Over 300 Enroll for Second Year
Pue Eight CRANPOKP fN;*> CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE—THCBSDAY. JUNE 16, 1960 isf$»s ol LXV1I. No. 22. Entered as aacotid claw mall matter at m 3 Sections, 24 Pages GRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1960 The Port O«l«* at Cranford. N. J. ESSAY WINNERS—Mrs. Eugene F." Donnelly of Springfield, state DAR historian, presents medals to Steven Tyre, left, and 285 Receive David Ault, junior high school students whorwon the "American : Over 300 Enroll Trajlways" essay contest sponsored by Crane's Ford Chapter, • High School DAR. At the right is Mrs. Thomas L. Brennan, past regent. ,, vent Slated eginnin Individual twlrlers and teams from all along the Eastern Sea- omas For Second Year ard will participate in Class A National Open events sanctioned by - Staff members were announced res, Lincoln avenue and Walnut, lowing college- students:. Daniel this week for the annual summer School., ,/ Berry, Miss Christine SchllHnger, Award Annual DAR Prizes L National Baton Twirling Association at the second annual -Twirl- Diplomas were presented to 285 Avei state n wards were presented at Cicvelahd and Sherman ^^e largest class ever to playground program sponsored.by Mrs?>Charles F. Schilliriger is Miss Carla.iCa,staldo. Robert ,Hob- TSranford "High Junior High spools gfjlMhft^^ |ord Posf 212,-Ainerican Lfigiop, at Cranford High-School this Sunday. tee, which, will "begin July 5 andreation ' Committee and " Thomas beth 'Donaldson, Donald Damrn, •..annual awards assemblies. ' " • ' ' • • • A feature of the program will school'J-^--at commencement exer- continue for six weeks-at. some Tipaldi is generoK^supervisor for' Miss Roberta Schillinger, Herbert Summer^chool at Cranford High School will open for the In addition to DAR awards' for~~diitstanding .students and essay be an advanced twirling clinic cises Tuesday, evening.
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