
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending PRL 97, 168301 (2006) 20 OCTOBER 2006

Phase Diagram of Patchy : Towards Empty

Emanuela Bianchi,1 Julio Largo,2 Piero Tartaglia,1 Emanuela Zaccarelli,3 and Francesco Sciortino3 1Dipartimento di Fisica and CNR-INFM-SMC, Universita` di Roma La Sapienza, Piazzale A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma, Italy 2Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita` di Roma La Sapienza, Piazzale A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma, Italy 3Dipartimento di Fisica and CNR-INFM-SOFT, Universita` di Roma La Sapienza, Piazzale A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma, Italy (Received 30 May 2006; published 16 October 2006) We report theoretical and numerical evaluations of the diagram for patchy colloidal particles of new generation. We show that the reduction of the number of bonded nearest neighbors offers the possibility of generating states (i.e., states with T lower than the liquid- critical temperature) with a vanishing occupied packing fraction (), a case which can not be realized with spherically interacting particles. Theoretical results suggest that such reduction is accompanied by an increase of the region of stability of the liquid phase in the (T-) plane, possibly favoring the establish- ment of homogeneous disordered materials at small , i.e., stable equilibrium gels.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.168301 PACS numbers: 82.70.Dd, 61.20.Ja, 82.70.Gg

The physico-chemical manipulation of colloidal par- diagram of this new class of colloids, and, in particular, of ticles is growing at an incredible pace. The large freedom the role of the patches number. in the control of the interparticle potential has made it In this Letter, we study a system of hard-sphere particles possible to design colloidal particles which significantly with a small number M of identical short-ranged, square- extend the possibilities offered by atomic systems [1]. An well attraction sites per particle (sticky spots), distributed impressive step further is offered by the newly developed on the surface with the same geometry as the recently techniques to assemble (and produce with significant yield) produced patchy colloidal particles [4]. We identify the colloidal molecules, particles decorated on their surface by number of possible bonds per particle as the key parameter a predefined number of attractive sticky spots, i.e., particles controlling the location of the critical point, as opposed to with specifically designed shapes and interaction sites [2– the fraction of surface covered by attractive patches. We 5]. These new particles, thanks to the specificity of the present results of extensive numerical simulations of this built-in interactions, will be able not only to reproduce model in the grand-canonical ensemble [17] to evaluate the molecular systems on the nano and micro scale, but will location of the critical point of the system in the (T-) also show novel collective behaviors. To guide future plane as a function of M. We complement the simulation applications of patchy colloids, to help in designing results with the evaluation of the region of thermodynamic bottom-up strategies in self-assembly [6–8], and to tackle instability according to the Wertheim theory [16,18,19]. the issue of interplay between dynamic arrest and - Both theory and simulation confirm that, on decreasing the lization—a hot-topic related, for example, to the possibil- number of sticky sites, the critical point moves toward ity of nucleating a colloidal for smaller and T values. We note that while adding to photonic applications [9]—it is crucial to be able to predict hard spheres a spherically symmetric attraction creates a the region in the (T-) plane in which clustering, phase liquid-gas critical point which shifts toward larger on separation, or even gelation is expected. decreasing the range of interaction, the opposite trend is While design and production of patchy colloids is presented here when the number of interacting sites is present-day research, unexpectedly theoretical studies of decreased. Simulation and theory also provide evidence the physical properties of these systems have a longer that for binary of particles with two and three history, starting in the eighties in the context of the physics sticky spots (where hMi, the average M per particle can be of associated liquids [10–15]. These studies, in the attempt varied continuously down to two by changing the relative to pin down the essential features of association, modeled of the two species) the critical point shifts molecules as hardcore particles with attractive spots on the continuously toward vanishing . This makes it possible to surface, a realistic description of the recently created realize equilibrium liquid states with arbitrary small patchy colloidal particles. A thermodynamic perturbation (empty liquids), a case which can not be realized via theory (TPT) appropriate for these models was introduced spherical potentials. by Wertheim [16] to describe association under the hy- We focus on a system of hard-sphere particles (of di- pothesis that a sticky site on a particle cannot bind simul- ameter , the unit of length) whose surface is decorated by taneously to two (or more) sites on another particle. Such a M sites (see Fig. 1), which we collectively label . The condition can be naturally implemented in colloids, due to interaction V1; 2 between particles 1 and 2 is the relative size of the particle as compared to the range of X X AB the sticky interaction. These old studies provide a very V1; 2VHSr12 VW rAB (1) valuable starting point for addressing the issue of the phase A B

