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College of Law Alumni Association • Fall/Winter 1997


Outstanding Alumni Recognized Affirmative Action in Law School Hiring Honor Roll of Donors Contents

1 From the Dean The Dean pays homage to long-time friend, faculty member and administrator.

2 A Tribute to Joanne Wharton Murphy As a student and as an administrator, Joanne loved the College of Law.

5 Affirmative Action in Law Faculty Hiring Workplace bias is more ingrained than most people suspect.

7 Faculty News Professors set the pace in the profession.

10 Assistant Dean Emeritus Murphy was often Student News behind the scenes in welcoming alumni to the Students make their mark on campus and in the legal world. College of Law, whether it was planning a reunion or hosting the annual alumni return, 11 Murphy, Sutton, Krauskopf Honored where this photo was taken in 1993. Law Alumni Association recognizes outstanding graduates. College of Law Administration Gregory H. Williams 12 Nearly 500 Graduates Return to College of Law Dean Friendships are renewed at class reunions, annual return. College of Law Alumni Association Officers Carl D. Smallwood ’80 14 Honor Roll of Donors President A thank you to those who support our educational commitment. Elizabeth J. Watters ’90 President-Elect 23 Alumni News National Council Officers Reunion photos and the latest news from classmates. Benjamin Zox ’62 Chair Joylynn Berry Butler ’76 Vice-Chair Pamela H. Lombardi Secretary Send address changes and alumni news to: The Law Record OSU College of Law John Deaver Drinko Hall 55 West 12 th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210-1391 Phone: (614) 292-2631 FAX: (614) 292-1383 e-mail: [email protected] The Law Record is published bi-annually for the alumni and friends of The Ohio State University College of Law Editor: Liz Cutler Gates Design: Jane Hoffelt/Pageworks ©1997, College of Law, The Ohio State University Cover Photo: You See Photography, Inc.

Dean Gregory H. Williams talks with a members of the class of 1967 during their reunion in the Law Library. From the Dean

Assistant Dean Emeritus Joanne Wharton Murphy died on October 20, 1997. For many years, she was the voice of the alumni and presided over the production of the Law Record. In her honor, we dedicate this issue of the magazine to her memory. At her funeral on October 24, Dean Gregory H. Williams spoke about Dean Murphy’s long-time relationship with the College of Law.

It is with deep sorrow that we say good-bye to our dear friend and beloved colleague — Joanne Wharton Murphy. Joanne was such a special person. She touched so many people in a profound way that it is impossible to catalogue the Dean Gregory H. Williams welcomes alumni to the awards ceremony on impact she had on the generations of students, staff and faculty September 11. Honorées, Joanne Wharton Murphy ’58, Jeffrey Sutton who passed through the College of Law. ’90, and Joan Krauskopf ’58 look on. In September, we recognized Joanne as the Alumna of the Year. I’m glad we had that opportunity to thank her for her many Now this doesn’t mean Joanne was without the competitive contributions to the legal profession. spirit. You can’t be the daughter of one of Ohio’s most famous She touched the lives of hundreds of College of Law alumni; football coaches, and an athlete in your own right without being both through her banking law course and as the Assistant Dean competitive. And of course it was a rare Saturday when Joanne for Alumni Relations, as well as the many other positions she would miss a home football game. held in the college. Now that was the only area where one could even begin to At the alumni awards ceremony, Joanne visited with many of say that Joanne was less that successful. She simply could not get the countless alumni she had known over the years. As I have Earl to share her love of athletics, and especially football! spoken with alumni since her death, they have all shared their We all have our special memories of Joanne — what I will warm memories of Joanne. Of course discussion about the always remember is her unconquerable spirit. And this was a warmth and generosity of Joanne is not new with our alumni. spirit forged on the anvil of adversity. Being one of only four During my time as dean, as I have traveled from the county women in her law school class of 1958, life was not easy for seats to the capitals, from the offices of solo practitioners to this women who sought to break the barriers of privilege and country’s mega-firms, there has been one common denominator exclusion that existed in our profession for years. Nor did it get of discussion ... Joanne Wharton Murphy. much better when she began her career as a lawyer. Her colleagues, her students, and all who worked with her Her career was filled with firsts. She was the first woman in respected her judgment, her standards of quality, her brilliance, many jobs that she held. And while she was proud of that and her professionalism. The former students with whom I have achievement, she never settled for that singular honor. She also spoken have positive memories of their teachers, fellow students wanted to be the best in the job, and time spent on campus, but the real affection is saved for one And there were few jobs in which she wasn’t the very best. person, Joanne. Being the first woman and the best person on the job was a heavy I have sat in law offices with panoramic views of large cities responsibility. But she shouldered that responsibility and moved and also those on the side streets of this nation’s small towns. forward, fortified with her iron will and a smile on her face. And I have seen tears fall from the faces of former students as She was a woman well ahead of her time. She wasn’t they recount for me that Joanne was the one person who rescued concerned about the opportunities for Joanne Murphy. She was them from failure and oblivion. concerned about other women and minorities who were She was the one person who found a scholarship for a excluded from the positions of privilege and opportunity. And student who simply did not have the resources to go on. she was personally willing to risk the scorn of those in power to She was the one person who made it possible for a student to seek to open doors for others. finish law school and at the same time be near a mother who In 1975, she served as the chair of the Commission on was committed for treatment of mental illness. Women and Minorities at The Ohio State University. The She was the one person willing to sit in the office long after commission issued a three-volume study in 1977 with far- closing hours listening to the stories of students in pain or reaching recommendations. That study served as a blueprint for figuring out how to help a student find a job. many of the great changes which enhance inclusiveness at OSU. As I began to hear the stories about Joanne’s tremendous Many of the recommendations for including women and impact on the lives of so many people I began to think about minorities into the fabric of the university have been adopted. Joanne and what motivated her. I frankly wondered how anyone Initially, they were not met with enthusiasm, and Joanne was not could be that good and kindhearted. always welcomed as the message bearer of what the future might be. But as everyone who knew Joanne would readily admit, she But Joanne always had the courage to work for what she - was that good and kindhearted. She was the genuine article. knew was right. She never complained; she never protested her 1 From the Dean Continued from page 1 own personal treatment. Joanne knew that her cause was right, and that time would show she knew the way. She helped build bridges that she would never cross. Yet she was not angry or bitter that the opportunities available to the generation that came after her were not available to her. She never failed to congratulate those who stepped into jobs that by /^*3?banne Murphy keenly felt the lifeblood of The Ohio all rights should have been hers years State University College of Law. From the moment she earlier. She did not dwell on past d^set foot on the campus as a first-year law student until her insults or injuries. death on October 20, 1997, she was an integral part of the During the few short years that I had school. She loved teaching, her passion was for the students, and she was always in the background — encouraging, the privilege of being part of Joanne’s Joanne wharton w as among professional life, I never once heard f our WOmen in her law class believing and enjoying the results. (We know she was in the her complain about the doors that in 1958. background, because a review of the College of Law photo had been closed to her or the hostility archives revealed almost no photos of her in her usual spots that had been directed toward her because she had the courage — working with students or hosting alumni events.) to stand up for that in which she believed. Whether it was watching a student succeed in the She faced life with good cheer. She left everything better than classroom or helping alumni renew relationships with it was when she found it. classmates, she took great joy in being a part of the college. Joanne was recognized in 1995 for her pioneering work as At the Alumni Awards Ceremony on September 12, she the first recipient of the Ohio State Bar Association’s Nettie recalled her four-decades-long association with the college in Cronise Lutes Award for promoting women in legal careers. usual Joanne Wharton Murphy fashion — humbly. We I will always remember her words to me every time I stepped thought you would enjoy reading her remarks, so they are out of my office door and took 12 steps down the hallway. As I reprinted in their entirety. turned the comer and swept into her room, she would look up from her desk and say, “What can I do for you, Dean?” The word “thank you” seems inadequate to this occasion but it She would willingly drop whatever she was doing to work on could not be more sincerely expressed. It is also a privilege to share what I felt was more important for the law school. She would go this award ceremony with my law school friend, Joan Krauskopf, anywhere and do anything and she would even cheerfully recruit Earl if necessary. Today, I have a great privilege and honor to tell those assembled what Joanne Wharton Murphy meant to me. But I know there are literally hundreds of faculty, students, staff and alumni who have special memories of Joanne. So to Earl, and the rest of the family and friends I say: we share your grief and sorrow. We too have lost a true friend. We have lost a person who made the vicissitudes of life a little easier to bear, a person always equally willing to share our triumphs and our heartaches with us. The College of Law will tmly miss one of its greatest daughters. She represented the very best amongst us. I end with a tear in my eye but that is with some trepidation because I know that Joanne would not countenance excessive sentiment. So I will try to close with a smile as I picture Joanne moving swiftly down the corridors of the law school — off to solve the next problem. She was a special person and I know that my life is richer for being able to count her among my friends. We now have a great void in our lives. We will miss her.

Assistant Dean Joanne Wharton Murphy assists Professor Larry Herman with a graduate’s hood during Hooding Ceremonies in 1992.

2 whom I respected as my student mentor and who is truly a pioneer careers so I know that there are many who could, and should, be for women in legal education, and with Jeff Sutton, of whom we have receiving such honor. all been so very proud. So let me humbly and with deep gratitude accept your award I cannot receive an honor of this meaning without realizing how for myself, but also for the legions of alumni from this great law privileged I have been to have had challenges and opportunities school who excel each day in, and serve so very well, our throughout my life. I left my home town of Coshocton (Ohio) well profession, who give generously of their talents and resources to the prepared to begin my life’s work. I had parents whom not only taught improvement of the human condition through their churches, local you to fly, but encouraged you to soar. And then there were practical communities and beyond. I thank you. lessons from my older brother, Dick, who is here with his wife, Dot. When I was challenged to walk the ledge of the post office at a young age and got stranded over the descending cement step stair well, 1 could hear him say, “You can do it. You can do it. ” And I did, unscathed. And when I wanted to play football with the older boys, there was the rule that stuck with me through life, “you can play the game but if you cry you have to go home. ” This law school gave me the opportunity to enter the legal profession and to grow intellectually and personally. Coming into the legal profession in the late 50’s was challenging and you got some bumps and bruises and unfair hits along the way. But I didn’t cry. There as always someone there who held out an encouraging hand to help me move on. I was blessed by the opportunity to return to this law school to work with young people for whom a legal education would mean so much, to help not just those who came, but to expand opportunities for others, minorities and women. We have succeeded at the numbers, but our work is not finished. The university gave me the challenge and opportunities to expand service into the larger campus and into the community, to work with many great people. I have now retired from administration and this fall with a wonderful group of students, I bid farewell to the classroom. But I am not without challenge. Today a challenge for me is to keep extending my survival from a long chronic illness now compounded by cancer. But I bring to this challenge my deep roots of perseverance. I want to keep playing this wonderful game of life and if there are tears, they do not come from pain or pity, but of the realization of what a blessed life I have experienced, to have a loving, supportive family. My sister also joins me today, and of course, my dear husband. I am blessed to have so many friends and associates, many linked through my long associations with this university. And today, to realize that my life work has earned the respect, and I the affection of my fellow alumni, what more could one ask of life. I have touched four generations of graduates and have followed with pride countless Joanne and Earl Murphy following the Alumni Awards Ceremony on September 12, 1997. Assistant Dean Emeritus Joanne Wharton Murphy died Monday, Area Leadership Program, Order of the Coif, Phi Beta Kappa, October 20 at Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus Sigma Kappa, Impresarios of Opera Columbus, World Society following a lengthy illness. Services were held Friday, October 24. for Ekistics, Columbus Ski Club, Friends in Action, and many Assistant Dean Murphy retired in 1997 after nearly 40 years other organizations. She was a founding Mother of the of association with the College of Law and The Ohio State Columbus Metropolitan Club. She received the initial Nettie University. She received her law degree from the College in 1958 Cronise Lutes Award for promoting women’s careers in the legal following graduation from Miami University in 1956 and began profession from the Ohio State Bar Association in 1995 and the her legal career with a Chicago . Returning to Ohio in 1997 Alumna of the Year Award from the Ohio State Law Alumni 1963, she was an Assistant Attorney General of Ohio, 1963-65; Association. She was a member of Trinity Episcopal Church. Associate Dean at Case Western Reserve University School of Law, The daughter of the late Schuyler and Elizabeth (Hunter) 1971-73; an Assistant Dean at The Ohio State University College Wharton of Coshocton, Ohio, she is survived by her husband of of Law, 1965-71 and 1981-95; University Ombudsman, 1973-76; 25 years, Professor Earl Finbar Murphy; brother, Dick (Dottie) and Chair of the University Commission on Women and Wharton; sister, Cathy (Mike) Brady; nieces, Beth (Todd) Bullard Minorities, 1975—77 for The Ohio State University. She taught and Molly (Charles) Clark; nephews, Pat Brady and Ben Brady; banking law at Case Western Reserve University Law School, and many other relatives and a host of friends. 1972-73 and The Ohio State University College of Law, 1974-97. A private internment was held in Mooresville Cemetery, She was a member of the Ohio and Illinois Bar and Mooresville, Indiana. If desired, contributions may be made to a member of the Columbus, Ohio State and American Bar the O.S.U. College of Law, 55 West 12th Avenue, Columbus, Associations, Women’s Lawyers of Franklin County, Columbus Ohio 43210 in her memory.

The College of Law regrets the passing of these alumni and expresses In Memoriam its sympathy to relatives and loved ones. Paul B. Warnick ’28 died January 4, 1997 in Columbus, and Patricia Kampsen, Tampa, Florida; son, Richard A., where he practiced law for more than 50 years. Columbus, Ohio.

Harry J. Dworkin ’32 died January 26, 1997 at his Shaker Frank W. Phillips ’48 died September 4, 1996 at home in Marion. Heights, Ohio, home. He was 87. He was a widely-known trial lawyer, labor arbitrator and civil liberties and served John M. Shea ’51 died November 18, 1996. He was 79. two terms as a representative from Cleveland in the Ohio General Assembly. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Kenneth N. McCaskey ’57 died August 9, 1997 at his home in Claire; daughter, Jill Talisman of Chevy Chase, Maryland; sons, Anchorage, Alaska. He was 85. He is survived by his wife, Jean; Jonathan of Vermilion, Jeremy of South Londonderry, Vermont, two sons, Jon and Ken; two grandchildren; and two brothers. and Jeffrey of Montpelier, Vermont; 11 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. David Howald Shawan ’60 died June 2, 1997 in Columbus. He was 77. He is survived by his wife, Virginia Bonnet Shawan; son, Harold E Zelko ’33 died August 1 in Jacksonville, Florida. David Howald Shawan, Jr., Columbus; daughter, Diane Shawan A Professor Emeritus of Speech Communications at Luken, Groveland, Massachusetts; two grandsons; and a sister. State University, he was 88. He is survived by three children, Maijorie Goldstein, Larchmont, New York; Robert Todd Lowe ‘67 died in April, 1997. Karen Rodin, Durham, North Carolina; and Gary Zelko, Brooklyn, New York; and six grandchildren. Stephen R. Schmidt ’74 died February 25, 1997 in Louisville, Kentucky. He was 49. -Survivors include his wife, Wanda O.; a James F. Elliott ’35 died July 11, 1997. son, Johannes; a daughter, Kathryn; his father, A.W Schmidt; and brothers Frank, Joseph, Stanley, and John. Zenda L. Arkin ’40 died November 5, 1996 at her home in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Loretta Burke Looper ’86 died February 1, 1997 in Columbus. She is survived by her husband, Kurt A.; children, Dan Allen Scarberry ’47 died April 28, 1997 in Tampa Dominic, RaShawn, Gerald, Cicely, and Elisha; father, B.T.; following a long illness. He was 76. Survivors include his godmother, Dolores Smith; brothers, Jerome, James, and wife, Ruth V; daughters, Lynn Hahn, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Randy; sister, Susie Rich. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN LAW FACULTY HIRING BY DEBORAH JONES MERRIT

