War Crimes: War Crimes/Atrocities Are More Prevalent in the Modern Era (1 940-Present) Than in Prior Periods of History
War Crimes: War Crimes/Atrocities are More Prevalent in the Modern Era (1 940-Present) than in Prior Periods of History by SGMDunn MSG Harris MSGRivera MSG Smith Haines Research Paper USASMA, Class #55, L-Ol 11 War Crimes: W ar Crimes/Atrocities are More Prevalent in the Modern Era (1940-Present) than in Prior Periods ofHistory I. Introduction II. War Crimes of World War II A. The European Theatre 1. German War Crimes 2. Nazi Concentration Camps B. The South Pacific Theatre ill. War Crimes of the Vietnam Era A. MyLai B. Prisoner of War Camps IV. War Crimes After the Vietnam Era A. Operation Desert Storm B. Operation Iraqi Freedom C. Possible US War Crimes V. Counter Argument (War Crimes prior to 1940) A. The Sino-Japanese War 1. The Battle of Shanghai 2. The Nanjing Massacre B. The Southwestern United States 1. The Massacre ofGoliath 2. TheAlamo VI. Closing 2 War crimes/atrocities are more prevalent in the modem era (1940-present) than in prior periods of history. War by its very nature is a murderous affair, and is often an extremely dirty and cold-blooded activity. After all, the goal of war is to kill the enemy, and in doing so, to force ones will upon another. However, whenever an individual, or a country goes too far and commits acts so inhumane, indefensible, and outside the rules ofwar, these acts are considered war crimes. But what is actually considered a war crime? According to the Geneva Convention: Control Council Law No. 10, a war crime is defined as "atrocities or offences against persons or property constituting violations ofthe laws or customs of war, including, but not limited to murder, ill treatment or deportation to slave labour or for any other purpose, ofcivilian population from occupied territory, murder or ill treatment ofprisoners ofwar or persons on the seas, killing ofhostages, plunder ofpublic or private property, wanton destruction ofcities, towns or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity" (Friedman 908).
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