I1 1 e Courier-Ci A Z E I IE . TWO DOELARH A VKAK IN ADTANOIl V olum e 44. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1889. K ntered rr S econ d CIora M a il. 92.30 If not paid within tin- year. Number 49.

W ritten for Titr. COLRtCR-G a z k t t e . OUR STATE. EDITORIAL CHAT Only $3.00! LOVE'S AGES. ABOUT TOWN. The Boston voters gavo Mayor Unrt a hearty FREE What Has Happened in Its Borders A CARA I'tlltASE. endorsement, re-electing him by a majority of WORTH $4.00 . the P ast Week. Once, upon a summer day, 5,000. To some little maids at play, Thinking people often buy use­ Ventured I tills question bold : — The grand jury in San Francisco rccora- Important Bits From Here, There and "Tell me, laughing Six-Year.t lid, mends the adoption of the Australian ballot Till January First less articles for Holiday Gifts, Everywhere. Tell me, Bright-Eyes, I)imple-Chln, system. At what ago does Love begin?" Mrs. F. C. Knight has been elected presi­ something just to look at and Il Is reported that a Hack deer was seen on Brlght-Eyes answered with a smile, ...... We shall »ell a Beauty of a ...... the Machias river recently. dent of the Y. M. C. A. Auxiliary. In the .Massachusetts returns we notice that Shaking her blonde curls th,* while— almost invariably Republican victories arw be forgotten in a day, when a Rev. Sam. Small delivered an eloquent ser­ The Ellsworth Loan and Building Associa­ "To some younger person go— coupled with "for license.” Looks bad I Useful Gift would be a joy for tion have filed their certificate at the secretary I am quite too old to knowI” mon In the M. E. Church, Wednesday morn­ of state's office. ing. many years. Coming, later on my way, The Pioneer failed to arrive from'Vinalhavcn Parlor Lamp The late Hr. II. H. Hill of Augusta left an To a grand sire old and gray, The Rockland Board of Trade is advertising and Hurricane Monday of last week, which ac­ estate valued at about $10,000, according to Feeble, wrinkled, bent with age— in prominent Boston papers with a view to at­ counted for the hiatus of news from those places. the Augusta Journal. Thus I queried of the sage:— tracting the attention of shoe manufacturers. for only $3.00. No other S. .1. Morrison has been elected one of the "When does Cupid’s flowing dart A tame duck belonging to a South-end man Johnstown, Pa^ is bound to be notorious. Pierce no more the tender heart? directors of the Burrill National Bank in place stayed out in the pond the other night, and Last week a false alarm of fire was given In a TICKET When does Love’s divine unrest firm would think of offering it was found in the Ice the next morning, with of Mr. Bryant Bradley of Bar Harbor, re­ Cease to vex the human breast? crowded theatre, ten persons being instantly signed. At what age does Love expire?" just the herd out, frozen solidly in. The ice killed and 75 injured. for less than $4.00. was broken and ducky freed, none the worse Agents as well as others ought Dexter has a soldiers monument fund of Quick replied tiie aged sire— for her night out. There is prospect of another war in the $1200. Last week A. B. Stickney, esq , of St. "To some older pilgrim go — not think that a nice DRESS I am quite too young to know I” The Y. M. C. A. Record in its last issue has South, over the final resting place of Jefferson Paul, Minn., a native of Dexter, increased It Z .I’. V. Davis, all the prominent cities wanting the PATTERN at 50c per yd. will by .$100. the following pleasant remark concerning the singing of the Iopas Male Quartet of this city honor. Mr. Davis made trouble enough while not please a lady, or 75c or $1 E. 11. Greely has sold his chesnut gcldiag GRANITE CHIPS. alive, nnd it’s too bod he cvn’t be left quietly Barlow, which did such good work on turl nt the Book Reception: "The singing of the Iopas Quartet was, as it nlways is, all that alone now he’s dead. Only $2.50! per yd. BLACK DRESS this fall, to Boston parties. That takes anoth­ The Oak Hill Granite Company of this city could be desired, and was very much appre­ er line horse from Eastern Maine. has got out and hauled to City Point a die for Quite n Hock of birds is cn route for the GOODS will not he acceptable, it large monument nt St. Louis, Missouri. The ciated. It was the first time that it has been The fellow-employes of C. E. Lachler, Port­ nation’s capital. They are the lire chiefs, WORTH $3.50. for Black ean be worn on all die is a perfect piece of granite and weighs the privilege of the writer to hear them in a White Swan, Flying Bird, Crow Eagle and land, steward of steamer State of Muitte have twenty tons. Ten yoke of oxen and six horses miscellaneous program. To say thnt it was presented him wilh nn elegant silver water were employed to haul it from the quarry to Brave Eagle. They will be accompanied by occasions whether joyous or sad. City Point. The die will be loaded on to a cur delightful would he stating it mildly.” Agent McChesncy. They state that they in­ pitcher as a testimonial of their friendship and and forwarded to its destination.—Belfast Following are the names of the nineteen For the Holidays Only! esteem. Journal. tend to ask the Great Chief at Washington to W. 0. HEWETT & CO. have a pupils of the Warren St. Upper Primary hind himself never to take land from them ...... A F IV E B O T T L E ...... splendid line. Daniel M. Tenguc of Farmington, who was A new granite plant will be started in Barre, school who were not absent one-halt day dur­ again, nnd to leave them and their families In accidentally shot some weeks ago by a compan­ Vt., next spring by Morse ft Sorlwell. A ing the term just completed: Oramon Jones, undisturbed possession of the remains of their ion while hunting, died Monday morning from stone shed 109x30 feet nnd a shop 36x24 feet Clarence Elbridge, Arthur Clough, Harry great hunting ground. Silver Plated-good plate-Castor blood poisoning, lie was forty years old and are nearly completed. Tbc largest stone- Richardson, Willie Frohock, Grace Hicks, leaves a wife. cutting machine in Vermont is being erected in Evangeline Knowles, Alice Fuller, Freddie Members of Williams G. A. II. Post or a building near by. Polishing and sawing Captain Daniel Ilill, nt his fish market iu Peterson, Albert Cables, Laura Simmons, Augusta arc circnlating a petition usking Con­ TO ALL Saco, has the shell of a mammoth lobster that mills will he erected in the spring. The power Eddie Ripley, Clara Cables, Clair Studley, gress for an appropriation to build a soklier9 for $2.50; worth any where is supplied from a new dam und water wheel. was caught In August at Cape Porpoise. Abbie Martin, Fred Smith, Maria Knowlton, monument on their lot in Mt. Pleasant ceme­ $3.50. Who buy a nice, warm, heavy The lobster weighed when captured, 15 1-2 The Dodlin Granite Company are doing a Arthur Buckman, Bertie Sewall. Four schol­ tery, which was recently given to the Post by pounds and measured 31 inches iu length. great amount of business this fall at the Nor­ ars were absent one halt day: Frank Dayc, the city. After Congress has refused to ap­ ridgewock quarries. The Mooschead Pulp and [ft^grBuy nothing SHAW L for a gift will be held William B. Morrill of Skowhegan, 92 years James Herbert, Charlie Daye, Lottie Bttbicr.' propriate a small sum for the erection ol a old, is a Free Mason of 03 years standing, Paper Company have taken a large quantity of At a meeting of Pleasant Valley Grange, memorial to the late Gen. Henry Knox, wo in kind remembrance for years, stone for their great mill at Carrntunk Falla in the next four weeks in the lie kept the Skowhegan lodge charter and Tuesday evening, the following ollieers were don't see how it can considerately aecc.Je to as a Shawl can be worn in all furniture safe during the dark days from 1833 nnd contracts have been tilled for Jacksonville, elected: M , C. A. Sylvester; Overseer, C. L. the request of the Augusta Post. to 1818, when Masonry was under a cloud. Florida, and also for Adrian, Michigan. The Smith; Lecturer, Elkanah Spear; Steward, way of Lamps, Silver seasons, on all occasions, and is Ills lodge did not meet for fifteen years. new pulp mill at South Gardiner has taken a F. P. Witham; Assistant Steward, A. J. Tol- A Rockland man read In the New York- lot of rough stone, and thirty men are culling man; Chaplain, Mrs. E. S. Tolman; Treas­ Tribune an editorial on the action of Ibe gov­ Plated W are, Crockery, China, never out of style. When a French Canadian matron passes away, she generally leaves an abundance of on a job for Omaha. A pattern for a carved urer, G. L. Farrand ^Secretary, F. W. Smith; ernor of Montana in certain matters, the Trib­ Underwear for Ladies, Gen­ mourners. Mrs. Aurelic Hovey of Biddeford, cross was recently quarried, which, when it left G/te Keeper, O. Gardner; Pomona, Mrs. C. une stating that h: had no more authority In or Glass, without its quarry bed, weighed twenty-five tons. This aged 03, who passed away recently left thirteen L. Smith; Flora, Mrs. Elkanah Spear; Ceres, the premises than the "Arcoon of Swat.” tlemen or Children would be a Immense stone, without a blemish, was shaped children, thirty-seven grandchildren, and one Mrs. C. A. Sylvester; L. A. S., Mrs. A. J. The Rockland mail after diligent search which first examining our stock. and reduced as much as possible and finally gift not to be laughed at. great-grandchild. Tolman; Librarian, May E. Benner. These failed to inform him of llie preeiso signification shipped as a solid carload of a single stone- Capt. Gooding of Searsport of the bark T. olficers will he installed the first regular meet­ of said Arcoon of said Swat wrote to tho This ponderous cross is 19 feet 7 inches high, 4 W. 0. HEWETT & CO. have L. Sweat will have the odd sensation when he ing in January. Besides the election of olfi­ Tribnne for its definition, an 1 receive I the feet 4 inches across the arms, und 5 feet 9 inches a large stock of Shawls and reaches home of finding that he is legally dead, cers Tuesday evening six candidates were in­ needed information. This Swat it is: Swat is BICKNELL at base by 3 feet 9 inches. The cross was sent an Afghanistan province and its ruler is called U nderw ear. his estate having been settled up Friduy. No itiated. ------hope was entertained that he might be alive or to Belfast to be carved very elaborately, and the Arcoon. will when finally set, adorn the last resting PERSONAL POINTS. that any of his crew was saved. Now he will lion. William E. Russell rather got carried be obliged to seek the aid of legal proceedings place of a Mrs. Parker of Albany, New York. F. B. T. Young und wife are visiting in Bel­ away by the enthusiasm which bis presence TEA to get possession of his property again. fast. evoked nt the dinner to the Harvard foot ball team. At least sueb is the natural inference The City of Hallowell bus decided to ex AN APPLETON MINER. Mrs. A. K. Spear is visiting in Melrose, from bis remark that he would lake more solid empt the Hallowell Classical Sell nil property Mass. comfort next year in seeing Harvard victorious from taxation for a period of ten years, pro- at foot hall, on the river and mt the ball field, A Man Who is on the Track of Kidd’s E. K. Glover was in Boston Inst week on a than to sec her triumph in any field of intel­ COMPANY, vldingjihat said property shall be purchased Treasure. business trip. lectual labor. Probably a good many Harvard fpicstion of BLANKETS ns a f tr the purposes of an ' invalids’ homo or lor graduates and iinder-graduaies feel that way, The mining eraze has broken out anew in Geo. E. Newbert ot Warren is in Farming- 398 Main Street. other similar purposes, and that the sum of only they don’t ull ■•ay so right out loud.—Bos­ gift, your friendship cannot be this town. A gentleman who lives in Pease- ton, N. II., gunning. ton Herald. 46 $1090 sluill be expended on the property within town is the latest victim. Fred and James better displayed than the giv­ the first year of possession. Miss Cora Russell of Thomaston is studying That is, he had rather see them Sullivans Pease told him there was money buried in the vocal music in Boston. than Sumneis ing of a pair of Blankets. At the annual meeting Wednesday of tl e cellar of the house where ho lives and he went corporators and managers of the Industrial to digging. He got Fred to help him one dav George E. Trask has been appointed post­ The poet Whinier has requested that the Christmas Goods! Why, over a third of our life is School I'or girls ut Hallowell Ihe report of the nnd Fred before he left home wrote on a slip master at South Jeficrson. following announcement he primed In the Ilnvinr just returned from Boston witli tiie BEST spent in bed, and in our climate superintendent showed that 393 girls have of paper: "Dig 10 feet farther north” anti Miss Florence Brewster of 'Thomaston has newspapers: “ The 821 anniversary of Mr. HT<>< K ot Gnodw we have ever bad, we uro pre­ returned to school at Castine. pared lo tdiow you CbriHtniaM G ooiIh tut lived at Ihe school since it opened on January smoking the paper, to give it the appearance of Whittier’s birth is near at baud, and doubt­ at least six months of the year 20, 1875, and there were twenty-four new coin- age, he deposited it in a rusty tin ean, anil put Mines Frances Kalloeh and Susie Post went less many friends, as heretofore, will wish to As Cheap as Any One Can Sell Blankets should be our cover­ mitlals last year. The average number in the it in his pocket, and watching his chance lo Medfield, Muts., lust week. visit him on Ihe occasion. In the delicate con­ school has been sixty-eight. Officers for ihe dropped it in the dirt nnd covered it up. Fred Fish Commissioner Counec was called to dition ol his heallh it is to be hoped that ihe And we think cheaper. WE HAVE ing,as they are lighter, warmer following year were elected as follows: Sidney did not work mining next day but the victim Augusta last week on business. day will pass us quietly us possible. No one DOLL CARRIAGES, SLEDS, ROCKINC Perham, President; E. Howell, treasurer; did and discovering the can with its ancient more heartily enjoys the presence of his friends, and more healthy than any oth­ Chas. E. Nash, secretary; II. K. Baker uud writing, he moved 10 feet farther north and Elmer E. Allen of Tenant’s llatbor is learn­ and be would be glad fo welcome them all, hut HORSES, DOLL’S CHAIRS AND Mrs. I,. M. N. Stevens were elected trustees went at it. Whether he has found anything ing the dental trade with Dr. U. B. Miller. he is scarcely able to hear Ihe excitement of u er. W. 0. HEWETT & CO.'have D- C. Smith and wife left Tuesday lor Mar­ CHAMBER SETS, ALL KINDS for three years. valuable or not your correspondent is not in­ large company however pleasurable it would the largest stock. 11 tne valuation commissioners do as is ex­ formed but visitors to the mine predict a ion, M usb. Mr. Smith will pass a few weeks be under other circumstances. For the same OF FANCY PLATES, pected ol them, the property owners of Maine c illapse of the victim’s house if mining opera­ gunnlug in the neighborhood of Willimantic, reason the many letters and tokens of regard tions are not suspended soon. Conn. which reach him, he may not be utile to an­ CUPS AND SAU­ must wulk up to the captain’s desk and settle when taxes are due. The Augusta Journal, Capt. D. II. Ingraham of the State Valuation swer as he could wish, but the writers may bo Commission, who has been home for a few sure that their kind remembrances are grate­ CERS, which is located at the seat ol activity, says: BUSY SEASON. days, returned to Augusta Tuesday. Frank fully appreciated.” VASES, BREAD OPENING “ It is well known that there are thousands ol dollars worth of property in the Stale of Maine Creamer of Waldoboro, Capt. Ingraham’s AND MILK SETS,ROSE Steamer Hurricane has hauled up for the clerk, is the best penman of the force em­ PATENT BALLOT. that does not pay a tax either because of some season at Tillson’s wharf and Capt. Butman legal quirk of which advantage is taken, ur ployed, und was selected on that account to JARS, DOLLS AND EVERY of tin; clouds and pouring o f has returned to his home in Uoutid Pond. mark the commissioners' hooks. What Some of Our Knox County Offlcials because it is not reported or hunted up. There­ Capt. Butman has kept Ihe boat u-moving Say of It. ■ KIND OF TOY AND NOVELTY rain seem to he of late a very fore, towns and cities lose lurge sums which during the summer. The boat opened the should go into the treasuries at) tuxes. And iu MERCHANTS’ WEEK. The Portland Advertiser has been publish^B Ever kept in a Five ami Ten Cent Store We shall common occurrence. Now, season getting clams from Bremen St Bristol, opinions ol various state officials on the make it worth your while to call on ua and see how the same way the slate has lost much by prop then collected lobsters, then porgies and then Indian system. Ihe following will be ta le ^ K cheap we sell, We make what is the matter with erty, which It is been exempted from taxation clams again, with the following fat totals : 5000 Rockland's business men, with their usual ing to out readers: by a town, not being reported lo the state au­ bushels of clams, 500,000 lobtsers and 000,000 enterprise, have hired special excursion trains TuoM.vsroN, Mu., N uv. A Specialty of Pure Candy a RUBBER GARMENT tor thorities.” ____ to run into Rockland for the week preceding Replying lo your letter 1 would say : pounds of porgies. These fish were put up by Billot relorm is needed in .Maine, hccauK Manufactured by ouraeivetf and ahall ulwuyu have Christmas. Beginning tomorrow trains wilj it Iri sh. i«-You will find ua by looking for our a lady or child. Ami Hand­ W . C. T . U. the Hurricane Packing Co. we need Ibe best method of enabling the voter CIIUIHTMAH WINDOW OP CANDY, and we al- the boat is being repaired by Day & Morse leave Wiscasset at 7 30 a. m., touching at all lo express by his vute his individual choice waya have aome iu thia window. kerchiefs. w hy, you ean ti nil points along the road, und arriviug in this city at without interference, unawed und unlnllaenced -----Fur God, Homo and Native Laud. and will go iuto commission again in March. ut tbe time of voting. Mrs. Buell’s report shows that 7,105 local about 9.30 o’clock. The regular train arrives Our present system is not the best. I lavor them at W. 0. HEWETT & CO.’S union s wilh u meinbersbip of 142,162 have re here at a little after 10, and leaves at 1.20. the Australian system. Brack’s 5 and 10c Store for all uses, whether for weep­ MYSTERIOUS HEAP. The special leaves here about four p. m. J. 11. 11. ilBwarr, purled themselves; also 3,111 Loyal Temper­ County Attorney id Knox. No. 304 Main St., Spear Block. ing, or the elegant Embroider­ ance Legions with u membership of 150,143. Round trip tickets, good on all trains, und Mrs. Buell thinks figures are below the actual And now our Appleton scribe has made u sold at all stations,are offered for (he following discovery I It is in the shape of a mound or M a y o r 's (Ji t ic b , R o c k l a n d , N ov. 20. J. I*. MXEdtC

Wo Prlntthl3 week 3376 copies of MEN AND WOMEN F I I N T E IjIJXTZEJ the Courier-Gazette, our regular weekly circulation Personal Paragraphs ol More or Less This id the larged circulation nlla’neii hy any CHEAPER TH IS WEEK CHRISTMAS paper In Knox C ounty, and nearly all of It la In that Interest to Our Readers. Xmas Goods! county and In the neighboring ones of Lincoln, ---- IN ------Waldo aad Hancock. W e Invite the com­ Ralph Loring is home from Boston. Is the best time to select your Is Sure to Come and the plete inveatlgation of our claim, nnd will ahow our Mrs. W. E. Mayo is visiting in Boston. edition or our hooka to anyone who may wiah to SlLVERWJ\f\E ftoVELflES, •ee. Miss Lizzie Adams is visiting in Boston. AFTER Christmas Goods. C. II. Hutchinson is home from Barre, Vt. CIRCULATION OF THE COURIERGAZETTE Miss Gracia B.Sprague is visiting in Boston' Watches of all kinds. Jewelry in all Usual Presents December .1...... 3,376 Mrs. Abbie Burpee has returned from a visit December 10...... 3,376in Boston. the latest patterns. N rvelties in Clocks. December 17...... 3,376 Must be Made, and Mrs. Robert Gregory has returned from a CHRISTMAS! Choice Fancy Ware, Opera Glasses, TIIO B . .1. EM PERO R, Forem an. visit in New York. Gold Pens and Pencils, Gold and Silver STATE OF MAINE. Mrs. Ann 'Vail of Charlestown, Mass,, is STOP Not true of anything on our shelves. THE PLACE TO B if f K nox. hh.— Decem ber 17, 1660. visiting in this city. Thimbles nnd countless Then peraonnlly appeared the above named Prof. A. T. Ciockett and wife nre in Boston We strike “ is AT— Tima. J Emperor, and made oath to the truth of for the holidays. —A T — Ute foregoing atatement. Before me, Pretty Articles appropriate for Christ­ E D W A R D K WOULD, G. H. Dunton, formerly of the Lindsey .luatice of the Peace. House, this city, has been in town. mas Gifts. Marshall H. Shaw and mother Mrs. Lucy T. BED ROCK ON PRICES Shaw ol Bath have been visiting nt Frank B. M. M. CENTHNER, Portland means business on tho netv opera Shaw's. Fuller$Cobb’s house question. E. B. Hastings’ Miss Bertha Bird went to Belfast Saturday, for the Holidays and clean up our 4I« MAIN STREET. where she spends her vacation with her We learn that the jury in the Cronin case, parents. stock when people want to buy. 2 As they a large stock of Staple Chicago, find three of the prisoners guilty of Arthur B Crockett has gone to Kansas and make your selections. Goods to select front. murder and sentence them to life imprison­ where he will remain for a couple of months, ment, and that the others receive lesser sen­ buying horses. tences, onobeing acquitted. Fred Douglass, who has been employed by Wm. ft. (ilover A Co. the past year, has re­ TILL JANUARY 1st A large raccoon, weighing less than 30 turned with his family to Castine. What better for a present than a E. F. Hooper and Rob Crockett left Satur­ W e shall hcII a Beauty of n We ib e r t L ovejoy pounds, was brought down from a tall hem­ day noon for Eagle Rock, Va., Mr. Hooper LOOK lock by the unerring rifle of our veteran making bis annual business trip. sportsman and hunter, Hon. Samuel Bryant, Mrs Wilbur W. thompson has gone to Bay FUR SEAL GARMENT while hunting near Muscongus Bay, Friday. City, Mich , to spend the winter with her ....A T THE.... husband who is in business there. Parlor Lamp! GRAND DISPLAY The Prohibition bill which lias been adopted W. H. Glover and W. J. Wood and wife go —F R O M — —OK USEFUL— by the North Dakota House of Representatives to Jamaica Plain, Mass., this week to pass ...... FOR...... Xmas. Mrs. Glover is now there. is described as a very stringent measure. It A. C. Dresser, the High School assistant | HOLIDAY .'. GOODS passed the House almost unanimously, and it teacher, left -Saturday lorhishome in Standish, NOVELTIES! $150 ™ $400. is predicted that it will get a two-tbirds vote where lie will spend the Christmas vacation. in the Senate. Miss Lillian Fules is visiting her brother, Only $ 3 . 0 0 . — AT— A B. Pales, in Somerville, Mass. Miss ....OUR WHOLE.... We have some on hand and take The New York Mail and Express (Rep ) Florence Hanly is visiting her uncle, Cam- special orders. Ladies are pleased bridgeport, Mass. No other firm would think of offering Lowest Prices Consistent with Quality pertinently asks: Clarence II. Brown, formerly of Rockland, with a Real Seal Cap or Muff, One By the way, what has become of the sapient has learned tlie watchmakers trade and is now it for less than 81.00. individuals who were, a short time ago, ob­ holding a good position in the repairing depart­ ----- The Finest Lino of----- CENTER COUNTER of the best presents for a gentleman jecting to the election of Mr. Thomas H. Reed ment of the E. How ird watch factory, Boston. is a pair of Seal Gloves or a Cap. as Speaker because ho was “too indolent ?" M. I,. Simtnons, one of our best known nnd most highly respected citizens, died at bis — IS FELL OF— We keep them. We will and can The Bangor Commercial refers to Rockland home in this city, Tues ay alternoon. The N e c k W e a r furnish any thing in this line at short as a place known t» tame "principally because funeral was held Sunday,Rev. C. S. Cummings A 5 Bottle Silver Caster officiating, Mr. Simmons being an influential notice. of the fact that all of Maine's mud is deposited member ot the M. E. Church. He leaves a Ever shown in this city, direct from the there.” Rockland's mud is n thing of the past, wife and two sons, C. F. Simmons, a Mound $ 2 .5 0 . largest importing house in New York. and when the river thaws out in the spring so City, Kansas, banker, and Francis Simmons Tlie largest line of W E’HAVE BARGAINS that the Commercial man can get out of his of this city, the former coming on from Kansas CHHEIMAS MODS to be present at the funeral. Mr. Simmons has Winter quarters we cordially invite him to served the city as road commissioner,and he bad Worth anywhere $3.50. visit our city and we will give him a ride over a large circle of acquaintances among our our paved street behind one of the fine horses business min, who mourn his death. SILK UMBRELLAS with which Rockland's livery stables abound. We shall place on sale WEDNES­ CHANCES AGAINST HIM. Ever shown in this county in Solid Sil­ DAY MORNING,DEC. 18, a line of ver, Natural Wood and Metal Handles, The news that church nnd state nre to be Abel Erickson, one of many Russian Finns Select yeur Presents this week, separated in Brazil is good news, forall friends working in the Long Cove granite quart v at of tlie state and for all friends of the church. St. George, bud a large granite boulder fall on PLUSH JACKETS, There is no room on this continent (or that him, breaking both bis legs. He is 34 years Cups and Saucers Prices from $2.00 to $8.00. before the best goods are monstrosity, a state church. N ow let Brazil lose no time in establishing a system of free, old and has a family in Finland. It is doubt­ non-sectarian public schools, free suffrage and ful if be recovers. W hich cost the im porters 24c, at — A LAKOK VARIETY OK — sold. Plush Wraps, Etc. religions equality before the law, there is no reason whv the newest republic may not speed­ HORSE HAIRS. All Marked Down, as we wislt to sell ily become one of the most prosperous and Silk, Worsted and Cashmere permanent.—Boston Advertiser. Charles T. Stackpole ot Gardiner and G. A. 2 5 c E a c li, before Christmas. Atnes of this city have just purchased the well-known stallion Cunard, Jr., of A. K. Per­ We have more than 100 doz. Senator Frye on Monday o ' last week intro­ kins. Skowhegan. Cunard, Jr., is 8 years old, new and very handsome, both in Mufflers! duced a bill to erect a monument to Major sired by Cunard, 2:18. and bus a record of New Markets Marked Down! 2:28 1 4. made nt the Maine state fair last fall. shape and decoration. They would handsome new Handkerchiefs. General Henry Knox, at Thomaston. One He is a tine animal in all respects. The price FROM 25 CTS. TO $400 year ago Congressman Dinglcy made an heroic was $2500. Cunard, Jr., will probably be bring ordinarily 50c. Misses’ Cloaks Marked Down! effort for this fame laudable purpose. It’s taken to Gardiner, and placed in Mr. Stack- Men’s ami Bovs’ SCOTCH CAPS. Silk and Cashmere Mufflers a shame that the mtlonal government should pole's well known stabies. GLOVES and M ITTENS in Kid, Buck We have Garments SI, 82, 82.85, be so picay un Ish when the memory of one of ------3 T If you want anything from a 25c ani Yarn, Lined and Unlined. HOS­ for ladies and gentlemen. 83,8-1,85, up to 800. These cheap VESSEL BUILDING. the most noted officers of the Revolution and Napkin Ring to an Elegant Cake Bas­ IERY, COLLARS, CUFFS, ETC. Garments are good and warm, be­ the first Secretary oi War is concerned. A Cobb, Butler A Co. will begin work on a 750 ket, or from a 5c Mug to an elegant longing to a lot we must close out. little less surplus and more patriotism would ton three masted schooner tor Capt. D W. Agent for the Celebrated Curtis New embroidered Skirts for be commendable. Look, us soon as the frame comes troin Vir Dinner Set, we will make you prices Would pay to buy to make over. ginia. Bisbee Bros, arc now nt work ladies. Avon, Mass., is to have a new shoe factory getting it out, and it will come next month. that will suit. Shoes The citizens of the town have subscribed $12000 Puttee of Bulh is now at worlt on the model of the 900-ton, three-masted schooner, to lie built For Men's W ear, which lend in Style, to build a one-story monitor roofed factory, by them for Capt E. S. Farwell. BICKNELL TEA CO. Fit and Durability. Embroidered Flannel for Handkerchiefs for Christmas in the z175 feet square, and John Peach & Co. of At South Bristol, A. A M. Gatnage A Co Randolph will locate there. Peach fit Co.’s launched 10th inst., a seh. of about 40 tons 398 MAIN STREET. Skirts in drab, blue and white. greatest variety ever shown. weekly payment roll Is between $3000 nnd name, Edith M. Thomas, owned in Portland and Friendship, to be employed in the lobster Tlie Lariest Line Easl of Boslon, A new lot of Baskets for Christ­ $4000, and they do a steady business the year business in command of Capt. J. D. Thomp­ round. This change has been brought about son, ot Friendship. One Ton of Broken Candy, including Cordovan,Porpoise, Kangaroo, Silk Umbrellas from $1.50 mas. largely through the efforts of Walter Rapp, Mr. W. B. Bowne, owner of the famous four- Dongola, Call and Patent Leather in one of Avon's young citizens who has masted schooner Millie G. Bowtie, has returned Ma do from pure Bugar, Bals and Congress, all sizes and widths. up to $3 50. A new article for a Paper Holder agitated the matter for a year past. to Boston from Cumden, where he has contracted A full line of La Heavy Soled Boots —very pretty. with shipbuilder H. M. Bean for two more four- 2 LBS. FOR 25c- in Hand and Machine Sewed for Gen. Raum, Commissioner of Pensions, says ; masted schooners. They will be Hush double Winter Wear. Also La Kid, Velvet and Elegaut Damask Towels, the Towels for presents in a great va­ ••I had no idea of the extent of the work here decked keel vessels, with oak frames and back- metack tops, nnd nre intended for the coast­ Felt Slippers, Overgaiters, Wool Soles riety—always acceptable. bofore 1 took charge of the office. Yesterday wise trade principally. The one to be built I Hogshead New Bright Walnuts and Worsted Slippers,Men’s and Youth’s best assortment we have ever we received 675 letters from Senators and first will lie of the following dimensions : 160 Slippers in Velvet, Goat and Patent Gloves are always good—we keep memliers of Congress. It is estimated that feet keel, 36 feet beam and 18 feet deep, with a Leather. carrying capacity of from 1300 to 1100 tons, to 2 LBS. FOR 25c. shown. New Table Linen and all kinds. one clerk can answer about eight of these let­ be launched in June. 1890. The other, which ters, which means over eighty clerks employed will lie a larger vessel, will measure 200 feet Rubber Goods a Specialty. Napkins to match. Look at our great stock of Rugs ; at that work alone. The communications sent keel, 45 feet beam and 20 feet depth of bold, 25 Bushels of Florida Oranges from this olilee daily average from 10,000 to with a carrying capacity of about 2200 tons, — DON’T FORGET TH E— tlie largest we ever had and prices and, if finished according to contract, will be 14,000, the number sent nut on last Saturday ready for sea next August. Table Covers, Tray Cloths, low. being more than 11,000. It is utterly impossi­ 25c PER LOZ. Sign of tho Golden Boot, 404 Main St. ble for me to find time to look nt or even attach PENSIONS ALLOWED. Doyles, Etc. A handsome Combination Dress my signature to them. There arc twenty-two 500 Pounds Vanilla Chocolates OPPO. NORTH NAT’L BANK, Pattern would make a pleasing pres­ letter critics employed here, to whom all letters The following have been allowed at Gen. Very nice, Gilley’s agency : Nice white All Wool Blan­ ent. We have marked them down. are submitted before being sent out, and their Geo. E. Blackinglon, Rockland, Co. E., 1st HERBERT LOVEJOY. instructions are that every letter shall be Maine Cav , ut $1 per month from April 9, '87. 