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The Rock, 1992 (vol. 63, no. 3)

Whittier College

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This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at Poet Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rock by an authorized administrator of Poet Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Honor Roll Edition In recognition of those who support Whittier's future HE MAA1INE 01 WH ITT IER COLLEGE I

GREETINGS FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES I am delighted to announce that a total of $4,586,103 was raised in gifts for Whittier TABLE OF CONTENTS College and Whittier Law School during the 1991-92 fiscal year. I deeply appreciate the many alumni and friends who, through their generous contributions, have chosen to Greetings from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees play a significant part in the shaping of Whittier's present and its future. The Annual Fund remained a crucial resource for the college community. This year, A Message from the President a record of $1,399,438 was raised in unrestricted support for scholarships, teaching Poet Parents: Strengthening the Whittier Experience support, campus improvements, and myriad other needs. Once again, the John Green- leaf Whittier Society provided the greatest portion of unrestricted gifts during 1991-92. Whittier College Receives $4.59 Million in Private Members of the Whittier College Board of Trustees contributed $791,829 during this Support During 199192 1 past year. Their contributions, however, are far greater than what can be measured in Total Gifts to Whittier College 1984-1992 1 dollars and cents. Through their ceaseless work for the college, these dedicated men and women are steadfast in their commitment to leading Whittier into the future while Annual Fund Giving 1984-92 1 maintaining the integrity of its heritage and values. Alumni Participation in Support of Whittier Many important corporations, foundations, and consortia (such as the Independent Colleges of Southern California) also contributed to our fund-raising success. During this last year, $1,024,205 was College 1984-92 1 received in support from these sources, which will help to provide up-to-date equipment in the sciences, new library The Class of 1962: Flying High in Year Five 1 resources, scholarships, and student loans. Many donors demonstrated their support of Whither by contributing to special programs. Groups such as the Friends Top 10 Classes-Dollars i of the Shannon Center, the Broadoaks Advisory Council, and Alianza de Los Amigos held fund-raising events that were as Top 10 Classes-Percent Participation i diverse as the causes that they support. There is much more to the story of Whittier's fund-raising achievements this past year. I invite you to read through the Class Giving and Participation Rates 1991-92 1 1991-92 Honor Roll of Donors to learn more. We are proud to recognize the many individuals who have so generously An Annual Fund Success Story: Whittier given of their time, talents, and hard earned dollars in support of the college. We honor you in the following pages, and College Calling! i the entire college community is grateful for your support. Respectfully, WHITTIER COLLEGE DONORS ( Philadelphians 2 Rayburn . Dezember '53 John Greenleaf Whittier Society 2 Trustees 2 Faculty, Staff, and Administration 2 Emeriti 2 Classes of 1917-1992 2 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Corporations 12 It is my pleasure to thank the many alumni, friends, corporations, and foundations Endowed Scholarships 12 who supported Whittier College during the 1991-92 academic year. With the help of Estates 13 those listed in this year's Honor Roll, we are taking the first steps toward preparing Foundations 13 Whittier for the 21st century. Special Friends 13 The support we raise each year is essential to augmenting the annual proceeds of Friends of Broadoaks 14 our endowment, which, at $25 million, is considered small for a college of Whittier's Friends of the Shannon Center 14 size and aspirations. Indeed, the academic programs at Whittier College have achieved Fund-Raising Consortia 14 a level of excellence usually found only in institutions with endowments exceeding Other Organizations $100 million. Our basic challenge, then, is to sustain the college's acknowledged 14 academic excellence while increasing the financial resources necessary to fuel that Parents, Current and Past 14 excellence. Whittier is addressing this challenge in several ways, most importantly by Purple & Gold 15 increasing our enrollment, improving the campus, and preparing for a major fund- VOLUNTEERS raising drive. We are taking some prudent risks and investing confidently in the college's future. Alianza de Los Amigos 15 These efforts have already started to pay dividends. During the last four fiscal years the college's fiscal health improved Alumni Association 15 substantially. Endowment rose from $13.7 million to $25 million. Our year-end financial statements have shown a surplus Board of Visitors 15 for four successive years - a very important change. Stronger financials have unquestionably helped fund raising. Impor- Broadoaks Advisory Council 15 tant examples include a $500,000 grant from the James Irvine Foundation to help the college implement its strategic plan, Broadoaks Parents Organization 16 grants of $100,000 each from the Fletcher Jones Foundation and the Ralph M. Parsons Foundation in support of the col- Emeritus Professors 16 lege's Science Equipment Fund (SEF), and a $150,000 grant from the Weingart Foundation to begin the computer- Friends of the Shannon Center Committee 16 automation of our library. Parents Committee 16 The 1991-92 year saw other visible results of our plans. Significant campus landscaping and beautification projects were Pilot Project '62 16 completed last year, and construction of a new 200-bed residence hall is under way Future proposed projects include air Class Reunion Committee 16 conditioning, carpeting, and partially refurnishing Wardman Library, as well as modest improvements to classrooms in Students 16 Hoover Hall and the Stauffer Science Building. Whittier College Women's Auxiliary 16 June 30, 1992 marked the completion of the first full year of our Faculty Masters Program, which was also made possi- ble, in part, by private contributions. Professors Archer, Rhodes, and Wadsworth, together with their spouses, brought to WHITTIER LAW SCHOOL the campus an ambitious schedule of student programs with considerable social and intellectual variety. Virtually every night at least one master's home or patio was the scene of a student-faculty event. DONORS The Board of Trustees continues to play a crucial role in Whittier's evolution. This past year we welcomed Gary Findley Dean's Circle 17 '79, Alfred Gobar '53, Barbara Groce '57, David Lizarraga, Richard Pomboy, Elden Smith '62, and Roberta Veloz '57 to the National Conference of Law Reviews 17 Board. In addition, Sharon Ettinger returned to the Board earlier this year. We are excited about the addition of these Whittier Public Interest Law Foundation 17 dynamic individuals to our Board and know that their interests and dedication will add tremendous strength to our strategic planning. VOLUNTEERS We can all be confident of a bright future if each and every individual listed in this Honor Roll remains a watchful and Alumni Association 17 involved partner in our efforts. Thank you for being a part of the caring community that is Whittier College. Alumni Scholarship Committee 17 Sincerely, Bar Admission Ceremony 17 Board of Visitors 17 Career Services 17 Ash, Jr. POET TO POET 18

POET PARENTS: STRENGTHENING THE WHITTIER EXPERIENCE Published three times per year by the Public Relations Office, the Rock presents the people, events and issues of the Whittier College community. The Rock provides alumni and friends with The Whittier College Parents Fund has become an increasingly important Contributor to the fair and balanced coverage of the traditions, visions and issues influencing the college. The College's fund-raising efforts. Although the Parents Fund has only been in existence for three years, subject matter presented in Rock articles does not necessarily imply the Rock's or the college's the college has been encouraged by its early results. In 1991-92, 393 parents contributed over endorsement, The Rock welcomes comments from its readers. Address letters to Rock Editor, $64,000 in unrestricted gifts. Whittier College, 13406 E. Philadelphia St., Whittier, California 90608. This support says a lot: the generosity of parents is a direct reflection of their son or daughter's Rock Editor Sandra Sarr experience at Whittier. The significance of parent contributions is even greater when one considers Special EdiIioa Rock Associate Editor Lisa Isaacson Poet to Poet Editor Yuko Sakamoto Hayakawa that their unrestricted gifts will touch every child who is a part of the Whittier College community, Edilorial Aesislaito Judy Browning, Jane Burbank '67, Elizabeth Householder '92, not just their own. Farzaneh R. Mostahkami As with many liberal arts colleges, tuition only covers about 70% of the cost of educating Graphic Design GraphicType, Inc. students. Like the Annual Fund, every dollar given to the Parents Fund helps lower the cost of a Plotograpky Steven Burns, Richard Cheatham Whittier education for all. This unselfish commitment by Whittier parents is greatly appreciated. Printing Beacon Press The Horror Roll is printed on 100% recycled paper. THE CLASS OF 1962: CLASS GIVING AND WHITTIER COLLEGE RECEIVES $4.59 MILLION FLYING HIGH IN YEAR FIVE PARTICIPATION RATES IN PRIVATE SUPPORT DURING 1991-92 Just a little more than four years ago, two members of 1991-1992 Gifts and grants totaling $4,586,103 were received by Whittier College for the the class of 1962, Sandra (Steele) Butzel and Alan David- year that ended June 30, 1992. This total has been surpassed only twice: The son, decided to launch a special fund-raising campaign. Dollars Participation Class Contributed Rate record, $5.88 million, was raised in 1988-89 at the height of the campaign for the Their goal was to provide students with much needed Ruth B. Shannon Center for the Performing Arts. In 1990-91, a bequest of slightly 1917 16.7% scholarships and to support Whittier's nationally recognized more than $2 million pushed that year's total to $4.87 million. 1918 faculty. We are pleased to report that Pilot Project '62 is 20.0% Two important records were set in 1991-92, however. The Annual Fund, the col- 1919 - flying high! lege's most crucial fund-raising effort, raised $1,399,438, an all-time record. Much can be said about this dynamic group of indi- 1920 - Second, expendable gifts for restricted purposes (i.e. excluding contributions to viduals made up exclusively of members of the class of 1921 80 15.4% the endowment, deferred gifts, and building gifts) also set a record with '62. Co-chairs Sandra and Alan have organized 32 hard- 1922 40 16.7% $1,049,588 received. working volunteers who are responsible for contacting their 1923 5,065 11.1% The largest portion of restricted contributions was designated for the purchase fellow classmates and urging them to make a special gift to 1924 200 9.5% of modern science equipment, one of the college's top fund-raising priorities. To the Annual Fund. 1925 1,904 42.9% meet this need, Whittier College created the Science Equipment Fund (SEF) in Starting in late 1990, Pilot Project '62 lent their support 1926 400 9.1% 1991 with an initial dollar goal of $500,000. During 1991-92, the college received to Whittier College's interest-tree Student Loan Fund, an 1927 6,651 25.4% SEF grants of $100,000 each from the Fletcher Jones Foundation, the Ralph M. important resource that helps students meet the cost of a 1928 3,378 20.0% Parsons Foundation, and a trustee. Solicitations will continue in this important Whittier education. This fund has already helped 444 stu- 1929 3,740 37.5% area with the hope to eventually establish an endowed equipment fund to provide dents. Gifts made by Pilot Project '62 were matched by a 1930 4,157 25.0% for ongoing purchases. major foundation, doubling the impact of the class contri- 1931 780 23.7% Whittier also received a grant from the National Science Foundation to connect bution. 1932 6,626 41.0% to the NSFNET, a high-speed computer network linking colleges and universities The 1992-93 year marks the final phase of this class's around the world. Access to the NSFNET will significantly improve research oppor- 1933 132,902 45.7% remarkable fund-raising opportunity. They are determined tunities for Whittier's faculty, as well as improve academic instruction on campus. 1934 25,840 47.3% to finish this campaign by adding another $30,000 to the The largest foundation grant this past year came from the James Irvine Founda- 1935 19,682 53.9% pledges they have already received for the 1992-93 year. tion. The grant, $500,000 payable over three years, is designed to assist the 1936 4,780 Whittier is very proud of their success. The entire Whit- 33.3% college in implementing its recently developed strategic plan. Specifically, it otters 1937 tier College community extends its heartfelt thanks to this 14,231 47.6% faculty incentives to enhance the teaching of introductory courses, adds a market- hardworking team! 1938 13,184 46.2% research component to the college's enrollment initiative, and provides the college 1939 10,164 42.0% with additional fund-raising capabilities. 1940 TOP 10 CLASSES 91-92 TOP 10 CLASSES 91-92 10,701 44.0% The Weingart Foundation's Student Loan Program continues to be an important *1941 by Dollars Contributed by Percent Participation 11,998 56.0% resource, enabling Whittier to provide interest-free loans to many students. The Class Dollars Class % Participation 1942 15,745 45.5% Foundation presented Whittier College with $70,030 last February, matching the 1959 $689,783 1941 56.0% 1943 39,083 48.3% amount raised from other sources for the fund during calendar 1991. Through 1958 688,566 1935 53.9% 1933 132,902 1943 48.3% 1944 5,406 38.3% June 1992, the college had raised a total of $512,610 for this important program. 1951 40,706 1937 47.6% 1945 4,995 46.6% The goal is to raise $2,413,016 for the fund by December 31, 1996, when the 1943 39,083 1934 47.3% *1946 4,857 36.1% matching opportunity ends. 1962 30,507 1945 46.6% 1947 10,803 37.3% Whittier College received an additional grant of $150,000 from the Weingart 1952 29,780 1938 46.2% Foundation to dramatically improve the operation of the Bonnie Bell Wardman 1957 26,275 1933 45.7% 1948 9,663 42.3% 1934 25,840 1942 45.5% 1949 10,982 35.2% Library. This Weingart grant will help the college begin the process of automating 1964 25,359 1955 43.0% 1950 15,862 36.4% its library. Initial work will involve converting the existing book catalog into a for- mat readable by computers. Complete library automation remains a fund-raising *1951 40,706 42.9% priority. AN ANNUAL FUND SUCCESS STORY: 1952 29,780 32.3% Whittier's development efforts were bolstered by the continued commitment of 1953 19,582 38.6% WHITTIER COLLEGE CALLING! the trustees, who contributed $791,829 this past year. While the Annual Fund 1954 14,035 31.9% received a significant portion of these gifts, trustees also supported scholarships, This year the Whittier College Annual Fund raised 1955 11,456 43.0% more than $429,000 from 3,764 alumni donors, 488 of the Weingart Loan Fund program, the Science Equipment Fund, a lecture series on *1956 10,926 39.2% whom were first-time supporters. This marks an the role of Judaism in the modern world, and countless other programs on 1957 26,275 increase over the previous year in the number of alumni 34.7% campus. donors who supported this vital fund. Why did Whittier 1958 688,566 33.9% Planned gifts continued to increase in importance to the college's overall fund- College receive increased alumni support during a year 1959 689,783 29.8% raising program. Indeed, the largest gift received by the college during the in which many colleges faced decreases? The answer 1960 6,704 33.2% 1991-92 year was a unitrust valued at approximately $1.3 million. This thoughtful can be found in the quality of the communication 1961 4,805 29.2% gift was made by Bert '59 and Sharon (Rosson) '58 Newman. between Whittier College and its alumni. 1962 30,507 19.0% Total Gifts to Whittier College At a time when daily routine communication is 1963 13,916 35.4% 6 $5.88 becoming more impersonal, more electronic, and more 1984-92 1964 25,359 17.6% computerized, Whittier College is trying to maintain the 5 (in millions) $4.87 1965 20,173 34.7% $4.45 $4.59 unique and personal relationship with its alumni that $4.06 *1966 8,974 30.8% 4 $3.87 .$4.05 began when they were students at Whittier. The Whittier 1967 9,549 31.9% College Student Phonathon program is a shining 3 example of this. 1968 9,518 32.5% $1.87 This phonathon is managed and run almost entirely 1969 8,577 27.4% 2 by current Whittier students. Student phonathon man- 1970 5,508 25.4% agers hire, train, and supervise their peers who then act *1971 6,220 24.5% as ambassadors to Whittier alumni. Although the pri- 1972 7,914 29.0% 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 mary purpose of the Student Phonathon is to raise 1973 8,261 26.7% Alumni and other %i.i Trustees Foundations, corporations unrestricted contributions for the college, the program 1974 5,601 23.4% Individuals and Consortia is a perfect opportunity for alumni to catch up on the 1975 4,365 25.9% latest campus news. Students are encouraged to talk *1976 6,312 19.2% - Annual Fund Giving 1.4 with alumni about the college rather than just "get the 1984-92 $1.306 $1.399 1977 4,271 19.9% $1.232 pledge and move on." 1.2 - (in millions) 1978 3,772 $1117 Twice each year, during the fall and spring semes- 20.0% $1007 $1009 $1066 ters, students gather for a few weeks to share Whittier 1979 5,802 28.8% 1.0 experiences and stories with alumni throughout the 1980 3,952 26.4% .8 *1981 2,362 United States. While the call may begin as a conversa- 16.2% .6 tion between two strangers, in short order the Whittier 1982 1,600 20.5% connection is made and a bond is formed. At the con- 1983 3,086 22.5% .4 clusion of the call (regardless of the outcome) the 1984 1,892 19.7% .2 good-byes are shared by two friends. 1985 1,740 18.0% The impact the phonathon program has on the *1986 1,617 14.2% 1984-85 III1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 Annual Fund is significant. Of the 3,764 alumni who 1987 2,064 19.7% made gifts in support of the 1991-92 Annual Fund, 50%- Alumni Participation 1988 1,938 16.4% 45% 2,837 (75.4%) made their gifts because of the pho- In Support of Whittier College 1989 2,093 19.9% 40% nathon. Even more impressive is the fact that of the 488 - 1984-92 1990 1,113 15.0% 35% new alumni donors, 444 of them made first-time gifts 30% - 30.2% 295% 281% 28.2% - 24.6% 257% 26.2% after speaking to a student caller. 1991 5,849 17.1% 25% 23.8% Whittier College wishes to thank all of the alumni 1992 95 1.2% 20% 15% who welcomed our telephone calls so enthusiastically, * Denotes Reunion Class Years who shared a few moments of their time with our stu- 10% 5% dents, and who responded with a pledge. ililil i l 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 HONOR ROLL - CLASS OF 1924

DONORS Mills, Mr. Garth '78 Whitaker, Dr. James 0, McDermont, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde F Pacesetters Mooschekian, Mr. J. Terrence '68 Yoder, Mrs. June A. McFerran, Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Adams, Dr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Myers, Mrs. Becky Benefactors McNulty, Mr. Paul D. Dury, Dr. Carl G. PHILADELPHIANS Myers, Mr. R. Chandler Christiansen, Mr. and Mrs. John A. McPeek, Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Fairbanks, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Whittier College has established a Nelson, Mrs. Louise Deihl, Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Michelena, Mr. Nestor A. Hanson, Dr. A. Warren very special group known as the (Schwellenbach) 52 Galbraith, Mr. C. Raymond Milbank, Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Harvey, Dr. Richard B. Philadelphians. Membership is Newman, Mrs. Sharon (Rosson) '58 Gobar, Drs. Alfred and Sally Miller, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Ibrahim, Dr. Hilmi M. limited to those alumni and friends Newman, Mr. W. D. Bert '59 Marumoto, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Minor, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Kittle, Mrs. Harriet E. of the college who have thoughtfully Palmer, Mrs. Marie L. (Lindahl) '42 McPherson, Dr. Harry M. Moody, Mr. and Mrs. George F McIntosh, Jr., Mr. Bedford D. made an estate commitment or have Patton, Mrs. Blanche S. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chandler Moore, Mr. Floyd S. Nelson, Mrs. Christine E. (Reel) '72 entered into a life contract with the Pawell, Mrs. Virginia (Warren) '51 Owens, Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Moorhead, Mr. and Mrs. Tolbert B. Nobert, Dr. Frances college. These friends have Peck, Mr. Byram E. Palmer, Mrs. Marie L. Mueller, Miss Jane Price, Dr. Joseph L. supported excellence in education Peden, Mr. Leonard '59 Pierno, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Muller, Dr. and Mrs. Godfrey A. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Fritz during their lifetimes and have Perry, Dr. R. James '35 Shepherd, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Willard W. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Stryker, Mrs. Norma A. (Verdugo) '89 chosen to make ultimate gift Perry, Mr. Robert Edwin '58 Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Myer, Mr. and Mrs. Earl B. Wadsworth, Dr. William provisions to continue their support Pierce, Miss Esther Fellows Newsom, Dr. and Mrs. W. Roy Wagner, Dr. Judith Plummer, Mr. Mike '70 Nicholson, Mrs. Ruth E. after death. Such exemplary Al, Mr. Steven C. Associates Plummer, Mrs. Sharon (Clayton) '70 Nolan, Dr. and Mrs. Charles dedication to Whittier College Anonymous Alumna '28 Arcadi, Dr. John A. '46 Pressey, Mr. Edwin '31 Ott, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. is deeply appreciated. Arrambide, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bell, Dr. Priscilla Pressey, Mrs. Margaret (Larson) '33 Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alcorn, Mr. Max B. Ash, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. James L. Burbank, Miss Jane '67 Robinson, Mrs. Margaret L. Patton, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Allen, Mrs. Thelma V. (Sprague) '43 Ash, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. James L. Cheatham, Mr. Richard B. '68 (Lautrup) '37 Pearce, Mrs. Susan Bailey, Mrs. Katie Bailey, Jr., Dr. Carlos A. deVries, Mr. Jack H. Robinson, Mr. Newton P. '37 Perry, Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Bailey, Mr. Robert Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Farmer, Mrs. Ann D. (Dahlstrom) '56 Ruxton, Mr. Edward II '44 Piani, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Barr, Mrs. Barbara (Morse) '44 Ballore, Mrs. Made Faye Furman, Dr. Wendy A. Sandison, Mr. William '53 Pomboy, Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Basye, Mrs. Granville Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Jacobs, Mr, Dave Schroeder, Mrs. Nina (Brock) '52 Prince, Dr. and Mrs. Allan B. Belben, Mrs. E. Joanne (Brown) '34 Beeson, Dr. Roberta J. Locker, Mr. Douglas S. '79 Schulze, Mr. Don Rau, Mr. Robert H. Blackburn, Mrs. Elsa Bender, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Praetorius, Dr. H. Michael Schulze, Mrs. Ruby '84 Rhone, Mr. and Mrs. David L. Blalock, Mrs. Charlotte (Roe) '52 Bernard, Mr. Frank E. Radisich, Dr. Paula R. Scott, Mrs. Aldine (Hunter) '30 Richardson, Mrs. Shirley J. Blalock, Mr. Gerald Bewley, Mrs. Marian K. Volckmann, Dr. David Scott, Mr. Malcolm Robinson, Jr., Mr. C. W. Bond, Mrs. Winifred Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Williams, Ms. Jan M. (Galitz) Shafer, Mr. M. William '50 Robinson, Mrs. Laura Akley Booker, Mr. Michael '75 Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Gene M. Shannon, Jr., Mr. E. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Newton P. Bradshaw, Mrs. Wanda (Gossen) '47 Blackman, Mr. Lee L. Alden, Mr. Scott Shannon, Mrs. Ruth B. Rockwell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F Bray, Mrs. Barbara (Thomas) '50 Blechen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Archer, Dr. Richard L. Shapiro, Mr. C. Joel '64 Roebling, Ms. Mary G. Bush, Mrs. Kathryn (McKinney) '55 Blinde, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Blackman, Mrs. Araxy E. (Ekhsigian) Small, Mr. Malcolm Chalmers Rosenberger, Dr. and Mrs. Homer G. Caldera, Mr. Manuel R. Blystone, Mr. and Mrs. F Lynn Breese, Dr. Donald H. Snyder, Mr. Larry A. '50 Ruxton II, Mr. Edward Casjens, Mr. Carlton '49 Brenner, Mr. and Mrs. Donald I. Browning, Mrs. Judith K. Snyder, Mrs. Zilpha K. (Keatley) '48 Sagan, Mr. Bruce Chamberlain, Mrs. Ruth M. Browning, Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Cramer, Miss Deborah R. '90 Spicer, Mrs. Helen Sattler, Mr. and Mrs. George A. (Sundbye) '40 Brumby, Mr. Gary Dispas, Ms. Christine Starkey, Mrs. Beverly Saunders, Mrs. Carol I. Chester, Mr. Thomas M. '55 Buck, Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Dmohowski, Mr. Joseph F Starkey, Mr. James '59 Schroeder, Mrs. Nina Christiansen, Mr. John A. '42 Burger, Ms. E. Suzanne Doody, Mr. Kevin J. Stokes, Mrs. Mariam (Swope) '40 Schultz, Mrs. LaVerna F Christiansen, Mrs. Ruth R. Butzel, Mrs. Sandra S. Gipple, Mrs. Ann A. Strain, Dr. Roy Q. '27 Scott, RAdm. and Mrs. John A. (DeVries) '42 Calderon, Senator Charles M. Goldberg, Dr. Stephen R. Swindler, Mrs. Dorothy Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey C. Claxton, Mr. Myron '40 Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray T. Guthrie, Ms. Wendy J. '91 Swindler, Brig. Gen. Leland '16 Shields, Mr. Larry P. Claxton, Mrs. Nancy Carson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Hunt, Dr. David P. Tanaka, Mrs. Jean Shively, Mrs. Wilma G. Conant, Mrs. Shirley (Davis) '59 Carson, Sr., Mr. Eugene G. Ingersoll, Miss Stephanie F '91 Tanaka, Mr. Togo Shonborn, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam A. Connick, Dr. C. Milo Carter, Mr. John V. Isaacson, Ms. Lisa Tashima, Miss Marie '50 Smith, Mrs. Barbara L. Cooper, Mrs. Marcia (Hall) '68 Cauffman, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lagan, Dr. Seamus Thomas, Mr. William '57 Smith, Mr. and Mrs. ElIson F Cosand, Dr. Joseph P. '36 Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Lame, Dr. Charles R. Tregoe, Dr. Benjamin '51 Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Cross, Mr. Christopher '62 Clift, Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert McBride, Dr. Michael J. Tregoe, Mrs. Jeannette Soeberg, Mrs. Dorothy Curtis, Mr. Gordon '52 Cofer, Ms. Gail Nerio, Ms. Maureen G. Tunison, Mrs. Elizabeth (Lamb) '43 Stambaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Damgaard, Mrs. Evelyn (Vawter) '52 Collins, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. James F O'Brien, Dr. Philip M. '61 Vincent, Mrs. Louise Starkey, Mr. and Mrs. James E. DeNoyer, Miss Viola M. '40 Corey, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stanley O'Connor, Dr. Lucy A. Wilkes, Rev. 0. Magee '49 Strawn, Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Dickerson, Miss G. Elizabeth '32 Cosand, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Olson, Dr. Emelie Winnburg, Mr. Frank '38 Taylor, Ms. Jean T. Dreese, Mrs. Rebecca Craggs, Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Park, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson G. Wolin, Dr. Bonnie (Orenchak) '69 Toxby, Mr. Peter (Dezember) '78 Crews, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Phillips, Mr. Gregory A. Wolin, Mr. Jonathan Treser, Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Dukes, Mr. Fred '47 Cross, Mr. Christopher T. Pigott, Mr. James P. '80 Tunison, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Crosser, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Pompey, Mrs. Kathleen H. Durham, Mrs. Ruth Esther Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Crow, Dr. and Mrs. John H. Reeg, Dr. Charles F (Fisher) '37 JOHN GREENLEAF Turner, Dr. and Mrs. Gary D. Evans, Mrs. Peggygene Dye, Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Rhodes, Dr. Dallas D. WHITTIER SOCIETY Waltzer, Mrs. Jennifer A. Fazakaerly, Dr. Jack Ehlers, Mr. and Mrs. John F Robison, Rev. Klane E. Weed, Mrs. Beulah A. Fowler, Mrs. Joan Giving Levels: Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. David Shields, Mr. Gordon G. West III, Mr. George 0. Fox, Mr. George A. President's Council $10,000 or more Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Sloan, Mr. David L. White, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Benefactors $ 5,000 to $9,999 Erler III, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Smith, Ms. Donna M. Francis, Mrs. Joan Woehrmann, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F Gibbs, Mrs. Ethel Fellows $ 1,000 to $4,999 Ernenwein, Mr. Robert S. Thomas, Mrs. Kim Wood, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Eshilian, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Topjon, Mrs. Ann (Johnson) Gibbs, Mr. J. Robert '33 Members of the John Greenleaf Wulfsberg, Dr. Richard L. Ettinger, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Richard P Valenzuela, Mrs. Terrie Goerg, Mrs. Esther Whittier Society share a common Yocam, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. John Vick, Miss Mary Ellen Grant, Mr. Edward K. goal: to support Whittier College in its Youngquist, Mr. and Mrs. V. Richard Grasty, Mr. George Findley, Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Visser, Mr. Kenneth J. mission to provide a distinctive high Zee, Mr. lien P. Woirol, Dr. Gregory R. Gray, Mrs. Margaret (Short) '31 quality college education. These Fitzgerald, Dr. and Mrs. James P. Yocum, Dr. Glenn E. Gregory, Mr. Wilbur special friends join with the college in Flanders, Dr. and Mrs. Eric Groce, Mrs. Barbara (Ondrasik) '57 understanding the value of the Florence, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. TRUSTEES Groce, Dr. David Ford, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Benson intellectual quest, the use of reason, Bailey, Mr. Robert G. EMERITI Guithues, Mrs. Bette Smith Forte, Ms. Kathryn M. and a respect for values. Ball, Mrs. Dolores Lautrup '33 (Kessler) '44 Fukushima, Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. JGWS The support from the John Greenleaf Connick, Dr. C. Milo Hall, Mrs. Shirley Gabrellian, Mr. Sarkis Browning, Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Whittier Society helps the college Crow, Dr. John H. '64 Harding, Dr. Janie (Jones) '66 Gad, Dr. and Mrs. Shayne C. Connick, Dr. C. Milo educate students in a small college Dezember, Mr. Rayburn S. '53 Harris, Mr. Clint '34 Guirado, Hon. Edward J. Dean, Dr. John F atmosphere in the context of a Ettinger, Jr., Mrs. Richard P. Hartley, Mrs. Barbara (Baker) '46 (Deceased) Grasty, Mr. George M. diverse, friendly and caring Feinberg, Mr. Sheldon Hawkins, Miss Verda M. '38 Hall, Mrs. Janice M. Newsom, Dr. and Mrs. W. Roy '34 community. Ferguson, Mr. Douglas W. Tunison, Mrs. Elizabeth L. (Lamb) '43 Hempenius, Mr. Gerald Edward '56 Halvorson, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Findley, Mr. Gary S. '79 Higgins, Rev. Paul L. '42 It is with sincere appreciation that Hammond, Lt. Col, Robert H. Sponsors Whittier College expresses its Fusco, Mrs. John A. Hodge, Mrs. Marian Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Gobar, Dr. Alfred Nerhood, Dr. Harry gratitude to all members of the John J. '53 Holton, Mrs. Betty J. Hartley, Mrs, Barbara B. Groce, Mrs. Barbara A. Associates Greenleaf Whittier Society for their Hooper, Mrs. Nancy (Wells) '63 Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F (Ondrasik) '57 Ochse, Dr. Orpha support and friendship. Hunting, Mr. Martin Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Harris, Mr. Clinton 0. '34 Hunting, Mrs. Wanda (Stedman) '43 Hathaway, Mr. and Mrs. Julian I. Harris, Jr., Mr. Willard V. '55 Godfrey, Mr. John Ireland, Mrs. Caroline (Patterson) '43 1991-92 MEMBERSHIP Hathaway, Mrs. Nadine Ireland, Mrs. Caroline (Patterson) '43 Harris, Dr. Lester L. James, Dr. Lois E. '40 ROSTER Heinrichs, Dr. and Mrs. Chris N. Kewish, Mr. Wesley R. Kim, Dr. Ha-Tai Jennings, Ms. Norma President's Council Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Lizarraga, Mr. David C. McEwen, Dr. Gilbert D. Jessup, Mr. Merrill G. '53 Anonymous Parents Hill, Mr. Mason L. Marshburn, Dr. Theodore F '51 Spaulding, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Jordon, Mrs. Vivian (Van Hellen) '33 Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. (Deceased) Marumoto, Mr. William H. '57 Juday, Mrs. Katherine (Balden) '30 Ball, Mrs. Dolores Lautrup Hill, Mrs. Mason L. Milbank, Mr. Michael P. '65 Juday, Dr. Lynn '32 Blalock, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Hockett, Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell, Mr. James E. '62 CLASS OF 1917 Kegler, Mrs. Jean (Bassett) '38 Connick, Dr. C. Milo House, Dr. Howard P Myers, Mr. R. Chandler JGWS Kegler, Dr. John '38 Connick, Mrs. Genevieve C. Howard, Mrs. Dorothy B. Owens, Mr. Lee E. Marshburn, Mr. Oscar 0. Kelly, Mr. John '51 (Deceased) Howard, Dr. Leslie L. Pierno, Mr. Anthony R. '54 Kim ber, Mrs. Mary (Coffin) '18 Dean, Dr. and Mrs. John F Imparato, Dr. and Mrs. Bruno Pomboy, Mr. Richard M. King, Miss Ethel '18 Dezember, Mr. and Mrs. Rayburn S. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Shannon, Jr., Mrs, E. L. CLASS OF 1918 Smith, Mr. Elden L. '62 Kinsey, Mrs. Connie Feinberg, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Associates Taki, Mr. Tomb Kinsey, Dr. Douglas Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Jessup, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill G. Kimber, Mrs. Mary C. (Coffin) Knighton, Mrs. Marjorie (Hildreth) '34 Fusco, Dr. and Mrs. John A. Johnson, Mrs. Penelope A. Tanaka, Mr. logo W. Kolina, Mr. Bruce '67 Grasty, Mr. George M. Juday, Dr. and Mrs. Lynn R. Tregoe, Dr. Benjamin B. '51 Kountz, Jr., Mr. William '56 Groce, Dr. and Mrs. David E. Kavinoky, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trotter, Jr., Mrs. George E. '47 CLASS OF 1921 Kurth, Miss Virginia '53 Haendiges, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kehoe, Mrs. Helen M. Veloz, Ms. Roberta G. (Garrett) '57 Wood, Mr. Donald E. Johns, Mrs. Mildred (Jackson) Langston, Miss Gene '35 Harris, Mr. Clinton 0. Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Webster, Mrs. Dorothea (Fouke) Larkinson, Mr. Gwendolyn (Smith) '29 Ireland, Mrs. Caroline P. Kettenbach, Mr. Michael L. Ling, Miss Carmel A. '33 Kewish, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Kiesel, Mr. Paul R. Linsky, Mr. Grant '81 Knox, Dr. and Mrs. Warren B. FACULTY, STAFF, AND Lizarraga, Mr. and Mrs. David C. ADMINISTRATION CLASS OF 1922 Lovejoy, Ms. Daunn '60 Marshburn, Dr. and Mrs. Theodore F = Kolliner, Mr. and Mrs. Max G. Gay, Mrs. Frances H. (Hipkins) Mann, Dr. David M. '64 McFarland, Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Laramore, Mr. Louis F JGWS Henley, Rev. William F. Mann, Mrs. Sherrill R. (Cartt) '64 Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Laulhere, Mrs. B. M. Ash, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. James L. Marks, Mrs. Carolyn (White) '88 Newman, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bert Lauritzen, Mr. and Mrs. John Forte, Ms. Kathryn M. Marks, Dr. Robert B. Perry, Dr. and Mrs. R. James Little, Mr. and Mrs. Munson W. Gobar, Dr. Sally A. (Randall) '55 CLASS OF 1923 Howard, Dr. Leslie L. '62 McCloskey, Mrs. Verna Randolph, Dr. and Mrs. Carl L. Lorne, Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas JGWS Pearce, Mrs. Susan McFarland, Mr. Lee Sewell, Mr. Alan R. Lund, Mr. Alan H. McPherson, Dr. Harry M. McFarland, Mrs. Ruth Shannon, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Macaulay, Dr. and Mrs. Francis V. Treser, Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Turner, Mrs. Janet C. (Dunham) '55 McNulty, Mr. Paul D. '76 Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Elden L. Macias, Mr. Brian A. Hose, Mrs. Helen K. (Knudson) McPherson, Or Harry '23 Taki, Mr. Tomb Manning, Mrs. Eleanor M. Sponsors Melnik, Dr. Seymour Tanaka, Mr. and Mrs. Togo W. Maple, Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Carlyle, Mrs. Irene V. Meyer, Miss Laurel '48 Tregoe, Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin B. Mardirossian, Mr. Garo Gothold, Dr. Stephen A. '63 CLASS OF 1924 Marshburn, Mr. Oscar 0. Miller, Mrs. Jean (McWhorter) '29 Trotter, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George Ortiz, Mr. Martin '48 Buckmaster, Mrs. Wilma E. (Sutton) McCloskey, Dr. and Mrs. Chester M. Miller, Mrs. Mary (McGraw) '33 Veloz, Ms. Roberta G. White, Mrs. Shirley P. (Plummer) '47 Tubbs, Mrs. Ethel L. (Landreth)

Key to support groups: JGWS: $1,000 or more Sponsors: $500 -$999 Pacesetters: $250— $499 Associates: $125 —$249 CLASS OF 1925 - 41 3

