The European S pace Exploration Programme “Aurora”

Accademia delle S cienze Torino, 23rd May 2008

B. Gardini - E S A E xploration Programme Manager To, 23May08 1

ES A Programme (2001) for the human and robotic exploration of the S olar S ys tem

time Automatic Mars Missions

Cargo Elements First Human IS S of first Human Mission to Mission Mars

Moon B asis Mars S ample ExoMar Return To, 23May08 s (MS R) 2 Columbus Laboratory - IS S

Launched 7 Feb. 2008, with , after Node2 mission with Paolo Nespoli

To, 23May08 3 Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV)

Europe’s Space Supply Vehicle

ATV- Jules Verne •Docked to ISS: 3 April 2008 •First ISS Re-boost: 25 April 2008 To, 23May08 •De-orbit: ~ August 2008 4 Human Moon Mission

Moon: Next destination of international human missions beyond ISS

Test-bed for demonstration S urface of innovative Mobility & capabilities for sustaining human life on planetary surfaces. S ustainable Energy Life Provision & S upport Management In-S itu Robotic Support Resourc e Utilisatio To, 23May08 n 5 ES A Planetary Missions

Cassini / (1997-2005)

sonda a Saturno y Titán

Rosetta (2004-…) Encuentro con el cometa Smart 1 (2003-2006) 67P Churyumov-Cerasimenko Sonda a la luna

Mars Express (2003-…) Estudio de Marte

Soho (1995-…): interacción Sol-Tierra

To, 23May08 6 HRS C (3D, 2-10m res) To, 23May08 7 Why Life on Mars

 Early in the his tory of Mars , liquid water was present on its s urface;

 S ome of the proces ses cons idered important for the origin of life on may have als o been pres ent on early Mars;

 Es tablishing if there ever was life on Mars is fundamental for planning future miss .

To, 23May08 8 Comparative Planetology

Water can only be found as steam on Venus surface and and ice on Mars To, 23May08 9 Vikings 1 & 2 (1976)

 The Viking GC/MS did not detect organics above part per billion (ppb) level.  However, the detection limit for amino acids was in the tens of ppm range  At ppm level, amino acids from ~107 cells per gram of Martian soil Vikingwould did notnot rule out the possibility of life on Mars, past or present. been detected To, 23May08 10 EE XX OO MM AA RR SS

ESA’s mission to search for signs of life on Mars

To, 23May08 11 ExoMars h c n or + u 2013 a Proton-M L PRIME BACK-UP Composite

NASA o +

C NAS A S /C m e l (MRO) e NASA ES A T DSN DSN Descent s p

Module O

M released from D Mars Orbit Rover

s (210kg)

d GEP (55kg)

a Pasteur P/

o Humboldt l

y L P/L Instr. a

P Instr. (8.5kg) (16.5kg) To, 23May08 12 Deployed Rover (Pasteur) on

To, 23May08 13 GEP (Humboldt)

Geophysical Environmental Instrument Package (GEP)

To, 23May08 14 Mobility + Access to the subsurface

Nominal mission: 180 sols; Nominal : 7 Experiment Cycles + 2 Vertical Surveys; Extended mission: 10 additional EC; EC length: 15–18 sols; Rover mass: 210 kg.

2-m depth2-m To, 23May08 15 depth How deep?

Adapted from Kminek and Bada (2006). 0.5 Gyr

1.0 Gyr 3.0 Gyr

S urviving fraction of amino acids versus depth after simulated exposures of 0.5, 1.0, and 3.0 Gyr to ionising radiation in the Martian subsurface. For an initial abundance corresponding to that in a typical cell, the present detection limit of 0.01 ppb per amino acid can tolerate a reduction of 10-2 to 10-6 (red dashed lines), beyond which amino acid signatures become undetectable. When searching for biomarkers of Martian life that became extinct more than 3 Gyr ago, it is necessary to access the subsurface in the range of 2 m (yellow area).

To, 23May08 16 Entry, Descent and Landing …

Entry Energy dissipation via aerodynamic drag; Velocity Range: start ~5.4 km/s end ~430 m/s.

Parachute Descent Energy dissipation via aerodynamic drag; Velocity Range: start ~430 m/s end ~85 m/s.

Retrorockets Energy dissipation via propulsive impulse; Velocity Range: start ~85 m/s end ~10-15 m/s.

Landing Landing with airbags Courtesy of Velocity Range: start ~10– Vorticity/AeroSekur 15 m/s end 0 m/s.

To, 23May08 17 … on the S urface

… guided from the R over Control Centre (Torino).

Alcatel Alenia S pace - is the ExoMars Prime Contractor.