20c PER LB 4S-60 A nice line of Fans for presents. couched in the most respectful terms." Charles II. Ray, Rockland, 2nd Maine But- kets, just the thing for Christ­ terv, at $16 per month from July 7, '84. Daniel W. Johnson, Tocus, 2nd Me. Bat., ut Books in a great variety for Chil­ FRANK H. CONVERSE, $1 per month from Nov. 24, '83. McDonald's French Chocolates mas, all prices from $1 a pair dren, Ladies and Boys for presents. William Brown, Rockland. Co. D., 21st Me., Who was at one time was associated with W.O. at $8 per month from July 7, '81 and Bon Bons. up to the highest grades. Ryller, Jr., of this city, in the puhlictiion of l'bilip Achorn, Rockland, Co. B , Me. Coast ■''Rockland Enterprise, died at bis residence Guards, increase to $12 per month. Both in bulk und in fancy boxes. $ 2 .2 5 ■’“-luldi-n, Mass., this morning, aged 46 Ho Lucien Heal. Rockport, U. S. Navy, increase I ' born in Damariscotta, ami educated in to $10 per month So long as customers desire I ahull sell a beautiful OIL CLOTHS. a'1* Welle Academy. For several years he Elbridge G. S. Ingraham, West Camden, in­ '•' "''’assistant to his father, who was judge ol crease und reissue at $12 per month -WK SHALL OFFER 8OMK- We had a number of rc 11s of Oil Jtobate at Wiscasset. At the age of 30 he Bicknell Tea Co. Jo sep h Tctton, Sullivan, U. S. Navy, increase commenced to write stories for young people to $10 per month. PARLOR LAMP, Cloth wet that we shall sell at a le- in tlie Portland pipers, and has since written 39S MAIN STREET. u perfect darling, a love of a thing, full «Ue, won­ stories for Golden Days. Golden Argosv, duction to close. Harper's Young Folks, Christian Union Wide One liar of Frusse's sotp will do more work 49 derfully decorated; ten inch shade to match, Du­ Grcat Bargains than two tuts ot in my of the cheap rosin plex Burner and Removable Fouut. Awake, Youth's Companion, New York Ledger soaps now being sold. and a large number of other papers and maga­ zines He leaves a widow. -IN------WORLD HAPPENINGS. Worth One Hundred Dollars iu Egypt, or in any ease of unavoidable darkness, S. J. COURT. A cold wave 1000 miles wide is sweeping OPEN EVENINGS. down from the North Pole. for two little dollarr and twenty-live cents. Hi me R E A D T H IS small dealers in Ciielsea have been known to charge «’ Concluded from Page 8 .| De-pite the amnesty d elurcd in Crete twenty Our store will be open Christians were recently brought before Ibe and he couvii ’j that the place to get good goods $3 for thiasame «/4inp,but such casces are quite rure A pauper case between Union and Appleton *. 1/ your money in at CLOAKS concerning the support o f M rs. Deforest Butler authorities there In chains and beaten with occupied the attention uf the Court until last canes. Monday and Tuesday Evenings, night, when tlie jury gave a verdict of $360 42 The Russian Government is about to appoint Robinson & Price’s. In favor of Union. W. H, Fogler, J. E. special attaches to each o f the leading Russian during the Holidays, and we DEC. 23 and 24, Hunly and H. Bliss for Union; Littlefield & embassies abroad whose duty it will be to A Large Assortment of $1.75 Littlefield for Appletou. study the railway and telegraph systems ol the country iu which they ure located. Worth $5.00 if you can only be made to think so. h a v e a lot of to accommodate those that cannot For the past two years und for several to come J TOTAL LOSS. ’t he New York Supreme Court decides that flo L lD U Y Qoods come during the day, and wiH he the city authorities cannot be prevented from have sold und ahull aell u Downs & Small’s store building at South pulling down Ibe over bead wires. JUS I RECEIVED. CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTER­ Deer Isle, together with their stock of mer­ FIVE BOTTLE chandise, w as lo t illy destroyed hy fire ubuut The influenza prevails in most of the capi­ Fancy Slippers, HANDSOME MUFFS! NOON AND EVENING, Dec. 25, 10 o'clock, Saturday evening. Dec. 14tb. In­ tals of Europe It is generally mild in type, surance at Cochran, Baker A Cross agency, ibe lectures in Vienna, attended by many to give our help a half holiday. American students, are suspended on account Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Silver Plated Caster! $1200 on building and $1500 on stuck. Total of it. loss. Neck Ties, Neck Scarfs, A plate of parsing excellence for Henry Faxon has distributed $911 among ' From $1.00 to $10 Each. N E W L IN E . the Protestant churches of Quincy, Mass., lor Silk Handkerchiefs, &c. the purchase of Christmas presents for the Sun­ S I .75 8tearuboat M. A M., which has lieen making day School scholars, the amount given each Be sure and see the New B ( >STOJST. headquarters at Bangor, will protiubly make church depending on the number of “no BARGAINS Worth ut leuat two half that price. daily trips, weather pertaining, between this license” votes cast in the ward in which the We shall he in the market this church is located. IN BOYS’ SHOES AT R tfrlf you intend buying anything in the Lumiu- Goods. city and Port Clyde, touching at Owl’s Head, week looking for Novelties and Bar­ Spruce Head, Clark's Island and Tenant’s The smaller glass manufacturers of Ohio, oua, Argentine, Delf, Torceluneoua or Crystallite Harbor. If the plan is consummated the boat New York and the Eastern Slates have com­ $ 1 . 0 0 , Lines examine every stock, remembering that your gains all to be opened at once. Please will begin her trips by Jan. 1st. Such a line bined to protect their interests. eyes are your beat friends und the w ord of uxuu ia would connect a very busy portion of our It Is said that Dorn Pedro will refuse to ac­ Boots & Shoes Made and Repaired, vanity. call as we shall take pleasure in show­ county with Ibis city, ami our business men cept irom the republic ol Brazil any suru of will lie short-sighted if they do not eueourage Remember the Place, “ Sic If it a Est.” E. B. Hastings, ing them. money beyond that authorized by the laws of the scheme iu every way possible. the country. ------Oar grocers should not delay in getting a 1(}-Limerock St.-16 J. F. Gregory A C i. and P. L. Shaw offer A. ROSS WEEKS, 316 and 318 Main St., supply of Brussels sosp, as it is bound to tut el IN Y. M. O. A. BUILDING, with a ready sale. Our people are lired uf us­ free dinners io heir out-of-town patrons who 405 Main St., Rockland, Me. Euller & Cobb. ing adulterated soap. j come is oo the special trains. 49 » » l ROCKLAND, - M AINE, ' TILE R O C K L A N D COURIER - G A Z E T T E : TU ESD A Y , DECEM BER 17, 1889. 3

The city stores will all be open Monday AMUSEMENTS. BOARDERS WANTED. FOLKS AND THINGS. and Tuesday evenings of next week. A few boarders can find a desirable boarding 1 8 8 9 . The frame of the E. C. Spaulding house is up Louise Arnot's Company will present to the place, at 8 Florence St. K. J. DENNIS. citizens of Rockland the great New England Merchants' Week! Main sticct has been a little (lusty the past and boarded. It is not to be ready for occu­ drama,“Uncle Hiram” which will afford an op­ week. pancy until next spring. IN ROCKLAND. portunity lo|witnessoneof the fincsi|productlons CIRL WANTED. CHRISTMAS The Harmony Hall assemblies will be run Ivnnhoe Commandery, Order of the Golden of the Denman Thompson style ever In the city, barring perhaps "Uncle Josh’’ himself. The Rir 1 to do housekeeping at good wages ns usual this winter. Cross, will bold a meeting Saturday evening in scenic effects are said io he very good, particu­ A pply to I JPRAlt - - “ ...... AT...... ROCKLAND LKAD9. There are 13 residents in the brick hotel at Masonic Hall. Important business. larly so the one of Nelv York harbor. I he A very faithful and skillfully executed paint­ band nnd orchestra nre very fine, handsomely WANTED. the head of School street. uniformed and well drilled. This greal attract­ A chance to do housework in a small family. Paved Streets, Electric IJghts, Best Ho­ ing ot Owl’s Head is in the store of R. II. Address or call at 44 Camden Street, A. M. BAR The W. U. Telegraph office has been be­ ion will appear on the Farwell Hall stage, te ls a n d Itestnurnnt.fi, Finest Stock of decked with attractive paper. Burnham. It was pninted by Alvah Babbidgc. Thursday, Dec. 26th. ROW S. 49* PURINGTON’S Raid a lady to a friend recently: “ That Edwin Libby Relief Corps will serve n pub­ Goods in the State and Lowest Prlcei. E. B. Ineraham has moved into the house lic supper Thursday Dec. 19. at O. A. R. Hall. KITTEN LOST. Query Drawer’ department in T h e C.-G. is a Can be found the Largest Block of corner of Union and Grace streets. Tickets 25 cents. All arc invited to remain to A shaggy kitten about two-thlrds grown. Mnl» The Merchants of Rockland will run fine thing. One can get such valuable infor­ the sociable in the evening. tone nnd dark brown stripe. The finder will be But a few of our kilns are burning, and the paid for his trouble by leaving at G. W. PALMER mation from it.” Next week, nt the Rockland Opera House, St SO N ’S STORK. 49* lime business is consequently dull. White’s Burlesque St Variety Company of 20 Clocks, J ewelry SPECIAL TRAINS E. A. Collamoro has added relics of the The Central Knitting Bee will meet with people holds the hoards. There will he mati­ Mrs. II. N. Keene, No. 10 Claremont street, nees Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Board and Room Wanted Over the Knox & Lincoln Railroad for the week Lynn and Boston tires to our collection. By a lady, in some locality convenient to Main before Christmas. * Friday evening instead of Monday evening as At the apron sale held Wednesday evening Street. Address, with terms, "A.” Courler-Gaz- The city schools closed last week after a very before announced. by the ladies of the Cedar Street church $57 SILVER WARE, December 18 lo 24. Inclusive profitable term. They will open again Janu­ W c have received an announcement that the was taken nnd the ladies were well satisti. d ary 6. with the result. The doll was voted to little WANTED. as follows : Leave Wiscasset at 7.30 a. m., arriving South End Knitting lice will meet with Mrs. at Rockland at 9.15. R eturning, leave Rockland at Cochran,Baker & Cross have, as usual,kindly Miss Nora Kenniston. Stitchers and Hi*wing G irls Steady w ork. 4 p. in., giving people on the line ot the road am­ W. A. Kimball, No 23 Myrtle street, Wednes­ The Rockland Comedy Co. played “ Wood­ 42 RUST, MoWRY, PAYSON CO. ple opportunity to come and fee our fair city nnd remembered us with a big assortment of blot­ day, to-morrow evening. As there was no Diamonds, Opera Glasses, observe the inducements to trade offered in our cock’s Little Game" in Mcgtinticorik Hall, Cam­ WANTED. stores. ters and 1890 calendars. signature to the note we will not vouch tor its den, last evening, and visit Warren tomorrow GIRLS, LADIES nnd everybody to buy P lants And all goods In my line In the city.

FROM VINALHAVEN. The winter term of school commences Dec. THE ARRANGEMENT OF CURTAINS. Divine Mozart. 30tb instead of Dec. 1st as has been customary. Who, like Mozart, has traversed tho The bakery has been closed for the winter Solus Interesting Observations from the IMPORTANT NOTICE No nioro riz bread or mince pies for the sea­ immense scale of human passions? Who G reat A Double-Barreled Assortment of Fen of “Roger lllordnn.” has touched their far distant limits with son ! News, Notes and Gossip. Fred Littlefield is looking after C. H. From nn article in Tho Art Amateur, sign­ such unswerving accuracy, equally proof Healey’s billiard hall, owing Io the illness ot ed “ Roger Riordan," the following extracts against tho ineptitudes of false grace All those wishing to pur­ the proprietor. and cuts are taken: and tlm brutalities of lying violence? Tlie absurdity of most of the fixed arrange­ chase Ulsters, Overcoats, Sad Death of a New London Captain Shields, the Manager, gave an Italian con­ Who else could thrill with anguish and cert and dance recently which was a success in ments of curtains adopted by French decora­ Roofers, Leather, Canvas, on the Granite Isle. every particular. tors and their followers in other countries is horror the purest and most eternal B a rg a in s ! forms? * * * O il, divine Mozart, Tlie men who are at work on Hurricane take ns apparent ns that of tho old fashioned Oil, Rubber or Cardigan their dinner with them and the boys call them coiffures which were the pride and tlie tor­ didst thou lie indeed on tlio bosom of in How the Men Who are Out of a Job the dinner pail brigade. ment of our great-grand mothers. The fashion Unite beauty, even as once tlie beloved Jackets, Suitings, All Wool Busy Themselves. of arranging the hair in tall structures, stiff- ...... IN ...... Will Hopkins has Marled a truck team with disciple lay on tlie Saviour's breast, ami a special view of scooping in the baggage of ; ened witli paste and powder, and intended to didst thou draw up thence tlie incom Pants, Indigo Blue Satinet The Lilac hush is all riljht. returning stone cutlers. , last for several days or a week, lias happily The fall of Jamestown Is Daley expected. parable grace which denotes tlie true J. I’. Armbust claims to lieat all previnos rec- gone out, never to return; but the almost Pants, Gray Satinet Pants. On that night footsteps were heard as usual. ottls in the loading ul paving. He has just equally barbarous practice of permanently elect? Bounteous nature had given thee J. It. and Edwin Erohock were in town re­ placed 35,000 on board in 17 hours. - draping curtains and portieres, so that their every gift—grace and strength, fullne&fl These last mentioned goods OVERCOATS, cently. A new lamp has been placed in position in folds become loaded with dust anti they nro and sobriety, bright spontaneity and aro mado in Camden. All Miss Lulie Lane left last week for Framing­ Irotit of Capl. James Smiths’ which lightens up precluded from rendering tiny service except burning tenderness, nil in that perfect ham, Mass. the residence oi that sociable family. as ornament, is still, unfortunately, in ex­ balance which makes up tlie irresistible Wool Underclothes,Hats and Sell. Geo. E. Prescott is now in the harbor Miss Lclia Smith gave a tirilliant party re­ istence. powers of tlty charm, and which makes for winter quarters. cently in honor of her father’s birthday anni­ of thee tlie musician of musicians, greater Caps, Trunks,Valises. Exten­ ULSTERS, Steamer Howell of Bucksport will take the versary. A large company attended. A life size picture of Daily, the shoemaker, than tlie gr-’.-itest, the only one of all— sion Cases, Fur Coats and place of the Pioneer this week. Moza rt. —Gounod. Ned P. Walker left Friday for Franklin, adorns the front of his workshop. Thu work is from the brush of Artist Merrithew. Fur Trimmings. Mass., where he will attend school this winter. THAT CHRISTMAS MONEY. Mrs. Gilbert Smnll and son left Monday for Capt. Elisha Oakes, the man who has 90,000 If you want any of these Barre. Vt. They will he absent about two loll-ters imprisoned in h s pound waiting for the months. rise nt prices, has returned from Uostutt. In the next few weeks people will talk goods, or in fact anything for Suits & Furnishing ltev. W. IL Littlefield delivered a very in­ The B. G. Co. started a crew of thirteen cut­ Christmas more than ail other subjects teresting sermon al Union church Sunday of ters Monday the 0th. The supply of stone­ combined. And very many will count man or boy to wear, give mo last week. cutters largely exceeds the demand at present. their pennies to see ii' they will go John W. Barter is fixing his family lot pre­ a call and get my prices be­ Miss Maggie Russell, who has been visiting paratory to erecting a monument of Scotch around. Ami some will realize lor 'lie Goods friends tor several weeks in Gloucester, arrived from the firm of Bryant & Colio of countless things offered for sale, “ that fore going elsowhero. YOU home Friday. money talks.” Yes, and many a pom Rockland. CAN SAVE MONEY. The steamboat wharf is being enlarged by .iliss Maud Feaslee and other young ladies tired clerk will wish that they too could Capt. Jere Hamilton, who is placing some gave a surprise party to Miss Crete Jameson talk—hack. To give unselfishly without large pieces of granite. tlie other evening. Afterwards the same party thought of return is the true Christinas Don’t Forget—435 Main Street FOR MEN and BOYS Samuel and Harry Julian arc both here for visited Miss Maud and had a very pleasant sp irit; lint how many times, oh h m u ttu a lew days. They report the job at North evening. nature, w ill the thought occur this iimni h Is Hie 1‘lncc to Nave Money. Berwick to lie fair and pay O. K. A Vermont postmaster lately sent a I'. O. “Now if I make so mid so a Cliristtnas Sell. I’. M. Bonnie, Capt. Burgess, arrived iirtler payable to our 1’. M. and sent tin: letter present, wonder if I will get a return ...... \T ...... Tuesday witli hay and straw. The captain of instructions to the stone cutter's wife for next year." The growing Cliristtnas 0. E Blackington. has been sailing here for 25 years. whom the money order was intended. They present custom eotnes Inii-tl among cer Tlie lamp which was recently set opposite tin these things queerly in Vermont. tain eltisses, who do not always have Low er Prices tlie church is io linrn oil furnished by George, Green & McConehie of South Thomaston plenty of ready money; among fanners and Harry is to see that i is lighted. have just set an elegant monument ol South and people near towns, who keep poultry Mrs. Evie M. Vinal is agent for Mrs. A. 1. I homaston gray, and St. George black granite REMEMBER THIS FACT.1 Mather. Rockland, anil is prepared to (ill all io the memory of the wife of John W. Hop­ the egg supply, is a great source ol’ than were ever before orders for fresh cut (lowers, promptly. kins of this town. It is erected In the John (’hristmas money, because prices are al­ Chas. B. Harmon, Deputy U. S. Maishal, Carver cemetery. ways very high at this .season. If the I f yon buy was in town last week and proceeded to Pulpit Owing to the dullness ol the granite cu • old liens will only shell out tlie eggs now . ting industry several ol our stunt- cutters are thinks many a mother, 1 can soon get offered. 5#-Don't fail to Harbor and sold schooner Eben Dale. B ell’s Sarsaparilla It was rumored Saturday that more men getting their spare days in tiy taking contracts EXAMPLE 1. hack all tin- money taken for Christmas. were to he put at work and Supt. Lowe got for local parties. Thus. J Lyons is cutting n This ridiculous fashion leads to tho intro Tlie surest way we have heard to get it get our prices. monument for the family of the late Timothy hack is tliis—E. A. Hubbard of llatlield. You will get worn out receiving callers on that day. Hall. Herbert A. Arey and John E. Vinal lias duction of curtains where none are needed Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Glidden entertained a just set a nice rail around the lot ol ihe late II and to their duplication where they are. It Mass., says “about one year ago I sent party nl friends recently. All had n good C. Vinal, and l’eter Murray is cutting a monu­ is easy to see, therefore, why it should Ire fa­ 85 00 for six cans of Sheridan’s Con­ wliat thousands have said time and declared it was one of the best of the ment lor Ihe same lot. vored by upholsterers, but not so easy toim dition l’owtlcr to make hens lay and In ENTIRE STOCK season. ngine why housekeepers should suffer them­ January my 28 hens laid 29 dozen eggs. is Ihe best Sarsaparilla in the A min from the eastern part of the island HURRICANE. selves to be ruled by it. There tire several I have sent, .S5 00 tliis year for six more was in the village recentlv inquiring after tlie modes of tasteful arrangement of drapery, so cans and the Farm-Poultry, monthly.” OF plans of a steamboat. This looks like a new The Canning Factory shut down Monday simple that tho most modest housewife need Certainly Hint Christinas money came m arket, steamer. Dec. 1st. not fear that if once undone she may not hack in short order. Mrs. Warren Deln- The Relief Corps meet at Mrs. Wharfl's re­ no, llmnpden Me., said recently to the At half price centlv. These meetings are open to all. Come Sch. J. V. Wellington took a load of paving have tlie skill to repeat them. Curtains AND WINTER GOODS and bring your (ivc-cent nickel and enjoy a from here last week. should he so hung that they may be drawn manul'aciuri-rs of this wonderful Pow­ good time and learn io knit. Business is rather dull at present. A number close or apart, may he allowed to fall in der “ I send 80.00 for Farm-l’oiiltrv two of any other. Have you seen the new bill board put out by of stone cutters finished work Saturday. straight foitis or lie looped hack as required, years, and six large cans of Sheridan's z NEW. Geo. V. Vinal, in tlie dry goods department Misses Jennie McLeod and Annie Rowling but should not be gathered up witli stout Powder. It is tlie very tiling needed. From a well known Business Man of of the B G. C' . ? It is particularly for the hol­ liad a social party and dance at the Town Hall cords and tassels at points out of reucli or La.-t winter my hens did so poorly I al­ iday trade. Our George believes in advertis­ Tuesday evening a week ago. All who were nailed in set shapes so that they cannot ho most lost heart, lint this year 50 liens the City of Bangor. ing. present report a good time. have ele.ueil me 8125.00. “ All lo rn lit­ 1 have used Be l l 's S akha pa id lea every upring shaken loose without. the use of a ladder and for lie i.iiKt ihiee yeai'M wiih ex of Gin«er,o»..\ 25c I Vinal Jan.3, 1888. The Cotlimandery is now Customer (turning to go)—It isn’t of any 1 \sia, Pepper an i AlDpiee,/ in a prosperous condition. nro well hung and fastened, too small to ho nmrigage deed was assigned in tin* undersigned by particular consequence. I had a counterfeit of any real account. the legal representative* of the hate George \V. O-A line lot of FANCY It \ LSI NS. CITRON. | Sell. J. V. Wellington, Capt. Frank Burdick, five dollar gold piece tliut 1 carried simply us Pit rce, deceased, on tlm loth day of August, A. I‘>. CURRANTS, NUTS, CONFECTIONERY and , from New London. Conn . owned by Booth 1>>2, a certain parcel of real estate situate in Rock- FRUIT a curiosity I must lntvo lost it some---- laud, county ami state aforesaid, ami bounded as Bros., urrlved at Hurricane Isle, Sunday, Dec. Mercbwit .hastily)—Wait a moineut; I’ll follows, viz.: FOU. CIIRISTM A.S 1. Capt. Burdick was sielt when the vessel a t BOTt >M PRICES. All goods an low aw the look agao. -Danville (Va.) Register. “ 1’he easterly undivided halt ol a certain lot of lowest. Special Discount to those who boy {in arrived. Munday Dr. G. W. Phillips was sent I md with the hull.lings thereon siimited on quantities. for. He thought it advisable to have him M .u ih s id e o f llolim s Hir-'. t, in tlm City of Ro brought here where he could receive proper Irrigation as an Investment. laud, meaning and hit nding to convey ihe an treatment. The caption'; wife was notified a liieini e- this day eonvt ye I to urn by Geor^e^ and arrived here on Wednesday night from fa I'e-ici and tin*' ime pr. n> c o n --- - C. E. TUTTLE, No intelligent man who lias noted J TH£ GREAT r, W P SPEAK BLOCK, East Greenwich, It. I. Capt. Burdick was I what the Mormons have accomplished d • <1 dat< d the • ighih d iy o f AptII, l taken to the house of Mrs. Jane E. Hopkins, in Utah, by in Igalion, or the results whereas the condition of said mortgage has 310 Main SI., ami 2 ami 1 Orient St. where all was done that could lie to relieve him broken, now therefore, by reason ol 'In* breach of i of his sutfering. It being a severe case of achieved in Southern California, will German Remedy.| tin* condition thereol, I claim a force!-.sun of sa l pneumonia Hr. Phillips thought trout the first deny that of all classes of farming land, mortgage. JOHN BLETID N, he could not recover. He died on Friday By K iawabo K. Got l i», his Attorney. that which is watered by a supply con­ □ □ Rockland, Dee. I, Jn ?U. 47 morning, aged 27 yens, after bearing his sick- trollable by a man is most desirable am! TRUTHS FORTHESICK. m s- very.patiently, ltev. Mr. Applehee was I •> I 111-. H DG f. i if LI? »H \TE IN AM» FOtt tailed, prayer was tillered there and J S profitable, In fact tlie greatest increase I nF tlui-e (h’.Ttllly l.lhtU w ill be p iid fo ra case w h ere S ri, tin- i 'oiiuty of Knox : Black took charge of the remains and accom­ in value in f irm ing lands, either in this Bilious S,ir||.- d dt fi"ib»d as follows: A certain lot o r parcel t !! si’bi’iiuit Bii rr.Hb; ' impurities burst of land, hound d as f Hows, viz: Beginning on sick ic in as'tbougb be bid been one ol l a his water supply, us it makes his crop a it u ill cu re vou. tlm east side of the road leading from Thomaston family. us through the skin b '?t‘ i «• certainty anti enhances tlie value of It is i (\ ruth ii Pimples, IBoteheo Io Si. George ami ill the town line between So. ind Sores. Bely on Thomaston and St. George; Iheneeeasterly on said ■, i. i i h u ’.ii . V a laud many fofcl; In-nee, wherever in i- closely conliucd in town line one hundred ami ten rods to a s take and the itiills ti.d work * I El'll i u Bi l l Lit > We regret to learn that Willie R. Carnes is gating companies have furnished sure J ■ ud health will lol stones; iheuei northerly twenty rods to a stake very sick. I nliops; (< -i ks, who do and clones; thence westerly in a llm- p tral el with supplv of water, they have uniformly not procure .suilieienl the aforesaid town line, one hundred and ten rods Fred Barton is filling the position of cook on pail handsome dividends; and as a exercise, and all who the Pioneer. I St l.l'IH i< Bu n Btfl t>. s.iid road : tin nee southerly by said road to the form of investment have proven as sale I arc confined in doors, ill cure Liver ( «»m Rig plaee of beginning- II irrv Julian is delivering grocery goods for should use Hl'I.PillTt laiut. J >oi»’t l-e be em powered, ngieeahly to Law, to ing her son Frank. Britain, the stock of irrigating compan­ if y™ >i Li nt it B n 11 us .-ed the same ui public auction or private sale, or will Imild you upandB Amo Staples who has teen slayingut Frank­ ies is most eagerly sought as an invest EAAMPI.E 3. toHifl'er from Kheuin sueh p u t thereol as the Court ma\ deem expedient. atism , use a bottle ol make you elrongandF fort has returned. inept, because of perm mency, security, In general the wooden boxing, or so culled healthv, fi LHELLA B. L IN E K IN . certainty and absolute divorcement from S l’IJ 'lll It IHTTEKS It. W. Smith and Fuitfield Smith have re window cornice, with its dependent lambre­ it never falls to cure M Ll'lll It Bi ! I I 1C'II KNOX COLNTY-in Probate Court, held at Rock­ mined from Haverhill. competition. Tho most conservative quin or vu, n ice may bedispeused w ith, saving Don t i>e w ithou? ; will make your Moot I land, on ihe ihird Tuesday of N- vember lb89. On the petition aforesaid, Ou p e k l u . I hat notice Sell. Hattie Marsh is loading paving at Booth officers of the Engineer Corps anil Geo­ much trouble from dust and dirt, and doing bottle. Try it; you pure, rich an d stro n g ,c-d will not regret it. m il \ o u r HcmIi h ard . £ 7 he given by publishing a copy of s id petition with A n d P I A N O S Bros, quarv at Pequot. logical Survey of Ihe United Slates uwuy n-irh wliat is coinuiouly a most dis­ ibis order tnereou, three wei-ks successively, prior Arthur I, Pierce and Louis 0 . Clark returned place our land redeemable by irrigation agreeable fv'i’cre as well as most of the ob­ i

