Lichfield City Council
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Lichfield City Council Donegal House, Bore Street, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 6LU Tel: (01543) 250011 Fax: (01543) 258441 e-mail: [email protected] Town Clerk: Anthony Briggs 24 February 2020 To: Members of Lichfield City Council Dear Councillor You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Lichfield City Council to be held in the Guild Room (ground floor), Guildhall, Lichfield, on Monday, 2 March 2020 at 6.30 pm at which the following business will be transacted. Any Councillor unable to attend should forward their apologies to the Town Clerk. Yours sincerely Tony Briggs Town Clerk Please note that prayers will be said at 6.28pm before the opening of the meeting. AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION [Following discussions with the Town Clerk and the Monitoring Officer, the Mayor wishes to declare an interest in agenda item 13 due to the proximity of her place of residence to the land that is proposed for lease. The Mayor will leave the room during discussion and voting thereon; the Deputy Mayor will chair discussions in the Mayor's absence] 4. COUNCIL MINUTES To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 27 January 2020, Nos. 94 - 111 (copy attached) 5. MATTERS ARISING ON COUNCIL MINUTES 6. PLANNING COMMITTEE The Chairman of the Planning Committee to move that the Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 9 January 2020 be received (copies previously circulated). 7. TO ANSWER QUESTIONS UNDER STANDING ORDER 8(2) IF ANY THE MEETING TO ADJOURN FOR PUBLIC FORUM 8. GRANTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE To consider the Minutes and recommendations of the Grants Advisory Committee meeting held on 4 February 2020 (copy attached). [A copy of all grant application forms considered by the Grants Advisory Committee is available at the City Council Offices]. Together with recommendations for grant award from 2020/21 budgets and following discussions at the meeting of the City Council held on 27 January 2020, the Committee considered how to address the balance between retaining some of the budgeted grant monies for those grants to be awarded later in the financial year or as a result of specific applications to be considered by council, and the potential for such monies to remain unspent (and return to general funds) if such applications were not forthcoming. The resulting recommendation to Council as contained in the Minutes is as follows: That any estimated ‘grants to outside bodies’ underspend be added to the budget for such allocations in the subsequent financial year; the Town Clerk to include this estimate in the draft budget as presented to Council at its January meeting each year. RECOMMENDED: That the Minutes and recommendations of the Grants Advisory Committee meeting held on 4 February 2020 be adopted. 9. JOHNSON BIRTHPLACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE To consider the Minutes of the Johnson Birthplace Advisory Committee meeting held on 18 February 2020, APPENDIX 1 attached. RECOMMENDED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Johnson Birthplace Advisory Committee held on 2 March 2020 be adopted. 10. NOMINATIONS FOR CIVIC OFFICE 2020/21 To consider and elect individuals to the following Offices: a) Mayor Elect b) Deputy Mayor Elect c) Sheriff Elect 11. CALENDAR OF MEETINGS 2020/21 To confirm the Calendar of Meetings for 2020/21, APPENDIX 2 attached. The meeting dates have been selected so that, as far as possible, they avoid conflict with any meetings in the District Council’s calendar of meetings for 2020/21 as adopted on 18 February 2020. 12. OFFICERS’ REPORT To receive the Officers’ Report on recent activity, APPENDIX 3 attached. RECOMMENDED: That the Report be noted. 13. LEASE OF CITY COUNCIL OPEN SPACE TO LICHFIELD AND HATHERTON CANALS RESTORATION TRUST (LHCRT) To consider the Town Clerk’s report, attached at APPENDIX 4. RECOMMENDED: The City Council to confirm whether or not it wishes to grant a lease of Open Space 26c to LHCRT to enable phase 1a of the proposals for the site to be undertaken; the lease, if granted, to expire in July 2058 in line with existing leases to the Trust and to incorporate the recommendations of Ward members arising from the meeting of 10 February 2020 as outlined in the attached report. 