AIT Annual Report on Research 2009


The Asian Institute of Technology celebrated its Golden Jubilee last year. Based on the achievements and experiences and the rapidly changing needs of the region and indeed the world, the institute realizes that there is an urgent need to adapt and position ourselves to meet the coming decades. While higher education demands in the region are expected to expand, there is also increased number of good educational institutions and mobility of students all over the world in pursuit of their interests and thirst for knowledge. While academic quality is important in any institute, such organizations have long term recognition based on the research and development activity that is carried out and brings benefit to society. It is with this background that AIT plans to consolidate its While the institute debates a new financial model research and build stronger inter-disciplinary to bring stability and sustainability to the institute, teams, bring greater focus to research and it has also created an AIT Strategy document develop new strong partnerships to face up to which highlights present strengths and future the emerging needs of the region and beyond. needs. The activities include developing a research strategy for the institute. The latter is The past year has been a successful year with being developed and will include four major about thirty percent increase in the number of components, namely, focus of research, sponsored projects and there being an increased research quality, partnership and collaboration number of projects which have built on and fund raising for developing capacity and partnerships with external and internal trans- infrastructure which will attract some of the best disciplinary partners. After considerable researchers to the institute. In order to do this in deliberation inside the institute a Center of a systematic manner a Results Based Excellence in “Sustainable Development in the Management (RBM) approach is being used. It context of climate change” was launched. The is hoped that this will be used in the future to six themes under this umbrella area has been hold discussions with various stake holders agreed to be Vulnerability and Risk Reduction, which will include donors, government agencies Adaptation and Livelihood Strategies, Urban and and the private sector so that AIT can serve as a Rural Sustainability, Water and Food Security, platform for innovative research and Energy Security and Low Carbon Society, development. Cleaner Production and Waste Refining. During the launch of this centre external partners and We take this opportunity to thank all faculties, AIT faculty and staff deliberated on some of the staff, students and indeed the vast variety of research needs in the near and middle term external partners who made our achievements future. This will be further elaborated further to possible. We look forward to increased include the emerging areas like climate science collaboration and partnership to expand the to determine local societies which are more knowledge base we have created and improve vulnerable while working on adaptation and the quality of life of those who those most need mitigation options which are urgently needed. it.

Professor Sudip K Rakshit Vice President for Research June 2010



PREFACE ...... i


Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION ...... 1





Chapter 28: SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT ...... 131

Chapter 29: AIT EXTENSION ...... 143



Chapter 32: AIT – ...... 153


Chapter 34: AIT Masters Theses Competition 2009 ...... 163



1.1 AIT Mission 1.2 AIT Vision

The Asian Institute of Technology promotes technological To become a leading and unique regional multicultural change and sustainable development in the Asian-Pacific institution of higher learning, offering state-of-the-art region through higher education, research and outreach. education, research and training in technology, management Established in Bangkok in 1959, AIT has become a leading and societal development. regional postgraduate institution and is actively working with public and private sector partners throughout the region and With this clear, timeless vision, the multi-skilled team of with some of the top universities in the world. students, faculty and staff at AIT are set to continuously strengthen the institution by becoming Recognized for its multinational, multi- cultural ethos, the Institute operates as a self-contained international community A trailblazer in advanced education in the region, with at its campus located 40 km (25 miles) north of Bangkok, leadership in IT and new types of multidisciplinary Thailand. programs.

Besides the usual laboratories and academic buildings, the An exemplary institution, with an emphasis on academic main campus includes housing, sports, and medical facilities, a quality in terms of courses and other aspects of the conference center, and a library with over 230,000 volumes operation. and 830 print and on-line periodicals. All serve to fulfill the AIT mission - A leader in professional development programs.

to develop highly qualified and committed A hub for the implementation of regional/transnational professionals who play leading roles in the research projects, and a research facility for academic region’s sustainable development and its professionals. The hub will network with other integration into the global economy. academic and research institutions in the region and the world.

A model international citizen.

A collaborator and partner of national postgraduate institutions.

A financially viable, self-sustaining institution, able to draw support from donors, the private sector and individuals, with good governance and strong leadership.

A strong partner to its alumni, who are principal stakeholders through the AIT Alumni Association (AITAA).

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2 | Annual Report on Research 2009


2.1 Mission of traditional fields of knowledge. More Water Engineering and Management interdisciplinary programs shall be (WEM) launched so faculty members can work School of Engineering and Technology effectively across the disciplinary walls. INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (SET) is the synergistic integration in The new school will enhance its academic GROUP November 2005 of the two former portfolio by emphatically injecting the Schools, namely, the School of Civil “5I” features namely internationality, For several decades, AIT has served in Engineering (SCE) and the School of innovation, integration, information the development of the region by Advanced Technologies (SAT). technology and industrial partnership. equipping young engineers with the Historically, these two schools came into high-tech knowledge required to work in existence only in January 1993 when the In line with the mission of the Institute, complex industrial environments. Since Institute reorganized the need to reform the mission of the School of Engineering its inception, the Industrial Systems its academic structure from smaller-sized and Technology is: Engineering (ISE) thematic group at AIT units called “Divisions” to larger bodies has contributed to this mission by named “Schools”. To develop highly qualified focusing on industrial competitiveness engineers and technologists who and innovation for sustainable growth in The School of Civil Engineering (SCE) play leading roles in promoting the the region. The ISE group is comprised of represents the legacy of AIT when it was region’s industrial competitiveness the following fields of study: established with a single field of study in in its integration into the global Hydraulics Engineering. Subsequently, economy. Industrial and Manufacturing other civil engineering fields of study Engineering (IME) were launched to assist the recovery More information about the school can Nanotechnology from the ravages of the Second World be accessed at the SET’s homepage Mechatronics (Mec) War. SCE emphasized on a learning Microelectronics (Mic) process that combines theoretical problem-solving and real life application INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS of engineering principles. Its research 2.2 Thematic Groups, GROUP orientation was outward-looking, Fields of Study and addressing the actual and anticipated Information and communications enable needs of the built environment. Multidisciplinary access, connections and sharing, in turn

Programs enable knowledge creation and The School of Advanced Technologies economic opportunity. The fields in the (SAT) consisted of fields of study that CIVIL AND INFRASTRUCTURE Information and Communications group were launched in response to the needs ENGINEERING GROUP are: of the regional industrialization in the second and third decades of AIT's Since the founding of AIT, its civil Computer Science (CS) existence. The School was committed to engineering fields have promoted Information Management (IM) being international, multidisciplinary modern methodologies, emerging Remote Sensing and Geographic centers of excellence in Information, technologies and innovative materials for Information Systems (RSGIS) Communications, Industrial Systems, and the design and construction of safe and Space Technologies through education, Telecommunications (TC) economical infrastructure in the region. research and outreach. The Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Interdisciplinary Programs

group includes the following fields of The new School of Engineering and study: Offshore Technology and Technology amalgamating the School of Management (OTM) Civil Engineering (SCE) and the School of Construction, Engineering and Information and Communications Advanced Technologies (SAT) will strive Infrastructure Management (CEIM) Technologies (ICT) to create synergies between the activities Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation of the two former schools to build up Engineering (GGE) and Management (DPMM) world-class multidisciplinary and cross- Structural Engineering (StE) Gender, Transportation and disciplinary education, research and Transportation Engineering (TrE) outreach activities across the boundaries Development (GTD) Annual Report on Research 2009| 3

School of Engineering & Technology

2.3 Strategic Research Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental ground improvement techniques. Visit Engineering (GGE) ACSIG: Areas Sustainable geological exploitation for engineering activities; Design of safe The School of Engineering and structures; Disaster mitigation and ACTS: Asian Center for Transportation Technology has identified broad research rehabilitation Studies areas related to the strengths of its ACTS activities include modules on faculty, its curriculum and its existing Structural Engineering (StE) intelligent transportation systems, traffic facilities that are the building blocks for Computational Mechanics, Earthquake simulation, freight transport, urban road education niches in engineering and Resistant Design, Experimentation safety and road safety audit. Visit ACTS: advanced technologies. Methods, Advanced Structural Materials.

The following lists the information about Transportation Engineering (TrE) Geoinformatics Center the specific focal areas grouped by Fields Transportation Logistics; Highway Geoinformatics Center is dedicated to of Study Pavement; Road Safety development and promotion of remote sensing research and activities in Asia- Computer Science and Information Water Engineering and Management Pacific by sharing satellite data, research Management (CSIM) (WEM) results and experiences with researchers Software Engineering and Development; Integrated Water Resources in the region. Visit Geoinformatics Information and Knowledge Management (IWRM); Water Related Center Management Disaster Management (WRDM) Habitech Center Industrial Systems Engineering (ISE) Habitech activities include research and Design and development of devices and 2.4 Academic Outreach outreach activities such as training in sensors; Automation and control of Centers production and construction, provision of machines; Product design and integration services associated with projects of machines and processes; Planning, The School of Engineering and implemented by various organizations, operation, control and logistics of Technology has a wealth of innovative agencies or the private sector. Visit Industrial systems and untapped knowledge database from Habitech: http://www.habitech- its master’s and doctoral research Remote Sensing and Geographic activities. Many outreach and research Information Systems (RS&GIS) centers are set up to transform the International Ferrocement Information Remote sensing (RS); Geographic knowledge into industrial needs. These Center information system (GIS); Global centers also serve to transfer the IFIC coordinates the activities of the positioning system (GPS); Digital mapping practical aspects and the society impacts International Ferrocement Society (IFS) technology; Digital photogrammetry of the knowledge and technology back to including publication of “Journal of the class room. Ferrocement”, conducting continuing Telecommunications, Information and education courses and sponsored Communications Technologies (TC, ICT) ACECOMS: Asian Center for Engineering research projects in low-cost Mobile Communications; Teletraffic and Computations and Software construction. Visit IFIC: Network Performance Analysis; Focal The prime mission of ACECOMS with 29 Area 3: Optical Networks satellite centers in 21 cities in Asia and other regions carries out research in Regional Network Office for Urban Advanced Infrastructure Development engineering computations, develops Safety Application of new approaches and computer software tools for engineering The Regional Network Office for Urban concepts in the development of applications, and conducts training in the Safety (RNUS) is a collaborative center infrastructure including innovative effective use of latest computing jointly operated by the AIT and the project financing technology. Visit ACECOMS: University of Tokyo for the promotion of PPP/PFI, integrated project urban safety engineering utilizing management advanced engineering technologies Infrastructure asset and valuation ACSIG: Asian Center for Soil including remote sensing and GIS. Visit management, and infrastructure Improvement and Geosynthetic RNUS: safety and security ACSIG provides a strategic location for advanced technological education, Thailand Accident Research Center researches and outreach activities on the The Thailand Accident Research Center is application and effective utilization of an offspring of MOTC’s Road Safety Master Plan acknowledging the lack of

4 | Annual Report on Research 2009

School of Engineering & Technology information on accidents in Thailand and subsidence from deep well the need to establish TARC. TARC JOYDEEP DUTTA, PhD, IACS, Calcutta pumping; Rock properties] provides academic back up and a base for Univ, India; BSc (Hon), MSc, North road safety research. Visit TARC: Eastern Hill Univ, India. R M A P RAJATHEVA, B.Sc. Hons. Professor (Functional materials, (Eng), Moratuwa Univ, Sri Lanka; nanomaterials, Nanoparticles, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Electrical and selforganisation, Biomimetic Computer Eng), Univ of AIT Center of Excellence in processes, Polyelectrolyte Manitoba, Canada. Nanotechnology deposition, Gas sensors, Bio- Associate Professor (Digital and The Center of Excellence in sensors, optoelectronic devices) Mobile Communications, Nanotechnology is jointly supported by Cooperative Diversity, Relay Thailand’s Nanotechnology Center NITIN V AFZULPURKAR, BEng, Univ of Systems, OFDMA Resource (NANOTEC) and AIT, to cultivate and Poona, India; PhD, Univ of Allocation, Cognitive Radio: foster multidisciplinary activities Canterbury, Detection/Estimation including research and education in the Associate Professor [Computer Techniques, Space Time applications of Nanotechnology in vision (pattern recognition and Processing-MIMO Systems, Developing World. Visit CoEN: image processing); MEMS Distributed Video Coding (DVC) design, fabrication for electronic and bio medical applications; BONAVENTURA H W HADIKUSUMO, Soft computing algorithms for BEng, Univ of Diponegoro, ; 2.5 School Governance robotics and automation MEng, AIT; PhD, Univ of Hong Kong. applications; Mechatronics Associate Professor (Construction Deans of School applications for industrial use] Information Technology; Construction Project Management; until 31 August 2009 NOPPADOL PHIEN-WEJ, BEng, Construction Site Safety, Virtual Chulalongkorn Univ, Thailand; MS, Reality application in construction; WORSAK KANOK-NUKULCHAI, BEng PhD, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Web-based project design and (Hon), Chulalongkorn Univ, Thailand; USA. management; System Dynamic MEng, AIT, Thailand; PhD, Univ of Associate Professor (Tunnelling Simulation in Construction; California (Berkeley), USA. and other underground Construction site safety) Professor (Computational excavations in rocks and soils; Mechanics; Tall Building Static Slope stability and retaining and Seismic Analysis; Bridge structures; Landslides; Earth 2.6 Grants and Sponsored Engineering; Genetic Algorithms; structures and dams; Pile Research Completed in Nonlinear Analysis of Structures foundations; Buried pipes and and Continua; Plate/Shell culverts) [Soft ground tunnelling; 2009 (ACECOMS) Structures; Engineering Underground excavations in Education; Nanomechanics) rock; Deep excavations; Land Nigeria Crossing Bridge Duration: August 2008 – February 2009 subsidence from deep well Project Investigator: Dr. Naveed Anwar from 1 September 2009 pumping; Rock properties] Sponsor: Advance Engineering Consultants, Lagos, Nigeria NITIN V AFZULPURKAR, BEng, Univ of from 1 December 2009 Total Contract Amount: 1,020,000 Baht Poona, India; PhD, Univ of Canterbury, New Zealand NOPPADOL PHIEN-WEJ, BEng, Seismic Acceptance Evaluation of Associate Professor [Computer Chulalongkorn Univ, Thailand; MS, Preuksa Precast Bearing Wall Building System vision (pattern recognition and PhD, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, image processing); MEMS Duration: May 2008 - May 2009 USA. Project Investigator: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai/ Dr. design, fabrication for electronic Associate Professor (Tunnelling Naveed Anwar and bio medical applications; and other underground Sponsor: Preuksa Real Estate Company Ltd. Soft computing algorithms for excavations in rocks and soils; Total Contract Amount: 950,000 Baht robotics and automation Slope stability and retaining applications; Mechatronics structures; Landslides; Earth Structural Design Review of Concrete applications for industrial use] structures and dams; Pile Silos Duration: May 2008 - May 2009 foundations; Buried pipes and Project Investigator: Dr. Naveed Anwar/ Keerati Associate Deans culverts) [Soft ground tunnelling; Tunthasuwattana Underground excavations in Sponsor: Siam City Cement Public Co. Ltd. until 31 August 2009 rock; Deep excavations; Land Total Contract Amount: 480,000 Baht

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School of Engineering & Technology

2.7 On-going Grants and 2.8 Publications Structural Design Review of Pelletizer Sponsored Research in Structure Conference Proceedings Duration: July 2008 – August 2009 2009 (ACECOMS) Project Investigator: Dr. Naveed Anwar/ Keerati Tunthasuwattana J. Chandra, N. Anwar and D. Sponsor: Toyo-Thai Corporation Public Company Structural Design Review of HP456 Rayamajhi, “Different Techniques for Limited Structure the Modeling of Post-tensioned Total Contract Amount: 650,000 Baht Duration: May 2009 – January 2010 Concrete I-Girder Bridge” IABSE Project Investigator: Dr. Naveed Anwar Symposium Bangkok 2009: Wind tunnel Testing of Gramercy Sponsor: Toyo-Thai Corporation Public Company Residences and Knightsbridge Buildings Limited Sustainable Infrastructure Total Contract Amount: 250,000 Baht Duration: July 2008 – August 2009 Environment Friendly, Safe and Project Investigator: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai/ Dr. Resource Efficient Naveed Anwar Structural Design Review of HP3 Sponsor: Century Properties, Inc. Structure N. Anwar, P. Warnitchai and K. Total Contract Amount: 45,000 USD Duration: May 2009 – January 2010 Tunthasuwattana, “Finite Element Project Investigator: Dr. Naveed Anwar Based Analysis and Design of Structural Design Review for Sponsor: Toyo-Thai Corporation Public Company Investigation of Deflected Slab Limited Sandwich Panel Structures”, Total Contract Amount: 100,000 Baht th Duration: April 2009 – August 2009 Proceedings of the 9 International Project Investigator: Dr. Naveed Anwar Symposium on Ferrocement and Sponsor: One Serendra Section D&E P-2B, Ayala Structural Design Peer Review of 42- Thin Reinforced Cement Composites: Land, Inc. Story East Tower at One Serendra Green Technology for Housing and Total Contract Amount: 6,500 USD Building Infrastructure Construction, May 18-

Duration: January 2009 – March 2010 20, 2009, Bali, Indonesia, pp. 229- Performance Based Evaluation of Project Investigator: Dr. Naveed Anwar 243. Embassy Building in Manila Sponsor: Toyo-Thai Corporation Public Company Duration: July 2009 – August 2009 Limited Project Investigator: Dr. Naveed Anwar Total Contract Amount: 100,000 Baht Sponsor: Makati Development Corporation 2.9 Masters Students’ Total Contract Amount: 7,500 USD Performance Based Design of 70 Storey Thesis Gramercy Residence Building

Duration: July 2008 – Project Investigator: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai/ Dr. Extraction of Strut and Tie Model from 3D Naveed Anwar Solid Element Mesh Analysis Sponsor: Century Properties, Inc. By: Abeykoon Jalath Dammika Total Contract Amount: 35,000 USD Supervisor: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai / Dr. Naveed Anwar Performance Based Design of Knightsbridge Building Duration: February 2009 - Project Investigator: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai/ Dr. Naveed Anwar Sponsor: Century Properties, Inc. Total Contract Amount: 30,000 USD

Structural Peer Review Cluster 1 (Phase 1) Lot G Duration: November 2009 - Project Investigator: Dr. Naveed Anwar Sponsor: Ayala Land Inc. Total Contract Amount: 30,000 USD

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3.1 Introduction software engineering. The Software The need for information Engineering Area of Specialization is management skills in government Computer Science Field of Study specially designed to fill the Asia- and private organizations is Pacific regions needs for highly- increasingly recognized. People trained specialists in software knowledgeable in methods of This field of study fosters high-level development and the management facilitating information collection, teaching and research in computer science and aims to meet the of software development projects. dissemination, and use are in growing regional demand for Students in the program will: demand. Such persons should also persons skilled in various aspects of be skilled in identifying information computing. One focus is on Receive in-depth training in the needs and in accessing, repackaging, educating educators who can, in latest software development and presenting information in such a way that it can be utilized in support turn, effectively disseminate tools, techniques, and trends; of the objectives of the users. knowledge and skills to more people. Learn the industries best

practices for management of The core curriculum in computer large software projects; The Information Management science covers all aspects of Get experience on real problems curriculum is designed to prepare computing, with the faculty in collaboration with public and students to respond to four basic particularly active in artificial private sector partners during challenges confronting organizations intelligence, software engineering, internships. today:

networking and information systems. Planning the effective use of The field of study also endeavors to The software engineering program is enhance teaching and research particularly aimed at students information and communication activities in computer architectures, already having work experience in technologies within organizations; object orientation, neural networks, the software industry. multimedia and other rapidly Developing corporate and evolving areas in computer science. Information Management Field of Study government policies to maximize the benefits resulting from the wide-

spread use of these technologies; The courses and research topics This field of study is a strategic range from those addressing the response to society's changing practical problems of applications needs. It will continue to evolve as Improving the strategic management development, to those dealing with organizations cope with the of information resources in business, the abstract and theoretical issues of proliferation and complexity of new government, and non-profit computer science and advanced information technologies and organizations; and

computing. Students are also services. It is the first of its kind in Increasing the productivity and encouraged to take courses and Southeast Asia. creativity of managers and conduct research in areas of Computer Science which interact Information is an essential resource executives who work with with Information Management, for academic excellence, information resources. Industrial Engineering, competitiveness in business and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, industry, scientific progress, and 3.2 Research Facilities and Telecommunications, Mechatronics national development. Like any and other fields of study covered at other resource, information must be Laboratories the Institute. managed. High-quality sources must be located, and arrangements must Organized around ten Unix servers, some Software Engineering Area of Study be made for access to timely, of them being multiprocessors, CSIM accurate, appropriate, and cost- network comprise about 60 micro- In addition to the traditional Masters effective information. Technological computers, running desktop and program in computer science, the advances in telecommunications and engineering applications, scientific and Computer Science field of study also the hardware and software of research software and programming offers a Masters degree in computer computing can be utilized to provide languages, with full access to the science with specialization in the optimum access to information. Internet. Through AI3 project, a Annual Report on Research 2009| 7

SET – Computer Science and Information Management Fields of Study broadband satellite link is available to VILAS WUWONGSE, DEng Systems Visiting and Adjunct Faculty Japan and other countries in the region. Science, MEng Control Engineering, This link is primarily dedicated for BEng Control Engineering, Tokyo KIM H W JOON, BSc, MSc, DSc, research activities in the field of Institute of Engineering, Japan. Dankook Graduate School, Korea. internetworking, like the new generation Professor and Vice President for Visiting Assistant Professor and of Internet IPv6, distributed education, External Relations (Information Assistant Professor, Rangsit video conferencing, and unidirectional Representation, Semantic Web, University (Bounded Variation & routing. Dedicated laboratories are set- Digital Libraries) its Application, Fuzzy Integral, up with specialized equipments. Full Fuzzy System & Type-2 Fuzzy wireless coverage in the building allows SUMANTA GUHA, MS, PhD, Set, Discrete Math) students to conveniently work with their University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, personal computers. USA; PhD, Indian Statistical Institute, FINN ARVE AAGESEN, MSc, PhD, Calcutta, India; BSc, MSc, University Norwegian Institute of Technology, of Calcutta, India. Norway. 3.3 Faculty and Research Associate Professor (Algorithms, Adjunct Professor and Professor Staff Computer Graphics, in NTNU (Telematics Systems, Computational Geometry, Telecommunication Information Full-time Faculty Robotics) Networking Architecture, Services & Resource KANCHANA KANCHANASUT, PhD, VATCHARAPORN ESICHAIKUL, BAcc, Management, Communication MSc, Computer Science, University Chulalongkorn Univ, Thailand; MBA, Services & Networks) of Melbourne, Australia; Graduate Oklahoma State Univ; PhD, Kent State Diploma, Computer Science, BSc Univ, USA. CHUTIPORN ANUTARIYA, BSc, Mathematics, University of Associate Professor (Electronic Chulalongkorn University, MSc, Queensland, Australia. Commerce/Electronic Business, DTech Sc, Asian Institute of Professor, and IntERLab Web-based Information Systems, Technology, Thailand. Director (Networking and Hypermedia, Electronic Adjunct Faculty and Assistant Distributed Computing, Government) Professor in Shinawatra Univ. Algorithms, Programming (Knowledge Representation, Languages) MATTHEW N. DAILEY, BSc, MSc, Intelligent Information Systems, North Carolina State University, PhD, Semantic Technologies, XML & PETER HADDAWY, BA, Pomona University of California, San Diego. Web Service Technologies) College, Claremont, USA; MSc, PhD, Assistant Professor (Machine Univ of Illinois, Urbana, USA. Vision & Learning, Robotics, Research Staff Professor and Vice President for Software Engineering and Open- Academic Affairs (Decision- source Software Development) PHAN MINH THANG, BEng, Kaldol Theoretic Problem Solving, Kalman College, Hungary, MEng, Probabilities Reasoning, PAUL JANECEK, BSEE, US Military Computer Science, Asian Institute of Modeling of User Preferences, Academy; MSc, Univ of London, UK; Technology, Thailand. Electronic Commerce, Medical PhD, Swiss Federal Inst of Tech, Researcher (Argumentation) Decision Making) Switzerland. Assistant Professor (Human-

PHAN MINH DUNG, MSc, PhD, Computer Interaction; Analysis 3.4 Grants and Sponsored University of Technology, Dresden, and Design of Information Research Completed in Germany. Visualization Systems, Semantic Fisheye Views, Software 2009 Professor (Computer and Engineering and Open-source Network Security, Autonomous Argumentation as Foundation for Computing, Logic Programming, Software Development, and Information System Semantic Grid Artificial Intelligence) Duration 2-Jun-06 - 31-Aug-09 Development) Project Investigator Pham Minh Dung Sponsor European Commission Total Contracted Amount (THB) 10,000,000

8 | Annual Report on Research 2009

SET – Computer Science and Information Management Fields of Study

Asian Autumn School Semantic Web Vision-Based Industrial Robotic Bin- Bo Bo, N., Dailey, M.N., and 2008 Picking System Uyyanonvara, B., Natural-pose hand Duration 1-Jul-08 - 01-Jun-09 Duration 1-Oct-08 - 30-Sep-09 detection in low-resolution images Project Investigator Vilas Wuwongse Project Investigator Matthew Dailey Songklanakarin Journal of Science Sponsor Participants Sponsor Solimac Co, Ltd Total Contracted Amount (THB) 500,000 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 765,000 and Technology, 31(2): 157-165, 2009. Asian Semantic Web Conference 2008 Duration 1-Jul-08 - 01-Jun-09 3.5 On-going Grants and Refereed International Conferences Project Investigator Vilas Wuwongse Sponsored Research Sponsor Participants Ali, I. and Dailey, M.N., Multiple Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,000,000 human tracking in high-density A Ubiquitous computing architecture, crowds In Advanced Concepts in Building an Integrated leading Euro- for factory Automation, Control and Intelligent Vision Systems Lecture Asian higher Education and research Traceability Notes in Computer Science, pages community in the field of the Semantic Duration 1-Oct-09 - 01-Mar-11 Web Project Investigator Paul Janecek 540-549, 2009. Sponsor RTG/LIKITOMI Duration 1-Oct-06 - 30-Sep-09 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,000,000 Project Investigator Vilas Wuwongse Iqbal, W., Dailey, M.N., and Carrera,

Sponsor EU (Contract TH/Asia Link/010 (111084) D., SLA-driven adaptive resource Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,960,964 Inexus Thailand Robotics Competition management for Web applications Duration 1-Dec-09 - 01-Feb-10 on a heterogeneous compute cloud Database Systems for Advanced Project Investigator Matthew Dailey Sponsor Western Digital Co. Ltd.,NECTEC In International Conference on Cloud Applications Total Contracted Amount (THB) 350,000 Computing, volume 5931 of Lecture Duration 1-Dec-06 - 31-May-09

Project Investigator Vilas Wuwongse Notes in Computer Science, pages Sponsor Participants Professional Masters in Software 243-253, 2009. Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,788,434 Engineering Duration 1-Jan-09 - 30-Mar-10 Limsoonthrakul, S., Dailey, M.N., and Enhancement of Efficiency in Inventory Project Investigator Matthew Dailey Sponsor Professional Managers Parnichkun, M., Intelligent vehicle Management of Corrugated Paper Total Contracted Amount (THB) 9,918,000 localization using GPS, compass, and Manufacturer using RFID machine vision In IEEE/RSJ Technology Professional Masters in Software International Conference on Duration 1-Jun-07 - 30-Mar-09 Engineering in Vietnam Intelligent Robots and Systems Project Investigator Paul Janecek Duration 1-May-09 - 30-Apr-10 Sponsor RTG and LIKOTIMO (IROS), pages 3981-3986, 2009. Project Investigator Matthew Dailey Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,000,000 Sponsor Professional Managers Total Contracted Amount (THB) 11,284,412 Rhienmora, P., Haddawy, P., Improvement of Logistics and Planning Suebnukarn, S., and Dailey, M.N., A for Fashion Merchandise Suspicious Target Tracking Robot VR environment for assessing dental Duration 1-Jun-07 - 30-Mar-09 Duration 1-Aug-09 - 01-Aug-10 surgical expertise In International Project Investigator Paul Janecek Project Investigator Matthew N Dailey Conference on Artificial Intelligence Sponsor RTG and BTNC Company Sponsor RTG in Education, pages 746-748, 2009. Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,500,000 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 900,000

Ministry of Science and Technology: Top 20 RTG- Asian University Research Rhienmora, P., Haddawy, P., Suebnukarn, S., and Dailey, M.N., Content Management Systems for Ranking Tourism Duration 1-Sep-09 - 31-Aug-10 Providing objective feedback on skill Duration 25-Nov-07 - 31-May-09 Project Investigator Peter F Haddawy assessment in a dental surgical Project Investigator Vilas Wuwongse Sponsor RTG training simulator In Proceedings of Sponsor Thaksin University Total Contracted Amount (THB) 949,000 the Conference on Artificial Total Contracted Amount (THB) 800,000 Intelligence in Medicine Lecture Vision-Based Industrial Robotic Bin- Ministry of Science and Technology Notes in Computer Science, pages Picking System (Phase III) 305-314, 2009. Virtual Library Duration 1-Nov-09 - 31-Jan-10 Duration 1-Dec-06 - 31-May-09 Project Investigator Matthew Dailey Project Investigator Vilas Wuwongse Sponsor Solimac Co, Ltd Tongphu, S., Thongsak, N., and Sponsor Thaksin University Total Contracted Amount (THB) 183,750 Dailey, M.N., Rapid detection of Total Contracted Amount (THB) 999,436 many object instances In Advanced

Concepts in Intelligent Vision 3.6 Publications Systems Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 434-444, 2009. Refereed National Journals

Annual Report on Research 2009 | 9

SET – Computer Science and Information Management Fields of Study

Waranusast, Rattapoom, Haddawy, Automatic Bitext Alignment for MashupSheet: A Web Integration P., and Dailey, M.N., Segmentation Southeast Asian Languages Platform for Interactive Visualization of text and non-text in on-line By Lwin Moe Applications handwritten patient record based on Supervisor: Dr. Paul Janecek By Supasak Kulawonganunchai spatio-temporal analysis In Supervisor: Prof. Vilas Wuwongse Proceedings of the Conference on Consistency Checking of UML Class Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Diagrams Named Entity Recognition in Semi- By Han Win Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Structured Texts Supervisor: Prof. Phan Minh Dung By Nguyen Cao Hong Ngoc pages 345-354, 2009. Supervisor: Dr. Paul Janecek Context-aware Workflow Zask, R. and Dailey, M.N., Rapid 3D Adaptation: A Case Study of Dynamic Real Time Object Detection in Aerial visualization of indoor scenes using Route Selection in a Warehouse Imagery 3D occupancy grid isosurfaces In Environment By Naddao Thongsak Proceedings of ECTI-CON, 2009, pp. By Anu Tuladhar Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Dailey 672–675. Supervisor: Dr. Paul Janecek Reasoning Algorithm in Abstract Ziauddin, S. and Dailey, M.N., A Delaunay Triangulation Based Sparse Argumentation System robust hybrid iris localization 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes By Loc Cu Vinh Using a Monocular Camera Supervisor: Prof. Phan Minh Dung technique In Proceedings of ECTI- CON, 2009, pp. 1058–1061. By Faisal Bukhari Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Dailey Visual Odometry and Traffic Sign Recognition Modules for an 3.7 Masters Students’ Distributed P2P Search in Data- Intelligent Vehicle Centric User Communities By Thu Yein Win Theses and Research By Piyatat Chatvorawit Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Dailey Supervisor: Prof. Vilas Wuwongse Studies Financial Aid Policy Authoring and Research Study: A Recommender Computer Science Simulation Tool for Enrollment System for Improving Web Services Management Discovery 3D Reconstruction using Dense By Euam Chantarasombat By Nguyen Ngoc Chan Stereo Correspondence Supervisors: Prof. Peter Haddawy/Dr. Paul Supervisor: Prof. Vilas Wuwongse By Akhtar Hussain Janecek Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Dailey Research Study: Cross Language Image Search Result Clustering Using Information Retrieval: A Case Study A Framework for Service Composition Latent Dirichlet Allocation of the Greater Mekong Sub-Region in Smartphone By Chaianun Damrongrat (GMS) Language By Sahasbhop Suvadhanabhakdi Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Dailey By Pyae Phyo Thu Supervisor: Prof. Phan Minh Dung Supervisor: Dr. Paul Janecek Intelligent Video Surveillance Using Annotation Recognition for Medical Dynamic Object Relationship Models Research Study: Detection and Patient Records By Suwan Tongphu Tracking of Multiple Humans in High- By Rawin Viruchpintu Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Dailey Supervisor: Prof. Peter Haddawy Density Crowds By Irshad Ali Intelligent Vehicle Localization Using Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Dailey An OpenId Based System for GPS, Compass, and Machine Vision Managing Web Resources by Using By Somphop Limsoonthrakul Research Study: Efficiently Mining Collaborative Tagging and Social Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Dailey Frequent Subpaths in Undirected Bookmarking Graphs By Muhammad Asif Inter-Vehicular Data Aggregation By Junaid Baber Supervisor: Prof. Vilas Wuwongse By Chhun Sophea Supervisor: Dr. Sumanta Guha Supervisor: Dr. Sumanta Guha

Argumentation-Based Framework for Key Frame Extraction and Browser- Research Study: Online Advertising Negotiation Support and Online Advertisement By Hoang Bao Thien Based Visualization for 3D Techniques Supervisor: Prof. Phan Minh Dung Reconstruction from Video Streams By Kyi Cin Shwe By Mirza Tahir Ahmed Supervisor: Prof. Phan Minh Dung Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Dailey

10 | Annual Report on Research 2009

SET – Computer Science and Information Management Fields of Study

Research Study: Optimal Operation Haptic Rendering of Arbitrarily Research Study: Data Mining, of Tarbela Reservoir under Changing Shaped Cutting Tools Interacting Market Basket Analysi: A Case Study Climatic Conditions with 3D Volumetric Models with of Sales Data By Kifayat Ullah Application to Dental Surgery By Nawarerk Chalarak Supervisor: Dr. Sumanta Guha Simulation Supervisor: Dr. Sumanta Guha By Kugamoorthy Gajananan Research Study: Service Level Supervisor: Prof. Peter Haddawy Research Study: Determinants of Agreement Driven Adaptive Resource Software Piracy in Thai Workplaces Management for Web Applications Influencing Customer Preferences to By Thanatip Suangkomol on Heterogenous Compute Cloud Achieve Sales Objectives Supervisor: Dr. Vatcharaporn Esichaikul By Waheed Iqbal By Vu Lam Chi Nhan Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Dailey Supervisor: Prof. Peter Haddawy Research Study: Extending the Functionality of Open Source E- Information Management Integrating a Social Software Into Commerce Platforms to Wap Devices Collaborative Customer Relationship By Luan Dang Kieu Analytic Network Process and Case- Management Supervisor: Dr. Vatcharaporn Esichaikul Based Reasoning for a Financial Aid By Anie Melany Recommendation System Supervisor: Dr. Vatcharaporn Esichaikul Research Study: In bound Inventory By Pham Phi Giang Management: A Case Study on Supervisor: Dr. Vatcharaporn Esichaikul Real-Time Monitoring System Using Gillette India Limited Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with By Ripunjoy Kalita Analyzing Email Transactions Extension to Sensor Observation Supervisor: Dr. Vatcharaporn Esichaikul By Le Cam Loan Service Supervisor: Dr. Sumanta Guha By Apichon Witayangkurn Research Study: Integrating Boosting Supervisors: Dr. Matthew Dailey / Dr. Kiyoshi and Genetic Algorithm with An Interactive Decision Support Honda Supervised Classification for Socio- System for Financial Aid Decisions Demographic-Based Customer By Pham Thi Viet Linh Semantic Classification of Social Tags Targeting Supervisor: Prof. Peter Haddawy for Faceted Search By Tutiyaporn Nitichai By Sort Borort Supervisor: Dr. Vatcharaporn Esichaikul A Spatial Decision Support System to Supervisor: Dr. Paul Janecek Support Site Selection for Research Study: Internet Policy and Convenience Stores Content Regulations Management in By Chanpitch Suriyalert Research Study: Duplicate Record Myanmar Supervisor: Dr. Vatcharaporn Esichaikul Detection for Database Cleansing By Kaw Khu Htoo By Mariam Rehman Supervisor: Dr. Vatcharaporn Esichaikul A System for Benchmarking Research Supervisor: Dr. Vatcharaporn Esichaikul Performance and Tracking Research Research Study: Building a Secure Trends Research Study: A Personal Income Wireless Local Area Network in Tra By Saeed Ul Hassan Tax Consultary System: A Case Study Vinh University Supervisor: Prof. Peter Haddawy in Vietnam By Nhiem Nguyen Ba By Ngo Tan Vu Khanh Supervisor: Dr. Sumanta Guha A System to Support Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Phan Minh Dung Performance Evaluation Research Study: Web Service By Le Thi Thu Lan Research Study: A Ranking System Composition in Travel Applications Supervisor: Prof. Peter Haddawy for Weblog Advertising By San San Ei By Ake Osothongs Supervisor: Prof. Phan Minh Dung Computing a Coarse-Grained Supervisor: Dr. Vatcharaporn Esichaikul Linguistic Database Using WordNet

By Kanjana Jiamjitvanich Research Study: Business Intelligence

Supervisor: Prof. Vilas Wuwongse to Support the Thai Bond Market By Satit Tanakulpaisal E-Government Framework to Support Supervisor: Dr. Vatcharaporn Esichaikul Transparent Business Service Composition: A Case Study of Online

Agricultural Commodities By Amit Pariyar Supervisor: Supervisor: Dr. Paul Janecek

Annual Report on Research 2009 | 11

SET – Computer Science and Information Management Fields of Study

12 | Annual Report on Research 2009


4.1 Introduction Reality application in construction; Sponsor: Chulalongkorn University Web-based project design and Total Contracted Amount: THB 300,000 Overhead: THB58,454 The Construction, Engineering and management; System Dynamic Infrastructure Management field trains Simulation in Construction; Advanced Techniques for Public Projects Construction site safety) professionals to play leading roles in the Financing international construction industry and in Duration: April 2010 to December 2010 infrastructure development and Investigator: Dr. Chotchai C. 4.3 Grants and Sponsored Sponsor: Chulalongkorn University management. It offers courses in four Total Contracted Amount: THB 300,000 levels - operations, project, strategic Research Completed in Overhead: THB58,454 issues and corporate issues. It prepares 2009 students to become effective managers and decision-makers familiar with Professional Master of Engineering in 4.5 Publications modern techniques of construction Project Management in Construction, Refereed Journals management, engineering management Hochiminh, Vungtau, Hanoi (51 and infrastructure management. Students) Duration: September 2008 to December 2009 A.N. Chowdhury and C. The field’s courses are delivered based Investigator: Dr B H W Hadikusumo and Dr. Charoenngam (2009), Factors on a hierarchical knowledge scale that Chotchai C. influencing finance on IPP projects in Sponsor: PetroVietnam and Corporation in Asia: A legal framework to reach to considers principles and fundamentals, Vietnam. applications (tools and techniques), and Total Contracted Amount: THB 23,326,149 goal, Journal of Project emerging issues. In offering courses Overhead: 10% to SET (THB 1,771,440) and Management, Vol 27 pp. 51-58. spanning fundamentals to advanced, the 10% to AITCV (THB 1,771,440) Faculty Recovery : THB 1,427,019 N. Suksuwan and B.H.W. emphasis is on shifting from classical to Degree Surcharge : THB 1,427,019 innovative knowledge. Hadikusumo “Condition Rating Advanced Techniques for Budgeting of System for Thailand Concrete Capital Investment Projects Bridges” Journal of Construction in 4.2 Faculty and Research Duration: March 2008 to September 2009 Development Country. Staff Investigator: Dr. Chotchai C. Sponsor: Chulalongkorn University O. Kulchartchai and B.H.W.

Total Contracted Amount: THB 600,000 Hadikusumo “Exploratory Study of CHOTCHAI CHAROENNGAM, BEng, King Overhead: THB118,454 Obstacles in Safety; Culture Mongkut’s Inst of Tech, Thonburi, Thailand; MS, Univ of Kansas; PhD, Univ Development in the Construction of Texas at Austin, USA 4.4 On-going Grants and Industry: A Grounded Theory Associate Professor (Project Approach” Journal of Construction in Sponsored Research Development Country. Planning, Scheduling, and Controls;

Construction Productivity Professional Master of Engineering in P. Wethyavivorn, C. Charoenngam, Improvement; Information Project Management in Construction in Technology in Construction and W. Teerajetgul (2009), Strategic Hochiminh and Hanoi (59 Students) Assets Driving Organizational Management; Public Private Duration: Sept 2009 to December 2010 Partnership Project; Project Investigator: Dr B H W Hadikusumo and Dr. Capabilities of Thai Construction Financing; Construction Disputes and Chotchai C. Firms, Journal of Construction Sponsor: PetroVietnam and Corporation in Litigation) Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vietnam. 135(11), pp. 1222-1231, SCOPUS Total Contracted Amount: THB 25,486,659 citation: 0 BONAVENTURA H W HADIKUSUMO, Overhead: 10% to SET (THB 2,064,200) and 10% to BEng, Univ of Diponegoro, Indonesia; AITCV (THB 2,064,200) Faculty Recovery : THB 2,121,14 MEng, AIT; PhD, Univ of Hong Kong. P.K. Dey, C. Charoenngam, S.O. Degree Surcharge : THB 2,121,141 Ogunlana and D. Kajornkiat (2009), Associate Professor (Construction Multi-Party Risk Management Helps Information Technology; Advanced Techniques for Budgeting of Construction Project Management; Manage Cement Plant Construction Capital Investment Projects (Phase II) in Thailand, International Journal of Construction Site Safety, Virtual Duration: August 2009 to March 2010 Investigator: Dr. Chotchai C. Services Technology and Annual Report on Research 2009| 13

SET – Construction, Engineering & Infrastructure Management Field of Study

Management, 11(4), pp. 411-435, 4.7 Masters Students’ Key Interactive Activities and Risks of SCOPUS citation: 0 PPP Infrastructure Development Theses and Projects Projects: The Mass Rapid Transit in T. Prasertrungruang and B.H.W. Thailand Hadikusumo ”Study of Factors Construction, Engineering and By Thotsaphol Rattananapalai Influencing the Efficient Infrastructure Management Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Management and Downtime Consequences of Highway Benchmarking for Track Mechanized Luxury Resort Project Development: Construction Equipment in Thailand” Maintenance System: A Case Study A Case Study of Two Spa Resorts in Thailand Journal of Construction Engineering of the State Railway of Thailand By Piyada Thanarojsakul and Management, ASCE, 135(1), pp. By Werayutdh Chuenchana Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo 2-11.

Business Diversification of Real Measurement and Mitigation of W. Teerajetgul, C. Charoenngam, Estate Company Noise and Dust Pollution in Highway and P. Wethyavivorn (2009), Key By Pichaya Bhanubhak Construction Projects in Vietnam Knowledge Factors in Thai Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam By Le Quang Tuan Construction Practice. International Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Journal of Project Management, Claims in Building Project in the 27(8), pp. 833-839. Public Sector: Case Study in Mekong Megaproject Development Area, Vietnam Relationships Among Stakeholders: Conference Proceedings By Nguyen Van Tam The Thai Landbridge Case Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo By Kantanat Chaipermsak Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam C. Charoenngam (2009), “Financial Collaborative Strategy Between and Funding Models for Higher Stakeholders of Hydropower and Negotiation Issues, Styles and Education”, Higher Education Power Intensive Industry in Bhutan Outcomes: A Study of Building Commission, Ministry of Education, By Karma Gyamtsho Construction Projects in Thailand RTG, 28 May, Bangkok. Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo By Surapong Panja Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo C. Charoenngam (2009), “Project Condition Assessment Criteria for a Management”, Royal Thai Armed Border Logistics Hub: A Case Study in Organizational Risk Factors: A Case Forces, Ministry of Defenses, 28 Lao Cai Province of Vietnam Study of Hydroelectric Power Projects December, Bangkok. By Tran Viet Dung in Myanmar Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam By Aung Myo Hein Special Lectures Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Construction Claim Types and Suksuwan N., B.H.W. Hadikusumo, Causes: A Study of Tala Hydroelectric Problems and Practices in EPC “Development of Computer Project, Bhutan Project Management: A Case Study Applicants for Bridge Management By Sonam Tobgay of Petrochemical Oil and Gas EPC Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Projects in Thailand System,” Proceeding of the IABSE By Raman Awale Symposium, Bangkok 2009. Construction Management Practices Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Under Construction Material Price 4.6 Doctoral Students’ Fluctuation Quality Improvement in Public By Piyachat Thaveelert Construction Projects: Case Studies in Dissertation Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Daklak Province, Vietnam By Tran Duc Nhat Construction, Engineering and Developer’s Investment Decision Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Infrastructure Management Making on Real Estate Development: Real Option Application in Managing A Case Study in Bangkok, Thailand By Rahongsree Prayongrut Uncertainty in Real Estate Effective Leadership in the Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Construction Industry in Thailand Development Projects: A Case Study

By Kedsuda Limsila in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo / Improvement of Budgeting Systems By Pham Vuong Trung Prof. Stephen O. Ogunlana for Transportation Projects by Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Enhancing Road Transportation Technical Knowledge Strategy in Working Capital By Korakade Thamphongsri Management Under Adverse Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam

14 | Annual Report on Research 2009

SET – Construction, Engineering & Infrastructure Management Field of Study

Economic Condition: A Case Study of Project: Analyzing the Logistic Project: Contract Management-How Indonesia Construction SMEs Process for Pre-Engineering Building Owner Can be Responsible in By Andi Sanjaya (PEB) Construction Changing Order in Oil and Gas Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam By Le Khac Bao Project Management Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam By Do Van Hanh Success Factors for Small and Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Medium-Sized Contractors: A Study Project: Application of Project of Mechanical Contractors in Management Functions in Small Project: Customer-Driven Strategy Vietnam Construction Companies: Case Study and KPIs Using CRM Approach: A By Dam Thanh Binh of Small Contractors in Hochiminh Case Study of Construction Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo City Enterprises in Vietnam By Le Hoai Viet By Manh Tran Dang The Benefits of Implementing Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Sustainable Construction Concept: A Case Study of the Construction Project: Case Studies Comparing the Project: Delay Causes in Sub-Projects Company in Thailand Role of Engineers in Vietnamese and of the Ho Chi Minh National Highway By Panwimon Jornjaran FIDIC Contracts Construction Project: A Case Study of Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo By Nguyen Anh Khe the Road Construction Connecting

Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo the Ho Chi Minh Highway to Lan Ong The Characteristics of Innovative Commemorative Area Construction Project: A Study in Project: Cash Flow Projection By Nguyen Dinh Duong Thailand Construction Industry Management in Small-Medium Sized Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo By Willy Sanjaya Vietnamese Contractors Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo By Pham Thi Ngoc Hien Project: Delay Causes in the Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Construction of Refinery Projects in The Practice and Management of Vietnam: A Case Study of Dung Quat Property Funds: A Study of Different Project: Claim Management and Refinery Project Assets in Thailand Analysis: Case Study of a By Nguyen Thi Thu Huong By Kriangsak Kiatkittikorn Hydropower Plant Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam By Nguyen Thi Thanh Truc Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Project: Delay Factors in Building The Relationships Between Construction Stage: A Case Study of Personality and Job Performance in Project: Communication in Design Office Building in Hochiminh City, Myanmar Construction Projects Process Between Employers and Vietnan By Swe Zin Myint Consultants By Phan Vu Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo By Tran Thi Nguyen Cat Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Total Quality Management in Project: Delays in Construction Property Development Projects in Project: Communication Project in Vietnam, Causes and Vietnam Management Within a Construction Effects By Nguyen Viet Nhan Project Team: A Case Study of a By Truong Quang Dien Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Condominium Project in Ho Chi Minh Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam City Turnkey Contract Implementation in By Nguyen Canh Toan Project: Design Management for Myanmar: A Case Study of Mandalay Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Architectual Project: A Case Study of International Airport PVMTC-PetroVietnam Building By Htet Htet Shein Project: Contract Clauses in EPC Project Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Contract: A Case Study of Dinh Vu By Dang Dinh Lam Polyester Project, Hai Phong, Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Vietnam Research Study: Risk Factors By Vu Dinh Duy Project: Engineering, Procurement, Influencing International Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Construction (EPC) Contract Construction Projects in Pakistan Management-Case Study: EPC By Ahsen Maqsoom Project: Contract Clauses in EPC Contract Management for Rang Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Thermal Power Project: A Case Study Dong Full Field Development for of Hai Phong Thermal Power Project Rang Dong Full Field Development By Bui Tien Dung Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Block 15-2 Offshore, Vietnam By Phan Tuong Liem Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo

Annual Report on Research 2009 | 15

SET – Construction, Engineering & Infrastructure Management Field of Study

Project: Engineering, Procurement Refinery and Petrochemical Complex Project: Quality Management in and Construction (EPC) Contracts Project Construction Projects: A Case Study Performance in Oil and Gas Industry: By Le Thu Anh of Quality Management in A Case Study of Delay in Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Construction Projects of an Oil and Commissioning Activity of EPC Gas Company Contract of the Phu My Gas Project: Matrix Structure in Small By Le Van Thong Distribution Center (GDC) Project in Scale & Fast Track Construction Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Vietnam Project: A Case Study of Fitting Out & By Hoang Huu Cam Interior Project Project: Quality Management in Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam By Nguyen Phong Design Phase of a Construction Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Project Project: Factors Causing Delay in By Nguyen Anh Kiet Construction Projects: A Case Study Project: New Urban Zone Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo of Commercial Construction Project Infrastructure Development Project Risks: A Case Study of An Phu Tay Project: Quality Management in Soil in Ho Chi Minh City Phan Hong Hoan Residential Project Improvement Projects: A Case Study Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam By Hoang Ngoc Anh of a Power Plant Project in Vietnam Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo By Tran Tuan Binh

Project: Factors Influencing the Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Project: Owner's EPCI Contract Benefits of a Project: A Case Study of Management for Oil and Gas Project: Quality Management System PetroVietnam Hotel Complex Project By Dang Viet Cuong Development Project: A Case Study for Manufacturer and Contractor of Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo of Vietnam Oil and Gas Project Precast Pile Foundation By Tran Dang Thuyet By Pham Quoc Hung Project: Green Building: Issues, Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo

Approaches and Implementation By Nguyen Huynh Trung Hai Project: Owner's Project Cost Project: Risk Management in a New Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Management Approach: A Case Residential Development Project: A Study of Underground Storage Case Study of Phuockien 1 Project Project: Integration of Gas Gathering Cavern in Vietnam (SADECO) System in Oil Field Development Nguyen Sinh Khang By Nguyen Hoang Anh Chuong Project - A Solution for Oil Filed Early Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Development: A Case Study on the Gas Gathering System for Block 16-1 Project: Practices of Contractor in Project: Safety and Quality TE GIAC Trang & Block 15-2/1 Hai Su Scheduling/Cost Planning and Management for Constructing of Control: A Case Study of Temporary Structures with Reference Trang - Hai Su Den Field Resettlement High-Rise Building to Construction Regulations and Development By Pham Minh Nga Project in Ho Chi Minh City Contracts in Vietnam Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo By Bui Van Cuong By Hoang Don Dung Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo

Project: Managing Front End Project: Project Delay in Machanical Project: Safety Management in Steel Engineering Design Execution in an Factory Construction Project: A Case Structure Fabrication and Erection: A EPC Project: Case Study of Dung Quat Refinery in Vietnam Study of an Industry Park, Ho Chi Case of Tien Tien Construction By Ngo Duc Binh Minh City, Vietnam Company Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo By Nguyen Duc Hung By Bui Giang Nam Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Project: Managing the Precommissioning and Project: Project Materials Project: Some Main Factors Affecting Commissioning Phase in EPC Management for Telecom Steel Quality of Construction Projects: A Contract: A Case Study of Dung Quat Towers Erected Project in Vietnam Case Study of Expanding Phase III By Nguyen Huu Phuc Refinery Project, Quang Ngai, Port - Petroleum Technical Service Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Base in Vung Tau, Vietnam Vietnam By Pham Xuan Thinh By Dinh Van Ngu Project: Project Owner's Quality Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Supervisor: Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam Management System: A Case Study Project: Marine Facility Design and of Estella Residential Development Project: Subcontractor Management Its Impact to Project Cost in Refinery Building Construction Project of a Pipeline Construction Project By Tran Hong Quan By Pham Thi Thuy Giang Projects: A Case Study of Nghison Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo Supervisor: Dr. B. Harimurti W. Hadikusumo

16 | Annual Report on Research 2009


5.1 Introduction 5.2 Research Facilities and properties of rocks and rock aggregates required for research and Laboratories practice. Besides the traditional areas of engineering geology and soil engineering The Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Moreover, the laboratory is capable such as foundation engineering, earth Laboratory can be boasted as one of the of determining hardness, swelling structures, underground excavations, most equipped geotechnical laboratories land subsidence, and landslide and slake durability index properties in the region with more than 30 years of mitigations, geotechnical engineers and of weak rocks. The laboratory has experience in both soil and rock testing. researchers are increasingly involved in provided testing services to a large The laboratory, which offer technical number of infrastructure projects in areas of ground improvement, services on testing and research on the geosynthetic engineering, land the region. engineering behavior and properties of reclamation, lightweight materials and soil and rock; geologic mapping; Engineering Geology Laboratory forensic geotechnical engineering. environmental geophysical surveys; and Furthermore, geotechnical engineers are testing of geosynthetic materials increasingly challenged to solve The Engineering Geology Laboratory conducted by ACSIG, consists of five (5) environmental problems related to the has facilities for research on the sections - Soil Mechanics, Rock reduction of construction wastes, engineering behavior and Mechanics, Engineering Geology, fundamental properties of rocks and provision of efficient waste disposal Geophysics, and Geoenvironmental facilities, clean-up of contaminated sites minerals. Engineering. as well as geological related hazards such It provides classification and as landslides and soil erosion. The GGE Soil Mechanics Laboratory field of study also opens new programs characterization tests for rock and for training and education in onshore and minerals including petrographic and The Soil Mechanics Laboratory has offshore exploration of oil and gas. In X-ray diffraction studies. It has facilities for testing and research on stereoscopes, radial line planimetric accommodating these requirements, the the engineering behavior and courses in the field have been enhanced plotter, stereo-sketch and sketch fundamental properties of soil. It is masters for analysis and to equip geotechnical and exploration equipped to test compaction, interpretation of airphotos as engineers not only with traditional seepage, compressibility, knowledge of soil mechanics and geology applied to mineral explorations, deformation and shear strength, soil but also with skills in hydrogeology, transportation route studies, dynamics, and ground improvement. geochemistry, biological processes, forestry, and civil engineering. petroleum engineering, resource Among other equipment, it has an exploration, and geophysics. Students in Geophysics Laboratory automatic Central Data Acquisition the field are exposed to geomaterials, System (CDAS) and two The Geophysics Laboratory is being continuum mechanics and temperature-controlled rooms that developed for training and particulate/discontinuous media. Since house triaxial and consolidation 2008 the field had successfully opened researches in Geosystem Exploration equipment. Its field operation unit and operated professional programs in and Petroleum Geoengineering. It has a full range of tools for sampling has a number of seismic, electric, Geoexploration & Petroleum soils and rocks and field test Genengineering and Geotechnical magnetic and radiometric equipments for vane tests, Dutch instruments, including some of the Engineering and Management in HCM cone tests, piezocone tests, most advanced equipment such as City to meet the increasing demands of pressuremeter tests, screw plate DAS-1 (OYO), a multipurpose hi- Vietnam in these areas. tests, electric logging, and vibration performance seismic data acquisition measurements. system, or SYSCAL R1 Plus (IRIS Instruments), an all-in-one multi- Rock Mechanics Laboratory electrode resistivity and induced polarization (IP) imaging system. The Rock Mechanics Laboratory has facilities to determine a variety of The Laboratory is capable of the physical and mechanical conducting and assisting in

Annual Report on Research 2009| 17

SET – Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering Field of Study

geophysical field surveys for 5.3 Faculty and Research Ground deformations and effects on engineering, environmental, mineral adjacent structures caused by resources, oil and gas exploration as Staff subway tunneling in Bangkok well as in performing analysis, Duration 25-Apr-07 31-Dec-09 interpretation and visualization of DENNES T BERGADO, BSCE, Project Investigator Kyung-Ho Park Mindanao State Univ, ; Sponsor RTG geophysical data acquired. Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 900,000 Geoexploration and Petroleum MEng, AIT, Thailand; PhD, Utah State Geoengineeirng Laboratory Univ, USA Impact of pumping on water level Professor (Ground improvement change and bank erosion in Bang This new laboratory unit hosts high- techniques and geosynthetics, In-situ Pakong River project capacity computers installed with testing, Geotechnical disaster Duration 1-Jun-08 31-Jul-09 very specialized software used in the mitigation, and Probabilistic/ Project Investigator Noppadol Phien-wej numerical methods in geotechnical Sponsor EastWater Resources Development upstream sector of petroleum E&P and Management Public Company Limited industry, notably with the well- engineering) Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 1,712,000 known software for subsurface exploration, petrophysical NOPPADOL PHIEN-WEJ, BEng, Initial Near-surface Geophysical characterization and reservoir Chulalongkorn Univ, Thailand; MS, Investigation of the Suvarnabhumi simulation such as Petrel, Interactive PhD, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, International Airport (SBIA) Petrophysics, Eclipse etc. which are USA. Duration 1-Sep-07 30-Mar-09 worth of 1.6 million USD and were Associate Professor (Tunnelling and Project Investigator Pham Huy Giao underground excavations in rocks Sponsor IMMS Company Limited Thailand donated by Schlumberger to AIT. Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 1,343,381 and soils; Slope stability and Geoenvironmental Laboratory retaining structures; Landslides; Investigation Design and Earth structures and dams; Pile Construction Supervision for The Geoenvironmental Laboratory foundations; Buried pipes and Rehabilitation of Wat Borvornives culverts) provides a variety of equipment for Chedi, Bangkok geoenvironmental engineering Duration Jan-07 Dec-09 research. It has equipment for KYUNG-HO PARK, BEng, MEng, Korea Project Investigator Prof. Worsak Kanok- geotechnical and chemical analysis Univ; DEng, SUNY at Buffalo, USA. Nukulchai/Dr. Noppadol Phien-wej Assistant Professor (Geotechnical Sponsor Wat Borvorniveswiharn, Bangkok that supports research in Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 2,550,000 fundamental processes related to Engineering; Geomechanics; soil, water and chemical interactions Computational Mechanics; Boundary Professional Masters in Element Methods) that are applied to site and risk Geoexploration & petroleum

assessment, waste containment Geoeng.,HCMC systems, and remedial technology. PHAM HUY GIAO, DEng, MEng, Asian Duration 1-Sep-08 31-Dec-09 The chemical analysis equipment, Institute of Technology, Thailand; Project Investigator Pham Huy Giao, spectrophotometer, from which the Dipl Ing (MSc), Bucharest University, Noppadol Phien Wej Romania Sponsor Oil and Gas Company, Vietnam ion concentration can be determined Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 3,233,400 with good accuracy and precision, Assistant Professor (Exploration and Engineering Geophysics; enables research on soil- Research on the damages on the Geotechnical Engineering; Computer- contaminant interaction. north east reef of Male, The Aided Analysis in Geoengineering) Maldives Flexible wall permeameter, rigid wall Duration 1-May-06 31-Dec-09 permeameter and consolidation cell 5.4 Grants and Sponsored Project Investigator: Kyung-Ho Park/Ulrich with permeameter are used to Glawe analyze water and chemical Research Completed in Sponsor Environment Research Center migration through waste Male, MV 2009 Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 1,563,109 containment systems. While the electrokinetic cell with advanced Geotechnical Advice in Construction Volume Change and Smear Zone monitoring and controlled system is Supervision on Foundation and Characteristics of PVD Improvement utilized for research in site Tunnel, Kawenoi Dam Project with Vacuum Preloading reclamation and site remediation. Duration 1-Mar-06 28-Feb-09 Duration 1-Aug-08 31-Jul-09 Project Investigator Noppadol Phien-wej Project Investigator Dennes T.Bergado Sponsor P&C Management, Co., Ltd., Sponsor Maruyama Industry Co.Ltd / RTG Thailand Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 1,400,000 Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 321,000

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5.5 On-going Grants and Instrumentation Interpretation of Abuel-Naga, H.M., Bergado, D.T., Nam Ngum 2 CFRD Bouazza, A. and Pender, M. (2009), Sponsored Research Duration Jan-10 Jul-11 Thermal Conductivity of Soft Project Investigator Noppadol Phien-wej Bangkok Clay from Laboratory and A G-G Investigation of a Petroleum- Sponsor Ch. Karnchang (Lao) Co., Ltd. Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 1,170,000 Field Measurements, Engineering Contaminated Soil at the Don Geology, Vol. 105, pp. 211-219. Muang Site by Electric Imaging Investigation and Analysis of River Duration 15-Jul-09 15-Jul-10 Bank Retaining Structures in Arjnoi, P., Jeong, J.H., Kim., C.Y., Project Investigator Pham Huy Giao Sponsor RTG Amphur Pamoke, Ang Thong Park, K.H., (2009), Effect of Drainage Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 990,000 Province Conditions on Porewater Pressure Duration Feb-10 April-10 Distributions and lining Stresses in Project Investigator Noppadol Phien-wej Drained Tunnels, Tunneling and Building Human Resources in the Sponsor L.V.C. Development Co., Ltd. Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 267,500 Underground Space Technology, 24, Development of Academic Programs pp. 376-389. in Sustainable Geosystem Modified Limited Life Woven Exploration and Engineering Geotextiles (LLGs) Made of Natural Jamsawang, P., Bergado, D.T., Duration 1-Nov-05 30-June-10 Fibers for Soil Erosion Control and Bhandari, A. and Voottipruex, P. Project Investigator Pham Huy Giao Sponsor Asia Link / European Commission Soil Reinforcement (2009), Behavior of Stiffened Deep Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 238,706 Duration 3-Jul-09 2-Jul-10 Cement Mixing Pile in Laboratory, Project Investigator Dennes T. Bergado Lowland Technology International, Sponsor RTG Development of software tool for Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 948,000 Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 20-28. frame analysis and design of high strength steel bolted beam column RTG/Seismic Safety of Earth Dam in Owatsiriwong, A., Phansri, B., Kong, joints Northern Thailand J.S. and Park, K.H., (2009), A Cell- Duration 1-Nov-08 01-Nov-10 Duration 1-Jul-09 30-Jun-10 less BEM Formulation for Project Investigator Kyung Ho Park Project Investigator Kyung-Ho Park Axisymmetric Elastoplasticity via Sponsor RTG, SYS, D&I ENG Sponsor RTG Particular Integrals, Computational Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 2,000,000 Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 900,000 Mechanics, 44, pp. 161-172.

Engineering analysis for flood fences Safe and sustainable management structure management at of municipal solid waste in Park, K.H., Tantayopin, K., Pathumthani province Bangladesh through the practical Tontavanich, B. and Owatsiriwong, Duration 12-Oct-08 15-June-10 application of WasteSafe proposal – A. (2009), Analytical Solution for Project Investigator Noppadol Phien-wej WasteSafe II Seismic-induced Ovaling of Circular Sponsor RTG Tunnel Lining under no-slip Interface Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 900,000 Duration 1-Jan-07 31-Dec-10 Project Investigator Kyung-Ho Park/ Ulrich Conditions: a revisit, Tunneling and Global Center of Excellence on Glawe Underground Space Technology, 24, Sponsor European Commission pp. 231-235. Human Security Eng. (Phase 1) Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 2,996,884 Duration October 08 March -10 Project Investigator Noppadol Phien-wej Services on Design of Civil Works of Quy N. M., P. G. Ranjith, S.K. Choi, P. Sponsor University of Kyoto, Japan H. Giao, D. Jasinge (2009), Analytical Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 1,025,000 Prototype Underground Unit Substations assessment of horizontal well Global Center of Excellence on Duration Jan-09 Dec-10 efficiency with reference to Human Security Eng. (Phase 2) Project Investigator Noppadol Phien-wej improved oil recovery of the South- Duration October 08 March -10 Sponsor Metropolitan Electricity Authority East Dragon oil field southern Project Investigator Noppadol Phien-wej offshore of Vietnam, Journal of Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 1,850,000 Sponsor University of Kyoto, Japan Petroleum Science and Engineering, Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 1,729,662 66(2009), 75-82, Elsevier. Human Resource Upgrading 5.6 Publications Programme (Master’s Degree for 6 Saowapakpiboon, J., Bergado, D.T., Engineers) for Ministry of Electric Refereed Journals Thann, Y.M. and Voottipruex, P. Power No. 1, Union of Myanmar (2009), Assessing the Performance of Duration August 2009 May 2011 Abuel-Naga, H.M., Bergado, D.T., Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) on Project Principal Noppadol Phien-wej Bouazza, A. and Pender, M. (2009), Soft Ground using Vacuum and Heat Sponsor Electricity Generating Authority of Preloading, Geosynthetics Thailand (EGAT) Thermomechanical Model for Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 6,000,000 Saturated Clays, Geotechnique, Vol. International, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp.384- 59, No. 3, pp. 273-278. 392.