and he longed tor her to talk or his tx)y; but only’ixoewnh thronts cAn gtve. Worrgret into a quiet corner ana lert tne now to nam, THE MERRITT MATTER. she rattled on about Tom and Jennie and to bo obliged to add that Mr. Merritt Buffered that individual chanted his hero’s deeds to In Jackson’s campaign of 1812 origi­ Mat tie, and soon hastened home. a painful, though not necessarily dangerous, his heart's content and everybody else’s de­ nated tbo now world wide motto,“ Be sure nGW HELEN Til.ARE BROUGHT ABOUT But the mother noticed that Helen “had injury in the breaking of an arm, which was light, though he did not let slip the oppor­ you are right and then go ahead." The A forgotten her pictures,” ami an they lay on struck by a falling timber. He was also tunities to tell of some things ho had himself facts were given mo personally by Gen- CHRISTMAS RECONCILIATION. i the looking glass stand for many a day, [Copyright, 1889, by American Press Association.) rather severely burned. It is hoped, how­ accomplished in tho west. oral u illiani Moore, in these words: “I where the father often saw tho presentiment ever, that lie will soon l>e himself again.” Tho close of this veracious history may lie watery captain, but a very young man, in of his b o y , hut he never touched it, ami thev This paper Helen brought with her but clipped from Tho Tekeewah Bugle of March itiat command. Davy Crockett was in lay t here till Helen camo again. carefully hidden. She had determined, if 15, 1800: This time she brought a “story paper” for my company, quite young and awk­ need be, to show it to the stern father, but “Mr. Samuel McCorkle, tho gentlemanly ward I had trouble with my men and Mrs. Merritt, saying that tho main story in she proposed to hold it for the last resort. and enterprising agent for Flash & Hittem’s it had interested her very much; and after But her manner (for, though ordinarily calm, justly celebrated lightning rods, has returned told them I would go and lay my com­ she was gone William Merritt picked it up she was now much excited) betrayed her, from Indiana healthy and happy. His friend plaints before tlie General. I did so, and pished and pshawed and ridiculed tho and as soon as William Merritt looked into and our former townsman, Mr. Albert Mer­ and young Crockett ofllcioudv went pictures, hut he read tho story. It was a her face he knew that she knew something of ritt, has concluded to remain east, where ho along. When I had stated my a«»e, the commonplace novelette of a son, who had fled Albert; and her unwonted agitation, as ho will settle down upon his father’s extensive General said : ‘Captain, don’t mane any from a harsh father and enlisted in tho Fed­ gazed fixedly at her, convinced him that farms. A little bird has whispered that tho orders without needing them, and then eral army, and who was sick almost unto something was amiss with his son. Mrs. blind god hail something to do with Mr. execute them, no mailer what it costa.1 death in a southern hospital, and how in de­ Merritt was about to speak when her hus­ Merritt’s decision to forego a share in the Returning to eamp. Hie hoys wanted to lirium he babbled of home, and how* a Sister band interrupted her in strained, quivering golden future sure to come to Tekeewah. know what tlie General said, when of Charity wrote to the father, who canifl tones: Those who are curious in this matter are di­ Davy Crockett, witli n big laugh, said, Must g Sold! ami patiently nursed his hoy hack to life and “Helen Blake,” ho said, “is Albert dead? rected to the notice in the marriage column I lie General told the Captain to he sure love ami forgiveness. A commonplace story Tell me the truth 1” on another page headed •Merritt-Blake.’” he is right and then go ahead.” 1 Gen­ —ono of ten thousand war stories of the time There was a world of paternal love in tho Henry Dawson. —hut. the father’s hand trembled as he read, >ld man’s voice now. But for a moment eral .Moore informed me that the next day Crockett's words were in the mouth and he rushed to the field and drove his work Helen said nothing, for she felt that were she Brought Out by Water. WONDER what you’ll bo with unusual energy and shouted louder than to speak she would instantly and completely of every soldier in the regiment and like nt iny age,’’ wild Will- ever at his team, and at night was stern and lose her self control. So with a deprecatory A curious discovery connected with they were used all through tlie cam­ *n,U Merr*M' angrily to bis silent and solemn to a degree that surprised gesture and a white face she walked to the the recent disastrous conflagration is re­ paign. “Be sure you are right and then Ron Alliert, one day mnmor- even his long suffering wife. window to compose herself, while the father ported by a Spokane paper. The safe of go nhend, ’ is a common saying now able ill the lives of I with. The other children would occasionally ven­ and mother waited in suspense. After a lit­ Mason, Smith & Co. became cracked by wherever tlie English language is $^r5' William Merritt was wliat ture a reference to Albert, ami now when tle she turned again to them, and, with a re­ the intense heat, and their hooks were spoken. Z'Vj tho people called “a hard Helen came the father would blame tho run­ assuring look toward Mrs. Blake, who sat • » a man to get along with.” lie charred and baked to a blackened crisp, away; but she only listened quietly and ask­ with clasped hands and parted lips, she took though they remained intact. Not a A few years after the war, when the CLOTHING! 7 ?. .A was hard, just, sincere and ed if they had over heard of him, ami turned the paper from her pocket. severe. He began mature life as a flat boat figure could be distinguished. One of while people were nearly all disfran­ the talk to their school days. And so two “I would like to read to you au article from chised, Nashville was in the hands of captain, and finished his training as sheriff of years passed away ami the third Christmas The Tekeewah (Kansas) Bugle,” she said, in the bookkeepers, while turning over the un Indiana county. A bom ruler, at 50 years came. In celebration of tho day tho Mer­ leaves, noticed that where his finger, men who hud collected from all quarters as steady a voice os she could command. And and taken charge of the city’s tiff,tirs of age ho knew absolutely nothing of any ritts wei-e to be the guests of the Blakes, ami then she read the account of the Arc, from which was wet, touched the page the methods save stern command and force ready when they gathered in tho big room of tho headlines to dash, without a break, and with­ figures appeared legible through the simply for plunder. Tlie citizens, in for instant application. To this he added a great farm house it happened that all tho out looking up. When she had done she moisture. He procured a paint brush, their dire extremity, and to save them­ habit of perpetual fault finding. young people present were of that last day raised her eyes. Mrs. Blake was crying qui­ dipped it in water aud dampened the selves front being robbed, resorted to He had been going over the hoary harangue, tlie Courts and had a receiver appointed class at the head of which Albert Merritt had etly and the old man was quite broken down. whole page, and was gratified to see ah with which some old people have insulted stood. Of course Helen Blake never thought for tlie city, a tiling never known either “ Helen,” he said, reaching out both hands the figures dimly outlined. Two book­ young ones since the days o f Horner, about of alluding to such a fact—“it just, happened to the girl, “it’s no use. I can’t be a hard­ in England or this country before. The the good boys and the industrious young men so,” her parents thought- but thero were ened old fool no longer. Can’t we get Albert keepers then went to work, and by wet­ thieves fled to prevent prosecution, but of his early life and the degenerate sons of plenty in a class of eight young people who back here with us? Hadn’t I better go out to ting the pages and carefully turning the tlie narrow escape from ruin and subse­ $25,000.00 these days, when Albert’s satirical humor ! could talk as fast as they could think, and leaves succeeded in a few days in trans­ Kansas and get. him? Poor boy, may be lie’s quent inroads on tho city brought a rose. usually did it, too. And so tho conversation ferring all the accounts to a new set of “You’re mighty little account now,” said hurt worse than it says.” Ami then tho old realization that heroic treatment anti a rattled on about that glorious day, and the books. The hooks arc as black as ink, radical change in the accepted theory Worth of Men’s, Youth’s,Boys the father. “ What’ll you be at my age?” father, whoso heart was literally pounding man let the tears flow unconcealed. “ I suppose,” said Albert, unconsciously That night a letter was mailed to Tekee­ and the leaves crumblo to pieces when of city government were demanded. and Children’s Clothing to he against his ribs, ami whose internal strug­ touched. —Chicago Herald. I lie predicate was that a city govern­ imitating his fat her’s sneer, “ I’ll do like other gles were such that ho could not tell whether wah, Kan. It was written by Helen, though closed out by old men —sit and tell lies about tho big things | he was eating turkey or oak chips, talked unsigned, and here is a copy: ment is business, not polities,—that I did when I was a boy.” loudly and aggressively to those at his end Mr. Albert. M erritt; Cains Marius. it is a trust; and so tlie city abolished It was ono of those insults which some men of the table, ami quite overbore Mr. Blake The account of the recent fire in Tekeewah and Cuius Marius, a Roman general and the old formula of leg'slntion in consider “tho first blow,” and the second fell the bravery displayed by yourself on that occa­ city government and. while preserv­ on polities, and finally offered to bet; “the sion has worked a great change of opinion in emperor of B. C. 157, while not a man promptly’. Raising his broad, right hand, pick of his horses agin’ a yearlin’ calf” that certain quarters, a change which would have of gigantic stature, was, nevertheless, ing a City Council, put tlie business in aud foaming with rage, the father brought it his candidate for tin? presidency would have come soon, however, in the natural course of possessed of muscles fully developed and tiie hands id tlie Board of Rublio Works JAN. 1,1890, down flat across tho son's mouth. The blood 500,000 majority over any man the other side things. Your father is very much broken and iiard as iron. He was born of an ob­ —a board of three men, with a salary of flew from Albert's nose us he staggered back. could put up next year. anxious to see you. A F riend. $1000 each, selected by tlie City Council He rallied, gazed an instant on tho father, When Albert Merritt received this letter scure family and often performed extra­ ordinary feats of bodily strength before for long terms, only one going out at a then turned away w.th clinched teeth and lie was convalescent, lying on the bed of the time. I he change from tlie old system set purpose. best room in the Tekeewah tavern, while Sam becoming the ruler of an empire. His He sought his confidant, Sam McCorkle, favorite trick was that of having his borders on tlie miraculous in economy Regardless ’of Cost,xto settle McCorkle was standing in the center of tho anti progress. Nashville’s magnificent the drunken shoemaker’s boy near by, who floor telling some admiring friends for tho feet made fast to a tree witli cliains and water-works, the best in the South, her was of the same ugo ns Albert, but knew thousandth time how “my pard here saved ropes and then holding tlie axle of a — up the estate of— fifty times ns much of tho tricks and devices streets in good condition, many of them that gal baby.” “ 1 tell you,” he said, “it cart in spite of tlie combined strength of paved with grnnile, her new public of tho oppressed. At 10 years Sam was an two heavy horses. On other occasions expert in evasive tricks; at lb he was simply takes the boys from old Indianuy to do things. school buildings, her magnificent bridge a prodigy. Now, I. mind me one time before I came west he would lie flat on his back with a across the Cumberland, her bonds (4 1-2 These two had met and conferred often— of how little Jimmy Jones fell into the river, heavy timber across his chest and allow per vent) above par. and her low tax die sad, cynical skeptic, whoso father was ’n’ I jumped right in without stopping to horses to bo led tlie full length of the rate, all mark tlie difference between a among the well-to-do farmers of the commu­ peel a bit'’---- And then he reeled off a beam. Trebellius I’ollio tells of this, and wholly imaginary yarn of his own bravery, political machine and a business organ­ nity, and the finished trickster, whose father while Albert smiled and the rest listened open he is usually reckoned as ono esteemed ization.—New England Magazine. C.F.Wood$Go was the outcast; they often laid out wonder­ for the truth and fidelity of his history. mouthed. When Albert hail read his letter ful plans of life in distant regions; but soon —John \L W right in St. Louis Republic,- he said, quietly: X mas. a fair young face rose before Albert Merritt’s “Sam, I’m going home for Christmas. I eyes, and he could not make up his mind to If possible not only make gifts to your fan go. It was the face of Helen Blake, only a shall start as soon as I can do it safely.” A W onderful R ecovery. ily and immediate friends, Imt to tlie deser few years before his schoolmate. But now Sam was astounded, hut he did not remon­ Mrs. Geo. P. Smootc. a highly cultivated inc poor. In making your selection for a pre Albert was resolved. If Helen thought of strate, and finally concluded to go, too, “just and estimable lady of Prescott, Ark., writes ent for a poor family tie sure and get som him as often os he did of her, she would wait to take care of Al,” he explained to tho boys. tinder date of April 22, 1889: “During the tiling useful. If yon cannot afford a ton < JUMPED TO THE GROUND. But secretly he was glad o f the excuse. summer of 1887 my eyes became inflamed, and coal or a cord of wood give them a bottle i for him to return, and if she were worth the Anti-Apoplcctine; it costs but 81.00, and wl winning she would respect him more for Now Helen was quite satisfied in her own The next issue of The Tekeewah Bugle con­ nty stomach and liver almost hopelessly dis­ i mind that the little surprise had done its tained this paragraph: ordered. Nothing I ate agreed with me. I relieve much suffering. Warranted to cui leaving the disc -rts of his present life. Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Dyspepsia, Livi These are Fresh, New Goods, work, but th a t'•v eilin g her brother brought “Our well known townsman, Mr. Albert took chronic diarrhe a, and for some time my Thus ho reasoiu d. Merritt, is about to visit his old home in In­ life was despaired of ity my family. The lead­ Complaint, Kidney and Bladder Troubles. p bought this season for Late that night two)::'’, with small bun­ homo the weekly mail, and in it, after all her ing physicians of the country were consulted, dles might have been seen, but took cure not I weary waiting, a little surprise for her. It diana, where he will probably spend tho holi­ and the medicines administered by them never and will be sold to be, on the river road, and it was soon was a copy of The Tekeewah (Kan.) Bugle, days. He is very nearly well of the injuries did any permanent good, and I lingered between ESTADLISHEIJ 1830. known to all the community that they had ami great was the wonder in tho family as to sustained at the recent fire. Ho will bo ac­ life and death, the latter being preferable to the | tlie why and wherefore of its coming; but companied by his fast friend, Mr. Sam Mc­ agonies I was enduring. In May, 1888, I be­ SAWS. SAWS, SAWS, left the place. came disgusted with physicians and their medi­ of all descriptions Made to Order and Itepnired. Of farewells the boys had said none. Helen knew. There wasn’t a mark of any Corkle, tho well known lightning rod agent.” ' kind on the printed sheet, so she set herself The stage was duo to pass William Merritt’s cines. I dropped them all, and depended solely At Prices that cannot fail Albert had indeed written a brief note to on Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.) a few bottles of French Gummers, his mother, in which ho had hidden her u resolutely to read every line. Never had far house at 4:30 o’clock on Christmas eve, but Band Belting, western publisher in the most heated cam­ tho roads wore bad and it was quite dark which made me permanently well—well from to please the most cood-bv full of clumsily worded tendernass then until now." Saws, Etc. ano unotuer tu H elen , w hich no Hud bu inany paign a more devoted reader, and at last, when, with a sweeping curve, it swerved to begun “Miss Helen Blake,” and in which he in a leaded arttcle in the page headed tho side of tho pike and stopped in front of Disabled foii B i/siness. ALBERT GRIFFITHS, Careful Buyers. had as formally expressed the hop? that, “Local Intelligence,” she found a list of tho house, in tho open front doorway of which, Several years ago my health failed me and I 40 Oliver St-, Beaton* though absent jicrhaps for years, lie would members of a new fire company, and among in strong silhouette against the flood of light was compelled to give up my business. I was Formerly Welch & Griffiths within, stood tho burly form of William in constant agony caused from excruciating not be forgotten. These epistles he took with the names was “ Albert Merritt.” A writer pains in my back, liver and stomach. I tried him in his flight, and a day or two later en­ in the “County Correspondence” of the Merritt, his hands outstretched with trem­ every medicine 1 could hear of, but without re­ trusted them to Sam McCorkle to post, hut next issue of Tho County Democrat told of bling hopefulness. ceiving any relief. My attention was then c. G. MOFFITT, that individual, fearful that the route of de­ “our fair ladies who charmed the audience “ Come along, Sam,” said one of tho young called to S. S. S. I tried five hotties of it, aal Fire and Life Insurance. parture would he guessed by the postmark, w ith their music” at a certain Christmas eve men who dismounted from tho hack seat of rcc'.ived the most gratifying results. I am to­ calmly destroyed them, although lie solemn­ church festival, ami, by request conveyed in tho high stage, “ I need you yet.” day as healthy and sound a man as you will A<- Losses adiusted at'this office, _*» ly declared to Albert that ho had deposited Thero was a cry, in which recognition, wel­ find anywhere, and I owe it nil to the curative Unlnt Block. 278 Rockland. Me. u note inclosing the stamps, the publisher di­ properties to lie found in Swift’s SpecificfS.S.S.j them in the postofllce of a considerable town to come and forgiveness were all blended from rected a copy “ A. Merritt, Esq., Tekee­ II. I,. W o m a c k , Morgantown, N. C. through which they journeyed. And so tho wah, Kan.” And this sort of thing went on tho figure in tho doorway, and an answer Treatise on Blood ami Skin Diseases mailed DK. 0. L BARTLET t 7 IF YOU ARE IX NEED OE two bovs were quite cut oil' from the old for eight months more, and the golden au­ from the taller of the travelers, who still car­ free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO , world of semi-servitude. tumn set in and the country was most ried ono arm in a sling. And a moment later Atlanta, Ga. William Merritt led this one into his house. Thai a father should he sorry for the flight mightily stirred over the presidential elec­ No remedy for blood disorders can equul Physician & Surgeon; of u son is but natural; that he should, while tion, ami the Blakes and the Merritts began “ Mother,” he said, “our boy has come Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Though concentrated and [Successor to Dr. K. L. Kstubrook.J A a spark of pride or anger remains, tell any to look forward with strangely mingled feel­ back.” powerful, this medicine is perfectly safe, and •W N lirlit <’h 11h uiiawered from residence one of his sorrow would ho contrary to all ings to another Christmas. In the ecstatic joy of meeting his mother, may lie taken by children ns well as adults. 38 Middle Kt. riled precedents in such cases. William William Merritt was the same and yet not Albert had forgotten Sam McCorkle, and Physicians recommend it in preference to any Merritt was not, tho man to violate prece­ the same. His hair, which was just streaked when ho looked for him that individual had other. Price $1, Worth $5 a bottle. SUIT, disappeared. As he afterward explained, ho A. JVL AUSTIN, dents of discipline. He held himself stitlly, with gras w hen his son Albert had left him, IIow R eplt.mve waved away the subject complacently, and was now w hitening visibly. His broad, bur­ “didn’t feel like ho was any use when folks Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist, said when he spoke at all: “Oh, he’ll soon get ly shoulders had begun to stoop. His hard was all a-cryin’ and a-woopin’ and failin’ on Is bad breadth, amt yet how many otherwise each other’s necks, so he just sloped.” utraetive, polite and particular people allhet 414 MAIN ST. ROCKLAND ME OVERCOAT, sick of his flirt—he’ll be glad enough to come eyes had lost somewhat of their steadiness, their friends with the foul odor of their breath. back.” But late summer yielded to autumn, and occu.-dor. !ly there were lines denoting But; Albert did not look for Sam very long. If there was no remedy for this, it might excite and autumn gave place to winter, ami a sad mental pain visible in his austere counte­ He had much to tell of his new life in tho our sympathy, bin us there is no m cd of having Christmas day hud come, for Albert Merritt nance. His voice, too, sometimes quavered west, where ho had been fairly successful, and a foul breath, it is au unpardonable breach of his father and mother and brothers and sis­ had made do sign. in a way that astonished no one more than good manners to obtrude such un offence on ULSTER, ters had quite as much to tell him. good society. When Helen Blake was told that Albert himself. And one day just after the sorrel Foul breath arises from disordered digestion Merritt was a “runaway boy” she merely colt—a wild, vicious beast, he was breaking to which can be corrected by using Sulphur Bit­ REEFER, said, “Ah, indeed,” and bent very low’ over the saddle—had almost thrown him on the ters, and the result will be a pure sweet breath. her work; but she knew why he had gone— wuy to town, he had caught himself audibly C l’ltE VoCItSEI.E. knew it, indeed, about as well as he did. wishing that Albert, who must he a full Ere long she and Mrs. Merritt seemed to grown, strong man by this time, wire thereto Don’t pay large doctor’s bills. The best medical book published, one hundred puges, UNDERWEAR, have a good ileal to say to each other. They help subjugate the animal. elegant colored plates, will be sent you on re­ seldom if ever mentioned Albert, but it al­ ceipt ol three 2-.cut stamps to pay postage, i ’iX oi.flP A ways seemed that the mother was mind Atldress A. P. Ordway it Co., Boston, Mas,. cheered after a visit from Helen. In her own Nearly ull colds are slight, at first, lint their GLOVES, d<*spouding heart the mother said: “ He will temloticy is Io so lower the system that the never come back, he is too much like his siitlerer becomes a ready victim to any pievu- lather,” a favorite delusion with mothers, h ut disease, file Use of AVer’s Cherry Pecto­ , . MAUL BY Th- by the way. And so, un this sad Christmas ral, ill the heginniug of a cold, would guard I WBURN DRUG-^ • HATS. CAPS, day, the two sorrowful women exchanged against this danger. deep sympathies without exchanging a word A new idea embraced in Ely’s Cream Balm V C H E M IC A L on the subject nearest their hearts, ami the Catarrh is cured by cleansing and healing, not i mother felt that night as if volumes had by drying up. it is not a liquid or snutf, but ! Or anything'to |bejfoun(l in a is easily applied into the nostiils Dsctl.it is JS,SUPERlOf been spoken on the subject, when in fact it magical ami a thorough treatment will cure the . first class stock, had not been mentioned. And thereafter worst cases. Price 50c. • AS A - Helen camo oftener and ofb ner, and some­ A gray beard on a man under 50 makes him j how after each visit the mother felt an as­ look older than he is. The best dye to color j R E M E ff* surance that all would be right, aud felt it brown or black is Buckingham's Dye for the , , cOUGH just the same whether Albert’s name was Whiskers. mentioned or not. W ith Ely’s Cream lialltl a child can be Heat­ Don t let (his opportun- Now, after tho first shock was passed, THERE WAS A CRY. ed without pain or dread ami with perfect ; The next day there was such a Christmas Helen Blake never felt a doubt in her bosom safety Tty tlie remedy, it cutes c-aturih, “ CAN’T WE GET AUBERT BACK?” fathering at William Merritt’s hon&o us had hav lever and colds in the head. It is easily ity slip, as these goods that, she would in good time receive some Aever been there before. Such roast turkey word from Albert Merritt, and she would Aud so w hen Helen next paid the Merritt applied into the nostiils and gives relief with homestead a visit she found the fortrosof the with cranberry sauce, and such juicy mince the first application. Price 50c. MUST BE SOLD.™ have risked much on her conviction that she pies, and such mealy potatoes, and such fine, would heai* before either of his parents, old man’s heart, ready to yield. She had the d a y before received a copy of The Tekeewah white home made bread, uud such good things A G reat Surprise though she could not have told you why, and to eat generally as they who sat down ut the probably would not if she could, for the best Bugle, in which she found tho following Is in store for ull who use Kemp's Balsam for paragraph half way down a crudely written dinner table partook o f have never been ex­ the I hr at and Lungs, the gieat guaranteed ARABIAN farm in Jackson township. Yet she knew it celled. All the Blakes were tiiere, and so remedy. Would you believe that it is sold on all the same and visited the Merritts often, account of a lire in that enterprising town: were all the members of that dn.*s o f eight, its merits and that any druggist is authorized , BOSTON uud at each visit it somehow fell out that “ We should utterly fail in our duty to our bv the proprietor of this wonderful remedy to readers if we omitted to take more than pass­ whose photographs were tho first weapon give you a sample bottle tree? It never fails something rather singular happened. Helen had employed in storming William On < lie occasion she grew quite hilarious in ing note of tiie heroic conduct of one of our tu cure acute or chronic- coughs. AH druggists young townsmen, a prominent and eflicieut Merritt’s flinty old heart. sell Kemp’s Balsam. Large Buttles 50 cents CLOTHING remini.M’enees of a certain school exhibition, member of Avalanche Engine company No. And Sam McCorkle, t(«o, the drunken shoe- ■ aud $'L BalsaNI and told how the teacher had photographs of maker’s son, full of far wes’.eri. dash aud his­ the whole class taken, a set for all, and how 1. Of course wo refer to Mr. Albert. Merritt, une ol tie BEST MEDICINES ever Inveatel than w hom a braver man never drew breath. torian of the time “ Al rescued the baby.” ----- FOR----- childish tho pictures looked now, uud how No sooner had it become known that a child He was “ Mr. McCorkle,” an honored guest, STORE everybody had changed, though it was but was in the burning building than, at the risk six years ago, and then she brought out the and no one received greater respect man he. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta, P T O IMMEDIATE RELIEF 1 N M OP of his own life, Mr. Merritt rushed into the But ho