0031-9007=06=97(16)=168301(4) 168301-1 © 2006 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending PRL 97, 168301 (2006) 20 OCTOBER 2006

20 〈M〉 = 2.49 M = 3 0.4 M = 4 15 M = 5 P(x) 0.2

φ) 10 0 P( -2x 0 2

5 FIG. 1 (color online). Schematic representation of the location of the square-well interaction sites (centers of the small spheres) 0 on the surface of the hardcore particle. Sticks between different 0 0.1φ 0.2 0.3 interaction sites are drawn only to help visualize the geometry. FIG. 2 (color online). fluctuations distribution P in where the individual sites are denoted by capital letters, the GCMC simulations at the critical point for four of the studied AB VHS is the hard-sphere potential, VW x is a well interac- M values. The inset shows P x for all studied cases, compared with the expected distribution (full line) for a system at the tion (of depth u0 for x , 0 otherwise), and r12 and rAB are, respectively, the vectors joining the particle-particle critical point of the Ising universality class [21]. and the site-site centers [20]. Geometric considerations for a three touching spheres configuration show that the choice pp fraction c, shift to the left on decreasing M and become 0:5 5 2 3 10:119 guarantees that each site more and more asymmetric, signalling the progressive is engaged at most in one bond. With this choice of , M is increasing role of the mixing field. In the inset, the calcu- also the maximum number of bonds per particle. lated fluctuations of x, Px, are compared with the ex- Temperature is measured in units of u0 (i.e., Boltzmann pected fluctuations for systems in the Ising universality constant kB 1). class [21] to provide evidence that (i) the critical point has To locate the critical point, we perform grand-canonical been properly located; (ii) the transition belongs to the Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations and histogram re- Ising universality class in all studied cases. The resulting weighting [21] for M 5, 4 and 3 and for binary mixtures critical parameters are reported in Table I. Data show a of particles with M 3 (fraction ) and M 2 (fraction clear monotonic trend toward decreasing Tc and c on 1 ) at five different compositions, down to hMi decreasing M. 3 21 2:43. We implement MC steps com- Differently from the c-scale, which is essentially con- posed each by 500 random attempts to rotate and translate trolled by M, Tc, depends on the attractive well width. a random particle and one attempt to insert or delete a Experimentally, values of u0=kBT comparable to the ones particle. On decreasing hMi, numerical simulations be- reported in Table I can be realized by modifying the come particularly time consuming, since the probability physical properties (size, polarizability, charge, hydropho- of breaking a bond e1=T becomes progressively small. To bicity) of the patches [3–5] or by functionalizing the improve statistics, we average over 15–20 independent surface of the particle with specific molecules [26,27]. MC realizations. Each of the simulations lasts more than One interesting observation steaming from these results 6 10 MC steps. After choosing the box size, the T and the is that reduction of M makes it possible to shift c to of the particle(s), the GCMC simu- values smaller than 0:13, which is the lowest c lation evolves the system toward the corresponding equi- librium density. If T and correspond to the critical point TABLE I. Values of the relevant parameters at the critical 1 values, the number of particles N and the potential energy point. In the one-component case (M 3; 4; 5), c is the critical 1 E of the simulated system show ample fluctuations. The chemical potential (in units of u0). In the case of the , c 2 linear combination x N sE (where s is named field (c) is the critical chemical potential of M 3 (M 2) parti- mixing parameter) plays the role of order parameter of the cles. L indicates the largest box size studied. transition. At the critical point, its fluctuations are found to hMi T 1 2 sL follow a known universal distribution, i.e. (apart from a c c c c scaling factor), the same that characterizes the fluctuation 2.43 0.076 0.036 0:682 0:492 0.70 9 of the magnetization in the Ising model [21]. Recent ap- 2.49 0.079 0.045 0:646 0:483 0.64 9 plications of this method to soft can be found in 2.56 0.082 0.052 0:611 0:478 0.57 9 Ref. [22–24]. 2.64 0.084 0.055 0:583 0:482 0.57 9 Figure 2 shows the resulting density fluctuations distri- 2.72 0.087 0.059 0:552 0:493 0.52 9 3 0.094 0.070 0:471 0.46 9 bution P at the estimated critical temperature T and c 4 0.118 0.140 0:418 0.08 7 critical chemical potential(s) for several M values[25]. c 5 0.132 0.185 0:410 07 The distributions, whose average is the critical packing 168301-2 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending PRL 97, 168301 (2006) 20 OCTOBER 2006 possible for attractive spherical potentials. Indeed, for sents an angular average over all orientations of molecules spherical square-well potentials 0:13 <c < 0:27, the 1 and 2 at fixed relative distance r12. two limits being provided by the van der Waals model The evaluation of AB requires an expression for (in which repulsion is modeled by the Carnahan-Starling gHSr12 in the range where bonding occurs. We have expression) and by recent numerical analysis of the Baxter used the linear approximation [12] model[22], respectively, with infinite and infinitesimal in- 1 0:5 9 1