Coffin, Mrs. Carol C. (Combs) Richardson, Mrs. Shirley J. (Vitt) Bennett, Mrs. Dorothy E. (Reddick) CLASS OF 1925 CLASS OF 1931 Harris, Mr. C. Richard Robinson, Mrs. Margaret L. (Lautrup) Blair, Mrs. Ruth H. (Haendiges) Sponsors Associates Hutchison, Mrs. Wren R. (Rucker) Robinson, Mr. Newton P. Boyer, Mrs. Helene Sue (vanLeersum) Morris, Mr. Roy C. Huber, Mrs. Margaret C. (Cosand) Jobe, Mr. Gail Rosenberger, Mrs. Alice M. (Martin) Chidester, Mr. Richard S. Pacesetters Ostlie, Mrs. Maribelle (Dyer) Jobe, Mrs. Ola F (Welch) Smith, Mrs. Barbara L. (Little) Doggett, Mrs. Elisabeth L. (Langdon) Compton, Mrs. Gladys I. (Foster) Layne, Mrs. Fay M. (Connell) Sponsors Doring, Miss Dorothy L. Compton, Mr. John L. Clough, Mrs. Jessie S. (Sanborn) Mangan, Mrs. Enid J. (Terpstra) Durham, Mrs. Ruth Esther (Fisher) DuPrez, Mrs. Virginia H. (Hoskins) Eckels, Mrs. Ethel D. (Koontz) Crumly, Mrs. Florence B. (Binford) Netzley, Mrs. Helen M. (McClean) Gardner, Mr. Paul H. Fobes, Mrs. Margaret H. (Hathaway) Weightman, Mr. Matthew U. Fox, Mrs. Maxine R. (Howard) Schubert, Mrs. Lois J. (Jessup) Shively, Mrs. Wilma G. (Pemberton) Gervenack, Mrs. Dora H. (Hobson) Wood, Mr. 0. Keith Associates Gearhart, Mrs. Lucile W. Pacesetters Jochimsen, Mrs. Bette M. (Elliott) (Shackelford) Spaulding, Mrs. Sarah S. (Slocum) Drury, Dr. Robert B. Johnson, Mrs. Helen F (Murchison) Girardin, Mr. Emile A. Avery, Mrs. Beatrice S. (Stanley) Votaw, Mr. Roy C. Parminter, Mr. E. Burton Martin, Mrs. Lorna McLean Kreizinger, Miss Marcella C. Bumgardner. Miss Mabel M. Mooney, Mrs. Dorothy S. (Sheets) Casper, Mrs. Marian E. (Collins) Schmidt, Mrs. Catherine G. (Grace) Behnke, Dr. Albert R. Leonhardt, Mrs. R. Betty (Charles) Morrison, Dr. Donald E. Church, Mrs. Winifred D. (Davies) Williams, Mrs. Juanita Ott Hatch, Ms. Ethel E. Lewis, Mrs. Sybil B. (Baker) Naureckas, Mrs. Alma L. (Furman) Farrar, Mrs. Evelyn H. (Hilgenfeld) Associates Lee, Ms. Mildred V Martin, Mr. J. Mark Nygaard, Mr. Hans F Moore, Mrs. Alice E. (Eckerman) Harris, Mr. Richard F Holton, Mrs. Margaret L. (Lawrence) Nygaard, Mrs. Mildred M. (Moss) Lewis, Mrs. Mary Phoebe (Foster) Hawkins, Mr. Kenneth S. Hutchison, Mr. Elvin Phillips, Mrs. Mary M. (Mead) Pryor, Mrs. Eleanor M. (McCully) Reid, Mrs. Mary Jo (Walling) Wirth, Mrs. Madeleine T. (Todd) Henke, Mrs. Margaret E. (Maurer) Jenkins, Miss Sarah J. Ritchey, Rev. William H. Hutchison, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Lowe, Mrs. Alice E. (Darling) Saville, Mrs. Nellie A. (Daniels) CLASS OF 1926 (Brewer) North, Mr. Arthur H. Sciutto, Mrs. Leila A. (Glover) CLASS OF 1932 Ormsby, Mrs. Flossie (Hoffman) Sechrist, Dr. W. T. Pacesetters Rich, Mr. Ralph D. Arns, Mrs. Norma D. (Dell) Polk, Mrs. Frances A. (Hunnicutt) JGWS Stokes, Mrs. Mary Ann (Munroe) Baker, Mr. Cecil E. Simmons, Dr. Harry 0. Bruce, Mrs. Genevieve E. (Joy) Tindill, Mr. Charles A. Hathaway, Mrs. Julian I. (Bewley) Thomson, Mr. Richard A. Bruce, Mr. Gerald E. Towner, Mrs. Nobu (Bessho) Cupp, Dr. Easter E. White, Mrs. C. V (Bayley) Castle, Mrs. Catherine H. (Henry) Yerian, Mr. Eugart W. Juday, Dr. Lynn R. Tucker, Mrs. Eleanor A. (Brooks) McDermont, Mr. Clyde F Young. Mrs. Louise H. (Hadley) Ebert, Mrs. Marion L. (Pfister) Valentine, Mrs. Evelyn B. (Cravens) Moorhead, Mr. Tolbert B. Falterman, Mrs. Margaret W. (Cook) Giffen, Mr. Bruce L. CLASS OF 1927 Pacesetters CLASS OF 1935 Hatcher, Mrs. Ellen L. (Linsley) Marron, Mrs. Frances K. (Kranz) CLASS OF 1940 JGWS JGWS Houpt, Mrs. Margaret J. (Jenkins) Robinson, Mrs. Laura Akley Patterson, Sr., Mr. Frank W. JGWS Arrambide, Mr. John L. Kugler, Mrs. Lorna Todd Clift, Mr. J. Robert Sponsors Pickering, Mrs. Mary Fae (Moffett) Robertson, Mrs. Lucy D. (Irwin) Pickering, Mr. Seth C. Kemp, Mr. Charles B. Craggs, Mr. D. E. Bogle, Mrs. Esther T. (Tomlinson) Scott, Mrs. Elizabeth C. (Carter) Templin, Mrs. Male C. (Caldwell) Perry, Dr. R. James Henderson, Mr. Donald E. Price, Miss Ruth M. Soeberg, Mrs. Dorothy P. (Petty) Shively, Mrs. Lulu M. (Mings) Associates McCloskey, Dr. Chester M. Pyle, Mrs. Randolph (Pearson) Sponsors Tebbs, Mr. Daniel D. Stephens, Mrs. Clara M. (Janeway) Balch, Mr. William C. Tebbs, Mrs. Grace H. (Price) Sponsors Bailey, Mr. J. Harold Claxton, Mr. Myron D. Pacesetters Bosio, Mr. Joseph F Wedge, Mrs. Gena (Gasponi) Nelson, Mr. Donald M. Kerr, Mrs. Carolyn H. (Holloway) Cusick, Mrs. Alice G. (Saunders) Hahn, Mrs. Mary-Virginia (Platt) Whisenhunt, Mrs. Rachel I. (Thomas) Scanlon, Mr. Charles C. Pacesetters Yerger, Mrs. Alta Mae (Magoon) Lund Klatt, Dr. Johanna E. Kranz, Mrs. Esther N. (Hamburg) Christopher, Mr. John J. Vincent, Mr. Russell P. Associates Davies, Mr. Conley M. Associates Wilson, Mr. Dean R. Bell, Mrs. Helen Jessup Dismuke, Mrs. Mabel E. (Springer) Alger, Mrs. Vera H. (Holloway) CLASS OF 1938 Woodward, Mr. Leland S. Votaw, Mrs. Roy C. (Trueblood) Heagren, Mrs. Elizabeth S. (Sawyer) Caylor, Mrs. Dorthea I. (Irwin) JGWS Pacesetters Jones, Mrs. Virginia M. (Merithew) Curran, Mrs. Leona Ott Galbraith, Mr. C. Raymond Christopher, Mrs. Madolyn E. Fink, Mrs. Wilma I. (Goe-Olsen) Maxson, Mr. John E. Draper, Mrs. Phyllis F (Follett) Hockett, Mrs. Julia (York) (McKenzie) Fisher, Mrs. Mildred C. (Dack) Mifflin, Mrs. Maxine L. (Eltringham) Draper, Mr. William C. Sponsors Cojerean, Mrs. Alice L. (Lembke) Rambaud, Ms. Emilienne Mifflin, Mr. William 0. Glasgow, Mrs. Maria-Rae (Ross) Cox, Mrs. Alva H. (Munson) Herbert, Mr. Malcolm D. Rohrbough, Mr. Stan R. Miller, Dr. Edward R. Husong, Mrs. Ethel A. (Alexander) Lingo, Mrs. Gertrude M. (Mowry) Rosenbury, Miss Dorothy E. Cox, Jr., Mr. Irving E. Pash, Mrs. Helen Kinnear (Kinnear) Phillips, Mr. Harry W. Wilson, Mr. Wayne C. Nichols, Mr. Albert C. Scott, Mrs. Louise G. (McGlenn) Triggs, Mrs. Jewel H. (Houghton) Phillips, Mrs. Mildred H. (Hatch) Temple, Mr. William B. Pacesetters Associates Troutner, Mrs. Jane M. (McMurray) Shonborn, Mrs. Frances A. Bullock, Mr. Ralph (Kingston) Arthur, Mrs. Joy F (Fossum) Bateman, Mrs. Ruth R. (Railsback) Cooper, Jr., Mr, Charles E. Swain, Mrs. Margaret A. (Mortensen) DeMoulpied, Mrs. Alice A. CLASS OF 1928 Ekholm, Mrs. Margaret B. (Brewster) CLASS OF 1933 Takahashi, Mrs. Ruth Y. (Fukushima) (Pemberton) Hawkins, Miss Verda M. JGWS JGWS Elkinton, Mr. Robert H. Kegler, Mrs. Jean B. (Bassett) Anonymous Alumna Ball, Mrs. Dolores Lautrup Berger, Mrs. Elsie M. (Beckwith) Fertig, Mrs. Nelle R. (Shuler) Kegler, Dr. John D. Guirado, Hon. Edward J. Moorhead, Mrs. Virginia K. (Keasbey) Buchanan, Mrs. Lucile Pease Fertig, Dr. Norman R. Wicker, Mr. Monte (Deceased) Rockwell, Mr. Robert F Chambers, Miss Ruth E. Hollingsworth, Mrs. Dorothy L. Pacesetters Sponsors Chisler, Mr. George F Associates Houghton, Mrs. Jean (Merritt) Smith, Mrs. Lyle S. (Schroeder) Krueger, Mr. Howard E. Fantz, Mrs. Ruth E. (Olston) Brown, Mrs. Dorothy Pfeiffer Kennedy, Mr. Donald L. Associates Valle, Mrs. Adella H. (Hayes) Gaudio, Dr. Joseph E. DeMoulpied, Mr. Richard A. Reese, Mr. Robert B. Ockerman, Mr. J. Philip Wineinger, Mr. Eugene 0. Barmore, Mrs. Miriam P. (Pearson) Pacesetters Hannon, Mrs. Henry E. (Coppock) Hoisington, Mr. Homer R. Schaub, Mrs. Audrey N. (Nalewaja) Wineinger, Mrs. Margaret N. Cosand, Mr. Paul K. Bewley, Dr. Fred W. Hooper, Mrs. Ruth E. (Irwin) Sinatra, Jr., Mr. Frank (Nicholson) Rexroth, Mrs. Melva W. (Wildman) Gibbs, Mr. J. Robert Jenkins, Ms. Marian Winnburg, Mr. Frank E. Groom, Mr. Claude A. Kendle, Mr. Charles B. Angelsen, Mrs. Isabel M. Clevenger, Mrs. Louise C. (Holton) Krueger, Jr., Mr. William F Kettler, Mrs. Phyllis P. (Plummer) Baldwin, Mrs. Margaret E. (Myers) (McCormac) Cooney, Mr. Arthur B. Associates Estep, Mrs. Irene (Compton) McAlister, Mrs. Carol N. (Nelson) Clark, Mrs. Joyce Brown Baker, Mr. Richard E. Corwin, Mr. Ralph G. MacRill, Mrs. Mary M. (McMurray) McAlister, Mr. William V Clemens, Mrs, Virginia R. (Reed) Barmore, Mr. Ralph A. Goldman, Mr. Max L. Millican, Mrs. Mary H. (Hurt) McElfresh, Mr. Samuel E. Corneliussen, Mrs. Virginia G. Bly, Mrs. Dorothy D. (Day) Netzley, Mr. Byron L. Titzell, Mrs. Jayne C. (Cunningham) Nabors, Mrs. Dorothy M. (Davidson) (Garretson) Brunson, Mr. Edward R. Stevens, Mr. Virgil C. Webster, Mrs. Doris B. (Bayard) Shepley, Mr. Joseph N. Dahlitz, Mr. Walter M. Cooter, Mrs. Edith P (Jordan) Siegmund, Mr. Carl F Ebermayer, Mrs. Harriett C. (Cooper) Crossan, Dr. Robert D. Atwill, Mrs. Mary D. (Dixon) Smith, Mrs. Margaret C. (Cederquist) Galbraith, Mrs. Virginia B. (Ball) Davis, Mrs. Ruth W. (Wilson) CLASS OF 1929 Bennett, Mrs. Elizabeth M. (Millard) Sowers, Mrs. Edward F (Price) Hughes, Mrs. Margaret 0. (Bennett) Gardner, Mr. Stephen A. Brown, Ms. A. R. (Rengler) JGWS Spencer, Mrs. Grace R. (Raffety) Hutchison, Mrs. Gayle M. (Olson) Gilmore, Mrs. Willa W. (Winston) Dillon, Mr. Charles H. Joyce, Mrs. Lois H. (Hunnicutt) Halvorson, Mrs. Anna S. (Henderson) Taylor, Mr. Robert H. Gould, Mrs. Miriam L. (Pickett) Farnham, Mr. Bob M. Joyce, Mr. Maurice H. Halvorson, Mr. Morgan Graves, Mrs. Anita T. (Tarr) Fletcher, Mrs. Theodora M. (Mann) Kane, Mrs. Ardith H. (Lowe) Kehoe, Mrs. Helen M. (Metcalf) Hoskins, Mr. Calvin J. Hultgren, Mrs. Teresa W. (Wood) CLASS OF 1936 Landon, Mrs. Sibyl H. (Hofstetter) Hughes, Mr. LeRoy W. Pacesetters Jones, Mrs. Imogene S. (Sproule) JGWS Marshburn, Rev. 0. Ellis Jaissle, Mr. Arthur Flanders, Mrs. Lillian (French) Jordan, Mrs. Vivian A. (VanHellen) Cosand, Jr., Dr. Joseph P. Martin, Jr., Mr. Guy M. Jaissle, Mrs. Genevieve T. (Townsend) Flanders, Dr. Maxwell Keller, Miss Ethel E. Howard, Mrs. Dorothy B. (Metcalf) Mealey, Mrs. Leona L. (Lehmer) Kennison, Mrs. Geraldine H. (Hill Wildman, Mrs. Eleanor L. (Marshall) Kingsbury, Mr. Ralph L. Ott, Mr. Frank H. Moolick, Dr. Charles J. Thomson) Williams, Ms. Olive E. Kishbaugh, Mrs. Lila W. (Wing) Sponsors Rees, Mr. Horace S. McElfresh, Mrs. Thelma (Lucas) Associates Leck, Mr. Fred D. Smeds, Mrs. Helen T. (Thomas McGuckin, Mrs. Ruth (KuIp) Biggers, Mrs. Catherine (Nanney) Adams, Mrs. Lois W. (Warner) Ling, Ms. Carmel A. Nelson) Mechikoff, Mr. Alex V. Gardner, Mrs. Hazel (Hayes) Adams, Mr. Russell H. Pohlman, Mrs. Jessie E. (Hyans) Spencer, Mrs. Anna E. (Johnson) Nanney, Prof. Herbert B. Haendiges, Mrs. Doris N. Sweeney, Mrs. Adelaide M. (Rasin) Pacesetters Sternbach, Mrs, Thelma L. O'Keefe, Mrs. Edith E. (Drake) (Wheatland) Taylor, Mrs. Theodora M. Imai, Mrs. Michi B. (Bessho) (Jennings) Pew, Mrs. R. Louise (Partridge) Phelan, Mr. Thomas J. (Christiansen) Parminter, Mrs. Katherine B. (Bandy) Stover, Mrs. Catherine S. (Steele) Post, Mr. Robert C. Pickering, Mrs. Nyra H. (Hagen) Thomas, Mr. M. J. Pos, Mrs. Vera H. (Wicked) Willard, Mrs. Dorothea M. (Minor) Scott, Mr. Winston L. Snow, Mrs. Myrtle 0. (Osmund) Wunder, Mrs. Phyllis V. (Lehman) Associates Woodnutt, Mr. William L. Smith, Mrs. Susanna S. (Strickler) Gibbs, Mrs. Roxie Willis Stanley, Rev. Richard B. Cox, Mrs. Esther W. (Wilkie) Kenworthy, Mrs. Margaret S. Stokes, Mrs. Mariam S. (Swope) Cross, Mrs. Elsie May (Pridham) CLASS OF 1934 (Shumard) CLASS OF 1939 Sundin, Mrs. Dorothy Dill Hill, Miss Faith R. JGWS Wood, Mrs. Laurette M. (Meller) JGWS Whitehair, Mrs. Jane E. (Edwards) Lenhart, Mrs. Elizabeth E. (Grove) Harris, Mr. Clinton 0. Bishop, Mr. Gene M. Willmarth, Mrs. MaryBeth (Myers) Miller, Mrs. Ruth M. (Otterman) Kemp, Mrs. Regina D. (Dunkin) Chisler, Mrs. Ruth A. (Burton) Bishop, Mrs. Rose F (Frank) de Noyer, Miss Viola M. Reece, Mrs. Marjorie B. (Bure) Newsom, Dr. and Mrs. W. Roy Cogswell, Mr. John P. Fukushima, Mr. Paul S. Rosenberger, Dr. Homer G. Davenport, Miss Eleanore Hockett, Mr. William Youngquist, Mr. V Richard CLASS OF 1941 CLASS OF 1930 Fink, Mrs. Adaline A. (Allen) Nicholson, Mrs. Ruth E. (Smith) Sponsors Garrett, Mr. Malcolm H. Robinson, Jr., Mr. C. W. JGWS JGWS Belben, Mrs. E. Joanne Dale (Brown) Harmon, Mrs. Virginia H. (Hoefer) Sponsors Canton, Mr. Ray T. House, Dr. Howard P. lngrum, Mr. Emmett W. Hughes, Mrs. Margaret L. (Henry) Akers, Mr. J. Robert Clift, Mrs. Olive C. (Chandler) Juday, Mrs. Katherine L. (Balden) Simmons, Mr. Fred J. Jacobs, Mr. Ross E. Mazzone, Mrs. Lucie M. (Oldham) Collins, Jr., Mr. James F Pacesetters Neff, Mrs. Amy Lou (Wildman) Hammond, Lt. Cot. Robert H. Valla, Mr. F Louis Pacesetters Sugahara, Mrs. Yone R. (Kuwahara) Pacesetters Saunders, Miss Elizabeth E. Hartman, Mrs. Mary Ellen (Perry) Kranz, Mr. Charles T. Simmons, Mrs. Mary R. Destro, Mrs. Alice H. (Higley) Hartman, Mr. Robert F Glover, Mrs. H. Elizabeth (Rees) Kridler, Mr. Raymond A. (Chamberlain) Fukushima, Dr. David K. Henderson, Mrs. Annabell I. (Richter) Krueger, Mrs. Evelyn J. (Johnson) Schneider, Rev. Everett C. Smith, Mrs. Helen Banks Gardner, Mrs. Frances (Gunn) Olney, Miss lone M. Sponsors Sowers, Mr. Norman J. Griffith, Mr. W. Lee Associates Philippi, Mr. Richard I. Bronner, Dr. Edwin B. Anderson, Mrs. Lois B. (Patterson) Tompkins, Mrs. Velma I. (Neely) Associates Coffin, Mr. Joseph H. Simmons, Mrs. Camilla V (Vincent) Dallas, Ruth I. Guptill, Mr. Perl N. Westley, Mrs. Katherine G. (Gray) Wilson, Mrs. Dorothy E. (Essley) Ridenour, Mrs. Irma M. (Meyer) Gordon, Mrs. Carol (Collins) Pacesetters Associates CLASS OF 1937 Ockerman, Mrs. Doris M. (Mead) Berger, Mr. Edward Hoyal, Mr. James G. Castll, Mrs. Alice M. (Myers) JGWS Patterson, Mr. William H. Bixby, Mr. Paul M. Lion, Mrs. Jane E. (Tregay) Enders, Mrs. Terrace L. (Schafer) Bailey, Jr., Dr. Carlos A. Powers, Mr. Philander Bloomer, Mrs. Leona M. Lion, Mr. William F Greenlee, Mrs. Amelia M. (Martin) Maple, Mrs. Barbara D. (Dawson) Sydnor, Mr. Thurston E. (Mendenhall) Tidd, Dr. Robert C. Semans, Dr. Hubert H. Maple, Mr. Earl W. Vey, Mrs. Georgiana S. (Stacy) Van Dyke, Mrs. Katharine S. (Stewart) Ott, Mrs. Dorothy (Baker) Axworthy, Mrs. Ruth V (Vail) Welch, Mr. Harold R. Van Verst, Mrs. Emily J. (Rannow) Perry, Mr. J. Edward Beagle, Mr. Frank A. Wilson, Mr. Carl R.

Key to support groups: JGWS: $1,000 or more Sponsors: $500 —$999 Pacesetters: $250 -$499 Associates: $125 -$249 4 CLASS OF 1941 -50

Associates Hendrick, Mr. C. L. Hansen, Mrs. Ellaree (Pugh) Winter, Jr., Mr. Clyde A. Hales, Mr. John E. Holmes, Mrs. Margaret D. (Davis) Hughes, Mrs. Virginia P. (Phinney) Bardwell Ill, Mr. James A. Zahner, Mrs. Dorothy S. (Sinkmn) Henderson, Mrs. Verdna M. (Herr) Howell, Mrs. Marie E. (Mehrten) Johnson, Mrs. Seconda P. Baum, Mrs. Willa K. (KIug) Hockett, Miss Jane Hutchinson, Mrs. Millicent F (Scribante) Brock, Mrs. Winifred L. (Chaffee) Holton, Mrs. Mary Lee (Palmer) (Freeman) Patton, Mrs. Blanche S. Brown, Mrs. Roberta C. CLASS OF 1949 Koopmans, Mrs. Grace Mills Jones, Mrs. A. Lucile (Woberman) Perkins, Mrs. Jean G. (Gorman) (Christoffersen) JGWS Lumpkin, Mrs. Beth G. (Garfoot) Jones, Mrs. Sally Bullis Sams, Mrs. Barbara J. (Pierson) Brownell, Dr. John A. Arrambide, Mrs, Frances N. (Swan) Mathey, Mrs. Paula A. (Nelson) Kruger, Mrs. Phyllis A. (Rettig) Tuttle, Mrs. Arlys L. (Fossum) Cartwright, Mrs. Audrey J. Deihl, Mr. Richard H. Valois, Mrs. Ann (Hayes) Mutz, Mrs. Verna 0. (Osborn) (Casselman) Knox, Dr. Warren B. Chandler, Mrs. Donald (Kruse) Wessels, Mr. Lewis J. Perry, Miss Portia E. Sponsors Wilson, Mrs. Alma M. (Patterson) Phelan, Miss Regina V. CLASS OF 1945 Crofoot, Mrs. Finisa Moses Ferguson, Mrs. Catherine M. Hill, Jr., Col. Watt G. Poage, Mrs. Maryann L. (Lucas) JGWS Jackson, Mr. William P Alexander, Mrs. Violet L. (Lucy) Richardson, Mrs. Virginia Hill Cauffman, Mr. John R. (Hudspeth) Griffith, Mrs. Audrey H. (Hancock) Kenworthy, Mr. Harold M. Birch, Mr. John F Saul, Mrs. Margaret (Miller) Saunders, Mrs. Carol I. (Coiner) Mastain, Ms. Mary L. (Steele) Brown, Capt. Galen C. Schooley, Jr., Mr. Wayne F Hubert, Sr., Mr. George R. Sponsors Hunt, Mrs. Anna G. (Stanfield) Mastain, Dr. Richard K. Brunson, Mrs. Mary EIIen.(Pope) Stevens, Mrs. Dorothy M. (Mitchell) Kenworthy, Mrs. Betty J. (Hibbard) Stoll, Mr. Alfred W. Bush, Mrs. M. Elizabeth (Patterson) Timberlake, Dr. Philip F Irons, Mrs. Virginia B. (Bentley) Schremp, Mrs. Florence L. (Barmore) Pacesetters Cates, Mrs. Georgia Beth (Lodter) Van Sandt, Mrs. Dorothy S. (Sabin) Jones, Dr. Thomas D. Pacesetters Adden, Jr., Hon. Herbert J. Chance, Mrs. Josephine LaRue Wagner, Mrs. Keitha M. (Downs) Locke, Dr. J. Allan Chappelow, Mrs, Violet R. (Ridgeway) Bloom, Dr. Clarence H. Coffey, Ms. Edith M. Walker, Mr. Russell E. Marshburn, Mrs. Molee 0. (Owens) Harlan, Mrs. Effie L. (Henley) Boyd, Mr. Willis H. Dean, Mrs. Elizabeth S. (Smith) Wattron, Mrs. Bette T. (Thiele) Mercer, Mr. William L. Hudson, Mrs. Lorna M. (Goodin) McCroskey, Mrs. Barbara (Male) Elder, Mrs. Dorothy E. (Winslow) Whittlesey, Mr. Taber H. Miller, Mrs. Florence L. (Davis) Robinson, Mrs. Marjorie J. (Strobel) Ody, Mr. Earl D. Fleischhaur, Mrs. Constance W. Wilson, Mr. Frederick E. Morgan, Mr. Jay W. Spurr, Mr. Edward I. (Hughes) Woodward, Mr. Thomas E. Associates Morris, Mrs. Bernice T. (Todd) Szalkowski, Mr. Clarence W. Gallatin, Mrs. Sheila R. (Ruslie) Worrill, Mr. Walter F Clarke, Mrs. Marilynn B. (Burke) Nichols, Mr. Paul E. Wright, Mrs. Marygene M. Gibson, Mrs. Thelma L. (Collins) Wyne, Mr. Glenn M. Firestone, Mrs. Shirley Ann (Roberts) Nichols, Mrs. Winifred S. (Saunders) (Marshburn) Guirado, Mrs. Arlene W. (Welch) Wynkoop, Mrs. Ruth H. (Haffner) Hammond, Miss Mary Jane Oldfield, Mrs. Ethel (Silberberg) Hatch, Mrs. Betty W. (Wachtel) McCaughin, Ms. Patricia H. Rice, Dr. Elmer H. Associates Kono, Mrs. Florence K. (Pang) (Hollingsworth) Rice, Dr. Leslie I. (Fulmer) Armstrong, Mr. Robert H. Mahoney, Mrs. Marian D. (Dorland) CLASS OF 1943 Padia, Mrs. Mary (Atkins) Roget, Mrs. Betty P. (Pierson) Bates, Mrs. Elinore D. (Dodd) Mahoney, Mr. Rodney S. Ireland, Mrs. Caroline P. (Patterson) Stanfield, Dr. Elwin E. Seemann, Mrs. Betty L. (Stanley) Bolin, Mrs. Ruth Smith Mann, Mr. Raymond Lewis Randolph, Mrs. Carl L. (Taber) Thompson, Mrs. Shirley H. (Hoberg) Shade, Mrs. Shirley A. (Moore) Clements, Mrs. Shirley W. (Werner) Marshburn, Mr. Arthur E. Randolph, Dr. Carl L. yveaver, Mrs. Martha F. (Fletcher) Sherwood, Mr. Carl L. Crowl, Dr. Bruce E. Marshburn, Mrs. Carol A. (Mead) Tunison, Mrs. Elizabeth L. (Lamb) Tenopir, Mrs. Jane A. (Longwell) Gilson, Mrs. Joyce G. (Girton) Martin, Mrs. Elizabeth J. (Murray) Brown, Mrs. Bette H. (Hoskins) Weeks, Miss Lucie E. Harper, Miss Donnola Dee Sponsors Carey, Mrs. Kathleen L. (Carter) Wright, Mrs. Dorothy W. (Whitmore) Heard, Mr. Robert W. McCulloh, Mrs. Barbara (Martin) Paterson, Mr. Edward M. Chenney, Mr. Frederick A. Hickman, Jr., Mr. William L. Meredith-Martinek, Miss Edna Thompson, Mrs. Dean D. (Dice) Ellis, Mrs. Bettie L. (Lewis) Kuizer, Mrs. Hope (Stickney) Meyers, Mrs. Ethelyn E. (Stuart) Woodward, Mrs. Caroline R. (Reade) CLASS OF 1948 Mobus, Mrs. Katherine J. (Jackson) English, Dr. John J. Kuizer, Mr. Leland A. Paldanius, Mrs. Elizabeth T. Pacesetters Ferguson, Mr. R. LeRoy JGWS LaRue, Mrs. Carolyn B. (Burns) Callicott, Mrs. Barbara J. (Timberlake) Folse, Mrs. Florence B. (Beaton) Corey, Mr. A. Stanley LaRue, Jr., Mr. John P. (Stambaugh) Post, Mr. Charles A. Harmsen, Mrs. Barbara A. (Reeg) Knox, Mrs. Nancy S. (Chambers) Morris, Mrs. Jeanne A. (Belt) Quille, Mrs. Mary Alma (Rodger) Frank, Mrs. Carol J. (James) Larson, Mrs. Ruth M. (Roberts) Moore, Mr. Floyd S. Morris, Mr. Ward H. Frank, Dr. Guy J. Rees, Mrs. Marjorie M. (Rueger) MacLeod, Mrs. Priscilla J. Shields, Mr. Larry P. Olsen, Mrs. Maria P. (Ponce) Hobson, Jr., Dr. Arthur T. Robison, Mrs. Carolyn R. (Timberlake) Sponsors Rayburn, Mrs. Barbara E. (Dukes) Hobson, Mrs. Barbara R. (Robinson) (Richardson) Mills, Mrs. Jeannette E. (Eyerly) Ortiz, Mr. Martin Reese, Dr. Richard L. Miller, Mr. La Verne M. Saxton, Miss Aria M. Niday, Mrs. Roberta C. (Long) Skadan, Mrs. Reesa B. (Bottorff) Tilton, Mr. Lawrence M. Miller, Mrs. Marjorie Finney Seapy, Mrs. Viva S. (Strayer) Pirtle, Mrs. Jean D. (Donaghu) White, Jr., Mr. Harry G. Sharp, Mr. Charles E. Associates Steffy, Mrs. Laurel V. (Hobbs) Pacesetters Barton, Mr. Fred L. Tange, Mrs. Helen S. (Seibert) Barton, Mr. John B. Slagel, Mrs. Marietta A. (Armacost) Alder, Mrs. Betty D. (Taylor) Adden, Mrs. JoAnne N. (Nordstrom) Allen, Mrs. Thelma S. (Sprague) Wheelock, Mrs. Sylvia A. (White) Bass, Ms. Margaret F. Tackabury, Mrs. Patricia F (Foley) Cauffman, Mrs. Dorothy V. (Clarkson) Wolf, Mrs. Wanda R. (Roberson) Belt, Mrs. Robert T. (Jessup) Thompson, Mrs. Juanita F (Hanson) Davidson, Mrs. Betty J. (Holbrook) Haynes, Mr. Gerald D. Dietrick, Mrs. Gwyn Ellen (Wardman) Wood, Mrs. Janet W. (Whittemore) Branca, Mrs. Doris G. (Given) Tufts, Mrs. Ellen W. (Welsh) Associates Vonhof, Mrs. Mary E. (Thompson) Eggen, Dr. Donald T. Branca, Jr., Mr. William Benedict, Mr. Truman Walker, Mr. William W. Eichelberger, Mr. William H. Brittain, Mrs. Frances J. (Kitchen) Cogswell, Dr. Howard L. Warren, Jr., Mr. R. Lynd Farnum, Mr. Edgar T. CLASS OF 1946 Carlisle, Mrs. Shirley A. (Jones) Dell, Mr. John W. Wattron, Dr. Frank J. Funk, Mrs. Mary J. (Whitlock) JGWS Cory, Mr. Kerrigan C. Dillon, Mr. Forrest E. Winslow, Mrs. Franklin E. Giguette, Mr. G. Bruce Hartley, Mrs. Barbara B. (Baker) Crowl, Mr. Glen N. Elkinton, Mrs. Joyanne A. (Hull) (McPherson) Harris, Mrs. Betty C. (Cole) Davis, Ms. June E. (Hart) Sponsors Hanberg, Mr. Morris L. Wyne, Mr. Jay R. Johnson, Mrs. Alice Lacy Harper, Mr. Robert W. DeMayo, Mrs. Donna (Spoon) Kennedy, Mrs. Mary G. (Gibson) Hickman, Mrs. Nancy (Kirkland) Deedon, Mr. Reynold R. Pacesetters LeClear, Mrs, Billie C. (Gee) Homyer, Mrs. Lenora M. (Marchant) Dillon, Mrs. Jean (Dickey) Hickman, Mrs. Madolyn K. (Tinker) CLASS OF 1942 Male, Mrs. Erlene W. (Woodward) Ivey, Mrs. Dorothy R. (Crookshenk) Elias, Jr., Mr. John Krumm, Mrs. A. Lois (Little) Mele, Mr. Jack A. Kratzer, Mrs. Rowena P. (Palmer) Foster, Mr. Vernon E. JGWS McCloskey, Dr. Allen L. Thompsn, Dr. Robert R. Lee, Mr. William R. Frees, Mr. Robert E. Christiansen, Mr. John A. Neighbours, Mrs. BarbaraJ. (Cook) Nicoll, Dr. John W. Christiansen, Mrs. Ruth R. (DeVries) Twycross, Mrs. Harriet L. (Saunders) Goggin, Mrs. Josephine R. (Roundly) Walton, Dr. Keith B. Osterhout, Mr. Bruce N. Gregg, Mrs. Winifred M. (Schroeder) Palmer, Mrs. Marie L. (Lindahi) Associates Pike, Mr. James S. Scott, RAdm. John A. Buffington, Mr. Milton A. Hadley, Mr. Earl L. Arcadi, Dr. John A. Pike, Mrs. Marie F (Nordstrom) Scott, Mrs. Velma C. (Ramsey) Cass, Jr., Mr. William H. Hagler, Miss Barbara F Catlin, Mrs. Bobbie E. (Jerome) Bachtelle, Mrs. Violette M. (Bakuen) Shutt, Mrs. Lois (Topping) Hall, Mr. Thomas J. Sponsors Conant, Mrs. Virgie Lee R. (Richards) Bandy, Mr. James L. Warnock, Miss Frances R. Hanson, Mrs. Joan Folger Coffin, Mrs. E. Audine (Meyer) Dedmon, Mrs. Annette B. (Brooks) Deihl, Ms. Patricia C. (Cattanach) Wixom, Mrs. Margaret B. (Baldwin) Harrison, Mr. Howard R. Harrington, Mrs. Barbara (Brown) Douglas, Mrs. Jane (Francis) Eggen, Mrs. Frances A. (Dibelka) Haworth, Mr. W. Miles Harrington, Mr. Jack F Goshorn, Mrs. Muriel B. (Booth) Hunsaker, Mrs. Cecilia A. (Wiklund) Atwood, Mr. Wright M. Heisler, Jr., Mr. Chester B. Whitson, Mrs. Hannah M. (Thomas) Grubbs, Mrs. Elizabeth A. (Bartlett) Mossman, Mrs. Mae G. (Scott) Aulenbrock, Mr. Joseph C. Hughes, Mrs. Irma R. (McCausland) Whitson, Mr. J. Harvey Ham, Mrs. Ruth C. (Armentrout) O'Connor, Mrs. Frances W. (Webb) Bakker, Mrs. Margaret E. (Healton) her, Mrs. Jo Ann (Edborg) Pacesetters Hardgrove, Mrs. Carol B. (Bortin) Rhea, Mrs. M. Carol (Weber) Campbell, Mr. Mercer J. Kershner, Miss Gloria V. Callicott, Mr. Norfleet Hula, Mrs. Julie (Schoensiegel) Wolstoncroft, Dr. Robert G. Cobeen, Miss Glenys E. Kirschner, Mrs. Mary Etta (Hart) Hunter, Mrs. Beryl L. (Wood) Jones, Mr. LeRoy Cochran, Mr. Eugene M. KIug, Ms. Patricia Gretchen Mabb, Mrs. Mildred F (Thalimer) Magnusson, Mr. Alan B. Beisser, Mrs. Patricia A. (Thomas) Cole, Mr. Cliff W. Koenig, Dr. Elmer H. Marshburn, Mr. Hadley E. Mann, Mrs. Josephine M. (Barmore) Bonner, Mrs. Marjorie C. (Searle) Curran, Mrs. Margaret M. (Mahon) Krueger, Mr. Chair H. Mooney, Mr. Fred T. Mustain, Mrs. Martha Y. (Young) Bourne, Mrs. Alberta S. (Smitheram) Curtis, Mr. Glenn W. Leong, Mr. Monroe Schostag, Mr. Robert J. Palm, Mrs. Lois M. (Black) Brownell, Mrs. Rena T. (Topping) DeMart, Mrs. Norma P. (Pruner) Lightner, Mr. James D. Walton, Mrs. Mary Louise (Salmon) Phillips, Mrs. Doris E. (Capps) Burroughs, Mrs. Mary H. Denton, Mr. Earl W. Lindt, Mrs. Gloria B. (Bray) Wilson, Ms. Mary Lu Post, Mrs. Miriam A. (Nordahl) (Henderson) Desmaretz, Mrs. Mary J. (Broussard) Marshburn, Mr. A. Lawrence Associates Sherman, Mrs. Ruth B. (Bowers) Carlson, Mrs. Helen N. (Nickerson) Elder, Jr., Mr. Thomas M. Martindale, Mrs. Ruth A. (Peabody) Bailey, Mrs. Margaret Schmitz Shugg, Mr. A. Jim Degner, Mr. Robert L. Fair, Mr. Jack H. McDonough, Mrs. Henrietta (Smith) Benson, Mrs. Virginia S. (Strong) Smith, Mrs. Barbara H. (Holloway) Earl, Mrs. Helen L. (Drescher) Fair, Mrs. Marilyn R. (Reade) Moore, Mr. William M. Cass, Mrs. Marie S. (Segner) Timberlake, Mrs. Frances J. (Jones) English, Mrs. Virginia C. (Cook) Frazier, Mrs. Bette (Paulsen) Mundt, Rev. William R. Dietrick, Mr. Everett J. Van Epps, Mrs. Shirley T. (Thomason) Haig, Ms. Janet Fuston, Miss Evelyn R. Nakamura, Dr. Robert M. Garren, Mrs. Eleanor R. (Ralisback) Wallace, Ms. Alice A. (Atkins) Kennedy, Mrs. Nancy N. (Nix) Gallard, Mrs. Marjorie F. (Frank) Nogle, Dr. Donald G. Giguette, Mrs. Frances R. (Rogers) Welborn, Jr., Mr. Ivan A. Leger, Ms. Ruth F Hailer, Mrs. Ethel (Harris) Parker, Rev. L. Lynn Lemke, Mrs. Justine S. (Smalley) Wilson, Mrs. Milly Lou (Wade) Lilienthal, Mrs. Shirley A. (Freeburg) Hart, Mr. Donald G. Parker, Mrs. Ruby M. (Mitchell) Marshburn, Mrs. Margaret C. Muzzio, Mrs. Erna L. (Hughes) Hooper, Mr. Raymond B. Patten, Mrs. Carley (Combs) Ryan, Mrs. Marjorie B. (Bennett) Jarnagan, Mr. Millard C. Patten, Mr. Jack Miller, Dr. Donald I. CLASS OF 1944 Spitler, Rev. John R. Josten, Mrs. Dorothy E. (Batsford) Prince, Mr. George W. Padia, Mr. Morris J. JGWS Thoren, Mrs. Mary V. (Ewy) Kinney, Mrs. Patsy E. (Eberhart) Rayburn, Mrs. Harriet S. (Stanfield) Saurenman, Mrs. Louise B. (Bell) Craggs, Mrs. Jere M. (Rojas) Tordoff, Mrs. Ruth E. (Hutchinson) Luna, Mrs. Mary E. (Hitchcock) Richardson, Mrs. Bettye M. (Hooker) Thompson, R. Adm. Glenn 0. McCloskey, Mrs. Olive J. (Jordan) Magnusson, Mrs. Marjorie F (Finley) Ruegger, Mrs. Mary K. (Kubler) Ruxton II, Mr. Edward Mayer, Mr. Theodore L. Schneider, Mrs. Janet B. (Bertram) Anderson, Mrs. Lloyd J. (Murphy) CLASS OF 1947 McClary, Mrs. Marion G. (George) Shannon, Mrs. Margaret I. (Hodson) Sponsors McClary, Mr. William E. Armstrong, Mrs. Betty Jean M. Rosene, Dr. Robert B. JGWS Sills, Mrs. Helen B. (Tipton) Trotter, Mrs. Maxine M. (Murdy) McDonald, Mrs. Marcile W. (Woodell) Simonin, Mr. Edward F (McKenzie) Pacesetters Birch, Mrs. Jane I. (Dougherty) Sponsors Nemec, Mrs. Barbara J. (Reinhart) Smith, Mr. Philo M. Guithues, Mrs. Bette Smith (Kessler) Nichols, Mr. Ralph C. Brooks, Mrs. Ruth K. (Keene) Laramore, Mr. Louis F Stevenson, Dr. Warren A. Lassleben, Jr., Mr. William M. Otto, Mr. Robert A. Butler, Mr. Bruce B. White, Mrs. Shirley P. (Plummer) Thompson, Mr. Jack D. Tidd, Dr. John T. Palmer, Mrs. Patricia P. (Parker) Carr, Mr. Gilbert F. Pacesetters Thompson, Mrs. Johanna B. (Busch) Associates Peters, Jr., Mr. William E. Vesely, Mrs. Elinor 0. (Corder) Clapperton, Mrs. Jean E. (Crossan) Dukes, Jr., Mr. Fred R. Conklin, Mrs. Ellen S. (Shore) Porter, Mr. Wyne W. Wood, Mary A. (Marshall) Conant, Dr. James C. Harlan, Dr. Robert W. Koch, Mrs. Barbara J. (Mitchell) Rothblum, Mr. Irving Woodward, Mrs. Vivian F. (Falhis) Curtis, Mrs. Beth H. (Holman) Lassleben, Mrs. Elizabeth H. (Higley) Ninneman, Mrs. C. Joan (Lang) Routh, Mr. Robert D. Zufall, Jr., Mr. Raymond M. Curtis, Mr. George R. McCloskey, Mrs. Vera W. (Walling) Rolston, Mrs. Myra W. (Viii) Scheel, Mr. Ken E. DeMille, Mrs. Margaret T. (Twining) Oury, Mrs. June R. (Rogers) Skinner, Dr. Earle C. Seemann, Mr. John K. Dedmon, Mr. Arvle B. Reese, Mrs. Frances A. (Journigan) Dorn, Mrs. Jean W. (Weekes) Stecklein, Dr. John E. Silliker, Mrs. Marian (Caldwell) CLASS OF 1950 Robinson, Dr. James T. Silva, Mrs. Marion E. (Woods) Earl, Mr. G. Warren Sandberg, Mr. E. A. JGWS Bonner, Mrs. Josephine A. Snyder, Mrs. Zulpha K. (Keatley) Edinger, Mrs. Ruth E. (Hundley) Sandberg, Mrs. Phebe L. (Evans) Delhi, Mrs. Billie D. (Beane) Eisenhart, Mrs. Lois Lobb (Silberberg) Stromberg, Jr., Mr. Carl M. Little, Mr. Munson W. (Montgomery) Bradford, Dr. Joe H. Associates Swain, Mrs. Yvonne (Qund) Miller, Jr., Mr. Kenneth D. Deihl, Mr. Thomas V. Errett, Mr. Frederic W. Chu, Mrs. Bettie S. (Simmons) Tenopir, Mr. George K. Wood, Dr. Thomas D. McClain, Dr. Joe V. Thomas, Mr. Raymond C. Faulkner, Mrs. Sara A. (Applebury) Colborn, Mr. William E. Sponsors Fox, Mrs. Venona Holmes Fletcher, Mr. E. Ellis Mitchell, Mr. William E. Upton, Mrs. Anne M. (Fiedler Pierce) Ver Steeg, Mr. Richard W. Jackson, Mrs. Muriel B. (Buus) Gibson, Mr. Willard E. Ganong, Mrs. Janet A. (Koch) Kidd, Mrs. Harriet L. (Patterson) Grundt, Mrs. Barbara C. (Daley) Green, Mrs. Margaret M. (Haase) Vitt, Mr. E. Stuart

Key to support groups: JGWS: $1,000 or more Sponsors: $500 -$999 Pacesetters: $250 —$499 Associates: $125 -$249 CLASS OF 1950- 54