ered, and that it occurred in the day time. The NEWSY UNION. On thin fair earth how many have comp and gone, ISLAND ECHOES. damage to Edwin Walsh's store was appraised Since first nrosc the sun on that December morn, The fourteenth day In seventeen nlnety.nlne! at $75, insured in the agency of Cochran, A wondrotiB lapse of years sinee"Auld Lang S y n e!” Baker A Cross, Rockland. Fresh Breezes Wafted Here by Where a Busy Round of Sociables Three nnd twenty Presidents on the singe have b ee n ; Uncle Sam and the Steamboat. Whiles Away the Hours. And three full generations of living ami dying men; Empires and Kingdoms, nations, great and small, A WEEK IN WARREN. Have rend their final destiny in writings on the Vinalhaven’8 Contributions to the Our Busy Correspondents Corral Many w all. World's Weekly News. Holiday Trade The kilns are out for the present. Matters of Interest. As a clear shining light is the palh of the just, Other Vinalhaven news will be found on So a long life anti sound health are n secret trust. Robert Henderson has gone to Camden to Ho has it been heralded In idl Ihe nges past; page 4. OPENING AT THE live. The Ninetieth Birthday of One Whom So will It he regarded as long ns lime shall last. Ezra Merrick and wile are at work in one of FREE Lester Newcomb has sold his livery teams to All Respect. Ninety springtimes’ (lowers, ninety harvests’ gold, the cotton mills nt Lewiston. E. C. Andrews of Thomaston. j The drug store is ready for business. N inety suinm -rs* showers, ninety w inters’ cold Miss Nellie Doane is engaged as elerk in Have not dimmed the brightness of thy trnnquil the B. O. Co.’s dry goods store. John Leonard lost a valuable horse last week. | Harry Stevens is recovering from his fever. mind, Have not marred thy kindness to all human kind. W. L. Coburn returned from Concord Wed­ G. I. Robinson Drug Store Dropped dead white on the road. The Masonic installation will take place Hail to Ihe man of four score years and ten 1 nesday and is at work for the B. O. Co. G. W. Brown Is adding another store to his Thursday evening next. Hail to the man whose life so calm has been! Thomas Perry injured his foot quite severely BOOKS, STATIONERY, building, mnkmg three in connection. Annunl meeting ol the North Knox Society That his best days, the brightest nnd Ihe best, A look at our stores indicate that onr mer­ lit I ng to his happy lot a well earned rest. Saturday while loading paving for J. I’. Artn- DINNER! tomorrow at 10 o'clock p. m. chants do not wish people to go out of town for From far and nenr your friends their greeting send ' brust. FANCY GOODS, ART Lewis Robbins came home on a visit from From far and near their kindest wishes blend; Steamer Pioneer has been inspected at Rock­ their Christmas goods as they have a large So. Weymouth, Mass., last week. For who can tell how many lives are blest stock and can please both old and young with Through one good life by Heaven eo richly blest? land nnd will be thoroughly repaired nt once A. G. Hills it. visiting in Vermont. He will for her winter trips. BOOKS AND BOOKLETS, any article and price to correspond. Give them If many years shall yet tity lot unfold. Any person buying goods of a call and you will buy at home. go to Boston about tho first ot January. May all he filled with pence nnd joy untold ; Langtry Crockett returned to Lewiston Tues­ Mask sociable in the hall next Friday. A Ami when the never ending day shall dawn, day to resume his course of study nt the us to the amount of $5.00 or WORKS OF STANDARD P leasantville .—Mrs. James Matthews is May joy eternal with that day be born. quite sick...... The winter term of school in good time is anticipated. Let all attend, Nichols Latin School. The dunce Thursday evening was a financial District No. 7 is being taught by Mr. Payson t" Mrs. P. M. Rice goes to Newton, Mass., to­ TENANT’S HARBOR. more, from AUTHORS, JUVENILE of East Union...... J. P. Russell went to day where she will visit her sons a few weeks. success, the managers sharing eight cents each after paying expenses. Rockland last week to attend school. Mrs. Statira Shepard left for East Boston Mra.T. 11. Bickmorc and daughter are visiting BOOKS, POEMS, BI­ this morning where she will remain this win­ relatives in New York. The winter shipment of lobsters has com­ ter. menced, quite a number being sent olT on the MEGUNTICOOK MATTERS. Schools in Disl. No. 19 commenced Monday boat every morning to Boston parties The Masons have had their lodge rooms Ihe 9th with W. 11. Mnlhcws and wife, in­ BLES,ETC., ETC. NOV­ T. B. Lane, II. W. Smith, Fairfield Smith Wednesd’y, December 18 papered and painted. A new carpet has been structors. Another Week in the Prosperous laid. and Frank Ducbane have gone into the paving Sells. Kendrick Fish, Jesse Hart 2nd, Dan­ ELTIES IN PERFUMES, History of the Handsome Town. The Hall Association proposes to give a cutting business on Lane’s Island. grand ball in January or as soon ns the "City iel Pierson, Stephen Hnrt, Samuel Hart and Several Scotch paving cutters have left town F. Nelson have been hauled up for the winter. recently for their native land, where they will ...... TO...... DRESSING CASES, BOX Hall" is completed. The hall will be deco­ Which Can Look Back to a Very Satis­ rated with (lowers. Fine music will be en­ Davis Bros, have just put in a cargo of coal (pend the winter, returning in the early spring. factory Year. gaged and a grand time generally is looked which went very rapidly, it being about all The stores nre putting on their holiday ap­ PAPERS, EASLES, ETC. Rev. J. D. Puyson and wife were in town for. Everything will be conducted in a thor­ sold before it arrived, consequently another pearance and large crowds of purchasers are last week. oughly metropolitan style and no expense will cargo will be ordered. kept busy buying the usual Christmas pres­ FINEST LINE OF PER­ Miss Lizzie Curtis left Friday to spend the lie spared to make the opening up of the ball a The M. B. Society will bold an entertainment ents. Tuesday, December 24, winter in Medfield. glorious success. in Rawley’s Hall, (formerly Fuller’s Hall) The Bodwell Granite Co. is employing about Chas. Osborn has moved into the Glover house C. I. Burrows will have 30 Canadian horses Christmas eve. It will consist of dramas, sixty stone cutters at present, with every indi­ FUMES AND TOILET on High street. arrive ,thc middle of January. He has an songs, etc. Refreshments will be served after cation of another reduction of their force in the Capt. Edwin Anderson is nt Outer Long agent buying for him now. the entertainment. near future. IV (U MIV E, GOODS EVER SHOWN Island with his trading yacht. The entertainment at the Cong’l Church, The Society of Christian Endeavor elected Sell. Annie B. Mitchell of New London is tinder the auspices of the Ladies Social Circle officers Saturday evening the 7th : I’res., Chas. loading paving at J. P. Armbrust's wharf for M. B. Vail left for Portland last week New York. She will carry the largest cargo of HERE. where he has gone into the laundry business. on Thursday evening, the 12th, by the Iopas C. Wall; Vice, Geo. Wall; See. and Treas., Quartet of Rockland, assisted by Rev. F. S. Miss Fannie Long. The society is in a prosper­ paving ever shipped from Vinalhaven. . . . .W ill be entitled to a . . .. A party of our Camden people occupied one Hunnewell of Warren, was highly appreciated One of our citizens received a present ol a of the boxes in the theater, Rockland, Friday ous condition owing to the fact that the officers Ask for Palmer’s “ MAY BLOOM” by all whose privilege it was to be present, and at its head with the help of our pastor, Rev. quantity of canned corn recently. As it came evening. we hope that nt no distant day to enjoy by express it cost more than if purchased of (An Exquisite Perfume,) J. II. Barrows, are of the right sort and do Fred Gerry of Searsport fell while at work in another treat from the same company. The their duty faithfully. our dealers and considerable fun is being made the shipyard and injured his spine severely. "Circle” wishes to extend its thanks to Land­ of that present. GOOD DINNER •dLO Cents Onn.cc. He was taken home Saturday. Capt. Smith’s old-fashioned dance came off lord Grcenhalgh of the Burton House for his O W L ’S H E A D . The funeral of Thomas Frohoek, the lad very generous disposition in bearing a part of Friday and the affair being free to ail persons ...... A large assortment of...... Seth A. Emery has been spending a few days who was accidentally shot in Lincolnville, wus the expense of entertaining the Quartet, also to with friends here. over 40 there was a large attendance. The cap­ attended by Rev. F. M. Preble. C. I. Bttrrowe tor caring for the horses. The Rev. F. J. Bicknell preached at the Chapel tain led off with a light jig in his liveliest A government steamer has taken our bell "Circle” will have its usual Christmas enter­ Sunday afternoon. His sermon wus of vital style, which brought down the house. The AT OUR EXPENSE! Fresh Chocolate Candies interest to us all. buoys away for the winter aud we shall be tainment at the church on Tuesday night, the evening was a most enjoyable one for all who 24th, consisting of music, recitations and a J. F. I’errv and wife of Minneapolis and attended. ALWAYS ON HAND. deprived of their dismal tones in easterly Mrs. B. F. Haskell visited at Capl. Ezekiel weather. Christmas tree, and a baked bean supper in Tolman’s last week. W ILEY’S CORNER. The sewing circle met at Mrs. P. C. Fuller’s, The ladies who are working in the interest the vestry at 6 p. m. The Ladies Aid Society will ho'd a fair at This offer is male for the the Ocean House, Wednesday evening, Dee. Thursday. of a soldiers* monument have decided to call BIRTHDAY PARTY. 18th. All are invited. The now school house is now completed and their society the Camden Soldiers Monument Saturday, Dec. 14, the 90th anniversary of A Christmas Sunday School concert will be awaiting the arrival ot the seats. special benefit of people com­ Rotinson Drag Store, Association. held in the Chapel Sunday evening, Dee. 29, Geo. Rowe and Warrington Gilchrest left for the birth of Willard Robbins, for seventy years beginning at 7. Let us make it an interesting Bangor last week to go into the woods lumber­ ing over the K. & L. R. K. Rev. Sam Small delivered his lecture “From a resident of Union, was observed at the home occasion. ing. Bar-room to Pulpit” Friday night to a large of his son W. M. Robbins, esq., Union Com­ GEO. H. GARDINER, Manager, Many beautiful gifts adorn our chapel, Chester Robinson and Ernest Wiley have re­ during the week. and deeply Interested audience, giving occasion mon. Six of his eight living children with among which arc the pulpit furniture given by turned from Hallowell, where they have been for much discussion aud reflection. grand-children, great-grand children and a few N. A. & S. H. Burpee and the platform carpets at work. given by Simonton Bros. The new church hell has arrived nnd will be Thomaston, Maine. It was reported last week that George W. invited guests were present. A life so full of placed in the belfry in readiness to ring on usefulness and years, so well preserved both The Owl’s Head Chapel was dedicated Thurs­ Young of Lincolnville was dead. We were day, Rev. Albert Greene of Warren preaching Christmas day. pleased to learn the rumor was false, and that mentally and physically deserves a more than the dedication sermon. Prof. A. T. Crockett NORTH CUSHING. he is rapidly recovering from his ill turn. passing mention. Dee. 14, 1799, the subject of of Rockland presided at the organ and J. T. The church at North Cushing will be dedi­ this sketch was born in the house now occupied Cooinhs of North Haven led the singing. Rev. cated Christmas Day, services in the morning by his son, A. I1. Robbins, but which at that Mr. Greene preached in the evening and a at 19 1-2 o’clock, 2 in the afternoon, and ut 6 LIVELY ROCKPORT. prayer meeting was held in the chapel Friday a player and pra'se service, 7 o’clock preach­ W e DON’T sell goods regard­ time stood on the site now occupied by I. B. night. ing service. There will be meetings every Tolman’s residence. On reaching his majority, NORTH HAVEN. night lor two weeks, commencing ut seven less of cost, hut we 1)0 Matters of Local and General Interest— he married and settled on[a farm in Seursmont, o'clock, held by Rev. Geo. A. Andrews. On The Dredger Goes. W. F. Mills nnd II. M. Dyer are putting Christmas dav ministers from several denom­ where he lived 13 years, increasing his patri­ granite cisterns into their houses. KNOX. Postmaster Cooper gets on his old stamping inations will (ill the pulpit. mony and family. At the end of this period he Capt. Lewis McDonald has sold sell. Oasis. ground Jan. 1st. HOME OF KNOX- sold bis farm and returned to the old home­ He arrived home from Boston lust week. HANCOCK. A dancing school was opened, Thursday stead where he continued to reside until the The compass, timepiece and lantern were (ju^fijE E Ouq PRICES evening, in Union Hall, under the teaching of death ot his wife in Ihe fall of 1870. After stolen from Capt. Seth Dyer’s schooner CASTINE. "Little Fred,” lying at the wharf recently. laJ. 'Has Happened for the Week in S. C. Tyler of Camden. There is a large ibis sad event, he retired from active labor, and The thieves arc not ull gone yet. The U. S. Normal school began Tuesday, class. has since lived with different members of bis the 10th, with the same board ot instructors Thomaston. The Nova Scotia vessel which came in here us last term. large family, indulging his fondness for travel, leaking after being out in Ihe storm of Thanks­ W. E. Carleton is still employed in his line Rev. Mr. Towne, formerly pastor of Ihe ...... ON...... of work. At present he is at G. E. Carleton’s, and adding a large stock of knowledge through giving Day lias discharged hercargoof lumber Cong'l Church at Hampden, but now doing a very retentive memory. He has visited Wash­ on M'Donald’s wharf nnd has gone home to ews in Brief, Condensed and Crisp for and is decorating the interior of his house St. John for repairs. missionary work, and Mr. Lord, bis assistant, Home Consumption. ington, D. C., four times, und Chicago and the arc in town assisting the pastors of the Cong’l quite extensively. The fishermen are catching a few smelts, hut region of the upper Mississippi as many more. and Methodist Churches in their work. Union Col. 8. H. Allen is in Boston. Wednesday evening, Dee. 11th, in Union they are not very plenty. Some ship theirs to meetings are being held every evening, tit is He was present at both the inaugurations of Frank Piper is out after his long illness. Hall, the Baptist society had a supper and Ihe New York markets and some 10 Rockland. week at the Congregational, next week at the Gen. Grant, and hud the pleasure of (baking William and Henry Dyer have contracted to Methodist. Mr. Towne holds the attention levee, and though the weather and wulking G. D. Carnoy has returned to Steeleton, hands with Andrew Johnson and informing send all their fish to Stephen Chase & Co., of his hearers closely. The singing is very Penn. were unfavorable realized more than $50. Rockland. good wiili Mr. Lord as leader. We trust that him that he had come all the way from Maine their labors will bring good results. S. J. Crawford is nt home from Westboro, The government appropriation for our har­ NORTH APPLETON. to bid him good bye. Prof. Ames of Harvard College, who spent Mass. bor being all expended, the dredger, Plymouth The Good Templars will hold their annual Mr. Robbins observed the scriptural injunc­ Christinas tree in their hall, Christmas evening, the past summer on his farm, which he pur­ Erastus Lermond has been ill the past week Rock, closed up work, Thursday, If all gov­ tion, and rejoiced in the gilt of ten olive plants. Dee. 24. chased of Frank Lewis last spring has had a ernment employes are as good and honorable new house built on it for bis farmer, the Hist or more. He has had 20 grandchildren and 15 great­ Miss Lizzie Brown, who has been spending men as Capt. Hamilton and his crew, our house that has been built front the foundation grandchildren. With Roman justice he strove the month at her home, North Hope, returned in District No. 2 lor more than 50 years. Prof. f f F F f f /f S . J. E. Moore, esq., and wife went to Boston country is well served. to Belfast Saturday. this morning. to exercise the paternal role, and years do not Win. A. Keener of Harvard Law School has — ------— lessen the weight of duty or the force of con­ Miss Annie Smith, who is leaching the purchased a farm lit the same district this tall, Capt. Thomas C. Williams has returned from Primary School at Searsmont, spent Saturday and is having a veranda built on the front and T H E 'KEAG , viction. From early manhood till be reached a visit to New York. and Sunday at her home. end of the house and otherwise improving the the allotted three score and ten, Mr. Robbins’ The Ladies Sewing Society of this place will surroundings. These gentlemen will make Judge Doe has been sick the past day or two, The Weekly Report of the Progressive life was one of tireless activity. Not only did hold their first annual fair at Wentworth’s, these places their summer homes. hut is now recovered. Eucherers and Other News. be work for himself, but for the public as well. Wednesday evening, Dee. 18. An entertain­ SUNSET. Hats, Caps and Winter Enoch P. Young of Boston is at the house He served Searsmont as treasurer und assessor ment will he given consisting of the farce. A. E. Small began a term of school in Dist. The funeral of Mrs [Harriet Pierce occurred “ Wide Enough for Two."comic and sentimental 8, Monday. of Percy Montgomery. Sunday at 12 o’clock. aud Union in the same capacity. He also songs, etc. All are cordially invited to allend served as administrator of estates, executor of and help to make it the best time of Ihe season. Allen and Charles Small left town Monday Miss Ellen Wight from Boston is at the Mrs. J. P. Spaulding and Mrs. J. M. Bart­ to attend school at Kent’s Hill Seminary. wills, and acted as referee on points of dispute. SOUTH UNION. house of Adelhert Lermond. lett are on a visit to the Hub. There was a sociable at the house of Jolin He was one of 20 who built the "Free Church," Thurston Bros, have bought two acres of Eaton Friday evening. Quite a large number Capt. and Mrs. J. A. Creighton returned from The M. E. ladies [will hold an antiquarian land ol BA. Vaughn on which is a privilege U nderw ear a visit to New York Suturday. aud is the only surviving member of that band. were present and ull report a tine time. supper in the chapel, Wednesday. He was one of the charter members of the across the river from their pluee of business. Herman W. Small closed a very successful Mrs. C. A. Leighton and Mrs. J. Edwin They will probably enlarge their business Jas. 11. Swcetland has started for St. Cloud, Union Farmers Fire Insurance Co., and was another year. term of school ut Sunset Friday. Mr. .Small Walker went to Portland today. Minn.J.where he expects to remain perma­ secretary and treasurer of the same for a series has taught three terms in succession at this About 40 of our people went up to the Com­ place. Monday he began a winter term ut West ...... TO B E ...... A delegation from Georges. Cobb Post Cam­ nently. of years, and afterwards president. Not ouij­ mon Thursday evening to hear the Iopus Quar­ Deer Isle. den visited P. Henry Tillson Post last Satur­ tet of Rockland, anil all were very much Mrs. J. Henry Allen contemplates spending as .town official did Mr. Robbins serve Ihe pleased with the concert. We are in hopes D E E R IS L E . day evening. a few weeks in Boston with her husband. She public. Two of his sons were volunteer they will come often when they can come on Frank M. Johnson arrived from Boston Sat­ There is a fine display of Christmas goods in will leave Tuesday. soldiers in the civil war, one losing bis life Hie train. Notwithstanding the hard traveling urduy. 150 tickets were sold. town, our merchants showing a disposition to Arthur Norton, who sustained a had fracture thereby, the other suffering more than death in The Reach society holds a sociable, Wed­ nesday night. AS LOW AS THE VERY LOWEST keep up with the times. of the thigh about two months ago, is uow soulhern prisons, at Libby in Richmond, Va., A SH P O IN T . Union Lodge, I. O. G. T., met with Harbor Duun & Elliot's schooner launches next able to be about on crutches. at Charlestown, S. C., und at Raleigh, N. C., from which paint he escaped to Sherman’s Following are Ihe names of pupils of Ash Light Lodge on Monday night. week. She is Io be? commanded by Cupt. David liroadfoot and wife with their family Point school not absent one session during the Cupt. Winslow Gray and crew of seh. Mil­ Joseph Eales of St. George. army in the early part of 1805. first mouth, ending Dec. 13: l-’red Dyer, lard Saulsbury came home Tuesday. left Thursday last to visit his old home in George Hurd, Ernest Ginn, Henry Crockett, Don’t be deceived by folks The birthday anniversary was first observed Rev. Mr. Nautoit is holding a series ot very Clerk Mason of the Maine State Prison makes Scotland, from which he has been absent about in 1887 at Thomaston with the two-fold object George Dooling, Arthur Moody, Bertie Willi­ an average walk of 4 miles a day in going to 10 years. am, Elmer Witham, Louie Crockett, Willie interesting meetings at South Deer Isle. ot paying an utl'ectionute tribute to a worthy Smith, Ernest Foster, Oliver Hurd, Ellie Edmund B. Johnson, first mute of seh. Mor­ who promise you the earth and and from his business. Good exercise is it Dr. and Mrs. Horn entertained the progres­ parent und bringing together members of a Witham, Grace Witham, Lottie Hurd, Blanch ris W. Childs, arrived home Tuesday. not! sive euchre party at their residence, Saturday fumily somewhat scattered, the stronger to Hurd, Jessie Crockett, Cathleen Crockett, Sume big pigs—Elmer P. Spollord's, 8 give you a pop corn ball Schooner Druid, recently purchased by J. O. evening, and although it was stormy the usuul cement the ties ol kinship. The party Sutur­ Abbie Staples, Eva Ginn, Mary Dooling, months old, weight 398 lbs., Wallace 11. Eat­ number were present and the winners for the Funnie Moody, Jennie Ginn, Stella Foster, on’s 8 months old, 382 lbs., li. I). 1 racy’s 5 Cushing & Co., alter making some changes day was an informal affair. The morning Miss Adella M. Geer was teacher. months old, 298 lbs. Geo. C. Handy killed a Trade with us and you will get will load lime for New York under command evening were Mrs. E. M. Brown firstand Mrs. hours were spent in social converse. The din­ bog recently thulweighed 989 lbs. of Capt. Emerson Gilchrest of St. George. Frank Wade the booby prize.] HURRICANE. a square deal for a round ner was a sumptuous repast and heartily en­ Win. Shields has gone to Concord, N. H. Au clforl is being made ut Bruy’s Mountain Ship Baring Brolhers, Capt. James Watts, ------— joyed. After dinner, the company wus regaled to organize a Good Templar’s lodge at that The stonecutters have nearly ail done work. pluee. A meeting was called by State Deputy dollar. arrived at San Fraucisco Thursday last from MARTINSVILLE! with music, both vocal and instrumental, Miss A. U. Patterson has gone to North Conway L. M. Roberts und 11 names obtained. This New York after 154 days. Capt. Geo. W. K. F. O. Marlin and wife are in Boston. Edith L. Bessey, Union’s musical prodigy, to work. will make the sixth lodge on Deer Isle. Masters left here Friday for San Francisco to Thomas Barton has moved into his new reudering some violin solos. A poem written The band boys have postponed taking les­ Nearly ull of the schools of this town began again take command of the Baring Brothers. bouse. for ihe occasion by N. A. Robbins, esq., of sons, us many ot their number have left Monday. District 8 by A. E. Small, District town. 11 by Orel! Sylvester, Greenlaw District liy On Wednesday afternoon a tire was discov­ The adjoining; district has its sidewalks all Washington, D. C., was read by Mrs. M. P. done. Judkins. Miss Adelle L. Robins then gave in Richard Rowling and M. II. Landers have Tyler Coombs, District 13 by W. L. Bonney,, ered in the cellur ol Hinckley A Webber,which Capt. Joshua Hawley has made extensive returned from Waldoboro, where they have West Deer Isle by Harmon W. Seminary, J F GREGORY I roll spread through into the cellar ol Edwin improvements about his place the past year. u highly entertaining manner thut Channing been ul work. **■■»** jsokt Wulsh adjoining. The tire department turmd J. W. Hupper has gone to Lincolnville where J selection, "Briar Bose.” Alter singing "God T. W. Morrisey came home Saturduy night IulNCJUlaN. Thi ill lull force. Water was taken from thne lie will stop until spring cutting wood and tim­ he with you till we meet again,” and prayer by from Bangor where he has been quite ill. We bydrunts (one at the head ot Knox street, one ber. A. M. Cobh of Thomaston, the guests from are pleased to know that he has recovered WALDOBORO. ntar H. G. Copeland’s and the one on Beech Chas. M. Clifford of Auburn is teaching the out of town took their departure. The com­ SOUTH LIBERTY. Charles Keizer Post bus elected the following winter term of school, and thus tar is very pany all uuited in the hope that they might Gren Overlock lost a horse Thursday. officers: Raymond W. Hutfses, C.; Samuel Woods street) and all three were soon ui much liked. enjoy many mure such anniversaries. Below The new bell at Razorville can be heard ut Burrows, S. V. C .; Ambrose Hoch, J. V. C .; work. The tire was soon drowned out doing G. K. Marshall, one of our smart young this place. but little damage. The tire was eonlinid io men, bus gone to Boston aud has engaged as we give the poem written for the occasion. George W. Young, Q. M ; Lithgow L. Hilton, THE NINETIETH 1IIUTUDAV. At well Nash aud 11. Cunningham are at each eeliar and only the sleepers uud boards clerk with the firm ol Houghton & Dunton. work for Jesse Overlook. Surgeon; Gideon Hoch, Chaplin; David H. Rev. Mr. Noyes of Waterville has been Tin- good old Ugo of four score years and ten Kimball, O. 1).; John Riues, O. G.; Allied L. were burnt. The stock ol Hinckley & Webber preaching at the Baptist Church for the past 1 io given to very lew’ among Ihe sons of m en; Chas. Overlock is kept busy hauling corn, was damaged by water and smoke, ft wus three weeks, ami a very able speaker he is. lie ■ And when this boon on some we see bestowed, dour uud meal (font Waldoboro tor M. It. Hilton, Delegate to Deparlinent Encampment; U'l thiin, we leel, a special favor hath abode. I Hall. ftry fortunate that the tire wus so soon discov­ lilt town yesterday. Samuel Burrows, Alternate. Main St.. Foot of Limerock St. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1881

Pillsbury, New York to Fernandina, rails Dftarrnf department. under deck, §1.50; Samuel Hart, Silver Spray O N L Y A B O U T and E. M. Sawyer, from Port Johnson to Salem, 8ch. American Chief, Snow, arrived yester­ coal, 80 eents; Lizzie Chadwick, from Apalach­ Holiday Goods ALL aboard day. icola to New York, resawed lumber, §9, and FURS! FURS! 8cb. Chase, Pratt, is to be hauled tip for the hewn limiter, §10; T. W. Dunn, Irom St. winter. Simons to Boston, yellow pine and cypress ONE WEEK MORE —AT THE — lumber, §775... .Flora Rogers, Irom Bruns­ • ...FO R .... Sch. Willie Martin Is on the South Marine wick to Boston, lumber, §7.50... .Nettie Lang­ Railway rebuilding. don. hence to Jacksonville, salt In hags, §1.50 In Which to select your Arrived at New York, Dec. 10th, sch. Jose and loaded; A. J. Fabens. Irom Perth Amboy Olaverri, Arey, Rosario. to Newburyport, coal, §1 15; Billow, from Sailed from New York Dec. 12th, shif M. P. Perth Amboy to Boston, brick, §1.75; Sar­ Boston 5 anfl 10c Store! Grace for San Francisco. dinian, from Hoboken to Rockland, coal, 90 Holiday Presents! cents; Stephen Bennett, from King's Ferry fo SIMONTON'S, Arrived nt Iliogo loth ult., bark Adolph New York, lumber, §7.59—free wharfage and PRESENTS anti examine before pur­ Obrig from Philadelphia. river towage; Mary McFarland, from Phila­ Sch. Bertha Glover, Dyer, is in Salem dis­ delphia to Clenfuegoa, coal, and back North chasing elsewhere. .FROM TI1E. Capes, Collars, Muff’s, charging coal from New York. of Hatteras, not east of New York, sugar in ROCKLAND. Arrived nt Rosario Oct. 28th, Fred H. Rich­ bags, 27 1-2 cents for the round. ards, Thorndike, from Pensacola. G. II. COPELAND, Sniled from Charleston Dec. 9th, sch. Luella CHRISTMAS OFFERING. Boas, Caps and Gloves. A. Snow for Wilmington, N. C. Largest M a y Stock it Rockland Arrived nt Bristol, Eng., 9th inst., ship Cor­ Opposite Thorndike Hotel, - - Rockland sica, Purington, from New York. How Maine's Dentists are Remember­ Examine these fine goods be­ Arrived at Montevideo previous to 8lh inst., ing One of their Number. ..W H E R E MAY 1IK FOUND.. bark Megunlicook, Wallace, N. Y. At the instance of Dr. T. E. Tibbetts of this Sch. Clara Rsnkin, Averill, is due here Irom fore buying. New York with coal for H. H. Hall ft Co. city the dentists of Maine are finite generally Books, Autograph USEFUL Sch. Florida is ut the Cobb, Butler & Co. contributing to a fund for the benefit of Dr. Special Train yard receiving now keel and other repairs. It. B. Baynes ot this city, an aged member of Scb. Thomas Borden, Conary, arrived the profession. Dr. Tibbetts issued a call to and Photograph Albums, Plush Thursday from Boston with corn for Chas. the members of the profession in the stnte, from Wiscasset and way sta­ T. Spear. snd up to this time about §50 has been re­ HOLIDAY GIFTS! Cnpt. Frank Matthews of this city has taken ceived. Goods of all kinds, tions over the K.& L.from now command of sch. Charlie Bucki of Belfast lor Sc ipp e r S a time. Dr. Robert B. B y ot'a of Scottish descent till Christmas. Sch. Helen Montague Is in Now York, dis­ and was horn of Quaker parents in Middlesex Traveling Cases in Leather, Just the article, and charging salt. Cupt. Cookson was home over County, England, in 1795, making him 95 Fancy Slippers, Sunday. years old. His father was Byron Baynes, a we have a big stock Bark W. 11. Flint, Cap’t. Fred Pearson, is at wealthy wool merchant, worth at one time Very Fine Stationery, Buenos Ayres discharging general cargo from all new, for Ladies, New York. §500,000. While tho son was n young man 7-Hours in Rockland-7 Sch. Nile, Manning, ‘ came through the the father failed, losing all his property. Misses and Children, Fine Boots & Shoes, Oates Sunday, bound here with corn for the Robert’B. Baynes married Angelinc Henson Writing Tablets, Pictures, Rockland Steam Mill Co. in Dorson, Eng., some 62 years ago, the wife Men, Boys and EACH DAY. Sch. S. M Bird, Merrill, arrived here Satur­ living hut a year or so. Sixty years ago Dr. day from Hurricane with paving for New Baynes came to this country, landing in New Smoking Sets, Christ­ V ouths. York. She sails to-day. York, where lie studied dentistry with Dr Overshoes & Rubbers, Sch. Brigadier, Toiman, arrived Tuesday. The leak that troubled iter on her trip has Dewar. From New York he went to New­ mas Cards, Dolls, Big and Lit­ been discovered and righted. buryport, Mass., where he rcmainctl in busi­ —HELLING AT— Seh. Laura Messer, Leo, wus ready to sail ness six years, thence to Nantasket, eight SPECIAL BARGAINS Sunday Irom Charleston to Weymouth, Mass., years, then to Belfast, this state, six years, tle Toys, and the with phosphate rock at §3.25. Thomaston 10 years, then to this city where he S e ip p e r S Cnpt. Bragg, of steanier Winthrop, reports now resides. REASONABLE PRICES! the signal buoy foot o f Nantucket Shoal gone Largest Stock of Games in the from its position on the 12th inst. Dr. Baynes lias been an upright, honorable Sch. Ella Pressey, Gray, arrived Friday and industrious citizen, and as a mechanical from Boston where she discharged cement. dentist was very successful. He is a vegeta­ city. A big line of Glocks, S tfu w L s She is loading from Messer for New York rian, and has not eaten meat, with the cxcep. Sch. Gen. Ames, Jameson, arrived in New tion of fowl, for 40 years, and was never York from Charleston Tuesday with lumber Silk Umbrellas. for New York and phosphate for Barren Is­ addicted to the use of tea, codec or tobacco. Wallets, and a Special Line of W entworth & Go.’; land. At bis present advanced uge he lias sound and Our special line made Sch. M. Luella Wood, Spaulding, made the healthy teeth and gums. His chief diet is passage from Ihls port to 111idgepoit, N. S., in graham bread, which be makes himself, and Rose Jars. A fine up for Holiday Trade 24 hours. She will be loaded there to-day cocoa. T he Doctor has also practiced homeo­ NEW SHOE STORE, CARPETS with lumber lor Cienfuegns. At Bath, the big Se’wall ship to be launched pathy. He docs some little business now lot of Terra Cotta Ware, Bi­ leads them all. this month has been measured and found to repairing clocks and watches, a trade that he slightly exceed 3000 tons. She will undoubted­ learned in the old country. 