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THE TIME of OUR LIVES: LEARNING from the TIME EXPERIENCES of TEACHERS and ADMINISTRATORS DWGA PEMOD of EDUCATIONAL Refohii THE TIME OF OUR LIVES: LEARNING FROM THE TIME EXPERIENCES OF TEACHERS AND ADMINISTRATORS DWGA PEMOD OF EDUCATIONAL REFOhiI A thesis submitted in confonnity with the requirements for the degree oCDoctor of Philosophy, Graduate Deparunent of Theory and Policy Studies in Education. Ontario Institute for Studies in EducatiodUniversity of Toronto O Copyright by Ciayton Laîleur 200 1 BitiIbthéque nationale du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Eibliigraphic Services services bibliographiques 395 Wetlington Street 395. nie Wellinglon Ottewa ON K1A ON4 Oltawa ON K1A ON4 CaMda CaMda Yowb VafmriMnrr* Our kb Nam rd* The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Lïbrary of Canada to Bibliotkque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or seU reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/Eilm, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format éiectronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or othenvise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son ~ermission. autorisation. The Time of Our Lives A thesis szibmitted in conformity with the reqiiirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Graduare Departmenr of ;rheory and Policy Siudies in Educarion, University of Toronto, by Clayton LajZew, 001. This research project documents teachers' and administrators' experiences, feelings and thoughts about time in their lives during a period of profound educationd change, While issues related to time as a Limited resource and a way of scheduling activities are investigated, the research study is also concerned with time in intensely political circurnstances - when the development of policy and the implementation of that policy are shaped by time constraints. In particular, the research focuses on the way that tirne as subjective experience is or is not phenomenologically different for educators positioned differently within the schooling system. The stories of teachers and administrators are used to smdy the meaning of time in everyday situations - to show the pervasive way that tirne influences actions. Based on the premise that individuals render their everyday social world visible through the stones they tell, this research sets out to understand the perspectives and meanings of time in the Iives of these educators. How time reiates to personal feelings, values, relationships, the implementation of c~culurnrefonn, intensification, and power relations in the context of contemporq organizational Iife are of particular interest. ... The Time of Our Lives tll In this research study, I collected data through serni-stnicnired interviews of about one hour's duration with twenty teachers. Analyses of these data provide rich descriptions illustrating teachers' experiences with time for an educational world in rapid transformation. Subsequently, I identified an opportunity sample of three educational administrators and I invited these individuals to participate in four one-hour in-depth interviews about temporal issues in education. The conversation-based interviews highlight Iived experiences of time through narrative. The thesis captures the intensity and the implications of time in the Iives of teachers and administrators. It describes the taken-for-granceci actions involving time and helps to unravel the meaning of time For these educators in the context of significanr and poIitically driven change. implications for reconceptualizing time are also considered. The Time of Our Lives iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The opportunity to weave my personai passions For time, educational change and inquiry into a doctoral dissertation ivould never have been hlfilled withouc the scholarship, direction, and nurturin; of Professor hdyHargreaves. In those moments when my commitment wavered and 1 was overwhslmed with juggling time dernands, he was always, in spite of his otvn very busy and hectic schedule, a mentor, professional colleague and increasingly a friend - ready with supportive digressions, emerging and relevant research, new contacts. encouragement, and a wïllingness to walk in my shoes and to lead me dong the dissertation journey. My joumey was further enhanced by the conversations and support of my Friends and colleagues in the Theory and Policy Studies in Education Department of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Educatiodüniversi~of Toronto. It was here that I found a leaming cornmunity devoted to supporting a culture of inquiry. The cast ofchmcters included my course professors. Protèssors Richard Townsend, John Davis. Jim Ryan and Paul BegIey leap to mind. They continuously went out of their tvay to encourage me to dig deeper. They always gave freely of their time and constantly created opportunities tSr me to shine