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Ghazni Kandahar Jalalabad Clear Clear Clear Mazar Clear Herat Clear Bamiyan Clear Kabul Clear Daily Outlook 20°C 8°C 12°C 9°C 11°C -2°C 9°C Weather 4°C -5°C -1°C 0°C 0°C -8°C -3°C Forcast US Strategy to Change ’s Behavior Fails: MPs Selection of KABUL - Some Meshrano Jirga try would no more remain silent ing state. members on Tuesday said the over terrorists safe havens in Pa- Lawmaker Zalmai Zabuli said: new US strategy has failed to kistan. “The verbal pressure of the US pressurize Pakistan into shun- In line with the new strategy, on Pakistan was meant to deceive ning support for terrorist outfits. the number of US forces jumped Afghanistan. Many US officials New IEC Chief The upper house members said from 11,000 service members to had confirmed that terrorist sanc- Pakistan’s policy regarding sup- 14,000 personnel. tuaries exist in Pakistan, if the US port to extremist elements had Lawmaker Najiba Hussaini told really wants to pressure Pakistan, Stalled as Poll Timeline Looms not changed after the announce- today’s upper house session that it should enlist the country as ter- ment of the US strategy on Af- the required pressure had not ror state and impose sanctions.” Election monitoring ghanistan. been put on Pakistan to change Chairman Senate Fazal Hadi Announcing his strategy for its terror friendly policy as three Muslimyar termed the Afghan groups accuse the South Asia last summer, US months had passed since the US government’s strategy against government of exploiting President Donald Trump said announced its new strategy. Pakistan as successful. foreign forces would stay in Af- She alleged Islamabad still sup- He said Kabul should not allow the election process for ghanistan and the US and NATO ported terrorist groups and the Islamabad to exploit global con- political purposes. were committed to sending more international community should ferences on the Afghan peace troops.Trump had said his coun- list Pakistan as a terrorist sponsor- process. (Pajhwok) Over 100 Companies Display Female MPs Products in Kabul Exhibition Rejected Nehan: KABUL - The Ministry of Kabul show. Zabuli Commerce and Industries Officials from Afghanistan KABUL - The Meshrano Jirga or held the National Industry Chamber of Industries and Senate on Tuesday welcomed Celebration exhibition under Mines called on government granting trust vote to 11 min- the brand “It is Great, It is to take steps to raise tariffs isters-designate, but regretted Made in Afghanistan”. for similar products, because denying the same to the only fe- The three-day exhibition is it will support domestic pro- male candidate. aimed at introducing and duction. The Wolesi Jirga on Monday ap- finding markets for domestic “Appropriate measures are proved 11 ministers-designate products. being taken by the govern- except Nargis Nehan, the only The ministry said that con- ment at top level to support female presidential nominee for sidering vital women’s role domestic products, but the the Ministry of Mines and Petro- in the growth of the domestic low-skilled government em- leum. product, the ministry plans ployees create hindrances. Currently the ministries of for- to find good markets for the There is also wide-spread eign affairs, education, mines growth of domestic products. corruption that has to be pre- and petroleum and information More than 100 companies ex- vented,” CEO of the chamber and culture are headed by acting hibited their products at the Sherbaz ...(More on P4)...(10) officials. Sadiqa Balkhi, a Meshrano Jir- ga member, said the country’s women were disappointed by the Lower House’s rejection of Nargis Nehan. KABUL - The government has started consultations The development comes as the timeline for the nation’s She said Nehan was qualified with civil society institutions and other relevant bodies parliamentary and district councils’ elections looms. enough and lawmakers should to determine the appointment of a new chairman for After the consultations with the civil society institu- have endorsed her. the Independent Election Commission (IEC), the presi- tions, the appointment of one member of the IEC will Senator Safiullah Hashemi: dential palace (ARG) on announced late Monday. be certified in the near...(More on P4)...(11) “There ...(More on P4)...