Courier Gazette
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I1 1 e Courier-Ci A Z E I IE . TWO DOELARH A VKAK IN ADTANOIl V olum e 44. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1889. K ntered rr S econ d CIora M a il. 92.30 If not paid within tin- year. Number 49. W ritten for Titr. COLRtCR-G a z k t t e . OUR STATE. EDITORIAL CHAT Only $3.00! LOVE'S AGES. ABOUT TOWN. The Boston voters gavo Mayor Unrt a hearty FREE What Has Happened in Its Borders A CARA I'tlltASE. endorsement, re-electing him by a majority of WORTH $4.00 . the P ast Week. Once, upon a summer day, 5,000. To some little maids at play, Thinking people often buy use Ventured I tills question bold : — The grand jury in San Francisco rccora- Important Bits From Here, There and "Tell me, laughing Six-Year.t lid, mends the adoption of the Australian ballot Till January First less articles for Holiday Gifts, Everywhere. Tell me, Bright-Eyes, I)imple-Chln, system. At what ago does Love begin?" Mrs. F. C. Knight has been elected presi something just to look at and Il Is reported that a Hack deer was seen on Brlght-Eyes answered with a smile, .......... We shall »ell a Beauty of a ........... the Machias river recently. dent of the Y. M. C. A. Auxiliary. In the .Massachusetts returns we notice that Shaking her blonde curls th,* while— almost invariably Republican victories arw be forgotten in a day, when a Rev. Sam. Small delivered an eloquent ser The Ellsworth Loan and Building Associa "To some younger person go— coupled with "for license.” Looks bad I Useful Gift would be a joy for tion have filed their certificate at the secretary I am quite too old to knowI” mon In the M. E. Church, Wednesday morn of state's office. ing. many years. Coming, later on my way, The Pioneer failed to arrive from'Vinalhavcn Parlor Lamp The late Hr. II. H. Hill of Augusta left an To a grand sire old and gray, The Rockland Board of Trade is advertising and Hurricane Monday of last week, which ac estate valued at about $10,000, according to Feeble, wrinkled, bent with age— in prominent Boston papers with a view to at counted for the hiatus of news from those places. the Augusta Journal. Thus I queried of the sage:— tracting the attention of shoe manufacturers. for only $3.00. No other S. .1. Morrison has been elected one of the "When does Cupid’s flowing dart A tame duck belonging to a South-end man Johnstown, Pa^ is bound to be notorious. Pierce no more the tender heart? directors of the Burrill National Bank in place stayed out in the pond the other night, and Last week a false alarm of fire was given In a TICKET When does Love’s divine unrest firm would think of offering it was found in the Ice the next morning, with of Mr. Bryant Bradley of Bar Harbor, re Cease to vex the human breast? crowded theatre, ten persons being instantly signed. At what age does Love expire?" just the herd out, frozen solidly in. The ice killed and 75 injured. for less than $4.00. was broken and ducky freed, none the worse Agents as well as others ought Dexter has a soldiers monument fund of Quick replied tiie aged sire— for her night out. There is prospect of another war in the $1200. Last week A. B. Stickney, esq , of St. "To some older pilgrim go — not think that a nice DRESS I am quite too young to know I” The Y. M. C. A. Record in its last issue has South, over the final resting place of Jefferson Paul, Minn., a native of Dexter, increased It Z .I’. V. Davis, all the prominent cities wanting the PATTERN at 50c per yd. will by .$100. the following pleasant remark concerning the singing of the Iopas Male Quartet of this city honor. Mr. Davis made trouble enough while not please a lady, or 75c or $1 E. 11. Greely has sold his chesnut gcldiag GRANITE CHIPS. alive, nnd it’s too bod he cvn’t be left quietly Barlow, which did such good work on turl nt the Book Reception: "The singing of the Iopas Quartet was, as it nlways is, all that alone now he’s dead. Only $2.50! per yd. BLACK DRESS this fall, to Boston parties. That takes anoth The Oak Hill Granite Company of this city could be desired, and was very much appre er line horse from Eastern Maine. has got out and hauled to City Point a die for Quite n Hock of birds is cn route for the GOODS will not he acceptable, it large monument nt St. Louis, Missouri. The ciated. It was the first time that it has been The fellow-employes of