338 Main! Street, Rockland, Me. 49-51 to every one who comes this ly carry over 4000 tons of freight. Doctor Baynes occupies rooms over the bles, Nice Books, N O V E L T IE S Sell. John I. Snow, Hinckley, is on the way store of W. A. McLain, where he has lived for week or next. to Charleston irom Red Beach with plaster. From Charleston she goes to Bucksville to a long time. He is a worthy man and the AND More About the Electric Lights load lumber for Demarara at §10 per M. tbnughtful gift of the dentists of our state will hound in cloth, 22 cents. Arrived at Boston, Dec. 13. sells. Mollie be very acceptable at this Xmas season. N E W I D E A S Rhodes, Watts, Philadelphia; Helen Thomp­ They Are Surely Coming ! son, Averill, from Rondout and Helen, Bishop, Please look us over before buy­ in Gold and Silver from New York; Kate L. Pray, Pray, Deer OUR FIREMEN. SO IS COLI> W EATHER B U Y Y O U R Isle. ing. We are sure to please. Heads, Buck Horn Schs. G. A. Leland and Geo F. Edwards of Gloucester loaded lime from Perry Bros, fi r James F Sears Hose Company will spare no But it has been ho long getting hero that we find New York. The Leland sailed Wednesday. pains to make the levee and concert to lie given and Natural Sticks. ourHclvos overstocked with The Edmunds is a very fast and very hand­ liy them on Christinas night, Wednesday, C L O A K S N O W some vessel. Both are fishermen. December 25, a most enjoyable entertainment. They have engaged the Le Roy Orchestra and Sch. Clara Colcord, Colcord, is ready to concert compnnv of Boston lor the occasion. R. II. Burnham, • . . . A N D . . . . sail to-day from New York for Havana with This organization is headed by Mr. Will Le- §600 tons of coke nt §4 a ton and 50,000 feet Rov, the premier illusionist, in his great high- Silk Umbrellas. of lumber at $5 per M. She will probably class magic. It also comprises Miss Mae 413Main St. come to Mobile or some other gulf port for Howard, vocalist, banjoist and pianist, Mr. REEFERS, HAND Cet the Benefit lumber. Chas. H. Mackay, cornet soloist, besides other During the month ot November the follow­ attractions. T he Sears Company will give a ....OF.... ing are the important Maine corrections that street parade in the afternoon previous to the huve been made on the charts published entertainment, and will appear in their hand­ DO Use a Furnace? Leather Jackets, by the Ooedetic survey : Eastport Harbor En­ some new uniforms, which will then be worn trance—A new red post-light has been placed in public for the first time. They are a tine NECKWEAR! And in order to dinpoflo of them before the First JANUARY PRICES! Wish lo Save Coal? of January, we have PUT TIIE KNIFE TO on the western side ot the channel at the south body ot men and will present a line appear­ THEM REGARDLESS OF COST. We have end of Lubec Narrows, 1 3 4 miles N. by W. ance. This company is the only one that W e have made exten­ m ade ihe 3-4 W. from the northeast point ot West answers every call lor lire service. Don’t for­ YOU Wish to Prevent Danger? They will be no lower this Quoddy Head, and 2 miles N. ’V. from Liber­ get them. sive preparations for ty Point Ledge. This light is shown from the Ttie Gen. Berry Hose Co. have hired Far- season. substructure of the light house now under well Hull for Jan. 23, and will give a novel ..IF HO HAVE.. GREATEST CUT IN PRICES construction, and is about 20 teet above the anti first-class entertainment. The company the Holiday Trade, Ever heard of in Rockland. water. This light was established November lias chosen otlieers for the ensuing year as fof 29. lows: Foreman, Frank A. Wulsh; Second and our display of 8®“ For ({utility of Goods nnd Prices We LlMlisTElts.— M. A. Acliorn, Achorn, sniled Foreman, H. Miller; Foreman of Hose, J. P. W IS E & SON yesterday for New York from Abbott—3800 O. M. Ellctns; Clerk; E. 1). Cook; Treas­ Fine New York Neck Can’t Jbe Iieut. A Special Sale burrels... .Geo. A. Leland sailed for New York urer, J. B. Hall; Steward, Marlin Watson. Saturday from Perry Bros., und Geo. F. Ed­ ------,*»------—Put into your furnacu ono of— Como and hoo for yourselves. mund Sunday for same....T. P. Dixon. Tor Wear will excel all rey,loaded lime tor New York, from A. J. Bird PORT CLYDE. OF CLOAKS AND FURS, A C o... .Ann Eliza, Bishop, salted Sunday for Capt. C. M. Gilmore is at home for a shor previous exhibits. It ROCKLAND N. Y. from H. O. Gurdy....John P. Kelsey BOWE’S sailed Monday from J. 11. Handley for N. Y. time. • • •• J. S. lieachani, Ginn, sailed Saturday for Stephen Marshall is quite sick, having a se­ is a line of rare beauty Beqip/hilq Dece/ebe^ i6p/ Richmond from A. F. Crockett A Co....Lake vere attack of fever and ague. CLOTHING HOUSE, is loading lime from K C. Rankin for Boston The scholars of this district propose to give and excellence, and ....A . Heaton loaded lime from A. C. flay A an entertainment Christinas eve, to raise funth AUTOMATIC Co., for New' York... .Jennie Greenbank, to buy charts for the use of the school. It is the patterns cannot C. G. BOVEE & CO. and during the entire month Gsmore. sailed yesterday for Norfolk from a worthy object. White A Case....Mabel Hall, Thorndike, und Capt. T. 11 Teel met with quite a serious ac- be duplicated. we shall offer our Outside Gar­ Clara Gregory, sailed Thursday lor New York eidnt last week. While in Portland his REGULATORS from Messer. schuoner was laying outside of another one, ments at prices that will attract An udjourned meeting of the Vessel Owners and in passing over ihe other schooner lo get O3\r T n iZ Y L . and Captains' National Association wus held on board in the night time he tripped and fell Flour! Flour! attention and induce customers Tuesday in the Meionaon, Boston, which into ti e hold, striking on his shoulder. He .Just received a Car of., wus attended by a representative gathering of was pretty thoroughly shaken up, but no It will pay for itself in saving furnace and fuel. NECKWEAR! to buy before the assortment is owners aud captains of vessels engaged in the bones broken lie arrived home Friday, and Without one the bouse is too hot or too cold. It coasting trade, of whom a large number were ii sutfering considerably Irom his fall. broken. present, aud many vessels represented by costs nothing for a trial; nothing to be lost and CHAS. T. SPEAR everything to lie gained. It will save fuel, prevent proxies. T he meeting was called to order by FOltllKltLY, President Janies A. Van Brunt of New York, Handsome Souvenirs will be given away at clinkers It is simple; a child ten years of age can NOW, who congratulated the members on the large tlie Atkinson House Furnishing Co.’s store on understand and manage it. Give it a trial uud he C . & P . -Tu\e«sions to the associations since the meeting Monday and Tuesday, Dec 23 1 and 21th and convinced. Call at our store and we will show you $25 . .Plush Cloaks....S 1 8 . of October last. T he subject lor discussion every lady visitor or customer will lie presented MUFFLERS was the needs of the vessels in the coasting with a handsome lithograph album suitable lor a Regulator in operation. trade, and looking toward legislation ibis win­ the parlor table. Silk, Worsted, Cash- S 5 .2 5 ..ONLY . S 5 .2 5 $ 3 5 .-Plush Cloaks...$ 2 5 . ter for the correction of abuses to which they ------*♦.------Other tirades from 95 t o are subject, and to the improvement of MAINE MATTERS. J. P. WISE & SON mere. All grades $ 5 ..Misses’ C loaks..$2.50 their condition generally. Reports of the special committee on pilotage, consisting of and prices. James A. Brunt of New York, James 8. Wins­ Lumbermen in the Dead river region report B est $T ‘ L ouis Stjoitfs $10. .Ladies’ Cloaks...$ 6 .0 0 low of Portland and David 8. Emery of Bos­ from 10 to 20 inches ol snow or. the ground. ton, ami other committees, were received and One of the thriving farmers of Piscataquis $18.00 Per Ton. adopted. Mr. Lovell of Boston oll'ered a res­ county has raised this year 160 pigs and 1500 DO Tycoon Repps and Plush Back olution favoring the transfer of the revenue cabbages. murine service from the treasury department There are few chickens on the Bangor mar­ mufflers to the navy department, which was passed. Mandolillng lava Collrp ...... 3 5 c ket, and dealers ure paying 18 cents a pound I f hu, uak your jj Cashmeres for them. YOU F a n c y 1C In C o ffe e ...... 28 c BOSTON CHARTERS. It is said that nearly 20,000 bunches of bana­ cerfor FAMIL Cheaper tirade* ...... a t L<*** P ric es nas were distributed from Auburn and Lewis- GUARD ONLY IO CENTS, The following charter!) ure rcw led : ion lust year. ROSENE, SUSPENDERS Corn, Meal, Crackud Corn, Oat*, Feed, Flour, Sch. Cornelius Hargraves, Baltimore lo Sa­ Thoiiiu., “ Curran of South Portland, aged WANT und taku Middling*, Wheat for Hen Food, Gluten Meal, Oil lem, coal, at §1.69 per ton. 65, walked on e end ol the lerry slip at Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, Turk’* Inland, Liverpool Formerly Joe. South Portland, i '" l i y night, und wus ery hc»l Hand Embroidered, uud Miuerul Suit. Bone Meal, Cracked Boue, Sea Seh. Mav McFarland, Philadelphia lo Cien- drowned He leaves a wu' ’§ and six chil­ fuegos, will) coal, free; returning with sugar, Shell* for Poultry, at Bottom Price*. ut 27c per ewi. dren. * GOOD Satin aud Silk. We This has been a lucky season for tiJO farmers ,r !,uk* at u kule­ FU1IS! FURS! Freights are less active, and Ibe numbpr of ol A oosiook. Seplember wus a perfect tWV St 3 V O T I O E . engagements effected at Boston during Ihe le Jjy invite special atten­ nion li, mid all (plough Ihe mouth ot October If you have any Com Oat* Burley, Etc., Russian Hare Muffs, 50c,75c,$1,$1.25 past week huve been comparatively few. and November ploughing and all other ltiuUg that.you want ground you < ill ho accoiu Freight rates remain with hut lew changes. ol fall work upon ihe (arm were carried oil tion to this elegant iim d a ti'il |»y a o iid in g it o iny Mill, The weakness of Ihe South American lumber without inierruplion Ihe North Star sues FredR.Spear b P K A lC S U H A K F. Imitation Seal...... $2.50 and $3.00 freight market is ihe principal feature of ihe every lurmer lias, or al least ought to have, his line of fine goods. A week, Ihe lulesl charier being that ol Ihe new lie ds in full preparation for next year’s seed­ Opossom, Lynx, four-masted schooner Ensenada of Windsor, ing; the open lull following the immense har­ , very acceptable CHAS. T. SPEAR, Beaver, N. 8., to load al Boston for Montevideo (or vest of this season should result in Aroosteuk OIL? orders, at §12 ,V) if discharged ut lhal port and (aimers getting an early start next spring, in 295 and 297 Main S.t., Rockland. Monkey and other desirable §13 if discharged at Buenos Ayres There puuing in a bigger acreage of grain and poia- ; Christmas Present. will not be many American schooners lo ae- toes , thun___ has ever before been known in the Furs in Boas, Collars and cept the rules now offered by shippers, but if I hisio/v of tlie couulrv* Lime Rock National Bank. rules should advance to §16 to Buenos Ayres | } Tils Aunuttl Meeting of the Stockholder* ol the Muffs. we predict thut quite a number of I hem would SUSPENDERS Lime Bock National Bank will be held ut their be ehurlered. Although rates in the coastwise The Camden Herald refers to the announce­ Bunking Boom*, in the t By of Buckland, on Tuc»- coal trade remum unchanged, there is a great may legully come before them. would olherwise be. The West India trade is GLOVES & MITTENS l’. r Older, T. li. M< LAIN, Cashier. uow receiving considerable attention. by Edward Bellany.” “Looking Backwards” Forte will make, or a Bockluud, Dec. 3, lb8V. 47 52 other store in Rockland offers is not only not literary hut physically impossi­ Palace Organ. Smith bus Lined VUld Unlined ! a greater variety of goods NEW YORK CHARTERS. ble. “ Looking Backward” bus a literary NORTH NATIONAL BANK. flavor but not “Looking Backwards.” The Stockholder* of the North Naiiouul Bunk adapted to the Christmas season them. \ All Qualities ! All Prices ! arc hereby notified that their Annual Meeting will Dec. 14, schs. Augusta Herrick. New York be held ut their Banking Boom# ou T I K » 1 )A Y. to 8au Domingo City and hack with hug sugar, After years of experimenting Spencer Optical January 14 1890, ul 10 o'clock u. m , for choice than §8.26 per ton, uud port charges for tho round; ! Co. have succeeded in making Spectacles from o f * Bou

NEWS BREVITIES. YE COURTIERS. WARREN BAPTISTS. Hair Dressing Little Chunks of Happenings From Judge, Lawyers and Juries Assemble What Some of the Church's —akd— Places Far and Near. to Dissemble. Former Pastors Wrote. Mort Blessed It Civs '1UH I lilfli New The Doings of the Week Boiled Down What Has Been Occupying Massive Members Who in Times Past Bore the for Home Consumption. THAN TO RECEIVE. Legal Brains the Past Week. Burden and Heat ot the Conflict. FARLORS. — It is reported in Paris that (he Jesuits will The great play of “Justice with the The following are extracts from letters re­ Give an Easy Q h a ir to mother be expelled from Brazil. Scales' was commenced in this city Tuesday, 400 Main Street, with the following able cast ot characters. ceived and read at the recent reunion of the Three Apache Indians under sentence of Warren Baptist Church : Itnckhlfid, Me. Present to \ \ a r r y a Smoker's Set. Judge—Enoch Foster, Bethel, Associate Justice. death hanged themselves Thursday night. Clerk—Ralph Ulmer, Rockland. England County Attorney—J II. li. Hewett, Thomaston. : Rev F. S. Bickford, Lamoinc. writes of bis —Jerome Paik, one of New York's running Sheriff— W. 8. Irish, Rockland. love tor and adherence tu the Warren liapti-t 4 Plush R ocA er for your lady. race tracks, is to be cut up Into house lots and Deputy Sheriffs—J. W. Giay, Vinalhaven; F. G. , church, ns the church of his spiritual birth, Currier, Camden; E. I,. Stahl, Warren; E. 11. and Irom the tact that natural ami family tra- sold. Burk. tt, Union; John 8. Smalley, St. George; C. I), sires in iinnoimcii lin t she lias r A Silver |c e Pitcher is a fine g ift , ditions hind him in a peculiar manner to the Ling ■ mid Allrae Ivc Additions i Edward J.Merrill of Maine has been appointed It. Flanders, Washington. Messenger—Fred G. Irish, Rockland. same, his great-grandfather, Andrew Fuller, living Its first pastor, his grandfather lor n iin v 18 I S , In fact Silver Wareiof any kind assistant librarian of the House vice Smith, Stenographer—M Iota S. I’owers, Pittsfield. promoted. Chaplain—Rev. W. G. llolmnn, Rockland. years its deacon, and Ills father for 25 years Hoods, Hair The jurors we gave last week. William L. alter filling the same office. Clothing House Give a T hought to grandma. —Hon. Samuel J. Randall, it is hoped will Calland of Thomaston and J. Adam Wiley, Rev. A. 11. Granger now of Burrillville.R. I , Manicuring & Toilet Articles, &c. be able to take his place in the House after the St. George, arc ’.he foremen. who preached in the church lor the first time W ith a View of m eeting the demiindu of tin* HOLT Christmas recess. The following Jurors were excused for sun­ Sepl. 1843 and was called to the pastorate and DAY Til \ UK Cu-tomern are aa-ure l that onlv Then there's M ary too, don't forget. dry reasons: Jasper Calderwood of Vinal­ ordained in October following in writing says: Eruph ami Reliable Goods are kept nt, LoweHt Cawh —The recently organized Dempsey Athletic haven; John McNeal, Rockland; James M. “The Ordination sermon was preached by Rev. I’rlcen. Write us Jl^bout your Christmas Club of Fargo, N. I)., offers a purse of 840,000 Payson, Union; F. O. Smith, North Haven; L. B. Allen, Rev A. Kallock gave the Charg Joseph B. Watts, Thomaston; J. H. W ig g in , and Rev. Alvan Felch the Hand of Fellowship. for a tight to a finish between Sullivnn and Rockland. Not a member of that couneli is now living Christmas & New Years Presents Jackson. Tuesday afternoon Arthur S. Littlefield of All order* bv mall receive prompt nnd careful nt. PRESENTS. The church then numbered about 299 members tentlon •.•L ad le* ’ and ( ’hlldn n’H Hair DreKHlng a — A Fresno, (Cal.) woman threw a celluloid Vinalhaven and Albert W. Salisbury of Bar and embraced many of the leading men ot the Specialty ♦.• lo this department tin- Latest nnd Harbor were admitted to the bar after a search­ village and town. I have seen as many ns 00 Mo-t Becoming Fa-hb.ii- are Rtudfed nnd ad-’ptel. We hn>vc such beautiful goods. cuff Into the stove. Her husband will have to ing examination which they passed very brill­ men at a covenant meeting, i be leading men nreiiil Mlleiitiotl given to Mutiieuiltig. GREAT SALE Some just opened that would do your pay 8150 to repair damage to the kitchen and iantly. Mr. Lbtieiield has studied in the office nt that time were Dea. John Miller, Dea. Win. 48-60 to get a new stove. of his brother, Attorney-General C. E. Little­ I, Starrett, Dea. Dunean McCallum; Brethren heart good to look at and still would field and is a graduate of the Columbia Law John II. Cottncc, Peter Fuller, Thomas Burton. not hurt your pocket book. Thursday forenoon a portion of an end wall School. Mr. Salisbury studied who J. O. Outside the village there were Charles Cope standing Bince the great (ire was blow n down by Robinson, esq., this city. land Hatevii l’ayson. Jacob Robinson had Hon. Nathan Cleaves of Portland was in the just come into the church. I began mv minis­ Revere House, OF Such Lovely Desks for the Ladies a high wind at Lynn.probably latally injuring a city the early portion of the week expecting terial life in Warren and shall probably c d it workman named Dacy. to appear in behulf of the Liverpool, London & here. My first 11 yeirs were spent there. 23 In BOSTOM. —Another ;Ncw York lineman was killed by Globe Insurance Co., which has been sued tiy Providence and 11 here. Have passed my N ear ItoBlon nnd Maine, Ka*i< rn, Eltehburu, nrin That makes us think about our Mrs. Mary J. Oliver of Warren to recover seventieth birthday, but am able still to do Lowell denotn, cctitrcH of buBinenH and placen of Combination Desks and Book Cases. electric light wires Tuesday. His death was 81700, insurance on her house, burned in some service lor the Master and also to net us nmtirienient. Warren several years ago. It will be re­ horrible. He received the shock while in the Superintendent of the school, here, having held Iliiiirlsnniel v KurnisliPrl.Homelike and If some young man who is doubtful air and lay for some time on the wires. membered that Mr. Oliver was indicted for that office for the past six years.” OVERCOATS as to his success with the girl lie loves setting fire to the house and acquitted. M“ . J. Burgess of East Boston speaks of his in­ Comfortable. Kept on the would only make this present, there —Adelina Patti has had her luxurious raven Oliver now sues to recover the insurance. Th: terest in his old church home, refers to the re­ tresses dyed to a beautiful auburn hue because plaintiff did not appear, however, either per­ vival when Mr. Leland was with the church, would be joy in that young man’s sonally or by counsel, and Judge Cleaves re­ EUROPEAN PLAN she has to have hair of that color in playing and mentions among those whom he remem­ Il oom* nil lartfe and comfottable; elegant RUiten, heart on the 26th day of December. turned to Portland Wednesday noon. bers as the good and faithful ones. D a. Fisher, with bath* nttncln d ; ample public p irlor* ; uentle’ Juliette and does not want to wear a wig. W. W. Barlow, esq , oi Philadelphia was c uhm AND We know the perplexities of gift Dea. Webb, and Sisters Hoffses, Storer and men** eale and billiard room , and tirst I in ev —Gen. Greeley welcomes the recommenda­ also in the ciiy reprisenting Mrs. Gardiner in Peabody. eiy re-met. choosing. Once we decided on a cer­ the now lamous Gardiner divorce. At his ! «fir-E llie mimic every evening conducted by Mr. tions of the President for the transfer of the instance the case was continued until the next Rev. Newell T. Dutton who for ten years Sworiinboiirne ol the the Boston tiymphony OreheR tain Christmas that we’d give our weather bureau to the department of agri term of court. was pastor of the church sent greeting nnd tra. young lady a useful present and so Bernard Holmes by Arthur Holmes, “next best wishes for prosperity. Mr Dutton is now ROOMS FROM #1.00 A DAY Ul». culture as likely to lead to the solution of this located in Houlton. Rev. O. Richardson is at seerched the stores and decided on friend,” sued H. A. Howard fui damage due J. F. MERROW & CO., Proprietors mooted question. to injuries received by the alleged careless Rutland, Vt. 43 3 1 r shoes, bought fours, judged we,(I held —Steamer Amarantba, at Boston, Tuesday driving of delendant. The jury failed to agree. From the letter of Rev. B. F. Shaw of ULSTERS! her hand often enough to know the J. E. Hanly for plaintiff; W. R. Prescott tor Waterville who became connected with the from Java, brought a cargo of 3,479 tons of defendant. church in 1869 we extract the following: “I size of l>er foot. She wore two and Java sugar, said to be the largest consignment found a perfectly united body of Christians a half—O Miserie. Since then we’ve INDICTMENTS. of Java sugar ever landed there. It is con The Grand Jury rose Friday morning and re­ who by much antecedent praver hail prepared JobandRepairShop. experimented on room fixing articles the way fur inv coining and who were ready to signed to Nash Spaulding & Co., who are not ported the following indictments: Breaking, respond to the c II made in the first sermon I and alwajs please. No more wear­ members of the trust. entering and larceny, John E. Davis, Elisha TIN AND SHEET IRONWORK. Thayer and Fred E. Dyer, of North Haven; preached, from the words, ‘Let us arise and ing apparel lor us. —William Wallard Hubbard, M. D., LL.D., build.’ Tokens of a revival soon began io I hnvi biken part of Ihe More occupied by Overcoat season bas now ar­ assault, Charles Green of Rockland; larceny, appear. 'There was a sound in the tops of W. H. Wright K < o. and uball be ph-uaed to once a prominent physician of Fall River and Hugh Kennedy, North Haven; common nuis­ ihe mulberry trees.’ The six months that receive a call Irom tin* people who may ance, Wm. H. and Lizzies. Kennedy, Rock­ want d ie nerviee* of a workm an in tin* tit) rived. Never before were we Neat Parlor Suits in Plush Waltham, and a noted lecturer in different land; drinking house and tippling shop, Wm. followed were memorable in tbe history of the work line. I will give my pern rial iitteti- cities, died at bis home in Nashua, N. H H. Kennedy, Rockland; common seller, Win. church. Men and women In the meridian of tion to ell orders for Tin ami Sheet Iron youth yielded their hearts to God end publicly Work. PurriHo h and ►tore* repaired. IJn- so well prepared to meet the Handsome Parlor Suits in Bug Pat­ Monday night. He was a native of Topsham, H. Kennedy, lloekiand; leaving and depositing espoused his cause. Calmly and steadily the ingH furni*hed and repair* promptly made terns. They’r too dear? Nonsense a Mp., and at one time a prominent platform poison, D. Frank Hopkins, Camden; drinking work wen! on. With such laborers as Brothers on cook and parlor stove*. Water pipes orator in abolitionists circles. Paralysis was house and tippling shop, Lizzie S. Kennedy, Bickford, Leander Robinson. Studlcy, New- looked after and repaired. Second-hand wants of our many patrons. nice Suit for 845 in beautiful Colored Rockland; common seller, Lizze S. Kennedy; bert, Kallock, Copeland, Richardson. Counce Sto us bought and sold. Plushes. You want less expensive the cause of death. common seller, Calherine Mclnlire; common Xew mill Second Hand Stoves Fur Stile, nuisance, Catherine Mclnlire, Rockland. nnd very many others of like spirit both men Our sales are large and con­ articles? —The Kansas Supreme Court decides in the and women, there was no need to go outside case of D. C. Lindsey against the Atehinson Rocco Lotti of Hurricane was made a citizen for help. How often have I lived over again JOMAJHAN CROCKETT, of this glorious country. the scenes of that precious revival and recalled stantly increasing. It is not How do Work Baskets at $1.50 Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company that the images of the faitliful ones who since those Lindley cannot recover damages. Lindley days have passed on to their heavenly home." strange that we are busy, be­ was injured while signalling to the engineer at PULPIT HARBOR. From 18-10 to 1889, 74 men and 174 women, S n itl the request of the conductor. Lindley was members ot the church, have died. High school commenced Monday, Mr. Love­ cause our stock is large and at­ EASY CHAIRS AT ...... » 5 00 not subject to the conductor’s orders and obeyed him merely as an accommodation. As joy master. Mr. Lovejoy taught the school ABOUT MARRYING. PLUSH ROCKERS AT ...... 0 SO last full und pertect satisfactian was given. Why Cough, tractive and people are fast gross negligence was not shown on the part of CAKE BASKETS AT ...... 4 OO J. T. Coombs started for Owl’s Head Wed- the defendant the court holds that the plaintiff neselay to attend the dedication of the new As a result of past experiences, Rev. Charles TTEN a low doses ol Ayer’s C lierry B U T T E R D I S H E S A T ...... 3 50 cannot recover. chapel. From there he will go to Islcsboto. N. Gleason of Deer Isle announces through Hie W P e c to ra l will relieve you ? Try it finding out that our clothing is PICKLE JARS AT ...... 3 OO Friday. Dec. 6, the sad news was announced local paper his determinaliun to marry no Keep it in the bouse. You are liable to Tne most destructive wind and rain Etorm more couples unless the names of In th parties have a cough at any deserving of tbe popularity it HANGING LAMPS with JUnvoratud of the death ot Samuel Carver, one of our tu the iransaction are sent to him long enough S h a d e . a t ...... 3 60 which ever visited the western portion of most esteemed citizens. His age was upward time, and no other Westmoreland county passed over the city of ot 88. He leaves a host of friends and relatives before ilie dute of ihe ceremony for him lo H A L L L A M P S ...... 3 76 act intelligently. Since his residence in Deer remedy is so effective has attained. Jeannette about two o'clock Wednesday morn­ to mourn bis loss. Isle, he says,he has married more than twenty- as tliis world- TABLE LAMPS ...... 1 0 0 ing. Houses were blown down and unroofed There have been busy times at A. J. Ames’ live couples. At some of these services he has renowned prepara­ D I N I N G S E T S , 113 p ie c e s ...... 9 Oo workshop this fall. Fred Alexander. Elisha been glad to officiate but there have been If you can get just as good and trees torn up by the roots and carried Brown and Frank Joyce have built them euch tion. No Iiouseltold, T E A S E T S , 5 9 p ie c e s ...... 4 00 others, und not a few, where the solemn words witii young eiiildren, long distances. Two large three story frame a horse-sled there. and praver seemed out of place and some 'lint, an Overcoat for buildings were completely demolished and a Rev. M. S. Howes, who is attending school had he known all the circumstances, he should should be without it. Blankets make a suitable present smaller building blown down and reduced (o at Newton Centre, will spend his Christinas not have performed. Any person, says f.lr. Scores of lives are so do Puffs; we have all kinds. splinters. A number of dwellings were moved vacation here, his wife accompanving him. Gleason, who supposes mat the fee covers saved every year by They are expected the 22nd, and will receive a all delinquencies and will net us “hush money'' its timely use. A Mantel Clock suits nearly every from their foundations in some instances and hearty welcome. tu the minister, not only proves himself io t e Amanda B. .Tenner, Northampton, one and So buys a beauty, striking badly damaged. The loss will be at least Elmer Brown and Ellington Carver are mak­ without principle, but insults the minister Mass., writes ; “ Common gratitude im­ every half hour and fitted with the 810,000. ing good wanes escalloping. They ship the whom he asks to perform the ceremony. pels me to acknowledge tin- great bene­ celebrated Cathedral Gong. They’re fish to New York. They bring about 815 a fits I have derived fur myehE .ren from S12.00 LATE LACONICS. limecask lull. DEPARTMENT COMMANDER. tlie use of Ayer’s most excellent Cherry fine—cheap too. No place to beat Xenophon Leadbetter received 85 lor the Pectoral. I bad lost two dear eiiildren pumpkins that were rolled over the hank last from croup and consumption, and had * War on the Maryland oyster pirates has tall. We are glad to say that the majority o f Lieut. Samuel L. Miller of Waldoboro is to tlie greatest fear of losing my only re­ ATKINSON’S begun again. the culprits were not our young men. But be a candidate for Department Commander of maining daughter ami son. as they were to $lSas you can get made for ♦ New Haven will hereafter supply its pub­ two out of the seven that have been arrested the Grand Army at the meeting to be held at delicate. Happily, I find that by giving lic schools with free text hooks. here this fall are residents of this place. Augusta in January, and his prospect'd elec­ them Ayer’s Clierry Pectoral, on tlie first 24 to 830, then you have for a Christmas Gift selection. Keep tion to that honorable und responsible place symptoms of throat or lung trouble, they • The Farmers and Laborers’ Union is com­ seems to be good. are relieved irom danger, and are be­ everething almost, well, everything bining with the Knights of Labor. ISLE AU HAUT. Besides having an excellent record as a sold­ coming robust, liealtli.v eiiildren.'’ saved $12, haven’t you? Plen­ for the houst. A nice line of Brack­ * The city ot Boston will pive 83,000 to the ier he is a genial gentleman, a popular veteran “ In tlie winter of 1885 I took a bad ets with Mirror and Pegs for the hall family of each of the men killed in the recent and an editor whom his associates have honorid cold which, in spite of every known fire in that city. Capt. Ezra Turner died at his home Thurs­ with the presidency of tbe Maine Editorial As­ remedy, grew worse, so that the family ty of men who once thought 81.25. • The Dennison party has subscribed day Dec 12 after a short und painful illness. sociation. He has special qualifications for t' e physician considered me incurable, sup- Shaving Stands at all prices. 8290,000 to stock for the Dennison Manufact­ Mrs. Welsh, Miss M. A. Small, Mrs. Sarah command ot Maine G. A. R. Department, nosing me to lie. iu consumption. As a they couldn’t be fitted ready uring Company. Hamilton am i others made a shoit visit to through experience gained as second officer id last resort I tried Ayer's Clierry Pecto­ Perhaps you are going to let Char­ Rockland lust week. that body lor one year, und in being a promi­ • Atlanta proposes to erect a monument to ral, anil, in a short time, the cure was made are learning economy ity begin nt home and see about home the memory o f Jefferson Davis, and wants to Alihough there is no minister here at present, nent member, well versed in its affairs, lor complete. Since then I have never been fixings. have the body buried there. Sunday School is held regularly every Sabbath, many years.