Michel, Mrs. Virginia J. (Poison) Tucker, Mr. Dick Kohlenberger, Mrs. Irene M. Six, Mrs. Phyllis J. (Paige) Newsom, Dr. Herbert C. Pedersen, Mr. Gordon K. Tucker, Mr. Thomas F. (Alvarado) Skipper, Mrs. Willette G. (Glenn) Sample, Mrs, Patricia L. (Beardsley) Reyes, Mr. Edward P. Ver Steeg, Mrs. Donna F (Frank) Leatherman, Mr. Arthur G. Smith, Mr. Stephen H. Tvedt, Mr. Rolf N. Uno, Mr. Ernest N. Vesely, Mr. Clifton R. Leatherman, Mrs. Peggy H. (Hudson) Streater, Mrs. Ruth M. (McMillan) Associates Waddingham, Mrs. Veronique L. Long, Rev. Easton L. Pacesetters Albrecht, Mr. John R. (Layaye) McNeil, Mrs. Doris R. (Burnett) Chambers, Dr. Kenton L. Adishian, Mr. Harold H. Blake, Mr. Kenneth G. Williams, Mr. Jay H. Moore, Mrs. Belva J. (Goode) Dyer, Mr. Elwyn B. Bench, Mrs. Marjorie B. (Burrell) Burroughs, Mr. Rodney M. Wood, Mr. Andrew J. Moreno, Mr. Miguel C. Gross, Mr. Sanford Brain, Mrs. Margaret (Jinnett) Byrne, Mrs. Shirley M. (O'Connor) Wood, Mrs. Barbara J. (Devean) Mountcastle, Jr., Dr. William Hiatt, Mr. Robert K. Brock, Mrs. Lois M. (Carlson) Dean, Ms. Barbara J. (Gard) Wurtenberger, Mr. Irvin W. Much, Mr. Fred W. Wright, Jr., Dr. William H. Brown, Ms. Marilyn A. Elliott, Mrs. Suzanne (Fisher) Nelson, Mrs. Jean T. (Thompson) Associates Bullene, Jr., Mrs. George I. (Lloyd) Emerzian, Mrs. Nadine F Nichols, Mr. Richard E. Baudrand, Mr. Donald W. Chrambach, Dr. Marie L. (Hambarian) CLASS OF 1951 Nye, Mrs, Doris A. (Mitchell) Clements, Dr. Thomas H. Collins, Mr. Donald L. Fick, Mr. Warren C. JGWS Nye, Mr. William J. Davis, Mrs. E. Ann (Dougherty) Cooper, Jr., Rev. Charles W. Flynn, Mr. William P. Dean, Ms. Katherine Nisbet O'Loughlin, Mrs. Jean D. (Bonnet) Elliott, Mr. Robert B. Cooper, Mrs. Joann M. (Weinert) Gray, Mrs. Marjorie A. (Harris) Marshburn, Dr. Theodore F Osborne, Mrs. Perry (Ainsworth) Fenaroli, Mrs. Yvonne (Lamoureaux) Cote, Sr, Mr. William Hergesheimer, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Fisher, Mr. Robert H. Tregoe, Dr. Benjamin B. Ostrom, Mrs. Joan G. (Gregory) Crawford, Mrs. Janet E. (Curl) (Gordon) Pankonin, Mrs. Barbara A. (Sterling) Gardner, Mrs. Marilyn M. (McCall) Croffoot, Mr. G. Fred Johnson, Mrs. Velda L. (Lankford) Gault, Mrs, Beverly A. (Hayden) May, Cecilia W. (Wiant) Gault, Mr. David R. Nobile, Miss Nancy Gilson, Jr., Dr. James M. O'Brien, Mr. Robert E. Heard, Mrs. Patricia V. (VanVelzer) Reid, Mrs. Joanne S. (lhrig) Johnston, Jr., Mr. Thomas Gray Sandahi, Mrs. Marilyn (Johnson) Lahr, Mrs. Doris T. (Throckmorton) Shock, Mr. Richard R. Lichtenstein, Mr. Fred S. Webb, Mr. Robert S. Major, Mrs. Louise W. (Weingartner) McMahon, Mrs. Joanne A. (Sanquist) Anderson, Mrs. Ann (Booth) Paine, Mr. Grady F. Arnold, Mrs. Ellen B. (Babel) Plank, Mr. Robert R. Banks, Miss Janet St. Clair Platzek, Mr. Harold M. Bennet, Dr. Gladys M. Poore, Mr. William M. Biddle, Dr. Evelyn Q. (Quick) Reynolds, Ms. Martha A. Boedeker, Mrs. Carol W. (Wendorff) Slater, Dr. Nelle G. Bossing, Mr. Edward J. Stambaugh, Mr. Paul D. Brady, Mrs. L. Jean (Leonard) Streeter, Mr. Jerry W. Brain, Mr. Robert T. Strong, Mr. Lee A. Brown, Mrs. Marlene (McFarlane) Thompson, Mrs. Jean (Hamilton) Burtness, Mrs. Joan C. (Scheel) Tilton, Mrs. Betty R. (Cleavinger) Carter, Mr. Edward V Iilery, Mr. Donald E. Case, Mr. H. Robert Williams, Mr. Carroll V. Chorley, Mr. Lloyd D. Wilson, Mr. Donald E. Collins, Mrs. Carol D. (West) Culp, Mrs. Edith (Brandt) Ameluxen, Jr., Mr. John W. Deshler, Mrs. Beverly (Edwards) Barrett, Mr. Jerome K. Dewey, Mr. Blame A. Bauer, Mr. John Ehrke, Mr. Albert L. Beauchamp, Mr. Robert 0. England, Mr. A. Bruce Beck, Mr. Dwight England, Mr. Richard A. Berger, Mr. George E. Evans, Mr. Alfred G. Berger, Mrs. Joy P. (Taranto) Felburg, Mrs. Sunya L. (Lerner) Beveridge, Mrs. Ann R. (Regar) Gaylord, Jr., Mr. George T. Block, Mr. Robert W. Greene, Ms. Ardis S. (Stewart) Bomberger, Mr. Dale R. Hamann, Mr. Mahlon Brown, Ms. Patricia H. Hanawalt, Mrs. Elise M. (Corwin) Carlisle, Mr. Jack E. The recently created Science Equipment Fund is helping to improve resources throughout Whittier's science Hancock, Mrs. D. Joan (Egeberg) Chefters, Mr. James departments. Here, Brad Woo '92 is using a Macintosh Computer in the newly upgraded Mathematics Harral, Mr. B. Delbert Clifgard, Mrs. Lorena (Hobson) Laboratory. Harrell, Mrs. Marguerite D. (Dupont) Clifgard, Mr. R. Gordon Harris, Mrs. Janet B. (Blanchard) Coates, Ms. Natalia B. (Brown) Haugh, Mr. Darrell D. Cofer, Mrs. Marjorie E. (Moir) Yoder, Mrs. June A. (Hall) Payne, Mrs. Helen M. (Walters) Haworth, Mrs. H. Jean M. (Pehrson) Dean, Dr. J. Donovan Holmes, Mr. Paul R. Cole, Mrs. Sally Richardson Petterson, Mrs. Pat (Gallagher) Deshler, Dr J. David Sponsors Huss, Miss A. Joy Conde, Mr. Donald F. Pierce, Mr. Kenneth A. Dressier, Mr. Jerome S. Reyes, Mrs. Joyce A. (Singrey) Jenkins, Mrs. Barbara V. (Van Arsdali) Cox, Mr. Max S. Pomeroy, Mrs. Dorothy S. (Smith) Stecklein, Mr. James A. Dron, Mr. James B. Jenkins, Mr. Don L. Danielsen, Mr. Duane Ponce, Dr. Robert H. Pacesetters Eberhart, Mr. William A. Lawrence, Mr. James W. Dickson, Dr. Charles E. Princic, Mrs. Marilyn (Frederiksen) Boyd, Mrs. Virginia M. (Alberthal) Eck, Mr. Robert A. Lookabaugh, Mrs: Sharon W. Dyer, Mr. Jack M. Quinonez, Mr. Frank N. Causey, Mr. Robert H. Ellis, Mr. Marston B. (Wynns) Eaton, Mrs. Dorothy L. (Jessup) Racca, Mr. Ernest L. Dial, Mr. Benton W. Eves, Mr. Leo Love, Ms. Cherie W. (Willard) Ellis, Jr., Mr. James W. Ridgeway, Jr., Mr. Rupert R. Guillaume, Mr. Gordon R. England, Mrs. Jean N. (Newman) Jones, Mrs. Barbara A. (Bolton) Lucy, Mrs. Eleanor V (Votaw) Jones, Mr. James E. Roenicke, Mrs. Corliss P. (Kranz) Hambelton, Mr. Robert G. Evanson, Mrs. Nellie C. (Hunt) Lucy, Jr., Mr. 0. Howard Kennedy, Mr. Harry D. Sawyer, Mr. C. Calvin Hammond, Mr. Richard K. McCann, Jr., Mr. Max H. Ferguson, Dr. Robert E. Shuey, Mr. Allan F Markham, Ms. Tillie M. Harrison, Mr. Melvin W. Meacham, Mrs. Carol B. (Beck) Foster, Mrs. Margaret W. (Williams) Sjostrom, Mr. Clifford J. Haskins, Mr. Arch J. Gauldin, Ms. Virginia S. (Spragins) Rathje, Mrs. Janice D. (Dirlam) Miller, Mr. Ronald S. Smith, Jr., Mr. Ellis S. Hedges, Mrs. Marilyn A. (Conley) Morrison, Mrs. Florence A. (Albarian) Goodkind, Mrs. Penelope M. Associates Smith, Mrs. Leona T. (Tregenza) Horning, Mrs. Martha (Gardner) (Manning) Fernandez, Ms. Doris J. (Strandberg) Moseman, Ms. Haroldine Swain, Mr William G. Irwin, Mrs. Jo Ann (Ahiquist) Nichols, Mr. M. Joseph Gumpertz, Mrs. Genevieve A. (Terrell) Gasparian, Mr. Albert M. Titus, Miss Frances S. Knowles, Mr. Corner H. Phillips, Mrs. Geraldine M. (Gartin) Haddon, Mr. John C. Hillyard, Mrs. Joan W. (Whitney) Tucker, Mrs. Phillippa (Weickert) Lacey, Mrs. Mary C. (Greer) Pray, Mr. Ralph A. Harris, Jr., Mr. Buckner N. Jones, Mrs. Bessie C. (Crocker) Wedel, Mrs. Grade M. (Giddings) Leishman, Mrs. Catherine L. (Lattin) Redmond, Mrs. Dee (Mills) Havickhorst, Mr. Ralph F Kelly, Mr. John E. Weigel, Mrs. Betty Forbes Lerno, Mr. Lawrence A. Robinson, Mrs. Sue L. (Lane) Hoelzl, Mrs. Suzanne B. (Colt) Lahr, Mr. Donald E. Wikiund, Mr. Stanley A. Lovett, Mrs. Carol S. (Smith) Sharp, Mrs. Betty R. (Cooper) Holve, Mr. Donovan G. Lee, Mrs. Jeanne B. (Roberts) Williams, Mr. William E. Malaperdas, Mrs. Billie Jean (Hall) Smith, Mrs. Carol C. (Coughlin) Jarnagan, Mrs. Angela G. (Gorman) Plank, Mrs. Jeanne R. (Leonard) Wilson, Jr., Mr. Josh L. Matzigkeit, Mr. Everett W. Smith, Dr. Donald D. Jeffrey, Mr. Russell B. Robbins, Mr. John B. Wonacott, Mr. Dale Parrish, Ms. Yvonne (Estevanez) Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth M. (Johnson) Krause, Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Rothrock, Mrs. Joan S. (Spencer) Wood, Mrs. Carolyn (Martins) Pendleton, Dr Hugh R. Wilson, Mrs. JoAnn S. (Smith) Summerfeit, Mr. Vernon E. Leonard, Mrs. Patricia R. (Lyons) Woodward, Mr. John P. Pinheiro, Mr. Eugene A. Taylor, Mr. David C. Macon, Mr. Jim Plucknett, Mrs. Sue R. (Richards) Anderson, Mrs. Arlene N. (Brewer) Weinell, Mrs. Nancy K. (Kessinger) Martin, Mr. Jean C. Quackenbush, Mrs. Elise J. (Jenkins) Wiley, Mrs. Carole M. (Price) Armstrong, Mr. Lloyd V. McKinney, Mr. Evan H. CLASS OF 1952 Robertson, Mr Jake R. Wilson, Mrs. Sadianne (Greco) Beagle, Mrs. Irma L. (Girard) McLachlin, Mr William W. JGWS Ross, Mrs. Lorna H. (Hankey) Woods, Ms. E. Anne (Philips) Beauchamp, Mrs. Carolyn J. Meckna, Mrs. Nell (Fien) Blalock, Mrs. Charlotte R. (Roe) Rothaermel, Mr. Charles R. Miller, Mrs. Phyllis L. (Lindell) (Tournat) Schroeder, Mrs. Nina (Brock) Sayer, Mrs. Patricia L. (Read) Montano, Dr Martin C. Bishop, Mrs. Peggy J. (Galbraith) Smith, Mrs. Helen G. (Wittman) Seemann, Mr. Donald J. CLASS OF 1954 Moore, Mrs. Hazel M. (Hulst) Bowersox, Mrs. Norma H. (Haynes) Smith, Mr. Robert R. Siegmund, Mrs. Nelda M. (Connally) Caslens, Dr. Robert S. JGWS Naylor, Mrs. Betty L. (Blakesley) Woehrmann, Mrs, Joan M. (Peters) Smith, Mr. Robert L. Pierno, Mr. Anthony Nelson, Mrs. Barbara E. (Enyeart) Casjens, Mrs. V Patricia (Paget) Sponsors Strader, Mrs. Beth R. (Richie Pierno, Mrs. Beverly J. (Kohn) Nichols, Mrs. Mary B. (Coleman) Chandler, Mr. Kenneth H. Gordon, Mrs. Beatrice M. (Miller) Graham) Nordhoff, Mrs. Helen Lilley Chapman, Mr. Raymond Sponsors Nerhood, Mrs. Leona W. (Wilson) Tenney, Mrs. Dolores E. (Bonser) Norling, Mr Walter I. Cleminson, Mr. James H. Capps, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stoll, Mrs. Barbara L. (Conolly) Vanderhoven, Mr. Edward A. Gentry, Mr. Ralph E. Parry, Mr. John A. Copeland, Mr. James H. Walters, Mr. Dick E. Pacesetters McMullen, Mr. Ray W. Payne, Mr. William L. Corfield, Miss Joan N. White, Mrs. Lloyd M. (Taylor) Pierce, Mr. Harold E. Creasey, Mrs. Nancy J. (Buchanan) Bales, Mrs. Ruth L. (Podmore) Rasmussen, Jr., Mr. Theodore E. Price, Mr. John R. Crippen, Mr. John F Brinker, Mrs. Edrie K. (Kerr) Spivey, Mrs. Alice L. (Carpenter) Spivey, Mr. Philip E. Price, Mrs. Rose D. (Durston) Dart, Mr. John N. Cooper, Mr. Roger N. CLASS OF 1953 Dial, Mrs. Jacqueline C. (Byer) Ralston, Mr. Donald F Davis, Mr. William S. JGWS Pacesetters Dressier, Mrs. Betty J. (Morton) Kim, Mr. Kenneth C. Jessup, Mrs. Joan D. (Dreyer) Rauth, Mrs. Betty Ann (Robinson) Dezember, Mr. Rayburn S. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Marion T. (Todd) Stover, Mrs. Corinne P (Pehrson) Keck, Mrs. Carol E. (Evans) Rayburn, Rev. Ray W. Gobar, Dr. Alfred J. Gardner, Mr. Jack A. Keck, Mr. Robert A. Reed, Jr., Mr Herman Associates Jessup, Mr. Merrill G. Gordon, Ms. Lois A. Owens, Dr. Boone B. Reiph, Jr., Mr. James F. Bailey, Dr. Marilynn J. (Lee) Marshburn, Mrs. Mary (Delkin) Grace, Mr. C. Stewart Seymour, Mrs. Joan R. (Reece) Replogle, Mrs. Margaret H. (Haworth) Bendetti, Mr. Donald L. Turner, Mr. Donald S. Roberts, Mrs. Mary E. (Grissom) Gulickson, Mrs. Greta K. (Kunz) Biery, Mr. Kenneth E. Vogt, Dr. Louis B. Robuck, Mrs. Marie G. (Guyot) Hewitson, Mr. John S. Curtis, Mr. Gordon T. Sponsors Ziegler, Mr. H. O'Neil Roenicke, Mr. Floyd Hiltscher, Mr. Alan G. Ford, Ms. Peggy L. (Gossom) Greenbaum, Mr. Kenneth S. Associates Sayer Ill, Mr. D. Dayton Hiltscher, Mrs. Barbara J. (Curtis) Grande, Mrs. Virginia A. (Taylor) Stecklein, Mrs. Ann M. (Reese) Abacherli, Ms. Rosalie C. Scofield, Mrs. Mary A. (Byrnes) Hogue, Mrs. Gwen L. (Legate) Hendricks, Mr. Robert M. Turman, Mr. Arthur D. Aikens, Mrs. Marjorie Conley Shutt, Mrs. Eleanor S. (Smith) Hooper, Mrs. Margaret B. (Clarke) Kennedy, Mr. William G. Pacesetters Barnett, Ms. Jeanne A. (Heikkinen) Shutt, Mr. Sidney G. Hughes, Mr. Hugh N. Macrorie, Mr. Lawrence Carlson, Mr. Robert C. Coons, Ms. Margot M. Snape, Mrs. William H. (Hale) Hunt, Jr., Mr. Wilmer C. McMillan, Mr. Byron K. Cowan, Dr. James F Fretz, Mr. James H. Snyde?, Mr. Larry A. Huppert, Mr. Henry R. McMillan, Mrs. Carol C. (Coorner) Hardy, Mrs. Lois C. (Carter) Hartman, Mr. Gerald A. Sowa, Mr. George B. Jacoubowsky, Mrs. Margaret J. Morton, Mr. Robert F James, Mr. Thomas C. Hergesheimer, Mr. J Stevenson, Mrs. Emily S. (Smith) (Butcher) Nelson, Mrs. Louise (Schwellenbach) Killian, Mr. Jack E. Lawson, Dr. Will Taylor, Mrs. Ruth M. (Dyer) Kelley, Mrs. Alice B. (Otter) O'Connor, Dr. Robert G. McIntyre, Mrs. Nancy N. (Nordstrom) McCarthy, Mr ack R. Tingle, Mrs. Edna (Hanigan) Kesler, Mrs. Carol R. (BaIlou) Rothrock, Mr. Donald S. McLuen, Mr. Charles A. Morton, Mr. Donna J. (Frail) Tremble, Mr Gerald E. Satterfield, Mrs. Gladys E. (Nohara) Myers, Mr. Michael S. Primeau, Mrs. Laurie W. (Warren)

Key to support groups: JGWS: $1,000 or more Sponsors: $500 -$999 Pacesetters: $250— $499 Associates: $10 —$249 6 CLASS OFI954-61

Peters, Mr. Norman L. Cheves, Mr. Paul V. Kunilich-Walker, Mrs. Barbara (Green) Austin, Mrs. Phyllis M. (Nielsen) Renke, Mr. Daniel E CLASS OF 1957 Daniels, Mr. Wayne E. MacKenzie, Mrs. Sharon Reed Barker, Mr. Craig I. Renke, Mrs. Jacqueline L. (Sadala) JGWS Fields, Dr. Max E. Marumoto, Mrs. Jean M. (Morishige) Bertoglio, Mr. B. Allen Seydel, Mr. Ken Boyd Blystone, Mr. F Lynn Gardner, Mrs. Vivian P. (Schulte) Maudlin, Mrs. Erma Beth (Young) Bonham, Dr. Russell A. Sheldon, Mrs. Barbara J. (Russell) Groce, Mrs. Barbara A. (Ondrasik) Hendrick, Mr. Irving G. McClain, Mr. William V. Chandler, Mrs. BarbaraH. (Depew) Sheldon, Mr. Donald W. Sattler, Mr. George A. Hutchison, Mrs. Carol Ann (Burr) McCreary, Mr. Guy Weddington Covington, Mr. Richard J. Short, Mrs. Carolyn (Johnson) Veloz, Ms. Roberta G. (Garrett) Killian, Ms. Marilyn D. (Loew) Murphy, Dr. Michael J. Dark, Mrs. Anitra B. (Haggard) Simmons, Mrs. Patricia A. (Partridge) White, Mrs. Betty (Carter) Morton, Mrs. Doris E. (Fitzgerald) Olsen, Mrs. Doris M. (Molumby) Dunham, Mr. Robert W. Sippel, Mrs. Lucia C. (Kelly) Pacesetters Neville, Mrs. Laura Lou (Daus) Rivera, Miss M. Julie Farr, Mr. Harold W. Sippel, Mr. Marvin H. Osborn, Mr. Robert C. Saltzstein, Mrs. Sally F (Freund) Betker, Mrs. Cecilia G. (Liggett) Feistel, Mrs. Sally Scott Smith, Mrs. Lynn M. (Mills) Perry, Mr. Robert E. Schade, Mr. David G. Black, Mrs. Barbara Opd ale Gilbert, Mrs. M. Merrilyn (Thompson) Richards, Mr. E. Neill Starkey, Mr. Billy F Causey, Mrs. Julianne C. (Collins) Shirley, Mrs. Jane H. (Kerzic) Hambelton, Mrs. Patrice (Kelly) Sights, Mrs. Judith P. (Stone) Sleigh, Sr., Mr. Clyde W. Strodel, Mrs. Barbara K. (Kirkwood) Hamer, Dr. Donald S. Hewitson, Mrs. Diane (Gregory) Sonke, Mr. Denton V. Sloan, Mr. Bill R. Summerfelt, Mrs. Joyce (Phillip) Kaylor, Mr. Richard E. Hoelscher, Rev. Dwight A. Wagnon, Mr. Frank Spencer, Mrs. Maryellen (Todd) Stuart, Mr. Brian R. Hotaling, Mrs. Aletha E. (Gray) Lennertz, Mr. Willis A. Weed, Mr. Bruce K. Osborn, Mrs. Ann H. (Hiatt) Watson, Mrs. JoAnne D. (D'Andrea) lhnen, Mrs. A. Jewel (Goode Walker) Westlund, Mr. Delmore R. Alford, Dr. Donald K. Webley, Mrs. Patricia L. (King) Paholsky, Mr. Robert M. lhnen, Rev. Arthur B. Wilson, Mr. Donald T. Anderson, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Wellenstein, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Paholsky, Mrs. Sherrill (Condit) Jordan, Mrs. Bette E. (Barmore) Wyne, Dr. Gene K. (Primrose) (Fanning) Peck, Mrs. Barbara J. (Jones) Keyes, Mr. D. Dwayne Anderson, Miss Rowena C. Williams, Mrs. Elaine K. Pia, Mrs. M. Ann (Stead) Kleven, Jr., Mr. Cornelius A. Beebe, Mrs. Joan D. (Enz) (Knickerbocker) Liverman, Dr. Robert D. CLASS OF 1956 Associates Blue, Mrs. Jeanette Weir Wolfe, Mr. Douglas S. Mossman, Mrs. Shirley E. Nash JGWS Avila, Jr., Mr. John Bogie, Mrs. Carol I. (Huston) Wood, Rev. John C. Niitani, Mrs. Hisayo 0. (Okada) Blechen, Mr. Robert H. Bell, Ms. Carol A. (Draper) Brown, Mrs. Judith D. (Spencer) Wood, Mrs. Paulie E. (Rayburn) Perkins, Mrs. Marilyn M. (Miller) Dezember, Mrs. Joan L. (Erreca) Bevilacqua, Mr. Michael Buchanan, Mrs. M. Diane Petri, Mrs. Muriel K. (Keller) White, Mr. Bruce H. Bevilacqua, Mrs. Michael (Benson) (Allingham) Ridgeway, Mrs. Rupert R. (Keiser) Blake, Mrs. Marilyn R. (Hunter) Carter, Mrs. Nina Lynn (Livenspire) CLASS OF 1960 Ristow, Mrs. Betty J. (Perkins) Sponsors Cann, Mr. Lawrence R. Bamberger, Dr. Ann Y. Curry, Ms. Donna J. JGWS Shepherd, Mr. Bruce L. Davis, Mrs. Arline V. (Votaw) Lundstrom, Mrs. Mary Lou R. Dark, Jr., Mr. William A. Harvey, Mr. Wayne L. Sides, Mrs. Sybil (Morrow) Fick, Mrs. Phyllis A. (Luther) (Reynolds) Devaney, Mrs. Ruth A. (Hamic) Patton, Mr. Douglas R. Slattery, Mr. Myron G. Gibson, Mr. William B. Deveney, Mr. Vince C. Stambaugh, Mrs. Nancy A. Spin, Mr. Hans W. Miller, Mrs. Kathleen M. (Mitchell) Mitchell, Mr. James C. Rowe, Mr. Boyard Gerson, Dr. Diane J. (Gruenemay) (Nicholson) Tanner, Ms. Joey M. (Heiskell) Morton, Mr. J. Richard Halloran, Mrs. Carolyn J. (Kuns) Taylor, Mrs. Beatrice J. (Hearn) Stair, Mrs. Lorrine H. (Huck) Nighswonger, Mrs. Katheryne N. Sponsors Turman, Mrs. Genevieve W. (White) Harmon, Mr. Bill S. Beebower, Miss Norma J. Waters, Mrs. Marilyn R. (Kyle) (Heacock) Harte, Mrs. Elizabeth A. (Gosse) Weed, Mrs. Cecile H. (Hankey) Pacesetters Pickup, Mrs. Carole M. (Martin) Hickok, Mrs. Gayle A. (Hopkins) Pacesetters Weinell, Mr. William M. Arms, Mrs. Shirley Smallwood Read, Mr. Marvin H. Hiemke, Mrs. Margaret R. (Myers) Armer, Dr. Loretta C. (Gotch) Wells, Mr. Don Kenyon Dean, Mrs. Martha L. (Fahsholtz) Roush, Mr. Robert F Holland, Mr. David G. Bornt, Mr. William L. Wheeler, Mrs. Regina R. (Leonard) Farah, Mrs. Ann L. (Miller) Scharer, Mr. Jon W. Hundley, Jr., Mr. Norris C. Brandt, Mrs. Diane G. (Bertram) Winkler, Mr. Montgomery K. Jones, Mrs. Phyllis L. (Rhone) Scharer, Mrs. Juley (Smoyer) Johnson, Mrs. Phyllis A. (Winslow) Kraft, Mrs. Judith 0. (Osborn) Yeargain, Mrs. Freda E. (Helmer) Kountz, Jr., Mr. William B. Trevino, Mrs. Virginia R. (Forrester) KIef beck, Mrs. Carol M. (McLeod) McKittrick, Mr. Allan B. Peel, Dr. William A. Woolston, Mr. Neal A. Koster, Mrs. Donna D. (Searing) Miller, Mr. Jon M. Tellez, Mrs. Kay H. (Brownsberger) Larson, Ms. Jarryl A. Ryan, Mrs. Brenda Bateson CLASS OF 1955 Associates Baker-Dunne, Ms. Lee Ann (Hawley) Lawrence, Mrs. Carolee J. (King) Santo, Mr. Daniel C. JGWS Bagne, Mrs. Dolores S. (Sanders) Beebe, Jr., Dr. Edson D. Lescher, Mr. William W. Shamberger, Mr. Douglas E. Gobar, Dr. Sally A. (Randall) Brink, Mr. John W. Bisbee, Mr. Warren R. Lies, Mr. Robert C. Woirhaye, Mrs. Gwen V. (Vaden) Harris, Mr. Ben C. Carlisle, Mr. James M. Caldwell, Dr. Bruce G. Lucas, Mrs. Elizabeth H. (Buse) Zemsky, Mrs. Ann (Rosenkrans) Turner, Mrs. Janet C. (Dunham) Davis, Mr. Marlin W. Christiansen, Mrs. Jane L. Marsolais, Mrs. Leitha G. (Griffin Associates Sponsors Farmer, Mrs. Ann D. (Dahlstrom) (Reichenbach) Burns) Anderson, Mrs. Marilyn M. (Jimerson) Fureigh, Mrs. Mary Jean (Stoughton) Gothold, Dr. Stuart E. Cole, Mr. John R. McGinty, Mrs. Jane H. (Howland) Bloomfield, Prof. Edward H. Cosner, Mrs. Rosanelle R. (Walker) Gentry, Mrs. Mary E. (Miller) Lawson, Mrs. Elaine A. (Smith) Moffett, Mrs. Jacquelynne W. (Wilson) Boccuzzi, Mrs. Marilyn J. (Wrench) DeWitt, Jr., Mr. John E. Rasmussen, Mrs. Marilyn (Griffin) Leonard, Mrs. Ann (Stephens) Pickering, Mrs. Janet E. (Ziler) Buchanan, Mrs. Florence (Pickering) Lohr, Mrs. Shirley J. (Dozier) Deits, Mrs. Mary P. (Powell) Chafe, Mrs. Donna J. (Everhart) Pacesetters Putnam, Mr. Patrick S. Sievert, Dr. Nancy H. (Heldnich) Ehrgott, Dr. Richard H. Garrett, Mr. Donald R. AIIm, Mrs. Dorothy M. (Markham) Sallee, Mr. Joe W. Thornton, Mrs. Kathryn A. (Rambo) Exelby, Mr. Donald W. Kelley, Mr. William E. Bell, Mrs. Virginia M. (Miller) Salmond, Mrs. Helen M. (Mullen) Freeland, Mrs. Joyce W. (Westerhout) Klentz, Mrs. Anne W. (Williams) Betker, Mr. Gerald R. Sarthou, Mrs. Janet H. (Hile) Akiyama, Mrs. Charlotte T. (Nagata) Hart, Mrs. Nancy L. (Perrine) Lehto, Mrs. Muriel F (Findonff) Cowan, Mrs. Ann (Howard) Sarthou, Mr. Joseph H. Askew, Mr. R. Wade Hartman, Mr. Robert M. Pasqua, Jr., Dr. Thomas M. Graham, Mrs. Patricia Jandt Sheldon, Mrs. Diane J. (Selvala) Baker Corison, Mrs. Betty R. Herman, Mrs. Susan K. (Kemp) Sugisaki, Dr. Kazuko (Suzuki) Haack, Mrs. Marjorie A. (Wilkin) Shouse, Mr. Richard G. (Russell) Hiemke, Mr. Howard R. Trueblood, Mr. A. Richard Haack, Mr. Norman E. Slater, Mr. Frederick E. Barker, Mrs. Catherine A. (Bonham) Hughes, Mrs. Carole E. (Giles) Uhler, Mr. Michael E. Jones, Mr. Richard D. Staples, Mr. Clark H. Bates, Mrs. Valerie (Stever) Hyde, Mrs. Martha M. (Whaley) Wirth, Ms. Janice C. (Maraist) Powell, Mr. Jack R. Streeter, Dr. Patricia H. (Hare) Berry, Mrs. Nancy R. (Young) Kempf, Mrs. Janet R. (Brown) Rasmussen, Mrs. Nadene L. (Lenz) Sutton, Mr. Gilbert R. Bowman, Mrs. Carmen M. (Pezoldt) Kester, Mr. Robert V. Allen, Jr., Mr. James F Shank, Mrs. Janice C. (Copeland) Tanabe, Dr. Alvin M. Broyles, Mr. Robert N. Keyes, Mrs. Mary Jo (Barnard) Allison, Mr. Garrett 0. Tellez, Mr. Thomas Tibbetts, Mn. William F Ching, Mrs. Betty J. (Deets) Lawe, Mr. Robert A. Triggs, Miss Alice L. Allison, Mrs. Sydney L. (Clapperton) Associates Ching, Mr. Lincoln Y. Martin, Mr. Bruce G. ValIance, Mr. George C. Anderson, Mr. LeRoy M. Bishow, Mrs. Joan H. (Hornbeck) Circle, Mrs. Allene J. (Wilson) Marumoto, Mr. William H. Van Oosting, Mr. Robert A. Balch, Mrs. Elizabeth (Taylor) Burroughs, Mrs. Janie (Brown) Coleman, Jr., Mr. James C. Michaelson, Mrs. Meta B. (Mitchell) Wynkoop, Mrs. Sylvia J. (Hildreth) Balch, Mr. Peter W. Chafe, Mr. Paul G. Crowley, Mr. Dean 0. Miller, Miss Clarice E. Barr, Dr. Donald R. Drake, Mrs. Carolyn Matsuda Estrada, Jr., Mr. Marshall U. Mitchell, Mrs. Marjorie R. (Parker) Blake, Mr. William E. Fretz, Mrs. Peggy (Cooley) Franklin, Mrs. Donna J. (Johnson) Morrison, Mr. Donovan L. CLASS OF 1959 Campbell, Ms. Marilyn E. (Bonham) Gallegos, Dr. Manuel A. Franklin, Dr. Ronald E. Nichols, Mr. Donald H. JGWS Carotenuti, Mr. Joseph A. Gothold, Mrs. Jane R. (Soderberg) Gharibian, Mrs. Jane Breslin Nichols, Mrs. Sydney A. (Foster) Flanders, Dr. Eric Cavenah, Mrs. Joan A. (Harter) Greene, Mrs. Zell A. (Allerdings) Grensted, Mr. Michael J. Phegley, Jr., Mr. Ted Hall, Mrs. Janice M. (Lund) Cavenah, Mr. Richard C. Harris, Jr., Mr. Willard V. Haubrich, Mrs. Ellen M. (Bahm) Ramirez, Mrs. Dora C. Newman, Mr. W. D. Bert Chetkovich, Mr. Delon M. Hartman, Mrs. Judith K. (Krueger) Head, Mr. Fred L. Renley, Dr. John D. Starkey, Mr. James E. Clifton, Mr. Maurice S. Hartunian, Mr. Ben B. Riggs, Mrs. Janet K. (Pitzer) Herold, Mrs. Diane N. (Purnell) Sponsors Crandall, Mr. Ronald A. Konovaloff, Mrs. Gloria A. (Evans) Herron, Dr. Sande Whitacre Schnitger, Mr. Ronald L. Deitz, Dr. Sandra L. (Gordon) Musselman, Mrs. Anna S. (Fujishige) Konovaloff, Mr. Nicholai D. Hoover, Mr. Marvin L. Schulz, Mrs. Judy H. (Harsha) Fopiano, Mr. John H. Peter, Mrs. Ann L. (Larson) Marsh, Mrs. Katherine B. (Bonillas) Hubbard, Mrs. L. Elaine (Mattison) Schweikart, Mr. Daniel R. Gaylord, Mr. J. Edward Marsh, Dr. Warren C. Illingworth, Mrs. Elaine F (Fielding) Shackford, Mrs. Mary M. (Johnston) Pacesetters Haye, Mr. Stanley J. Odle, Mr. Robert D. Kampa, Mr. Leon A. Shanks, Mrs. Ramona W. (Wall) Armen, Dr. Michael Hersey, Mrs. Janet L. (Latson) Pickup, Mr. Richard H. Kenady, Ms. Elizabeth J. Sharpe, Mrs. Nancy E. H. (Harder) Hamer, Mrs. Kathryn W. (Wiquest) Hull, Mrs. Nancy P. (Penrine) Reid, Mr. Gale S. Kirksey, Mrs. Nancy R. (Nagel) Simmons, Mr Robert A. Nutter, Mr. Gerald L. Jacobsen, Mr. V. Gary Spencer, Mr. Dan A. Lappin, Mrs. Barbara (Conway) Skinner, Mr. Earl F Perkins, Mr. Thomas D. Kirk-Fulton, Mrs. Elizabeth Taft, Mr. John E. Liebhart, Miss Shirley P. Smith, Mrs. Ardith E. (Owen) Thomas, Mr. Donald E. Kiure, Mr. D. Martin McKinnon, Mr. Jerry L. Smith, Mrs. Catherine E. (Agnew) Associates Landt, Mrs. Sylvia N. (Miller) Ballock, Mr. Eugene A. McMurtry, Mr. John E. Smith, Mr. Douglas M. Andrain, Dr. Charles F Martin, Mrs. Sally G. (Gafford) Booth, Dr. Donald R. Meridew, Mrs. Jane (Fischer) Streeter, Dr. Earl L. Chaves, Mrs. Elisabeth C. (Coan) Morgan. Mrs. Alison (Riddle) Bowlin, Mr. Kendall D. Michaelson, Mr. James P. Swanson, Mrs. Marjorie R. (Williams) Deyoe, Mrs. Shirley L. (Creasy) Oliver, Mr. David L. Bowlin, Mrs. Mary E. (DeLapp) Mooshagian, Mr. Ray Tallant, Mr. Ralph E. Doughty, Dr. Douglas H. Perez, Mr. Donald L. Bryeans, Jr., Mr. H. Paul Muller, Mr. Robert J. Thomas, Mr. Stanley R. Lucas, Mr. Robert C. Phipps, Mrs. Lois M. (Bridwell) Buckles, Mrs. Carole P. (Pillow) O'Mara, Mrs. Sally (Coburn) Thomas, Mr. William H. MacFarlane, Mrs. Roberta H. Pizarro, Ms. Jan J. (Jordan) Caffrey, Mrs. Ann (Gourley) Pienzi, Mrs. Norma L. (Allen Olsen) Thompson, Mr. Wesley S. (Hodge) Reynolds, Mr. Duke W. Cantelmo, Mr. Victor F Reddington, Mrs. Norma Y. (Sadler) Wagner, Mr. W. Dan McClellan, Mr. Walter E. Robbins, Mrs. Patricia S. (Jones) Chamberlain, Dr. R. H. Reeve, Mr. Kirk W. Wakeham, Mrs. Selma J. (Barta) Miller, Mrs. Jeanette M. (Muse) Robinson, Mr. Harry E. Creveling, Mrs. Carole Lee Reinecke, Mrs. Susanne R. Wallace, Mrs. Sydna E. (Ellis) Read, Mrs. Margaret F (Fairfield) Rosowski, Dr. James R. Curtis, Mrs. Sallie W. (Walsh) (Rayburn) Woolston, Ms. Shirley J. (Russ) Sherman, Mrs. Lavonne V. Sanford, Mr. Robert L. D'Evelyn, Mrs. Diane F (Fleck) Reinecke, Mr. Wayne W. (Agajanian) Sargent, Mrs. Suzanne R. (Redman) Davey, Mrs. Janet R. (Cosand) Sands, Mrs. Patricia C. (Roberts) Smithpeter, Mrs. JoAnn M. (Vandette) Schlotthauer, Mrs. Joella A. DeBenedetti, Mrs. Rosemary R. Shackford, Mr. Harold S. CLASS OF 1958 Sowers, Miss Patricia C. (Schmiedt) (Laurance) Soule, Ms. Hildy Pehrson JGWS Steele, Mr. Robert W. Searle, Mrs. Cathryn A. (Carlson) DeCocker, Mrs. Jean E. (Landis) Stone, Mrs. Carolyn E. (Ferrill) Manning, Mrs. Eleanor M. (Morgan) Tebbs, Mr. Ronald D. Seelig, Mrs. Janet I. (Wells) DeYoung, Mrs. Mary E. (Sadler) Stone, Mr. Charles E. Newman, Mrs. Sharon V. (Rosson) Sloan, Mrs. Madelyn A. (Petrovich) Earl, Dr. Charles R. Story, Jr., Mr. William M. Sponsors Arndt, Mrs. Judith C. (Sawyer) Thornberry, Ms. Margaret L. (Ogle) Fox II, Mr. John L. Strong, Mrs. Kathleen C. (Cadinha) Peter, Mr. James R. Aschenbnenner, Mr. Paul W. Walker, Mrs. Pamela M. (Knisman) Frantz, Mrs. Carol L. (Lombard) Thostesen, Mrs. Sarah M. Stark, Mr. Milton D. Bauer, Ms. Selma M. (David) Wankier, Mr. Weldon Henricksen, Mrs. Mary Jo (Miller) (Armagost) Bunyard, Mr. James L. Watje, Mrs. Patricia A. (Ashcroft) Pacesetters Herold, Dr. Owen F Cole, Mr. Robert D. Tracy, Mr. Bert B. Carroll, Jr., Mr. John H. White, Dr. William D. Hoag, Mr. Maurice W. Tracy, Ms. Marlene (Odom) Conant, Mrs. Shirley F (Davis) Williams, Jr., Mr. Ardis A. Corwin, Dr. Luene H. (Holmes) Hopper, Miss Marjory J. Cuthbentson, Mr. George R. Wunder, Mr. Richard D. Van Buren, Rev. Donna L. (Nelson) Fall, Mr. Charles N. Jackson, Jr., Mr. William C. Deitz, Mr. Kenneth L. Walters, Mrs. Margaret E. (Westtall) Foye, Miss Geraldine 0. Wyma, Mrs. Carolyn M. (Teachout) Jones, Mrs. Ian R. (Latson) Fesler, Mn. John R. Waples, Mrs. Dana M. (Bonomi) McEachen, Mrs. Beth A. (Arter) Kirkwood, Mr. Jack Fisk, Mr. K. A. Westergaard, Mr. Ivan Patterson, Jr., Mr. Frank W. Lawrence, Mrs. Dee (Chandler) Westergaard, Ms. Natalie (Ristich) Garvisch, Mrs. Mary C. CLASS OF 1961 Ramirez, Mrs. Margot J. (Cote) Lyons, Mrs. Rosalie J. (Bultena) Guevara, Mr. Ivan T. Wogaman, Mrs. Carolyn G. (Gattis) Schulz, Mrs. Mary Corrinne JGWS Magda, Mrs. Kate M. (Miller) Wolfe, Mrs. Geraldine P. (Palmer) Halloran, Mr. Robert L. Hathaway, Mrs. Nadine (Applegate) McKreII, Mr. James L. (Johnson) Wuopio, Mrs. Marjorie A. (Smith) Hays, Ms. Jo Ann Sponsors Moncrief, Mrs. Katherine D. (Dodge) Associates Zittrain, Mrs. Nancy M. (Wedberg) Israels, Mrs. Donna J. (Cooper) Honn, Mr. Richard J. Norman, Mrs. Robert J. (Chalupsky) Biggs, Mrs. Lynn Kirchmann Jordan. Mr. David W. Piani, Mr, Frank A. Oliver, Miss Vivian E. (Barnes) Klepfer, Mr. Ron H. Cann, Mrs. Carol A. (Stewart) Klure, Mrs. Vera M. (Peterson)

Key to support groups: JGWS: $1,000 or more Sponsors: $500— $999 Pacesetters: $250— $499 Associates: $125 -$249 CLASS OF 1961 - 67

