support of priorities that have efforts, and delivered through their been agreed through inclusive and institutions and systems in support of equitable policy processes, the impact is priorities that have been agreed through bigger, faster and more sustainable; inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

Or. fr

Amendment 82 Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Stresses that effectiveness means 1. Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, delivering all that any aid-intervention achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one sets out to deliver, making progress behind; believes that when EU support is towards the SDGs; believes that when EU aligned with partner countries’ own efforts support is aligned with partner countries’ and delivered through their institutions and own efforts and delivered through their systems in support of priorities that have institutions and systems, provided they are

AM\1214172EN.docx 39/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN been agreed through inclusive and of a sufficient quality, in support of equitable policy processes, the impact is priorities agreed through inclusive and bigger, faster and more sustainable; equitable policy processes, the impact might be more: substantiell; expedient; and sustainable;

Or. en

Amendment 83 Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Jan-Christoph Oetjen

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Stresses that effectiveness means 1. Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts aligned with partner countries’ own efforts, and delivered through their institutions and and local authorities' efforts, and systems in support of priorities that have delivered through their mational and been agreed through inclusive and subnational institutions and systems in equitable policy processes, the impact is support of priorities that have been agreed bigger, faster and more sustainable; through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

Or. fr

Amendment 84 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Stresses that effectiveness means 1. Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts aligned with partner countries’ own efforts and delivered through their institutions and and delivered through their institutions and

PE658.707v01-00 40/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN systems in support of priorities that have systems in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is equitable policy processes including bigger, faster and more sustainable; democratic and country ownership, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

Or. en

Amendment 85 Ádám Kósa

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Stresses that effectiveness means 1. Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts aligned with partner countries’ own efforts and delivered through their institutions and and delivered through their institutions and systems in support of priorities that have systems by the inclusion of all been agreed through inclusive and steakholders in support of priorities that equitable policy processes, the impact is have been agreed through inclusive and bigger, faster and more sustainable; equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

Or. en

Amendment 86 Barry Andrews, Catherine Chabaud

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Stresses that effectiveness means 1. Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts aligned with partner countries’ own efforts and delivered through their institutions and and delivered through their institutions and systems in support of priorities that have systems in support of partner country

AM\1214172EN.docx 41/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN been agreed through inclusive and priorities through inclusive and equitable equitable policy processes, the impact is policy processes, the impact is bigger, bigger, faster and more sustainable; faster and more sustainable;

Or. en

Amendment 87 Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1a. Points out that gender equality is an essential precondition for any development and is necessary for the achievement of the SDGs; takes the view that progress made in combating discrimination and violence against women and girls in partner countries should be systematically taken into consideration in assessing aid effectiveness;

Or. fr

Amendment 88 Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1a. Stresses that, to make development aid more effective, it is imperative to improve coordination of humanitarian aid and development aid, but also peace and security policies, since there can be no sustainable development without peace and stability;

Or. fr

PE658.707v01-00 42/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Amendment 89 Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Underlines its view that the EU, as 2. Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and modalities in a coordinated manner and take the lead in using the principles of aid take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in its partner countries; further highlights the its partner countries; stresses, in this need to implement the policy objectives in regard, the impact that EU use of the new European Consensus on development aid and foreign direct Development in a more strategic and investment can have on tackling the root targeted manner in each partner country, causes of migration and forced reinforcing and complementing the EU’s displacement; further highlights the need foreign policy goals and values; to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on Development in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values at all levels of society in ODA beneficiary countries;

Or. en

Amendment 90 Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Underlines its view that the EU, as 2. Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and modalities in a coordinated manner and take the lead in using the principles of aid take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in

AM\1214172EN.docx 43/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN its partner countries; further highlights the its partner countries; further highlights the need to implement the policy objectives in need to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on the new European Consensus on Development in a more strategic and Development, which underlines the targeted manner in each partner country, importance of active involvement of local reinforcing and complementing the EU’s and regional authorities for the foreign policy goals and values; achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values;

Or. en

Amendment 91 Barry Andrews, Catherine Chabaud, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Underlines its view that the EU, as 2. Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and modalities in a coordinated manner and take the lead in using the principles of aid take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in its partner countries; further highlights the its partner countries; further highlights the need to implement the policy objectives in need to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on the new European Consensus on Development in a more strategic and Development in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country, targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values; foreign policy goals and values; stresses that an effective aid programme must be triangulated with an analysis of debt sustainability and should consider the need for parliamentary oversight in a partner country;

Or. en

Amendment 92 Erik Marquardt

PE658.707v01-00 44/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Underlines its view that the EU, as 2. Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and modalities in a coordinated manner to take the lead in using the principles of aid allow task sharing and avoid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to fragmentation of aid and take the lead in achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in using the principles of aid effectiveness its partner countries; further highlights the and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real need to implement the policy objectives in impact and reach the SDGs in its partner the new European Consensus on countries; further highlights the need to Development in a more strategic and implement the policy objectives in the new targeted manner in each partner country, European Consensus on Development in a reinforcing and complementing the EU’s more strategic and targeted manner in each foreign policy goals and values; partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values with respect to the PCD principle;

Or. en

Amendment 93 Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Underlines its view that the EU, as 2. Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its possibly the world’s most substantial powerful toolbox of instruments and aid donor, must use its various instruments modalities in a coordinated manner and and aid modalities in a coordinated take the lead in using the principles of aid manner, including coordination with effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to organizations such as the OSCE and the achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in United Nations, using the principles of aid its partner countries; further highlights the effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to need to implement the policy objectives in achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in the new European Consensus on its partner countries; further highlights the Development in a more strategic and need to implement the policy objectives in targeted manner in each partner country, the new European Consensus on reinforcing and complementing the EU’s Development in a more strategic and

AM\1214172EN.docx 45/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN foreign policy goals and values; targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values;

Or. en

Amendment 94 Ádám Kósa

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Underlines its view that the EU, as 2. Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and modalities by applying humanitarian- take the lead in using the principles of aid development nexus approach in a effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to coordinated manner and take the lead in achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in using the principles of aid effectiveness its partner countries; further highlights the and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real need to implement the policy objectives in impact and reach the SDGs in its partner the new European Consensus on countries; further highlights the need to Development in a more strategic and implement the policy objectives in the new targeted manner in each partner country, European Consensus on Development in a reinforcing and complementing the EU’s more strategic and targeted manner in each foreign policy goals and values; partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values;

Or. en

Amendment 95 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Underlines its view that the EU, as 2. Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and modalities in a coordinated manner and

PE658.707v01-00 46/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN take the lead in using the principles of aid take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in achieve real impact and reach the SDGs, its partner countries; further highlights the while leaving no-one behind, in its partner need to implement the policy objectives in countries; further highlights the need to the new European Consensus on implement the policy objectives in the new Development in a more strategic and European Consensus on Development in a targeted manner in each partner country, more strategic and targeted manner in each reinforcing and complementing the EU’s partner country; foreign policy goals and values;

Or. en

Amendment 96 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2 a. Stresses that EU must continue to closely monitor the use of the funds and take all the necessary measure to avoid any misuse of aid funds, ensuring compliance with EU’s policy goals and values in development cooperation; calls for effective mechanisms to be put in place to be able to thoroughly control the final destination of those funds and to assess the projects which received funding;

Or. en

Amendment 97 Marlene Mortler

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2a. Stresses that good governance is a decisive factor for the fair and

AM\1214172EN.docx 47/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN appropriate distribution of aid and points out that achievement of the SDGs, and hence the effectiveness of the funds, depends to a large extent on the capacity of partner countries to use the funds in a fair and transparent manner;

Or. de

Amendment 98 Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Stéphane Bijoux, Catherine Chabaud

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2 a. Calls on the EU to engage directly with and to build inclusive sustainable partnerships with countries of origin and transit of migration, based on the specific needs of each country and individual circumstances of migrants;

Or. en

Amendment 99 Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3. Underlines that the principles of the 3. Underlines that the principles of the Global Partnership for Effective Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) are Development Cooperation (GPEDC) are built on important and enduring lessons built on important and enduring lessons from past development strategies and from past development strategies and practices, including both successes and practices, including both successes and failures, and that these principles remain failures, and that these principles remain important expressions of multilateral important expressions of multilateral cooperation and coordination which the EU cooperation and coordination which the EU is committed to upholding; is committed to uphold; calls on the Commission to use its membership in the

PE658.707v01-00 48/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN GPEDC and the OECD-DAC and its voice in international fora and in the governance structures of the IFIs to further strengthen the effectiveness principles and encourage adherence to them and implementation of them in all forms of development cooperation and by all actors involved in development cooperation;

Or. en

Amendment 100 Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3. Underlines that the principles of the 3. Underlines that the principles of the Global Partnership for Effective Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) are Development Cooperation (GPEDC) are built on important and enduring lessons built on important and enduring lessons from past development strategies and from past development strategies and practices, including both successes and practices, including both successes and failures, and that these principles remain failures, and that these principles remain important expressions of multilateral important expressions of multilateral cooperation and coordination which the EU cooperation and coordination which the EU is committed to upholding; is committed to upholding; stresses the need for all aid to respect the local culture of the beneficiaries and avoid neo- colonial processes with aid-interventions that aims to force change upon a majority of the beneficiaries as this is neither morally correct, nor sustainable;