ow much do white women, women of color, and men of color benefit from affirmative action in the workplace? Have affirmative action policies seriously impaired white men’s Haccess to professional positions? Or do traditional forms of bias still hamper women and minorities who apply for those jobs? Lawyers and social scientists have begun to collect answers to these questions — insights that might inform the tempestuous national debate over the future of affirmative action. In collaboration with Barbara Reskin, a Professor of Sociology at Harvard University, I studied the effects of affirmative action on recent law faculty hiring. Law professors hold influential posts, helping shape both the next generation of lawyers and the development of legal doctrine. Law schools, moreover, stand at the intersection of the legal profession and the academy. Identifying the effects of affirmative action in law faculty hiring may illuminate the impact of those policies in other academic or professional fields. Professor Reskin and I collected data on all 1,100 law professors who began tenure-track jobs at accredited U.S. law schools between the fall of 1986 and spring of 1991. We gathered information on each professor’s academic credentials, professional experience, age, family status, and geographic mobility so that we could control for those characteristics when analyzing the roles of gender and race in hiring. Our analyses employed regression analysis, a common statistical technique that allows researchers to estimate the effects of one variable (such as gender) on an outcome (such as obtaining a position at a prestigious law school) while controlling for the effects of other variables on that outcome. We found that gender afid race had modest effects on one outcome we studied: both white women and men of color secured jobs at somewhat more prestigious schools than did white men with comparable credentials. This affirmative action preference, however, was relatively small. Academic and professional credentials (including graduation from a prestigious law school, law review experience, service as a United States Supreme Court or Court of Appeals law clerk, and possession of a doctoral degree in a field other than law) all were equally or more important than gender or race in helping candidates obtain positions at the most prestigious schools. Indeed, the modest preferences for white women and men of color may have compensated for other forms of bias affecting their credentials. During the era professors in our study attended law school, women enrolled at significantly less prestigious law schools than did men with comparable undergraduate records and T SAT scores. Minorities suffered from inferior educational experiences throughout their schooling. The preferences we identified could have compensated for these disadvantages without otherwise pushing white women or minority men ahead of white men with similar qualifications. These gender and race preferences, moreover, did not benefit women of color. This was one receive lower salaries than men with inroads on that bias. Even the perception of the most comparable credentials and that those ■that women and minorities enjoy large surprising results of female professors wait longer for tenure. workplace preferences may stem from our study. A gender- The courses women disproportionately hidden biases. If observers unconsciously race interaction teach, moreover, lack the prestige, rate women and minorities as less eliminated the visibility, and opportunities for public competent than equally credentialed white benefits minority service associated with constitutional law men — as some psychology studies women might have — the course disproportionately assigned suggest — then decisionmakers acting on secured because of to men. Indeed, many of the courses those unconscious biases may perceive their gender or race. Debomh Jongs Meniu assigned to women impose particularly small preferences for white women and On average, a woman heavy teaching burdens, further impairing men of color as large bonuses. of color and a white man with comparable their chances to publish and advance in Affirmative action raises perplexing credentials and professional experience the academy. questions for a society committed to obtained jobs at schools with similar Our findings raise important questions ending discrimination. As we debate those levels of prestige. about the effects of affirmative action in policies, however, we should not lose When we examined other aspects of the workplace. If the benefits of sight of the actual effects of affirmative the job market, we found additional affirmative action are relatively modest for action in the workplace. Empirical studies surprises. Law schools hired women most white women and men of color, why do of workplace behavior are essential in often as assistant professors (the lowest some observers perceive those bonuses as guiding us towards a bias-free future. rung on the tenure ladder), but they hired so large? Equally important, why didn’t men with comparable credentials, age, women of color secure any of the benefits Deborah Jones Merritt holds the College and professional experience as associate or we detected? And why did significant of Law’s John Deaver Drinko/Baker and full professors. This gender bias persisted gender discrimination — in both rank Hostetler Chair in Law. Together with even after we controlled for all factors in and course assignments — persist even Barbara F. Reskin, a Professor of Sociology at our regression equations. during a time of announced affirmative Harvard University, she has been studying ■ Men were also significantly more likely action? Do employers need to do more, affirmative action and other trends in law than women to teach constitutional law rather than less, to eliminate these vestiges faculty hiring. This essay is drawn from a — a popular teaching assignment sought of discrimination? longer article, “Sex, Race, and Credentials: by many new professors. Women, on the Overall, our findings suggest that The Truth About Affirmative Action in Law other hand, were significantly more likely workplace bias is more ingrained than Faculty Hiring,” that Merritt and Reskin * than men to teach trial advocacy, legal many commentators suspect and that published in the March 1997 issue of the writing, clinical subjects, or trusts and affirmative action has made only modest Columbia Law Review. estates — less popular courses among tenure-track faculty. Once again, credentials and professional experience did not explain these differences. Nor are gender-based preferences likely to explain the variation in course assignments. While in law practice, women are somewhat more likely than men to work in government agencies or public interest organizations, both sites that spawn constitutional issues. Men, on the other hand, are still somewhat more likely than women to pursue trial work. These preferences run counter to the course assignment differences we noted. The gender biases we identified in rank and course assignments impose substantial burdens on female faculty. Associate and full professors enjoy higher Professor Deborah Merritt co-taught a course on Comparative Constitutional Law with U.S. salaries than assistant professors, as well Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor last summer as part of Dickinson Law Schoolis as shorter tenure ladders. Our findings summer program in Vienna. She will teach the course again next year with U.S. Supreme Court suggest that new female law professors Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. 6 Faculty News

Professor Howard Fink’s 1976 article in planning techniques, and issues of concern Professor Nancy H. Rogers gave the the Ohio State Law Journal, “Ante-Mortem to people working in the area. keynote address on dispute resolution to Probate Revisited: Can An Idea Have a the National Conference of Chief Justices Life After Death?” (37 Ohio State Law Professor Lou Jacobs has been recognized in July in Cleveland. She spoke about the Journal 264), was recently cited in the among The Best Lawyers in America, Model Mediation Act prestigious ACTECT Notes of the 1997-1998. The list features 13,829 Project at both the American College of Trust and Estate attorneys in virtually every major specialty American Bar Association Counsel in a piece by Professor Gerry W. of law in all 50 states and the District of Annual Meeting in San Beyer ’80. In the intervening 20 years Columbia and is based on the reputation Francisco in August since the article by Professor Fink was of . and the Society for published, there has been a continual Professionals in Dispute series of articles for or against its concept Professor Timothy Jost Resolution in Orlando in October. She Nancy H. Rogers of allowing a person who writes a will to has returned from establish his or her testamentary capacity Germany where he spent also participated in and freedom from undue influence while the past year at the other panel presentations at both the maker of the will is alive, rather than University of Goettingen annual meetings. having the will subject to contest after his studying the German With her co-authors, Professors or her death. Despite suggestions for health care system. His Frank Sander and Steve Goldberg, alternative procedures to achieve the same book, Regulation of the Professor Rogers is working on the third Timothy Jost results, Professor Fink’s proposal has been Health Care Professions, edition of a law school textbook on dispute enacted into law in Ohio, Arkansas and was also recently released. The third edition resolution. Professor Rogers also wrote an North Dakota and is the subject of a of the West casebook, Health Law, which updated chapter on mediation and proposed Uniform Rule. he co-authored, has also been published. arbitration for Baldwin’s Ohio Domestic An article co-authored by Professor Relations Law. Professor Art Greenbaum has been Jost and Professor Sharon Davies on Professor Rogers is beginning her named to the Board of Trustees of the “Fraud and Abuse in Managed Care” was fifth year of service on the Board of Ohio CLE Institute and to the Executive published in the Georgia Law Review. Directors of the Legal Services Committee of the Civil Procedure Section Another article by Professor Jost on recent Corporation, the national organization of the Association of American Law developments in American health law and that allocates federal funds for legal Schools (AALS). He presently is working policy will appear in the Zextschrift juer services for the poor. on an article on the duty of lawyers to Internationale Sozia.1 und Arbeitrecht. In report professional misconduct. When not May and June, Professor Jost gave talks Assistant Dean Pamela Lombardi and engaged in professional pursuits, he on malpractice litigation in the United Professor Emeritus Michael Kindred continues to follow his beloved Cleveland States and on recent developments in were married on October 11 and Indians through thick and thin. American health policy in Frankfurt, honeymooned in Seattle over fall break. Munich, and Essen. Professor Thomas P Gallanis received a Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Ph.D. degree in legal history from During the Timothy cited one of Professor Deborah Merritt’s Cambridge University in mid-July. His McVeigh trial, Professor articles in his opinion for the Court in thesis, on the development of evidence Davies did a weekly Printz v. United States (the “Brady Act” law in eighteenth-century England, relies morning radio spot in case) decided on June 27. She was in part on previously untapped accounts Columbus on WTVN interviewed about that case (and others of trials. An article discussing these new News Radio (610 AM). decided this term) on National Public primary sources has been commissioned She talked with Joe Radio last summer. She also co-taught by the Journal of Legal History and will Bradley, the morning show Comparative Constitutional Law with Sharon Davies a^out iegal issues appear in early 1998. With respect to Justice Sandra Day O’Connor in Vienna, modem law, Professor Gallanis’ interests related to the trial, including the difficulties Austria for Dickinson Law School’s focus on trusts and estates, and he has been of selecting an unbiased jury, the change summer program. (See photo on page 6.) named an honorary member of the Estate of venue from Oklahoma City to Denver, Planning Council, a group of lawyers, bank cameras in the courtroom, and the strengths In June, the University named Professor officials and financial planners who and weaknesses of the government’s case Peter Swire as an Ameritech Faculty specialize in trusts and estates. The group and the defense case. After the jury Fellow for 1997-98 for his project on meets on a monthly basis to discuss returned its verdict of guilty, they discussed “The Role of Law in Assuring Financial changes in the law, advanced estate the punishment phase of the trial. Privacy.” As part of the project, Professor 7 Faculty News

Swire has published two articles, entitled “Markets, Self-Regulation, and Government Enforcement in the New Faculty Join College Protection of Personal Information” and “The Uses and Limits of Financial Three new faculty members took to the classroom at Ohio State during fall Cryptography: A Law Professor’s semester. Nationally-known scholar Ruth Colker joined the faculty as the first Perspective.” In October, Professor Swire appointment to the newly-created Grace Heck Faust Memorial Chair in presented “None of Your Business: World Constitutional Law. Entering their first full-time teaching assignments are Tom Data Flows, Electronic Commerce, and Gallanis and Doug Berman. the European Privacy Directive” at a conference at the Brookings Institution. A Professor Colker is a distinguished scholar in the areas of book by the same title will be published constitutional law and employment law. Coming from the by Brookings in 1998. Professor Swire University of Pittsburgh, where she had been a professor since has also spoken at a number of other 1993, she is widely published. She has also been on the law conferences, on topics including digital faculty at Tulane University and served as visiting professor at the cash, cryptography, the Year 2000 University of Toronto. She is a graduate of Harvard Law School problem, and privacy law. His recent and Harvard University (Radcliffe College). publications are available at She admits that the chaired position was very attractive in her www. osu. edu/units/law/swire. htm. decision to come to Ohio State, but adds, “I was impressed by the faculty. There seemed to be a lot of intellectual stimulation.” The students she Professor Barbara Snyder is stepping met on her initial visit to campus also made an impression. “They seemed to have down as Director of Socio-Legal Center in an agenda, to know where they were going,” she recalls. June 1998. Professor Jim Brudney has been named as her successor. Professor Gallanis’ new position is a dream come true. Professor Brudney has been actively “I always wanted to be a teacher,” he says. At first, he thought engaged in socio-legal research. His he’d enjoy teaching history, but law school changed that focus. empirical scholarship has resulted in “I like the ability to communicate to other people what I’ve publication of two major articles and he learned and the opportunity to work on projects of my own continues to pursue that research agenda. devising,” he says. He has forged important connections with A native of Chicago, he received a B.A. degree from Yale faculty and graduate students in the University; a J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School; political science department as-well. an L.L.M. and a Ph.D. in English Legal History from Cambridge Professor Brudney will begin his duties University. He was the Senior Comment Editor for the as Associate Director in January 1998 and University of Chicago Legal Forum and served as a law clerk for Judge David will assume the Director position in July. A. Nelson of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. At the law firm of Mayer, Brown, and Platt, in Chicago, he practiced in the areas of trusts A book written by Professor John Quigley and estates. has been released. Flight into the Maelstrom: Soviet Immigration to Israel and Also new to the classroom, Doug Berman discovered that Middle East Peace is published by Ithaca practicing law was more about the facts, while teaching was Press. The book is an analysis of the more about the law. migration from the Soviet Union to Israel “The law was what I liked most about being a lawyer,” he that occurred in the early 1990s, and its says. He is also looking forward to working with students as he impact on peace negotiations between teaches Criminal Law and Criminal Punishment and Sentencing. Israel and the Palestinians. It looks at the He received an A.B. degree from and a impact of adding a substantial new Jewish J.D. degree from Harvard Law School, where he was on the staff population, in particular Doug Berman of the Harvard Law Review. After graduation, He clerked for in Israel’s settlements in Judge Jon O. Newman and then forjudge Guido Calabresi, both territory in which the on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. From there, he Palestinians seek to served as a litigation associate at the law firm of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, establish a state. and Garrison. In addition to authoring numerous publications, Professor Berman has served as the editor of the Federal Sentencing Reporter for three years.

John Quigley Faculty News

Dean Williams Named • greeting alumni at a special reception in to AALS Office New York City in June. Peter Eikenberry Dean Gregory H. Williams has been ’64 was the host. nominated to the position of President- •joining with 200 lawyers from through­ Elect of the Association of American Law out the Buckeye State to discuss issues Schools. The election will be held at the concerning the practice of law in Ohio group’s January 1998 meeting. during the Bench and Bar Retreat in The President-Elect serves in that Columbus in September. position for one year, then assumes the • speaking to incoming students at Colby 11 Presidency of the organization. College, Maine, in September. His book, He would be the fourth president Life on the Color Line, was required of AALS from the College of Law in reading for all new students at the school. the 99 year history of the Association, • visiting with members of the ten classes and the first from Ohio State since who returned to the law school for Dean Frank R. Strong assumed the office reunions on September 12 and 13. in 1960. Former presidents of the AALS include • speaking to 150 members and alumni of such legal giants as Roscoe Pound, Harlan the law firm of Fredrikson and Byron in Amee McKim ’94 Fiske Stone, Arthur L. Corbin, Austin W Minneapolis in October. Scott, Karl N. Llewellyn, Erwin N. • hosted, with the faculty of the law school, McKim Returns to Alma Mater Griswold, and William L. Prosser. a reception for John W Garland ’74, the as Placement Director In the past months, Dean Gregory H. new president of Central State University, Amee McKim, a 1994 graduate of the Williams has represented the College of Wilber force, Ohio. (See the next issue of College of Law, is the new placement Law in many forums. Some of his the Law Record for more on Garland’s director. She assumed the position on activities include: new position). November 10. • visiting with law alumni at an event in She brings an insider’s perspective Chicago hosted by Will Kohn ’76. July Bar Exam Results Announced to the position, both as an alumna • speaking at a conference on multi-racial Final results of the Ohio Bar Examination and a practicing attorney. Immediately issues at Edgewood College, Madison, have been released. This was the first out of law school, she practiced at Wisconsin in June. exam in which changes ordered by the Baker and Daniels in Fort Wayne, Supreme Court, increasing requirements Indiana. Most recently, she maintained for passage on the exam from 385 points a solo practice, primarily representing to 405, went into effect. children. Of the Ohio State graduates who took the As Placement Director, she will exam, 86 percent of first-time takers passed be reporting to Associate Dean Nancy and 84 percent of all takers passed. Ohio Rapoport, who has assumed State ranked second among Ohio’s nine law overall supervisory responsibility for schools. The overall pass rate was 75.6 percent. student affairs.

LeRoy Pemell shares a few remarks during a farewell luncheon in his honor in July. He became the Dean of the College of Law at Northern Illinois University last summer after 26 years at Ohio State. A 1974 graduate of the College, Professor Pemell has been on the faculty since 1975. He initially served as adjunct professor of law and clinical staff attorney. This past fly Aw year, he taught three courses at the A > S College, in addition to his duties Dean Gregory H. Williams presents a as Vice Provost of the Office of certificate of distinction to John W Garland Minority Affairs. ’74, the new president of Central State University. Student News

Ohio State Represented in the ABA Merger Inquiry.” His Law Student Recognized H ouse of D elegates essay is now being By University Third-year law student, Salvador A. considered with other Third year law student Halle Butler Cicero, has been elected a division prize-winning entries received the University Student delegate for the from law schools around Recognition Award at the September 5 American Bar the nation. The contest is meeting of the OSU Board of Trustees. Association, Law sponsored by the She was honored for her work as Student Division. American Society of George R. executive editor of the Ohio State Law As division delegate, Composers, Authors and Hoskins Journal, and as a founding member of the he is the voice of the Publishers. Pro Bono Research Group. She was 38,000 U.S. law students named best oralist in the 1996 Appellate before the ABA House of First-Time Scholarship Advocacy Competition and was a finalist Salvador A. Delegates. In addition, he Goes to Smith and second-place winner in the Herman Cicero has been appointed to R. Gregory Smith, a second-year law Moot Court Competition. serve as a liaison to the Advancement of student, has received the Paul D. White Halle graduated Phi Beta Kappa Women and Minorities in the Profession Scholarship, given for the first time this and summa cum laude from Ohio Committee of the ABA. year by Baker and Hostetler L.L.P The University in 1994 with a degree in This is the first time an Ohio State law scholarship includes a paid summer political science. student has been named to this position, associate clerkship and a cash award and according to Cicero. It is the third time in is named for Paul D. White, a senior About the Class of 2000 a row that a student from the 6th Circuit partner in the firm’s Cleveland office. The 212 members of the Class of 2000 has been elected. It assists deserving minority law students come to' the College of Law from 27 Ohio State is also represented in the and facilitates the recruitment of minority states and 2 foreign countries, repre­ 6th Circuit by Melanie Myers, Lt. attorneys. White has had a prestigious senting 63 different undergraduate Governor for Liaisons, and Michael and influential law career which institutions and 54 different under­ Vollmer, Lt. Governor for Communications. included service as Law Director for graduate majors. Of the 95 women and OSU will be hosting the Spring 6th the City of Cleveland, election as the 117 men, several have master’s degrees Circuit Conference, as well. first African-American judge in Cleveland and some have Ph.D. degrees. Twelve Municipal Court, and being named the members of the class have studied Student’s Essay is Award-Winner State of Ohio’s first African-American abroad and a significant number have Third-year student George R. Hoskins bar examiner. done community service (Habitat for has received first prize in the 1-997 Nathan Greg is a 1996 graduate of The Humanity, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Sierra Burkan Memorial Competition for his Ohio State University with a degree in Club, Special Olympics). paper, “The Timing of the Copyright Civil/Environmental Engineering.