Pacesetters Lentzner, Mr. Howard L. Pacesetters Shepard, Mr. Geoffrey C. Burke, Mrs. Lowell E. (Eastman) Lofstrom, Dr. William L. CLASS OF 1964 Bennett, Mr. R. Douglas Chapman Lenz, Dr. Karen Wulfsberg, Dr. Richard L. Maguire, Ms. Marjorie N. JGWS Dark, Ms. Janice H. (Linville) Doyle, Mr. Michael J. Sponsors Newquist, Mr. David W. Crow, Dr. John H. Hager, Mr. Robert M. Ferges, Mrs. Sharon B. (Collicott) Niemann, Mr. Juan Palmer, Mr. Bruce T. Ellis, Mrs. Elizabeth B. (Behrens) Hakimian, Mr. Krikor D. Kraft, Mr. Richard F. Quinn, Mr. T. Michael Smith, Mrs. Barbara G. (Whaley) Miller, Miss Sandra L. Pacesetters Miller, Mrs. Suzanne C. (Boone) Reed, Mr. Kenneth C. Turner, Dr. Gary D. Taylor, Mrs. Pamela R. (Williams) Behringer, Miss Lu Anne Nutter, Mrs. Karen (Folsom) Rhone, Mrs. Sandra S. (Sorensen) Vance, Mr. Richard D. Coats, Mr. William M. Associates Robinson, Mrs. Donna L. (Teter) Sponsors Curran, Mr. Robert W. Ching, Mr. Han H. Willson, Mrs. Gretchen R. (Stiling) Coomer, Jr., Mr. Robert Robinson, Mr. William A. Harvey, Mrs. Patricia (Pettigrew) F Dudley, Dr. Darrell N. Willson, Mr. J. David Cooper, Ms. Judy Stratton Smith, Mrs. M. Linda (Thormodsen) Hoffman, Dr. Irving D. Haldan, Mrs. Virginia Z. (Zane) Associates Dyer, Mrs. Ivydell K. (Kellam) Terlip, Mr. G. Frank Lombardi, Mr. Arthur P. Anonymous Alumna Associates Mitchell, Mrs. Alice L. (Rosene) Thayer, Mr. Charles K. Anonymous Alumnus Thomas, Mr. Stafford T. Roberts, Dr. Janet L. Auriemma, Mrs. Sandra L. (Cords) Richards, Mrs. Jessie M. (Glasgow) Bishel, Mrs. Shirley M. Baker, Mrs. Antoinette (Leslie) Triggs, Mrs. Jeanne (Holland) Pacesetters Bowden, Mr. John M. Behnke, Mrs. Catherine E. (Thirkettle) Anthony-Styler, Mrs. Ruby L. Tussing, Mr. Lee Appleby, Mr. Bill Brainerd, Jr., Mr. Robert P Broussard, Mr. Robert M. (Johnston) Tussing, Dr. Marjorie (Towle) Appleby, Mrs. Joy R. (Robinson) DeFields, Mrs. Linda C. (Maine) Goodwin, Mr. James R. Bathgate, Mrs. Gretchen A. (Hoover) Vredenburg, Mr. Keaweehu Hakimian, Mrs. Patricia L. (Maham) Kemp, Mr. John C. Westmoreland, Mr. David B. Kreuzer, Miss Mary L. Guida, Mrs. Tinka (Atkins) Bottini, Mrs. Patricia A. (Kelley) Hawkins, Mrs. Shirley S. Kemp, Mrs. Linda S. (Sutton) Brooks, Mrs. Lorna R. (Raymond) Lowe, Mr. Jere W. Kwong, Dr. David K. Mann, Dr. David M. Lee, Mr. John W. Clark, Mrs. Susan A. (Adams) Lee, Mrs. Maureen S. (Schaub) McLean, Mr. Arthur E. Clogston, Mrs. Frances 0. CLASS OF 1963 Mann, Mrs. Sherrill Robin (Cartt) Merrill, Mrs. Joan A. (Arlen) JGWS McDermont, Mr. Robert G. Schaefer, Mr. Frank H. (Tompkihs) Spencer, Ms. Barbara C. Nebesar, Mrs. Susan B. (Brown) Crevola, Mrs. Janice M. (Harrison) Johnson, Mrs. Penelope A. (Arnold) Associates Sutherland, Mr. Richard R. Owen, Mrs. Linda D. (Deats) Ellis, Mr. Jerry D. Lauritzen, Mrs. Gael V. (Fergeson) Andreasen, Mrs. Nancy W. (Pyle) Uzel, Mr. Barry W. Pentecost, Mr. Nicholas M. Ennis, Mr. George H. Mitchell, Mrs. Michael Ann (Mitchell) Baker, Dr. Blair C. Vaughan, Mrs. Sherree R. (Rinderle) Pion, Mrs. Vicky L. (Nelson) Mueller, Miss Jane Burry, Dr. Kenneth A. Ennis, Mrs. Judith A. (Piccinotti) Wennerholm, Mrs. Susan (Farwell) Sartwell, Mrs. Victoria G. (Emigh) Burry, Dr. Mary Lou T. (Tweedy) Fairfield, Ms. Donna M. (Jones) Sponsors Wilcox, Mrs. Martha T. (Thompson) Sinatra, Mrs. Robin L. (Hill) Clark, Mrs. Virginia L. (Snedecor) Flanders, Mrs. Judith Ann (Bennett) Erickson, Dr. Raymond F Wilkins, Jr., Dr. Gordon M. Tinseth, Mr. Dennis E. Green, Ms. Lesley A. (Green) Clem, Dr. Charles R. Gothold, Dr. Stephen A. Windsor, Mrs. Joellen (Mann) Uzel, Mrs. Sharon T. (Trorey) Guthrie, Mrs. Jan A. (McClure) Piani, Mrs. Ann D. (Dahlitz) DeLave, Mr. Randall K. Walworth, Mrs. Patricia F (Neilson) Halvorsen, Mrs. Joyce Graham Dudley, Mr. Cliff Pacesetters Ali-Hassan, Ms. Ruth E. (Robison) Wilcoxen, Miss Peggy A. (Spaulding) Fern, Ms. Jean L. Ford, Ms. Deirdre Darling Alvarado, Mr. Ricardo C. Hannah, Mr. Paul M. Galitzen, Mr. Donald D. Hamada, Mr. Mitsuo Anderson, Mrs. Susan M. (McKinsey) huja, Mrs. Wendy J. (Greene) Hernandez, Mr. Joe G. Galloway, Mrs. Martha L. (Eisler) Hayes, Mr. Stephen L. Arens, Mr. William F. nderson, Jr., Mr. Fred D. Hinckley, Mrs. Joy L. (Ragsdale) Garner, Mrs. Iris R. (Roberts) Locken, Mrs. Jeannette E. (Cruise) Axelson, Mr. David E. ell, Mr. Charles B. Huggins, Mr. Keith M. Heck, Mr. Michael J. Lopez, Mr. Laree E. Babson, Mrs. Annie L. (Stuart) ell, Mrs. Patricia P. (Phillips) Johnson, Mrs. Anne M. (Rutherford) Lowenstam, Mr. Michael D. Rittermal, Mrs. Nancy J. (Moseley) Barker, Mrs. Lois G. (Anderson) ennett Ill, Mr. Claude H. Johnson, Mr. Harry A. Nebesar, Dr. Charles V. Rosanbalm, Capt. Gerald L. Barnes, Jr., Mr. Joseph L. enton, Mr. Gerald L. Johnston, Mr. Bill H. Pollak, Mrs. Nancy S. (Soward) Shupek, Mrs. Carol H. (Heinz) Berger, Miss Ellen S. erg, Ms. Diane M. (Mitchell) Katahara, Ms. Bernice H. Shigematsu, Mrs. Marlene M. Talbott, Mr. E. Guy Bergmann, Ms. Barbara B. (Fry) rock, Mr. Vernon J. (Murakami) Kendricks, Mrs. Marilyn A. (Knauss) Boram, Miss Joyce rown, Dr. Ronny J. Associates Stanfield, Dr. Melinda S. Kracker, Mrs. Joyce M. (Poggi) Brown, Ms. Phyllis J. (Jenkins) rugman, Jr., Dr. Joseph J. Krehbiel, Mrs. Delores J. (Fachner) Argyle, Ms. Linda H. (Otani) Upton, Mrs. Linda A. (Baum) rugman, Mrs. Rae M. (Curran) Bateman, Mrs. Glenus R. (Redman) Bruesch, Mr. Robert W. Lewis, Mrs. Emily S. (Renner) Weaver, Mrs. Lynne W. (Walker) Carney, Mrs. Nancy B. (Batterson) ryan, Mrs. Valerie A. (Woodruff) Lundin, Miss Janet Buckey, Mrs. Eleanor Hinde Wilcox, Mr. John M. ardenas, Mr. David L. Cerello, Miss Virginia L. Carroll, Dr. Frank T. Macia, Mrs. Jane R. (Randall) Chang, Mr. Tyrus K. arlson, Mr. David R. Martin, Jr., Dr. Amon A. Doughty, Mrs. Carol E. (Evans) Axelson, Ms. Nancy (Coltrin) Craft, Dr. Richard H. onverse, Mrs. Carol J. (McDermont) Mason, Mr. Herman Gorry, Mrs. Joan W. (WaIp) Blinn, Mrs. Pamela A. (Barnard) Craft, Mrs. Sharon G. (Giddings) onverse, Mr. Larry G. Jessup, Ms. Catherine G. (Gasper) Blinn, Mr. Thomas A. McCulloch, Mrs. Phyllis A. Darwin, Mrs. Carol B. (Banbury) raft, Mrs. Marilyn D. (Kyte) (McGeachy) Mezo, Ms. Barbara A. Bolton, Mrs. Helen L. (Cosand) Denyer, Mrs. Trudy S. (Schunk) ranmer, Mrs. Andrea J. (DeCou) Miller, Mrs. Judith T. (Tatti) Miller, Mr. Dale A. Bramlett, Ms. Paula R. (Hastings) emmin, Mrs. Dorothy J. (Hodge) Nahmias, Mr. Jack Dyer, Mr. James E. Morgan, Mr. Jerry J. Brückman, Ms. Janice S. (Shea) Fisher, Dr. Stewart C. Noto, Mr. Kenneth F Peoples, Mrs. Karen H. (Halvorson) Christensen, Ms. Betsi L. Moriarty, Mr. W. John Fording, Mrs. Carol L. (Fink) ietrich, Miss Diane L. Morris, Mrs. Esther M. (Miller) Peter, Mr. Richard L. Corlett, Jr., Dr. Robert C. Gibson, Miss Estrellita 0. illingham, Mrs. Sherrill W. (Hough) Potter, Mr. Robert C. Craig, Jr., Mr. Norman D. O'Brien, Dr. Philip M. Gilbert, Mr. Stephen L. oggeft, Miss Mary E. Olivier, Mrs. Peggy S. (Sprout) Strasser-Kauffman, Mrs. Karin Crandall, Mrs. Harriet A. (Wingler) Goodson, Mrs. Alice L. (Martin) ouglas, Mrs. Mary L. (Larsen) Swearingen, Mrs. Frances A. Curtis-Fisken, Ms. Kathleen Ono, Mrs. Janet F (Nagahiro) Gray, Mr. James L. ublin, Mrs. Sue C. (Carpenter) Probert, Mr. Harold M. (McDonald) De Stefano, Ms. Laura A. (Fichner) Greenly, Mrs. Anne L. (McCord) udley, Dr. David R. Rhone, Mr. David L. Tebbs, Mrs. Carol A. (Williams) Dobrzycki, Mrs. Kathleen A. Grimes, Mrs. Carol Ann (Ledbetter) lmendorf, Mr. Raymond L. Windsor, Mr. Stephen B. (Kingsbury) Rice, Mr. Robert L. Grimmett, Mr. Charles P. vans, Mr. Ken E. Fellars, Mrs. Mary G. (McKeon) Ruble, Mrs. Isabelle C. (McDowell) Grossman, Miss Sherry L. erace, Mrs. Kaaren (Steubeck) Russell, Mr. John A. Aoki, Mrs. Midori (Tanaka) Francis, Mr. William R. Gurule, Mrs. Carol E. (Hammond) erard, Miss Carole J. Salmond, Mr. Robert F Barry, Mrs. Donna L. (Laws) Franzen, Mrs. Marcia R. (Keifer) erard, Mrs. Sarah B. (Burns) Burt, Mrs. Joan E. (Wilcock) Haferkamp, Mrs. Kathryn P. (Philion) Smith, Mr. Phillip H. Gerard, Mr. Kenneth J. Hafey, Mr. Joseph M. ibson, Mr. J. Blake Starkey, Mr. Robert W. Chau, Mrs. Anita L. (Leong) Gertler, Mr. Ronald E. Harris, Mrs. Patricia T. (Thompson) lenn, Mr. John P. Stave, Mrs. Sharon S. (Sicotte) Davidson, Mrs. Gail L. (Ziebarth) Holtan, Mrs. Ruth G. (Gillette) Harrison, Mrs. L. Myrleen (Cole) ordon, Ms. Velma V. (Powers) Thompson, Mrs. Genevieve E. Deal, Mrs. Barbara E. (Mayo) Hoover, Mr. Tom H. Haukaas, Mrs. Pamela J. (Eaton) ackathorn, Mrs. Linda D. (Snavely) Dickson, Mrs. Phyllis 0. (Driskill) Hughie, Mr. John P. Hayes, Mrs. Margo L. (Broadbent) (Robinson) Triggs, Mr. G. Thomas Dickson, Mr. William T. Hunt, Mr. Harvey K. Hopkins, Mrs. Barbara L. (Lyon) ahn, Mr. Ralph Trowbridge, Mr. Dale B. Edwards, Dr. Nancy J. Jackson, Mr. Robert W. Horn, Dr. Dennis E. ayes, Mrs. Eileen (Wilson) Eller, Lt. Col. Gary R. Josten, Mr. Robert W. Upton, Mrs. Constance M. (Gish Hunt, Mrs. Sandra H. (Hemphill) errick, Mr. Gerald W. Harvey) Elliott, Ms. Pamela D. (Davis Honn) Kennedy, Mrs. Grace G. (Gage) Jarvela, Mr. Robert E. ogue, Mr. Gene Watkins, Miss Gail L. Estrada, Mrs. Carolyn S. (Sullivan) Laskey, Mrs. Shirley F (Fujisaki) Jarvela, Mrs. Susan D. (Sleeper) owe, Mr. Charles M. Ferreira, Mrs. Judith A. (Crumly) Lloyd, Mr. Robert D. Westmoreland, Mrs. Sharon L. (Lowe) Johnson, Mr. Richard W. Jacobs, Mrs. Diana K. (Buskirk Gartrell, Mrs. Mary M. (Amundsen) Long, Mr. Kenneth T. Wrobel, Mrs. Lyla Ann (Rowley) Josten, Mrs. Britta L. (Golding) Wheeler) Harrison, Mr. Richard J. Lynch, Mrs. Linda D. (Nystrom) Jennum, Jr., Mr. Joseph E. Harrison, Mrs. Stephanie J. Kile, Mrs. Suzanne (Perry) Mann, Mrs. Barbara A. (Langan) Kurumada, Mrs. C. J. (Leith) Johnstone, Mrs. Billie Jo (Thoburn) CLASS OF 1962 (Butchart) Mata, Mr. William A. Jones, Mr. Gareth H. Harrison, Mr. Stephen A. Laskey, Mr. Walter J. JGWS Maynard, Mrs. Becky Sue (Brock) Madsen, Mr. Robert G. Jones, Mr. Theodore A. Henderson, Mrs. Carolyn R. (Settle) Miller, Mrs. Alice E. (Obregon) Carter, Mr. John V. Malloy, Mrs. Charlotte Ann (Unland) Kawachika, Mrs. Jean K. (Atebara) Cross, Mr. Christopher T. Henke, Mrs. Janet Norby, Mr. Dan A. Kennedy, Mrs. Diane L. (Lowe) Herold, Mr. Paul C. Marjaniemi, Mrs. Brenda L. Howard, Dr. Leslie L. Olson, Mr. Francis L. (Mosteller) King, Mr. Paul R. Mitchell, Mr. James E. Holtan, Mr. Rodli L. Outland, Dr. John W. Krugman, Bernadette McNulty Hooper, Mrs. Nancy J. (Wells) Milliken, Dr. Jeanie S. (Soeberg) Smith, Mr. Elden L. Pack, Mrs. Sally (Mancuso) Mitchell, Jr., Mr. Albert P. Laedlein, Mrs. Diane C. (McCarty) Kolb, Mrs. Susan T. (McKeller) Palmer, Mrs. Susan J. (Jones) Sponsors Murtagh, Mrs. Janet (Burdick) Looney, Mr. James K. Korland, Mrs. Casella C. (Carlisle) Phillips, Mr. Lee Beeson, Dr. Roberta J. O'Malley, Mr. Daniel P. Martineau, Mr. John R. Krogh, Ms. Sandy C. (Trombatore) Philpott, Mrs. Carol J. (Stolley) McCormack, Mr. David H. Rau, Mr. Robert H. Larraway, Miss Suzanne K. Olson, Miss Vicki E. Scanlon II, Mr. Charles C. Pool, Miss Florence A. Popp, Mr. Erik T. Miller, Mrs. Janine (Newsom) LePrince, Mr. John J. Reeves, Mrs. Joan W. (Wolford) Pacesetters Poston, Jr., Mr. Clark S. Munoz, Mrs. Corinne R. (Rodriguez) Loan, Mrs. Betty A. (Himelhoch) Rice, Mrs. Carol L. (Gant) Osborn, Mrs. Cecelia A. (Crondright) Contreras, Mr. Richard E. Powell, Mrs. Linda L. (Spindler) Long, Mrs. Karen M. (Warren) Rodi, Mrs. Dorcas W. (Wells) Palmer, Mrs. Nancy T. (Anderson) Harsha, Mrs. Carol A. (Cinkel) MacBeth, Ms. Elizabeth A. (Van Prentice, Mrs. Susanna A. (Kidd- Rosowski, Dr. Susan J. (Campbell) Sterck) Parmelee, Mrs. Margaret J. Houston, Mr. Lawrence T. Winkle) Russell, Mrs. Linda A. (Gamble) Quinney, Mrs. Amy F (Roberts) (Scheibner) Santo, Mrs. Christine R. (Frumento) Marich, Mr. George Sanford, Mrs. Georgia G. (Johnson) Ritchey, Mrs. JoAnna C. (Cumming) Pickett, Mrs. Judith E. (Stalker) Zemsky, Dr. Robert Marich, Mrs. Sharon D. (Roberts) Schmidt, Jr., Mr. Roderic W. Rizzo, Mrs. Jeanette F (Muhs) Powell, Mr. Donald R. Associates McAteer, Mr. Richard A. Sellers, Mr. Charles A. Saige, Mrs. Ellen M. (McFarland) Powell, Mrs. Jacquelyn R. (Barnes) Busse, Mr. Richard J. Meister, Mr. Lynn S. Shapiro, Mr. C. Joel Sanford, Jr., Mr. G. Gordon Sanger, Mrs. Linda A. (Stampfli) Culton, Dr. Donald R. Moreno, Mrs. Olga C. Smith, Mrs. Joycelyne F (Lahr) Schmidt, Mrs. Barbara Ann Schiller, Mrs. Elizabeth (Sorensen) Garrett, Mrs. Diana B. (Bruce) Newquist, Mrs. Darlene W. (Haynes) Stabler, Mr. C. Frederick Schuricht, Mrs. Kathleen A. (Austin) Moret, Mr. Gilbert A. O'Neil, Mrs. Carol L. (Mann) (Pettijohn) Suter, Mrs. Karen S. (Staininger) Scott, The Hon. Terry J. Scott, Mrs. Lynne E. (Uhlig) Peoples, Mr. William N. Park, Mrs. Linda R. (Davison) Tanney, Mr. Donald F Shupp, Mrs. Marsha A. (Lloyd) Shinseki, Miss Yvonne Sherman, Mr. John T. Pinheiro, Mrs. Aileen F (Folson) Trudeau, Mr. Frederick J. Simons, Mr. Christopher Shupp, Mr. Daniel W. Podvin, Mrs. Karen S. (Knieps) Turner, Mr. Arthur E. Starbuck, Mr. Robert N. Snow, Mrs. Carlton J. (Sherman) Alexander, Ms. Susan L. Porter, Mrs. Janet M. (Ball) Turner, Mr. Charles K. Steinle, Mr. C. David Ms. Dian H. (Meyer) Porter, Mr. Robert S. Stephens, Mr. William D. Turner, Mrs. Judith A. (Shuler) Stevenson, Jr., Dr. James D. Straatemeier, Mr. Jon F Arens, Mr. John H. Rego, Mr. Emmanuel A. Wheeler, Mrs. Carol S. (Scott) Tate, Mrs. Gwenda L. (Webber) Cirese, Mrs. Sarah J. (Williams) Riddell, Ms. Marguerite A. (Kriesant) Tanaka, Dr. Laurence K. Wiggins-North, Mrs. Judith C. (Hay) Tipps, Mr. Dean C. Terry, Mr. Darrell M. Conner, Dr. Patricia Rose, Mr. Charles D. Workman, Mr. William W. Turner, Mr. Daryl S. Davidson, Mr. Alan C. Rose, Mrs. Claudette B. (Barnes) Vermeer, Mr. John L. Warnemuende, Mrs. Carolyn P. Wang, Mrs. Kiturah L. (Friedman) Eller, Mrs. Louise R. (Bewley) Smith, Mrs. Pamela R. (Du Mond) Weger, Miss Brigitta Flanders, Dr. Stephen (Payne-Pate) Spaulding, Mrs. Jean C. (Brown) CLASS OF 1965 Whiles, Mrs. Judith D. (Gambill) Franzen, Mr. David G. Weiman, Mrs. Clarene M. (Nedom) Stansfield, Mrs. Nancy G. (Hallett) JGWS Workman, Mrs. Sharon S. (Scott) Hayes, Mrs. Marialice (Hedgcock) Weister, Mr. Robert P. Starnes, Mrs. Florence F (Grove) Florence, Mr. Kenneth J. Zink, Ms. Hope E. Hays, Ms. Rita Westlund, Mrs. Donna J. (Heavyside) Stephens, Mrs. Elizabeth M. (Milford) Milbank, Mr. Michael P. Holmberg, Mr. Joel A. Wilson, Mr. Thomas G. Stoody, Mr. John L. Patton, Mrs. Ellen M. (Kuechel) Huffcutt, Mr. Edward W. Wyatt, Ms. Susan C. (Clough) Suzuki, Mrs. Aileen R. (Asayama) Shonborn, Mr. William A. CLASS OF 1967 Hulcé, Mrs. Ann L. (Brooks) Thayer, Mrs. Elizabeth W. (Ware) Whitaker, Dr. James Q. JGWS Kattler, Mr. John L. Toburen, Mr. David L. Harvey, Mrs. Susan E. (Elliott) Kelsey, Mrs. Marion J. (Mathews) Vierling, Mrs. Pamela L. (Otto) Sponsors CLASS OF 1966 Milbank, Mrs. Janet L. (Reed) Kern, Mrs. Alice Genelle (Plotner) Warner, Rev. Glen Dudley, Mrs. Darlene N. (Bosch) JGWS Yocam, Mrs. Janet M. (McVeigh) Kern, Dr. Michael D. Williams, Mrs. Dana L. (Guevara) Haldan, Mr. Glenn A. Erler, Mrs. Adrian C. (Kennedy) Kolb, Jr., Mr. Charles T. Yeh, Mrs. Claire C. (Ching) Erler Ill, Mr. Theodore G.

Key to support groups: JGWS: $1,000 or more Sponsors: $500— $999 Pacesetters: $250 -$499 Associates: $125 -$249 8 CLASS OFI967-70

Sponsors Bennett, Mr. Leon C. Herrick, Mrs. Joan M. (Crotser) Harris, Dr. Wyatt A. Voyles, Mrs. Nola J. (Johnson) Davis, Mr. Robert M. Brandt, Mr. James A. Hlawatsch, Mr. John C. Hooper, Mrs. Frederica (Fluck) Wagner, Miss Lietta Pacesetters Gilchrist, Mr. Richard I. Hogue, Mrs Phyllis A. (Sutherin) Matthias, Mrs. Charlene (Johnson) Weston, Mrs. Mary S. (Stelmach) Curran, Mrs. Janna (Wilemon) Lanrian, Dr. William G. Holt, Mr. Ted J. Ogle, Mr. William F Whiteman, Mr. Robert M. Gebert, Mr. Michael W. Lee, Mrs. Phyllis W. (Wong) Hunt, Mr. Christopher H. Osajima, Mrs. Lillian V. (Morimoto) Wilson, Mrs. Martha A. (Pierce) Honikman, Mrs. Jane I. (Israel) Lennertz, Mrs. Linda P. (Paterson) Izumo, Mrs. P. Susan (Brown) Owen, Mr. William E. Wolsey, Mrs. April S. (Smith) Houston, Mrs. Cynthia (Hall) McDonald, Mr. Brian Jette, Miss Catherine M. Patterson, Jr., Mr. Samuel M. Wultestieg, Mr. Paul C. Kaiser, Dr. Arthur C. Quintrall, Mrs. Albert F (Miller) Jones, Mrs. Nancy E. (Pedlar) Stack, Ms. Joy E. (Jacobson) Wykoff, Mrs. Laurel A. (Davies) Krause, Mrs. Jane L. A. (Alexander) Quintrall, Mr. Albert F Kendrick, Mrs. Jeri J. (Johnson) Summerton, Mr. John E. Y'Barra, Mr. Steve J. Lipps, Mrs. Marleen M. (Makino) Simmons, Mr. Mark E. Kerby, Mrs. Kay E. (Anderson) Vanosdol, Mrs. Ann K. (Ekberg) Loftus, Mr. Hugh D. Welch, Dr. Dennis B. Kircos, Mrs. Susan D. (Davis) Wilson, Mrs. Donna W. (Watkins) MacLowry, Mrs. Jeniter L. (Riddle) Associates Kruse, Mr. Wesley A. CLASS OF 1970 Raketich, Mrs. Jane S. (Shinoda) Ajgaonkar, Dr. Ashok D. Lambert, Mr. David H. Aanerud, Dr. Ronald A. JGWS Simeral, Mrs. Virginia H. (Randles) Akasaka, Mr. Richard Y. Lambert, Mr. Dean A. Austin, Mr. Stephen C. Bernard, Mr. Frank E. Andrews, Mrs. Melissa J. (Artman) Langenes, Dr. David J. Barboo, Mr. Joseph B. Sponsors Associates Maldonado, Mr. Arnold J. Bell, Mrs. Anita W. (Wyne) Adams, Mr. Richard L. Comstock, Mrs. Linda E. (Jensen) Bobrow, Dr. Jerry Mauk, Mrs. Donna K. (Roemer) Bell, Mr. Gregory E. Barriga, Mr. Carlos Evans, Mr. Christopher C. Noval, Mr. James V Bible, Mrs. Lynne (Marshall) Pacesetters Brown, Mr. Ted M. Sirney, Mrs. Marie J. Burbank, Miss Jane Wright, Dr. Thomas S. Campbell, Mrs. Barbara J. (Tasker) Associates Cover, Mrs. Ann M. (Hansen) Atherton, Mrs. Joyce A. (Umemoto) Cruickshank, Mrs. Ruth E. (Stichal) Beaver, Mrs. Bonnie M. (McTavish) Edinger, Dr. Paul F Camacho, Mrs. Dianne L. (DeMille) Elkins, Mrs. Sondra D. (Nielsen) DuPuy, Mrs. Margaret A. (Adams) Ferguson, Mr. Raymond B. Hall, Mrs. Linda E. (Hartman) Herron, Mrs. Sandra R. (Rockwell) Hall, Mr. Steven J. lpswitch: Mr. Lawrence R. Hooper, Mr. Michael C. Isaacson, Mrs. Nancy C. Johnston, Mrs. Margaret S. (Severy) (Rosenbach) McCartney, Miss Michele L. Johnston, Mr. Allen G. Miller, Mr. Sam M. McClelland, Ms. Karen E. Nickerson, Mr. Allen L. Peter, Mrs. Diane L. (Hillman) Plummer, Mr. Mike Sinatra, Dr. Frank R. Plummer, Mrs. Sharon C. (Clayton) Snell, Mrs. Sharon L. (Moorhead) Purnell, Jr., Mr. Russell E. Stanton, Mrs. Mary M. (Sydnor) Rothschild, Mrs. Jane (Raycraft) Stelmach, Dr. Harlan D. Seeman, Mrs. Pamela J. (Lynch) Stelmach, Mrs. Madelyn M. Sellman, Mrs. Maryl B. (Ball) (McKenzie) Whitfield, Mrs. Wilhelmina C. Throndson, Mrs. Mary Ann (Baumgarten) (Lavedock) Wray, Mrs. Ann R. (Allen) Yocum, Mr. Robert C. Adams, Ms. Kathleen A. (McDermott) Armstrong, Mrs. Judith C. (Osborne) Arnaudotf, Mrs. Donna P. (Persic) Billman, Mr. Richard F. Barnhill, Ms. Paula K. Blomberg, Rev. Harvey E. Beard, Mrs. Kathleen W. (Riddell) Boyer, Mrs. Judith L. (Lank) Bel, Mrs. Judith K. (Kimbrough) Brock, Mrs. Carol L. (Rader) Bell, Jr., Mr. John L. Burgess, Mr. George W. Blakely, Mr. Willie R. Cain, Mrs. Gloria J. (Houck) Budinger, Ms. Patricia J. Carey, Mr. Albert H. Camalich, Mr. Leobardo C. Carey, Ms. Jean E. (McGuckin) Christensen, Mr. Steven E. Chamberlain, Mrs. Audrey T. (Thedaker) Colflesh, Mr. Steve Cimiluca, Mrs. Demitra L. (Londos) Thanks to many campus landscaping improvements made during 1991-92, the Whittier College campus has Corsino, Miss Janice M. Clark, Mr. Michael J. P. never looked better! New sidewalks, lighting, benches, trees, and a beautiful new north lawn were among the Coville, Mr. Dennis L. Davidson, Mr. Ronald G. Clingwald, Mr. Bill A. additions made to the campus. Davidson, Mrs. Sandra H. (Hayden) DePauw, Dr. Karen P. (Ward) Demmin, Mr. William C. Deane, Ms. Sally J. Durham, Mrs. Christina M. (Miller) Downs, Mr. Douglas W. Gastelum, Mr. Ronald R. Ockerman, Mr. Gerald L. Butte rbaugh, Mrs. Flo A. (Curran) Edgerton, Mr. Michael S. Edinger, Mr. David H. Geer, Mr. John R. Parente, Mrs. Kitty B. (Bruss) Callon, Mrs. Cynthia (Ziemer) Ender, Ms. Meredith L. (Pulliam) Elliott, Jr., Mr. Charles Gregg, Miss Susan C. Paul, Mrs. Sharon L. (Schynkel) Carey, Miss Valerie J. Fopiano, Mrs. Martha M. (Mason) Fern, Mr. Charles A. Guthrie, Jr., Mr. James N. Perry, Mr. James E. Chamberlain, Mr. MichaeNE. Fountain, Mrs. Donna S. (Coie) Gallaway, Mrs. Jacqueline M. Hales, Mrs. Sally R. (Robinson) Pobre, Mr. Mel B. Clendaniel, Mr. Randon Fronk, Mrs. Marca D. (Patterson) (Williams) Johnston, Mrs. Nancy (Steinbaugh) Remley, Mrs. Penny J. (Pratt) Connor, Mrs. Mary J. (Goodman) Fronk, Dr. Robert H. Gilbart, Mrs. Julie D. (Huggins) Robison, Dr. John C. Cordell, Mr. Robert J. Gibson, Mrs. Thyra L. (Rowden) Lynn, Ms. Barbara (Miller) Goodman, Miss Ann L. Herrick, Mrs. Margaret E. (Abbott) McCombs, Mrs. Mary H. (Jackson) Robison, Mrs. Tracy A. (Pfeifer) Corriveau, Mrs. Susan M. (Morten Grisham, Mr. Douglas L. Hertzler, Ms. Judith A. Moore, Mrs. Cheryl R. (Bronn) Romantini, Mrs. Barbara H. (Huff) Faulkner) Grisham, Mrs. Susan Mary (Smith) Hunsaker, Mrs. Claudia L. (Smith) Moore, Mr. MacArthur Ross, Ms. Pamela R. Crowther, Miss Kathleen R. Halliday, Mr. John R. Hutchinson, Ms. Margaret Mooschekian, Mr. Terry Rushing, Mrs. Cheryl D. (VanDam) Dittman, Ms. D. Jeanine Henderson, Mr. Hugh D. (Magruder) Moscovitch, Mr. Gene C. Seapy, Mrs. Ann J. (Knutson) Fisher, Dr. Donn Hilliard, Mrs. Glenda G. (Boehm- Jackson, Mr. Donald D. O'Pray, Mrs. Shyrl L. (Britton) Sherman, Jr., Mr. Kenneth Fisher, Mrs. Dorian G. (Gray) Katzeff-Forbes) Jones, Mr. J. Ted Parry, Mr. John D. Simpson, Ms. Anne E. Floyd, Mrs. Susan B. (Baker) Hoffman, Mrs. Carol R. (Rushton) Kenyon, Ms, Margaret E. Rothschild, Mr. Ronald M. Sinatra Ill, Mr. Frank Forrest, Rev. E. Louise Inn, Mrs. Estelle K. (Kau) Lawrence, Mr. Denis G. Schilling, Ms. Margaret F (Finley) Sinatra, Mrs, Karen E. (Berg) Fraumeni, Mr. Vincent J. Jones, Mr. William H. Ledbetter, Mr. Michael T. Spencer, Miss Margaret J. Sorenson, Mr. Dave L. Hall, Mrs. Susan P. (Pickering) Karls, Mr. David M. Loman, Mrs. Sandra L. (King) Stribley Ill, Mr. Arthur F Soriano, Ms. Ester G. (Hewitt) Hinchman, Mrs. Diane A. (Steele) Kieta, Mr. Robert A. Matthew, Dr. Robert Walker, Mrs. Mary N. (Carr) Spence, Mr. Robert W. Hodge, Miss Carroll A. Kisling, Mr. Jerry W. McGue Ill, Mr. Delbert Wiegand, Jr., Mr. George W. Steinle, Mrs. Jacquelyn 0. (Scott) Holderith, Mrs. Katherine J. (Wulf) Knuth, Mrs. I. Augusta (Stevens) McHatton, Mr. Gary J. Wilson, Mr. Douglas A. Stern-Speck, Ms. Margi A. Jones, Mrs. Cindy K. (Schuricht) Kreuzer, Mr. William C. Mensing, Mr. William K. Wray, Mr. Norman J. Stillwagon, Mr. Robert Jonker, Mrs. Janet L. (Gotfredson) Kuehl, Mr. William 0. Naulty, Miss Susan L. Yocum, Mrs. Julie A. (Noyes) Teel, Mrs. Shermyl A. (Carter) Kenny, Ms. Kathy Legant, Mrs. Kristin D. (Gemmer) Nawa, Ms. Eileen H. Young, Ms. Royce-Ann Varney, Mrs. Nancy K. (Kilner) Kobayashi, Mr. Clyde E. Legant, Dr. Paul M. Noble, Jr., Mr. J. Thomas Vincent, Mr. John G. LePrince, Mrs. Susan J. (Marshall) MacQuiddy, Ms. Michelle I. Olander, Mrs. Ellyn A. (Auberman) Bagg, Mrs. Gertrude S. (Scott) Walan, Ms. Cindy M. Leebolt, Mrs. Karen C. (Creed) Maggard, Ms. Sarah E. Parmelee, Mr. Michael E. Bel, Mr. John E. Wheatley, Mrs. Patricia L. (Donaldson) Lion, Mrs. Clelia K. (Kennedy) McClure, Mrs. Leslie D. (Troy) Reed, Ms. Pamela I. Bennett, Ms. Linda M. Whitson, Ms. Carol Lytle, Mr. John R. McCray, Mr. Raymond W. Rees, Mr. Richard J. Berk, Mrs. D. Jean (Meirs) Williams, Mrs. Diane L. (Mayo) Marble, Mrs. Jean L. (Ferguson) McCulloch, Mrs. Donna J. (Messer) Richardson, Mrs. Ruth P. (Perry) Best, Mr. John F Winzenread, Mr. Lawrence A. McCord, Mrs. Cynthia A. (Robertson) Mele, Mr. John A. Ripley Ill, Mr. Edward P. Blackmore, Mrs. Naomi B. (Bjerke) Winzenread, Mrs. Linda A. (Krueger) McCord, Mr. Ted F Mele, Mrs. Linda L. (Callicott) Ritchey, Mr. Raymond M. Braun, Mrs. Kathleen E. (Ray) Zobel, Ms. Jan A. McKee, Mrs. Diane L. (Morrison) Moore, Mr. Carl A. Rudstrom, Mrs. Lynne C. (Craig) Brockett, Mr. Charles D. Mescher, Dr. Dave Mullenbach, Mrs. Patricia (Webster) Shaw, Mr. Robert B. Brown, Mr. David A. Miller, Mrs. Billie M. (McNabb) Naylon, Mrs. Jill L. (Ferguson) Shaw, Mrs. Susan L. (Scrim) Charlton, Mrs. Kirsti Eide CLASS OF 1969 Miller, Mr. John S. Sherrill, Ms. Lori A. Neely, Jr., Mr. Maltrus J. Cheatham, Mrs. Linda (Shedeck) JGWS Mistysyn, Mr. James M. Peck, Mrs. Ellen H. (Lundberg) Smith, Jr., Mr. Lawrence J. Cheatham, Mr. Richard B. Heinrichs, Mrs. Peggy H. (Hackett) Mohling, Mr. Donald B. Smith, Mr. Norman D. Peebles, Mrs. Karla A. (Voorhees) Dahms, Dr. Joseph E. Sponsors Nakamura, Mrs. Grace A. (Shinoda) Perez, Mr. Douglas H. Soderholm, Mrs. Kathleen F. Davenport, Mr. John L. O'Connor, Mrs. Nancy C. (Howe) (Gilmore) Garrett-Summers, Mrs. Barbara Pyle, Mr. John E. Davidson, Mr. Neil A. (Vallentine) O'Malley, Mrs. Carolyn K. (Poison Ramirez, Dr. Bruce A. Stark, Mr. David J. Davis, Mr. Tom A. Daniel) Thomas, Ms. Lorraine K. Raymond, Mrs. Priscilla C. (Bosse) Elson, Mrs. Jade A. (Hobson) Pacesetters Peebles, Mr. Gary E. Tipps, Mrs. Jeanice K. (Krage) Schumacher, Dr. Glenn P. Fair, Mrs. Julia M. (Clark) Allen, Mrs. Denise (Day) Piper, Mrs. Gayle R. (Roman) Tsubokawa, Mrs. Amy (Sakamoto) Sorenson, Mrs. Colleen A. (Wicks) Farkas, Mr. Dan J. Allen, Mr. Wendell F Ransonet, Mrs. Mary K. (Kelley) Wardlow, Mr. David E. Sorenson, Mr. Steven D. Feinstein, Dr. David Brening, Mrs. Leota M. (Stanton) Remley, Dr. Donald L. Wardlow, Mrs. Wendy D. Furlong, Mrs. Brenda W. (Bartling) Sorenson, Mrs. Teresa A. (Record) Fountain, Mr. John S. Rikel, Dr. James E. (Waterhouse) Gilchrist, Mrs. Nina N. (Newsom) Stankowich, Mrs. Mimi A. (Ellis) Frank, Mrs. Doreen J. (Albee-Riddle) Roach Ill, Mr. James W. White, Mrs. Ella K. (Uemura) Gillette, Ms. Christine M. (Portigal) Sullivan, Mrs. Karen L. (Lau) Frank, Mr. Steven J. Roach, Mrs. Jean W. (Schaafsma) Wong, Mr. Alan K. L. McDonald, Mrs. Susan E. (Garber) Tholen, Ms. Janet G. Fraumeni, Mrs. Penny S. (Cams) Robinson, Mrs. Pamela E. (Hoppins) Noonan, Mr. Michael S. Todd, Mrs. Sally E. (Engel) Gaumer, Mr. Robert L. Rollins, Mr. Dale R. Noonan, Mrs. Nanette P. (Plummer) Tommervik, Mrs. Melissa (Browne CLASS OF 1968 Goodson, Mrs. Janet G. (Woodfield) Rollins, Mrs. Sharon G. (Gilbert) Kelley) Graham, Mrs. Judi A. (Hathaway) Smith, Cdr. Gary J. E. Schachter, Dr. Thomas D. JGWS Whetzel, Mrs. Cynthia W. (Wyne) Tong, Mrs. Kathy L. (Richardson Grand, Mrs. Herb A. (Punt) Sherman, Mrs. Elizabeth G. (Gill) Minor, Mr. James W. Woodward, Mrs. Karen L. (Brown) Lynn) Gray, Mrs. Jeanne M. (Hull) Stephens, Mrs. Sherry (Firestone) Varbel, Mrs. Teri S. (Spence) Sponsors Hahn, Mrs. Cathleen (Gigler) Woolsey, Mr. Brad R. Stewart, Mr. Ross B. Alluis, Ms. Louise J. Associates Wainwright, Jr., Mr. Paul E. Hammic, Mr. Bryan D. Sueksdort, Dr. William D. Well, Mr. Stanley H. Stone, Mr. Michael S. Blake, Mr. Gary B. Hatcher, Mr. John R. Sydnor, Mr. Robert H. Wheeler, Ms. A. Marilyn Strawn, Mr. Michael S. Calac, Mr. Gordon D. Haye, Mr. Kenneth C. Temple, Mrs. Patricia J. (Hartwell) Willott, Mrs. Kathleen B. (Barney) Wardlaw, Mr. William M. Christensen, Miss Karen E. Haye, Mrs. Penny R. (Richard) Thomas, Dr. Dani B. Wulfestieg, Mrs. Rebecca S. Dawson, Mr. E. Douglas Pacesetters Hedrick, Ms. Sherry J. (Rockwell) Thomas, Mrs. Sharon E. (Hoke) (Barnard) Downie, Mrs. Elizabeth M. (Harvey) Axtell, Ms. Mary J. (Scott) Heidenberg, Mrs. Denise M. (Myers) Thornburg, Mr. Robert B. Wydeven, Mrs. Betty Ann (Ruffina) Axtell, Dr. Ronald A. Hendrixson, Mrs. Susan E. Downie, Dr. Robert L. Timanus, Mrs. Peggy L. (Keesling) Bennett, Mrs. Karen C. (Christensen) (Chesebro) Frealy, Mrs. Penelope L. (Shirley) Turner, Ms. Frances L. (Fobes) Hensley, Mr. Terry L. Hans, Mr. Douglas W. Valderrama, Mr. Steven

Key to support groups: JGWS: $1,000 or more Sponsors: $500 —$999 Pacesetters: $250— $499 Associates: $125 —$249 CLASS OF 1971 - 75

Nelson, Mr. R. Eric Nakamoto, Mr. Wayne S. issett, Mrs. Vickie L. (Lopez) Associates CLASS OF 1971 Simonian, Mrs. Patricia (Hartunian) Nerio, Mr. Gerald D. oyd, Mrs. Sharon L. (Graham) Gernazio, Mr. Carl J. JGWS Associates Nilsson, Mr. Roy A. rooker, Mrs. Janet M. (Welborn) Jones, Mrs. Elizabeth M. (Motander) Gad, Dr. Shayne C. Biang, Mrs. Marcia R. (Keuning) Nishimura, Mr. Dennis D. rown, Mrs. Janis A. (Fix) Kightlinger, Mrs, Debbi M. C. Lund, Mr. Alan H. Bookstein, Mr. Michel B. Noel-Malkemus, Mrs. Linda L. ushery, Mrs. Laura A. (Molaskey) (Collins) Sponsors Downs, Mr. Jeffrey S. Ober, Miss Patsee M. lement, Mr. Samuel P. Sachs, Mr. Mark A. Ohta, Mr. Steven T. Shaban Kim, Ms. Helen Porzecanski, Dr. Arturo C. Gillette, Ms. Barbara B. (Bliss) orley, Ms. Elizabeth B. (Beck) Oppenlander, Mrs. Meredith A. ortez, Mrs. Christina L. (Rodriguez) Tenopir, Dr. Carol Pacesetters Gillette, Mr. William D. Granberg, Ms. Birgitta M. (Riddle) roghan, Mrs. Jeanette S. (Peel) Winthrop, Mr. Lawrence F. Mather, Rev. Stephen John Hailer, Mrs. Cynthia (Palmer) Oveross, Mr. Gregory K. avis, Mrs. Barbara (Coulson) Sydnor, Mr. William E. Mieras Esq., Peter C. Platou, Mr. Alfred G. avis, Ms. Sharon M. Arcadi, Mrs. Alison A. (Giles) Associates Patterson, Mrs. Marie E. (Layaye) Popp, Mr. Charles L. illaway, Mrs. Linda S. (Vallejo) Backer, Mrs. Cheryl L. (Morse) Compton, Mr. James A. F Peet, Miss Nancy Rahder, Mrs. Helen M. (McKenna) onvito, Mr. Anthony Barry, Mr. Henry Roger DuPuy, Mr. Loren W. Phillipson, Mr. Kenneth W. Randolph, Mrs. Sally A. (Johnson) Ills, Ms. Ellen T. (Trescott-Runkle) Britton, Ms. Roxie S. Fulkerson, Mr. Franklin R. Tom, Mr. Gerald Y. Reid-Haight, Mrs. Laura S. (Stribley) enelon, Mrs. Holly J. (Sprague) Conner, Mrs. Vickie G. (Gutierrez) Jones, Mr. Richard D. Tonge, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Remkiewicz, Mrs. Kathryn T. (Tenopir) ikse, Mrs. Cheryl L. (Giesmann) Cooney, Mr. Terry B. McCrea, Mrs. Marilynn D. (Phillips) (MacDonald) Roark, Mrs. Lorene A. (Duffey) ishman, Mr. Alan M. Corley, Mr. Robert C. McDermont, Mr. Gregg N. leming, Mr. James L. Couser, Mr. Carl A. Michael, Mr. Ronald J. Cureton, Mr. Scott Myers, Mrs. Joann H. (Hill) Davenport, Ms. Patricia A. Rothmann, Mr. John F. Downing, Mr. William G. Salcido, Mr.. R. Anthony Estrada, Dr. Larry J. .Surina, Mr. James D. Fatland, Ms. Judith Nelson Surina, Mrs. Janet M. (Popoff) Flanagin, Mr. Dennis M. Takagi, Mrs. Lee E. (Dye) Foodym, Mrs. Katherine Anne Thompson, Mr. Roger C. (Turkovich) Fulbright, Dr. Dennis W. Adams, Mr. Michael A. Gammage, Ms. Jody L. (Moon) Backer, Mr. Robert Gesselman, Ms. Gail M. (Smith) Bauer, Mrs. Joy G. (Garrett) Gonsalves, Mrs. Debi H. (Herrema) Beeson, Mrs. Denise D. (Coutu) Grainger, Mrs. Stephnee K. (Poston) Belknap, Mrs. Elizabeth L. (Unhand) Hall, Mr. Cary R. Bell, Mrs. Felicia S. (Beilock) Hall, Mrs. Tern A. (Stimpfel) Bernal, Mr. John B. Harriman, Mrs. Mary Ann (Broccolo) Birt, Dr. Diane D. (Feickert) Hanson, Ms. Donna L. (Stewart) Booth, Ms. Carol (Kaetzel) Hickey, Mr. James R. Booth, Mrs. Jeni L. (Parker) Hogan, Mrs. Kathleen A. (Bruich) Boyer, Mr. Stanley J. Jenkins, Ms. Kathy A. Brown, Mr. James M. Johnson, Mrs. Nena E. (Eldridge) Brown, Mrs. Joyce C. (Eakin) Kearns, Mrs. Debbie A. (Anvick) Burch, Miss Birdie N. Komaki, Dr. Edward S. Chan, Mr. Pedro C. Lakey, Mrs. Jacqueline (Davis) Chan, Mr. Wai-Pan Larson, Ms. Sharon Sue Chipello, Mrs. Diana J. (Priest) Leggette, Mrs. Marie C. (Crawford) Cleek, Dr. N. Eugene Lewis, Mr. Guy J. Colfiesh, Dr. Melissa 0. (Otte) McMains, Mr. James D. Corcoran, Mr. Michael E. Miles, Mrs. Janice K. (Yamashita) Crane, Mr. David J. Miller, Ms. Bonita M. Cynar, Mrs. Joyce L. (Harrington) Morriss IV, Mr. Alexander W. DeWitt, Miss Pauline Morriss, Mrs. Lisa W. (Staats) Dedrick, Dr. Suzanne L. Muller, Dr. Jeffrey Dewberry, Mr. Richard L. Nilsson, Mrs. V. Lou (Erickson) Dominguez, Mr. Reynaldo Nursement, Mrs. Linda A. (Juhnke) Dopheide, Miss Judith G. Katherine Gulsby '92 traded Whittier College stories during the spring Annual Fund Phonathon. As many as 75 Odom, Mr. Gary R. Doring, Mr. Chris P. students participated in this crucial fund-raising program during the spring and fall semesters. The phonathon Ostlie, Mrs. Teresa C. (Moser) Drenth, Mr. John W. was responsible for 75% of those alumni who made gifts in support of the 1991-92 Annual fund campaign. Petway, Ms. Barbara L. (Sexton) Farrell, Mr. Tim J. Rails, Mr. Don P. Fish, Mr. Edwin E. Rambo, Ms. Katherine B. Hawkins, Mr. Terry J. Remkiewicz, Mr. Francis L. Weaver, Miss Mary L. Rodman, Mrs. Betty A. (Mocchetti) Henderson, Mrs. Martha J. (Martin) Flynn, Mrs. Suzan Dee (Feist) Roberts, Miss Mary J. Young, Mr. Roger S. Ryujin, Mr. Gail S. Hernand, Mr. Ray Foster, Mr. F Michael Robles, Mr. Manuel V. Sanford, Ms. Allison A. (Pond) Hodson, Miss Sara S. Freeman, Miss Jacqueline J. Salyer, Ms. Barbara P. Akins, Miss Leigh A. Saurenman, Mr. Donald A. Hoff, Mr. David C. Gammage, Mr. George R. Smith, Mr. Richard L. Aleshire, Mrs. Frances J. (Jennings) Sowers, Ms. Mary E. (Tenopir) Holguin, Jr., Mr. Al W. Gardner, Mr. Stephen H. Snook, Mrs. Carol B. (Blumer) Anderson, Mr. A. Craig Sparks, Mr. Wendell M. Hopkins, Mrs. Sheila (Thielmann) Gonsalves, Mr. Jack R. Spratt, Mr. Roger J. Baker, Mr. Richard E. Springer, Mr. Scott B. Knape, Mrs. Doris E. (Buckendorf) Gruennert, Mr. David D. Stanley, Mrs. Carol L. Baker, Mrs. Tinka P. (Perry) Strong, Mr. Albert E. Kramer, Dr. Stephen A. Hall, Mr. Richard M. Steele, Mrs. Suzanne (Klein) Barnett-Keane, Ms. Laurielynn Tessier, Dr. L. J. Kushner, Mrs. Anne B. (Gross) Hanson, Mrs. Diane S. (Scott) Sugiyama, Mr. Kit G. (Jackson) Thomsen, Mr. Doug Larson, Mrs. Nancy A. (Simmons) Harvey, Mr. Gary Tanner, Mr. Robert G. Barrett, Mrs. Sandra S. (Brantley) Thormodsgaard, Mr. Terry R. Lattyak, Dr. Jim Hinojosa, Mrs. Irene L. (Lozano) Thompson, Mr. William H. Bernal, Mrs. Margie E. (Arvizu) Uyeshima, Mrs. Colleen K. (Kilgore) Leroy, Mr. David M. Horak, Mrs. Cherie (Foley) Thomson, Dr. Allan C. Bonfantine, Mr. Dennis A. Vigliotti, Ms. Janeane S. Marks, Mr. James F Hpang, Mrs. Marynelle M. (Ellis) Tilley, Mr. John E. Camalich, Mrs. Gayle L. (Tuttle) Votaw, Mr. Roy May, Ms. Karen U. (Uyeno) Jenkins, Mrs. Mary Pat (Ferguson) Volpp, Mrs. Teri R. (Dale) Carras, Ms. Dorothy B. (Shifflett) McCulloch, Mr. Kenneth R. Wargo, Mr. David M. Kinnaman, Mrs. Pamela S. (Grueser) Warburton, Mr. David S. Chambers, Mr. W. Michael Zarrillo, Mr. Anthony D. Meathe, Mrs. Christine P. (Jordan) Kreuzer, Mrs. Susan K. (Duffey) Weeks, Ms. Lucy E. Christensen, Mrs. Diane K. (McCrea) Zertuche, Mr. Ruben Mickiewicz, Miss Susan J. Lakey, Mr. Fred Wiihelms, Mr. Rodney L. Church, Mrs. Esther L. (Lin) Miles, Mr. Brian R. Lum, Mrs. Gwyned C. (Chun) Yaffee, Mr. Steve Colvin, Mrs. Anne D. (Dearmond) Miller, Mrs. Jean A. (Lanford) McClary, Mr. Michael E. Young, Mr. Stephen A. Colvin, Mr. Robert M. CLASS OF 1973 Nakamoto, Mrs. Charlene M. K. Miles, Mr. Richard R. Coulombe, Mrs. Linda A. (Walker (Koochi) Sponsors Miller, Mrs. Kathleen L. (Petrus) Saunders) Nokes, Mrs. Janet E. (Dreher) Buck, Mr. Richard W. Milligan, Mrs, Christine P. (Paulson) CLASS OF 1975 Edinger, Mrs. Virginia M. (Matera) Norcutt, Mrs. Kathy R. (Bays) Day, Mr. Peter C. Nagahiro, Dr. William T. Sponsors Edwards, Mrs. Janet L. (Cranston) Neece, Mrs. Marilyn R. (Alexander) Norris-Allen, Ms. Leticia D. Strawn, Mrs. Margot J. (deProsse) Cahoon, Ms. Linda J. Fern, Mrs. Pamela R. (Rickard) O'Bryant, Mrs. Cheryl A. (Cram) Utley, Mr. David Nishiguchi, Miss Nancy Gardner, Mr. Lee R. Pacesetters Ostlie, Mr. John C. Yamamoto, Mr. Shuzo O'Connor, Mrs. Bonnie C. (Bates) Garner, Mrs. Frances (Luedeking) Delhi, Mrs. Rebecca L. (Tanner) Pan, Mr. Johnny K. Pacesetters Ohta, Mrs. Jeri (Melton) Gerard, Mr. Stephen R. Hancock, Mrs. Gretchen 0. (Oakes) Payne, Mrs. Catherine K. (Gedge) Brand, Cdr. Donna J. Oldham, Mrs. Cricket E. (Blockland) Getz, Mr. George F Leark, Mrs. June S. (Okubo) Ramirez, Mrs. Maryanna (Byrne) Compean, Mr. Edward R. Oonchitti, Mrs. Janet (Anderson) Glass, Mr. Don E. McCormack, Mrs. Caroline M. Risher, Mrs. Jeanette (Perko) Curtis, Mr. Ivory T. Oonchitti, Mr. Vanchai Goodwin, Mrs. Jennifer C. (Moore) Robinson, Mrs. Lucinda J. (Long) Hoover, Mrs. Deborah B. (Boice) Ramirez, Mrs. Sharon D. (Landers) (Coupiand) O'Grady, Mrs. Patricia A. (Tredup) Sanford, Mr. Gregory P. Leventhal, Mr. Jess Regan, Mr. Stephen A. Hatch, Ms. Nancy J. (Jones) Associates Schachter, Mrs. Susan 1. (Thomas) Lubian, Mrs. Stephanie C. Rowihab, Mrs. Diane M. (Davis) Hickey, Jr., Mr. Robert E. Burns, Mr. Lawrence R. Smith, Miss Celeste L. (Caiopoulos) Rowihab, Mr. Phillip A. Jensen, Miss Bonnie M. Emery, Mr. Mark H. Smith, Mrs. Christine M. (Crippen) Manuia, Mr. Stanford M. J. Seely, Mr. Larry E. Jew, Miss Mae P. Healy, Dr. Dean A. Stella, Mrs. Carol F (Fuller) Moore, Mrs. Edna B. (Brindley) Slight Ill, Mr. Daniel M. Joffe, Mr. James G. Helfrich, Mr. John C. Stillwagon, Mrs. Nancy (Verano) Moore, Jr., Mr. Joe P. Slight, Mrs. Elizabeth (Buckingham Johnson, Mr. Brad L. Hybarger, Mr. James D. Todd, Jr., Mr. Charles S. Robins, Dr. Gregory E. Stubbs) Johnson, Mr. Mark E. Kidd, Mr. Bruce D. Toomey, Mrs. Beverly C. (Sutton) Smith, Mr. Stanley M. Stendahl, Mrs. Melody M. (Marsy) Kanold, Mr. Norman A. Stinson, Mr, Dennis D. Kidd, Mrs. Jana J. (Holcomb) Tracy, Mrs. Joy L. (Woods) Sullivan, Ms. Cheryl L. Kenton, Mr. Frank J. Stinson, Mrs. Sherri L. (Frederiksen) Kightlinger, Mr. Rick M. Tweit, Mr. Eric A. Associates Krebs, Mrs. Marabel R. (Ehredt) Stueck, Ms. Janelie P. MacDonald, Ms. Luann M. (Lea!) Urabe, Mrs. Barbara T. (Tabrum) Couzyn, Mr. Leonard W. Krist, Mrs. Margaret G. (Oliver) Summers, Dr. Janet I. Martinez-Dabic, Mrs. Pat Urabe, Mr. Ronald K. Dillon, Ms. Kristine E. Kutaka-Barkley, Mrs. Aileen N. Suzuki, Mrs. Cynthia L. (Leong) McKenzie, Mrs. Sally Owen Uyeshima, Mr. Don Getz, Mrs. Marilyn C. (Spada) Lee, Jr., Mr. Francis M. Tanaka, Mrs. Cristina A. (Mattel) Pastrano, Mr. Nicholas R. Yuen, Mrs. Renee W. (Wong) Getz, Dr. Michael F Lehni, Mr. John M. Thompson, Mrs. Mary Ann (Tasker) Pelzer, Mr. Gary J. Jarus, Mrs. Kathleen Morgan Leroy, Mrs. Monique E. (Vanderstok) Toda, Mr. Robert I. Rendon, Ms. Dorothy A. Mazerov, Mrs. Katherine Dean Robertson, Dr. Michael S. CLASS OF 1972 Lingren, Mrs. Joyce A. (Webster) Walker, Mrs. Georgianna J. (Jones) Loverin, Mrs. Jan I. (Rowlands) McDermont, Mrs. Patricia A. Walters, Ms. Kristine C. (Schulze) JGWS Wentz, Mr. Malcolm L. MacEwan, Ms. Bonnie J. (Guerrero) Zinn, Mrs. Joan C. (Schaafsma) Kettenbach, Mr. Michael L. Maltun, Mr. Dana R. Merit, Mrs. Susan M. (Nicholson) Anderson, Mr. Edward V. Sponsors Mann, Mrs. Janeece L. (Skarda) Pruss, Dr. Leslie (Williams) Balkus, Mr. Richard E. Anderson, Mrs. Lynne 1. (Nishiguchi) Manning, Mr. David L. Seliman, Mr. Steven E. CLASS OF 1974 Bingham, Mr. John K. Bosetti, Mr. Stephen W. Marrelli-Kelley, Dr. Anne F Smith, Mrs. Colleen C. (Yoshida) JGWS Chang, Mr. Steven E. Smith, Mr. Richard A. Cibulk, Mr. David N. Cardinal, Dr. Lynne J. Marrese, 'Mr. Vincent F Brumby, Mr. Gary Fenton, Jr., Mr. Jerry C. Marshall, Mr. Gregory A. Tom, Mrs. Lynette S. (Siu) Clark, Mrs. Suzette B. (Loberg) Patton, Mr. L. Michael Walton, Mr. James K. Sponsors Couser, Mrs. Ann M. (Finne) Maryoung, Ms. Jane Brown, Mrs. Maria C. (Chiasson) Pulver, Ms. Amy L. S. Mason, Dr. William H. Werber, Dr. Fred A. Criscione, Mr. Anthony Whitby, Mrs. Sallie E. (Ekern) Herrema, Mr. Donald J. Douthit, Mrs. Rebecca C. (Coffey) Pacesetters Meier, Mrs. Jerri L. (Pellegrin) Kent, Ms. Judith W. (Wallace) Alarid, Mr. Joseph V. Mellin, Mr. George H. Eaton, Mrs. Kyle (Feely) Albert, Mr. Donald W. Flack, Mr. William I. Ekberg, Mrs. Kathryn D. (Davies) Moore, Mrs. Mia Hervin Pacesetters Ansell, Mr. J. Steve Flanagin, Mrs. Sallie S. (Severs) French, Ms. Jamie F (Luna) Moss, Mrs. Susan J. (Wininger) Deihl, Mr. Richard T. Bach, Mrs. Frances H. (vonSeggern) Fullerton, Jr., Mr. Thomas Gimmell, Mrs. Carol R. (Coker) Mrakich, Mr. George M. McCormack, Dr. William M. Nelson, Mrs. Christine E. (Reel) Munoz, Mr. Robert R. Bates, Miss Lynda S. Gluch, Mr. Steven J. Graves, Mr. William P.

