Report of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, May, 1960
The first meeting ef the Temperar.y STUJENT NI WITILENT , CltRJINATI NG Cll'1l'-1ITTEE was held on the campus ' •f Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia, on Friday and Saturday Hay 13-l.L, 1'''· Mr. i1ari•n s. Barry, Jr., of Fisk University was elected to serve as chairman, and l"lr. Henry James Thomas of Howard University was elected secretary. it the direction of the Coordinating Committee, Miss Ella J. Baker of the Southern C:tlris tian Leadership Conference was asked to compile and send out this report of the proceedings of the meeting. T A B L E ef C I N T E N T S I. Attendance an~ Agenda II. Statement ef PUrpese III . Committee Reports on: a - c ••r.i natien ~ - C•mmunicati•ns c ,- Finance IV. Netrs Release • • /! • ., • ... First Meeting .of The Temporary STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COBl-ITT':'EE Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia Friday and Saturday, }~y 13 - 14, 1960 A T T E N D A N C E Students: Marion S. Barry Fisk University Nashville, Tennessee Y.i!'. David Forbes Sha-vr University Raleigh, N. C, James E. Dyer Hest Va. State College Institute, West Virginia Lonnie C. King, Jr, Morehouse College Atlanta, Georgia Bernard Lee Montgomery, Alabama Clarence lvJitchell, III Horgan State College Baltimore, Md. Charles E. HcDrew s. c. State College Orangeburg, s. c. Penn Ten.."1, A, & I. Nashville, Tenn. Henry James Thomas Howard University VJashington, D.. c. Virginius Thornton Va. State College Petersburg, Va. James Williams, VI. Va. State College Institute, Hest Virginia Advisors: Dr. Hartin L.
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