Or. en

Amendment 101 Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 a (new)

AM\1214172EN.docx 49/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

3 a. Recognises that effective development cooperation cannot be delivered through EU cooperation alone and can only be truly effective if all development actors collaborate; expresses concern that, when other actors do not respect and implement the effectiveness principles in their cooperation programmes, the resulting fragmentation and bypassing of partner country systems reduces the effectiveness and impact of assistance overall as a collateral, including EU assistance;

Or. en

Amendment 102 Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4. Calls on the Commission to 4. Calls on the Commission to publish, at least biannually, a report on the publish, at least annually, a report on the progress of the EU institutions and progress of the EU institutions and Member States on improving effectiveness Member States on improving effectiveness in the planning and implementation of in the planning and implementation of European development cooperation and European development cooperation and assistance measured against a set of assistance measured against a set of commonly agreed targets and policy commonly agreed targets and policy objectives, notably the SDGs, and objectives, notably the SDGs, and including progress towards the alignment including progress towards the alignment of policy objectives and the harmonisation of policy objectives and the harmonisation of procedures, in particular with regard to of procedures, in particular with regard to joint programming, joint implementation joint programming, joint implementation and joint results frameworks; calls on the and joint results frameworks; this report Commission to present this progress report shall also contain a clear description of to Parliament; all failures during the reporting-period with conclusions in each case and proposed solutions to address the detected failings, calls on the Commission to present this progress report to Parliament;

Or. en

PE658.707v01-00 50/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Amendment 103 Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4. Calls on the Commission to 4. Calls on the Commission to publish, at least biannually, a report on the publish, at least biannually, a report on the progress of the EU institutions and progress of the EU institutions and Member States on improving effectiveness Member States (including their in the planning and implementation of development agencies and local and European development cooperation and regional authorities active in development assistance measured against a set of cooperation) are advancing on aid commonly agreed targets and policy effectiveness in the planning and objectives, notably the SDGs, and implementation of European development including progress towards the alignment aid in relation to the achievement of of policy objectives and the harmonisation commonly agreed targets and policy of procedures, in particular with regard to objectives, notably the SDGs, including joint programming, joint implementation progress towards alignment policy and joint results frameworks; calls on the objectives and harmonisation of Commission to present this progress report procedures, in particular with regard to to Parliament; joint programming, joint implementation and joint results frameworks; calls on the Commission to present this progress report to the European Parliament;

Or. en

Amendment 104 Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4. Calls on the Commission to 4. Calls on the Commission to publish, at least biannually, a report on the publish, at least biannually, a report on the progress of the EU institutions and progress of the EU institutions and Member States on improving effectiveness Member States including their local and in the planning and implementation of regional governments involved in the European development cooperation and development cooperation, on improving assistance measured against a set of effectiveness in the planning and

AM\1214172EN.docx 51/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN commonly agreed targets and policy implementation of European development objectives, notably the SDGs, and cooperation and assistance measured including progress towards the alignment against a set of commonly agreed targets of policy objectives and the harmonisation and policy objectives, notably the SDGs, of procedures, in particular with regard to and including progress towards the joint programming, joint implementation alignment of policy objectives and the and joint results frameworks; calls on the harmonisation of procedures, in particular Commission to present this progress report with regard to joint programming, joint to Parliament; implementation and joint results frameworks; calls on the Commission to present this progress report to Parliament;

Or. en

Amendment 105 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4. Calls on the Commission to 4. Calls on the Commission to publish, at least biannually, a report on the publish, at least biannually, a report on the progress of the EU institutions and progress of the EU institutions and Member States on improving effectiveness Member States, based also on stakeholder in the planning and implementation of consultation, on improving effectiveness European development cooperation and in the planning and implementation of assistance measured against a set of European development cooperation and commonly agreed targets and policy assistance measured against a set of objectives, notably the SDGs, and commonly agreed targets and policy including progress towards the alignment objectives, notably the SDGs and the of policy objectives and the harmonisation European Consensus on Development, of procedures, in particular with regard to and including progress towards the joint programming, joint implementation alignment of policy objectives and the and joint results frameworks; calls on the harmonisation of procedures, in particular Commission to present this progress report with regard to joint programming, joint to Parliament; implementation and joint results frameworks; calls on the Commission to present this progress report to Parliament;

Or. en

Amendment 106 Mónica Silvana González

PE658.707v01-00 52/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4. Calls on the Commission to 4. Calls on the Commission to publish, at least biannually, a report on the publish, at least biannually, a report on the progress of the EU institutions and progress of the EU institutions and Member States on improving effectiveness Member States, including their local and in the planning and implementation of regional governments, on improving European development cooperation and effectiveness in the planning and assistance measured against a set of implementation of European development commonly agreed targets and policy cooperation and assistance measured objectives, notably the SDGs, and against a set of commonly agreed targets including progress towards the alignment and policy objectives, notably the SDGs, of policy objectives and the harmonisation and including progress towards the of procedures, in particular with regard to alignment of policy objectives and the joint programming, joint implementation harmonisation of procedures, in particular and joint results frameworks; calls on the with regard to joint programming, joint Commission to present this progress report implementation and joint results to Parliament; frameworks; calls on the Commission to present this progress report to Parliament;

Or. en

Amendment 107 Hildegard Bentele

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Calls on the Commission and the 5. Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, between the EU and its Member States; with the aim of securing a European voice points out that at country level, the EU with which to move forward towards and Member States need to go beyond the commonly defined policy objectives, mere consolidation of existing bilateral which should take into account innovative development priorities and actions and financing methods such as blending and form a unified collective European voice guarantees; calls for clear, actionable on strategic issues in political and policy commitments towards joint implementation dialogue with partner countries with and evaluation and for shared which to move forward towards commonly accountability mechanisms towards defined policy objectives, which should citizens; also take into account bodies of regional integration as EU counterparts when appropriate and innovative financing

AM\1214172EN.docx 53/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN methods such as blending and guarantees; calls on the Commission to ensure that regular meetings between the EU, the Member states representatives, implementing agencies, international organisations and civil society organisations take place on the ground in the respective partner countries in order to identify the challenges and opportunities and that the subsequent joint response and implementation meets the identified needs; points out that joint programming, under the direction of Heads of Mission, has proven to be successful in terms of policy coherence across political, trade, development and security strategies; calls for clear, actionable commitments towards joint implementation and evaluation and for shared accountability mechanisms towards citizens;

Or. en

Amendment 108 Antoni Comín i Oliveres

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Calls on the Commission and the 5. Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with the aim of securing better multilateral with which to move forward towards planning of national development commonly defined policy objectives, which cooperation policies, which should take should take into account innovative into account innovative financing methods financing methods such as blending and such as blending and guarantees; stresses guarantees; calls for clear, actionable the need, where stable and transparent commitments towards joint implementation institutions have a presence in partner and evaluation and for shared states, to increase the emphasis on accountability mechanisms towards donations, rather than credit, to prevent citizens; the increase in partner countries' external debt hobbling opportunities for economic growth and their capacity to focus government action on social priorities;

PE658.707v01-00 54/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN calls for clear, actionable commitments towards joint implementation and evaluation and for shared accountability mechanisms towards citizens;

Or. es

Amendment 109 Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Calls on the Commission and the 5. Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with the aim of securing a European voice with which to move forward towards with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives, commonly defined policy objectives, which should take into account innovative which should take into account innovative financing methods such as blending and financing methods such as blending and guarantees; calls for clear, actionable guarantees; calls for clear, actionable commitments towards joint implementation commitments towards joint implementation and evaluation and for shared and evaluation and for shared accountability mechanisms towards accountability mechanisms towards citizens; citizens, a structured policy dialogue with local and regional governments and their representative associations being one of them, in Europe and at country level;

Or. en

Amendment 110 Barry Andrews, Catherine Chabaud, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Calls on the Commission and the 5. Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with the aim of securing a European voice

AM\1214172EN.docx 55/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN with which to move forward towards with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives, commonly defined policy objectives, which should take into account innovative which should take into account innovative financing methods such as blending and financing methods such as blending and guarantees; calls for clear, actionable guarantees; calls for clear, actionable commitments towards joint implementation commitments towards joint implementation and evaluation and for shared and evaluation and for shared accountability mechanisms towards accountability mechanisms towards citizens; citizens; calls for the EU to work with non-traditional donors that can demonstrate adherence to aid effectiveness principles;

Or. en

Amendment 111 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Calls on the Commission and the 5. Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with the aim of securing a European voice with which to move forward towards with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives, commonly defined policy objectives, which should take into account innovative which should take into account innovative financing methods such as blending and financing methods such as blending and guarantees; calls for clear, actionable guarantees, when effective; calls for clear, commitments towards joint implementation actionable commitments, taking stock of and evaluation and for shared previous strategies and practices, towards accountability mechanisms towards joint implementation and evaluation and citizens; for shared accountability mechanisms towards citizens;