(12) Alice Wells Meets Afghan and Steel Melting Plant Booming International Partners in Kabul in Country Markets KABUL - With just more than could be provided to them, the standard factories in the country KABUL - During a three-day visit to mad Masoom Stanekzai, Secretary John W. Nicholson, NATO Senior four months after the launch of plant can produce up to 500 tons and the latest technology is in Kabul, US Principal Deputy Assistant General of the High Peace Council Civilian Representative Ambassa- the Khan Steele steel melting of iron per day. use. Secretary for South and Central Asian Akram Khapalwak, Foreign Minister dor Cornelius Zimmermann, and plant works in the capital, the Currently, the steel plant em- The existence of standards labo- Affairs Ambassador Alice Wells met Salahuddin Rabbani, and other sen- other Coalition partners. In ad- plant now supplies about 300 ploys technical engineers and ratories for measuring iron and with Afghan President , ior Afghan leaders to discuss issues dition, she hosted a meeting with tons of iron daily to the markets more than three hundred work- systems for controlling produc- Chief Executive Dr. Abdullah Ab- of mutual importance and bilateral Independent Election Commission of the country. ers. tion are some of the main fea- dullah, National Security Advisor cooperation. commissioners and met separately The plant officials are pleased The plant, with its large ware- tures of the large iron plant. Mohammad Hanif Atmar, National Ambassador Wells also met with Res- with leading Afghan civil society by their factory’s performance houses and standard machinery The plant’s officials say that their Directorate of Security Chief Moham- olute Support Commander General figures....(More on P4)...(13) and said that if more waist iron in the iron mills, is one of the plant ...(More on P4)...(14) Ghani Approves Takhar Ex-Governor Speaking Out against Violent Extremism, Afghans Strive to Create a New Peace Dialogue comed religious leaders to voice As Deputy for National Security Council New Analysis “I felt awkward at first, but then generation of young Afghans who the speech I gave just took on a life are standing up to the ongoing ef- their views, also considered essen- KABUL - President Mohammad the proposal of the national Secu- BALKH - Distressed by violence of its own,” he said. “Talking about forts of militant groups to recruit tial to the peace process. Neverthe- Ashraf Ghani has approved the rity Council regarding Maj. Gen- sweeping parts of northern Afghan- peace in a mosque came naturally the nation’s young to their cause. less, much of the enthusiasm for appointment of the former gover- eral Zia’s appointment has been istan, Dr. Najib Paikan mounted to me – especially because it was so The United Nations Assistance countering the messages of violent nor of northeastern Takhar prov- approved by President Ghani. the stairs of his mosque one recent needed.” Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) extremism is organic in nature, aris- ince, Major General Mohammad According to Office of the Chief day, and stepped up to the pulpit to Dr. Najib is one of many Afghans backs frequent events and media ing from individuals and from insti- Yasin Zia, as the deputy for the of Staff of the President, recom- provide his personal view of what expressing similar sentiments, of- roundtables aimed at providing tutions anxious to promote peace in National Security Council. mendations regarding the promo- is needed to “win the peace.” He ten in public. He is a private citizen unique opportunities for Afghans new ways. The Office of the Chief of Staff of tion of Mr. Zia’s rank from Major called on his friends and colleagues who takes part in local peace dia- to talk about local peace efforts so “We teach medical care at the Hay- the President in a statement said General to Lieutenant General has to “wake up” and engage in a more logue and, as a community leader, the voices of Dr. Najib and others at Balkh Institute of Health Science, Maj. General Zia’s appointment been also been approved. sincere way in a peace process. is keen to tap into the mood of a can be heard. UNAMA has wel- and we ...(More on P4)...(15) as the deputy of the national secu- Gen. Zia has worked in various rity for the armed forces was pro- government fields during the past posed to President Mohammad several years including as the pro- Ashraf Ghani. vincial governor in some provinc- The statement further added that es. ...(More on P4)...(16) German Govt. May Deport Dozens of Afghans KABUL - The German govern- Wednesday to Afghanistan, which ment is expected to deport doz- he left when he was five years old. ens of Afghans asylum-seekers Under a controversial policy, Ger- on Wednesday (Today), a British many can deport male Afghan newspaper reported on Tuesday. asylum seekers if they have been The would-be deportees, number- convicted of crimes or are consid- ing 78, include a 26-year-old who ered to be “dangerous” suspects. fears he will be killed on return They can also be expelled if they to his conflict-torn country. In his refuse to cooperate with immigra- case, Germany has been accused tion officials on clarifying their www.thedailyafghanistan.com امضای 60 سند همکاری و موافقتنامه میان -of breaking its own rules. identities, according to the deci Without naming the man the sion. But lawyers for the 26-year- facebook.com/The.Daily.Afghanistan Guardian reported he would old claim their client does not fall Email: [email protected] Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 افغانستان و ازبکستان be flown out of Germany on into any ...(More on P4)...(17)