Key to support groups: JGWS: $1,000 or more Sponsors: $500 —$999 Pacesetters: $250 -$499 Associates: $125 -$249 10 CLASS OF 1975 - 85

Hayes, Mrs. Jane L. (Schipfer) Austin, Mrs. Susan H. (Holveck) Lockman, Mr. Dalton F Horton-Billard, Ms. Cecilia M. Wilby, Mrs. Laurie Fortney Hays, Mrs. Fay C. (Cooley) Christian, Mrs. Mary Jean (Wilson) Love, Mr. Kelley McBride (Werbeck) Zacovic, Mr. Mark J. Huang, Mr. Lawrence Gorton Nellis, Ms. Susan Pacesetters Kanouse, Mr. Kenneth C. Imoto, Mrs. Christine H. S. (Sumiye) Keh, Ms. Elaine Baca, Mr. James Kiirain, Dr. Clayton G. Jenkin, Ms. Leslie Sue Mulienbach, Mrs. Joyce M. Deven, Mr. Mark G. Kolodziejski, Mr. Kip CLASS OF 1983 Joffe, Mrs. Kim D. (Krous) (Johnson) Henderson, Mr. Richard C. Lee, Mr. Aaron A. JGWS Lee, Mr. Russell C. Kerr II, Mr. Eugene C. Shively, Mr. Norman P. Macy, Mrs. Teresa M. (Carvaiho) Maclas, Mr. Brian A. Lejay, Mr. John G. Kiyuna, Mrs. Charlene M. (Okada) Sure, Miss Kathryn A. Macy, Mr. Todd M. Pacesetters Luther, Mr. James C. Levshin, Mrs. Linda J. (Lowry Associates Diebold, Mrs. Mary Louise McCullen) Anderson, Mr. Dana M. Mandelbaum, Miss E. Lee Allen, Mrs. Elaine J. (Ashwell) Morimoto, Mrs. Frances S. (Castro) Hannis, Ms. M. Cris (Montoya) Lorio, Mr. Don Autenrieth, Mr. Dana Brodhag, Mrs. Deborah J. (Banks) Morrison, Mr. Dwayne L. Associates Macrorie, Mr. Michael E. Autenrieth, Mrs. Virginia D. (Morales) DeVicariis, Ms. Candace M. Mroch, Dr. Mark J. Behoteguy, Mr. Gerald S. McCloskey, Mr. Terrance E. Bashford, Dr. Timothy P. (Bumgardner) Oliver, Mr. Mark E. Johnson, Mr. Robert A. Mercado, Mrs. Susan M. (Mooney) Baxter, Ms. Catherine M. (Dickey) Hart, Mr. Patrick J. Otaguro, Mr. Steven V. Naumann, Mr. Jeffrey J. Biera, Miss Diana Monkiewicz, Mr. Michael Johnson, Mr. Kirk W. Palmer, Mrs. Johanna D. (DeYoung) Sorrell, Mr. Paul N. Brand, Mrs. Lynda D. (Sharp) Moore, Mrs. Cheryl A. Locker, Mr. Douglas S. Palmer, Jr., Mr. Robert H. Carruthers, Mrs. Shari S. (Rogo) Naylon, Mr. Stephen C. Mendes, Dr. Robert A. Pepito, Mr. Alphonso P. Campbell, Ms. Diane B. Casebolt, Ms. Shirley A. Odanaka, Mr. Woodrow Murphy, Mr. Michael J. Perez, Miss Susan M. Chitjian, Mr. Victor K. Clark, Ms. Candice E. Pelzmann, Mrs. Edna L. (Truesdell) Noe, Mr. Thomas A. Pigott, Mr. James P. Cleland, Ms. Karen S. Cote, Jr., Mr. John J. Rails, Mrs. Leslie E. (Anderson) Noe, Mrs. Tina D. (Dickerson) Ponce-Edington, Mrs. Robin Coiburn, Mrs. Denise F (Hudock) DeVicariis, Mr. Richard E. Rodriguez-Alvarado, Ms. Sylvia Norris, Mrs. Pamela A. (McDonald) Roche, Mrs. Kathleen Bishop Feidpouch, Mrs. Margaret E. (Rouse) Dornoff, Ms. Grace M. Roe, Mrs. Gaylen G. (Griffenhagen) O'Brien, Mr. Peter Roppiyakuda, Mrs. Sharolyn L. (Lee) Fitzsimons, Mr. John J. Scott, Mrs. Cathleen M. (Cuihane) Fasana, Mr. John R. Patterson, Ms. Pamela Thomsen, Mrs. Tina C. (Peters) Fuzzard, Jr., Mr. Paul S. Flack, Jr., Mr. Floyd W. Sebastian, Mr. William C. Paul, Mrs. Joan M. (Kittell) Troy, Miss Shirley L. Gehring, Mr. Scott L. Fletcher, Mr. Joseph W. Shelton, Mr. Alan J. Peavy, Ms. Karin Weisenburger, Mr. Michael A. Giffen, Mr. Glenn R. Hadley, Mr. Thomas K. Smith, Ms. Dorothy R. (Revelos) Sadamitsu, Mr. Mark Y. Whitehouse, Ms. Cathy S. (Solis) Hew, Miss Karen D. Haines, Mr. Jonathan D. Sanchez, Mr. Joseph A. Snook, Mr. Gene L. Yeseta, Mrs. Kristine M. (Stanisich) isenbarger, Mr. Dan W. Henderson, Mr. Curtis P. Spinney, Mrs. Sharon L. (Timeus) Konovaloff, Mrs. Diane M. Hicky, Mrs. Bonnie L. (Long) Askeland, Mrs. Rhonda (Dahlberg) Spratt, Mrs. Nancy S. (Kinsey) (Rodriguez) Horton-Bitard, Jr., Mr. Ted P. Brahs, Mr. Stephen A. Thomson, Mrs. Debbie L. (Hansen) CLASS OF 1981 Kubo, Mr. Takeshi Kemp, Mr. Renaldo M. Brown, Mr. Michael L. Thurston, Mrs. Beth E. (Miller) Pacesetters Kyle, Mr. Jeffrey C. Lodwick, Mr. Lyle C. Caballero, Mr. John H. Thurston, Jr., Mr. John A. Baca, Mrs. Lori A. (Sieracki) Langstaff, Mr. John E. Miller-Geiser, Mrs. Dalyn J. Chinarian, Mr. Sam Van Mater, Jr., Mr. John P. Lawrence, Ms. Diane York (Hockett) Lauener, Mr. Peter T. Muller, Mrs. Stephanie (Henderson) Clardy, Mr. Ross S. Wentz, Mrs. Marilyn M. (Moak) Standiford, Ms. Catherine L. (Pearce) Lehman-Kelley, Ms. Lisa Ann White, Dr. Lawrence T. Muraoka, Mr. Brian I. Coleman, Mrs. Aline S. (Siftner) Associates MacDonald, Mr. Ken Whitehead, Miss Ruth A. O'Blenis, Mrs. Pilar L. (Lopez) Cook, Mrs. Janet S. judge) Buckel-Whelan, Mrs. Sharon Mendez, Mr. Paul A. Oliver, Mrs. Robin L. Dean, Mr. Brian R. Woodward, Ms. Theresa S. (Sales) Camarillo, Mrs. Sharon L. (Carty) Miller, Mrs. Nanette (Malicki) Oliver, Mr. Thomas W. Dinneen, Mr. Gary M. Hinds, Mr. Brad C. Milosch, Mr. Paul Phillips, Mr. Paul K. Duke, Mrs. Edna P. (Yrungaray) Kirk, Mrs. Anna (Coppuccio) Nakagaki, Mrs. Andrea E. (Lowden) CLASS OF 1976 Phillips, Mrs. Virginia C. (Cline) Ferrarese. Mrs. Cathy H. (Halley) Naumann, Mrs. Teena L. (Laufer) Pal-Isenbarger, Mrs. Nivy Pigott, Mrs. Betty W. (Koo) Galvan, Mr. Antonio L. JGWS Robert, Mr. Richard M. Perez-Mroch, Mrs. Lucinda L. Piper; Ms. Norma L. (Lippitt) Galvan, Mrs. Rita M. (Covera) Ai, Mr. Steven C. Wong, Dr. Jeanette Constance Pigott, Mrs. Alison K. (Hawley) Poihemus, Miss Barbara A. Garcia, Mr. David D. Eshilian, Mrs. Lori J. (Peel) Raab-Peters, Mrs. Dorelie K. Pounders, Mr. William D. Geidreich, Mr. John McNulty, Mr. Paul D. Cave, Mrs. Anna L. (Curnutte) Robles-Campos, Dr. Laura Price, Mr. Melvin G. Gilbert, Mr. Don W. Sponsors Dantzler, Miss Kelley D. Rowan, Mr. Paul J. Pugliese, Mr. Ronald A. Hamlyn, Mr. Wesley G. Harris, Mrs. Mallory A. (Hall) Daw, Mr. James P. Safarian, Mr. Edmond K. Reynolds, Mr. James H. Hammen, Mr. Douglass S. Ortiz, Mrs. Linda (Dinsmore) Dodson, Mrs. Gloria S. (Sherman) Segovia, Mr. Oscar M. Hetherington, Mrs. Carol J. Riggs, Dr. John J. Drutman, Dr. Howard Simpson, Dr. Roger A. Pacesetters Schifrin, Mrs. Catherine M. Hettinger, Mr. Mark A. Dunham, Dr. Richard L. Smith, Jr., Mr. Floyd W. Dewberry, Mr. Robert H. (Pesqueira Ybarra) Hom, Mr. Richard J. Haina, Ms. Deborah Ann Soto, Mr. Patrick J. Marinelli, Mr. Dante A. Vincent, Mr. Stephen L. Hughes, Mr. Peter C. Hecht, Mrs. Helene L. (Levy) Spellman, Ms. Trista M. Spencer, Ms. Nancy L. Warren, Mr. J. Sandy Keim, Mrs. Donna M. (Basham) Johnson, Mr. Bret L. Strom, Mr. Mark N. Wojkowski, Mr. Dan Wolters, Mrs. Debra M. (Colia) Kirkham, Ms. Dolores D. (Duckworth) Ketchum, Mr. Michael W. Sullivan, Dr. Kathryn E. (Macaulay) Associates Yaffe, Mrs. Marsha S. (Rosenblatt) Lahr, Mrs. Lucia C. (Ceniseroz) Kretz, Mr. Gary H. Thibert, Mrs. Deanna R. (Towers) Chang, Mr. Aaron G. K. Leighton, Mr. Lee D. Motter, Mrs. Ruth T. (Tomei) Trabbie, Miss Teresa M. Christian, Mr. Larry D. Lillenas, Mr. Paul A. Murrieta, Mr. David Turley, Mr. Douglas G. Grigg, Mr. Rex G. CLASS OF 1978 Luciano, Dr. Kathleen M. Nakagaki, Mr. Mitchell J. Valencia, Miss Josef ma M. Jones, Mr. Scott G. Morimoto, Mr. Michael B. Pacesetters Overton, Ms. Janice B. (Buffington) Vasquez, Mr. Armando Kachaturian, Mr. Bradley S. Nagamine, Mrs. Ginger S. (ishimoto) Flanagan, Mr. Patrick S. Padilla, Miss Brenda Wanlass, Mrs. Leah C. (Carruthers) Knauer, Mr. Larry C. Nelson, Ms. Susan M. Johnson, Mrs. Carol A. (Schmoll) Reimer, Ms. Terry Jennings Wilson IV, Mr. George L. Sweetser, Mr. Thomas E. O'Dell, Mrs. Christie J. (Plato) Sanner, Mrs. Mary Jane Rooder, Mrs. Carolyn S. (Johnson) Woods, Mrs. Colleen M. (Whitaker) Von Hoffmann-Curzi, Dr. Laurel Sengoku, Mr. Shin Occhipinti, Ms. Debra R. Ruff, Miss Ruth M. Associates Oliver, Mrs. Patricia Y. (Yokochi) Savala, Ms. Cynthia A. Allen, Ms. Darlene J. (Hendrick) Clifford, Mrs. Nina J. (Tanchuk) Osbrink, Mrs. Louise C. (Cole) Stenson, Mr. Jon E. CLASS OF 1984 Andersen, Mr. Corydon J. Crosser, Miss Susan M. Pettross, Ms. Allison Van Cott, Mr. Charles C. Andersen, Mrs. Deborah S. (Daust) Planet i, Mrs. Jessica C. (Ranney) Associates Dauser Ii, Mr. John W. Vandenboom, Mrs. Teresa A. Barney, Mrs. Sidney L. (West) Arcadi, Mr. Michael J. Pinello, Ms. Debbie L. Gorton, Mr. Mark A. (Erickson) Ciason, Jr., Mr. Roy E. Arnim, Mrs. Susannah (McCoy) Rizzo, Mr. Michael T. Hirschfield, Miss Terri F Wellman, Mrs. M. Christina (Gailego) Collins, Mrs. Vanessa L. (Kuhia) Balkus, Mrs. Darlene (Koucky) Seifert, Mrs. Joan E. (Berger) Litchfield ii, Mr. Russell 0. Wolfer, Mrs. Lori J. (Lunceford) Greene, Ms. Shannon Barrett-Birnie, Mrs. Elizabeth Seller, Miss Leah J. Loiacono, Mr. Michael Woods, Mrs. Susan M. (Skare) Memedova, Miss Selina Bon, Ms. LeeAnn W. Severn, Mrs. Deanna L. (Irvin) Newsom, Mr. David W. Moyers, Michelle J. Colman, Mrs. Joan C. (Berger) Shaw, Mrs. Susan E. (England Nord, Dr. Keith D. Summers, Mrs. Diane K. (King) Corneliussen, Mr. Peter B. Ogawa, Ms. Barbara R. Pelletier) CLASS OF 1982 Cuihane, Mr. Douglas M. Simmons, Mrs. Robin E. (Dodson) Piaton, Ms. Elizabeth A. Pacesetters Boehm, Miss Angela M. Dansker, Mrs. Stephanie (Forster) Smith, Mr. Charles R. Sauder, Mr. Scot McMillan, Mr. Daniel J. Brosamer, Mrs. Kimberly A. (Teske) Davalos, Mr. Richard R. Smith, Mr. Robert L. Thompson, Mr. Richard C. Brosamer, Mr. Shawn J. Delanty, Mrs. Lynn M. (Chesley) Tahmizian, Miss Kathy A. Associates Woodworth, Mr. Philip M. Cacho, Mrs. Debra D. (Lozano) Donnellan, Ms. Margaret Tighe, Mr. James G. Collins, Mr. Erie D. Spencer, Ms. Helen R. Campitiello, Mr. Joe P: Etheridge, Ms. Leslie S. Amdahl, Mr. Drew A. Van Cott, Mrs. Joyce Naumann Gardner, Mrs. Cristina (Durazzo) Cardenas, Mr. Samuel I. Berg, Ms. Karen Hodges, Mr. John A. Bearse, Mrs. Cynthia A. (Carter) Chiu, Mr. John Chong-Ming Bormann, Mr. Patrick J. Hodges, Mrs. Patricia A. (Newsom) CLASS OF 1980 Benavides, Mrs. Ernestine (Roel) Egbert, Mr. Steve W. Brand, Mr. Michael A. Kiabunde, Ms. Penny (Howes) JGWS Benda, Mrs. Susan D. (Bryan) Falvey, Mr. Michael P. Butler, Jr., Mr. Hugh M. Bradshaw, Mrs. Christina M. (Nelson) FIaxbeard, Mrs. Lisa M. (Marty) Kiebingat, Ms. Karen M. Campbell, Mr. William H. Waltzer, Mrs. Jennifer A. (Mason) Kurisu, Mrs. June K. Brink, Ms. Sarah J. Fowler, Lt. David P. Chappell, Mr. Ronald J. Pacesetters Burns, Mr. Patrick L. Friesen, Mrs. Sandra R. (Schoales) Lahr, Mr. Donald A. Cones, Ms. Elizabeth (Ginolfi) Vacchio, Mr. Michael A. Lee, Ms. Bernadette A. Chinarian, Mrs. Jeri B. (Flores) Fuzzard, Mrs. Peggy R. (Krom) Fletcher, Mrs. Rebecca Valero Lewis, Mr. Bruce W. Associates Coiburn, Mr. Thomas W. Gandolfo, Mr. Gian P. Gomez, Mr. Angel Burtz, Mr. Scott W. Connolly, Sr., Mr. John J. Gray, Mr. Humberto R. Lodwick, Mrs. Mary A. (Regilio) Henderson, Mrs. Jean Marie (Wilson) McCrory, Mrs. Carroll L. (Padilla) Cain, Ms. Cynthia Newsom Couture, Mr. Bradford W. Haydock, Mrs. Kim R. (Robertson) Hightower, Dr. George B. Mosgrove, Mrs. Robin H. (Hartman) Carlson, Ms. Julie A. Crews, Mr. John R. Herbert, Mr. Michael W. Hsieh, Mr. Donald 1. Murphy, Ms. Catherine M. DeVivio, Mr. Anthony C. Cuadra, Jr., Mr. Alberto lamartino, Mrs. Valentine Houle Ishii, Ms. Donna S. Nilsen, Mr. Edward W. Grossman, Mr. Robert A. Edwards, Mrs. Alicia L. (Lopez) Kalend rut, Miss Susan L. Keene, Mr. Sye E. Harris, Mr. Willard P. Fitzsimons, Mrs. Cecily W. (Wright) Kiechier, Mrs. Patricia 0. (O'Gara) Ogden, Mrs. Sandra K. (Wise) Montes, Mrs. Lisa B. (Kellogg) Pigott, Mr. Arthur E. Kennedy, Ms. Kelly Gamboa, Miss Barbara C. Kump, Mr. Kevin Nishimoto, Ms. Alice K. Kirk, Mr. Mitchell A. Garcia, Mrs. Alma D. (Gonzales) Letersky, Mrs. Linda J. (Pierno) Reedall, Jr., Mr. Alien R. O'Dell, Mr. Michael S. Reid, Mrs. Lee Ann (Nyvold) Koon, Mrs. Patricia L. (Sullivan) Gaskin, Mrs. Dale M. Z. (Zinn) Marriott, Mrs. Candace M. (Wages) Oliver, Mrs. Cheryl T. (Thudium) Sadamitsu, Mrs. Katherine (Quon) Hampton, Mr. Ted S. Martinez, Miss Alma Rosa Ruhe, Ms. Nadene L. Onishi, Mrs. Gloria M. (Fukuda) Shimizu, Mrs. Debra K. (Hamamoto) Sauder. Mrs. Carol D. (Denniston) Hartman, Miss Molly M. Martorano, Mrs. Lora K. (Brunson) Pappas, Miss Linda J. Smith, Mrs. Rosemary (Reina) Senese, Mr. Jay J. Hernandez, Mr. Cesar E. Matsumoto, Mrs. Michelle S. (Oei) Piikington, Mrs. Anita B. (Boudinot) Tunison, Mr. Dana Johnson-Bluth, Mrs. Eileen A. McClean, Mrs. Jennifer L. (Munguia) Piikington, Mr. John M. Alarid, Ms. Kathleen M. Keeley, Miss Joan R. Moran, Dr. Michael D. yeas, Mr. Robert Ramirez, Mrs. Cynthia M. (Jordan) Walneuski, Mrs. Julie K. (Kehler) Alcorn, Mrs. Eileen V. (Moran) Konovaloff, Mr. J. Douglas Noble, Mrs. Sharon M. (Stoltzfus) Reyes, Mrs. Arlene (Gavego) Watson, Mrs. Carol P. (Park) Alcorn, Mr. Eric E. Lee, Mrs. Minna Tao Padilla, Mr. Roman Richmond, Mrs. Mary Ann Yee, Mrs. Maura L. (Lee) Benson-Zimmon, Ms. Kelly L. Maikki, Miss Rita M. Peel, Mrs. Laurie W. (Welsh) (McKenzie) Zinn, Mr. John P. Bledsoe, Mr. Stephen L. Mering, Ms. Margaret V. Praetorius, Mrs. Jui-Lin (Su) Riggs, Mrs. Nancy A. (Brennan) Bray, Mrs. Jacqueline E. (Todd) Miller, Mr. William N. Rodriguez, Mr. Peter L. Root, Mr. James A. Centeno, Ms. Susan Mime, Dr. Kimberly A. (Bearse) Schmierer, Miss M. Katherine CLASS OF 1977 Schrager, Mr. Michael S. Chang, Ms..Laura G. (Gethard) Morris, Mrs. Lone R. (McMillan) Super, Mr. Frank B. Sheridan, Mrs. Cari C. (Maze) Sponsors Chavez, Mr. William Morrison, Mrs. Evelyn (Rollan) Terrazas, Mr. Marc Smith, Mrs. Jocelyn J. (Jones) Williams, Mr. Harvey E. Pettross, Dr. Bill R. Deifel, Miss Gayle R. Motchnik, Mrs. Deborah Arce Weisenburger, Jr., Mr. Gordon Williams, Ms. Kellie D. Pettross, Dr. Cynthia W. (Carpenter) Edwards, Mr. Michael B. Murrieta, Mrs. Jill W. (Whittemore) Wolfe, Mrs. Sheryl M. (Jackson) Erickson, Mr. Robert D. Woods, Mr. Kenneth M. Towers, Dr. Craig V. Nelson, Mr. Donald F Wolff. Mrs. Adele M. (Moody) Estrada, Mr. Fermin A. Northup, Mrs. Vida J. Pacesetters Wright, Mrs, Leanora L. (Bates) Farias, Mr. Daniel A. Petersen, Mr. Dennis E. Cross, Ms. Janet A. Zendejas, Mr. Eduardo Freeland, Miss Karen J. Riserbato, Mrs. Norma M. (Estrada) CLASS OF 1985 Koopman, Mr. Gary W. Garwacki, Mrs. Michele Y. (Toyota) Sais, Mr. Mark A. Pacesetfers Noire, Mr. David CLASS OF 1979 Garwacki, Mr. Russell D. Shultz, Dr. Jeffrey J. Ettinger, Miss Ronene A. Nolte, Mrs. Kathryn G. (Gould) Gendreau, Mr. Keith R. Spalka, Mr. Roch M. Jenkins, Mr. Greg Windisch, Mrs. Linda A. (Spivey) Sponsors Gilbert, Mrs. Susan M. (Koucky) Suzuki, Mrs. Sumit (Wasu) Associates Windisch, Mr. Robert D. Bateman, Mr. Paul W. Guzman, Mr. Robert A. Torigoe, Dr. Noel Mendes, Mrs. Margaret Ann Lewis, Mr. John K. Associates Haberbush, Mr. John R. Veich-Otter, Ms. Marilyn D. (Meadows) Albinio, Mrs. Elizabeth A. (Luzania) Hall, Mrs. Doreen A. (Yoshihashi) Wagner, Mr. Wayne J.

Key to support groups: JGWS: $1,000 or more Sponsors: $500 -$999 Pacesetters: $250 —$499 Associates: $125 —$249 CLASS OF 1985 - 92

Van Vliet, Jr., Mr. John J. Herrera, Mr. Miheal F Guyan, Miss Caitlin A. Runge, Mrs. Trudy G. (Meerschaert) Wong, Miss Melissa Sau-Eu Grubb & Ellis Company Hilliard, Mr. Mark A. Guyan, Mrs, Samanda K. Salter, Miss Wendy A. Wood, Mr. Michael F. Hine, Mrs. Cynthia Dyer Hacienda Psychological Services Hentges, Miss Jacqueline M. Saparito, Mr. Steve B. Hadley Pre-Schools, Inc. Holloway, Miss Trinh T. Hernandez, Miss Margie Schainker, Mr. Richard S. Beachboard, Mr. Joseph L. Harvey and Parmelee Isenbarger, Dr. Paul A. Johnson, Miss Barbara A. Seibert, Mr. Christopher W. Cage, Mr. Brad G. Hebert Transcription Jervis, Jr., Mr. S. Dale Kay, Miss Elizabeth Y. Seymour, Miss Kathryn L. Cardenas, Mrs. Carla M. (Hudock) Hercules Incorporated Lee, Miss Pamela J. Laiblin, Miss Kimberly N. Shintani, Mr. Stephen M. Came, Miss Elinor P. Hewlett-Packard Company Lengerke, Mrs. Maria Q. (Quillicy) Macaulay, Mr. Brendan F Smith, Mr. Michael D. Cauffman, Mr. Jeffrey A. Hoffman Laroche, Inc. Lowther, Mr. Joseph H. Mangum, Miss Elizabeth C. Totaro, Miss Rebecca C. N. Conner, Mr. Dan Hollywood Records Macaulay, Mr. Brian A. Muir, Miss Kristen D. Velasquez, Miss Rosalie Daigneault, Mr, Vincent J. Home Savings & Loan Association McCann, Mr. David A. Murdy, Mr. John R. Villa, Mrs. Roberta M. (Rodriguez) Fearn, Mr. Terry M. Mottola, Mr. James G. Hood Corporation Murphy, Jr., Mr. Frederick H. Westmoreland, Mr. Michael C. Hot Spices, Inc. Franz, Mr. Nicholas R. Oetzman, Mrs. Virginia M. (Freeman) Peasley, Mr. Steve P Whatley, Miss Veronica D. Hughes Aircraft Company Garcia, Miss Esperanza Osborn, Mr. Kevin C. Putits, Miss Dawn M. Willette, Mr. David E. BM Corporation Gilmore, Ms. Laura S. Paisley, Miss Catherine E. Ramboa, Miss Lourdes M. Wong, Song Rou-Bo TT Corporation Henry, Mr. Mark A. Parkus, Mr. Paul Resendez, Miss Rosemary S. n Vogue Hair Salon Herbert, Mrs. Catherine M. Phillips, Mr. Darryl R. Salazar, Mr. Julio C. nsight Photography (Mendoza) Robertson, Miss Stacey M. Salchak, Miss Lisa A. CLASS OF 1992 nternational Paper Foundation Hillquist, Mr. Carl James Rosenthall, Mrs. Leslie A. (Stein) Sauerman, Mr. Rick B. Bleecker, Mr. Perry M. rish Construction Holguin, Mr. Jay E. Royster, Mr, Joseph B. Spencer, Mr. Andrew W. Cortez, Miss Michelle M. The Irvine Company Keulen, Ms. Janet S. (Alfuso) Schuessler, Mr. David D. Taylor, Mr. Mark W. Owens, Miss Pamela L. J. B. Miller, Inc. Kinsey, Mr. Donald Uhrmann III, Mr. Carl J. Torres, Mrs. Vanessa M. (Mills) Wiggins, Miss Stephanie N. JC Penny Company, Inc. Larson, Miss Lanore K. Valdez, Mr. Vincent Une, Miss Christine Y. JIRA Letersky, Mr. Mark A. Younger, Mr. Timothy M. Van Steenburgh, Mr. Charles W. Mattingly, Miss C. Diane J. L. Stanton Construction, Inc. Weidenfeld, Mr. Peter L. CORPORATIONS JQ Visions Salon McCrory, Mr. John E. Wheeler, Miss Janet L. Moeser, Mr. Charles A. CLASS OF 1988 A-Ward Winning Flowers James River Corporation Whitaker, Mr. Christopher A. ARB, Inc. Johnson & Higgins Moeser, Mrs. Jennifer R. .(Reingold) Associates Woirol, Mrs. Susan J. ARCO Foundation Johnson & Johnson Moses, Mr. Michael A. Cervantes, Ms. Michelle A. Yeager, Miss Heather D. Acuson Computer Sonography Jostens Foundation Olson, Mr. Eric W. Chan, Ms. Fiona Aerospace Corporation KC's Yogurt & Deli Pena, Mr. Peter Lee, Mr. Kwan H. Perez, Mrs. Sara P. (Praetorius) CLASS OF 1990 Aetna Life and Casualty Kamine, Steiner & Ungerer Akzo America Foundation Kemper Securities Group, Inc. Pillon, Mr. Thomas J. Abujamra, Miss Grace Pacesetters Allied-Signal Aerospace Co. KinderKuts Quintana, Jr., Mr. Danilo E. Albertini, Mr. Paul G. Thompson, Mr. James H. Always Green Plantscapes Kinderfoto Portrait Studio Quintana, Mrs. Julie A. (Todd) Almeida, Mr. Anthony L. Associates American Airlines Foundation Kleen Cut Rodriguez, Mr. Steven A. Azuma, Miss Carole H. Stanley, Mr. Eric C. American Home Products Corp. La Vie en Rose San Paolo, Mr. David A. Berkley, Miss Jennifer E. American Medical Enterprises, Inc. Lakeshore Learning Materials Santo, Mr. Daniel J. Berringer, Mrs. Laura A. (Hoyt) Simons, Mrs. Jami S. (Feinberg) Ayala, Mr. Angel D. American Standard Foundation Leah's Fabric Gallery Brownell, Ms. Beth A. Baca, Ms. Virginia C. AmpCo Parking Long Beach Symphony Song, Mr. Franklin D. Burnett, Ms. Lisa R. Chavez, Mr. William P. Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Lorea Land, Ltd, Troyer, Mrs. Stephanie J. (Stewart) Carrell, Miss Cynthia L. Cramer, Miss Deborah R. Arinehiese's Boutique Los Angeles Classic Ballet Vedaa, Ms. Karen L. Carstens-Olson, Ms. Alma W. Darling, Miss Carrie A. Anonymous Corporation Los Angeles Floors Yessian, Mr. Harry Foster Casillas, Mr. George E. Diego, Miss Danielle L. Aon Corporation Los Angeles Music Center Opera Cooney, Miss Patricia A. Dodge, Miss Michele L. Apanage Los Angeles Philharmonic Crean, Miss Deborah A. Dominguez, Mr. Paul H. Armstrong World Industries Los Lobos CLASS OF 1986 Davidson, Miss Joyce C. Pacesetters Dubuque, Miss Linda Automobile Club of So. Calif. Los Portales Restaurant Diaz, Mr. Michael L. Ettinger, Miss Jean E. Ayala Boring, Inc. LuLu Fix, Mr. Jean-Marc Eyres, Mr:Adam I. Fratzke, Mr. Brenton K. Odou, Mrs. Shirley H. (Brightwell) BJ's Haircutting Mann Theatres Fitzpatrick, Miss Elizabeth A. Fredricks, Mrs. Leslie C. (Hauser) BKK Corporation Mariposa Nursery Fontes, Mrs. Laureen Lee (Rivacuk) Associates Garcia, Miss Lisa M. Back Street Martin Marietta Corporation Garcia, Miss Angelina Abbate, Mrs. Lisa A. (Hoffmann) Garman, Miss Lisa K. Ball Corporation Mason's Community Bakery Gobar, Mr. CurtJ. Beaulieu, Ms. Yvette M. (Lopez) Gill, Mr. Scott A. Bank of America McDonnell Douglas Foundation Hicks II, Mr. Ronald B. Ham, Mrs. Phyllis J. (Owens) Givens, Miss Beverly P. Baskin-Robbins #116 Merle Norman Cosmetics Hook, Miss Jamie A. Hernandez, Mrs. Kristin L. (Stanley) Gray, Mrs. Sheryn J. (Young) Baskin-Robbins, Puente Hills Merrill Lynch Hess, Mr. Damon M. Ivey, Mr. Frederick M. Green, Miss Amy L. Baskin-Robbins, Telegraph Rd. Mich Corporation Hier, Mr. Jerry B. Pearson, Mrs. Kristin L. (Muller) Hand, Mrs. Jeannette A. (McKinney) Baskin-Robbins, The Quad Michael Bevilacqua Physical Hokanson, Miss Kelli A. Johnson, Miss Tracy L. Beatrice/Hunt-Wesson, Inc. Mike Masanovich Construction, Inc. Albee, Mrs. Mary Jo Johnson, Mr. David A. Krenz, Mr. Karl Becton Dickinson & Co. Miller Brewing Company Blazey, Mrs. Jennifer A. (Nestegard) Klund, Miss Renee M. Kumamoto, Mr. Bryan E. Berkshire-Hathaway, Inc. The Millipore Foundation Kramer, Mr. Douglas M. Casillas, Mr. James A. Loughney, Mrs. Irma (Mann) Blue Hills Nursery, Inc. Monte Collins Backhoe & Equip., Inc. Chavez, Miss Jane S. Lance, Mr. Scott C. Maier, Mr. Cohn K. Bookland Moore-Livingston Music Shop Layton-Reynolds, Mrs. Erika A. Cordes, Mrs. Lisa L. (Garcia) Mandell, Miss Lisa K. Brea West Pharmacy Murasaki Restaurant Layton, Miss Jessica K. Danner, Mrs. Nina A. (Sackheim) Moore, Mr. Kevin M. CIHACO International Music Plus Leary, Miss Alice R. Danner, Mr. Todd R. Nilsen, Miss Julie M. CNA Foundation NCR Foundation Luyt, Miss Simone M. Donlevy, Jr., Mr. John W. Noble, Miss Janelle K. Cafe El Cholo Nail Design Ma, Miss Elizabeth C. Farias, Mrs. Rosalinda (Lopez) Orrahood, Mrs. Sheri L. (Trzeciak) California Business Interiors Nails Plus Hair Macaulay, Miss Clare E. Fox, Mrs. Parnell (Green) Randerson, Mr. Erik D. Carol Anne's Uptown Union Nalco Chemical Company McCullough, Mr. John H. Franco, Mr. Michael S. Rangel, Mr. Ruben Carol's Gifts National Medical Enterprises Gagnon, Miss Michelle R. Mendoza, Ms. Elma (Mendia) Scheiber, Miss Sandra A. Catering by Georgia Naturway Natural Foods Mintzer, Miss Leda J. Garrett, Mrs. Karen L. (Knox) Short, Mr. Benjamin E. Certified Appliance Co., Inc. Nissan Motor Corporation Moon, Mr. Matthew T. Gutierrez, Miss Karen Smith, Ms. Kay L. (Jacobsen) Charles Schwab Northwestern Mutual Life Morales, Mr. Pedro Haner, Mr. Mark F Taylor, Mr. Matthew D. Charter Adjustment Ogino Aizumi Insurance Morimoto, Miss Wendy M. Hitselberger, Ms. Sue C. Tracy, Miss Julie A. Chase Manhattan Bank The Olive Garden Murcia, Mr. Nelson G. Keating, Mrs. Erin J. (Strauss) Weyers, Mrs. Mary F. (Edge) Chesebrough-Pond's, Inc. One-Hour Fotoland Ortega, Mr. Enrique Lawbaugh, Mr. Mitchell H. Chevron Pipe Line Company P.D.Q. Enterprises Palombo, Miss Tina L. Merritt, Mrs. Eleanor M. (Francis) Chevron U.S.A., Inc. PPG Industries Foundation Merritt, Jr., Mr. Grant W. Pehrson II, Mr. John H. CLASS OF 1991 Chinaberry Book Service Pacific Bell Plishka, Miss Daralyn Miguel, Mr. Gary A. JGWS Chris' Volkswagon Parts Pacific Clay Products, Inc. Pelly, Mr. Michael Sheehan Runge, Mr. Andrew J. Shepherd, Mrs. Geraldine B. (Beaty) Cigna Foundation Pacific Enterprises Pflueger, Mr. David J. Santo, Mrs. Nina D'Anna Clearman's Steak 'N' Stein Pacific Telesis Foundation Sell, Mr. S. Mark Associates Praetorius, Mr. Patrick M. The Coffee Estate Panavision Rizzo, Mr. Michael A. Smith, Mr. Owen J. Borden IV, Mr. L. Mercer Buczala, Mr. Thomas A. Community Pontiac Honda Panhandle Eastern Corporation Speer, Mr. Matthew J. Speck, Mr. Michael R. The Company Three Parker-Hannifin Foundation Svihovec, Miss Michelle D. Villeneuve, Mr. Ronald R. Cookies in Bloom Patrick Hart Realtors Tagawa, Miss Renee S. Bilodeau, Miss Cecily L. Younger, Mrs. Sheryl A. (Hedrick) Cooper Industries Foundation Paveco Construction, Inc. Tusken, Mr. Michael L. Bosque, Mr. Juan C. Zwart, Mr. Martin A. Corroon & Black Peaches & Cream Facial Salon Valencia, Mr. Oscar M. Bowers, Mr. Matt G. Crawford Enterprises Pearle Vision Express Waltman, Mr. James A. Chavez, Jr., Mr. Roland Crum and Forster Foundation Perkin-Elmer Corporation CLASS OF 1987 Wobig, Miss Sandra K. Cioe, Mr. Robert R. Cotroneo, Miss Carolyn J. Davey's Locker Philatron International Sponsors Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. Phillips Petroleum Foundation Kazarian, Mr. James A. Davis, Miss Nan E. CLASS OF 1989 deBoer, Mr. Oliver E. Deli Express Piper, Jaff ray & Hopwood Associates Demoulas Foundation Piute Contractors, Inc. Pacesetters Dinsmore, Miss MarIo T. Berny, Mr. Flavio Douglas, Mrs. Joan P. (Pfisterer) Digital Equipment Corporation PlayCo Toys Blume, Mr. Gary R. Price, Mrs. Bonnie L. (George) Distribution Contractors Association Plaza Dental Group Stryker, Mrs. Norma A. (Verdugo) Dye, Miss Susan C. Cotroneo, Mr. Timothy S. Egurrola, Mr. Jon J. Divens Communications Polly's Pies Fowler, Miss Alicia A. Associates Ekhsigian, Miss Arda Division of Admin. Hearings Presbyterian Intercom. Hosp. Gates, Mr. E. Gorden Erskine, Mr. Tommy E. Dolphin Group, Inc. Primarily Hair Akamine, Mrs. Linda L. (Stearns) McDonald, Mrs. Bonnie L. (Bute) Gomez, Mr. Michael L. Doty Brothers Equipment Co. Prime Cut Steak House Reeves, Mr. Jeffrey L. Allison, Mrs. Elizabeth (Rendon) Graver, Mr. Bradley L. Dow Chemical U.S.A. PrintMasters Quality Printing Barekman, Mr. Steven T. Saravia, Miss Elida T. Guthrie, Ms. Wendy J. Downey Typeworks Quaker City Federal Belda, Mr. Michael M. St. John, Miss Sarah E. Guy, Jr., Mr. Robert A. EDM Services, Inc. Quinn, Kully & Morrow Bewley, Mr, Karl T. Hardeman, Miss Catherine S. Ernst & Young R.E.O. Services, Inc. Anonymous Alumna Bezjian, Mrs. Tamar N. Heriza, Mr. Christopher J. Ethyl Corporation R. Valdez, Bookseller (Guiragossian) Avalos, Miss Dianna Homann, Miss Angela L. The Everhealth Foundation R & W Highway Inspection Co., Inc. Bogard, Mr. Buff L. Barton, Mr. Lavon A. Hutchinson, Mr. Ty L. Exxon Education Foundation Rainbow Car Wash Brown, Mr. Bradford C. Boswell, Mr. Michael A. Ingersoll, Miss Stephanie F Family Fitness Center Raytheon Company Butterly, Ms. Mary C. Brownell, Mrs. Jaine M. Johnston, Miss Heather W. Farmers Insurance Group Reliance Insurance Group Castro, Miss Concepcion Cases, Miss Ana M. Karlberg, Miss Christine M. Federicos Bakery Republic National Bank of N.Y. Castro, Mrs. Elena M. (Esparza) Cheatham, Mr. Jon B. Kealoha, Miss Lisa M. Fichera Studio Rhino Records Cordero, Mrs. Ibis M. (Guerrero) Cuellar, Mr. Samuel A. Keiser, Mrs. Jennifer L. (Berry) Filtrol Corporation Rick's In & Out Burger Donaldson, Mr. Whitney E. Davis, Mr. Kyle W. Kennedy, Miss Llewellyn A. Fishking Products, Inc. Ritz-Carlton-Huntington Eggers, Miss Patricia L. Davis, Mrs. Patricia A. (Palmer) Kerns, Mr. Christopher B. The Flag Shop Roadium Records Forster, Mrs. Gail (Sanchez) Farwell II, Mr. Stanley R. Lewis, Mr. Evan M. The Fluor Foundation Roberta's Forster, Mr. Gerard P. Frank, Miss Holly L. Lockman, Miss Tonya M. Frisco's Carhop Drive-In Rockwell International Franz, Miss Elizabeth A. Fry, Ms. Helen N. (Nadherny) Maestas, Jr., Mr. Paul C. Fry Office Products Rocky Cola Cafe Garcielita, Mrs. Kathleen J. Fuson, Mrs. Bonnie L. (Fleck) Martin, Miss Laura D. GK Hargis Crafts Rose Hills Memorial Park (Rodrigues) Galicia, Ms. Carmen H. Marziehho, Mr. Pasquale GTE California, Inc. SE Pipe Line Construction Co. Garcielita, Mr. Mario A. Gowell, Mr. Peter L. Mendoza, Miss Cheryl M. GTE Foundation Sam Yocum, Inc. Geiger, Miss Gretchen J. Hansen, Mr. Robert N. Mengel, Mr. Kenneth W. Gabrellian Associates San Diego Gas & Electric Company Gil, Mr. Arnold G. Harker, Mr. Brad M. Nixon, Mr. David S. General Dynamics Corporation Sandy's Unisex Beauty Salon Heininger, Mrs. Jodi U. (Machado) Goble, Miss Bethany P. Oyama, Mr. Cohn S. General Electric Foundation Sanwa Bank of California Heininger, Mr. Keith A. Goden, Mr. Dino L. B. Polo, Miss Laura D. Grandma's House Sara's World of Beauty Sargent's Sportsman's Paradise