Or. en

Amendment 112 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

PE658.707v01-00 56/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Calls on the Commission and the 5. Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with the aim of securing a European voice with which to move forward towards with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives, commonly defined policy objectives; calls which should take into account innovative for clear, actionable commitments towards financing methods such as blending and joint implementation and evaluation and guarantees; calls for clear, actionable for shared accountability mechanisms commitments towards joint implementation towards citizens; and evaluation and for shared accountability mechanisms towards citizens;

Or. en

Amendment 113 Miguel Urbán Crespo on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Calls on the Commission and the 5. Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with the aim of securing a European voice with which to move forward towards with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives, commonly defined policy objectives, which should take into account innovative which should take into account latest financing methods such as blending and research and therefore avoid ineffective guarantees; calls for clear, actionable financing methods, including blending ; commitments towards joint implementation calls for clear, actionable commitments and evaluation and for shared towards joint implementation and accountability mechanisms towards evaluation and for shared accountability citizens; mechanisms towards citizens;

Or. en

Amendment 114

AM\1214172EN.docx 57/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Calls on the Commission and the 5. Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with the aim of securing a European voice with which to move forward towards with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives, commonly defined policy objectives, which should take into account innovative which should take into account innovative financing methods such as blending and financing methods such as blending and guarantees; calls for clear, actionable guarantees; also calls on the EU and its commitments towards joint Member States to engage in joint implementation and evaluation and for implementation and evaluation of their shared accountability mechanisms actions with a view to greater towards citizens; transparency towards citizens;

Or. fr

Amendment 115 Hildegard Bentele

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5 a. welcomes the Council conclusions of the 8th of June 2020 to highlight the “importance for all the actors involved in Team Europe to coordinate actions, and share information and communication efforts at country level, within the EU, in partner countries and in global and multilateral fora”; asks the Commission and the Member States to follow this approach in the future in the context of all development related measures, programming and implementation; reiterates its request of 2013 (P7_TA(2013)0558) and 2017 (P8_TA(2017)0026) and asks the Commission to submit, on the basis of Articles 209 and 210 TFEU, a proposal

PE658.707v01-00 58/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN for an act concerning regulatory aspects on EU donor coordination on development aid;

Or. en

Amendment 116 Miguel Urbán Crespo on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6. Stresses that in view of the future 6. Stresses that in view of the future implementation of the Neighbourhood, implementation of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), joint Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), joint programming by the EU, its Members programming by the EU, its Members States and EU development financing States and EU development financing partners should build upon the aid partners should build upon the aid effectiveness principles; believes that the effectiveness principles; believes that the EU should collectively set strategic EU should collectively set strategic priorities and identify investment priorities and identify investment needs/gaps in the pre-programming phase needs/gaps in the pre-programming phase and subsequently look at ways to optimise and subsequently look at ways to optimise the range of modalities in the EU the range of modalities in the EU institutions’ toolbox, including grants, institutions’ toolbox, including grants, budget support and EIB loans, as well as budget support and EIB loans, as well as financing from the Member States; calls on financing from the Member States; calls on the EU institutions and Member States, the EU institutions and Member States, accordingly, to share evidence and accordingly, to share evidence and experience about the kinds of development experience about the kinds of development interventions that tend to be successful and interventions that tend to be successful and those that have failed, proved difficult to those that have failed, proved difficult to implement or not produced the intended implement or not produced the intended impact; impact; is concerned in this regard that LDCs see an increase in tied aid and reiterates that untying aid can reduce costs by 15-30%; stresses that all aid needs to be formally and informally untied; encourages local procurement and ownership;

Or. en

AM\1214172EN.docx 59/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Amendment 117 Barry Andrews, Catherine Chabaud, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6. Stresses that in view of the future 6. Stresses that in view of the future implementation of the Neighbourhood, implementation of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), joint Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), joint programming by the EU, its Members programming by the EU, its Members States and EU development financing States and EU development financing partners should build upon the aid partners should build upon the aid effectiveness principles; believes that the effectiveness principles; believes that the EU should collectively set strategic EU should collectively set strategic priorities and identify investment priorities and identify investment needs/gaps in the pre-programming phase needs/gaps in the pre-programming phase and subsequently look at ways to optimise and subsequently look at ways to optimise the range of modalities in the EU the range of modalities in the EU institutions’ toolbox, including grants, institutions’ toolbox, including grants, budget support and EIB loans, as well as budget support and EIB loans, as well as financing from the Member States; calls on financing from the Member States; calls on the EU institutions and Member States, the EU institutions and Member States, accordingly, to share evidence and accordingly, to share evidence and experience about the kinds of development experience about the kinds of development interventions that tend to be successful and interventions that tend to be successful and those that have failed, proved difficult to those that have failed, proved difficult to implement or not produced the intended implement or not produced the intended impact; impact; underlines the need to facilitate the creation of markets which are self- sustaining and to ensure good exit practices are taken into account in the pre-programming phase;

Or. en

Amendment 118 Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6. Stresses that in view of the future 6. Stresses that in view of the future implementation of the Neighbourhood, implementation of the Neighbourhood,

PE658.707v01-00 60/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Development and International Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), joint Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), joint programming by the EU, its Members programming by the EU, its Members States and EU development financing States and EU development financing partners should build upon the aid partners should build upon the aid effectiveness principles; believes that the effectiveness principles; believes that the EU should collectively set strategic EU should collectively set strategic priorities and identify investment priorities and identify investment needs/gaps in the pre-programming phase needs/gaps in the pre-programming phase and subsequently look at ways to optimise and subsequently look at ways to optimise the range of modalities in the EU the range of modalities in the EU institutions’ toolbox, including grants, institutions’ toolbox, including grants, budget support and EIB loans, as well as budget support and EIB loans, as well as financing from the Member States; calls on financing from the Member States; calls on the EU institutions and Member States, the EU institutions and Member States, as accordingly, to share evidence and well as local and regional governments experience about the kinds of development involved in the development cooperation, interventions that tend to be successful and accordingly, to share evidence and those that have failed, proved difficult to experience about the kinds of development implement or not produced the intended interventions that tend to be successful and impact; those that have failed, proved difficult to implement or not produced the intended impact;

Or. en

Amendment 119 Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6. Stresses that in view of the future 6. Stresses that in view of the future implementation of the Neighbourhood, implementation of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), joint Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), joint programming by the EU, its Members programming by the EU, its Members States and EU development financing States and EU development financing partners should build upon the aid partners should build upon the aid effectiveness principles; believes that the effectiveness principles; believes that the EU should collectively set strategic EU should collectively set strategic priorities and identify investment priorities and identify investment needs/gaps in the pre-programming phase needs/gaps in the pre-programming phase and subsequently look at ways to optimise and subsequently look at ways to optimise the range of modalities in the EU the range of modalities in the EU

AM\1214172EN.docx 61/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN institutions’ toolbox, including grants, institutions’ toolbox, including grants, budget support and EIB loans, as well as budget support grants and EIB loans, as financing from the Member States; calls on well as financing from the Member States; the EU institutions and Member States, calls on the Commission to ensure that the accordingly, to share evidence and programming and implementation of experience about the kinds of these modalities is co-ordinated, development interventions that tend to be strategically aligned with partner successful and those that have failed, countries priorities and processes and proved difficult to implement or not focussed on delivering outcomes and produced the intended impact; impacts that are transformational for achieving the SDGs in the specific context of each partner country;

Or. en

Amendment 120 Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6. Stresses that in view of the future 6. Stresses that in view of the future implementation of the Neighbourhood, implementation of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), joint Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), joint programming by the EU, its Members programming and implementation by the States and EU development financing EU, its Members States and EU partners should build upon the aid development financing partners should effectiveness principles; believes that the build upon the aid effectiveness principles; EU should collectively set strategic points to the importance of collectively priorities and identify investment setting strategic priorities and identifying needs/gaps in the pre-programming phase investment needs/gaps in the pre- and subsequently look at ways to optimise programming phase and subsequently the range of modalities in the EU looking at ways to optimise the range of institutions’ toolbox, including grants, modalities in the EU institutions’ toolbox, budget support and EIB loans, as well as including grants, budget support and EIB financing from the Member States; calls on loans, as well as financing from EU the EU institutions and Member States, Member States or Member States' accordingly, to share evidence and development agencies; calls on the EU experience about the kinds of development institutions and Member States, interventions that tend to be successful and accordingly, to share evidence and those that have failed, proved difficult to experience about the kinds of development implement or not produced the intended interventions that tend to be successful and impact; those that have failed, proved difficult to implement or not produced the intended

PE658.707v01-00 62/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN impact;

Or. fr

Amendment 121 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6. Stresses that in view of the future 6. Stresses that in view of the future implementation of the Neighbourhood, implementation of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), joint Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), joint programming by the EU, its Members programming by the EU, its Members States and EU development financing States and EU development financing partners should build upon the aid partners should build upon the aid effectiveness principles; believes that the effectiveness principles; believes that the EU should collectively set strategic EU should collectively set strategic priorities and identify investment priorities and identify investment needs/gaps in the pre-programming phase needs/gaps in the pre-programming phase and subsequently look at ways to optimise and subsequently look at ways to optimise the range of modalities in the EU the range of modalities in the EU institutions’ toolbox, including grants, institutions’ toolbox, including grants, budget support and EIB loans, as well as budget support and EIB loans, as well as financing from the Member States; calls on financing from the Member States; calls on the EU institutions and Member States, the EU institutions, Member States and accordingly, to share evidence and local and regional authorities, experience about the kinds of development accordingly, to share evidence and interventions that tend to be successful and experience about the kinds of development those that have failed, proved difficult to interventions that tend to be successful and implement or not produced the intended those that have failed, proved difficult to impact; implement or not produced the intended impact;