George Hairston ’68 and R. Gregory Smith ’99, the recipient of the Paul D. Third year law student Halle Butler and university President E. Gordon W hite IScholarship Gee after she was recognized by OSU Board of Trustees in September. 10 ALUMNI RETURN TO COLLEGE OF LAW MURPHY, SUTTON AND KRAUSKOPF HONORED

^^Three than 25 graduates of years. As the College University of Law were Ombuds­ recognized man in the during the mid-70s, Annual she helped Alumni resolve Return on conflicts for September faculty, 12 and 13. staff, and students. Joanne Wharton She later Murphy was appointed ’58 was chair of the recognized as Commission Outstanding on Women Alumna, and Jeffrey S. Joanne Murphy ’58 receives Elizabeth Watters ’90 presented the Law Alumni President Carl Smallwood Minorities. Sutton ’90 Outstanding Recent Alumnus Award ’80 presented the Outstanding Professor recognition from Dean Gregory H. All the was named W illiams to Jeffrey Sutton ’90 Award to Professor loan Krauskopf ’58 Outstanding while, Recent Alumnus, and Joan Krauskopf ’58 was named the 1997 she served as adjunct professor, teaching banking law. Outstanding Professor. A little more than a month later, Murphy, The education and experience she gained at Ohio State she who had retired from administrative responsibilities at the College returned to hundreds of young men and women, often working of Law in 1995, died following a lengthy illness compounded by long hours beyond what was expected. Her favorite times were cancer. when she worked one-on-one with students. She became a role “The words ‘thank you’ seems inadequate to this occasion, but model and advocate for women and minorities. In 1995, the it could not be more sincerely expressed,” she said after she Ohio State Bar Association honored her lifetime of professional received her certificate from Dean Gregory H. Williams. “This law achievement and commitment to opening doors of opportunity school gave me the opportunity to enter the legal professions and to women with the Nettie Cronise Lutes Award. to grow intellectually and personally,” she added. She met her husband, Professor Earl Finbar Murphy, at the “To realize that my life work has earned the respect and 1 the College of Law and the couple celebrated their 25th wedding affection of my fellow alumni, what more could one ask of life?” anniversary on June 21. she said. (See her complete remarks on pages 2 and 3.) “I am honored to receive this award,” noted Jeffrey S. Sutton The years following Assistant Dean Murphy’s graduation ’90 after he was recognized as Outstanding Recent Alumnus by developed into a life of service. She worked as a trust officer in Elizabeth Watters, vice president of the Law Alumni Association. a Chicago bank, then returned to Ohio to serve as an Assistant “I am extremely grateful to the law school and faculty for the Attorney General for the State of Ohio. In 1965, she was asked legal education I received here, which has made practicing law to join the staff of the College of Law as Assistant Dean. Except both a vocation and an avocation for me,” he added. for two years as Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Law Since graduating at the top of his class in 1990, Sutton has at Case Western Reserve University Law School in Cleveland, distinguished himself as one of the preeminent lawyers in the she served the Ohio State University community for more State of Ohio, and as a well regarded constitutional scholar. Continued on page 13


heir memories varied thread was that all were graduates of the College of Law. from teas hosted by Nearly 500 alumni returned to campus September 12 and professors’ wives for the 13 class reunions and the Annual Alumni Return. On Friday female students, to the evening, the classes of 1952, 1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1976, smell of tear gas wafting 1977, 1982, 1987, and 1992 gathered to renew friendships and through open windows reminisce about their days as law students. (See Alumni News, during the riots of the beginning on page 23, for class photos.) 60’s, to the summer of The weekend opened with a variety of activities during the “shake and bake” as a day on Friday. The National Alumni Council met for an update new addition to the law of activities at the College and to provide vital input to various school was under construction. They came from as far away as California, Washington, Arizona, Alabama, New York, and Florida. Some even came from around Ohio and the Midwest. But their common

Throat Culture, an a capella group, performs for the Class oj L992.

Brats hot off the grill and fresh potato salad stoke the appetites of The Clasi of 1952 catches up on 45 years’ worth of activities. enthusiastic football fans. ALUMNI RETURN TO COLLEGE OF LAW

programs. Law graduate and CBS News investigative reporter, Erin Moriarty ’77 presented a workshop, “Capturing the Spotlight While Avoiding the Glare: Media Relations for Lawyers.” The Columbus Bar Association also offered a CLE on substance abuse. A packed auditorium saw three graduates of the College recognized. Dean Emeritus Joanne Wharton Murphy ’58 was named as Outstanding Alumna. Jeffrey Sutton ’90 was honored as Outstanding Recent Alumnus. Professor Emeritus Joan Krauskopf ’58 was acknowledged as Outstanding Professor. (See story on page 11.) On Saturday, alumni were entertained by the Alumni Men’s Glee Club and a Dixieland Jazz Band while enjoying a gourmet cookout. A group of local attorneys also presented a play designed for children of all ages, before the graduates headed out Graduates and friends and family gather for a cookout prior to the to watch the Ohio State Buckeyes defeat the Bowling Green football game. Falcons, 44 to 13 at the Horseshoe.

Murphy, Sutton and Krauskopf Honored Continued from page 11 Immediately out of law school, he clerked for The Honorable newspaper that served the students and alumni until the mid-1960s. Thomas J. Meskill, in the United States Court of Appeals, Second At her graduation in 1958, she received Order of the Coif honors. Circuit. He then went to the Supreme Court of the United States, In 1959, she joined the faculty of the College as an assistant where he served as clerk for Justice Lewis E Powell, Jr., (Retired) professor. She was among the first 12 women in American law and Justice Antonin Scalia. schools to be named to such a position. After various faculty Returning to Ohio in 1992, he was an associate in the appointments for more than a decade, she served as full Columbus office of Jones, Day, Reavis and Pogue before taking professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia for 15 years, his present job as for the State of Ohio in 1995. As State again blazing the way for women in law faculty positions. She Solicitor, he is in charge of all appellate litigation for Ohio returned to Ohio State in 1987. In 1996, she was named the Attorney General Betty Montgomery and does a significant Presidents Club Professor. Joan retired from the College of Law amount of constitutional litigation. following the Spring, 1997 semester. As an alumnus, he remains committed to the advancement of the Over the years, she has been elected to or served on many College of Law. He teaches a course at the College in U.S. Supreme national boards and committees. She held several national offices Court Practice and during fall semester taught a course in state in the Association of American Law Schools, served on the Board constitutional law with fellow adjunct professor Richard Cordray. of Directors of the National Organization for Women’s Legal His children are one of his greatest joys. He and his wife, Education and Defense Fund and the Missouri Gerontology Peggy, have three: Nathanial, 5Vi; John, 4; and Margaret, 1, and Institute. She recently completed her final year as President of when when he has a free moment he can often be found playing the National Order of the Coif. Other service posts include work with them. for the Joint Task Force of the Ohio Supreme Court and the “The OSU College of Law is the best place in the nation to be Ohio State Bar Association on Gender Fairness in the profession. a student, to serve as a professor, and to claim as alma mater,” Because of her national reputation in the field of family law, she said Joan Krauskopf ’58 after she was presented the 1997 was selected after a national search to serve on the Advisory Outstanding Professor Award by Law Alumni Association Committee on Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution of the President Carl Smallwood. “We are the premier law school in the American Law Institute. Currently, she is a member of the state,” she said. “We draw an excellent and diverse student body p la n n in g committee to introduce guardianship mediation to Ohio. and a superior faculty — we provide a well balanced and broad Her husband Charles also retired this year as a professor in legal education that enables our graduates to enter any kind of the psychology department at Ohio State. They have two sons. practice anywhere in the world, and that enables the alums to Tim is the co-founder of the Chicago software company, always remain proud of the OSU College of Law,” she stressed. A Spy Glass, and wrote the Telnet program that allows small pioneer for women in the legal profession, Professor Krauskopf computers to talk to large computers. David lives in Moscow, was the first woman to serve as editor-in-chief of the Ohio State where he started a software distribution company with several Law Journal and the founding editor of the Buckeye Barrister, the Russian friends. Campaign Gifts, Commitments Top $11 Million

The Affirm Thy Friendship Campaign for the College of Law has topped the $ 11 million mark just over a year since it was launched in September of 1996. The Campaign total at the end of October stood at $11,760,439 with $4,470,958 in cash and pledges secured in the last thirteen months. Cash gifts and pledges to the Campaign account for $9,393,166 and deferred commitments account for $2,367,273. In total, the Campaign has secured 65 percent of the goal with two and a half years remaining. More than 3,000 donors have These students in the lawyering skills program this year have benefited from alumni and friend’s participated in the Campaign through gifts to the College of Law. making a gift or a pledge. Of that total, 42 donors have accounted for more that $10 • student scholarships totalling in friends throughout the country to million of the funds secured. Donors have excess of $1.8 million promote the Campaign and its importance made gifts and pledges for: • faculty support totalling over $3.9 to the future of the College. For more • library endowment totalling more than million. information about the Campaign, please $1.2 million Dean Williams and members of the contact the College’s Director of • the Law Annual Fund totalling almost College’s National Campaign Committee Development, Tom Hoffman, at $1.5 million have been visiting with alumni and (614) 292-0601.


Percentage of Goal Achieved

COMPONENT GOALRAISED 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders $ 5,750,000 $ 3,385,128 39% a endowed and operating resources for student financial aid, lawyering skills development, and learning environment Faculty Leadership and Excellence $ 4,500,00 $ 4,216,745 94% a Endowed resources for faculty support, research funds, and teaching awards. Academic Leadership and Excellence $ 2,000,000 $ 430,101 Endowed resources for Socio-Legal Studies ■ D program development, including funds for faculty and research support. Commitment to Service $ 1,750,000 $ 107,832 KB Endowed resources for student public services awards and for Legal Clinic support.

Building for Tomorrow $ 4,000,000 $ 2,599,711 65% a Endowed and current resources for annual operation and venture capital. Total $18,000,000 $11,760,439 65% a Note: Commitments totalling $1,020,922 are undesignated.

14 Leadership Donors by Gift Level (July 1, 1996-June 30, 1997)

$100,000 and Higher William Kagay Friend John Deaver Drinko James Richard Hamilton Thomas R. Hillhouse $25,000-99,999 William David Jamieson Doris Messer London James Jay Johnson Robert J. Watkins John G. Lancione Frank Chester Woodside, III Larry Russell Langdon Thomas Alan Mann $10,000-24,999 Daniel E McQuade Anita Esbenshade Chapman William Stanley Morton Michael E Colley Carl Joseph Munson, Jr. Marshall Cox Earl Finbar Murphy James D. Oglevee Frank Jerome Neff Dan David Sandman Michael D. Saad Carl Craddock Tucker Niki Zola Schwartz Ellen Larrimer Tripp, Neil Larrimer, Dr. Nye Larrimer, Terrance William Kemahan Thomas Larrimer, Louise Larrimer Swanson and Dr John Larrimer gather for Richard A. Wead the unveiling of the plaque that recognizes the room in the law school named for Gavin Larrimer. $5,000-9,999 Thomas Peter Wellman Robert Charles Coplan Hugh Richard Whiting Steven Wash Jemison Sidney M. Comrich J. MacAlpine Smith Jerome John Joondeph, Sr. Robert Woodward Gardier, Jr. $1,000-1,999 John Stuart Steinhauer Ernest Karam William Michael Isaac Howard William Adkins Todd Shawn Swatsler William Edward Knepper George W Hairston Gerald Otis Allen Lee Irwin Turner Melodee Siegel Komacker John Thomas Mills Basil J. Boritzki Timothy Nicholas lye Maxine Goodman Levin Terry Lee Overbey Edwin M. Cooperman Stephen Francis Vogel George Carlton Harold L. Talisman Willis Riley Deming Elizabeth Jean Watters McConnaughey Robert W Werth Peter G. Eikenberry John W Weaner Linda Jane Fisher Steven Worthington Miller Ithamar Dryden Weed $2,000-4,999 Robert Pickering Fite Joanne Wharton Murphy Gregory H. Williams Thomas B. Ridgley Stanford Apseloff Anne Marie Frayne Janice Elizabeth Wolfe Paul Allen Scott Bradley Davis Barbin David Lee Grayson Kim William Zerby Michael Hiram Carpenter Kenneth Richard Harkins JohnJ. Chester, Sr. Joan Aletha Harris The annual Honor Roll of the College of Law reflects all Raymond Paul Cunningham, Jr. Duane L. Isham gifts received by the College during the fiscal year beginning Gregory Scott DeWolfe Reginald Sherman Jackson, Jr. July 1, 1996 and ending on June 30, 1997. During the past year, the College received gifts totalling $1,097,471. It was the second straight year that contributions eclipsed the $1 million mark and the third time in the last four years. Of the total received, $636,537 were for endowment purposes and $460,934 for operating purposes. Alumni contributions accounted for approximately 31 percent of total contributions received. The number of donors to the College increased slightly to 1,404. This report includes all gifts to the Law Annual Fund and to established or newly-created endowments. It may not include gifts made directly to academic or student programs. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. If you find an error or omission, please contact the Ernest Karem, Chief Magistrate of the Hamilton County Court presents a Office of Development, College of Law, 55 West 12th Avenue, copy o f Black’s Law Dictionary to Anthony Stringer. Mr. Karem gives the Columbus, Ohio, 43210-1291, phone (614) 292-2937. dictionaries to the top 15 students in the second year class based on the fir st y ea r grades. 15 Donors by Class Year

(July 1 ,1996-June30,1997)

Class of 1925 Class of 1939 Class of 1947 William Lewis Johncox James Evan Nelson Robert Raitze Reed Participation: 13% Participation: 7% Participation: 25% Nils Paul Johnson Clayton W Rose Robert Levine Mellman+ Joseph F Dush+ Robert Pickering Fite* Wayne M. Leatherman Ithamar Dryden Weed Robert Melvin Light Earl N. Merwin Charles D. Shook Class of 1926 Francis Scott McDaniel Albert Donovan Miller Thomas L. Tribbie Participation: 8% Class of 1940 James E Natoli Robert W. Phillips Norton R. Webster Joseph S. Kreinberg Participation: 28% William N. Postlewaite Ralph Shapiro Frank C. Beane John L. Roof Thomas Richard Class of 1953 Class of 1928 John W Lehrer Paul Lambert Selby, Jr. Spellerberg Participation: 16% Participation: 17% John James Lynch Jack Supman Theodore Raymond William E. Arthur* Louis T. Shulman William Stanley Miller Treffinger Frank E. Bazler* Arthur N. Mindling Class of 1948 Thomas I. Webb, Sr. Ernest John Danco Class of 1931 Participation: 16% Richard Karl Wilson Ralph Alonzo Participation: 14% Class of 1941 Paul Arden Burson David H. Woldorf Henderson, Jr. Irene Fuchs Lawner Participation: 23% Thomas L. Corroto, Jr. Duane L. Isham* LeRoy Marceau Robert Milford William B. Devaney, Jr. Class of 1951 Richard G. Ison* Participation: 18% Duane J. Kelleher Class of 1933 Anderson, Sr. James R. Dupler Robert I. Boose Vincent Leroy Fox Basil J. Boritzki Keith McNamara Participation: 9% John Richard Eastman Earl Leeper Hamilton Donald Eugene James D. Oglevee* C. Merle Igo+ Jean Gordon Peltier Kenneth Richard Harkins Calhoun, Jr. Harold L. Talisman* John Harbaugh Wagnitz Judson C. Schuler William E. Herron Richard Maurice Robert J. Watkins* David A. Wible Robert John Lynn Christiansen Class of 1934 Class of 1954 Participation: 25% George W Rooney Robert A. Clair Participation: 11% Howard William Adkins Class of 1942 Robert W Rowley Sidney M. Comrich* John Marshall Adams* Clyde C. Beery Participation: 25% William Bart Saxbe James Franklin Cox George J. Aman Jack Griffith Evans Gerald Otis Allen* John D. Schwenker John David Duffy Carl Craddock Tucker* Robert Charles Coplan* RoyJ. Gilliland Rodney Alan Baker Louis Gray Class of 1949 Howard H. Harcha, Jr. Milton S. Bartholomew Class of 1935 Jack T. VanKeuls Participation: 16% Edward Stephen Havasy Kenneth R. Callahan Participation: 14% Charles William Mary C. Lord Wilbur L. Collins Myron A. Rosentreter Class of 1943 Davidson, Jr. George Carlton Russell Dominic Finneran Charles Merrel Ross Participation: 36% J. Robert Donnelly McConnaughey* Robert L. Keyes William Kemahan Howard N. Bullock* Lloyd Edison Fisher, Jr. Samuel B. Randall Harold Carl Meier Thomas* Louis B. Conkle David E. Friedlander+ William Ernest Rathman Richard C. Pickett Nelson Lancione* Max Harley Marvin Ritzenberg Class of 1936 William Luke Stewart Webster S. Lyman, Jr. George William Class of 1955 Participation: 11% John Butcher Mantonya Stuhldreher Participation: 11% Judson Carnes Kistler Class of 1944 Robert J. Swadey Sheldon Mike Young David Robert Alban Edwin R. Teple Participation: 25% John Clybum Wagner Robert Anthony Butler John Deaver Drinko* Jerold Zwelling Class of 1952 Norman Fagin Class of 1938 Participation: 17% William Brooks Johnson Participation: 19% Class of 1945 Class of 1950 John E. Compson Edwin Charles Johnston Willis Riley Deming Participation: 20% Participation: 27% Richard K. Desmond Charles Russell Leech, Jr. Richard G. Herndon George Vance Fisher James William Miller Doris Messer London+ Robert Earl Horowitz Theodore Emil Bieber Eugene C. Fresch Robert W Siegel Dwight Hoyt Morehead* Philip Raymond Bradley John Workman Joseph A. Siegel Class of 1946 Richard L. Canter Participation: 23% Raymond Paul Henderson Class of 1956 William Ammer Cunningham, Jr.* William Hudson Hillyer Participation: 13% William James Bateman Lee 0. Fitch Martin P. Joyce Joseph E Buchanan William Howard Fort Wilfred Goodwin Richard T. Laux Robert J. Fairless * President’s Club Member, Sanders David Heller William A. Lavelle Louis E. Gerber The Ohio State University Richard Stephen Hunter William W Mosholder James Richard Hamilton* ^Deceased 16 Donors by Class Year

