The Montebello Voice an independent gazette shall we dance? July 14, 2021 voices on the 37 Jam session I’m looking to get together with musi- cians who live in Montebello. I general- ly play blues and classic rock, but inter- ested in just about any type of acoustic or electric music. I would be interested in putting some set lists out and maybe writing and recording some music. I play guitar and harmonica and sing. Get in touch with me at coreywalters@– Corey Walters M Cover photo of Stormy the Great and Frank Sprague by Dian McDonald The ntebel Voice Mo lo an independent gazette Alexandria, Virginia This publication accepts no funding or oversight from advertisers, residents, or the Montebello Condominium Unit Owners Association. All opinions are encouraged and reflect the diversi- ty of views in the community. All articles and photographs come from Montebello residents. To receive or contribute to this email-only gazette, contact
[email protected] or visit Bambis in on the web at the wood- lands by Editor & Designer Linda Mikhailina Karina Brownlee Contributors Joe de Angelis, Linda Brown- lee, Raymond Houck, Dian McDonald, Bob Shea, Frank Sprague, Corey Walters The Montebello Voice 2 July 14, 2021 gentle giant Frank and Stormy I have lived with a Norwegian Elkhound, black Lab, and multiple Great Danes. I had been looking for a dog for a few years and tried to rescue a greyhound, but didn’t get through the waitlist before the tracks closed. I also tried multiple local rescues – to no avail.