Or. en

Amendment 122 Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6

AM\1214172EN.docx 63/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

6. Stresses that in view of the future 6. Stresses that in view of the future implementation of the Neighbourhood, implementation of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), joint Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), joint programming by the EU, its Members programming by the EU, its Members States and EU development financing States and EU development financing partners should build upon the aid partners should build upon the aid effectiveness principles; believes that the effectiveness principles; believes that the EU should collectively set strategic EU should collectively set strategic priorities and identify investment priorities and identify investment needs/gaps in the pre-programming phase needs/gaps in the pre-programming phase and subsequently look at ways to optimise and subsequently look at ways to optimise the range of modalities in the EU the range of EU´s modalities, including institutions’ toolbox, including grants, grants, budget support and EIB loans, as budget support and EIB loans, as well as well as financing from the Member States; financing from the Member States; calls on calls on the EU institutions and Member the EU institutions and Member States, States, accordingly, to share evidence and accordingly, to share evidence and experience about the kinds of development experience about the kinds of development interventions that tend to be successful and interventions that tend to be successful and those that have failed, proved difficult to those that have failed, proved difficult to implement or not produced the intended implement or not produced the intended impact; impact;

Or. en

Amendment 123 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6 a. Stresses that the European Parliament (EP) mandate on NDICI calls for provisions to improve human rights, environmental and social compliance of financial operators in the use of blending- guarantee mechanisms through EFSD+ - External Action Guarantee (EAG); recalls that according to the EP position, 45 % of the financing through EFSD+ and EAG shall be allocated to investments that contribute to climate objectives,

PE658.707v01-00 64/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN environmental management and protection, biodiversity and combatting desertification, of which 30 % of the overall financial envelope shall be dedicated to climate change mitigation and adaptation;

Or. en

Amendment 124 Marlene Mortler

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6a. Points out that the EU has set itself ambitious environmental and climate goals and calls on the EU to support partner countries through close cooperation in order to help them meet their own climate and environmental goals and strategies, both those laid down by treaty and those that are self-imposed, as the sustainable use of their own resources is the basis of the economies of many partner countries and is essential for the achievement of the SDGs;

Or. de

Amendment 125 Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6 a. Calls on EU institutions and Member States and other public and non- governmental actors active in development cooperation to share evidence and experience about what kind

AM\1214172EN.docx 65/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN of development interventions tend to be successful and which ones have failed, proved difficult to implement or did not produce the intended impact;

Or. en

Amendment 126 Hildegard Bentele

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6 a. welcomes the independent report by the High-Level Group of wise persons on the European financial architecture for development and calls for the foundation of a European Investment and Sustainable Development bank;

Or. en

Amendment 127 Hildegard Bentele

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7. Stresses that accountability for all 7. Stresses that accountability for all public expenditure, including Official public expenditure, including Official Development Assistance (ODA), is vital Development Assistance (ODA), is vital both in Europe and in partner countries; both in Europe and in partner countries; believes that accountability requires strong believes that accountability requires strong institutions and that having clear and institutions and that having clear and agreed targets for European ODA is agreed targets for European ODA is essential for ensuring continued public essential for ensuring continued public support for the EU’s development support for the EU’s development cooperation endeavours; emphasises, cooperation endeavours; emphasises, furthermore, that accountability requires furthermore, that accountability requires transparent and robust procedures as well transparent and robust procedures as well as concern for efficiency and the as concern for efficiency and the attainment of demonstrable results, attainment of demonstrable results,

PE658.707v01-00 66/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN thorough ex-ante and ex-post evaluation, thorough ex-ante and ex-post evaluation, and critical analysis of failures as well as and critical analysis of failures as well as learning about how to deliver effective and learning about how to deliver effective and sustainable results; sustainable results; therefore calls on the Commission to coordinate a Europe-wide standardisation of impact indicators in order to compare the effectiveness and efficiency of projects between the Member States;

Or. en

Amendment 128 Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Charles Goerens, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7. Stresses that accountability for all 7. Stresses that accountability for all public expenditure, including Official public expenditure, including Official Development Assistance (ODA), is vital Development Assistance (ODA), is vital both in Europe and in partner countries; both in Europe and in partner countries; believes that accountability requires strong believes that accountability requires strong institutions and that having clear and institutions and that having clear and agreed targets for European ODA is agreed targets for European ODA is essential for ensuring continued public essential for ensuring continued public support for the EU’s development support for the EU’s development cooperation endeavours; emphasises, cooperation endeavours; emphasises, furthermore, that accountability requires furthermore, that accountability requires transparent and robust procedures as well transparent and robust procedures as well as concern for efficiency and the as concern for efficiency and the attainment of demonstrable results, attainment of demonstrable results, thorough ex-ante and ex-post evaluation, thorough ex-ante and ex-post evaluation, and critical analysis of failures as well as and critical analysis of failures as well as learning about how to deliver effective and learning about how to deliver effective and sustainable results; sustainable results; recalls the impact that partnerships and cooperation with civil society and NGOs can have on ensuring accountability in public expenditure of ODA;

Or. en

AM\1214172EN.docx 67/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Amendment 129 Hildegard Bentele

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7 a. calls for a regular review of partner countries in the light of the development objectives achieved and asks for resolve to end cooperation once these objectives are met or are not met over a longer period of time; calls also on the Commission to inform the European Parliament of the countries and respective sectors in which the EU is the largest donor and whether this is in line with the EU’s geopolitical strategy;

Or. en

Amendment 130 Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7 a. Encourages recipient countries’ parliaments to adopt national policies on development aid in order to improve the accountability of donors and the ownership of recipient governments, including that of local authorities, to eradicate corruption, all forms of aid wastage and improve conditions for receiving budget support, as well as, in the long run, reducing dependence on aid;

Or. en

Amendment 131 Charles Goerens, Stéphane Bijoux, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Barry Andrews

PE658.707v01-00 68/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7 a. calls on the Commission and Member States to fully untie their ODA in line with the commitments of the European Consensus on Development and to encourage all development cooperation providers, including emerging economies, to do the same;

Or. en

Amendment 132 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7 a. Stresses the importance that EU ODA focuses even more on reducing inequalities; ending poverty and leaving no-one behind;

Or. en

Amendment 133 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7 b. Stresses that effective and efficient aids to country led-strategies and capacity development reduces child mortality and that investing in the wellbeing of children is fundamental to break the cycle of

AM\1214172EN.docx 69/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN poverty, including the fight against forced and under-age labor;

Or. en

Amendment 134 György Hölvényi

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8. Believes that the use of results- 8. Believes that the use of results- based approaches is critical for the EU’s based approaches is critical for the EU’s partner countries and is a fundamental partner countries and is a fundamental element of their capacity to deliver the element of their capacity to deliver the SDGs for their citizens; calls on the EU SDGs for their citizens; calls on the EU and its Member States to support and use and its Member States to support and use partner countries’ own national results- partner countries’ own national results- measuring frameworks and their measuring frameworks and their monitoring and statistical systems, and to monitoring and statistical systems, and to involve all relevant actors: local involve all relevant actors: local authorities; national parliaments; civil authorities; national parliaments; civil society; and the private sector; society, including NGOs, diasporas, churches, religious associations and communities, faith-based organisations, social movements and trade unions, indigenous peoples and foundations, and the representation of vulnerable, disabled, discriminated and marginalised people; and the private sector;

Or. en

Amendment 135 Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8. Believes that the use of results- 8. Believes that the use of results- based approaches is critical for the EU’s based approaches is critical for the EU’s

PE658.707v01-00 70/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN partner countries and is a fundamental partner countries and is a fundamental element of their capacity to deliver the element of their capacity to deliver the SDGs for their citizens; calls on the EU SDGs for their citizens; points, however, to and its Member States to support and use the importance of taking into account the partner countries’ own national results- diversity of the specific situations in and measuring frameworks and their challenges for partner countries, in monitoring and statistical systems, and to particular the least developed countries involve all relevant actors: local (LDCs) and fragile countries; calls on the authorities; national parliaments; civil EU and its Member States to support and society; and the private sector; use partner countries’ own national results- measuring frameworks and their monitoring and statistical systems, and to involve all relevant actors: local authorities; national parliaments; civil society; the private sector; and foundations;

Or. fr

Amendment 136 Barry Andrews, Catherine Chabaud, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8. Believes that the use of results- 8. Believes that the use of results- based approaches is critical for the EU’s based approaches is critical for the EU’s partner countries and is a fundamental partner countries and is a fundamental element of their capacity to deliver the element of their capacity to deliver the SDGs for their citizens; calls on the EU SDGs for their citizens; calls on the EU and its Member States to support and use and its Member States to support and use partner countries’ own national results- partner countries’ own national results- measuring frameworks and their measuring frameworks and their monitoring and statistical systems, and to monitoring and statistical systems, and to involve all relevant actors: local involve all relevant actors: local authorities; national parliaments; civil authorities; national parliaments; civil society; and the private sector; society; and the private sector; stresses that investment in the capacity building of local civil society organisations is an essential prerequisite for effective aid;

