Report of the Sea and Inland Fisheries, 1962.Pdf
SEA AND INLAND fisheries REPORT FOR 1962 AN ROINN TAILTE, FO-ROINN IASCAIGH, (Department of Lands, Fisheries Division) DU BL IN . DUBLIN : PUBLISHED BY THE STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased from the GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS SAI E OFFICE, G.P.O. ARCADE, DUBLIN, or through any Bookseller. Price : 5/- (Pr. 7096) SEA AND INLAND FISHERIES REPORT FOR 1962 AN ROINN TAILTE, FO-ROINN IASCAIGH, (Department of Lands, Fisheries Division) DUBLIN. DUBLIN : PUBLISHED BY THE STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased from the GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS SALE OFFICE, G.P.O., ARCADE, DUBLIN. or through any Bookseller. Price : 5/- (Pr. 7096) Any of the scientific papers included in this Report may be reproduced, in ANY RECOGNISED NEWSPAPER or PUBLIC PERIODICAL without special permission, provided the source is acknowledged in each case. bepoirt OF THE MINISTER FOR LANDS ON THE SEA AND INLAND FISHERIES FOR THE YEAR 1962 PART I SEA FISHERIES A notable event in 1962 was the publication of a Government White Pajx’r in April outlining an intensified Programme of Sea Fisheries Development providing a variety of incentives to stimulate the development of the sea-fishing industry so that it will more rapidly and effectively contribute to the expansion of the national economy. Among outstanding features of the programme were a new deal for existing hire purchasers of fishing boats, improved facilities for purchase of new and second-hand boats and new engines, expansion of training schemes, increasing emphasis on mar ket development and reorganisation of An Bord lascaigh Mhara. The total value of landings of sea-fish in 1962 was £1,498,995 showing an increase of £141,753 on the figure for 1961.
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