CarlJ. Mescher Frank Jerome Neff* Edward Geoffrey Clapham Thomas J. Short Clark Poston Pritchett, Jr. Charles D. Parke George Curtis Smith Peter G. Eikenberry John Gordon Slauson Charles Nelson Ricketts Paul Daniel Ritter, Jr. Stuart A. Summit* William B. Gore J. MacAlpine Smith Jon Michael Schorr Paul Allen Scott* John Yeatman Taggart Helena Everett Jackson Keith Alan Sommer Terry Smith Shilling T. Bryan Underwood, Jr. Thomas Peter Wellman* Franklin Charles Lewis Hugh James Stevenson James Wilson Wheeler Paul R. Walsh Wesley J. MacAdam William Glen Stewart Richard Albert Yoss Walter J. Wolske, Jr. Class of 1960 James P Miller John P Tarlano John Ledgerwood Zinkand David L. Zeigler Participation: 18% John Lawrence Miller John R Wingard Larry Raymond Brown Gerald A. Mollica Class of 1969 Class of 1957 Thomas Charles Clark Sarah Smith Tintor Class of 1967 Participation: 17% Participation: 21% William Lewis Clark John W Weaner Participation: 17% Mark Rogers Abel James G. Annos Fred A. Culver Martin David Altmaier Richard James Ashby, Jr. John F Atkinson Robert C. Kiger Class of 1964 William G. Batchelder, III David S. Bloomfield* Charles A. Balzer Stanley K. Laughlin, Jr. Participation: 16% Edwin M. Cooperman* Sally Ward Bloomfield* Floyd Alan Banker Charles Russell Petree, II George Raymond Barry Harold Hunter Davis Thomas Adrian Carpenter Marc Gertner Richard F Rice Theresa Doss Gary Frederic Frye John Robert Ettenhofer John Allen Floskins Jerome J. Robison David C. Faulkner Wayne T. Gill Theodore Paul Frericks, IV Joseph David Karam Robert J. Rodefer Robert Irwin Friedman Stephen L. Hebenstreit James D. Henson Charles F Kurfess David Howald Shawan+ JohnJ. Heron* Thomas R. Hillhouse* David Bruce Hombeck Richard Lyle Loveland John K. Skomp Elliot M. Kaufman David Merle Jones Richard Maurice Huhn Edmund G. Peper W Lynn Swinger William R. McDavid Jerome John Joondeph, Sr. William Michael Isaac* Thomas Edward Ray Niki Zola Schwartz* Thomas Alan Mann* Robert Kolter Leonard Michael C. Scanlon Class of 1961 Albert S. Tabor, Jr. Franklin A. Martens Robert Edward Levey William E. Shirk Participation: 11% Charles J. Tyburski Daniel P McQuade Michael Gary Long* Larry L. Thomas James R. Barton John C. Wasserman Jack C. Rubenstein John Daniel Munkacsy, Jr. Joan E. Zuber James D. Booker Janice Elizabeth Wolfe Ronald Edward Schultz Charles R. Naylor, Jr. Charles Donald Byron Thomas D. Shackleford Thomas Rodney Owen Class of 1958 Michael E Colley Class of 1965 Richard C. Skeen Jerome Phillips Participation: 13% Howard J. Haddow Participation: 15% Paul Robert Valente Jack Richard Pigman* Albert Leo Bell David K. Holmquist Thomas L. Gire Christopher Edward Veidt John Baker Rohyans* Bernard C. Boggio Shelby V Hutchins Francis Gillen Knipe Leslie Kermit Wagner, Jr. John Stuart Steinhauer* Robert H. Coldren Larry Russell Langdon* Charles J. Kurtz, III* Richard A. Wead* Thomas Michael Tarpy Marshall Cox* Patrick N. McTeague James H. Ledman Ronald John Zeller* John Harold Thrush Ralph C. French William A. Reale Thomas H. Lindsey Lee Irwin Turner* R. Cliffton Gibbs Robert H. McNaghten, Jr. Class of 1968 Frank Chester Robert Lloyd Class of 1962 George William Moore, III Participation: 17% Woodside, III* Hammond, Jr. Participation: 20% William Karl Rice James Russell Burkhard Thomas A. Heydinger Alexander Andreoff Patrick Jerome Smith Donald Edwin Ely Class of 1970 William D. Kloss, Sr. Josiah Hillerman Charles A. Stupsker Clifton Lucien Fenton Participation: 13% Ronald G. Logan Blackmore, II ReX D. Throckmorton Thomas James Gordon Lawrence Darrell Clark Stuart Miller James Kenneth Brooker* Robert W Werth Michael Proctor Graney Adelman Joanne Wharton Murphy* Sandra Hicks Cox Robert Craig Wiesenmayer George W Hairston Joseph Lee Cain Richard S. Wagner James Lowell Graham Dale Edward Williams Mark John Hanket Samuel Ronald Cook, Jr.* Alan Smith Kerxton Kenneth William Hardesty Joseph Couture DArrigo Class of 1959 Anne Margaret Knisely Class of 1966 Douglas Bruce Harper Charles Frederick Participation: 15% David D. Mattes Participation: 17% John William Hoppers Freiburger, IV* John Goldsberry Blair, Sr. Richard Eugene Meredith Ross Edwin Austin William David Jamieson Timothy Dean Gerrity Charles Ensign Brant Jerry L. Riseling John Harper Bain John William Kenesey Gary Paul Gormin Albert W Eoff, II Lawrence Clark Sherman Fielding G. Braffett William Bierce Leahy Bruce Myron Gunn Richard J. Fraas Gary L. Stansbery Thomas A. Brennan James Wallace Luse Keith Howard Jung Frank M. Hays Benjamin L. Zox* William A. Goldman Frederick Martin Mann* James Arthur Moore, Jr.* John G. Lancione* David Lee Grayson Richard Stretton Michaels Donald Garry Paynter Ronald P. Lankenau Class of 1963 James Edward Kline Elbert R. Nester James August Readey Wayman Clarkson Participation: 17% Edward Vaughn Miller Dennis Ryan Newman Kenneth Marvin Royalty Lawrence, III John T. Brook Michael D. Saad* Norman John Ogilvie, Jr. Charles Collins Warner 17 Donors by Class Year

Class of 1971 Joseph Eugene Scuro, Jr.* Larry Allan Karns Thomas Leslie Long Nancy Lou Sponseller Participation: 12% Steven Lee Smith Louis Harvey Khourey, Jr. Robert William Malone Carol Zelizer Stoff Susan Ellen Brown* Suzan Barnes Thomas Edwin Lee Kirby, Jr. Margaret Mullany Russell Gary Tisman David Douglas Buvinger Adam Joseph Wagenbach Stephen Lewis Martinsen Robert Ward Trafford Howard Stephen Chapman Michael Edward Yurosko William Boyd Logan, Jr. Ronald Jay McCracken Edward Philip Walker William Robert Coboum* Frederick Langdon Jonathan Michael Norman John Kerry Weston Thomas Mac Freiburger Class of 1973 Ransier, III Adele Ellen O’Conner William James Participation: 15% Suzanne Kay Richards Robert Emmet Olwell Class of 1978 Hutchins, III Howard David Bader Lyle Richard Saylor Dennis Marc Papp Participation: 12% Reginald Sherman Mark Barry Cohn Stephen Robert Schmidt+ Paul Elmer Perry Daniel Allen Bailey Jackson, Jr.* Edward Charles Czopur James Robert Shenk Thelma Thomas Price Robert Edward Bums William Neal Keadey, Jr. William John Davis Leslie Vamado, Jr. Teddy Louis Ramirez John Watson Cook, III Charles William Gregory Scott DeWolfe* Hugh Richard Whiting* Ben Gilbert Rooke William Jenkins Kettlewell Gregory Brian Denny John Fredrick Aaron Philip Rosenfeld Corzine, III John Howard Lahey* Thomas Arden Dillon Zimmerman, Jr. John William Rudduck Robert Michael Curry Richard Edward Plymale Philip Louis Dombey Kurt George Sarringhaus Adrienne Canter Thomas Edward Roberts William George Fischer Class of 1975 Howard Andrew Silverman Deckman Randolph Lee Snow Richard Arthur Frye Participation: 11% Fred Thomas, Jr. Patricia Anne Folkerth Dennis Albert Valot William Allan Grim Maijorie Crowder Briggs William Michael Todd Francis Xavier Frantz Michael Wayne Ward Rodney D. Hanson Charles A. Buenning, Jr. Craig James VanHorsten Stephen John Habash* Ronald Roy Henderson Walter Kerfoot Chess, Jr. Linda Fletcher West Kenneth Joseph Kallberg Class of 1972 Wayne Paul Hohenberger Rose Blau Dabek Martha Rose Kurek Participation: 14% Simon Barry Karas Robert Henry Hoover Class of 1977 Susan Mary Kuzma John Jeffrey Bogniard Bernard LeRoy Karr Curtiss Lee Isler Participation: 14% Gary James Leppla James Reynolds Cooper Gary Allan Lickfelt Steven Wash Jemison Mark Bandy Bames Randall Edwin Moore John Frederick Copes Dennis Daryl Liston David Keith Kelley, Jr. Carol Lee Bamum Willie Ray Persons Bernard Robert Davis Joseph Litvin Terrence Patrick Kessler Dale Thomas Brinkman Jeffrey Dean Quayle Joseph Lawrence Curtis Alan Loveland Stanley Kiszkiel Michael Hiram Joseph Peter Schmitz Emmrich Timothy Craig McCann William Travis McIntyre Carpenter* Ramsay Hill Slugg* Charlotte Coleman James Elder Michael, Jr. Karen Mueller Moore* Jerome David Catanzaro Carol Sheehan Eufinger John Thomas Mills* David Andrew Orlins Alden Brett Chevlen Smithberger John Marshall Eufinger Frederick Richard Reed Terry Lee Overbey* John Patrick Coady Eleanor Louise Speelman William Kagay Friend* James Lee Rench Timothy John Quinn Richard Stephen Timothy Nicholas lye Jeffrey Allan Halm George Willard Rooney, Jr. Richard Keller Rohde, Jr. Dodson, Jr. Stephen Francis Vogel Michael Henry Haney Dan David Sandman* Bernard Joseph Schaeff Gregg Michael Emrick Philip Higbee Wolf Robert Joseph Mark Wayne Sinkhom Thomas Phillip Webster Francis Ambrose Russell Thomas Woodson Hopperton, Jr. Robert Bruce Snyder* James Roy Williams Fregiato Ronna Friedman Young James Edward Hughes William Albert Spratley Beatrice Margaret Douglas Steven Jauert Douglas Milbum Toot Class of 1976 Friedlander Class of 1979 James Jay Johnson* Allan Joseph Weiner Participation: 17% Robert Woodward Participation: 15% Thomas Frank Luken William Hunt Woods Gary William Auman Gardier, Jr. Samuel Wayne Benedict Michael Patrick Mahoney Robert Lewis Bays Donald Randall Garlit Irving Harold Berliner James William McCarthy Class of 1974 Jeffrey Lewis Benson Patrick Joseph Goebel Jordan Lewis Bleznick William James McGraw, III Participation: 13% Karen Jeanne Blackwell Scott E. Grimes Richard Howard Brody William Stanley Morton* Charles Franklin Don William Bulson David M. Huddleston Daniel Oliver Conkle Robert Monroe Parsons Andrews John Jeffrey Chemoski Thomas Dean Lammers Paula Terese Cotter John James Powers, III Gary Marc Blumenthal James Burton Farmer Louis G. Recher Robert Arnold Ellison John Charles Nancy Gutfeld Brown Thomas John Fischer Constance Whyte Reinhard Susan Shiffler Enlow Rosenberger* Ronald Garland Burden Robert Edward Fletcher James Carlos Rendeiro, III Anne Marie Frayne* Ronald Lee Rowland James Craig Carpenter William Richey Graf, Jr. Lynn Kent Riethmiller Paula Lynn Friedman John Arlie Dicke John Stuart Jones James Albert Rutledge Renee Jeanette Houser Steven R. Kerber *President’s Club Member, George Marshall Ellis Richard Kaoru David Leslie Johnson The Ohio State University William Joseph Fleck, Jr. Gregory Gordon Lockhart Shimabukuro Joan Smith Klitch +Deceased John James Flynn James Murphy Long Dale Phillip Shrallow Kenneth Hobson Koch 18 Donors by Class Year

Melodee Siegel Komacker* David Arthur Wormser Barbara Fultz Florez Class of 1984 Nancy Prytel Klingshim David Eli Larson Michael Carl Zellers David William Keller Participation: 8% Neil Edward Klingshim Ellen Matthys Donald Byron Leach, Jr. Karen Riestenberg Steven Gerard LaForge MacFarlane Class of 1981 William Joseph Leibold Brinkman Nelson J. Larkins Henry Partloe Participation: 16% James Michael Lyons, Jr. Catherine Telles Dunlay Alan Jack Lazaroff Montgomery, IV Leozino Agozzino Gary Richard Martz John Jeffrey Finocharo Daniel Ross Loveland David Alan Neuhardt Thomas Richard Allen Gregory Louis McCann, Jr. Janet Everson Henry Jennifer Brown Mailly Brent Bentley Nicholson Rod Courtney Borden Robert Morse McNitt Guy Robert Humphrey Elizabeth Berner Moore Nancy Higgins O'Malley Stephen Randall Paul Frederick Moke Allen Jonathan Koslovsky Craig Richard Reynolds Joseph Ritzert Brenneman Barbara Thompson Moser John Francis Martin Mary Schneider Rua Sylvia Beckman Jo Lindseth Busser James Gerard Neary Robert Bruce McPherson Sandra Roth Seballos Robbins-Penniman Chester Clive Christie Phyllis Stillpass Michael Stratton Miller Zachary Thompson Scott Alan Scherff Stephen Eugene DeMarsh Nedelman Steven Worthington Space Sam Oscar Simmerman Frederick Walker Dressel Brenda Bom Noftz Miller Kevin Lee Sykes James Craig Ellis Charles Sumner Alexander Mitrovich Class of 1987 David Michael Janet Diann Gibson Plumb, III Jeffrey Lee Nischwitz Participation: 14% Whittaker James Anthony Giles Robert James Reynolds Judith Ann Northrup Linda L. Ammons Klaus Heinz Wiesmann Frederick Hunker Paul Anthony Rose Karen Krisher Rosenberg Joseph Paul Boeckman Stephen Miles Wilson Stephanie Baker Jarrett Michael Matthew Schmidt Kenneth Merle Roth Smith Rufus Cheryl Foster Wolff Thomas John Keable Danny Shaban Camille Elaine Willis Brittingham, IV Stephen Joseph Yurasek Jeffrey Dale Mackey Marcia Katz Slotnick J. Scott Clark Douglas Hayes Marshall Therese Verhoff Squeri Class of 1985 David James Coyle Class of 1980 Brett Lyne Miller Scott Forsbrey Sturges Participation: 9% Jeffrey Oxford Davis Participation: 15% Carl Joseph Munson, Jr. Gregory William Stype Walter Robert Bieganski Jayne Ellen Demaras Roland Humphreys Bauer Susan Wittemeier O’Neil Thomas Edmund Joseph Orwin Bull* Jessica Mussman Ditullio Herman Andrew Carson Stephen Lee Oliver Szykowny Thomas S. Counts Mary Suzanne Duffey Michael Manuel Castro Guy Lester Reece, II Carol Lynn Tenyak- Douglas Parker Currier Joan Irwin Fishel David Keith Conrad Joseph Richard O’Connor James Alexander Demetry Anne Light Hoke Douglas Alan Daley Rosenbaum* Mark Samuel Toledo Scott Jay Frankel Susan Levitt House Karen Sue Darby Belinda Jayne Scrimenti Steven Marc Walk Gary Alan Gillett Lowell Bennett Howard, Jr. Bradley Mark Davis Stephen Bradley Seiple Pamela Jean Gordon Donna Joyce Jennewine James Joseph Frasca Stephen Rocco Serraino Class of 1983 Kristin Hay Ives John Mark Kantner Robert Jeffrey Harris John Stanley Shaffer Participation: 9% Rebecca Tredway Kasha Steven Robert Kirschner Douglas G. Haynam Daniel Jerome Sponseller Melanie Clemmons John Joseph Laffey Kathleen Rummel LaTour Laurene Helen Horiszny David Lynn Suter Becker Jeffrey Allen Merklin Risa Dinitz Lazaroff Kim Robin Kolb Todd Shawn Swatsler Bradley Wayne Bittinger Sara Ellen Robbins Herman Marable, Jr. Carol Perritt Lindstrom Hayes Taylor Douglas Howard Cook Martin Sanford Kathleen Anne McGarry Marcia Elaine Palof Yolanda Vargas Vorys Cheryl Ann Eifert Rosenthal Michael Patrick Meaney Joseph William Gregory Kent Waters James Joseph Freedman Anne Marie Sferra Bonnie Irvin O’Neil Pappalardo Lisa Palmer Wilcox Thomas Joseph Goedde Elizabeth Flynn Vorys Timothy Alan Riedel Robert McCall Pfeiffer Kay Woods Robert Carl Goldie Raechel Tigner Wright Kevin Arthur Rings Stephen Edward Pigott Harry Greenlee Cheryl Lyn Roberto Brent Allen Rowland* Class of 1982 Judith Joy Hritz Class of 1986 Belinda Henderson Simile Frederick Carter Schoch Participation: 16% Catherine Elaine Huston Participation: 11% Timothy Farrell Sweeney Carl DeMouy Eliot W Abarbanel Teresa Dorow Kaylor Stanford Apseloff* Jennifer Murchake Todd Smallwood Mark Francis Ahlers Eugene Roberts King John Roger Davis Stephanie Marie Vesper William Joseph Sparer Catherine Elaine Susan Marie Lebold Teresa Ball Earley Lea Stout Sterling Blackburn Jetta Lynn Mencer David Louis Fish Class of 1988 Christopher John Swift James Patrick Both Jennifer Thomas Mills Judith Marie Fisher Participation: 11% Thomas Edward Trempe Wanda Lees Carter Raul Antonio E Pedrozo Brendan Allen Ford Geoffrey Randall Ayers Anne Daley Wattman Mary Waterman Randall William Rummell Ronald Lee House Alicia Jean Bentley Lucile Gray Weingartner Christensen William C. Strangfeld, Jr. Dean Lawrence Jacob Lisa Weekley Coulter Janice Wilz Wise Marti Stein Davis Kim William Zerby Amy Elizabeth Kellogg Ann Eileen Fallon Myron Daniel Wolf, III Linda Jane Fisher Scott Allen King Judith Lynne French 19 Donors by Class Year