Or. en

Amendment 137

AM\1214172EN.docx 71/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8. Believes that the use of results- 8. Believes that the use of results- based approaches is critical for the EU’s based approaches is critical for the EU’s partner countries and is a fundamental partner countries and is a fundamental element of their capacity to deliver the element of their capacity to deliver the SDGs for their citizens; calls on the EU SDGs for their citizens; calls on the EU and its Member States to support and use and its Member States to support and use partner countries’ own national results- partner countries’ own national results- measuring frameworks and their measuring frameworks and their monitoring and statistical systems, and to monitoring and statistical systems, and to involve all relevant actors: local involve, during all the stages, all relevant authorities; national parliaments; civil actors: local authorities; national society; and the private sector; parliaments; civil society; women associations; marginalized groups; the UN and its agencies; the small and medium enterprises and the private sector;

Or. en

Amendment 138 Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8. Believes that the use of results- 8. Believes that the use of results- based approaches is critical for the EU’s based approaches is critical for the EU’s partner countries and is a fundamental partner countries and is a fundamental element of their capacity to deliver the element of their capacity to deliver the SDGs for their citizens; calls on the EU SDGs for their citizens; calls on the EU and its Member States to support and use and its Member States to support and use partner countries’ own national results- partner countries’ own national results- measuring frameworks and their measuring frameworks and their monitoring and statistical systems, and to monitoring and statistical systems and in involve all relevant actors: local parallel use at least one independent authorities; national parliaments; civil monitoring and result measuring entity society; and the private sector; (EU based private or state entity), and to involve all relevant actors: local authorities; national parliaments; civil

PE658.707v01-00 72/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN society; and the private sector;

Or. en

Amendment 139 Beata Kempa on behalf of the ECR Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8 a. Underlines that the OECD in 2015 - cited by the Commission a year later in their ‘EU Approach to Fragility and Resilience’ presentation - stated that in 2030 62% of the world’s poorest will be living in fragile and conflict affected states. Despite this understanding and acknowledgement, since 2016 predictions have worsened with the World Bank now suggesting this could be 2/3rds of people; emphasizes that the aid, aimed at alleviating the suffering of the most affected by conflicts, disasters and instability, in order to be efficient, requires effort not just in the specific “sector”, but also in other areas, in particular health and education, and it requires attention to geographic balance within the country, as all countries need balanced development in both the sectoral and geographical sense;

Or. en

Amendment 140 Marlene Mortler

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8a. Notes that, in some areas,

AM\1214172EN.docx 73/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN development aid efficiency and effectiveness are hard to measure, but calls on the Commission to look into appropriate indicators for assessment and use the results in order to prepare country-specific information on the efficiency and effectiveness of development aid and to develop best- practice approaches;

Or. de

Amendment 141 Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Charles Goerens, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Calls for the EU and its Member 9. Calls for the EU and its Member States to enhance their commitment to States to enhance their commitment to transparent data flows through continuous transparent data flows through continuous investment in data visualisation, statistical investment in data visualisation, statistical reporting and the publication of open data, reporting and the publication of open data, the application of international standards the application of international standards such as IATI (the International Aid such as IATI (the International Aid Transparency Initiative Standard), and by Transparency Initiative Standard), and by regularly updating the EU Aid Explorer; regularly updating the EU Aid Explorer; encourages the EU to step up its efforts to ensure public access and dissemination of data and reporting on the spending of EU development aid;

Or. en

Amendment 142 György Hölvényi

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Calls for the EU and its Member 9. Calls for the EU and its Member

PE658.707v01-00 74/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN States to enhance their commitment to States to enhance their commitment to transparent data flows through continuous transparent data flows through continuous investment in data visualisation, statistical investment in data visualisation, statistical reporting and the publication of open data, reporting and the publication of open data, the application of international standards the application of international standards such as IATI (the International Aid such as IATI (the International Aid Transparency Initiative Standard), and by Transparency Initiative Standard), and by regularly updating the EU Aid Explorer; regularly updating and developing the EU Aid Explorer;

Or. en

Amendment 143 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9 a. Stresses that gender equality should be considered as an essential aspect of aid effectiveness and that the different impact of development policies on women and girls has consequences on the efficiency of development policies; calls on the Commission and the Member States to strengthen the gender mainstreaming and the gender budgeting, and to collect comparable and gender disaggregated data;

Or. en

Amendment 144 Charles Goerens, Stéphane Bijoux, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9 a. Recalls that development cooperation might have different impacts

AM\1214172EN.docx 75/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN on girls and boys and men and women; urges therefore the European Commission and Member States to prioritize gender equality and to make use of tools such as gender targeting, gender analysis, gender budgeting, gender mainstreaming; insists furthermore on the need to collect sex disaggregated data;

Or. en

Amendment 145 Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9 a. Calls upon the EU and its Member States to enhance alignment of their assistance to the effectiveness principles and related indicators, in particular predictability, use of indicators drawn from partner country owned results frameworks, using partner country public financial management systems and commitment to involve partner governments in project evaluations, and transparent reporting;

Or. en

Amendment 146 Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9 b. Calls upon Member states to streamline, to a greater extent, their assistance with common European aid

PE658.707v01-00 76/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN objectives in order to improve the effectiveness of EU development policy as a whole;

Or. en

Amendment 147 Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Supports a catalytic approach, deleted building on decentralised and bottom-up needs assessments and programming, which is informed by a thorough analysis of the situation in each partner country; encourages South-South and triangular cooperation;

Or. en

Amendment 148 Mónica Silvana González, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Supports a catalytic approach, 10. Supports a catalytic approach, building on decentralised and bottom-up building on decentralised and bottom-up needs assessments and programming, needs assessments and programming, which is informed by a thorough analysis which is informed by a thorough analysis of the situation in each partner country; of the situation in each partner country; encourages South-South and triangular encourages a reinforcement of South- cooperation; South and triangular cooperation to support the achievement of the SDGs and the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic; stresses that the capacities of middle- income countries - including of countries recently graduated from the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee’s list of ODA recipients, should be engaged

AM\1214172EN.docx 77/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN where relevant; underlines that a country can be both providing assistance in Covid- 19 and other contexts, while at the same time be a recipient of development assistance. Triangular cooperation should be oriented towards promoting horizontal cooperation and strengthening regional integration;

Or. en

Amendment 149 Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Supports a catalytic approach, 10. Supports a catalytic approach, building on decentralised and bottom-up building on decentralised and bottom-up needs assessments and programming, needs assessments and programming, which is informed by a thorough analysis which is informed by a thorough analysis of the situation in each partner country; of the situation in each partner country; encourages South-South and triangular encourages South-South and triangular cooperation; cooperation, as well as more effective involvement of the outermost regions and overseas countries and territories in the implementation of European development cooperation actions in their respective geographic areas, with a view to renewed and ambitious cooperation with Europeans in the South;

Or. fr

Amendment 150 György Hölvényi

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Supports a catalytic approach, 10. Supports a catalytic approach,

PE658.707v01-00 78/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN building on decentralised and bottom-up building on decentralised and bottom-up needs assessments and programming, needs assessments and programming, in which is informed by a thorough analysis strong collaboration with local of the situation in each partner country; communities and organisations, which is encourages South-South and triangular informed by a thorough analysis of the cooperation; situation in each partner country; encourages South-South and triangular cooperation;

Or. en

Amendment 151 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Supports a catalytic approach, 10. Supports a catalytic approach, building on decentralised and bottom-up building on decentralised and bottom-up needs assessments and programming, needs assessments and programming, which is informed by a thorough analysis which is informed by a thorough analysis of the situation in each partner country; of the situation in each partner country and encourages South-South and triangular consultation with civil society and other cooperation; stakeholders, including at local level; encourages South-South and triangular cooperation;

Or. en

Amendment 152 Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Supports a catalytic approach, 10. Supports a catalytic and cross- building on decentralised and bottom-up cutting approach, building on decentralised needs assessments and programming, and bottom-up needs assessments and which is informed by a thorough analysis programming, which is informed by a of the situation in each partner country; thorough analysis of the national and

AM\1214172EN.docx 79/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN encourages South-South and triangular territorial situation in each partner country; cooperation; encourages South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation at all levels of governance;

Or. fr

Amendment 153 Ádám Kósa

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Supports a catalytic approach, 10. Supports a catalytic approach, building on decentralised and bottom-up building on decentralised and bottom-up needs assessments and programming, needs assessments and programming, which is informed by a thorough analysis which favours smaller projects and local of the situation in each partner country; ownership and is informed by a thorough encourages South-South and triangular analysis of the situation in each partner cooperation; country; encourages South-South and triangular cooperation;

Or. en

Amendment 154 Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Supports a catalytic approach, 10. Supports the need for a catalytic building on decentralised and bottom-up approach, building on decentralised and needs assessments and programming, bottom-up needs assessments and which is informed by a thorough analysis programming, which is informed by a of the situation in each partner country; thorough analysis of the situation in each encourages South-South and triangular partner country; encourages South-South cooperation; and triangular cooperation; including at sub-national levels;