C. E. Lachler, Port nation’s capital. They are the lire chiefs, WORTH $3.50. for Black ean be worn on all die is a perfect piece of granite and weighs the privilege of the writer to hear them in a White Swan, Flying Bird, Crow Eagle and land, steward of steamer State of Muitte have twenty tons. Ten yoke of oxen and six horses miscellaneous program. To say thnt it was presented him wilh nn elegant silver water were employed to haul it from the quarry to Brave Eagle. They will be accompanied by occasions whether joyous or sad. City Point. The die will be loaded on to a cur delightful would he stating it mildly.” Agent McChesncy. They state that they in pitcher as a testimonial of their friendship and and forwarded to its destination.—Belfast Following are the names of the nineteen For the Holidays Only! esteem. Journal. tend to ask the Great Chief at Washington to W. 0. HEWETT & CO. have a pupils of the Warren St. Upper Primary hind himself never to take land from them .......... A F IV E B O T T L E ........... splendid line. Daniel M. Tenguc of Farmington, who was A new granite plant will be started in Barre, school who were not absent one-halt day dur again, nnd to leave them and their families In accidentally shot some weeks ago by a compan Vt., next spring by Morse ft Sorlwell. A ing the term just completed: Oramon Jones, undisturbed possession of the remains of their ion while hunting, died Monday morning from stone shed 109x30 feet nnd a shop 36x24 feet Clarence Elbridge, Arthur Clough, Harry great hunting ground. Silver Plated-good plate-Castor blood poisoning, lie was forty years old and are nearly completed. Tbc largest stone- Richardson, Willie Frohock, Grace Hicks, leaves a wife. cutting machine in Vermont is being erected in Evangeline Knowles, Alice Fuller, Freddie Members of Williams G. A. II. Post or a building near by. Polishing and sawing Captain Daniel Ilill, nt his fish market iu Peterson, Albert Cables, Laura Simmons, Augusta arc circnlating a petition usking Con TO ALL Saco, has the shell of a mammoth lobster that mills will he erected in the spring. The power Eddie Ripley, Clara Cables, Clair Studley, gress for an appropriation to build a soklier9 for $2.50; worth any where is supplied from a new dam und water wheel. was caught In August at Cape Porpoise. Abbie Martin, Fred Smith, Maria Knowlton, monument on their lot in Mt. Pleasant ceme $3.50. Who buy a nice, warm, heavy The lobster weighed when captured, 15 1-2 The Dodlin Granite Company are doing a Arthur Buckman, Bertie Sewall. Four schol tery, which was recently given to the Post by pounds and measured 31 inches iu length. great amount of business this fall at the Nor ars were absent one halt day: Frank Dayc, the city. After Congress has refused to ap ridgewock quarries. The Mooschead Pulp and [ft^grBuy nothing SHAW L for a gift will be held William B. Morrill of Skowhegan, 92 years James Herbert, Charlie Daye, Lottie Bttbicr.' propriate a small sum for the erection ol a old, is a Free Mason of 03 years standing, Paper Company have taken a large quantity of At a meeting of Pleasant Valley Grange, memorial to the late Gen. Henry Knox, wo in kind remembrance for years, stone for their great mill at Carrntunk Falla in the next four weeks in the lie kept the Skowhegan lodge charter and Tuesday evening, the following ollieers were don't see how it can considerately aecc.Je to as a Shawl can be worn in all furniture safe during the dark days from 1833 nnd contracts have been tilled for Jacksonville, elected: M , C. A. Sylvester; Overseer, C. L. the request of the Augusta Post. to 1818, when Masonry was under a cloud. Florida, and also for Adrian, Michigan. The Smith; Lecturer, Elkanah Spear; Steward, way of Lamps, Silver seasons, on all occasions, and is Ills lodge did not meet for fifteen years. new pulp mill at South Gardiner has taken a F. P. Witham; Assistant Steward, A. J. Tol- A Rockland man read In the New York- lot of rough stone, and thirty men are culling man; Chaplain, Mrs. E. S. Tolman; Treas Tribune an editorial on the action of Ibe gov Plated W are, Crockery, China, never out of style. When a French Canadian matron passes away, she generally leaves an abundance of on a job for Omaha. A pattern for a carved urer, G. L. Farrand ^Secretary, F. W. Smith; ernor of Montana in certain matters, the Trib Underwear for Ladies, Gen mourners.