Gregory Aloysius Class of 1990 Elizabeth Smith Schmitz Roy Eldridge Brown Alexandra Maria Gehlmann Participation: 14% Patrick John Schmitz Chris Dana Carey Gauthier Bernadette Bollas Genetin Brenda Kay Bowers Steven Howard Matthew Rickey Copp Catherine Edwards Michael Jay Goldberg Lori Ann Burrington Sneiderman Marsha Elizabeth Curley Heigel Nancy Novack Idzkowski Neil Patrick Calvin Jennifer Sostaric Mark Edward Duell Cheryl Risley Hughes James Armand King Robert J. Creamer Kara Jean Trott* Loyal Arthur Eldridge, III Kevin Conwell Hughes Thomas Neil Littman Christopher M. DeVito Fern Schmitz Watters Daniel Douglas Ernst David Edward Glen Ray Pritchard Timothy Robert DeWitt Jennifer Schwartz Weisner Wendy Beth Friedman Kauffman Kenneth Michael Melissa Zox Feldman Dane Arthur Gaschen Diana Lee Kenworthy Richards William Mitchell Gantz Class of 1992 Joan Aletha Harris Chong Won Kim Kirk William Roessler Catherine Cordial Geyer Participation: 7% Sandra Celeste Humphries Stephen Randall William Leo Sennett, III Thomas Edward Geyer Cynthia Barker Albrecht Robert D. Icsman Kleinman Ronda Anderson Brigid Ellen Heid Jennifer Susan Frenzer Elizabeth Ann Ilgen Amy Litkovitz Koncelik Shamansky Frank Joseph Janik, III Jill Ringel Hart Christine Elizabeth Yale Robert Levy Julie Grosjean Skattum John Andrew Kastelic Mary Mellum Johnson Kessler Elizabeth Welch Lykins Marta Ann Stein Lynda Munderloh Leedy Christine Steigerwald Christopher S. Koczwara Michael Norman Manly Betsy Ann Swift Dean Matthew Lenzotti Julian Brian Karl Kurzmann Gary Paul Martin William Andrew David Andrew List Lopa B. Parikh David A. Oppenheimer Amy Elizabeth Matuza Thorman, III Carolyn Matheson Angela Kay Plummer Diane Thelma Fox Paul Colleen Christa Franklin Henry Top, III Loeffler Anne Louise Sarkinen Joanne Sue Peters Mumane Katrina Dee Miller English Lisa Jane Sutton Eric Stoodt Rohm Shalini Nangia Class of 1989 William Hurst Oldach, III Pamela Anne Walton Kathryn Louise Sandford Joanne K. Nielsen Participation: 12% Elizabeth Shoman Phillips Michael Leland Williams Yvonne S. Schlosberg Constance Bertilacci Christopher Woll Daniel Howard Sanders Ted L. Wills Dina Aspy Tantra Pierce Armstrong Anna Rouhana William Pailet Zox Richard Darren Watkins Stanley E. Ramsay Julia Petrik Cain Seidensticker David Eric Weisblatt Hollie Ferkol Reedy Margaret R. Carmany John William Class of 1993 Ronald Scott Wollett Joshua Philip Rosenberg Michael Dubetz Seidensticker Participation: 9% Lisa Hebenstreit Zarlenga Jeffrey George Rupert Sylvia Lynn Gillis Teresa Lynne Brian Anthony Billett Leslie Ellen Sacks Carrie Elizabeth Glaeden Sollenberger Timothy Raymond Class of 1995 Rena Guamieri Sauer' Jodi Ann Govern Julie Ellen Squire Bricker Participation: 22% Christine Marie Schutte Dodd Joseph Gray Melissa Karen Stull Barbara Harris Combs Scyld Douglas Anderson Samantha Ann Shuler John Paul Gruber Terre Lynne Vandervoort Carol Lynne Day Paul Joseph Arends Mark Antonio Smith Douglas Richard Elizabeth Jean Watters Brian Timothy Deas Katherine Ann Kari Koenig Walter Jennings Gavin Christian Jangard Augustine William Scott Zerkle John Lewis Landolfi Class of 1991 David Matthew Kail Brian Anthony Basil David Charles Levine Participation: 10% Elizabeth Power Kessler Laura A. Brady Class of 1996 Lawrence Walter Elizabeth Laughlin Susan Munroe Milne Christine Ann Bricker Participation: 20% Mitchell Anstaett Polly Misra Elaine Aten Brown Rebecca Berry Anaya Boyd Kenneth Moehring Gwen Silverberg Sean Thomas Moorhead Robert Brannon Gail Lynn Bakaitis Carol Hiromi Morita Callender Dennis Bernard Pollard Bumgarner DeWolf Stephen Ashley Mortinger Paul Cornell Eckel Gretchen Marie Ratcliff Courtney Wiesenmayer Trina Lynn Blakemore Jeffrey Alan Moyer Rhonda J. Foster Rebecca Spencer Ruppert Burton Adam K. Brandt Nancy Lee Ogden Timothy Nels Harildstad Michael George Seidel Scott Allen Campbell Julie Elizabeth Brigner Lawrence David Pollack Debbie Watts Johnson John Gregory Smith Naima R. Clarke Shannon Todd Browne Gregory Allen Price Ralph Erhard Carl Knull Robert Martin Spiegel Janee Michele Susan Anitas Clady Rachelle Cohen Singer John Francis Kreber Jonathan Andrew Cornelison Lori Ann Clary Thomas George St. Pierre Andrea Marie Kuntzman Woodman Kirsten Kathleen Davis Tanya Marie Conrath Robert Anthony Taormina Bruce E. Lundegren Susan Moeller Zerull Corey Alan Ditslear Kelly Leann Culshaw Kristin Lynn Watt Theodore Pete Mattis Jennifer Lynn Duvall Kimberley Ann Brian Keith Moll Class of 1994 Audrey Lewis Ernst Doucher Participation: 13% Richard W Erwine *President’s Qub Member, Ronald Henry Noble David Michael Dvorin Thè Ohio State University Madeline Ann Rambo LiSa Marie Ashbrook Rhonda Lou Forshey Terri Lynn Enns +Deceased James Taylor Reist Jennifer Renee Belmont Leo Joseph Fuchs Shawna L. Erb 20 Donors by Class Year

Stephen David Estelle John Bradley Keck Christine Amer Mayer Denise Lynn Skingle Scott lan Unger Katherine Doggett Michael M. Kowsari Judith Lynn Neus Susan E. Small Chrysanthe Elizabeth Goldsmith James Lee Kwak Jennifer Irene Rudinger Erika Danielle Smith Vassiles Marylynn Graf-Caswell Rodd B. Lape Michele Marie Schoeppe Rita Louise Smith Amy Jean Waterfield Satricia Ann Hall Scott Thomas Lindsey John B. Schwendener Arlus Jeremiah Stephens Merlyn Gail Williams Katherine Lynn Joseph Thomas John Lipka David Todd Scott Tammy Marie Stewart Jeffrey Dana Wilson James Clifford Joslin Kathryn Elizabeth Loebs Sabrina Wood Shumsky Jean M. Suh Corporations and Foundations

The following firms, Richard L. Boylan and First Bank System Lawyers Club of The Ohio State foundations, and Associates Foundation Columbus University Alumni corporations made gifts Bricker and Eckler Fuller and Henry Lawyers Title Insurance Association Inc. to the College of Law CSX Corporation General Electric Fund Corp Foundation Outdoor Power, between July 1,1996 Capital Cities/ABC Inc. General Motors Lutz and Oxley Equipment Institute and June 30, 1997. Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. Foundation Attorneys Inc. The list includes Foundation Gibson Dunn and M. A. Young Foundation Arline and Thomas corporations which Michael E Colley Crutcher Marsh and Marsh Patton Foundation matched contributions Company The Wilfred Goodwin Mastercard International Thomas E Peterson from alumni and friends. Columbus Foundation and J. Jean Goodwin Inc. Foundation — Robert K. and Irene Trust Mead Corporation Porter, Wright, Morris, ARC Inc. Z. McNamara Fund Grandview Heights Foundation and Arthur Law Firm Abbott Laboratories Columbia Gas System High School — Mellen Foundaton Preformed Line Products Fund Inc. Class of 1947 Monsanto Fund Company Alexander and Baldwin Columbus Bar HRD Trust of Bowling Mutual of Omaha Procter and Gamble Inc. Association Green, Ohio Company Fund American Express Coopers and Lybrand Hewlett-Packard National City Bank of E. W Scripps Company Foundation Foundation Company Cleveland Sprint Foundation Amgen Inc. Dayton Foundation Investors Development Nationsbank Fritzie C. Sterling Trust Arthur Andersen and Depository — Mr. Group Nationwide Insurance Surgical Research Inc. Company Foundation and Mrs. Gordon H. Jacobson, Maynard, Foundation Tenn Va Investigations Anderson Publishing Savage Fund Tuschman, and Kalur John Nuveen and Trinova Foundation Company The Epcon Group Inc. Co., LPA Company Inc. U. S. Treasury Office Anonymous Ernst and Young Jewish Community Nynex Family of Staff AON Foundation Foundation Federation of Companies USX Corporation Arco Foundation Hubert A. and Gladys Cleveland — Robert Ohio Bar Review and USX Corporation B. P America Inc. C. Estabrook M. and Lucille R. Writing Seminar Inc. Foundation Baker and Hostetler Charitable Trust Levin Fund Ohio State Bar VFW Department of Founders Trust Exxon Education Kerr-McGee Corporation Association Ohio Ladies Auxiliary J. G. Bell Foundation Foundation Key Bank — Cleveland Ohlin and Ohlin Vorys, Sater, Seymour, The Bock Foundation Thomas J. and Mary E. Larrimer and Larrimer Attorneys at Law and Pease Trust Eyerman Foundation Law Office of Ron Perey Olsten Central Ohio Eric L. Weeden Co., LPA Borg-Warner Foundation Pearl and Troy Feibel Law Office — Paul A. LCC Xerox Foundation Fund of the Bernardini Leo Yassenoff Columbus Foundation Foundation Inc.

21 Faculty and Friends (July 1, 1996-June 30, 1997)

Faculty, staff and friends Grace Lucille Burk Martha Hickman John Richard Meyer Robert L. Rupp of the College who Shirley Claggett Calhoun Howland Alan C. Michaels Cynthia K. Sakai demonstrate their Jeffrey W Callender Freda Murphy Hunt Elizabeth Jarosi Miller James T. Sakai support through gifts Richard S. Camell Frederic G. Hunt Esther Virginia Miller Allan Jay Samansky are acknowledged with Anthony P. Carr James S. Imboden Jane P. Miller Patricia A. Schwenker grateful appreciation. C. Joann Cavendish Joan E. Imboden Mary Ellen Miller Dan T. Sebastian Joanna Lawyer Louis A. Jacobs Myron Clyde Miller Elizabeth P Sebastian Janet Hawk Adams Cavendish* Audrey C. Jay Nancy Normecutt Miller Lyn Downing Seiple Barbara Alexander John E Cavendish Esther Mally Johncox Patricia J. Miller Ethel M. Shapiro Charles H. Alexander Clyde Chalfant Bruce S. Johnson Samuel Huston Miller Virginia Bonnet Shawan Ernesto J. Anaya Anita Esbenshade Michael Joseph Jones Dorothy J. Morse Daniel M. Shirley Anonymous Chapman* Timothy Stoltzfus Jost Warren H. Morse Karen Jean Simmerman Elizabeth Kurtz Argo JohnJ. Chester, Sr.* Jane Evans Kantner Kathleen R. Mosier Chris Smith James A. Argo II Helen F. Chirakos Ernest Karam* Edward Quentin Moulton Marilyn R. Smith Terri Sue Armstrong Daniel C.K. Chow Maijorie P. Karhoff Joy Wade Moulton Norman Thomas Smith Mary Grossman Arthur* Albert L. Clovis Richard A. Keitz Kirsten S. Moy Marion Eugene David L. Auld* Marlene Sherman Cohn Judd L. Kessler Jay Stuart Moyer Smithberger Joyce Lucke Auld Mary Jane Brown Cox Jo Anne Green Ketcham C. Scott Mueller* Barbara Rook Snyder Rachel R. Auman Christine L. Crawford William L. Ketcham Sharon Amanda Mueller Lanny Sterling Cynthia Baker Harold E Crawford, Jr. Jane Leitnaker Kistler Betty Southard Murphy Jane Knisley Stiverson Norman Baker Sharon L. Davies William Edward Knepper Earl Finbar Murphy* E. Thomas Sturges Bradley Davis Crista Cooper DeVore Robert M. Krivoshey David A. Nelson Deborah Olen Stype Barbin* David DeVore Tillie Lapitsky Lancione* Bettyann Loefgren Molly Tarbert Ned Kelton Barthelmas* Susan L. Denny Joan Wipf Lawrence Nichols Gregory Michael Geraldine Olson Andrew G. Douglas Maxine Goodman Levin Avis Nordstrom Travalio Bartholomew Claire S. Dworkin Mary Campbell Lewis Robert John Nordstrom* Ellen Stonington Vorys Mary R. Bauer Michael Joseph Earley Patti Ingrid Lind-Toledo Kathy S. Northern Helen Peters Watkins* John Cole Beeler Stephen M. Erhart Thomas Alfred Lindstrom Betty Hewson O’Neill Nancy M. Webster > Carol Hall Benson V Dawn Voelker Falleur Allan Eugene Lines Jack W Overmyer. Sarah N. Welling Linda J. Berry Ann G. Fullerton Elizabeth D. Livingston Rose M. Overmyer Shirley McKay Robert Berry Ronald W Gabriel Paula Jewett Lockhart Diane D. Patterson Wiesenmayer Jeanne Yardley Bogen Elizabeth Lind Galbreath Christina Carlson Logan Robert J. Patterson Gregory H. Williams Thomas E. Bogen Donald J. Genetin Pamela H. Lombardi George W Paulson Charles Eugene Wilson John L. Boggs David Goldberger Martha Hughes Russell J. Peterman Linda Yaple Wolske William Scott Bolz* Claudia Davis Grayson Londergan James E. Pohlman Michael A. Worrell Onda Minshall Booker Arthur Franklin Jacqueline E. MacDonald Patricia Likert Pohlman* Rebecca M. Worrell Helen Lewis Brody Greenbaum Alice Elizabeth Rasor Robert H. Poling Harry Wright, III C. W Brooks Deborah R. Hanson Martin+ Anne E. Portwood Diana L. Yoder Molly Kay Brooks David A. Harris Martha J. Martin Suanne McClung Powell Frank W Yoder* Linda Raye Brown Ellen E. Harris William G. Martin Ira W Price Maijorie C. Ziska Robert L. Brubaker Thomas L. Hawk Linda Thomas Mattes Michael T. Radcliffe Richard E Ziska James J. Brudney Eloise Edwards Hays Alvin J. McKenna Nancy B. Rapoport Philip Zywiciel Ronald Louis Bucheit John Porter Henderson Carol J. McKenna Linda Gold Readey Susan Williams Bucheit Harry L. Henning, Jr.* Waymon B. McLeskey II Jennifer Wilkie Reynolds Dorothy Buening Neil Wallace Higgins James E. Meeks Dora M. Richardson Helen Barnes Bullock Harold C. Hirshman Deborah J. Merritt Thomas B. Ridgley Donald Stewart Marilyn H. Rodefer Howland, Jr. Doris Maxon Rooney Betty L. Rose

*President’s Club Member, The Ohio State University +Deceased Alumni News

Let us know what is happening in your life, personally and professionally. Submit news items to Liz Cutler Gates, The Law Record, The Ohio State University College of Law, 55 West 12th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1391, or fax them to (614) 292-1383. You may also e-mail news to: [email protected]. Photos are welcome but will not be returned.