14. GRANT APPLICATION – METHODIST WOMEN IN BRITAIN, LICHFIELD A grant application has been received from the Lichfield branch of Methodist Women in Britain. The application was not submitted in time for the meeting of the Grants Committee as the applicant was previously unaware of the availability of the City Council’s Grants programme. The Group meets weekly throughout the year to provide fellowship for those with faith and others, providing spiritual support and education. The Group counters social isolation by offering transport to meetings; members donate each week and there is no set fee. The Group receives no funding from the Methodist Church or the national headquarters of the ‘Methodist Women in Britain’ organisation. The average attendance per week is 28, 90% of whom are over the age of 70 and there are a variety of age-related conditions prevalent within that number, notably arthritis, deafness, poor sight, cancer and low-level dementia. The request is for a grant of £359.95 to provide five suitable chairs with arms in order that the most elderly or infirm attendees can more securely sit and raise themselves when they attend meetings, thereby reducing both the fear of falling and the likelihood of an actual incident. The chairs would also be utilised by a dementia group and the Lichfield and District ‘Live at Home’ scheme which provides services to tackle loneliness and isolation in people over 55. A financial summary has been submitted but is not provided as part of this report – members who wish to view the summary may do so on request to the Town Clerk. RECOMMENDED: Council to consider whether a grant should be awarded to the Lichfield branch of Methodist Women in Britain, and to confirm the amount of any such grant (the amount requested being £359.95). 15. PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS To confirm payments as listed in the attached schedule (APPENDIX 5) for the period 1 December 2019 to 31 December 2019 in the sum of £105,892.62 General Account, and £886.60 Imprest Account. * * * * * PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Residents of Lichfield City have an opportunity to speak at each full City Council meeting. This brief Guide sets out the procedure to be followed. 1. The public participation session will usually be held after the seventh item on the agenda – this will usually be about 5 to 10 minutes into the meeting. 2. The public participation session will last for up to 15 minutes at which residents of the City can ask the Council a question (or make a statement). 3. You must give advance notice not later than NOON on the day of the meeting, with brief details of the statement / question to be asked – we need to know what your question is so that we can provide as full an answer as possible. Forms are available and we would ask you to call in person at the Council Offices at Donegal House, Bore St so that your question/statement can be duly receipted. 4. Your statement/question must relate to a matter of special relevance to Lichfield City area, or within the responsibility of the City Council. 5. Matters relating to the conduct of any individual councillor or member of staff will not be allowed – in such circumstances you should write to the Council. 6. At the Council meeting statements/questions will be taken in the order in which they have been received. You will be allowed up to 3 minutes, and you can raise more than one issue within the overall limit of 3 minutes allowed to you, but you must have given advance notice of each statement/question. 7. After each speaker, the Leader of Council (or his/her representative) will respond, or give notice that he/she will provide a written response as soon as possible. If a written answer is to be given, this will be sent to you at your stated address, and a copy will be made available for public inspection at the Council Offices, Donegal House, Bore Street. Lichfield City Council Minutes of the Meeting of Lichfield City Council held in the Guildhall, Lichfield, on Monday 27 January 2020 at 6.30pm PRESENT: Councillors Mrs D Baker (Mayor), J Anketell, C Ball, Mrs G Boyle, J Checkland, D Dundas, Mrs J Eagland, M Field, C Greatorex, Mrs J Greaves, I Jackson, Mrs A Lax, Miss J Marks, T Matthews, S Pritchard, C Rapley, R Rathbone, P Robertson, A Smith, J Smith, C Spruce, M Warfield and R Yardley. APOLOGIES: Councillors H Ashton, P Jones, P McDermott, P Ray and M Trent. A MINUTES SILENCE WAS HELD IN MEMORY OF FORMER COUNCILLOR AND MAYOR BARRY WHITE, AND IN RECOGNITION OF THE 75th ANNIVERSARY OF THE LIBERATION OF AUSCHWITZ 94 MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Mayor reported on several recent engagements which she had attended including Foundation Day at Lichfield Cathedral School, Sunday Service at St Peter and Pauls RC Church and the Mayor & Sheriff’s Charity Beer & Skittles event. 95 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor M Field declared an interest under Appendix A of the City Council Code of Conduct with respect to agenda item 8, Neighbourhood Plan Implementation Working Party as he is employed at Curborough Community Centre. Councillor C Ball declared an interest under Appendix B of the City Council’s Code of Conduct, also with respect to agenda item 8 as he is a volunteer at Curborough community Centre.