Or. en

PE658.707v01-00 80/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Amendment 155 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10 a. Underlines the importance of strengthening CSOs in their role as independent development actors; stresses that an enabling and open environment for CSOs is consistent with internationally agreed rights and maximises the contributions of CSOs to development; expresses its concern regarding the shrinking space for CSOs in many partner countries; calls on the Commission to improve accessibility of funding for CSOs, including in partner countries;

Or. en

Amendment 156 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10 a. Stresses the need of an integrated approach for both humanitarian and development aid in order to deliver long- lasting results and to increase effectiveness and efficiency of the actions; emphasizes in this regard the role of the humanitarian-development nexus; calls on the EU to further develop such approach;

Or. en

AM\1214172EN.docx 81/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Amendment 157 Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10a. Stresses the need to take account of the development policy actions and decisions of the other donor countries in order to ensure complementarity and to meet partner countries' needs and priorities in the best way possible;

Or. fr

Amendment 158 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10 b. Stresses the importance of implementing the exchange of best practices and a policy and action coordination and collaboration among the EU and the other actors, as for example the UN and its agencies, which deliver aid in the partner countries; underlines that this is even more crucial in fragile partner countries, in countries touched by conflicts or natural disasters, and in refugee hosting countries; considers it essential, in this context, to put community resilience at the core and to support actions aiming at developing risk- informed programmes, training programmes for emergencies, engaging community participation and fostering partnerships;

PE658.707v01-00 82/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Or. en

Amendment 159 Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10b. Stresses the key role played by EU delegations in maximising the effectiveness of aid and enhancing its visibility in partner countries; calls for the delegations' knowledge of each partner country's specific circumstances to be capitalised on more, with a view to assessing the outcomes of projects run by the EU and its Member States;

Or. fr

Amendment 160 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10 b. Stresses the importance to prioritise gender equality in development aid; supports tools such as gender budgeting, gender mainstreaming and sex-disaggregated data, used in partner countries and the EU itself, which help move towards a comprehensive and harmonised approach to EU reporting on gender targets.

Or. en

AM\1214172EN.docx 83/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Amendment 161 Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11. Calls on the Commission and the 11. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to enhance cooperation Member States to enhance cooperation with and through local governments and, to with and through local governments and, to the extent possible, to strive to ensure that the extent possible, to strive to ensure that budget support as an aid modality can also budget support as an aid modality can also be used at sub-national level, and that be used at sub-national level, and that redistribution mechanisms between redistribution mechanisms between different levels of government and across different levels of government and across regions are developed with the aim of regions are developed with the aim of reducing in-country disparities and reducing in-country disparities and inequalities, and ensuring that no-one is inequalities, and ensuring that as many as left behind; possible of the intended beneficiaries are reached by the effects of the aid- intervention;

Or. en

Amendment 162 Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11. Calls on the Commission and the 11. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to enhance cooperation Member States to enhance cooperation with and through local governments and, with local authorities in partner countries, to the extent possible, to strive to ensure but also within the EU; calls for budget that budget support as an aid modality can support as an aid modality to be usable also be used at sub-national level, and that also at sub-national level and for redistribution mechanisms between mechanisms for redistribution different levels of government and across and equalisation between different levels regions are developed with the aim of of government and across regions to be reducing in-country disparities and developed with the aim of reducing in- inequalities, and ensuring that no-one is country disparities and inequalities, and left behind; ensuring that no-one is left behind;

Or. fr

PE658.707v01-00 84/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Amendment 163 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11. Calls on the Commission and the 11. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to enhance cooperation Member States to enhance cooperation with and through local governments and, to with and through local governments and, to the extent possible, to strive to ensure that the extent possible, to strive to ensure that budget support as an aid modality can also budget support as an aid modality can also be used at sub-national level, and that be used at sub-national level, and that redistribution mechanisms between redistribution mechanisms between different levels of government and across different levels of government and across regions are developed with the aim of regions are developed with the primary reducing in-country disparities and objective of reducing in-country disparities inequalities, and ensuring that no-one is and inequalities, and ensuring that no-one left behind; is left behind;

Or. en

Amendment 164 Beata Kempa on behalf of the ECR Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11 a. Underlines the role of church and mission organisations in humanitarian and development aid and their importance on the ground, as they are among the biggest NGOs active in the development and aid fields. Stresses the fact that working with religious leaders in many local communities in developing countries is often the most effective way of reaching local people in need;

Or. en

AM\1214172EN.docx 85/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Amendment 165 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11 a. Recognises the essential role of civil society as partner, both during the consultation process and as service delivers; in this light calls on the Commission and the Member States to recognize and strengthen their roles in order to achieve inclusive development partnerships;

Or. en

Amendment 166 Miguel Urbán Crespo on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11 a. Calls for a stronger focus on local SMEs, small-scale farmers and empowering women, as this approach has proven particularly effective in reducing poverty and inequality, and in strengthening civil society and communities;

Or. en

Amendment 167 Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 a (new)

PE658.707v01-00 86/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

11 a. Calls upon the Commission and the Member States for development aid policies to align with objective of gender equality so that women’s empowerment is actually achieved thus improving aid efficiency;

Or. en

Amendment 168 Beata Kempa on behalf of the ECR Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11 b. Calls on the Commission to prepare a coherent strategy which would aim at providing long-term coordinated aid, particularly in the reconstruction activities in countries destroyed by conflicts and disasters, focusing on ways of addressing needs of people who suffer most; underlines the benefits of using new technology, innovative financing solutions, promoting fragility risk reduction and establishing strong partnerships with humanitarian, diplomatic and security actors;

Or. en

Amendment 169 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12. Recognises that the role of the 12. Recognises that the role of local

AM\1214172EN.docx 87/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN private sector – at local, national, bilateral communities, elected representatives, civil and international levels – is crucial for society organisations, trade union, achieving the SDGs, for mobilising academia, citizens and the private sector, additional development finance and for the at local, national, bilateral and international transition towards economic development, levels – is crucial for achieving the SDGs, growth and prosperity; stresses in this for mobilising additional development regard that additional efforts must be finance and for the transition towards undertaken to align the private sector’s economic and human development, and involvement in development cooperation prosperity; underlines that all these actors with the effectiveness principles and to need to contribute to the effectiveness improve the transparency and agenda through participatory accountability of foreign direct investment involvement, planning and implementing, and global value chains; mutual accountability and transparency, monitoring and evaluation; stresses that donors should improve predictability and speediness when working with these actors as implementing partners and basic service supply partners, in order to genuinely reach the most vulnerable sections of the population; stresses in this regard that additional efforts must be undertaken to align the private sector’s involvement in development cooperation with the effectiveness principles and to improve the transparency and accountability of foreign direct investment and global value chains;

Or. en

Amendment 170 Patrizia Toia, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12. Recognises that the role of the 12. Recognises that the role of the private sector – at local, national, bilateral private sector – at local, national, bilateral and international levels – is crucial for and international levels – is important for achieving the SDGs, for mobilising achieving the SDGs, for mobilising additional development finance and for the additional development finance and for the transition towards economic development, transition towards economic development, growth and prosperity; stresses in this growth and prosperity; highlights, regard that additional efforts must be however, that neither the private sector undertaken to align the private sector’s nor economic growth alone can guarantee involvement in development cooperation poverty eradication or social inclusion

PE658.707v01-00 88/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN with the effectiveness principles and to unless strong public regulatory improve the transparency and frameworks are in place; stresses in this accountability of foreign direct investment regard that additional efforts must be and global value chains; undertaken by the private sector to achieve different targets, such as a) the alignment of the private sector’s activities in development cooperation with the effectiveness principles, b) the implementation of strong monitoring mechanisms ensuring compliance with these principles, c) the improvement of transparency and accountability of foreign direct investment and global value chains, and d) the respect of human rights and due diligence principles;

Or. en

Amendment 171 Beata Kempa on behalf of the ECR Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12. Recognises that the role of the 12. Recognises that the role of the private sector – at local, national, bilateral private sector – at local, national, bilateral and international levels – is crucial for and international levels – is crucial for achieving the SDGs, for mobilising achieving the SDGs, for mobilising additional development finance and for the additional development finance and for the transition towards economic development, transition towards economic development, growth and prosperity; stresses in this growth and prosperity; stresses in this regard that additional efforts must be regard that additional efforts must be undertaken to align the private sector’s undertaken to align the private sector’s involvement in development cooperation involvement in development cooperation with the effectiveness principles and to with the effectiveness principles and to improve the transparency and improve the transparency and accountability of foreign direct investment accountability of foreign direct investment and global value chains; and global value chains; calls on the European institutions and bodies to establish a clear, structured, transparent and accountable framework governing partnerships and alliances with the private sector in developing countries, and stresses that, in parallel with an increased role for the private sector, it is important

AM\1214172EN.docx 89/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN to develop appropriate safeguards and institutional capacities and underlines the need for a clear and concrete strategy to ensure private sector alignment with the development priorities of national governments and civil society in developing countries;