Key to support groups: JGWS: $1,000 or more Sponsors: $500— $999 Pacesetters: $250— $499 Associates: $125 -$249 12 HONOR ROLL

Scotty's Flowers and Gifts The Edna M. Hampton Memorial The George E. and Maye J. Wanberg Ettinger Foundation, Inc. Scripps Howard McFerran, Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Scholarship Scholarship The Fletcher Jones Foundation Security Pacific Bank Miller, Jr., Mr. Clarence E. '56 The Clair R. Hare Scholarship The Wardman Scholarship George Henry Mayr Foundation Security Pacific Foundation Park, Mr. Ernie Zachary The Ruth Haroidson Violin The David E. Wicker Scholarship The James Irvine Foundation Sentry Insurance Foundation Pettyiohn, Mr. Roy J. '68 Scholarship The D. L. and M. A. Williams Jewish Community Foundation Shari's Hallmark Shop Porzecanski, Mrs. Nina R. The William Randolph Hearst Scholarship John Randolph & Dora Haynes Shearer & Associates (Ramondelli) '71 Scholarship The Edward and Ruth Wudell Foundation Shearson Lehman Hutton, Inc. Ramsey, Mrs. Charlotte B. The Dorothy C. Heddens Memorial Scholarship Los Angeles Philanthropic Sheehan Pipe Line Construction Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Scholarship The Mary E. Wyatt Memorial Foundation Shell Companies Foundation Shindel, Dr. Neal M. The Howard L. and Alice B. Hockett Scholarship Murdy Foundation Sheraton Norwalk Hotel Sinatra, Mrs. Opal R. (Rice) '33 Scholarship The Y.M.C.A. Daniel Luther Peat Marwick Main Foundation Shoemaker's Candies, Inc. Skadan, Mr. John R. '48 The Bailey Howard Scholarship Scholarship Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Simply Classic Spangler, Mr. Richard C. The Wendell Milo Hunt Memorial The Northern Trust Company Sizzler Scholarship Spicer, Mrs. Helen J. U.S. Institute of Peace Stair, Mr. Henry H. '56 SmithKline Beecham Foundation The James Irvine Foundation OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS Sounds of Music Unocal Foundation Stockmar, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Scholarship The Ahmanson Foundation College Weingart Foundation Pacesetters Source Code The James W. Jones Scholarship Scholarship Program Southeast Pipeline Contractors, Inc. Andreoli, Mr. James M. Southern California Bank Ash, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. James L. Southern Calif. Edison Company Behrens, Dr. Herbert C. Southern California Gas Co. Bell, Mr. Richard 0. '55 Square D Foundation Bewley, Mrs. Lucile '33 Star Shots Casford, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth State Farm Insurance Co. Caswell, Mr. Thomas L. Studio 4 Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Gene H. Studio C Ciocca, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Swedish Eagle Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. George Syntex Laboratories, Inc. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lee TELACU Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Howard TRW Foundation Holmes, Ms. Pamela J. Tektronix Foundation Hudson, Mr. Thomas A. '45 Texaco Philanthropic Foundation Janda, Mr. and Mrs. Roberti. Texas Instruments Foundation Krumm, Jr., Mr. William F. '46 Thielmann Corporation Lipps, Mr. Roger W. Time Out for You Maples, Mrs. Janet C. Times Mirror McEachen, Mr. Robert A. Toppe California, Inc. Miller, Mrs. Keith W. (Adams) Trader Joe's Odou, Dr. Bruce Transamerica Corporation Peck, Mr. John M. '57 Trench Shoring Company Pride, Ms. Beatrice Twin-R Trophy Company, Inc. Rasmussen, Mr. C. Dean U.S. Borax & Chemical Corporation Reilly, Mr. R. W. Underground Construction Co., Inc. Sagan, Ms. Judith Underground Service Alert Sanner, Mr. Thomas J. Union Pacific Corporation Sarchet, Mr. Jeremy A. Unique Floral Shop Schulz, Mr. David C. '58 Univision Station Group, Inc. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Lary R. Uptown Mail & Parcel Service Simeral, Dr. Larry S. '67 Velvet Touch Auto Grooming Sirney, Mr. Donald P '70 Vestar Capital Partners, Inc. Spaulding, Mrs. Thelma R. '34 Vido Artukovich & Son, Inc. Steele, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. William Village Green Wadsworth, Mrs. Martha Village Music Wicker, Mrs. Ellen C. '38 Village Travel Agency Danikka Giarratani '94 uses one of two new microfilm reader/printers acquired last year by the Bonnie Bell Associates W. M. Lyles Co. Wardman Library. This purchase was made possible by a grant from the Union Pacific Foundation. Blodgett, Mr. Paul S. Wahiawa General Hospital Boyd, Mrs. Dorothea Walt Disney Company Brecht, Mr. and Mrs. Ottmar E. Warner-Lambert Company Briney, Dr. and Mrs. Allan K. The Wee Loft Brown, Mr. Elvah B. '38 The Lynn R. and Katherine Balden Wells Fargo Foundation The Alianza de Los Amigos Browning, Mr. Robert W. Western Council of Construction Juday Endowed Scholarship Scholarship SPECIAL FRIENDS The Donna Kendall Scholarship Brush, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Westport Properties, Inc. The Allstate Foundation Scholarship JGWS Camp, Dr. John C. The William H. and Irene King Westwood Marquis Hotel The Avery Dennison Corporation Bailey, Mrs. Katie Carmichael, Mr. Dan L. Whittier College Bookstore Scholarship Scholarship The Paul Douglas Kirk Memorial Ballore, Mrs. Mada Faye Chaney, Mrs. Eleanor Ann '56 Whittier Hilton The Chevron Merit Award Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Conlin, Mr. Kenneth J. Whittier Hospital Medical Center Scholarship The Christian Leadership Merit The Jay R. and Elizabeth T. Bewley, Mrs. Marian K. Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Whittier Mailing Service Scholarship Blackman, Mr. Lee L. Davis, Mrs. Ruth A. '36 Livingston Memorial Scholarship Whittier Village Cinema The Nola Lee Cole Scholarship Blalock, Mr. Gerald E. '52 Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde F Wise, Wiezorek, Timmons & Wise The Margaretha Lohman Piano The Farmers Insurance Group of Scholarship Blinde, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dyer, Mr. G. Pat '61 Xerox Corporation Companies Scholarship Cofer, Ms. Gail Elkins, Mr. Ron '67 Zieman Manufacturing Company The Margaretha Lohman Talent The Fluor Independent Colleges Scholarship Connick, Mrs. Genevieve Fricke, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scholarship Crow, Mrs, Kathy Garner, Mr. Logan S. The James R. Long and John M. The Friends of Whittier Scholarship Giomi, Mr. Robert Gates Memorial Scholarship Ehlers, Mr. John F F ENDOWED The GTE California Independent Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. David Gorry, Mr. Matthew '63 The Albert E. Madden Scholarship SCHOLARSHIPS Colleges Scholarship Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. John Green, Dr. Barbara C. The McMurtry Memorial Athletic The John Randolph Haynes and The Max B. and Ruth B. Alcorn Scholarship Ferguson, Mrs. Ruth Hadley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Marcus Scholarship Dora Haynes Foundation Fusco, Dr. John A. Hill, Mrs. Marie The Trula and Laurel Meyer Undergraduate Scholarship The Alverson Music Scholarship Scholarship Garlinghouse, Jr., Mr. Albert Jarus, Dr. Glen D. '73 The Los Angeles Philanthropic Kimball, Ms. Rhonda The Alverson Speech and Drama The Milhous-Marshburn Scholarship Groce, Dr. David E. '57 Scholarship Foundation Scholarship Haendiges, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lowenstam, Mrs. Susan G. '64 The Mary McGraw Miller Music The George H. Mayr Foundation The Ethel Townsend Ball Scholarship Scholarship Hathaway, Mr. Julian I. '32 Maharry, Dr. and Mrs. James The Alva G. Bellah Scholarship Scholarship Langson, Mr. Jack M. Martinez, Mr. Richard M. The John and Elsie Murfett The Norma L. Murdy Scholarship The Eva B. and Harry C. Billings Scholarship Laulhere, Mrs. B. M. Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell E. Scholarship The Richard M. Nixon Scholarship Lizarraga, Mrs. Priscilla McClean, Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. The Delphi Murphy Memorial The Pacific Telesis Scholarship The Ralph E. Bishop Scholarship Scholarship McPeek, Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. McFarland, Mr. Lee C. The W. 0. and 0. A. Brown Memorial The Pacific Telesis ICSC Scholarship Murray, Mrs. Peggy McFarland, Mrs. Ruth The Wallace J. "Chief" Newman Fund Scholarship The William A. and Rosamond Laird McGary, Mrs. Audrey Scholarship Murray, Mr. William B. The Hazel Caldwell Scholarship Smith Trust Fund Myer, Mr. and Mrs. Earl B. McGary, Mr. Carl R. The W. Roy and Alice Newsom The Helen Spicer Scholarship The Class of '34 Scholarship Scholarship Myers, Mrs. Becky Nowlin, Mr. and Mrs. Orin The Class of '57 Scholarship The TELACU Independent Colleges Owens, Mrs. Erika Paul, Dr. Gerald G. The John H. Nichols Scholarship The Class of '61 Scholarship Scholarship Parsons, Mrs. Ethel Denman Poyorena, Mrs, Edith B. '28 The Bruce Patton Memorial Athletic The John A. Thompson Scholarship The Genevieve Connick Memorial Scholarship Perry, Mrs. Marjorie C. '35 Rich, Mrs. Billie A. Fund The Transamerica Occidental Life Prince, Dr. Allan B. Shively, Mrs. Thelma D. '43 The Gerald R. Patton Memorial Scholarship The Ruth Schaefer Corzine Scholarship Prince, Mrs. Joan Snedecor, Mrs. Robert B. Scholarship The UPS Foundation Scholarship Roebling, Ms. Mary G. The Perry Memorial Scholarship Stack, Mr. Edward I. '69 The Sylvia Marie Cosand The Whittier College-TELACU Sagan, Mr. Bruce Starr, Mr. and Mrs. Michael The Ada A. Pieper Scholarship Performance Scholarship Scholarship Schultz, Mrs. LaVerna Tang, Mr. and Mrs. Kwan Nam The Quaker City Federal Savings & F The Ardys Cox Scholarship The Whittier College Women's Sewell, Mr. Alan R. Loan Association Scholarship Vanosdol, Mr. Ronald L. '69 The Lex Cox International Auxilliary Scholarship Shannon, Jr., Mr. E. L. Weaver, Mr. Paul W. '64 The Henry C. Rosene Scholarship Scholarship Fund Smith, Mr. and Mrs. ElIson F Wetherbee, Mr. Robert T. The Paul K. Schroeder Memorial The John Crow Scholarship Scholarship ESTATES Stambaugh, Mr. Robert A. Wicker, Mrs. Joan L. '49 The Dr. Floyd E. Durham Scholarship Tanaka, Mrs. Jean Wilkinson, Dr. and Mrs. W. Dan The Marie Quinzel Sewell Estate of Lenora Fuller The Thomas McGregor Erwin Scholarship Tregoe, Mrs. Jeannette G. (Gill) '51 Scholarship Estate of John Grigg Trotter, Jr., Mr. George E. '47 Acosta, Mr. Arthur E. The Vincent Sinatra Memorial Estate of Mildred D. Krueger The Evans Trust Scholarship Scholarship Weed, Mrs. Beulah A. (Anness) '31 Adams, Mr. Albert S. The Felt Scholarship Paul A. Lewis Trust Wood, Mrs. Nadine (Austin) Alba, Ms. Sylvia The John Stauffer Science Fellows Ross McCollum Trust The William and Christine R. Fund Yocam, Mr. Delbert Arenowitz, Dr. and Mrs. Albert H. Ferguson Scholarship Estate of John Hill Nichols The Arita Family The John Stauffer Science Sponsors The Roberta J. Forsberg Scholarship Estate of Barbara P. Olsen Arrambide, Mr. Mike Scholarship Estate of Carolyn Bomell Pease Bailey, Mrs. Jeanne Triplett '35 The Jeffrey Thomas Foster Memorial Biggers, Mr. J. Carter Asaad, Mr. and Mrs. Quasi The Alfred J. Stevens Memorial Estate of John A. Thompson Scholarship Scholarship Boles, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Austin, Ms. Judith The Judith A. Francis Endowed Estate of Wallace Turner Austin, Mr. R. Byron The Martin A. and Mildred Stewart Brookes, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Scholarship Floy H. Van Nuys Memorial Trust Avirom, Mr. Pier Scholarship Buck, Mrs. Nancy Ann '73 The Friends of Music Award Estate of David G. Woods Babajian, Mr. Arnold The Amos and Matilda Hadley Stuart Carroll, Mrs. Betty J. Scholarship Scholarship Chandler, Mr. Lloyd H. Bail, Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. The Gifford Eagle Scout Scholarship The Sydnor-Marshburn Scholarship FOUNDATIONS Claxton, Mrs. Nancy '40 Baldwin, Mrs. Berniece M. '26 The Bernard and Esther Goerg Dengrove, Dr. Joan D. Ball, Mrs. Virginia K. (Keats) The Lorraine Thompson Scholarship The Ahmanson Foundation Scholarship Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Luther F. Barkley, Mrs. Josephine G. '28 The Raymond C. Thompson Allstate Foundation The Barbara Ondrasik Groce Gothold, Mrs. Jean Baskerville, Mr. R. D. Scholarship Arthur Andersen & Co. Scholarship Hill, Mr. Mason L. Beard, Mr. William M. The Frances Van Riper Scholarship BankAmerica Foundation The Homer and Cora Halvorson Hunt, Mrs. Margaret '37 Bender, Mr. David F The May Vertrees Scholarship Bristol-Myers Squibb Memorial Scholarship Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley California Community Foundation McBride, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Bernal, Ms. Maggie

Key to support groups: JGWS: $1,000 or more Sponsors: $500 —$999 Pacesetters: $250 -$499 Associates: $125 -$249 HONOR ROLL 13

erry, Mr. Ellis R. 56 Hartman, Ms. Violet W. Mericle, Mr. Joe Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lauritzen, Mrs. Gael V. erry, Mr. Thomas 0. Hauger, Mrs. Eleanor K. Merlino, Ms. Rebecca Smith, Mr. Malcolm Macy, Mr. Todd ertotti, Mr. James Hawkins, Jr., Mr. Walter B. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Smith, Mr. Wayne L. Park, Mr. Ernie Z. eyer, Mrs. Barbara Hebert, Ms. Debby Millman, Mrs. Margaret Sommer, Mr. and Mrs. Louis N. Rasmussen, Mr. C. D. igelow, Mr. Charles Heck, Mr. Donald A. Miyashita, Mrs. Mary 0. Sopher, Ms. Jacqueline K. Rasmussen, Mrs. C. D. ird, Mrs. Tanya Hedrick, Jr., Mr. James W. '68 Moody, Rev. Jonathan F Spicer, Ms. Mary Reilly, Mrs. Debra lackman, Mr. Donald R. Heistermann, Mr. Forrest Mooney, Mrs. Nondis Stave, Mr. Lloyd P '61 Reilly, Mr. R. W. he Blinde Family Heninger, Dr. and Mrs. Owen E. Mooney, Mr. Robert L. Stearns, Mrs. Barbara Sarchet, Dr. Bettie B. oag, Mrs. Ellen Herron, Ms. Kay Moore, Mrs. Ruth N. Stemnhoff, Mr. Harold W. Shepherd, Mrs. Geraldine B. odger, Mrs. Howard Hester, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Morgan, Mr. C. Robert Stoddard, Ms. Genevieve A. Shindel, Dr. Neal ond, Mrs. Maureen McCarthy Hewitt, Mr. George C. Morris, Mr. Mark M. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stryker, Mrs. Norma Ann oucher, Ms. Anita Hill, Mr. and Mrs. George Morrissey, Mr. and Mrs. Denzil A. Strother, Mr. and Mrs. Kent Stryker, Mr. William oucher, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hill, Mrs. Jaclyn Tilly Munaretto, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Struve, Mrs. Rachel L. Vacchio, Mr. Michael randstetter, Mr. Roger Hill, Mr. Robert R. Murdy, Mrs. Gerry '50 Stukenberg, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. rock, Ms. Shirley M. Hine, Mr. Harry W. Murphy, Dr. and Mrs. Breene Sullens, Ms. Lucille rock, Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Hogue, Mr. Kenneth E. '51 Nagaharra, Ms. Naomi Sussman, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. FRIENDS OF THE rown, Mrs. Doris Homer, Mr. Robert L. Nakagawa, Ms. Juli Suter, Mr. Thomas G. '64 SHANNON CENTER runn, Mrs. Isabel C. Hopps, Mrs. Marcella L. Nardo, Mr. James Svatos, Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Celebrity $1,000 or more urnham, Mr. and Mrs. Keith 0. Clift, Mr. J. Robert urr, Mr. Richard L. Clift, Mrs. Olive (Chandler) utzel, Mrs. Rosalie K. Ferguson, Mr. Douglas yers, Mr. Earl Ferguson, Mrs. Ruth acho, Jr., Mr. Daniel J. '84 Estate of Leonore M. Fuller am, Mr. James W. '67 Kewish, Mrs. Beula he Calmer Family Kewish, Mr. Wesley R. amp, Mr. and Mrs. John Prince, Dr. Allan arlson, Mr. and. Mrs. Donald W. Prince, Mrs. Joan arnrite, Ms. Mabel Robinson, Mrs. Laura A. arrillo, Mr. Bob Schultz, Mrs. LaVerna F artwright-Pritzlaff, Ms. Wendy Shannon, Jr., Mr. E. L. ase, Ms. Eldita Shannon, Jr., Mrs. E. L. asement, Ms. Juanita Smith, Mrs. Barbara astro, Ms. Elsie Smith, Mr. Elden L. azee, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Woehrmann, Mrs. Joan (Peters) heesebrough, Mr. Charles C. Woehrmann, Mr. Robert hurch, Mrs. Janet Star $500 - $999 imiluca, Mr. Robert J. '67 Bailey, Mrs. Katie iocca, Ms. Barbara J. Bailey, Mr. Robert line, Mr. and Mrs. Steve W. Pomboy, Mr. Richard ollup, Mrs. Miriam Pomboy, 'Mrs. Sissel cover, Ms. Delphmne K. Taki, Mr. Tomio orey, Mr. Joe F. ovington, Mrs. Mary Louise D. Performer $100 —$499 raig, Mr. Gordon R. Blackman, Mr. Lee ravens, Ms. Carlotta Boyd, Mrs. Dorothea rawford, Jr., Mr. Kenneth R. '52 Brinker, Mrs. Edrie K. renshaw, Mrs. Janet G. (Glover) Brunn, Mrs. Isabel C. rowley, Mrs. Linda A. '56 Carroll, Mrs. Betty J. unningham, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Evins, Mr. Thomas unningham, Mr. and Mrs. Hank Fleming, Mrs. Barbara (Toney) urd, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fleming, Mr. Luther urd, Mr. Joseph D. Forte, Ms. Kathryn utler, Mr. Alan Hiatt, Mr. Robert K. he Cutler Family In January, the Ruth B. Shannon Center for the Performing Arts played host to entertainer John Raitt. Raitt's Martin, Mr. Bruce ailey, Dr. Thomas J. performance, a musical autobiography, benefited the Friends of the Shannon Center. (L to R) Ed and Ruth B. McNulty, Mr. Paul Pearce, Mrs. Susan ePuy, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shannon, John Raitt. eWitt, Ms. Diane M. Ramsey, Mrs. Charlotte ean, Mr. Robert H. Rosenberger, Mrs. Alice (Martin) ean, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rosenberger, Dr. Homer G. Hutchinson, Mrs. Donna B. Nash, Mrs. Luella F Tambara, Mr. and Mrs. Richard ehn, Ms. Marjorie Sandahl, Mrs. Merilyn Huxtable, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Nay, Dr. Joan McNeilly Tarazi, Mr. and Mrs. Alex J. az, Mr. Hector Scott, Mrs. Carlleen Hyder, Ms. Violet Nielsen, Ms. Jean Tateosian, Mr. Charles J. ickson, Mr. and Mrs. E. Roy Scott, Mr. Lary Imada, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Noggle, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel ickson, Mr. Larry Weaver, Ms. Sayer Ingram; Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thelen, Mr. Herbert A. ietz, Ms. Jean K. Johanson, Ms. Elna S. O'Brien, Mrs. Helen Timpson, Ms. Betty owns Ill, Mr. John W. Johnson, Mrs. Barbara J. O'Neil, Mr. Thomas J. Uphold, Mrs. Alice ray, Ms. Donna FUND-RAISING Johnson, Mr. Eric Owings, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Vannucci, Mr. Ralph E. rummond, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest S. CONSORTIA Johnson, Mrs. N. Jean Pain, Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Visser, Mrs. Elsina uncan, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Independent Colleges of Southern Johnson, Mr. Roy A. Paladino, Mrs. Kathy H. Visser, Miss JanMarie unlap, Mr. and Mrs. Karl K. California Jones, Jr., Mr. Richard E. Parish, Mr. Howard Visser, Miss Lynn urrett, Mrs. Eileen D. United Way Kamens, Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Parker, Dr. David L. Visser, Mrs. Patricia L. dwards, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Karstaedt, Mr. Arthur Parker, Ms. Janet W. Walters, Ms. Gen'nel isen, Mrs. Faye Kato, Mr. Guy Parkey, Mr. William D. Wang, Mr. Tung Yin lmendorf, Mrs. Shirley '66 OTHER Kawaguchi, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Patron, Mrs. Victoria Ward, Ms. Mary migh, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. ORGANIZATIONS Kellogg, Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Pearce, Ms. Phyllis Watson, Mrs. Jayne T. ndersby, Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. Kelly, Mrs. Helen W. Pedretti, Ms. Frances Weaver, Sayre Assistance League of Capistrano ppard, Mr. John Kendle, Mrs. Eleanor 35 Perlmutter, Mr. Barry Weeks, Mr. Roger C. Valley spoy, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kimbal, Mrs. Mary Ellen Peters, Ms. Helen L. Wegener, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hale Association of Educational Office vans, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Peterson, Mr. Vern Weissker, Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Employees, LA Unified School vanson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Klefbeck, Mr. Ronald A. '58 Petway, Mr. Jon W. '74 Wells, Mr. Bill District vms, Mr. Thomas Kline, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Pickering, Mr. Jack '58 Wesselman, Ms. Shirley Chorale Bel Canto x, Mr. Jason Michael Koch, Mrs. Georgians G. Pickup, Mr. Dru C. West, Mr. Merle E. East Whittier Woman's Improvement x, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kritikos, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pierce, Mr. David Weston, Mr. S. Peter '69 First Friends Church ant, Ms. Marilyn Kurtzman, Mrs. Marilyn Pinsky, Mr. and Mrs. Jim White, Mr. Lloyd M. '52 Friendly Hills Women's Club elker, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Kwong, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Poindexter, Mrs. Helen B. Whitelaw, J. A. Horizan Booster Club enelon, Mr. John J. '73 Lang, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Polito, Dr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Whittier, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Junior Achievement of North Nevada itzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Laulhere, Mr. and Mrs. L. Todd PoIson, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Willford, Mr. Craig National Rifle Association of America leming, Mr. L. E. Leeper, Mr. Robert J. Potter, Ms. Ellen Willford, Ms. Jennifer Personnel Management Association ossett, Ms. Florence Leewood, Mrs. Roscoe Pounds, Mr. David S. Williams, Mr. Robert L. Rotary Club of Whittier oster, Mr. Warren Lenihan, Mr. William Powell, Mr. Art Willott, Mr. Jim L. '70 Sertoma Club of Whittier ox, Mr. George A. Lennen, Mr. R. S. Reeg, Mrs. Margo A. Wilmot, Mr. Phil United Association of Journeymen & rancis, Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Leonard, Mr. F. Wally Rhodes, Mr. R. J. Wilson, Ms. Camille Apprentices, Local #250 raser, Ms. Ruth L. Levens, Mrs. Jeanette Rholl, Dr. and Mrs. Keith N. Wimer, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vegas Lodge No. 32, F & A. M. rench, Mr. David J. Levens, Mrs. Leo G. Riggio, Dr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Wood, Mr. James A. '50 Kiwisar Trust Fund rench, Mrs. Helene P. Lindheim, Ms. Deidre M. Riggs, Mr. Robert M. Wratten, Mr. Bruce K. Whitleaf Monthly Meeting of Friends rias, Ms. Lorraine Lloyd, Mr. Frank W. Rikel, Dr. Anne '69 Wright, Mrs. Anne Whittier College Music Department rieze, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lopez, Ms. Betty Riley, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Whittier College Women's Auxiliary rieze-Hickey, Mrs. Lark '74 Lord, Mrs. Joan A. Robbins, Mr. Hollis H. Wuopio, Mr. Richard A. '56 alitz, Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Lorne, Mrs. Daphne Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Yeomans, Mr. and Mrs. Dave allegos, Ms. Angela PARENTS, CURRENT Lorne, Mr. H. Thomas Romberg, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar G. York, Mr. David E. ardner, Mr. Garth G. Low, Mrs, Sybil J. Romero, Ms. Julia Youngblood, Ms. Joan AND PAST astlin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Main, Ms. Jane L. Roop, Ms. Theodora Zarate, Mr. and Mrs. Mike JGWS aunt, Ms. Loie Grace Mann, Mr. Bill Rosenstein, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zimmerman, Mr. Henry J. Anonymous Parents etz, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Manning, Mr. Charles D. Roston, Mr. Ron Brenner, Mr. and Mrs. Donald I. ibbens, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Manugian, Mr. Dick Salcido, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Cauffman, Mr. John R. '45 ibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Mao, Mr. and Mrs. William Sarchet, Dr. Kate E. FRIENDS OF Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. ile, Mrs. Barbara Marble, Mr. Robert A. '69 Saurenmann, Ms. Margaret P. BROADOAKS Crosser, Mr. and Mrs. James M. illespie, Ms. Joanne Marikian, Ms. Sandra Savage, Ms. Ruth L. Dean, Dr. John F inese, Ms. Kathy Bewley, Mrs. Marian Mann, M.D., Carole J. Scheifly, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dean, Ms. Katherine Nisbet '51 oetz, Mr. and Mrs. T. Blinde, Mrs. Cheryl Marino, Ms. Elizabeth R. Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Eric E. Dezember, Mrs. Joan L. (Erreca) '56 omez, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blinde, Mr. Gene Martin, Ms. Alice H. Schumacher, Ms. Mary E. Dezember, Mr. Rayburn S. '53 oodmaker, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carvahlo-Macy, Mrs. Teresa Martin, Ms. Louise Scott, Ms. Charlotte B. Ellis, Mrs. Elizabeth B. (Behrens) '64 orham, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Chappelow, Mrs. Vi Martinez, Mr. and Mrs. Belen Seagren, Mrs. Cheryl T. (Thompson) Ellis, Mr. Philip L. oto, Ms. Cheryll Joy Cofer, Mr. Damon Marlyn, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Seagren, Mr. David Erler, Mrs. Adrian C. (Kennedy) '66 ray, The Hon. William P. Cofer, Mrs. Gail Bryson Maynard, Sr., Mr. Richard C. '64 Selfridge, Mr. Marwyn Erler Ill, Mr. Theodore G. '66 reeley, Mr. Dominic Adano Cojerean, Mrs. Alice McCall, Mr. Guy C. Semans, Mrs. Friedl '30 Ettinger, Jr., Mr. Richard P. uthrie, Mr. David B. '61 Contreras, Dr. Judith Wagner McCulloch, Mr. William K.'61 Settlage, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ettinger, Jr., Mrs. Richard P. ames, Mrs. Helen H. Contreras, Dr. Richard McCullough, Mr. Robert G. Sherwood, Mrs. Barbara Feinberg, Mrs. Betty amilton, Mrs. Helen Sarchet Dengrove, Dr. Joan McGraw, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Shoemaker, Mr. Russell Feinberg, Mr. Sheldon anson, Mr. Garth C. Ellis, Mr. David McIntire, Mr. and Mrs. Noel C. Shugart, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Fitzgerald, Dr. James P. arris, Mrs. Barbara T. Ellis, Mrs. Judy McKinley, Ms. Doris Simm, Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Joyce arris, Ms. Helen W. Howard, Mrs. Dorothy B. McMahon, Ms. Shirley H. Simpson, Prof. William B. Flanders, Dr. Eric '59 art, Ms. Marion Jacobs, Mr. Harry Medeiros, Mr. Johnny P. Skaggs, Ms. Gail Harris, Mr. Ben C. '55 art, Ms. Myra K. Jacobs, Mrs. Victoria

Key to support groups: JGWS: $1,000 or more Sponsors: $500 -$999 Pacesetters: $250— $499 Associates: $125 -$249 14 HONOR ROLL

Imparato, Dr. and Mrs. Bruno Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dalton, Mr. Joseph M. Ledbetter, Mr. Michael T. '67 Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Kemp, Mr. Charles B. '35 Foster, Mr. Thomas P. Danner, Dr. and Mrs. Paul K. Lee, Ms. Judy L. (Holder) Wilson, Ms. Manon L. (DiPetrillo) Kemp, Mrs. Regina D. (Dunkin) '34 Franz, Mr. and Mrs. Otto G. Das, Dr. and Mrs. Man Singh Lewis, Mrs. Glenda Winger, Mr. Dennis K. Kewish, Mrs. Beula Gale, Mrs. Karen Kay Davidson, Mr. Alan C. '62 Lewis, Mr. Woodie Winger, Mrs. Karen D. Kewish, Mr. Wesley R. Gale, Dr. Leonard Davidson, Mrs. Gail L. (Ziebarth) '63 Lippincott, Mr. Gregory E. Winzenread, Mr. Lawrence A. '68 Kolliner, Mr. Max G. Galloway, Dr. James J. '64 Davis, Mrs. Lynn P. Lippincott, Mrs. Lynn Winzenread, Mrs. Linda A. Lauritzen, Mrs. Gael V. Galloway, Mrs. Martha L. (Eisler) '64 Denyer, Mr. Robert E. Litchfield, Mr. and Mrs. Russell (Krueger) '68 (Fergeson) 63 Garcia, Jr., Mr. Daniel Denyer, Mrs. Trudy S. (Schunk) '65 Littrell, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy J. Wittorff, Mrs. Virginia Lauritzen, Mr. John Garcia, Mrs. Emily DiPetrillo, Mr. William Lucy, Jr., Mr. 0. Howard '53 Wolfe, Mrs. Karen Macaulay, Dr. and Mrs. Francis V. Gomez, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Do, Mr. Khang A. Luszko, Ms. Ingrid Wong, Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Muller, Dr. Godfrey A. Gothold, Mrs. Jane R. Dobrzycki, Mrs. Kathleen A. Machamer, Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Wong, Dr. and Mrs. Weldon Muller, Mrs. Godfrey A. (Soderberg) '55 (Kingsbury) '64 Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Woodward, Mr. Thomas E. '42 Nolan, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Gothold, Dr. Stuart E. '56 Dominguez, Mrs. Amelia Marumoto, Mrs. Jean M. Woodward, Mrs. Vivian F (Fallis) '49 Pierno, Mr. Anthony '54 Guptill, Mr. Perl N. '30 DuBois, Ms. Camille (Barnard) (Morishige) '59 Wray, Mr. and Mrs. Jon Pie mo, Mrs. Beverly J. (Kohn) '54 Hales, Mr. John E. '41 Durden, Mr. and Mrs. William T. McCullough, Mrs. Guyonna A. (Allen) Wright, Mrs. Dorothy W. Pomboy, Mr. Richard M. Harris, Mrs. Harriet '55 Dyer, Mr. James E. '65 McCullough, Mr. James C. (Whitmore) '47 Pomboy, Mrs. Sissel Hawkins, Mr. F Neal Edinger, Mrs. Ruth E. (Hundley) '42 McFarland, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Yocum, Dr. Glenn E. Shepherd, Mrs. Geraldine B. Hawkins, Mrs. Shirley S. '65 Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. James J. McKinney, Mr. Evan H. '50 Yocum, Mrs. Norma L. (Beaty) '91 Higgins, Mrs. Diane (Kelly) Engel, Mr. and Mrs. George Mellano, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Young, Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Shepherd, Sr., Mr. Willard W. Humphrey, Mrs. Lucia H. (Hymes) Farkas, Mr. Dan J. '68 Michel, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Smith, Mrs. Barbara G. (Whaley) '64 Ivey, Mrs. Dorothy R. Farkas, Mrs. Jill '68 Nelson, Ms. Margaret 0. (Onan) Smith, Mrs. Barbara L. (Little) '37 (Crookshank) '48 Farwell, Mrs. L. Louise Nerio, Mr. Gerald D. '72 PURPLE & GOLD Taylor, Ms. Jean T. (Tompkins) Jacobs, Mr. Anthony S. Farwell, Mr. Stanley R. Nerio, Ms. Maureen G. This support group made up of Woehrmann, Mrs. Joan M. Jones, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Fennell, Mrs. Janet Oei, Mr. and Mrs. Swie G. sports enthusiasts raises funds for (Peters) '52 Kemp, Mr. John C. '66 Ferrante, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Orimoto, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley K. Whittier's athletic programs. Whittier Woehrmann, Mr. Robert F '52 Kemp, Mrs. Linda S. (Sutton) '66 Fleck, Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Owens, Mrs. Linda M. College thanks the members of Sponsors Kimura, Mr. Ty H. Fopiano, Mr. John H. '60 Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Purple & Gold for their continued Amole, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kung, Mr. and Mrs. Minton Fopiano, Mrs. Martha M. (Mason) '67 Patton, Mrs. Blanche S. '44 generous support! Dudley, Mrs. Darlene N. (Bosch) '65 Lee, Mr. Clifford Y. Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Payne, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Arrambide, Mrs. Frances (Swan) '49 Dudley, Dr. Darrell N. '64 Lee, Mrs. Eudora A. Freeland, Mrs. Joyce W. Perez, Ms. Antonia M. Arrambide, Mr. John L. '35 Edmiston, Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Lee, Mr. John W. '65 (Westerhout) '57 Perich, Ms. Julie Bailey, Dr. Carlos A. '37 Goldschlager, Dr. Arnold Lee, Mrs. Maureen S. (Schaub) '65 Fuss, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Perkins, Dr. Leialoha A. (Apo) Ball, Mrs. Dolores Lautrup '33 Goldschlager, Dr. Nora Lowrey, Mr. Terry L. Gagliardotto, Mrs. Lily Perkins, Mr. Roland F Bishop, Mr. Gene '39 Hathaway, Mr. and Mrs. William Macrorie, Mr. Lawrence '52 Gagliardotto, Mr. Louis Place, Ms. Cynthia L. Bishop, Mrs. Rose (Frank) '39 Nitta, Mr. and Mrs. Minoru Manning, Mrs. Cynthia Galicia, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver G. Polo, Mr. and Mrs. Jesus E. Canton, Mr. Ray '41 Paterson, Mr. Edward M. '43 Manning, Mr. Harold Gallegos, Mr. George Pompey, Mr. Gilbert Capps, Mr. Robert W. '54 Peter, Mrs. Ann L. (Larson) '59 Moret, Mr. Gilbert A. '62 Gallegos, Mrs. Maria L. Pompey, Mrs. Kathleen H. Cauffman, Mr. J. Robert '40 Peter, Mr. James R. '58 Morris, Ms. Nancy (Kaplan) Garcia, Mr. Rodrigo T. Pontti, Mrs. Eileen H. Claxton, Mr. Myron '40 Petersen, Dr. and Mrs. John L. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garcia, Mr. and Mrs. Tony S. Pontti, Mr. Gregory A. Clift, Mrs. Olive (Chandler) '41 Pettross, Dr. Bill R. '77 Nighswonger, Mrs. Katheryne N. Gaudio, Dr. Joseph E. '35 Powell, Mr. Donald R. '66 Clift, Mr. Robert '40 Tawes, Mrs. Joyce A. (Heacock) '57 Gerson, Dr. Diane J. (Gruenemay) '58 Powell, Mrs. Jacquelyn R. Craggs, Mr. Donald E. '40 Tawes, Dr. Roy L. Nixon, Mrs. Diane D. Gerson, Jr., Dr. Gus J. '58 (Barnes) '66 Dezember, Mr. Rayburn S. '53 Thompson, Mrs. Dean D. (Dice) '43 Orff, Mr. and Mrs. George Glavin, Mr. and Mrs. James Price, Mr. John R. '50 Ferguson, Mr. Douglas W. Woodward, Mrs. Caroline R. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Goodson, Mrs. Janet G. Price, Mrs. Rose D. (Durston) '50 Fink, Mrs. Adaline (Allen) '36 (Reade) '43 Perry, Mrs. Magdelyn C. '58 (Woodfield) 68 Quinney, Mrs. Amy F (Roberts) '65 Harris, Mr. Clinton 0. '34 Woodward, Mr. Leland S. '40 Perry, Mr. Robert E. '58 Grange, Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Quinones, Mr. and Mrs. Don Harvey, Mrs. Susan (Elliott) '67 Zuckweiler, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Pickering, Mrs. Nyra H. (Hagen) '29 Graves, Mrs. Anita T. (Tarr) '40 Ramos, Mr. Francisco Javier Harvey, Mr. Wayne '60 Pigott, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Gray, Dr. and Mrs. Julius L. Ramos, Mrs. Irma G. Pacesetters Henderson, Mrs. Annabell Pulcipher, Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gray, Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Randerson, Mr. Roelif J. Arata, Mrs. Sally J. (Richter) '41 Salcido, Mr. R. Anthony '71 Gruber, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Randerson, Mrs. Susan Arata, Mr. William S. Henderson, Mr. Donald E. '40 Scanlon, Mr. Charles C. '32 Guevara, Mr. Ivan T. '59 Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. David Brent, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hockett, Mrs. Julia (York) '38 Snell, Mr. Gerald D. '67 Guy, Sr., Col. and Mrs. Robert A. Restovich, Mrs. Carole Browning, Mr. A. James Hockett, Mr. William '39 Snell, Mrs. Sharon L. (Moorhead) '67 Guyan, Dr. Robert J. Restovich, Mr. Ted Cauffman, Mrs. Dorothy V. Hunt, Mrs. Margaret Staszak, Mrs. Gillian Guyan, Mrs. Samanda K. '89 Riggs, Mrs. Nancy K. (Clarkson) '48 Kemp, Mr. Charles "Bus" '35 Staszak, Mr. Richard J. Habis, Mrs. Bonnie G. Risse, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Dalrymple, Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Krueger, Mr. Howard '33 Sterioff, Mrs. Suzanne F (Fleming) Habis, Mr. Pierre Roach, Mr. and Mrs. David P. Daly, Mr. and Mrs. John N. Laramore, Mr. Louis '47 Sterioff, Dr. Sylvester Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Robison, Rev. Klane E. Damm, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. McCloskey, Dr. Chester '40 Theobald, Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Ham, Mrs. Phyllis J. (Owens) '88 Rohlfing, Mr. Jerry Dyer, Mr. Elwyn B. '50 McPeek, Mr. 0. A. "Mac" (Martin) Hamilton, Dr. William G. Rohlfing, Mrs. Sandy Ehlers, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Mele, Mr. Jack '43 Vondrak, Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. Haney, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Rose, Mr. Charles D. '63 Fairbanks, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Nitta, Mr. Minoru Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F Hannah, Mrs. Jean B. Rose, Mrs. Claudette B. (Barnes) '63 Findley, Mr. Gerry Palmer, Mrs. Marie (Lindahl) '42 Whaling, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hannah, Mr. Paul M. '61 Rosenberg, Mm. Lawrence Gardner, Mrs. Frances (Gunn) '39 Paterson, Mm. Edward M. '43 Wilson, Mrs. Alma M. (Patterson) '41 Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ross, Mrs. Peggy Ann (Phillips) Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Pedersen, Mn. Gordon '50 Wong, Mr. Euton S. Y. Harabedian, Mr. and Mrs. David Ruyle, Mr. and Mrs. Asa M. Kegler, Mrs. Jean B. (Bassett) '38 Perry, Mrs. Marjorie Young, Mrs. Donna M. '72 Hardeman, Mrs. Mary Todd Sabey, Mrs. Patricia L. Kegler, Dr. John D. '38 Perry, Dr. R. James '35 Young, Mr. Roger S. '72 Hargittay, Mr. Bela G. Saige, Mrs. Ellen M. (McFarland) '65 Lopez, Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Piani, Mr. Frank A. '61 Hargittay, Mrs. Jennifer G. Saige, Mr. Gerald C. '65 Lowe, Mr. Jere W. '64 Robinson, Jr., Mr. Charles W. '39 Abeyta, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Harper, Mrs. Jacklyn M. Salac, Ms. Janet L. Luciano, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Robinson, Mr. Newton P. '37 Akiyama, Mrs. Charlotte T. Hartman, Mrs. Margaret '57 Scarbrough, Mr. and Mrs. David L. Morikuni, Mrs. Charlotte S. Scott, Mr. John '40 (Nagata) '56 Hartman, Mr. Robert M. '57 Schiffner, Dr. Judith C. (Heiser) Morikuni, Mr. Henry Shively, Mrs. Wilma (Pemberton) '37 Akiyama, Mr. Tsuneo Hatcher, Mrs. Ellen L. (Linsley) '37 Schiffner, Dr. Robert 0. Nakamura, Mr. and Mrs. Kiyoshi Stoll, Mr. Alfred '49 Allen, Mrs. Ann Hatcher, Dr. Gordon '37 Schoemann, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nichols, Mr. Albert C. '40 White, Mr. Harry '48 Allen, Cdr, Craig G. Haukaas, Mrs. Pamela J. (Eaton) '65 Schraeder, Mrs. Pat Nichols, Mrs. Joe Ann Wilson, Mr. Dean R. '40 Anderson, Mr. Bob Hazelton, Ms. Casey Schraeder, Mr. Rick Perkins, Mrs. Mary L. '59 Woodward, Mr. Leland '40 Anderson, Mrs. Connie Hedrick, Ms. Jody H. Shanklin, Ms. Sylvia J. Perkins, Mr. Thomas D. '59 Apostolos, Mr. Michael Henderson, Mr. Hugh D. '70 Sherman, Mrs. Ruth B. (Bowers) '43 Pickering, Mrs. Mary Fae (Moffett) '32 Axelson, Ms. Nancy (Coltrin) '64 Henderson, Mrs. Martha J. Shively, Mr. and Mrs. John VOLUNTEERS Pickering, Mr. Seth C. '32 Baca, Mrs. Corrine (Martin) '71 Shutt, Mrs. Eleanor S. (Smith) '50 Quinney, Mr. Lucius M. Baca, Mr. Ernest Hess, Dr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Shutt, Mr. Sidney G. '50 Ramirez, Mrs. Margot J. (Cote) '58 ALIANZA DE LOS Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Don Heynen, Mrs. Ingrid Sinfield, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Ramirez, Mr. Ralph R. AMIGOS Baker, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Heynen, Mr. John Sloan, Mr. Bill R. '59 Reese, Mrs. Frances A. Barekman, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hilliard, Mrs. Glenda G. (Boehm- Sloan, Mrs. Madelyn A. "Alliance of Friends" (Journigan) '47 Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Katzeff-Forbes) '70 (Petrovich) '60 Camarena, Mr. Luis '84 Rittermal, Mr. James R. '63 Barnard, Dr. William Ho, Mr. and Mrs. Jong-Sul Sowers, Mrs. Edward F (Price) '35 Cardenas, Mr. Dave '66 Rittermal, Mrs. Nancy J. Barr, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Hoene, Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick J. Squires, Ms. Margaret Castruita, Mr. Luis '71 (Moseley) '63 Bearse, Mrs. Cynthia A. (Carter) '82 Hoffert, Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Stamper, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Howard Diaz, Miss Lisa M. '88 Santo, Mrs. Christine R. Beck, Mr. Dwight '50 Hoisington, Mr. Homer R. '35 Stephens, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Gonzales, Dr. Eugene '50 (Frumento) '62 Beck, Mr. Garrick Holder, Mrs. Dorothy M. (Milford) '63 Gonzales, Mr. Manuel '89 Santo, Mr. Daniel C. '60 Belknap, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Hole, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stephens, Mr. William D. '65 Maldonado, Mr. David '64 Shaw, Dr. B. A. (Unland) '71 Honell, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Stoff, Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Mendoza, Mr. Paul '87 Shaw, Dr. Khursheed Belknap, Mr. James G. '71 Hoover, Mr. Tom H. '64 Stoic, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F Moarles, Mrs. Aurora Z. '88 Shupek, Mrs, Carol H. (Heinz) '63 Benavides, Mrs. Ernestine (Roel) '82 Horning, Mr. and Mrs. F W. Strader, Mrs. Beth R. (Richie Montano, Dr. Martin '50 Shupek, Mr. John A. '63 Berenson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Householder, Mr. and Mrs. James Graham) '52 Moret, Mm. Gil A. '62 Smith, Mr. Stanley M. '73 Berg, Mrs. Jane (Crow) Hune, Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Strickland, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moret, Mr. Lou F '72 Stover, Mrs. Corinne P. (Pehrson) '52 Blackman, Mrs. Araxy E. (Ekhsigian) Hutchinson, Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Stuart, Mr. Brian R. '59 Morris, Mr. Richard '81 Taylor, Mr. John H. Bleecker, Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Iwata, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stubbs, Mr. Rodney E. Obregon, Miss Cristina S. '88 Taylor, Mrs. Pamela R. (Williams) '65 Borden Ill, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Izumita, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Sumralls, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ortega, Jr., Mr. Adan '84 Tierney, Mr. and Mrs. L. Clark Bourne, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jacobsen, Mr. V. Gary '60 Tange, Mrs. Helen S. (Seibert) '45 Ortiz, Mr. Martin '48 Wagner, Dr. Judith Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Howard Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. L. Keith Tebbs, Mr. Daniel D. '37 Robles-Campos, Dr. Laura '83 Walton, Dr. Keith B. '46 Brady, Mrs. L. Jean (Leonard) '53 Jauregui, Mr. and Mrs. Juan J. Tebbs, Mrs. Grace H. (Price) '37 Salas-Landeros, Mrs. Carmen '90 Walton, Mrs. Mary Louise Brock, Mrs. Gail L. '66 Johnson, Mr. Norman J. '58 Totaro, Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. (Salmon) '42 Brock, Mr. Vernon J. '66 Johnson, Mrs. Phyllis A. Tran, Mrs. Hoa Whittemore, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown, Mr. Clifton A. (Winslow) '58 Tusken, Dr. and Mrs. Lewis ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Woirhaye, Mrs. Gwen V. (Vaden) '60 Bryan, Mrs. Valerie A. (Woodruff) '66 Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Upton, Mrs. Anne M. (Fiedler Woirhaye, Mr. Mahlon '60 (P) Parents Bryant II, Mr. John A. Josten, Mrs. Britta L. (Golding) '65 Pierce) '48 (FAC) Faculty Associates Cardenas, Mr. David L. '66 Josten, Mr. RobertW. '64 Valenzuela, Mr. Edward Adden, Jr., Hon. Judge Herbert '49 Arcadi, Mrs. Doris '46 Cardenas, Mrs. Sally A. '66 Kaplan, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Valenzuela, Mrs. Terrie Barnhart, Mr. Douglas E. Adden, Mrs. Herbert Carey, Mrs. Kathleen L. (Carter) '45 Kaposhilin, Mrs. Lenora Valero, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Albrecht, Mr. John R. '53 Barnhart, Mrs. Nancy Carey, Mr. Robert W. '45 Kawachika, Mrs. Jean K. Van Dyk, Mr. David W. Behnke, Mrs. Catherine E. Angelsen, Mrs. Isabel Carlisle, Mr. Jack E. '50 (Atebara) '66 Van Dyk, Mrs. Nancy N. (Nichols) (McCormac) '40 (Thirkettle) '66 Carlisle, Mrs. Shirley A. (Jones) '49 Kawachika, Mr. Robert '66 Veljacic, Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Behnke, Mr. Ronald '66 Arrambide, Mrs. Frances (Swan) '49 Carrell, Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. Horace N. Wailer, Mrs. Betty B. Arrambide, Mr. John '35 Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Cerasoli, Mr. James R. Kiechler, Mrs. Patricia 0. (O'Gara) '84 Warren, Jr., Mr. R. Lynd '41 Berg, Mr. and Mrs. William D. Arroyo, Mr. Victor '77 Chapman, Ms. Raeleen (Vaught) Kimura, Mrs. Yoshiko K. Weatherwax, Mr. Hazlett T. Arthur, Mrs. Margaret Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Cheung, Mr. and Mrs. Chow S. Kircos, Mr. Carl Welborn, Jr., Mr. Ivan A. '43 Buckey, Mrs. Eleanor I-linde '63 Bachtelle, Ms. Violette (Bakuen) '46 Christopherson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Kircos, Mrs. Susan D. (Davis) '68 Westmoreland, Mr. David B. '62 Bandy, Mr. James A. '46 Budden, Dr. Moir M. K. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. John Kuewa, Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Westmoreland, Mrs. Sharon L. Budden, Dr. Sarojini S. Benson, Mrs. Virginia (Strong) '42 Cranmer, Mrs. Andrea J. (DeCou) '66 Laiblin, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G. (Lowe) '61 Benson, Mr. Walter DeVries, Dr. and Mrs. William Crofts, Mrs. M. Patricia Lappin, Mrs. Barbara (Conway) '56 Westphal, Dr. Paul H. (Pollock) Bishop, Mn. Gene '39 Croghan, Mrs. Jeanette S. (Peel) '73 Lappin, Mr. Terrence E. '56 Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bishop, Mrs. Rose (Frank) '39 Docken, Mr. Gerald D. Crow, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Larson, Mrs. Ruth M. (Roberts) '45 Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Blakemore, Mr. John '49 Crumly, Mrs. Florence B. (Binford) '31 Laurance, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wilkinson, Mrs. Linnea Blakemore, Mrs. Phyllis (Pipkin) '43 Erickson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Dalton, Ms. Anneliese Layton, Mr. and Mrs. William 0. Willbanks, Mr. and Mrs. John