—Somerset Reporter. without this medicine. I am fifty years The hand ot fate seems io point to the genial of age, weigli over 189 pounds, and at­ Navigation on the Delaware and Hudson and is quite well attended. and dressing as well. It is sur­ Charles Chapin while seining for lobster Samuel L Miller of the Waldoboro News, us tribute my good health lo Hie use ot Canal closed Fridav. The coal shipments of tbe next Department Commander of the Maine Aver’s Clierry Pectoral.”—(i.W.Yoliker, Ibe season amount m 1 .000,000 tons, an increase bait in this liarlior, brought ashore in bis net G. A. R.—Foitluud Press. prising to us what handsome over last year of 77,000 tons. fifteen good-sized cod fish. This is something Salem, N. J. C hristm as unusuul as such large fish are seldom caught “ Last winter I contracted a severe ------•♦*------in the harbor. NEWSPAPER NOTES. cold, which by repeated exposure, be­ Overcoats are being sold this We will furnish if yon send 85.00 WEST WASHINGTON. The East Side School is being taught by came quite obstinate. I was iiiueli Miss May Dunbar of North Castine. Mbs troubled wit li hoarseness and bronchial A PARLOR COMPLETE. ..SUO.OO Hattie Webb ot South Deer Isle is leaching The Boston Herald bus become a great Maine irritation. After trying various medi­ season at tbe price; and good, Augustus N. Linscott lost a horse Thursday. , paper, a solid page ot crisp, late Maine news cines, without relief, I at last purchased A HITTING ROOM ...... 3 8 .0 0 school in District No. 1. Miss Webb is a most I making il a most desirable puper tor Maine J. C. Slater has bought a horse of Dea. S. E. successful teacher and the school is progressing a bottle of Ayer’s Clierry Pectoral. On too, A DINING ROOM ...... 17 5 0 finely. readers. This fact is becoming apparent tu our taking tliis medieiiie, my cough ceased Hopkins of Whitefield. j people, as is evidenced by ihe increased de­ almost immediately, and I have lie. u A K I T E II E X ...... 3 7 .0 0 A. L. Day has built a new house near mand for the paper in this section, t he Heruld well ever since.”—Rev. Tlios. li. Russell, T bo se who are contem plat­ A C H A M B E R ...... SHOO Maddox Corner, Iloht. Sukeforth being master ROCKPORT. i is a great, big, newsy, readable, ably-edited Secretary Ilolston Conference and I'. E. builder. : paper, and we swear by it. of tlie Greenville District, M. E. C., For the last four orders, on receipt Miss Annie E. Slater is teaching school in | Lewiston is to have another daily, the Daily Jonesboro, Tcun. t ing having an overcoat made to Maurice Prescott is teaching in Rockville. of 85 we will ship freight prepaid to Union---- T. S. Bowden is teaching school in Labor Advocate. We bave.no doubt there Waldoboro. S ell. Joe Carleton is being thoroughly re- I will te euough daily labor ahuut it. order will find it to their ad­ any li. R. Station in .Maine or New Miss Eurania Kenniston who has been in paired. She will have new masts. Hampshire the furnishings for either Taunton, Mass., the past year, is visiting her Sch. Jennie Pillsbury, Wall, has discharged LITTLE OLDER. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, vantage to examine our stock. of these rooms balance payable at father, Capt. E. L. Kenniston. a cargo of coal for Burgess & Son. PKKFAKED BY The brethren of Washington Lodge, No. 41, Carleton, Norwood A Co. have shipped a i Tbe Waterville Sentinel recently stated that Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. live dollars a monlh. report one of the finest times of the season, set of sails and anchors for hark P. J. Carlton. I a man named Worm well, residing in that town, Bold by ull Druggists. Price i l ; Mix bottles, their anniversary supper and entertainment Tbe W. F. M. Auxiliary bad a pleasant I was'be oldest Grand Army man in the slate, is the Most Liberal Offer at the village, Thursday evening. gathering,...... Wednesday evening, in ihe M. E. be be mg 79 years of age. Knox County takes Ever Made by any F urniture House. The following officers of Borneman I’ost vestry. exception to this statement, und presents the were elected Friday evening ; Ira It. Sylvester Steamer Lucy P. Miller was detained in odr name of Danforth B. Blackington, South Hope, Commander; Alonzo Rhodes, S. V. Com­ harbor four hours recently, taking in freight a member ot Cooper Post of Union, 83 years We want to advertise our goods mander; Saiii’l Cunningham, J. V. Com­ tor New York. old last July, as the gentleman entitled to that and will surely send the best so that mander; I*. G. Ingalls, Surgeon ; J. C. Morton, honor. Chaplain; T. S. Bowden, Quartermaster; J. E. Sch. Edward S. Stearns, Heal, takes phos­ your .neighbors will order as soon as Bartlett, O. D .; Freeman Jones, O. G.; J. C. phate to Savannah, Ga., and lumber on retu u OUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. HEW EHQL/{HD they see yours. Morton, Delegate and F. G. Ingalls, Alternate trip to New York. Everybody can be happy this to State Encampment. Carleton, Norwood & Co. purchased in The second edition of 1900 copies of Fie- Gloucester, Mass, schooner Leona, ofabcut turesque Camden has been printed. The hook Chiistmas and have a i:iee comfort­ one bundled tons, for Ihe lime business. which contain® descriptions ot the scenery a s ­ able home by our plan. Think it MATINICUS. Bark Jennie Harkness, Amslmry, passed sisting ot mountain, lake anti sea an d of the over anti write to us about it. Trust Angier, Oct. 12th, Richard Parsons, Tbori dike, drives in and about Camden, with tine phuiO- Oct. IStb., for New York. Letters received. gravuic and Meissenbach illustrations, by the us as we offer kto trust you. Our rep­ Scb. Little Elvu has been undergoing repairs. Lakeside Press, Portland, bus been bound in clothihq utation is too good to have you dis­ Oliver G. Perry has been home on a sh»rt paper and cloth. It is a line edition of a must visit. BURKETTVILLE. beautiful boob, and tbe author, Hon. T. It. satisfied. School is in session, under the instruction of Simonton, bus dune himself proud. Miss Lillian Brown. Mrs. Elbridge Fish has nearly recovered THE ATKINSON Capt. Weston Ames of ibis place has moved ftom her recent severe illness. bis family to Vinalhaven. The tuneral of Mrs. Maxy Burkett was HOUSE. Mrs. Henry Pb.ibrook is recovering from largely attended und services eondacteij bv INIMENT House Furnishing Co. her attack of rheumatism. Mis. Wm. Morse of Seaismont. Her death S. 1). Bartlett und sister Cad ot Washington Vulike any other, Andrew Andersou has moved his family oceured on tbe 2d inst, aged 81. visited friends here lust week. ib um m u c h fo r Intern a l a s E xternal u se. Many people do not know tide. ROCKLAND, MAINE. into the rooms vacated by W. U. Ames. At the last regular meeting ot Medomac F. A- Handley bas had a present ol u bird Valley Grunge the following officers were dog from a friend in Rockland. Most Wonderful Family Utrnedy Ever Knonu. U. U. SANBORN...... Mai ugcr. Mrs. Lotiu Rhodes has returned to Soulb L\ir- Positively cures Diphtheria, Croup, Asthma, Mulinieus alter a brief visit lo Boston. elected f.r the ensuing year: Master, L M. Miss May Allen of Camden is boarding with 3’rouchitis, Neuralgia, Hheurnutisuj, Hoarsenea.i, 371-M ain Street 371 HEADQUARTERS, Staples; Overseer, John Howes; Lecturer, I). I ilackiuu Counh. Whooping Cough, Catarrh, Chol­ Capt. Fred A. Norton called on friends in Mrs. D. A. Payson and attending school. era Morbus, Diurrhu.’U, Sciatica. Lame back and M. McIntosh; Steward, John Luce; Assis'nmt I Soreness in Body or Limbs. Full particulurs sent Ki rkland and Soulb Tbomuslou Iasi week. Steward. Chas. Bartlett; Chaplain, Louisa | ——— - «o* - —----— free. Price,3Ccts.; U bottles, $2. Express prepaid. Cor. Pearl and Middle Sts., Portland. Mrs. Isuuc E Pbilbrook bas returned from Miller; Treasurer, Miles Burkeil; Sccrelarv, Avoid paying soap mukers 8 cents a pound I. S. JOHNSON OO., BOSTON, MASS. Ellsworth where she has been visiting rela­ Wm. II. Moody; Pomona, Annie L. Staples; for rosin, which costs them less t an 1 cent a ROCKLAND. ISAAC C. ATKINSON, Geu. Munagvr. tives. pound, by usiug Brussels soap which contains Flora, Mabel Noyes; Ceres, Helen Robbins; no rosin. E. A. Young look bis neighbor Capt Otis H. Stewardess, Coieuo Miller. Wm. H Moody GEO. C. CHAMBERLAIN, M. D., BRANCH STORES at Auburn, R n ck lu i.il Abbott out one day recently to give him a ride was chosen delegate to attend Ihe meeting of One thousand dollars reward will he given Baugur, Biddeturd, Norway,Gurdiucr anil behind his new horse. Result, a slight earth­ State Orange ui Belfast. The Grunge is pros­ for every ounce of rosin iound iu Brussels Physician and Surgeon. W a le r v i l lc , M e. pering finely. quake and a broken wbeel. soap. HdEMJiUll', . . . . MAINE T he Courier-Gazei te.

TWO DOLLARS A YFAK IN ADVANO1U Entered as Second CIjipm M ail. V olum e 14. S2.AO if not paid within tho year. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1889. N u m b er 49,

THE ART OF QUARRELING. CHRISTMAS CAROL. It is the Second Word That Causes Kabo, Kabo, Kabo—that Trouble. Christm as sounds like an African name. Youth's Companion. It means a corset “ bone” The first words of a quarrel, which are generally too trilling to be remembered, th a t can’t be b ro k en — if it U p o n t h i s H o l y D a y . are like the few sparks that fall upon P r e s e n t s can’t be broken, it doesn t the dry leaves of the forest. The angry retort is the puff of wind that blows stick into you—so it means a them into a flame. Then tho mischief “ bone” of comfort, not of Published through The American Press Association, by permission of R. A. Saalfield, 4-1 Union is done past recall. Then two hearts EASILY CHOSEN! friendly a few minutes before, are full of ...... AT ...... contention. Square, Nino York. anger. Then words are spoken which It means a corset “ bone” may he forgiven, but hardly forgotten, that doesn’t kink— if it doesn t and tile friendship is seldom quite as it W ords by Rev. H. R. BRAMLEY, M.A. Music by H. P. DANKS. was before. Hence the old saying, “It kink, the corset can’t roll up is the second word that makes the H . GALLERT'S in the middle as corsets are .S'E M / - C li c i t US. Gently. quarrel ” That second word usually wounds the pride or the self love ot him apt to do—so it means a to whom it is addressed. It may take a “ bone” that stays where you form tfiat implies a doubt of the other’s •— + 3 - -±-A •„ • i * p u t it. veracity—a dire offence to any one not Large Variety ot Most Useful ™ f - ~ ~ i ’ r .- wholly debased. Often it insinuates a It isn’t a “bone” at all, 1. ’Tia the day, tho bless • ed day, On which our Lord was horn, was horn, And sweet - iy 2. In an hum -hie feed - ing trough, With - in a low - ly, low - ly shed, With cat lie low, small, unworthy motive. Some­ Goods. Astonishing Assort­ but Kabo, Kabo, Kabo ; and times the maddening word is a truth, as Tenor. when Brutus told Cassius he had an Kabo means a corset you “ itching palm to sell his offices for ment ot Regular Christmas wear a week or two or three, H 3 gold.-’ Cassius was so enraged that he Fancy Goods. till you make up your mind cried: 3. lie will save the per - ish-ing, Will waft the sighs to lieav’n, to lieav’n, OF guilt y I an itching palm ’ about it, and then come back Yon know that you are Brutu* that speak this, 4. Flowrs we see bloom fair a - gain, Though nil their life seems shed, seems shed. Thus we shall Or, by the god*, this tpeeeh were else your IttBt. to us and get your money, Ugly truths must sometimes be spokf n, Anticipating a Great Christmas if you’d rather have money but not win n two persons are hound by ------' - r — / — t— interest aud duty to avoid quarreling. Trade we have made great prepara­ than K abo. Another most irritating retort is one W e have a primer on Cor­ which attributes cowardice. Coorage tions accordingly. Our stock repre­ sets for you at the store. and truthfulness being tlie very founda­ a ? ; ? D> T I • U-«- ;i tions of respectable character, a remark sents so many articles appropriate W . 0 . 11EW ETT & CO., Agents. which conveys an intimation of a want of either is a pure provocative of quarrel for Christinas Presents that wc can There are tones in the voice which can­ easily gratify every taste and suit TO Your Umbrella Worn Out? the sun-beams gild Tho dew - bo - span - gled thorn...... Tho birds sing thro’ tho not he described, hut every reader, un­ Id the Handle and Frame Good? His in • fant feet. And shop - herds nt His head...... The Sav - lour of this less he is a high class saint, has used every purse. To mention everything them in the early moments of a quarrel TAA you want to save half the ex- The most innocent things in the world about them is a matter of impossi­ pense*of buying a new one? may he said in such a way as to rasp " V and humiliate, particularly if it is ac­ bility, but the following list will give TII33axr I3U Y men, who trti • ly seek And weep to bo for giv n...... An in - ter-ces- sor companied by a certain look out of the rise to life once more, Though num - her’d with the dead...... Then mav our sta - tiou eyes. Human beings, old or young, one a general idea of the line. frM g—— N I never appear in so poor and mean a THE F. P. ROBINSON COMP’Y ^g zL = ^-ag -i-g — j?rz:g^=i^ light as when they are quarreling. A -J—I------j_ £ — i—|------tz— ,------p_ fituily quarrel is among the mostsorow- ful and vulgar of all displays of human Wc have an 1. play,. infirmity. Among people living in the 4. pay,. house sitting throe times a day at tlie same table.being together in the evening, Elegant and Large Assortment working together in the Hay lime, all .....OF..... possessing a nervous system and a tender self love, it must needs he that offences fuqs, fflUFfS, bo^s, Manufactured only by i T l# 4 t 4 4 t t I b f I I come. Irritating words will be uninten­ THE F. P, ROBINSON CO. heav’ns so clear, The breez-es gen - tly, gen - tly play, And song and sun-shine lovo - ly Be­ tionally spoken ; expected attentions will gin - ful world In in - no-cence lie lay. Ho lay, And wise-men made their of - f’ring Up- Capes, Collars, Etc. Boston, M ass. be ((milled ; the material of a quarrel will SB *=Es*= f:=e— *-pfcr;3- Hay. venter ol the roller skate made over PIANOS ANO ORGANm o $1,000,00(1, notwithstanding the fact Cheaper than a r: v that ilis patent had nearly expired before in Silk, Linen, Cashmere, Plain, t e r HOUSE s°ouAE ;rIN . THE STATZ. its value was ascertained. E N T S FOR Hay...... The gimlet-pointed screw lias pro Fancy or Embroidered. A selection " r L E A D I N C M AKER?, dueed more wiallli than most silver S U C H A 3 C H A G E , of a 1000 dozen assortment. We • etKtiSSF'1'' M O R R IS , PACKARD mines, and tlie American who first jjK AND CARPENTER. thought of putting copper tips to chil­ oiler SEND FOR CUTS AND 6 - * 1 * • L ' * 1 * - -•* " 1 • ■ ' * • ‘ i - ? - “ s i - u dren’s shoes is as well off as il his father PRICES. CASH OR IN- hail left him $2,000,000 in United States STALMENTS. d l8 1 * J 1 r '— r bonds. The Atkinson House Furnishing Co., cl, No - el 1...... Now hear the sal - u - ta tion Of An - gel Ga Upward of $10,000 a year was made UNAPPROACHABLE BARGAINS PORTLAND, AUBURN, BANGOR, by the inventor of the common needle ROCKLAND. BIDDEFORD, NORWAY, LS----i----- threader. To the foregoing might he AND GARDINER, MAINE. -'I-'' : D II Ludie** Fine Linen Initialed Hand- added thousands of trifling but useful k e r c h ie f* ...... I 0u« ISAAC C. ATKINSON, Gcn‘1 Manager. articles from which handsome incomes ate derived or for whieli large sums cl, No - c l!...... Now hear the sal - u - ta tion Of Au - gel Ga - bri - c l , . . . . have been paid. That favorite American toy, a “return hall”—a wooded ball with an elastic :,"| o ; . ; i 1, . r . . 1 - T i l attached—yielded the patentee an in­ come equal to $30,000 a year, and an income of no less than $75,000 per an­ I0CKLAND TRUST CO. Copyright, 18S7, by It. A. fcuullichi. num to the inventor of the “dunciug Jim Crow.” Tlie invention of WHENCE COME THE COLORS ! mercury, and native Vermillion is from part of their success to the same cause “Hliaraoh’s serpents,” a toy much yjf£ DEPOSIT BOXES the quicksilver oar called cinnabar. As for the other point, I am still an oh- in vogue some years ago, was the F ^ Y tfoL,Df\Y Qoods! Aiaetiean bruygiat. ------! stinute dissenter from the “orthodox-’ outcome of some chemical experiments,’’ ...... TO LET A T ...... The cochineal insects furnish a great VOCAL TRAINING. I teaching of singing masters on the sub- a toy much in vogue some years ago, many of the very line colors. Among ---- —— ! jeet. was the outcome ot some chemical ex­ Fine line of Rain Umbrellas,Fans, 5, S8, S lO a Year them tlie gorgeous carmine, the crim­ Something About the Teaching of Lit- 1 have already more than once ex- periments.and brought the inventor more [ACCOKDING TO SIZE] son, scarlet carmine, and purple lake. tie Children to Sing. ' pressed my belief that there is no rea- than $50,000. Pocket Books, Chatelaine Bags, Two questions in connection with the; son why training, within certain limits The cuttlefish gives the sepia. It i9 the The sale of tho little wooden figure Shopping Bags, Plush Manicure Sets, he Vault ofthe Rockland Trust Co, inky fluid which the fish discharges in training ofthe voice are to he discussed, and under strict supervision by a com- “ .John Gilpin” was incredibly large for order to render the water opa.pie when viz: When it should ho commenced pelent person, should not lie carried on many years and a very ingenious toy, Toilet Sets, Collar, Cull-, Handker­ ,-Tliis will be fouml » »»fe place for attacked. Indian yellow comes from ami whether it should lie interrupted when the voice is in the transition stage known as the “ wheel of life,” is said to ruble 1'upers, ISo u iIm, Stockii, Kle., being tho camel. Ivorv chips produce the during the so called cracking period j of its development from ehil Ihood to have produced upwards of $500,000 chief and Jewelry Boxes, Combs, Proof and Burglar Proof. -t ivory black and hone black. The ex­ With regard to tho first of these ques- adolescence. profits to its inventor. quisite Prussian blue is made by fusing lions I am strongly of opinion that train The stock juiuent, invariably ad­ ------Brushes, Soaps, Perfumes, Jewelry, horses’ hoofs and other refuse animal ing can hardly he begun too early. ()i vanced to prove tlie necessity of sus­ Something Ails Them All. matter with impure potassium carbonate. course, the kind and amount of praetiei pending the education of the voice till it Christmas and New Year’s Cards, This color was discovered accidentally. that are ueeessary in the adult would he has passi d [brought the “breaking ’ pe 7 CP* 20 Year Gold Bonds Various lakes are derived from roots, monstrous in a young child, hut there is [ riod, is that, as tlie parts are undergoing The Boston Herald thinks the fugitive Fancy Baskets, Etc. A fine Hue of barks and gums. Blue black comes no reason why, even at the age of G or 7, I active changes,, they llicrelore tequiic Emperor Hom Hedl'o will fave dillieiilty W e O ile r a t P a r a n il I n te r e s t 115(111,000 from the charcoal of the vine stalk. the right method of voice production | complete rest. This would equally apply in finding anybody among the crowned Aprons, Ladies’ and Gents’ Fur BEAR LAKE AND RIVER WATER Lamp black is soot from certain lesin- should not ho taught. I t<» the limbs, ami, in somi degree, also heads of Europe to cheer him up. file Lined Kid Gloves, Embroidered ous substances. Turkey red is made Singing, like any other art, is chiefly | to the brain. Yet 1 am not aware that tin one of Hortugal, which country is his Eancy Table Covers, Table Scarfs, WORKS AND IRRIGATION CO. from the madder plant, which grows in learm-d by imitation, and it seems a pit> it lias ever been proposed to lorhid grow- destination, is reported to lie tottering Tidies, Pillow Shams, Linen Stamped Boudtf due in 1901), Interest Payable April Hindustan. The yellow sap of a tree in to lose tho .idvantago of ttiose precious ails from exercising their bodies, Tlie infant King of Spain isn’t big 1 »L and October 1st. Siam produces gamboge; the natives early years when that faculty is most even in games involving considerable enough or strong enough to afford eon Goods,Ladies’ and Children’s Knitted muscular violence, or to interrupt the sol ition ; the King ol Italy suffers from 'J’hetfo Bond* are a portion of a total o f # 2 .0 0 0 - catch the sap in cocoa nut shells. Haw highly developed. There is no fear of Worsted Iloods, Fascinators, Tobog­ 0 0 9 , ami are iaaued to complete the construction of sienna is the natural earth from the injuring tlie larynx or straining the voice education of the mental powers till the chronic gastritis; the King of Holland liO mile* of eanak diverting the water of Bear neighborhood of Sienna, Italy. Haw by elementary instruction of this kind brain Inis become fully tormeil. Over is on liis deathbed; the Czar is hypo­ gans, etc. Hivei- into the Great Salt Luke Valley, Utah, iui Jr- l igating 200,000 acres of land, ami to supply the City umliria is also an earth found near On tlie contrary, it is habitual faulty pressure there may he. no doubt, in chondriacal; tin- Em peior of A ustri> is of tlgdeu and other towns with water for dome»tie Umbria and burnt. India is made from vocalization which is pernicious. voice training as in other kinds of in­ heart broken; the German Emperor’s [ V c a ll on us early before and manufacturing purpose*. burnt camphor. The Chinese are the 'file sooner tlie right way of using the struction. physical defects arc well known; tlie They are Secured b> a Fir»t Mortgage on all the the rush commences. p roperty, canal*, franchinei* and water right* be­ only manufacturers of Inis ink. aud they voice is taught Hie more easy will it lie All voices are not capable of hearing liing ol Servia is a hoy, with parents longing to the irrigation Company, including many will not reveal the secret of its manu­ to guard against tlie contraction of had the same amount nl training. Each who live apart aud liate one another tliouciand acre# of 'fertile land in Salt Lake Valley. 'l ire right is reserved to advance the nrlce facture. Mastic is made from the gum habits, which can only be corrected at a ease must he dealt with according to with all their hearts, In fact all tlie without notice. For lull information, addre*? of the mastic tree, which grown in the later period with inliuitc trouble. what the doctors call the particular “in- sovereigns of Europe are in a had way, or inquire at the oilic.es of the (irecian Archipelago Bister is the soot Many of the finest voices have been dil ations-- that may arise. My tla-i- save only Quern Victoria and tlie Kings 11. GALLERT, Jarvis-Couklin Mortgage Trust Oo. of wood ashes. Very little real ultra- Iruined almost from the cradle so to , h >lds g' oil only as a rub-, to which there ol lleumark. Sweden ami Greece 384 MAIN ST., marine is found in tho m arket, ft is speak. I need only to mention Adi lina I ni iy lie many imlividu il exceptions. A About the only ruleis who may tie said No -;iU Biou.lway, N»-w York; No. 616 Wulinit Opposite Thorudlko Hotel, KocUauiq H in d , t'lilkeb Iphi.i . No. 60 S tate H in d , B0.I011, I obtained from the precious lapislazuli Patti. Christine Nilsson, Jenny Lind ijudieious teu-hei will, h o w , v. r, Ii ive m> to he truly happy are those who owe m and No. 27 Custom House Street, 1 rovb deuce, U. 1. I and commands a fabulous price. Chi- and Mine. Albani,but there are numbers , difficulty ill deciding as to the best course their elevation to the suffrages of the uees while is ziue, scarlet is iodide of of other queens oi sung who owe a great [ W adopt in any given instance. people they govern. no directed the seizure or suppression some moments I heard a door open, ror 1 was sure lie was only stunned, expeditions the firing was distinctly BUTTER! ESCAPE FROM RICHMOND. of the paper, ho probably saw it was and this ominous remark floated out set me to laughing so that I coulu heard 130 miles off. In 1809 tho boom­ too late, for the most of his command on the air to me: "Hang tho ------hardly run. ing of tlio cannon in Heligoland reached All the winter previous to tlio close read the proclamation at the same Yankee.” Now to this day I have At this tiie English colonel grew Hanover, a distance of 157 miles. But FANCY MAINE CREAMERY in Print. and 1 time lie did. never found out who said these words, very angry, and ordered me to "shut Solid.tMAINEl.AND VKRMON T DAIRY, large of the late war, my own regiment, tha the greatest distance nt which artificial­ Turning to Capt. Goss, I said, or whether they were meant for me; up, or “we would all bo lost;” but I stock. ----- United States colored infantry, ly produced sounds are known to have was, with the balance of the Twenty- I “That’s a good dog, captain; if he hut at that time the effect was terrific could no more control my risibilities been heard was on Dec. 4, 1838, when fifth army corps, engaged in the | comes back he shall have extra ra- upon me; my heart beat like a trip­ than I could tho movement of tho the cannon at Antwerp v.-ere heard in , tions for this day’s work.” planets, and I laughed as I ran, and Family Groceries, E m of Petersburg, and very monotonous hammer; my mouth became parched tho Erzgebirge mountains. 370 milea indeed wastin' work. By tacit agree­ “And lie has earned them,” said the with sheer terror, and I leaped to my ran as I laughed. The colonel finally distant. The noise produced by an in­ positively assured trio “be would, him­ IV1IOLK4ALK AND RETAIL. captain, “fori was really at a loss to feet, but instantly the rifle of the sentry ment even the murderous habit of was brought to a bee line on me, with self, cut my throat from car to ear, if tense eruption of Mount Cotopaxi, in pickets tiring upon each other had know just howto place those papers i where they would do the most good.” a very stern "Set. down tliar, Yank, or we were recaptured ;” but we w ere not, South America, in 1744, was heard at a ceased, and, as in a terrific gale at sea it’ll lie wuss for y o u ;” and I sank hack and reached Lomax’s house (where we distance of 000 miles.—Brooklyn Eagle. (). B. KALES, there sometimes occur moments of After a smoko together and a chat 2ft J MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND 1 on camp topics, Capt. Goss left me to on the bench as one exhausted. A were expected). The colonel was so dead calm, in which nature's forces silence ensued that seemed to me in­ exhausted by bis running and his cliol- seem to he concentrating for still I return to his own quarters. The ruin came on heavier as the day waned; terminable. er that Lomax and I bail actually to greater cll'orts of destruction, so at I thought Io myself, they are get­ lift him over (be fence as wo entered this time the great armies confronting putting on my almost brand new [ overcoat, quite an elegant all’air which ting a rope now, andl remember look­ by the back premises. Miss F rances A. W ade, each other were resting, hut to begin ing ii]i pitifully, p athetically am ong As all (be world knows now, Lee in the spring the struggle which, hap­ ! I had got recently from New York, i I strolled down near the place where the limbs of the trees, and wondering abandoned Richmond, and wo then, PHOTOGRAPHER, pily, ended the war. which one of them 1 should orna­ after a day or two of hiding, emerged It was in this season of coniparativo I had sent “Dixie” oil’ on his mis­ chievous errand, looking for tin'dog, ment, for, thought I, that unfortunate from Lomax s cellar, where no one 362 Main Street, Rockland, Maine. calm my adventure took place. I proclamation is what they will not bad ever come Io look for us. I have must here say that I was then only a who had not returned. 1 whistled overlook. no doubt wo were hardly missed in T lio first lieutenant; my rapid promotion and called for him without effect; just then I thought I saw him or Time, which to me seemed so long, those last few days of tlio Confeder­ K o rk liin d to the lieutenant colonelcy, through was not many minutes on the watch acy. I made my way back to the I’liotoijrapherR, remarkably favorable circumstances, something stir in a hush in front of me. 1 stepped across a small dry dial, and I was recalled by the appeur- regiment, and was fora time the hero 320 Cnntrul Block, did not take place till the war was ance of an oliicer, followed by my of the hour. I received thirty days’ Atnln St., Make oil kind* over. to examine it. when my heart seemed to stop heating, for the instant I had first guardian. The oliicer (one of leave of absence, and when 1 returnod of Pictures In FlrHl-CliiHH «tyl«. The pickets of the southern army Longstreet’s staff) had a kindly face, was rapidly promoted to captain, ma­ Tinlypen, MlulicttH, Panel up to Life Size. on our immediate front were com crossed the ditch I heard the ominous click of a half dozen rifles, and these and asked me my fall name, regiment, jor ami lieutenant colonel, by reason posed of the troops commanded by age, rank, etc., taking all my answers of so many of tbe regimental officers Gen. Custis Lee, who was under w o rd s: “Hall! or you are a dead man! Ad­ down in pencil in a small book, lie resigning to go home. I stuck to the McLOON & CROCKETT. Longstreet, and were upon the whole then sa id : old craft until we were mustered out a very decent lot of fellows, although vance without making a sign, or Life Sizc^PicturcH Made by lb« Platinum you’re a goner!” "Lieut. North, as you must he of service, a year later, when I was Process, absolutely permanent, and mighty ragged and hungry looking, aware, tile introduction, by any commissioned a first lieutenant in the Finished in Ink and Crayon. THE PERFECT They were constantly snouting over I had stepped across tho fatal line, and was “a prisoner of war.” My first means, of such an incendiary docu­ regular army.