1CT A Chairman of the Columbus Bar J \JAssociation Visitation Committee, Class o f 1952 — 4 5 Year Reunion: Row 1, Charles D. Minor J. Gilbert Reese, James D. Primm, Jr., Jack R. Alton visits lawyers who are Robert Reed, Robert M. Duncan, Norton R. Webster, James S. Parobek, James E. Nelson; Row 2, James Romeo Corley, Earl Robert Miller, Roy J. Gilliland, George R. Walker, Tom Letson, George terminally ill. He is senior partner with Robert Walker, Charles Brown, John Workman Henderson, Malcolm M. Prine, Charles J. Kerester, Lane, Alton and Horst in Columbus, Martin Stanford Goldberg. where he resides with his wife, Reba. County Prosecutor; member Ohio General Ohio’s higher education policies. Reese and 5 CT A Charles Assembly; Jackson County probate judge; the Thomas J. Evans Foundation also J Z>E. Brown County Court; and Jackson County recently received the Transportation Partner has been with municipal court. He resides in Wellston Award from the Environmental Protection the law firm of with his wife of 46 years, Karleene. Agency in recognition of development of Crabbe, Brown, bicycle trails in Newark that link the inner Jones, Potts and Martin S. Goldberg has spent most of his city with outlying locations. The six miles Schmidt for his practice in the medical negligence field. He of trails take bicyclists to the YMCA, entire career. resides in Canfield with his wife, Donna. athletic fields, the library, the high school, A highlight and the Newark campus of The Ohio was serving as Charles E. Brown 52 J. Gilbert Reese has been appointed by State University without crossing a street. Special Counsel for the State of Ohio in Ohio Governor George V. Voinovich ’61 the Kent' State trial. He represented the to the Ohio Board of Regents. An attorney George R. Walker practices law in Governor and the Ohio National Guard. from Newark, Reese is a partner in the California. He and his wife, Patty, reside He resides in Columbus. firm of Reese, Pyle, Drake and Myer and in Carmel and have four children and is chairman of the First Federal Savings 12 grandchildren. Roy J. Gilliland is currently president of and Loan Association. The nine-member the Wellston Area Chamber of Commerce. board makes recommendations to the 1CT "7Floyd Alan Banker lives in Shadyside, His career highlights include: Jackson governor and the General Assembly on I Ohio with his wife, Reba. They have two children and three grandchildren.

Robert A. Butler is listed in The Best Lawyers in America, 1997-1998. He practices in the area of workers’ compen­ sation law for Butler, Cincione, DiCuccio, Dritz and Barnhart in Columbus.

Lecturing internationally and authoring articles and forms on shopping center legal matters are among the professional highlights of Ronald G. Galip. He also organized and chaired conferences sponsored by the International Council of Shopping Centers, including the first Ohio Shopping Center Law Conference. He and George ’52 and Patty Walker and family his wife, Eileen, live in Youngstown. 23 Alumni News

Marc Gertner, Toledo, Ohio, has published Charles F. Kurfess is Common Pleas Judge, They have two children and four four books and 40 articles. He was named Wood County, and served 22 years in Ohio grandchildren. Pension World Advisor of the Year in 1989 General Assembly, including six years as and Toledo Bar Association Contributing Speaker. He and his wife reside in Perrysburg. On the occasion of her reunion, Joan E. Lawyer of the Year in 1995. He is a Zuber, Columbus, remembered the teas partner at Shumaker, Loop and Kendrick. Donald Lloyd Lane is the Eaton Law Mrs. Robert Mathews held for the women Director and former county Prosecuting law students (“all ten of us”). Paul P. Gutmann has enjoyed “40 years Attorney. He resides in Eaton, Ohio. of fun and enjoyment in the practice of > £ A jo siah (Joe) H. law.” He received the Piqua, Ohio “Order Edmund G. Peper served as Prosecuting U Z. Blackmore II is of George” Award in 1995 and the St. Attorney, Henry County, Ohio, from 1961 retiring as president of Vincent College Letterman of Distinction to 1976. He and his wife, Donna, live in Capital University after Award in 1985. He resides in Piqua with Napoleon, Ohio and have four children. this school year. His his wife of nearly 40 years, Rosemary. professional highlights Career highlights for Thomas Edward include the practice of Sara Rusk Hunter served as Judge of the Ray include: Morrow County Prosecuting law; professor of law; Cleveland Heights Municipal Court for 18 Attorney, two terms; C.E.O., Western dean of law; president of Jos‘a^ 0oe) H- years (January 1976 through December Exploration Inc.; and Director, Holloway- university... He u credits ,. Blackmore I I ’52 1993) and is now retired. She resides in Western, Inc. He resides in Cardington, Ohio. Professor VC. Ball for influencing Cleveland Heights, Ohio. his teaching style. “He taught me Edward R. Reichek is a former trustee of Evidence, which in turn I taught the Richard Lee Jackson retired in 1996 the Cleveland Bar Association and editor ‘Ball way’ for 17 years,” recalls Joe. He after almost 40 years of estate and trust of the Cleveland Bar Association Desk Book. also cites Dean Frank Strong as a quiet planning and administration. He resides He resides in Cleveland. role model as dean. The Blackmores reside in Birmingham, Alabama with his wife, in Columbus. Sadie. They have three children and James Howard five grandchildren. Williams, Sr. has William R. Bowlus’ personal and/or served as a U.S. professional highlights include Past David Allan Katz has been married 42 Bankruptcy Judge for President of the Sandusky Bar Association; years to Joan Siegel. They have three 25 years, including O.S.U. Alumni Association; Fremont ’ children, 10 grandchildren, all who reside 10 as Chief Judge of Kiwanis Club; active in economic in Toledo. He has served as U.S. District the district. He and development; former recipient of Jaycees Court Judge for the past three years, his wife of 42 years, Hon James H Young Man of Year award. He recalls the following 37 years in private practice. Peg, reside in Alliance. Williams, Sr. ’57 many good friends he made in law school,

C lass o f 1957 — 40 Year Reunion: Row 1, Richard Lyle Loveland, William J. Abraham, Joan E. Zuber, John A. Hoskins, David Allan Katz; Row 2, Alan Banker, James H. Williams, Joan Miday Krauskopf, Marc Gertner, John V. Class of 1962 — 3 5 Year Reunion: Row 1, Fred Preston, John Judge, Robert J. Moore, Benjamin Dye; Row 3, Ronald G. Galip, Richard Jackson, L. Zox, Anne Margaret Knisely, Robert Hull Farber, Robert Joseph Perry; Row 2, James L. Graham, Bruno E. Voltolini, Don Lane; Row 4, Charles F. Josiah H. Blackmore, Clarence Buford Taylor, William Ralph Bowlus, Richard S. Mann, Ron Davis, Kurfess, Edmund George Peper, Walter Eugene Sandra Hicks Cox, Carl A. Rankin, Richard E. Meredith, James Lyman Wilcox, David D. Mattes, Apple, Paul P. Gutmann. Gary Stansberry. 24 Alumni News

especially the “four or five couples who, like Robert James Moore retired from the Cases Gamer Media Attention us, were married, had no money, and our bench in 1991. “I do not miss the court wives were working hard to help get us system or the legal profession,” he says. With a little more than “There are so many things I would rather a year under his belt through.” Bill and his wife, Clara, who helped be doing.” He lives in Newark, Ohio. as a federal prosecutor, put him through law school, live in Fremont. Mark Godsey ’93 has James L. Pazol is the managing partner, prosecuted not one, Sandra Hicks Cox credits the ability, gleaned from law school, to tackle any Anzellotti, Sperling, Pazol and Small Co., but two cases that L.PA. Among the career highlights he lists: have garnered national challenge in the law to helping her manage a Domestic Relations Unit and president, Ohio Academy of Trial Lawyers; media attention. Mark Godsey ’93 start and develop a corporate law president, American Board of Trial , One case came to Ohio Chapter; president, Youngstown Area an end on September 24, when, after 11 department. She is currently Vice Jewish Federation; trustee of Frances/Lillian hours of deliberation, a Manhattan jury President/Senior Compliance Officer for Schermer Charitable Trusts. He and his found Angel Recalde, 27, of New York, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc., in wife, Bobby, live in Girard, Ohio. guilty of bank fraud. A former employee Pasadena, California. She and her family reside in Altadena, California. of the NBA basketball team, the New Robert J. Perry lives in Worthington, Ohio Jersey Nets, Recalde was found to have with his wife, Jane Brazik-Perry. They have stolen nearly $100,000 from Kenny John D. Judge counts the privilege to four children, and six grandchildren. Anderson, a former Nets guard now with serve as a judge for 28 years as one of his career highlights. He currently lives in the Portland Trail Blazers, by forging Carl A. Rankin is a founding member of Anderson’s name on checks paid to credit Norton, Ohio. the intellectual property law firm of Rankin, card accounts held by Recalde’s father. Hill, Lewis and Clark in Cleveland. Godsey, an Assistant United States Anne Margaret Tausch Knisely, M.D., Attorney for the Southern District of Grove City, Ohio, recalls three years of Gary L. Stansbery is employed as New York since July of 1996, called “reading law” from 10:00 p.m. until 2:00 a.m. while the rest of the family slept. director, tax litigation, tax department, Anderson and Hall of Famer Willis Monsanto Company, St. Louis, Missouri. Reed as witnesses. Also testifying at the Her four children who were 7, 6, 4, and 1 trial were Jayson Williams and Lou when she was in law school are now launched on professional careers of their Clarence B. Taylor retired as an Assistant Camesecca, the former coach at own, including Jan P Knisely, M.D.; U.S. Attorney on January 1, 1996. His last St. John’s University. office was located in the U.S. Virgin Godsey is also prosecuting a case Geoffrey R. Knisely, M.D.; Patricia Knisely Islands. He also involving a national test-cheating ring Post, Attorney-At-Law; Kathleen M. retired as a that sold the answers to graduate school Knisely, Attorney-At-Law. Lieutenant Colonel admissions tests, like the GMAT and Patrick N. McTeague missed the 35th in the JAG Officer GRE. Po Ching Ma, 45, of Arcadia, reunion because he and his wife, Edna, were Corps on January California, is charged with mail and 16, 1997. He wire fraud after he allegedly paid experts touring Austria and Switzerland. He has practiced in Maine most of his career. His and his wife, to take tests under assumed names in firm, McTeague and Higbee, has grown to Bertha, live in Clarence ’62 and New York, then phone the correct 15 lawyers, and they represent the Maine Las Vegas, Nevada. Bertha Taylor answers to Los Angeles, where he AFL-CIO and affiliated unions throughout inscribed them “in code” on pencils. the state, as well as workers’ compensation, Joseph R. Valentino retired in 1994. The pencils were then used by students personal injury, and civil rights cases. He He still maintains an office at the firm who had been flown to Los Angeles to was elected to the Legislature, and Valentino, Dunne and Stein, Succasunna, take the tests. ultimately elected Democratic Whip in the New Jersey “to make life interesting and Currently in the discovery stage, Maine House of Representatives. In July of challenging at times.” He spends the Ma’s trial is set for January 19 in 1996 he retired as a partner and is now of winter in Florida playing golf. His Florida Manhattan, according to Godsey. address is: 900 St. Charles Place, The test-cheating case has received counsel to the firm. “Edna and 1 spend most of our time traveling to the sunny Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 (located 10 significant national attention in papers Caribbean, cultural Europe, and visiting miles west of Fort Lauderdale airport). and magazines across the country. It has our children and grandchildren in Maine, “If anyone comes down, call me for golf,” been featured on CNN Headline News, Wisconsin, Colorado, and Washington he says to former classmates. The CBNC, World News Tonight with Peter state,” says Patrick. After their travels, the remainder of the year, he resides in Jennings, and Newsweek. couple returns home to Topsham, Maine. Mount Arlington, New Jersey. 25 Alumni News

Benjamin L. Zox currently practices at Ohio State Education Prepares Grad Schottenstein, Zox, and Dunn, Columbus, with to Practice Law in Europe two of his children, Melissa ’90, and William Eric Wallenbrock ’95 came to The Ohio State ’92. Ben and his wife, University College of Law with a goal — he wanted to practice law in Europe. “I came knowing I Julie, live in Columbus. Benjamin L. Zox ’62 wanted an international bent,” he says with a French accent that belies his midwestem American 1/T d Duke W. Thomas was named the U 11997 winner of the Ohio State Bar upbringing. “I knew I wanted to develop a practice in Europe.” Association’s highest honor, the Ohio Bar A With that in mind, he set out to tailor a program

Medal, in June at the OSBA’s annual n _^jpsiìl — convention in Columbus. Thomas, a that would help him reach his goals. He petitioned 9 — ItBjs I partner with the Columbus office of the faculty to allow a year of study abroad. With Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease, received their approval, he spent his second year as an ■ S . ¡ 8 8 a personally engraved bronze medallion O.S.U. student enrolled in the first-year law program at University Robert Schuman in Il t e from OSBA President John Robertson. Strasbourg, France, studying French law while Walker immersed in the culture and language. He also Eric Wallenbrock ’95, right, talks pursued an internship in France and wound up U / Jameson about his law practice in France working for the French national electric company, with Ken Robinson, a third-year Blakey has taught at law student. the University of Electricité de France, in Paris for two months. Now two years out of law school, he finds himself working with Soulier and North Carolina School Associaës, a medium-sized law firm based in Lyon, France, with an office in Paris. of Law in Chapel Hill, “A background from a U.S. law school is usable and marketable outside the U.S.,” North Carolina, since says Eric, who has worked with the firm since April, 1996. “Foreign law firms have 1971. “The law school great use for American attorneys, not only in France, but in the rest of Europe.” at U.N.C. is very Walker Blakey ’67 His five-member international law team advise clients like Dow Corning, similar to the one at and Michael International Paper, Woolmark, and SCI Systems. “Many are companies who have, O.S.U., both in terms French subsidiaries who operate in our region,” he notes. But they also assist of what they were like when we were in companies who are simply making commercial transactions in France. Because law school and in terms of what they both European law practice often calls for all international contracts to be in English, he are like now,” he says. He is the foster often finds himself drafting the paperwork. father and co-guardian of a young man He also notes that, “as the network of international lawyers is much closer than I named Michael, who is 28, lives in a group imagined, you are often, even as an attorney in a foreign firm collaborating with U.S. home, and works in a sheltered workshop. “He was bom with a large number of law firms.” In his firm, for instance, Eric works frequently with several major U.S. law firms such problems including brain damage and a as Squire, Sanders and Dempsey, Baker and Mackenzie, and Gardner, Carton and Douglas. reversed heart, and has done a wonderful The basic skills Eric learned at the College of Law have helped him practice in job of fighting through them to achieve a another culture. “The U.S. legal system is probably the most complex in the world,” very enjoyable life” he writes. “Nevertheless, he stresses. “Knowledge of it is useful in other contexts, even though the law might I am going to have the pleasures and demands be different," he adds. of the middle stages of parenthood for many years to come.” Walker lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Alan Leonard Briggs graduated this fall Anthony J. DiVenere reports he recently Kenneth Allan Bravo notes he’s had an with a Masters in Law in Intellectual became a grandfather — “a wonderful exciting career — 12 years with the U.S. Property Law graduate from George experience,” he says. He and his wife, Department of Justice prosecuting Washington University National Law Sylvia, live in Cleveland. organized crime and major fraud cases Center. His career has included 30 years and an equally exciting 18 years in private of diversified trial practice: first in the Michael L. Finn has had a career in practice trying both civil business cases Navy, then Columbus, Miami, and now, business ownership and management. and defending white collar criminal cases. Washington, D.C. He and his wife, He also enjoys travel and mountaineering. He resides-in Cleveland, Ohio. Christine, reside in McLean, Virginia. He currently resides in Columbus. 26 Alumni News

and gas industry in northern Michigan. He Wayne T. Gill is the managing partner, Shannon, 26, attorney; Chad and Correy, currently resides in Traverse City, Michigan. Walton, Lantaff, Schroeder and Carson, 21, juniors at Miami of Ohio. The West Palm Beach, Florida. He currently McQuades live in Swanton, Ohio. Paul Robert Valente says his family — resides in Atlantis, Florida. Frederick J. Milligan says he is “still including a “wonderful wife, son and daughter” are his personal and/or Ronald Harold Isroff cites his personal alive and kicking!” He professional highlights. They include wife, and professional highlights: “my daughter, resides in Westerville, Cindy, and children, Dr. Jonathan Valente, Stacey, earning her MBA; my son, Mike, Ohio. Betsy Valente, John, Ren, and Elda Valente. playing varsity collegiate (K.U.) and - The family resides in Springfield, Ohio. professional tennis; and positions of Jack C. Rubenstein is a leadership I have in my firm, the bar partner in Rubenstein and Valerie Vanaman received the ACLU association, and other organizations.” Thurman L.RA., Foundation, Southern California, Pro He resides in Pepper Pike, Ohio. specializing in criminal law. He also was the first Jack C. Bono Civil Rights Award, 1997. She and Rubenstein ’67 her husband, Alan Rader, reside in Ralph F. Keister is a partner in Faulkner, president of Greater Garmhausen, Keister and Shenk, L.P.A., Cincinnati Criminal Defense Lawyers Sherman Oaks, California. Sidney, Ohio and an active community Association and was listed in Best Lawyers ) 7 7 Clair M. Carlin was selected as volunteer. He and his wife, Clara, reside of America, Criminal Law Litigation, Ohio. He / Ltdxv examiner for the National Board in Sidney, Ohio. and his wife, Mary Bob, reside in Cincinnati. of Trial Advocacy Civil Law Specialist Certification examination to be given Arthur J. Marinelli, Jr. notes personal Richard C. Skeen lists his personal this July throughout the United States. and/or professional highlights: “my and/or professional highlights: raising six He drafted the Business and Commercial wonderful students at Ohio University; kids, not all of whom want to be lawyers; Torts Law question, based upon a teaching and publication awards; being elected vice president and director manufacturer’s breach of a distributor’s community service, including President of his law firm; and surviving the practice agreement that involves intellectual Atteme Foundation.” He and his wife, of law for 30 years. He and his family property, patent, contract and business Kathleen, live in Athens, Ohio. reside in Salt Lake City, Utah. interference issues. Daniel R McQuade has practiced law for Stephen Gustave Smith has spent most David A. Gradwohl, Villanova, 30 years in a family practice that dates of his career in the Detroit area in corporate Pennsylvania, has joined Fox, Rothschild, back 60 years. He and his wife, Gloria, real estate with Michigan Consolidated Gas O’Brien and Frankel, L.L.P as a partner in have been married 30 years and have four Co., Allnet Communications, and K-Mart its litigation department in the firm’s children: Tim, 28, school psychologist; Corp. He also spent four years in the oil Lansdale, Pennsylvania office. His practice includes complex commercial litigation.