Key to support groups: JGWS: $1,000 or more Sponsors: $500 -$999 Pacesetters: $250— $499 Associates: $125 -$249 HONOR ROLL 15

Btazey, Mrs. Jennifer (Nestegard) '86 Nowels, Ms. Nancy Danielson, Mr. James Scharf, Mr. David Bogenrief, Mr. Charles Nuttall, Mrs. Barbara BROADOAKS ADVISORY Dengrove, Dr. Joan Scharf, Mrs. Sandra Bogenrief, Mrs. Velda (Fouts) '43 Nuttall, Dr. Donald (FAC) COUNCIL Dewitt, Mrs. Diane Sen, Mr. Tapan Brown, Ms. Bobbe Ody, Mr. Earl '49 Aguilar, Ms.. Irene Dewitt, Mr. Gene Settlage, Dr. Robert (Christofferson) '47 Openshaw, Mr. Keith '50 Alden, Mr. Scott Divans, Mr. Gary Shindel, Dr. Neal Burger, Mrs. Elsie (Beckwith) '35 Openshaw, Mrs. Marylou Arita, Mr. David Divens, Mrs. Patrice Shumacher, Mrs. Mary Butterbaugh, Ms. Flo (Curran) '69 (Moriarty) '48 Aroz, Ms. Pat Ellis, Mr. David Sloan, Dr. David Butts, Mr. Edwin Ortega, Mr. Adan '84 Asamoto-Arita, Mrs. Thea Ellis, Mrs. Judy Sono, Mrs. Chihiro Butts, Mrs. Gerry Padia, Mrs. Mary (Atkins) '45 Beers, Mrs. Julia Rittershausen Ex, Mrs. Cynthia Stewart, Mr. Baron Callicott, Mrs. Barbara Padia, Mr. Morris '40 Bewley, Mrs. Marian Ex, Mr. John Stewart, Mrs. Berkeley (Stambaugh) '43 Palmer, Mrs. Marie (Lindahl) '42 Blinde, Mr. Gene * Fant, Mrs. Marilyn Strother, Mrs. Charlotte Callicoft, Mr. Norfleet '42 Park, Mrs. Eva Lois Bush, Mrs. Pat Fant, Mr. Tom Strother, Mr. Kent Capps, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. '54 Parkey, Mr. W. Doyle Carter, Mrs. Megan Fitch, Mrs. Deborah Sullens, Mrs. Mary Cha, Mr. Paul '91 Paterson, Mr. Edward M. '43 Cofer, Mrs. Gail Bryson Fitch, Mr. James Sullens, Mr. Michael Christiansen, Mr. John Pedersen, Mr. Gordon '50 Perry, Mrs. Marjorie Cunningham, Mr. Hank Fitzsimons, Mrs. Cecily Tambara, Mrs. Karen Christiansen, Mrs. Ruth (DeVries) '42 Perry, Ms. Portia '42 Cunningham, Mrs. Lucy Fitzsimons, Mr. John Tang, Mr. Albert Cliff, Mrs. Olive (Chandler) '41 Perry, Dr. R. James '35 Davidson, Mr. Alan Fong, Mr. Earl Tang, Mrs. Miki Clift, Mr. J. Robert '40 Price, Mr. John '50 Dengrove, Dr. Joan Fong, Mrs. Sandra Tarazi, Mr. Alex Cover, Mrs. Ann (Hansen) '67 Price, Mrs. Rose (Durston) '50 Eazor, Mrs. Olivia Forte, Mrs. Kathryn Tarazi, Mrs. Carla Crandall, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis, Mrs. Judy Frias, Mrs. Lorraine Tatco, Ms. Rosita Crossan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert '40 Randolph, Dr. Carl '43 Fant, Mrs. Marilyn Frias, Mr. Robert Torosian, Mr. Jacob Cusick, Mrs. Alice (Saunders) '40 Randolph, Mrs. Jane (Taber) '43 Farmer, Mrs. Ann Friedhof-Settlage, Mrs. Susan Torosian, Mrs. Roxanne Davidson, Mrs. Betty June Reed, Ms. Pamm '67 Fieda, Ms. Jan Frieze-Hickey, Mrs. Lark Van, Mrs. Evelyn (Holbrook) '43 Reese, Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. '49 Frieze-Hickey, Mrs. Lark Gallegos, Mrs. Angela Van, Mr. James Deihl, Ms. Patricia (Cattanach) '46 Richardson, Mrs. Shirley Garcia, Mrs. Mercedes Gallegos, Mr. George Vannucci, Mr. Ralph Diebold, Ms. Mary Lou '83 Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. '39 Gardner, Mr. Bob Garcia, Mr. Joseph Velasco, Mrs. Joan Dodge, Miss Michelle '90 Robinson, Mrs. Margaret Guevara, Mrs. Anali Gardner, Mr. Bob Velasco, Mr. Tony Dorsey, Ms. Jodi '90 (Lautrup) '37 Guevara, Mr. Gus Gardner, Mrs. Cristina Villarreal-Salcedo, Mrs. Irma Dye, Mrs. Esther (Boyle) '44 Robinson, Mr. Newton P. '37 Hill, Mrs. Rebecca Cartner, Ms. Toni Vinci, Mr. Mark Dye, Mr. Robert R. "Tippy" '43 Rosenberger, Mrs. Alice (Martin) '37 Hill, Mrs. Robert R. Garza, Mrs. Cynthia Wentz-Baccus, Mrs. Pamela Dyer, Mr. Elwyn '50 Rosenberger, Dr. Homer G. '34 Kawaguchi, Mrs. Suzette Garza, Mr. Roland Willford, Mr. Craig Dyer, Mrs. Jeanne Rothrock, Mr. Donald '52 Kidder, Mrs. Rachel Gilbert, Mr. Don Willford, Mrs. Jennifer Eichelberger, Mr. and Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Lorna (Trefy) '61 Larson-McKay, Mrs. Cary Gilbert, Mrs. Susan Wilmot, Mr. Phil William '43 Saunders, Mrs. Carol (Coiner) '45 Li, Ms. Monica Gomez, Mr. Robert Wilmot, Mrs. Roseanne Elliott, Jr., Mr. Charles '67 Schremp, Mrs. Florence Marks, Dr. Robert Goto, Ms. Cheryl Wimer, Mrs. Kay Eperjesi, Mr. Ernest (Barmore) '45 Marquess, Mrs. Lisa Greeley, Ms. Maura Wimer, Mr. Larry Eperjesi, Mrs. Sharon Scott, Mr. Jack '40 Martyn, Mrs. Diane Gregg, Mr. Jack Woirhaye, Mrs. Cathy Ettinger, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Scott, Mrs. Velma (Ramsey) '40 Mass, Dr. Amy Guevara, Mrs. Anali Woirhaye III, Mr. Mahlon Farmer, Mrs. Ann (Dahlstrom) '56 Shepard, Mrs. Geraldine B. '91 (P) McCarthy, Mrs. Mary Guevara, Mr. Gustavo Woirol, Dr. Gregory Fink, Mrs. Adaline (Allen) '36 Shepard, Sr., Mr. Willard W. (P) McClean, Mrs. Jennifer Hagelberg, Mrs. Marilyn Woirol, Mrs. Susan Florence, Miss Jeanne '89 Shively, Mrs. Lula Mae (Mings) '37 Shively, Mrs. Wilma (Pemberton) '37 Melendez, Mr. Charles Hagelberg, Mr. Robert Woodward, Mrs. Andrea Fowler, Mr. Brock '88 Siegmund, Mr. Carl '35 Merriam, Mr. John Halstead, Mrs. Debi Woodward, Mr. Jay Francis, Mr. William '64 Siegmund, Mrs. Nelda (Connally) '52 Morales, Mrs. Diane Halstead, Mr. Kent Yano, Mr. Steve Frank, Dr. Guy '43 Sleigh, Mr. Clyde '59 Muller, Mrs. Diane Hart, Mr. Jack Yano, Mrs. Susan Freeland, Ms. Karen J. '80 Smith, Mr. Stanley M. '73 Nighswonger, Mrs. Katheryne Hart, Ms. Marion Zarate, Mrs. Cindy Funk, Mrs. Mary J. (Whitlock) '43 Sowers, Mrs. Margaret (Price) '35 Norene, Mrs. Elizabeth Theisen Hebert, Mrs. Debby Zarate, Mr. Mark Funk, Mr. Wayne Spalka, Mr. and Mrs. Roch '82 Pittman, Mrs. Nancy Hebert, Mr. William Galicia, Miss Carmen '89 Stark, Mr. Milton D. '58 Pompey, Mrs. Kathleen Hickey, Mr. James Gallard, Mrs. Marjorie (Frank) '48 Stephens, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Rohlfing, Mrs. Catherine Hoover, Mr. Daniel EMERITUS Gauldin, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson '47 (Milford) '63 (P) Rohlfing, Mr. Larry Hoover, Mrs. Ofelia Esquerra PROFESSORS Griffith, Mrs. Betty Jo (Adams) '45 Stephens, Mr. William D. '65 (F) Settlage, Mrs. Susan Imada, Mr. Ron Griffith, Mr. J. Edwin '43 Armstrong, Dr. and Mrs. Donald Sternshein, Mr. David '66 (P) Sharp, Mrs. Debbie Imada, Mrs. Sharon Hale, Mrs. Marilyn (Holmes) '51 Browning, Dr. Charles Sternshein, Mrs. Kathleen (Bang) '70 (P) Shepherd, Mrs. Geraldine B. Ingersoll, Mrs. Pam Harmon, Mrs. Virginia (Hoefer) '36 Streeter, Dr. Patricia (Hare) '58 Connick, Dr. C. Milo Sierra, Mrs. Lisa Ingersoll, Mr. Tim (Deceased) Taylor, Mrs. Jean (F) Grasty, Dr. George Sigala, Mrs. Carol Jawad, Mr. John Hart, Mr. Patrick '79 Tenopir, Mr. George '48 McEwen, Dr. Gilbert Stinson, Mr. Spencer Jawad, Mrs. Mary Hartman, Mrs, Mary Ellen (Perry) '41 Tenopir, Mrs. Jane (Longwell) '47 Stryker, Mrs. Norma Jones, Mr. Louis Hartman, Mr. Robert '41 Thompson, Mrs. Betty (Hester) '43 Suggs-Balassa, Mrs. Maryann Kar, Mrs. Urmi Henderson, Mr. Alvin '92 Thompson, Mrs. Dean (Dice) '43 FRIENDS OF THE Tambara, Mrs. Karen Kawaguchi, Mr. Gary Henderson, Mrs. Annabell Thompson, Mr. Ralph SHANNON CENTER Tarazi, Mr. Alex Kawaguchi, Mrs. Suzette (Richter) '41 Thompson, Mr. William '43 COMMITTEE Tarazi, Mrs. Carla Kidder, Mr. James * Henderson, Mr. Donald '40 Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. '34 Chairman Theisen, Mrs. Carolyn Kidder, Mrs. Rachel Hobson, Dr. Arthur '43 Tunison, Mrs. Elizabeth "Bill" Trueblood, Mrs. Liz Kimball, Mr. Michael Ball, Mrs. Dolores Lautrup Hobson, Mrs. Barbara (Robinson) '43 (Lamb) '42 Wade, Mrs. Virginia Kimball, Mrs. Rhonda Boyd, Mrs. Dorothea Hockett, Ms. Jane '41 Valla, Mrs. Adella (Hayes) '33 Wagner, Dr. Judith Koldre, Ms. Lilian Clift, Mr. J. Robert Hockett, Mrs. Julie (York) '38 Valla, Mr. F. Louis '34 Walters, Ms. Gen'nel Krespan, Mr. Daniel Clift, Mrs. Olive (Chandler) Hockett, Mr. William '39 Waller, Mrs. Jane (F) Walton, Dr. Keith '46 Wentz, Mrs. Mimi Krespan, Mrs. Silvia Corbet, Mrs. Viola Hohne, Mrs. Mary (P) Walton, Mrs. Mary Louise Wong, Mr. Tom Kwong, Mrs. Nancy deVries, Mr. Jack Hohne, Mr. Robert (P) (Salmon) '42 Woyski, Mrs. Jennifer Kwong, Mr. Philip Ferguson, Mr. Douglas Holton, Mrs. Margaret (Lawrence) '37 White, Mr. Harry '48 Zambrano, Mrs. Vivian Leeper, Mrs. Nancy Gothold, Dr. Stephen Holton, Mrs. Mary Lee (Palmer) '41 White, Mrs. Shirley (Plummer) '47 Leeper, Mr. Robert Hyder, Ms. Violet Hunt, Mr. Everett '43 Whitson, Mrs. Hannah May Lowrey, Mrs, Bertha Kewish, Mrs. Beula Hunt, Mrs. Marge (Thomas) '42 BROADOAKS PARENTS Lowrey, Mr. David Kewish, Mr. Wesley R. Hutchison, Mr. Elvin '37 Whitson, Mr. J. Harvey '42 ORGANIZATION MacDowell, Mrs. Susan Martin, Mr. Bruce Hutchison, Ms. Gayle (Olson) '38 Wilson, Mr. Dean '40 * Moore, Jr., Mr. Joe P. * President Macy, Mr. Todd Hutchison, Mrs. Wren (Rucker) '34 Wilson, Mrs. Dorothy (Essley) '41 Mangusing, Mrs. Adela Nobert, Dr. Frances Huxtable, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson, Ms. Mary Lu '42 Aalvik, Mr. Egli Mangusing, Mr. Roy Rosenberger, Mrs. Alice (Martin) Issari-Harmon, Mrs. Philia '83 Wilson, Mr. Wayne C.'38 Aalvik, Mrs. Ena Mao, Mrs. Virginia Rosenberger, Dr. Homer G. Ivey, Mrs. Dorothy (Crookshank) '48 Wolsky, Miss Marla '89 Adamo, Mr. Dominic Mao, Mr. William Shannon, Jr., Mr. E. L. Jarnagan, Mr. Millard "Buck" '48 Woodward, Mrs. Caroline R. Alagna, Mrs. Cheri Marquess, Mr. Larry Shannon, Jr., Mrs. E. L. Josten, Mrs. Britta (Golding) '65 (P) (Reade) '43 Allen, Mr. Brian Marquess, Mrs. Lisa Woehrmann, Mrs. Joan (Peters) Josten, Mr. Robert '64 (F) Woodward, Mr. Leland S. '40 Allen, Mrs. Lisa McCarty, Mr. Brian Wood, Mr. Donald E. Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Paul '42 Arita, Mr. David McCarty, Mrs. Lisa Wood, Mrs. Nadine Kemp. Mr. Charles '35 Asamoto-Arita, Mrs. Thea BOARD OF VISITORS McGee, Mr. David Kemp, Mrs. Regina (Duncan) '34 Avirom, Mr. David McGee, Mrs. Joanne Kenworthy, Mrs. Betty (Hibbard) '45 Adams, Mr. Daniel Avirom, Mrs. Pier Merlino, Mrs. Rebecca PARENTS COMMITTEE Kenworthy, Mr. Harold M. "Red" '49 Presbyterian Intercommunity Baccus, Mr. Michael Merlino, Mr. Torn * Chairman Knirk, Mrs. Patricia (Hunt) '83 Hospital Bell, Mrs. Andrea Miller-Bernal, Mrs. Margaret Brent, Mrs. Connie Krueger, Mrs. Evelyn (Johnson) '34 Cannon, Mr. David Bell, Mr. Jeffrey Milligan, Mrs. Carina Krueger, Mr. William F. '33 D. T. Cannon Associates Bernal, Mr. Carl Brent, Mr. Edwin Milligan, Mr. Dennis Castaneda, Mr. Eduardo Kulzer, Mrs. Hope (Stickney) '49 Gobar, Dr. Alfred '53 Berry, Mr. Daniel Montano, Mrs. Leslie Alfred Gobar Associates, Inc. Castaneda, Mrs. Mary Kulzer, Mr. Leland A. '49 Blackman, Mr. Lee Montano, Mr. Michael Hamaguchi, Mr. Robert E. '69 Corner, Ms. Leilani Larronde, Ms. Charlou (Snyder) '42 Blewitt, Mr. Daniel Muller, Mr. David Security Pacific National Bank Davidson, Mrs. Joanne LeClear, Ms. Billie (Gee) '43 Blewitt, Mrs. Jayne Muller, Mrs. Diane Lee, Mrs. Jeanne (Roberts) '51 Harris, Mr. Benjamin C. '55 Blinde, Mrs. Cheryl Davidson, Mr. Samuel Future Communities, Inc. Nickell, Mrs. Cynthia Gagliardotto, Mrs. Lily Lee, Mr. William '48 Blinde, Mr. Gene Nickell, Mr. Jeffrey Lemke, Mrs. Justine (Smalley) '42 Harris, Mr. Clinton 0. '34 Botanos, Mrs. Lilliana Gagliardotto, Mr. Louis Harris Oldsmobile, Inc. Olson, Mr. John * Gulsby, Mrs. Charlotte Leonard, Mr. Frank W. "Wally" Bradley, Mrs. Cary Olson, Mrs. Roberta Lion, Mrs. Jane (Tregay) '41 Harris, Mr. Willard V. '55 Bradley, Mr. Jared Lorton, Mr. Donald Rampart General, Inc. Ortiz, Mr. Christopher Patterson, Mr. David Lion, Mr. William F. '41 Cadavona, Mr. John Hartwig, Mr. Larry D. Ortiz, Mrs. Joanne Lopez, Miss Debbie '83 Cadavona, Mrs. Renee Patterson, Mrs. Delilah Southern California Bank Peel, Mr. John Lovejoy, Ms. Daunn '60 Calmer, Mrs. Jan Quinones, Mr. Don Harvey, Mr. Wayne '60 Peel, Mrs. Laurie MacNevin, Dr. Dorothy (Poteat) '62 (F) Calmer, Mr. Wade Quinones, Mrs. Mary Harvey and Parmelee Perez, Mr. Louis Raat, Mrs. Darlene Mann, Mrs. Josephine (Barmore) '43 Korneff, Mr. Allen R. Cameron, Mrs. Karen Perez, Mrs. Mary Mann, Mr. Raymond '41 Cameron, Mr. Scott Raat, Mr. K. Ralph Downey Community Hospital Pigott, Mrs. Alison Rodriguez, Mr. George Maple, Mrs. Barbara (Dawson) '37 Foundation Hospital Camp, Dr. John Pigott, Mr. Jim Maple, Mr. Earl '37 Carvalho-Macy, Mrs. Teresa Rodriquez, Mrs. Sylvia Martin, Mr. Bruce '57 Poison, Ms. Barbara Shepherd, Mrs. Geraldine McBride, Dr. Michael (FAC) Whittier Area Chamber of Casado, Mrs. Cheryl Poison, Mr. James McClean, Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Casado, Mr. Mark Whaling, Mrs. Colleen Commerce Praetorius, Mr. Patrick Whaling, Mr. Joseph McNulty, Mr. Paul D. '76 Pollara, Mr. John Casas, Mr. Ralph Praetorius, Mrs. Raelynn McPeek, Mr. 0. A. "Mac" Zieman Manufacturing Company Castellanos, Mrs. Amparo Reilly, Mrs. Debra Mehta, Mrs. Greta (Stumpf) '83 Rau, Mr. Robert '62 Castellanos, Mr. Edward Reilly, Mr. Robert PILOT PROJECT '62 Mele, Mrs. Erlene (Woodward) '43 Parker Hannifin Aerospace Cofer, Mr. Damon Ridgill, Mr. Calvin * Co-Chairs Mele, Mr. Jack '43 Thomas, Mr. Jerry Cofer, Mrs. Gail Bryson Ridgill, Mrs. Monica Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. William L. '47 Quaker City Federal Savings and Cunningham, Mr. Hank Robertson, Mrs. Karen Alexander, Ms. Susan Milbank, Mr. Michael P. '65 Loan Association Cunningham, Mrs. Lucy Rohlfing, Mrs. Catherine Atherton, Mrs. Maxine (Kane) Warden, Mrs. Leona Miller,-Dr. Donald '42 Curd, Mr. Joe Rohlfing, Mr. Larry * Butzel, Mrs. Sandra (Steele) Bank of America Morgan, Miss Christine '92 Curd, Mrs. Kelly Romero-Gomez, Mrs. Lillian Carter, Mr. John Mossman, Mrs. Mae (Scott) '46 Woehrmann, Mrs. Joan '52 Cutler, Mr. Alan Cirese, Mrs. Sarah (Williams) AME Rosen, Ms. Josie Nestegard, Miss Elizabeth '90 Cutler, Mrs. Andrea Salcedo, Mr. Gilbert Cross, Mr. Christopher 1. Newman, Mrs. Sharon (Rosson) '58 Wood, Mr. Donald E. Danielson, Mrs. Debbie * Davidson, Mr. Alan Community Pontiac-Honda Sanburn-Vannucci, Mrs. Paula Newman, Mr. W. D. "Bert" '59 Saroukhanoff, Mrs. Karen Dovidio, Dr. Ernest Nixon, Ms. Clara Saroukhanoff, Mr. Robert Eng, Miss Joan

Key to support groups: JGWS: $1,000 or more Sponsors: $500 —$999 Pacesetters: $250— $499 Associates: $125 —$249 16 HONOR ROLL

Franzen, Mr. David * Quezada, Mr. Jorge Garrett, Mrs. Diana (Bruce) Trinh, Mr. Tuan Geiger, Mrs. Janice (Barker) Geiger, Jr., Dr. William Gordon, Mrs. Janice (Letts) STUDENTS Hays, Ms. Rita Arriaga, Anna Hodges, Mr. Kenneth Barnhart, Tara Howard, Dr. Leslie L. Becerra, Lihiana Jones, Mr. Steven Beyer, Fred Kelsey, Mrs. Marion (Matthews) Chandler, Sylvia Kinaka, Mr. William Chang, Lani Manley, Dr. James Christopherson, Erica Manley, Mrs. Judyth (Skillman) Cordova, Linda Mecherikoff, Mrs. Rita (Rolph) Jaurequi, Gabe Mitchell, Mr. James E. Kaplan, Adam Moore II, Dr. John Linsman, Jessica Pryor, Mrs. Carolyn (Barnard) Linsman, Michelle Raniett-Mock, Mrs. Kathleen Rhone, Mrs. Sandra (Sorenson) Shay, Mr. Richard Therriault, Mrs. Lynn (Klein) Topjon, Mr. Gary Votteri, Ms. Rosa Lee (Black) Williams, Mrs. Martha (Grams)

CLASS REUNION COMMITTEE * Reunion Chairman and/or Gift Chairman Class of 1941 * Coffin, Mr. Joseph Gibson, Mrs. Tony (Collins) Hales, Mr. John Hartman, Mrs. Mary Ellen (Perry) Hatch, Mrs. Betty (Wachtel) Henderson, Mrs. Annabell (Richter) Hockett, Miss Jane Holton, Mrs. Mary Lee (Palmer) Likert, Mr. Kermit * Lion, Mrs. Jane (Tregay) * Lion, Mr. William Post, Mr. Charles 'Arnold" Wilson, Mrs. Dorothy (Essley) Class of 1946 Arcadi, Dr. John * Bachtelle, Mrs. Vi (Bakuen) Deihl, Ms. Patricia (Cattanach) English, Mrs. Virginia (Cook) Mossman, Mrs. Mae (Scott) Murray, Mrs. Peggy (Albright) O'Connell, Mrs. Colleen (Huntington) Rhea, Mrs. Carol (Weber) The Grammy Award-winning musical group, Los Lobos, performed a benefit concert for the * Walton, Dr. Keith Broadoaks Laboratory/Demonstration School of Whittier College. The concert was held in February at the Shannon Center. Class of 1951 * Casjens, Mrs. Patricia (Paget) * Casjens, Dr. Robert Chandler, Mr. Kenneth Jones, Mrs. Barbara (Bolton) McKeon, David Jones, Mr. Jim Miyazawa, Caroline Lee, Mrs. Jeanne (Roberts) Mitchell, Jana Marshburn, Dr. Theodore Nevin, Natalie Parminter, Dr. H. Eldon Perry, Beth Roenicke, Mrs. Corliss (Kranz) Raat, Amy Sherick, Mrs. Diana (Jones) Tamashiro, Lisa Smith, Mrs. Leona (Treganza) Van Kiaveren, Dina Stecklein, Mr. James Wray, Jon Class of 1956 Bates, Mrs. Valerie (Stever) WHITTIER COLLEGE Blechen, Mr. Robert WOMEN'S AUXILIARY Canfield, Mrs. Joyce (Greve) Carlisle, Mr. James Anderson, Mrs. Virginia * Dezember, Mrs. Joan (Erreca) Arcadi, Mrs. Doris Farmer, Dr. Ann (Dahlstrom) Ball, Mrs. Dolores Lautrup '33 Bard, Mrs. Maurine Franklin, Mrs. Donna (Johnson) Franklin, Dr. Ronald Berton, Mrs. Peggy * Gothold, Dr. Stuart Bundy, Mrs. Loretta Carroll, Mrs. Eloise Hanson, Mrs. Jacqueline (Powers) Hoar, Mr. Ron Crosser, Mrs. Alice Sands, Mrs. Pat (Roberts) Dallas, Ms. Ruth Fiedler, Mrs. Joyce Schultz, Mrs. Harriet (Utley) * Sievert, Mrs. Nancy (Heldrich) Gruber, Mrs. Audrey Hedrick, Mrs. Jody Turman, Mrs. Genevieve (White) Hyder, Ms. Violet Van Buren, Mrs. Donna Lou (Nelson) Levens, Mrs. Genevieve Class of 1966 Martin, Mrs. Alice Bell, Mr. Charles Muller, Mrs. Maybelle Bell, Mrs. Patricia (Phillips) Nohavec, Ms. Mary Jane Demmin, Mrs. Dorothy (Hodge) Palma, Mrs. Della Douglas, Mrs. Mary (Larsen) Pelzer, Mrs. Lina * Hoffman, Dr. Irving Ramsey, Mrs. Charlotte * Parmelee, Mrs. Margaret (Scheibner) Ruiz, Mrs. Becky Prather, Dr. Judith (Kerr) Stadler, Mrs. Anne Shephard, Mr. Geoffrey Strahan, Mrs. Judy Wallace Warner, Mrs. Carolyn (Crowell) Tovey, Mrs. Betty G. Workman, Mrs. Sharon (Scott) Trotter, Mrs. Estelle Wulfsburg, Dr. Richard Van Sandt, Mrs. Dorothy Class of 1971 Ward, Mrs. Tish * Porter, Ms. Nan White, Mrs. Doris Whittier College * Surina, Mrs. Janet (Popoff) Wihiford, Mrs. Yvonne (Bonser) '41 Office of Development Robertshaw, Mr. Wayne Wunder, Mrs. Phyllis (Lehman) '33 Bedford D. McIntosh, Vice President Class of 1976 for College Advancement * McNulty, Mr. Paul Kiane E. Robison, Director of Gift Class of 1981 Planning Armenta, Miss Fernanda Kevin J. Doody, Director of Corporate Fuentes, Mr. William and Foundation Relations * Lawrence, Mrs. Diane (York) Dennis R. Petticoffer, Director of Nielsen, Miss Nani Prospect Research * Standiford, Mrs. Catherine (Pearce) Lisa D. Isaacson, Assistant Director, Richardson, Ms. Connie Annual Fund Wong, Dr. Jeanette Woods, Mrs. Sue (Skare) If you have questions or comments, Class 011986 please contact us by telephoning * Abbate, Mrs. Lisa (Hoffmann) (310) 907-4200. Baker, Mrs. Lisa Zubiate Cordes, Mrs. Lisa Garcia The staff of the College Development Cushnie, Mr. Cohn Office has worked hard to avoid Fix, Mr. Jean-Marc errors or omissions in this report. We * Gagnon, Miss Michelle realize, however, that they can and Goins, Miss Yvette do occur. We apologize for any Odou, Mrs. Shirley (Brightwell) mistakes there may be and would appreciate being informed of them. HONOR ROLL 17

WHITTIER LAW Kane, Mr. Mark '81 Arp, Mr. Robert S. VOLUNTEERS Mardirossian, Mr. Garo '80 SCHOOL Kazanjian, Ms. Wendy '83 Arthur, Prof. Stacey Myers, Mr. R. Chandler Kwan, Mr. Thomas 0. '79 Artz, Mr. Jack Nesbitt, Mr. Patrick M. '82 DONORS Law School Admission Services Ballon, Mr. David ALUMNI ASSOCIATION O'Brien, Jr., Hon. Gregory '72 Lenway, Ms. Andrea '90 Bazyler, Prof. Michael The Alumni Association sponsors Pierno, Mr. Anthony Manning, Mr. Steven '79 Begakis, Mr. Niko lunches, social gatherings, Pitchess, Mr. Peter J. DEAN'S CIRCLE Markey, Hon. Christian Bemis, Ms. Tamsin conferences, reunions, annual Richardson, Hon. Frank Posner, Ms. Margery '86 Botterud, Mr. Carl '92 Stephens, Jr., Hon. Albert Lee Senior Partner $1,000 or more dinners, and provides ongoing Rimbach, Mr. David '91 Brod, Prof. Gail Wardlaw, Mr. William Partner $500 - $999 financial support to the Law School. Schmitt, Ms. Janet '83 Buzanis, Ms. Jan Wenke, Hon. Robert A. Fellow $250 - $499 President Scolinos, Mr. Harry '74 Cantor, Ms. Carla L. West II, Mr. George 0. Associate $125 - $249 Stern, Ms. Sandra '84 Clemons, Ms. Ursula '92 Ernenwein, Mr. Robert '84 Contributor $1 - $124 Stevens, Ms. Greta '81 Cornay, Ms. Shannon Vice President Dean's Circle is comprised of alumni, Tenenbaum, Mr. Jay '87 Coughion, Mr. Robert Youmans, Mr. Ted '86 CAREER SERVICES faculty, staff, and friends who support Title, Hon. Julius Crawford, Ms. Marcy Secretary The following alumni have supported the many law school programs and Vorzimer, Mr. Andrew '88 Daar, Prof. Judith Alexander, Mr. James the Career Services Office by projects. The Law School gratefully Daftary, Ms. Farideh participating in speaking acknowledges the following persons- Donahoe, Ms. Carol engagements, providing job referrals, and organizations for their generosity. evaluating student mock interviews, Senior Partners and mentoring law students. The Anonymous Career Services Office thanks alumni Ernenwein, Mr. Robert '84 who have given their time and Ettinger, Jr., Mr. Richard friendship to students in the past Findley, Mr. Gary S. '79 year. Kiesel, Mr. Paul '85 Abrams, Mr. Bobby '81 Mardirossian, Mr. Garo '80 Ackerson, Ms. Karen M. '91 Mardirossian, Ms. Kathy '89 Albers, Ms. Pam '83 Michelena, Mr. Nestor '69 Alcala, Ms. Suzanne '91 Myers, Mr. R. Chandler Andrews, Hon. Bradford L. '82 West II, Mr. George 0. Andrews, Ms. Deborah '82 Partners Asch, Ms. Sunny Charia '80 Ashmann, Mr. Warren '73 Bacon, Mr. Jeffrey E. '92 Garrett-Summers, Ms. Barbara '87 Baghdassarian, Mr. Stepan W. '88 Goetz, Mr. Jack Brown, Mr. Joseph R. '89 Goetz, Hon. Reva '81 Campagna, Mr. Tom '91 Rosenberg, Mr. Seymour '75 Casetta, Mr. Jack '89 Saito, Ms. Andrea Chin, Mr. Archie '87 Stephens, Jr., Hon. Albert Lee Ciccarelii, Mr. John K. '88 Follows Cormicle, Mr. Bruce '83 Andrews, Hon. Bradford L. '82 Danny-Roberts, Ms. Lisa '87 Andrews, Ms. Deborah '82 Ernenwein, Mr. Robert '84 Arthur, Prof. Stacey Escobedo, Ms. Millie '89 Bailey, Mr. Robert Essegian, Hon. Ruth '80 Charlton, Mr. James '89 Findley, Mr. Gary S. '79 Dear, Prof. Judith Finkel, Mr. Charles M. '81 De La Cal, Mr. Marco '80 Garber, Mr. Steven '91 Dorn, Hon. Roosevelt '69 Garthwaite, Ms. Sherri L. '85 Edelman, Ms. Emily '76 Gersh, Mr. Jeffrey '78 Essegian, Hon. Ruth '80 Goodwin-Duffy, Ms. Moira '88 Keller, Ms. Anne '82 Gray, Mr. Humberto '87 Lambirth, Mr. Timothy '78 Griego, Mr. Thomas '90 Loomis, Mr. David '83 Gross, Mr. Clark '87 Henderson, Mr. Richard '79 Mallut, Mr. Daniel '86 As part of an international exchange program, Dean Ewa Borkowska-Bagienska (top right) from Poland visits Handel, Mr. William '79 Moss, Mr. Allen '79 with law school students, faculty, and friends. Oda, Mr. Stanley '70 Hodges, Mr. Clinton '75 Ore, Mr. Joseph Y. '82 Hoffman, Ms. Brenda '92 Raznick, Ms. Linda '77 Jamgochyan, Mr. Jilber '91 Rubens Gordon, Prof. Beverly Kerker, Ms. Sindee Kain '87 Wenke, Hon. Robert Estrada, Ms. Ten Treasurer Kiesel, Mr. Paul '85 NATIONAL Larson, Mr. Bill '85 Associates Forman, Prof. Deborah Findley, Mr. Gary S. '79 Abrams, Mr. Bobby '81 CONFERENCE OF LAW Fox, Ms. Linda Members Lowther, Mr. Joseph '87 Abrams, Ms. Carol '81 REVIEWS Frances, Ms. Jennifer Gelman, Ms. Pam '82 Luder, Mr. John '88 Mardirossian, Mr. Garo '80 Alberts Carson, Prof. Cindy In march, the Law School hosted the Freeman, Ms. Suzanne '92 Goetz, Hon. Reva '81 Arp, Mr. Robert S. 38th National Conference of Law Gale, Prof. Mary Ellen Kerfes, Ms. Kathryn '80 Mardirossian, Ms. Kathy '89 Avazian, Mr. Eric '72 Reviews (NCLR). More than 220 Gordon, Ms. Jennifer McGlamery, Ms. Barbara '89 Marinovitch, Mr. Adrian '80 Baghdassarian, Mr. Stepan W. '88 delegates representing 97 law review Grossman, Ms. Leeanne Sautner, Hon. Stephanie '83 Mason, Ms. Belie C. '78 Ball, Ms. Dolores publications nationwide gathered for Gurbuz, Mr. Bob Tenenbaum, Mr. Jay '87 Mass, Mr. Chris '91 Bazyler, Prof. Michael the week-long conference which Hale, Ms. Gabrielle Welles, Ms. Kristen '91 McColgan, Ms. Katy '90 Bellinger, Hon. Martha '82 included seminars, panels and Harris, Ms. Maria Winans, Mr. Jeff '84 McGlamery, Ms. Barbara '89 Blume, Mr. Gary '87 debates aimed at improving the Harum, Ms. Andrea McNally, Mr. Gerald '84 Bridges, Ms. Marlene quality of law reviews. Hedwail, Mr. Lame Mulally, Mr. Thomas '84 Heilman, Prof. John ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP Naselow, Ms. Tara '92 Brown, Mr. Louis The success of the event was, in Crawford, Mr. Joseph Howiman, Ms. Julia COMMITTEE Oberreiter, Mr. Richard '90 part, due to the financial support Ippolito, Mr. Riccardo Page, Ms. Debbie '90 Crawford, Ms. Marcy The Law School provides a variety of the following individuals and Jaramilla, Ms. Toni Pall, Mr. Richard Danforth, Ms. Tanya '83 of alumni scholarships based on organizations. Kagawa, Ms. Debra Perry, Mr. William T. '88 Delli Paoli, Mr. William '91 academic performance and financial APIS Multistate Keats, Ms. Ele Peterson, Ms. Carol '86 Ferguson, Mr. Douglas need. The Law School gratefully Alan Wise & Associates Keich, Prof. Tom Pettersen, Mr. Michael '89 FitzRandolph, Dean John A. acknowledges the Scholarship Barpassers Kolostian, Mr. Richard Petrossian, Mr. Alen '87 FitzRandolph, Ms. Susan Committee, which meets annually to Foland-Priver, Ms. Laura '83 Bronson, Bronson & McKenna Lacey, Mr. Frederick '92 Petrullo, Mr. John '87 Colkin & Collins review applications and award Foss, Prof. Howard Lavely, Ms. Renee Pulone, Mr. Robert J. '84 Dalvisio, Mr. James scholarships. Gale, Prof. Mary Ellen Mason, Mr. Sean Rausher, Mr. Perry '91 Darby Printing Company Ashmann, Mr. Warren '73 Gazzigli, Mr. Joseph '69 Matthews, Mr. Scott '92 Reichman, Ms. Dawn '88 DeAtely, Mr. Glen '90 Berger, Ms. Jeanne '68 Gruner, Prof. Richard McCuIlar, Ms. Janet Rosenberg, Mr. David '86 Delli Paoli, Mr. William '91 Botterud, Mr. Carl '92 Harrison, Mr. K. Reed '77 McNab, Prof. Cecil Ryu, Mr. Thomas '91 Devin, Ms. Marilyn '83 Glavin, Ms. Paula '72 Haythorn, Prof. J. Denny Mitchell, Ms. Carolyn '92 Sautner, Hon. Stephanie '82 Ernenwein, Mr. Robert '84 Gold, Ms. Judith '74 Irving, Mr. Paul '81 Moran, Prof. Patricia Scolinos, Mr. Harry '74 Harcourt, Brace & Jovanovich Kerfes, Ms. Katherine '80 Joseph, Ms. Esther National Association for Public Shapiro, Mr. Bruce '90 lnjegikian, Ms. Ara Rubens Gordon, Prof. Beverly Kander, Mr. Mitchell '79 Interest Law (NAPIL) Shekey, Mr. Michael '88 Joe Christianson, Inc. Tenenbaum, Mr. Jay '87 Kerfes, Ms. Kathryn '80 Nordstrom, Ms. Christa '92 Skelly, Mr. Edward J. '90 Mead Data Oishi, Mr. Stan Welles, Ms. Kristen '91 Skier, Mr. Robert '81 Krikorian, Ms. Rosanne PMBR McGlamery, Ms. Barbara '89 Pointer, Ms. Karen Steel, Ms. Sari J. '88 Pitney, Hardin, Kipp & Szuch Meyers, Mr. Barry '79 Quadres, Prof. Harold Stolar, Mr. Steven '86 Saund Greenberg, Ms. Asha '82 BAR ADMISSION Nelson, Ms. Nancy '75 Quintanilla, Mr. Edgardo Suggett, Mr. Wayne R. '92 Sottile, Mr. Timothy CEREMONY O'Brien, Jr., Hon. Gregory '72 Raisch, Ms. Cindy Tenenbaum, Mr. Jay '87 Sum & Substance Patton, Prof. William Reutter, Mr. Christian Twice a year, the Law School holds Thepot, Mr. John '90 Tabelius, Ms. Diane '79 Picozzi, Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Robinson, Prof. Reginald a Bar Admission Ceremony for Taub, Mr. Harry '76 Unger, Mr. Steven H. '85 Priver, Mr. Mark '82 Rogers, Ms. Cynthia graduates who pass the California Tonsich, Mr. Nick '86 West Publishing Company Quadres, Prof. Harold Ross, Ms. Felicia State Bar Examination. The Law Turner, Mr. Wayne 1. '86 Western Newspaper Publishing Raisch, Ms. Cindy Saito, Ms. Andrea School thanks the following judges Unger, Mr. Steven H. '85 Whittier Student Bar Association Reed, Mr. Raymond C. '82 Sharp, Ms. Anne who have participated in the Vallette, Ms. Diane '81 William S. Hine & Company Reich, Prof. Peter Siegel, Ms. Lisa ceremony in the past year. Von Bargen, Mr. Robert '88 Rose, Prof. I. Nelson Silane, Ms. Elizabeth Andrews, Hon. Bradford L. '82 Vorzimer, Mr. Andrew '88 Sautner, Hon. Stephanie '82 Smith, Mr. Howard O'Brien, Hon. Gregory C. '72 Walmsley, Mr. Robert '87 WHITTIER PUBLIC Smith, Mr. Todd Wang, Mr. Willie '90 Stern, Prof. Joanne INTEREST LAW Stephens, Jr., Hon. Albert Lee Tiernan Markham, Ms. Kathleen '76 Snyder, Ms. Lorin Welles, Ms. Kristen '91 Unger, Mr. Steven H. '85 FOUNDATION Sternberg, Ms. Daryl '92 Williams, Mr. Jimmie '89 Strole, Ms. Jennifer BOARD OF VISITORS Winans, Mr. Jeffrey G. '84 Contributors The Whittier Public Interest Law Foundation (WPILF), a non-profit, Student Bar Association The Board of Visitors includes Wittenberg, Mr. Gary '87 Aratani, Mr. Dana '88 -Sugarmen, Mr. Keith Youmans, Mr. Ted '86 Burseth, Mr. Stephen '87 student-directed organization, is distinguished leaders in the business committed to increasing awareness Torres, Ms. Carmen and legal communities who provide Capies, Mr. Michael '80 Tudzin, Mr. Michael Casseb, Mr. John '88 of public interest of law The guidance to the administration and organization also awards grants to Tusken, Mr. Michael faculty. Dunn, Mr. Philip '77 VanNorman, Mr. Jeff Freeman, Mr. William '79 students interested in working in Andrews, Ms. Deborah '82 public interest law WPILF thanks the Warson, Mr. Starr '92 Friedman, Mr. Marc '91 White, Ms. Mirth Ashmann, Mr. Warren '73 Galbreath, Ms. Roxanna J. '78 following individuals for their financial Avazian, Mr. Eric '72 support. Winston, Mr. Cornell Gilbert, Mr. Bruce '85 Wolf, Ms. Tracy '92 Cooper, Mr. Scott M. Adams, Ms. Holly Goldsborough, Mr. N. Ridgely '88 Zexter, Ms. Debbie Ettinger, Mr. Richard P. Halpern, Ms. Eleanor S. '83 Alberts Carson, Prof. Cindy Findley, Mr. Gary S. '79 Hilliard, Mr. William '72 Anonymous II Johnson, Hon. Thomas Jones, Mr. Robert '80 Anonymous Ill Kiesel, Mr. Paul '85 POET TO POET