—Commercial Bulletin. Wo keep a largo variety of to the black soldiers some .joke, which ment as this (here he held up one of Mouldings and make those merry fellows as readily replied instinct was flight, but a glance at the PATENT FLOUR, determined faces, the bright eye be­ the proclamations) into our lines con­ Frames to Suit to. I remember one Johnny calling Pauperism in xCussia. Made from Hard Spring Wheat, Grown in JSS7. hind each rillc aimed straight at me, stitutes an art which places you with­ C u sto m e rs. The only Flour on the m arket from 19s7 W heat. out. "Say, Sambo, been paid lately.'” checked that. idea. Fora second even out the pale of military law; at any Beggars will always abound in rude 10 C a ll. Make* More Bread and Better Bread Than And upon the darky answering, "Yes. I thought of resistance, of calling for rate, beyond the jurisdiction of the communities where to refuse alms is Any Other Flour in the World. sah; we jist iiez been paid, an’don’ aid, but common sense guided me, anil lieutenant general commanding this made such a grave social reproach that For sale by the following well known Grocers . you forgit it!” the southerner said, I walked deliberately over to the other division. You will be sent from here to beg comes to bo fully as comfortable “W hat in—drums?” referring to tlif- O. B. KALES. IG. A SAFFORD, side. I could bear behind me the bus- to Richmond, and the authorities t here as to work, and nearly as respectable. ICIIAS. T. SPEAR constant rattle of the life and drums will take such action in the matter as When a Russian peasant falls into tem­ GEO A AMES. in the camps of the colored soldiers. j tie and confusion among my own stalwart black fellows, some of whom, may seem proper. For your own porary ilillieuhies bo puts a wallet over C. DOHERTY, jll.O GUKDY & CO Tobacco, coll’ei?, bard bread, news­ 1 I was afterward told, actually cried at sake, I trust your youth may he taken bis shoulder, goes out among the neigh­ J. II. KLINT. lit. C. IIA L L& CO. papers and other small trilles were into account in settling tho matter.” boring villages and gets it speedily filled continually being exchanged between j their helpless position, so far as aiding FARRAND, SPEARlO. P. IIIX & CO.. I me went To this I made no reply, none being with what is known as "morsels.” He the opposing sentinels, although such &CO. PERRY BROS,, . I - - . , , , • , t, 1 The officer in command of the Con- necessary. That night 1 slept under enters every bouse, but makes no formal ..u mg y,, -, no supposei o i xi., federate pickets stood directly behind E. D GRAVES, guard; tho next day 1 was forwarded request; only the mistress of the house L ! the guard on whose post 1 entered the bv railroad to Libby prison, at Rich­ feels the meaning of the wallet and aouo more readily than myself, lot Coufederacv, and. extending his hand, mond. CHAS. B, VARNEY & CO., which dereliction in duty 1 paid se­ drops a morsel into it silently behind his B 0§™ SE9TISTS, gave mo a hearty shake, assured me After some examination in the office back; and she will do so though the S t a t e verely. that this was “an unexpected but wel­ of the prison, I was put in a room fill­ There was a dog whose name was morsel he her last and her own husband PORTLAND, - - MAINE. come pleasure,” anil then said, "Lieu ed by men in a variety of costume.-, he obliged to assume the beggar's wallet 4#10 “Dixie”—one of those nondescript tenant, step this way, please.” very few in our own uniform. I cam]) followers often found in the himself on the morrow. E cjn'j'n y is Wealth, and in this case I followed him to a wretched little thought little of this at first, for I had This touching and respectful tender­ army — who was used in assisting tho myself sold my overeoat and blouse Health.______sentinels on both sides in this contra­ caboose made of rough boardsand some ness of the poor for the poor is a natural cn route to prison, und appeared in a band trade. He had no especial owner, pieces of rough canvas. Into tbisslian- encouragement to tho professional beg­ ty 1 preceded him. suit of Confederate gray. As I enter­ BUY F a irb a n k ’s and would come to the whistle of a ed this room a man of lino appearance gar, and there are whole villages in Rus­ 388 Main Street, Rockland, Maine, man in gray or blue without iear or Dismissing tbe guard who had ac­ CELEBRATED and about middle ago raised himself sia where the people, every man of them, Opposite Thorndike Hotel. favor. lie was quite a long haired companied us, lie then begin: "My name is Randolph—Capt. Ran­ ii]) on his elbows (be was reclining on in addition to their occupation as own­ Lard Compound. animal, of no particular breed, but of a handsome traveling rug), and said: ers and cultivators of land, have for gootl size and strong; in the aggregate dolph, ----- N. C. infantry; and yours Teeth Extracted Without Pain! I h r -r . Incus made from the P U R E S T an-I most generations practiced beggary as their By my newly discovered process (used free he must have carried many hundreds is?” "I say. young man (addressing me), wli.M--,,ne ingredients, including a proportion of “North, Lieut. North, —— United have you just come ini” regular auxiliary trade. of charge.) the finest flavored cottonseed oil The Compound of pounds of cofl’eo and tobacco be­ On a single estate in Moscow province is most p «l it ,h!e and nutritious and i -.unsurpassed tween tbe two opposing lines. States colored infantry, and I should "1 have,” said 1. Teeth Filled Without P a in ! for all cooking and baking purposes, i like,” said 1, "to ask you seriously if there are lil'ty-two of these beggar vil­ side., cheaper and better than packing u.use "Well, if you are sure you are per­ All op* ---- • not care to decide what should be Ponqiey’s soldiers was a Samnite named untarily surrender to the nearest done witli me,” and ordering Capt. ginian by tlie name of Lomax, whose Tiitanus. Tritanits was a sword fencer FuoTTn: Fijourr: United States military post, etc. 1 family resided in Richmond, and one ...... Now is the time to buy ...... Randolph "to send me, under guard, of wonderful ability, so expert in the use arose as the captain entered ; he at once j to Lieut. Gen. L ongstreet.” Bo, after of whose cousins was actually, when of his weapon that he did not know what sa id : his turn camo, the sentry sta’ioned at thanking the captain for his courtesy, it was to h e vanquished. The muscles Winter Provisions and Groceries’ "Lieutenant, I have here some cop­ V E 6 E 7 A B L I Read tins over carefully and see if you can't save and leaving with him a note for mv o u r door. and sinews on his arms und breast were money by buying of us: ies of Mr. Lincoln’s proclamation, old father, anil another to ourcolonel, Col. Maxwell, Lomax and I formed Choice H’. Lou’s F lo u r...... $5 00 piled ti |i four or live inches in tliiekness, with orders to get them conveyed to which he promised to send across the a sort of p .ate league—composed Warranted the best Flour in the market for the enemy, in some way. as speedily ■ only of oui'seli , rwliose sole object and, what was most remarkahle, they Buttermilk Bread. lines (and, as 1 afterward found out, ran both longitudinally and spirally. Best Pork, per lb ...... *1 ., l t o r k l u u d . started him with a "Go il. Dixie;” “ T h a t’ud ho easy e n u lf,” said the Suddenly, the sharp ring of a rifle other causes, including tin: state of lliu FAIRBANK. A POSITIVE CURE "Go, good fellow;” and oil' lie sprang, ISfCut this out and bring it with you. 3 Johnny; "1 could say yer jist trad to brought to the charge, and the sharper atmosphere, in the Polar regions Sir tfCKCQROlAt F«»r coughs colds, consumption, soon covering the few hundred feet light out, 'en I drappeil ye, couldn't co m m an d : Joint I rani.lin said lie conversed witli unlhiiia and ail ihruul and Jung *UtTfK> I I roubles. separating us from the eiiemv. J? But don't yer be afraid, Yank; 1 "Halt! Who goes there?” rang upon ease at a distance of more than a mile. 1 W in "'fc »,* I 1 looked over and saw that all our was only jist a trying yer. 1 hain'l my cal's. Bound lias greater force in water. Col­ FAIRBANKS 111 IS . preparations had aroused tile -entries no murderer, i f 1 do wear a pretty We had come upon a stray sentinel lation, by i xp I imeiits made in tiie Lake on noth sides, and the dog \.;.s being ragged gray suit of clothes. 1 like not yet relieved from some govern­ of Geneva, estimated that a lull sub­ :5 a 4 ment storehouse, in an instant, like ROOK CORDIAL watched by hundreds of eves by yer grit, so jist lope along, an’ we’ll merged in die sea might be beard at a the lea]i of a liger. Col. Maxwell was ilAii k FAJMfc' W Il.I, UVUK YOU. none more sharply than those of the soon be Io the old man's. distance of mol e than 00 miles, l 'rank- oliicer commanding the southern pick­ Arrived at Gen. Longstreet's bead- inside the sentry’s gun before lie could For croup it is ui«*quulled; ets. Dixie reached tlio line some dis­ use it, and had laid him out by a well lin asserts that In; heard the striking children Lki- il, lh - medical fac- quarters, which were established in togetlier of two stones in tho water half uliy Midoif»e il, all leading druK- STEAM ENGINE tance from this official, and in less what had once been a handsome directed blow of the molasses bottle be­ a mile away. Tiie report of cannon gislS MdlH. '1’rv il. and you will than ten minutes every Confederate mansion of ante-bellum days, and tween tho eyes. A street lauqi not fur never be without it in your fam i­ 0 R travels very far, because ii communi­ ly If your druggist dou’i keep soldier, as far as wo could see them, which bad two largo trees still oil' enabled me to see the fracas. As ii, send $ I 00 a .J we will deliver was reading a copy of Mr. Lincoln’s standing in front of the house, I came up 1 broke my bottle of molas­ cates a vibration to tlio soil. Tito can­ < free by express. nonade of 1 lorcnce was heard beyond BOILER incendiary proclamation, for, from a a rare sight in this almost ses, also, over Ins bead, and pulled the FI Mi K|t A » A IIC BANKS southern point of view, it could be treeless region, 1 was told to “sit dowu prostrate man’s bayonet from its sheath Leghorn, about 50 miJcs oil', and that AJ Exchange St.,Bo»tou. P&END FOR OUR CATALOGUE ano PRICES considered nothing else. I saw the on a bench at the door,” and was to replace my broken bottle. Tbe sight of Genoa, 100 miles off. in 1702 tiie Confederate commander reading a guarded by the sentry who paced in of that poor fellow dripjiiug with mo- cannon of Mayeuco was bear 1 at Tin- a village 148 miles oil'. .Vlien the Children Cry for I

ART EMBROIDERY YOUNG FOLKS' COLUMN. THE CURIOSITY SHOP. I WHAT SHALL ffli WtfAIW J. W . ANDERSON, Origin of tho Post-office—It Began Abont Fred R. Spear 1481. MACHINE! SUBJECTS SURE TO INTEREST OUR FASHIONS THAT ATE APPROVED AT • Manufacturer ol the. nan in Rtock nil o f the* following YOUTHFUL READERS. A system of posts was established in Eng­ land in the time of Edward IV, about 1481, HOME AND ABROAD. and postmasters were appointed; but their FIRST QUALITY COALS H ow a Miniature Altar, with a Cress and business was confined to furnishing p»ost New nn«l Striking Flench Onwng for Out Two Candles, May Be Cut Out of Paper And is the only denier In the d ty who has nt the horses to the carriers of the government, and of Door Wear, Io Which Various Ma­ present time the genuine by a Single Stroke of the Scissors—What to persons who were desirous of traveling ex­ terials Are Artistically C o m b in ed —S nrah The Finest 10c Cigar in New England. She Saw In the South. peditiously, or who wished to send important Silk Day Dress. packages upon special occasions. In 1035 Franklin C D A I / Red Ash The nine plows of paper represented in the Some very pretty things are now to bo FACTORY AND SALESROOM - A. R. SPEAR BUM. accompanying cut (No. 1) form a very good Charles I established a letter office for the transmission of letters between England nnd seen in the way of gowns Lu* rrat of door My stock includes nil sizes representation of n cross placed upon an altar, wear, and latest French novel ;ies are very Scotland, but these extended only ton few of 301 Main St., Rockland, Me. Free Burning While Ash,Lehigh Egg and striking from tho artistic manner in whieh the principal roads; the times of carriage they combine a variety of materials and Broken White Ash, Franklin Stove, were uncertain, and the post masters on each colors. Serge, tartan, Astrakhan, tweed, Bed Ash, (the only genuine,) road were required to furnish horses for the beaver, velvet ami fringe are among ma­ George’s Creek Cumberland conveyance of the letters at the rate of terials noticed in a few gowns. Quite a fancy T here are Coni, per mile. Dr. Brand says this establishment is exhibited, too, for delicate colors, such as did not succeed, and that at tlm breaking out fawn, which, however, are hardly to be com­ many white soaps, (Unequalled for Smithing nnd Steam purposes.) of tho civil war great dilficulty was experi­ mended on the score of usefulness. enced in the transmission of letters. At each —ALSO A FULL STOCK OF— length a postotlice, or a national establish­ 3 ment for the weekly conveyance of letters to represented to be Wood, Hay, Straw, Lime, Hair, all parts of the kingdom, was instituted by Cromwell in 1649.—Brooklyn Eagle. “just as good as the Ivory. BRICK, SAND, They are not, Rosendale & Portland Cement, Anecdote of Webster. I Daniel Webster was an uncle by marriage but like to the late Albert Livingston Kelly, one of all counterfeits, the lirst lawyers who practiced in Waldo F I R E C L A Y county. The great statesman always took they lack an interest in his nephew, und visited him Chim ney Pipe & Tops when he came to Maim*. A correspondent of the peculiar NO. 1.—A MINIATURE ALTAR, | The Bangor Historical Magazine says that a aud remarkable ’ This pipe 1h made from Pure Fire (’lay expressly and flanked by two lighted candles. Tho remark which Mr. Webster made on a visit for chimneys nnd is the aufest and most durable of curious part of it, however, is that all these ! in 1835 left an abiding interest i:i the mind of any chimney pine in the market. It is easily put qualities of up by any intelligent person. pieces can be cut out o f one piece <»r paper b y Mr. Kelly, and perhaps largely influenced We now have the pleasure to present this Art a single stroke of tho scissors. ! him never to accept political offico. One the genuine. Embroidery Machine. With it a large amount of Tiiis remarkable result, Popular Science evening Mr. Webster said: “ Albert, do you work can be done quickly ami with profit. The Nows explains, is obtainable by folding tho have any concern w ith politics?” “No,” ho A sk for AkronfD rain Pipe ! cut Illustrates the machine in position ready for paper before cutting, ns shown in cut 2. replied; “ my time is wholly absorbed in my professional practice and private business.” Ivory Soap The Akron is now the stnndnrd for ’excellence all working. The spool of Silk, with the Regulating Take an oblong piece of soft paper, like No. over the United Suites, and is more reliable as to Tension, is seen. First, the pattern is stamped on 1. and fold it lengthwise, with the fob! to tho “ I am glad to hear you say that,” re­ anti durability and finish than any other kind. the cloth ; then the needle at thu end of the plunger left (No. 2). Then turn down the top part plied Mr. Webster, “and I advise you Is threaded. By means of an up and down motion horizontally (No. 3), and again turn down tho not to. If I were to live my life over insist upon having it. KEROSENE OIL AT WHOLESALE. tlie pattern is must beautifully embroidered, cither upper right hand corner, as shown in No. 4. again, I would have nothing to do with poli­ First Quality Goods! in outline or tilled solid. Tho Machine is hand- Fold the whole piece o f paper vertically once tics. for however successful you may be you 1 is sold everywhere. Prices as Low as the Lowest! aoraely nickel-plated. Its feed motion is automatic. more, with the fold to the right, and No. 5 w ill encounter a fire in front from your po­ Prompt and Satisfactory Delivery. It embroiders most beautiful designs in all kinds litical enemies, ami in the rear from your po­ of flowers. litical friends.” This language was tho moro O-()rdcrs received by Telephone. Please call Tin’ regular price of this Embroiderer is $3,but by remarkable from the fact lhat Mr. Webster and obtain prices before purchasing. was then ai the height of his fame as an or­ pedal arrangements witli the manufacturers, uo ator and statesman.—Lewiston Journal. B . are able to offer it tor $1 £0. Postage and packing H O . 1.—SERGE AND ASTRAKHAN GOWN. FRED SPEAR, 10 eta., when sent as a premium or purchased. Of recent, out of door gowns, two stylish Items of Origin. NO 4 PARK ST., ROCKLAND, ME An agent wanted in every’town in Eastern French models are shown in the cuts. Fig. 1 Coffee was not known to the Creeks or Ro­ is of dark green serge, with a border <>f tar­ Maine. Good pay and easy work. tan in a combination of dark red and green. BEST Apply at once before tho territory is taken. NO. 2. — HOW TO EOIJ) THE PAPER, mans, but in Abyssinia and Ethiopia it has will bo obtained, which a single stroke of tho been used from time immemorial. In 1090 it The bodice is half of tartan and half of serge, scissors, lengthwise in the direction of tho was carried by the Dutch from Mocha to trimmed with black passementerie. Tlie vest THE UNION FARMER d o tte d line, will separate into the cross and Java, wdiero it was soon extensively raised, and panel are of black astrakhan. other pieces figured above. This is an old I and young plants were afterwards sent to tho Fig. 2 is a gown of brocaded tweed in the A. |. BIRD & CO. Subscription Agency. trick, but a very ingenious and entertaining : botanical garden at Amsterdam. palest shade of fawn. The brocaded cloth Fine^lorsThat one. 1 Cock lighting is said to have originated waistcoat is edged w'ith beaver fur, and neither Smut Keep constantly on hand the following first ’e receive subscriptions for any paper or mag. with the Athenians. It existed in the days of there is a border of the same fur nt tho foot Wa s h o u t quality azine published and oiler exceeding low dub rates. What. Slie Saw In the South. l)o not subscribe for auv publication until you get Thomas a Becket, and until the time of tho of the skirt. C...N0R FADE our prices. We can save you money. On’ several A young correspondent, who describes her­ , commonwealth it flourished, a pit at White­ ONLY BE papers ami magazines we iiave special prices ami self as “an arm v girl and constantly moving propose to give our readers the benefit. If you hall having been erected and patronized by M ADE B Y want any paper noton our list we ran supply the about,” sends to St. Nicholas a letter, in ! royalty. It was prohibited in 1G54. same at a discount from regular rates will) 'I’m: which occurs tho following very pretty ac­ , Club life in London had its origin in the - o B F s t S g s COAL Union F a k m ek . W c call special attention to oilers count of a trip to the south: belo w. J day of Elizabeth, when the Mermaid tavern We went down in tiie latter part of Octo­ in Fleet street, enlivened by Shakespeare, With ber, just when tho cotton is being picked. It 0 FREE BURNING COAL Q Regular Union Raleigh, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher, Sold by d r u g g is t s . Price. Farm er. is very interesting to seo tho negroes picking; became the home of a sort of club. Jonson ALSO In Chestnut, Stove, Egg and • C ourier-G azette...... *2 00 $2 no they hold a large basket on their heads with PEERLESS BRONZE: PAINTS-6 Colors, Broken Sizes. afterwards founded a club at the Devil tavern, American Garden...... 2 00 one hand, and witli the other they pick tho Fleet street. PEERLESS I.U NIIRV III.PINM. American Agriculturist...... 1 50 1 GO cotton. When one hand is quite lull they PEERLESS INK POWDERS f.K in d s7 Color* Texas Siftings...... 4 on I PEERLESS SHOE AND HARNESS DRESSlNCk o LEHIGH COAL Ballou’s .Monthly Magazine...... 1 50 reach up and put tho contents in tho basket. Chinese Oaths. VEKRLESS ECO DYES—S ( ulors. Boston Weekly Globe...... 1 O') Tlie prettiest sight that I saw in niy three In Egg and Broken Sizes. A Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly... 3 on In London, some years ago, two Chinese “ “ Sunday Magazine... 2 50 days’ journey south was tlie Florida moss, sailors were examined on a charge of assault- “ “ Pleasant Hours .... 1 75 which hangs from tlie trees. Tiiis moss is of I ing another Chinese sailor. Tin* complainant Georges Creek Cum- “ “ lllustr’d Newspaper 4 00 a dull, dusty gray’. When picked it will some­ 0. E. HAHN &. CO., Detroit Free Press...... l no was examined according to the custom of The Cosmopolitan...... 2 40 times turn black. 1 their country. A Chinese saucer being given -L herland Coal. L Golden Days...... 3 00 I have stood on the battle ground at New to him, and another to the interpreter, they House, Ship, Sign, Ornamental Godey’s Lady’s Book...... 2 00 Orleans, and have also been on top of Jack- both advanced toward the window’, directed Harper's Monthly...... 4 00 | son monument. This inonumeut is built of H arper’s W eekly...... 4 00 their eyes to heaven, and repeated in their and Artistic H arper’s B azar...... 4 00 4 on white stone, and is not complete; some of tho ow’n tongue the following: “In the face of COAL Harper's Young People...... 2 00 2 00 stones on top are loose and liable to fall at The .Judge ...... 4 0o God I break this saucer; if it comes together PAINTERS AND DECORATORS, Hard Wood, Flour, Groceries, 4 00 any moment. When in tho south I used to again, Chinaman has told a lie, and expects Lippiucott’s Magazine...... 3 00 3 no amuse myself by watching tho little lizards ----- ALSO DEALERS IN ----- Provisions, Pressed Hay and Straw, Modern Priscilla...... 50 not to live five days; if it remains asunder, New York Ledger...... 2 00 running up and down the trees. They are Chinaman has told the truth, and escapes the Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Lime,English and American Cement, New Y ork W o rld ...... I 00 very peculiar; when running up the bark of vengeance of the Almighty.” They then Rural New Yor«er...... 2 00 a tree they turn dark, but as soon as they Artists’ Materials, Brushes. Western No. 1 and No. 2 Hair. Hcribnei’s M agazine...... 3 00 smashed the saucers in pieces on the floor and Youtii’s Companion (New Subs).. 1 75 touch the green leaves they are green. returned to their places to lie examined. »~CheapeHt pluce in tho country for flSrOrdcrs promptly tilled. Telephone connection Green’s F ruit G row er...... 25 35 The prettiest cemetery that I ever saw is Sign and Bulletin Hoard Painting. St. Nicholas...... 3 00 3 00 the Chalmette National cemetery; in Juno Saturday N ight...... 3 00 3 00 Tlie Court Fool. Scenery Painting a Spee’Rlty. > A. J, B3RD & CO., Art A m ateur...... 4 GO 4 00 (tho month of roses) it is a bower of flowers. Inter-Ocean (Chicago)...... 1 00 1 15 Flowers of every kind and description grow From very ancient times there existed a V04 AT ala Street* Opp. Farwell Halit North End, Rockland. Yankee Blade (New Subs)...... 3 00 1 10 in profusion. Among the flowers are banana class of persons whose business it was to 40 Wide A w ake...... 2 40 2 50 FIG. 2.—TWEED AND BEAVER GOWN. Chautauqua Young Folks’Journul, 1 00 palms and orange trees; tho latter, when in amuse the rich and noble, particularly at A very handsome gown, which is likely to Tho P a n s y ...... 1 00 bloom, scent the whole cennftery. table, by jests and witty sayings. It was, meet with favor, is of brown serge with an you can certainly Little .Men ami W om en...... 1 00 Just before you get to tho cemetery is an however, during the Middle Ages that this aceordeon plaited, pointed panel on both OT gurdy & co. Baby la n d ...... 50 / 'fable Talk ...... 1 00 old, old powder house that was built before singular vocation became fully developed. sides. The front of bodice and skirt are of DEAI.EHH IN— American Rural Home,...... 1 (JO the war; it is so old that it is nearly tum­ The symbols of tin* court fool were the fancy striped silk, and tho rovers, collar and New York Fireside Companion.... 3 00 bling over. shaven crown, the fool’s cap of gay colors cuffs of brown velvet. New York Fashion Bazar...... 3 On with asses’ ears and cock’s comb and bells, C O A L « Magazine of A rt...... 3 50 Attached to Jackson barracks is a large Other stuffs that are selected for street Of all sizes, Woman’s World ...... 3 50 mugnolia grove, where the magnolias blos­ the fool’s scepter and wide collar. Some of suits and church costumes include tho popu­ Cassell’s Family Magazine...... 1 50 som and fade. They perfume tlie whole bar these jirofessioiial fools obtained an historical lar camel's hair, which, though of rough sur­ T he Q uiver...... 1 50 rucks. reputation, as Tribouiet, jester to Francis I face, is yet soft finished. Faced cloths are « W O O D Chicago W eekly N ew s...... 1 00 of France; Klaus Narr, at the court of the Long andjllited for the stove. New York S un...... 1 00 A Little Wheedler. also used, and suits in these stuffs may bo no­ National Tribune...... 1 00 Elector Fi’ederic the Wise of Prussia, and ticed at afternoon receptions, in the midst of “There never was a grandma half so good!” Lime, Cement and Plastering Hair, Sclentilie American ...... 3 00 Scogun, court fool to Edward IV of Eng­ velvets and silks. Popular Science Monthly...... 5 00 He whispered, while beside her ehair he stood land. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, (Jur Little (lues ...... i 50 And laid his rosy cheek, Carpentry and Building...... 1 On With manner very meek, Sural) Silk Day Dress. F L O U n -ZVIXrZD F E E D American Notes and Queries...... 3 lio Against her dear old cheek in loving mood. A Spanish Disli. A reseda surah gown for day wear sent out Poultry W o rld ...... 1 25 Tlie term “olla podrida,” which is used in by Worth lias been deftly arranged with ♦^“I‘roinpL_attention to orders by telephone or American Poultry Y ard...... 1 50 "There never was a nicer grandma burn. otherwise. Demorest Fashion Journal...... 50 I know some little boys must be forlorn a metaphorical sense for incongruous me­ some guipure in Oriental coloring, worked iu V J it^ jo J ia rts m o ^ Lewiston Joui uni...... 2 00 Because they’ve none like you. lange, signifies in the Spanish “putrid mix­ points, which appeared at tlie waist and on No. 1 Camden St., Rockland, Me. Bangor Daily N ew s...... 5 00 ture.” It is a common name given to a dish tlie front of tlie skirt. At the waist is a sash Bangui’ Daily and Sunday News... 7 no I wonder what I’d do Bangor Commercial...... I 00 Without a grandma's kisses night and morn? which is a favorite with all classes in Spain, tunic turning upwards at half the depth and H-SSCS or/joney/o N. Y. W eekly P ost...... 1 oo ami it consists of a mixture of all kinds of lined with velvet of tiio same shade. Tiiis is Farm implement News...... 1 00 “There never was a dearer grandma there!” meat cut into small pieces and stewed with used also for cuffs and for the pointed waist­ p a r t" o f' Vick’s Illustrated Monthly...... I 25 lie kissed her and lie smoothed her snow white ou

