UNITING CHURCH STUDIES UNITING CHURCH STUDIES UNITING CHURCH STUDIES EMERGING THEOLOGICAL STREAMS Vol 16, No.2, December 2010 UNITING CHURCH STUDIES ISSN: 1323-6377 Published twice yearly (June, December) by United Theological College, 16 Masons Drive, North Parramatta, NSW, Australia, 2151. Phone: 61-2-8838 8927; Facsimile: 61-2-9683 6617; Website: www.ucs.utc.uca.org.au Editor: Dr William Emilsen
[email protected] Review Editor: Dr Jione Havea
[email protected] Subscriptions Editor:
[email protected] Management Committee: Diane Bertelsmeier, Peter Butler, Andrew Collis, William Emilsen, Jione Havea, David Holden, Clive Pearson, John Oldmeadow, John Squires. Editorial Correspondents: Professor Ian Breward Dr Allan Davidson Honorary Archivist, St John’s Theological College Victorian Synod Auckland, NZ Dr Andrew Dutney Dr Suzanne Boorer Parkin-Wesley College Murdoch University Adelaide, SA Perth, WA Professor Christiaan Mostert Dr Helen Richmond United Faculty of Theology Nungalinya College Melbourne, VIC Darwin Dr Jill Tabart Dr Val Webb Churchill, VIC Mudgee, NSW Professor Lewis Rambo Dr Yang-En Cheng San Francisco Theological Seminary, Taiwan Theological Seminary California, USA Taipei, Taiwan Dr David Thompson Dr Geoffrey Thompson Faculty of Divinity Trinity Theological College University of Cambridge Brisbane, QLD UNITING CHURCH STUDIES VOL. 16, NO. 2, DECEMBER 2010 The March for Justice, Freedom and Hope, 26 January 1988 William W. Emilsen On 26 January 1988, Australia Day, an estimated 30,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait people converged on Sydney to protest against the Australian bicentennial celebration. It was according to various observers the largest gathering of Aboriginal people ever in Australia.