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Saowapakpiboon, J., Bergado, D.T., SDCM Piles, Keynote Lecture, and Back-Analyses of SDCM Pile, Youwai, S., Chai, J.C., Wanthong, P. International Conference on Proc. Short Course on Geosynthetic and Voottipruex, P. (2009), Infrastructure Development on Aplications and Numerical Measured and Predicted Expansive Soils (INDEX09), Hosur, Simulations by PLAXIS, Bangkok, Performance of Prefabricated India. Thailand. Vertical Drains (PVDs) with and without Vacuum Preloading, Bergado, D.T., Jamsawang, P., Chanarop V., Giao P. H. and Avirut P. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Vol. Voottipruex, P. and Cheang. W. (2009), Integrated analysis of high 28, pp. 1-11. (2009), Behavior of DCM and SDCM resolution seismic and geotechnical Piles under Full Scale Tests and data using open source software for Tanchaisawat, T., Bergado, D.T., Embankment Loading with numerical an offshore drilling rig site, The 9th Voottipruex, P. (2009), 2D and 3D Simulations, Keynote Lecture, SEGJ Intl' Symp. on Imaging and Simulations of Geogrid Reinforced International Symposium on Ground Interpretation, Society of Exploration Lightweight Embankment on Soft Improvement and Case Histories Geophysics of Japan, 12-14 October, Clay, Geosynthetics International, (ISGI09), . 2009, Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan. Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 420-432. Bergado, D.T., Phien-wej, N., Charoenwongmit, S., Phansri, B., Tarefder, R.A., Zaman, M.M., Lin, Jamsawang, J., Ramana, G.V., Lin, Warnitchai, P., Shin, D.H., Park, K.H. D.G. and Bergado, D.T. (2009), Finite S.S. and Abuel-Naga, H.M. (2009), (2009), Numerical simulation of Element Modeling of Soft Ground Settlement Characteristics of Full shaking table test on concrete with PVD under Vacuum and Scale Test Embankment on Soft gravity dam, CODE 2009: Embankment Preloading, Journal of Bangkok Clay Improvement with International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 3, pp. Thermo-PVD and Stiffened Deep Computational Design in 233-249. Cement Mixing Piles, Proc. of the Engineering, November 3-6, Seoul, 17th International Conference on Soil Korea. Wiwattanachang N., P. H. Giao, P. Mechanics and Geotechnical Nimityongskul (2009), Monitoring Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt, pp. Giao P. H. & N. Q. Cuong (2009), An crack development on fiber concrete 2581-2584. Experimental Study on Applicability beam by using electrical resistivity of Electrical Resistivity Tomography imaging, paper revised for Bergado, D.T., Phienwej, N., Ramana, (ERT) to Monitor the Chemical publication in Journal of Applied G.V., Jamsawang, P., Voottipruex, P. Grouting in Sandy Soil, The 9th SEGJ Geophysics, Elsevier. and Abuel-Naga, H. (2009), Intl' Symp. on Imaging and Settlement Characteristics of Full Interpretation, Society of Exploration Conference Proceedings Scale Test Embankment on Soft Geophysics of Japan, 12-14 October, Bangkok Clay Improved with 2009, Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan. Bergado, D.T. and Tin, N. (2009), Thermo-PVD and Stiffened Deep Kinked Steel Grids Reinforcement Cement Mixing Piles, Proc. 17th Int’l. Giao P. H. (2009), Geophysical check and Modification of K-Stiffness Conf. for Soil Mechanics and of the PVD-impoved ground at the Method in MSE Structures on Soft Geotechnical Engineering, Suvarnabhumi International Airport Ground, Invited Lecture, Seminar on Alexandria, Egypt. (SBIA) regarding a possible upward New Methods of Controlling groundwater leakage, Proc. of the Settlement on Soft Ground, Kwazulu- Bergado, D.T., Saowapakpiboon, J., International Symp. on Geotechnical Natal University, Durban, South Chai, J.C. and Voottipruex, P. (2009), Engineering, Ground Improvement Africa. Comparison between PVDs with and Geosynthetics for Sustainable Surcharge and Vacuum Preloading, Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Bergado, D.T., and Voottipruex, P. Proc. GeoAfrica 2009 Conference, Change including Global Warming, 3 (2009), Environmental Sustainability Cape Town, South Africa. to 4 December 2009, Bangkok, and Behavior of Lightweight Thailand. Geomaterials using Recycled Tire Bergado, D.T., Saowapakpiboon, J., Chips-Sand Mixtures Reinforced with Wanthong, P. and Voottipruex, P. Giao P. H. , T. Suwanishwong and N. Geogrids, Guest Lecture, GSI-, (2009), Performance of Using PVD Phien-wej (2009), Applicability of International Conference NPUST, with and without Vacuum Aquifer Storage Transfer and Pingtung, Taiwan. Preloading, Proc. Geosynthetics Recovery (ASTR) to Restore 2009, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. Groundwater in a Depleted Bergado, D.T., Jamsawang, P. and Fractured Sandstone Aquifer, Vootipruex, P. (2009), Laboratory Bergado, D.T., Suksawat, T., and Northeastern Thailand, Proc. of Int'l and Full Scale Behavior of DCM and Jamsawang, P. (2009), Simulations Symp. on Efficient Groundwater

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Resources Management, the Phien-wej, N., Kitpayuck, P. and Reinforced with Geogrids, Proc. Int’l. Challenge of Quality and Quantity Amornfa, K. (2009), Potential Symp. on Ground Improvement for Sustainable Future, IGS-TH 2009, Application of Piled-Raft Foundation Tech. and Case Histories, Singapore. Bangkok, Thailand. for Tall Buildings in Bangkok Subsoil, Proc. of Symposium on Foundation Tanchaisawat, T., Bergado, D.T., Liu, M.D., Abuel-Naga, H.M., Carter, Engineering 2009, Engineering Hirun, Y. and Nontananandh, S. J.P. and Bergado, D.T. (2009), Institute of Thailand, November, (2009), Geogrid Reinforced Predicting the Thermo-mechanica Bangkok. Lightweight Tire-Chips Sand Behavior of Natural Clays, Invited Geomaterials for Embankment on Lecture, International Symposium on Phien-wej, N., Sawatparnich, A. and Soft Ground, Proc. GeoAfrica 2009 Ground Improvement and Sunitsakul, J. (2009), Potential Conference, Cape Town, South Geosynthetics for Sustainable Damage of Highway Bridge Africa. Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Foundation due to Tunnelling in Soft Change, Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok Clays, Proc. of ITA World Tanchaisawat, T., Bergado, D.T., Tunnel Congress 2009, May, Shehzad, K., and Voottipruex, P. Owatsiriwong, A., Udomworarat, P., Budapest, Hungary (2009), Interaction between Geogrid Park, K.H. (2009), Development of and Lightweight Tire Chips-Sand software tool for integrated frame Phien-wej, N., Surarak, C., Cai, H., Mixture: Laboratory and Numerical analysis and design of structural Suwansawat, S., Guan, H. and Simulation, Proc. Geosynthetics steel connections via open API, CODE Balasubramaniam, A.S. (2009), 2009, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. 2009: International Conference on Combined Cut and Cover and New Computational Design in Austrian Tunnelling Methods for Tin, N. Bergado, D.T. and Mai, L.X. Engineering, November 3-6, Seoul, MRT Station in Bangkok Sub-soils, (2009), Factors Affecting the Kinked Korea. Proc. of 17th International Steel Grid Reinforcement in MSE Conference on Soil Mechanics and Structures, Proc. Int’l. Symp. Ground Phien-wej, N. (2009), Rock Geotechnical Engineering, Improvement and Geosynthetics for Engineering Experiences in Recent Alexandria, Egypt, pp. 2068-2071. Sustainable Mitigation and Hydropower Projects in Khorat Rock Adaptation to Climate Change, Groups, Proc. 2nd Thailand Rock Riyaz, M., Park, K.H. (2009), Tsunami Bangkok, Thailand. Mechanics Symposium, Pattaya, risk assessment of Maldives based Thailand, pp. 1-12 on geomorphological characteristics Zin, M.H., Suweero, K., Tran, V.D., of reefs and islands, SCSTW3: South Glawe, U., Park, K.H., Visvanathan C. Phien-wej, N. (2009), The Problem of China Sea Tsunami Workshop 3, (2009), Construction and monitoring Severe Coastal Erosion of Bangkok November 3-5, Penang, . of landfill test cells under tropical and Mitigation Measures Adopted, climate condition, Proc. of Proc. GCOE AIT-KU Joint Symposium Saowapakpiboon, J., Bergado, D.T., International Conference on Solid on Human Security Engineering, Voottipruex, P., and Artidteang, S. Waste Management, November 9- Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 217-223. (2009), PVD Enhanced with Vacuum 10, Khulna, Bangladesh, 525-531. Pressure for Soft Bangkok Clay Phienwej, N. (2009), Thirty Five Year Improvement, Proc. Int’l. Symp. on of Tunnelling Experience in Bangkok, Ground Improvement Tech. and Case 5.7 Doctoral Students’ Proc. of International Tunnelling Histories, Singapore. Dissertation Association (ITA)—TUTG Seminar on Tunnel and Underground Tanchaisawat, T. and Bergado, D.T. Behavior of Stiffened Deep Cement Mixed Construction for Infrastructure (2009), Environmental Sustainability Pile under Full Scale Embankment Development, April, Vientiane, Lao by using recycled Tire Chips-Sand Loading on Soft Bangkok Clay PDR. Lightweight Geomaterials Reinforced By Pitthaya Jamsawang by Geogrids, Proc. Int’l. Symp. Supervisor: Prof. Dennes T. Bergado Phien-wej, N. and Suksawat, T. Ground Improvement and (2009), Engineering Aspects on Geosynthetics for Sustainable Performance and Behavior of Full Scale Application of Geotube Breakwater Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Reinforced Soil Embankment Wall on to Mitigate Coastal Erosion Problem Change, Bangkok, Thailand. DMM Improved Foundation of Bangkok Metropolis, Proc. of By Lai Yip Poon Supervisor: Prof. Dennes T. Bergado Symposium on Foundation Tanchaisawat, T., Bergado, D.T. and Engineering 2009, Engineering Shehzad, K. (2009), Large Scale Institute of Thailand, Novemeber, Pullout and Direct Shear Tests of Tire Bangkok. Derived Lightweight Geomaterials Annual Report on Research 2009 | 21

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5.8 Masters Students’ Close Cell Landfill Operation under Numerical Modeling of PVD Consolidation Tropical Conditions with Surcharge, Vacuum Pressure and Theses and Research By Myo Htut Zin Heat in the Laboratory Studies Supervisor: Dr. Kyung-Ho Park By Le Gia Lam Supervisor: Prof. Dennes T. Bergado Diaphragm Walls Support Deep Analysis on the Effect of Tunneling and Excavation in Bangkok-Comparison Numerical Modeling of SDCM and DCM Underground Excavation on Stability of between Subgrade Reaction and FEM Piles under Axial and Lateral Loads and Adjacent Structures Models, Use WALLAP and PLAXIS under Embankment load: A Parametric By Chandana J. Medagoda Supervisor: Dr. Noppadol Phien-wej Comparison Study By Muhammad Humza By Ponlawich Arjnoi Supervisor: Dr. Noppadol Phien-wej Supervisor: Pro. Dennes T. Bergado An Analysis of Behavior of Piled-Raft

Foundation in Bangkok Subsoils Effect of Fines Content on Engineering Numerical Simulation for Bangkok By Phongpat Kitpayuck Supervisor: Dr. Noppadol Phien-wej Properties of Rockfill as Construction Subway Twin-Tunnels Construction Material for Dams By Amal Shrestha Supervisor: Dr. Kyung-Ho Park An Investigation on Geopressure Profile in By Thet Lwin Supervisor: Dr. Noppadol Phien-wej Khorat Basin Open Cell Landfill Operation under By Adithep Jucksriporn Supervisor: Dr. Pham Huy Giao Factors Affecting the Reinforcement Tropical Conditions Stresses and Strains in Mechanically By Kittipong Suweero Supervisor: Dr. Kyung-Ho Park Application of Geophysical Stabilized Earth (MSE) Structures

Measurements in Evaluation of Oil By Nguyen Tin Supervisor: Prof. Dennes T. Bergado Seismic Analysis of Concrete Dam by Cement Hardening Process Numerical Simulation By Wipoo Sriiamsaard By Nguyen Trong Nghia Supervisor: Dr. Pham Huy Giao Formation Evaluation using Integrated Supervisor: Dr. Kyung-Ho Park Well Logging Data for a Gas Field in the Gulf of Thailand Application of Geostatistics in Shear Strength and Flexural Strength Assessment of Rock Mass Condition By Thoedpong Witthayapradit Supervisor: Dr. Pham Huy Giao Characteristics of Stiffened Cement- for a Design of a Long Mountain Admixed Clay in Laboratory Tunnel in Northern Thailand Interpretation of Seismic Data using Open By Jare Chiaolian By Damrongsak Kham-Ai Source Environment (OpendTect) Supervisor: Prof. Dennes T. Bergado Supervisor: Dr. Noppadol Phien-wej By Avirut Puttiwongrak Supervisor: Dr. Pham Huy Giao Slope Stability Analysis of Embankment A Study on Characterization of on DCM Piles by Limit Equilibrium and Mechanical Properties of the Near- Large Scale Consolidation of PVD with Strength Reduction Method wellbore Formation using Acoustic Vacuum and Heat in the Laboratory By Arsit Iyaruk Logging Data Analysis By Suthasinee Artidteng Supervisor: Dr. Kyung-Ho Park By Raweewan Maneejan Supervisor: Prof. Dennes T. Bergado Supervisor: Dr. Pham Huy Giao

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6.1 Introduction Packaging Technology, Flexible 6.3 Faculty and Research Manufacturing Systems [FMS], and Development of Postprocessor for 5- Staff Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering field of study prepares students for axis CNC. Full-time Faculty manufacturing management and decision The CIM Laboratory is equipped with support positions in industry and public MARIO T TABUCANON, BSEE, BSME, sector, by equipping them with a broad production and training CNC Cebu Inst of Tech, Philippines; MEng, range of decision making skills for a machines including EMCO TURN242 DEng, AIT, Thailand. variety of applications. The IME industrial production CNC lathe, EMCO VMC200 CNC vertical Professor (Multiple Criteria curriculum reflects the objective of Decision Making; Operations imparting fundamental knowledge to machining center for universal production, MAHO MH600E2 5-axis and Production Management; develop the ability to address complex universal milling and boring Operations Research; Project industrial issues, emphasizing on how to machine, an EMCO compact 5 CNC, Management; Systems design, operate, control, and optimize Modeling) the production systems. an EMCO F1 CNC, a LVD CNC press brake, a LVD water-jet cutting CNC, ZOLLER tool presetting system, and a ERIK L J BOHEZ, Burgerlijk 6.2 Research Facilities and Mondiale Gallic G-420 Industrial CNC WerktuigKundig Electro- Technisch lathe, EMCO CNC training system. Ingenieur, Rijks Universiteit Gent Laboratories The available CAD/CAM software (State University Ghent, Belgium); includes UNIGRAPHICS NX4, Master Kandidatuur Burgerlijk Ingenieur, IME field shares all the laboratory CAM 9.1, Mechanical Desktop 6, Rijks Universiteit Gent (State facilities with Mechatronics and AutoCAD Inventor Series, SolidWorks University Ghent, Belgium); Microelectronics fields of study. There 2005, CAM 2000, Mimics 6.3 & Technisch Ingenieur Electro- are several well equipped laboratories Magic 5.4. Mechanica, Hoger Technisch with the primary function of supporting Instituut Sint Antonius Gent, (High the students and faculty for teaching and Metrology Laboratory Technical Institute Saint Antonius research and to conduct outreach Ghent; Belgium). programs. Metrology Laboratory provides the Associate Professor (Computer hardware and software support for Aided Design; Computer Aided Computer Integrated Manufacturing teaching and research activities in Manufacturing; Computer (CIM) Laboratory Industrial Systems Engineering. Graphics; Computer Numerical

Metrology Laboratory is equipped Control; Five Axis Machining; The Computer Integrated with Measuring Instruments (Zeiss Fractal and Holistic Manufacturing (CIM) laboratory was CMM, Mitutoyo Profile Projector, Manufacturing; Robust Control; officially inaugurated on September Taylor Hobson Surface Roughness Simulation of Metal Removal; 23, 1991. It provides the hardware Tester, Lab View Hardware & Virtual Axis Machine) and software support for Industrial Software). [CNC/CAD/CAM; Five Axis Systems Engineering. Many research Machining; Holonic and Fractal activities have been carried out in Simulation Laboratory Manufacturing; Mold and Die close collaboration with industry and Design, Eco-Design] government sectors in the areas of This lab is equipped with networks of Computer Aided Design (CAD), Pentium PC for general applications HUYNH TRUNG LUONG, BEng, Ho Chi Computer Aided Manufacturing and internet access, high end Minh City Univ of Tech, Vietnam; (CAM), Computer Numerical Control CAD/CAM & Simulation software MEng; DEng, AIT, Thailand. (CNC), Rapid Prototyping (RP) and such as ARENA and AutoMOD. In Associate Professor [Emergency Medical Technology. The CIM addition, a high performance inventory policies and inventory Laboratory also provides specialized computer facility with parallel cluster policies for perishable products; training and consultancy services in is also available for research use. Supply chain design; Measures CAD, CAM, CNC Machining, Reverse of bullwhip effect in supply Engineering, Rapid Prototyping, chains; Availability-based and

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reliability-based maintenance; Linear Programming; Location SIBA SANKAR MAHAPATRA, B.Sc., Fuzzy quality control charts; Theory] M.Sc., Sambalpur University; Statistical design of experiments; Ph.D.(1999), IIT Kharagpur, India. Network flows related problems] R. VENKATA RAO, B.Tech. (1988), Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Nagarjuna University, A.P.; M.Tech. Engineering, National Institute of VORATAS KACHITVICHYANUKUL, BS, (1991), Banaras Hindu Univ.; and Technology, Rourkela, India Natl Taiwan Univ; MEng, AIT, Ph.D. (2002), B.I.T.S., Pilani, Visiting Professor [Application Thailand; PhD, Purdue Univ, Indiana, Rajasthan, India. Professor and of Soft Computing Techniques in USA. Head, Dept. of Mechanical Operations Management; Associate Professor (Simulation; Engineering, S.V. National Institute Optimization Techniques in ERP; Scheduling, Metaheuristics; of Technology, Gujarat State, India. Engineering Design] Parallel Computing) [Planning Visiting Professor [Production and Scheduling Systems; and Operations Management, Enterprise Resource Planning Advanced Manufacturing 6.4 Grants and Sponsored Systems; Supply Chain Modeling Technology, Design of Research Completed in and Analysis; Discrete Event Manufacturing Systems, Simulation Software CAD/CAM/CIMS, Fuzzy Multiple 2009

Development; Manufacturing Attribute Decision Making Decision Support System for Beverage System Simulation; Methods, Non-Traditional Manufacturing Decision Support Optimization Methods]. Industry Duration 1-Jul-07 - 31-Jul-09 Systems; Just-in-Time Project Investigator Voratas Kachivichyanukul Manufacturing System] AKASPU NEELAKANTESWARA RAO, Sponsor RTG and Green Spot Company Ltd. B.Tech. (1985), S.V. University, Total Contracted Amount (THB) 900,000 PISUT KOOMSAP, BEng, Thammasat Tipupathi; M.Tech. (1989); Ph.D. Design and Construction of Online Univ, Thailand; MSc, Univ of (1998), IIT Kharagpur, India. Biochemical Oxygen Demand Sensors as Louisville; PhD, Pennsylvania State Assistant Professor, Department of Univ, USA Mechanical Engineering, NIT Rapid BOD Assay Devices for Monitoring Assistant Professor (Sensing and Warangal, AP, India. the Quality of Natural Waters and Control for Manufacturing Visiting Assistant Professor Wastewater Effluents Duration 1-May-07 - 30-Apr-09 Processes and Systems; Laser [Operations Management; Project Investigator Pisut Koomsap Applications in Manufacturing; Supply Chain Management; Sponsor RTG Rapid Prototyping; Condition- Quality Engineering; Theory of Total Contracted Amount (THB) 900,000 Based Maintenance; Continuous Constraints]. Improvement) [Rapid Development of Rapid Prototyping Prototyping; Sensing and Control SHYAM SREENIVASA KAMATH, B.Sc. System for Sanitary Ware Product Duration 1-Jun-07 - 31-Dec-09 for Manufacturing Processes (1984); M.Sc. (1986), P.G. Diploma Project Investigator Pisut Koomsap and Systems; Laser Applications (1987); and Ph.D. (1991), Karnatak Sponsor RTG and Siam Sanitary Ware Industry in Manufacturing; Condition- University, Dharwad, India. Assistant Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,500,000 Based Maintenance; Continuous Professor, Dept of Mathematical and Professional Masters degree Program in Improvement] Computational Sciences, NIT IE&M Karnataka, Mangalore, India. Duration 1-Jan-09 - 31-Dec-09 Visiting Faculty Visiting Assistant Professor Project Investigator Huynh Trung Luong, Voratas [Graph Theory & Optimization Kachivichyanukul, Eric Bohez, Pisut Koomsap DAH-CHUAN GONG, B.E. (1979), Models]. Sponsor Multi donors Chung Yuan Christian University, Total Contracted Amount (THB) 6,181,200

Taiwan; M.S. (1983), Nebraska- AMRIT LAL GHOSH, B.Com., M.Com., Professional Masters degree Program in Lincoln; M.S. (1988), and Ph.D. and Ph.D., Gaukati University, India. IE&M HoChiMinh City (1991), Georgia Institute of Visiting Assistant Professor Duration 1-Jan-09 - 31-Dec-09 Technology, USA. Professor, [Accounting and Finance Project Investigator Voratas Kachivichyanukul, Department of Industrial including Cost Accounting. Huynh Trung Luong, Eric Bohez, Pisut Koomsap Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian Presently do a research on Sponsor Multi donors Total Contracted Amount (THB) 4,506,700 University, Chung-Li, Taiwan. microfinance and work for the Visiting Professor [Global development of sustainable eco- logistic Management; e-Supply friendly product through Chain and Collaborative entrepreneurship] Management; Manufacturing Planning and Control System;

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Project on Human Resource The Third International Conference on Kachitvichyanukul, V. and Sitthitham, Development in Multi-Axis CNC Management Science and Engineering S., “A Two-Stage Genetic Algorithm Machine for EGAT Management for Multi-objective Job Shop Duration 1-Feb-07 - 30-Apr-09 Duration 1-Sep-09 - 30-Apr-10 Scheduling Problems, Journal of Project Investigator Erik Bohez Project Investigator Voratas Kachivichyanukul Intelligent Manufacturing, DOI: Sponsor EGAT Public Company, Thailand Sponsor Multi donors Total Contracted Amount (THB) 750,000 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,000,000 10.1007/s10845-009-0294-6, July 2009 The 4th International Congress on Logistic and SCM Systems 6.6 Publications Kasemset, C. and Kachitvichyanukul, Duration 1-Jul-08 - 31-Dec-09 V., “Bi-level multi-objective Project Investigator Voratas Kachivichyanukul Refereed Journals Sponsor Participants mathematical model for job-shop Total Contracted Amount (THB) 3,000,000 scheduling: the application of Theory Ai, T. J., and Kachitvichyanukul, V., “A of Constraints,” International Journal Particle Swarm Optimization for the of Production Research, DOI: 6.5 On-going Grants and Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing 10.1080/00207540903176705, Sponsored Research Problem,” International Journal of November 2009 Logistics and SCM Systems, Vol. 3, Carbon footprint of Double A Paper and No. 1, 2009, pp32-39 Lin, T, Lee,J.,W., and Bohez, E.L.J., “A Development of Life Cycle Management new accurate curvature matching System Ai, T. J., and Kachitvichyanukul, V., “A and optimal tool based five-axis Duration 1-Nov-09 - 01-May-11 Particle Swarm Optimization for machining algorithm,” Journal of Project Investigator Erik Bohez Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Mechanical Science and technology, Sponsor RTG/Advanced Agro Windows,” International Journal of Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,000,000 accepted for publication DOI Operational Research, Vol 6, No.4, 10.1007/s12206-008-xxxx-9 Life Cycle Assessment Fine Paper 2009, pp519-537 Duration 1-Jun-08 - 31-May-10 Naowapadiwat, W., Gong, D.C., and Project Investigator Erik Bohez, Esa Viljakainen Ai, T. J., and Kachitvichyanukul, V., “A Kachitvichyanukul, V., “Recent Sponsor Double A Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,475,000 particle swarm optimization for the Trends in Research on Collaborative, vehicle routing problem with Planning, Forecasting, And Multi objectives multi echelon location simultaneous pickup and delivery,” Replenishment,” International routing problem: A case study in Computers & Operations Research, Journal of Logistics and SCM Bagasses Ethanol plant in Northeastern 36, 2009, pp1693-1702 Systems, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2009, pp64-71 Thailand Duration 1-Aug-09 - 31-Dec-10 Ai, T. J., and Kachitvichyanukul, V., Pongchairerks, P. and Project Investigator Voratas Kachivichyanukul “Particle Swarm Optimization and Sponsor RTG Kachitvichyanukul, V., “A Particle Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,000,000 Two Solution Representations for Swarm Optimization Algorithm on Solving the Capacitated Vehicle Job-shop Scheduling Problems with Product and Design Development for Routing Problem,” Computers & Multi-purpose Machines,” Asia- Nawaplastic Industries Industrial Engineering, Vol. 56, No. 1, Pacific Journal of Operational Duration 15-Nov-09 - 31-May-10 2009, pp 380-387 Research (APJOR), DOI: Project Investigator Pisut Koomsap Sponsor Nawaplastic Industries (Saraburi) Co. Ltd 10.1142/S0217595909002158, Vol. Total Contracted Amount (THB) 135,890 Astanti, R.D. and Luong, H.T., “A 26, No. 2, 2009, pp. 161-184 heuristic method for SFI policy with Product Design & development for SCG increasing power-form demand Pongchairerks, P. and Building Material 2009 pattern,” International Journal of Kachitvichyanukul, V., “A Two-level Duration 1-Aug-09 - 31-Mar-10 Logistics and SCM Systems, Vol 3(1), Project Investigator Pisut Koomsap Particle Swarm Optimization Sponsor SCG Building Materials Co Ltd 2009, pp. 8-14. Algorithm on Job-shop Scheduling Total Contracted Amount (THB) 101,650 Problems,” International Journal of Astanti, R.D. and Luong, H.T., “A Operational Research, Vol. 4, No. 4, The development of Automatic Flat heuristic technique for inventory 2009, pp390- 411 screen Printing Machine replenishment policy with increasing Duration 1-Aug-09 - 30-Jun-10 Project Investigator Pisut Koomsap demand pattern and shortage Pongchairerks, P. and Sponsor RTG allowance,” the International Journal Kachitvichyanukul, V., “Particle Total Contracted Amount (THB) 950,000 of Advanced Manufacturing Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Technology, Vol. 41(11-12), 2009, Multiple Social Learning Structures,” pp. 1199-1207 International Journal of Operational

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Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2009, pp176- Ullah, H., and Bohez, E.L.J., Kachitvichyanukul, V., and Ai, T. J., 194 “Mathematical Modeling of Feature “Particle Swarm Optimization with Conversion”, International Journal of Self-Adapt Parameters,” the Asia Rathviboon, S., Tabucanon, M.T., and Industrial and Systems Engineering, Conference on Intelligent Sivakumar, M., “Vendor Evaluation Vol.4, No. 1, 2009, pp 94-110 Manufacturing & Logistics Systems System for a Sustainable Supply (IML 2009), Kitakyushu, Japan, Chain Management,” International Ullah, H., Bohez, E.L.J., and Irfan, February 2009 Journal of Logistics and Supply Chain M.A., “Assembly Features: Management Systems, Vol. 3, No. 1, Definition, Classification, and Kachitvichyanukul, V., and Cuong, May 2009, p 80-86. Usefulness in Sequence Planning”, D.D., “A Mixed Particle Swarm International Journal of Industrial Optimization Algorithm for Rianmora, S., Koomsap, P., and Van and Systems Engineering, Vol.4, No. Continuous-flow-shop Scheduling Hai, D.P., “Selective Data Acquisition 2, 2009, pp 111-132 Problem,” the 20th International for Direct Integration of Reverse Conference on Production Research, Engineering and Rapid Prototyping,” Waiyagan, K., and Bohez, E.L.J., Shanghai, China, August 2009 Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Vol. “Intelligent Feature Based Process 4, No. 4, 2009, pp. 227-239 Planning for Mill-Turn Parts”, Kasemset, C. and Kachitvichyanukul, Computers in Industry, Vol. 60, No. V., “A Two-step Approach for Job- Sonthipermpoon, K , Bohez, E.L.J., 5, 2009, pp. 296-316 shop Scheduling Based on TOC Hasemann, H, and Rautenberg, M, Policy,” ASOR 20th National “The Vibration Behavior of Impeller Conference Proceedings Conference and the 5th International Blades in the Five-Axis CNC Flank Intelligent Logistics Systems Milling Process,” International Bach Su, N. P., and Conference 2009, Gold Coast, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Kachitvichyanukul, V., “Decision Australia, September 2009 Technology, Accepted for publication Support Framework for Order Review/Release based on Luong, H.T., and Yuvasavee, P., “A Soonanon, P., and Koomsap, P., Workload,” the 20th International Hybrid Backlog – Lost Sales Inventory “Towards Direct Transformation of Conference on Production Research, Control Policy for Poisson Demand Orthographic-View Drawing into a Shanghai, China, August 2009 Process,” Proceedings of the Third Prototype” Virtual and Physical International Conference on Prototyping, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2009, pp. Bohez, E.L.J., “Recent Innovations in Management Science and th 75-90 Food Packaging,” the 4 Engineering Management (ICMSEM), International Conference on Thailand. 2009 Sriprateep, K., and Bohez, E.L.J., “A Innovations in Food Processing New Computer Geometric Modeling Technology and Engineering Phattanaphibul, T., and Koomsap, P., Approach of Yarn Structures for (ICFPTE), Bangkok, Thailand, January “Improving Flowability of PLA Conventional Ring Spinning Process”, 2009 Powder for Rapid Prototyping The Journal of the Textile Institute, Process,” the 10th Asia Pacific Vol. 100, No. 3, 2009, pp. 223-236. Chansri, N., and Koomsap, P., “Dual Industrial Engineering and Lines Extraction for Identifying Single Management Systems Conference Suthunyatanakit, K., Bohez, E.L.J., Line Drawing from Paper-Based (APIEMS 2009), Kitakyushu, Japan and Annanon, K., “A new global Overtraced Freehand Sketch,” 16th December 2009 accessibility algorithm for a ISPE International Conference on polyhedral model with convex Concurrent Engineering, Taipei, Rianmora, S., and Koomsap, P., “The polygonal facets,” Computer-Aided Taiwan, July 2009 application of fringe projection Design, Vol. 41, No. 12, 2009, pp. concept for selective data 1020-1033 Chung N. V., Beforte, G., and Bohez, acquisition,” 2009 International E.L.J., “Minimal Worst Case Optimal Conference on Computer and Tabucanon, M.T., “Asia-Pacific Sampling for Systematic Angular Automation Engineering, Bangkok, Higher Education Institutions Form Error Identification in Multi-Axis CNC Thailand March 2009 Alliance on Sustainability in Machine Tools,” the 20th Postgraduate Education and International Conference on Risdiyono, and Koomsap, P., “A Research,” Journal of Education for Production Research, Shanghai, Study of Design by Customers: Areas Sustainable Development, Vol. 3, China, August 2009 of Application,” 16th ISPE No.1, 2009, Sage Publication, p 23- International Conference on 25.

26 | Annual Report on Research 2009

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Concurrent Engineering, Taipei, Perspective,” the 3rd International Conference of Production Research Taiwan, July 2009 Conference on Management Science (ICPR20), 2–6 August 2009, and Engineering Management Shanghai,China Risdiyono, and Koomsap, P., (ICMSEM), Bangkok Thailand, Erik L.J. Bohez, Recent Innovations In th “Crowdscreening: A Natural November 2009 Food Packaging, ICFPTE’09 4 Selection for Mass Customization,” International Conference on The 5th World Conference on Mass Udomsakdigool , A., and Innovations in Food Processing Customization & Personalization, Kachitvichyanukul, V., “Solving Multi- Technology and Engineering, January Helsinki, Finland, October 2009 objective Job Shop Scheduling 19-20, 2009, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand Problem using Ant Colony Sangthammatone, N., Pisutpaisal, N., Optimization,” the 10th Asia Pacific Kasemset, C. and Kachitvichyanukul, Koomsap, P., and Industrial Engineering and V., A Two-step Approach for Job- Vongthanasunthorn, N., “Production Management Systems Conference shop Scheduling Based on TOC of Bioelectricity from Artificial (APIEMS 2009), Kitakyushu, Japan Policy, ASOR 20th National Wastewater Using Microbial Fuel December 2009 Conference and the 5th Cell” Pure and Applied Chemistry International Intelligent Logistics International Conference, Ut, N. V., Koomsap, P., and Systems Conference 2009, Gold Phisanulok, Thailand, January 2009. Tangwarodomnukun, V., “Simplifying Coast, Australia, September 2009 Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Process Nguyen Phan Bach Su and Sooksaksun, N., and for Rapid Manufacturing,” 16th ISPE Kachitvichyanukul, V., Decision Kachitvichyanukul, V., “Performance International Conference on Support Framework for Order Evaluation of Warehouse with One- Concurrent Engineering, Taipei, Review/Release based on Workload, block Class-based Storage Strategy,” Taiwan, July 2009 the 20th International Conference on the 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Production Research, Shanghai, Engineering and Management Wongwiwat, A., and Bohez, E.L.J., China, August 2009 Systems Conference (APIEMS 2009), “Petri Net To Schedule Flexible Job

Kitakyushu, Japan December 2009 Shop, Case of Mold Making Shop,” Nguyen Van Chung, G. Belforte, Erik the 20th International Conference on L.J. Bohez, Minimal Worst Case Production Research, Shanghai, Sooksaksun, N., Kachitvichyanukul, Optimal Sampling For Systematic China, August 2009 V., and Gong, D.C., “Performance Angular Error Identification In Multi- Comparison of Different Warehouse Axis CNC Machine Tools, Proceeding Layouts under a Class-based Storage Books and Book Chapters of the 20th International Conference

Policy,” the 5th International of Production Research (ICPR20), 2–6 Xu, Jiuping, Kachitvichyanukul, V., Congress on Logistics and SCM August 2009, Shanghai,China and Jiang, Yong., Proceedings of the Systems, Seoul, Korea, June 2009 Third International Conference on Sooksaksun, N. and Management Science and Soonanon, P., and Koomsap, P., Kachitvichyanukul, V., Performance Engineering Management, Bangkok, “Establishing Contours for Layer- Evaluation of Warehouse with One- Thailand, November 2-4, 2009 Based Geometrical Reconstruction,” block Class-based Storage Strategy, (ISBN:978-1-84626-003-2), World the 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Proceedings of the 10th Asia Pacific Academic Press, UK. Engineering and Management Industrial Engineering and

Systems Conference (APIEMS 2009), Management Systems Conference Ullah, H., Bohez, E.L.J., Irfan, M.A., Kitakyushu, Japan December 2009 (APIEMS 2009), Kitakyushu, Japan, Assembly Features: Definition, December 2009. classification, and usefulness in Tangpaisannukul, S., and Koomsap, sequence planning, International P., “Development of a User-Friendly Sooksaksun, N., Kachitvichyanukul, Journal of Industrial and Systems Process Modeling Tool for Operator V., and Gong, D.C., Performance Engineering Volume 4, Issue 2, 2009, Training Simulator,” the 10th Asia Comparison of Different Warehouse Pages 111-132 Pacific Industrial Engineering and Layouts under a Class-based Storage

Management Systems Conference Policy, Proceedings of the 5th Conference (APIEMS 2009), Kitakyushu, Japan International Congress on Logistics

December 2009 and SCM Systems, Seoul, Korea, June Assawin Wongwiwat, Erik L.J. Bohez, 2009 Petri Net To Schedule Flexible Job

Trinh, T. H., and Kachitvichyanukul, Shop, Case Of Mold Making Shop,

V., “Tourism Cluster Development of Proceeding of the 20th International Central Vietnam: A Global Chain

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Trinh, T. H., and Kachitvichyanukul, sistematici in macchine utensili (SCMAM 2009), Guangzhou, China, V., Tourism Cluster Development of multi-asse a controllo numerico e December 2009. Central Vietnam: A Global Chain relativo sistema. Application number Perspective , Proceedings of the TO2009A001052 (Italy) December Kachitvichyanukul, V., Particle Third International Conference on 2009. Patent holder: Politecnico di Swarm Optimization for Large-Scale Management Science and Torino. Inventors: Gustavo Belforte, Industrial Applications, Plenary talk Engineering Management (ICMSEM), Erik L. J. Bohez. (Procedure for at the 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Bangkok, Thailand, November, 2009 systematic error identification in Engineering and Management multi-axis CNC machine tools) Systems Conference (APIEMS 2009), Udomsakdigool, A., and Kitakyushu, Japan, December 2009. Kachitvichyanukul, V., Solving Multi- International Recognition objective Job Shop Scheduling International Seminars Problem using Ant Colony Kachitvichyanukul, V., Program Chair Optimization, Proceedings of the of the IASTED International Kachitvichyanukul, V., Adaptive 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Conference on Advances in Particle Swarm Optimization Engineering and Management Computer Science and Engineering Technique and its Engineering Systems Conference (APIEMS 2009), (ACSE 2009), March 2009, Phuket, Applications, Workshop at the Kitakyushu, Japan, December 2009. Thailand. Organized by the School of Business, Sichuan International Association of Science University, Chengdu, China, April Voratas Kachitvichyanukul and Dao and Technology for Development 2009 Duc Cuong, A Mixed Particle Swarm (IASTED), Calgary, Canada Optimization Algorithm for Continuous-flow-shop Scheduling Kachitvichyanukul, V., Program Chair 6.7 Doctoral Students’ Problem, the 20th International of the Third International Dissertation Conference on Production Research, Conference on Management Science Shanghai, China, August 2009 and Engineering Management Design and Manufacturing Engineering Conference, November 2009, Book Edited Bangkok, Thailand. Organized by the Intelligent Feature- Based Process International Association for Planning for a Five-Axis Mill-Turn Xu, Jiuping, Kachitvichyanukul, V., Management Science and Parts and Jiang, Yong., Proceedings of the Engineering Management. By Kriangkrai Waiyagan Third International Conference on Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Erik. L. J. Bohez Management Science and Presentations at International Engineering Management, Bangkok, Conference New Accessibility Computation for a Thailand, November 2-4, 2009 Polyhedral Model and a NURBS (ISBN:978-1-84626-003-2), World Kachitvichyanukul, V., and Ai, T. J., Model in Tool-Based Manufacturing Academic Press, UK. Particle Swarm Optimization with By Kittichai Suthunyatanakit Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Erik L J Bohez Self-Adapt Parameters, Proceedings Reports of the Asia Conference on Intelligent The Orthographic Reconstruction Manufacturing & Logistics Systems Algorithm for Adaptive Layered Dr. Esa Viljakainen, Ir. Erik L.J. Bohez, (IML 2009), Kitakyushu, Japan, Manufacturing Narath Bhusiri, M.Eng., Anne February 2009 By Paphakorn Soonanon Elizabeth Djajasaputra, M.Eng., Supervisor: Dr. Pisut Koomsap Carbon Footprint and Life Cycle Kachitvichyanukul, V., and Ai, T. J., Assessment of Fine Paper at Advance PSO with Self-Adapt Parameters, Industrial Engineering and Agro PCL, September 2009 ASOR 20th National Conference and Management the 5th International Intelligent Patents Logistics Systems Conference 2009, TOC Based Procedure for Job- Gold Coast, Australia, September Shop Scheduling A Carton With Two Layers Wherein 2009 By Chompoonoot Kasemset The Inner Layer Is Collapsible And A Supervisor: Prof. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul Blank Therefore (In Vietnamese) Kachitvichyanukul, V., and Sae- November 2009, Inventors: Le Thanh Heure, S., An Adaptive PSO

Trung, Erik L.J. Bohez Algorithm for Distribution Network Design of Supply Chain, Special Procedimento per l’identificazione e Conference on Methods and la compensazione degli errori Applications of Metaheuristics

28 | Annual Report on Research 2009

SET – Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Field of Study

Industrial and Manufacturing A Study of Environmental Impacts of LCA of Catfish Processing Factory in Engineering "Double A Paper" Using The Cradle- Cantho City, Vietnam to-Gate Life Cycle Assessment By Lai Thanh Tung Optimal Energy Subscription Policy Method Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Erik L. J. Bohez for Multiple Plants with Uncertain By Narath Bhusiri Demand Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Erik L. J. Bohez Measuring the Bullwhip Effect in a By Puvarin Nilrangsee Supply Chain: A Time-Based Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Erik L.J. Bohez Coordinated Production - Inventory Approach Decision in a Multi-Stage Supply By Norraron Treecheewannath Chain Supervisor: Dr. Huynh Trung Luong 6.8 Masters Students By Nguyen Ngoc An Dien Supervisor: Dr. Huynh Trung Luong New Design of Cosmetic Facial Theses Powder Godet

Design and Development of a Cutting By Jintana Tresuwan Industrial and Manufacturing Unit for Adaptive Profile Cutting Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Erik L. J. Bohez Engineering By Kiattisak Sakulphan Supervisor: Dr. Pisut Koomsap Productivity Improvement via Lean An Adaptive Hybrid Algorithm for Manufacturing Technique: A Case Multi-Mode Resource-Constrained Development of a Hybrid Backlog- Study Project Scheduling Problems Lost Sales Inventory Control Policy By Jaruwan Saichompoo By Dao Duc Cuong By Nattapong Akkhanit Supervisor: Dr. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul Supervisor: Dr. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul Supervisor: Dr. Huynh Trung Luong Selective Maintenance Policy An Adaptive Particle Swarm Development of a User-Friendly By Tran Trong Viet Optimization Algorithm for a Process Modeling Tool for an Supervisor: Dr. Huynh Trung Luong Multicommodity Distribution Operator Training Simulator Network Design By Surachai Tangpaisannukul Toward a Design by Customer for By Suntaree Sae-Huere Supervisor: Dr. Pisut Koomsap Multi-Color Nested Pattern Products Supervisor: Dr. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul By Pornnalin Kuagoolkijgarn Effects of Stochastic Leadtime on Supervisor: Dr. Pisut Koomsap An Adaptive Particle Swarm Bullwhip Effect in a Supply Chain Optimization Algorithm for By Hoang Kim Cuc Virtual Reality Environment for Multiobjective Job Shop Scheduling Supervisor: Dr. Huynh Trung Luong Driving a Simulator By Wijak Suksaengrat Problems Feasibility of Using Pulsed Ultra Supervisor: Dr. Pisut Koomsap By Suparat Wongnen Supervisor: Dr. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul Violet Sterilization for Milk Packaging Containers Analyzing Supply Chain Performance By Vanarin Suvattipunth Research Study: New Model of an FMS Using FTPN with Demand Under Different Collaborative Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Erik L. J. Bohez Variability and Machine Breakdown Replenishment Strategies By Muhammad Haris Aziz By Wijitra Naowapadiwat Improving a Sheet-Based Rapid Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Erik L. J. Bohez Supervisors: Prof. Dah-Chuan Gong/Dr. Prototyping Process Voratas Kachitvichyanukul By Sitthichai Sitthisangumphai Supervisor: Dr. Pisut Koomsap

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7.1 Introduction partnership with microelectronics applications including ANSYS, Orcad, industries and collaborating ModelSim SE, Xilink ISE, Synopsys,

universities overseas. Leonardo Spectrum LS and Tanner Mechatronics Miniaturisation of IC and the (S-Edit for Schematic Capture, T-

At present, most academic possibilities of completely new Spice and W-Edit for Simulation and institutions and industries in the technologies like nanotechnology LEdit for Physical Layout).The Asian region are only system have also been introduced. laboratory’s facilities are used for integrators. Components are analog and digital circuit design, microchip design and fabrication, procured from more developed 7.2 Research Facilities and MEMS, microactuators and micro- countries (e.g. computer numerically sensors design, computational controlled machines, robots, and Laboratories automated guided vehicles) and are electronics, and so on. Fabrication integrated as a system (e.g. flexible Mechatronics and Microelectronics fields facilities are available through the manufacturing system). To support of study share all the laboratory facilities National Electronics Technology the growth of the region’s economy, with the Industrial & Manufacturing Center and the National Science and expertise not only as system Engineering field of study. There are Technology Development Administration located in nearby integrators but also as builders of several well equipped laboratories with Science Park. components of advanced the primary function of supporting the technologies must be developed. students and faculty for teaching and The growing number of electronic research and to conduct outreach Mechatronics faculty and students devices and the strong interactions programs. work in close collaboration with between mechanical and electronic industry and government sectors in parts no longer permit separate Mechatronics and Automation the areas of industrial automation, robotics, control, system design and investigations of these components. Laboratory integration. Some examples of

ongoing projects include a medical Mechatronics provides new insights The Mechatronics and Automation through an integrated consideration laboratory is well equipped with tele-analyzer, automated visual of mechanics, electronics and many PLC systems (S5, inspection systems, MEMS design, information technology. The S7200/300/400, INDRAMAT, an autonomous flying robot, curriculum is designed to provide BOSCH), distributed control systems automating centrifuge machines, an autonomous underwater robot and multidisciplinary knowledge and to (PCS7), operator panels (OP5, automating crystallization processes. develop the ability to design OP17/DP and OP35), a PC-based

mechatronics systems. human machine interface package (WINCC) and networked field buses Simulation Laboratory Microelectronics (PROFIBUS, INTER-BUS and SERCOS). The lab has mobile robots (NOMAD, This lab is equipped with networks of The region’s growing industrial PIONEER 2), robot arms (CRS), an Pentium PC for general applications sector and the increasing demand industrial robot (KUKAKR15), a self- and internet access, high end CAD/CAM & Simulation software for high technologies have brought made open architecture CNC such as ARENA and AutoMOD. In the need for expertise in machine, CNC control systems microelectronics to a critical level. (MTC200, SINUMERIK 8100/8400), addition, a high performance The students are prepared to cope image processing systems (DVT, computer facility with parallel cluster with the needs of the electronics MATROX) and FPGA’s (XILlNX-1i is also available for research use. industry in the region. The VIRTEX PRO, ALTERA). Software such curriculum is equally balanced as SYNOPSYS IC Design, ANYSIM, IC Design Laboratory

between the analog and digital ANSYS, ADAMS and many types of The Integrated Circuit Design design of circuits as well as the special sensors and actuators are processing related topics including also available for research use. laboratory gives students access to a failure analysis, suitable for this wide variety of professional software electronics industrial sector in the The Integrated Circuit Design applications including ANSYS, Orcad, region. The curriculum has been laboratory gives students access to a ModelSim SE, Xilink ISE, Synopsys, designed and constantly adapted in wide variety of professional software Leonardo Spectrum LS and Tanner (S-Edit for Schematic Capture, T- Annual Report on Research 2009| 31

SET – Mechatronics and Microelectronics Fields of Study

Spice and W-Edit for Simulation and 7.3 Faculty and Research Visiting Faculty LEdit for Physical Layout).The laboratory’s facilities are used for Staff TARAPRASAD CHATTOPADHYAY, analog and digital circuit design, B.Sc. (1977); M.Sc. (1979); and Ph.D. microchip design and fabrication, Full-time Faculty (1988), Burdwan University, W.B., MEMS, microactuators and micro- India. Currently, Professor, sensors design, computational JOYDEEP DUTTA, BSc (Hons), St Department of Physics, Visva- electronics, and so on. Fabrication Edmund’s College; MSc (Physics), Bharati, Santiniketan, W. Bengal, facilities are available through the North Eastern Hill Univ; PhD, IACS, India. National Electronics Technology Calcutta Univ, India. Visiting Professor Center and the National Science and Professor [Functional materials, [Microwave/Milimeterwave/Sub Technology Development nanomaterials, Nanoparticles, mm Wave / Optical Administration located in nearby selforganisation, Biomimetic Communication Systems] Science Park. processes, Polyelectrolyte deposition, Gas sensors, Bio- DEVENDRA SONA CHAUDHARI, Nanotechnology Center of Excellence sensors, optoelectronic devices] B.Eng. (1987); M.Eng. (1990), SGGS (CoEN) College of Engineering & Technology, MANUKID PARNICHKUN, BEng, Nanded, Marathwada University, The Center of Excellence in Chulalongkorn Univ, Thailand; MEng, Aurangabad, India; Ph.D. (2000), IIT Nanotechnology addresses the PhD, Univ of Tokyo, Japan Bombay, India. Currently, Assistant creation of knowledge in areas Associate Professor [Robotics, Professor, Head, Dept. of Electronics relevant to industries. Activities control, and measurement and Telecommunication Engineering, include joint research with other (involves with design and Government College of Engineering, local and international universities development of hardware and Jalgaon, India. and institutes, education and software of mechatronics Visiting Assistant Professor training personnel in the field of devices); New robot mechanism, [Linear (Analog) Integrated nanotechnology, technology transfer novel control algorithm, and Circuits; Biomedical Engineering, and promotion of public and innovative measurement Signal Processing] industrial awareness of concept are investigated] nanotechnology. This center PERUMAL DANANJAYAN, B.Sc., provides international platform for NITIN V AFZULPURKAR, BEng, Univ of University of Madras; B.Tech., M.E., academicians and researchers from Poona, India; PhD, Univ of Ph.D.(1998), Anna U, India. Professor the region, AIT and our partnered Canterbury, New Zealand and Head/ECE dept. Pondicherry universities worldwide to work Associate Professor [Computer Engineering college, Pondicherry, together with the industries. vision (pattern recognition and India. Current research activities at the image processing); MEMS Visiting Professor [Wireless CoEN is based on a unifying concept design, fabrication for electronic Communication System – Mobile of using inexpensive wet chemical and bio medical applications; - MC-CDMA, Sensor Network] methods and self-organisation Soft computing algorithms for processes to fabricate innovative robotics and automation AKE FALDT, Ph.D. (Physics) (1980), materials, develop diagnostic tools, applications; Mechatronics Chalmers University of and apply nanoparticles to applications for industrial use] Technology/University of environmental issues amongst Gothenburg. Professor of Chalmers others. Activities of the CoE at AIT MONGKOL EKPANYAPONG, B.Eng., University of Technology. include, but not exclusively, research Chulalongkorn Univ, Thailand; Visiting Professor [General and development focused on the M.Eng. Asian Institute of Technology, Physics courses, Covering application of nanoparticles, Thailand, M.Sc., Ph.D., Georgia Mechanics, Thermodynamics, nanomaterials, devices and sensors. Institute of Technology, USA Electric and Magnetic fields, The CoE will support innovative Assistant Professor [Embedded Wave Physics, Quantum Physics research suited to the region, Systems, Computer Architecture, and Introductory Solid State education and training of highly VLSI design(Low power design), Physics] qualified personnel and in increasing Physical VLSI design, High public and industrial awareness of Performance Computing, nanotechnology, amongst other GPGPU, DSP] activities like arranging conferences, workshops etc.

32 | Annual Report on Research 2009

SET – Mechatronics and Microelectronics Fields of Study

GABOR LOUIS HORNYAK, Ph.D. Development of an Exoskeleton Robot Development of an Automatic Steering (1997), Colorado State University. for Handicapped People Project Cruise Control System for Passenger Instructor (Introduction to Duration 1-Jul-06 - 31-Dec-09 Cars Nanoscience) and Research Project Investigator Manukid Parnichkun Duration 1-Nov-07 - 31-Oct-10 Sponsor National Electronics and Computer Professor, Department of Project Investigator Manukid Parnichkun Technology Center, Thailand Sponsor National Electronics and Computer Metallurgical & Materials Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,043,100 Technology Center, Thailand Engineering, Colorado School of Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,988,000 Mines in Golden, Colorado Development of Force Feedback Visiting Faculty [Span carbon Exoskeleton system for Virtual Reality Development of Robot Controller nanotube synthesis & Duration 1-Nov-08 - 31-Oct-09 Duration 1-Nov-08 - 31-Oct-11 thermodynamics, nano metal Project Investigator Manukid Parnichkun Project Investigator Manukid Parnichkun Sponsor RTG Sponsor Aerofluid Co Ltd/RTG composite materials fabrication Total Contracted Amount (THB) 952,000 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,000,000 and opticalproperties, template synthesis of gold-55 quantum Master Degree in HDD Engineering Disk Drive Automated Test Operation dot clustersynthesis & optical Technology Modelling for Throughput Predicting characterization] Duration 1-Jul-07 - 31-Dec-09 Controlling and Monitoring Project Investigator Nitin Afzulpurkar, Worsak K, Duration 15-Sep-08 - 15-Sep-10 LERTSAK LEKAWAT, BE KMIT Huynh Troung Luong, Joydeep Dutta, Lertsak Project Investigator Nitin Afzulpurkar Lekawat, Manukid P Ladkrabang, Thailand; MSc., George Sponsor Seagate Technology Th Ltd/RTG Sponsor Western Digital Co. Ltd. Total Contracted Amount (THB) 900,000 Washington University USA; PhD Total Contracted Amount (THB) 10,528,000

Carnegie Mellon Univeristy, USA. Flow Modeling in Hard disc Drives Visiting Lecturer [Data Storage New Raw Material Development for Duration 15-Dec-09 - 15-Dec-10 System, Analog design, digital Filters in Hard Disk Drives Project Investigator Joydeep Dutta,Huynh Trung design, mixed signal design] Duration 16-Jun-08 - 30-Jun-09 Luong ,Pisut Koomsap Project Investigator Joydeep Dutta Sponsor Donaldson Company Thailand Sponsor RTG-AIT/Donaldson Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,000,000 DENIS SWEATMAN, Ph.D. (Physical Total Contracted Amount (THB) 3,000,000 Chemistry) (1982), University of Lab to large scale dye sensitized solar Queensland. Faculty in Griffith Photocatalytic thin film coating cells University technology Duration 15-Apr-09 - 15-Apr-10 Visiting Professor [Optical Duration 16-Jun-08 - 30-Jun-09 Project Investigator Joydeep Dutta Communication Systems, Project Investigator Joydeep Dutta Sponsor RTG/SVI Public Co. Ltd Sponsor National Electronic and Computer Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,000,000 Practical Electronics, Integrated Technology Center, National Science and Electronics, Network Theory and Technology Development Agency, Thailand Master Degree in HDD Engineering Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,870,940 Analysis and Introduction to Technology #3 MEMS Design] Duration 1-Jul-09 - 01-Jul-11 Project Investigator Nitin Afzulpurkar PRAN HARI TALUKDAR, B.Sc., M.Sc., 7.5 On-going Grants and Sponsor Western Digital Co. Ltd. Ph.D.(1982), Gauhati University, Sponsored Research Total Contracted Amount (THB) 10,528,000 India. Professor, Master Degree in HDD Engineering Dept.Instrumentation & USIC, Automated Inline Foam Sheet Technology-Batch 2 Gauhai University. India. Placement and Adhesion Duration 1-Jul-08 - 01-Jul-10 Duration 1-Jun-07 - 31-Dec-10 Visiting Professor [Computer Project Investigator Nitin Afzulpurkar Project Investigator Nitin Afzulpurkar Networking and Signal Sponsor Western Digital Co. Ltd. Sponsor RTG-CPAC Roof Tile Co. Ltd Total Contracted Amount (THB) 10,528,000 Processing] Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,500,000

Printed Electronics using Direct Writing Brain computer interface based mental 7.4 Grants and Sponsored detection for accident prevention and Technology Duration 8-Mar-05 - 31-May-10 Research Completed in Machine control: Applications in Fatigue Project Investigator Joydeep Dutta 2009 alarming and Robot control Sponsor NSTDA Duration 1-Jul-09 - 31-Dec-10 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,498,776

Project Investigator Manukid Parnichkun Automated Pick and Place of Concrete Sponsor RTG Simulation Model for reducing Spring Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,000,000 Roof Tile at the Pressing Machine Constant in HDD Suspension

Operation Duration 1-Dec-08 - 30-Nov-10 Duration 1-Jun-06 - 31-Dec-09 Project Investigator Nitin Afzulpurkar Project Investigator Nitin Afzulpurkar Sponsor I/U CRC Advanced Manufacturing Sponsor CPAC Roof Tile Co. Ltd, Thailand Total Contracted Amount (THB) 500,000 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,350,000 Annual Report on Research 2009 | 33

SET – Mechatronics and Microelectronics Fields of Study

Zinc Oxide nanorods as filteration K. Kiatpanichagij and N. Afzulpurkar S. Baruah and J. Dutta, Media for multifunctional applications (2009), Use of supervised Nanotechnology applications in Duration 15-Dec-09 - 15-Dec-10 discretization with PCA in wavelet Sensing and Pollution Degradation Project Investigator Joydeep Dutta packet transformation-based surface in Agriculture, Environmental Sponsor Donaldson Company Thailand Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,000,000 electromyogram classification, Chemistry Letters 7 (2009), 191- International Journal of Biomedical 205,[JCR 2007 Impact Factor ~ Signal Processing and Control, 1.008] 7.6 Publications (Elsevier), Volume 8, Number 4, December, 2008, pp 203-218, ISSN: S. Baruah and J. Dutta, pH Refereed Journals: 1746-8094, Impact Factor: 0.442 dependent growth of ZnO nanorods, 7th of the 25 hottest articles from Journal of Crystal Growth 311 (2009) A. R.Abbasi, M. N.Dailey, N. April to June 2009, 20th of the 25 2549-2554, [JCR 2007 Impact Factor V.Afzulpurkar, T. Uno, “Student hottest articles from July to ~ 1.950] mental state inference from September 2009. unintentional body gestures using S. Baruah, S. S. Sinha, S. K. Pal, B. dynamic Bayesian networks”, Journal ect/engineering/12/journal/biomedi Ghosh, A. K. Raychaudhuri and J. on Multimodal User Interfaces, cal-signal-processing-and- Dutta, Photo-reactivity of ZnO Springer, DOI 10.1007/s12193-009- control/17468094/archive/22/ nanoparticles in visible light: Effect 0023-7, 2009. of surface states on electron Kessararat Ugsornrat,N. Afzulpurkar, transfer reaction, Journal of Applied B. Saengchandr, N. V Afzulpurkar, “A "Design, Simulation, and Physics 105 (2009), 074308, TOP25 Novel Approach for Cooling Experimental Study of a Droplet Journal in Nanotechnology-ISI, [JCR Electronics Using a Combined Heat based PCR by EWOD" , Sensors and 2007 Impact Factor ~ 2.171] Pipe and Thermoelectric Module”, Materials, Accepted for publication, American J. of Engineering and December, 2009, Impact Factor: V. T. Minh, N. Afzulpurkar, and W.M. Applied Sciences 2 (4): 603-610, 0.395 Wan Muhamad. “Fault Detection 2009 Model-Based Controller for Process Narong Aphiratsakun and Manukid Systems”. Asian Journal of Control,. D. Tongsomporn, N. Afzulpurkar, O. Parnichkun. “Balancing Control of Accepted in Dec 2009, Impact Sitthisak,,” A study of head AIT Leg Exoskeleton Using ZMP Factor: 0.562 instabilities in TMR sensors using in based FLC,” International Journal of high density perpendicular magnetic Advanced Robotic Systems. Vol. 6, Viroch Sukontanakarn and Manukid recoding systems”, International No. 4, pp. 319-328 (2009) Parnichkun. “Real Time Optimal Journal of Applied Electromagnetics Control for Rotary Inverted and Mechanics, vol. 31, number R. Kitsomboonloha, S. Baruah, Myo Pendulum,” American Journal of 4/2009, pp. 257-265, 2009, Impact T. Z. Myint, V. Subramanian and J. Applied Sciences. Vol. 6 (6) pp.1106- Factor: 0.255. Dutta, Selective growth of zinc oxide 1115 (2009) nanorods on ink-jet printed seed D. W. Bodhale, A. Nisar, N. patterns, Journal of Crystal Growth Conference Proceedings Afzulpurkar, (2009), Structural and 311 (2009) 2352-2358, [JCR 2007 microfluidic analysis of hollow side- Impact Factor ~ 1.950] A. M. N Dammika, B. Seneviratne, open polymeric microneedles for and Nitin V. Afzulpurkar, transdermal drug delivery S. Baruah and J. Dutta, Effect of “Development of a vision inspection applications, Journal of Microfluidics seeded substrates on system for aumated inspectionm of a and Nanofluidics, Springer, hydrothermally grown ZnO gear assembly”, In Proc. IFoTMM 07.07.2009, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. 1-20 nanorods, J. Sol-Gel Science and Int. Symp. Robotics and DOI 10.1007/s10404-009-0467-9, Technology 50 (2009) 456-464, [JCR Mechatronics (ISRM, 21-23 Impact Factor: 3.314 2007 Impact Factor ~ 1.300] September, 2009) Hanoi Vietnam.

E. Dumsong, N. Afzulpurkar, A. S. Baruah and J. Dutta, Aarthy Sivapunniyam, Myo Tay Zar Tuantranont, “Design, Analytical Hydrothermal growth of ZnO Myint, Niti Wiromrat and Joydeep Modeling, and Simulation of Wire- nanostructures, Science & Dutta, Detection of Liquefied free Walking Scratch-drive Technology of Advanced Materials petroleum gas with one dimensional Microrobot,” IEEE Transaction of 10 (2009) 013001, [JCR 2007 Impact nanostructured zinc oxide, Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 4, Factor ~ 1.270] Proceedings of the 3rd Thailand pp. 1109-1120, Apr. 2009, Impact Nanotechnology Conference 2009 – factor 5.468 Health, Energy and Environment,

34 | Annual Report on Research 2009

SET – Mechatronics and Microelectronics Fields of Study

December 21-22, 2009, Bangkok, Intelligent Vehicle by Using Stand- Dwijendra Kumar Das, Myo Tay Zar Thailand, Pages 106-107. Alone GPS, Compass and Laser Myint, Tanujjal Bora, Niti Wiromrat Range Finder,” Proceedings of the and Joydeep Dutta, Environmental Abdul Rehamn Abbasi, Nitin V. 2008 IEEE International Conference Safety Application: Integration of Afzulpurkar, and Takeaki Uno, on Robotics and Biomimetics, solid state gas sensors with GIS "Towards Emotionally-Personalized Bangkok, 2009. (Conference CD based monitoring system, rd Computing: Dynamic Prediction of ROM) Proceedings of the 3 Thailand Student Mental States from Self- Nanotechnology Conference 2009 – Manipulatory Hand Movements", Chamaiporn Teerasetsopon, Health, Energy and Environment, 5th IEEE International Conference Sivanappan Kumar and Joydeep December 21-22, 2009, Bangkok, on Emerging Technologies (ICET), Dutta, Ultrasonic spray pyrolysis Thailand, Page 78. 2009, Islamabad. growth of ZNO nanorods for dye sensitized solar cells, Proceedings of Ekkasit Dumsong, Nitin Afzulpurkar, rd Abdul Rehamn Abbasi, Akhtar the 3 Thailand Nanotechnology Anurat Wisitsora and Adisorn Hussain, and Nitin V. Afzulpurkar Conference 2009 – Health, Energy Tuantranont, ‘Wire free, waking "Towards Development of Student and Environment, December 21-22, scratch drive microrobote”, In Proc. Affect Sensitive Classroom 2009, Bangkok, Thailand, Pages 65- IFoTMM Int. Symp. Robotics and Barometer" In Proc. IFoTMM Int. 66. Mechatronics(ISRM, 21- 23 Symp. Robotics and Mechatronics September, 2009) Hanoi Vietnam. (ISRM, 20-23 September, 2009) Dhananjay Bodhale, Asim Nisar, and Hanoi Vietnam. Nitin Afzulpurkar, “Coupled Htet Htet Kyaw, Tanujjal Bora and Multifield Analysis of Microneedle Joydeep Dutta, Zinc oxide nanorods Ajaya Sapkota, Sunandan Baruah, Based Piezoelectrically Actuated dye sensitized solar cell: Effect of Oleg Shippin and Joydeep Dutta, Microfluidic Device for Transdermal annealing temperature, Proceedings rd Photocatalytic inactivation of Drug Delivery Applications”, of the 3 Thailand Nanotechnology nd bacteria with ZnO nanorods, Multibody Dynamics, 29 Jun to 2 Conference 2009 – Health, Energy Proceedings of the 3rd Thailand July, 2009, Warsaw, Poland and Environment, December 21-22, Nanotechnology Conference 2009 – 2009, Bangkok, Thailand, Pages 52- Health, Energy and Environment, Dhananjay Bodhale, Nitin 53. December 21-22, 2009, Bangkok, Afzulpurkar, and Nguyen Truong Thailand, Pages 104-105. Thanh, “Path Planning for a Mobile M. W. Ashraf, Shahzadi Tayyaba, Robot in a Dynamic Environment”, Asim Nisar, Nitin Afzulpurkar, and Alfredo J. Anceno, Patrick Dabert, Proceedings of the IEEE International adisorn Tuantranont, "Coupledfield Oleg V. SHipin and Joydeep Dutta, Conference on Robotics and microfluidic analysis of integrated Impact of size and shape of metallic Biomimetics, Bangkok, Thailand, nanoparticles on polymerase chain February 21 - 26, 2009. MEMS based device for transdermal reaction, Proceedings of the 3rd drug delivery applications", 13th IEEE Thailand Nanotechnology Dhananjay Bodhale, Nitin International Multitopic Confere, Conference 2009 – Health, Energy Afzulpurkar, and Nguyen INMIC, 14-15 December. 2009, and Environment, December 21-22, Truongthanh, “Path planing for a Islamabad. 2009, Bangkok, Thailand, Pages 9- mobile robote in a dynamic 10. inviornment”, In Proc. IFoTMM Int. Myo Tay Zar Myint, Rungrot Symp. Robotics and Kitsomboonloha, Sunandan Baruah Bui Trung Thanh, Manukid Mechatronics(ISRM, 21- 23 Parnichkun, Le Chi Hieu “Structure September, 2009) Hanoi Vietnam. and Joydeep Dutta, Fakir Effect: Zinc Specified H∞ Loop Shaping Control oxide microrods patterned array rd for Balancing of Bicycle Robot: A Dumsong, E. , Afzulpurkar, N., surface, Proceedings of the 3 Particle Swarm Optimization Tuantranont, A. and Punyasai, C. “A Thailand Nanotechnology Approach,” Proceedings of the 2009 finite state machine for controlling Conference 2009 – Health, Energy Virtual International Conference on untethered scratch-drive micro- and Environment, December 21-22, Innovative Production Machines and robot”, Proceedings of the IEEE 2009, Bangkok, Thailand, Pages 108- Systems, IPROMS 2009, (2009) International Conference on 109. Robotics and Biomimetics, Bangkok, Chairit Wuthishuwong, Chaiyaporn Thailand, February 21 - 26, 2009. Silawatchananai, Manukid Parnichkun. “Navigation of an

Annual Report on Research 2009 | 35

SET – Mechatronics and Microelectronics Fields of Study

Narong Aphiratsakun, Manukid Line of Suspension Assembly Dutta, Defect engineering of zinc nd Parnichkun. “Fuzzy Based Gains Process”, The 2 Int. Data storage oxide nanorods for visible light, rd Tuning PD Controller for Joint Conf. (DST-CON), 13- 15 May, 2009, Proceedings of the 3 Thailand Thailand. Nanotechnology Conference 2009 – Position Control of AIT Leg Health, Energy and Environment, Exoskeleton-I (ALEX-I),” Proceedings Somphop Limsoonthrakul, Matthew December 21-22, 2009, Bangkok, of the 2008 IEEE International N. Dailey, Manukid Parnichkun. Thailand, Pages 110-111. Conference on Robotics and “Intelligent Vehicle Localization Biomimetics, Bangkok, 2009. Using GPS, Compass and Machine Supaporn Leungsuree and Joydeep (Conference CD ROM) Vision,” Proceedings of the 2009 Dutta, Synthesis of anisotropic zinc IEEE/RSJ International Conference on oxide nanoparticles, Proceedings of Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS the 3rd Thailand Nanotechnology Nassaree Benalie, Worrawut 2009), St.Louis, USA, 2009. Conference 2009 – Health, Energy Pananurak, Somphong Thanok, (Conference CD ROM) and Environment, December 21-22, Manukid Parnichkun. “Improvement 2009, Bangkok, Thailand, Pages 112- of Adaptive Cruise Control System Somphop Limsoonthrakul, Matthew 113. based on Speed Characteristics and N. Dailey, Suwan Tongphu, Methee Time Headway,” Proceedings of the Srisupundit, Manukid Parnichkun. Tanujjal Bora, Htet Htet Kyaw, Mana 2009 IEEE/RSJ International “A Modular System Architecture for Poyai and Joydeep Dutta, Highly Autonomous Robots Based on efficient zinc oxide nanorod dye Conference on Intelligent Robots and Blackboard and Publish-Subscribe sensitized solar cell: Plasmonic Systems (IROS 2009), St.Louis, USA, Mechanisms,” Proceedings of the interaction, Proceedings of the 3rd 2009. (Conference CD ROM) 2008 IEEE International Conference Thailand Nanotechnology on Robotics and Biomimetics, Conference 2009 – Health, Energy Panussa Sitthiphol, Nitin Afzulpurkar, Bangkok, 2009. (Conference CD and Environment, December 21-22, Nattawut Thepayasuwan, and John ROM) 2009, Bangkok, Thailand, Pages 42- Rindle, “Modeling of Manufacturing 43. Process Affecting on SA (static Somsak Khramthong, Nitin atitude)”, The 2nd Int. Data storage Afzulpurkar, Nattawut Tongsomporn, D., Vongsarath, K., Conf. (DST-CON), 13- 15 May, 2009, Thepayasuwan, and Somporn Sivaratana, R., Afzulpurkar, N., Thailand. Kornwong, “Automated Inspection Bargmann, B., and Siritaratiwat, A., Of Micro Weld Spots On “An experimental study of head-disk Rungrot Kitsomboonloha, Mayuree Suspension”,The 2nd Int. Data clearance sensitivity and instabilities Jaisai and Joydeep storage Conf. (DST-CON), 13- 15 in magnetic recording heads with Dutta,Antimicrobial property of an May, 2009, Thailand. adaptive flying height”, Magnetic indoor paint containing silver Recording Conference, APMRC, Asia- nanoparticles on escherichia coli, Sujin Wanchat, Nitin Afzulpurkar, Pacific, 14-17 January, 2009. rd Proceedings of the 3 Thailand Nattawut Thepayasuwan, and John Nanotechnology Conference 2009 – Rindle, “Influence of Cutting Trung, P., Afzulpurkar, N., and Health, Energy and Environment, Parameters to Surface Roughness for Bodhale, D., “Development of vision December 21-22, 2009, Bangkok, Q –Switched Nd: YAG Lasar”, The 2nd service in Robotics Studio for road Thailand, Pages 16-17. Int. Data storage Conf. (DST-CON), signs recognition and control of 13- 15 May, 2009, Thailand. BEST LEGO MINDSTORMS ROBOT”, Sanngeon, W., Afzulpurkar, N., PAPER AWARD Proceedings of the IEEE International Bhuripanyo, J., and Bodhale, D., Conference on Robotics and “Adaptive geometry track design and Sunandan Baruah and Joydeep Biomimetics, Bangkok, Thailand, implementation for an all terrain Dutta, Visible light photocatalysis for February 21 - 26, 2009. mobile robot”, Proceedings of the water decontamination using IEEE International Conference on engineered zinc oxide nanoparticles Vo Duc My, and Nitin Afzulpurkar, Robotics and Biomimetics, Bangkok, and nanowires, International “The Integration of support vector Thailand, February 21 - 26, 2009. Workshop on Advanced Materials machine and 2D wavelet (IWAM 2009), 22-24 February, 2009, decomposition for face detection”, Sarawuth Inthiruk, Nitin Afzulpurkar, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE In Proc. IFoTMM Int. Symp. Robotics Nattawut Thepayasuwan, and and Mechatronics(ISRM, 21- 23 Taweesak Mansumrodkarn, “ Design Sunandan Baruah, Mohammad September, 2009) Hanoi Vietnam. And Development of Automation Abbas Mahmood and Joydeep

36 | Annual Report on Research 2009

SET – Mechatronics and Microelectronics Fields of Study

Worrawut Pananurak, Somphong 7.7 Doctoral Students’ A Weld Spot Visual Inspection System Thanok, Manukid Parnichkun. for HDD Suspension “Adaptive Cruise Control for an Dissertation By Somsak Khramthong Intelligent Vehicle,” Proceedings of Supervisor: Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar the 2008 IEEE International Mechatronics Conference on Robotics and Design and Simulation of the Biomimetics, Bangkok, 2009. A Probabilistic Framework Modeling Suspension Assembly Process Relationships Between Student By Sarawuth Inthiruk (Conference CD ROM) Supervisor: Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar Mental States and Body Gestures Zaheer Abbas Khan, Rachana Kumar By Abdul Rehman Abbasi Supervisors: Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar/Dr. Development of Adaptive Cruise and Joydeep Dutta, Self Assembly of Matthew Dailey Control System Based on Speed citrate stabilized gold with Characteristics and Laser Scanner chitosan/PDDA capped silica Fusion of Local and Global By Nassaree Benalie colloidal nanoparticles, Proceedings Information for the Localization of an Supervisor: Dr. Manukid Parnichkun rd of the 3 Thailand Nanotechnology Intelligent Vehicle Conference 2009 – Health, Energy By Chirdpong Deelertpaiboon Development of a Force Feedback and Environment, December 21-22, Supervisor: Dr. Manukid Parnichkun Arm Exoskeleton for Virtual Reality 2009, Bangkok, Thailand, Pages 68- By Nguyen Cao Thang Use of Supervised Discretization with Supervisor: Dr. Manukid Parnichkun 69. PCA in Wavelet Packet Development of a Localization Other Publications Transformation-Based Surface Electromyogram Classification System for an Intelligent Vehicle By Methee Srisupundit By Kirkpong Kiatpanichagij Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Supervisor: Dr. Manukid Parnichkun Supervisor: Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar Textbooks Microelectronics Development of an Automatic Introduction to NanoScience, Parking System (CRC Press of Taylor and Francis By Chollatis Anekwanna The Design, Analytical Modeling, Group LLC), 856pp, ISBN-13: Supervisor: Dr. Manukid Parnichkun Simulation and Fabrication of a Wire- 9781420048056, G. Louis Free, Walking Scratch-Drive Development of a Rehabilitation Hornyak, Joydeep Dutta, Harry Microrobot F. Tibbals and Anil K. Rao Device for Paralyzed Children By Eakkasit Dumsong By Thieu Quang Tri Supervisor: Dr. Nitin Afzulpurkar Supervisor: Dr. Manukid Parnichkun Fundamentals of Nanotechnology, (CRC Press of Development of a Vision Inspection Taylor and Francis Group LLC), 7.8 Masters Students’ System for Automated Inspection of December 832pp, ISBN-13: Theses a Gear Box Assembly 9781420048032, G. Louis By A.M.N.D.B. Senevitratne Hornyak, John J. Moore, Harry F. Mechatronics Supervisor: Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar Tibbals and Joydeep Dutta Implementation of X-Y Planar A Comparative Study of Single and Position Control of a Ball on Touch Introduction to Nanoscience and Dual PZT for Suspension-Based Milli- Screen Using PMD Motion Card NanoTechnology, (CRC Press of Actuators By Tayawat Sukkhaphat Taylor and Francis Group LLC), By Gunphai Prateepphaisan Supervisor: Dr. Manukid Parnichkun Supervisor: Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar 1200pp, ISBN-13:

9781420047790, G. Louis Modeling of Manufacturing Process A Solar Powered NXT Mobile Robot Hornyak, Harry F. Tibbals, Affecting SA Suspension Joydeep Dutta and John J. By Pham Tan Khoa Supervisor: Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar By Panussa Sitthiphol Moore Supervisor: Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar

A Study of Low MRR Failure Due to Optimization of Altic Etching Process ESD and Scratch Damage Using QST Parameter Using Fluorinated Gases By Ekawit Hensirisak By Sinchai Cheryklin Supervisor: Prof. Joydeep Dutta Supervisor: Dr. Manukid Parnichkun

Annual Report on Research 2009 | 37

SET – Mechatronics and Microelectronics Fields of Study

Parameters Analysis for Low Power MICROELECTRONICS Q-switched Laser Cutting in Singulation Process of HDD A Study of Airborne Particle Count Manufacturing Using Light Scattering Technique By Sujin Wanchat By Jeerasak Potham Supervisor: Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar Supervisor: Dr. Lertsak Lekawat

Performance and Robustness Hydrophobic Surface by Growing ZnO Analysis of Balancing Control of a Nanorods on Zinc Electroplated Steel Bicycle Robot Using Fuzzy Sliding By Konakom Buayai Mode Control Supervisor: Prof. Joydeep Dutta By Wongsakorn Pornnutvuttikul Supervisor: Dr. Manukid Parnichkun Integrated Signal Processing Chips for Silicon Microphones Resonanca Specification for HDD’s By Kritsada Borisuttirattana Actuator Components Supervisor: Dr. Lertsak Lekawat By Pitiphong Atibodhi Supervisor: Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar Simulation Model to Study the Effect of HGA Processes to Mechanical Studies to Reducing Contribution of Changing in Suspension Static Attitude (SA) of HGA in HGA By Peeranut Phuttal Process Assembly Supervisor: Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar By Pongsakorn Panyoyai Supervisor: Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar Simulation of the Optical Properties of Polyelectrolyte Assisted Colloidal Study of Magnetic Spacing Impact Thin Films Due to PSA, RSA & GRAM Load Using By Anjeena Shrestha Dynamic Electrical Test Supervisor: Prof. Joydeep Dutta By Kitti Tangtrakoon Supervisor: Mr. Brent Bargmann Studies on Zinc Oxide Nanorod Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Study of Process Optimization for By Tanujjal Bora DLC Overcoat by Filter Cathodic ARC Supervisor: Prof. Joydeep Dutta

Deposition By Phuwanai Bunnak Studies on Zinc Oxide Nanorods for Supervisor: Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue in Aqueous Solution The Intelligent Five-Axis By Mohammad Abbas Mahmood Postprocessing and Benchmarking of Supervisor: Prof. Joydeep Dutta the Small Open Architecture Five-Axis CNC Machine Study of Anisotropic Particles for By Bui Huy Hoang Chemical Mechanical Polishing Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Erik L. J. Bohez By Supaporn Leungsuree Supervisor: Prof. Joydeep Dutta

The Intergration of Wavelet Analysis and Supply Vector Machine for Face Study of Instability in TuMR Head By Thanachai Siriudomlert Detection Supervisor: Dr. Lertsak Lekawat By Vo Duc My Supervisor: Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar

Webcam Stereo Vision-Based 3D Research Study: Characterization of Object Localization and its Discrete Electronics Devices Using Performance Thin Layer Fabrication with Nano By Wiput Tuvayanond Particles Supervisor: Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar By Zaheer Abbas Khan Supervisor: Prof. Joydeep Dutta

38 | Annual Report on Research 2009


8.1 Introduction Development Advance Analysis Methods landuse, soil, geology maps of Thailand and Microwave Remote Sensing are add. and some aerial photographs, ALOS data, Geoinformatics comprising Remote are also available. The RS&GIS library Sensing (RS), Geographic Information The demand for RS&GIS graduates is very also provides students with more high as there is lack of professionals in specialized books, journals, and System (GIS) and Global Positioning these disciplines, particularly those with computer manuals. Some of the System (GPS) provides extremely useful tools for environmental and natural a vast knowledge of the practical technical magazines regularly available resources management. They are widely utilization of these technologies. are GIM International, recognized as supporting tools for the Employment opportunities are available GIS@Development, and International planning, monitoring, and management in a wide range of areas, including Journal of Geoinformatics. of the appropriate utilization of agriculture, forestry, coastal development and management, urban Some equipment in its laboratory resources at the country, regional and planning and development, medical available for academic activities include: global levels. technology, mapping and planning, Arc GIS 9.4, ERDAS, Arc View 3.3, ENVI;

While they represent multidisciplinary disaster mitigation and environmental Total Station; Trimble geoexplorer; backgrounds, students in RS&GIS share a management. Garmin GPS Series III and V; digital common interest, that is, to use remote camera; wireless hub/switch; wireless sensing, GIS, GPS and other space Major areas covered in the coursework USB; network switch; network hub; technologies as tools in pursuing their are fundamentals of remote sensing and black/white and color laser printers; A4 GIS, earth energy interaction, and A0 scanners; RFID reader/writer, academic work as well as in developing atmospheric correction, application Sensors and Wi Fi Network, new technologies that are applicable to the region. Because of the complexity of potential in various disciplines, GIS data Spectrophotometer, Laser Range Finder, the technologies together with the heavy sources, map projection, geostatistics, Echo Sounder, Sensor Web GIS; table and dependence on advanced computer spatial modeling, automated mapping, personal stereoscopes and others. skills, application specialists need to have digital terrain model, GPS data a sound knowledge of the theoretical acquisition, and integration of GIS, remote sensing and GPS. 8.3 Faculty and Research aspects and practical approaches to integrate many resources of information Staff that address different applications. 8.2 Research Facilities and Full-time Faculty Furthermore, scientists, planners or Laboratories engineers interested in these KIYOSHI HONDA, BAgr, DEng, technologies should be familiar with The RS&GIS field of study provides University of Tokyo, Japan past, present and future satellite excellent facilities for learning, research Associate Professor (Image systems, their appropriate usage, data and projects which consists of the Digital Processing, Erosion control, acquisition and handling and integration Image Processing laboratory, Institute- Terrain modeling, Sensor Web with other data sources. wide GIS laboratory, Asia e-learning GIS) project experiment room, meeting The curriculum well covers the rooms, and the Geoinformatics Center NITIN KUMAR TRIPATHI, BTech, theoretical aspects and application of laboratory. The RS&GIS field of study has National Institute of Technology, space technology, especially in Remote a policy of maintaining the best working Warangal, India; MTech, IIT; PhD, IIT, Sensing and GIS. It provides students environment for students, staff and Kanpur, India. ample time to gain application know- faculty. Associate Professor (GIS, how through laboratory sessions. Remote Sensing, RFID and Students are free to use satellite data The RS&GIS LAN Network can also be Vehicle Tracking, Indoor received by the NOAA, AVHRR and monitored in real time. Besides, it has a Positioning Systems, MODIS Satellite Receiving Stations for very good archive of satellite imagery of Environment,Disaster, their theses or research studies. Recently SPOT, Landsat-TM, MODIS, NOAA, Agriculture, Health, such as open source Geoinformatics ADEOS, ERSSAR, and JERS-SAR to serve Applications) climate change Monitoring using courses the students in their research and thesis Geoinformatics, Advanced Application studies. Other data, such as topographic, Annual Report on Research 2009| 39

SET – Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems Field of Study

XIAOYONG CHEN, BS, MS, PhD, MASAHIKO NAGAI, BS, St. Cloud TARAVUDH TIPDECHO, BSc, Wuhan Technical Univ of Survey and State University, USA; MS, Asian MSc,Chiangmai Univ, Thailand; Mapping, People’s Republic of China. Institute of Technology, Thailand; DTechSc, Remote Sensing & GIS, Associate Professor (Automated DEng, The University of Tokyo, Japan Asian Institute of Technology, Mapping, GIS, Visiting Faculty, (Spatial Thailand Photogrammetery, Remote Information Engineering, Research Specialist I (Advanced Sensing, Mathematical Remote Sensing, GIS, Image Mapping, Terrestrial Scanning) Morphology and Database Processing, Mobile Mapping Management System) Ontology, Data Interoperability, VIVARAD PHONEKEO, MSc, DTechSc, Environmental Information Asian Institute of Technology, Visiting Faculty Science) Thailand Project Researcher (Remote MARC SOURIS, PhD, Université de La Adjunct Faculty Sensing and GIS, NOAA AVHRR & Rochelle, France Terra/Aqua MODIS receiving Visiting Professor SURAT LERTLUM, BS, Norwich and processing system, Digital (Computational geometry and University; MS, The George Image Processing, Computer algorithms, GIS development, Washington University, USA; Graphics, Spatial Data Spatial analysis, GIS and Remote DTechSc Computer Science, Asian Visualization, MODIS Fire Sensing for Epidemiology) Institute of Technology, Thailand Product Development) Adjunct Faculty (GIS, RS, Digital MICHIRO KUSANAGI, BS, MS, Univ of Image Processing, Surveying, 8.4 Grants and Sponsored Tokyo, Japan; MS, Ph.D, Univ of Mapping) California, USA. Research Completed in Visiting Professor (Aerospace VENKATESH RAGHAVAN, BS, MS, System Engineering, Space 2009 Univ of Poona, India; Ph.D., Univ. of System Engineering) Osaka City, Japan Application of Remote Sensing Adjunct Faculty (Spatial (Professional Development Training SEISHIRO KIBE, BEng, MEng, DEng, Information Science and University of Tokyo, Japan Program) Geoinformatics) Duration 1-Aug-08 - 30-Sep-09 Visiting Professor (Aerospace Project Investigator Lal Samarakoon System Engineering, GPS, Affiliated Faculty and Research Staff Sponsor Surveyor Association of Malaysia Microwave Remote Sensing) Total Contracted Amount (THB) 879,872

LAL SAMARAKOON, PhD Capacity Building in Poverty Mapping in I.V. MURALI KRISHNA, MTECH, Indian Visiting Senior Scientist; ASEAN Institute of Technology, India; Ph.D., Director, GIC (GIS, RS, Digital Indian Institute of Science, India. Duration 1-Jan-07 - 30-Apr-09 Image Processing, Surveying, Project Investigator Lal Samarakoon Adjunct Professor (Remote Mapping) Sponsor ASEAN Foundation Sensing Applications in Total Contracted Amount (THB) 9,519,545 Environment, Climate Change, MANZUL KUMAR HAZARIKA, PhD, Sustainable Development) University of Tokyo, Japan; MEng, Digital Asian Network 2006-2009 Duration 1-Mar-06 - 31-Mar-09 Asian Institute of Technology, Project Investigator Lal Samarakoon WATARU TAKEUCHI, Doctor of Bangkok, Thailand; MTech, Indian Sponsor Keio Research Institute at SFC, Keio Engineering, University of Tokyo, Institute of Technology, Kharagpur; University, Japan Japan BTech, J N Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya (J. Total Contracted Amount (THB) 362,835 Visiting Faculty (Remote Sensing N. Agriculture University), India of Environment and Disaster, Senior Research and Training JAXA Capacity Building 2008-2009 Duration 12-Sep-08 - 31-Mar-09 Data and Information Specialist (RS and GIS Project Investigator Lal Samarakoon Processing) Applications to Global Sponsor Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Environment, Terrestrial Carbon Total Contracted Amount (THB) 9,793,039 YOSHIKAZU KAMIYA, BEng, Cycle and NPP) Yokohyama National University, Poverty Mapping and Reduction Japan; MEng, Ph.D. University of Strategies Tokyo, Japan Duration 1-Aug-08 - 31-Aug-09 Project Investigator Lal Samarakoon Visiting Faculty (Aerospace Sponsor Government of India System Engineering and Microwave Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,438,818 Remote Sensing)

40 | Annual Report on Research 2009

SET – Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems Field of Study

TMD Earthquake Damage Assessment International Conference on Health GIS Thailand GIS Development for Research Duration: 1 August 2007 – 31 December 2009 Duration 1-Oct-07 – 30-Apr-10 on Ontology Investigator: Dr. Pennung W. and Dr. Honda Project Investigator Nitin Kumar Tripathi Duration 1-Jan-08 - 30-Jun-10 Kiyoshi Sponsor Self-paid Project Investigator Lal Samarakoon Sponsor: Chula Unisearch, Chulalongkorn Total Contracted Amount (THB) 360,000 Sponsor Center for Spatial Information Science, University University of Tokyo Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 2,411,667.00 JAXA Capacity Building 2009 - 2010 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,050,000 Duration 28-Aug-09 - 31-Oct-10 Project Investigator Lal Samarakoon The Application of GPU Computing 8.5 On-going Grants and Sponsor Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Total Contracted Amount (THB) 9,862,668 technology to accelerate Geoinformatics Sponsored Research Applications Models and Simulations for Natural Duration 31-Jul-09 - 31-Jul-10 Business and Logistics Management Disasters Provision of Galileo Project Investigator Kiyoshi Honda Sponsor RTG using Integrated RFID and InternetGIS Duration: 1 Apr 07 – 1 Apr 09 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 990,000 Duration 1-Aug-07 – 30-Nov-10 Investigator: Dr. Xiaoyong Chen Project Investigator Nitin Kumar Tripathi Sponsor: The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sponsor RTG/CARACAD Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 209,317.50 Training cum Study visit Program on Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,800,000 Project Management for Hygiene NOAA AVHRR and Terra/ Aqua MODIS Sanitation and water Supply Data generation for Tsunami modeling Duration 1-Apr-07 - 31-Mar-11 Duration 1-Apr-09 - 31-Mar-10 and Risk assessment Project Investigator Lal Samarakoon Project Investigator Lal Samarakoon Duration 1-Oct-09 - 31-Mar-11 Sponsor Vision Tech/Japan Sponsor DANIDA Bangladesh Project Investigator Kiyoshi Honda Total Contracted Amount (THB) 783,000 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 828,750 Sponsor Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) Total Contracted Amount (THB) 4,947,360 Orthorectification of High Resolution Training Programs in Poverty Mapping Satellite Data Duration 1-Oct-08 - 31-Oct-11 Developing Land cover Data Products in Duration 24-Nov-08 - 30-Apr-10 Project Investigator Lal Samarakoon Monsoon Asia over the Period 2004-07 Project Investigator Nitin Kumar Tripathi Sponsor Multi-donors Total Contracted Amount (THB) 576,000 through Integration of Landsat and Sponsor Multi donors Total Contracted Amount (THB) 284,458 Multi-Temporal ALOS/PALSAR Imagery UNIGIS Online Masters and Professional Duration 1-Apr-09 - 31-Mar-11 Project Investigator Manzul Hazarika Provision of Galileo expertise Program Sponsor University of Oklahoma,USA Networking and Support for Duration 1-Aug-07 - 31-Jul-10 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,020,000 International Initiatives Project Investigator Nitin Kumar Tripathi Sponsor Self-paid Duration 1-Nov-08 – 30- Apr-10 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,089,000 Development Planning, Management & Project Investigator Nitin Kumar Tripathi

Governance Sponsor Instituto Superiore Mario Boella, Italy Total Contracted Amount (THB) 687,000 World Health Organisation Duration 1-Nov-09 - 31-Aug-10 Duration 1-Dec-08 – 31-Jan-11 Project Investigator Lal Samarakoon Project Investigator Lal Samarakoon Sponsor Government of India Satellite Data utilization for disaster Risk Sponsor WHO Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,400,000 reduction and response Training Total Contracted Amount (THB) 612,000 Seminar and Workshop for Capacity Disaster and Project Management Building in ASEAN Duration: 9 Jan 08 – 28 Feb 10 Duration 1-Feb-09 - 31-Mar-11 8.6 Publications Investigator: Dr. Nitin K. Tripathi Project Investigator Lal Samarakoon Sponsor: Self Paid Sponsor ADRC Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 115,500.00 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 14,185,344 Refereed Journals:

Integrated Coastal Zone Planning and Sensor Net Visualization 2007 Dang Quang Tinh, Nitin Kumar Management using Geoinformation Duration: 13 Aug 07 – 31 May 10 Tripathi and Marshall L. Silver, 2009. Technology Investigator: Dr. Honda Kiyoshi Coping with Extreme Floods using Duration 1-Nov-09 - 01-Dec-10 Sponsor: Elab Experience Co., Ltd. Karst Caves in Limestone Areas in Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 3,042,000.00 Project Investigator Nitin Kumar Tripathi the Red Basin, Viet Nam, Journal of Sponsor Multi donors Disaster Advances, October, Vol. 2, Total Contracted Amount (THB) 544,000 South East Asia Center on European No. 4, 5-14. GNSS for International cooperation and Integrated Coastal Zone Planning and Local development. Management Using RS and GIS Duration 15-Mar-09 - 15-Dec-10 Diallo, M.B.C., A. J. Anceno, B. Duration 15-Sep-08 – 30-Apr-10 Project Investigator Nitin Tripathi Tawatsupa, Tripathi, N.K. and Shipin, Project Investigator Nitin Kumar Tripathi Sponsor The European GNSS Supervisory Authority O.V., 2009. A GIS-based analysis of Sponsor Self-paid Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,996,000 the fate of waster-related Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,257,450 pathogens, Giardia lamblia,

Cryptosporidium parvum and E. coli Annual Report on Research 2009 | 41

SET – Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems Field of Study in a tropical canal network. Journal International Journal of Health Veerachai Tanpipat, Kiyoshi HONDA of Water and Health, 7, 1, 133-143 Geographics. Vol. 8, No. 36, 1-10. and Prayoonyong Nuchaiya, 2009. (Published by International Water MODIS Hotspots Validation over Association Publishing in Pirasteh, S., Sirous, R., Tripathi, N.K., Thailand, Remote Sensing, 1(4), collaboration with the World Health Pradhan, b., Mansour, S. and Ramli, 1043-1054 ( doi:10.3390/rs1041043) Organization (Impact Factor 1.164)). M.F., 2009. Landscape rendition in Zagros Moiuntain, Iran using Wataru OHIRA, Kenji HARADA and Francis CANISIUS, HONDA Kiyoshi Geoinformation Technology, Journal Kiyoshi HONDA, 2009. Journal of and Mitsuharu TOKUNAGA, 2009. of Geomatics, Vol. 3, No 1, 71-76. Japan Association for Earthquake Updating geomorphic features of Engineering, submitted 2009. watersheds and their boundaries in Ramli, F., M., Tripathi, Nitin, Yosof, hazardous areas using satellite Nurhakim, Shafri, Helmi and Ali Books / Chapters synthetic aperture radar, Rahman Zulfahmi, 2009. Lineament International Journal of Remote mapping in tropical environment Mehmood, H. and Tripathi, N.K., Sensing, Vol 30, Issue 22, pages 5919 utilizing Landsat Imagery, 2009. Real Time Self Mapping – 5933 ( doi: International Journal of Remote Hybrid Positioning System. Ed. Dr. J. 10.1080/01431160902791879) Sensing, pp 1-41. Strobs and Dr. A. Kar., Pulished by Herbert Wichmann Verlag, HONDA Kiyoshi, Aadit Shrestha, Suchart Podchong, Dietrich Schmidt- Heidelberg. Austria. Apichon Witayangkurn, Rassarin Vogt and Kiyoshi HONDA, 2009, An Chinnachodteeranun and Hiroshi improved approach for identifying Conference Proceedings: Shimamura, 2009. Fieldservers and suitable habitat of Sambar Deer Sensor Service Grid as Real-time (Cervus Unicolor Kerr) using Anujit Vansarochana, Nitin K. Monitoring Infrastructure for ecological niche analysis and Tripathi, and Roberto Clemente, Ubiquitous Sensor Networks, environmental categorization: case 2009. “Investigating Mudslide Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220), 9, no. 4: study at Phu-Khieo Wildlife Phenomenon in Mae Cham Basin, 2363-2370, (doi:10.3390/s90402363) Sanctuary, Thailand, Ecological Thailand”. Proc. Of 2nd Int. Modelling, Vol. 220, Issue 17, Conference on Geoinformation Hossain, M. Z. and Nitin K. Tripathi, pp.2103-2114 Technology for Natural Disaster 2009. Monitoring Near-shore and (doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.04.04 Management (GIT4NDM), Bangkok, Insular Marine Protect6ed Area 5) Thailand, p. 206-209. Network using Landsat, ASTER and IKONOS Images, Int J of Imaging, (In Sujittra Charoenhirunyingyos, HONDA Kiyoshi, Aadit Shrestha, Press) Kiyoshi HONDA, Daroonwan Apichon Witayangkurn, Rassarin Kamthonkiat and Amor Ines, 2009. Chinnachodteeranun, Hiroshi Jeefo, Phisarn, Tripathi, N.K., Souris, Soil Moisture Estimation from Data SHIMAMURA, 2009. Fieldservers M. and Phonekeo, V., 2009. Assimilation Using Multiple Criteria and Sensor Service Grid as Real-time Exploring Geospatial Factors Functions, Agricultural Water Monitoring Infrastructure for Contributing to Malaria Prevalence Management, submitted 2009. Ubiquitous Sensor Networks: Pre- in Kanchanaburi, Thailand. Workshop, Sensor Network International Journal of Sujittra Charoenhirunyingyos, Technology and Applications for Geoinformatics, Vol. 5, No. 1, 21-28. Kiyoshi HONDA, Daroonwan Agriculture and Environment, GEOSS Kamthonkiat and Amor V.M. Ines, (The Global Earth Observation Mahasandana Suwisa, Tripathi Nitin 2009. Soil Hydraulic Parameters System of Systems ) Sensor Web and HONDA Kiyoshi, 2009. Sea Estimated By Satellite Information Workshop, Tsukuba, Japan, 20 May, surface multispectral index model Through Data Assimilation, 2009 for estimating chlorophyll a International Journal of Remote concentration of productive coastal Sensing, Accepted 2009. Masahiko Nagai, Apichon waters in Thailand, Canadian Journal Witayangkurn, Aadit Shrestha, of Remote Sensing, Vol.35, No.3, Suwisa, M., Tripathi, N.K. and Honda Rassarin Chinnachodteeranun, pp.287-296. K., 2009. Sea surface multispectral Kiyoshi HONDA and Ryosuke index model for estimating Shibasaki, 2009. UAV-Based Nakarin Chaikaew, Nitin K. Tripathi chlorophyll-a of productive coastal SesorWeb Moitorig System: Proc. of and Marc Souris, 2009. Exploring waters in Thailand, Canadian Journal Asian Conference on Remote Sensing spatial patterns and hotspots of of Remote Sensing. (ACRS). diarrhea in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

42 | Annual Report on Research 2009

SET – Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems Field of Study

Nakarin, C., Thipathi, N.K. and Ubiquitous Sensor Networks: GEOSS Souris, M., 2009. A space tim e Sensor Web Workshop ( Task DA 07- Near Real Time Burn Scars Detection in permutation scan statistics for 04, Sensor Web Enablement for In- Dry Dipterocarp and Mixed Deciduous diarrhea outbreak detection in Situ Observing Network Facilitation ), Forest of Thailand using Terra MODIS Chiangmai, Thailand. Volume of 3rd Tsukuba, Japan, 21 May, 2009 Data Int. Conf on HealthGIS 2009, By Veerachai Tanpipat Hyderabad, India, 216-219. HONDA Kiyoshi, Aadit Shrestha, Supervisor: Dr. Kiyoshi Honda Apichon Witayangkurn, Rassarin Pimple, U., Tripathi, N.K. Kibe, S. and Chinnachodteeranun and Hiroshi Spectral Modelling for Marine Water Qualtiy Estimation in Bangpakong S. Hossain, Z., 2009. Mapping Green SHIMAMURA, 2009. Fieldservers Estuary, Thailand House Gases to alleviate the impact and Sensor Service Grid as Real-time rd By Suwisa Mahasandana on human health., Volume of 3 Int. Monitoring Infrastructure for Supervisor: Dr. Nitin Kumar Tripathi Conf on HealthGIS 2009. Hyderabad, Ubiquitous Sensor Networks, The India, 225-230. 2nd u-Agriculture International Use of Remote Sensing and Geographic Workshop, Sunchon National Information Systems for Management Siriwan, H. and Tripathi, N.K., 2009. University, Korea, 11 May, 2009. and Protection against Extreme Floods in Geospatial Overview of Swine Flu the Red River Basin of Vietnam rd Outbreak in Mid 2009. Volume of 3 Tripathi, N.K., 2009. Invited Lecture By Dang Quang Tinh Int. Conf on HealthGIS 2009, on Geoinformatics Research in AIT, Supervisor: Dr. Nitin Kumar Tripathi Hyderabad, India, 231-236. Faculty of Geography, Burapha University, Chonburi, Thailand, Wavelet Transform Application to C/A Wataru Ohira, Naoki Mitsuzuka, August 2009. Code Multipath Mitigation at GPS HONDA Kiyoshi and Kenji Harada, Reference Stations for Accuracy Improved 2009. Estimation of reduction in Tripathi, N.K., 2009. Invited Lecture Diferential GPS Corrections tsunami inundation flux by costal on HealthGIS, ITC Netherlands, By Thilantha Lakmal Dammalage Supervisor: Prof. Seishiro Kibe forest in case of Hambantota Enschede, The Netherlands, March District, Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 2009. 11th IIS Forum, -Earth Environment 8.8 Masters Students’ Monitoring from Space-, pp.39-46. Tripathi, N.K., 2009. Key Note, International Conf. 8th Int. Theses Development Project Reports /Non- Symposium and Ex. On Afforestation Land Suitability Modeling: referred Publications Geoinformation ISG 2009, 10-11 The Case of Kratie, Cambodia August 2009, Int. Soc. Of By Leng Chivin Daroonwan KAMTHONKIAT, HONDA Photogrammetry and Remote Supervisor: Dr. Nitin K. Tripathi Kiyoshi et. al., 2009. Draught Sensing WG, Kuala Lumpur, Monitoring and Impact Assessment Malaysia. A Resettlement Approach Based on on Rice in a Lower Part of Physical Constraints of a Mangrove Northeastern Thailand for a Basis of Forest: The Case of Nargis-Hit Area, Decision Support System, Report 8.7 Doctoral Students’ Myanmar Submitted to Thai Research Fund. Dissertation By Tun Aung Kyaw Supervisor: Dr. Xiaoyong Chen

Invited Lectures and Keynote Addresses Anopheles Mosquito Density Predictive Model Based on Remotely Sensed Data Assessment of DEM Accuracy Generated HONDA Kiyoshi, 2009. Sensor By Arisara Charoenpanyanet from ALOS Prism High Resolution Stereo- Service Grid as Real-Time Monitoring Supervisor: Dr. Xiaoyong Chen Optical Imagery Using LPS Infrastructure and its application to By Samarasuriya Patabendige Chaminda Supervisor: Dr. Xiaoyong Chen Soil Moisture Observation in Disease Patterns, Hotspots and Diffusion in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand Thailand, Present and Future of Soil Crops Suitability Modeling Using Remote Sensor, AGRI-COCOON, University of By Nakarin Chaikaew Supervisor: Dr. Nitin K. Tripathi Sensing and GIS in Semi-Arid Zone of Tokyo, Japan, 11 July, 2009 Kyaukpadaung, Myanmar Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Properties By Nu Kyang HONDA Kiyoshi, Aadit Shrestha, Through Data Assimilation in the Agro- Supervisors: Prof. Seishiro Kibe/Dr. Nitin K. Tripathi Apichon Witayangkurn, Rassarin Hydrological Model and its Application to Chinnachodteeranun and Hiroshi Impact Assessment of Dry Spell on Rice SHIMAMURA, 2009. Fieldservers Yields and Sensor Service Grid as Real-time By Sujittra Charoenhirunyingyos Monitoring Infrastructure for Supervisor: Dr. Kiyoshi Honda Annual Report on Research 2009 | 43

SET – Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems Field of Study

Development of Location Based Improvement of Local Maximum Fitting The Application of Texture Analysis for Application for Local Search Feature on (LMF) for High Temporal Remote Sensing Tree Species Identification Using Super iPhone Data Using Meteorological Data High Resolution Image By Prateek Srivastava By Salinthip Kungvalchokechai By Witchawat Sinchai Supervisor: Dr. Nitin K. Tripathi Dr. Kiyoshi Honda Supervisor: Prof. Seishiro Kibe

Estimation of Building Stories for HAZUS Opium Poppy Cultivation Detection Using The Reconstruction of a 3D Building Using Light Detection and Ranging Moderate Resolution Satellite Imagery: A Model from Uncalibrated Images (LiDAR) Case Study in Myanmar By Kumpee Teeravech By Chomchanok Liangwannaphorn By Kyaw Naing Win Supervisor: Dr. Xiaoyong Chen Supervisor: Dr. Kiyoshi Honda Supervisor: Dr. Nitin K. Tripathi Water Quality Parameters in the Caspian Extraction of Mangrove Forest Real Time Air Pollution (NO2) Monitoring Sea Parameters Using Airborne Lidar for a in Urban Microclimate Using Portable By Gulbibi Khamid Tsunami Run-up Model Sensor Node Under Sensor Service GRID Supervisor: Prof. Seishiro Kibe By Wasinee Cheunban By Mir Mustafizur Rahman Supervisor: Dr. Kiyoshi Honda Supervisor: Dr. Kiyoshi Honda Shape Spectrum Analysis for Spatial Research Study: Characterization of Extraction of Paddy Fields Damaged by Objects in 2D GIS Dengue Risk on Urban Environment Using Nargis Storm (May 2008), Myanmar By Song Zhang Geoinformation Technology By Kyaw Soe Linn Supervisor: Dr. Xiaoyong Chen By Muhammad Shahzad Sarfraz Supervisor: Dr. Kiyoshi Honda Supervisor: Dr. Nitin K. Tripathi Spatio-Dynamic Analysis of Influenza Geocoding of the Thai Address System: Epidemiology Using Geographic Research Study: Hybrid Positioning Algorithm Development for a Continuous Information System Systems & Development of Open Source Address System By Kittiphong Phongsapan Wardriving Tools By Phutchard Vicharnakorn Supervisor: Dr. Nitin K. Tripathi By Hamid Mehmood Supervisor: Dr. Kiyoshi Honda Supervisor: Dr. Nitin K. Tripathi Supply Chain Management Using RFID Implementation of a Remote Sensing and GPS-Assisted Tracking System Cloud Removal Algorithm (LMF) for a By Sanit Arunpold Graphic Processing Unit Supervisor: Dr. Nitin K. Tripathi By Sarn Aksarannugraha Supervisor: Dr. Kiyoshi Honda

44 | Annual Report on Research 2009


9.1 Introduction 9.2 Research Facilities and One of principal elements of STE Lab

Laboratories is a strong floor system. The strong Structural engineering has always been seen as one of the few fields of study where one can combine real technical skills with artistic flair. Structural engineers are known to be people who enjoy innovation, opportunities, responsibility and excitement, whilst working within a creative profession. Structural engineers plan and design various structures such as buildings, bridges, sport stadiums, towers, and underground structures.

floor is a 1.5 meter deep heavily The built environment which is Structural Engineering Laboratory reinforced concrete mat, covering an designed and constructed by area of 380 square meters, with structural engineers has an The Structural Engineering anchorage slots spaced 1 meter enormous impact on our everyday Laboratory (STE Lab) has a long apart and cluster points with a lives. In order to design and history of excellence in advanced capacity of 1,000 kN per cluster. This construct safe and economic structural and material research. The arrangement provides versatility in structures, they need to keep STE Lab is equipped with the mounting of experiments, and abreast with the latest methods of instruments for scientific research, full-size members of complete structural analysis, modeling which provide excellent structures can be loaded to concepts for computation, advanced experimental environment for destruction. A test control room and design, material technology, and scholars and experts in the Asian the hydraulic power supply area are improved knowledge in structural region to enhance academic located adjacent to the test floor. loadings. The field educates cooperation and development. The laboratory is equipped with a professionals who will be at the Completed in 1975 and renovated in series of hydraulic actuators of forefront of advanced research in 2000, the structural testing area of various load (100 kN to 500 kN.), Structural Engineering. They are the laboratory is a versatile area with stroke (+100 mm to +250 mm.) and trained to respond creatively to the a two-storey clear height that can be servo-value capacities for static, industrial requirements of used to carry out a wide range of dynamic and fatigue testing. infrastructure development. tests of building materials, Standard laboratory instrumentation components, structural assemblies for structural engineering is available and models. e.g., extensometer, universal testing

Annual Report on Research 2009| 45

SET – Structural Engineering Field of Study

machine, ultrasonic pulse velocity x 2.5m tunnel section with wind PENNUNG WARNITCHAI, D.Eng., and strain gauge preparation, speeds varying from 0.5 m/s to 20 M.Eng., University of Tokyo, Japan; impulse force test hammer, etc. m/s. The wind tunnel is well B.Eng. (Hon), Chulalongkorn Univ, equipped with hot-wire Thailand. Seismic Load Simulation Facility anemometers, pressure transducers Associate Professor [Structural with rotary scanning system, multi- Dynamics; Earthquake Set up in 2001, the Seismic Load component dynamic force sensors, Engineering; Wind Effects of Simulation Facility is basically dynamic motion sensors, turn tables, Structures; Bridge Engineering; composed of (1) a rigid, A-shape, rotary side frames, and several other Control of Structural Vibration] steel reaction wall, (2) a 50-ton force instruments. With this facility, generating capacity, 1000-mm piston various types of advanced Emeritus Professor stroke, hydraulic actuator that experimental research study, operates under precision closed-loop student training, and industrial PISIDHI KARASUDHI, Ph.D., servo value control, and (3) the aerodynamic tests can be realized. Northwestern Univ., USA.; M.Eng., existing strong reinforced concrete The construction of the wind tunnel AIT, Thailand; B.Eng., Chulalongkorn floor of the STE Lab. The facility has was completed in 2003, and it has Univ. Thailand. [Solid Mechanics] the capability to perform various been used intensively since then by experimental seismic tests on near- graduated students of AIT and Adjunct/Affiliated Faculty full-scale structural models, such as Thammasat University. JUNJI KIYONO, ,D.Eng. and M.Eng. Kyoto University, Japan Adjunct Professor [Analysis of Large Ground Deformation; Investigation of near field ground motions and development of methods and tools for simulation of ground motion, taking into account multi-layered media and extent of faulting]

AKIRA IGARASHI, D.Eng. and M.Eng. Kyoto University, Japan Adjunct Associate Professor quasi-static tests, cyclic loading tests, [Structural Dynamics; Seismic and pseudodynamic tests. The 9.3 Faculty and Research Isolation; Active & Passive facility has been used intensively by Staff Control of Structures; Pseudo many master and doctoral students dynamic Test and Hybrid in STE Field of Study. Full-time Faculty Experimental Simulation of Dynamic Structural Response] Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory WORSAK KANOK-NUKULCHAI, Ph.D., Univ of California (Berkeley), USA. ; GUNNESWARA RAO TIPPABHOTLA, This wind tunnel laboratory is a D. Eng. and M. Tech., National M.Eng., AIT, Thailand; B.Eng. (Hon), state-of-the-art research facility for Institute of Technology (Formerly the study of wind loads and several Chulalongkorn Univ, Thailand. known as Regional Engineering complex wind-induced effects on Professor [Computational College) Warangal buildings and structures. The Mechanics; Finite Element Adjunct Assistant Professor laboratory was developed by a joint Methods; Tall Building Static and [Sustainable Cementing effort between School of Engineering Seismic Analysis; Bridge Materials and Technologies; and Technology at AIT and Faculty of Engineering; Microcomputer Fiber Reinforced Concrete and Engineering at Thammasat Software for Structural Ferrocement; Fracture University. The laboratory, located Engineering; Genetic Algorithms; mechanics of concrete in Thammasat, is the longest and Nonlinear Analysis of Structures Structures; Soft computing tools largest wind tunnel in Thailand. It is and Continua; Plate/Shell for Structural Engineering] capable of simulating atmospheric Structures; Engineering boundary layer wind as well as Education; Nanomechanics] THANAKORN PHEERAPHAN, Ph.D. smooth and uniform wind in its 2.5m and M.Sc., Massachusetts Institute

46 | Annual Report on Research 2009

SET – Structural Engineering Field of Study of Technology, USA., B.Sc., Virginia NAVEED ANWAR, D.Eng., M.Eng., will be designed using the precast concrete Military Institute, USA. AIT, Thailand; B.Sc.Eng., Univ. of system. Their seismic performance will be evaluated through both experimental testing Adjunct Assistant Professor Engineering & Tech., Lahore, and numerical analysis. [Concrete Technology; Structural Pakistan. Duration: 20 Aug 2007 - 31 May 2009 Analysis; Engineering Materials; Affiliated Faculty [Structural Project Investigator: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai Composite Materials; Advanced Analysis and Design; Sponsor: National Housing Authority, Thailand Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 3,090,000 Concrete Technology; Mechanics Computational Mechanics; of Materials] Computer Application; Bridge Independent Inspection and Testing Engineering; Tall Buildings; Agency for Concrete Sleeper YUSUKE ONO, D.Eng. and M.Eng. Software Development] Manufacturing Kyoto University, Japan Duration: 4 Jan 2009 - 30 Dec 2009 Adjunct Assistant Professor SUN SAYAMIPUK, D.Eng., M.Eng., Project Investigator: Dr. Sun Sayamipuk [Dynamic soil-structure AIT, Thailand; B.Eng., Kasetsart Univ., Sponsor: Singhasila Concrete Co., Ltd. and Ajikawa & SCI Metal tech Co., Ltd. interaction; Seismic behavior of Thailand. Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 400,000 under ground structure; Seismic Affiliated Faculty and Senior behavior of earth structure; Laboratory Supervisor [Low cost Investigation Design and Construction Multi-Agent simulation; housing materials, Construction Supervision for Rehabilitation of Wat Development of Virtual materials and its durability, Borvornives Chedi Clearinghouse for earthquake Supplementary cementitious Project Description: Conduct geotechnical and disaster reconnaissance] materials, Experimental structural investigation and design for rehabilitation of the run-down Chedi of Wat behavior of structural systems, Borvorniveswiharn, Bangkok. FEM analysis is RAKTIPONG SAHAMITMONGKOL, Field testing of structures] to be used to evaluate the stress and strain D.Eng., M.Eng, University of Tokyo, condition in the Chedi structure. Japan; B.Eng., Sirindhorn Duration: 1 Jan 2007 - 30 Dec 2009 9.4 Grants and Sponsored Project Investigator: Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai International Institute of Technology, and Dr. Noppadol Phienwej Thailand. Research Completed in Subcontractors: Stonehenge Co., Ltd. and Adjunct Faculty [Cracking Kudakarn Co., Ltd. Resistance of Expansive 2009 Sponsor: Wat Borvorniveswiharn, Bangkok Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 2,550,000 Concrete; Chemically Prestressed Concrete; Inspection on Concrete Adjustment to the Building Energy Code Project Description: Development of Energy Nigeria Crossing Bridge Structures & Performance Based Development and Promotion (DEDP) is Duration: 25 Aug 2008 - 31 Dec 2009 Design; Non-Destructive Testing implementing a project entitled “Adjustment Project Investigator: Dr. Naveed Anwar for Concrete Structures; Tension to the Building Energy Code” with assistance Sponsor: Advance Engineering Consultants, Lagos, Stiffening Effect and Bonding from the Danish Cooperation for Environment Nigeria and Development (DANCED). The main Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 1,020,000 Characteristic of Reinforced purpose of the project is to update the Concrete] Building Codes relate to energy. The existing Preparation of the Structural codes and standards relates to energy will be Assessment Guideline for Offshore SONGKIAT MATUPAYONT, Ph.D., adjusted or updated according to the latest available knowledge. Comprehensive and Petroleum Platform and Pipeline Saitama University, Japan; M.Eng., valuable knowledge on energy issues related Duration: 29 Dec 2007 – 01 Jul 2009 AIT, Thailand; B.Eng., Chulalongkorn to building already exists in Thailand. To Project Investigator: Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai Univ, Thailand. emphasis the sustainability of the project it is and Dr. Joko Widjaja Sponsor: Department of Mineral Fuel, Thailand Adjunct Faculty [Bridge obvious to utilize this national resource. Duration: 1 Jan 2001 – 30 Jun 2009 Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 3,774,000 Engineering; Prestressed Project Investigator: Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai Concrete; Structural Analysis Sponsor: Dansk Energi Management A/S Seismic Evaluation of Precast Wall and Design] Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 14,040,000 System Project Description: Seismic performance Creep and Shrinkage of High Strength BUI THANH TAM, D.Eng., M.Eng., evaluation of Preuksa Precast Bearing Wall Building Concrete of Asia Center Project System AIT, Thailand; B.Eng., HoChiMinh City Duration: 1 Mar 2008 – 30 May 2009 Duration: 15 May 2008 - 15 Dec 2009 University of Technology, Vietnam. Project Investigator: Dr. Sun Sayamipuk Project Investigator: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai Affiliated Faculty and Research Sponsor: PBL Group Company Limited Sponsor: Preuksa Real Estate (Public) Company Ltd. Engineer [Computational Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 240,000 Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 950,000

Mechanics; Finite Element ToyoThai Analysis; Structural Analysis; Development of Precast Concrete Frame Buildings for Seismic Regions Project Description: ToyoThai Project I Fluid-Structure Interaction; Duration: 1 Jun 2009 - 31 Dec 2010 Project Description: An innovative precast concrete Project Investigator: Dr. Naveed Anwar and Dr. Parallel Computing; Software building system for seismic regions will be Pennung Warnitchai Development] studied. Four types of standard buildings for Sponsor: ToyoThai construction in seismic risk zone of Thailand Annual Report on Research 2009 | 47

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Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 65,000 International consulting team consisting of evaluate and study the retrofitting method for two parties, Panya Consultants Ltd. and AIT, these buildings. to develop a national Master Plan of Duration: 1 Apr 2008 - 1 Apr 2010 9.5 On-going Grants and Earthquake Disaster Mitigation (phase 1). As Project Investigator: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai the leading party, Panya consultants Co., Ltd. Sponsor: Thailand Research Fund (TRF) Sponsored Research has already signed a contract agreement with Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 3,850,000 DDPM, and is now ready to provide supporting funds to its partner (AIT) to Application of the State-of-the Art Seismic Vulnerability and Risk execute the project works. The scope of works Assessment of Dhaka, Chittagong and Seismic Design and Modeling to Major for AIT includes: (a) developing new Dams in Southeast Asia probabilistic seismic hazard maps of Thailand, Sylhet City Corporation Areas Project Description: This project is a part of the Project Description: This research attempts to study (b) developing seismic microzonation maps of Comprehensive Disaster Management the state-of-the-art design consideration and Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Kanchanaburi and Program (CDMP) of the Government of modeling i.e. the shaking model test, (c) developing comprehensive GIS databases Bangladesh, supported by UNDP, DFID-B, and centrifuge model test and advanced numerical of buildings and lifeline systems in the 3 cities the European commission (EC). CDMP has simulation using strong earthquake to aid the for seismic risk assessment. engaged an international consulting team to safe design and construction of dams in Duration: 29 Jul 2008 - 30 Apr 2010 conduct seismic hazard and vulnerability Southeast Asia. Project Investigator: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai/ Dr. assessment of 3 major cities in Bangladesh - Duration: 1 Apr 2007 - 1 Jan 2010 Kawin Worakanchana Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet. The Project Investigator: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai/ Dr. Sponsor: Panya Consultants Co.,Ltd. international team is comprised of ADPC, Oyo Noppadol Phienwej/ Dr. Kyung-Ho Park Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 1,600,000 International Corporation (OIC), AIT, National Sponsor: Royal Thai Government (RTG), K-Water, Society for Earthquake Tech. (NSET) - Nepal, Dodam E&C Master Plan for Earthquake Disaster University of Dhaka, Chittagong University of Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 2,000,000 Mitigation in Thailand (Phase -2) Eng. & tech. (CUET). Shahjalal University of

Project Description: The Department of Disaster Eng. & Tech. (SUST). While ADPC is playing the Collapse Modelling of Soft-Storey Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM), Ministry leading role, OIC is responsible for the seismic Buildings of Interior, Thailand has engaged an hazard assessment of three cities, and AIT is Project Description: The aim of the proposed international consulting team consisting of responsible for the seismic vulnerability and research project is to investigate the seismic two parties, Panya Consultants Co.,Ltd and risk assessment of the three cities. The scope displacement demand and drift capacity of AIT, to develop a National Master Plan for of work for AIT includes: supervising field soft storey buildings such that the gravity load Earthquake Disaster Mitigation (Phase 2). As survey of more than 20,000 buildings, identify carrying capacity of the individual ground floor the leading party, Panya Consultants Co.,Ltd. dynamic characteristics of more than 100 has already signed a contract agreement with representative buildings, assessing the seismic columns is not compromised. The proposed DDPM, and is now ready to provide vulnerability of typical buildings and lifelines research involves a quasi-static testing and supporting funds to its partner (AIT) to by numerical analyses, and estimating analytical modeling of soft story columns. execute the project works. The scope of potential losses (casualties, economic losses, Duration: 15 Nov 2008 - 30 Apr 2010 works for AIT includes: (a) determining etc.) from possible earthquake scenarios using Project Investigator: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai/ Dr. appropriate earthquake scenarios for a GIS based software package named Kittipoom Rodsin Bangkok, Chiangmai, and Kanchanaburi to be "HAZUS". Sponsor: Royal Thai Government (RTG) used in the seismic loss estimation fo these Duration: 6 Jan 2008 - 30 Apr 2010 Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 957,500 provinces, (b) developing seismic fragility Project Investigator: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai / Dr.

functions for buildings in Thailand, (c) Kawin Worakanchana Development of Seismic Design Code for conducting seismic loss estimation for Sponsor: Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre Buildings and Structures in Thailand Bangkok, Chiangmai, and Kanchanaburi and (ADPC) Project Description: Department of Public works (d) Co-operating with Panya Consultants Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 4,299,700 and Town & Country Planning of Thailand Co.,Ltd. in developing the National Master (DPT) has entrusted a consultant team Plan for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation of TMD Earthquake Damage Assessment comprised of experts from Sirindhorn Institute Thailand Project Description: To develop building inventory of technology (SIIT), King Mongkut's University Duration: 15 Nov 2009 - 31 Dec 2010 database for Estimating Potential Earthquake of technology Thonburi (KMUTT), and Asian Project Investigator: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai Losses in Thailand. The database will be input Institute of Technology (AIT) to develop a Sponsor: Panya Consultants Co., Ltd. to HAZUS-MH MR1 to estimate potential national building design code of Thailand. As Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 1,568,000 damages by earthquakes in Thailand. the leading party, SIIT has signed the contract Duration: 1 Aug 2007 - 1 Jan 2010 agreement with DPT to execute the work. Mix Design of Roller Compacted Project Investigator: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai/ Dr. Based on the agreement between SIIT and Concrete for Nam Ngum 3 Dam Kiyoshi Honda AIT, AIT will be responsible for the Duration: 1 Sep 2009 - 31 Jan 2011 Sponsor: Chula Unisearch, Chulalongkorn University development of new seismic design code for Project Investigator: Dr. Sun Sayamipuk Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 2,411,667 Buildings and Structures in Thailand, and SIIT Sponsor: Upper Pandas Hydropower Consultants will provide a supporting fund to AIT for the Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 2,006,400 Wind Tunnel Testing code development. Project Description: Wind Tunnel testing of 70 Duration: 19 Sep 2007 - 30 Apr 2010 Seismic Evaluation and Retrofitting of Story Gramercy Residence and Knightbrigde Project Investigator: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai Buildings Sponsor: Sirinthorn Institute of Technology (SIIT) Existing Buildings in Thailand Duration: 19 Nov 2008 – 28 Feb 2010 Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 2,380,000 Project Description: Many existing buildings were designed before the introduction of modern Project Investigator: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai /Dr. Naveed Anwar Master Plan for Earthquake Disaster seismic code and are thus vulnerable to collapse in the event of an earthquake. The Sponsor: Century Properties, Inc., Manila, Mitigation in Thailand Thailand Research Fund (TRF), hence has Philippines Project Description: The department of Disaster granted the research fund led by AIT to Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 1,530,000 Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM), Ministry of Interior, Thailand has engaged an

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9.6 Publications Warnitchai, P., Yooprasert, E., Supervisor: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai/ Dr. Naveed Suthasit, M., and Matupayont, S., Anwar/ Dr. Kyung-Ho Park

“Development of Precast Hybrid Refereed Journals Effects of Typical Configuration Moment Resisting Frame Buildings for Seismic Resistance”, Keynote Irregularities on 3D Nonlinear Response Kanok-Nukulchai, W. and Paper in Proc. of 14th National of Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings Vimuktayon, V., “Suvarnabhumi By: Deepak Rayamajhi Convention on Civil Engineering, May Airport”, J. Structural Engineering Supervisor: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai/ Dr. Naveed International, IABSE, SEI 1 (2009), pp. 13-15, 2009, Nakhon Ratchasima, Anwar/ Dr. Kyung-Ho Park 1-6. Thailand Extraction of Strut and Tie Model from Nguyen, D.V., Kim, K.D., and 3D Solid Element Mesh Analysis 9.7 Doctoral Students’ By: Abeykoon Jalath Dammika Warnitchai, P., “Dynamic Analysis of Supervisor: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai/ Dr. Naveed Three-dimesional Bridge High-speed Dissertation Anwar/ Dr. Kyung-Ho Park Train Interactions using a Wheel Rail Contact Model”, Engineering Kriging Based Finite Element Method for Optimization for Mixture Proportioning Structures, Vol. 31 (2009), pp. 3090- Analyses of Plates and Shells of Tile Adhesive Using Design of 3106. By: Wong Foek Tjong Experiments Supervisor: Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai/Dr. By: Jeerapat Techakunchaiyanunt Nguyen, D.V., Kim, K.D., and Kyung-Ho Park/Dr. Naveed Anwar Supervisor: Dr. Thanakorn Pheeraphan/ Dr. Pennung Warnitchai/ Dr. Sun Sayamipuk/ Dr. Warnitchai, P., “Simulation Dynamic Analysis of Bridge-Train Raktipong Sahamitmongkol Procedure for Vehicle-Substructure Dynamic Interactions and Wheel Interaction through Wheel-Rail Interfaces By: Dinh Van Nguyen Performance of Mortar Containing Alkali- Movements using Linearized Wheel- Supervisor: Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai/ Dr. activated Metakaolin Based Binders Rail Interfaces”, Finite Elements in Pennung Warnitchai/Prof. Ki-Du Kim By: Steve Wiben Macquarie Supit Analysis and Design, Vol. 45, No. 5 Supervisor: Dr. Sun Sayamipuk/ Dr. Pennung (2009), pp. 341-356. Rapid Evaluation of Pozzolanic Activity of Warnitchai/ Dr. Thanakorn Pheeraphan/ Raktipong Sahamitmongkol Pozzolans By: Suppachai Sinthaworn Sommanawat, W. and Kanok- Seismic Retrofitting of Low- to Mid Rise Nukulchai, W., “Multiscale Supervisor: Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai/Prof. Dennes T. Bergado/Dr. Sun Sayamipuk Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings Simulation Based on Kriging Based with Soft/Weak First Story using Buckling Finite Element Method”, Interaction Restrained Braces and Multiscale Mechanics, 2, 4 9.8 Masters Students’ By: Jimmy Chandra (2009), pp. 353-374. Supervisor: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai/ Dr. Naveed Theses Anwar/ Dr. Kyung-Ho Park

Warnitchai, P., Sinthuwong, S., and Aerodynamic Interference Effects Poemsantitham, K., “Wind Tunnel Shaking Table Test and Numerical Model Tests for Large Billboards”, between Two Tall Buildings Simulation of A Concrete Gravity Dam By: Nguyen Van Son Advanced in Structural Engineering, By: Sumetee Charoenwongmit Supervisor: Dr. Pennung Warnitchai/ Dr. Naveed Supervisor: Dr. Kyung-Ho Park/ Dr. Pennung Vol. 12, No. 1 (2009), pp. 103-114. Anwar/ Dr. Noppadol Phien-wej Warnitchai/ Dr. Sun Sayamipuk/ Dr. Thanakorn Wong, F.T. and Kanok-Nukulchai, Pheeraphan W., “On the Convergence of the Development in Manufacture and Use of Kriging-Based Finite Element Portland Limestone Cement

By: Ritthichai Doncharee Method”, International Journal of Dr. Sun Sayamipuk/Dr. Pennung Warnitchai/ Dr. Computational Mechanics, 6, 1 Naveed Anwar/Dr. Thanakorn Pheeraphan (2009), pp. 1–27.

Development of a New Corrosion Conference Proceedings Protection System for Marine Concrete Structures

Warnitchai, P., Suthasit, M., By: Remunthupillai Angelito

Suesutajit, C., and Worakanchana, K., Supervisor: Dr. Sun Sayamipuk/ Dr. Pennung

Warnitchai/ Dr. Thanakorn Pheeraphan/ Dr. “A Seismic Loss Assessment of Raktipong Sahamitmongkol Bangladesh”, GCOE AIT-KU Joint Symposium on Human Security Engineering, November 19-20, 2009, Development of Hybrid Precast Wall in

Bangkok, Thailand, Moderate to High Seismic Area By: Irma Hadiwijaya

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10.1 Introduction of telecommunications technologies and High performance computer aided systems. It covers a wide variety of network planning tools are

research in telecommunications ranging supported by several workstations at Industrialization and population growth from modeling, analysis wire line and the Network Planning lab. This lab have tremendous impacts in the movement of people and goods. wireless systems to application and provides hands-on experience design Everyday, movement is hampered by protocol development. Its research and optimization in radio network, congestion, insufficiency of public subjects are in coherent optical fixed network and fiber optical transport facilities, traffic accidents, and communications; congestion control, network. other conditions. Moreover, as ATM, and B-ISDN networks; error correction and detection methods; Wireless Lab (WL) manufacturing expands globally, mobile and Internet traffic studies; businesses want to reduce transportation costs by limiting the multiple access strategies for cellular The main purpose of the Wireless number of distribution nodes. Concerns mobile, satellite systems, and cabled laboratory is for measurement and over congestion on highways, increasing networks; network performance analysis, performance analysis. It is equipped pollution and hazardous materials all planning and design; and speech with Modulation and Error rate emphasize the need to effectively processing. Its research specializations measurement meters, Simulation are in broadband networks; network software like SATSIM, which was maximize transportation systems. Thus, planning; Switching systems; developed by the students, is a the issue of transportation is obviously telecommunications management in simulation package to calculate the crucial, not only now but in the future. collaboration with the School of sub-satellite points of a LEO/ The Transportation Engineering field Management; telematics; and MEO/GEO and its orbital exposes students to the process of transmission systems. parameters. It also displays alleviating transportation problems. The graphically on a two-dimensional Transmission and Switching Lab (TSL) earth map the instantaneous coursework and research in the area position and path traced by the provide advanced knowledge in The Transmission and Switching lab satellite (Multi orbit and Multi transportation planning and economics, traffic engineering and safety, and the is equipped with Nokia Digital satellite). Another is NMS/X, is a design of highways/pavements and other Switching Exchange DX200 (DX220, measurement system for GSM, DCS transportation facilities. Transportation DX210) that supports PSTN and and NMT networks tracing, capable Engineering students acquire advanced ISDN. There are also several of measuring up to four networks skills concerning the planning, design, telephone switches, traffic simultaneously. The results are used simulators, protocol analyzer, for benchmarking service quality of operations, maintenance, rehabilitation, PDH/SDH (STM1 & STM4) operational cellular networks. These performance, and evaluation of transportation systems, including their transmission systems, fiber optic line results can be analyzed and can be economic and public policy aspects. The equipment, transmission line used for tuning the network field imbibes in each student the analyzer, error rate meter which are parameters in NPS/X. development of analytic, problem- available for experiment in solving, design, and management skills switching, transmission and Communications Labs (CL) internetworking. The switching and suitable for public and private sector transmission systems are integrated The Communications lab is used to professional work. as real telecommunications network. perform experiments courses under Among the applications whose study Signal and Systems, Communications 10.2 Research Facilities and has been made possible by these Electronics, Digital Transmission systems are Operation and Technology and Digital Signal Laboratories Maintenance, performance Processing. Test bench equipment measurements of real narrowband includes analog and digital Today’s fast-booming world of and broadband telecommunication oscilloscopes, function generators, Telecommunications and Computer networks, as well as new services. analog and digital Spectrum networking plays a significant leadership analyzers, Digital sampling role. To support this achievement the Network Planning Lab (NPL) oscilloscopes and DSP cards and Telecommunications field of study puts the effort to continue the development

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workstations which have simulation MEng, DEng, Tokyo Institute of Duration 1-Sep-09 - 31-Aug-10 applications like MATLAB. Technology, Japan. Project Investigator Poompat Saengudomlert Sponsor RTG Associate Professor (Data Total Contracted Amount (THB) 920,000 Computer Laboratory (PCL) Communications; Broadband Integrated Services Digital Cross Layer Design for Video There are two Computer Networks; Multimedia Transmission in Multi Hop wireless Laboratories in Telecommunications Communications and Systems; Networks Program. One is for Senior students Network Quality of Service) Duration 1-Jan-09 - 30-Jun-10 and one is for Junior Students. All Project Investigator Poompat Saengudomlert computers are latest powerful POOMPAT SAENGUDOMLERT, BSE, Sponsor RTG Total Contracted Amount (THB) 991,200 computers. Princeton Univ; MS, PhD, Massachusetts Inst of Tech, USA TC Library Assistant Professor 10.6 Publications [Communication theory, optical In Telecommunications Program, networks, resource allocation Refereed Journals there is a small library, from where problems, and array processing; students can borrow Recent research activities have Dharmawansa, P.; Rajatheva, N.; telecommunication related journals, focused on optical network Minn,H.,”An Exact Error Probability manuals and reference books. designs based on existing analysis of OFDM Sysgtems with infrastructure networks and Frequency Offset”, Communications, communications for disaster IEEE Transactions on, Volume 57, 10.3 Faculty and Research management] Issue 1, January 2009 Page(s): 26-31, Staff Digital object Identifier Visiting Faculty 10.1109/TCOMM.2009.0901.060454 Full-time Faculty TAPIO J ERKE, MSc, Helsinki Univ of Dharmawansa, P.; Rajatheva, N.; Tech, Finland. KAZI MOHIUDDIN AHMED, MSc, Inst Tellambura, C., “Envelope and Phase Visiting Associate Professor of Communications, Leningrad, Distribution of Two Correlated [Traffic measurements, USSR; PhD, Univ of Newcastle, Gaussian Variables”, modeling, and performance in Australia. Communications, IEEE Transactions various telecommunication Professor (Telecommunication on, Volume 57, Issue 4, April 2009, networks, PSTN, Cellular, Networks; Digital Modulation Page(s): 915-921, Digital Object Internet, ATM, and optical Techniques; Satellite Identifier networks; Resource allocation Communications; Cellular 10.1109/TCOMM.2009.04.070065 for different services, network Mobile Communications; Digital Transmission and dimensioning and optimization, Dharmawansa, P.; Rajatheva, N.; Communications) and switching structures] Tellambura, C., “New Series

Representation for theTrivariate Non- R M A P RAJATHEVA, B.Sc. Hons. Central Chi-Squared Distribution”, (Eng), Moratuwa Univ, Sri Lanka; 10.4 Grants and Sponsored Communications, IEEE Transactions M.Sc., Ph.D. (Electrical and Research Completed in on, Volume 57, Issue 3, March2009 Computer Eng), Univ of Manitoba, 200 Page(s): 665-675, Digital Objecgt Canada. Identifier Associate Professor (Digital and AIT Nokia Workshop on Mobile Internet 10.1109/TCOMM.2009.03.070083 Mobile Communications, and Applications Cooperative Diversity, Relay Duration 7-Dec-07 - 31-Dec-09 Systems, OFDMA Resource Project Investigator R.M.A.P. Rajatheva Heuristic Solutions”, IEICE Allocation, Cognitive Radio: Sponsor Nokia Corporation, Finland Transactions on Communications, Detection/Estimation Total Contracted Amount (THB) 500,000 Vol. E92-B, No. 11, pp. 3401-3409, Techniques, Space Time November 2009. Processing-MIMO Systems, 10.5 On-going Grants and Distributed Video Coding (DVC) K. Woradit, M. Guyot, P. Sponsored Research Vanichchanunt, P. Saengudomlert, TEERAPAT SANGUANKOTCHAKORN, and L. Wuttisittikulkij, “Multicast BEng, Chulalongkorn Univ, Thailand; Creating Smart Environments through Routing and Wavelength Assignment Indoor Optical Wireless Data Transmissions using White light LED's

52 | Annual Report on Research 2009

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with Shared Protection in Multi-Fiber Expansion Algorithm for WDM Spectrum Access And Spectrum WDM Mesh Networks: Optimal and Networks Under Traffic Growth”, Handoff With Power Control In Proceedings of ECTI-CON 2009, Cognitive Radio Network”, WPMC Sonia Majid and Kazi Ahmed, Thailand, 6-9 May 2009. 2009, Sendai, Japan, 2009 “Cluster-based Communications System for Immediate Post-disaster C. Kotchasarn and P. Nattiya Khaitiyakun, Teerapat Scenario”, Special Issue on Wireless Saengudomlert, “Fair and Robust Sanguankotchakorna and Kanchana Communications for Emergency Joint Transmitter and Receiver Kanchanasut: Video Streaming on Communications and Rural Power Allocation for Multi-User MANET using Content Distribution Wideband Services, Journal of Uplink MIMO Transmissions with Network Technique, The 2nd Asia Communications (JCM); Vol. 4, Issue Imperfect CSI”, Proceedings of ECTI- Future Internet School on 5; June 2009 CON 2009, Thailand, 6-9 May 2009. Architecture and Building Blocks Program, Cheju National University, Sonia Majid and Kazi Ahmed, Chaudary, M. Hasanain; Khan, Imran; Jeju, Korea, August 24-28, 2009. “Mobile Handsets as Sensing Nodes Shah, Raza A.; Rajatheva, Nandana, in an Auto-configured Hierarchical “Performance and Optimal Resource P. Vesarach and P. Saengudomlert, Cognitive Radio Network Scheme for Analysis of MIMO-OFDMA Uplink “Benefits of Optical Bypass in WDM Immediate Post-disaster System with Carrier Frequency Networks with Hybrid Optical-and- Communications”, Special Issue on Offset”, Wireless Communications & Electronic Switching Node Emerging Technologies for Practical Signal Processing, 2009. WCSP 2009. Architecture”, Proceedings of Ubiquitous and Sensor Networks, I E International Conference on, 13-15 AINTEC 2009, Thailand, 18-20 ICE Transactions on Nov. 2009 Page(s): 1-5, Digital November 2009. Communications, Vol. E92-B,No. 07, Objecyt Iderntifier July 2009. 10.1109/WCSP.2009.5371592 Poonlap Lamsrichan and Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn: Embedded T. Sanguanwongthong, P. Guruacharya, S.; Rajatheva, Color Image Coding with Context Saengudomlert, and A. Tubtiang, R.M.A.P., “Power Allocation under Adaptive Wavelet Difference Seamless, “Mobility Mechanisms for Noise Floor Uncertainty”, Reduction, International Symposium Micro Mobile MPLS”, IEICE Communications and Networking on Intelligent Signal Processing and Transactions on Communications, inChina, 2009. ChinaCOM 2009. Communications System 2009 Vol. E92-B, No.10, pp. 3143-3155, Fourth International Conference on, (ISPACS2009),Kanazawa, Japan, October 2009. 26-28 Aug. 2009 Page(s):1-5, Digital December 7-9, 2009. Object Identifier Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn and 10.1109/CHINACOM.2009.5339959 S. Bharati and P. Saengudomlert, Tanwa Korngkriengkrai: Performance “Packet Delay Analysis for Limited of IP Multicast in MPLS using PIM-SM Herath, S.P.; Rajatheva, N.; Service Bandwidth Allocation (Protocol Independent Multicast- Tellambura, C., “Unified Approach Algorithm in EPONs”, Proceedings of Sparse Mode), International Journal for Energy Detection of Unknown AH-ICI 2009, Nepal, 3-5 November of Computer Science and Network Deterministic Signal in Cognitive 2009. Security (IJCSNS), Vol.9, No.1, pp.368- Radio Over Fading Channels”, 378, January 2009. Communications Workshiops, 2009. S. Bharati and P. Saengudomlert, ICC Workshops 2009. IEEE “Simple Derivation of Mean Packet Weeraddana, P.; Rajatheva, N.; Minn, International Conference on, 14-18 Delay for Gated Service in EPONs”, H., “Probability of ErrorAnalysis of June 2009 Page(s): 1-5, Digital Object Proceedings of ECTI-CON 2009, BPSK OFDM Systems with Random Identifier Thailand, 6-9 May 2009. Residual Frequency Offset”, 10.1109/ICCW.2009.5208031

Communications, IEEE Transactions S. Supittayapornpong and P. on, Volume 57, Issue 1, January 2009 M. Shamim Kaiser, I Khan, K. M. Saengudomlert, “Joint Flow Control, Page(s): 106-116, Digital Object Ahmed, “Fuzzy logic Based Relay Routing and Medium Access Control Identifier Search Algorithm for Cooperative in Random Access Multi-Hop 10.1109/TCOMM.2009.0901.060683 System”, IEEE COMSNETS 2009, WirelessNnetworks with Time Bangalore, India, 2009 Varying Link Capacities”, Proceedings Conference Papers/Proceedings of ECTI-CON 2009, Thailand, 6-9 May M. Shamim Kaiser, K. M. Ahmed, R. 2009. Received the Best Paper B. Gunawardena and P. Ali. Shah, “Fuzzy Logic Based Fair Award in the Communication Area. Saengudomlert, “Dimensioning and Annual Report on Research 2009 | 53

SET – Telecommunications Field of Study

S. Supittayapornpong and P. Object Identifier By Ranju Pant Saengudomlert, “Joint Flow Control, 10.1109/CHINACOM.2009.5339945 Supervisors: Dr. Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn/Assoc. Prof. Tapio J. Erke Routing and Medium Access Control in Random Access Multi-Hop Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn and Applications of Power Line Wireless Networks”, Proceedings of Phung Van Luong: Quality of Service Communications for EVN Telecom IEEE ICC 2009, Germany, 14-18 June (QoS) Provisioning in Core-Based By Pham Manh Toan 2009. Tree Multicast, The 23rd International Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert Conference on Information S. Supittayapornpong, P. Networking 2009 (ICOIN2009), Blocking Probability Analysis of Optical Saengudomlert, and W. Chiang Mai, Thailand, January 21-24, Waveband Switching Kumwilaisak, “QoS Aware Layered 2009. By Akhtar Nawaz Khan Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert Multi-Cast with Network Coding in Lossy Networks”, Proceedings of Invited Talk Capacity Expansion of WDM Networks IEEE PCM 2009, Thailand, 15-18 with Budgetary Constraints and Traffic December 2009; also appearing in P. Saengudomlert, “Optical Switching Uncertainty Lecture Notes in Computer Science, in WDM Networks: Architectures and By Don Simonralalage Buddhika Padma vol. 5876, pp. 428-439, 2009. Algorithms,” Invited Tutorial for Gunawardena International Conference on Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert

S.M. Sher and P. Saengudomlert, Information Networking (ICOIN) Capacity Optimization in CDMA 2000 1X “Code Acquisition in Optical CDMA 2009, 21 January 2009, also given at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 3 By Trung Dinh Khoa Systems Using Two-Level Serial Supervisor: Dr. R.M.A.P. Rajatheva Search-and-Verification Algorithm”, August 2009 Proceedings of ECTI-CON 2009, CDMA Network Optimization and Thailand, 6-9 May 2009. 10.7 Doctoral Students’ Troubleshooting: Some Study Cases of EVN Telecom Sanguanpuak, T.; Rajatheva, Dissertation By Nguyen Hong Quan Supervisor: Dr. R.M.A.P. Rajatheva R.M.A.P., “Power Bargaining for A System Protocols for Self-healing Post- Amplify and Forward Relay Channel”, Cost Comparison for Capacity Expansion Communications and Networking in Disaster Communications By Sonia Majid in Optical Transmission Backbone China, 2009. ChinaCOM 2009.Fourth Supervisor: Prof. Kazi Mohiudin Ahmed Networks with and without WDM: A Case International Conference on, 26-28 Study for EVN Telecom, Vietnam Aug. 2009 Page(s); 1-5, Digital Object Performance Analysis of OSTBC Based By Pham Minh Hoang Identifier10.1109/CHINACOMM.200 MIMO-OFDM over Uncorrelated Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert 9.5339958 Nakagami-m Fading Channels By Ejaz Ahmad Ansari Designing Wimax Networks: A Case Study Tanoli, S.A.K.; Khan, I,; Rajatheva, N.; Supervisor: Dr. R.M.A.P. Rajatheva of EVN Telecom Issariyakul, T.; Erke, T., “Trace-Based By Tran Nga Seamless Mobility Mechanism for Micro Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tapio J. Erke Analysis for Compus-Wide Wireless LAN over Advanced Training Mobile MPLS By Tubtim Sanguanwongthong Dynamic Subcarrier Allocation with System”, Future Information Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert Transmit Diversity for OFDMA Based Networks, 2009. ICFIN 2009, First Wireless Multicast Systems International Conference on, 14-17 By Natasha Shrestha Oct. 2009 Page(s): 87-91, Digital 10.8 Masters Students’ Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert Object Identifier Theses and Research 10.1109/ICFIN.2009.5339584 Efficient Location of Dispersion Studies Compensating Fibers for Optical Fiber

