30M00 Production Workers Affected by Early Walkout
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. ■ "' ■ '. ^‘' V A " ■'' ■ T V The li^eather Aycraff* Daily Net Press tlun Forecast of C. A Weatlmr Bniaa For tii» WedK Haded .■■'* dnae 4th, 1S60 Oeor, eeol tonl|M. la w 46 lo M. Ttrareday eermy wllfc pleoeeitt 13,125 teoafiecatiireo. High ia arid ’MM* Member of the Audit Ihireao of Oirealatlon Mandhester— A City of VilUige Charm > - * • (Olaoelfled. AdTortlalag ea Fago M ) PRICE FIVE CENT8 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, I960 VOL. LXXIX, NO. 212 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES— IN TWO SECTIONS) I 30M00 Production Workers Affected by Early Walkout After Talk with Ike Statei News Violence Breaks Out Rocky Says Nixon’s Roundup At Two Picket Lines » ____ NaugatuclC Juue 8 (/P)— A one-day strike of 120 mainte By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Hopes ‘Pretty Good’ nance workers at the Naugflf- Violence broke out on picket lines today as a strike asf^nst the United Aircraft Corp. spread to seven of the company tuck Chemical Co, ended to a j * day when they returned to nr ur __B /IP\____________♦Uonal affair*, and the Pre*ident* their jobs. ^ Police said strikersclashed in Windsor Locks -yhen Washington, June 8 forthcoming trip to Japan” while attempted to bar a truck from entering the Hamilton Stand /. i Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller they breakfasted, alone In the The strike started late Monday, breakfasted with President White' Houae dining room. _ and none of the workers showed up ard Division plant there. Eisenhower and talked some , But, Rockefeller aaid in reaponae yesterday. Strikers reportedly attacked policemen attemptihg to to newsmen’* .querieSj suoh Quca* With the resumption of opera a path for the truck. Police used their clubs to quell the dls- politics with him today, but tiona aa hia own possible candi^ tions, negotlatbrs for management gave no indication he had the pressure on him to be and Liocal 218, United Rubber turbahee. ^ • changed his mind on any po Nixon’ s running mate, and a P°“ t Workers, went into an executive At North Haven earlier today, strikers smashed two wind ble major rdle for him at the GOP session. , „ . shields on autos of non-strikers, and three policemen were litical issues. convention in Chicago, never came Management said the walkout injured slightly when they were struck bjr a non-union work Talking with reporter* at the erupted over the suspension of an White House, the New York gover up in the conversation. / Asked what political matters employe for failure to follow In- er’s auto. , . I nor- were discusse4, if these weriy not. strucUons.” The employe has been Some 80,000 production workers, members of two unions, 1. Said the chances are “pretty were affected by the strike.The company employs about 57,- good” that Vice President Richard Rockefeller replied he “ would hope reinstated. If. Nixon will get the Republican that the President wobld say some 000 in the state, including thrSfl.otljer company plants not presidential noimlnatlon. thing about that” since he (Rock^ $10,000 Fine affected by the strike. " „ feller) felt that the courtesies of 2. Reaffirmed hie own Willing New Haven, June 8 (/P)—James The walkouts began yesterday at the Sikorsky Helicopter the situation forbade him to tell. O. McCue Jr,, former president of ness to accept a draft for the top A reporter reminded Rockefel- Division plants in Stratford and Bridgeport. They spread’ to place on the ticket, but again re the Stamford' Rolling Mills Co., day to Pratt and Whitney Plants in North Haven, East Hart jected with emphasis propoml* ler that some have said the Repub today was fined $10,000 and that he accept the vice presldenUal licans might lose the sUte of New ford and Manchester and Hamilton Standard plants in Wind York and its 45 electoral votes If sentwtced to four months in pris nomination on a Nixon tlckek on for making false statements sor Locks, and Broad Brook. , , . , Rockefeller said he and Easen- (OoBtfnned ou Page Tea) about his income tax liability. Some pickets were arrested on breach of peace charges In hbwer discussed "politics, interna- McCue also was directed to pay Stratford and North Haven, t -------- the cost of prosecution—$5,314.50. Wnrkers are represented by the McCue was convicted in U.S. United Auto Worker* (UAW), District Court May 7 on two union at toe Sikorsky plants and Police Arrest counts of making false state at toe Pratt and Whltiiey Aircraft ments. Defense Counsel George Nixon Tops Brown Division plant in North Haven. Lowman indicated the case would The International Asociatlon of Pair Filming be appealed. Machinists (lAM) represents Judge Robert P. Anderson fined workers at Pratt ’'and Whitney In In California test McCue $6,000 and sentenced him East