John L. Alden’s practice is limited to the transportation industry, including trucks, buses, warehousing, and business j concerns with tra f^ ^ tjifaiy^ua^ JJe : practices with law school classmates Kem Gamble and Mike Hartshorn in Columbus.

David Alan Dachner and his wife.Oaryn, have two sons, Joel, 13, and Grego^/M- The family lives in Columbus.

la sso f 1967 — 30 Year Reunion: Row 1, Wayne T. Gill, Barry Goodman, Tony J. Divenere, James W. John M. and Charlotte Coleman amhouse William George Batchelder, Ronald Alan Rapaport, Ralph Frederick Kester; Row 2, B.B. Ferns, Eufinger live in Marysville with their two enneth A Bravo C William Klausmon, Claire M. Ball, Walter J. Blakely, Valerie Vanaman, Michael children, Tony and Mary. John is a trustee awrence Finn Franklin A. Martens, Alan L Briggs, Paul R. Valente; Row 3, Tim Bainbridge, Dan P for Paris Township, Union County. IcQuade, FredJ. Miligan, Walter J. M ackeyjr, Dallas Woodall, Arthur J. Martinelli, Ronald H. Isroff, Charlotte is a past member and chairman teve Hebenstreit, Robert Nichols, Thomas Markworth, Laurence E. Sturtz, William Parker Blair, 111, ichard Caldwell Skeen, Myron Schwartz, Stephen G. Smith, Edwin Mark Cooperman, Jerry Leonard Lippe. of the Ohio University Board of Trustees 17 Alumni News and currendy Vice Chairman of the Ohio Michael W. Hartshorn is a partner in John James Powers, III, recalls visiting University Foundation Board of Trustees. Gamble, Hartshorn, and Alden. He is also the College of Law last year with his president/CEO, part owner, Interim wife’s nephew who had just started his William Kagay Friend notes personal Health Care Inc. He and his family reside first year at the law school. “I am not sure and/or professional highlights: presentation in Columbus. what I found more interesting — the fact to Lex Mundi Society in British Columbia; that the nephew was bom after I graduated 25 years as corporate counsel for same William Hill Keating is an attorney for from Ohio State or the fact that his torts company; studying for and passing second GTE. He resides in Dublin, Ohio. professor was Morgan Shipman,” he says. bar exam 15 years after the first exam. He “In fact, we saw Professor Shipman and he lives in Hingham, Massachusetts. Angelo Marino, Jr. handles many not only remembered me but he also significant cases in the areas of personal remembered where I work. The building, Kenneth A. Gamble says it’s a professional injury, medical malpractice, and products of course, has changed and I jokingly told highlight that he is actually making a liability through his own firm in Fort the nephew that when I went to school living practicing law with friends he made Lauderdale, Florida. He and his wife, there we had to use candles and quill 25 years ago. He practices in Columbus Essly, have two sons, Anton and Daron. pens. Moreover, computers had not been with fellow classmates John L. Alden and invented yet. Unfortunately, he did not Michael W Hartshorn. He and his wife, James William think I was joking.” John lives in Chevy Doris, reside in Columbus. McCarthy is Senior Chase, Maryland with his wife, Rosemary, Vice President, and children, Molly, 10, and Emily, 6. James Robert Administration, and Hand lists his General Counsel for Ronald Lee Rowland is a partner at personal and/or Dalt’s, Inc., a Columbus- Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease. He and professional based restaurant his family reside in Columbus. highlights: company. He resides in James McCarthy Newark City Westerville, Ohio. 72 Kurt Lee Schultz has been married to Councilman; Jane for 25 years and the couple has four Magistrate/ Leon (Lee) Marshall McCorkle, Jr. is a daughters. A trial attorney, he is a member Referee Licking partner at Vorys, Sater, Seymour, and Pease. of the executive committee of Winston County Municipal Court; Lindroot and Among his personal and/or professional and Strawn in Chicago. The Schultz’ live Mantonys Attorneys; The Ohio Bar Title highlights he cites: “my children; NCCUSL in Winnetka, Illinois. Insurance and ACS Newark (National Conference of Commissioners on Title and Closing Services agent, plus Uniform State Laws) work; election to ALI Meredith Blake Stone founded M. Blake approved attorney for title insurance for (American Law Institute); teaching CLE’s at Stone L.P.A. in 1982 and married Cathy Lawyer’s Title Insurance, ARTA, etc. He O.S.U. and serving clients.” He and his wife, Frame on March 20, 1996. The couple resides in Newark, Ohio. Virginia Trethewey ’77, reside in Columbus. lives in Wooster, Ohio.

William Jeffrey Tully lives in Marina Del Rey, California. He is admitted to the California, Illinois, and Ohio and is a licensed California real estate broker.

5 “7 0 Bernard L. Karr was elected a / «-/Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Count»! and was named the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Fred E. Scholl Charitable Foundation. Bemie is a shareholder in the 60-lawyer Cleveland firm of McDonald, Hopkins, Class o f 1972 — 2 5 Year Reunion: Row 1, Robert Paxton, William H. Keating, Thomas D. Burke, and Haber, Co., L.PA., where he is Rooney, Roger Ray Stinehart, Jeffrey T. Folkerth, George W Birch, John L. Alden; Row 2, Ronald head of the Estate Planning and Probate Rowland, John M. Eufinger, Charlotte Coleman Eufinger, Marcell Rose Anthony, Angelo Marino, Department. He lives in Shaker Heights, Ohio. William A. Morse, John W Zeiger, James W McCarthy, Mike Mahoney, Robert M. Parsons; Row 3, Donald M. Drake, Jim Cooper, Kurth L. Schultz, Alan T. Radnor, Leon Marshall McCorkle, Jr., Kenneth A. Qamble, Michael Hartshorn, Thomas E. Boyle, Craig Denmead, David A. Dachner, Frank A. Ray received the Columbus Bar William K. Friend, Meredith Blake Stone, Raymond Edwin Hofmeister. Association’s Professionalism Award. The Alumni News award is given in recognition of exceptional "> “7 /T Alan Berliner has been named University of Missouri; and Community dedication to the standards of the / UAssistant Director, Office of Legal Service Award by Oakland County profession and for demonstrated integrity Services, and Chief Counsel to the Ohio (Michigan) Bar Association. He lives in and humanitarian concern. He also has Department of Insurance. His previous Huntington Woods, Michigan. been certified as a member of the Million position was managing partner with Carlile Dollar Advocates Forum. Membership is Patchen and Murphy, L.L.E, Columbus, Andrew Justin Sonderman lists his limited to trial lawyers who have where he had worked for 21 years. career highlights: personally, 25 happy demonstrated exceptional skill, experience years of marriage and raising two and excellence in advocacy by achieving a William I. Kohn, daughters (more or less successfully!); professionally, becoming General Counsel verdict or settlement in the amount Chicago, has been of Columbia Gas in 1990. He and his of $1 Million or more. There are named to The Best wife, Michael, live in Gahanna, Ohio. approximately 700 members throughout Lawyers in America, the United States. Frank specializes in 1997-1998. He practices banking law with Barnes William Michael Todd is a partner personal injury and and Thornburg. W illiam I. Kohn at Squire, Sanders and Dempsey, wrongful death for ’76 concentrating in health care law. He plaintiffs arising from Steven Leslie Gardner lists his personal resides in Worthington, Ohio. vehicular negligence and and/or professional highlights: being from produce liability. He married to the same person; having three Linda Fletcher West has combined a civil is associated with Ray, great kids; taking a deposition in London; litigation career with raising her 13-year- Alton, and Kirstein Co., visiting Israel twice; practicing at the same old daughter and 10-year-old son. She is L EA-, Columbus. Fmnk A Ray J g firm 1372 years; and being at the 1997 currently taking time off to be with them Rose Bowl. He and his wife, Lynn, and and to write a book about a recent civil "> “7 A James L. Finefrock was family live in Beachwood, Ohio rights case she handled. She and her / I awarded a Master’s of Business family live in Pelham, Alabama. Administration degree from The After 21 years with the Columbus firm of University of Chicago after participating Porter, Wright, Morris and Arthur (where Catherine Betty Wilder continues to in the university’s 65th Executive M.B.A. he remains of counsel), William Joseph practice criminal law. “After 20 years, I program held at both its Chicago and Kelly, Jr. is now Vice President and still love it, an accomplishment, I think!” Barcelona campuses. James provides General Counsel of NetMed, Inc., a medical she says. She and her husband, Dean business, tax, real estate, construction technology company in Dublin, Ohio. Vigliano, have two children, Daniel, 9,and and estate planning services through Darcie, 7. They live in New York, New York. his company, James L. Finefrock and Gregory Gordon Lockhart co-authored Associates Co., L.RA., Dayton, Ohio. a book published by West Publishing, 1 “7 *7 Mark Bandy Barnes founded a Federal Grand Jury -— A Guide to Law and / / boutique corporate transactional law Practice. He and his wife, Paula, have two firm in 1984 with four other attorneys. children, Dave and Sarah, and live in “Leagre Chandler and Millard now has 21 Dayton, Ohio. lawyers,” he says. He and his wife, Amy, and children, Tommy, Maggie, and Allison John William “Tim” live in Indianapolis. Rudduck has enjoyed being the Clinton Robert Joseph Behai is County Municipal Court a partner at Crabbe, Judge for the past 12 Brown, Jones, Potts and years. “Who’d a thunk Schmidt, in Columbus. it?,” he writes. He and He has also served as his wife of 21 years, Les chairman, Board of Lee, have three children: Zoning Adjustment, City Tim Rudduck ’76 Robert J. Behai ’77 Doria, a second year of Columbus, and C lass o f 1976 — 20+1 Year Reunion: Row 1, student at Miami University; Brooke, a first chairman, Board of Directors of Central Catherine B. Wilder, Peggy L. Bryant, Jolynn year student at U.S.C.; and Brett, an 11th Ohio Breathing Association. He and his Barry Butler, Karen J. Blackwell; Row 2, Robert grader. The family lives in Wilmington, Ohio, wife, Carla Dilley Behai, live in Bexley, Ohio. E. Fletcher, W illiam M. Todd, Andrew Justin Sunderman, Daniel Lee Manting, Lawrence E David Blaugrand is the managing attorney Schiller; Row 3, Jerome L. Fine, Gregory Gordon Lawrence Frank Schiller cites his Lockhart, Richard Mark Ihlendorf, William Joseph personal and/or professional highlights: for the 13-lawyer firm, Blaugrund, Hebert Kelly, Jr., Dennis Marc Papp. taught business law at Business School at and Martin. He is married to Jo Blaugrund 29 Alumni News

’92. The couple has two sons Michael and Jordan, and live in Dublin, Ohio.

Karen Jean Bunning, Newark, Ohio, has enjoyed a varied legal career including private practice and teaching. Her personal highlights include singing in Moravian Music Festival choruses and Karen J. Bunning foreign travel. 77

Michael Hiram Carpenter established his own firm, Zeiger and Carpenter. He and his family live in Gahanna. Class o f 1977 — 20 Year Reunion: Row 1, Kenneth C. Baker, Martin S. Seltzer, Michael H. Carpenter, Kevin Robert McDermott, John P. Coady, Russell G. Tisman, Row 2, Mark Raymond Stephen Eric Chappelear has spent his Riegel, Dennis P. Witherell, Stephen E. Chappelar, Nan Teitelbaum Ellis, Judi Brick Sanders, Kathy Hinding, Michael John Johrendt, James E. Curry, Robert “Buzz” Wood Trafford, Robert J. Behai; entire career with Kegler, Brown, Hill, Row 3, Alden B. Chevlen, Julia Marie Metzger, David Scott Blaugrund, James C. Ayers, Karen Jean and Ritter, where his practice is concen­ Burning, Georganne Reid Higgins, Kay Frazee Pearson, Nancy L. Sponseller, James Francis trated in general and business litigation. McCarthy, Virginia M. Trethewey, John S. Coury, Glenn Forrester, Jane P. Relyea, Charles R. Janes, A past president of the Columbus Bar Dave Worth; Row 4, John T. Wiedemann, Mark B. Barnes, Thomas D. hammers, J. Douglas Association, he recently Drushal, John Scott Oney, Kenneth J. Kies, William Scott Pearson. was appointed to a three-year term on the Patrick Joseph Goebel Sierra Club. She and her husband and Executive Council of is a partner with daughter live in Columbus. the National Conference Quarles and Brady. He of Bar Presidents. He has been married Z. Mae Jimison was appointed judge of and his wife, Sharon, to Mary for 23 years and the Marion Superior Court in 1988 and and two children, Kacey, has four children. The elected for a six-year term starting Janpary Stephen E. 17, and Christopher, 14, Goebels live in 1997. When she is not behind the bench, Chappelear 77 live in Pataskala, Ohio. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. she writes songs and plays which have Patrick Goebel 77 been published, recorded and performed. Alden Brett Chevlen is director of real Georganne Reid Higgins is attorney She and her husband, Robert, Sr., live in estate/construction for a small but examiner with the Public Utilities Indianapolis, Indiana. growing specialty retail chain. He resides Commission of Ohio. She is also a in Rochester,

)Q A Pamela Addison Barker, Brecksville, Kevin Robert McDermott is a partner at “While most of my clients pay well,” 0Z

of interest to bicyclists on a local, state, and national level, including recent contributions to Ohio Trial, “Bicycle Accident Reconstruction and Litigation (4th Ed.)” and The Journal of Trial Diplomacy. He can be ^ ven ^ a^as reached via the Internet .. at .

Gary Richard Martz is a partner at Baker

Class o f 1982 — 15 Year Reunion Row 1, Mary Beth Houser, Colleen Cook, Barbara Fultz and Hostetler. He lives Florez, Therese Verhojf Squeri, Suzy Lucci Kramer, Carol L. Tenyak, Pamela Addison Barker, in Avon Lake, Ohio. Pamela Jane Bertram, Amy Angela Salerno; Row 2, Joel Kermit Jenson, Donald B. Leach, Jr., Dan Shaban, Michael G. Florez, Bruce Steven Rutsky, Lee Scott Rosenthal, Laurie Wayt Danis, Julie Stephen Wilson Vandemark; Row 3, Robert S. Kiss, Jim Botti, Gregory L. McCann, Mark R. Wilson, William L. Meagher is a partner in C ary M artz82 Loveland, Donald W Gregory, Janet Kottman Gregory, Donald Robert Knight, Michael Schmidt; Row 4, Thomas E. Szykowny, Bob Reynolds, Gary R. Martz, Steven M. Magas, Jim Hasenfus, and Blue. He and his wife, Antoinette, live Dennis Garland Day, Julie Vandemark, Charles Sumner Plumb. in Columbus, Ohio. Appellate Litigator, Federal Election Commission (Washington, D.C.), Deputy Bruce Steven Rutsky is a partner in a Chief Counsel, Republication National personal injury firm in Cleveland. He Committee (Washington, D.C.); partner, and his wife, Jan, have three children: Lacy and Lacy (Orange County, Samantha, 9, Jessica, 7, and Andrew, 4. California). She and her husband, Jim, The family lives in Solon, Ohio. live in Laguna Niguel, California. Michael Matthew Schmidt married Jill Donald Byron Leach, Jr. and his wife, and moved to Denver, Colorado, where Jane, daughters Gwen, 10, and Anna, 7, he is a shareholder at Yu Stromberg live in Columbus, Ohio. He is a recipient Cleveland, EC. The couple lives in of the Columbus Bar Association Englewood, Colorado. Community Service Award; president of Builders Exchange for Central Ohio; and chair, Columbus Bar Association Construction Law Committee. Janet Kottman-Gregory and Donald W. Gregory with children Danny and David in Suzanne Kramer Lucci remains on Telluride, Colorado. “sabbatical” from the practice of law. She International Triathalon with her training is currently president-elect of the Junior partner Laurie Wayt Danis in June, League of Columbus and involved in 1997. She and husband, Donald W. many other volunteer activities. She has Gregory, have two boys, Danny, 10, and been married to Fred for 14 years and has two daughters, Kate, 6, and Sara, 2. The David, 8. Michael ’82 and Jill Schmidt take a break from Luccis live in Worthington. the 1996 National Health Lawyers’ Association Mary-Beth Monica Houser is a partner Annual Meeting. at Newman, Olson and Kerr. She lives in Steven M. Magas is now running the Youngstown and has three children, Cincinnati office of Wolske and Blue, a Danny Shaban says he’s the only (true) Elizabeth, 9; Emma, 7, and William, 3. Columbus-based firm practicing in the Cleveland Indians fan in the state of areas of personal injury, medical Connecticut. He and his wife, Flore, live Janice (Payt) Lacy cites her personal malpractice and products liability. He in Middlebury with their son, David, 10, and/or professional highlights: Federal continues to write articles on legal issues and twins, Sara and Brian, 8. 32 Alumni News