Tanoli, S.A.KL.; Khan, I.; Rajagtheva, Communication Systems Adaptive Subchannel and Power By Pham Ngoc Luat N., “Asymptotic BER Bounds Allocation for Multiuser OFDM Systems Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert forBICM-Based Multiple Relay Using Buffer State Information Cooperative Network under AWGN By Ho Thi Nhu Ngoc Fairness in Multi-User, Multi-Compressed and Rayleigh Fading Channels”, Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert Video Environments in Wireless Network Communications and Networking in By Vu Viet Anh China, 2009, ChinaCOM 2009, Fourth A Heuristic Approach to Multi- Supervisor: Dr. Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn International Conference on, 26-28 Constrained Path Selection for MPLS- Aug. 2009, Page(s): 1-5, Digital Based Networks

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Interconnection Structure and Traffic Performance and Optimal Resource Research Study: A Performance Study Analysis of Interoperator Analysis of MIMO-OFDMA Uplink System of Path Selection Algorithms with Signal Telecommunications in Vietnam: A View with Carrier Frequency Offset Quality Constraints in SDH Networks from EVN Telecom By Muhammad Hasanain Chaudary By Phithak Thiengphuk By Tran Hai Nam Supervisor: Dr. R.M.A.P. Rajatheva Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tapio J. Erke Performance Evaluation of TCP Over Research Study: Application of Selected Interference-Aware Dynamic Channel Broadband Satellite Links Mapping Technique to Reduce Average Allocation for TDD-CDMA Systems By Nguyen Ngoc Tuan Transmit Power in Multicarrier Wireless By Nguyen Viet Phu Supervisor: Prof. Kazi Mohiuddin Ahmed Optical Communications Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert By Muhammad Zubair Farooqui Power Bargaining for the Amplify and Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert IP over WDM: Survivable Strategy, Forward Relay Channel Routing and Path Establishment of EVN By Sanguanpuak Tachporn Research Study: Design of the Cross-Layer Telecom Supervisor: Dr. R.M.A.P. Rajatheva Congestion Control, Routing and By Nguyen Trong Nguyen Scheduling Algorithm in Ad hoc Networks Supervisor: Dr. Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn RF Network Performance Improvement in By Aijaz Akhtar Hanoi City Supervisor: Dr. Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn Multipath Routing in IEEE 802.16d Mesh By Phan Huu Thinh Networks Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tapio J. Erke Research Study: Link Protection in All- By Vinod Kumar Maheshwari Optical Multicast Capable Networks Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Using P-Cycles By Bui Manh Hung By Pannawit Ekkapat Supervisor: Dr. R.M.A.P. Rajatheva Network Performance Monitoring and Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert Optimization in CDMA2000 1X: A Case Study of EVN Telecom Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio- Research Study: Noise Margin By Doan Duc Fading, Diversity and User Cooperation Improvement for Dynamic Power By H.M.S.P. Herath Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert Allocation in DMT-Based Digital Supervisor: Dr. R.M.A.P. Rajatheva Subscriber Systems NGN Class4 Plane Planning: A Case Study The 3G UMTS Network Planning and By Arkom Srivaranon of EVN Telecom Transit Traffic for Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert CDMA2000-1X Network Strategy: A Case Study of EVNTELECOM, By Vu Thanh Binh Vietnam Research Study: Performance Analysis of By Hoang Minh Hai Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tapio J. Erke Amplify Forward Protocol Based Supervisor: Dr. Dr. Dr. R.M.A.P. Rajatheva Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Under Log Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions Normal Fading Channel for FTTH Deployment in EVN Telecom The Necessity of Expanding the Fiber Transmission Network: A Case Study of By Haroon Rasheed By Luong Duc Thanh Supervisor: Dr. R.M.A.P. Rajatheva EVNTELECOM Metro Network in Hanoi Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert City Research Study: Performance Analysis of By Nguyen Lan Huong Optimal Power Allocation Under an Integrated Terrestrial-Satellite Uncertain Noise Floor for Gaussian Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tapio J. Erke Broadband LMSS Interference Channels Traffic Analysis of Media Gateway in 3G By Arif Iqbal By Sudarshan Guruacharya Supervisor: Prof. Kazi Mohiuddin Ahmed Supervisor: Dr. R.M.A.P. Rajatheva Networks

By Suveksha Thapa Research Study: Two-Layer Inter-Session Performance Analysis of BICM-ID Based Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tapio J. Erke Network Coding Based on Poison-Remedy Cooperative Network Over Different Wimax Networks and Services: A Case By Mickael Layeux Fading Channels for the Next Generation Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert Study of EVN Telecom Wireless Communication Systems By Tran Ngoc Khanh By Shujaat Ali Khan Tanoli Supervisor: Dr. R.M.A.P. Rajatheva Research Study: Waveband Switching in Supervisor: Dr. R.M.A.P. Rajatheva WDM Mesh Networks with Static Traffic

By Wiwat Matphon Performance Analysis of MIMO Based Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert Cooperation Diversity System Using Hybrid Research Study: An Analysis of Internet FDMA-TDMA Technique Traffic Behaviour for Capacity By Zuhaib Ashfaq Khan Dimensioning and Planning Supervisor: Dr. R.M.A.P. Rajatheva By Sombulrat Nunrata Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tapio J. Erke

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11.1 Introduction Full-time Faculty Asia; transport logistics, which includes city logistics, intermodal

HYUNMYUNG KIM, PhD, University logistics, maritime transport, air Industrialization and population growth of California, Irvine, USA; MSc, BEng, cargo and so on; Public have tremendous impacts in the movement of people and goods. Seoul National University, Korea. transport market and the Everyday, movement is hampered by Assistant Professor environmental impact of congestion, insufficiency of public [Transportation demand transport, such as air pollution transport facilities, traffic accidents, and modeling, transportation and noise ] other conditions. Moreover, as network analysis, dynamic traffic simulation, activity-based SHINJI TANAKA, D.Eng., M.Eng., manufacturing expands globally, travel analysis, dynamic OD B.Eng. University of Tokyo, Japan businesses want to reduce transportation costs by limiting the estimation problem, public Visiting Assistant Professor number of distribution nodes. Concerns transportation planning, (Traffic Engineering; Traffic over congestion on highways, increasing sustainable transportation Control and Management; pollution and hazardous materials all planning problem] Intelligent Transport Systems) emphasize the need to effectively KUNNAWEE KANITPONG, Ph.D., TAKASHI NAKATSUJI, D. Eng., M. maximize transportation systems. Thus, University of Wisconsin- Madison; Eng., B. Eng., Hokkaido University, the issue of transportation is obviously M.Sc., University of Maryland at Japan. crucial, not only now but in the future. College Park, USA; B.S., Visiting Professor (Traffic The Transportation Engineering field Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. Engineering, Traffic Flow exposes students to the process of Assistant Professor [Highway Simulation, Winter alleviating transportation problems. The pavements with emphasis on Maintenance, Traffic Accident several major aspects including: Reconstruction) coursework and research in the area highway materials and provide advanced knowledge in construction, pavement design Adjunct Faculty transportation planning and economics, traffic engineering and safety, and the and analysis, pavement design of highways/pavements and other management system, asphalt KERATI KIJMANAWAT, Ph.D., M.Eng., transportation facilities. Transportation rheology, and asphalt concrete The University of Tokyo, Japan; Engineering students acquire advanced mixture design] B.Eng., (First Class Honors), skills concerning the planning, design, Sirindhorn International Institute of Visiting Faculty Technology (SIIT), Thammasat operations, maintenance, rehabilitation, University, Thailand. performance, and evaluation of transportation systems, including their HIRONORI KATO, D.Eng., M.Eng., (Logistic network, transportation economic and public policy aspects. The B.Eng., University of Tokyo, Japan infrastructure, urban and field imbibes in each student the Visiting Associate Professor regional transportation) development of analytic, problem- (Transportation planning and solving, design, and management skills policy; travel behavioral PIYAPONG JIWATTANAKULPAISARN, analysis; transportation project Ph.D., Imperial College London, suitable for public and private sector evaluation) United Kindom; M.Eng., Asian professional work. Institute of Technology, Thailand; B. SHINYA HANAOKA, Dr.Info.Sc., Eng., Chulalongkorn University, 11.2 Faculty and Research M.Info .Sc., B.Eng., Tohoku Thailand. University, Japan. (Wider Economic Impacts of Staff Visiting Associate Professor Transport Infrastructure, [Transport planning and Highway Development and Land Emeritus Professor logistics; air transport, which Use, Financing Transport includes evaluation of the air Infrastructure, Econometric JOHN HUGH JONES, B.S., B.Eng., traffic distribution policies in Modeling for Policy Analysis, University of California, USA multiple-airport region and the Statistical and Quantitative (Highway Engineering, activity of low-cost carriers in Methods for Transportation Transportation Engineering)

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SET – Transportation Engineering Field of Study

Analysis, Fuel Demand 11.3 Grants and Sponsored 11.4 On-going Grants and Modeling, Accident Risk Behaviours of Road Users, Research Completed in Sponsored Research Traffic Safety Engineering and 2009 An agent-based dynamic simulation Evaluation of Road Safety Interventions) Dual Degree Master Program in model for tour area evaluation Project Description: The aim of this study is to Transportation Engineering in Indonesia develop a pedestrian simulation model or PONLATHEP LERTWORAWANICH, (First Batch) evacuation in emergency. The developed model is Ph.D., M.Sc., The Pennsylvania State Duration: 1-Dec-07 30-Jun-09 helpful for assessing the safety level of famous tour University, USA; B.Eng. Civil Project Investigator: Kunnawee Kanitpong areas Engineering (First Class Honor), Sponsor: MPW Indonesia Duration : 1-Jun-09 30-Jun-10 Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 3,809,396 Project Investigator: Dr. Hyunmyung KIM Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. Sponsor: RTG (Traffic engineering, operations Evaluation of Performance of Porous Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 1,000,000 research, and intelligent Asphalt Pavement transportation systems) Project Description: To evaluate the performance Dual Degree Master Program in of porous asphalt pavement in laboratory Transportation Engineering in Indonesia Research Staff Duration: 1-May-07 31-May-09 (Second Batch) Project Investigator: Kunnawee Kanitpong Duration : 1-FeB-09 30-Jun-10 Sponsor: RTG Visiting Scholar OLIVER BERSET, B.A. (Faculty of Law), Project Investigator: Kunnawee Kanitpong Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 765,000 Sponsor: MPW Indonesia University of Neuchatel, Switzerland. Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 2,920,000 Project Coordinator (Thai-EC Road Safety Engineering Training in AIT Project) Bangkok Evaluation of Drivers’ Attitudes on Project Description: To conduct the road safety Speed Management Strategies SUMETHEE SONTIKUL, M. Eng. training for Vietnamese delegates Project Description: To develop an understanding (Transportation Engineering), Asian Duration: 1-Apr-09 30-Jun-09 of the factors that influence drivers’ attitudes Project Investigator: Kunnawee Kanitpong Institute of Technology; B. Eng. (Civil Duration: 26-Jan-09 28-Feb-10 Sponsor: Viet Land Intellectual Consultant Project Investigator: Kunnawee Kanitpong Engineering), King Mongkut’s Joint Stock Company Sponsor: Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 75,560 Welfare Foundation Thailand. Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 150,000 Research Associate (TARC Safety Driving Speed Project) Project Description: To conduct research related Improving Road Traffic Safety in to speed management to reduce road traffic Thailand: A Common Challenge for accidents SATTRAWUT PONBOON, M. Eng. Duration : 15-Feb-08 31-Mar-09 European and Thai Universities (Transportation Engineering), Asian Project Investigator: Kunnawee Kanitpong Project Description: To improve road safety in Thailand through knowledge transfer from Institute of Technology, Thailand; Sponsor: National Health Foundation Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 973,980 European Universities B.Eng. (Transportation Engineering), Duration : 24-Dec-08 23-Jun-10

Project Investigator: Kunnawee Kanitpong Suranaree University of Tech., Study on Analysis of DOH Pavement Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. Sponsor: Commission of the European Defects Communities Research Associate (TARC Project Description: To provide service of Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 8,317,938 Project) consultancy for the DOH pavement analysis project Duration : 1-Jan-08 31-Mar-09 Knowledge Dissemination to Improve SUPATTRA SAMRANJIT, M.A. Project Investigator: Kunnawee Kanitpong Sponsor: Prince Songkla University Road Safety for Rural Community (Library and Information Science), Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 300,000 Project Description: To disseminate road safety Ramkhamhaeng University; B.A. knowledge to improve road safety in rural (Communication Arts) Bangkok communities Duration : 1-Sep-08 30-Jun-10 University. Project Investigator: Kunnawee Kanitpong Research Associate (TARC Sponsor: Toyota Motor Thailand Co., Ltd. Project) Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 1,605,000

Promoting Cool Pavements to Mitigate the Urban Heat Island Effect in Bangkok Project Description: This project is to reduce the urban heat island effect in Bangkok by promoting the use of cool pavements. Duration: 15-Oct-08 30-Jun-10 Project Investigator: Kunnawee Kanitpong Sponsor: RTG Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 980,000

58 | Annual Report on Research 2009

SET – Transportation Engineering Field of Study

Road Safety Engineering Training in AIT in Thailand: Current Issues and need Seminar on Civil Infrastructure, July for HDC Dong Nai Team for Changes and new Approaches,” 6th 2009, Bangkok, Thailand Project Description: To conduct the road safety Submitted to the Transport and training for Vietnamese delegates Communication Bulletin for Asia and Kanitpong, K., “Modeling Injury Duration: 13-Nov-09 31-Mar-10 Project Investigator: Kunnawee Kanitpong the Pacific, 2009. Mechanism and Accident th Sponsor: Handicap International Vietnam Reconstruction,” the 10 ITS Asia Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 280,335 Kanitpong, K. and Pummarin, K., Pacific Forum, Bangkok, Thailand, “Investigation of Using Industrial 2009 Road Safety Knowledge Development Wastes in Moisture Damage and Dissemination Resistance of Hot Mix Asphalt Rungruangvirojn, P. and Kanitpong, Project Description: To conduct research related Pavement,” Journal of Solid Waste K., “Measurement of Visibility Loss to development and dissemination of road safety knowledge Technology and Management, 2009. due to Splash and Spray: the Duration: 1-Jun-08 30-Jun-10 (in press) Comparison between Porous Project Investigator: Kunnawee Kanitpong Asphalt, SMA, and Conventional Sponsor: Department of Highways, Kim H. (2009) Effects of user Asphalt Pavements,” the 88th Annual Thailand Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 7,756,000 equilibrium assumptions on network Meeting of the Transportation traffic pattern, KSCE Journal of Civil Research Board, Washington, D.C., Engineering, Vol 13 (2). (SCI-E) 2009 11.5 Publications Ponboon, S., Islam, M.B., Boontob, Woottichai, Y. and Kanitpong, K., Refereed Journals N., Kanitpong, K., and Tanaboriboon, “Drivers’ Attitudes towards Speed Y., “Contributing Factors of Road Management,” the 88th Annual Aniwattakulchai, P., Islam, M.B., and Crashes in Thailand: Evidence from Meeting of the Transportation Kanitpong, K., “Injury Mechanism the Accident In-Depth Study,” the Research Board, Washington, D.C., Analysis of Occupants in Rear-End Journal of Eastern Asia Society for 2009 Pickup Collision: Case Study for Transportation Studies, Vol.7, 2009. Thailand,” the International Association of Traffic and Safety Rungruangvirojn, P. and Kanitpong, 11.6 Masters Students’ Sciences (IATSS) Research, 2009. K., “Measurement of Visibility Loss Theses and Research (under re-review) due to Splash and Spray: the Studies Comparison between Porous

C. Yang, Y. Son, I. Yang, H. Kim (2009) Asphalt, SMA, and Conventional Analysis of Traffic Loading Characteristics Developing algorithms for providing Asphalt Pavements,” the evacuation and detour route International Journal of Pavement for Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement guidance under emergency Engineering, 2009. (in press) and Design By Surasak Kaewdee conditions, Korean Society of Road Catalog of 2009 TRB Practice-Ready Supervisor: Dr. Kunnawee Kanitpong Engineers Vol 11 No. 3. Refereed Papers Korean Journal Assessment of Current Status and Future Y. Lim, H. Kim, I. Yang (2009) A goal- Trends of Public Transportation in Choi K., R. Jayakrishnan, Kim H., Yang based transportation planning Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia I., J. Lee (2009) Dynamic OD model, Journal of Korean society of By Batsukh Rentsenkhand estimation using dynamic traffic transportation Vol 27 No. 5. Supervisor: Dr. Hyunmyung Kim simulation model in an urban arterial Refereed Korean Journal corridor, Transportation Research Behavioral Analysis for the Mode Choice Record (Will be published Oct. 2009) Conference Proceedings of Commuters in Dhaka City, Bangladesh (SCI, impact factor: 0.259) for Introducing Bus Rapid Transit System H. Kim, T. R. Maribojoc (2009) (BRTS) H. Kim (2009) Dynamic traffic “Hierarchical shortest path algorithm By Noor -E- Alam Supervisor: Dr. Hyunmyung Kim assignment based on arrival time- with probabilistic travel time”, 2nd

based OD flows, Journal of Korean Joint Student Seminar on Civil th Determination of Proper Mixing and society of transportation Vol 27 No. Infrastructure, July 6 2009, Compaction Temperature in Asphalt 1, pp. 1-13. Refereed Korean Bangkok, Thailand. Concrete Production Journal By Chaiwat Nakpradit H. Kim, T. Tiratanapakhom (2009) Supervisor: Dr. Kunnawee Kanitpong Jiwattanakulpaisarn, P., Kanitpong, “The application of stochastic K., and Suriyawongpaisal, P., “On the assignment technique to network Effectiveness of Speed Enforcement design problems”, 2nd Joint Student Annual Report on Research 2009 | 59

SET – Transportation Engineering Field of Study

Evaluation of Walking Environment on Research Study: Identifying Benefit Research Study: Potential Counter Pedestrian Paths in Bangkok Indicator in Road Network Development Measure for Traffic Accidents in the By Sawitree Chongrakchit (Case Study of Batu Southern Ring Road Jakarta Cikampek Toll Road Supervisor: Dr. Hyunmyung Kim Project) By Ibni Achiruddin By Puriyani Supervisor: Prof. Siti Malkhamah (UGM) Laboratory Evaluation of Using Supervisor: Dr. Heru Sutomo (UGM) Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in Research Study: Rigid Pavement Superpave Mix Design Research Study: Laboratory Study in Thickness Design Analysis Using By Poonsak Sriudorn Designing Dense Graded Hot Mixture Austroads 1992 and AASHTO 1993 Supervisor: Dr. Kunnawee Kanitpong Utilizing Bantak & Clereng Aggregate Methods (Case Study: Cipularang Toll with Cooper’s Method (Using Marshall Road) Network Design Problem with a and Indirect Tensile Strength Methods) By Tony D Stochastic Traffic Assignment Technique By Yusuf Adinegoro Supervisor: Ir. H.Wardhani Sartono (UGM) By Tawin Tiratanapakhom Supervisor: Dr. Latif Budi Supama (UGM) Supervisor: Dr. Hyunmyung Kim Research Study: School Bus Planning at Research Study: Laboratory Study on the Cimahi West Java Probabilistic Travel Time-Based Route Durability Characteristics (Moisture By Isni Rosyadi Choice Problem with Hierarchichal Path Damage Evaluation) of Asphalt Concrete Supervisor: Prof. A. Munawar (UGM) Enumeration Algorithm Wearing Course (AC-WC) Utilizing Bantak By Theonette Ruba Maribojoc Research Study: The Analysis of and Clereng as Aggregate (Using Supervisor: Dr. Hyunmyung Kim Sudirman Bus Station in Sukabumi West Marshall and Indirect Tensile Strength Methods) Java Public Opinion Survey on the Air Quality By Asep Mohamad Ilyas By Ajeng Miranti Putri Due to Vehicular Emission and Vehicle Supervisor: Ir. Djoko Murwono (UGM) Supervisor: Dr. Latif Budi Supama (UGM) Emission Control Strategies: A Case Study of Thimphu City in Bhutan Research Study: The Coordination of Research Study: Modeling of Trip By Sherub Phuntsho Generation for Public Transport Traffic Control System: Formulation Supervisor: Dr. Kunnawee Kanitpong Strategies and Its Possibilities for Passenger in Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Speeding Drivers' Attitudes Towards a By Elsa Putra Friandi Supervisor: Prof. Sigit Priyanto (UGM) By Murry Menako Speed Enforcement Program Supervisor: Prof. Sigit Priyanto (UGM) By Sumethee Sontikul Research Study: Modeling Speed- Supervisor: Dr. Kunnawee Kanitpong Research Study: The Origin and Density, Flow-Speed, and Flow-Density Destination of Public Transport Relationships at Jakarta Freeways (Case Study of WiyotoWijono Corridors) Passengers in Yogyakarta Research Study: Cycle Network Planning By Aidil Busyra By Yusrizal Kurniawan for Yogyakarta Supervisor: Dr. Kunnawee Kanitpong Supervisor: Prof. Siti Malkhamah (UGM) By Muchamad Rizal

Supervisor: Prof. Siti Malkhamah (UGM) Research Study: The Study of Safety in Research Study: Modeling Traffic Demand (Case Study at Jakarta Inter Motorcycle Traffic Research Study: Developing Road By Rianto Rili Prihatmantyo Information System in Indonesia (Case Urban Toll Road) Supervisor: Prof. Sigit Priyanto (UGM) Study of Balikpapan) By Vidi Ferdian Supervisor: Prof. Siti Malkhamah (UGM) By Ellenlies Research Study; Transport Cost at Supervisor: Prof. A. Munawar (UGM) Research Study: Pavement Jakarta Intra Urban Toll Road and Non- Toll Road Management System for District Road Research Study: Evaluation of the Use of By Dwi Saponingrum Junaedi Natural Asphalt Asbuton as Modifier of Network (Case Study: Sleman District in Supervisor: Prof. Siti Malkhamah (UGM) Crude Oil Asphalt Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia) By Yusuf Edi Nugroho By Novandaya Didi Research Study: Trip Assignment Model Supervisor: Ir. H.Wardhani Sartono (UGM) Supervisor: Ir. Djoko Murwono (UGM) with Consideration of Vehicle Emission

(CO): Case of Cimahi City Research Study: Planning and Design of Research Study: Flexible Pavement By Herawati Basir Puly Thickness Design Analysis Using Motorcycle Lanes in Yogyakarta (Case Supervisor: Prof. Sigit Priyanto (UGM) Austroads 1992 and AASHTO 1993 Study of Janti Road, Yogyakarta) Methods (Case Study: Cipularang Toll By Sukamto Research Study: Trip Generation and the Supervisor: Prof. Sigit Priyanto (UGM) Road) Evaluation of Public Transport Facilities in

By Resi Masita Cimahi, West Java Supervisor: Ir. H. Wardhani Sartono (UGM) By Theresia Endah Dwi Astuti Anantisari Supervisor: Prof. A. Munawar (UGM)

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Research Study: Utilization of Toray Fly Research Study: Utilizing Toray Fly Ash Ash in Asphaltic Concrete-Wearing as a Filler Substitution in Hot Rolled Sheet Course (AC- WC) Mixture Wearing Course (HRS-WC) Mixture By Heppy Eka Prasetya By Fedi Candra Supervisor: Dr. Latif Budi Supama (UGM) Supervisor: Dr. Latif Budi Supama (UGM)

Research Study: Utilizing Toray Fly Ash Research Study: Vehicle Damage Factor as Additive in Hot Rolled Sheet Wearing (VFD) Analysis on Freight Transport Course (HRS-WC) Mixture Vehicles (Case Study of Jogja -Prambanan By Sumantri Widya Praja Highway) Supervisor: Dr. Latif Budi Supama (UGM) By Shaiful Jihad Supervisor: Ir. Djoko Murwono (UGM)

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12.1 Introduction cropping systems, erosion and water management of rivers and waterways. quality problems, soil conservation and Research in the area of Extreme Events

land-use, and watershed management. and Risk Management includes river flow Today’s major challenges for water The management and design of sound analysis, and flood control and engineers and managers include securing water for people and for food engineering works for the control and mitigation, flood modeling and production, protecting vital ecosystems, effective use of coastal zones require in- forecasting, flood plain development and and dealing with climate variability and depth knowledge of hydrodynamics and management. change and uncertainty of water in space the understanding of coastal zone phenomena. Coursework and research in and time. The Water Engineering and Coastal Water cover studies of wave 12.2 Faculty and Research Management (WEM) imparts education characteristics and their action on and training towards an understanding of Staff the complexity of water cycle, utilization, beaches, coastal sedimentation, and management. It offers a balanced estuarine hydraulics and the applied Full-time Faculty curriculum covering both engineering aspects of coastal zone engineering and and management aspects of water management. MUKAND S BABEL, BEng, Rajasthan resources. Students acquire knowledge Agr Univ, India; MEng, DEng, AIT. Urban Water courses relate to water and hands-on practice in tools and Associate Professor [Hydrologic supply and sanitation, storm water, and techniques to come up with viable and and water resources modeling sustainable water management for domestic wastewater and urban drainage as applied to integrated water water, food, energy, and environmental for sustainable management of urban resources management; security. Students conduct research on areas. The research in relation to urban watershed modeling and country-specific water related problems, water focuses on application of state-of- management; water resources and have opportunities to join research the-art theory in water demand allocation and management; forecasting and management, design and and internship programs with industries water resources and socio- management of water distribution and partners. economic development; water systems in urban and rural areas, real- supply system and The WEM field of study covers five focal time hydrological information systems management; and climate areas: Agricultural Water, Coastal Water, for urban flooding and drainage. Given change impact and adaptation; Urban Water, Water Resources, and the ever-growing importance of water groundwater resources Extreme Events and Risk Management. quality, an integrated water quantity- management; and drought quality approach is essential. Courses in The courses are designed in such a way analysis, forecasting and Water Resources focus on techniques to that students can specialize according to management] assess the occurrence and availability of their interests. Courses on Watershed Hydrology, Hydrodynamics, Water surface and groundwater. Students ROBERTO CLEMENTE, BSAE, Univ of Resources Systems, and Concepts in acquire a sound understanding of basic the Philippines at Los Baños; MEng, Water Modeling provide the solid principles in river engineering and AIT, Thailand; PhD, McGill Univ, foundation to the advanced courses. The modeling, water resources planning, Canada. curriculum emphasizes tools and conjunctive use of surface and Associate Professor [Focal areas groundwater; integrated water resources techniques in water resources planning related to irrigation/ drainage, management and social and and management. and land and water resource environmental impact assessment of assessment and management; Agricultural Water courses impart water resources projects. In-depth Studies on the impacts of knowledge and skills necessary for the knowledge and hands-on practice on fertigation on water quality, development and management of water mathematical modeling of water modeling surface/subsurface resources for agriculture. They address resources systems is provided. Flooding transport of water and solutes, is a natural phenomenon and various various multi-disciplinary issues in the performance evaluation of human activities as well as climatic planning, design, implementation, irrigation and drainage systems, operation and maintenance of irrigation changes have aggravated the problem and assessment of soil erosion and drainage projects and land and water causing economic losses. Students are hazard and soil quality dynamics conservation programs. Current exposed to an understanding of the in agricultural watersheds; Joint researches in the area include irrigation behavior of rivers, and to design research on water harvesting and drainage system management, appropriate structural and non-structural and management and soil alternatives for the effective Annual Report on Research 2009| 63

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hydraulic characterization in performances and evaluation, 12.3 Grants and Sponsored sloping agricultural lands; Future environmental assessment of research focuses on evaluation production systems, governance Research Completed in and optimization of soil, water, in irrigation systems, integrated 2009 chemical and crop management water resource management schemes to enhance agricultural and governance at the river AIT Regional Network Office for Center productivity without basin level, social participation of Excellence of University of Yamanashi jeopardizing environmental in the water sector] Duration 15-Jun-05 30-Sep-08 quality] Project Investigators Tawatchai Tingsanchali and MOHAMMED SHARIF, B.Tech., Jamil Dr. Mukand S. Babel Sponsor University of Yamanashi, Japan SANGAM SHRESTHA, MSc.; Institute Milia Islamia, India; M.E., Indian Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 347,500 of Agriculture and Animal Science, Institute of Technology, India; Ph.D., Tribhuvan University, Nepal, MSc.; University of Edinburgh, England. Development of Flood Forecasting and Asian Institute of Technology, Visiting Faculty [ Flood Modeling Management System in Chao Phraya Thailand, PhD.; University of and Management, Optimization Tachin River Basins Yamanashi, Japan. of Water Resource Systems, Duration 1-Oct-07 31-Jul-09 Assistant Professor [Climate Climate Change Impact ] Project Investigator Sutat Weesakul Change and Adaptation, Sponsor Royal Irrigation Department (RID) Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 17,769,706 Integrated Water Resources K.N. LOKESH, M.Sc., Bangalore Management, Hydrology and University, India; Ph.D., Gulbarga Development of Operational Flood Water Quality Modeling, University, India. Forecasting System Case Study: Chao Groundwater Development and Visiting Professor [Groundwater Phraya River Basin Management, Sustainable Hydrology] Duration 1-Jul-04 31-Jul-09 Water Management Policy] Project Investigator Sutat Weesakul Affiliated Faculty Sponsor National Electronic and Computer Technology Center Visiting Faculty Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 5,027,400 SUTAT WEESAKUL, DEng, MEng,

Asian Institute of Technology; BEng, ASHIM DAS GUPTA, BEng, Gauhati Development of River Basin Flood Univ, India; MEng, DEng, AIT, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Management System by Optimal Thailand. [Numerical computation in sea Reservoir Operation and Real Time Visiting Professor (Integrated and coastal area including flood Flood Forecasting and Warning: A Case Water Resources Management; propagation using developed Study of Pasak River Basin Groundwater Development and computer programs; Application Duration 1-Aug-06 31-Mar-08 management; Modeling and in solving urban drainage Project Investigator Tawatchai Tingsanchali monitoring) problem using both engineering Sponsor National Research Council of Thailand and management approaches; Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 2,000,000

TAWATCHAI TINGSANCHALI, BEng, the on-line urban flood warning system at Sukhumvit , Bangkok , E-learning Program on IWRM Chulalongkorn Univ, Thailand; MEng, Duration 6-Sep-06 30-Aug-08 DEng, AIT, Thailand. Thailand providing useful Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel Visiting Professor [Flood Control information in daily life during Sponsor Self Pay Students Engineering and Management; rainy season are disseminated in Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 190,000 Flood Forecasting, Warning and; Flood Disaster Management; Improvement of hydraulic design E-learning Program on IWRM for UCC- River Engineering and using physical hydraulic model Water test in hydropower; hydropower Duration 1-Sep-06 30-Jun-09 Hydropower; Water Resources Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel Project System Optimization] development projects in Lao and Sponsor UCC-Water, Denmark Myanmar and improvement in Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 1,242,500 SYLVAIN PERRET, MS and PhD, design of intake, diversion University of Montpellier II, France; tunnel, riparian outlet, energy Hydraulic Concept Model Tests - La DSc, Ecole Polytechnique de dissipater, spillway and head Confluencia Hydroelectric Power Plant Lorraine, Nancy, France. pond] Project Visiting Associate Professor Duration: 1-Jan-08 30-June-08 Project Investigator: Mr. Arturo G. Roa [Water economics and Sponsor: Pöyry Energy Ltd (Zurich, Switzerland) governance, with special interest Total Contracted Amount (Baht): 1,033,200.00 onto valuation approaches of rural and environmental water uses, irrigation systems’

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Spillway Hydraulic Model Tests Nam Climate Change Impacts on Seasonally PhD Course cum Workshop on Ngum 3 Hydropower Project and Intermittently Open Tidal Inlets Agricultural Water productivity and Duration 1-Dec-07 31-Jan-09 Duration 1-Jan-10 31-Dec-13 Improvement in Irrigation Schemes Project Investigator Sutat Weesakul Project Investigator Sutat Weesakul Duration 1-Sep-09 31-Aug-10 Sponsor GMS Lao Company Ltd Sponsor UNESCO-IHE Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 4,800,000 Total Contracted Amount (EURO) 19,460 Sponsor FIVA, DWF, GEUS, FAO and the Faculty of Life Sciences of the University of Copenhagen Tha Chin River Basin Development Development of Operational Flood Total Contracted Amount (DKK) 206,000 Project: The King of Thailand's Initiative Forecasting System (Phase2) Duration 1-Aug-07 31-Jul-09 Duration 1-Sep-09 31-Aug-10 Physical Hydraulic Model Study of Project Investigator Sutat Weesakul Project Investigator Sutat Weesakul Xayaburi Hydroelectric Power Project Sponsor Royal Irrigation Department (RID) Sponsor NECTEC 2 LAO PDR Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 17,388,570 Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 1,104,600 Duration 1-May-09 31-Mar-10 Project Investigator Sutat Weesakul Verification of ATTA System with EWRI -AIT An International Perspective Sponsor Ch Karnchang Public Company Ltd. Laboratory Tsunami Waves on environmental and Water Resources Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 7,450,000 Duration 1-Apr-07 30-Apr-09 Conference 2009 (Promotion and Project Investigator Sutat Weesakul Participants) Physical Model for Monkey Cheeks in Sponsor RTG Duration 1-Dec-08 30-Nov-09 the Mahachai-Sanamchai Canals Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 1,000,000 Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel Project: The King of Thailand's Initiative Sponsor Participants Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 1,943,350 12.4 On-going Grants and Duration 1-Jul-08 30-Mar-10 Project Investigator Sutat Weesakul Sponsored Research EWRI -AIT An International Perspective Sponsor Hydro and Agro Informatic Institute on Environmental and Water Resources (HAII) Conference 2009 (UNESCO Side Event) Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 2,164,182 3rd Batch of E-learning Program on Integrated Water Resource Duration 1-Dec-08 30-Nov-09 Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel Regional Center of the UN Water Virtual Management Sponsor UNESCO Learning Center (WVLC) Project Duration 1-Mar-08 31-Dec-10 Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 735,200 Duration 1-Nov-04 31-Dec-09 Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel, A. Das Sponsor UNU-INWEH and participants Gupta Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 936,000 Groundwater Quality Management Sponsor UNU-INWEH, Canada Research in Bangkok Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 2,346,000 Duration 1-Aug-07 31-Mar-09 4th Batch of E-learning Program on Integrated Water Resource Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel Sponsor Institute for Global Environmental Regional Refresher Seminar on Disaster Management Strategies (IGES), Japan Management of Urban Water Systems Duration 1-Sep-09 31-Dec-11 Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 1,094,931 under Climate Change Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel Sponsor UNU-INWEH and participants Duration 1-Oct-09 31-Dec-10 Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 878,000 Investigation of Flow Dynamics in Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel Mahahchai Sanamchai Canal Network Sponsor UNESCO-IHE Asian Infrastructure Research Center by Physical and Mathematical Models Total Contracted Amount (Euro) 28,600

(AIRC) Phase I Duration 1-Nov-08 30-Apr-10 Duration 1-Jan-07 1-Dec-09 Project Investigator Sutat Weesakul Study of Exploration Drilling in Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel, Noppadol Sponsor RTG Concession Block B6/27, Gulf of Phienwej, Kyung-Ho Park, BHW Hadikusumo, Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 930,000 Thailand Kunnawee Kanitpong Duration 1-Apr-09 31-Mar-10 Sponsor Konkuk University, South Korea Optimization of Water Allocation Project Investigator Sutat Weesakul Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 4,472,153 between Off-stream and In-stream Sponsor ERM Siam Company Limited Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 1,200,000 Case study on Urban Water, Waste Competing Demands Duration 1-Sep-09 31-Aug-10 Water and Storm Water Management in Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel Support to Capacity Building at the Babgkok Sponsor UNESCO-IHE Water Resources University, Hanoi, Duration 1-Jun-09 31-May-10 Total Contracted Amount (Euro) 30,440 Vietnam Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel Duration 1-Sep-01 31-Aug-10 Sponsor IWP, NUS Participatory Irrigation Management Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel, Ashim Das Total Contracted Amount (USD) 10,000 Gupta and Development in Cambodia Sponsor Danish International Development Climate Change impact and Adaptation Duration 1-Feb-08 31-Dec-09 Project Investigator Roberto S. Clemente/ Mukand Assistance (Danida) Study for Bangkok Metropolitan region S. Babel Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 3,801,000 Duration 1-Dec-08 30-Nov-09 Sponsor Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 496,952 Sponsor Panya Consultants Co., Ltd. Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 686,940

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Training Course on IWRM: Principle and Water Resources Management. DOI groundwater of Kathmandu Valley, Practices 10.1007/s11269-009-9508-0, Nepal., Desalination and water Duration 1-Oct-08 30-Sep-10 Publisher: Springer, Impact factor: Treatment, 4:248-254. Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel 1.35 (2008). Citation: - Sponsor DWI, BAPPENAS (State Ministry of National Development Planning/National S. K. Chapagain, V. P. Pandey, S. Development Planning Agency), Indonesia G. Wang, J. Yu, S. Shrestha, H. Shrestha, T. Nakmura and F. Kazama, Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 6,232,347 Ishidaira, and K. Takeuchi, 2009. 2009. Assessment of Deep Ground Application of a distributed erosion water Quality in Kathmandu Valley UNEP Water Vulnerability Assessment model for the assessment of spatial Using Multivariate Techniques. in South and South East Asia erosion patterns in the Lushi Water Air Soil Pollution, DOI Duration 1-Jan-06 30-Jun-09 catchment, China. Environmental 10.1007/s11270-009-0249-8. ( 24 Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel Sponsor UNEP Earth Sciences, Springer Berlin / October, 2009) Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 3,600,000 Heidelberg , DOI 10.1007/s12665- 009-0391-z S.K. Chapagain, S. Shrestha, G. Du UNEP Water Vulnerability Assessment Laing, M.G. Verloo and F. Kazama, in South and South East Asia: Sub- Kaewrueng, S., Babel. M. S., Das 2009. Spatial distribution of arsenic regional synthesis for Africa-Asia Report Gupta, A. and S. Md. Wahid (2009). in the intertidal sediments of River Phase II Assessment of Groundwater Scheldt, Belgium, Environment Duration 1-Sep-07 30-Jun-09 Potential in the Lower Chao Phrya International 35(3):461-465. Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel River Basin, Thailand, Asia Pacific Sponsor UNEP Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 1,650,000 Journal of Rural Development. Vol. Sharma, D., Babel, M. S., and V. K. XIX, No. 1, 23-42. Publisher: Centre Srivastava (2009). An Approach to Water Supply Study and Flood Study for on Integrated Rural Development for Efficient Rainwater Management for Nong Saeng, Saraburi Province and Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP),Impact Agriculture in Arid Region of Samet Tai Project, Chachoengsao factor: -. Citation: Rajasthan, India, Accepted in Province International Journal of Water Duration 1-Mar-08 31-Dec-09 Khaledian, M.R., Mailhol, J.C., Ruelle, Resources and Environmental Project Investigator Mukand S. Babel P., Mubarak, I. & Perret, S.R. (2010) Management. Publisher: Serials Sponsor Gulf JP Company Limited The impact of direct seedling into Publications, India, Impact factor: -. Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 806,452 mulch on the energy balance of crop Citation: - production system in the SE of 12.5 Publications France. Soil & Tillage Research, 106 Singhrattna, N., Babel, M. S. and S. (2010): 218–226 R. Perret (2009). Hydroclimate Refereed Journals Variability and Its Statistical Links to Pandey, V. P., Babel, M. S. and F. the Large-Scale Climate Indices for Babel, M. S., Rivas, A. and S. Kazama (2009). Analysis of a the Upper Chao Phraya River Basin, Kallidaikurichi (2009). Municipal Nepalese Water Resources System: Thailand. Hydrology and Earth Water Supply Management in Stress, Adaptive Capacity and System Sciences Discussions, 6 Bangkok: Achievements and Lessons, Vulnerability, Water Science & (www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci- Submitted to International Journal of Technology/Water Supply. 9 (2): 213- 6659- Water Resources Development, 222. Publisher: IWA Publishing, 6690. Publisher: Copernicus Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Impact Impact factor: 1.005 (2008). Citation: Publications, Impact factor: 2.167 factor: 0.738 (2008). Citation: - - (2008). Citation: -

Das Gupta, A., Babel, M. S. and S. Pinthong, P., Das Gupta, A., Babel, Singhrattna, N., Babel, M.S., Perret, Ashrafi (2009). Effect of Soil Texture M. S. and S. Weesakul (2009). S.R. (2009) Hydroclimate variability on the Emission Characteristics of Improved Reservoir Operation Using and its statistical links to the large- Porous Clay Pipe Used in Subsurface Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and scale climate indices for the Upper Irrigation, Irrigation Science Journal, Neurofuzzy Computing, Water Chao Phraya River Basin, Thailand. Vol. 27, 201-208. Publisher: Springer, Resources Management, Vol. 23, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Impact factor: 1.737 (2007). Citation: 697-720. Publisher: Springer, Impact Discussions 6(5):6659-6690 - factor: 1.35 (2008). Citation: - Speelman, S., Frija, A., Perret, S.R, Desalegn, Ch. E., Babel, M. S., and A. S. K. Chapagain, S. Shrestha, T. Farolfi, S., D’haese, M. and D’Haese, Das Gupta (2009). Drought Analysis Nakmura, V.P. Pandey and F. L. (2009) Variability in smallholders’ in the Awash River Basin, Ethiopia, Kazama, 2009. Arsenic occurrence in irrigation water value: study in North-West Province, South Africa.

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Irrigation and Drainage (in press, Refereed Books / Chapters Resources Management in a DOI: 10.1002/ird.539) Vulnerable and Changing World. Caron P., Craufurd P., Martin A., Mc IAHS publication no. 330, pp 327 – Tiewtoy, S., Clemente, R. S., Perret, Donald A., Abedini W., Afiff S., 333. S. R., Babel, M. S. and S. Weesakul Bakurin N., Bass S., Hilbeck A., (2009). Irrigation Sustainability Jansen T., Lhaloui S., Lock K., S. K. Chapagain, S. Shrestha, T. Assessment of Selected Projects in Newman J., Primavesi O., Sengooba Nakmura and F. Kazama: Chemical Tha Chin Basin, Thailand, Accepted in T., Ahmed M., Ainsworth E.A., Ali M., characteristics of groundwater Irrigation and Drainage. Publisher: Antona M., Avato P., Barker D., quality of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Wiley InterScience, Impact factor: Bazile D., Bosc P.M., Bricas N., In: Satoshi Takizawa, Futoshi Kurisu 0.480 (2009). Citation: - Burnod P., Cohen J.I., Coudel E., and Hiroyasu Satoh (Eds.). Southeast Dulcire M., Dugué P., Faysse N., Asian Water Environment 3, IWA Tiewtoy, S., Clemente, R.S., Perret, Farolfi S., Faure G., Goli T., Grzywacz publishing, 87-93, 2009. S., Babel, M.s., and Weesakul, S. D., Hocdé H., Imbernon J., Ishii- 2009. Irrigation sustainability Eiteman M., Leakey A., Leakey C., Water and Environmental Engineer’s assessment of selected projects in Lowe A., Marr A., Maxted N., Mears Pocket Book, (under discussion with Tha Chin basin, Thailand. Paper A., Molden D.J., Müller J.P., Padgham the publisher, Wiley-Blackwell) accepted for publication in Irrigation J., Perret S., Place F., Raoult-Wack and Drainage Journal A.L., Reid R., Riches C., Scherr S.J., Wilson, Z., Perret, S. (2009) Sibelet N., Simm G., Temple L., Participation in Water Resource and Ty, T. V., Babel, M. S., Sunada, K., Tonneau J.P., Trébuil G., Twomlow Services Governance in South Africa: Oishi, S. and A. Kawasaki (2009). S., Voituriez T. (2009) Impacts of Caught in the Acts. In: Berry, K. and Utilization of a GIS-Based Water AKST on development and Mollard, E. (editors), Social Infrastructure Inventory for Water sustainability goals. In : McIntyre Participation in Water Governance Resources at Local Level: A Case Beverly D. (ed.), Herren Hans R. (ed.), and Management: Critical and Study in Mountainous Area of Wakhungu Judi (ed.), Watson Robert Global Perspectives. EarthScan, Vietnam, Hydrological Research T. (ed.). Agriculture at a crossroads. London, UK, pp325-353 (ISBN Letters, 3, 27-31. Publisher: Japan International Assessment of 9781844078851) Society of Hydrology and Water Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Resources, Impact factor: -. Citation: Technology for Development Conference Proceedings - (IAASTD): global report. Washington : Island Press, p. 145- Agarwal, A., Babel, M. S., Swain, D. V.P. Pandey, M. S. Babel., S. 253. and S. Herath (2009). Forecasting Shrestha and F. Kazama, 2009. Rice Yield under Climate Change Vulnerability of freshwater resources Mullick, M. R. A., Babel, M. S. & Scenarios for Northeast Thailand. in large and medium Nepalease river Perret, S. R. 2009. Managing the Proceedings of the EWRI-AIT basins to environmental change, competing water demands from International Conference on “An Water Science and Technology (in offstream & instream users – a International Perspective on press). conceptual framework. In Blöschl, G., Environmental and Water Van De Giesen, N., Muralidharan, D., Resources,” AIT Conference Center, Wongsupap, C., Weesakul, S., Ren, L., Seyler, F., Sharma, U., & AIT, Bangkok, Thailand, 5-7 January Clemente, R.S., and Das Gupta, A. Vrba, J. (eds.) (2009). Improving (CD-ROM). 2009. River basin water quality Integrated Surface and Groundwater assessment and managemen: Case Resources Management in a Babel, M. S. and S. M. Wahid (2009). study of Tha Chin Basin, Thailand.. Vulnerable and Changing World. Climate Change and Thailand: Water International Journal, Vol. 34 IAHS publication no. 330, pp 327 – Livelihood, Food Production and No. 3 pp 345-36. Sept 2009. 333. Development at Risk. Proceedings of the GCOE KU-AIT Symposium on Vongvisessomjai, N., Tingsanchali, T. Mullick, M. R. A., Babel, M. S. and S. Human Security Engineering, 19-20 and M. S. Babel (2009). Non- R. Perret (2009). Managing the November, 2009, Chao Phraya Park deposition Design Criteria for Sewers Competing Water Demands from Hotel, Thailand. pp 157-161. with Part-full Flow, Accepted in Off-stream and In-stream Users – A Urban Water Journal. Publisher: Conceptual Framework. In Blöschl, Babel, M. S., Trung, L. B., Taylor & Francis, Impact factor: -. G., Van De Giesen, N., Muralidharan, Singhrattna, N. and S. M. Wahid Citation: - D., Ren, L., Seyler, F., Sharma, U. and (2009). An Application of Soil and J. Vrba (eds.) (2009). Improving Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to Integrated Surface and Groundwater Assess Water Quality of the Upper Annual Report on Research 2009 | 67

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Cong Watershed, Vietnam. S.K. Chapagain, T. Nakamura, V.P. freshwater resources in large and Proceedings of the International Pandey, S. Shrestha, and F. Kazama, medium Nepalese river basins to SWAT Conference in Southeast Asia, 2009. Landuse management from environmental change, In: Chiang Mai, Thailand, 5-8 Jan 2009. the groundwater aspects, In: Proceedings of the 7th International Proceedings of International Symposium on Southeast Asian Mullick, M. R. A. and M. S. Babel Symposium on Environment, Energy Water Environment, 28-30 October, (2009). Environmental Flow in Water and Water in Nepal: Recent Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Resources Management: Status in Researches and Direction for Future, Thailand, pp. 241-250. South Asia. ICUS Report 37, 31 March – 1 April, 2009, Hotel Proceedings of the 2nd Joint Student Himalaya, Kathmandu, Nepal, Other Publications Seminar on Civil Infrastructure, AIT, pp.231. Thailand, July 6, 2009. pp 287 – 296. Babel, M. S. and A. Rivas (2009). Shinde, V. R. and M. S. Babel (2009). Case Study on Water Supply, Mullick, R.A.M., Perret, S.R., Babel, Urban Water Demand Forecasting Wastewater, and Storm Water M.S. (2009) Instream water use – using Artificial Neural Networks: A Management in Bangkok. A report how much value does it carry? 12th Case Study of Bangkok. Proceedings presented at the Final Workshop on International River Symposium, of the World City Water Forum Good Practices for Urban Water Brisbane, 21-24 September 2009, (WCWF) 2009, Incheon, South Korea, Management in Asia, National Australia. Available online: 18-21 August, 2009. pp 2388-2396. University of Singapore, Singapore, 11 December 2009. dex.php?element=Th_S1_GH1_Reaz Singhrattna, N. and M. S. Babel +Akter+Mullick.pdf (2009). Developing Statistical Babel, M. S. and A. Rivas (2009). Relationships between Rainfall and Groundwater Quality Management Nguyen, M. D. and M. S. Babel Large-Scale Climate Variables for the Research in Bangkok, A Final Report (2009). Analysis of Historical Data for Upper Chao Phraya River Basin, submitted to Institute for Global Projecting Future Flood Frequencies Thailand. Proceedings of the EWRI- Environmental Strategies (IGES), and Sea Level Rise in the Red River AIT International Conference on “An Japan. Delta, Vietnam. Proceedings of the International Perspective on EWRI-AIT International Conference Environmental and Water Babel, M. S. and A. Rivas (2009). on “An International Perspective on Resources,” AIT Conference Center, Research Report on the Case Study Environmental and Water AIT, Bangkok, Thailand, 5-7 January on Water Supply, Wastewater, and Resources,” AIT Conference Center, (CD-ROM). Storm Water Management in AIT, Bangkok, Thailand, 5-7 January Bangkok, A Final Report Submitted (CD-ROM). T. Nakamura, F. Kazama, S.K. to the Institute of Water Policy, Lee Chapagain, V.P. Pandey, Y. Osada Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Pandey, V. P., Babel, M. S., Shrestha, and S. Shrestha, 2009. Isotopic National University of Singapore, S. and F. Kazama (2009). approach of groundwater studies- Singapore. Vulnerability of Freshwater identification of nitrate Resources in Large and Medium contamination process, In: Babel, M. S. and S. Md. Wahid Nepalese River Basins to Proceedings of International (2009). Freshwater under Threat: Environmental Change. Proceedings Symposium on Environment, Energy Vulnerability Assessment of of the 7th International Symposium and Water in Nepal: Recent Freshwater Resources in Southeast on Southeast Asian Water Researches and Direction for Future, Asia. United Nations Environnent Environment, 28-30 October, AIT 31 March – 1 April, 2009, Hotel Programme, Nairobi. ISBN: 978-92- Conference Centre, Thailand. pp Himalaya, Kathmandu, Nepal, pp.23- 807-2950-4. 241-250. 30. Climate Change Impact and S. Shrestha, 2009. For better Tiewtoy, S. and Clemente, R.S. 2009. Adaptation Study for Bangkok communication and knowledge Irrigation System Assessment and Metropolitan Region, Submitted to sharing system- lesson learne from Management of Selected Projects in the World Bank WEPA experience, In Proceedings of Thailand. Regional R&D Workshop International Conference on on Water Saving Irrigation Practices S. Shrestha (2009), Key note speech Sustainability of Sceince in Asia in Rice-based Canal System, AIT on ‘Groundwater and climate (ICSS-Asia), 23-24 November, 2009, Thailand, October 8-9 2009. change: No longer the hidden Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), resource’ in the National Symposium Thailand, pp.94. V.P. Pandey, M.S. Babel, S. Shrestha on Challenges and Opportunities for and F. Kazama, 2009. Vulnerability of Sustainable Management of

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SET – Water Engineering & Management Field of Study

Groundwater Resources of Application of Weather Radar for Rainfall Improvement of AIT River Network Model Kathmandu Valley, Nepal’ on 28 Forecasting in Bangkok for Flood Management: Chao Chet – December, 2009 in Kathmandu, By Supatchaya Chuanpongpanich Bang Yee Hon Irrigation Project, Chao Nepal. Supervisors: Dr. Mukand S. Babel/Dr. Sutat Phraya Basin Weesakul By Nikom Kraitud Supervisors: Dr. Mukand S. Babel/Dr. Sutat 12.6 Doctoral Students’ Assessment of Hydrological and Weesakul Geotechnical Safety of Mae Suai Dam, Dissertation Thailand Improvement on Detention Storage By Sirapop Tanmanee (Monkey Cheek) Operation of Mahachai An Intelligent-Based Decision-Making Supervisors: Dr. Mukand S. Babel/Prof. Tawatchai Canal System in Samut Sakhon, Thailand Tingsanchali Modeling of Reservoir Operation for By Adisorn Champathong

Improved Water Management Supervisors: Dr. Roberto S. Clemente/Dr. Sutat By Panuwat Pinthong Assessment of Salinity Intrusion in an Weesakul Supervisor: Dr. Mukand S. Babel Aquifer System in the Southwest Region of Bangladesh Integrated Evaluation of the Existing Eutrophication Modeling in the Upper By Sajal Kumar Adhikary Water Supply System in Vientianne, Lao Gulf of Thailand Supervisors: Dr. Mukand S. Babel/Prof. Ashim Das PDR Gupta By Chucheep Wongsupap By Arief Dhany Sutadian Supervisors: Dr. Roberto S. Clemente/Dr. Sutat Supervisor: Dr. Mukand S. Babel Weesakul Assessment of the Burala Canal Irrigation System, Pakistan: An Application of the Integrated Modeling of Urban Drainage Hydraulic Performance Analysis of MASSCOTE Approach and Flooding in the Central Area of Ninh Vetiver Grass System for Soil and Water By Abdul Nabi Kieu District, Can Tho City, Vietnam Supervisors: Dr. Mukand S. Babel/Dr. Sylvain Roger Conservation on Steep Slope Areas By Lam Van Thinh Perret By Somchai Donjadee Supervisors: Dr. Mukand S. Babel/Dr. Sutat Supervisor: Dr. Roberto S. Clemente Weesakul Assessment of Water Supply and Demand Under Future Climatic Change Investigating Crop Diversification and 12.7 Masters Students’ Conditions in the Mae Klong River Basin, Livelihood Patterns in Two Irrigation Theses Thailand Systems of Red River Delta, Vietnam: A By Chollada Rojrungtavee Simulation Study Using the Olympe Supervisor: Dr. Mukand S. Babel A Flood Inundation, Damage and Risk Approach Assessment in Hoang Long Basin, By Pham Thi Diep Evaluation of Municipal Water Demand Supervisor: Dr. Sylvain Roger Perret Vietnam Forecasting Techniques for Chonburi By Vu Thanh Tu Province, Thailand Supervisors: Dr. Mukand S. Babel/Prof. Tawatchai Irrigation System Performance Evaluation By Veerasak Kanganapongporn Tingsanchali of Selected Projects in Thailand Supervisor: Dr. Mukand S. Babel By Pitakpong Tibkaew

Analysis of Rainfall Pattern Change in Supervisor: Dr. Roberto S. Clemente Experimentation on Hydraulic Bangkok and Jakarta Performance of a Mangrove System for By Cilcia Kusumastuti Optimal Design of Water Distribution Supervisor: Dr. Mukand S. Babel/Dr. Sutat Tsunami Impact Reduction Mainlines for Future Demographic Weesakul By Nitee Siripit Scenarios in Southwest Hanoi, Vietnam Supervisors: Dr. Roberto S. Clemente/Dr. Sutat By Truong Tran Trung Weesakul Analysis of Scour Hole Formation in a Supervisors: Dr. Mukand S. Babel/Prof. Ashim Das Gupta Plunge Pool Using a Physical Model Farm Pond Management to Improve By Heng Sokchhay Supervisors: Dr. Mukand S. Babel/ Dr. Sutat Water Allocation in Selected Catchments Options for Improving Irrigation Water Weesakul in Chiang Mai, Thailand Allocation and Use: A Case Study in Hari By Pratya Chutipattarasakul Rod River Basin, Afghanistan Supervisor: Dr. Roberto S. Clemente Application of Artificial Neural Networks By Ahmad Faisal Basiri for Rainfall Forecasting in Mumbai Supervisor: Dr. Sylvain Roger Perret By Girish Bhatu Badgujar Flood Impact and Vulnerability Supervisor: Dr. Mukand S. Babel Assessment in Lower Reach of Kelani Probable Maximum Precipitation and River, Colombo Flood Analysis for Chenab River Basin, Application of MIKE 11 for Water Quality By S.M.C. Kaushalya Subasinghe Pakistan Supervisor: Dr. Mukand S. Babel Assessment in Can Tho City, Vietnam By Ikram ud Din By Huynh Vuong Thu Minh Supervisors: Dr. Mukand S. Babel/Prof. Tawatchai Supervisor: Dr. Roberto S. Clemente Tingsanchali

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SET – Water Engineering & Management Field of Study

Reservoir Operation Considering River Basin Under Future Development Environmental Flows: A Case Study in and Climate Scenarios Hari Rod River Basin, Afghanistan By Nguyen Thi Thu Ha By Said Shakib Atef Supervisor: Dr. Mukand S. Babel Supervisors: Dr. Mukand S. Babel/Prof. Ashim Das Gupta

Research Study: Evaluation of Simulating Non-Point Source Pollution of Downscaling Techniques in the Ping River Water Resources in the Upper Tha Chin Basin, Thailand River Basin, Thailand Using SWAT Model By Rashid Mahmood By Hafiz Qaisar Yasin Supervisor: Dr. Mukand S. Babel Supervisor: Dr. Roberto S. Clemente Research Study: Preliminary Urban Water Demand Forecasting Using Performance Assessment of the Water Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study Supply System in Ulaanbaatar City, of Bangkok Mongolia By Victor Rana Shinde By Siilegmaa Batsukh Supervisor: Dr. Mukand S. Babel Supervisor: Dr. Roberto S. Clemente Water Resources Management in Ba

70 | Annual Report on Research 2009


13.1. Introduction communication infrastructure (e.g. From Computer Science and networks, transmission technologies, Information Management Fields of Information and Communications switching and routing). Research Study Technologies field is a newly established specializations are in adaptive technologies; computer-supported KANCHANA KANCHANASUT, area of study in response to the needs collaboration; Home networking; ICT Professor for the offering of a curriculum selectively drawn from the curricula of security; online communities; and voice PETER HADDAWY, Professor Telecommunications (TC), Computer over IP. PHAN MINH DUNG, Professor Science, and Information Management VILAS WUWONGSE, Professor (CSIM). With strong emphasis on The ICT area of study shares the research SUMANTA GUHA, Associate communications aspects - rather than on facilities and laboratories of the Professor Telecommunications field of study. VATCHARAPORN ESICHAIKUL, the aggregation of hardware, software, Associate Professor networks, equipment and related MATTHEW N. DAILEY, Assistant industries - ICT recognizes the important 13.3. Faculty and Research role of information services and Professor applications in the creation of a complete Staff PAUL JANECECEK, Assistant ICT infrastructure. Professor, ICT Joint The ICT Field of Study draws from the Coordinator faculty and research staff of the 13.2. Research Facilities and Computer Science, Information From Remote Sensing and Laboratories Management, Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems Geographic Information Systems, and Field of Study

There is a rapidly growing and constantly Telecommunications Fields of Study. KIYOSHI HONDA, Associate evolving interest in ICT throughout the Professor academia and society. To support this, Faculty Members NITIN KUMAR TRIPATHI, the evolution and the benefits of ICT in Associate Professor our lives, the ICT field of study at AIT From ICT Area of Study XIAOYONG CHEN, Associate continues to research and develop of ICT. MIKKO KOVALAINEN, Ph.D., Professor and ICT Joint The field of study covers a wide variety of M.Econ., University of Jyväskylä, Coordinator research supported by the body of faculty consisting of a multi-professional Finland team of international experts in Visiting Senior Researcher 13.4. Masters Students’ telecommunication, computer science, educational technology and related From Telecommunications Field of Theses and Research Study fields. Studies

KAZI MOHIUDDIN AHMED, The faculty has a strong academic A Conceptual Framework for background ranging from wireless and Professor Collaborative Writing Workflow with optical networks, through hardware and R M A P RAJATHEVA, Associate Email Support and Implications for software, to web education and other e- Professor, ICT-Joint System Design services. Coordinator By Udayan Mishra TEERAPAT Supervisor: Dr. Paul Janecek SANGUANKOTCHAKORN, Research subjects include those on ICT Associate Professor Analysis of Power Efficiency in Channel applications (e-services such as e- learning, e-health, e-governance, rural POOMPAT SAENGUDOMLERT, Estimation for Joint ZP-NZP OFDM By Raza Ali Shah development, knowledge creation and Assistant Professor TAPIO ERKE, Visiting Associate Supervisor: Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert knowledge dissemination); on the Professor information technologies (e.g. operating systems, programming languages, information storage and retrieval); on the

Annual Report on Research 2009| 71

SET – Information & Communications Technologies Area of Study

Analysis of Supernode Based Peer-to-Peer The Manet Mobility Model for Pre- By Booncherd Nakornrum System for IP Telephony Over Wireless Ad Defined Structured Areas Supervisors: Dr. Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn/Assoc. Prof. Tapio J. Erke By Shiddhartha Raj Bhandari Hoc Networks By Jagadish Ghimire Supervisor: Dr. Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn Supervisor: Dr. Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn Research Study: Mobile-Based Velocity Effect on the Performance of Application to Monitor and Schedule An Architecture for Co-ordinated Manemo Home Appliances Interaction Over Multiple Views By Adisorn Lertsinsrubtavee By Su Su Lay Supervisor: Prof. Phan Minh Dung By Kriti Amatya Supervisor: Dr. Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn Supervisor: Dr. Paul Janecek Research Study: Relay Selection A Study of Conversation Traffic Variations Research Study: 3G Radio Access Techniques in Cooperate Communication and Characteristics Network Capacity Planning and Using Game Theory By Phan Anh Tuyet Bottleneck Analysis By Muhammad Mohsin Nazir Supervisor: Supervisor: Dr. R.M.A.P. Rajatheva Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tapio J. Erke By Abhilash Acharya Supervisor: Dr. Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn A Study of User Acceptance on Mobile Research Study: The Role of Decision Map Search in Thailand Research Study: An Empirical Study of Support Systems in Operational By Lalit Pienchai Cultural Influence on Web User Interface Emergency Management Supervisors: Dr. Vatcharaporn Esichaikul/Dr. and its Implications on Localization By Fanny Gaborit Donyaprueth Krairit Supervisor: Dr. Mikko Petri Kovalainen Strategy

By Marie-Lise Bourcier Automatic Attack Detection and Supervisor: Dr. Mikko Petri Kovalainen Research Study: Traffic Measurement Correction System Development and Analysis of a CDMA2000 1xEVDO (SmartARP) Research Study: Assessing Student Celluar Network: A Case Study of By Thanathorn Dechasawatwong Performance Using Knowledge Driven Mongolian Cellular Mobile Company Supervisor: Dr. Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn Data Mining By Purev-Osor Azjargal Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tapio J. Erke By Malayphone Soulygnavong Correctness Verification of Web Services Supervisor: Dr. Sumanta Guha Composition Using Event Calculus Research Study: User-Centred Design for By Chaman Priyankara Wijesiriwardana Research Study: Centralized User an E-Filing System: A Case Study for HR Supervisor: Prof. Phan Minh Dung Documents in Bhutan Telecom Ltd. Account Management: A Case Study of the National University of Laos By Tshering Pemo Digital Video Streaming Over a Supervisor: Dr. Mikko Petri Kovalainen By Kheuangkham Phothisan Heterogeneous Network Supervisor: Dr. Paul Janecek By Waldeniye Gedara Chinthaka Wasantha Kumara Supervisor: Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut Research Study: Handwriting Energy and Capacity Analysis of Relay- Recognition for Medical Patient Records Assisted MIMO Ad Hoc Network: A Game Using Semantic Information from UMLS Theoretical Approach Ontology By Pluert Lertsukittipongsa By Chatura Kalyana Wickrema Seneviratne Supervisor: Prof. Peter Haddawy Supervisor: Dr. R.M.A.P. Rajatheva

Modified AODV for Multi-Constrained Research Study: Impact of Trust on QOS Routing and Performance Consumer Acceptance of Internet Banking System Optimization in Manet By Chada Kunnarong By Amina Akhter Supervisor: Dr. Vatcharaporn Esichaikul Supervisor: Dr. Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn

Multi-Constrained Optimal Path QoS Research Study: In Search of Market Entry Options for Small Software Routing with Inaccurate Link State Platform Providers: A Case Study of the Information By Mahawaduge Lesli Newton Perera Telecom Industry in Pakistan Supervisor: Dr. Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn By Saqib Jamil Supervisor: Dr. Mikko Petri Kovalainen

The Effect of Movement Scenario to Research Study: Measurement and Connectivity Performance in MANEMO By Paweeya Raknim Analysis of Traffic in an IP-Based Supervisor: Dr. Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn Network: A Case Study of Ministry of Defense, Thailand

72 | Annual Report on Research 2009


14.1 Introduction students to build their own area of Science, Technical University of Isai; specialization in addition to the Doctor of Science, Technical

areas formally offered in the University of Cluj Napoca Rationale program, those areas being: Offshore Structural Design and POOVADOL SIRIRANGSI, Master of Oil and Gas resources in the Construction (OSDC), Oil and Gas Business Administration, University Southeast Asian region have been Management (OGM), and of Central Oklahoma the United explored for several decades, Geosystem Exploration and State; Doctor of Engineering, Asian especially following the global slump Petroleum GeoEngineering (GEPG, Institute of Technology, Bangkok, in oil and gas production during the and offered in collaboration with the Thailand early 1970's. Since then, the region Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental has become one of the most field of study). With the available PORNPONG ASAVADORNDEJA, productive oil and gas areas in the teaching expertise; library and Master of Engineering, Asian world. However, the global demand laboratory facilities; multitude of Institute of Technology, Bangkok, for skilled human resources of the courses from AIT’s different schools; Thailand; Doctor of Engineering, upstream oil and gas industry greatly skilled and professional faculty Asian Institute of Technology, exceeds the supply and, therefore, members and staff; strong Bangkok, Thailand regional companies are required to collaborations with overseas partner seek contract overseas worker to fill universities in Europe, Asia, Australia PRATEEP POKINWONG, Master of job vacancies; a situation that and North America; and strongly Science, University of Southern continues to exist after more than supported by oil and gas industries, California, USA; Doctor of Philosophy three decades of E&P activity in the AIT’s OTM post-graduate program in Engineering, University of region. The shortage of skilled has become one of the most suitable Southern California manpower has recently become post-graduate study for engineers critical due to the tremendously high and young managers to pursue SARUNPHONG ARTICHARTE; Master level of oil and gas exploration and higher professional careers in both of Science, Texas A&M University, production activity around the world the oil and gas industry and USA that has occurred to meet the government bodies. increasing global demand for energy, THITISAK BOONPRAMOTE, Master of especially since China’s becoming Science, Colorado School of Mines, the “world’s factory”, and the move 14.2 Faculty and Research USA; Ph.D., Colorado School of towards deep water exploration and Staff Mines, USA production. Full-time Faculty WINAI OUYPORNPRASERT, Master of Mission Statement Engineering, Chulalongkorn GREGORY L.F. CHIU, M.S. Civil University, Bangkok, Thailand; Ph.D., AIT’s Offshore and Technology & Engineering, Columbia University, University of Insbruck, Austria Management Program (OTM) is the New York, USA; PhD. Civil first of its kind to provide regional Engineering, Stanford University, post-graduate study in upstream oil California, USA 14.3 Ongoing / In Progress and gas education, and is designed Visiting Associate Professor Grant and Sponsored to combine application-oriented course work, field studies and Research Adjunct Faculty internships into a curriculum from Preparation of the structural which graduates are equipped with JOKO HARSONO WIDJAJA, Master of assessment guideline for offshore the skills and knowledge-and- Engineering, Asian Institute of practice-readiness to mitigate the petroleum platform and pipeline Technology, Bangkok, Thailand; Project Description: Process of the preliminary shortages of skilled manpower in the Doctor of Philosophy, University of study and analysis, there are 3 tasks to upstream sector of oil and gas Technology, Sydney-NSW, Australia perform: 1. the legislation aspect that focuses industry. As an industrial on the prescriptive and the performance application-oriented program, OTM’s based regimes: 2 the technical aspect L.F. BOSWELL, Doctor of Philosophy, concerning the historical data and the future unique characteristics offer a flexible University of Leeds; Doctor of trend of the development of the code of study structure which allows practice; 3 the stakeholders analysis which Annual Report on Research 2009| 73

SET – Offshore Technology & Management Program

deals with the strategic implementation plan Offshore Pile Driving Stress Versus Blow Internship: Assessment of the Existing for each group of the stakeholders. Count in Investigating Hammer Jacketed Platform Using Non-Linear Duration December 2007 to June 2010 Project Investigator Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai Performance Static Pushover Analysis Sponsors Department of Mineral Fuel By Noppong Klaharn By Washira Kaew-amatawong Total Contracted Amount (Baht) 3,774,000 Supervisors: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu/Dr. Joko Harsono Supervisor: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu Widjaja Internship: A Study on the Concept 14.4 Masters Students’ Real Options Analysis as an Investment Design of the Spar Buoy Platform in Deep Theses and Decision Tool in Oil and Gas Field Sea Development in Thailand By Sompong Boonthanaporn Internships By Chittree Rungcharoen Supervisor: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu Supervisors: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu/Dr. Thitisak Boonpramote Internship: CEPP Heating Upgrade - Application of the Fracture Mechanics Detailed Design Model for Offshore Jacket Structure Reliability-Based Decision Making in Inspection Purposes By Thanit Kunmas Offshore Platform Construction Supervisor: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu By Methi Assavinvipart Supervisors: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu/Dr. Pornpong Management Asavadorndeja By Chompoonut Junkongsuwan Internship: Engineering Design Aspects of Supervisors: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu/Dr. Poovadol Offshore and Onshore Natural Gas Sirirangsi/Dr. Winai Ouypornprasert Corporate Risk Tolerance Assessment and Pipelines

Its Application in Optimal Work Interest: By Win Min Thant Risk Assessment for Offshore Platforms Supervisor: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu The Case of E&P in Thailand Decommissioning in the Gulf of Thailand By Nantaphat Chotsubyodchana By Chaiyaphruk Bunprasert Supervisors: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu/Dr. Thitisak Internship: Field Development Plan for Supervisors: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu/Dr. Joko Harsono Boonpramote Widjaja New Oil and Gas Fields By Moe Thu Aung Supervisor: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu Determination of Eaton’s Exponent in the Risk Assessment for Subsea Pipeline

Gulf of Thailand Decommissioning in the Gulf of Thailand By Prairaya Somanandana Internship: In-place and Dynamic Analysis By Watcharapon Tawarat Supervisors: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu/Dr. Jirawat Supervisors: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu/Dr. Joko Harsono of a Generic Tripod Jacket Chewaroungroaj Widjaja By Manoo Sakprasert Supervisor: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu Dynamic Response of Offshore Minimum Risk Assessment for Topside Fabrication Structures in the Southern Gulf of By Prissanai Tephasit Internship: Petroleum Fiscal Regime in Thailand Supervisors: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu/Dr. Joko Harsono the United Kingdom By Songkiat Hansanti Widjaja/Dr. Thitisak Boonpramote By Sunti Thongvilard Supervisors: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu / Dr. Joko Supervisor: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu Harsono Widjaja Structural Integrity-Based Investigation

for Fixed Offshore Steel Template Jacket Internship: Piping Design and Dynamic Wave Response of Non-linear Platforms Management for Offshore Platforms Offshore Platform Structural System By Pongsathon Punjamaphon By Khamfa Seelachai By Nakorn Suttara Supervisors: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu / Dr. Joko Supervisor: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu Supervisors: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu/Dr. Joko Harsono Harsono Widjaja Widjaja Internship: Risk-Based Inspection and The Articulated Stinger Optimization Integrity Management of Facility Systems Investigation Into the Effect of Non-Linear Design for an Offshore Platform Soil Stiffness to Riser Fatigue Life (In Deep By Pornpat Samutchaikit By Kanjanakorn Promsakanasakonnakorn Water Scenario) Supervisor: Dr. Pornpong Asavadorndeja Supervisor: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu By Rittichai Sukbanjongwatthana Supervisors: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu/Dr. Pornpong Internship: Study of Pipeline Fabrication Asavadorndeja Internship: Assessment of Fire Blast Load and Welding Technology for Sour Service Offshore Construction Planning and Resistance in Offshore Structures Condition By Pakorn Teerawanichphan By Nirut Bundeerat Scheduling Under Resource Constraints Supervisor: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu Supervisor: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu By Boonyawat Buddhimetapong Supervisors: Dr. Gregory L. F. Chiu/Dr. Poovadol Sirirangsi/Dr. Winai Ouypornprasert

74 | Annual Report on Research 2009


15.1 Mission, Vision, and SERD Core Values 15.3 Research Facilities and

Core Values Interdisciplinarity Laboratories Innovativeness SERD Mission Excellence SERD provides laboratory, computer and Responsiveness information technology (IT) facilities for The School of Environment, education and learning for graduate Resources and Development is students, and research activities of committed to excellence in graduate 15.2 Field of Study and graduate students, faculty, and education as well as research and Multidisciplinary sponsored and contracted projects. outreach activities. Through its Programs academic programs and outreach SERD has six research laboratories in

units, SERD has been working Agricultural Systems and Engineering, Fields of Study towards capacity building and Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources

human resource development in the Management, Food Engineering and Bio- areas of resource management, Agricultural Systems and process Technology, Environmental development studies, and energy Engineering Engineering and Management, and environmental management. Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management Energy, and Pulp and Paper Technology, SERD responds to regional needs by Energy and each laboratory is unique with mobilizing and enhancing capacities Environmental Engineering and modern equipments, excellent guidance for socially, economically and Management and assistance, and provides safe environmentally sound development Food Engineering and working facilities and environments to in partnerships with public and Bioprocess Technology carry out experimental studies and private sectors. The School’s Gender and Development research. interdisciplinary approach integrates Studies technological, natural and social Natural Resources Management IT facilities are provided for everyone to sciences. Pulp and Paper Technology attend their academic and research Regional and Rural Development related activities. There are three SERD Vision Planning computer centers maintained by the

Urban Environmental SERD at the SERD Main building (two SERD will continue its leadership role Management computer laboratories), Agriculture and in offering excellent academic Food Engineering building and Energy programs relevant to regional needs. Inter-university Program Building which provides convenient

working environment, with all the SERD research will be concentrated Environmental Toxicology, necessary facilities. These are open toward focal areas and are to be Technology and Management twenty four hours a day for use by conducted by core teams. students, staff and faculty. Full internet

Interdisciplinary Programs access is available to these PCs through a SERD outreach will be community high speed network backbone which serviceoriented. Cleaner Production connects all academic buildings including

Agri Business Management the residence halls. A large number of PC SERD Programs will be consolidated Sustainable Development software packages for applications such and financially viable. The School as word-processing, spreadsheets, activities including the students, Disaster Prevention, Mitigation network communications, multimedia staff, faculty and curricula, will be and Management and file transfer utilities are available. subject to quality assessment. Gender, Transportation and Development High quality laser printers, scanning and CD writing facilities are available for students’ uses.