Or. en

Amendment 172 Miguel Urbán Crespo on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12. Recognises that the role of the 12. Remain cautious of the role of the private sector – at local, national, bilateral private sector – at national, bilateral and and international levels – is crucial for international levels – in achieving the achieving the SDGs, for mobilising SDGs, for mobilising additional additional development finance and for the development finance and for the transition transition towards economic development, towards economic development, growth growth and prosperity; stresses in this and prosperity; stresses the risks of a regard that additional efforts must be profit-oriented approach in focusing undertaken to align the private sector’s predominantly on ‘hard 'sectors, involvement in development cooperation neglecting social services and human with the effectiveness principles and to development and restricting access to improve the transparency and services for the most marginalized; accountability of foreign direct investment stresses in this regard that additional efforts and global value chains; must be undertaken to align the private sector’s involvement in development cooperation with the effectiveness principles and to improve the transparency and accountability of foreign direct investment and global value chains;

Or. en

Amendment 173 Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Jan-Christoph Oetjen

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12

PE658.707v01-00 90/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

12. Recognises that the role of the 12. Recognises that the role of the private sector – at local, national, bilateral private sector – at local, national, bilateral and international levels – is crucial for and international levels – is crucial for achieving the SDGs, for mobilising achieving the SDGs, for mobilising additional development finance and for the additional development finance and for the transition towards economic development, transition towards economic development, growth and prosperity; stresses in this growth and prosperity; stresses in this regard that additional efforts must be regard that additional efforts must be undertaken to align the private sector’s undertaken to align the private sector’s involvement in development cooperation involvement in development cooperation with the effectiveness principles and to with the effectiveness principles and to improve the transparency and improve the transparency and accountability of foreign direct investment accountability of foreign direct investment and global value chains; and global value chains; points to the role of civil society organisations, in particular NGOs, in mobilising the funds needed to achieve the SDGs;

Or. fr

Amendment 174 Ádám Kósa

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12. Recognises that the role of the 12. Recognises that the role of the private sector – at local, national, bilateral private sector and faith-based and international levels – is crucial for organisations – at local, national, bilateral achieving the SDGs, for mobilising and international levels – is crucial for additional development finance and for the achieving the SDGs, for mobilising transition towards economic development, additional development finance and for the growth and prosperity; stresses in this transition towards economic development, regard that additional efforts must be growth and prosperity; stresses in this undertaken to align the private sector’s regard that additional efforts must be involvement in development cooperation undertaken to align the private sector’s with the effectiveness principles and to involvement in development cooperation improve the transparency and with the effectiveness principles and to accountability of foreign direct investment improve the transparency and and global value chains; accountability of foreign direct investment and global value chains;

Or. en

AM\1214172EN.docx 91/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Amendment 175 Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12. Recognises that the role of the 12. Recognises that the role of the private sector – at local, national, bilateral private sector – at local, national, bilateral and international levels – is crucial for and international levels – is crucial for achieving the SDGs, for mobilising achieving the SDGs, for mobilising additional development finance and for the additional development finance and for the transition towards economic development, transition towards economic development, growth and prosperity; stresses in this growth and prosperity; stresses in this regard that additional efforts must be regard that additional efforts must be undertaken to align the private sector’s undertaken in the recipient countries to involvement in development cooperation align the private sector’s involvement in with the effectiveness principles and to development cooperation with the improve the transparency and effectiveness principles and to improve the accountability of foreign direct investment transparency and accountability of foreign and global value chains; direct investment and global value chains;

Or. en

Amendment 176 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12. Recognises that the role of the 12. Recognises that the private sector private sector – at local, national, bilateral engagement (PSE) – at local, national, and international levels – is crucial for bilateral and international levels – is achieving the SDGs, for mobilising important for achieving the SDGs, for additional development finance and for the mobilising additional development finance transition towards economic development, and for the transition towards economic growth and prosperity; stresses in this development, growth and prosperity; regard that additional efforts must be stresses in this regard that additional efforts undertaken to align the private sector’s must be undertaken to align the PSE's involvement in development cooperation involvement in development cooperation with the effectiveness principles and to with the effectiveness and the Kampala improve the transparency and principles and to improve the transparency

PE658.707v01-00 92/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN accountability of foreign direct investment and accountability of foreign direct and global value chains; investment and global value chains;

Or. en

Amendment 177 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12 a. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to ensure that actors of the private sector involved in development partnerships abide by the principle of corporate accountability on human rights and the environment throughout the whole lifecycle of projects in compliance with the UN Global Compact on human rights, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, ILO core labour standards, and the UN Convention Against Corruption; reiterates its call for an EU legal framework supporting mandatory corporate due diligence to ensure that EU investors act responsibly internationally and locally and contribute to local development in developing countries;

Or. en

Amendment 178 Miguel Urbán Crespo on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12 a. Reiterates that private development assistance must respect the UN Guiding

AM\1214172EN.docx 93/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Principles on Business and Human Rights, the ILO standards and the OECD Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises; further stresses that it needs to commit to ensuring good governance, poverty reduction, and wealth creation through sustainable investment as well as to reducing inequalities, promoting human rights and environmental standards and empowering local economies;

Or. en

Amendment 179 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12 a. Stresses the importance to ensure that the PSE is aligned with the needs of local populations and in particular of marginalized and vulnerable groups and that those are involved as project’ partners; believes that for PSE a mechanism of monitoring and evaluation of the compliance with the principles of development effectiveness is necessary;

Or. en

Amendment 180 Barry Andrews, Catherine Chabaud, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12 a. Acknowledges the value of predictable and flexible financing, including multi-annual humanitarian finance for protracted crises and

PE658.707v01-00 94/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN development aid programmes that have the capacity to adapt to unforeseen humanitarian crises;

Or. en

Amendment 181 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12 b. Urges the EU to properly assess whether existing EPAs adequately fulfil development effectiveness principles and do not diverge from trade policies of partner countries, notably regarding their priority of building regional value chains and boosting intra-continental trade; reiterates its request to have an in-depth analysis on the impact of EPAs, as well as enforceable sustainable development and human rights provisions in all currently negotiated and future EPAs;

Or. en

Amendment 182 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 c (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12 c. Stresses that to move away from a donor-recipient dynamic and to empower partner countries’ ownership of development priorities in order to deliver on sustainable development, EU development strategy frameworks must foresee concrete actions to support

AM\1214172EN.docx 95/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN increased domestic resource mobilisation in partner countries, such as supporting the fight against corruption and the development of progressive tax systems, tackling tax avoidance and evasion;

Or. en

Amendment 183 Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Welcomes the EU’s increased role deleted in leveraging private investment through the facilitation of a predictable regulatory environment in partner countries, as well as the blending of grants and loans, the provision of budget support, guarantees and technical assistance, and policy dialogues and smaller scale project grants for NGOs;

Or. en

Amendment 184 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Welcomes the EU’s increased role 13. Welcomes the use by the EU of in leveraging private investment through various development finance tools for the facilitation of a predictable regulatory poverty eradication and the achievement environment in partner countries, as well of SDGs; stresses the need for donors to as the blending of grants and loans, the prioritize grant-based financing, provision of budget support, guarantees especially to LDCs, in a context where, and technical assistance, and policy before the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, dialogues and smaller scale project grants the poorer countries were already for NGOs; spending more money on debt service

PE658.707v01-00 96/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN payments than on health services;

Or. en

Amendment 185 Miguel Urbán Crespo on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Welcomes the EU’s increased role 13. Is concerned about the EU’s in leveraging private investment through increased role in leveraging private the facilitation of a predictable regulatory investment through the blending of grants environment in partner countries, as well and loans; stresses the failure of blended as the blending of grants and loans, the finance to ensure sufficient funding and provision of budget support, guarantees deliver effective results, as proven by the and technical assistance, and policy recent study on de-risking finance; calls dialogues and smaller scale project grants for an expansion of public development for NGOs; finance.