academically. My cohort colleagues were a gift. We helped, supported ruid learned hmeach other. In pmicuktr, my own dissertation work owes a debt of gratitude to cohort fiends like Bridget Wm*son, John Tucker, and John Brock who explored many of the nooks and crannies of my dissertation tvork. Finally, ail members of the The Time of Our Lives v International Centre for Educational Change becme special colleagues and celebratory fiiends on my jowney. A very special tribute must be given to my fellow colleagues who were involved in a coIlabontive reseluch project on educational change. The unique holographie method and the individual perspectives that each person brought to the study provided rich learning opportunities. In particular, 1 salute Dr. Lorna Earl, principal investigator, and fellow tearn rnembers Steven Katz, Michele Schmidt, Rouleen Wignall, and Debra Wilson. We travellsd to unknown places and dared to be different as we learned and grew together, Our collabontive practice, rnutual comrnitment, willingness to be constructively criticai, affection and passion made the dernands of lexning synonymous with friendship. 1 am most grateful to the members of my dissertation cornmittee. Their wisdom and insightfiil guidance helped me to re-examine and to improve my conceptua[ and practical approach to this study. Being pushed to chri5 and explain rny work vas a valuable part of the process. Dr. Brent KiIborn was always insighrful and caring in his comments, probing gently and deliberately for excellence. He helped me to look for rny own voice in the inquiry. Dr. Jim Ryan added greatly to my joy in inquiry by accepting the complelcity of teaching while simultaneously seeking to remove cornplexity from the witten tes. My time as a post-gnduate snident \vas enhanced by their contribution to my pursuit of leming. My joumey is part of a never-ending story - one that began several years ago. To some extent it is closure to unfinished business. lMany of my persona1 friends and coIleagues are witnesses to how time consumed my Iife on a daily bais. As 1 became The Time of Our Lives v i more entmgled in the compIexities of time. 1 realized chat writing about time rakes time. Without the prompting and encouragement and support of my tvife, Mari, the joumey would be forever incomplete. In dl my efforts, and transgressions, Mari has unfaiIingIy provided the strength tàr me to continue. She has continuousIy and unseKshly nourished me with love and reassurance. Along with the fiisndIy teasing and encouragement of rny sons Adrian, Ben and Frank, 1 am now in a better place to begin another journey and ro tell more stories. The Time of Our Lives vii TMLE OF CONTENTS ABSTMCT .UXNOWLEDGEMENTS CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION Background Context Rationale Significance of the Study Statement of the Problem and Purpose Conclusion CHAPTER 2: LITERATljRE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Technical-Rationai Tirne 2.3 Temporal Reguhïty and Rhythmic Time 2.4 Cultural Time 2.5 Experienced Time 2.6 Socio-political and Socio-economic Time 2.7 [mpkations for Education 2.6 A Typolog of Time The Time of Our Lives viii CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 9 5 3. 1 Introduction 95 3.2 Phase 1: Examining the Time Perspectives of Teachers 96 3.3 Phase 2: Examining the Time Perspectives of Administrators 101 3.4 Data Analysis 104 3 5 Limitations 1O7 3.6 Ethicai Issues 109 3.7 Conciusion III CWTER4: FNDINGS - TIME PERSPECTIVES OF TEACHERS 1 13 4.1 Introduction 114 4.2 Time and Teachers' Work 120 4.3 Time and School Life 1 42 4.4 Time and Relationships 175 4.5 Time and Texture in the Lives of Teachers 1SS 4.6 Conclusion Il4 CHAPTER 5: FINDINGS - JcD.MtNST~TORSYSTONES OF TIME 21s 5.1 Introduction 218 5.2 The Participants 219 5.3 The Time Categorïes 225 5.4 External Time 229 The Time of Our Lives ix 5.5 Interna1 Tirne 6 Embodied Time 7 Rhy-thmic Time 5.8 Historicai and Biographical Time 5.5 Conclusion CHAPTER 6: DISCUSSION .AND IbIPLICATIONS 6.1 [ntroduction 6.2 LVhy Time Matters 6.5 Revisiting the Smdy's Key Questions 6.4 Conceptual Basis of Educntional Time 6.5 Conclusion REFERENCES The Time of Our Lives x LIST OF TABLES Table I : A Summary of Time in the Lives of Teachers and Administrators 94 Table 2: Time Themes 116 Table 2: Implications of Time 30 1 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix I : Tsacher interview scheduie 331 Appendix 1: Letter of idbrmed consent to administntors 339 The Time of Our Lives i CKAPTER 1 There are just sa many ways that time impacts my life. First, i usuaIly don? have enough of it - to do the things 1 wnt as well as those things expected of me. Schedules and routines frequently restrict my teedom and self-expression and force me to behave in unnatural ways. Everything seems so hurried, Ioften rush fiom meeting to meeting, occasionalIy aniving Iate or not compretely prepared.
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