Annual Report on Research 2009| 75

School of Environment, Resources & Development

Furthermore, laboratories also have WEERAKORN ONGSAKUL (from 1 Women and microvendors/ computer facilities, which enhance the September 2009) informal sector; Borderland productivity of the teaching and research BEng, Chulalongkorn Univ, Thailand; studies, Gender issues in activities of the school. MS, PhD, Texas A&M Univ, USA. organizations, Gender and Associate Professor (Artificial development policy and Intelligence Applications to planning] 15.4 School Governance Power Systems; Parallel Processing Applications; Power MOKBUL MORSHED AHMAD (from 1 Dean of School System Operation & Control; September 2009) Power System Deregulation & BSc, MSc, Dhaka Univ, Bangladesh; SIVANAPPAN KUMAR (until 31 Restructuring) MSc, AIT, Thailand; PhD, Univ of August 2009) Durham, UK. BE, Univ of Madras, India; MEng, AIT, Associate Deans Assistant Professor (Economic Thailand; PhD, Inst Natl geography; regional and rural Polytechnique, Toulouse, France. KYOKO KUSAKABE (until 31 August development planning; Professor [Solar Energy 2009) community development; Non- (Radiation, Thermal and BA, Sophia Univ, Tokyo, Japan; MSc, Governmental Organizations Photovoltaics); Green house gas PhD, AIT, Thailand. (NGOs); civil society; mitigation and climate change, Associate Professor [Women’s globalization etc) Cleaner Production; energy and employment under macro- sustainable development] economic changes; Gender issues in trade and migration;

76 | Annual Report on Research 2009


16.1 Introduction packages for system analysis and Fertility Management; Organic simulation, including DSSAT (Decision Farming; Stress Physiology) This field of study emphasizes on Support System for Agrotechnology sustainable agricultural and related Transfer), ArcView etc. A Computer- HEMANTHA P W JAYASURIYA, Aided Design (CAD) workstation is also BScEng, Univ of Peradeniya, Sri technologies development through available for training the design of Lanka; MEng, DEng, AIT, Thailand. holistic approach for efficient food production from small holder agriculture. agricultural equipment. There is a Assistant Professor (Design & machine workshop with facilities for Development of Agricultural fabricating various types of laboratory Machinery; Precision 16.2 Research Facilities and and experimental apparatus and models. Agriculture; Agricultural Systems Consultation and fabrication of different Analysis; Instrumentation & Laboratories types of transducers can be provided. Data Acquisition) About 20 high-end PCs connected to the Agricultural Systems and Engineering campus-wide Ethernet and ATM network Visiting and Adjunct Faculty (ASE) Laboratory caters to researchers, and a high quality laser printer, scanning which address sustainability in and CD writing facilities are available for LAI PO-YUNG; PhD agricultural production. The facilities are students’ uses. Visiting Faculty (Sustainable capable for implementing excellent Agriculture; Integrated Pest agronomic and engineering researches Management; Insect-Chemical on soils, water and plant, such as, plant 16.3 Faculty and Entomology; Insect Pathology) growth, soil fertility and management, integrated pest management, plant Professional Staff CHAIYAPHOL water requirement, etc. Facilities to KAEWPRAKAISAENGKUL; PhD conduct researches on terramechanics, Full-time Faculty Adjunct Faculty (Agricultural ergonomics and tillage are also available. Machinery Design & Testing; The engineering aspects of agricultural VILAS M SALOKHE, BTech, Mahatma Phule Agricultural Univ., India; MEng, Instrumentation & production are dealt with through Measurement; Quality Control & innovations and development of Univ of Sukhadia, India; DEng, AIT, Thailand. Assurance) machines and equipment to enhance Professor (Agricultural productivity and reduce human drudgery. Machinery; Controlled PETER AUN-CHUAN OOI, PhD These innovations are constructed at the Adjunct Faculty (Crop ASE workshop. Environment Agriculture; Protection; Integrated Pest Terramechanics; Agricultural Systems Analysis; Human Management; Agricultural Major laboratory equipment include a Systems) Spectro UV- VIS double PC double beam Factors Engineering)

(scanning) flame photo meter; Digestion GANESH P SHIVAKOTI, BS, MS, ROONGRUANG KALSIRISILP; PhD block; Trinocular Microscope MBL 2100; Udaipur Univ, India; PhD, Michigan Adjunct Faculty (Agricultural Stereo zoom microscope Model MSZ Machinery Design & Testing; 5400; Porometer type AP4 Light meter State Univ, USA. Agricultural Power & Machinery WP4 Dewpoint Potential Meter; Mini- Professor (Agricultural Management; Agricultural. disk Infiltrometer Soil hydraulic Development and Policy Analysis; Resource Development; Systems Engineering) conductivity; Tensio Meter; Soil bin carriage system; Sony CXC- 390 1/3" 3 Farming Systems; Natural Resources Management) Professional Staff CCD Camera; Spider 8 data logger;

National Instrument DAQ; NI Vision PEEYUSH SONI; DEng Module; Dynamic strain amplifier; and an S L RANAMUKHAARACHCHI, BSc, Affiliated Faculty and SC-900 Soil compaction meter. Univ of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka; MSc, Laboratory Supervisor PhD, Pennsylvania State Univ, USA. Associate Professor (Agronomy; (Controlled Environment The SERD Computer Lab III in the Agriculture; Agricultural Systems Agricultural and Food Engineering Crop Eco-physiology; Cropping Systems; Pest Management; Soil Analysis; Energy in Agriculture; Building has various kinds of software

Annual Report on Research 2009| 77

SERD – Agricultural Systems & Engineering Field of Study

Aquacultural Engineering) (1 Training of Officers and Training of variations in a rice paddy: January – 31 May 2009) Manual Preparation for Department of implications for assessing soil Adjunct Faculty Agrarian Development-Sri Lanka health . Journal of Biosciences, (Instrumentation and Duration 19-Aug-07 - 31-Dec-09 34(6): 969-976. Measurement Techniques; Project Investigator S.L. Ranamukaarachchi Sponsor Department of Agrarian Development-Sri Course Analytical Techniques & Lanka G.A. Sanjeewanie Ginigaddara and Decision Tools for Agribusiness) Total Contracted Amount (THB) 763,000 S.L. Ranamukhaarachchi. 2009. (1 September 2009 to 31 Effect of conventional, SRI and December 2010) modified water management on 16.5 On-going Grants and growth, yield and water productivity WATTANAPORN MESKUNTAVON, Sponsored Research of direct-seeded and transplanted DTechSc rice in Central Thailand. Australian Senior Laboratory Supervisor Climate Change Rice Cultivation Journal of Crop Science, 3(5):278- (Crop Modeling; Farm Duration 1-May-09 - 30-Nov-10 286. Management; Laboratory Project Investigator Prabhat Kumar, Abha Mishra Analyses of Soil and Plants) Sponsor APFED/UNEP Kamolsin, P. V.M. Salokhe and P. Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,020,000 Soni (2009). Physico-Mechanical Properties of Hydrilla (Hydrilla 16.4 Grants and Sponsored Linking Thai Jasmine Rice Farmers with Markets using Participatory action verticillata) and Pondweed (Potamogeton malaianus). Research Completed in research for sustainability of rain-fed Manuscript submitted to: 2009 lowland rice-based system in Northeast Thailand Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal of Development of a Small Rice Combine Duration 1-Jan-08 - 31-Dec-10 Project Investigator Prabhat Kumar, Sudip Rakshit Scientific Research and Harvested Sponsor Consultative Group on International Development. (Accepted for Duration 1-May-07 - 31-Mar-09 Agricultural Research CGIAR World Bank publication) Project Investigator V. M. Salokhe Total Contracted Amount (THB) 8,262,000

Sponsor RTG Visiting Scholar Total Contracted Amount (THB) 900,000 Mishra, A. (2009). System of Rice Protected cultivation- An Approach to Sustainable Vegetable Production in Intensification (SRI): A quest for the Development of an Efficient Sugarcane Humid Tropics- Phase II interactive science to mitigate the Transportation System for Sugar Mill Duration 1-Aug-04 - 30-Jun-10 climate change vulnerability. In IOP Duration 1-Jun-07 - 30-Apr-09 Project Investigator V. M. Salokhe Conf. Series: Earth and Project Investigator V. M. Salokhe Sponsor Hannover University, Germany Sponsor RTG and Buriram Sugar Environmental Science. 6 (4), Total Contracted Amount (THB) 10,000,000 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,000,000 242028.

Eco-friendly Household Biodegradable Regional knowledge exchange with SRI: Mishra, A. and Uphoff, N (2009). Waste Recycling and Utilization through Producing more with less water Climate-proofing’ crop production in Duration 1-Jun-09 - 30-Dec-10 Peri-Urban and Urban Agriculture for Project Investigator Prabhat Kumar, Abha Mishra response to climate change: Amelioration of the City Environment Sponsor World Bank Institute Opportunities with the System of Duration 30-Jun-08 - 31-Aug-09 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,426,300 Rice Intensification (SRI). The Hindu Project Investigator S.L. Ranamukaarachchi Survey of Indian Agriculture, 12-13. Sponsor CIDA/SEA-UEMA Total Contracted Amount (THB) 576,000 16.6 Publications Mohammad Gausul Azam, Michael

Increasing Water use Efficiency by using A. Zoebisch, Kanchana S. Refereed Journals Wickramarachchi, and Senaratne L. Mulch under SRI Duration 1-Jan-06 - 31-Mar-09 Ranamukhaarachchi. 2009. Site- Doi, R. and S.L. Ranamukhaarachchi. Project Investigator V. M. Salokhe specific soil hydraulic quality (SHQ) Sponsor IWMI 2009. Community-level physiological index to describe the essential Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,925,000 profiling in monitoring rehabilitative conditions for the optimum soil

effects of Acacia auriculiformis water regime. Canadian Journal of Laboratory and Field Training in plantation on degraded land of Agricultural Sciences Soil Science (Manuscript Number: Sakaerat, Thailand. Journal Silvva CJSS08089, Date of acceptance for Duration 9-Sep-09 - 31-Oct-09 Fennica, 43(5):739-754. Project Investigator Vilas M Salokhe publication - 05-08- 2009).

Sponsor Advancing Afghan Agriculture Alliance (A4) C/O Purdue University Doi, R. and S.L. Ranamukhaarachchi. Nalavade, P. Salokhe, V.M., Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,311,552 2009. Correlations between soil Niyamapa, T., and P. Soni (2010).

microbial and physiochemical Performance of Free Rolling and

78 | Annual Report on Research 2009

SERD – Agricultural Systems & Engineering Field of Study

Powered Tillage Discs. Soil & Tillage Manhattan, Bangkok (THAILAND), urban Agriculture in Asia: Issues, Research. (Accepted for publication) 7-10 December, 2009 Potential and Challenges”. In: Proceedings of the International Nguyen, M.T. and S.L. Ketelaar, J. W. and Kumar, P. (2009). Workshop on Sustainable City Ranamukhaarachchi. 2009. Soil- presented lead paper titled "Asian Region (IWSCR). Inna Grand Bali borne antagonists for biological Smallholder Vegetable Farmers as Beach Hotel, Denpasar, control of bacterial wilt disease IPM Experts Experiences from the INDONESIA, 23-24 February, 2009. caused by Ralstonia solanacearum in FAO Regional Vegetable IPM Pp.65-73. http://www2.ir3s.u- tomato and capsicum. International Programme" International Journal of Plant Pathology (accepted Conference on Horticulture (ICH- for publication – 11-08-2009) 2009) 9-12 November 2009, Soni, P. and V.M. Salokhe and A. Bangalore, India (under preparation; Noomhorm (2009). “Green Top, Thongsaga, K. and S.L. see Clean Bottom: Storey for Ranamukhaarachchi. 2009. Sustainability”. In: Abstracts Book. Simulation of Growth and Yield of Programme.html). ‘Urban Futures: The Challenge of Maize under Water Stress Imposed Sustainability’. The Alliance for during Critical Growth Periods in Kumar P. (2009). Climate Change Global Sustainability (AGS) Annual Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Adaptation workshop, DoAE-FAO, Meeting 2009, 26-30 January, Thailand. Asia Pacific Journal of Rural Dhaka. Presented an invited paper Zurich, SWITZERLAND. Pp. 47. Development. Asia Pacific J. of Rural on the topic of ‘Effect of climate development, XIX(1):109-134. change on the plant production and V.M. Salokhe and P. Soni (Editors) protection in Bangladesh and lessons (2009). “BOOK OF ABSTRACTS”. Book Chapter for the FFS Programmes’. International Agricultural Engineering Conference, December Kumar P., and H.-M. Poehling. Kumar P. (2009). FAO Regional 7-10, Bangkok, Thailand. Published (2009). Novel strategies for Workshop on Pesticide Risk by Asian Association for Agricultural management of tropical insect- Reduction, 19-23 Oct. Guilin China Engineering. ISBN: 978-974-8257-70- pests of tomato. In: Tomatoes: PR. Presented an invited paper on 9 Agricultural Procedures, Pathogen ‘Effects of climate change on the Interactions and Health Effects. plant production and protection in V.M. Salokhe, S. Parvin and P. Soni Nova Publishers. USA . Asia’. (2009). “Effects of Yield Promoting Inputs on Greenhouse-grown Conference Proceeding Mishra, A. (2009). Climate Change Tomatoes in Humid Tropics”. In: and Water Stress: Does the System Proceedings of the 33rd CIOSTA Alex Keen, Madhav D. Gholkar, of Rice Intensification (SRI) offer any and CIGR-V Conference 2009. James Ward, Vilas M. Salokhe and opportunity for better adaptation? Reggio Calabria, ITALY, 17-19 June, Peeyush Soni (2009). “Force In: Regional Knowledge Exchange on 2009. Measurement between a Tractor SRI: Producing More with Less and a Three Point Linkage Water, 23-24 June, 2009, AIT, V.M. Salokhe, T. Laonapakul and P. Mounted Cultivation Implement”. Thailand Soni (2009). “Effects of Tyre IAEC Ref. AMM-253. In: ( Inflation Pressure and Surface Proceedings of the 10th NELL/tag/ait). Conditions on the Vibration International Agricultural Characteristics of Agricultural Engineering Conference, Hotel P. Soni and V.M. Salokhe (2009). Tractors”. In: Proceedings of the Manhattan, Bangkok (THAILAND), “Options for Sustainable 11th European Regional Conference 7-10 December, 2009 Agriculture in the Tropics: An of the ISTVS 2009. Bremen, Overview”. Invited Paper for online GERMANY, 5-8 October, 2009. Chakkrapong Taewichit, Dolores journal. Special issue on: Mae N. Gicana and Peeyush Soni Sustainable Agricultural Practices Other Publications (2009). “Alternative Optimal and Technologies. UN-APCTT Asia Integrated Agriculture with Ponds Pacific Tech Monitor, Jan-Feb. P. Soni (2009). “Agrifood Chain: using Multi-Objective Linear 2009. pp.13-20. Where is the Broken Link?”. From Programming”. IAEC Ref. CTA-261. the Editor’s Desk. AAAE In: Proceedings of the 10th mon/09jan_feb/tm/tm_home.htm Newsletter, 18(1-2). International Agricultural Engineering Conference, Hotel Soni, P. and V.M. Salokhe (2009). “Strategic Analysis of Urban/Peri- Annual Report on Research 2009 | 79

SERD – Agricultural Systems & Engineering Field of Study

P. Soni (2009). “Asian Cities and 16.8 Masters Students' Effects of Selected Air Pollutants on Agriculture?”. From the Editor’s Growth and Yield of Mung Bean (Vigna Desk. AAAE Newsletter, 18(3-4). Theses radiata L.) By Nilusha Manojani Rajakaruna An Assessment of Rice Market Chain Supervisor: Dr. S. L. Ranamukhaarachchi 16.7 Doctoral Students' Management in The Mekong Delta: A Dissertation Case Study in Cantho City, Vietnam Improvement of Vase Life of Cut Roses By Tran Le Var. Christian Dior by Optimizing Sucrose,

Supervisors: Prof. Ganesh P. Shivakoti/Dr. S. L. Aluminum Sulphate and Silver Thiosulfate Combating Poverty in the Hills of Nepal: Ranamukhaarachchi By Sharmila Piya Implications for Agricultural Research Supervisor: Supervisor: Dr. S. L. Ranamukhaarachchi and Development Policy A Comparative Study of Color Sensitivity By Yuga Nath Ghimire Combined with Opened and Protected Life Cycle Assessment of Greenhouse Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh P. Shivakoti Traps for Insect Pest Management in Grown Tomatoes in Thailand Chinese Kale (Brassica oleracea L.) By Davaasuren Dashzegve Comparative Studies on Growth and Yield By Vindya Niroshini Wickramaarachchi Supervisor: Dr. Hemantha P. W. Jayasuriya Simulations for Maize in Drought-Prone Supervisor: Dr. S. L. Ranamukhaarachchi Ecosystem in Nakhorn Ratchasima Modeling Soil-Moldboard Plough Province, Thailand Analysis of Livestock Industry of Interaction Using FEM and CFD By Kiattiyos Thongsaga Mongolia: A Case Study of TUV Province Techniques Supervisor: Dr. S. L. Ranamukhaarachchi By Batchimeg Dorjsuren By Pipit Kunlawanit Supervisor: Prof. Vilas M. Salokhe Supervisor: Dr. Hemantha P. Jayasuriya Development of a Mini Combine Harvester for Rice Assessment of the Potential of Performance Evaluation of a Three-Point By Direk Chimchana Sustainable Farming System through Hitch System of a Tractor Supervisor: Prof. Vilas M. Salokhe Farm Level Energy Generation: A Case By Shivaji Gunga Bachche Study of Sijuwa VDC, Morang District, Supervisor: Prof. Vilas M. Salokhe Development of a Vibratory Subsoiler Nepal By Rattana Karoonboonyanan By Umesh Adhikari Status of Poultry Production in Mongolia: Supervisors: Prof. Vilas M. Salokhe / Dr. Tanya Supervisor: Supervisor: Dr. Hemantha P. Jayasuriya A Case Study of Ulaanbaatar City Niyamapa By Burentugs Sayakhuu

Development of a Cassava Stem Supervisor: Prof. Vilas M. Salokhe Exploration of Antagonistic Microorganisms for Biological Control of Harvester By Chaiyan Sirikun Bacterial Wilt Disease (Ralstonia Supervisor: Prof. Vilas M. Salokhe Research Study: Application of Time solanacearum) in Tomato and Capsicum Series Forecasting for Policy Purposes on By Nguyen Mai Thanh Development of a Coconut Husk Crusher Natural Rubber Prices and Production in Supervisor: Dr. S. L. Ranamukhaarachchi and Cutter Thailand By Sahapat Chalachai By Chananya Thimaporn Pesticide Use Knowledge, Perceptions Supervisor: Prof. Vilas M. Salokhe Supervisor: Dr. Hemantha P. Jayasuriya and Practices among Small Tangerine Growers in Chiang Mai Province, Diversification of Rice to Oil Palm in Research Study: Discrimination of Thai Northern Thailand Karaked Sub District of Pak Phanang Rice Varieties Using Ground Based By Juthathip Chalermphol Basin, Thailand: Evaluation of Economic Multiangular Hyperspectral Reflectance Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh P. Shivakoti and Land Use Suitability Using Precision Data and Biophysical Parameters Agricultural Techniques By Muhammad Arshad Physiological Studies of Water Stress in By Somkiet Sinlapavech Supervisor: Dr. S. L. Ranamukhaarachchi Irrigated Rice for Enhancing Water Supervisor: Dr. Hemantha P. Jayasuriya Productivity

By G.A.S. Ginigaddara Effect of Composite Media on Growth Supervisor: Dr. S. L. Ranamukhaarachchi and Yield of Greenhouse Grown Tomato and Capsicum By Homayara Momotaz Supervisor: Prof. Vilas M. Salokhe

80 | Annual Report on Research 2009


17.1 Introduction Consultation and fabrication of different Philippines; MSc, PhD, Nagasaki types of transducers can be provided. University, Japan; AARM promotes research and About 20 high-end PCs connected to the Associate Professor development through aquaculture and campus-wide Ethernet and ATM network (Aquaculture - Seed Production and a high quality laser printer, scanning and Grow-out, Fisheries small-scale capture fisheries. The Field of and CD writing facilities are available for Management, Integrated Study has a wide spectrum of activities enabling it to address poverty, students’ uses. Coastal Management) constraints facing the promotion of Research Staff and Affiliated Faculty sustainable management and utilization 17.3 Faculty and Research of aquatic resources. The central theme is capacity building: the advancement of Staff DHIRENDRA P. THAKUR, BFSc, Rajendra Agricultural University, individuals and institutions creating India; MSc, AIT, Thailand; MSc, Kochi indigenous capacity in education, Emeritus Professor University, Japan; PhD, Ehime research and development within the region. PETER EDWARDS, BSc, University of University, Japan; Liverpool, UK; PhD, University of Senior Research Specialist and Texas, USA. Affiliated Faculty (Intensive 17.2 Research Facilities and (General aquaculture with aquaculture, Water quality and emphasis on recycling organic nutrient dynamics, Laboratories Environmental impacts of wastes (human, animal, agro-industrial); small-scale aquaculture; Integrated Coastal Aquaculture Laboratory serves the aquaculture; integrated Management, Aquatic product academic and research programs of quality and certification) aquaculture and aquatic resources farming; aquaculture for poverty management (AARM) field of study. It is alleviation; and systems RAM C. BHUJEL, BSc, Institute of equipped with modern equipment to approaches to education, research and development; Agriculture and Animal Sciences, analyze water quality, nutrients in food IAAS, Chitwan, Nepal; MSc and PhD, and feedstuffs, and soil classification and curriculum development; project formulation, management and AIT, Thailand; their problems identification. Some of its evaluation. Senior Research Scientist and major laboratory equipment includes a Affiliated Faculty (Biostatistics Distillation Unit; Extraction Unit; and Research Design, Curriculum Incubator; UV/Vis Spectrophotometer; Full-time Faculty Development, Women in Soxtec, Fibertec and Kjeltec system, AMARARATNE YAKUPITIYAGE, BSc, Aquaculture, Broodstock microscope with camera, etc. The field Nutrition/Management and Fry facilities include a hatchery, outdoor Univ of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka; MSc, AIT, Thailand; PhD, Univ of Stirling, Production, Technology tanks and earthen ponds for field Scotland. Transfer/ Extension) research. Associate Professor

(Aquaculture, Bioenergetics, Fish The SERD Computer Lab III in the Agricultural and Food Engineering Nutrition, Statistics, Database Building has various kinds of software Systems Development) packages for system analysis and simulation, including DSSAT (Decision AMRIT BART, BA Earlham College, USA; MA, MS, PhD, Auburn Univ, Support System for Agrotechnology USA. Transfer), ArcView etc. A Computer- Aided Design (CAD) workstation is also Associate Professor (Aquatic available for training the design of Resource Management, agricultural equipment. There is a Cryopreservation, Reproductive machine workshop with facilities for Physiology, Seed Production) fabricating various types of laboratory WENRESTI G GALLARDO, BSc, Master and experimental apparatus and models. of Aquaculture, University of the

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17.4 Grants and Sponsored Project Investigator Ram C. Bhujel cryopreserved sperm from striped Sponsor European Commission catfish, Pangasius hypophthalmus Research Completed in Total Contracted Amount (THB) 31,939,965 (Sauvage). Aquaculture Research. 40: 2009 Sustainable Aquaculture Research 292- 297.

Networks in Sub-Saharan Africa Feasibility Study for Adoption of oxygen Duration 1-Feb-08 - 31-Jan-11 Sawitri Silkas and Amrit N. Bart, injection technology in intensive shrimp Project Investigator Ram C. Bhujel 2009. Ultrasound enhanced culture pond Sponsor European Commission through University permeation of methanol into of Stirling, UK Duration 1-Jan-08 - 31-Jul-09 zebrafish, Danio rerio, embryos. Total Contracted Amount (THB) 3,000,010 Project Investigator Dhirendra Prasad Thakur Aquaculture (in Press) Sponsor OxSeaVision (Thailand) Co. Ltd Total Contracted Amount (THB) 500,000 17.6 Publications Sultanul Arafin Shameem Ahmad, Amrit N Bart,YangYi, James E Rakocy 17.5 On-going Grants and Books & James S Diana. 2009. The effect of the introduction of Nile tilapia Sponsored Research (Oreochromis niloticus, L.) on small Bhujel, R.C. 2009. Statistics for indigenous fish species (mola, AARM Training and Consultancy Services Aquaculture. Wiley-Blackwell Amblypharyngodon mola, Hamilton; in Aquaculture Publishing 224 pages. ISBN: 978-0- chela, Chela cachius, Hamilton; Duration 1-Nov-07 - 31-Dec-10 8138-1587-9. Project Investigator Amararatne Yakupitiyage punti, Puntius sophore, Hamilton). Sponsor Multi donors Refereed Journals Aquaculture Research, 1-9. Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,388,130 Amilhat E., K. Lorenzen, E.J. Morales, Taweesin Peatpisut and Amrit N AIT-Coca Cola for Sustainable Coastal A. Yakupitiyage and D.C. Little. Bart, 2009. Cryopreservation of Livelihoods Project in Ranong Province, (2009). Fisheries production in sperm from natural and sex reversed Thailand Southeast Asian Farmer Managed orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus Duration 1-Oct-05 - 31-Mar-12 coioides). Aquaculture Research (in Project Investigator Amrit N. Bart Aquatic Systems (FMAS) II. Diversity Sponsor Coca Cola (Thailand) Ltd. of aquatic resources and Press). Total Contracted Amount (THB) 8,000,000 management impacts on catch rates. Aquaculture 298 (2009) 57–63. Thakur D.P., Morioka K., Itoh N., Ecosystem Level impacts of Shrimp farm Wada M., Itoh Y. (2009). Muscle Eutrophication in Thailand Amilhat, E., K. Lorenzen, E.J. biochemical constituents of cultured Duration 1-Jun-09 - 31-May-10 Morales, A. Yakupitiyage and D.C. amberjack Seriola dumerili and their Project Investigator Dhirendra Prasad Thakur influence on raw meat texture. Sponsor University of Michigan Little. (2009). Fisheries production in Total Contracted Amount (THB) 620,160 Southeast Asian farmer managed Fisheries Science, 75 (6): 1489-1498. aquatic systems (FMAS) I. Integrated culture of tropical abalone Characterisation of systems, Conference Proceedings/Abstracts (haliotis asinine) seaweed (ulva sp.) rock Aquaculture 296: 219–226. oyster (Saccostrea cuculata) and sea Bhujel, R., and Bart, A.N., (2009). bass (Lates calcarifer) in land based Md. Zakir Hossain, Tripathi, N.K., Improving aquaculture and fisheries recirculation system Gallardo W.G. (2009). Land use education through curriculum Duration 1-Aug-09 - 31-Dec-10 dynamics in a marine protected area development and internship. Project Investigator Wenresti Gallardo system in Lower Andaman Coast of Sponsor RTG Chavan BR., Thakur D.P., Dhamagaye Total Contracted Amount (THB) 950,000 Thailand, 1990-2005. Journal of Coastal Research 25(5):1082-1095. H.B. (2009). Status of Aquaculture/ International Symposium on fisheries education in India; Book of Aquaculture and Fisheries Education Saengsupavanich, C., Coowanitwong, Abstracts “International Symposium Duration 1-Mar-09 - 28-Feb-11 N., Gallardo W.G., on Aquaculture and Fisheries Project Investigator Wenresti Gallardo,Ram C Bhujel Lertsuchatavanich, C. (2009). Education”, AIT Conference Center, Sponsor Multi donors Environmental performance Thailand, 27-30 November 2009. Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,481,600 evaluation of an industrial port and

estate: ISO14001, port state control- Gallardo, W.G. (2009). Aquaculture Linking the Post-graduate Education in and Aquatic Resources Management Aquaculture and Aquatc Resources derived indicators. Journal of Cleaner Curriculum and Teaching Methods at Management with its Industry Through Production 16: 154-161. Samorn Kwantong1 & Amrit N Bart. the Asian Institute of Technology; Internship Book of Abstracts “International Duration 1-Sep-07 - 31-Aug-10 2009. Fertilization efficiency of Symposium on Aquaculture and

82 | Annual Report on Research 2009

SERD – Aquaculture & Aquatic Resources Management Field of Study

Fisheries Education”, AIT Conference Bhujel, R.C. 2009. Artificial Comparison of One-tube and Two-tube Center, Thailand, 27-30 November incubation, hormonal sex-reversal Reverse Transcriptase Nested PCR 2009. promoted tilapia boom. Global Methods for Detecting Nodavirus Advocate, Sept./Oct. 2009: 73-75. Infections in Macrobrachium rosenbergii Gallardo, W.G. and Yakupitiyage, A. By Rungkarn Suebsing (2009). Impact of Climate Change on Supervisors: Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage / Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit Fish Production from Aquaculture 17.7 Doctoral Students' nd and Fisheries; Book of Abstracts “2 Dissertation Economic Analysis of the Floating Garden Annual conference of SEA-EU-NET on Systems for Small-Scale Farmers in Pak Climate Change: Mitigation and Growth, Nutrient Conversion and Water Phanang, Thailand Adaptation”, Nov. 11-12, 2009, Quality in Integrated Culture of White By Khin Aye Han Bogor, Indonesia. Shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone), Supervisor: Dr. Wenresti Gallardo and Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L., Thakur D.P., Saelee W., Lakapunrat in an Outdoor Recirculating System Economic Valuation of Hard and Soft S. (2009). Adopting responsible By Banchuen Muangkeow Control Methods of Water Hyacinth in shrimp farming practices: a case Supervisor: Dr. Wenresti Gallardo Pak Phanang, Southern Thailand study on small-scale shrimp farms in By Ivana Yuniarti Thailand. Book of abstracts “Asian- Improved Thai SS-Live Rotifer Supervisor: Dr. Wenresti Gallardo

Pacific Aquaculture 2009”, Branchionus rotundiformis for First November 3-6, Kuala Lumpur, Feeding of Humpback Grouper Ecotourism as a Means to Support Malaysia, pp. 537. Cromileptes altivelis Larvae Conservation Efforts in Welu Wetland, By Agus Somamihardja Chantaburi, Thailand Supervisor: Dr. Amrit Bart By Pakin Santanan Yakupitiyage, A (2009). Climate Supervisor: Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage change: Research needs in Life History, Fisheries and Aquaculture of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. Mudskipper (Pseudapocrytes elongatus, Effects of Different Feeding Regime, Paper presented at the conference Cuvier 1816) in the Coastal Zone of the Weaning Period and Stocking Density on on “Sustainable Development in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam the Survival and Growth of Stinging context of Climate Change” AIT By Truong Hoang Minh Catfish (Heteropneustes Fossilis, Bloch) Conference Center, 24-25 September Supervisor: Dr. Wenresti Gallardo Fry 2009. By Theerawat Samphawamana Supervisor: Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage Yakupitiyage, A. (2009) Aquaculture 17.8 Masters Students' education at AIT: The need for Aqua Theses Effects of Medications on the Survival of Wild Caught Snakehead (Channa striatus) curriculum revision. Book of Fry During Weaning to Pelleted Feed Abstracts “International Symposium A Comparison of Trash Fish Based Feed on Aquaculture and Fisheries By Wahida Haque with Commercial Pellet Feed for Anguilla Supervisor: Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage Education”, AIT Conference Center, marmorata Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 at Thailand, 27-30 November 2009. Different Stocking Densities Effects of Water Gate Operation on By Truong Minh Ut Fisheries in Pak Phanang River, Thailand Supervisor: Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage Yakupitiyage, A. (2009). The By Aye Aye Lwin potential for the development of Supervisor: Dr. Wenresti Gallardo eco-tourism as a means to support Carrying Capacity Evaluation for the mangrove conservation effort Tourism Activities in Tarutao National Replacement of Fishmeal Component of Mangroves. Based on the paper Park, Satun, Thailand Thai Red Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus x presented at Scientific and Technical By Surisa Rongtong Oreochromis mossambicus) Feeds by Supervisor: Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage Symposium on Sustainable Enzyme Treated Feather Meal Mangrove Ecosystem Management By Noratat Hutasith Prachom Comparison of Nutritional Value of L- Supervisor: Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage 22-25 November, 2008. lysine HCl, L-lysine Sulphate and Slow

Release Lysine for Thai Red Tilapia Magazines/Popular Articles Swamp Eel (Monopterus albus) Juvenil (Oreochromis niloticus x Oreochromis Collection and Aquaculture in Mekong mossambicus) Belton, B., Turongruang, D., Bhujel, Delta, Vietnam By Suttisak Boonyoung By Le Nguyen Xuan Dien R.C. and Little, D.C. 2009. The Supervisor: Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage Supervisor: Dr. Wenresti Gallardo History, status, and future prospects of mono-sex tilapia culture in Thailand. Aquaculture Asia Magazine April-June 2009, 16-19 pages. Annual Report on Research 2009 | 83

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The Effect of Varying Light Color on Giant River Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Larvae and Juveniles By Randy Goshorn Supervisor: Dr. Wenresti Gallardo

The Role of Local Communities, Government and International Organizations in the Establishment and Future Management of Two Marine

Protected Areas (MPAs) in East Timor

By Aleixo Leonito Amaral Supervisor: Dr. Wenresti Gallardo

84 | Annual Report on Research 2009


18.1 Introduction laboratories are equipped with 18.3 Faculty and Research experiment setups, testing apparatus and

measuring equipment for thermal and Staff Energy related academic program at AIT electrical management studies, was established in 1979. So far, over Full-time Faculty 1,000 students have graduated in the thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and

Energy studies. As of December 2009, heat transfer, and electrical power supply RAM M SHRESTHA, BE, Univ of about one hundred students are enrolled management. Energy Park covers 3980- m2 outdoor research and demonstration Baroda; LL Tribhuvan Univ, Nepal; in Energy Field of Study. About thirty MEng, DEng, AIT, Thailand. percent of the current students are at facility equipped with photovoltaic systems, solar thermal (air and water) Professor (Energy and doctoral level. Apart from teaching and systems, biomass research and Environmental Policy; Energy student research, faculty at Energy FoS is Economics) involved in a number of research daylighting setups. The meteorological projects. Some of the current research station records solar radiation and other SAID IRANDOUST, MSc, PhD, focuses of Energy FoS are Energy, meteorological data. Energy laboratory continues to carry out testing services Chalmers University of Technology, environment and climate change, Energy Sweden for sustainable development, Renewable such as fuel quality tests, gas composition tests, tests for heating value Professor [Chemical reaction Energy and Energy efficiency, Electric of fuels, solar thermal collector engineering] power system management, and Energy performance tests, solar water heater economics and planning. SIVANAPPAN KUMAR, BE, Univ of system performance tests and stove Madras, India; MEng, AIT, Thailand; Student admitted to Energy Field of efficiency tests. PhD, Inst Natl Polytechnique, Study can specialize in one of the three Toulouse, France. areas. Among its major equipment include a Gas Analyzer; Campbell data logger; Professor [Solar Energy

Ultrasonic flow-meter; Bomb (Radiation, Thermal and Electric Power System Management colorimeter; and a Gas chromatography. Photovoltaics); Green house gas (EPSM) mitigation and climate change, Energy Technology (ET) The SERD Computer Lab IV in the Energy Cleaner Production; energy and Energy Economics and Planning (EEP) Building has a large number of computer sustainable development]

modeling software for energy planning Details regarding Energy field of study and policy analysis. These include Model WEERAKORN ONGSAKUL, BEng, activities are available at for Analysis of Energy Demand and Chulalongkorn Univ, Thailand; MS, Environmental Impacts (MAED, MEDEE- PhD, Texas A&M Univ, USA. S/ENV, LEAP), Electricity System Planning Associate Professor (Artificial 18.2 Research Facilities and (WASP-III Plus, ENPEP, DECPAC), Energy- Intelligence Applications to Environmental Flow Optimization Model Power Systems; Parallel Laboratories (EFOM-ENV), Wood Energy Planning Processing Applications; Power Models, Energy-Environmental Models System Operation & Control; Energy Laboratory serves as a facility for for estimation of impacts of energy Power System Deregulation & conducting experimental studies for externalities, air pollution emission and Restructuring) courses, carrying out students and dispersion and climate change (CO2 DB, sponsored research, and testing of RAINS, TEMIC, ECOSENS, ISC) and Energy- MITHULANANTHAN NADARAJAH, energy equipments as well as providing Environmental Database Management BScEng, MEng, Univ of Peradeniya, hands-on training. Laboratory functions Software (DBAVOID). An energy- Sri Lanka; PhD, Univ of Waterloo, are focused mainly on solar thermal environment database for Asia is Canada. energy, photovoltaics, biomass energy, maintained in this computer lab. Assistant Professor (Application energy management, thermodynamics of FACTS controllers; Controller and heat transfer, and electrical Interactions; Power System measurement and analysis. The Oscillation; Voltage Stability) laboratory facilities include two indoor laboratories, an energy park and a meteorological station. The indoor

Annual Report on Research 2009| 85

SERD – Energy Field of Study

P. ABDUL SALAM, BSc.Eng (Hons.) Tech. Energy Studies, IIT Delhi, India 2010 National Research Policy Unversity of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka; Ph.D. IIT Delhi, India Development Project) M.Eng., D.Eng., AIT Visiting Faculty [Thermal Assistant Professor (Bioenergy, Engineering, Renewable Energy Renewable energy; Energy System and Management] 18.4 Grants and Sponsored conservation and efficiency) Research Completed in Adjunct Faculty JAI GOVIND SINGH, Ph.D. in Electrical 2009 Engineering, Indian Institute of PIPAT CHAIWIWATWORAKUL, B.Eng. Bioenergy for Rural Development and Technology, Kanpur, India Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, Poverty Alleviation Assistant Professor (Power M. Eng. AIT, Doctor of Engineering, Duration 15-Feb-09 - 31-Dec-09 system planning; Operation and AIT Project Investigator Ram M Shrestha control FACTS controllers; Adjunct Faculty, [Rational use of Sponsor GNESD Denmark Demand side management; energy and energy conservation Total Contracted Amount (THB) 866,750 Integration of renewable energy in buildings Efficient lighting, resources) daylighting and building heat Capacity Building of Faculty/Staff of transfer] Government College of Technology India Visiting Faculty Duration 1-Mar-09 - 01-May-09 Project Investigator S. Kumar Research Staff Sponsor Government College of Technology, BRAHMANAND MOHANTY, BSc, Coimbatore India SAICE, India; MSc, AIT, Thailand; Mr. Shreekar Pradhan, Research Total Contracted Amount (THB) 150,000 PhD, Institut National Polytechnique Associate (ABC Emission of Toulouse, France Inventory Project) Design of Solar Thermal System using Visiting Associate Professor RET screen Version 4 [Enegy Efficiency and Ms. Salony Rajbhandari, Research Duration 1-Jan-09 - 01-Apr-09 Project Investigator S. Kumar Management, Cleaner Associate (ABC Emission Sponsor CANMET Energy Technology Center Production, Resource Inventory Project) Total Contracted Amount (THB) 124,200 Conservation and Management] Ms. M.T. Siriwardhana, Research Development of Methodology Database CHARLES O P MARPAUNG, Ms.c, Associate (Energy Security for ABC Emissions Inventory of Selected Statistics, Bogor Agricultural project) Countries University, Indonesia; D. Eng, AIT Duration 1-Jan-08 - 31-Dec-09 Visiting Faculty [Energy Ms. Tin Zar Lin, Research Associate Project Investigator Ram M Shrestha, Kim Oahn, Rajendra Shrestha Planning: Energy, Economy and (SSN Networking Norwegian Sponsor UNEP RRC.AP Environmental Modelling] Project) Total Contracted Amount (THB) 4,235,945

TATSUO OKA, Master course of Ms. Maria Kathrina Gratuito, Driving Force of energy Consumption construction, Waseda University, Research Associate (Energy Field and Air Pollution Doctor’s degree at Waseda of Study (RERIC)) Duration 1-Jan-09 - 31-Dec-09 University Project Investigator Ram M Shrestha Sponsor MHIR Japan Visiting Faculty [Building Mr. Ramesh Soysa, Research Total Contracted Amount (THB) 756,000 Science Energy Conservation Associate (GMSARN Project) CO2 Emission from Buildings] Energy Field of Studies Publications Ms. Nang Htay Yin, Research Duration: 1-Jan-04 31-Dec-09 YAW-JUEN WANG, PhD Electrical Associate (UNIDO Project) Project Investigator: Dr. Weerakorn O. and Prof. S. Engineering, National Grenoble Kumar Sponsor: Membership fees, AIT Polytechnique Institute, France; Dipl- Dr. Vo Ngoc Dieu, Research Total Contracted Amount: 1,521,149 Baht Ing, Power Engineering, National Associate (Part time) (GMSARN Grenoble Electrical Engineer’s Project) Future Driving Force of Global Warming School, France; MEng Energy Duration 1-Jan-09 - 31-Dec-09 Technology, AIT, Thailand. Ms. Rachelle Sawad, Research Project Investigator Ram M Shrestha Visiting Professor [Electric Assistant (Energy Security Sponsor MHIR Japan Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,512,000 Power Quality and Solar project)

electricity] Mr. Albert Pedrajas, Program Officer SHAILENDRA KUMAR SHUKLA, B.Sc. (AIT Support to NUOL 2007- Eng. Deemed University, India, M.

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SERD – Energy Field of Study

Networking with Norwegian and Energy Environmental Data Analysis for 18.6 Publications Regional Institutions in Energy Issues Low Carbon Society Duration 1-Dec-09 - 31-Mar-10 (South-South-North Networking): 2006- Refereed Journals 2009 Project Investigator Ram M Shrestha, S Kumar Sponsor MHIR Japan Duration 1-Aug-06 - 31-Dec-09 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 740,000 Project Investigator S Kumar, Ram Shrestha, Boonchai Riangvilaikul and S. Kumar Animesh Dutta “An experimental study of a novel Sponsor Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs HM King HRD Scholarship Project. dew point evaporative cooling Total Contracted Amount (THB) 4,140,000 Duration: 1 Oct 09 – Sep 13 system” Energy and Buildings, Investigator: Weerakorn Ongsakul accepted for publication, November Regional workshop in urban energy Sponsor: EPPO, Thailand Total contracted amount: 12,753,200 Baht 2009. access and development Duration 15-Jul-09 - 30-Nov-09 Project Investigator Ram M Shrestha Green House gas emission mitigation at Devbratta Thakur and Nadarajah Sponsor GNESD Denmark AIT: Reducing GHG Emission Through Mithulananthan “Influence of Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,688,500 Energy Conservation. Constant Speed Wind Turbine Duration: June 2009 – June 2010 Generator on Power System Investigator: S. Kumar Oscillation” Electric Power 18.5 On-going Grants and Sponsor: AIT Total contracted amount: 700,000 Baht Components and Systems, Vol.37, Sponsored Research pp. 478-494, 2009. International Conference on “Energy Action Towards Resource Efficient and and Sustainable Development: Issues K. Jaojaruek and S. Kumar, Low Carbon Cities in Asia and Strategies (ESD 2010) “Numerical simulation of the Duration 1-Dec-09 - 28-Feb-12 Duration 1-Sep-09 - 30-Jun-11 pyrolysis zone in a downdraft Project Investigator S Kumar,C Visvanathan,Ranjith Project Investigator Weerakorn Ongsakul, S Kumar, gasification process ” Bioresource Perera,P Abdul Salam,Charles Marpaung,Kyoko Ram Shrestha Technology, Vol. 100 No. 23 pp. Kusakabe Sponsor Multi donors Sponsor ADEME(French Agency for Environment Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,017,703 6052-6058, 2009. and Energy Management)

Total Contracted Amount (THB) 11,052,979 Pilot appraisal for Low Carbon Lerdlekha Tanachaikhan and S.

technology innovation and diffusion in Kumar “Daylighting for energy AIT Support to National University conservation in the tropics: a study (2007-2010)-Curriculum Development Thai Manufacturing services Duration 1-Nov-09 - 31-Mar-10 on the influences of window Duration 1-May-07 - 31-Dec-10 Project Investigator S Kumar, C Visvanathan, P Project Investigator S Kumar configurations and shading devices” Abdul Salam, Sponsor Swedish International Development Int.J. Engineering Systems Modelling Sponsor UNIDO Austria Cooperation Agency, Sweden Total Contracted Amount (THB) 955,500 and Simulation, Vol. 1 Nos. 2/3, Total Contracted Amount (THB) 3,285,600 2009.

AIT Support to National University Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)-AIT Mayurachat Watcharejyothin and (2007-2010)-Financial Management Cooperation Project. Duration: Jan 09 – Dec 12 Ram M. Shrestha “Effects cross- Duration 1-Jun-07 - 31-Dec-10 Investigator: Weerakorn Ongsakul Project Investigator S Kumar border power trade between Laos Sponsor: PEA, Thailand Sponsor Swedish International Development and Thailand; Energy security and Total contracted amount: 27,374,000 Baht Cooperation Agency, Sweden environmental implications” Energy Total Contracted Amount (THB) 998,000 Policy, Vol. 37, pp. 1782 – 1792, Regional workshop on "Opportunities 2009. AIT Support to NUOL: National Research and Priorities for Low carbon Green Growth in Asia" Policy Development Mayurachat Watcharejyothin and Duration 1-Dec-09 - 31-Dec-10 Duration 1-Sep-09 - 30-Apr-10 Project Investigator S Kumar Project Investigator S Kumar Ram M. Shrestha “Regional energy Sponsor SIDA Sponsor ADB Japan resource development and energy Total Contracted Amount (THB) 688,704 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,259,030 security under CO2 emission constraint in the greater Mekong E Learning Course on renewable Energy sub-region countries (GMS)” Energy and energy Policy Policy, Vol. 37 No. 11 pp. 4428-4441. Duration 1-Nov-09 - 30-Apr-10 Project Investigator S Kumar Sponsor UNESCO -Jakarta Office Ongsakul, W. and P. Jirapong, Total Contracted Amount (THB) 408,000 “Optimal Placement of Multi-Type FACTS Devices to Enhance Total Transfer Capability using Improved Evolutionary Programming”

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International Journal of Energy Operational Design of Intentional Technology and Policy, Vol. 7 No. 2 Islanding in the Hanoi Area for the pp. 981-1005, 2009. 18.8 Masters Students' Vietnam Power System Theses and Research By Le Thanh Tuan Ram M. Shrestha and A.M.A.K. Supervisor: Dr. Mithulananthan Nadarajah Abeygunawardana “Evaluation of Studies economic rent of hydropower Optimal Distributed Generation projects” Energy Policy, Vol. 37, pp. A Study on Biodiesel Production and Placement with Multi Objective Index 1886 – 1897, 2009. Application from Jatropha in Thailand Using Particle Swarm Optimization By Nopdanai Vichaisarn By Nguyen Anh Dung Ram M. Shrestha, Gabrial Supervisor: Prof. Sivanappan Kumar Supervisor: Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul Anandarajah, and Migara H. Liyanage Optimal Generator Redispatching for “Factors affecting CO2 emission from A Study on Energy Conservation of the Congestion Management Using TVAC- the power sector of selected AIT's Air-Conditioning System PSO countries in Asia and the Pacific” By Bovonson Navaraj By Panida Boonyaritdachochai Energy Policy, Vol. 37, pp. 2375 – Supervisor: Prof. Sivanappan Kumar Supervisor: Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul 2384, 2009. Development of a Sustainable Energy Static Voltage Stability of Distribution Thosapon Katejanekarn, Surapong Management Standard for the Industry Systems Integrated with Small Hydro Chirarattananon and S. Kumar “An Sector in Sri Lanka Power Plant experimental study of a solar- By A.G.Manjula Taranganie Siriwardhana By Nguyen Cong Hien Supervisors: Prof. Sivanappan Kumar/Dr. Supervisor: Dr. Mithulananthan Nadarajah regenerated liquid desiccant Brahmanand Mohanty ventilation pre-conditioning system” Static Voltage Stability Study of Bhutan Solar Energy, Vol. 83 pp. 920-933, Economic and Environmental Implications Interconnected Power Grid 2009. of Nodal, Zonal and Uniform Marginal By Namgay Wangchuk Pricing of Electricity: The Case of Vietnam Supervisor: Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul Vo Ngoc Dieu and Weerakorn By Dao Hoang Duc Ongsakul “Improved merit order and Supervisor: Prof. Ram M. Shrestha augmented Lagrange Hopfield Research Study: Implications of a network for short term Environmental and Economic Impacts of Renewable Portfolio Standard for Energy hydrothermal scheduling”, Energy Power Planning in Vietnam: An Input- System Development of Vietnam Conversion and Management, Ouput Analysis By Nong Hoang Man Vol.50, pp. 3015-3023, 2009. By Huynh Thi Huong Thao Supervisor: Prof. Ram M. Shrestha Supervisor: Prof. Ram M. Shrestha Research Study: Liquid Desiccant 18.7 Doctoral Students' Impact of Photovoltaic Generator on Dehumidifier Assisted with Dew Point Power System Low Frequency and Static Evaporative Cooling System Dissertation Voltage Stability By Boonchai Riangvilaikul By Md. Rakibuzzaman Shah Supervisor: Prof. Sivanappan Kumar Fuzzy Logic and Wide-Area Control for Low Supervisor: Dr. Mithulananthan Nadarajah Frequency Oscillation Damping in Power System Least Cost Power Generation Expansion By Komkrit Prasertwong Planning: A Case Study of Kyrgyzstan Supervisors: Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul / Dr. By Samat Kuvatbekovich Sukenaliev Mithulananthan Nadarajah Supervisor: Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul

Synthesis and Control of Custom Power Long-Term Hydrothermal Coordination: A Devices for Power Quality Enhancement Case of the Vietnam Power System By Paisan Boonchiam By Nguyen Thai Duong Supervisor: Dr. Mithulananthan Nadarajah Supervisor: Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul

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19.1 Introduction laboratories namely, research, 19.3 Faculty and Research ambient, and environmental research station. The research Staff Environmental Engineering at AIT began in 1964 with the need for laboratory is equipped with many sophisticated instruments such as Full-time Faculty sanitary engineering to address the GC-IRD-MSD, HPLC, UV-Vis problems of providing adequate AJIT P ANNACHHATRE, BTech, PhD, water supplies and sanitation spectrophometers, atomic Indian Inst of Tech, Kanpur, India. facilities. This pioneering absorption analyzer with flame, Professor (Anaerobic environmental engineering program graphite and cold vapor operations, and gas and liquid chromatographs. Wastewater Treatment; Biofilm has grown into a range of fields Processes; Environmental needed to tackle the environmental For lab and pilot scale testing purposes, the ambient laboratory Biotechnology; Environmental issues facing Asia today. has furnished with facility to conduct Impact Assessment;

experiments for treating sludge, Mathematical Modeling) Environmental Engineering and Management Field of Study is part of sewage and industrial wastes. It is CHONGRAK POLPRASERT, BEng, the School of Environment, also housed with advanced water Chulalongkorn Univ, Thailand; MEng, Resources and Development. The and wastewater treatment units such different membrane AIT, Thailand; PhD, Univ of overall program looks for solutions Washington, USA. to environmental problems, water bioreactors, and high rate anaerobic treatment processes with methane Professor (Hazardous Waste supply and sanitation, wastewater gas recovery. The Environmental Engineering; Resources treatment and disposal systems, air Recovery; Sanitation) pollution, solid and hazardous Research Station consists of pilot

wastes, waste minimization, and life scale aerobic and anaerobic CHETTIYAPPAN VISVANATHAN, cycle assessment, environmental biological wastewater treatment units, constructed wetlands, waste BTech, IIT, Madras, India; MEng, AIT, impact assessment and management Thailand; PhD, Inst Natl Polytech, and environmental toxicology. The stabilization ponds, a lysimeters for solid waste treatment, a hazardous Toulouse, France. three major focal areas are wastewater treatment plant and Professor (Cleaner production; Environmental Technology and Industrial Environment Management, Environmental ambient air monitoring station. Management; Membrane Toxicology, Technology and Technology for Water and Management, and Water and Among its major equipment include Wastewater Treatment and, Wastewater Engineering Gas Chromatograph; High Performance Liquid Chromatograph; Solid Waste Management) Atomic Absorption Spectrometer; 19.2 Research Facilities and Total Organic Carbon Analyzer; Ion SAID IRANDOUST, MSc, PhD, Chromatograph, Induced Couple Chalmers University of Technology, Laboratories Plasma, UV Spectrophotometer; Sweden. Supercritical Fluid Extractor; Professor (Chemical Reaction The Environmental Engineering (EE) Microwave Digestion System ; Engineering) Laboratory is housed with facilities Primus Thermal Cyclers ; Universal to handle a wide range of knowledge Mutation Detection System; NGUYEN THI KIM OANH, DipEng, and skills in problem solving for Microscope; Microbalance; Odessa Hydrometeorology Inst, industrial needs and analytical works Microcentrifuge. Ukraine; MEng, DEng, AIT, Thailand. for physical, chemical, Professor (Air Pollution microbiological, and environmental Engineering and Management, parameters such as water and Transboundary pollution, Air wastewater quality, air pollutants Pollution and Climate and noise level, and solid waste. For Interaction/Co-benefit, teaching, training and research Environmental Monitoring and purposes, the EE laboratory is Modelling, Exposure categorized into three sub- Assessment, Integrated

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Industrial Environment Visiting Faculty (Sustainable ANAND DESHMUKH, MSc Management) Management of Industrial and Research Associate (Manages Hazardous Wastes; research projects, prepares OLEG V SHIPIN, PhD, Inst of Management of Hazardous technical reports and Biochemistry and Physiology of Chemicals, POPs and Obsolete presentations) Microorganisms, Moscow, Russia. Pesticides; Sustainable Associate Professor (Anaerobic Production of Cement and Co- ANCY R. JOHNSON, MSc and Aerobic Wastewater Processing of Alternative Fuel Research Associate (Manages Treatment; Environmental and Raw Materials and research projects, prepares Impact Assessment; Microbial Hazardous Wastes; Control and technical reports and biotechnology (production of Minimization of unintentionally presentations) commercially important produced POPs (dioxins, furans, metabolites); Natural systems PCBs and HCB) and application ANTOINE MOREL, MEng (ponds and wetlands) as of Best Available Technologies & Senior Research Associate Wastewater treatment systems; Best Environmental Practices (Assists in project coordination, Microbial aspects of (BAT/BEP) prepares project reports, Environmental Engineering; prepares project budgets and Molecular Microbiology, Health KHUNYING MATHUROS manages project finances, and Ecological Risk assessment, RUCHIRAWAT, PhD, Massachusetts support project leader in Ecological Engineering) Institute of Technology, USA. supervision of AIT and NCCR Affiliated Faculty (Nutrition master and doctoral students PREEDA PARKPIAN, BSc, Kasetsart Biochemistry and Metabolism) and trainees in the field of Univ, Thailand; MSc, Mississippi environmental sanitation) State Univ; PhD, Texas A&M Univ, SHINICHI OKAMOTO, BEng, MEng, USA. DEng, Waseda Univ, Japan. ASIF IQBAL, MEng Associate Professor Visiting Professor (Statistics and Research Associate (Manages (Ecotoxicology; POPs; Heavy Environmental Management research projects, prepares Metals; Micronutrient Systems) technical reports and Chemistry; Remediation of presentations) Polluted Soil and Water) SKORN MONGKOLSUK, PhD, University of Maryland, USA. AUNG ZAW NAING LIN, MSc THAMMARAT KOOTATEP, BEng, Affiliated Professor (Biological Research Associate (Actively Chiangmai Univ; MEng, DEng, AIT, Science) involve in Asian Regional Thailand. Research Programme on Assistant Professor Research Staff Environmental Technology (Decentralized Waste and Program (ARRPET) research Wastewater Treatment Systems; AJAYA SAPKOTA, BSc activities) Eco-engineering Technology for Research Assistant (Conducts Waste and Wastewater lab experiments and assist CHABA SRISUNO, MSc Treatment and Management; students in their lab activities; Research Associate (Manages Environmental Health and assist project leader with research projects, prepares Sanitation) research project, training technical reports and activity) presentations) Visiting and Affiliated Faculty ALBERTO E. PEDRAJAS, MEng CHAIYAPORN IMSAPSANGWORN, JUTAMAAD SATAYAVIVAD, PhD, Research Associate (Manages BSc Mahidol University, Thailand. research projects, prepares Laboratory Technician II (Assess Affiliated Faculty technical reports and laboratory routine testing and (Pharmacology) presentations) analysis, maintain the operation of the laboratories, instruments KARE HELGE KARSTENSEN, BS, MS, AMILA ABEYNAYAKA, MEng and equipment, chemical and University of Oslo; MBA, Heriott Research Associate (Manages lab preparation for EEM Watt University, UK; MLaw, research projects, prepares laboratories sessions, data University of Oslo; Dr.Sc, Norwegian technical reports and collection and fieldwork University of Science and presentations) assistance to students and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. research staff)

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SERD – Environmental Engineering & Manag ement Field of Study

DO THI THANH CANH, MSc MADDALA PADMASRI, MEng presentations, collaborating Research Associate (Manages Research Associate (Manages with research partners) research projects, prepares research projects, prepares technical reports and technical reports and PANUPONG BOONYANUN, BTech presentations) presentations) (Mech.) Laboratory Technician II JAGRITI SHANKAR, MSc MANOJ YOMJINDA, MSc (Responsible for the repair and Research Associate (Manages Research Laboratory Supervisor maintenance of related research projects, prepares (Supervises instrumentation and machines, assists students in technical reports and data acquisition, calibration and laboratory experimental work presentations) maintenance of analytical and experimental set-up, carry instruments, assistant to senior out routine maintenance and JAVKHLAN ARIUNBAATAR, MSc laboratory supervisor for such as repair of laboratory equipment Research Associate (Manages teaching, lab management) and facilities) research projects, prepares technical reports and MUNU PRADHAN, MSc PRAPAT PONGKIATKUL, DEng presentations) Research Associate (Manages Senior Research Engineer, research projects on diesel (Manages research projects on JEERAPUN TANUNCHAI, BSc particulate matter and air air pollution; assists in project Research Assistant (Laboratory pollutants analysis; prepares coordination, prepares project operating and sample analysis, technical reports and reports, prepares project prepares technical reports and presentations) budgets and manages project presentations, collaborating finances; assist team leader in with research partners) NARISSARA KAEWPHAN, BSc training activities) Research Assistant (Conducts KANOKWAN SASWATTECHA, MSc lab experiments and assists PRAPASSORN AIMSAMANG, BSc Research Associate (Manages students in their lab activities; Research Assistant (Laboratory research projects on diesel assist project leader with operating and sample analysis, particulate matter and air research project, training prepares technical reports and pollutants analysis; prepares activity) presentations, collaborating technical reports and with research partners) presentations) NGUYEN THI KHANH THUYEN, MEng Research Associate (Manages PREM ANANTH ANIYARANGAN, KANYA TUNCHAROEN, BSc research projects, prepares MEng Research Assistant (Laboratory technical reports and Senior Research Associate operating and sample analysis, presentations) (Manages research projects, prepares technical reports and prepares technical reports and presentations, collaborating NIRANCHANA AUTHAYANRAKSA, presentations) with research partners) MSc Research Associate (Manages PUWADEJ THANICHANON, MSc KETSIRI LEELASAKULTUM, MSc research projects, prepares Research Associate (Manages Research Associate (Manages technical reports and research projects, prepares research projects on diesel presentations) technical reports and particulate matter and air presentations) pollutants analysis; prepares ORATHAI KLUBBARNKOH, BSc technical reports and Laboratory Technician II RAQUEL P. PEDRAJAS, MEng presentations) (Chemistry and environmental Senior Research Associate analysis for environmental (Assists in project coordination, MAI THI THUY PHUONG, MSc samples as well as prepare for prepares project reports, Research Associate (Manages chemical and glassware for prepares project budgets and research projects on diesel laboratory courses and research manages project finances, particulate matter and air projects) assists in maintenance of project pollutants analysis; prepares websites, organizes international technical reports and PANITCHA KHAMMAMONG, BEng workshops, a conference, presentations) Research Assistant (Laboratory training programs and seminars, operating and sample analysis, prepares project brochures, prepares technical reports and posters, etc., assists formulation Annual Report on Research 2009 | 91

SERD – Environmental Engineering & Management Field of Study

of research proposal, co-edits TRAN THU TRANG, MSc Sponsor: Department of health, Ministry of Public project newsletters, assists Research Associate (Manages Health, Thailand Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 199,200 evaluation of reports from research projects, prepares National Research Institutions technical reports and Effective Sanitation Systems through involved in the project, performs presentations) stakeholder involvement: A case study other duties as assigned) of faecal sludge management in VENKATAPPA MANJUNATHA, MSc Thailand SALAYA PHUNSIRI, MSc Research Associate (Manages Duration: 1-Jul-07 - 31-Aug-09 Senior Laboratory Supervisor research projects, prepares Project Investigator: Thammarat Koottatep (Administrative for technical reports and Sponsor: National Center for Competence in Environmental Engineering presentations) Research (NCCR), Switzerland Total: Contracted Amount (THB) 1,350,000 Laboratory as well as supervise

for experimental and research WALAIPORN SIRIRATWATTHANA, Management and Reuse of Oil and projects on water, wastewater, MSc Grease Wastes air pollution, and solid wastes Research Associate (Manages Duration: 28-Jan-08 - 31-Aug-09 analysis) research projects, prepares Project Investigator: Thammarat Koottatep technical reports and Sponsor: Pollution Control Department, Ministry of SIRILAK SAENGPENG, BEng presentations) Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand Total Contracted Amount (THB): 1,493,827 Research Assistant (Laboratory operating and sample analysis, WIJITTRA SANSUD, BSc Membrane Hybrid System for Removal prepares technical reports and Laboratory Technician II of PFOS and PFOA in Industrial presentations, collaborating (Manages laboratory chemical Wastewater: Application of with research partners) and equipment inventory; issue Conventional Adsorbents and Nano chemical and equipments for Particles SOMCHAI AREMSUM-ANG, BSc students; conduct water Duration: 1-Oct-08 - 31-May-09 Research Assistant (Wastewater analysis; assist in organizing Project Investigator: C Visvanathan and soil analysis, field survey laboratory sessions) Sponsor: New Energy and Industrial Technology and data collection, testing and Development Organization (NEDO), Mahidol University, Thailand other laboratory sessions) WILAIWAN KAEWJANG, BSc Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 700,000 Research Assistant (Laboratory SUKON HADSOI, MSc operating and sample analysis, Inventory Profiling on 3R Good Practices Research Associate (Laboratory prepares technical reports and Duration: 18-Feb-08 - 31-Aug-09 operating and sample analysis, presentations, collaborating Project Investigator: C. Visvanathan report writing, project with research partners) Sponsor: Mitsubishi Research Institute (MIRI) Total: Contracted Amount (THB) 638,155 management and collaborating

with research partners) 19.4 Grants and Sponsored Pilot Scale Field Testing of Ceramic Microfiltration System for Highly Turbid SUPATTRA JIAWKOK, MSc Research Completed in Surface Water Treatment Research Associate (Manages 2009 Duration: 20-Jan-09 – 30-Jun-09 research projects, prepares Project Investigator: C. Visvanathan

technical reports and Sponsor: University of Tokyo, Japan presentations) 3R Knowledge Hub Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 539,850 Duration: 10-Oct-06 - 31-Dec-09

Project Investigator: C. Visvanathan Sustainable Wastewater Management in SUTHIRAT KITTIPONGVISES, MSc Sponsor: Asian Development Bank Research Associate (Manages Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 4,681,000 Tsunami Hit Area through People Participation: A case study of Phi Phi research projects on hazardous Island chemical management; assist Corporate Initiatives in 3R Duration: 15-Jan-08 - 31-Dec-09 the project leader in training Duration: 21-Feb-09 - 30-Nov-09 Project Investigator: C Visvanathan Project Investigator: Thammarat Koottatep activities; prepares technical Sponsor: Ministry of Environment Japan Sponsor: SEA-UEMA / CIDA Project reports and presentations) Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 357,500 Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 350,000