To, 23May08 18 ExoMars Science

CZ ROM S LUX IRL GR BRA AUS JPN HUN CDN ExoMars Participating Scientists N PL FIN Total: 535 A P B RUS DK NL CH E USA D UK I F

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

To, 23May08 19 Italian S cience Team Coordinators

Pasteur Payload:

 Infrared Spectrometer (MIMA): G. Belluci (Roma);  Drill borehole IR spectrometer (Ma-MISS): A. Coradini (Roma);  X-Ray Diffractometer (Mars-XRD): L. Marinangeli (Pescara);

Humboldt Payload:

 Dust Instrument Suite (MEDUSA): L. Colangeli (Napoli);

To, 23May08 20 Other Instruments with Italian S cientists

 PanCam (Panoramic Camera System) V. Formisano (Roma);  WISDOM (Shallow GPR) R. Orosei (Roma), F. Ferri, F Angrili (Padova);  MicrOmega (VIS + IR ) A. Coradini (Roma);  AEP (Meteorological S uite) L. Colangeli (Napoli), F. Ferri (Padova);  EIS S (Ground-Penetrating Radar) R. Orosei (Roma), F. Ferri, F Angrili (Padova);  IRAS (Radiation instrument) A. Di Lellis (Roma), M. S torini (Roma), F. Constanzo (Perugia);  LaRa (Radioscience experiment) P. Tortora (Bologna);  S EIS (S eismometer) A. Amato, M. Cocco (Roma), A. Zollo (Napoli); Italian UVIS scientists (UV S pectrometer) are the most numerous in the L. PasteurColangeli instrument (Napoli); teams, overall the Italian scientists are the 2nd most numerous. To, 23May08 21 Pasteur – Humboldt Instruments

CONTEXT e t o PanCam


t CLUPI c e a t t i Mössbauer n u o Allocated Pasteur S Raman & LIBS Drill System C (2-m depth & instrument mass: 16.5 kg MicrOmega Mars_XRD surface) .

b incl. Borehole IR a L


a ORGANICS/LIFE c i t y l Urey a n MOMA Sample Preparation A (Life Marker Chip & Distribution ) System Allocated Humboldt ENVIRONMENT MEDUSA instrument mass: 8.5 kg IRAS Accommodated UVIS in Humboldt AEP Payload To, 23May08 22 The international context

2005 2007 2009 2011 2013

Mars Telecom Orbiter


MS L: powerful geology ExoMars : next- rover; large 2-D mobility. generation To, 23May08 instruments ;3-D 23 mobility. Mars S ample Return - MS R

First robotic mission including all elements representative of a human mission to Mars : Earth / Mars Transfer S tage Mars Orbiter Descent Module Mars Ascent Vehicle Earth re- entry vehicle

Main objectives in Main objectives in science: Large mass soft landing S earch for traces of past or present life Ascent from Mars on Mars on the basis of Martian S ample collecting device soil/rock samples from several Planetary protection locations and from deep under the surface To, 23May08 24 Reference MS R Architecture (1)

Mars Ascent Mars Vehicle launch & DM sample container Carrier Entry (SC) separation Separation RendezvousOrbit & Capture of SC by Orbiter

Landing on Sample Surface Acquisition (Mobile) Earth Mars Orbit Lander Launch V (2020) Current architecture based on ESA / NASA- JPL and iMARS Earth investigations

To, 23May08 25 Reference MS R Architecture (2)

Mars Sample Rendezvous & Capture Container (SaC) of SaC by Orbiter

Mars Orbit Ejection of redundant Orbiter hardware insertion

Mars-Earth Separation of Propulsion transfer Orbiter & Earth Module avoidance Separation

Orbiter Launch High-speed Earth A5 ECA (2020-2022) Re-Entry of Capsule Earth Orbit Landing, sample recovery and transfer to Sample Receiving Facility Earth To, 23May08 26 ES A MS R Preparatory Programme  Consolidate mission design & schedule in close cooperation with the International Mars Exploration Working Group (IMEWG/ IMARS ), NAS A - JPL and national agencies;  Prepare Europe to assume a strong role in MS R by:  Identifying potential areas of contribution, initiate detailed s tudy and design of individual European candidate mis sion elements  Intens ification of technology development / demons tration effort for the identified European flight s egment elements and the s cientific capabilities aimed at in-situ analys is of s amples  S tart the des ign of the S ample Receiving and Curation Facilities & promote the cons titution of an MS R Ins titute in To, 23May08 27 Europe  A programme proposal is being prepared for approval at the ES A Council at Ministerial level in November 2008. S ystem Trade-offs

• Analysis of system level options will be carried out by European Industry to ensure a robust architecture which satisfies challenging mission requirements: • Mobility range versus landing accuracy • S ample collection redundancy • MAV propulsions options • Number of return capsules • Bio-sealing location

Liquid MAV Lower landing Higher landing Propulsion accuracy  higher accuracy  lower System rover range and time rover range requirements requirements

Solid MAV Propulsion System

To, 23May08 28 Mission Element S tudy & Design Detailed study and design, at Phase B1 level, of key mission elements: • Mars Orbiter vehicle – performing rendezvous and capture, and Earth return • S ample collection system – primary/backup drill on mobile rover and static platform • Instrumentation for in-situ sample analysis • Mars Ascent Vehicle – propulsion system, vehicle design • Bio-S ealing & Containment system • S urface Platform elements – container transfer system etc. • Earth Return Capsule • S ample Receiving Facility – bio-hazard assessment etc.