Hartford and Manchester and Union Activity to one year on each count. The at Hamilton Standard in Windsor sentences were to run concurrent Locks and Broad Brook. By THE ASSOCIA’nSD PRESS ly and be suspended after four The Pratt and Whitney plants Two Sikorsky Aircraft employe# Bv THE ASSOCIATED FBE88 6dent the silent_____ treatment_________ by_ hot months. , . make aircraft engines for some of Anderson also put McCue on ^___ fn vntine. voting. the nation’s . first line military at Stratford, charged by toe Unit Primary results from coast to William Brinton, San Francisco probation for a year after he coast offered evidence today of the planes, including the B52, toe ed Auto Workers imipn with tak attorney and. chairman o f the leaves prison. KCU35 tanker and several sentry ing motion pictures of union ac- popularity of Vice President Rich "Citltens for Rockefeller Commit The judge commented that he ard M- Nixon in California and the aircraft such as.the FIDO and toe UviUes at toe factory gates here, tee,” said he made a fcheck of San Intended the sentence as a pubUc FlOl. They also make jet engines weakening of Tammany Hall In ocample on the seriousness of In were arrested at 11:30 a.m. by Francisco precincts and con for the Boeing 707. New York. cluded the silent vote for Rocke- come tax violations. s-s'ss.sS 'S ssrrS 'M Stratford Police on warranta Is Nixon polled more votes on the McCue, who Uvea la Ststintord, The Hamilton Standard plant* sued by Prosecutor John F. Blg- b y O f i a r a ) . _______________________ . ------------ make fuel control equipment for Repubttcan ballot to yesterd^* '(Goattnoed #■ Page Slxt***) wsui charged with making fk}** ley. The union charges, its mem C ^ fo m la primary than <Jov. E!d sworn statements to an Internal jet engines, pressure control equip bers’ civil rights were violated. tnund O. Brown did on the Demo revenue agent about hla personal ment and Jet engine starters. The Sikorsky employes were re cratic ballot. A pension promoter and corporate Income tax liability The strikes were scheduled to leased on bonds of $50 each after cut deeply Into Brown’s toUl. for the years 1947 through 1961. Bomarc Blaze KishiCaUs for 600,000 begin June 13, but were set off being charged with breach of to* Tammany leader Carmine De- Squeeze Move The statements concerned trav earlier by wildcat walkouts In peace. aaplo suffered a major setba« el exfiensea. Riel oil bills and wa Sparks Jersey Stratford and Bridgeport over is The two arrested are Richard wtien refonn DemocraU d e fe a ^ ter drilling expenses. To Greet Ike in Tokyo sues unconnected with toe contract Haas, 40, Fairfield, and Chaile*. some of hi* followers In New York May Cut Field MoCue was continued on $1,000 dispute. Tanner, 22, Milford. These walkout* wer* then auic- City. _ bend pending appeal. Fallout Scare Blgley said he also ha* ordered Hie CaUfomla and New York tloned by toe UAW. toe automatic closed circuit TV For Democrats Bv THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ^designate 10,000 civilians to help Union officials aaid that the primaries came during a busy day ^ - 1 ^^ police queU any disorders camera* In toe booth* capped and Aetna to EJtpand McGuire Air Force Base, N.J., Japanese Conservatives today 9 0 earlier strUtea at toe other plants of voting. Montana, Idaho, South when Elsenhower arrives. said arrest of Sikorsky official* Dakota, and Mississippi also had Washington June 8 (IP>—A pin Hartford. June 8 MP)—The Aetna June 8 (>P)—A needle-nosed Bo made plans to rally 600,000 Jap were called to honor/:* »o-call6d cers movement aimed at squeezing It also ordered 800,000 paper primaries - yesterday. Life Insurance Co. has . reached an marc missile, battle-ready with an anese to give President Eisenhow unity clause In toe imion contract. (Contbined on Pag* Ten) Sen. Stuart Symlngtim (D-Mo) and agreement to acquire a controlling American and Japanese flags, 150,- Heavy picket lines were set up In CaUfomla, Brown running as atomic warhead to its concrete er a rousing welcome, countering 000 posters and 10,000 streamers Adlai E. Stevenson out ^ the Dem Interest in the Excelsior Life In Leftist demonstrations against hia at toe struck plants a favorite son candidate, won con ocratic presidential nomination launching pen, caught fire y^ter- to use along toe 11-mlle route from trol of the state’s 81-vote dele surance Co. of Toronto, Canada. visit.. In some places the pickets race was under way today. Announcement of the transac day touching off a radiation scare. Tokyo Airport to the Imperial gation to the Democratic national The missile was badly damaged Prime Minister Nobusuke leered non-union workers who- » --------- Supporters Of Sens. John F. Ken- tion was made jointly by Henry R Kiahi’s Llberal-Democratic party Pklace. crossed their lines to get to their (D -M «) ,bnd Lyndon B.