THANUN POONSAWAT, MEng Determination of Greenhouse Gases SWOP Analysis of Eco-industrial Clusters Research Associate (Manages Emission from Anaerobic Digester in China, Indonesia and Sri Lanka research projects, prepares Treating Fecal Sludge Duration: 1-Aug-08 - 31-Dec-09 Project Investigator: C. Visvanathan Duration: 1-Aug-08 - 31-Dec-09 technical reports and Sponsor: Institute for Global Environmental Project Investigator: Thammarat Koottatep presentations) Strategies, Japan Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 1,500,000

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Wastewater Reuse and Recycling for Asian Regional Research Programme on Capacity Strengthening on Hazardous Industrial, Domestic and Agricultural Environmental Technology (ARRPET): Chemicals Management sectors in Thailand Phase II Duration: 1-Jan-07 - 31-Dec-10 Duration: 25-Jun-07 - 31-Dec-09 Duration: 1-Jan-04 - 31-Mar-10 Project Investigator: Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Project Investigator: Thammarat Koottatep Project Investigator: Ajit P. Annachhatre Chongrak Polprasert Sponsor: Pollution Control Department, Ministry of Sponsor: Swedish International Development Sponsor: The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand Cooperation Agency, Sweden Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 23,732,687 Total: Contracted Amount (THB) 3,799,763 Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 3,405,000 Database of 3R good practices related to Asian Regional Research Programme on organic waste 19.5 On-going Grants and Environmental Technology (ARRPET): Duration: 20-Jan-10 – 30-Apr-11 Phase II Project Investigator: Prof. C. Visvanathan Sponsored Research Sponsor: Mitsubishi Research Institute, Japan Duration: 1-Jan-04 - 31-Mar-10 Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 978,543 Project Investigator: Ajit P. Annachhatre A Euro-Asia Partnership for the Sponsor: Swedish International Development Development of Human Resource Cooperation Agency, Sweden Determining Factors of Groundwater Capacity for Engineering in Afghanistan Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 9,327,400 use and its Quality in Nakomprathom Duration: 15-Sep-08 - 31-Dec-10 and Samutsakorn Provinces Project Investigator: Oleg Shipin Asian Regional Research Programme on Duration: 6-Feb-09 - 31-Dec-10 Sponsor: European Commission Environmental Technology (ARRPET): Project Investigator: Thammarat Koottatep Total Contracted Amount (THB): 4,231,730 Phase II Sponsor: Thai Water Supply Public Company Ltd Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 1,952,200 Duration: 1-Jan-04 - 31-Mar-10 Air quality and climate impacts of Project Investigator: Ajit P. Annachhatre Switching to Natural Gas fueled Public Sponsor: Swedish International Development Environmental Sanitation and Urban Transportation Vehicles in Bangkok Cooperation Agency, Sweden Agriculture Duration: 1-Aug-09- 30-Jul-10 Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 29,492,630 Duration: 25-Sep-02 - 30-Jun-10 Project Investigator: Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh Project Investigator: Thammarat Koottatep Sponsor: RTG Asian Regional Research Programme on Sponsor: Department of Water and Environmental Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 850,000 Environmental Technology (ARRPET): Sanitation in Developing Countries (SANDEC), Switzerland Phase II Asian Regional Research Programme on Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 21,329,791 Duration: 1-Jan-04 - 31-Mar-10 Environmental Technology (ARRPET): Project Investigator: Ajit P. Annachhatre Healthcare Waste Management Facility Phase II Sponsor: Swedish International Development Duration: 1-Jan-04 - 31-Mar-10 Cooperation Agency, Sweden Design and Operation Guidelines for Project Investigator: Ajit P. Annachhatre Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 8,999,735 Laos Sponsor: Swedish International Development Duration: 1-Sep-09 - 30-Jun-10 Cooperation Agency, Sweden Asian Regional Research Programme on Project Investigator: C Visvanathan Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 8,827,225 Environmental Technology (ARRPET): Sponsor: ADB, Philippines Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 1,650,000 Phase II

Asian Regional Research Programme on Duration: 1-Jan-04 - 31-Mar-10 Environmental Technology (ARRPET): Project Investigator: Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Integrated Sustainable Solid waste Phase II Chongrak Polprasert Management in Asia Duration: 1-Jan-04 - 31-Mar-10 Sponsor: Swedish International Development Duration: 1-Jan-09 - 30-Jun-11 Project Investigator: Ajit P. Annachhatre Cooperation Agency, Sweden Project Investigator: C. Visvanathan Sponsor: Swedish International Development Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 28,262,965 Sponsor: European Commission Cooperation Agency, Sweden Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 2,449,490 Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 24,641,185 Asian Regional Research Programme on Environmental Technology (ARRPET): Investigation on the Impacts of Urban- Asian Regional Research Programme on Phase II Rural Air Pollution on Air Quality and Environmental Technology (ARRPET): Duration: 1-Jan-04 - 31-Mar-10 Climate in Southeast Asia Phase II Project Investigator: Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Duration: 1-Dec-06 – 31-Mar-10 Duration: 1-Jan-04 - 31-Mar-10 Chongrak Polprasert Project Investigators: Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh Project Investigator: Ajit P. Annachhatre Sponsor: Swedish International Development Sponsor: Asia Pacific Network (APN) for Global Sponsor: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sweden Change Research Cooperation Agency, Sweden Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 10,012,643 Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 2,134,800 Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 8,599,710 Asian Regional Research Programme on Low-Cost Treatment of Septage by Environmental Technology (ARRPET): Constructed Wetlands and Pond Phase II Systems in Tropical Regions Duration: 1-Jan-04 - 31-Mar-10 Duration: 1-Aug-96 - 31-Dec-10 Project Investigator: C. Visvanathan Project Investigator: Thammarat Koottatep Sponsor: Swedish International Development Sponsor: Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Cooperation Agency, Sweden Science and Technology (SANDEC) Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 20,498,695 Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 6,993,981

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Permeable Reactive Barrier for 19.6 Publications Hazardous Materials. 167 (2009) Remediation of Acid Mine Drainage 866-972. Duration: 1-Nov-09 - 30-Oct-10 Refereed Journals: Project Investigator: Ajit P. Annachhatre Diallo, M.B.C., Anceno, A.J., Sponsor: UNESCO -IHE Tawatsupa, B., Tripathi, N.K., Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 972,270 Adhikari, R. and C. Visvanathan. Wangsuphachat, V. and O. Shipin. (2009). Effect of Leachate Cross- (2009). A GIS-based analysis of the Phyto-Bioremediation for VOCs at circulation in Thermophilic Contaminated Site Sequential Batch Anaerobic fate of waste-related pathogens, Duration: 1-Nov-07 - 30-Apr-10 Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste. Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium Project Investigator: Chongrak Polprasert, Preeda International Journal of Process parvum and E.coli in a tropical canal Parkpian network. Journal of Water and Sponsor: NEDO/ Shimizu Corporation Japan Waste Treatment, 1, 1, 1-10. Health, 7, 1, 133–14. (Published by Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 1,080,000 International Water Association Anceno, A., Rousseau, P., Béline, F., Publishing in collaboration with the Pilot scale field testing of ceramic Shipin, O. and P. Dabert. (2009). microfiltration system for highly turbid Evolution of N-converting bacteria World Health Organization) surface water treatment. during the start-up of anaerobic Duration: 1-May-09 - 31-Jul-10 digestion coupled biological nitrogen Emberson, L.D., Büker, P., Ashmore, Project Investigator: C. Visvanathan removal pilot-scale bioreactors M.R., Mills, G., Jackson, L., Agrawal, Sponsor: University of Tokyo, Japan M., Atikuzzaman, M.D., Cinderby, S., Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 1,020,000 treating high-strength animal waste Engardt, M., Jamir, C., Kobayashi, K., slurry. Bioresource Technology, 100 Kim Oanh, N.T., Quadir, Q.F. and A. Real Time PCR Diagnostic Kit for Giardia (14), 3678-87. and Cryptosporidium parasites Wahid. (2009). Dose-response Duration: 1-Aug-08 - 30-Jul-10 Chevakidagarn, P., Annachhatre, A. relationships derived in North Project Investigator: Oleg Shipin P., Puetpaiboon, U. and T. America underestimate the effects Sponsor: NIH USA of ozone (O3) on crop yields in Asia. Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 2354700 Koottatep. (2009). Dissolved oxygen control system for upgrading Atmospheric Environment, 43: 1945- 1953 (IF: 2.89) conventional activated sludge Stakeholder Engagement: Pilot Project process for seafood industrial Stakeholder dialogues and its Hai Van, D.T. and N.T. Kim Oanh. application for Social Corporate wastewater in Southern Thailand. Asian J. Energy Environ., Vol. 8, Issue (2009). Open top chamber Responsibility experiment study to assess effects of Duration: 25-Jul-09 - 31-Dec-10 1 and 2. Project Investigator: Thammarat Koottatep ground level ozone on local peanut Sponsor: SCG Paper Public Co Ltd Chiemchaisri, C., Charnnok, B. and C. cultivar in Vietnam. International Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 780,300 Journal for Environmental Studies. V Visvanathan. (2009). Recovery of plastic wastes from dumpsite as Sustainable Water Management in p/title~content=t713642046~db=all~ Urban Fringe Areas through Industrial refuse-derived fuel and its utilization in small gasification system. tab=issueslist~branches=66 - v6666 Wastewater Reuse Bioresource Technology, (1) 101 - 111. Duration: 01 March 2010 to 31 January 2012 Project Investigator: Prof. C. Visvanathan doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2009.08.061. Sponsor: French Ministry of Foreign and European Jegatheesan, V., Liow, J.L., Shu, L., Affairs Co, H.X., Dung, N.T., Le, H.A., An, Kim, S.H. and C. Visvanathan. Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 1,343,441 (2009). The Need for Global D.D., Chinh, K.V. and N.T. Kim Oanh. Coordination in Sustainable The development of a Supersensitive (2009). Integrated management strategies for brick kiln emission Development. Journal of Cleaner Chemo sensor kit for the detection of Hg reduction. International Journal for Production, 17, 637-643. (II) in aqueous environment and in living Environmental Studies. V cells Khan, S.J., Visvanathan, C. and V. Duration: 1-Sep-09 - 30-Aug-10 Jegatheesan. (2009). Prediction of Project Investigator: Preeda Parkpian p/title~content=t713642046~db=all~ membrane fouling in MBR systems Sponsor: RTG tab=issueslist~branches=66 - v6666 Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 928,000 using empirically estimated specific (1): 113 - 124. cake resistance. Bioresource US-ASEAN Next Generation Cook Stove Dacera, D.D.M., Babel, S. and Preeda Technology, 100, 6133-6136. Workshop Parkpian. (2009). Potential for land Duration: 1-Sep-09 - 31-Mar-10 application of contaminated sewage Khanal, S.K., Rasmussen, M., Project Investigator: Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh Shrestha, P., Leeuwen, H.V., Sponsor: Air Force Office of Scientific Research sludge treated with fermented liquid Visvanathan, C. and Liu, H. (2008). (AFOSR) from pineapple wastes. Journal of Total Contracted Amount: (THB) 330,000 Bioenergy and Biofuel Production

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SERD – Environmental Engineering & Manag ement Field of Study from Wastes/Residues of Emerging Health, Part B, Volume 44, Issue 3, in vertical-flow constructed wetlands Biofuel Industries. Water 249-261. treating faecal sludge. J. of Water Environment Research, 80, 10, 1625- Research, 1647. Liamleam, W., Oo, Z.K., Thai, P.T. and doi:10.1016/j.watres.2009.03.029 A.P. Annachhatre. (2009). Pilot scale Kim Oanh, N.T., Pongkiatkul, P., investigation of zinc and sulphate Pokasoowan, C., Kanitchaidecha, W., Upadhyay, N. and P. Hopke. (2009). removal from industrial discharges K.C., B.K. and A.P. Annachhatre. Design a Monitoring Program of by biological sulphate reduction with (2009). Investigation on laboratory Ambient Particulate Matter for molasses as electron donor. and pilot-scale airlift sulfide Source Apportionment Study by Environmental Technology, 30 (12), oxidation reactor under varying Receptor Modeling. Atmospheric pp. 1229-1239. sulfide loading rate. Journal of Environment, 43: 3334-3344, IF: Environmental Science and Health - 2.89. Lohwacharin, J. and A.P. Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances Annachhatre. (2009). Biological and Environmental Engineering, 44 Kondo, Y., Sahu, L., Kuwata, M., sulfide oxidation in an airlift (1), pp. 87-98. Miyazaki, Y., Takegawa, N., Imaru, J., bioreactor. Bioresource Technology Moteki, N., Han, S., Kim Oanh, N.T., (In Press) Prem Ananth, A., and C. Hu, M., and Y.J. Kim. (2009). Visvanathan. (2009). How Can Solid Stabilization of mass absorption Muenhor, D., Satayavivad, J., Waste Management and 3R cross section of elemental carbon for Limpaseni, W., Parkpian, P., Contribute to Climate Change filter-based absorption photometry Delaune, R.D., Gambrell, R.P. and Mitigation? ASEP Newsletter. Asian by the use of heated inlet. Aerosol Aroon Jugsujinda. (2009). Mercury Society for Environmental Protection, Science and Technology, 43:741–756. contamination and potential impacts Thailand, 26; 4, 1-3. (IF: 2.350). from municipal waste incinerator on Samui Island, Thailand. Journal of Prem Ananth, A., Prashanthini, V. Kunacheva, C., Juanga, J.P. and C. Environmental Science and Health, and C. Visvanathan. (2010). Visvanathan. (2009). Electrical and Part A, Volume 44, 376-387. Healthcare Waste Management in Electronic Waste Inventory and Asia. J. Waste Management, 30, Management Strategies in Bangkok, Nghiem, L.H. and N.T. Kim Oanh. 154–161. Thailand. Journal of Environment and (2009). Comparative Analysis of Waste Management, 3, 1/2, 107-119. Predicted Maximum Daily Ozone Singhakant, C. and T. Koottatep. Levels in Bangkok Metropolitan (2009). Enhanced Arsenic Removals Laobusnanant, P., Lee, S.H., Anceno, Region Using Statistical Models. through Plant Interactions in A.J., Ghosh, G., Dongjin Kim, Pathak, Journal ScienceAsia, 35: 276–283. Subsurface-Flow Constructed B. and O. Shipin. (2009). N-removal Wetlands. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part performance and underlying Nguyen Viet, H., Zinsstag, J., A. Vol. A44, No.2. bacterial taxa of upflow filter Schertenleib, R., Zurbrügg, C., Obrist, bioreactor system under different B., Montangero, A., Surinkul, N., Subramanian, R., Bond, T.C, dissolved oxygen and internal recycle Koné, D., Morel, A., Cissé, G., Thiansathit, W., Kim Oanh, N.T., conditions, 32, 6, 809-818. Koottatep, T., Bonfoh, B. and M. Duleep, K.G., Paw-armart, I. and E. Tanner. (2009). Improving Winijkul. (2009). Source Le, H.A. and N.T. Kim Oanh. (2009). environmental sanitation, health and characterization to support Integrated Monitoring and Modeling well-being - a conceptual framework quantification of co-benefits: a for Air Quality Management of Brick for integral interventions. EcoHealth, piggyback study in Bangkok, Manufacturing Village. Accepted. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-009-0249-6 Thailand. Submitted to the Journal of Environmental Monitoring Environmental Science and and Assessment, DOI Panuvatvanich, A., Koottatep, T. and Technology. DOI 10.1007/s10661-009-1285-y. D. Koné. (2009). Hydraulic Behavior 10.1021/es8032296. (IF: 4.458). of Vertical Flow Constructed Leadprathom, N., Parkpian, P., Wetlands with different Operating Surinkul, N. and T. Koottatep. Satayavivad, J., Delaune, R.D., and Conditions. Environmental (2009). Advanced Sanitation Aroon Jugsujinda (2009). Transport Technology, 30:10, 1031 – 1040. Planning Tool with Health Risk and deposition of organochlorine Assessment: Case study in a peri- pesticides from farmland to estuary Panuvatvanich, A., Koottatep, T. and urban community in Thailand. J. of under tropical regime and their D. Koné. (2009). Influence of bed Human and Ecological Risk potential risk to aquatic biota. configuration and impounding Assessment. Journal of Environmental Science and regime on nitrogen transformation Annual Report on Research 2009 | 95

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Thanh, B.X., Sperandio, M., Guigui, Aroon Jugsujinda. (2009). Cadmium Middlesex University Press, London, C., Ben Aim, R., Wan, J.F. and C. concentration in sea bottom ISBN: 978 1 904750 28 4. Visvanathan. (2009). Coupling sediment and its potential risk in the Sequencing Batch Airlift Reactor upper Gulf of Thailand. Journal of Conference Proceedings: (SBAR) and Membrane Filtration: Environmental Science and Health, Influence of Nitrate Removal on Part A. Volume 44, Issue 3, 244-248 Anh Tuan, L., Visvanathan, C., Sludge Characteristics, Effluent Yonekawa, H. and Yoshimasa Quality and Filterability. Refereed Books/Chapters: Watanabe. (2009). Pre-Treatment Desalination, Volume 250, Issue 2, Options for Hybrid Ceramic doi:10.1016/j.desal.2008.11.055. Emberson, L.D., Büker, P., Engardt, Microfiltration Systems for Surface M., van Tienhoven, A.M, Agrawal, Water Treatment. Conference on the Thanh, B.X., Visvanathan, C. and R. M., Zunckel, M., Hicks, K., Pleijel, H., Challenges in Environmental Science Ben Aim. (2009). Characterization of Kim Oanh, N.T., Amgain, L., P., Islam, and Engineering 2009, Queensland Aerobic Granular Sludge at Various T., Shamsi, S.R.A., Perera, G.A.D, Australia, 14-17 July 2009. Organic Loading Rates. Journal of Krüger, G.H.J. and Smit, P.R. (2009). Process Biochemistry, 44, 242-245. “The RAPIDC Crops Project: C. Visvanathan. (2009). Resource Assessing ground-level ozone (O3) Circulation in Asia: Practical Tsuzuki, Y., Koottatep, T. and MDM. impacts to crops in parts of Asia and Challenges in Settling up Recycling Raman. (2009). Water Quality southern Africa. A chapter in the "Air Industries. Plenary Lecture, R’09 Profiles of the Tidal Rivers and Canal Pollution: Health and Environmental Twin World Congress, - Resource in Peri-urban Areas of Bangkok, Impacts". Edited by Gurjar B, Molina Management and Technology for Thailand, and Dhaka, Bangladesh, L, and CSP Ojha. Published by Material and Energy Efficiency, Focusing on the Water Quality published by CRC Press (Taylor & Nagoya – Japan & - Davos – Transition in Coastal Areas. J. of Francis, USA). In press. Switzerland, 14-16 September 2009. Japan Society of Water Environment, Vol. 32 No 1, pp 47 - 52. (In Hoai Nam, N., Visvanathan, C. and V. C. Visvanathan. (2009). Solid Waste Japanese) Jegatheesan. (2009). Performance and Climate Change: Perceptions Evaluation of Septic Tanks as onsite and Possibilities. Proceeding of the Tsuzuki, Y., Koottatep, T., Sanitation Systems. In: Southeast International Conference on Solid Wattanachira, S., Sarathai, Y. and C. Asian Water Environment – 3, IWA Waste Management (Technical, Wongburana. (2009). On-Site Publications, ISBN: 9781843392767, Environmental and Socio-economical Treatment Systems in the pp: 141-146. Contexts) Key Note Lecture– Wastewater Treatment Plants WasteSafe 2009, Khulna, (WWTPS) Service Areas in Thailand: Kim Oanh, N.T. and Didin A. Bangladesh, 9-10 November 2009. Scenario Based Pollutant Leads Permadi. (2009). Chapter 12 Estimation. J. of Global Environment “Photochemical smog modeling for Kim Oanh, N.T. and K. Saswattecha. Engineering, Vol. 14, pp.57-65. ozone air quality management” of (2009). Assessment effects of control “Modelling of Pollutants in Complex devices and cleaner fuel on diesel Van Ha, N.T., Prem Ananth, A., Environmental Systems”. Volume 1, emission: a case study for Bangkok. Visvanathan C. and V. Anbumozhi. edited by G. Hanrahan. ILM Presented at Regional Workshop for (2009). Techno Policy Aspects and Publications, Hertfordshire, UK. East Asia On the Partnership for Socio-economic Impacts of Eco- Clean Fuels and Vehicles, Industrial Networking in the Fishery Laugesen, C.H., Fryd, O., Koottatep, Pathumthani, Thailand, May 15, Sector: Experiences from An Giang T. and H. Brix. (2009), Sustainable 2009. Province, Vietnam. Journal of Cleaner Wastewater Management in Production, Accepted for publication. Developing Country: New paradigms Kim Oanh, N.T. and M.T. Thuy and Case Studies from the Field. Phuong. (2009). Emission Inventory Wickramasinghe, S., Borin, M., ASCE Press, Virginia, 252 p. for Motorcycles in Hanoi, Vietnam. Kotagama, S., Cochard, R. Anceno, A. Presented at Regional Workshop for and O. Shipin. (2009). Multi- Prem Ananth, A. and C. Visvanathan. East Asia On the Partnership for functional pollution mitigation in a (2008). Chapter 8 “Towards Clean Fuels and Vehicles, rehabilitated mangrove conservation environmentally, financially and Pathumthani, Thailand, May 15, area. Ecological Engineering. 35, socially sound waste management 2009. 898–907. practices in Asia” In WASTEnomics: turning waste liabilities into assets, N.T. Kim Oanh. (2009). Air pollution Zin Hnin Ei Tun, Parkpian, P., Eds. Kenny Tang and Jacob Yeoh, in Asian countries: climate co-benefit Delaune, R.D., Gambrell, R.P. and consideration. Proceedings, AWMA’s

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Conference on “Harmonizing GHG and Treatment Choices in Research Reports Assessment”, Baltimore, September Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Kenya. 1-2, 2009 International WHO Conference of the Kim Oanh, N.T., Kondo, Y. and Co, Network to Promote Household H.X. (2009). Final report of APN N.T. Kim Oanh. (2009). Air pollution Water Treatment and Safe Storage. project, ARCP2007-07CMY in Asian countries: levels, sources Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, “Investigation on the Impacts of and climate effects. World Ireland, 21–23 Sept. 2009 (Oral Urban-Rural Air Pollution on Air Renewable Energy Congress 2009 – Presentation). Quality and Climate in Southeast Asia. 3rd International Conference on Asia”, submitted to APN secretariat. “Sustainable Energy and T. Koottatep. (2009). Knowledge Environment (SEE-2009), 19-22 May Sharing – Technology. ADB-DMC Kim Oanh, N.T., Polprasert, C., 2009, Bangkok, Thailand. Sanitation Dialogue, 3 – 5 March Karstensen, K.H. and S. 2009, ADB Headquarter, Manila, the Kittipongvises. (2009). Annual report N.T. Kim Oanh. (2009). Black carbon Philippines. of the project “Capacity levels in ambient air: air quality and Strengthening on Hazardous climate change implications. Paper T. Koottatep. and A. Morel. (2009). Chemicals Management”, submitted 153, Proceedings AWMA Annual Emerging Sanitation Technology in to the NORAD/MOFA of Norway. st Conference and exhibition, Detroit GMS Countries. Proc. of the 1 MRSI 16-19 June 2009. International Conference on Mekong N.T. Kim Oanh. (2009). “Results of Development in Transition: the second attempt of the Inter- N.T. Kim Oanh. (2009). Climate Challenges and Prospects, Ubon laboratory comparison for UNEP- change and air pollution interaction: Ratchathani University, 28 July 29. Male’ co-benefit opportunity. BGI-Climate Declaration acid monitoring Change Workshop, Hanoi, Feb. 24- T. Koottatep. and N. Surinkul. network”. Invited speaker for UNEP- 26, 2009. (2009). Application of QMRA for Male’ Declaration 7th Regional environmental sanitation planning in Refresher’s training, Delhi, India, Padmasri, M. and C. Visvanathan. urban/peri-urban cities: Case study March 16-19, 2009. (2009). Trends in Environmental in Klong Laung municipality Thailand. Engineering Education and Visions of Proc. of 2009 AIT-KU Joint Membrane Technology in symposium on Human Security 19.7 Doctoral Students' Wastewater Reuse, Conference on Engineering, 19 – 20 November Dissertation Challenges in Environmental Sciences 2009, Bangkok, Thailand. and Engineering, organized by James Environmental Engineering & Cook University, Townsville, Thuy Phuong, M.T and N.T. Kim Management Queensland, Australia, 30 April 2009. Oanh. (2009). Emission Inventory for Motorcycles in Hanoi, Vietnam using Fouling Behavior and Nitrogen Shipin, O., Goonewardene, N.P. and the International Vehicle Emissions th Removal in the Aerobic Granulation T. Clasen. (2009). Impact of the 2004 Model. Poster presented at the 102 Membrane Bioreactor tsunami on household water AWMA Annual Conference & By Bui Xuan Thanh treatment (HHWT) practices by the Exhibitor, Detroit, June 16-19, 2009. Supervisor: Prof. C. Visvanathan population of affected areas in Sri Lanka. International WHO Visvanathan, C. and A. Prem Ananth. Integrated Pathogen Flow Analysis Conference of the Network to (2009). Integrated Solid Waste (PFA) and Quantitative Microbial Promote Household Water Management: Avenues for Climate Risk Assessment (QMRA) for Health Treatment and Safe Storage, Royal Action. Proceedings of the 20th and Environmental Sanitation College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland, Annual Conference of Japan Society Planning 21–23 Sept. 2009 (Oral of Material Cycles and Waste By Narong Surinkul Supervisor: Dr. Thammarat Koottatep Management, 17-19 September Presentation). 2009, Nagoya, Japan. pp 111-112 Pollution and Its Mitigation by Shipin, O. Jenkins, M.W., Hoang Natural Wastewater Treatment Ngoc Tuong Van, Sharmin, S., and B. Visvanathan, C. and N.H. Yin. (2009). Systems Linked to Lysimeter Study on Co-disposal of E- Scott. (2009). Consumer Drinking Agriculture/Aquaculture and Waste with Municipal solid Waste. Water Quality and Treatment Conservation of Biodiversity in Twelfth International Waste Preferences: A Repertory Grid Selected Ecologically Valued Areas in Management and Landfill Investigation Comparing Mental Thailand and Sri Lanka Constructs and Criteria Consumers Symposium SARDINIA 2009, Cagliari, By Wickramasinghe. M. Sriyani Use to Make Drinking Water Quality Italy, 5-9 October 2009. Supervisor: Dr. Oleg Shipin Annual Report on Research 2009 | 97

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Typology and Activity of the Application of Nanoparticles for Removal Degradation of PCBs and Paraquat in Soil Nitrifying Bacteria Underlying Select of Perfluorinated Compounds in Synthetic and in Water with Zinc Oxide and Zero Bioprocesses Treating Animal and Wastewaters Valence Iron Nanoparticles Municipal Wastewater By Jidapa Khatikarn By Tran The Vinh By Alfredo J. Anceno Supervisor: Prof. Chongrak Polprasert Supervisor: Prof. Chongrak Polprasert Supervisor: Dr. Oleg Shipin Assessing Nutrient Flows by Material Development of Arsenic Toxicity from a Environmental Toxicology, Technology Flow Analysis (MFA) in Hoang Tay and Small Scale Gold Mine: Case Study of and Management Nhat Tan Communes, Hanam Province, Khao Phanom Pha in Phichit Province, Vietnam Thailand Arsenic Removal in Subsurface-Flow By Do Thu Nga By Pattarawan Chularueangoaksorn Constructed Wetland Planted with Supervisor: Dr. Thammarat Koottatep Supervisor: Dr. Preeda Parkpian Vetiver Grasses By Chatchawal Singhakant Assessment of Acid Deposition in the Development of Mitigation Measures of Supervisor: Dr. Thammarat Koottatep/Dr. Dhaka Division of Bangladesh using Air Anthropogenic Impacts on the Coastal Jutamaad Satayavivad Pollution Dispersion Modeling Ecosystems in Central Vietnam (Hoi An By Asif Iqbal City) Chemopreventive properties of Supervisor: Prof. Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh By Bui Thi Thy Stilbene Derivatives in Human Breast Supervisor: Dr. Oleg Shipin and Prostate Cancer Cell Lines Assessment of Heavy Metal (Lead, Copper By Sunisa Sangjun and Zinc) Contamination in Selected Rifle Effects of Environmental Factors on Supervisor: Prof. Somsak Ruchirawat/Prof. Range Soils Biohydrogen Production from Organic Martin van den Berg By Mai Thi Nguyet Wastes Supervisor: Dr. Preeda Parkpian By Numfon Eaktasang Ecological Risk Assessment of Supervisor: Prof. Chongrak Polprasert Organochlorine Pesticides in Assessment of Water Quality in Nam Kok Sediment: A Case Study of the River, Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR Emission Inventory for Motorcycles in Chanthaburi Estuary By Oukham Phounpakone Hanoi, Vietnam using the International By Napaporn Leadprathom Supervisor: Dr. Thammarat Koottatep Vehicle Emissions Model Supervisor: Dr. Preeda Parkpian/Dr. Jutamaad By Mai Thi Thuy Phuong Sattayavivad Bacterial Community Changes in Supervisor: Prof. Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh Sequential Anaerobic-Aerobic The Effects of Benzene Inhalation Composting of Trichloroethylene (TCE) Food Safety Evaluation of the Selected Exposure and Pyridoxine Deficiency Contaminated Soil Metal Levels in Bananas and other in Male B6C3F1 Mice By Walaiporn Siriratwatthana Natural Complementary Foods By Chanthana Tanjarukij Supervisor: Dr. Preeda Parkpian/Prof. Skorn By Nucharat Tuntiwigit Supervisor: Dr. Khunying Mathuros Mongkolsuk Supervisor: Dr. Jutamaad Satayaivad/Dr. Preeda Ruchirawat/Prof. Judith T. Selikoff Parkpian Cleaner Technology Development for The Evaluation of PCBs Treatment and Management of Industrial Impact of the 2004 Tsunami on Contamination on the Eastern Coast Sludge Containing Zinc Household Water Treatment Practices by of Thailand using Chemical and By Nuchanart Leelakahakit the Population of Affected Areas in Sri Biological Techniques Supervisor: Prof. Ajit P. Annachhatre Lanka By Chate Jaikanlaya By Nalayini Ponnambalam Goonewardene Supervisor: Dr. Khunying Mathuros Contents and Mass Balances of Some Supervisor: Dr. Oleg Shipin Ruchirawat/Dr. Preeda Parkpian Potentially Toxic Elements in the Wastewater-Fed Fish Pond: A Case Study Level of Particulate Matter and Volatile 19.8 Masters Students' of Hoang Mai District, Hanoi, Vietnam Organic Compounds in Map Ta Phut By Le Thai Ha Area, Rayong province, Thailand Theses Supervisor: Prof. Chongrak Polprasert By Vitsanu Wingpud Supervisor: Prof. Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh Application of Constructed Wetland Cultivation of Microalgae and Systems to Treat Wastewaters Cyanobacteria for Carbon Fixation Lysimeter Study on Co-Disposal of E- Containing Perfluorinated Compounds By Puttimon Kaiwan-arporn Waste with Municipal Solid Waste Supervisor: Prof. Ajit P. Annachhatre By Yanasinee Suma By Nang Htay Yin Supervisor: Prof. Chongrak Polprasert Supervisor: Prof. C. Visvanathan Cumulative Effects Assessment in the Developing World: A Case of Asian Multi- Functional Coastal Wetlands By Efren Laguda Linan Supervisor: Dr. Oleg Shipin

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Nitrogen Flow Analysis for Environmental Sequential Precipitation of Heavy Metals Research Study: Source Apportionment Sanitation Planning: A Case Study in with Hydroxide and Sulfide of Particular Matter Pollution at AIT Cantho City, Vietnam By Tamirkhuu Narangerel during Dry Season 2009 By Tran Van Cam Supervisor: Prof. Ajit P. Annachhatre By Muhammad Zeeshan Ali Khan Supervisor: Dr. Thammarat Koottatep Supervisor: Prof. Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh The Chiangmai Haze Episode in March Phosphorus Removals in Charcoal-Filled 2007: Cause Investigation and Exposure Towards Cumulative Effects Assessment Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands Assessment of Anthropogenic Activities on Coastal Treating Fecal Sludge By Ketsiri Leelasakultum Wetland Ecosystem: A Case Study of Van By Dao Kim Luu Supervisor: Prof. Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh Phong Bay, Khanh Hoa Province, Central Supervisor: Dr. Thammarat Koottatep Vietnam Thermophilic Aerobic Membrane By Vo Tran Tuan Linh Pilot Scale Studies on Direct Filtration of Bioreactor for Industrial Wastewater Supervisor: Dr. Oleg Shipin Domestic Wastewater using the Ceramic Treatment Micro-Filtration System By Amila Abeynayaka By Athit Phetrak Supervisor: Prof. C. Visvanathan Supervisor: Prof. C. Visvanathan

Removal of Endosulfan-Additional POPs Research Study: GHG Reduction Potential from Contaminated Sediment by Low in the Seafood Industry: A Case Study of

Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Pellets Surimi Processing Industry in Thailand

By Naraporn Glanpracha By: Awais Anwar Baloch Supervisor: Dr. Preeda Parkpian Supervisor: Prof. Ajit P. Annachhatre

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20.1 Introduction Biotechnology; Functional Project Investigator Athapol Noomhorm Foods) Sponsor University of Tokyo, Japan Total Contracted Amount (THB) 990,960 Vice President, Research This field of study focuses on value addition of agricultural commodities by The Advance International Training ANIL KUMAR ANAL, DVM., University the application of bioconversion in Program "Putting Ideas to work of Agriculture, Pakistan; MSc. and various sectors of industry and strategies for Innovation led Sustainable agriculture. These include food PhD., AIT, Thailand growth" Assistant Professor (Food processing, aquaculture, cosmetics and Duration 1-Mar-09 - 31-Dec-09 health care. BPT focuses on the Engineering & Bioprocess Project Investigator Sudip K Rakshit application of microorganism and Technology Field of Study Sponsor VINNOVA Total Contracted Amount (THB) 684,766 enzymes to meet the demands of the (Animal Biotechnology, Food and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, developing countries of the region. FE Dairy and Meat Process focuses on the systems for handling, Technology, Food Colloids and 20.4 On-going Grants and processing and storage of both durable and perishable food products in Biopolymer, Functional Foods, Sponsored Research developing of small- scale food Micro-/Nanoencapsulation, processing technologies. Emphasis is Bionanotechnology) AIT Support to National University also placed on the determination of Associate Dean of Research & (2007-2010)-Research Duration 1-Jun-07 - 31-Dec-10 material properties; design and Outreach, School of Environment, Resources & Project Investigator Sudip Kumar Rakshit development of new processes and Sponsor Swedish International Development Development related equipment; and computer Cooperation Agency, Sweden modeling and simulation of postharvest Total Contracted Amount (THB) 3,252,400 and food processing operations. 20.3 Grants and Sponsored Development of Anti Fungal Acrylic Fibre Research Completed in for Novel Applications 20.2 Faculty and Research Duration 1-Jan-09 - 31-Dec-10 2009 Project Investigator Sudip Kumar Rakshit Staff Sponsor Various EU Southeast Asia Expert Meeting on Total Contracted Amount (THB) 400,000

Full-time Faculty Food Quality Safety & Traceability Enabling Bio-innovation for poverty Duration 1-Feb-09 - 28-Dec-09 ATHAPOL NOOMHORM, BSc, Project Investigator Sudip K Rakshit alleviation in Asia Sponsor CIRAD France Duration 8-Mar-08 - 31-Dec-11 Kasetsart Univ, Thailand; MEng, Total Contracted Amount (THB) 440,000 Project Investigator Sudip Rakshit (33%), Lamar Univ, Texas; PhD, Louisiana Bernadette Resurreccion (33%), Edsel Sajor (33%) State Univ, USA. Molecular Identification of Novel Sponsor International Development Research Professor and Coordinator Centre, Canada Cellulase from Buffalo Rumen Total Contracted Amount (THB) 17,232,280 (Agro-Industrial Development, Duration 15-Oct-08 - 15-Oct-09

Project Investigator Sudip Rakshit Food Process Technology, Post Green composites from Soy flour based Harvest Technology, Supply Sponsor RTG Total Contracted Amount (THB) 900,000 plastic and Biofibers from agro- Chain) industrial byproducts Organic Symposium and Regional Duration 1-Jul-09 - 30-Jun-10 SUDIP KUMAR RAKSHIT, BSc, Loyola Workshop Project Investigator Athapol Noomhorm Sponsor RTG College; BTech, Jaavpur Univ, India; Duration 1-Sep-08 - 30-Jun-09 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 978,000 MTech, PhD, Indian Inst of Tech, Project Investigator Athapol Noomhorn

India Sponsor National Innovation Agency, Ministry of Professor (Biochemical Science and Technology, RTG International Conference on Innovations Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,046,188 Engineering and Biotechnology; in Food Process Technology and

Biopolymers and Lipid Engineering 2008 Sustainability Workshops: Spreading Duration 1-Aug-08 - 31-Jan-10 Biotechnology; Fermentation Awareness through intensive program Project Investigator Athapol Noomhorn and Enzyme Technology; Food on Sustainability Sponsor Participants Total Contracted Amount (THB) 650,000 Duration 1-Jul-08 - 31-Jan-09

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Networking with French speaking Jarun Likittaratanaporn and Athapol Rittichai Assawarachan and Athapol French, Vietnamese and Cambodian Noomhorm. (2009) "Effect of Noomhorm (2009); “Change in Color universities in the area of bioconversion Simultaneous Parboiling and Drying and Rheological Behavior of of lignocellulose residues to ethanol by Infrared Radiation Heating (IR) on Pineapple Concentrate through Duration 1-Jan-08 - 31-Jun-10 Parboiled Rice Quality, Paper Various Evaporation Methods; Project Investigator Sudip Kumar Rakshit submitted to Drying Technology. International Journal of Agricultural Sponsor Agence Universitaire de la Francophone (AUF) and Biological Engineering. (accepted) Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,000,000 Jirawan Maneerote, P. S. Takhar and Athapol Noomhorm (2009) S. J. M. Skinner, M Geaney, L Hai, M Production of Germinated Brown Rice Optimization of processing conditions Muzina, Anil Anal, R. B. Elliott and P. using Thai Rice Variety (KMDL 105) to reduce oil uptake and enhance Tan. (2009). Encapsulated living Duration 1-Nov-08 - 30-Apr-10 physico-chemical properties of deep choroid plexus cells : Potential long Project Investigator Athapol Noomhorm fried rice cracker. LWT Journal term treatments for central nervous Sponsor RTG Total Contracted Amount (THB) 820,000 Volume 42, Issue 9, 805-812. system disease and trauma. Journal of Neural Engineering, 6: 1-11 (Most Production of instant rice using Noomhorm, A and Imran Ahmad. highlighted and downloaded Paper combined microwave fluidized bed (2009). Food supply chain 2009). drying management and food safety: Duration 1-Nov-08 - 30-Apr-10 South& East-Asia scenario. Thutiyaporn.Chittapalo and Athapol Project Investigator Athapol Noomhorm Agricultural Information Research, Noomhorm (2009)"Ultrasonic Sponsor RTG 17(4), 2009. assisted alkali extraction of protein Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,000,000 from defatted rice bran and

Residues from Pulp and Paper Industries Noomhorm, A, P. Sirisoontaralak, C. properties of the protein for Bio-ethanol Production Uraichoen and I. Ahmad (2009) Effect concentrates" International Journal Duration 13-Oct-09 - 12-Oct-11 of pressurized carbon dioxide on of Food Science and Technology. Vol Project Investigator Sudip K Rakshit mortality of Sitophilus zeamais and 44, No.9 , September 2009, pp. Sponsor RTG/DA Research Center Co Ltd properties of milled rice ; Journal of 1843-1849(7) Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,000,000 Stored Products Research 45(2009) 201-205. Wilasinee S, Imran A and Athapol Sustainability workshop: Spreading Noomhorm. (2009). Optimization of awareness through intensive program R.M.U.S.K.Rathnayaka and Rice Supply Chain in Thailand – A on Sustainability S.K.Rakshit, Evaluation of metal Case Study of Two Rice Mills; paper Duration 1-Jul-09 - 31-Jan-10 Project Investigator Athapol Noomhorm hydroxide immobilization and DNA accepted for Springer book series. Sponsor University of Tokyo Japan extraction methods on detection of The International Symposium on Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,069,428 salmonella enterica from pork Food and Water Sustainability in sausage by nested PCR. Journal of China 2007 / Asia 2008. Muscle Foods, Accepted, 25-Feb- 20.5 Publications 2009 Papers presented in Conferences,

workshops and seminars Refereed Journals Rittichai Assawarachan and Athapol

Noomhorm (2009) "Suitability of A. Noomhorm. (2009). Rice supply Ho Ky Quang Minh, S.K.Rakshit, Use Mathematical Models to represent chain in Thailand: Paper presented at of specific pcr-based molecular Vacuum-Microwave concentration the 4th International Conference on markers for discrimination, rapid Behavior of Pineapple Juice" ;Journal Innovations in Food Processing analysis of purity and identification of Food Process Engineering. Technology and Engineering, 19-20 of six fragrant rice (accepted) January 2009; AIT: Bangkok. varieties."International Journal of

Food Science and Technology, 2009, Rittichai Assawarachan and Athapol Anal, Anil K. (2009) 44, 1959-10965 Noomhorm (2009) Influence of Microencapsulation in Bioprocess Temperature and TSS on and Bioseparation Technology. Huong Thi Thu Do, Alfredo J. Ancemo performance of evaporation and International Conference on II, Sudip K. Rakshit, DNase I treated Rheological Properties of Pineapple Separation Processes, 20-22 DNA-PCR based detection of food Concentration by Microwave October, 2009; Varanasi, India pathogens immobilized by metal Vacuum Evaporator; Journal of Food () (Invited) Microbiology and Biotechnology, Volume 25, Issue 8 (2009), PP/ 1497

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Anal, Anil K. (2009) Structure and Bangkok Thailand, 15th -17th July Research Institute, Queen Sirikit Techno-functional Properties of 2009. Conventional Center Bangkok Customized Biocapsules: From Thailand, 15th -17th July 2009. Multilayers to Smart Containers for SK Rakshit, Systems for Sustainable Delivery of Bioactive Molecules; Science (IR3S) adaptation. Papers published in Proceedings NZBIO2009 Conference, 9-11 March, Innovations in biofuels and their 2009 (Invited) uses, At : Opportunities with W. Srikham and A. Noomhorm. Alternate Energy, An international (2009). Determination of optimal E. Cheevitsopon and A. Noomhorm. Conference Organized by “The rice milling quality using friction type (2009). Study of hydration kinetics Nation”, May 22nd, 2009 milling. Paper presented at the 4th and dimensional changes of brown International Conference on rice during soaking by image SK Rakshit, Second Generation Innovations in Food Processing analysis: Paper presented at the 4th biofuels, Plenary Lecture, 1st Technology and Engineering, 19-20 International Conference on International Conference on “New January 2009; AIT: Bangkok. Innovations in Food Processing Frontiers in Biofuels”, India Habitat Technology and Engineering, 19-20 Centre, New Delhi, India, January 16- S. Parnsakhorn and A. Noomhorm. January 2009; AIT: Bangkok. 19, 2010 (2009). Changes in free fatty acid and pasting characteristics of brown rice Noomhorm A;(2009); Overview Invited lecturer and Keynote Speaker and parboiled rice during storage. Asean Grain Postharvest” paper Paper presented at the 4th presented at Seminar on the training Anal, Anil K. Functional Foods; International Conference on course on Grain post-harvest Special Talk; International Innovations in Food Processing Technology;” organized by Ministry of Agricultural Engineering Conference; Technology and Engineering, 19-20 Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Bangkok, Thailand; 7-10 December January 2009; AIT: Bangkok. Japan (MAFF-Japan) under the CLMV 2009 Focus Component of the Project for N. Laosanguanek, R Assawarachan Strengthening Partnership[ among Anal, Anil K. Microencapsulation in and A Noomhorm; Thin Layer Japan and Asean countries, Bioprocess and Bioseparation Infrared Radiation Drying of implement by the Asean secretariat;, Technology. International Turmeric Slices, Proceeding of the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Conference on Separation Processes, Agricultural Engineering Conference Agriculture and Cooperatives, 20-22 October, 2009; Varanasi, India (IAEC) at AIT 5-8 Dec 2009 IAEC Thailand July 14th ,2009 () Noomhorm A, (2009); Encapsulation Magazines/popular articles on Food application by spray drying Noomhorm, A., “Rice supply chain: A and Freeze drying; NSTDA (the case study of two Thai rice mill: at the Anal, Anil K. (2009). National Science and Technology 4th International Conference on Microencapsulation and its Development Agency); Annual Innovations in Food Processing Application in Delivery of Bioactive Conference at Thailand Science Park, Technology and Engineering, 19-20 Compounds in Food Systems. Pathum Thani.; 12 March 2009 January 2009; AIT: Bangkok. Innovative Science Editions (Founder article-Online Science Magazine). Noomhorm A. (2009) Innovative Noonhorm A., Overview Asean Grain processing and utilization of rice Postharvest” organized by Ministry of Other Publications products; Successfully evaluating, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of measuring & Managing R&D Japan (MAFF-Japan) under the CLMV SK Rakshit, Climate Change innovation: The Asia Business Forum; Focus Component of the Project for Adaptation – Challenges and Grand Sukhumvit Hotel, Bangkok, 12 Strengthening Partnership[ among Opportunities in Higher Education, March 2009 Japan and Asean countries, Organized by UNU on behalf of the implement by the Asean secretariat;, Noomhorm A;(2009) “ Rice Department of Agriculture, Ministry of International Consortium of postharvest in Thailand ” paper Agriculture and Cooperatives, universities for Integrated Research presented (invited speaker) at Post Thailand July 14th ,2009 harvest Rice Conference and exhibition organized by Noonmhorm A., Rice postharvest in International Rice Research Institute, Thailand” at Post harvest Rice Queen Sirikit Conventional Center Conference and exhibition organized by International Rice Annual Report on Research 2009 | 103

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SK Rakshit, Second generation SK Rakshit, Food Fuel and fiber, Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm biofuels - constraints and potential, Competition or synergies? SE Asia EU International meeting – Bio-ethanol: Net Climate Change Adaptation and 20.7 Masters Students' Status and Future, Hanoi University Mitigation Conference Bogor, Theses and Research of Technology, Vietnam. 25-27 Indonesia, November 11-12, 2009 March, 2009 Studies

SK Rakshit, Renewable energy and The Enzymatic Process of Biodiesel SK Rakshit, Rapid testing of food sustainable development in SE Asia - Production from Jatropha Curcas pathogens using molecular biology context of biofuels. European By Mr. Apichart Aroonnual. methods, Invited Lecture, Southern Science Cooperation Conference, Supervisor: Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit and Eastern Africa Network for Mandalay, Myanmar, 4-5 December, Enzymatic Delignification of Analytical Chemists (SEANAC) 2009 2009 Lignocellulosic Rice Straw and Water th th Conference 5 to 7 July, 2009, Hyacinth for Biofuel Appications Kwaluseni, Swaziland. SK Rakshit, Trans –disciplinary By Ms. Melanie C. Blanca Capacity Building : Education and Supervisor: Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit

SK Rakshit, Looking Forward : Training LCS-Rnet & ICLCS Panel 4 The Modification of Sago Strarch by Heat- Charting the Transition to a Low- IGES, Tokyo, June 27, 2009 Moisture Treatment for Noodle carbon society, at “The Ultimate Production Policy Challenge : Rising Energy SK Rakshit, Climate Change – By Ms. Tanapak Songkhramchai Supervisor: Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit Demands versus Emissions Challenges and Opportunities in Reduction”, Asia Pacific Media Higher Education, EU Asia Higher Studies on Phytochemical Screening and Forum convened by the Global Education Platform symposium, Biological Activities of Thai Herbal Subsidies Initiative and the Inter Bangkok, Thailand ,30th October, Formulations Press Service, Asia Pacific Bureau, 23 2009 By Ms. Chonthicha Thanathitipong Supervisor: Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit -24 July, 2009, Bangkok, Thailand. 20.6 Doctoral Students' Bioconversion of Aqueous Glycerol SK Rakshit, Regional research Pretreated Rice Straw to Ethanol priorities and expectations from a Dissertation By Ms. Nay Yee Wint Supervisor: Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit partnership with Europe, Debate Optimization and Evaluation of Molecular introduced by SK Rakshit, Methods for Rapid Detection and Production of Cassava Based Composite International Conference “Dialogue Quantification of Salmoella Enterica in Bread with Improved Functional between Europe and Southern Contaminated Food Characteristics By Ms. Wikanda Wongrinthramathee By Mr. R.M.U.S.K. Rathnayaka partners on agricultural research and Supervisor: Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit Supervisor: Prof. Sudip Kumar Rakshit climate change”, Brussels, 16-17

December 2009 Transport Phenomina and Frying Antioxidant Activity and DNA Damage Conditions on Fried Rice Crackers Protection by Total Carotenoids and Vitamin C from Fresh and Cooked G. SK Rakshit, “Importance of trans- By Ms. Jirawan Maneerote Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm cowa Leaves disciplinary research in the context By Ms. Rujira Chaiyasit of climate change”, International Processing Effects on Quality of Parboiled Supervisor: Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit

Conference and Workshop on the Brown Rice and Germinated Brown Rice Modification of Corn Distillers Dried Role of Higher Education in adapting By Mrs. Sunan Parnsakhorn Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm Granins With Solubles by Probiotics to eco-system and climate change, By Mr. Pruet Pathirapong Organized by UNU on behalf of the Evaluation of Cooked Rice Texture by Supervisor: Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit

International Consortium of Near Infrared Spectroscopy Study of Vacuum Microwave-Assisted universities for Integrated Research By Ms. Weena Srisawas Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm Extraction of Proanthocyanidins from Systems for Sustainable Science Grape Seed By (IR3S), June 10-12, 2009, Yojakarta, Preparation, Charcterization and Ms. Yuwadee Poosiripinyo Indonesia. Functional Properties of Gelatin from Supervisor: Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit

Lizardfish (Saurida spp.) Scales Mr. Sutee Wangtueai

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Comparison of Spray Drying and Utilization of Biodiesel by-Product Design and Development of an Microwave Vacuum for Producing Mango Glycerol for the Production of 1,3- Evaporative Cooling System for Tropical Powder Propanediol Fruits and Vegetables in Transport By Mr. Teeradate Kongpichitchoke By Ms. Amika Promtra Vehicles Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm Supervisor: Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit By Ms. Nattriya Supmoon Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm Optimization of Drying Method and other The Optimization of Fermentation Parameters During encapsulation of Conditions for Arachidonic acid Frozen Catfish Supply Chain Management Vitamin E Production by Halophytophthora spinosa in Vietnam a Case Study of a Medium By Ms. Pacharawan Moolsadang var. lobata (BCC6563) Scale Company VS a Large Scale Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm By Ms. Patcharee Tirakom Company Supervisor: Prof. Sudip K. Rakship By Ms. Nguyen Thi Anh Tuyet Influence of Drying Methods on Drying Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm Kinetics and Qualities of White Pepper The Effects of Operating Conditions on By Ms. Pornpimol Tapbuntom Pomegranate Juice Quality During the Parameters Influencing Performance of Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm Ohmic Heating Process Rubber Roll Husker By Mr. Theradech Lerdvilaianunt By Mr. Karn Chitsuthipakorn Effect of Extrusion Conditions on the Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm Physicochemical Properties of a Snack made from Purple Rice (Hom Nil) and Development of Rice Supply Chian Effects of Different Concentrating Soybean Flour Blend Management and Identification of Rice Processes on the Quality of Reconstituted By Ms. Korntip Thititumjariya Adulteration: a Case Study of Mulberry Juice Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm

Pathumthani Fragrant Rice in Suphanburi By Ms. Naruedee Chokanuwat Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm Microwave Assisted Extraction of Pectin Province By Ms. Sutamas Singhagamol from Yellow Passion Fruit Peels Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm Improvement of Tofu by Freezing Process By Ms. Morakot Zae-lee Application on Soybean and the Addition Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm

Continuous Downdraft Rice Husk Gasifier of Hydrocolloids on SoybeanCurd for Paddy Drying By Ms. Dhayutithron Jongjairuksa By Mr. Charoonsak Somphong Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm Supervisor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm

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21.1 Introduction PHILIPPE DONEYS, B.A., University of economic development; Gender Toronto, Canada; MA, University of statistics; and Gender issues in

London, UK; PhD, Institut d’Etudes employment) A small project, Women in Development Politiques de Paris, France. was initiated in the Human Settlements Development Division at AIT in the late Assistant Professor and Field YUKARI, SAWADA, BA in Osaka 1980s. This grew into the Gender and Coordinator (New Technologies, University of Foreign Studies Development Studies (GDS) as an Industrialization and Gender (current Osaka University, academic unit in 1991, with financial HIV/AIDS; Gender Politics, Civil Faculty of Foreign Studies), MA Society and Human Rights; in Tokyo University of Foreign support from CIDA, NORAD, the Dutch Gender, Migration and Studies) Development Cooperation and the Trafficking in Asia) Visiting Professor, Tokyo Japanese Government. University of Foreign Studies, Gender and Development Studies (GDS) Visiting Faculty Japan (Gender and economic is a center for graduate studies, research development, social welfare in and outreach in the School of DONNA L. DOANE, M. A. East Asia, migrant labor, Environment, Resources and Anthropology, M.A., M. Phil. unemployment, workfare, care Economics, Yale University, and for elderly) Development. Within the overall gender Ph.D. Economics, Yale University specific framework, GDS highlights both the need for specialized academic degree Visiting Faculty (Economic Research Staff awarding studies in gender and Development, Gender and development, and the integration of Development, Informal JULAIKHA BENTE HOSSAIN, MSc in gender analysis and a gender relations economy, home based work, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh; perspective in AIT’s other fields of study. social protection, technology MSc. and PhD in Asian Institute of policies, indigenous knowledge Technology, Thailand and technology blending, Project Manager and Visiting 21.2 Faculty and Research analyses of prejudice and Faculty (Gender and discrimination, conflict, ethnicity Development with emphasis on Staff and gender) the policies and programmes for

gender equality and women’s Full-time Faculty JULAIKHA BENTE HOSSAIN, MSc in empowerment; Gender, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh; Employment and Organization; BERNADETTE RESURRECCION, BSc, MSc. and PhD in Asian Institute of Gender and ICT for Assumption College, Philippines; MA, Technology, Thailand Development; Gender and PhD, Inst of Social Studies, the Project Manager and Visiting Human Rights; Gender, Hague, the Netherlands. Faculty (Gender and Development and Public Policy; Associate Professor (Gender, Development with emphasis on Gender mainstreaming; Gender environment and Natural the policies and programmes for and Natural Resource Resource Management, Labor gender equality and women’s Management) Migration, Governance, Urban empowerment; Gender, Development) Employment and Organization; LADA PHADUNGKIATI, MSc. in Asian Gender and ICT for Institute of Technology, Thailand KYOKO KUSAKABE, BA, Sophia Development; Gender and Project Researcher (Gender, University, Tokyo, Japan; MSc, PhD, Human Rights; Gender, Crossborder Migrant Workers AIT, Thailand. Development and Public Policy; and Citizenship: A case study of Associate Professor and SERD Gender Mainstreaming; Gender the Burmese-Thai border) Associate Dean (until 31 August and Natural Resource 2009) (Women’s employment in Management) KANOKPORN JAROENRITH, M.SW. in informal economy; Labor Education, Thammasat migration, Cross-border trade; YAYOI SUGIHASHI, BA, MA, Hosie University, Thailand Gender and development policy University Graduate School, PhD Research Associate (Capacity and planning; Gender issues in University of Manchester, UK Building for Gender, poverty and fisheries/aquaculture.) Visiting Lecturer, Ochanomizu Mobility Analysis of Road University, Japan (Gender and Transportation Development in Annual Report on Research 2009| 107

SERD – Gender & Development Studies Field of Study

Greater Mekong sub-Region Gender and Sustainable Development: Training workshop for the students from Project supported by ASEAN Natural Resource Management, Ochanomizu University, Japan Foundation) Migration and Multi-local Livelihoods Duration 1-Jun-05 - 31-Dec-10 Duration 1-Dec-07 - 01-Aug-10 Project Investigator Kyoko Kusakabe Project Investigator Bernadette Resurreccion Sponsor Participants 21.3 Grants and Sponsored Sponsor European Commission Total Contracted Amount (THB) 97,778 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 3,098,103 Research Completed in Gender, Cross Border Migrant Workers 21.5 Publications 2009 and Citizenship- A Case Study of the Refereed Journals Awards for Post-Graduate Education: Burmese-Thai Border Duration 1-Nov-06 - 31-Dec-10 Gender and Development Studies with Project Investigator Kyoko Kusakabe Groves, Gabrielle, Resurreccion, Specialization in Gender and Social Sponsor IDRC Bernadette and Doneys, Philippe Total Contracted Amount (THB) 10,559,630 Analysis in Environment and (2009) “Keeping the Peace is Not

Development Enough: Human Security and Duration 1-Apr-05 - 28-Feb-09 International Workshop on Gender Project Investigator Bernadette Resurreccion Migrant workers and Citizenship in GMS: Gender-based Violence During the Sponsor IDRC Regional Office for South Asia, New Economic and Political perspectives for a Transitional Period in Timor Leste,” Delhi Sojourn Vol 24, no. 2 (Institute of Total Contracted Amount (THB) 8,406,177 world in Crisis Duration 1-May-09 - 31-Mar-10 Southeast Asian Studies ISEAS,

Project Investigator Kyoko Kusakabe National University of Singapore). Student Exchange Program from Sponsor Japan Foundation University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Total Contracted Amount (THB) 572,600 Resurreccion, Bernadette, (2009) Duration 1-Mar-07 - 31-Dec-09 “Gender, Migration and Social Project Investigator Bernadette Resurreccion Japanese Government - Gender and Sponsor University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Reproduction in the Mekong Development Total Contracted Amount (THB) 173,150 Region,’ Asian and Pacific Migration Duration 1-Dec-06 - 31-Dec-10 Project Investigator Kyoko Kusakabe Journal. Vol 18 No 1. (Scalabrini Sponsor Japanese Government Migration Centre), pp 101-22. 21.4 On-going Grants and Total Contracted Amount (THB) 15,556,465 Sponsored Research M-Power Research Fund Refereed Books/Chapters Assessing And Monitoring of Duration 1-Jan-07 - 30-Apr-10 Project Investigator Bernadette Resurreccion, Edsel Vulnerability And Adaptation To Climate Sajor Kusakabe Kyoko (2009) “Economic Change In Southeast Asia For Sponsor Mekong Program on Water, Environment development policy and gender: Responsive Planning, and Resilience (M-Power) Cambodia under regional economic Duration 01-Nov-09 – 01-Nov-11 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 732,600 integration in GMS” in Economic Project Investigator Dr. Bernadette Resurrection, system, consumer society and Dr. Edsel E. Sajor, Dr. Philippe Doneys, Dr. Paul NORAD-GDS 2006-2009 globalization, Gender history series Janecek, Dr. Lal Samarakoon. Duration 1-Jan-06 - 30-Jun-10 Sponsor SIDA and AIT Project Investigator Bernadette Resurreccion Vol. 6, Akashi-Shoten. (in Japanese) Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,600,000 Sponsor NORAD (requested) Total Contracted Amount (THB) 20,781,377 Kusakabe, Kyoko (2009) “Street

vendors in Phnom Penh, Cambodia”, Capacity Building for Gender, Poverty SEA-UEMA Project -Gender in Sharit Bhowmik (ed.) Street and Mobility Analysis of Road Duration 1-Apr-08 - 31-Aug-10 vendors in the global urban Project Investigator Kyoko Kusakabe, Edsel Sajor Transportation Development in the GMS economy, Routledge, pp.120-143. Region Sponsor CIDA-AIT/SEA-UEMA Total Contracted Amount (THB) 3,972,864 Duration 1-Jan-08 - 01-Jul-10 Project Investigator Kyoko Kusakabe Resurreccion, Bernadette (2009) Sponsor ASEAN Foundation Socially and Gender Responsive Natural ‘Gender Trends in Migration and Total Contracted Amount (THB) 10,889,238 Resource Management in the Context of Employment in Southeast Asia, in T the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Devasahayam (ed). Gender Trends in Gender Analysis of Cross Border Road Initiative Project Southeast Asia. Women Now, Infrastructure: A case of Kunming Duration 1-Jul-08 - 31-Jan-10 Women in the Future. Singapore: Bangkok Highway Project Investigator Julaikha B Hossain ISEAS Sponsor Asian Development Bank Duration 1-Dec-09 - 30-Jun-10 Project Investigator Kyoko Kusakabe Total Contracted Amount (THB) 3,400,000 Sponsor ADB Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,000,500

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SERD – Gender & Development Studies Field of Study

Conference Proceedings Women’s Studies Gender 21.7 Masters Students' Networking and Research. Bangkok, Kusakabe, Kyoko (2009) “Gender, 9-13 February 2009. Theses and Research poverty and mobility analysis of road Studies transportation development in GMS: Shalini Mitra and Philippe Doneys, overview”, presented at the Role of Caste and Gender in the A Comparative Analysis on Insecurity Research design workshop for Context of Disaster Response: A Case Among Thai, Thai-Karen and Karen Gender, poverty and mobility study of Super Cyclone in Women in the Context of Forest analysis of road transportation Jagatapada, Orissa. In Second India Livelihoods in Kaeng Krachan Complex, development in GMS, 1-3 April 2009, Disaster Management Congress, Thailand AIT. November 4-6, 2009, Vigyan Bhavan, By Sufia Khanom New Delhi Supervisor: Dr. Bernadette P. Resurreccion Kusakabe, Kyoko and Ruth Pearson (2009) “Transborder Childcare Technical Reports Gender and Climate Change Adaptation: arrangements of Burmese migrant Changing Rural Farmers' Livelihood workers in Thailand”, presented at Kusakabe, Kyoko and Ruth Pearson Patterns in Kors Krolar District, The International Workshop on (2009) Proceedings of the Battambang Province, Cambodia Gender, Migration and Citizenship in International Workshop on Gender, By Norm Sina Supervisor: Dr. Bernadette P. Resurreccion Greater Mekong Subregion: Migrant Workers and Citizenship in Economic and Political Perspectives Greater Mekong Sub-region: Gender Dimension in Cassava Production for a World of Crisis, AIT, Thailand, 1- Economic and Political Perspectives and its Implications on Livelihood 3 June 2009 for a World in Crisis, 1-3 June 2009, Strategies: A Case Study from Kampong AIT Conference Center. Cham Province, Cambodia Pearson, Ruth and Kyoko Kusakabe By Thak Socheat (2009) “Nowhere to return to: Kusakabe, Kyoko (2009) “Gender Supervisor: Dr. Philippe Doneys Gender, Citizenship and Strategies of mainstreaming in transport sector in migrant workers on the Thai- ADB” Asian Development Bank, Gender Dimension in Circular Migration: Burmese Border”, presented in Manila, July 2009. The Case of Ninh Binh, Vietnam COMPAS annual conference on New By Pham Thi Ha Phuong Times? Economic crisis, geo-political Supervisor: Dr. Kyoko Kusakabe transformation and the emerging Other publications Gendered Impacts of Plantation transformation migration order at Employment: A Comparative Analysis of University of Oxford, 21-22 Kusakabe, Kyoko (2009) “Open September 2009 border, closed opportunities”, Two Villages in Khammuane Province, Lao Yemaya: ICSF’s newsletter on gender PDR By Satomi Kimijima Philippe Doneys, Re-empowering and fisheries, No.31, July, pp.2-3. Supervisor: Dr. Kyoko Kusakabe Gender: What about ‘Politics’ in Development Practice?, in Re- Gender Implications of Occupational visiting, Re-thinking Gender in 21.6 Doctoral Student's Safety and Health (OSH) Among Home- Development Workshop, NTNU, Dissertation Based Workers in Nepal Trondheim, Norway, 24-25 June By Nir Prasad Dahal 2009. Conjugal Power Relations and Women’s Supervisor: Dr. Philippe Doneys Participation in Reproductive Health Resurreccion, Bernadette Decision-Making in Nepal Globalizing the Marriage Field: Inter- ‘Embedded Essentialism: Persistent By Matrika Chapagain Cultural Marriage Between African Male Women, Nature and Environment Supervisor: Dr Kyoko Kusakabe Migrants and Local Thai Women Linkages in Climate Change and By Jummai Othniel Yila Role of Self-Help Groups in Empowering Supervisor: Dr. Bernadette P. Resurreccion Sustainable Development Agendas.’ Re-thinking, Re-visiting Gender in Disabled Women: The Case of Role of Caste and Gender in the Context of Development, Trondheim, Norway, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal a Natural Disaster: A Case Study of Super 25-26 June 2009. By Bishnu Maya Dhungana Supervisor: Kyoko Kusakabe Cyclone in Jagatapada, Orissa By Shalini Mitra Resurreccion, Bernadette, Sajor, E. Supervisors: Dr. Philippe Doneys / Prof. Jayant and Hor Sophea. ‘Gender, Rural- Kumar Routray Urban Mobility and the System of Rice Intensification in Cambodia.’ Unesco Conference on Gender & Annual Report on Research 2009 | 109

SERD – Gender & Development Studies Field of Study

Socio-Economic Impacts of Incomes from The Role of Social Networks on Mon Cross-Border Works: The Case of Khmer Migrant Workers in Thailand: Gender Workers in Tri Ton District, Vietnam Analysis in Maha Chai, Samut Sakhon By Thai Huynh Phuong Lan Province Supervisor: Dr. Kyoko Kusakabe By Thet Htar Myint Supervisor: Dr. Kyoko Kusakabe The Impacts of Post Traumatic Stress on Survivors' Access to Humanitarian Women's Participation in Community- Assistance After Cyclone Nargis in Delta, Based Water Resource Management in Myanmar Kanchanaburi, Thailand

By May Thu Myint By Zhao Jingnan Supervisor: Dr. Philippe Doneys Supervisor: Dr. Bernadette P. Resurreccion

The Impacts of Vietnam's Retirement Age Women's Roles and Challenges in the Policy on Women and Men: A Case Study Context of China's Response and of Civil Servants in Quang Binh Province, Reconstruction in Disaster: A Case Study in Vietnam Zundao Township in 2008 Sichuan's By Do Thi Bich Thuy Earthquake Supervisor: Dr. Philippe Doneys By Tan Siying Supervisor: Dr. Philippe Doneys

110 | Annual Report on Research 2009


22.1 Introduction ecology, biodiversity, mangrove, Sponsor The Ford Foundation risk management) Total Contracted Amount (THB) 984,000

This field of study emphasizes natural Visiting Faculty Modelling interactions between human resources, including land, forest and wild activities and biophysical processes in animal, and environmental conservation SYLVAIN PERRET, MS and PhD, coastal ecosystem using remote sensing concerns. It addresses the problems of and GIS University of Montpellier III, France; deforestation, land and coastal Duration 1-Nov-08 - 31-Oct-09 ecosystem degradation, biodiversity DSc, Ecole Polytechnique de Project Investigator Rajendra P. Shrestha Lorraine, Nancy, France. depletion, diminishing water supply, and Sponsor RTG Visiting Associate Professor Total Contracted Amount (THB) 608,000 other environmental pressures and (Water threats on local, national, regional and Monitoring and Conserving Forest global ecosystems. management/institutions, governance, economics/ Diversity in Nam Dong District, Thua sustainability in rural Thien Province, Vietnam development/dynamic Duration 1-Jan-06 - 31-Dec-09 22.2 Faculty and Research Project Investigator Ganesh Shivakoti (Edward L. Staff modeling) Webb) Sponsor The MacArthur Foundation Adjunct Faculty Total Contracted Amount (THB) 12,800,000 Full-time Faculty EDWARD L WEBB, BA, Occidental MSU-Study Abroad VI GANESH P SHIVAKOTI, BS, MS, College, Los Angeles; PhD, Univ of Duration 1-Jan-07 - 31-Dec-09 Udaipur Univ, India; PhD, Michigan Project Investigator Ganesh P. Shivakoti Miami, USA. State Univ, USA. Sponsor Michigan State University, USA Adjunct Associate Professor Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,832,012 Professor (Natural Resources (Tropical Forest Ecology; Economics; Common Property Community-based natural Roles of Natural and Restored Forests in Resources; NRM Policy Analysis; resources management, and Carbon Sequestration and Climate and Watershed Management) Forestry) Change Duration 15-Nov-08 - 15-Nov-09 DIETRICH SCHMIDT-VOGT, BSc, Project Investigator Dietrich Schmidt - Vogt Freiburg University, Germany; MSc, 22.3 Grants and Sponsored Sponsor RTG Total Contracted Amount (THB) 900,000 University of Saskatoon, Canada; Research Completed in PhD, Heidelberg University, Germany. 2009 22.4 On-going Grants and Associate Professor (Landscape Ecology; Integrated Land Use Asian Governance and Leadership Sponsored Research Systems; Sustainable Forest Training and Observation Tour Management; and Human Duration 1-Apr-05 - 31-Dec-09 Collaboration on Capacity Building of Impact on Vegetation) Project Investigator Ganesh P. Shivakoti Hanoi Agricultural University and Hue Sponsor Graduate School of Governance at University of Agriculture and Forestry in SungkyunKwan University, South Korea RAJENDRA P SHRESTHA, BSc, Total Contracted Amount (THB) 820,000 Initiating INRM and Poverty Alleviation Haryana Agri. Univ, India; MSc, Duration 1-Jul-08 - 31-Dec-10 Project Investigator Ganesh P. Shivakoti DTechSc, AIT, Thailand. Capacity Building of Faculty Staff of Sponsor The Ford Foundation, Hanoi, Vietnam Associate Professor (Sustainable Tamil Nadu Agricultural University India Total Contracted Amount (THB) 6,536,600 Land Management; Natural Duration 15-Nov-08 - 30-Mar-09 Resources Degradation and Project Investigator Rajendra P. Shrestha Downscaling Global climate data for Sponsor Tamil Nadu Agricultural University India Environmental indicators; Total Contracted Amount (THB) 117,088 assessing the impact of Climate change Landuse-climate, on Dipterocarp species in Peninsular Geoinformatics) Collaboration in Integrated Natural Thailand Resources Management in Indonesia Duration 1-Jul-09 - 30-Jun-10 ROLAND COCHARD, Ph.D., ETH, Project Investigator Rajendra P. Shrestha "Decentralization, Local People, Gender Sponsor RTG Switzerland and Resources" Assistant Professor (Savanna Duration 1-Aug-05 - 31-Dec-09 ecosystem dynamics, landscape Project Investigator Ganesh P. Shivakoti

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SERD – Natural Resources Management Field of Study

22.5 Publications approach for identifying suitable Burnod P., Cohen J.I., Coudel E., habitat of Sambar Deer (Cervus Dulcire M., Dugué P., Faysse N., Refereed Journals unicolor, Kerr) using ecological niche Farolfi S., Faure G., Goli T., Grzywacz analysis and environmental D., Hocdé H., Imbernon J., Ishii- categorization: case study at Phu- Eiteman M., Leakey A., Leakey C., Chalermphol, Juthathip and Genesh Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand. Lowe A., Marr A., Maxted N., Mears P. Shivakoti .2009. “Pesticide use and Ecological Modelling, 220, pp. 2103- A., Molden D.J., Müller J.P., Padgham prevention practices of tangerine growers in Northern Thailand” 2114. J., Perret S., Place F., Raoult-Wack Journal of Agricultural Education and A.L., Reid R., Riches C., Scherr S.J., Extension.15(1):21-38. Routledge, Rerkasem, K., Lawrence, D., Padoch, Sibelet N., Simm G., Temple L., Taylor and Francis. C., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Ziegler, A.D., Tonneau J.P., Trébuil G., Twomlow Brun, T.B. 2009: Consequences of S., Voituriez T. (2009) Impacts of

swidden transitions for crop and AKST on development and Khaledian, M.R., Mailhol, J.C., Ruelle, fallow biodiversity in Southeast Asia. sustainability goals. In : McIntyre P., Mubarak, I. & Perret, S.R. (2010) The impact of direct seedling into Human Ecology, 37 (3), 281-289. Beverly D. (ed.), Herren Hans R. (ed.), mulch on the energy balance of crop Wakhungu Judi (ed.), Watson Robert production system in the SE of Roy, R., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Myrholt, T. (ed.). Agriculture at a crossroads. France. Soil & Tillage Research, 106 O. 2009: “Humla Development International Assessment of (2010): 218–226 Activities” for better livelihoods in Agricultural Knowledge, Science and the face of isolation and conflict. Technology for Development

Mountain Research and (IAASTD): global report. Khumsree, Malasree, K. Ruddle and Ganesh P. Shivakoti .2009. “Rights Development 29 (3), pp.211-219. Washington : Island Press, p. 145- and Conflicts in the Management of 253. Fisheries in the Lower Songkhram Schmidt-Vogt, D., Leisz, S., Mertz, O., River Basin, Northeast Thailand.” Heinimann, A., Thiha, Messerli, P., Mullick, M. R. A., Babel, M. S. & Environmental Management. Epprecht, M., Cu, P.V., Chi, V.K., Perret, S. R. 2009. Managing the Hardiono, M., Truong, D.M. 2009: An competing water demands from 43:557-570. assessment of trends in the extent of offstream & instream users – a

Mahdi, Shivakoti, G., Schmidt-Vogt, swidden in Southeast Asia. Human conceptual framework. In Blöschl, G., D. 2009: Livelihood change and Ecology, 37 (3), pp. 269-280. Van De Giesen, N., Muralidharan, D., livelihood sustainability in the Ren, L., Seyler, F., Sharma, U., & uplands of Lembang sub-watershed, Singhrattna, N., Babel, M.S., Perret, Vrba, J. (eds.) (2009). Improving West Sumatra, Indonesia, in a S.R. (2009) Hydroclimate variability Integrated Surface and Groundwater and its statistical links to the large- Resources Management in a changing natural resources scale climate indices for the Upper Vulnerable and Changing World. management context. Environmental Chao Phraya River Basin, Thailand. IAHS publication no. 330, pp 327 – management, 43 (1), pp. 84-99. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 333.