Or. en

Amendment 186 Patrizia Toia, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Welcomes the EU’s increased role 13. Welcomes the EU’s increased role in leveraging private investment through in leveraging private investment through the facilitation of a predictable regulatory the facilitation of a predictable regulatory environment in partner countries, as well as environment in partner countries, as well as the blending of grants and loans, the the blending of grants and loans, the provision of budget support, guarantees provision of budget support, guarantees and technical assistance, and policy and technical assistance, and policy dialogues and smaller scale project grants dialogues and smaller scale project grants for NGOs; for NGOs; recommends in this regard that the EU continues to support investments targeting local markets and those with little access to financing, such as small and medium size enterprises and social

AM\1214172EN.docx 97/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN economy business models;

Or. en

Amendment 187 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13 a. Notes that the Commission foresees an increasingly prominent role for blending- guarantee mechanisms in EU development policy, at the expense of other aid modalities; stresses that while blended finance has grown rapidly, there is little evidence of its development impact, as most blended finance currently goes to middle-income countries, with only a small portion going to LDCs; underlines the critical opinion of the European Court of Auditors on the management and effectiveness of Commission's implementation of the European Fund for Sustainable Development (EFSD); accordingly, calls on the EU and its Member States to adopt a cautious approach to blended finance and ensure that all finance mobilised through blending meets development effectiveness principles;

Or. en

Amendment 188 Patrizia Toia, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

PE658.707v01-00 98/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN 13 a. Encourages the EU to keep up its efforts to support partner countries in delivering smart, targeted and adaptive policies, which can help achieve the SDGs in the most effective way; recalls in this regard the crucial role of research and development in nurturing innovation and entrepreneurship with positive spill over effects on all sectors of local economies; therefore calls on the Commission and the Member States to reinforce cooperation in R&D and to strengthen investments in strategic local production capacity, especially related to health, including for the newest bio-pharmaceutical products to enhance autonomy from global supply chains;

Or. en

Amendment 189 Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13 a. Underlines the important role of civil society organisations in identifying the needs and delivering development aid directly to the poor, underprivileged, vulnerable; calls however for enhanced coordination of assistance distributed among NGOs and other donors to secure predictability of aid and to avoid fragmentation of aid, overlapping actions as well as so-called 'aid orphans’ - countries neglected by the development community;

Or. en

Amendment 190 Charles Goerens, Stéphane Bijoux, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Barry Andrews

AM\1214172EN.docx 99/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13 a. Calls on the European Commission to reassess whether the administrative obligations to access EU funding are proportionate; deplores in that context that EU grants become increasingly inadequate and unattractive for NGOs due to requirements to limit support costs as well as due to increasing administrative and audit burdens;

Or. en

Amendment 191 György Hölvényi

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13 a. Calls on the Commission to establish a network of and engage with reliable non-governmental partners, as local civil organisation, churches, faith- based organisations and specialised Member State agencies for the implementation of smaller scale projects;

Or. en

Amendment 192 Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13 a. Reconfirms that investments in local and national infrastructure of

PE658.707v01-00 100/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN different scale for key local and national projects represents the most efficient way for aid to stimulate and enhance economic and social development for the whole population;

Or. en

Amendment 193 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13 b. Stresses the need to link debt relief measures with additional mobilisation of Official Development Aid (ODA); calls for the inclusion of multilateral and commercial debt into the G20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI); stresses the need to secure the participation of all creditors, including the World Bank and other multilateral development banks, as well as private creditors, in the DSSI and any further debt relief offers; calls for the creation of a multilateral debt workout mechanism to address both the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and the financing requirements of the Agenda 2030;

Or. en

Amendment 194 Patrizia Toia, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13 b. Draws attention to the particularly important role of training programmes for

AM\1214172EN.docx 101/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN local staff and field operators to ensure continuity for the projects supported by the EU in partner countries, thereby increasing ownership and accountability;

Or. en

Amendment 195 György Hölvényi

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13 b. Calls on the Commission to put more emphasis on local ownership and application of humanitarian-development nexus approach in protracted crises in order to secure effective addressing of needs at local level;

Or. en

Amendment 196 Antoni Comín i Oliveres

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Reiterates its request that the 14. Reiterates its request that the Council and the Member States set out a Council and the Member States set out a clear timeline for reaching the target of clear timeline for reaching the target of raising the ODA budget to 0.7 % of GNI raising the ODA budget to 0.7 % of GNI, and that the Commission present a concrete preventing volatility and a lack of stability action plan defining how additional in Member States' official development resources will be leveraged towards aid resources, and that the Commission achieving the SDGs; present a concrete action plan defining how additional resources will be leveraged towards achieving the SDGs; points out that without this sufficient and stable volume of resources agreed by the UN General Assembly in 1970 being dedicated to official development aid, it is not

PE658.707v01-00 102/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN realistic to conceive of achieving the SDGs, particularly with regard to ensuring that no one is living below the extreme poverty line.

Or. es

Amendment 197 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Reiterates its request that the 14. Reiterates its request that the Council and the Member States set out a Council and the Member States set out a clear timeline for reaching the target of clear timeline for reaching the target of raising the ODA budget to 0.7 % of GNI raising the ODA budget to 0.7 % of GNI, and that the Commission present a concrete including the international commitment action plan defining how additional of spending 0.15 to 0.2% of GNI on ODA resources will be leveraged towards to LDCs, and that the Commission present achieving the SDGs; a concrete action plan defining how additional resources will be leveraged towards achieving the SDGs; Calls for the allocation of sufficient funding for development in the 2021-2027 MFF and for at least 95 % of the expenditure under NDICI to fulfil the criteria for Official Development Assistance;

Or. en

Amendment 198 Patrizia Toia, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Reiterates its request that the 14. Reiterates its request that the Council and the Member States set out a Council and the Member States set out a clear timeline for reaching the target of clear timeline for reaching the target of raising the ODA budget to 0.7 % of GNI raising the ODA budget to 0.7 % of GNI and that the Commission present a concrete and that the Commission present a concrete

AM\1214172EN.docx 103/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN action plan defining how additional action plan defining how additional resources will be leveraged towards resources will be leveraged towards achieving the SDGs; achieving the SDGs; stresses in this regard that maintaining and, when possible, exceeding the 0.7% target for ODA is a crucial matter, notably to support those who will be disproportionately hit by the COVID-19 emergency;

Or. en

Amendment 199 Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Charles Goerens, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Reiterates its request that the 14. Reiterates its request that the Council and the Member States set out a Council and the Member States set out a clear timeline for reaching the target of clear timeline for reaching the target of raising the ODA budget to 0.7 % of GNI raising the ODA budget to 0.7 % of GNI and that the Commission present a concrete and that the Commission present a concrete action plan defining how additional action plan defining how additional resources will be leveraged towards resources will be leveraged towards achieving the SDGs; achieving the SDGs; Stresses the need to clarify the differentiation between climate funding and development aid and assistance;

Or. en

Amendment 200 Barry Andrews, Catherine Chabaud, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Reiterates its request that the 14. Stresses that the effectiveness of Council and the Member States set out a aid is no substitute for the adequacy of clear timeline for reaching the target of aid, and reiterates that the Council and the raising the ODA budget to 0.7 % of GNI Member States set out a clear timeline for

PE658.707v01-00 104/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN and that the Commission present a concrete reaching the target of raising the ODA action plan defining how additional budget to 0.7 % of GNI and that the resources will be leveraged towards Commission present a concrete action plan achieving the SDGs; defining how additional resources will be leveraged towards achieving the SDGs;

Or. en

Amendment 201 György Hölvényi

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Reiterates its request that the 14. Reiterates its request that the Council and the Member States set out a Council and the Member States set out a clear timeline for reaching the target of clear timeline for reaching the target of raising the ODA budget to 0.7 % of GNI raising the ODA budget to 0.7 % of GNI and that the Commission present a concrete considering the internal and the external action plan defining how additional economic situation, and that the resources will be leveraged towards Commission present a concrete action plan achieving the SDGs; defining how additional resources will be leveraged towards achieving the SDGs;

Or. en

Amendment 202 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14 a. Stresses the key role of official development assistance in fulfilling the development effectiveness agenda; underlines that ODA is more flexible, predictable and accountable than other flows potentially contributing to development; warns against the dilution of ODA criteria with the aim of covering expenses other than those directly linked

AM\1214172EN.docx 105/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN to promoting sustainable development in developing countries;

Or. en

Amendment 203 Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14 a. Reiterates its support for including in NDICI the following targets: 20% for social inclusion and human development and at least 85% of ODA-funded project having gender equality and women’s and girls’ rights and empowerment as a principal ora significant objective, as defined by the OECD DAC.

Or. en

Amendment 204 Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14 a. Calls for greater policy coherence for development (PCD), which seeks to ensure that no EU and Member States policies have negative effects on developing countries and contradictory objectives;

Or. en

Amendment 205 Miguel Urbán Crespo on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

PE658.707v01-00 106/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14 a. Reiterates that making aid allocation conditional on cooperation with the EU on migration or security issues is not compatible with agreed upon development effectiveness principles.

Or. en

Amendment 206 Erik Marquardt on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14 b. Notes with grave concern that the EU and Member States are currently attaching conditions to aid related to cooperation by developing countries on migration and border control efforts, which is clearly a donor concern in contradiction with key internationally agreed development effectiveness principles; recalls that aid must keep its purposes of eradicating poverty, reducing inequality, respect and support human rights and meeting humanitarian needs, and must never be conditional on migration control;

Or. en

Amendment 207 Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 b (new)

AM\1214172EN.docx 107/108 PE658.707v01-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

14 b. Stresses that development assistance plays an important role in fighting poverty, tackling inequalities and promoting development, boosting education and health systems and strengthening gender equality, therefore it should not be an instrument of pressure when it comes to environmental or migration management;

Or. en

Amendment 208 Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15

Motion for a resolution Amendment

15. Instructs its President to forward 15. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments and Commission, the governments and parliaments of the OECD Member States, parliaments of the OECD Member States, the European External Action Service, the the European External Action Service, the European Investment Bank, the European European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the World Bank Group, the African Union, the Organization for Security and Co- the Co-Chairs of the GPEDC, the UNDP operation in Europe, the World Bank and UN DESA, the OECD, and the Group, the African Union, the Co-Chairs Interparliamentary Union. of the GPEDC, the UNDP and UN DESA, the OECD, and the Interparliamentary Union.

Or. en

PE658.707v01-00 108/108 AM\1214172EN.docx EN