NINETEEN-THIRTIES RACHEL (BIERMA) INCRAHAM '39 NINETEEN - FORTIES PATNICE (KELLY) HAMSEL100 '54 lAURIE (8011ENIAN) MUELLER '00 and her husband celebrated their 50th performs as a free-lance flutist in the Bay is busy enjoying step aerobics, gardening CLAn AGENTS: CLASS AGENTS: anniversary with their two children, five Area and often performs with the Berkeley and riding her bike. Her husband works Mrs. Ma,'y Fae (Moffett) Pickering '32 Mr Russell Vincent '40, Ms. Mary Lee grandchildren and five great-grand- Symphony. She also teaches private flute at Beckman Instruments in Palo Alto. Mrs. Dolores (Lautrup) Ball '33, Mr John (Palmer) Ho/ton '41, Mrs. Virginia children. lessons at home. Her daughter is a Their "four-legged son," A.J., is a two- Arrambide '35, Mrs. Catherine (Nanney) (Strong) Benson '42, Ms. Ma,y Louise JANE (CHAMRERUN) '30 dietitian and teacher, and her son is a year-old doberman. Biggers '36, Or Carlos A. Bailey '37, Mr (Salmon) Walton '42 Ms. Billie (Gee) and JIM LANGOON '39 cellist, teaching and performing in Paul H. Gardner '37, Mr Burton Parminter LeClear '43, Mrs. Elizabeth (Lamb) TOM PASS VA 'DO celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Taiwan. She has three grandsons. '37, Mrs. Harriett (Cooper) Ebermayer '38, Tunison '43, Mrs. Olive (Jordan) has been listed in the 1992-93 edition of last Christmas aboard the Royal Princess, Mr Wayne Wilson '38, Mrs. Rose (Frank) McCloskey '44, Mrs. Carol (Coiner) BALE HORsE '54 Who's Who in the West. Tom continues to cruising through the Panama Canal. They Bishop '39. Saunders '45, Mrs. Violette (Bakuen) retired from the Montebello School teach at Southwestern College in Chula have been retired for the past eight years. Bachtelle '46, Mrs. Roberta District after 37 years of teaching high Vista, where he has the added fun of JOYCE (INswN) CLARK '38 Jo (Popi) MAR11 '30 (Christoffersen) Brown '47, Mr Millard C. school English and coaching football and working as the sports information is busy with seven large oil painting lost her husband in January, but was able Jarnagan '48, Mr William H. Lee '48, Mr baseball. He is now weight-lifting, race- director. commissions for the Ritz-Carlton on to realize a lifelong dream of exploring walking, writing screenplays and writing Maui. Later in the year, she will move to Leland Kulzer '49. JAN (JORDAN) Piz*uuo '80 their roots together in the United lyrics for his own musical compositions. Sunriver, OR, and visit Maui once a year Kingdom and Ireland. ALICE (ATNIND) WALLACE '43 retired as a vice principal in Fresno. She He and wife EILEEN (MCLADNLAN) '53 have for art shows. has retired from her position as a is moving to Greeleaf, OR, to a 4,000- DOROTHY (SHEETS) MOONEY '39 become world travelers. psychiatric technician at El Camino square-foot home on 67-acres, facing a Aunuti C. LINNENMEYER '38 was widowed in 1986. Their daughter Mental Health Center in Santa Fe BRUCE SHEPHERD '54 flowing river full of salmon. is recovering from heart surgery and is Kathy is married and living in Houston Springs. has retired as principal in the West preparing for a hip replacement. He is BRENDA (BATESON) RYAN '00 with two sons. Daughter Ruth is a Covina Unified School District. enjoying life in Pomona. missionary in El Salvador. Dorothy lives RoBERT L. DEGNEB '40 is a mentor teacher, program coordinator has retired from his position as vice LOUIB B. VISIT '54 and newly-elected union chapter KEITH JACoB '38 in a senior condo on the Mississippi and is planning to enjoy a three-year cruise chairperson at Roosevelt High School. has a ten-acre raspberry farm and is still attends Elderhostels and enjoys theatre. president of Transamerica Insurance Company in Los Angeles. on a 58-foot ketch after retiring from the Her husband Larry recently joined her at having a ball at 77 years old. He has BILL RITCUEY '39 Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Roosevelt, leaving Wilson High after 19 three "kids," the oldest is 50 years enjoys retirement in a beautiful northwest SHIRLEY (FREE5000) LILIENTHAL '40 the department of legal medicine. years as a counselor and joining "young," and seven grandchildren. setting in Gig Harbor, WA. His leisure and her husband are retired and enjoying Roosevelt as counselor for a new federal their two grandchildren, who live nearby. CIRIATIE (BENSON) RUSSELL '57 ARDITH (LOWE) KANE '38 days are spent at the Repertory remarried in 1987, after being widowed in program. They are looking forward to a has had quite an exciting year so far. In Theater and continuing his studies in ROLLIN DOORMAN '40 1979. She married an executive of a local visit to Kansas, with a return to May, she was elected Jubilee Queen of New Testament literature. has retired from his position as a electronics company. Between them, they Washington state to check on their future the Langlois/Port Orford area in . professor at the San Jose State University LEILA (CLOVE.) ScionTo '39 have five children and three retirement property. In this capacity, she has attended many says that she has survived two years of School of Social Services. grandchildren. SUZANNE (RENMAI) SARGENT '00 festivals and fairs with more activities to marriage to Bill and adds, "It's a real is in her 31st year of teaching first grade. NINETEEN FIFTIES WAYNE DANIELS '58 follow. Her children surprised her with a change to be un-liberated." - E. She has two children, Mark, 29, and Joni, 75th birthday party, attended by nearly is in his 31st year of teaching. He has CLASS AGENTS: KEITH C. (COLE) STEELMAN '39 spent all but one of those years at 27. Suzanne still raises registered paint 100 friends. Mr John Price '50, Or Robert Casjens keeps busy babysitting her grandchildren Fullerton High School teaching biology horses on her ranch in Cottonwood. Jo.is Pnii OCKERMAN '38 Morgan and Jordana, and is the '51, Mrs. Peggy L. (Gossom) Ford '52. and related subjects. In his spare time, LANE STRAIT '80 and wife Doeis (MEAD) '30 designated driver for husband Bill, who is Mr Dick Walters '52, Mrs. Nadine Wayne plays tennis or gardens. is a lawyer in private practice in San Luis want back in time last March to visit classified as blind. (Hambarian) Emerzian '53, Mr Robert W Obispo. He has three adult sons and Bermuda and the place where Columbus Capps '54, Mrs. Jane (Soderberg) MARY (R000oN) GAD VISCH '59 MARY ANN (MONROE) STOKES '39 enjoys flying his antique airplane. discovered America. Their travels took Gothold '55, Or Stuart E. Gothold '56, is a medical technologist at FHP enjoyed a lunch outing at Pasadena's them to the island of San Salvador, as Mrs. Nancy (Heidrich) Sievert '56, Mr California Regional Laboratory. She has CAROLYN (TEAC000T) WYMA '00 Ritz-Carlton with pals MARY J0 (WALLING) well as to other surrounding islands. John Avila, Jr '57, Mc James Peter '58, three grown children, three grandchildren, enjoys volunteer work at Hillcrest, where REID '30, Nosy (BES000) TOWNEA '30, Mrs. Ann (Larson) Peter '59. and one on the way. Her youngest son husband Harvey is principal. Daughter SHE (VAN LIERSOM) BOnER '39 DOROTHY BORING and ROTH '30, (HAENDIGES) James is on a football scholarship at the Erin finished her junior year at U.C. Santa is spending a lot of time volunteering BLAIR '39. Mary Ann is looking forward to KEN CNANNLEN '51 University of the Pacific. Cruz. where she lives in the Central Coast. She a trip to Miami to visit her grandson, who is chief financial officer for the La Habra BARRY A. JOHNSON '01, has three children, 14 grandchildren and recently accepted an engineering position School District. He and wife BANNANA NINETEEN - SIXTIES one grandchild. Three of the grandkids there. (DEPEW) '54 are very active in Hillcrest a commercial pilot, recently started Air are attending college and seven are in Congregational Church. Ctoss AGENTS: Johnson, a sightseeing operation located CHARLES TINOILL '30 high school. Ms. Dauno E. Lovejoy '60, Or Gary at Red Bluff Municipal Airport in Northern has moved to Paradise, CA, after 20 years Con. (COTTON) O'BRIEN '51 Goodson '61, Mc Alan C. Davidson '62 California. lONElY I. CSNNTD '30 and husband Jack are retired and living in on the high desert. He and his wife of 53 Mrs. Gail (Ziebarth) Davidson '63, Or retired as a teacher in public education. Costa Rica on their coffee finca. GILBERT MORES '02 years are enjoying the lakes, streams, John H. Crow '64, Mc Joe Barnes '65, Or He remains active in the University Club, is singing professionally at various social, mountains, pines, boating and fishing. DONALD SORSADEL '51 Irving D. Hoffman '66, Mr Raymond YMCA Travel Club and in other cultural and educational events. Being close to their children and their has retired as vice president of El Camino Ritchey '67, Mrs. Penny (Cams) Fraumeni organizations. families isn't bad either. Community College in Torrance. '68, Ms. Ta/lien Perry '69. JOHN V POLICE '03 was chosen "Distinguished Citizen of Atici (liouv) DERTOS '39 J. RICHARD TITSWORTH '30 DALE ST. GEORGE '52 JAMES E ALLEN, JR. '00 and her husband edited Vol. 24 of the Santa Fe Springs" for 1992. is still working and enjoying himself at a has retired as senior vice president of the still works for the Department of Defense. annual magazine, Bonsai in California, retirement home. He and Dorothea have Alameda County YMCA. In his spare time, he is director of BILL OAR000GH '05, which commemorates the 35th year of the been married 53 years. They recently professor of sociology at Cal State Los Ano l*s.ius '52 officials for the American Professional California Bonsai Society. The magazine visited their sons in Pennsylvania. They Angeles, addressed the European retired as superintendent of Magnolia Soccer League, the only outdoor contains 92 pictures of exceptional have ten grandchildren and one great- Conference: Child Care Trends and School District. professional soccer league in the country. bonsai trees designed by members of the grandchild. Prospects, in Athens last December. He NINA LOOISE (KEATS) BALI 'RD club. A copy of the publication is in the STEVE SMITH '52 spoke on the myths, realities and politics ELEANOR A. (Boonis) TOCREN '39 Whittier College Library. is three years into retirement after a long remains busy with Quaker Hill Farms, an lost her husband of 53 years, Bill, last of missing children. career as a principal in Long Beach. His estate liquidation business. She is having KATHRYN BIETRICO '39 year. Eleanor keeps busy as a genealogy ANN T. MARTIN '05 oldest daughter, Sheryl, is working on her fun coordinating the wedding department still lives in La Habra Heights after 42 research assistant. Her four children are is director of the Counseling Center at M.A. at Cal State, Fullerton. Daughter at the First Methodist Church in Whittier. years. Her children and grandchildren in all successful professionals. Western Oregon State College, where she Shelley is working as a consultant with DICK KRAFT '00 Arizona and Southern California are the deals with the emotional and CuRD WALLACE '39 Price Waterhouse. Son Trent will enter source of her happiness and her reason and wife Juon (OSSORN) '01 is looking for a publisher for his novel. psychological concerns of students. to travel. Pomona in the fall. are traveling to Ohio for their youngest He is active in Rogue Flyfishers and is MICHAEL J. MENUEZ '85 MANTRA A. (ANUNEAREN) GREEN '54 son Mike's wedding, and then to ELISABETH (kN600N) D0GGETI '30 busy with environmental improvement is vice president for human resources for lives in Utah where she was in charge of Nebraska for Dick's 35th high school and her husband celebrated their 50th projects. reunion. Judy is still an instructor in the Southern California Edison Company. anniversary last year with all five children a speech program there for 16 years. elementary education at Cal State EVELYN OOGRETT 'OR and their families. Fullerton and is consulting in the early just finished her 25th year teaching in childhood field. Dick was elected Anchorage high schools. southern vice president of the California LINDA (SUTTON) '00 Council for Social Studies. and Jouu kEMP '08 had a pretty exciting spring. Their son, POET TO POET

GREGORY KEMP '93, finished his junior year DOLoRES (SMITH) ANDERSEN '10 BILL POUNDERS '11 JEANEITE WINS 'SI ALMA MARTINEZ '84 at Whittier, and daughter Tn*cv KEMP '09 is the mother of four children. She serves was unable to resist the lure of the is a tenured associate professor at co-starred with Kate Jackson in March on has decided to begin her academic career as president of the fifth district PTA, camera for long, and is back as a reporter California Baptist College. In April, she a "Movie of the Week" titled Quiet Killer at Whittier in the tall. Tracy was also which serves San Bernardino County. She for KCBS-Channel 2 News. He still owns gave a lecture-recital at the Dana Festival She is also a regular on the television named Miss La Habra '92. substitute teaches when she has a free his Great Earth store in Santa Monica. of Music at Youngstown State University series "The New Adam 12." Alma remains day. in Ohio. KATHLEEN (AUSTIN) SCHUSICHI '08 VANESSA ANENT '18 active in theatre with a part in A Dream of is a substitute teacher in Redondo Beach BRUCE J. GEAIRTZMAN '70 took her "satisfying evening of song" to EILEEN (JuN50.) GLUTS '82 Wealth at the Mann Theatre Company and and involved in volunteer work. Her received his M.A. in education from the Mark Taper Forum's Itchey Foot received her M.A. in education from by co-starring in Dollie Dearest for husband is a structural engineer and Whittier. Cabaret last April. Whittier College. Vidmark Productions in Santa Monica. owns Palos Verdes Engineering. They ADAM OHIEGA CAIILFRANCES LIKENS '70 MANY JANE (SEYMHNR) OR LA PENA '78 WEI•SAN (CHANG) MOHINRAH '82 Ji. '84 have three children. teaches elementary school in Watts, writes that son E.J. is becoming quite the is teaching English language development was recently promoted to vice president at DANIEL W. SHUPP '80 writes screenplays, and is active in the little professional actor. He is sent out at an inner-city high school in Long the Dolphin Group Inc., a public relations took an early retirement from Pacific Bell struggle for peace and justice. She just three to five times weekly. He is already a Beach. Her classroom sometimes agency in Southern California. He still after 25 years of service. He is now vice returned from a half-year sabbatical to member of the Screen Actors Guild and resembles a United Nations meeting, with finds time to serve as chairman of president of ESI Systems, a software Latin America. has done four national commercials. You representatives from all around the world. Whittier College's Alianza de Los Amigos development and consulting company. He may have seen his Cheez Whiz and is a member of the East Los Angeles LESLIE (T.iy) MCCLURE'ill LYNN (DOKHHTAIEI) SMILEY '82 and wife Marsha have three boys. commercials. Chamber of Commerce. lives in Pebble Beach with husband Walt, and a former boss have started a S. JACK ROBERTSON '84 DAVID STERNSHEIN '00 17-year-old son Damon, 12-year-old son JOCELYN (JONES) SMITH '18 management company that specializes in and wife KATHLEEN (lANA) '70 Jaason and 18-month-old son Brandon. and husband Mark live in San Diego leasing employees and business services is a special agent with the Drug both teach in the Whittier City School She owns her own video consulting County. She still works for American to physicians. She and husband Frank Enforcement Administration.

District. David is a history teacher at company, 411 Video Information. Airlines. bought a home in Fredericksburg, VA. KELLIE WILLIAMS '84 Katherine Edwards Intermediate School RAYMOND W. MOCHAY '70 BRIAN DEAN '70 JOANNE (HROVAT) TAKEMOTI '82 has begun an MBA program at Seattle and Kathy is an RSP teacher at Sorensen recently ran for county supervisor of the is with the California Highway Patrol in has temporarily put her career on hold, University. She remains with State Farm School. Son SANDY '05 is in the Whittier fifth district in Stockton. He is an Temecula. now that her husband has finished Insurance as a claim supervisor. Scholars Program. investment manager and consultant. ELBA LOPEZ '79 medical training. She is very happy at TIM AmeR '85 RALPH 8UEAINGIN '80 DONITHY "DULLY" (Riccis) USE '70 has had a busy year traveling. She visited home with children Ryan, six, and Lauren, is now at Whittier Law School. His is associate director of the Georgia High is teaching Christian theatre. Spain, Chicago, Las Vegas and Seattle. three. studies will keep him busy, but if not, his School Association, equivalent to recently born twins will. She managed to get a voice-over and SAM TRICOLI '82 California's C.l.E He was also inducted REYNALIS DUMINGHco '71 minor part on one episode of is manager of contracts at Hughes Aircraft CURTIS FIITD '85 into the Hall of Fame of the National is still working at the Social Security "Roseanne." She had three national and negotiates domestic contracts. His reports that his paper on animals and Christian College Athletic Association. Administration in Richmond. commercials running for Budget Rent- wife is a surgical nurse and a consultant Christian theology was accepted for JAN15 (HAILIDAY) DOUGHERTY '11 JAMES B. TAIWATER '00 a-Car, a public service announcement for for laser surgeries. delivery at a Montreal conference in July. is assistant director of the Fairmont is the superintendent of Ocean View the Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and a ELISABETH GRAHAM '83 His tentative dissertation topic is the School District. School, Anaheim campus. couple of offers from El Teatro continues to balance work and theatre efficacy of animal-assisted therapy in LYNN (HALLIIAY) TNATCIEU '71 Campesino. RONALD L. GASTEIRM '88 projects. Alzheimer's patients. Curtis remains active is legal counsel for the BKK Corporation is director of the Fairmont School, Yorba as a runner and swimmer. NINETEEN - EIGHTIES RENIA (DAILEY) MURPHY '83 in Los Angeles. Linda campus. and her husband moved to Puyallup, WA, tORI GRAHAM '85 FRANCISCO L. Osooco '12 CLASS AGENTS: GASRIELA KAPLAN '08 after a short stay in Somerset, CA. is considering graduate school and career is a medical doctor enjoying her MRI is an assistant deputy attorney with the Mr James Pigott '80, Mrs. Catherine possibilities. She is fascinated by animal RAE LYNN NELBIR '83 work. She reflects back on the rewarding city of Los Angeles. (Pearce) Standilord '81, Mr Kevin Bucket biology and research. '82, Mr Roch Spalka '82, Mr Arthur is enrolled in an M.A. program at the year of her fellowship in the radiology Ri. (STEPHENS) DULL '73 TRICIA ENGEL '88 Valeriano '83, Ms. Selina Memedova '84, California Family Studies Center. She department at the University of Michigan and husband Bob celebrated their 15th earned an M.A. in human behavior. She Mr Michael Wood '85, Mr. Jorge Quezada wants to become licensed to practice as a in Ann Arbor. She is writing two different wadding anniversary and 14-year is hoping to accept a full-time position as '86, Ms. Lisa Abbate '86, Mr Glenn marriage, family and child counselor. patents that will help poor and illiterate partnership as Horizon Nursery, a either an ESL instructor, or as a U.S. Rothenberg '87, Mr Kevin Burke '88, Ms. ANNE NICHOLAS '83 women worldwide. greenhouse grower of indoor foliage customs/border patrol agent. plants. They have three children, Beth, 12, Kimberly Laiblin '89. works for the Close Up Foundation, a HUGH FENDERSON '80 C.J. (DYER) HINE '88 Cassie, four, and Alec, two, who keep MANY (BRICK) DENNIS '81 non-profit educational foundation that is an educator with the L.A. County Office lives in Burlingame and is thinking about them very busy tending growing things. is working with the Newport Beach law promotes civic responsibility, primarily in of Education in Downey. beginning a Ph.D. program. firm of Bowie, Arneson, Kadi, Wiles and students of high school age. She DEAN COLEMAN '74 produces "Close Up America," a call-in BILL LUILAM '80 NINETEEN - SEVENTIES was recently featured in a staged reading Giannone, which specializes in school with students across the country and has two more years to complete his Ph.D. of Mastrosimone's The Undoing at the law, water law and bond transactions. CLASS AGENTE guests in Washington, and she hosts any and M.D. program at the Albert Einstein Cast Theatre. RICH DONNAM 11 Mr Alexander Defeo '71, Mr Terry one of three shows produced on C-SPAN. College of Medicine. Thormodsaard '72, Mr Stanley M. Smith CHRIS ESNONOS '14 is happy practicing dentistry in upstate DORELLE (BAA.) PETENS '83 DIANE DARRANS '87 '73, Ms. Helen Shaban '74, Mrs. Luann is a training specialist for the Federal New York. is head of the French department at reports that she is quite content with her (Leal) MacDonald '75, Mr. Pete Makowski Reserve Bank of . ANNE EAPEN '81 Colorado Springs School, where she has teaching position at Murphy Ranch '76, Dr Kevin Brady '77, Mrs. Mary is a broadcast journalist and is LINDA (DRUmS) MASOIST0'14 been teaching since September, 1990. As School. (Morgan) McCarthy '77, Mrs. Lisa considering a permanent move to Toronto. earned a Ph.D. in education from the a dorm parent, she lives on campus with (Kellogg) Montes '78, Mr Mark G. IRAN BlOWN '87 University of Minnesota. She is principal PAUL HARVEY 'B) her family. Deven '79. is in the final stages of his Ph.D. orals in at Elliott School in Cerritos. continues to work for Merrill Lynch in MORGAN BUSIER '83 history at U.C. Santa Barbara. DEAN ALDER '70 Denver. EVELYN (11*111) Ricci '74 was featured as the Wizard in the is a professor of political science at MICHELE DITIEL '87 and husband Jim have finished building CHERYL (CANNING) SCNILENU '81 California Music Theatre's production of Minnesota State University. He was works as an operations manager for a their new home in Montecito. is the senior product manager for Krups, The Wizard of Oz in Pasadena. named a fellow at the Shorenstein Barone Tucson bagel bakery in the mornings and North America and is responsible for Center for the 1993 spring semester. He MICHAEL CAICiA '75 SHAWN BAOSAMER '84 as a personal living skills trainer for product line marketing and advertising. is currently co-directing a research project is the proprietor of the Habra-Linda is a firefighter. developmentally disabled adults in the Her French language major proves useful entitled, "The 1992 Presidential Election Animal Hospital in La Habra. afternoons and evenings. on her frequent business trips to France. GEORGIANNA (WODLEY) MARIE-COLLAR '84 in Prime Time," which is being conducted SHE "Sioux" THOMPSON '75 was married in 1991 in Acapulco, Mexico. KENT GILBERT '87 CATHY (PEARCE) SIANOIFORI '81 in coordination with the Shorenstein is a senior training specialist for the She is pursuing a second M.A. in was ordained at the Boise First is acting neighborhood improvement Barone Center on Press, Politics and Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco education in learning and instructional Congregational Church. manager for the city of Garden Grove, Policy in the Kennedy School of and lives in Alameda, CA. She completed technology at Arizona State University where she helps low-income residents to Government at . The her M.A. in human resources and and currently is an instructional designer buy and renovate homes. project is analyzing news media's organization development at the for a company that delivers professional coverage of the presidential election and University of San Francisco. She will be development seminars. the use of political ads. teaching courses at the USF and John F RObERTS GRAY '84 Kennedy University graduate schools is an attorney specializing in immigration this fall. law. Among his clients are Wayne Grefzky and Vlade Divac. POET TO POET

Au lAUREN '87 PETER MC9ARRY '88 PAM (HILL) PARK '80 SHERYN GRAY '80 MIGUEL SAITANA 'Dl is a manager of technical support graduated in May from USC with an M.A. spent last summer in India finishing her continues her graduate work in religious is an admissions counselor for Pomona services at Inference Corporation. Travel in health administration. master's thesis about the Buddhist studies at the University of Virginia. College and, after a few years, he intends has been lighter this year, but he is Liberation Movement among the Dalits of to pursue graduate studies. WENDY MORIMOTO '88 KRIS MuIR '90 South India. She plans to stay at Oxford planning his next European trip. In received her M.A. in education from is pursuing a graduate degree at the REBECCA TITANS 'Vt for her Ph.D. She is captain of the Oxford addition, he has hosted his own weekly Whittier College. California School of Professional learned that her senior project will be talk show on the American Radio Women's Football (soccer) Club. Psychology in San Diego. published in two issues of the New York JACK MILLIS '80 Network. KAREN BITTER '80 Society C.S. Lewis Bulletin. Classes are was featured in the Whittier Community 51Dm (TRIECIAK) ORR0100D '00 is director of development for the New going well for her at Yale Divinity School, MANN 11LUA1I '87 Center's production of Everybody Loves moved to Tucson so that husband Scott Repertory Theatre in Boston. She is in and she praises the education she had several paintings shown in the Opal. could continue his studies at the received at Whittier. Whittier Art Gallery. He and wife Glenda graduate studies at Lesley College for an University of Arizona. Sheri is an JOHN Monov '89 M.S. in management in art continue their musical careers. assistant underwriter for American FIANCOIS VITRAC '01 is associate producer for the theme parks administration. Bonding Company. She and Scott teach is a student at France's top graduate KEVIN ORuRN '87 division at Kevin Bytes Designs, a VERNON STINEBAKER '89 Sunday School class for three-year-olds school of management and lives with has returned to Seattle, where he has a company specializing in corporate films is a systems engineer with Electronic and have acquired a pet mouse. brother (mussel '58. He is enjoying Paris' second two-year stint clerking for a U.S. and theme park attractions. John's most Data Systems Corporation. When not nightlife and spring fashions. district judge. recent project was designing an attraction MARION PENN '00 working, he and his wife enjoy many IsUNA PLACE '87 for SeaWorld in . He is writing a is a marketing representative for Kaselaan KANDIR NEIl '01 weekends in Reno visiting friends from is keeping in shape with her serious screen play, tentatively titled Rock and & D'Angelo Associates Inc., an is a new acccounts analyst for Security Mainland China and Hong Kong. training routines for dance. Roll Fantasy which is due out soon. His environmental consulting company Pacific in Las Vegas. psychological thriller, The Influence, is NORMA STRYRER '89 specializing in asbestos consulting STABLY ROBERTSON '81 DARWIN WILSON '01 closer to being shot. received her M.A. in education from services and preliminary site assessments went to New England to conduct research is planning a short teaching stint in Whittier College. for hazardous materials in commercial on the life of abolitionist and feminist Liss (MARTINEK) PETERSON '88 Japan. properties. Parker Pillsbury. She will be presenting a lives in Whittier and is a speech therapist VANEURA (MILLS) TINNER '08 paper at the Pacific Coast Branch for the Montebello School District. is an associate product marketing SHELLEY PERKINS '90 American Historical Association manager for LogiTech and launched her is looking forward to starting clinical ANY TUENKEL '88 first product, the Logitech Kidz Mouse, rotations, following her second year at conference. is working with the support staff of the the first computer mouse that actually Tulane Medical School. KARIN BERRY '88 French department at UCLA. looks like a mouse. has begun student teaching, while RICH SIMON '00 CELESTE WELLS '88 SHELLY '89 has left Fool Locker in Seattle to devote continuing to teach a bilingual class in works for photographer Peggy Sirota as a (GONZALES) RODRIGUEZ works as a bookkeeper for Home Depot. full energy to the ministry. South Whittier and an atterschool production coordinator. She and husband Carlos live in Whittier. program for children with reading BERNIE SULLIVAN '00 EMMANUEL VITRAC '88 problems. She plans to be married in CHARLES VAN STLENBARGH '80 is a teacher at St. Philomena Catholic reports that military duty at French staff August 1993. is working on a screenplay that will be School, teaching history to sixth, seventh headquarters in Berlin ended in filmed at Oregon State. He completed his and eighth graders. Sf1 IRIIWNELL '88 December. He now holds an exciting job M.A. in interdisciplinary studies at received her M.D. from Creighton in France as internal auditor for Nestle (DIN TASUIITA 'DO Oregon State and is teaching at Everett University in May, and may begin a and, for the time being, is traveling is working in Minnesota on urban Community College in Washington. residency in New Jersey. throughout the country. renewal.

NEAL IIALRYMPLE JENNIFER WEBB '89 '88 RAMAN ARROWSMITR '80 MATTHEW TAYLOR '00 has moved back to Southern California to is in the top three percent of his class at has received the Structural Geology and has applied to the Environmental Law work and save money for graduate Tufts Medical School. He plans to Tectonics Division's Student Research Center of the Vermont Law School for studies. become a radiologist. Recently promoted Award for 1992 for his research proposal their M.A. program in environmental law. to captain in the Air Force, Neal will PETE WEIRENFELD '89 on a portion of the San Andreas Fault in CHICK DICE '01 remain on the inactive list during his Central California. He continues his has completed his third year at Tufts is covering sports for a newspaper in post-graduation residency at Duke studies in geology at Stanford University. Medical School. Biloxi, Miss. He has also finished a novel University Medical Center. CAUUIE ANNuM '88 CHRISTOPHER WHITAHER '80 and is looking for a publisher. LISA N. DIAl '88 is an accounts manager for Southern is temporarily on leave from her job with JUAN hONE '91 has been promoted to supervisor at the Blue Shield of California after surgery for Wine and Spirits. He coaches football is a student in UCLA's dental program. State Compensation Insurance Fund of carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists. with Blot Mendez '70 at Whittier's Pioneer CUTE HORSEMAN '91 the State of California. High School. E. GORDON SAYER '80 is directing a center and planning to be JIM Noi '88 currently works for Coca-Cola in Warsaw, NINETEEN - NINETIES wed. nears the end of his master's work at the Poland, but will attend Harvard Business LISA NENMIMNER '01 University of South Carolina. School this fall. CLASS AGENT: is retail manager for All City Pools in KUIRTIN (STANLEY) IENNANUU '88 Ms. Michelle Dodge '90, Mr. Michael JEANNE FLRUANCE '00 Littleton, CO. Beasley '91. teaches third grade in the La Puente has begun a 27-month teaching program LLEWLLLYN KENNEDY 'Dl School District, and has been married for with the Peace Corps. She will be DIRA BLOCK 'DO is on a four-month adventure in Australia. two years to her high school sweetheart, teaching nutrition and child care. will marry David Adler in October in a Ezequiel. The two planned a trip to Renaissance-themed ceremony. She JOE LEVIS 11 BETUANY Gusit '80 Europe last summer. substitute teaches kindergarten through left for Australia to pursue some graduate is studying hard at California State sixth grades, but has "fallen in love with programs that will advance his Chinese OAMON HESS '88 University, Fresno, where she is in the fourth grade." studies. passed the written exam for the Foreign master's program for social work. Service. LINDA JO BONE '00 (VAN LEWIS '01 DINU OlDEN '80 continues her studies at the University of is a credit correspondent for Borden Inc. KATHY KIERLER '88 is pursuing an MBA at SUNY, Pennsylvania, where she plans to get both is working in creative services/marketing Binghamton. SHAWNA MCLAUGHLIN '01 for Vidmark Entertainment in Santa an M.D. and Ph.D. is entering law school next fall. CAITLIN ONTOU '80 Monica. She helps coordinate the annual SNEKI FIRST '00 is a stage manager at the Whittier ANNY RIACH '01 trade show in Las Vegas, assists with the is at the London School of Economics Community Center Theatre. is teaching second grade in San art work on video and theatrical releases, pursuing a graduate degree in Soviet Bernardino while simultaneously and coordinates the trailers (movie KATHERINE MARTIN '80 studies. completing his M.A. at Claremont previews) for home video. finished her third year at Yale Medical CARMEN GALICIA 'DO Graduate School. School. CLONE MACAlLAY '88 has been admitted to the graduate art WENIT SAILIN '01 has completed her second year at UCLA's program at Cal State L.A. is working for the San Diego Chamber of dental school, where it's lots of work, but Commerce, but probably not for long. with great people. Her future ideas She passed the Foreign Service written include managing a dental program in a exam and will interview in the fall. poorly served area. POET TO POET

MARRIAGES BOARD OF TRUSTEES WESLEY H. KEWIDA JOHN A. FITZRANOOLPH, J.D. Kathie Bradley '66 to Dc David Marshak, March Irvine Vice President for Legal Education & OFFICERS OF THE BOARD 1992, Community Leader and Private Investor Dean of Whittier Law School RAYBURN S. DEIEMBER '53 Laura McKinney Tyler '71 to Charles J. Colvin, DAVID C. LIZARNAGA Chairman KATHRYN FORTE on January 18, 1992. Los Angeles Bakersfield Vice President for Enrollment & Student Life President, Chief Executive Officer & Chairman Brian H. Dean '7910 Kathy, on July 27, 1991. Director, Wells Fargo Bank WENDY FURMAN, PH.D. TELACU Vice President for Academic Affairs Georgianna (Wooley) Marie '8410 Mark Edward ANTHONY H. PIERNO, Es. '54 CRADLES T. MANAIT, EON. & Dean of Faculty Collar; on May 11, 1991, Vice Chairman Washington, D.C. Houston, Texas HAROLD Howuin, Jo. Lis Bryn Crotts '8410 William "Rusty" Jones, Attorney-at-Law on February 9, 1992. Senior Vice President Vice President for Business & Finance Manaft, Phelps, Rothenberg & Phillips General Counsel, MAXXAM, Inc. Tracy Harcourt '8610 Santa Amalya, on DR. HSIAO-MIN WANG BEDFORD Mclon000 THEODORE E MAASHBURN '51, M.D. Dr. Hsiao-Min Wang, associate professor of Mon. E.L. SHANNON, JR. Vice President December 27, 1991. La Habra Heights Chinese at Whittier College, died on July 4, Vice Chairman for College Advancement Shelly Gonzales '8910 Carlos Rodriguez, on Ophthalmologist 1992, following a long battle with lung cancer. Whittier June 23, 1990. Community Leader WILLIAM H. MARnMOnO '51 She was 52. ALUMNI OFFICERS Vanessa Mills '8910 Ralph Torres, on April 4, McLean, VA Wang grew up in Taiwan and graduated from DOLORES L. Bnu. '33 1992. Chairman of the Board PATRICK HART '19 Tamkang College near Taipei. Following Secretary The Interface Group, Ltd./Boyden President graduation, she became a master teacher of Whittier Chinese with the Taipei Language Institute. Businesswoman JAMES E. MITCHELL, Eon. '02 WILLIAM FRANCIS '84 Irvine Vice President In 1975, she moved to Claremont to assume DONALD E. Woos Attorney-at-Law BIRTHS the position of Chinese language resident at Treasurer WILLAOD H000uo '00 Capital Investors, Ltd. To Jane (Perry) Skoric '82 and husband, a Pomona College's Oldenborg Center for Whittier Past President daughter; Tamara Alexandra, on May 2, 1992. Modern Languages and International President, Community Pontiac-Honda H. CHANDLER MeLDS, Es:. JANE BNNOANIC '07 La Canada To Amy O'Neill '91 and Paul Lomanto, a son, Relations. During the six years she worked at Director of Alumni Relations Pomona College, she earned an M.A. and Attorney-at-Law Dylan Paul, on May 13, 1992. PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE MIRNELLE JORDAN Ph.D. in education at the Claremont Graduate Myers and D'Angelo JAMES L As:, JR., PH.D. Assistant Director of Alumni Relations School. LEE E. OWEN: Ex-Ofticin In 1981, Wang began teaching Chinese at Whittier ALUMNI BOARD OF DIRECTORS Whittier College, where she was promoted to Partner, Owens Whittier Properties PRESIDENTS EMERITI IN MEMORIAM associate professor of Chinese in 1988 and RICHARD M. PDMROY VICn0R ARROYO '11 1916 Golda Villa (Clark) Waterhouse, on May served a term as chair of the foreign language EUGENE S. MILLS, PH.D., LLD. Greenwich, Connecticut THERESA BLANCO '92 11, 1992. department. President, Pomboy Management, Inc. W. ROY NEWSOM '34, Ph.D., L.H.D. JENNIFER A. (NESnECARD) BLATEY '80 1927 Dorothy Ann (Dillin) Kirk, on January 21, Wang regularly supported the Whittier College (LOON L. SMInH SANDRA (SnEELE) BUnUEL '02 1992, Asian Students Association and provided Riverside TRUSTEES 1929 Clifford E. Easley notified April 1992. leadership in helping to produce the annual Senior Vice President ROBERT Cioc '01 Asian Festival on campus. She also taught ROBERT B. BAILEY Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc. 1930 Marian Charlotte (Curtis) Lukov on PATRICIA (CATTANACH) DEIHL '48 part-time at Pomona College, East Los Mission Viejo January 25, 1990. Toque TORI Angeles College, and the Monterey Institute Private Investor MICHELLE DODGE '00 New York, New York 1930 Theophilus Gregory Smith, notified March for International Studies. MARGARET DONNELLAN '18 C. MILD C0NNiKK, PH.D. Chairman, Takihyo 1992. Through her efforts, Whittier College was Whittier CHARLES ELLIOTT '81 TOGS W. TANAKA 1930 Blythe Triplett, notified March 1992. designated by the California State Office of Professor of Religion, Emeritus Los Angeles BIIDCK FOWLER '88 Education as a credential program site for 1933 Mildred (Splichal) Ho/man, July 1991. JOHN H. CROW '04, Poll. Financial Executive PAUL H. GARDNER '31 secondary school teachers of Chinese as a Port Murray, New Jersey 1933 Franklin Shoemaker; on May 1, 1992. T.W. Tanaka Company Second Language. President, J.H. Crow Company, Inc. IRVING D. 00FF MAN '88 BENJAMIN B. TREGRE '51, Ph.D. 1935 Dorothy (Cowgi/l) Wilton, on July 31, Wang was involved in several organizations, SHARON W. (TIGER Princeton, New Jersey RICHARD KNOWLANB '83 1991. including the American Association of Corona del Mar Chairman WILLIAM R. LEE '48 1938 Dorothea (Anderson) Kemper; notified May Teachers of Oriental Languages and local Co-Founder & Board Member Kepner-Tregoe, Inc. BRUCE MARTIN '51 1992. Chinese cultural associations. Wang was an Prentice Day School accomplished wafer colorist, calligrapher and MRS. GEORGE E. TROTTER, JR. 1939 Albert J. Fuson, on April 9, 1992. JEANEnrE (MUSE) MILLER '59 expert in the traditional Chinese health SNELOON FEINIENG Santa Ana WARREN D. NEWMAN '50 1940 Cora (Morgan) Mitchell, May 7, 1992. exercise T'ai-Chi Ch'uan. Short Hills, New Jersey Secretary/Treasurer Private Investor The Murdy Foundation DAVID NIXON '91 1941 William Joseph Bru!f, on May 11, 1992. Wang is survived by her husband, Dr. Daniel DOIGLA: W. FEN0110N 1941 Mary Ellen (Pope) Brunson, on April 4, K. Lee, her son,-Marty Chang, and her mother ROREROA B. VELDT '51 ROMAN PADILLA '84 and siblings in China. Whinier Valencia 1992. GORDON PEDERSEN '50 Chairman of the Board President & Chief Operating Officer 1941 Mary Alma (Rodger) Quille, on April 16, Quaker City Federal Aquafine Corporation PAMELA I. REED '81 1992. Savings & Loan Association RICHARD L. REESE '49 1948 Rose Ellen (Rambousek) Vakoc, on June GARY STEVEN FIN0LEY HONORARY TRUSTEES MILTON STARK '58 11, 1992. ERRATA: Anaheim In the Rock issue Vol 63, No. 2, JOHN L. CoMmoN '25 HOC: SPALKA '82 1950 Barbara (Van Dael) Sanchez, notified April Lei: President, Gary Steven Findley & Associates (WARNER) ADAMS '29 was incorrectly listed EnHEL K. ECKELS '25 1992. Mos. JOHN A. Fusco TERRY H. THORMODSGAARC '12 as deceased. 1951 Dean W Criss, February 1992. Dana Point HUN. RICHARD M. NIXON '34, I.L.D. Lob (Cnuio) ADAMS '30 Community Leader 000ERn C. PERRY '35 EX-OFFICIO: 1954 Helen (Wagner) Roben, on December 27, is the deceased alumna. Our sincere 1990. ALFRED J. CeDAR '53, PH.D. ADAN OnnYGA '84 apologies to Lois (WAGGED) ADAMS. CARL L RANDOLPH '43, PH.D., 1L0. Brea 1955 Doris (Bums) Burnip, notified April 1992. LES HOWARD '02 President, Alfred Gobar Associates HOMER B. RBSENBERGEII '34, M.D. 1955 Carol (McClung) Davies, notified March KEVIN MCGLYNN '93 BARBARA D:vnnsi: BRUCE '51 1992. La Jolla OFFICERS OF THE COLLEGE JAY TENENBAUM '81 1956 Arthur L. Lindberg, notified April 1992. Teacher, La Jolla High School JAMES L ASH, JR., PH.D.

1956 Robert N. Perkins, notified March 1992. CLINTON 0. HARRIS '34 President 1961 Charles C. Canter; notified April 1992, Whittier President, Harris Oldsmobile, Inc. 1961 Mary (Reece) Vondrasek, April 1, 1992. WILLAOD V. HARRIS, Jo. '55 1967 Jane (Shinoda) Raketich, on May 4, 1992. Balboa Island 1967 Susan (Scrim) Shaw June 1992. President, Rampart General, Inc.

CAROLINE P IRELAND '43 Lynn Haven, Florida Community Leader Non-Profit Org. \ U.S. Postage mm PAID Permit No. 133 IU II ft Whittier, CA

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