Mertz, O., Leisz, S., Heinimann, A., Discussions 6(5):6659-6690 Shrestha, R.P. and K. Roy, 2009. Rerkasem, K., Thiha, Dressler, W., Speelman, S., Frija, A., Perret, S.R, RS/GIS-aided Land Degradation Pham Van Cu, Vu Kim Chi, Schmidt- Assessment in the Greater Mekong Vogt, D., Colfer, C.J.P., Epprecht, M., Farolfi, S., D’haese, M. and D’Haese, L. (2009) Variability in smallholders’ Subregion, In Geoinformatics for Padoch, C. 2009: Demography of irrigation water value: study in Natural Resources Management swidden cultivators in Southeast (Eds. Joshi, P.K., P. Pani, and S.N. Asia. Human Ecology, 37 (3), 347- North-West Province, South Africa. Mohapatra), NOVA Science 360. Irrigation and Drainage (in press, Publishers, Inc., New York. Pp. 317- DOI: 10.1002/ird.539) 331. ISBN: 978-160692-211-8. Pattanapant, Arpaphan and Ganesh P. Shivakoti. 2009. “Opportunities Refereed Books/Chapters Singzon, S.B. and Shivakoti, G. 2009. and constraints of organic Caron P., Craufurd P., Martin A., Mc “Farmers in debt: The case of rainfed agriculture in Chiang Mai Province, Donald A., Abedini W., Afiff S., upland farmers in Northest Thailand.” Asia Pacific Development Thailand”. In Goenka A. and D. Journal. 16(1):115-147. Bakurin N., Bass S., Hilbeck A., Jansen T., Lhaloui S., Lock K., Henley (ed.). Southeast Asia’s Credit Revolution: from money lenders to Newman J., Primavesi O., Sengooba micro-finance. London: Routledge; Podchong, S., Schmidt-Vogt, D., T., Ahmed M., Ainsworth E.A., Ali M., Antona M., Avato P., Barker D., Taylor and Francis Group. Pp. 158- Honda, K. 2009: An improved Bazile D., Bosc P.M., Bricas N., 174

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SERD – Natural Resources Management Field of Study

Wilson, Z., Perret, S. (2009) Sub-region, 27-29 November 2009, Assessment of the Socio-Economic Participation in Water Resource and Khon Kaen, Thailand. Services and Uses of Watershed Under Services Governance in South Africa: Traditional Forest Management and Caught in the Acts. In: Berry, K. and Book reviews Practices : A Study of Sikhu Khola Mollard, E. (editors), Social Catchment in, Nepal Participation in Water Governance Schmidt-Vogt, D. 2009 “Karl Husa, By Sapana Lohani and Management: Critical and Rolf Jordan, Helmut Wohlschlaegl Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh P. Shivakoti Global Perspectives. EarthScan, (eds.): Ost- und Suedostasien London, UK, pp325-353 (ISBN zwischen Wohlfahrtsstaat und Factors and Impact of Participation on the Operation and Maintenance of an 9781844078851) Eigeninitiative: Aktuelle Irrigation System in Nepal: A Case Study Entwicklungstendenzen von Armut, Conference Proceedings Alterung und sozialer Unsicherheit. of the Babai Irrigation Project By Ravi Gyawali Institut fuer Geographie und Supervisor: Dr. Sylvain Roger Perret Mullick, R.A.M., Perret, S.R., Babel, Regionalforschung: Wien 2008“. In: M.S. (2009) Instream water use – Erdkunde 63 (2), 204-206. Gender-Based Community Participation th how much value does it carry? 12 in Biodiversity Conservation Activities: A International River Symposium, Schmidt-Vogt, D. 2009. „Tim Forsyth, Case Study from Ratchaburi, Thailand Brisbane, 21-24 September 2009, Andrew Walker: Forest guardians, By Thitikan Satchabut Australia. Available online: forest destroyers: the politics of Supervisor: Dr. Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt environmental knowledge in dex.php?element=Th_S1_GH1_Reaz Northern Thailand. University of Impact Assessment of Bamboo +Akter+Mullick.pdf Washinton Press 2008“. In: Harvesting in the Seima Biodiversity Internationales Asienforum Conservation Area, Mondulkiri, Cambodia Shrestha, R.P. 2009. Natural (International Quarterly for Asian By Mann Mouy Supervisor: Dr. Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt Resources Management Education Studies), 40 (3-4), pp. 393-395. and Research at the Asian Institute Influence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi of Technology, Thailand. on the Growth of Agricultural Crops in International Workshop on Strategic 22.6 Doctoral Students' Arsenic Amended Soil Research Framework of NREMC and Dissertation By Bayezid Mahmud Khan the GMS/UniNet on NREM, 8-9 Supervisor: Dr. Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt October 2009Mae Fah Luang An Assessment of Wildlife Habitats and University, Chiangrai, Thailand. Human Threats for Wildlife Conservation Investigating the Resilience of Natural and Protected Area Management: A Case Resource-Based Livelihoods to Natural Shrestha, R.P. 2009. Peri-urban Study in Phukhieo Wildlife Sanctuary in Disaster: Case Study of a Cyclone Nargis agriculture in Nepal: Problems and Chaiyaphum Province, North-east Affected Area, Myanmar Prospects. International Symposium Thailand By Nyi Nyi Soe Supervisor: Dr. Sylvain Roger Perret on Status and Tendency of Suburban By Suchart Podchong Agriculture in South and Southeast Supervisors: Dr. Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt / Dr. Kiyoshi Asian Countries, 11 July 2009, Honda Land Use Change and its Impacts on Fujisawa, Japan. Rural Livelihood in Ratanakiri Province, Consequences of Land Use Change on Cambodia Shrestha, R.P. and M.K. Vinh. 2009. Land Quality, Water Resource and Food By Vorn Vichheka Supervisor: Dr. Rajendra Prasad Shrestha GIS and Participatory Approach for Availability in Phatthalung Watershed,

Zoning Marine Protected Area: A Thailand Local People's Participation in Community Case of Phu Quoc, Vietnam. 30th By Anisara Pensuk Supervisor: Dr. Rajendra Prasad Shrestha Forest Management: A Comparison Asian Conference on Remote Between Ban Huai Kaeo and Ban Mae Sensing, 19-23 October 2009, Beijing, Kam Pong, Huai Kaeo Sub-District, Mae- China. 22.7 Masters Students' On District, Chiang Mai Province,

Thailand Vorn, V. and R.P. Shrestha. 2009. Theses By Sorawit Na Nongkhai Land use and livelihood of ethnic Supervisor: Dr. Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt Assessment of Adoption and Benefits of communities of Rattanakiri province, the Contour Farming System in Pin Laung Cambodia, International Symposium on Impacts of Economic Integration Township, Inle Watershed Area, Southern on Upland Farming and Ethnic Shan State, Myanmar Minorities in the Greater Mekong By Thin Nwe Htwe Supervisor: Dr. Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt

Annual Report on Research 2009 | 113

SERD – Natural Resources Management Field of Study

Perception of and Adaptation to Climate The Linkages of Agroforestry System and Research Study: Impact of Drying Out of Change by Farmers in Different Ecological the Food Security of Farm Household in the Aral Sea on Land Degradation and its Zones of the Western Development Upland Rural Area: A Case Study in Kalaw Implication on Agricultural Production in Region of Nepal Township, Myanmar Uzbekistan By Sujata Manandhar By Mya Hpoo Ngone By Mariya Motorina Sergeyevr Supervisor: Dr. Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt Supervisor: Dr. Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt Supervisor: Dr. Rajendra Prasad Shrestha

Role of Animal Husbandry and Participatory Technology Development in Research Study: A Comparative Analysis Agro-Pastoralist Livelihoods: A Case Study of Energy Use Patterns in Small and Large of Gongshan County, Northwest Yunnan Scale Irrigated Rice Farming Systems: A Province, China Case Study in Ayutthaya Province in the By Shicai Shen Central Region of Thailand Supervisor: Dr. Rajendra Prasad Shrestha By Asmat Ullah

Supervisor: Dr. Sylvain Roger Perret The Impact of Water Resources

Degradation on Agricultural Land Use, Research Study: Farmers’ Perception of Productivity and Rural Livelihoods in Deh- the Impact of New Governance Sabz District, Afghanistan Arrangements on the Performance of By Muhammad Ajmal Rahimy Selected Irrigation Systems in Punjab Supervisor: Dr. Rajendra Prasad Shrestha Province, Pakistan By Sajjad Ahmad Supervisor: Dr. Sylvain Roger Perret

114 | Annual Report on Research 2009


23.1 Introduction tester, flotation cell, and Visiting Faculty [Fiber spectrophotometer with ERIC option. In Processing: Mechanical pulping

addition to provide assistance and and Recycled fiber technology; This field of study strives for finding basic research facilities needs for students, Expert in industrial effluent solutions for the immediate technical problems facing the local pulp and paper faculty, the laboratory also provides treatment and Environment industry. Research activities in PPT are professional services for pulp and paper technology] focused on optimising pulping, bleaching industry internationally. Among its major and processes with equipment include a 6-bomb autoclaved AHMAD MIRSHOKRAEI, BSc, Univ of digester, CRS Engineering; Bleaching Tehran, Iran; MSc, Univ of TEHRAN, emphasis on the reduction of their reactor; Buchi extraction system; GC; IRAN; PhD, Univ of MaCgill, negative impact on environment. The Zeta potential tester; Charge density Montreal, Canada. quality of the product is also emphasized to maintain competitive edge of local tester; PFI mill; Valley beater; Escher Professor [Pulping, bleaching, in the global Wyss refiner; AMC Medium Consistency lignin structure] market. Modification of existing disintegrator; Voith Sulzer Deinking unit; processes to suit local raw material is Fiber length analyzer FS-200, Kajaani; Adjunct Faculty another challenging area of research. The L&W Fiber Tester; Handsheet former set with white water recirculation option; HAKAN KOLMODIN, MSc. in Chemical field of study is also launching a new Fiber line ESpectrophotometer with ERIC Engineering, Ph.D. Engineering program with focus on biorefining. Biorefining is a new trend of pulp and option; Ambertec beta formation tester Chemistry, Chalmers University of paper industry. The industry along with and . Technology, Sweden. production of pulp pioneers production Adjunct Faculty [Pulp and , cooking chemistry, of transportation fuel, chemicals and 23.3 Faculty and Research medicine from the same raw material bleaching chemistry, paper chemistry, printing (i.e. lignocelluloses). Staff technology/printability] Full-time Faculty 23.2 Research Facilities and Visiting Lecturers SAID IRANDOUST, MSc, PhD, Laboratories ELIAS ANTERO RETULAINEN, MSc., Chalmers University of Technology, D.Tech. in Paper Technology, The Pulp and Paper Laboratory was Sweden Professor [catalytical gas-fluid Helsinki University of Technology, established to provide the need for Finland. research and high level education for this processes with a focus on reaction kinetics, mass Visiting Lecturer [Fiber and specific field. The laboratory is equipped transport, flow calculations, Paper Science]. with all basic facilities for teaching and research purposes in the field of pulp and reactor modeling and reactor EWALD BEIVI, Graduate in Sheet-fed paper technology. Several sophisticated design] offset printing; in Publication equipment have been constantly MOUSA M NAZHAD, BSc, Univ of rotogravure printing; Eledg.Dipl. in furnished to extend the services for Printing Production Management & advance research and special studies Concordia, Montreal, Canada; MSc, Univ of Concordia, Montreal; PhD, Technology, Betriebsfachmann likewise. The facilities are provided for Univ of British Columbia, Vancouver, Druck, St. Galllen, Switzerland. activities in pulping paper testing, Visiting Lecturer [Covering printing and coating, as well as for wood Canada. printing technology] component analysis. The equipment is Associate Professor [Recycled standardized according to ISO, TAPPI, and fiber, Paper and quality, Nanoparticles in ESA KALEVI LEHTINEN, M.Sc. (Tech.) Scandinavian Standards. The in Wood Chemistry and Pulping programmable six-vessel autoclave papermaking, Specialty papers, Pulp processing and Biorefining] Technology, Lic.Sc. (Tech.) in Paper digester makes cooking study in research Technology and Chemistry of Forest level possible in the most convenient ESA MATTI JUHANI VILJAKAINEN, Products, Helsinki University of setting. Other major equipment in Pulp MSc. in Chem. Eng. (HUT), Tech. Lic. Technology, Finland. and Paper Laboratory include the single Visiting Lecturer [Pigment batch digester, bleaching reactor, sheet (HUT), Helsinki University of Technology, Finland. coating technology of paper, formers, fiber length analyzer, formation Paper technology in general] Annual Report on Research 2009| 115

SERD – Pulp & Paper Technology Field of Study

RAIMO O MALINEN, MSc, LicTech, 23.5 On-going Grants and 23.8 Masters Students' DTech, Helsinki Univ. of Tech., Finland. Sponsored Research Theses and Projects Associate Professor [Wood and Fibre Chemistry in general; Climate Change A Comparative Study of Three Fast Pulping Technology; Duration: 5 years Growing Hardwood Kraft Pulps as Investigators: Prof. Said Irandoust and Dr. Mousa Material in Uncoated Fine Paper Environmental Technology; M. Nazhad By Zu Wen Xia Project Management] Sponsor: IROST, Iran Supervisor: Dr. Mousa M. Nazhad Total Contracted Amount: (USD) 4,000,000

Research Staff Nano-Paper Bleaching Comparison on Acacia Kraft Pulp Produced from Continuous and Ms. Nareerat Nitisoravut, Senior Duration: 2006-2010 Investigator: Dr. Mousa M. Nazhad Batch Cooking System Laboratory Supervisor Sponsor: Nanotec By Itsna Lathifah Lasmaretty Ms. Lalita Joshi, Laboratory Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 5,000,000 Supervisor: Dr. Shashank Bharti Supervisor Developing the Water Resistance Paper Technician and Laboratory 23.6 Publications by Poly( -caprolactone) and Soy Protein Isolated Mr. Manoch Suansiri, Laboratory Refereed Journals By Nattinee Bumbudsanpharoke Technician II Supervisor: Dr. Mousa M. Nazhad Mr. Suchart Junteing, Laboratory Amir Khosravani, A. Jahan Latibari, S. Technician II A. Mirshokraei, M. Rahmaninia, and Effect of Chip Thickness on Kraft Cooking Mr. Kanong Malaithong, Laboratory Mousa M. Nazhad, (2009), ‘Effect of and Bleachability of Acacia Crassicarpa cationic starch-anionic nanosilica By Radar Herri Dalimunthe Technician I Supervisor: Dr. Shanshank Bharti system on retention and drainage –

BioRes. J., (in press). Administrative Staff Effect on Paper Broke and Filtrate Water

on Paper Properties Ms. Suwannee Tilapornputt, Hubbe, M. A. and Mousa M. Nazhad, By Damrongiet Santijanroenkit Secretary II (2009), ‘Composting of Supervisor: Dr. Mousa M. Nazhad lignocellulosic materials – A review’, BioRes. J., (in press). Effects of Process, Wet end variables on 23.4 Grants and Sponsored Alum-Cationic Rosin Sizing & Research Completed in Refereed Books/Chapters/Monographs Comparisons with Pac-Cationic Rosin and Akd Sizing 2009 Substrate role on biodegradation, By Ma Tieng Chuong Chapter on ‘Biorefining’, 2009, in Supervisor: Dr. Mousa M. Nazhad Determination of Cationic Rosin press Demand in Stock Samples of Stuff Pump, Evaluation of Oxygen Delignification Fan Box and Head Box Process on Removing Lipophilic Extractive Duration: March 2009 23.7 Doctoral Students' of Acacia Mangium and Acacia Project Investigator: Dr. Esa Viljakinen Crassicarpa Sponsor: Connell Bros. Co. (Thailand), Ltd. Dissertations By Ari Aji Sanyoto Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 27,000 Supervisor: Dr. Shashank Bharti Anti-virus filter paper Study the Use of PFI Mill to separate By Reza Imani Linting Problem of Due to Filler starch granules from tapioca fiber, use Supervisor: Dr. Mousa M. Nazhad Content, A Theoretical Approach the Bauer-McNett to actually quantify By Marin Malai the separation and microscopic study Influence of nanoparticles on strength of Supervisor: Dr. Mousa M. Nazhad Duration: February 2009 OCC pulp Project Investigator: Dr. Esa Viljakinen By Mehdi Rahmaninia Non-Chemical Recycling on MOW by Sponsor: Corn Products Amardass (Thailand) Ltd. Supervisor: Dr. Mousa M. Nazhad fractionation Total Contracted Amount: (Baht)27,000 By Tunchira Bunyaphiphat Influence of nanosilica on retention and Supervisor: Dr. Mousa M. Nazhad drainage By Amir Khosravani The Role of OCC Long Fiber Fractionation Supervisor: Dr. Mousa M. Nazhad on Testliner Strenght By Luong Chi Hieu Supervisor: Dr. Mousa M. Nazhad

116 | Annual Report on Research 2009

SERD – Pulp & Paper Technology Field of Study

The Role of Sulphuric Acid Addition on Using Hybrid Tulip as Pulpwood for Kraft Hot Chlorine Dioxide Bleaching of Pulping Unbleached Acacia Kraft Pulp By Yan Yan Han By Azka Aman Supervisor: Dr. Shashank Bharti Supervisor: Dr. Shashank Bharti

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SERD – Pulp & Paper Technology Field of Study

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24.1 Introduction Associate Professor (Capacity 24.4 On-going Grants and Building; Community Development and Monitoring Sponsored Research This field of study focuses on rural poverty, improvement of the quality of and Evaluation of Development Projects; Decentralized Local Online Pilot programme on Sustainable life, and social and economic Government; People’s and development practices in public policy development of rural areas. Practice Community Participation; Rural Duration 1-Jun-09 - 31-Jan-10 oriented rural regional planning is carried Project Investigator Mokbul Morshed Ahmad out regularly at district and subdistrict Development) Sponsor TERI University , New Delhi, India levels following a participatory and Total Contracted Amount (THB) 289,000 integrated approach, and attention is MOKBUL MORSHED AHMAD, BSc, paid to management of development MSc, Dhaka Univ, Bangladesh; MSc, Understanding the next Agricultural AIT, Thailand; PhD, Univ of Durham, Transition in Asia Institutions, infrastructure and physical UK. Duration 1-Nov-09 - 30-Jul-10 resources. Sectoral and spatial planning Assistant Professor (Economic Project Investigator Gopal B. Thapa is equally emphasized along with the Sponsor The Rockefeller Foundation management of rural development geography; regional and rural Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,768,194 programs and local development projects development planning; community development; Non- to strengthen rural communities for 24.5 Publications sustainable development. Governmental Organizations (NGOs); civil society; globalization etc) Refereed Journals 24.2 Faculty and Research Professional Staff Akom Sowana, Rajendra Shrestha, Staff Preeda Parkpian, and Sopath

VITOON NIL-UBOL, MSc, AIT, Pongquan, Influence of Coastal Land Full-time Faculty Thailand Use on Soil Heavy Metal

Field Lab Supervisor, Regional Contamination in Pattani Bay, GOPAL B THAPA, BSc, Tribhuvan and Rural Development Planning Thailand, Journal of Coastal Research Univ, Nepal; MSc, DTechSc, AIT, (JCR), JCR in Press, 2009. Thailand. Professor(Natural Resources 24.3 Grants and Sponsored Bualar, T. and Ahmad, M. M. (2009). Management; Sustainable “Why Community-based Agricultural Development and Research Completed in Rehabilitation Fail Physically Planning; Watershed 2009 Disabled Women in Northern Management) Thailand?”. Development in Practice. AIT-Norwegian Institution Networking Vol. 19. No. 1. pp. 28-38. Duration 1-Jan-06 - 31-Dec-09 JAYANT K ROUTRAY, BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD, Utkal Univ; MRP, Indian Inst of Project Investigator Jayant Routray Sponsor The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs M. Zafarullah Khan and Soparth Tech, India. Total Contracted Amount (THB) 12,178,388 Pongquan, An Analysis of Professor (Community Forestry; Professional Competencies of Distric Planning Methods and International training program on Agriculture Officers to Cope with Techniques; Geographic Education for sustainable development Problems of Weeds in NWFP- Information Systems; Rural in Higher education Pakistan, African Journal of Transport Development; Rural- Duration 1-Nov-08 - 30-Nov-09 Agricultural Extension & Rural Project Investigator Gopal B. Thapa Regional Development; Social Development, accepted in 2009. Impact Assessment) Sponsor Ramboll Natura Total Contracted Amount (THB) 3,663,000

Morais, N. and Ahmad, M. M. (2010). SOPARTH PONGQUAN, BSc, Chiang “Sustaining Livelihoods in Complex Mai Univ; MSc, AIT, Thailand; DSc, Emergencies: Experiences of Sri Univ of Wageningen, The Lanka”. Development in Practice. Netherlands. Volume 20, Number 1, pp. 5-17.

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SERD – Regional & Rural Development Planning Field of Study

Phadungkiati, Lada and Soparth Rural Urban Transport Linkages for Rural Pongquan, The Comparison Effects of Participation of Women with Physical Development: A Case Study of Panom Community-based Rural Enterprises, Disabilities in Community-based Dong Rak District in Thailand Thailand, Economic, Social and Rehabilitation: A Case Study of Upper By Sarawudh Wattatham Institutional Effects, Saarbrucken: Northern Thailand Supervisor: Prof. Jayant Kumar Routray VDM Verlag Dr. Muler By Theeraphong Bualar Aktiengesellschaft & Co.KG, Germany, Supervisor: Dr. Mokbul Morshed Ahmad Social and Economic Impacts of Socio- Amazon Distribution GmbH, Leipzig, Economic Program (SEP) in Myanmar: A 2009, ISBN: 978-3-639-19925-3. Study in Gas Pipeline Construction Area 24.6 Masters Students' in Dawei Township

Theses and Research By Naw Pe The Law Refereed Books/Chapters Supervisor: Dr. Soparth Pongquan Studies Ahmad, M. M. (2009). “For God’s Social Welfare Program for the Rural Sake: The Religious Non- Assessment of a Participatory Technology Elderly in Thailand: A Case Study in Khon Governmental Organisations in Development (PTD) Approach for Poor Kaen Province Bangladesh”. Khan, F. R., Ahmad, A. Farmers in Ba Ria-Vungtau Province, By Chaba Srisuno and Quddus, M. (edt.). Recreating Vietnam Supervisor: Dr. Soparth Pongquan the Commons? NGOs in Bangladesh. By Tran Thi Bach Cuc pp. 183-206. Dhaka: The University Supervisor: Dr. Soparth Pongquan Socio-Economic Impacts of Cyclone Press Limited. Nargis in the Labutta Township of Community Development Projects in Myanmar Ahmad, M. M. (2009). “New Threat Rural China: An Analysis of Processes and By Yupa Nwe Changes Supervisor: Prof. Jayant Kumar Routray to Development: The NGO (Non- Governmental Organisations) - By Zhang Jun Supervisor: Dr. Mokbul Morshed Ahmad Fundamentalist Conflict in Research Study: Achieving Food Security Bangladesh”. Khan, F. R., Ahmad, A. Factors Influencing Economic in Pakistan: Policy Issues at National and and Quddus, M. (edt.). Recreating Transformation in the Peri-Urban Area Regional Levels the Commons? NGOs in Bangladesh. Around Rajshahi City in Bangladesh By Abid Hussain pp. 129-148. Dhaka: The University By Md. Mizanoor Rahman Supervisor: Prof. Jayant Kumar Routray Press Limited. Supervisor: Prof. Jayant Kumar Routray Research Study: Community Factors Influencing the Adoption of Preparedness for Earthquake Induced 24.6 Doctoral Students’ Vegetables and Fodder by Upland Emergency Management in Balochistan Dissertation Farmers in Lao PDR By Ain-ud-Din Syed Supervisor: Prof. Jayant Kumar Routray By Khamphou Phouyyavong Supervisor: Prof. Gopal Bahadur Thapa Adoption of Agricultural Land Research Study: Farmers' Satisfaction Management Technologies by Smallholder Impact of Information and with Sugarcane Contract Farming : A Farmers in the Jos-Plateau, Nigeria Communication Technology on Rural Case Study in Surin Province, Thailand By Othniel Mintang Yila Livelihoods: A Case Study of Mobile By Sirinath Matra Supervisor: Prof. Gopal Bahadur Thapa Supervisor: Prof. Gopal Bahadur Thapa Phones in Kampong Thom, Cambodia By Va Sothy Farmer's Network Approach to Small Supervisor: Dr. Mokbul Morshed Ahmad Research Study: Foreign Aid Flow and its Farmer Development in the Northeast of Utilization in Afghanistan: Issues and Thailand Impacts of Conflict Induced Displacement Challenges for Management By Artittaya Phongphom in the Livelihoods of Internally-Displaced By Bashirullah Khpalwan Supervisor: Dr. Soparth Pongquan Supervisor: Prof. Jayant Kumar Routray Persons (IDPs) in Nepal By Poonam Sharma NGO-LED Microfinance and Livelihoods in Supervisor: Prof. Gopal Bahadur Thapa Research Study: HIV/AIDS and Female Conflict Affected Areas: A Case Study of Sex Workers in Myanmar: A Case Study of Sri Lanka Market Information Services and farmers' Hlaing Thar Yar Township, Yangon By Soosaiappu Neavis Morais decision making process for vegetable By Nay Nwe Linn Maung Supervisor: Dr. Mokbul Morshed Ahmad marketing in Syangja and Tanahun Supervisor: Dr. Soparth Pongquan

Organic Vegetable Farming in districts of Nepal By Amar Bahadur Thing Mahasarakham Province, Thailand Supervisor: Prof. Gopal Bahadur Thapa By Kanokporn Rattanasuteerakul Supervisor: Prof. Gopal Bahadur Thapa

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25.1 Introduction also has audio-visual facilities for presentation. BANASOPIT MEKVICHAI, PhD, Cornell Urban Environmental Management University, USA (UEM) is an area of academic discourse Associate Professor 25.3 Faculty and Research (Urbanization and and professional practice in which urban Environmental Policy) planning and urban management issues Staff are studied and practiced from an environmental management perspective. Full-time Faculty Visiting Faculty

As an academic field, UEM provides EDSEL SAJOR, BSc, University of the SOO-HOON PARK, PhD, University of opportunities of graduate level education Philippines; MA, PhD, ISS, The Sydney, Australia Associate Professor (Building and research at master (M.Sc.) and Hague, The Netherlands. Information Modeling) doctoral (PhD) level. It also provides Associate Professor (Conflict certificate and diploma programs, as well Management; Governance; Land as post-doctoral research opportunities. Development in Peri-Urban; Research Staff It draws on and integrates theories and Policy Process and Scientific perspectives in established disciplines of Discourse; Politics of Dr. Muhammad Abu Yusuf, SEA- urban planning, urban and regional Environmental Policy; State- UEMA Project Director development, urban economics, Society Relations in UEM; Urban Dr. Ariva S. Permana, Program Specialist sustainable development, and urban Land Management) Ms. Arlene Neites Satapornvanit, policy and management studies into a distinctive framework of problems, issues L. A .S. RANJITH PERERA, BSc, MSc, Senior Project Associate and questions concerning the urban University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka; Ms. Lekha Ratnayake, Senior Project environment. It enables students to MSc, PhD, AIT, Thailand. Associate identify problems; apply appropriate Assistant Professor (Urban Mr. Prajapati Shapkota, Senior analytic methodologies; design, plan and Architecture and Environmental Project Associate Mr. Pravakar Pradhan, Project implement programs and projects; and Design; Urban Planning and Associate monitor impacts and challenges within Housing; Urban Environmental the context of sustainable development Management, Results-based Ms. Farhana Khan Lima, Project in developing societies. Project Management and Associate Evaluation) Ms. Pham Thi Khanh Van, Project The Field of Study prepares students for Associate professional careers in the public and VILAS NITIVATTANANON, BEng, Ms. Warin Choomsai Na Ayudhaya, Project Associate private sectors as well as international Chulalongkorn Univ; MA, Thammasat Ms. Jubaiya Jahan, Project Associate development agencies and civil society University; MEng, AIT, Thailand; PhD, Ms. Patcharaporn Panwong, Project organizations engaged in urban University of Pittsburgh, USA. development and environmental Assistant Professor (Economic Associate management. Analysis; Management of Mr. Rezaur Rahman, Project Infrastructure and Services; Associate Systems and Integrated Ms. Wanwichanee Sritha, Project 25.2 Research Facilities and Management; Environmental Associate Laboratories Assessment; Waste Ms. Sheree Ann Mendoza, Project Management; Water Assistant

Engineering) Ms. Concordia Pogoy, Project In this Field of Study, any researcher gets Assistant modern computer lab and other facilities Mr. Krisda Tuprung, Research for communication. There is also a Adjunct Faculty Associate workshop room for students which can A.T.M. NURUL AMIN, PhD, University Ms. Leilani Gallardo, Project accommodate about 24 students in four Associate clusters at a time. The workshop room of Manitoba, Canada Professor (Urban Environmental Mr. Ekarin Thongchantr, Project Economics and Finance) Technician

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SERD – Urban Environmental Management Field of Study

Ms. Munu Pradhan, Research segment under the research project of SEA-UEMA Project - Policy Advocacy Associate “Improving Mekong Water Allocation, Core Area Ms. Laksiri Chomchuen, Research (Mekong Program on Water Duration: April 2008-August 2010 Associate Environment and Resilience) Project Investigator: Dr. Edsel Sajor Sponsor: CIDA-AIT/SEA-UEMA Duration: 2007-2009 Ms. Le Thi Thu Huong, Research Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 7,486,400 Associate Project Investigator: Dr. Edsel Sajor Sponsor: CGIAR Challenge Program on Water & Ms. Siwaporn Tangwanichagapong, Food and M-Power/IFAD SEA-UEMA Project Management Research Associate Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 800,000 Duration: April 2008-August 2010 Project Investigators: Dr. Muhammad Abu Yusuf, Administrative Staff Dr. Edsel Sajor, Dr. L. A. S. Ranjith Perera, Dr. Vilas 25.5 On-going Grants and Nitivattananon Sponsor: CIDA-AIT/SEA-UEMA Ms. Vantana Pattanakul, Sponsored Research Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 33,541,664 Administrative Secretary Assessing and Monitoring of Short Course on Urban Planning for Sustainable Management Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate 25.4 Grants and Sponsored Change in Southeast Asia for Responsive Duration: October 2009-January 2010 Project Investigator: Dr. L. A. S. Ranjith Perera Research Completed in Planning Sponsor: AIT Center–Indonesia Duration: 2009-2010 Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 556,129 2009 Project Investigator: Dr. Edsel Sajor Sponsor: AIT and SIDA Benchmarking on environmental Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 2,000,000 25.6 Publications infrastructure management in selected Evaluation of TIPMSE Programs as a Tool cities of Southeast Asia Refereed Journals Duration: May 2008 – March 2009 to Support Decision Making for Project Investigator: Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon Promoting Waste Recycling System in Sponsor: Canadian International Development Thailand Sajor, E. and Thu, M. (2009). Agency (CIDA)/SEA-UEMA Project Duration: November 2008-May 2010 “Institutional and Development Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 372,880 Project Investigator: Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon Issues in Integrated Water Resource

Sponsor: Thailand Institute of Packaging for Management of Saigon River”. Environmental Management Measures Sustainable Environment (TIPMSE)/ Royal Thai Journal of Environment & applied on the range of formal to Government (RTG) Development, 18(3):268-290. informal sectors in selected cities Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 2,250,000 Duration: July2008 – September 2009 Project Investigator: Dr. L. A. S. Ranjith Perera Enabling Bio-innovation for Poverty Sujaritpong, S. and Nitivattananon, Sponsor: CIDA-AIT/SEA-UEMA Alleviation in Asia V. (2009). “Factors Influencing Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 116,480 Duration: June 2008-December 2011 Wastewater Management Project Investigators: Prof. Sudip Kumar Rakshit, Dr. Performance: Case of Housing Study of the rise gated communities in Edsel Sajor, Dr. Bernadette Resurreccion Estates in Suburban Bangkok, Sponsor: International Development Research Bangkok Metropolitan Area and its Thailand”, Journal of Environmental implication on land equity Centre (IDRC), Canada Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 17,000,000 Management 90(1):455-465. Duration: 2007-2009 Research Mentor: Dr. Edsel Sajor Sponsor: Royal Thai Government SEA-UEMA Graduate Education Core Trethanya, S. and Perera, R. (2009). Area “Environmental Assessment for Rain water Harvesting and Utilization Duration: April 2008-August 2010 Small and Medium Scale Road Duration: October 2008-October 2009 Project Investigator: Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon Projects Implemented in Local Sponsor: CIDA-AIT/SEA-UEMA Project Investigator: Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon Authority Areas: A Case Study from Sponsor: Royal Thai Government/RMUTT Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 29,818,752 Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 300,000 Thailand”, Journal of Construction in SEA-UEMA Project -Flagship Projects Developing Countries, 14(2):57-76 Research Cooperation between Sida and Duration: April 2008-August 2010 AIT on Support Planning Urban Research Project Investigator: Dr. L. A. S. Ranjith Perera Zaki, S. and Amin, ATM N. (2009). Sponsor: CIDA-AIT/SEA-UEMA "Does Privatization Benefit the Poor? during 2007-2009 Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 24,132,672 Duration: May2007-February 2009 Some Evidence from the First

Project Investigators: Dr. Edsel Sajor, Dr. L. A. S. SEA-UEMA Project - Learning Networks Privatization Scheme in Thailand", Ranjith Perera, Prof. ATM Nurul Amin, Dr. Vilas Urban Studies, 46(11):2301-2327. Nitivattananon and Training Core Area Sponsor: SIDA-Swedish Research Council Duration: April 2008-August 2010 Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 7,800,000 Project Investigator: Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon Refereed Books/Chapters/Monographs Sponsor: CIDA-AIT/SEA-UEMA Water Governance in Mekong Region Total Contracted Amount: (Baht) 12,290,528 Perera, R. and Permana, A. eds. Peri-urban Areas, A thematic research (2009). “Constructed wetland system

122 | Annual Report on Research 2009

SERD – Urban Environmental Management Field of Study for treatment of wastewater from Perera, R. ed. (2009). “Strengthening Free Market System of Global Scale", fermented fish production in Ban of a community enterprise for Keynote Address, Proceedings, Sang sub-district, Phayao Province, supplying water to a kampong in Fourth Seminar on Urban and Thailand”, Case Study Series, ADP Yogyakarta”, Case Study Series, ADP Regional Planning, Department of 8/2009, Bangkok: Asian Institute of 4/2009, Bangkok: Asian Institute of Architecture and Planning, pp.3-13, Technology, pp.32. Technology, pp.32 NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi. Perera, R. and Permana, A. S. (2009). Perera, R. ed. (2009). “Sustainable “Capturing Co-benefits through Land rice straw management for urban air Lay, C. and Nitivattananon, V. Use: A Case Study from Bandung, pollution reduction in Bang Bua (2009). “Environmental Implications Indonesia” in Zusman, E., Srinivasan, Thong Nonthaburi Province, of Imported Second Hand Products: A. & Dhakal, S. eds., Low Carbon Thailand”, Case Study Series, ADP Case of Computer and Tire in Transport in Asia: Strategies for 5/2009, Bangkok: Asian Institute of Cambodia”, Proceedings of Optimizing Co-benefits, Earthscan: Technology, pp.23. International Conference on Green London. and Sustainable Innovation 2009, Perera, R. ed. (2009). “Utilizing faith- Chiangrai, Thailand. Perera, R. and Ranamukaarachchi, H. based organizations in the social eds. (2009). “Community-based preparation of setting-up an Manowong, E. and Perera R. (2009). urban agriculture and solid waste ecological waste management “Construction Waste Management in management in a commune in Ha center”, Case Study Series, ADP Thailand: An Analysis Using a Noi, Vietnam”, Case Study Series, 10/2009, Bangkok: Asian Institute of Structural Equation Model”, ADP 7/2009, Bangkok: Asian Institute Technology, pp.34. Proceedings of International of Technology, pp.22. Conference on Sustainable Urban Sujaritpong, S. and Nitivattananon, Environmental Practices, pp.201- Perera, R. and Ranamukaarachchi, H. V. (2009). “An Assessment of 211, SEA-UEMA Project, AIT, eds. (2009). “Community-driven Community Wastewater Thailand. action for integrated environmental Management Performance” in management in a river bank Takizawa, S., Kurisu, F. and Satoh, H. Nguyen, T. C. and Nitivattananon, V. settlement in Bandung, Indonesia”, eds., Southeast Asian Water (2009). ”Application of Process Case Study Series, ADP 9/2009, Environment 3, ISBN: Benchmarking for Urban Water Bangkok: Asian Institute of 9781843392316, IWA Publishing, Supply System: Case of, Hue City, Technology, pp.41. London, pp.147-152. Vietnam”, Proceedings of International Conference on Perera, R. and Ranamukaarachchi, H. Conference Proceedings Sustainable Urban Environmental eds. (2009). “Reduction of air Practices, pp.3-18, SEA-UEMA pollution through cleaner pottery Amin, ATM N. (2009). “Towards a Project, AIT, Thailand. production in Bat Trang, Hanoi, Lasting Approach to Urban Air Vietnam”, Case Study Series, ADP Quality Improvement”. Keynote Nitivattananon, V., Tran, T. T., 3/2009, Bangkok: Asian Institute of Address, Proceedings: International Rattanapan, A. and Asavanant, J. Technology, pp.29. Conference on Air Quality (2009). “Vulnerability and Resilience Management in Southeast Asia, of Urban Communities under Coastal Perera, R. ed. (2008). “Unlocking the pp.261-283, SEA-UEMA Project, AIT, Hazard Conditions in Southeast potential of community composting Thailand. Asia”, Proceedings of Fifth Urban towards the establishment of an eco- Research Symposium, Marseille, neighborhood”, Case Study Series, Amin, ATM N. (2009). France. ADP 2/2008, Bangkok: Asian Institute “Urbanization’s Sustainability: What of Technology, pp.39 Urban Planning and a Decentralized Permana, A. S. and Perera, R. (2009). Urban System Can Do”, Keynote “Land Use Change as the Primary Perera, R. ed. (2009). “Ecological Address, Proceedings of Determinant of Air Quality solid waste management and water International Conference on Degradation in Bandung City, pollution monitoring system in an Sustainable Urban Environmental Indonesia”, Proceedings of urbanizing Barangay in Urdaity, Practices, pp.321-325, SEA-UEMA International Conference on Air Philippines”, Case Study Series, ADP Project, AIT, Thailand. Quality Management in Southeast 6/2009, Bangkok: Asian Institute of Asia, pp.37-55, SEA-UEMA Project, Technology, pp. 66 Amin, ATM N. (2009)."Urban AIT, Thailand. Planning and Environmental Management in the Present Era of Annual Report on Research 2009 | 123

SERD – Urban Environmental Management Field of Study

Permana, A. S. and Perera, R. (2009). Quality Management in Southeast 25.8 Masters Students' “Reinventing Development Control Asia, pp.3-12, SEA-UEMA Project, to Reduce Consumption of Non- AIT, Thailand. Theses Transportation Energy: Evidence from Bandung City, Indonesia”, Other Publications Adaptation to Flood Risk in Coastal Urban Proceedings of International Area under Rapid Urbanization and Conference on Sustainable Urban Amin, ATM N. (2009). “Reducing Climate Change in Ho Chi Minh City, Environmental Practices, pp.251- emissions from private cars: Vietnam 265, SEA-UEMA Project, AIT, Incentive measures for behavioural By Tran Thanh Tu Supervisor: Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon Thailand. change", Economics and Trade Branch, Division of Technology, An Analysis of Paratransit Services from a Prasertsabpakij, D., Nitivattananon, Industry and Economics, United Multi-Benefit Perspective: A Case Study of V. and Iamtrakul, P. (2009). Nations Environment Program, Jeepneys in Cebu City, Philippines “Sustainable Metro Accessibility Geneva, October By Faisal Mamicpic Alih Performance Indicators: An Supervisor: Dr. L. A. S. Ranjith Perera Integrated Approach to Multi- dimensional Assessment”, 25.7 Doctoral Students’ Benchmarking of Hygiene and Sanitation Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Dissertation Performance of Public Food Markets in Society for Transportation Studies, Vientiane, Lao PDR Vol.7, Indonesia. Assessing the Performance and By Souphonesay Lorphengsy Supervisor: Dr. L. A. S. Ranjith Perera Influencing Factors for Promoting

Sembiring, E. and Nitivattananon, V. Successful Municipal Solid Waste (2009). “Role of Informal Sector in Bioaearosol and Health Assessment in the Recycling Systems Hospital: A Case Study of Thammasat Solid Waste Management: Dilemma By Samonporn Suttibak Hospital, Thailand on Decision Making for Urban Supervisor: Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon By Churairat Puributr Environment”, Proceedings of Supervisors: Dr. Edsel E. Sajor/Dr. Nowarat International Conference on Changes in Neighborhood Governance in Coowanitwong Sustainable Urban Environmental Residential Communities in the Context of Practices, pp.283-296, SEA-UEMA Economic Renovation in Ho Chi Minh City, Disaster Vulnerability Assessment for Project, AIT, Thailand. Vietnam Housing and Infrastructure of Coastal By Le Thi Thu Huong Communities in Southern Thailand Supervisors: Dr. Edsel E. Sajor / Dr. Willi By Amornrat Rattanapan Sigit, D. A. and Perera, R. (2009). Zimmermann “Exploring the Spatial Pattern of Supervisor: Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon

Quality of Life in a Third World City Economic Instruments’ Use in and its Implications to Planning Domestic Wastewater Management for Management of Wastewater: An Analysis Wetland Protection: A Study of Thatluang Policies towards Sustainable of Limitation in Thailand’s Case Marsh in Vientiane, Lao PDR Development”, Proceedings of By Lalita Rammont By Khamsamai Onedavong Supervisor: Prof. A. T. M. Nurul Amin International Conference on Supervisor: Dr. L. A. S. Ranjith Perera Sustainable Urban Environmental Environmental Management System for Practices, pp.89-102, SEA-UEMA Enhancing Environmental Awareness Infrastructure Development Projects in Project, AIT, Thailand. through Non-Formal Education: A Case Extended Metropolitan Areas: A Case Study of Solid Waste Management in Tripathi, N. K., Arthit, L. and Perera, Study in Samut Sakon Province, Thailand Vientiane Municipality, Lao PDR By Suparb Trethanya R. (2009). “Geospatial Modeling of By Thevarack Phonekeo Supervisor: Dr. L. A. S. Ranjith Perera Supervisor: Dr. L. A. S. Ranjith Perera Urban Growth Pattern in

Pathumthani, Thailand”, Proceedings The Development of a Public Land Incorporating Stakeholder Preferences in of International Conference on Management Policy for Under-Utilized Sustainable Urban Environmental the Decision Making for Solid Waste Space in Bangkok, Thailand Management in Urban Areas of Hung Yen Practices, pp.117-125, SEA-UEMA By Ariya Aruninta Project, AIT, Thailand. Supervisors: Dr. Edsel E. Sajor/Dr. Willi Province, Vietnam Zimmermann By Nguyen Thi Hoa Supervisor: Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon Velez, G. and Nitivattananon, V. (2009). “Improving Air Quality Industrial Wastewater Management in a through Managing Vehicle Emissions Peri-Urban Area: A Case Study in among Jeepneys in Davao City, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Philippines”, Proceedings of By Usukhbayar Yadamsuren International Conference on Air Supervisor: Dr. Edsel E. Sajor

124 | Annual Report on Research 2009

SERD – Urban Environmental Management Field of Study

Land Tenure Security and Options for Reducing Waste by Food Waste Urban Land Owners in Sporadic and Separation at Household Level: A Review Assessment of Water Supply Systematic Land Registration in and Case of Faisalabad City, Pakistan Performance: A Case of Public Service Cambodia By Ghaffar Ali Efficiency in Tashkent City, The Republic By Sokthoeurn In Supervisor: Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon of Uzbekistan Supervisor: Dr. Edsel E. Sajor By Grigoriy Samoylov Results-Based Evaluation of the Project Supervisor: Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon New Government Policy Changes on Slum for Improving Urban Water Supply and Community Relocation in Phnom Penh, Sanitation in Xieng Ngeuan District, Luan The Potential for Recycling Household Cambodia: A Case Study of Dey Krahorm Prabang Province, Lao PDR Solid Waste in Can Tho City, Vietnam Area By Sonthong Maichingteng By Nguyen Van Su By Samnavuth Nuon Supervisor: Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon Supervisor: Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon Supervisor: Dr. Edsel E. Sajor Sanitation Provisioning for the Urban Tube Housing Development and Ensuing Partnerships with Scavenger in Achieving Poor in Dhaka: Impacts and Implications Quality of the Living Environment in Sustainable Solid Waste Management in of Public Expenditure Management (PEM) Residential Areas: A Case Study of Hanoi, Jakarta: A Social Impact Analysis By Niaz Rahman Vietnam By Suryaputrianita Satyanugraha Supervisor: Dr. Edsel E. Sajor By Ngo The Vinh Supervisor: Dr. L. A. S. Ranjith Perera Supervisor: Dr. L. A. S. Ranjith Perera Strategic Decision Making in Solid Waste Perceptions and Responses to Warming Management Using Life Cycle Vulnerability of Coastal Communities to in and Urban Environment: A Case Study Assessment: A Case Study of La Carlota the Impacts of Climate Change: A Case of Bandung CIty, Indonesia City, Philippines Study of the City of Puerto Princesa in the By Niken Prilandita By Kirstin Amparo Toda Philippines Supervisor: Dr. L. A. S. Ranjith Perera Supervisor: Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon By Allan Laban Lagrosa Supervisor: Dr. L. A. S. Ranjith Perera Public-Private Partnership on Household Sustainable Transportation Planning Solid Waste Management in Villages of Through Environmental Assessment: A Xaysettha District, Vientiane Capital City, Case Study of Hanoi, Vietnam in Lao PDR By Nguyen Viet Dung By Thavixay Xayphaseat Supervisors: Dr. Edsel E. Sajor/Dr. Nowarat Supervisor: Dr. Edsel E. Sajor Coowanitwong

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26.1 Introduction needed in several sectors, including in multinational companies involved 1. To train students, academics, in corporate farming, food Agriculture plays a vital role in the researchers and professionals, to processing, packaging and economic growth of many country develop skills and practices in the especially developing countries like of marketing, agricultural finance area of good agricultural production, Asia including Thailand, China, India, institutions, agricultural appropriate value addition, Vietnam, Malaysia etc. Due the growing cooperatives, animal feed industry, systematic marketing, food-chain industrialization the importance of agri- biotechnology industry, fertilizer and supply and global trade. products has increased several-folds. pesticide industry, irrigation and mechanical equipment The food and food-products import- 2. To enhance the sustainability and manufacturing, medicinal export policies play important role in the capability of agricultural enterprises overall development of any country and plants/herbs, and government- by providing trained students with the world as a whole. initiated rural/agricultural knowledge of international development schemes. standards on food safety and In developing countries, since last 25 traceability in agricultural years, majority of the young people The agri-business management production, local and global trade program builds on long standing educated, came from agriculture policies etc. strengths and experience in community or from the similar research, and internal and external background. But, due to many reasons they have not been able to compete for postgraduate teaching in the fields 26.2 Faculty and available jobs, which demand specialized of agricultural production, preservation, processing, agro- and Professional Staff skills and knowledge. Even in their attempts to set up small entrepreneurial food-industry management and marketing, and in agricultural Faculty activities in non-farm sector they face development. many problems generally not ATHAPOL NOOMHORM [Professor, encountered by such youths in urban Food Engineering & Bioprocess areas. All these rural youths can now be The program focuses on the potential for and contribution of the Technology Field of Study] supported for new opportunities of (Starch and Cereal Technology; agribusiness industry in developing entrepreneurship in business activities Postharvest Technology; Food economies. It is aimed at enhancing related to Agriculture. They have the Processing; Agro-industrial basic understanding of agriculture, which small business entrepreneurship among primary producers of agri- Development) can be utilized for promotion of business food products, and traders and other enterprises revolve around agricultural GANESH. P. SHIVAKOTI [Professor, activities. market intermediaries in the value chain. The course is appropriate for Agricultural Systems & Engineering and Natural Resources Management entrepreneurs themselves and also Rationale Fields of Study] for people working in the public (Agricultural Development and As the nature of rural economy of sector and non-governmental organizations. Entrepreneurs and Policy Analysis; Resource many developing countries of Asia- others will be enabled to take Development; Farming Systems; Pacific region shifts from subsistence advantage of opportunities within Natural Resources farming to commercial food Management) enterprises, a new breed of the agri-food and related sectors, and increase the contribution of agribusiness professionals is needed SUDIP KUMAR RAKSHIT [Professor, these sectors within public and to manage this transformation. The Food Engineering & Bioprocess proposed program will cater the national objectives. Technology Field of Study] unique needs of agribusiness Objectives (Food and Biosafety; Biofuels professionals, which comprise of and Food Security; New Bio- knowledge and skills in elements of based Food Products; Bioprocess agriculture sector policy issues, Specific objectives of the Masters Program in Agribusiness Technology) technology, marketing and finance. Agribusiness professionals are Management are:

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SERD – Agribusiness Management Program

ANIL KUMAR ANAL [Assistant Innovation; Customer- 26.3 Masters Students’ Professor, Food Engineering & manufacturer Interaction in Bioprocess Technology Field of Innovation Development) Theses Study] (Agriculture and Food SUNDAR VENKATESH [Visiting An Analysis of Ethanol Production from Biotechnology; Associate Professor, School of Nypa fruiticans by Local Community Bionanotechnology; Functional Management] Along the Coastal Region in Thailand: A Properties of Proteins and (Finance; Financial Accounting; Case Study of Pak Panang Basin Region, Polysachharides; Food Colloids Corporate Governance; Financial Nakhon Sri Thammarat Province and Biopolymers; Encapsulation Restructuring; Financial By Kruewan Thong-Om Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh P. Shivakoti and Targeted Delivery of Information Management) Biomolecules) Assessment of Daily Industry and Its SAHDEV SINGH [Adjunct Faculty] Competitiveness in Thailand PEEYUSH SONI [Adjunct Faculty and (Information and By Shankar Shivdas Tagad ABM Coordinator, Agricultural Communication Technologies; Supervisor: Prof. Vilas M. Salokhe Systems & Engineering Field of Decision Tools; ERP; Study,] Quantitative Analysis; Human Current Status Assessment and Business (Terramechanics; Agricultural Resources Development in Agro- Concepts Development for Hydroponic Instrumentation; Controlled industries; SCM) Agribusiness in Thailand Environment Agriculture; By Phianphen Rattanarat Agricultural Systems Analysis; BOONJIT TITAPIWATANAKUN Supervisor: Prof. Vilas M. Salokhe Analytical Techniques) [Adjunct Faculty] (Agricultural Supply Chain Farmer's Satisfaction and Happiness in the Milieu of Rice-Based Livelihood NICHOLAS DIMMITT [Assistant Management) Systems in Chiang Mai, Thailand Professor, School of Management] By Atidtaya Yaophruckchai (Action Research; Business Professional Staff Supervisor: Prof. Ganesh P. Shivakoti Communication; Business Ethics; Professional Development & IMRAN AHMAD [Laboratory Training; Language Policy and Supervisor, Food Engineering & Language Planning) Bioprocess Technology Field of Study] RIAN BEISE-ZEE [Assistant Professor, (Food Enterprises Productivity; School of Management] Food Process Operations; Food (International Marketing and Supply Chain) Branding; Diffusion of

128 | Annual Report on Research 2009


27.1 Introduction 1. Gender and development School of Engineering & Technology

2. Regional development planning

Asia as a region has historically 3. Infrastructure planning and Transportation Engineering experienced high intra-mobility of goods management, with special focus on Field of Study transportation engineering and and people, but in the recent years, the management HYUNMYUNG KIM, quantum of such mobility has increased dramatically. Various factors have Assistant Professor contributed to this increase, including It covers both the physical planning economic disparity within the region; based on transportation engineering, and KUNNAWEE KANITPONG, differences in economic/ employment/ social, community and gender analysis Assistant Professor business opportunities; transportation and planning based on social science. It envisages to develop planning and HIRONORI KATO, Visiting and communication infrastructure management theories and practices Associate Professor, development, education opportunities, contextualized to Southeast Asia, Associate Professor, and a wider network of migrants in major cities and industrial areas in the region. especially the GMS region. Department of Civil Engineering, The University The largest factor is the heavy The program consists of required of Tokyo investment in the construction and courses, elective courses and research renovation of road networks. Road (Thesis or Research Study). Required and PICHAI TANEERANANON, elective courses are offered from the Visiting Associate Professor networks, which are important for areas of gender and development, regional integration within Asia, are critical for the less developed member transportation engineering, regional SHINJI TANAKA, Visiting countries, especially those in the Greater development and planning, urban Assistant Professor, Mekong Subregion (GMS) countries. environmental management, and Assistant Professor, Recognizing this, bilateral and regional construction engineering and Institute of Industrial financial institutions supported heavily to infrastructure management. The Area of Science, the University of Study has had the first batch of students Tokyo, Japan improve the road network. The fact that in August 2008. people move both within and out of the region has implications not only for the School of Environment, Resources & Development well-being of migrants themselves, but 27.2 Faculty and Research also for the sending and receiving communities. Staff Gender & Development Studies Field of Study

However, several questions remain. Coordinating faculty members PHILIPPE DONEYS, Assistant Have these roads actually contributed to Professor poverty alleviation in the poorer regions KYOKO KUSAKABE, Associate of Asia? Or have they only increased the Professor, Gender & disparity between the rich and poor, Development Studies Field of Regional & Rural Development resulting in future social tensions in the Study, School of Environment, Planning Field of Study region? Resources & Development JAYANT KUMAR ROUTRAY, The graduate course Gender, SHINYA HANAOKA, Visiting Professor Transportation and Development (GTD) is Associate Professor, a multi-disciplinary program that is Transportation Engineering Field MOKBUL MORSHED problem-solving in nature. It focuses on of Study, School of Engineering AHMAD, Assistant specific problems of the effect of & Technology, and Associate Professor infrastructure planning and management Professor, Tokyo Institute of on equitable and sustainable Technology, Japan. Urban Environmental development for women and men. As a Management Field of Study multi-disciplinary program, it focuses on: Contributing faculty members

Annual Report on Research 2009| 129

SET/SERD – Gender, Transportation & Development Program

VILAS NITTIVATANANON, Transportation Studies, Vol.7, Hanaoka, S., Inamura, H. and Ohi, T. Assistant Professor Surabaya. (2009) “Passenger satisfaction of low-cost carriers terminal, Kuala Research staff Regmi, B. M. and Hanaoka, S. (2009) Lumpur International Airport”, 13th “Impacts of climate change on World Conference of Air Transport LADA PHADUNGKIATI, Project transport and adaptation in Asia”, Research Society (ATRS 2009), Abu Researcher Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Dhabi. Society for Transportation Studies, TANARADEE KHUMYA, Project Vol.7, Surabaya. Kawasaki, T. and Hanaoka, S. (2009) Researcher “Analysis of SEA&AIR and Japanese Tokunaga, T., Takeishi, M., Hanaoka, shippers’ preference on freight S. and Raphael, E. W. (2009) transport between Japan and 27.3 Publications “Analysis of LBT applicability in Russia”, Proceedings of Tanzania throughout the nationwide Infrastructure Planning, No.40. (in International Journals LBT stakeholder survey”, 13th ILO Japanese). Regional Seminar for Labour-Based Hanaoka, S. and Kunadhamraks, P. Practitioners, Kampala, Uganda. Kawasaki, T. and Hanaoka, S. (2009) (2009) “Multiple criteria and fuzzy “Risk analysis on access to seaport based evaluation of logistics Yoshida, T., Shibasaki, R., Nemoto, by landlocked developing countries”, performance for intermodal T., Hanaoka, S., Ono, K. and Proceedings of Infrastructure transportation”, Journal of Advanced Onodera, H. (2009) “Future scenario Planning, No.39. (in Japanese). Transportation. Vol.43, No.2, pp.123- of international transport based on 153. questionnaire survey by the Delphi Palapus, P. H. and Hanaoka, S. method”, Proceedings of the Eastern (2009) “Build-operate-transfer Hanaoka, S. and Qadir, F. M. (2009) Asia Society for Transportation challenges in Asian rail projects”, “Passengers’ perceptions and effects Studies, Vol.7, Surabaya. Proceedings of Infrastructure of bus-holding strategy using Planning, No.40. automatic vehicle location Conference Proceedings (International technology in Bangkok”, Journal of and National): Palapus, P. H. and Hanaoka, S. Advanced Transportation, Vol.43, (2009) “Revisiting build-operate- No.3, pp.301-319. Dadhich, P. N. and Hanaoka, S. transfer scheme in Asian rail (2009) “Influence of marble mines projects”, 11th International Zhang, A., Hanaoka, S., Inamura, H. on urbanization of Makrana city- A Summer Symposium, Japan Society and Ishikura, T. (2009) “Low-cost study based on remote sensing”, of Civil Engineers (JSCE). carriers in Asia: deregulation, 11th International Summer regional liberalization and secondary Symposium, Japan Society of Civil Book Chapters: airport”, Research in Transportation Engineers (JSCE). Economics, Vol.24, No.1, pp.36-50. Hanaoka, S. (2009) “Hub port

Das, R. and Hanaoka, S. (2009) competition and mega-ship port Refereed International Conference Full choice”, In Imai, A. (eds. ), Global Papers: “Food supply chain problems in th Intermodal Transportation, pp.146- Bangladesh”, 11 International 163, Tokai University Press, Japan. Summer Symposium, Japan Society Hanaoka, S., Kawasaki, T. and (in Japanese) Tokunaga, T. (2009) “Economic of Civil Engineers (JSCE). impact of the implementation of LBT Other Publications: in Tanzania and cost comparison Das, R. and Hanaoka, S. (2009)

between LBT and EBT”, 13th ILO “Perishable food supply chain Hanaoka, S. (2009) “Evaluation of Regional Seminar for Labour-Based constraints in Bangladesh”, Practitioners, Kampala, Uganda. Proceedings of Infrastructure Build-Operate-Transfer Scheme for Planning, No.40. Transport Infrastructure in Asian Kawasaki, T. and Hanaoka, S. (2009) Cities Development”, Final Report of “Developing prompt list for Dondov, B. and Hanaoka, S. (2009) 13th IBS Fellowship, Institute for landlocked developing countries’ “Operating cash flows of a cement Behavioural Science. (in Japanese) access to seaport in transit plant based on a limestone deposit

countries”, Proceedings of the in Mongolia”, Proceedings of

Eastern Asia Society for Infrastructure Planning, No.40.