teraction range. We also note that results are consistent gHSr 3 3 r 1 (5) with those based on a toy model where an ad hoc constraint 1 2 1 was added to limit valency [28] and also with previous which provides the correct Carnahan-Starling [34] value at studies of particles interacting with nonspherical potentials contact. [29,30]. To locate the critical point, we calculate the equation of Visual inspection of the configurations for small hMi state PV;T@AHS Abond=@VT and search for the shows that the system is composed by chains of two- T and value at which both the first and the second coordinated particles providing a link between the three- volume (V) derivative of the (P) along isotherms coordinated particles, effectively renormalizing the bond- vanish. Figure 3 shows a quantitative comparison of the ing distance between the M 3 particles. On adding more numerical and theoretical estimates for the critical parame- M 2 particles, the bonding distance between M 3 ters Tc and c. Theory predicts quite accurately Tc but particles increases, generating smaller and smaller c. slightly underestimates c, nevertheless clearly confirms To extend the numerical results beyond the point where the M dependence of the two quantities. The overall agree- it is currently possible to properly perform GCMC simu- ment between Wertheim theory and simulations reinforces lations (at the lowest hMi, each calculation of the 20 our confidence in the theoretical predictions and supports studied samples requires about 1 month of CPU time on the possibility that on further decreasing hMi, a critical a 3.1 GHz processor) and to complement the numerical point at vanishing can be generated. results, we solve the first-order Wertheim TPT [16,18,19] TPT allows us also to evaluate the locus of points where for the same model (Eq. (1)). The theory can be applied @P=@VT 0, which provide (at mean field level) the both to one-component systems (M 3, 4, 5) and to spinodal locus. The predicted spinodal lines in the (T-) binary mixtures ( hMi spans continuously the region from plane for several M values are shown in Fig. 4. On decreas- M 2—where no critical point is present—to M 3) ing M also the liquid spinodal boundary moves to lower [31]. values, suggesting that the region of stability of the liquid In TPT, the free energy of the system is written as the phase is progressively enhanced. It will be desirable to Helmholtz HS reference free energy AHS plus a bond investigate the structural and dynamical properties of contribution Abond, which derives by a summation over such empty liquids by experimental and numerical work certain classes of relevant graphs in the Mayer expansion on patchy colloidal particles. [19]. The fundamental assumption is that the conditions of We note that our predictions are relevant to a larger class steric incompatibilities are satisfied: (i) no sites can be of functionalized particles, when particle-particle interac- engaged in more than one bond; (ii) no pair of molecules tion is selective and limited in number. Very new materials can be double bonded. The chosen guarantees that the steric incompatibilities are satisfied in the present model. M=5 In the more transparent (but equivalent) formulation of T T φ c c 0.2 c Ref. [32], Abond is written as X M=3 Abond XA 1

lnX M: (2) A 0.1 M=4 0.1 N A 2 2

Here XA is the fraction of sites A that are not bonded. The 0.1 XAs are obtained from the mass-action equation 1 P Simulations XA (3) Theory 1 B XBAB (a) (b) (c) where N=V is the total and AB is 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 2345 2345 defined by φ 〈M〉, M 〈M〉, M Z c 2 4 g r hf 12i r dr : (4) AB HS 12 AB !1;!2 12 12 FIG. 3 (color online). Comparison between theoretical and numerical results for patchy particles with different number of Here gHS12 is the reference HS fluid pair correla- sticky spots. Panel (a) shows the location of the points in the tion function, the Mayer f-function is fAB12 (T-) plane. Panels (b) and (c) compare, respectively, the M AB h i dependence for T and . exp VW rAB =kBT 1, and fAB r12 !1;!2 [33] repre- c c 168301-3 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending PRL 97, 168301 (2006) 20 OCTOBER 2006

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