ISSN 2372-2517 (Online), ISSN 2372-2479 (Print) METALEPTEAMETALEPTEA THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ORTHOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY TABLE OF CONTENTS President’s Message (Clicking on an article’s title will take you By DAVID HUNTER to the desired page) President
[email protected] [1] PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE [2] SOCIETY NEWS ear Society members, ing Editor for the Journal of Orthop- [2] Tony Robillard: our new Managing Editor Like almost everyone, tera Research. Special thanks to our of JOR by D. HUNTER we have had to endure current Managing Editor Corey Ba- [2] The 2020 Theodore J. Cohn Research severe limits on activi- zelet, whose tireless efforts over the Grants Funded by M. LECOQ [3] Treasurer’s Report by P. MIHM ties because of the CO- past five years has led to increasing [3] A call for DNA-grade specimens to recon- VID-19 coronavirus. accessibility of our journal being open sruct a comprehensive phylogeny of Ensifera D by H. SONG ManyD of you have had to work from access as part of Pensoft. Meet Tony [4] “Jago’s Grasshoppers of East and North home, which works for some, but not on page 2! East Africa” volume 4 now available! for others and many have not been As you can see from our Treasurer’s [5] REGIONAL REPORTS able to work at all. Let’s hope things Report, the economic uncertainties [5] North America by K. KING start to return to “normal,” so we can have led to a decline in our invest- [6] Latin America by M.E. POCCO get on with what we really enjoy do- ments, but we have had substantial [8] Japan by H.