Weather Modification Today
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS ABSTRACTS AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES LP-2 AUSTIN HILTON INN AUSTIN, TEXAS NOVEMBER 8, 1977 Sponsored by the Texas Water Conservation Association in cooperation with Texas A&M University and the Texas Department of Water Resources Published and distributed by the TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES P.O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS ABSTRACTS & BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES FOR WEATHER MODIFICATION TODAY AN UPDATE ON THE TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS RESEARCH SOCIOECONOMIC & LEGAL ASPECTS OF WEATHER MODIFICATION November 8, 1977 Sponsored by the Texas Water Conservation Association in cooperation with Texas A&M University and the Texas Department of Water Resources Austin Hilton Inn IH-35 & HWY 290 Austin, Texas CONTENTS Page AGENDA 3 FOREWORD 4 I. COMMENCEMENT Carl Riehn, President, Texas Water Conservation Association 6 Neville Clarke, ActingDirector, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas A&M University 7 A. L. Black, Chairman, Texas Water Development Board, Texas Department of Water Resources 8 II. MORNING SESSION Conference Overview, Pierre St. Amand, Naval Weapons Center 10 Texas Programs &Their Objectives, John Carr, Department of Water Resources 12 Project HIPLEX, Lloyd Stuebinger, Bureau of Reclamation 14 Weather Modification Research, T. B. Smith, Meteorology Research, Incorporated 16 Social/Economic Aspects of Weather Modification, Joseph Sonnenfeld/Ronald Lacewell, Texas A&M University 18 Federal Programs and Policy, Merlin Williams, National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration 22 III. AFTERNOON SESSION Past Storms Related to Agricultural Practices, Edwin Kessler, National Severe Storms Laboratory 26 Legal Implications of WeatherModification, HowardTaubenfeld, Southern Methodist University 28 Texas Projects Colorado River Municipal WaterDistrict,John Girdzus 30 Texas A&M University/HIPLEX, James Scoggins 32 Texas Tech University/HIPLEX, Donald Haragan 34 Meteorology Research, Inc./HIPLEX, T.
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