ing; I he girls had probably forgotten | which chanced to he hanging on a ■■lie a,,,,< i .hi-,,™,.i WHY he signed THE PARDON. letters were petitions touching the j to light it before going to bed, I 'chair, as I had worn it out, on the to Tom imprisoned man. groped my way carefully along, and preceding evening. If I was to "Humph I” said the Governor, at "H e has occasion to look dazed A' EK V B( ID Y was afraid of the at Iasi reached the doorol my room. z l* last. “ I'm glad I’tn done with ' receive a burglar I was determined if you hit, him with your beloved old Governor because he was I entered it ; it was like the hall, I that the proprieties should not sutler : . There are no more, 1 sup­ poker,” rejoined Tom, pushing me so cross and surly. And New- pitch dark. I tried to find the table, I would have something on besides aside and applying restoratives in pose.” II my gifts anil graces on which there should be a lamp, my night dress ; while if lie went to Year's mottling he was erosser and When the Seeretary made his turn ; "put it where it belongs surlier than ever, because he had Coldly you forget, my hand came in contact witli some­ any other room I could steal along reply, the old Governor was sur­ and go gel me some brandy or been troubled lot several days with Let the New Year’s angel thing else. I drew a match from my the dark halls to alarm my brothers, prised. He wheeled in his chair) whiskey or something of the kind. a m atter which he had already Bless and crown them yet. pocket and struck it, As I held it and lie less notice,able in this dark and searchingly regarded the Secre­ We’ll have to get this lellow on his decided, lint which many people For we work together; screened by my hand I saw that the wrap than in my nightgown. feet before we eall the police.” tary over his spectacles. He sav wished to have reversed. A man He and I are one; room wits ti strange one. Suddenly In spite of my boasted courage, "I — I — was mistaken, sir,” said that the Seeretary was str:in,reh Let him end and perfect till was d ark ; it was not that the my heart heat very loudly ns the found guilty of a crime had been embarrassed. the hurgliir in a feeble voice, hut imprisoned, and there were those All I leave undone. match had gone out, lint the brain step was heard once more, and this "Yon have not shown all,” with a very deeitled manner. "I whir, convinced of his penitence, and 1 brought good desires, was shatlowed ; I knew nothing time upon the binding just outside the Governor, sternly. "What) was mistaken in the house. It ap­ knowing that his family needed his 1 hough as yet hut seeds; more. my own door. I grasped the poker you have kept hack ?” pears that the same latch key un­ support, earnestly sought his pardon. Let the New Year make them | firmly, however, li ving to restore ' Then the Secretary said: locks both doors, and I got To all these solicitations the obi Blossom into deeds. my wonted courage by the pressure nothing hut a little i-hild’s lettj I was always rated courageous; I wrong one.” Governor replied "No,” and. bal ing of the tit midable weapon in my: thought I would not bolhei I brought joy to brighten seemed to lack that instinctive (ear ••Yes, 1 think you did, rejotnei made up bis mind, the old Governor hand. It was a plain heavy bar of with it.’ Many happy days; which causes some to shrink from Tout, emphatically, and eyed him had no patience with those who per­ Let the New Year’s angel iron, tit which the others often j The I .overnor wn< i.itere^tej darkness and loneliness, My broth­ with suspicion. sisted. So the obi Governor was in Turn it into praise. child’s letter—what could ers and sisters often declared that I laughed, declaring that it must make i The burglar managed to scramble high dudgeon that morning, and w hen about? Such a thing had If I give you sickness, never would lie frightened : not even, me tired to rake the lire. to his feet, although 1 could see that became to hisollicc he said to his Sec­ happened before. If I brought you care, added May with ti shudder, il a The noli of the door turned slowly he was still dizzy from the encounter retary : "Admit no one. 1 am " A child's letter! i.et me sq Let him make one patience burglar were to present himself be­ and cautiously, and the burglar I with my poker. I retired into the weary of these senseless imp irtuni- And the other prayer. fore me ami demand my valuables. entered the room. What would he said the Governor, and. altl, closet, and held the door shut—that ties.” his voice was harsh, somewhat Where I brought you sorrow, These would not tem pt any well do next? He closed the door as I is, very nearly. Now the Secretary had a discreet tender light came into his eyes. Through his care at length, regulated burglar, being small and gently as he had opened it, and for "I think that you will do me the regard for the old (lovornor’s fe lings, It may rise triumphant, of little intrinsic value ; hut I shot.hl " ’Tis nothing hut a scrawl,” a moment seemed undecided. Did favor to change your mind about and it was seldom that his presence plained t he Secret ary, "and it cot Into future strength. not like to lose them, and I bail he have a dark lantern anil a pistol? sending for the police,” he said, of mind so far deserted him as to from the prisoner’s child—Moncktd 11 I brought you nlenty. always determined to defend my 1 could not imagine a burglar with­ "when I explain I am employed admit of Itis suffering the old Gov little girl—Monekton. the forgt All wealth's bounteous charms, property stoutly if threatened, pro-1out such adjuncts, both of which 1upon a morning paper, and am not, ernor’s wishes to be disregarded. Shall not the new ancel yon know. • >f course there’s noi Turn them into alms ? ing in it—a mere scrawl; for t1, child is only four years old. But I gave health and leisure, the gentleman who sends it says the Skill to dream and plan ; child brought it to him to send to Let him make them nobler the Governor.” Work for God and man. The Governor took the letter, If I broke your idols, and he scanned it curiously. Wlttn Showed you they were dust a wonderful letter it was, and w) Let him turn the knowledge t , hut a little child could have written Into heavenly trust. it! Such strange hieroglyphics and ■ o'’ ' x A, crooked lines—it was a wonderful II I brought temptation, c . 1 letter, as you can imagine. Let sin die away. * Into botindltss pit v But the old Governor saw some­ For all hearts Hint stray. thing more than the hieroglyphics ;g-;.ceV;. V and crooked lines and rude pencil- If your list of errors ings. He could see in and betwien Dark and long appears, the lines of the little child’s letter Let this new born monarch sweetness and a pathos lie had never .Melt them into tears. seen before, ami on the erninpltd May you bold this angel sheet lie found a love like the love Dearer thin the Inst— Itis bereaved heart had titily yi arnqd So I bless his future L - G v . ' for, oh ! so many years. While he crowns my past. As the old Governor looked ttpol the crumpled page, and saw anti liearil the pleadings of the child'1 let ter, he t In night of his lit t le onel God rest In r inuoccnt soul! Ami 1 A Successful Burglar. seemed to him as if he could heat her dear baby voice joining with thiA HE TEIJ." IT. other's in a trustful ph a ling. XllISoTIlEli and the file Se 'retai l was amazed wild J | g ills Were quite ill the old Governor said: "Give me eestaeies over the r a - pardon blank.” But what new house. The mascu­ 8 j*'’ amaze*I him was the trcmulousi line members of the family K-v tl V derness in the old Governor's were inclined to bedubioiis and the mistiness behind/1 as to its advantages. The Governor’s spectacles, as /lie fold chief objection which we ., T V tlm crumpled page, anil put it cat, fully in the breast-pocket of li had to it was that il was /A one of a row of eight, all greatcoat. exactly alike, and it was /< ' t "Humph,” thought the Secret; extremely difficult to he "the old Governor has a kinder in sure of the right door. than any of us suspected.” A week’s practice, how­ When the prisoner was pardoi ever, made that till right,; anil came from his cell, peo [ ours was the fourth house grasped him by the hand, and sa ) from the south end of the "W e saved you.” [ row ; tis I walked from the But the Secretary knew, and. otliee along the street itn- old Governor too—God h> ' mediately south of us I tin his human h e a r t!—I that a dimpled baby hat soon became accustomed M o n E h g Co NWi. ' • < <-ti: to taking the exact num­ those prison doors. ber of steps, after turning the corner, which would bring me I viding of course that 1 had sufll- wee unfamiliar objects, to me, ■ through with my work until nearly lie bolted the door anti sat him­ THE OLD AND THE NEW. to the door. Besides the hour cient warning of the robber’s in- and 1 shivered as 1 thought of the this hour in the morning. I usually self down at his modest desk, and at which 1 came home, (1 am proof- , tent ions to enable me to act. advantage which he would have over walk home, but I took advantage , simulated intense enthusiasm in his reader on a morning paper and ' I awoke New Year’s morning at me and my poker. of the owl ears to-night, and went work. His simulation was more in- h°l,l‘ drew *>■, my duties usually keep me at the J that proverbial darkest hour, just Evidently the dark lantern was to sleep on my way home, hardly l tense than usual, for never before ^ il-jth e Old Year stood before: office until after three a. in.) made it ■ before the dawn. I had no idea not in working order, however, and waking up when I got out and had the Secretary seen the eld W eary and wayivorn he seel necessary for me to carry a latch- what time it was, as the whole house be siniplv struck a match. The lit- walked the half block here. I live Governor in such a harsh mood. and in his hands was an hour key. While I knew that of course ) was wrapped in silence and darkness ; tie llanie showed me that our sits- at Ila. and I hope that yon will ae- "Has the mail come? Where are whence the last sands were fal1 As 1 looked upon his wrinkled our neighbors had exactly the same it is from after events that I am able pieions of out new neighbors were eept my explan ition and apologie the papers and tiie letters?” de­ head memories both pleasant conveniences which we enjoyed, and to say it wtts nearly morning. I not unfounded upon reason—this and allow me to go home to bed. I manded the old Governor, in a gritlf looked for light to windows in the had started suddenly from sleep, was one of them. They were eer- am very sorry 1 have disturbed the voice. mournful came over me. 1 same portion of exactly similar but at first I could not tell what had tainly a gang of burglars lady, and probably frightenetl her.” "Here they are, sir," said the earnestly to him : Many blessings hast thou hrot, rooms, and experienced the annoy­ aroused me. As I lay listening to: 1 j j c slep towards the "It seems to me,” said Tom. put­ Secretary, as he put the bundle on ance of smoky chimneys when the ting out his hand, "that the lady is the old Governor's table, "These me, for which I gave thee tha some sound to follow that which had j resse,.. 'fo reach it lie must pass New have they been every morn, wind was in the particular quarter ) recalled me from the land of dreams, perfectly well able to take care of tire addressed to you privately; me. He wtts within reach of my and fresh every morning. Thou1 which affected ours, I did not dream | my thoughts turned instinctively to herself, and that you ought to know the business letters are on my desk. arm. I raised my weapon, and, indeed liiilll lli.V lletlll's gaidl ll that the houses were so precisely our next door neighbors, who 'had it.” Would you like to see them now?” routed some hopes 1 planted tl the same that the key of one would , been domiciled in the row for about |nv iun?,s W(.n. capable, I struck him The stranger laughed good "No, not. now,” growled the old With their elustering buds they fe unlock the other a week. iiatniedly. on the side of the head. He fell Governor;’’ 1 will read the papers and they were never quicken We had lived here about a week Nobody knew them, although "She tried to heat it into my like a log to the lloor. Horrors I 1 and my private correspondence again.” when the street ear line near by, be­ several of the older residents ha

THE ANGELS’ SONG. was visable. Tito head was bent down much it cost. It was so bright, lie “ It's so,” said lie, " I got it front young had to rake an’ scrape every cent they in the ark Mis’ Fanny aflL in a peering altitude, so as to clear the thought it must be expensive. The Simmons, an’ his brother's in tlir bank. could lay tlieir hands on to pay that oil Mis’ < m i says she IL obstruction of the sashes, the specta­ Emersons were now very straightened He half-sighed unconsciously. He had interest money, to keep a roof over tlieir j every cent of her *i liool nmij Now let us sing the Angels' song, cles themselves seemed to squint curious­ in their circumstances, and the Goodells an undefined teeling that this time tlie heads, an’----- ” Jane Lord lowered her in towards that interest 1 dp That rang so sweet and clear ly- watched them narrowly, and appraised shaft of tile I.ord had missed his adver­ voice,she leaned forwuid confidentially— sin- nor tier mother either ha When heavenly light and music fell The old man, passing close under the jealously everything they had. There sary. “ Mis’ Grant said — I don’t s’posn she ! dress for three years." On earthly eye and ear,— windows, looked op and bowed gravely was a feud between the two families, a “I suppose it must be so then," re­ thought ’twas goin’ iny further, hut, I’m Mrs. Goodell was stilfj To Him we sing, our Savior King, and stillly. New England fetir'. There was no joined his wife. goin' to tell you—that—she didn’t Iflieve “Well, I dunno, I'm sore," sail Who always deigns to hear: "A lw ays a peekin’!” lie thought to blood shed, there would never be any She would not have recognized her they had enough to eat!" 'W ell. I dlllllln either, "Glory to God ; and peace on earth.” himself, with a slow masculine disap­ breaking of orthodox trammels, but the own sentiments on the subject had she Mrs. Goodell was down on her knees pretty hard lines to think of f<, probation of curious women. Hiram Goodells and the Emersons had hated seen them. She was not a hard woman, liefore tlie oven, basting tlie turkey; tlie ferin' right amongst ns at Cliu He came to tell the Father’s love, had never in his life looked out of a each other stillly and rigidly, after the hut like her hush nl she had that grim savory odor sle tilled out into the room ain't no idea they ve got a fx.l His goodness, truth and grace; window to see who was passing, so far true manner of their Pmitan blood, for eluteh at a resentment, that came from “Well, I would'nt tell it if I was Mis’ pudiliti’ Well, I dunno win! To show the brightness of His smile, as far as he could remember. the last ten years There had been a her blood. Then too she was fond of Grant.'’ said she, “tier own cousin, and do. If men ain't goi judgl The glory of His face; Down the bill and beyond the Lords, piece of woodland whose possession was money, and she dwelt constantly upon Silas Grant’s rich. Why don’t she give ain't, an' I dunno w hi ther il’| With His own light, so full and bright, with no house between, was tlie Emer­ disputed. The question bail been car­ tlieir loss She liked nice tilings in her ’em somethin’ to eat?” ot them that Iras to support The sbndes of death to chase, sons. That was a one-story house, large ried to law, and Foster Emerson had house, and nice dollies, and .-lie had “Folks ain't always so fond of givin’.” hasn’t, or not. I know I ean’l •‘Glory to God; and peace on earth.” on the ground, but very low It had won tlie suit, while Hiram Goodell had stinted herself defiantly ever since the rijoined J me Lord with nsperitv. “ An' Well, I iini-t lie goin', or l!ieh | been painted white, hut it was now to pay the cost, as well as to lose Ids affair of the wood land. ‘ I could have there ain’t no u-e in givin' to some folks. I'm m ikin’ sugar.” He came to bring a glorious gilt, gray and the roof was lureliy with louse claim. He had considerable pioperiy. a new black silk dress every year, and a Foster Emerson's bound ta lose every After Jam- Lord had gone “ Good-will to m e n a n d why ? shingles. In the wide side-yard wi re a hut he was close with it; it was an awful new p irlo r carpet, if we hadn't been cent, an’ always was. He ain’t got no sbiveringly down the road Because He loved us Jesus came, stragging wood-pile and an old farm- thing for him Io pay his hard-earned cheated out of so n ilie h money.'’ she was judgment. ’ sugar. J ilio Go-dell, Mis Gobi For us to live and die. wagon. Iliram did not look squarely, dollars to tin- lawyers, in addition to won I" sav She expres-ed her mind Mis Goodell went back to the table eame He lived in a town Then sweet and long, the Angels’ song but he took it all in. As lie passed he giving tip his own will. Hiram Goodell noon tile subject quite Inely to tlie Lord with the spoon. She lias resumed her miles away, tin- railroad e held up his head quite high ami toed was a Ne.v Englander of New England silers They had a shrewd way of indifferent ail. vere not vei y goad, ami lie Again we raise on high : leiding her on. arid Mrs Goodell, for all • I guess they've got cnnogll to eat. ' “ Glory to God; and peace on earth." out firmly, in spite of the frozen around ers He could not carry on a Southern re eh h inie much h fore noonl He did not appear to he looking, but vendetta, hut lie could walk hand-in- her decision, had at limes an innocent she rem it ked ; “ you can't m ike me lie I II y - ••leg III ill I I,' ere,I I In] saw quite plainly a figure come Io one hand with hatred with an iron grip nneiuiseiousijes.s that she was being led lieve they ain’t ” duo t rtf ' fresh col of the windows, then start luck; he saw Today he seemed a- liiiter toward Foster The Lord sister*, one or life oilier or “Mis’ Grant says they ain't, an’ what'* with him II - set his valisei the front door open a little, th-n close Emerson a* h" Il id been Ion years ago. both, ran over nearl t every day. and sat more----- ".line paused i moment, “I Il ■ i. and -li "ik hands with l| Down the Road to the Emersons’ with a jerk. file one thing that could have served to down ■' tew minutes lor a little talk. know they ain't!’ aided she impress lie did not kis- her. l'lie Gi “They saw me coinin’,an' went back.’’ ameliorate his wrath had apparently not Christmas morning, some half an I ively. la t .!• 11i"ii-' r itiie among t he 4 he thought to himself. yet done So; that was Em erson’s il|- Il uii after 11 ir i in had gone to church. i Airs. Goodell stopped and looked at '•W eil, iii r it tier. imw goeseven Jane Lull cam : over. Sc- brought a ii 111 nfraitl you won't got ready When lie was well past the house the loitnae. It almost seemed as if the law tier. Jane continued with a sadly in n said lie. > || f°r eliureli father, m oro’n /W* nothin’.” V " . w Iliram Goodell was shaving ,v - . 'X\ - ' ' X 'z>" around his mouth, and he * could not speak. Not a mus­ X...M • ,/.X . ic of his face moved, still he looked rascihlo. He Mood before the kitchen lass, and shaved cautiously ami slowly. . A • Io was always afraid ot cutting himself then ho shaved. flirain Goodoll was a very cautious inn. His wife stood by. and ludd his cst lor hint to put on. Her hands witched as sin; watched him wipe his nzor painstakingly with a hit of paper, a. nd then hold it up to the light and piint at it to see if it were clean bough. She felt like snatching the azor and shaving him herself. “ For mercy sakes, father, don’t he so mg-w inded. said she. Sin; was a "A . ■nd. haired woman, tall, and broad- lionldered, ami hum. Her eyes were 'et.k, ami she narrowed them ami 'rinklod her brows when she talked, j r * lirnm carefully scraped around his loutb, and held his lips firmly pressed igethcr. It was quite a time before he poke, then the words came out with the ■ ddeil impetus of repression. "I wish •s- A ou’d lay down that vest, an’ ho ’Ion"- lout your work, mother,” said he, "ai? ot slan’ there watchin’ me.” “Stan’ here watehin’you—I’d like to now it you’d ever getanvwhere, lather, I didn't fuller yer up. I’d jest like to now what you would do.” “ The bell .ain't tolled yet.” “ The hell ain't lolled! That's jest the / A ■ yay you talk, father. What if it ain’t? on can I walk down there under twenty -■■■j linutes, nn' you know it. An’ it’s time >r it io toll now. This elock’s ten min les fusl Hut there you stan’ ns de- I berate ns if you’d got a week before ' Oil.” The tdd man muttered something lis wife laid the vest on tile table, ami io hut tons rattled, “Well, you call swear if you want ). said she. ‘ a man as old as volt be 'an rofessin’ wlnit you do.” She turned herself about with a nia- istic air. "I wan t swearin.’ You sav pretty tiTd things, mother.” The old man’s >ne was suddenly humble and coneilia- | ARK ! the herald angels sing Late in time behold him come. >ry. I Glorv to the new-born King; Offspring of the virgin womb: “I know what I hear. I’ve got ears.” ,-|i “If it’s got so anybody can’t speak '■? Peace on earth, anti mercy mild, Veil'd in llesh the Godhead see; 'ithout bein’ told they’re swearin’, I God anti sinners reconciled ! uess I might ns well keep my mouth Hail the incarnate Deity, tut all the time. I think you go most >o far, mother.” Joyful, all ye nations, rise, Pleased as Man with men to dw ell: Hiram went to the sink, and washed Join the triumph of the skies; Jesus, our Emanuel ! is face long and thoroughly; ids wife ad turned the water into the tin basin With the angelic host proclaim, >r him. She eyed him sharply when Christ is born in Bethlehem ! Risen with healing in Ilis wings, b bad dried bis face on the roller- Light and life to all lie brings; iwel. “Stan’ round here, father.'” said she. Christ, by highest heaven adored: Hail, the son o f righteousness ! She dipped the corner of the towel in Christ, the everlasting Lord ; Hail, the heaven-horn Prince of Peace, nter, and dabbed energetically at his ars. The old man stood still with his ice screwed up, hut finally Ito made a door opened again, and an old man and suit had been decided unrighteously, and white howl She wanted Io borrow a ! pliant, air "I was in there myself a few “Pretty well,’’ replied Mrs. Qq| reak away from her : a young woman appeared They eaiue so brought a curse whli it. Poor Emer­ little sugar; she feared that they had not days ago, an’ I see a few things.” looking at him with a kind oi re|g| “ As for stnndin’this, I ain’t goin’ to!’’ out oi the yard, and proceeded down | son had the disputed yvcodland, and had enough to sweeten tlie eranlierry-sauee. ( “ Wlmt?" delight. tid he. “ I dunno what you think I ’m the street behind Iliram. wtio clumped luck had seemed to tly out of it in his "I'm ashamed to come borrowin’ “ Oil I kept my eyes open, an’ 1 see. I “ Father gone to church?” tade of, mother." along with solemn deliberation. l'lie ' face like a bird 'l'lie wood was stand­ sugar Christman morniti',” said she, "hut It was supper lime, an’ .Mis’ Emerson, ' “ Yes.” He glared at her resentfully. bell had now nearly stopped tolling, ing ready to lie cut when it came into we didn't neither of us know how to go she wouldn’t set about gettin’ supper j She emptied the water front the tin and the Emersons felt in haste. They to tile store, an’ we didn't think of it's I ’cause she hadn’t nothin’ to put on the l'lie son strongly resembled his ii Ilis possession; the week after il had er, only he wa- butter looking. asin and put tile soap back in the dish. sat well loyvard the front of tlie church, burned to tlie ground. in ten years’ bein' quite so near out ” | table, an’ she was ashamed, an' 1 wanted Aetl and were abashcil when they went in il biomle hardness ol feature that dhr “ I guess you ain’t hurt very had,” site time it had grown again; this winter he “You can have it jist as well ns not.” j to borrow a spoonful of ginger, an’ I ! set well upon her.was quite altracll turned. “I’d like to know what kind it were late. Hut they could not quicken was to have cut it, liut tlie summer be­ said Mrs. Goodell. | followed her into the buttery. She1 their pace without overtaking Hiram, him. I’enple railed John Goodell :J f a figure you’d cut Io the folks that fore it had been burned for the second After the howl was filled with sugar. didn’t wan’t me to, she kept sayin’ she'd eood looking young m in. Hi lij t behind you, if I didn’t look out (or and they did not want to do that. time. The Emersons had dark suspic­ Jane L' rd sat holding il for quite a bring out the ginger, hut I was bound I Foster Emerson had a yyeakly nervous his oveieoat and ha!,and - it dc.^ia^ on a little. You don’t have any more ions, hut tliev never mentioned them. while. She had something on her mind would, an’ 1 did. Mis’ Goodell, it’s the kitchen with his mother ayrtf watc| lought for your ears than as if they gait. lie yvalked with alacrity, hut Indeed tiny were not well founded. that she wanted to say, and she led up livin’ truth that there wasn’t enough in yvhen lie syvung himself forward his to it delicately. her work and chatted wilh her. He I, idn’t belong to you. Now don’t stand Hie mi Gomieil was not eapalde of set­ that buttery to leed a baby.” not seen her for some six months. round arty longer, father, for mercy knee appeared to weaken under him ting fire to Ilis enemy’s wood, lie would “ I -i-o Mr Goodel! goin’ to meetin’," “I guess she had some things put tkes! \ our greatcoat an’ your hat at e It was almost like a slight lameness. never think of such a thing she lemarked lifter il little. away." He inquired after the neighbors in n [the settin’-room lounge, an’ I’ve His daughter Fanny yvalked like him However, tlie night when the wood "Yes, he went," returned Mis. Good­ “ No she didn’t. Mr Emerson lie called fui live fashion, as if he were stepping rushed ’em. Seems to me the hell’s Fanny was thin and sharp featured and had burned lie and his wife watched the ell. her out a minute, jest before I went debatable grounds. dim now.” pretty. She had a lovely color on her led glare on the sky, and neither ot them “ Well, there ain’t many to go in this home, an’ I jest slipped in there again, “How are all the neighbors getti Hut the hell had only just begun Io toll cheeks, that deepened as she went on ill was sorry. Ilis wife spoke witli a cer­ neighhorho id Christm as mornin’. You [ami I peeked in two or three jars, an" tlie along, mother?" lie asked. He pick dten Hiram Goodele had left his own the frosty air. Her stiff black heaver tain stern triuuipli. like the Psalmist, have to stay to home to get ihe dinner, llotir hauel—there wasn't nothin’!” up a rasin am! put it into Ilis mouth w ard ami was fairly out in the road eoat hung straight hall-wav to her knees; “i can't help thinkin'” said she, "that an ’ Haehi-I .and me do. We ain’t ncilhi r “ Well, it’s awlul ihinkin’ of anybody a careless air, and chewed it absorbed he long hell tones came sweet ami there rvere shiny lines around the seams, it’s a judgment on him ” She anil Hiram of us fit to get il alone. Then there's not havin’ enough to eat,” said Mis lint his face began to Hush. lear through the frosty air. ft was where sha had tried to n-model it. She rather regardid all Emerson's misfor­ the Emersons I dunno tint Fanny an' i Goodell “ Well, I guess they're gettin’ aid ory eo'd for the season, ami (hero was held her hands in a small old-fashioned tunes us jodgmelits, and there had lieen her fattier go.” j She was frowning deeply as sin- went 'bout as usual," his mother repj o snow on the ground. The road was fiteli muff, and walked soberly on beside a great many of them. His son whom "I dunno whether they go or not,” about her work. Jane Lord continued guardedly. oz.en in great Edges. The rough her father. Hiram in front of them lie had depended upon for the support of said Mrs. Goodell in a stately and in to expatiate upon the ease of the Emer- •How are tlie Lords?” round hurt the old man’s tender feel, never quickened Ilis pare at all. Trie Ilis old age had died, ids wife had been different manner. She was on her way 1 sons. • I'n tty Well. I guess;.Jane w.| »d he stepped gingerly and toed in to bell hud quite stopped ringing when delicate, his stock liad gone down with to the oven with a spoon to baste the ••All’ Hint ain’t all,” said she. eyeing here this mornin'.'' ive them. He was large and lumher- they reaeiied tile eliureli, and there were ihe cuttle-evil, his crops had failed, and turkey. Mis Goodell sharply, “’i'hey ain't got "How are—the Fillers 118?" ig, and could not walk easily. The no people in the vestibule : even tlie ; ex- his house was heavily mortgaged. This Julie Lord sat holding the howl of su­ enough to wear to keep them warm ibis “ Well, 1 dunno.” hiifeh was half a mile away, ami the ton had gone in. year tlie strain to meet I lie interest- gar, ami pulsing In i lips softly. She eolii wi atlu-r.'cordin'to my heli'-i. You 'Flu- \oiing man tried to spa ajj ■persons a quarter of a mile Before Hiram opened the door and tiptoed up money bad been terrible It had been was sallow-fared and there was i saJ ought to see the clothes they have out on e came to the Emersons he passed the the aisle; Ilis boots squeaked. The wliispereii about town that Emerson droop Io tier features, Hir voice was the line. Gl all the patched Up 11 iiiiiels. “ Well,” sai I lu . “ 1 gueue I It] ouse where the Lord sisters lived, it Emersons did not enter until in: was would fail to do it. and lose his place. unexpeeteJIy quick ami strident. an’so thin you can see the light through I think I'll go down and etll /as a square white house with two fairly seated ill ilis pew. Then be did Hut it had he< u done, although nobody “Speakin’ id the Emtrsons.” said she 'em —a ll’ the clothes they we ir outside some day white I’m hete.” ■ imlows in front. Two belonged totlle not appear to watch tli'-m, lint !ie saw knew with what difficulty. The Goodells “1 was down to Mis’ Silas Giant's the [ain't hardly diceiit. Mr. Euersoa’s His mother was stirring itting ioom and two to tlie parlor. At them quite plainly. He even noted a hud -pi eulated a great deal as to w heliicr other d iy, you know .-lie’s Mis' Em er­ i great eoat is all ihremthare, an' it' inti aeli of tlie sitting-room windows a head little tad feather on Fanny Emerson's Emerson would pay It. One day Hiram son’- cousin. Mill -In- was ti Ilio* me fk lace cap and spectacle black straw hat,- and yyialdeicd how came 1,ome wilh Ihe news that he had. . tlEUBE^T LOVEJI

'Jj GRAND DISPLAY u p New —O f 1 REFT L— ’ . - ' HOLIDAY .a. GOODS England —AT— - *- •»•., ____ Lowest Prices Consistent with Quality r* It ----- 'I'lie Finest Line of----- t <<. a ,J - b -----,- FJ’ IKU Clothing House N e c k W e a r & ->/ ^ , ^ - s Ever shown in this city, direct from the A, largest importing house in New York. _r> T he |]v?$j©RE3 IS The largest line of • Q O O P ■ T O • M L L -jV SILK UMBRELLAS |nnv h nv your father I ! an- not mi-s it. I s’poso. I dunno how ilie barn talking Hiram had a parcel CHRISTMAS POEM. Ever shown in I his county in Solid Sil­ pm Emet sons’!” thev’il take it.” tinder his arm. When lie and his wife GREAT SA1.1' ver, Natural Wood and Metal Handles, down mart, lor quite ,•' ! Mi s Goodell stood deliberating. Then saw each other, both looked frightened, [Trari.lfited from I he Herman of .Inline Htarm, I knew how lather am lint they said nothing. She greeted Fos­ tor the < hri*tinnn number of Tun CniailEli- she put a stick of hard wood in the sit (lAZ.r.l'TK h r l.ewle Frederick H tnrriat.J Iher.” t 'n e ro o m stove, packed a basket full of ter, and he spoke to Mrs. Emerson, as if Prices from $2.00 to $8.00. goin'to keep on!" provisions, put on her thick shawl and it were an every-day call. Then he east Note.—Julias Sturm was horn in 1816 at Knestritz in the Principality of Heuss. (pron. OF inow ” hood and started. W hen she got to her n comprehensive glance at the table — A LARGE VARIETY OF — p e e tor mv pirt what von own gate she stopped and looked upthe He recognized their basket. He began U nis.) This principality Is iu central Ger­ that Funnv Emerson, little road cautiously; she hid put on her undoing the bundle lie carried. many, and is scarcely largo enough to lie seen l-nos'd thing I'le-re'-, Io* — spectacles, lin t she could see nothing of “I thought I'd bring you over a little mi the limp, being only about 20 miles square, Silk, Worsted and Cashmere kitlld pick o a th >fore 1 should her husband or son. Then she braced Christm as,” lie said in an abashed lint vet it contains a population of about 130,000 a young m in ” ! tier hiski t against bet hip. and went sturdy manner. He looked defiantly at and is in tw-o parts, completely separated from lltened hack his shoulders— down the roail to the Emersons. Tlie liis wife, and slowly unrolled the news- each other. I he princely house dates back to OVERCOATS Mufflers! J n H.mg to do with il. Lord sisters were at the window, she paper that lie had wrapped around the j (|)c ^q, century, and it is peculiar among (m other,” s lid In : “ 1 don't i saw them wit ti a quick side 11 ash of her bundle. Then he held il up. There rovnl houses in that all the male members are FROM 25 CTS. TO $4-00 Poesn't look as well is the eyes, lint she did not look lip. She went were three pies, one set in another. Mrs. named Henry. Consequently one always Goodell made a spring forward Bat we won’t talk anv | straight on at II good pace; the basket knows the name of the reigning prince, tiut it AND Men’s ami Bovs’ SCOTCH CAPS. now It's ( llir'stio is. and was heavy, hut she was muscular. When “ For the land sake, father!” she cried, “if you ain’t set the apple an' tlie mince is not so easy to tell his number. In due time GLOVES and MITTENS in Kid, Buck Wme to have a good time; we she reached the Emersons she set the the princely family became divided into two ar