To, 23May08 29 MS R Technologies Development • Key mission elements under study will be supported by specific technology development efforts • Major areas already identified include: • B iocontainment – sealing and monitoring technologies • Planetary Protection – bio-burden control • S urface S ampling S ystems – drill based acquisition etc. • In-S itu Instrumentation – sample analysis suite • Propulsion – targeted at MAV application

To, 23May08 30 Human Mission to Mars: 2036+

 Mars is the ultimate goal for the human exploration of the S olar S ystem;

 A long duration mission (~3 years) requires advanced technologies and solution to a number of technical / technological and medical problems.

To, 23May08 31 Human Factors

Radiation environment & mitigation

Microgravity countermeasures

Hardware development (sensors, etc.), waste and grey water treatment

Telemedicine Concordia Long-term medical survey in Antarctica S tation analogue environment (i.e. To, Concordia)23May08 32 Air Revitalization S ystem (ARES )

CO2 removal  Europe provides the Environment Control and Life beds Electrolyser S upport S ystem (ECLS S ) for Columbus, no European regenerative life support system has been tested in orbit yet

 ARES is a partial closed-loop system that recycles the exhaled carbon dioxide into oxygen, based on physical-chemical processes:

 The electrolyser splits water into oxygen (fed into the cabin) and hydrogen (fed into the S abatier reactor).  The carbon dioxide assembly absorbs CO2 from the cabin (also fed into the S abatier reactor)  The S abatier reactor closes the loop by converting hydrogen and carbon dioxide into water and . The water is re-circulated S abatier into the electrolyser to close the oxygen loop, while the methane is vented overboard. reactor

 ARES regenerative technology for life support will be needed for any long term exploration scenario. To, 23May08It could save up to 1 ton of water upload to the IS S 33 assuming a crew of 6 MELIS S A Life S upport S ystems

ME LIS S A Pilot Plant at UAB Departament d’Enginyeria Química - Barcelona

To, 23May08 34 Aurora Exploration Programme


To, 23May08 35 Human Mission to Mars: 2036+

Human Mission to Mars? == Yes, jus t … . not tomorrow!

To, 23May08 36 Back-up charts

To, 23May08 37 ExoMars Mission Objectives

 Scientific Objectives:  To search for traces of past and present life on Mars;  To characterise the water/geochemical environment as a function of depth in the shallow subsurface;  To study the surface environment and identify hazards to future human missions;

Technology Objectives:  To develop a European capability to land large payloads on Mars;  To demonstrate high surface mobility and access to the subsurface;  To prepare technologies necessary for Mars Sample Return.

ExoMars will deploy on the Martian surface:  a Rover, carrying the Pasteur scientific payload and a drill to collect subsurface samples down to 2-m depth.  a package of Geophysics & Environment instruments (GEP), supporting the Humboldt payload, to be accommodated on the landing platform.

To, 23May08 38 Mars Dust S torm Avoidance

The landing and the surface mission shall take place outside the so-called “Mars globalAround dust Mars stormperihelion season” for a period of about 6 months Mars can be s ubject to dust storms that cover almos t the whole planet: energy availability on the s urface is very reduced and mechanis ms get s tuck The phenomenon is unexplained to date Mars orbital position “Dust Landing Times storm season”

To, 23May08 39 Operations and Ground S egment

The architecture of the Ground NAS A Orbiter Segment and the EDL and Rover (MRO) operational aspects are being studied in Phase B1

Rover Direct To Earth (DTE) Link : via NAS A 70m DS N antenna; alternative via ES A 35 m DS N antenna

NASA DSN and ESA network ESOC Rover Operation Centre (ALTEC-) To, 23May08 40 ExoMars Operations Concept  New level of mission complexity beyond that of classical spacecrafts:  New operating methodologies for ES A  Impact of high on board autonomy

 Operation driven by:  Round trip delay time (40 min round trip-worst cas e at 2.52 AU)  Limited contact window via orbiting relays  Limited bandwidth with DTE  Unpredictable environment & sample process ing

 Mars Time versus Earth Time:  S cheduling of Rover operation based on Martian time and conditioned by Mars day/night trans ition.

To, 23May08 41