Joan Irwin Fishel is a full-time Mom and Carol Lynn Tenyak has been with ABN Timothy Francis Braun works in the “very part-time associate” at Downes and AMRO North America, a multi-bank Franklin County Prosecutor’s Office Hurst in Columbus. Husband, Marc holding company since graduation. She is in Columbus. Allen Fishel is a partner at Downes and currently a Senior Vice President and Hurst where he practices labor and Associate General Counsel. She and her Barry Louis employment law. family live in Winfield, Illinois. Breslow is a partner at Thomas H. Woofter has Robison, Andrew Allen Folkerth is a partner at been named to head the Belaustegui, Robb Bricker and Eckler, Columbus, where he practices real estate law. He and his family San Francisco office of and Sharp, where Graham and James L.L.R he practices in reside in New Albany, Ohio. His legal practice is the area of Van Abram Gander opened his own focused on the commercial and representation of foreign federal court office in July 1996, where he practices primarily criminal, domestic, and civil clients, especially litigation. He and Thomas H. Japanese, in their his family live in Barry ’87, Susanne, law. He resides in Galloway, Ohio. Woofter 82 business activities in the Reno, Nevada. Phillip and Emily Breslow Melvin Goldberg is in private practice in U.S. He speaks Japanese fluently. Thomas C. Briggs lives in London, Upper Arlington, Ohio. His work focuses on tax and estate planning and business law. Julie Ann VanDeMark is in private England where he is Vice President, practice in Columbus. Government Affairs for Enron Europe, Ltd. He practices in the area of European Pamela Drucker Gross works in the medical area as Practice Administrator/ 5 Q £ Susan L. Rhiel has become a utility and competition law. Attorney, for Michael P Gross, M.D. in OUpartner at Thompson, Hine, and Flory L.L.P. She is a member of the firm’s Nancy Neill Burdick is a sole practitioner Fort Myers, Florida. bankruptcy and working in the area of employment Anne Light Hoke is Associate General commercial practice area discrimination and general law. Her office Counsel for the Ohio Civil Service representing bankruptcy is located in Newark, Ohio. Employees Association in Columbus trustees; where her practice centers on labor law. debtors/creditors in Ann Clarissa (Casey) Clayton is bankruptcy matters and associate counsel and vice president of Brent Turner Howard is a partner at Tomb practicing in commercial Mellon Bank in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. and Hering, as well as law director for the litigation. She and her City of Tiffin, Ohio, where he resides. husband, Wesley, reside Susan L. Rhiel ’82 David James Coyle is a partner at in Gahanna, Ohio. Shumaker, Loop and Kendrick, Toledo, Ohio, where he practices in the area of Jay E. Jadwin is senior attorney for American Electric Power in Columbus. ) Q *7jay Steven Agranoff is involved in litigation and bankruptcy. His work centers on contracts, 0 / major policy telecommunication telecommunications, and real estate. matters for State of Ohio. He and his wife, Ruth Dangel is staff attorney, Board of Cheryl, and son, Max, live in Columbus. Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline of the Supreme Court of Ohio Joseph Thomas Jakubek is a partner at Klarquist, Sparkman, Campbell, Leigh and Thomas Edward Berry Jr. is a partner at where she deals with attorney ethics and Whinston in Portland, Oregon where his McMahon, Berger, Hanna, Linihan, Lody discipline. She lives in Columbus. practice focuses on intellectual property. and McCarthy practicing in the area of He resides in Vancouver, Washington. employment and management. He resides Sallie Jo Debolt, Columbus, Ohio, is in Edwardsville, Illinois. Assistant Attorney General in the Ohio Attorney General’s Office where she Rhonna Goldman Kallander is a home­ maker whose area of practice centers on Joseph Paul Boeckman is a partner at practices administrative and professional “peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Baker and Hostetler, L.L.P where he licensing law. diapers.” She and her husband, Scott Alan practices in thè area of corporate and Kallander, live in Lynnwood, Washington, securities. He and his wife, Jane, and Thomas J. Efta works in the area of where he is a partner at Cozen and three girls, Karissa, Erin, and Elizabeth, criminal law as an attorney with O’Connor, focusing on insurance. live in Columbus. the Franklin County Public Defender, Columbus. 33 Alumni News

Michael Patrick Meaney is a trust officer at Second National Bank of Warren where he works in the area of trust counseling and estate planning. He resides in Ashtabula, Ohio.

Bonnie Irvin O’Neil is an attorney with Thompson, Hine, and Flory L.L.E, Columbus, where she practices labor and employment law. She resides in Galloway. Ohio.

Jennifer Ann Parker is Staff Attorney, The Ohio Legislative Service Commission, Columbus, where he works in the area of insurance and financial institutions.

C lass o f 1987 — 10 Year Reunion: Row 1, Lev K. Martyniuk, Thomas E. Berry, Donald Alan Cheryl Lyn Roberto is Assistant City Lane, Jeffrey W. Linstrom, Jay Steven Agranoff, Bob Shrosbee; Row 2, John Standard, Scott A. Attorney for the City of Columbus, Kallander, Rhonna Goldman Kallander, Karin E Schleifer, Julie Dunwell Vannatta, Mario Bridges Tannous, Nancy Paine Sabol, Belinda Henderson Simile, Stephanie Vesper, Risa Dinitz Lazaroff where she practices in the area of Sara Grundish Light, Kathleen Rummel LaTour; Row 3, Monica Gfoeller, Jessica Muss man environmental law. Ditullio, Jane Stempel Arata, Joseph M. Patchen; Gregory Williams; Douglas R. Matthews; Marc Allen Fishel; Laura Hellenbrand; Maria Louise Mone; Elizabeth McKinley Watkins; Virginia E. Pamela Jean Ruschau is a Partner at Lohmann, Joan Irwin Fishel; Row 4, Kelly Lyn McLaughlin; Bob Tannous; Mark Edward Vannatta; Leydig, Voit and Mayer, Ltd., Chicago, Kevin James Tourek, Christopher J. Snyder, David E. Ledman, Van A. Gander, Michael Patrick Meaney, Thomas A. Dilling, Joe T. Jakubek, Smith Rufus Brittingham, Ann Clarissa Clayton, Illinois, where she practices in the area Randall Duane LaTour, Ann Light Hoke, Melvin A. Goldberg, Andrew A. Folkerth. of intellectual property law, specializing in patent litigation and procurement. John Mark Kantner is “down on the farm” and coordinates litigation on a nationwide She resides in Glenview, Illinois. as General Counsel for Bob Evans Farms, basis for a Cincinnati-based insurer. Inc. He lives in Canal Winchester, Ohio. Nancy Paine Sabol is Special Counsel at Risa Dinitz Lazaroff, Worthington, Ohio, Jones, Day, Reavis and Pogue, Columbus, Kathy Jo Kolich adopted her son, Steven, gave up full-time law practice and teaches where her practice focuses on labor and from Russia in 1996. She resides in part-time at Capital Law School. She and employment law. She lives in Kenton, Uniontown, Ohio. her husband, Alan Lazaroff ’86 have two Ohio, with her husband, Don, and their children. Sam is almost 5 years old and children, Dan, 5, and Annie, 3. Juliet Boniface Krassenstein is a Marissa is 17 months. shareholder with Krassenstein and Karin Faith Schleifer is Associates, Wexford, Pennsylvania. Her David Edward Ledman practices principal and owner of practice focuses on business and franchise commercial and small business law in his Karin E Schleifer —■ law and commercial litigation. She lives in own office in Willoughby Hills, Ohio. Attorney-At-Law, Bradfordwoods, Pennsylvania. Cleveland, Ohio. Her Virginia Elisabeth practice centers on Kathleen Rummel LaTour was a “Gini” Lohmann is a commercial real estate candidate for Franklin County Municipal partner at Shayne and and business-related K arin F. Schleifer Court Judge but was defeated in a close Greenwald Co., L.P.A., transactions, probate law ’87 race with Judge H. William Poullitt, Jr. Columbus where she and litigation. She resides in Mayfield She resides in Dublin, Ohio, with her practices in the area of Heights, Ohio. husband, Randall Duane LaTour, He is civil litigation. a partner at Vory, Sater, Seymour and Gini Lohmann ’87 Robert Charles Shrosbree is a finance Pease practicing in the area of bankruptcy, Herman Marable, Jr. is Assistant attorney with CMS Energy Corporation, real estate, and commercial law. Prosecuting Attorney in Genesee County, Dearborn, Michigan where he practices in Michigan. the area of securities, mergers and acquisitions, Donald Alan Lane is a member of Droder and international law. He and his wife, Sue, and Miller Co., L.EA., Cincinnati, Ohio, Kelly Lyn McLaughlin is a partner at and two daughters, Tira, 2, and Beth, 6 Davidson and Bonetti, Akron, Ohio. months reside in West Bloomfield, Michigan. 34 Alumni News

Belinda Henderson Simile is an attorney Gregory Joseph Vincent has been He also serves as the company’s in private practice focusing on real estate married for eight years to Leslie Brown- compliance office. Vitalink is an law. Belinda H. Simile, Esq. is located in Vincent. They have two children, institutional pharmacy company with Powell, Ohio. Camille, 6, and Gregory, 3, and are offices in Atlanta, Georgia. expecting their third child in January. Janet L. (Bettis) Stathas is Vice-President, He is currently serving as Assistant Kent Wellington has been named partner Virtual Properties, Inc. where she works Vice Chancellor-Academic Affairs and at Graydon, Head and with commercial litigation, insurance Director of the Equity and Diversity Ritchey, Cincinnati. defense, construction law, and internet law. Resource Center at the University of An attorney with the She resides in Madison, Wisconsin. Wisconsin, Madison. firm since 1991, he focuses on general Mario Bridges Tannous is Deputy Chief Elizabeth McKinley Watkins is a full­ commercial and Legal Counsel, State of Ohio, Department time Mom to Meredith, 7, Claire, 5, and employment litigation of Development, Columbus. Her husband, Audrey, 2. She is also the chairperson of matters in state and Robert Joseph Tannous is a partner at the governing board of the Office of federal courts, as well as ^ eni Wellmgton Porter, Wright, Morris and Arthur in the Ohio’s Consumers’ Counsel. She and her First Amendment issues area of federal securities and merger and family live in Kenton, Ohio. impacting print and broadcast media. He acquisition law. The couple resides in resides in Mount Lookout, Ohio, with his Hilliard, Ohio, with their 17-month-old Gregory Allen Williams recently won wife, Karen, son, Robby, and daughter, daughter, Mallory. a summary judgment in a substantial Angeline. wrongful death case. It was completely Robert C. Thurston married Deanna Marie reversed on appeal and case is set for IQ A Robert John Batchelor, Thurston March 29, 1996 in Box, England. trial in early November. (See Fowler v. y Coshocton, Ohio, lists his He is the founder and President of 2Scan, Ltd., Williams Cty. Commr’s. 113 Ohio App.3d personal and/or professional highlights: an internet consulting company, in Chicago. 760 (1996).) He lives in Toledo, Ohio with first jury win, January 1994; marriage his wife, Anne Kozelek Williams and three to Shelley, June 1995; Ohio State Bar Kevin James Tourek has been married children: Abigail, 8, Daniel, 6, and Foundation Community Service Award, to Kelly Boulle for seven years. The couple Benjamin, 4. March 1997; birth of son Joseph, has two boys, Benjamin, 3, and Sawyer, March 1997. 1, and one due to arrive October 1. He is 1Q Q Lisa Cook, College of Law a partner at Streich Lang P.A., Phoenix, OOPlacem ent Director for the past Karen Bond (Coriell) has won the Jack Arizona. two years, has assumed the position of E. Culbertson Award for excellence in the Director of Career Planning at American study of higher education administration Mark Edward Vannatta is a partner at University in Washington, D.C. for publications she’s written since law Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease, school. She resides in Pickerington, Ohio. Columbus, Ohio, where his practice Claire Prechtel-Kluskens is serving focuses on tax, estate planning, and a two-year term as Registrar of the Robert Rockower Goldstein founded charitable foundations. Julie Dunwell National Genealogical Society. She works Goldstein and Associates in September Vannatta is Associate Legal Counsel, as an archivist/genealogy specialist at 1995. He resides in Columbus. The Ohio State University Office of Legal the National Archives and Records Affairs, where she works in the areas of Administration, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, John M. Kirsner has athletics, and construction. The couple has N.W, Washington, D.C. She and her joined the Columbus two sons, Eric, 4, and Kevin, almost 2. husband, Michael Kluskens live in law office of Squire, Alexandria, Virginia. Sanders, and Dempsey L.L.R He is associated 5(3 "1 Robert W. Horner, III has been with the- health care y -L appointed Senior Vice President, practice group. General Counsel and Secretary of John M. Kirsner ’94 Vitalink Pharmacy Services, Inc. As an Joseph Patrick Nowak is Market Conduct executive officer and member of senior Compliance Manager at Nationwide Life management, he oversees the legal affairs, Insurance Company, Columbus. corporate governance and merger/

Eric and Kevin Vannatta, sons of Mark ’87 and acquisition activity of the company. Julie ’87 Vannatta 35 Alumni News

expert testimony before Congressional committees and other administrative agencies on behalf of the fair and equitable administration of bankruptcy and other commercial laws. Levy practices with Pope and Levy in Westerville, Ohio.

’Q /TD ana E. Benjamin serves as J Uattomey for the Jackson County, Ohio, Department of Human Services, Child Support Enforcement Agency.

Melanye Johnson is serving as judicial law clerk to the Honorable Eric L. Gray, U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, in Detroit, Michigan.

Class oj 1992 — F ive Year Reunion: Row 1, Associate Dean Nancy B. Rapaport, Lopa Parikh, 5 Q “7 Brian Blender has opened his own Hilary Ruth Damaser, Maryellen Coma; Row 2, David Jacob Robinson, James G. Petrie, Joseph J I firm in Boise, Idaho. Patrick Nowak, Karen Coriell Bond, Robert R. Goldstein, William Pailet Zox, Harold J. Anderson III. Dane Butzer has moved to California. Susan Bon Reis has taken a new position Ohio Women’s Bar Association. She is He is employed as an associate with at Penn State University. She is teaching an attorney with Havens, Willis, Emey, Fitzpatrick, Celia, Harper and Scinto, education law and personnel courses Skrobot and Fisher, Columbus, Costa Mesa, California. as an Assistant Professor. Previously, where she concentrates her practice she was Ombudsperson with the Ohio in all types of litigation, including Jay Carson is working as a legislative Department of Education. She resides in personal injury, defective products, aide for the Ohio House of State College, Pennsylvania. medical malpractice and employment Representatives. He resides in Columbus. discrimination. John Edward Wallace cites his personal Robert Weise has started employment and/or professional highlights: “sworn »Q A B rian K. Kurzmann, Kalamazoo, with Chemesky, Heyman and Kress, in by John Minor Wisdom; got married y I Michigan, has received a fellowship Dayton, Ohio. He resides in Beavercreek, in Italy in March 1995; lived in the to participate in a 10- Ohio. French Quarter for a few years without month study visit to getting mugged!” He resides in New Germany. The study Tom Wybenga is working at Brown, Orleans, Louisiana. visit, called the Young Dobson, Burnett, and Kessler, in Lawyers Program, is Chattanooga, Tennesee doing plaintiff’s- Susan M. Zidek, an attorney with sponsored by the side employment law Moots, Cope and Stanton in Columbus, German Academic has been installed as the 1997-98 Exchange Service. It president of Columbus Business and allows participants to Brian K. Professional Women. She has also been learn about the structure Kurzmann 94 The Office of Alumni Relations appointed co-chair of the Ohio Women’s and function of German law. Brian is continues to collect e-mail addresses Bar Association Law School Liaison a staff attorney in the Office of Legal from alumni in order to promote Committee. She and Compliance Affairs at Western more frequent contact. Please send practices primarily in Michigan University. us your e-mail address (include the areas of Litigation your name and class year in the and Employment and ’Q CT Yale R. Levy has been admitted message) via the Internet to: Higher Education law. y J to the Commercial Law League [email protected]. And of America. The Commercial Law League don’t forget to visit our home page at O Jami Oliver has is an organization of bankruptcy and y J been sworn in as commercial law professionals whose vice president of the Jami Oliver ’93 members are regularly invited to provide 36 Take your seat in history!

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Upcoming Events at the College of Law

Watch your mail for more details or check out our web page at .

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 MAY 6 -8 Frank R. Strong Lecture Ohio State Bar Association Annual Meeting 4:00 p.m., auditorium Dayton, Ohio Dean Peter Shane, University of Pittsburgh School of Law OSU Alumni Breakfast, Thursday, May 7 •••••• •••••• APRIL 3—4 SATURDAY, MAY 16 The Future of Bakke: Socio-Legal Perspectives on Class of 1998 Hooding Affirmative Action in Education Palace Theater, Columbus, Ohio A symposium hosted by Deborah Jones Merritt, the John Speaker, Roberta Cooper Ramo, first woman president of the Deaver Drinko/Baker and Hostetler Chair in Law at The Ohio American Bar Association State University and Barbara E Reskin, Professor of Sociology •••••• at Harvard University, and the Ohio State Law Journal. Twelve SEPTEMBER 11 AND 12 speakers will present papers at the conference, which will be Class Reunions and Annual Alumni Return published in the Journal. at the College of Law •••••• WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 Schwartz Lecture 4:00 p.m., auditorium Professor Craig McEwen, Bowdoin College, Maine

Remember When? El

Lively discussion takes place in a Page Hall classroom. The photograph is dated 1944. Do you know who these people are? If you do, drop us a line at the Law Record, 104 Drinko Hall, 55 West 12th Avenue, i Columbus, OH 43210. (We’d offer a prize for the ' correct answer, but we don’t know who they are either!)