p Aaron Harper State Member for Thuringowa

E: Thui ingowa@patliamentrqld,■ gov.au Ph: 07 4766 3100 PO Box 393, Thuringowa Central Qld 4817

23 April 2021

Queensland legis^ve Assembly j Mr Phillip Thompson MP Number; I Federal Member for Herbert —------1 340 Ross River Road @ ’ 1 MAY 2021 Tabled Cranbrook Qld 4814 fiy Leove

E: [email protected] Clerk's Signature;.

Dear Mr Thompson,

I wish to raise with you a matter of critical importance, and one that requires your urgent attention and action.

This issue is in regard to the Main Water Pipeline that delivers 70% of Townsville’s water, which as you know is critical infrastructure for Townsville. It is situated under Riverway Drive with the main section that begins from the Ross Dam, travelling approx.. 7klm under Rivenway Drive in Thuringowa and crosses under the Ross River connecting direct to the Douglas Water Treatment Plant.

In December 2020 you would recall that a section of that water pipeline cracked at a joining point of this aging (30-40-year concrete pipeline) infrastructure, plunging our city of Townsville into days of uncertainty, where residents could not even shower.

This situation simply cannot happen again. We are the Capital city of North and we should be able to deliver the certainty and confidence that our City has critical infrastructure and be able to deliver water to our 200,000 residents.

In mid Oct 2020 my staff and I met with you to discuss the replacement of this main water pipeline, and to request a portion of the $195M you had promised Townsville, (ironically, for the delivery of Haughton Water Pipeline Stage 2) that you have reported would be used for other infrastructure in the City and that your self-nominated panel would consider what projects are important enough to and have regard to the delivery of infrastructure for the City of Townsville.

Office Location: Thuringowa Centre, Unit 88, 48 Thuringowa Drive, Kirwan Qld 4817 Looking after Locals It has been over 6 months or 180 days and I have not heard a reply. The incident of the cracked pipe in December 2020 should alert you to just how Important this critical infrastructure is for our City of Townsville, and one that you also represent.

The Department of Main Roads has done extensive research and examination of the water pipeline and it has come to my attention, the water main, (a legacy of the then Thuringowa City Council) is nearing the end of its operational life and is at risk of failing in some sections.

If we do not work together (all levels of Gov’t) and address this issue, this could place our city at risk, and or possibly delay the duplication of Riverway Drive Stage 2 (which we have co­ funded) as compaction-vibration-excavation over the pipeline poses serious risk of further failings of this water main. The Townsville Bulletin has reported my comments that the Federal Gov’t must help to provide water security for Townsville.

As you are aware, our State Gov’t has already done the heavy lifting in terms of delivering record investment in infrastructure. As the Member for Thuringowa, and under my strong advocacy, I have delivered full funding of $43M to duplicate Riverway Drive Stage 1, which has seen over $50M of Job generating investment into the Thuringowa electorate. During the 2020 election period, our State Gov’t further committed an additional $20M for the next stage, Riverway Drive (stage 2) duplication.

This major road project will bust congestion, decrease travel times, and make our roads safer. I welcome the support and collaboration from the Federal Gov’t with our State Minister for Main Roads Hon Mark Bailey working directly with the Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack during 2020 to further secure $75M of Infrastructure (Covid-19) funding to help complete this major road infrastructure.

This is a clear example of both levels of government working together, and I urge you to continue doing this to ensure Rivenway Drive stage 2 can be delivered on time, and importantly deliver jobs for our City.

Whilst this water main is the responsibility of the Townsville City Council (TCC), It is up to all of us to collaborate and ensure Townsville’s water security. In my briefings with the TCC, the estimates of replacing this vital water main is costed at $45M.

I welcome the assistance of the department of Defence in helping TCC scope accessing this land, with the first option to locating a new main on the other side of the river, direct from the Ross Dam and away from urban encroachment, this needs to be done as a matter of urgency.

The State Govt and TCC are working together to help deliver some additional funding toward the replacement this water pipeline. I request the Federal Government allocate and fund $35M to ensure this urgent water main is completed as a matter of urgency, therefore allowing the Riverway Drive duplication to move ahead in a timely manner.

Office Location: Thuringowa Centre, Unit 8B, 48 Thuringowa Drive, Kirwan Qld 4817 Looking after Locals I * . *

I have included in this correspondence the Prime Minister Hon Scott Morrison MP, Deputy Prime Minister Hon Michael McCormack MP, our Premier Hon Anastacia Palaszczuk MP, Minister for Main Roads Hon Mark Bailey MP, our State Treasurer and Minister for Investment Hon MP, Minister for Regional Development, Manufacturing & Minister for Water Hon Glenn Butcher MP and Mayor Jenny Hill to demonstrate the absolute urgency of requesting and receiving this funding.

Together we have an opportunity to deliver critical water security for the City of Townsville.

Yours Sincerely

fefftec Aaron Harper MP State Menfiber for Thuringowa

cc Hon Scott Morrison | Prime Minister [email protected]

cc Hon Michael McCornmack | Deputy Prime Minister [email protected]

cc Hon ] Premier and Minister for Trade [email protected]

cc Hon Mark Bailey | Minister for Transport and Main Roads [email protected]

cc Hon Cameron Dick | Treasurer and Minister for Investment [email protected]

cc Hon Glenn Butcher | Minister for Regional Development. Manufacturing & Minister for Water [email protected]

cc Cr Jenny Hill | Mayor of Townsville [email protected]

Office Location: Thuringowa Centre, Unit SB, 48 Thuringowa Drive, Kirwan Qld 4817 Looking after Locals