130 | Annual Report on Research 2009


28.1 Introduction 28.2 Mission which complement SOM’s degree programs and other related activities of

SOM. It facilitates the linkage between The School of Management (SOM) prides Mission SOM, AIT and the business community itself for having world class academic and professional programs. SOM is offering a “to develop socially responsible and public sector in Asia. PHD Program, Doctor of Business global leaders who will enhance Administration (DBA) Program, Full time organizational performance for the The objectives of MDP: MBA Program, Executive Masters (EMBA) growth and sustainable development and Professional Masters in Technology of economies and societies in Asia” To establish closer links between the Management (PMTM) programs. SOM business community/public sector was ranked third in 2004 by Asia Inc. Vision and SOM through executive among the MBA programs of South East education programs and consulting Asia and 2008 SOM was ranked as the “to become the leading creator and in the areas of Management of internationally known TOP school in disseminator of Asian management Technology, International Business, Thailand. knowledge, practices and values” Service Marketing and Technology, and International Public SOM was established in October 1987 to Positioning Management. meet the growing need for managerial expertise in the Asia – Pacific region. The “A global management school which To facilitate the development of School strongly believes in the need for offers knowledge that promotes research projects which are both of intensive development of socially deep understanding of Asian high practical value to the business responsible corporate leaders for Asia. management practices community/public sector and Currently SOM provides specialization in academically rigorous. CSR, Entrepreneurship, Strategy, Management of Technology, Public 28.3 School Governance MDP activities include: Management, Marketing, Finance and other areas. The courses at SOM are Dean of School Corporate relationship management taught by highly experienced faculty from Executive development programs over 15 nations. BARBARA IGEL, BA, MA, Technical Organizing executive forums, Univ, Berlin; PhD, Freie Univ, Berlin, workshops, seminars, and SOM currently has students from over 30 Germany. conferences countries and various academic Associate Professor (High-tech Other activities contributing to backgrounds enrolled in its programs. In Entrepreneurship; Industrial SOM’s objectives every case study, group work and Economics; Knowledge assignment the students work in groups Management; Management of with students from 3 or more different Innovation) 28.5 Research Facilities and nations. The bonds formed by the Laboratories students during their stay in SOM have 28.4 Management proved as important as the knowledge The School of Management has 5 state- and skills they gain. At SOM we stress on Development and of-the-art multimedia classrooms ethics and moral values as much as the Research including a large amphitheater for need to produce managers who can drive academic use. Each classroom is their organizations to profitability and The School of Management is involved in equipped with a multimedia podium that prosperity. training and extension activities through consists of LCD projectors, audio cassette the Management Development Programs recorder, VHS player/ recorder, slide (MDP). MDP was established as an projectors, built-in desktop PC, laptop integral part of the School of and wireless internet connection. Management (SOM). It is the research, consultancy, and executive development The School of Management provides the arm of the School. It is SOM’s non- students with an extensive range of degree academic activities and programs, online journals and database. The Annual Report on Research 2009| 131

School of Management students can access the journal and medium enterprises (SME) Lausanne (EPFL), M.Sc University of database to read articles from reputed support and management) Putra Malaysia, Ph.D (MOT) EPFL international journals. The School of Assistant Professor (Technology, Management has its own computer SUNUNTA SIENGTHAI, BA, International Strategic Alliance, laboratory for instructional purposes and Chulalongkorn Univ,Thailand; MA, Organization Theory and Design) there is a network of over 60 computers PhD, Univ of Illinois, USA. for student’s use. Associate Professor (Labor & Visiting and Adjunct Faculty Industrial Relations, HRM, Computer Lab consultants are available Wages & Productivity) NAZRUL ISLAM, BScEng, BUET, during office hours to assist with Bangladesh; MEng, DEng, AIT, computer related problems. The SUNDAR VENKATESH, BSc, BL, Univ Thailand. consultants will provide help by of Calcutta; PhD, Indian Inst of Visiting Professor (Management answering general questions relating to Management, India. of Technology; Technology and the lab e.g., how to obtain a computer Visiting Associate Professor Development; Technology Policy; account, questions related to the PC (Finance; Financial Accounting) Technology Transfer) Proficiency about software applications, email, printing etc. ARUN KUMAR GOPALASWAMY, INDRA M PANDEY, MComm, PhD, BCom, MCom, Bangalore Univ, India; Univ of Delhi, India. PhD, Institute of Science,India. Visiting Professor (Corporate 28.6 Faculty and Research Visiting Associate Professor Finance, Emerging Capital Staff (Finance; Financial Accounting) Markets)

Full-time Faculty DONYAPRUETH KRAIRIT, BS, FREDRIC W SWIERCZEK, BA, Temple Thammasat Univ, Thailand; MS, Univ Univ, USA; MA, PhD, Univ of JOHN C S TANG, BS, MS, PhD, Univ of of Colorado at Boulder; PhD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Florida, USA. Massachusetts Inst of Tech, Visiting Associate Professor Professor (Engineering Cambridge, USA. (Behavioral Science; Economy; International Assistant Professor (Technology, Organizational Development) Economics; International Policy and Management) Operating Environment of PETER MOSER Ph.D., M. Econ., Business; Managerial NICHOLAS J DIMMITT, BA, MA, San University of St. Gallen, Switzerland Economics) Francisco State Univ; PhD, Univ of Visiting Faculty (European Southern California, USA. Integration and International ILKKA KAURANEN, MS Engg, Lic Tech, Assistant Professor (Business Trade Policy) DTech, Helsinki University of Communication, Business Ethics, Technology, Finland. Research Methods) ARNE DEUSSEN, PhD, University of Visiting Professor (Development Geneva, Switzerland, Master and Management in Industry) RIAN BEISE-ZEE, Dipl. Ing. (Industrial (Lic.oec.HSG), University of Engineering), Technical University of ST.Gallen, Switzerland BARBARA IGEL, BA, MA, Technical Berlin, Dr.oec (Economics & Adjunct Faculty (Management Univ, Berlin; PhD, Freie Univ, Berlin, Business),Germany of Change) Germany. Assistant Professor Associate Professor (High-tech (International Marketing, GERARD TOCQUER, Ph.D., University Entrepreneurship; Industrial Innovation Marketing, Service of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France, M.A Economics; Knowledge Marketing) (Marketing), University of Management; Management of Sherbrooke, Canada, C.P.D., Cornell Innovation) WINAI WONGSURAWAT, B.A.S (Econ University, Ithaca USA & Math., Comp. Sc.) Stanford Adjunct Faculty (Service DO BA KHANG, MSc, Eotvos Lorand University USA PH.D (Managerial Innovation, Service Culture and Univ, Hungary; MSc, DTechSc, AIT, Econ and Strategy), Kellogg School of Branding) Thailand. Management, Northwestern Associate Professor University, USA JARUNEE WONGLIMPIYARAT, Ph.D (Management Science; Assistant Professor (Strategic (Tech Management) University of Operations Management; Management) Manchester U.K, M.Sc. (Tech and Project Management; Service Innovation Managemnet) University Management; Small and YUOSRE BADIR, M.S The Swiss of Sussex, U.K Federal Institute of Technology

132 | Annual Report on Research 2009

School of Management

Adjunct Faculty (Tech and URS BUMBACHER, M.A, Ph.D Sponsor Participants Innovation, Technology (Economics & Business Admin.), Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,518,950

Commercialization) Univ. of Basel, Switzerland. Executive MBA-BKK Program, May 2008 PHASIN SUEBSUBANUNT,Ph.D. Adjunct Faculty (International Duration 1-May-08 - 31-Dec-09 (Business Admin.), Henley Business) Project Investigator Nicholas J. Dimmitt Management College, Brunel (West Sponsor Professional managers/administrators of London) University, UK TRUONG QUANG, MPA, National private/public sector Total Contracted Amount (THB) 9,000,000 MBA, School of Management, AIT, Institute of Administration, Thailand Vietnam; Ph.D (Social Sciences), Drs. IEMBA Program Vietnam Adjunct Faculty (Finance, (Political Science), Vrije Duration 1-Jan-04 - 31-Dec-09 Investment) Universiteit, The Netherlands. Project Investigator Frederic William Swierczek

Adjunct Faculty (Organizational Sponsor AIT Operation RAGNAR THOR GRUNDTVIG Total Contracted Amount (THB) 36,000,000 Behavior, HRM) SØEGAARD, Ph.D London School of

Foreign Trade, England, Master of Part of the ProSPER.NET Joint Project on LOGAN MULLER, Ph.D Business Administration, University Integrating Sustainability in Business (Sustainability), Kennedy Western of Gothenburg, Sweden School Curricula University, USA. Adjunct Faculty (Finance) Duration 1-Nov-08 - 30-Nov-09 Adjunct Faculty (International Project Investigator Mark Neal

Business) Sponsor Ministry of Environment Japan/UNU-IAS SOMROTE KOMOLAVANIJ, Ph.D, Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,683,000 M.S., University of Texas, USA RUDOLF GRUENIG, Ph.D (BA), Adjunct Faculty (Business Public Management Executive University of Bern, Switzerland. Statistics, Economy, QC, development Program Adjunct Faculty ( Strategic Operations Research) Duration 1-May-09 - 30-Sep-09 Management) Project Investigator Sununta Siengthai Sponsor DRIRD Ministry of Interior Thailand TRITOS LAOSIRIHONGTHONG, Ph.D., EVANGELOS ANGELOS AFENDRAS, Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,421,400 (Management of Technology) School B.A., M.A, Ph.D (Humanitites- of Management, AIT, Thailand Linguistics) The Johns Hopkins Univ., Adjunct Faculty (Manufacturing 28.8 On-going Grants and USA. Strategy and Supply Chain Adjunct Faculty (Cross-Cultural Sponsored Research Management) Management, Organization

Behavior, Management of DBA Program in Bangkok 2006 WILLI ZIMMERMANN, Ph.D. (Political Change) Duration 31-Oct-06 - 31-Dec-13 Science) University of Munich, Project Investigators Indra Pandey, Nicholas Germany, Post-Doc. Diploma, Swiss Dimmit, Freidric Swirczek, Rian Beise-zee, Nazrul ALLAN WILLIAM, B.Ed., Univ. of Federal Institute of Technology Islam, Do Ba Khang, Sundar Venkatesh,Sununta Tasmania; MSc., Ph.D (Organization Siengthai, Lalit Johri Switzerland Development) MITASH Univ., USA. Sponsor Participants Adjunct Faculty (Public Sector Total Contracted Amount (THB) 15,552,000 Adjunct Faculty ( Organization Management, Environmental Behavior, Leadership & Business Management) DBA Program in Bangkok 2007 Performance) Duration 1-Feb-07 - 31-Jan-14

LALIT M JOHRI, BSc(Hons), MSc, Project Investigator Indra Pandey, Nicholas Dimmit, ROBERT S. KIETEL, BA, Univ. of Freidric Swirczek, Rian Beise-zee, Nazrul Islam, Do MBA, PhD, Univ of Delhi, India. Colorado; Ph.D, De La Salle Ba Khang, Sundar Venkatesh,Sununta Siengthai, Adjunct Faculty (International Lalit Johri University, The Philippines. Business; International Joint Sponsor Participants Adjunct Faculty ( HRM, Ventures; Marketing; Total Contracted Amount (THB) 19,440,000 Leadership) Negotiations; Strategic DBA Program in Bangkok 2008 Management) Duration 1-Jan-08 - 31-Dec-10 28.7 Grants and Sponsored Project Investigator Nicholas Dimmit, Do Ba Khang, MARK NEAL, B.A (Hons.) Sociology, Sundar Venkatesh,Sununta Siengthai, Nazrul Islam, university of Reading, U.K, Ph.D Research Completed in Lalit Johri (Mgmt), The Business School, Sponsor Participants 2009 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 16,848,000 Bournemouth University, U.K

Adjunct Faculty (Cross-Cultural Executive MBA Program Bangkok DBA Program in HCMC 2007 Management, Gender and Duration 1-Jan-08 - 30-Jun-09 Duration 1-Feb-07 - 31-Jan-14 Organization Leadership) Project Investigators Nicholas Dimmit, Do Ba Khang, Project Investigator Indra Pandey, Nicholas Dimmit, Nazrul Islam Freidric Swirczek, Rian Beise-zee, Do Ba Khang, Annual Report on Research 2009 | 133

School of Management

Sundar Venkatesh,Sununta Siengthai, Nazrul Islam, International Executive MBA Vietnam Hänninen, S., & Kauranen, I. (2009). Lalit Johri, Illka Kauranen :Hanoi Empirical assessment of technology Sponsor Participants Duration 1-Aug-08 - 31-Dec-10 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 14,000,000 dominance in technology Project Investigator Do Ba Khang programmes. International Journal Sponsor Multi donors DBA Program in HCMC 2009 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 21,250,008 of Technoentrepreneurship, 2(2), Duration 20-Jan-09 - 31-Dec-12 156-167. Project Investigator Barbara Igel International Executive MBA Vietnam Sponsor Professional managers Hoang, D. T., B. Igel and T. Total Contracted Amount (THB) 7,425,000 :HCMC,DN,VT Duration 1-Aug-08 - 31-Dec-10 Laosirihhongthong (2009): Total

Project Investigator Do Ba Khang DBA Program in HN 2007 Quality Management (TQM) Strategy Sponsor Multi-donors and Organizational characteristics: Duration 1-Jul-07 - 30-Jun-10 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 32,075,384 Project Investigator Indra Pandey, Nicholas Dimmit, Evidence from a Recent WTO

Freidric Swirczek, Do Ba Khang, Sundar Member, TOTAL QUALITY Methodologies and tools for food Venkatesh,Sununta Siengthai, Nazrul Islam, Illka MANAGEMENT & BUSINESS Kauranen consumer market research Sponsor Participants Duration 1-Jul-09 - 01-Jun-10 EXCELLENCE JOURNAL, (accepted for Total Contracted Amount (THB) 12,250,000 Project Investigator Rian Beise Zee publication) Sponsor Food and Agriculture Organization of DBA Program in Sri Lanka 2006 United Nations Jaratin L., Venkatesh, S. and Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,382,276 Duration 31-Oct-06 - 31-Dec-13 Thumwimon, S.: Determinants of Project Investigator Nicholas Dimmit, Do Ba Khang, Dividend Payout in Thailand", UBU Sundar Venkatesh,Sununta Siengthai, Nazrul Islam, Lalit Johri 28.9 Publications Journal, Volume 11, No.3 Sponsor Participants Total Contracted Amount (THB) 11,988,000 Refereed Journals Kantabutra, S. and Tang, J.C.S.: "Efficiency Analysis of Public DBA Program in Taiwan 2007 Anne-Wil Harzing, Joyce Baldueza, Universities in Thailand", Journal Duration 1-Nov-07 - 31-Dec-10 Tertiary Education and Management, Project Investigator Indra Pandey, Nicholas Dimmit, Wilhelm Barner-Rasmussen, Cordula Freidric Swirczek, Do Ba Khang, Sundar Barzantny, Anne Canabal, Anabella Volume 16, Issue 1 March 2010 Venkatesh,Sununta Siengthai, Nazrul Islam, Illka Davila, Alvaro Espejo, Rita Ferreira, pages 15 – 33. Kauranen Axele Giroud, Kathrin Koester, Yung- Sponsor Participants Khongmalai, O. and Tang, J.C.S: Total Contracted Amount (THB) 14,025,000 Kuei Liang, Audra Mockaitisl, Michael "Empirical Evidence of Corporate J. Morley, Barbara Myloni, Joseph Executiv MBA program in HRM 2009 O.T. Odusanya, Sharon Leiba Governance in Thai State-owned intake O’Sullivan, Ananda Kumar Enterprises", Journal of Corporate Duration 1-Jan-09 - 31-Dec-10 Palaniappan, Paulo Prochno, Srabani Governance, June 2009 (Still in the Project Investigator Sununta Siengthai Roy Choudhury, Ayse Saka- process.) Sponsor SIDA Helmhout, Sununta Siengthai, Linda Total Contracted Amount (THB) 14,912,000 Viswat, Ayda Uzuncarsili Soydas, Kraus, S., & Kauranen, I. (2009). Strategic management and Executive MBA BGK Program August 09 Lena Zander (2009) Rating versus entrepreneurship: Friends or foes? Duration 1-Aug-09 - 31-Jul-11 ranking: What is the best way to Project Investigator Nicholas J Dimmitt reduce response and language bias International Journal of Business Sponsor Multi donors in cross-national research? Science and Applied Management, Total Contracted Amount (THB) 11,416,000 International Business Review, 18 4(1), 37-50. (2009) 417–432. International Executive MBA for Limpibunterng, T., & Johri, L. M. Vietnam for Hanoi #10.1 & 10.2 Badir, Y., Tucci, C., and Buechel, B. (2009). Complementary role of Duration 1-Aug-09 - 31-Dec-11 organizational learning capability in Project Investigator Do Ba Khang 2009. The performance impact of Sponsor Multi donors intra-firm organization design on new service development (NSD) Total Contracted Amount (THB) 14,875,005 alliance's NPD projects. Research process. Learning Organization, Policy, 38, 1350-1364. 16(4), 326-348. International Executive MBA for Vietnam for HCMC Carlos, R. M., & Khang, D. B. (2009). Meepadung, N., Tang, J. C. S., & #6.1HCMC#6.2DN#3VT#2 A lifecycle-based success framework Khang, D. B. (2009). IT-based banking Duration 1-Aug-09 - 31-Dec-11 for grid-connected biomass energy services: Evaluating operating and Project Investigator Do Ba Khang profit efficiency at bank branches. Sponsor Multi donors projects. Renewable Energy, 34(5), Total Contracted Amount (THB) 46,627,384 1195-1203 Journal of High Technology Management Research, 20(2), 145- 152.

134 | Annual Report on Research 2009

School of Management

Grades? Evidence from US Law Wonglimpiyarat, J. (2009), ‘The Ritthisoonthorn, P., Ahmed, K. and School Admissions", Education influence of capital market laws and Donyaprueth, K., "Engineering Economics, 17 (4), December 2009 Initial Public Offering (IPO) process Analysis and Economic Evaluation of on venture capital’, European Journal Broadband Fixed Wireless Access in Wonglimpiyarat, J. (2009), ‘Banking of Operational Research, Vol. 192(1), Developing Country: Wireless City in strategies in launching the e- pp. 293-301, Elsevier Science. Thailand", International Journal of payment innovations’, International Services, Economics and Journal of Electronic Business, Vol. Refereed Books/Chapters Management (IJSEM) Special Issue 7(4), pp, 428-443, Inderscience on: "Design, Integration, and Publisher. Andrews, Tim G. and Siengthai, S. Maintenance of Services for (eds.) (2009) Changing Face of Developing Nations and Economies", Wonglimpiyarat, J. (2009), ‘Charting Management in Thailand, Routledge, Inderscience Publishers, forthcoming the Innovation Index’, International U.K. 2009. Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, Vol. 9(4), pp. 331-341, Siengthai, S.; Decha S. Iamratanakul, R. Shankar, and Y. Inderscience Publisher. Dechawatanapaisal; and Natenapha Badir, 2009. Technology and Wailerdsak (2009) “ The Future Innovation Management in the Wonglimpiyarat, J. (2009), Trends of HRM in Thailand ” in Tim Service Sector, in INFORMS ‘Commercialisation Strategies of Andrews and Sununta Siengthai International Conference on Service Technology: Lessons From Silicon (eds.) (2009) The Changing Face Of Science, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Valley’, Journal of Technology Management in Thailand, published Hong Kong August 6-8. Transfer, pp. 1-12, Springer Science by Routledge, U.K. Business Media, LLC. Siengthai, S., Zaleska, K.J., and Wonglimpiyarat, J. (2009), Kantabutra, K. (2009) “Closing the Wonglimpiyarat, J. (2009), Innovation Policies and VC Performance Evaluation Gap in SMEs ‘Entrepreneurial financing for Management to Support in Thailand: What Matters?” in venture and innovation Entrepreneurial Financing, in M.V. Academy of Taiwan Business development’, International Journal Bradshaw and P.T. Carrington (Eds.), Management Review, Vol .5, No.1, of Foresight and Innovation Policy - Entrepreneurship and its Economic April 2009. Special Issue, Vol. 5(4), pp. 234-243, Significance, Behavior and Effects, Inderscience Publisher. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Supyuenyong, V., Islam, N. and Inc., ISBN: 1606926691: Kulkarni, U.; (2009); Influence of Wonglimpiyarat, J. (2009), ‘Financing 9781606926697. SME Characteristics on Knowledge innovative businesses through Management Processes: The Case venture capital’, International Conference Proceedings Study of enterprise Resource Journal of Entrepreneurship and Planning Service Providers; Journal Innovation Management - Special Iamratanakul, S. Shankar, R. and of Enterprise Information Issue, Vol. 9(4), pp. 380-395, Dimmitt, N. (2009). Improving Management; vol. 22, No. 1/2, 2209 Inderscience Publisher. Project Portfolio Management with pp.361-375 Strategic Alignment. Proceedings of Wonglimpiyarat, J. (2009), ‘Security Portland International Center on Vanichchincha, A. and B. Igel (2009): and Sustainability Strategies in Management of Engineering and The Impact of Total Quality Energy Innovation Systems’, Technology 2009 Conference. Management on Supply Chain International Journal of Business Portland, Oregon. Management in Thai Automotive, Continuity and Risk Management, Industry International Journal of Vol. 1(1), pp. 78-90, Inderscience Islam, M.Z. and Siengthai, S. “Factors Production Research, TAYLOR & Publisher. Affecting Firm Performance in DEPZ, FRANCIS, (accepted). Bangladesh,” A paper prepared and Wonglimpiyarat, J. (2009), presented at the 8th Asian Academy Vanichchincha, A. and B. Igel (2009): ‘Strategies for technology of Management International Total Quality Management and commercialization - Silicon Valley as Conference on “Global Economic Supply Chain Management: model of venture capital financing’, Meltdown: Managing change for Similarities and Differences, The International Journal of Technology, Sustainability’, held in Kuala TQM Magazine, Vol.21, No.3 Policy and Management, Vol. 9(3), terenggaun, Malaysia, Dec. 18 – 20, pp. 222-234, Inderscience Publisher. 2009. Winai Wongsurawat, "Does Grade Inflation Affect the Credibility of Annual Report on Research 2009 | 135

School of Management

Islam, Md. Zohurul and Siengthai, S. By Tharinee Limpibunterng Integrated Firms Perform Better?: A Case (2009) “Quality of work life and Supervisor: Prof. Lalit M. Johri Study of Textile Sector of Pakistan

organizational performance: By Safia Nosheen Corporate Governance and Supervisor: Dr. Sundar Venkatesh Empirical evidence from Dhaka Export Processing Zone”. A paper Performance of State-Owned presented at the ILO Conference on Enterprises Research Study: Effective Management By Orapan Khongmalai Regulating for Decent Work, July 7 – Approaches for Small and Micro Supervisor: Prof. John C S Tang Community Enterprises (SMCEs) in 11, 2009. Thailand Efficiency and Service Quality of By Kamon Ruengdet S. Iamratanakul, R. Shankar, and Y. Public Universities in Thailand Supervisor: Dr. Winai Wongsurawat Badir, 2009. Technology and By Saranya Kantabutra Innovation Management in the Supervisor: Prof. John C S Tang Research Study: New Business

Service Sector, in INFORMS Opportunities in the Mobile International Conference on Service Illegal Migrants in Thailand: A Focus Telecommunication Market of Science, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, on Deportation Effectiveness Bangladesh By Wittaya Prayongphan Hong Kong August 6-8. By Pranay Kumar Das Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas Dimmitt Supervisor: Prof. Ilkka Kauranen

Other Publications Tourism Experts' and Residents' Research Study: Relevance of MBA for Attitudes, Perception and Support for Book Review by Venkatesh, S.: Functional Managers in Information Sustainable Tourism Development: A Business Analysis and Valuation-IFRS Management Case Study of Bangkok, Thailand Edition, by Krishna Palpeu, Paul By U.A.A.Saumya Udayangani Amarasinghe By Virut Kitnuntaviwat Supervisor: Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit Healy, Victor Bernard, and Erik Supervisor: Prof. John C. S. Tang Peek", International Journal of Research Study: The New Business Accounting, Volume 33, Issue 4. Management of Technology Models of Social Investment By Julien Farrugia Wonglimpiyarat, J. (2009), The Influence of Knowledge Management Supervisor: Dr. Yuosre Badir Development of the Venture Capital Practices on Organizational Performance System for Thailand. In: The in SMEs: A Case of the Enterprise Research Study: The New Business National Science Technology and Application Service Providers in Thailand Models of Social Investment Innovation Policy Office, Ministry of By Varintorn Subyuenyong By Magdalena Roberte Angela Thurin Science and Technology, Directional Supervisor: Prof. Nazrul Islam Supervisor: Dr. Mark Neal

Plan to raise the National Capacity in Technology and Innovation The Relationship between Quality Development of the Private Sector, Management and Supply Chain Project: A Global Market Potential & ISBN 978- 974- 643- 383-9. Management: An Analysis of the Marketing Communication Road Map for Automotive Industry in Thailand a Fuel Cell Based Proprietary Generator By Assadej Vanichchinchai Company in Copenhagen 28.10 Doctoral Students' Supervisor: Dr. Barbara Igel By Saumar Jyoti Deka Supervisor: Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit Dissertation 28.11 Masters Students' Project: An Analysis of IT Consultancy & International Business Theses, Research Entry Strategy in Norwegian Market: The Case of Start-up Company Assessing the Process of Studies and Projects By Shristi Shah Organizational Change in Vietnam Supervisor: Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit Private Enterprises Research Study: Consumers’ Perceptions By Truong Thi Lan Anh of Internet Banking in Sri Lanka Project: A Management Analysis, Issues Supervisors: Dr. Sununta Siengthai / Dr. By E.A.C.P. Karunarathne and Personal Development in the Fredric W. Swierczek Supervisor: Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit Investment Divisions of the “Bank of Cyprus” Collaborative Leadership Tasks, Research Study: Does By Christos Shionis Organizational Learning Capability Internationalization Affect the Quality of Supervisor: Dr. Mark Neal and Organizational Performance in Corporate Governance?: A Study of Thai the Context of New Service Companies Project: A Report on Solar Energy: Development Process of By Kush Srivastava Marketing and Financials of a Solar Supervisor: Dr. Sundar Venkatesh Photovoltaic Power Plant Telecommunication Service Providers in Thailand By Karan Arora Research Study: Do Vertically Supervisor: Prof. Ilkka Kauranen

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Supervisor: Dr. Winai Wongsurawat Project: A Retrospective Analysis Around Project: Outcome Evaluation of an ICT the Closed-Loop Marketing and CRM- Development Project: An Empirical System of Five Prior-Merger Projects at a Investigation of the Ministry of Industry, Project: A Brand Strategy for the Technology Company Thailand Peace Tour Companies in Vietnam By Patrick Danny Roskam By Saisiri Suwunnasing Tourism Supervisor: Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai By Dang Vu Tri Dung Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Project: A SWAT Analysis of Project: Relationship Marketing in Competitiveness of Heat-Exchangers and Banking Industry: A Case Study of ANZ Project: A Business Model of Dong Coil Business Royal Bank (Cambodia) Ltd. Nai Radio & Television Station By Sanisa Sirivejayan By Long Borareaksmey By Truong Thi Hoang Mai Supervisor: Prof. John C S Tang Supervisor: Dr. Rian Beise-Zee Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang

Project: Attracting Investments in a Project: The Marketing Mix and Project: A Business Strategy for GSK Third World Country: The Case of Ethiopia Communication in the Pharmaceutical Vietnam By Anais Mangin Industry: A Case Study of Medico By Pham Thi Duyen Supervisor: Dr. Yuosre Badir Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Trading(s) PTE., Ltd., Cambodia By Hay Daranilene Project: Being a Follower in a FMCG Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas J. Dimmitt Project: A CDMA to GSM Technology Business: The Strategy of Henkel Migration Project at the HT Mobile By Ludovic De Valon International Business Communications Center Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang By Pham Thi Kieu Van Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang Research Study: Clean Development Project: Being a Project Management Mechanism in Thailand: Environment Partner for a Cost Reduction Mission Project: A Comparative Study of a Analyses and Company Cases of an Company's Financial Investment during Engineering and Implementation Emerging Industry Activities in HSX's Listed Companies - Phase By Vincent Cornu By Aldric Paul Henry Luyt Supervisor: Prof. Ilkka Kauranen Statistical Financial Figure Supervisor: Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit Perspective Research Study: Free Trade By Nguyen Anh Trung Supervisor: Dr. Sundar Venkatesh Project: Designing a Testing Tool for Agreements: Opportunities and

Marketing of the Software Testing Challenges-India-Thailand Project: Acquiring Technological Department of Patni Inc. By Deepesh Kumar Jain By A.V.K. Rama Krishna Supervisor: Prof. John C.S. Tang Capabilities in Wastewater Supervisor: Prof. Ilkka Kauranen Treatment Services for Sustainable Research Study: The Study of Development and Developing Project: Developing a Method for Organizational Citizenship Behavior Different Applications in Collecting and Analysing Data on Board (OCB) and Job Satisfaction in Thai Environmental Services Composition and Compensation Using a Retail Industry By Tran Quang Thoa Supervisor: Prof. Nazrul Islam Sample of South East Asian Companies By Wannee Saepung By Muzaffar Mirzaev Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Supervisor: Dr. Sundar Venkatesh Project: A Cross-Cutural Study of Chinese Managers and Vietnamese Project: Facilitating and Implementing Project: The Impact of Sustainable Professionals B2B Software Services in Consumer Development and Fair Trade on By Tran Thi To Uyen Goods Companies: A Case of Cognizant Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Business Environment: A Marketing Technology Solutions Limited Approach By Ajay Srivastava Project: A Development Project for a By Avinzac Lionel Supervisor: Dr. Rian Beise-Zee Supervisor: Prof. Ilkka Kauranen Retail Solution Supply Service

By Duong Thi Phuong Lien Project: Lead Generation and Nurturing Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek International Business – Management of in the Public Sector Technology By Piyush Kumar Project: A Development Strategy for

Supervisor: Dr. Rian Beise-Zee the Mekong Housing Bank Modifying the Organizational By Nguyen Hong Quan Project: Market Research and Structure and Operational Aspects of Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Internationalization of Intelligent the Maintenance Department at the Recruitment Software Ha Tien 1 Cement Joint Stock Project: A Differentiation Strategy By Jyotshna Malla Company for EVN Mobile Supervisor: Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit By Tran Quang Huy By Tran Anh Tuan Annual Report on Research 2009 | 137

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Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Enhance An Binh Securities Company Project: Attracting Foreign Direct (ABS) Project: A Marketing Development Investment to Hau Giang Province, By Trinh Mai Huong Plan for a Product and Service Vietnam Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Business of Siemens Water Le Diem Trang Technologies in Thailand Dr. Do Ba Khang Project: Corporate Communication By Thipaporn Phetchai – from Communication Facilitator to Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas J. Dimmitt Project: Brand Building in Business Enabler: A Case Study on Vietnamese State-Owned ITC Limited, India Project: Analysis and Assessment of Companies: Problems and Solutions By Riddhi Ghosh the Existing Human Resource By Ngo Phuong Lan Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas J. Dimmitt Training and Development Activity of Supervisor: Dr. Winai Wongsurawat Hatien 1 Cement J.S. Company Project: Cost Analysis for Cement Le Canh Phuc Project: Branding Strategy for Asia Production in Ha Tien 1 Dr. Sununta Siengthai Brewery Joint Stock Company By Huynh Cao Toan By Le Van Huy Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang Project: Anchor Brand Audit and Supervisor: Dr. Rian Beise-Zee Potential for Future Growth in North Project: Cross-Cultural Vietnam Project: Building Human Resource Communication Management in a By Vu Thi Tuyen for the Environmental Consultancy Multi-National Firm-Conflicts and Supervisor: Dr. Rian Beise-Zee Department of the Sonadezi Service Resolution: A Case Study of the Next Joint-Stock Company Generation Project: An Expansion Strategy for By Nguyen Ngoc Dang Khoa By Ha Thi Hang Dong Nai Port Joint-Stock Company Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas J. Dimmitt By Nguyen Ngoc Tuan Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Project: Business Plan: Growing Project: Customer Satisfaction in a Jatropha Trees for Producing and Construction Consultancy During a Project: A Sales and Marketing Commercializing Biodiesel Made High Growth Period: The Case of APA Strategy for Tan Hiep Phat Group, from Jatropha Seeds in Vietnam VE Vietnam Vietnam By Nguyen Dai My By Nguyen Phuoc Thi Tuy Ha By Tran Van Trung Supervisor: Dr. Winai Wongsurawat Supervisor: Dr. Rian Beise-Zee Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Project: Business Strategy for the Project: Customer's Buying Project: A Strategic Development Development of Vietnam Cement Behavior: A Case Study of Medical Model for the Embedded System Corporation Equipment Products in Vietnam Division of Global Cybersoft (VN), JSC By Nguyen Huu Quang By Do Thi Thanh Thuy By Ho Nguyen Dat Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Supervisor: Dr. Rian Beise-Zee Supervisor: Dr. Winai Wongsurawat Project: Capacity Analysis at the Project: DAP Fertilizer Production Project: A Strategy for the Future Interventional Cardiology Project by PVFCCO in Morocco of EVNTELECOM Department, Chao Ray Hospital By Le Hoang Anh By Dang Tung Son By Vo Thanh Nhan Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang Project: Dealing with Employee Project: Applying FMCG Distribution Project: Cash Flow Management Turnover: A Case Study of the Model into OTC Distribution System: Solution for Ha Tien 1 Cement Joint Research and Development Center A Case of Vien Dong Pharmaceutical Stock Company for Petroleum Safety and Group By Vien Vo Thanh Binh Environment By Truong Quang Ai Supervisor: Dr. Sundar Venkatesh By Do Son Huong Supervisor: Dr. Mark Neal Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Project: Communication of Bvlgari Project: A Sales Management Brand in Vietnam Market Project: Designing a Business Model Strategy for Osram Vietnam By Bui Thi Anh Thu for a Trading and Distributing By Nguyen Thi Dieu Dao Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas J. Dimmitt Company: The Case of SCT Vietnam, Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek HCMC, Vietnam Project: Competitive Strategy of By Tran Thuy Oanh Project: Assessment of the First PTSC Marine’s Fleet Supervisor: Dr. Winai Wongsurawat Nuclear Power Plant Project in By Vu Van Tuat Vietnam Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Project: Developing "A Car Care"

By Nguyen Thi Van Ly Business Model: A Case Study of Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Project: Competitive Strategy to

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ANHMINH Auto Service Center the Best Employees for Dongnai By Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen Project: Employees Satisfaction and Pedagogic College Supervisor: Dr. Rian Beise-Zee Motivation in Dotranco, Vietnam By Vo Thi Mong Thu By Nguyen Huu Hanh Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Project: Developing a Marketing Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Strategy for the New Training Project: How to Retain and Motivate Programs at Dongnai Pedagogic Project: Engaging and Retaining Talents?: A Case Study of ELCOM College Employees: The Case of By Le Thi Thu Huong By Nguyen Van Nam Vietnammobile, Hanoi Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek By Nguyen Thi Duc Van Supervisor: Dr. Willi Zimmermann Project: How to Retain and Recruit Project: Developing a New Industrial the Best Employees for Dongnai Zone in Dongnai Province: A Case Project: Enhancing the Secondary Vocational School of Study of Long Thanh Share Holding Competitiveness in HR Management Economics Company at the Success Investment Consultant By Nguyen Anh Dung By Tran Thanh Hai Construction Company (SICC) Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Supervisor: Dr. Winai Wongsurawat By Nguyen Van Hoa Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Project: Human Resource Project: Developing Development for Productivity Competitiveness and a Strategic Plan Project: Enhancing the Competitive Improvement in the Power for Expansion in the Multi-National Performance of VDC Transmission Company No.3 DPS Company By Dang Thi Thuy Binh By Ho Van Huong By Tran Nguyen Ngoc Hong Tam Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Supervisor: Dr. Mark Neal Project: Enhancing the International Project: Human Resource Project: Developing Customer Cooperation in Educational Management as a Strategic Success Feedback at Dong Nam College of Development: A Case Study of Factor: A Case Study of Amata Economics and Technology (DNC) Seameo Retrac Vietnam By Huynh Van Trong By Le Thi Hang By Nguyen Van Tuan Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas J. Dimmitt Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai

Project: Developing Environmental Project: Enhancing the Management Project: Human Resource Protection Services at the SDV of Working Capital in Dongnai Management in Nexia Acpa Shareholding Company Construction Consulting Joint-Stock By Le Minh Thang By Luong Minh Hien Company Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek By Tran Mai Huy Supervisor: Dr. Sundar Venkatesh Project: Human Resource Problems Project: Development Strategy for in Dong Nai Industrial Zones Baoviet Securities Company Project: Enhancing Work Motivation By Nguyen Tri Phuong By Hoang Cong Tuan in a Trading Organization in HCMC, Supervisor: Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit Supervisor: Dr. Sundar Venkatesh Vietnam: The Representative Office of Connell Bros. Company, Ltd. Project: Human Resources Project: Economy Downturns and (CBCVN) Development for Electricity of Middle Level Management’s By Nguyen Duy Kim Hang Vietnam (EVN) in the Transformation Responsiveness in Magnecomp Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Context Precision Technology PCL By Nguyen Van Binh By Dharma Santhosh Kumar Project: Exploring Customer Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas J. Dimmitt Satisfaction: A Case Study of Ho Chi Minh City Power Company Project: Human Resources Planning Project: Effective Marketing By Nguyen Phu Vinh in the Shipping Industry Communications to Attract More Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas J. Dimmitt By Vincent Albuquerque Tourists to Vietnam: The Case of Supervisor: Dr. Sundar Venkatesh Vietravel Company - Vietnam Project: How the Medical and By Dang Thi Diem Trang Regulatory Affairs Department can Project: Human Resources Motivation and Management System Supervisor: Dr. Winai Wongsurawat Help BSP Vietnam with the 30+ Development Project? By Nguyen Huu Minh Project: Employee Loyalty Retention By Trinh Thu Van Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas J. Dimmitt and Motivation: A Case of Bien Hoa Supervisor: Dr. Sundar Venkatesh Sugar Joint Stock Company Project: Human Resource Strategy By Trinh Thi Kim Thuan Project: How to Recruit and Retain Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai for the Cement Production Annual Report on Research 2009 | 139

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Department of the Ha Tien 1 Cement Supervisor: Dr. Rian Beise-Zee Joint Stock Company Project: Improving Foreign Direct By Nguyen Duy Khang Investments (FDI) in Tra Vinh Project: Improving the Capability of Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Province the Laboratory and Quality Control By Nguyen Ngoc Tu Department to Enhance Product Project: Human Resource Strategy of Supervisor: Prof. John C S Tang Quality at the Ha Tien 1 Cement Joint Local Incorporation in Standard Stock Company Chartered Bank Project: Improving Ha Tien 1 By Hoang Thi Minh Thuan By Banh Thu Nguyet Cement Joint Stock Company’s Supervisor: Dr. Winai Wongsurawat Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Working Conditions for Preventive High Turnover of Finance and Project: Improving the Center of Project: Implementing an Enterprise Accounting Department’s Staff Information Technology and Resource Planning (ERP) System to By Tran Thi Ly Languages at Sonadezi College Integrate Data Sources and Process Supervisor: Dr. Mark Neal By Nguyen Thi Xuan Hanh at the Hunter Douglas Vietnam Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai By Nguyen Minh Tuan Project: Improving the Human Supervisor: Dr. Winai Wongsurawat Resource Management at Sonadezi Project: Improving the College Competitiveness of Lac Hong Project: Implementing the Balanced Tran Thi Hai Anh University Scorecard for Improving Performance Dr. Sununta Siengthai By Nguyen Trung Duong at the Saigon Paper Corporation Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas J. Dimmitt By Le Hoanh Cu Project: Improving Inventory Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Management at Ho Chi Minh City Project: Improving the Distribution

Power Company Network of Construction Materials at Project: Improvement and By Nguyen Dang Viet Cuong Siam Cement Trading Company Development of Employees for Firm Supervisors: Dr. Ravi Shankar/Dr. Do Ba Khang Limited in Vietnam Business Strategy for Sonadezi Bien By Pham My Que Hoa - The Parent Company Situation Project: Improving Production Supervisor: Dr. Huynh Trung Luong and Solution Planning and Monitoring Objectives By Nguyen Thi Hong Ly and Performance by Using Enterprise Project: Improving the Effectiveness Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Resource Planning in Scancom of Cost Management and Production Vietnam Ltd. Capacity in a Furniture Manufacturer Project: Improving Competitiveness By Ho Hoang Thuy Van (Hoa Binh Company) in Strongman Co., Ltd. and Always Supervisor: Dr. Barbara Igel By Tran Thi Ngoc Anh Tu Co., Ltd. Supervisor: Dr. Sundar Venkatesh By Hsueh Yung Chih Project: Improving Project Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Performance for Corporate Project: Improving the Effectiveness Development of Bien Hoa Industrial of Sales Management in an Project: Improving Competitiveness Zone (Sonadezi) International Construction Material of Xuan Viet Company in the Tea By Vo Huynh Trung Hung Company Export Section Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang By Phan Thanh Duc By Cao Tuan Vu Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Supervisor: Prof. John C S Tang Project: Improving Quality of Finished Products: A Case Study of Project: Improving the Effectiveness Project: Improving Competitiveness Vinh Tan Quarry Department in Ha of the Marketing Department: A through Effective Human Resource Tien1 Cement Joint Stock Company Case Study of NBB Investment Joint Management Practices at By Mai Thanh Son Stock Company IMEXPHARM Supervisor: Dr. Barbara Igel By Tran Quang Trinh By Nguyen Thi Thu Hong Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Project: Improving Sales and Order

Process of Alstom Power Service in Project: Improving the Effectiveness Project: Improving Customer Service Vietnam of the Production Department: A to Maintain the Leading Position of By Pham Hung Case Study of Viet Phu Hung Hongkong Land (Hanoi) Supervisor: Prof. John C S Tang Manufacturing and Trading By Cao Thi Ly Anh Corporation Supervisor: Dr. Winai Wongsurawat Project: Improving Service Marketing By Nguyen The Hoan

of Sales and Marketing Enterprise in Supervisor: Dr. Winai Wongsurawat Project: Improving Ericsson's IT Ha Tien 1 Cement Joint Stock System Company Project: Improving the Efficient Port By Pham Hai Trieu By Le Anh Duc Operations in Dong Nai Port Joint- Supervisor: Dr. Yuosre Badir

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Stock Co. Organization: The Case of ANESVAD- By Nguyen Minh Tung By Dinh Cuong Lan Vietnam Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang Supervisor: Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit By Tran Dinh Than Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang Project: Procurement Problem Project: Improving the Healthcare Analysis and Action Plan at UNDP Technology Management System in Project: Long-Term Human Resource Vietnam Vietnam Development in CTC Company By Tran Thi Hong By Nguyen Tu Hieu By Hoang Thi Tu Anh Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Project: Project Cost Overrun at Ha Project: Improving the Official Project: Management Control Tien 1 Cement Joint Stock Company Distribution System of Holcim System of Thailand Subsidiary - By Vu Thi Phuong Thuy Vietnam THAIGIA Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang By Do Hanh Phuc By Keng Hao Hsu Supervisor: Dr. Rian Beise-Zee Supervisor: Dr. Sundar Venkatesh Project: Project Management Control of Johnson & Johnson (Thailand) Project: Improving the Operation Project: Managing an Offshore Engineering and Service of the Logistics and Outsourcing Company By Kuntorn Chaininwong Purchasing Department of the Ha By Mai Xuan Hong Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas J. Dimmitt Tien 1 Cement Joint Stock Company Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek By Nguyen Truong Thuy Linh Project: Project Management in Ha Supervisor: Dr. Winai Wongsurawat Project: Manpower Development Tien 1 Cement Joint Stock Company for the First Nuclear Power Plant in By Nguyen Quoc Thang Project: Improving the Procurement Vietnam Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang and Tender Processes: The Case By Pham Vu Toan Study of Conson Joint Operating Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Project: Project Problems in Waste Company, Vietnam Water Treatment Plant Construction By Dinh Dang Son Project: Organizational Health at a Water Environmental Supervisor: Dr. Winai Wongsurawat Improvement for Rich Field to Improvement Project, Ho Chi Minh Remain the Number one Distributor City Project: Improving the Productivity in Vietnam By Le Thanh Hao of the Production Department at By Cao Khai Tam Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang Hatay Brewery Limited Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai By Doan Thi Thu Hang Project: Quality Improvement of Supervisors: Dr. Ravi Shankar/Dr. Do Ba Khang Project: Operation Management and Retail Banking Service: A Case Study Competitiveness: An Analysis of the of the Bank for Investment and Project: Improving the Project Ho Chi Minh Infrastructure Company Development of Vietnam Supervision Department of Ha Tien By Khuong Hoang Nguyen By Nguyen Thanh Tung Cement Joint Stock Company Supervisor: Dr. Barbara Igel Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang By Tu Tuyen Pham Supervisor: Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit Project: Performance Management Project: Recruiting and Retaining for HR Operation: A Case Study of Key Staff at the Maidong Mechanical Project: Improving the Purchasing Qunimex Company Process at Ha Tien 1 Cement Joint By Le Minh Phuong By Vu Thuy Linh Stock Company Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek By Nguyen Van Chang Supervisor: Dr. Mark Neal Project: Performance Management Project: Reorganization and a New in the Organization of Scancom Business Model for Bangkok Project: Improving the Retention Vietnam Fastening Company Limited System in Hugamex Company, Ho Chi By Nguyen Trung Nghia By Sutep Kongtoranin Minh City Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas J. Dimmitt By Tran Thien An Hoa Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Project: Performance Management Project: Reorganizing Sonadezi Practices and Employee Retention at Construction Company Project: Increasing Employee Archetype: A Strategic Perspective By Tran Anh Dung Satisfaction at Seabank By Pham Kim Em Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek By Tran Thi Thuy Chi Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Project: Restructuring the Project: Problem Analysis of the Construction Teams of the Dongnai Project: Intervention Strategy Office Building Project at the Ho Chi Civil-Industrial Construction Joint- Development for a Non-Profit Minh City Power Company Stock Company No. 1 Annual Report on Research 2009 | 141

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By Bi Long Son Equipment Company Management of Technology Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai By Nguyen Phu An

Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Digital Divide: The Case of Internet Project: Retaining and Motivating Usage in Thailand Talents at the HiPT Group Project: Strengthening Governance in By Thitiya Kiatrabile By Pham Thi Thanh Thuy a World Bank-Funded Road Network Supervisor: Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Improvement and Third Rural

Transport Projects in Vietnam Project: Retention Issues at LSPACK By Nguyen Bich Thuy Research Study: Export Credit Agency Company, Ltd. Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang in the Market for Lemons: The Case By Do Thi Khac Binh of Export-Import Bank of Thailand Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Project: Sustaining a Performance By Pachaneeya Chongsatja Culture at Holcim, Vietnam Supervisor: Dr. Sundar Venkatesh Project: Retention Issues at Plan in By Cao Thi Anh Hoa Vietnam Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Research Study: Managing By Nguyen Hoang Minh Unprofitable Customers: A Cross- Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Project: Talent Management - Cultural Study of Various Designing & Implementing: A Case Disengagement Options Project: Service Development in the Study of PetroVietnam Exploration Pink Dream Children's House By Amin Nazifi Production Corporation (PVEP) Supervisor: Dr. Rian Beise-Zee By Nguyen Viet Dai By Nguyen Kien Supervisor: Dr. Fredric W. Swierczek Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai

Project: Excel-Based Program for Project: Service Operations Project: The Influence of Buying Portfolio Optimization: A Management at the Niit Binh Thanh Center Patterns on the Procurement Pedagogical Tool Center of Data Communication Services by By Tran Thi Minh Huong By Chatchai Limsangkomlert Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Government Agencies Supervisor: Dr. Sundar Venkatesh By Areewan Boonglam Supervisor: Dr. Rian Beise-Zee Project: Motivational Factors Among Project: Standardizing the Thai Employees in Service Industries Management Accounting System in Project: The Management and Ha Tien 1 Cement Joint Stock By Ruchika Nalinvilawan Implementation of O.D.A. Projects Supervisor: Dr. Winai Wongsurawat Company Financed by WB & AFD at the By Vy Thuy Van Supervisor: Dr. Sundar Venkatesh Electricity of Vietnam Project: Strategic Opportunities for By Nguyen Thi Thuy Hoa New Businesses in the Mobile Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang Telephone Market of India Project: Strategic Human Resources Management for By Bandita Deka Project: Training and Development in Supervisor: Prof. Ilkka Kauranen Competitiveness of Bienhoa Ho Chi Minh City Power Company: Industrial Zone (Sonadezi) Electricity of Vietnam Project: The Impact of the Institute of By Nguyen Long Bon By Ngo Quang Phuoc Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Deposit Protection Act to the Net Supervisor: Dr. Sununta Siengthai Assets Value of Banks: The Case

Project: Strategic Management for Study of Bangkok Bank Project: World Bank-Funded Projects the Netherlands Red Cross in By Ketwadee Bannakom in the Health Sector of Vietnam: Supervisor: Dr. Winai Wongsurawat Vietnam Performance, Outstanding Problems, By Tran Tu Anh Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang and Recommendations for Improvement Project: Strategy Development of an By Nguyen Quynh Nga Supervisor: Dr. Do Ba Khang Advanced Industry and Education

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29.1 Introduction 29.3 Unit Governance

AIT Extension is responsible for non- degree programs at AIT. As the continuing professional development and short-course training arm of the institute, we identify and respond to opportunities in the region for continuing professional education, short-course training and 29.4 Courses and Services usually start with the clients’ own consultancy services, and in this way terms of reference, to which AIT contribute to the realization of AIT’s AIT Extension offers courses in the mission to develop highly qualified and Extension responds. Meetings are following specializations: committed professionals who play a scheduled with the client to discuss leading role in the sustainable all aspects of the required training, • Agriculture and Food Processing and to ensure that the client’s needs development of the region and its • Environment and Natural Resources integration into the global economy. are met. Management

• Education and Training Development Exposure Visit Programs We work with professionals in national • Poverty Reduction and Livelihoods governments, overseas development Development agencies, multilateral agencies, Many professionals are interested in • Business Performance, Management development institutions, private sector, field visits to observe best practices and Strategy in their field. Exposure visits are development banks, consultants and • Development Effectiveness NGOs. designed to provide senior • Public Sector Services and government officials and decision

Management makers with opportunities to visit AIT Extension’s operating programs are: • Private Sector Development and observe current technology and

• Information and Communication practices in their fields, to exchange Agriculture, Resources and Technologies information, to exchange Environment • Information and Communication experiences with local counterparts, Education and Training Development Management project personnel and beneficiaries Public Sector Capacity Building • Infrastructure Development and on development and management of Development Management Public Utility Management similar projects, and to exchange Information Technology and views with participants from other Engineering Most international training courses countries. At the end of each usually last from one to three weeks. program, a seminar is conducted at 29.2 Mission AIT to enable participants to reflect Customized Courses on what has been learned and what

can be adapted to their own To identify and respond to regional AIT Extension specializes in development contexts. opportunities for continuing education, designing, developing and training and consultancy, and thus help implementing short courses to the Thailand provides numerous to realize AIT’s mission to develop highly specifications of particular client examples of best practice in a wide qualified and committed professionals organizations. Every organization diversity of fields. AIT Extension is who will play a leading role in the with which we work is unique, and also experienced in organizing sustainable development of the region change interventions required by our exposure visit programs to many and its integration into the global clients are most usually specific to countries in the region, with recent economy. that organization. Wherever experience in Vietnam, Laos, required, therefore, we work closely Malaysia, Korea, Philippines, with our clients to develop unique Indonesia, Singapore and the UK. training solutions that meet their specific needs. This process will

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Consulting Services resource persons and actively engage in 29.7 Grants and Sponsored the learning process. AIT Extension professional staff offer Trainings Completed a wide range of technical assistance Participants benefit from close personal in 2009 and consulting services. These attention by AIT Extension staff. Our include: typical training course provides five to six 10th Fredskorpset Preparatory Course in hours of workshop sessions every Asia • Human Resource Development: weekday, with extensive social and Duration 1-Oct-08 - 18-Jan-09 Development of human cultural trips organized at the weekends Project Investigator Reynaldo Calabdan, resource development (HRD) in courses of two weeks or longer. Warindhorn Wachirasiri Sponsor Fredskorpset, Norway programs and projects; Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,154,524 assessment of training needs in ICTs relevant and appropriate to every organizations; evaluation of group of participants are incorporated 11th Fredskorpset Preperatory Course in training courses, projects or into the course design. Asia plans; review and evaluation of Feedback from participants in one course Duration 23-Mar-09 - 30-Sep-09 the management and operation is a critical input to subsequent courses. Project Investigator Reynaldo Calabdon of training centers; management All our training courses are undertaken Sponsor Fredskorpset, Norway Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,681,086 and implementation of training with the aim of continuous quality development projects. improvement. 2nd Certificate Course in Management • Educational Development: Consulting Essentials Curriculum design and All AIT Extension activities take Duration 19-Jan-09 - 30-May-09 development; evaluation of advantage of AIT’s stimulating academic Project Investigator Voravate Chonlasin educational programs and and social environment, and the Sponsor CMCE Participants projects; management and Institute’s multicultural English-speaking Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,113,875

implementation of educational academic community. Advanced Strategies in Public development projects; report writing and documentation. Procurement 29.6 Training Resources Duration 9-Mar-09 - 30-Sep-09 • Information Technology: Project Investigator Upul Kaluhetti Bramahnage Strategic information AIT Extension has a wide pool of Sponsor SHEP Afganisthan Total Contracted Amount (THB) 691,200 technology planning; academic and professional Resource

information system analysis and Persons drawn from AIT’s schools, and design; IT project management. AIT-NCED Instituional AIT-RFLDC First from leading international and local regional exposure visit program on organization in the region. Agribusiness development and 29.5 Learning Approach management Its professional staffs are specialists in Duration 5-Nov-08 - 26-Aug-09 Our teaching and learning approach is to human resources development, Project Investigator Mr Wichit Silpamaneephan curriculum planning, instructional system Sponsor GOB DANIDA & Indoneasia Govt apply best practices in training, based on design, information technology Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,855,498 established principles of adult learning. application development and other Arbitration Adjudication and Contract Training strategies that we use are specific technological areas. Management consistent with the principles of adult Duration 1-Dec-08 - 30-Apr-09 learning: peer learning, reflective It has state-of-the- art educational and Project Investigator Voravate Chonlasin thinking, problem-based learning, information technologies incorporated Sponsor NECORD into all training facilities on campus. Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,073,093 participatory learning and experiential learning. We aim to maximize learning by Presenting a serene and relaxing Central Bank Regulation and Supervision mixing these approaches appropriate to environment for study AIT’s campus Duration 30-Mar-09 - 02-Jul-09 each learning context. Project Investigator Upul Kaluhetti Bramahnage show cases hotel and student dormitory Sponsor Nepal Rastra Bank Methods used include short accommodation, a medical clinic, an Total Contracted Amount (THB) 714,000 presentations, group discussions, case international cafeteria, several restaurants and sports facilities including Conflict Resolution and Peace Building studies, workshops, individual exercises, tennis and squash courts, a golf course Duration 6-Jul-09 - 31-Oct-09 simulation, role-plays, project work, peer and a swimming pool. Project Investigator Bahul Raj Shrestha learning and exposure visits. Training Sponsor MOPR Nepal sessions are designed to allow Total Contracted Amount (THB) 452,250 participants the scope to interact with

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Construction Management Effective implementation of e Financial Management Accounting and Duration 17-Aug-09 - 03-Dec-09 Governnence Audit Project Investigator Wichit Silpamaneephan Duration 2-Mar-09 - 06-Nov-09 Duration 7-Sep-09 - 17-Dec-09 Sponsor PRMP,Pakistan Project Investigator Thaniya Jirasathitpornpong Project Investigator Upul Kaluhetti Bramahnage Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,104,344 Sponsor Government of India Sponsor MOE Sri Lanka Total Contracted Amount (THB) 608,100 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,267,200 Construction Management using IT Duration 1-Dec-08 - 31-Mar-09 Effective implementation of programs Financial Management Auditing and Project Investigator Ms Thaniya Jirasathitpornpong for NTC Accounting in Central Bank Sponsor LGED Bangladesh Duration 26-Jul-09 - 04-Aug-09 Duration 25-May-09 - 25-Aug-09 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 829,480 Project Investigator Rowena C Alcoba Project Investigator Upul Kaluhetti Bramahnage Sponsor NTC Sponsor Nepal Rastra Bank Costing in an Electric Utility Total Contracted Amount (THB) 602,000 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 714,000 Duration 27-Apr-09 - 30-Jul-09 Project Investigator Rowena C Alcoba Effective measures for Energy Financial management Batch I Sponsor Nepal Electricity Authority, Nepal Duration 15-Jun-09 - 21-Sep-09 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 726,600 Conservation Project Investigator Phyu sin Duration 24-Aug-09 - 30-Nov-09 Project Investigator Worawan Sumroetrum Sponsor TTT Course on project Accounting and the Sponsor AOTS EBARA Total Contracted Amount (THB) 405,600 Development of School and Provincial Total Contracted Amount (THB) 321,600 Accounting Financial Management Planning and Duration 27-Sep-08 - 31-Jan-09 Effective Regulation of Infrastructure Projection Project Investigator Thaniya Jirasathitpornpong Utilities Duration 15-Jun-09 - 24-Sep-09 Sponsor SEMPII/Sri Lanka Duration 20-Jul-09 - 29-Oct-09 Project Investigator Phyu sin Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,060,620 Project Investigator Upul Kaluhetti Bramahnage Sponsor Government of Bangladesh Sponsor Nigerean Electricity Regulatory Commision Total Contracted Amount (THB) 984,600 CSR Asia Summit 2008 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 962,000 Duration 2-Nov-08 - 04-Feb-09 Financial Management, Accounting, Project Investigator Mr Voravate Enabling Effective District Leadership for Planning and Projections Sponsor CSR Asia Particpants & Sponsors Duration 26-Oct-09 - 04-Feb-09 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,718,550 Reproductive health in Pakistan Project Investigator Upul Kaluhetti Bramahnage Duration 19-Jul-09 - 23-Oct-09 Project Investigator Worawan Sumroetrum Sponsor Govt of Sri Lanka Design and development of Instruction Sponsor LEAD Pakistan Total Contracted Amount (THB) 720,200 materials using Desktop and Multimedia Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,205,341 tools General / Office Management Skills Duration 13-Jul-09 - 30-Dec-09 Facilitation of ICT applications in using IT Applications Project Investigator Thaniya Jirasathitpornpong Computer Learning centers Duration 30-Aug-09 - 11-Dec-09 Sponsor SIDA/SAREC Duration 3-Aug-09 - 12-Nov-09 Project Investigator Augus S Prajogo Total Contracted Amount (THB) 245,391 Project Investigator Reynaldo,Warindhorn Sponsor Multi donors Sponsor SEMP Sri Lanka Total Contracted Amount (THB) 478,750 Education Policy Planning and Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,802,340 Implementation General Banking and Management of Duration 16-Feb-09 - 29-May-09 Facilitation of School based assesment Central Banks Project Investigator Kanlaya Muangsan Implementation Duration 8-Jun-09 - 10-Sep-09 Sponsor National Education Commision Sri Lanka Duration 20-Jul-09 - 29-Oct-09 Project Investigator Phyu sin Total Contracted Amount (THB) 306,000 Project Investigator Kanlaya Muangsan Sponsor Nepal Rastra Bank Sponsor SEMP Sri Lanka Total Contracted Amount (THB) 743,400 Education Strategic planning Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,738,800 Duration 24-Nov-08 - 31-Jan-09 Geo Technical and Landslide Project Investigator Mr Upul Kaluhetti Brahmanage Finance and Performance Management Investigation for Highway Projects Sponsor MOE Sri Lanka Duration 9-Mar-09 - 18-Jun-09 Duration 30-Mar-09 - 07-Sep-09 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,872,500 Project Investigator Upul Kaluhetti Bramahnage Project Investigator Wichit Silpamaneephan Sponsor SHEP Afgan,Govt of Sri Lanka,Bdesh,and Sponsor Department of Road Nepal Effective educational Management and Nepal Total Contracted Amount (THB) 988,500 Leadership Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,275,000 Duration 29-Jun-09 - 01-Oct-09 Hospital Management Tertiary care Project Investigator Warindhorn Srina Finance and Performance Management Duration 11-May-09 - 30-Sep-09 Sponsor NCED ,Nepal Batch II Project Investigator Voravate Chonlasin Total Contracted Amount (THB) 477,360 Duration 26-Jul-09 - 04-Aug-09 Sponsor PRMP,Pakistan Project Investigator Rowena C Alcoba Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,081,500 Sponsor TTT Total Contracted Amount (THB) 405,600

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Human Resources Management Laboratory Procedures for agricultural Planning and Budgeting Practises in Duration 11-May-09 - 13-Aug-09 Sciences Thailand Project Investigator Phu Sin Duration 2-Mar-09 - 18-Jun-09 Duration 15-Dec-08 - 31-Mar-09 Sponsor Nepal Rastra Bank Project Investigator Khin Ma Gyi Project Investigator Voravate Chonlasin Total Contracted Amount (THB) 775,600 Sponsor USAID Sponsor BAPPENAS Total Contracted Amount (THB) 892,500 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 412,500 ICT Applications in Schools and Community Local Curriculam planning and PRMP:2nd Course on Contract Duration 17-Aug-09 - 12-Nov-09 Management Administration and Alternative dispute Project Investigator Reynaldo Calabdan,Warindhorn Duration 8-Dec-08 - 21-Mar-09 resolution Srina Project Investigator Ms Kanlaya Muangsan Duration 7-Sep-09 - 13-Dec-09 Sponsor SEMP Sri Lanka Sponsor ESAT-DANIDA,Nepal Project Investigator Voravate Chonlasin Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,802,340 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 918,720 Sponsor PRMP,Pakistan Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,013,375 ICT Applications in Training Center Management and Implementation of Duration 19-Jan-09 - 31-Mar-09 Selective ERP Applications PRMP:Contract Administration and Project Investigator Augus S Prajogo Duration 8-May-09 - 23-Aug-09 Sponsor NCED Alternative dispute resolution Project Investigator Augus S Prajogo Total Contracted Amount (THB) 850,612 Duration 4-May-09 - 30-Sep-09 Sponsor Bank of Bangladesh Project Investigator Voravate Chonlasin Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,746,600 Sponsor PRMP,Pakistan Implementing Selective ERP Applications Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,484,313 and Management MATT-2:2nd Regional Exposure Visit Duration 1-Mar-09 - 30-Sep-09 Program(Batch 15th) Project Management Project Investigator Augus S Prajogo Duration 25-Jan-09 - 31-May-09 Duration 11-May-09 - 27-Aug-09 Sponsor Bangladesh Central Bank Project Investigator Voravate Chonlasin Project Investigator Rowena C Alcoba Total Contracted Amount (THB) 973,500 Sponsor DFID Sponsor UNICEF/MRRD,CIDA,World Bank Total Contracted Amount (THB) 5,400,314 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,477,200 In Country Training: Seminar on Leadership and Work Ethics MATT-2:2nd Regional Exposure Visit Project Monitoring and evaluation Duration 3-Mar-09 - 04-Mar-09 Program(Batch 19th) Duration 24-Nov-08 - 30-Sep-09 Project Investigator Bahul Raj Shrestha Duration 23-Aug-09 - 04-Dec-09 Project Investigator Ms Worawan Sumroetrum Sponsor Government of Maldives Project Investigator Voravate Chonlasin Sponsor UNDP BD Total Contracted Amount (THB) 272,000 Sponsor DFID Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,465,094 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 5,559,945 Irrigation System Management Quality assurance in Education Duration 25-May-09 - 03-Sep-09 Municipal Administrative systems and Duration 20-Apr-09 - 30-Jul-09 Project Investigator Wichit Silpamaneephan Application of ICT Project Investigator Parichard Nuntavong Sponsor Government of Punjab,Pakistan Sponsor Ministry of Education Sri Lanka Duration 14-Jun-09 - 21-Sep-09 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,087,983 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,172,500 Project Investigator Thaniya Jirasathitpornpong Sponsor World Bank IT Applications in Management Total Contracted Amount (THB) 701,000 School/Training, Curriculum Duration 15-Dec-08 - 28-Feb-09 Development and use of Technology Project Investigator Ms Thaniya Jirasathitpornpong Duration 1-Jun-09 - 27-Aug-09 Sponsor Multi donors Municipality Administrative Systems Project Investigator Reynaldo Calabdon,Kanlaya Total Contracted Amount (THB) 702,900 and Applications of ICT (Batch II)” Muangsan Duration 16-Aug-09 - 31-Dec-09 Sponsor NCED, Nepal Project Investigator Thaniya Jirasathitpornpong IT Applications in Project Management Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,209,375 Sponsor LGED Bangladesh Duration 1-Sep-08 - 31-Jan-09 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 759,000 Project Investigator Thaniya Jirasathitpornpong Seminar and Study Visit on Urban Sponsor Multi-donors Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,022,474.00 Network Security Poverty Alleviation Duration 8-Mar-09 - 19-Jun-09 Duration 23-Mar-09 - 30-Jun-09 Project Investigator Voravate Chonlasin IT Applications in Project Management Project Investigator Augus S Prajogo Sponsor DFID Sponsor GTZ Nepal Duration 2-Mar-09 - 18-Jun-09 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 961,800 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 750,400 Project Investigator Thaniya Jirasathitpornpong Sponsor Government of India Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,267,800 Operation and Management of Science Seminar and Study Visit Program on Laboratory Wildlife Protected Area Management IT Network Security Duration 1-Dec-08 - 30-Apr-09 Duration 29-Sep-08 - 12-Jan-09 Project Investigator Sirinthip Pongsuvinai Duration 6-Jul-09 - 22-Oct-09 Project Investigator Voravate Chonlasin Sponsor Department of Wildlife Conservation, Sri Project Investigator Augus S Prajogo Sponsor Government of Sri Lanka Lanka Sponsor Ministry of finance and planning and Total Contracted Amount (THB) 695,838 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,386,832.00 Ministry of education Sri Lanka Total Contracted Amount (THB) 319,200

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Solid and Clinical Waste Management Trends in Teaching and Learning in the Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,730,000 Duration 4-May-09 - 30-Sep-09 21st Century Schools ( Batch 5) Project Investigator Khin Ma Gyi Duration 2-Feb-09 - 08-May-09 Design and development of Instructional Sponsor ADB Project Investigator Warindhorn Wachirasri materials using Desktop, Web and Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,053,705 Sponsor Rex Publishing Phillipines Multimedia tools Total Contracted Amount (THB) 625,175 Duration 2-Nov-09 - 31-Jan-10 Sri Lanka Educators Programme on Project Investigator Thaniya Jirasathitpornpong education for social cohesion and peace UNDP - LOGOTRI Capacity Building Sponsor Multi donors Duration 10-Nov-08 - 31-Jan-09 program in Thailand Total Contracted Amount (THB) 537,900 Project Investigator Mr Raynaldo Duration 5-Jul-09 - 15-Oct-09 Sponsor GTZ Srilanka Project Investigator Parichard Nantavong Education Planning Budgeting and Total Contracted Amount (THB) 868,750 Sponsor UNDP Afghanistan Monitoring Total Contracted Amount (THB) 837,492 Duration 23-Nov-09 - 04-Mar-10 Study Visit Program on IT Application in Project Investigator Upul Kaluhetti Bramahnage Project management University Management and Sponsor MOE Sri Lanka Duration 6-Aug-09 - 14-Nov-09 Administartion (Batch 2) Total Contracted Amount (THB) 759,000 Project Investigator Augus S Prajogo Duration 19-Jan-09 - 28-Apr-09 Sponsor LGED Bangladesh Project Investigator Kanlaya Muangsan Hospital management in Tertiary Health Total Contracted Amount (THB) 905,812 Sponsor University of Balochistan, Pakistan Care Batch 2 & 3) Total Contracted Amount (THB) 933,636 Duration 28-Sep-09 - 20-Feb-10 System Management and Capacity Project Investigator Voravate Chonlasin Improvement of Technical Education Vocational Training Rural Poverty Sponsor PRMP,Pakistan Batch II Reduction Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,716,000 Duration 24-Nov-08 - 27-Feb-09 Duration 30-Mar-09 - 02-Jul-09 Project Investigator Ms Kanlaya Muangsan Project Investigator Worawan Sumroentrum Human Resource Management Sponsor NPIU Govt of Nepal Sponsor Thua Thien Hue Rural Development Duration 7-Dec-09 - 11-Mar-10 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 544,170 Program Vietnam Project Investigator Phyu sin Total Contracted Amount (THB) 524,996 Sponsor Nepal Telecom, NTC Team Building and Management Total Contracted Amount (THB) 544,500 Duration 8-Jun-09 - 30-Sep-09 WebPage Development and Deployment Project Investigator Upul Kaluhetti Bramahnage Duration 23-Mar-08 - 31-Jan-09 IT Network Security Sponsor ADB (DDC Bangladesh) Project Investigator Thaniya Jirasathitpornpong Duration 5-Oct-09 - 21-Jan-10 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 826,000 Sponsor SIDA/SAREC Project Investigator Augus S Prajogo Total Contracted Amount (THB) 360,015.00 Sponsor Bangladesh Bank Training for engineering Technicians Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,166,320 Duration 17-Mar-09 - 19-Jun-09 Zoo Management Project Investigator Khin Ma Gyi Duration 26-Oct-09 - 04-Feb-09 Leading Change and Organizational Sponsor MNIT Jaipur India Project Investigator Worawan Sumroetrum Renewal Total Contracted Amount (THB) 489,100 Sponsor PRMP,Pakistan Duration 2-Nov-09 - 04-Feb-10 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,476,375 Project Investigator Rowena C Alcoba Training of Trainers for Aquacultural Sponsor Bangladesh Bank,PIM,and University of Development Kelanlya Duration 23-Mar-09 - 30-Jun-09 29.8 On-going Grant and Total Contracted Amount (THB) 544,375 Project Investigator Khin Ma Gyi Sponsored Trainings Sponsor DANIDA MATT-2:3rd Regional Exposure visit

Total Contracted Amount (THB) 787,000 Program (Batch 21) Advance Competencies for Trainers Duration 29-Nov-09 - 11-Mar-10 Training Program on Toxic and (Training) Project Investigator Voravate Chonlasin Hazardous Waste Management Duration 9-Nov-09 - 25-Feb-10 Sponsor DFID Project Investigator Kanlaya Muangsan Duration 20-Oct-08 - 30-Aug-09 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 5,057,920 Sponsor Govt of India & PRMP Pakistan Project Investigator Sirinthip Pongsuvinai Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,038,464 Sponsor University of Balochistan, Pakistan Monitoring and Evaluation of Total Contracted Amount (THB) 646,800 AIT- NCED Institutional Linkage for Infrastructure development Project Duration 28-Sep-09 - 07-Jan-10 Trends in Teaching and Learning in the Capacity building program Project Investigator WorawanSumroetrum 21st Century Schools ( Batch 4) Duration 12-Dec-09 - 24-Mar-10 Sponsor PRMP,Pakistan Project Investigator Kanlaya Muangsan Duration 1-Dec-08 - 31-Mar-09 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,193,016 Sponsor ESAT-DANIDA,Nepal Project Investigator Ms Warindhorn Srina Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,035,200 Sponsor Rex Publishing Phillipines Prawn Hatchery Operations and Total Contracted Amount (THB) 339,185 AIT-NCED Instituional Linkage for Management Duration 4-Oct-09 - 30-Apr-10 Capacity building program Project Investigator Wichit Silpamaneephan Duration 1-Aug-08 - 31-Mar-10 Sponsor DoF DANIDA Bangladesh Project Investigator Mr Raynaldo Total Contracted Amount (THB) 883,476 Sponsor ESAT DANIDA Nepal Annual Report on Research 2009 | 147

AIT Extension

Professional Training Course on Training Sustainable Urban Poverty Reduction for Trainers” sponsored by Government Project Management of India Duration 21-Dec-09 - 29-Mar-10 Duration 9-Nov-09 - 12-Feb-10 Project Investigator Worawan Sumroetrum Project Investigator Warindhorn Srina Sponsor UNDP Bangladesh Sponsor Government of India Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,349,681 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 962,400

Project Planning and Quality Assurance Duration 23-Nov-09 - 25-Feb-10 Project Investigator Phyu sin Sponsor Nepal Telecom Total Contracted Amount (THB) 544,500

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30.1 Introduction Retreat meeting at AIT in year 2000. Distance Education and E-Education Several leading research institutions in Platform VClass Continual expansion of the Internet is Asia-Pacific, Europe and the US have creating greater demand for well-trained indicated their interests in forming up a VClass open source consortium network of support for the intERLab VClass trainings for AIT faculty human resources to support the research, training and education. The and staff infrastructures and applications of the Internet. New computer science and main idea is to work together with VClass hosting service and engineering solutions are needed to partners on training and workshops in technical support simply handle the exponential growth in order to produce network engineers for ASEAN Virtual Institute of the traffic and bandwidth usage which is the stable deployment of the Internet. It Science and Technology putting severe strain on the Internet was also encouraged that the intERLab (AVIST) hosting develops its own expertise by doing its Custom courseware today. There is urgent need for a new own research and eventually become development; breed of engineers and technologists to one of the leading Internet research E-learning consultancy; respond to the growing demand from this rapid expansion with endless range centers in the region. Instructional design consultancy; of new applications. Custom course design The core component of the laboratory CanalAVIST streaming VDO over As the Internet continues to penetrate will be on research activities. This will be Trans-Eurasia Information every corner of society and of the achieved by maintaining excellent Network (TEIN) research facilities and staff, hosting economy, there are other non-technical visiting researchers and taking advantage Research issues to be addressed along with the advancement of technological progress. of linkages with research laboratories There is a definite need for better worldwide. The lab was built upon pre- Streaming Technology on the understanding of the Internet’s social, existing Internetworking Research Internet business, economic as well as legal Laboratory of the School of Advanced implications in order to promote the Technologies and the Distributed DVRelay for streaming high Education Center. quality Video (DV format) standards of behaviour and practices for over heterogeneous the community that are appropriate to network continued growth and beneficial use of 30.2 Mission the Internet. Overlay network for streaming

content delivery To become one of the leading Internet The intERLab was established in regional centers of excellence; December 2003 as a fixed regional center Computer Network Research establishing intERLab/AIT name, as one for Internet infrastructure capacity of the leading Internet infrastructure Wireless Internet as information building, where AIT based on its human HRD centers in the Asia-Pacific region; infrastructure for rural Asia and institutional networks, could play a launching our research products at the very significant role for the region. Many Digital Ubiquitous Mobile regional and international level; and Internet organizations such as the Broadband OLSR emergency developing a regular degree program network project Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC) under SET. funded by NSF, the Asia-Pacific Network Multimedia communication over heterogeneous network Information Centre (APNIC) and the Asia-

Pacific Advanced Network (APAN) as well 30.3 Unit Governance Training and Internet Information as many Internet business organizations provided strong support for the intERLab Center Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut establishment. IntERLab Director Trainings for Network Infrastructure The concept of establishing a fixed Engineers (7~8 courses per year) location for the internet human 30.4 Resources Human Resource Development for resources development has been Trans-Eurasia Information Network discussed and endorsed by leading Asia- Education Pacific Internet organizations at their AP* Annual Report on Research 2009| 149

Internet Education & Research Laboratory (intERLab)

Secretariats for AP* Retreat and Asia Science, MIT, USA B.S.E. in Electrical Computer Science Engineering, Pacific Networking Group Engineering, Princeton University, Norwich University, Northfield, (APNG) organizations USA Vermont, U.S.A. Assistant Professor School of Research Scientist Engineering and Technology Chulachomklao Royal Military 30.5 Faculty and Research [Areas of Communication Academy [Low-resolution (NOAA Staff Theory; Optical networks; AVHRR) forest classification Resource Allocation Problems includes thermal band; Faculty and Array Processing] Highresolution (Landsat TM) forest classification includes KANCHANA KANCHANASUT, M.Sc TEERAPAT SANGUANKOTCHAKORN, thermal band; Multiresolution and Ph. D. Computer Science, D.Eng in Information Processing, forest classification includes University of Melbourne, Australia. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. thermal band; Object-Oriented Graduate Diploma in Computer M.Eng in Information Processing, data model for multi-resolution / Science, University of Queensland, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. multitemporal remote sensing Australia. B. Sc. Mathematics, Certificate in Japanese Language, and GIS data sets] University of Queensland, Australia. Osaka University of Foreign Study, Professor of Computer Science, Japan. B.Eng. in Electrical Short-term Visiting Researcher School of Engineering and Engineering, Chulalongkorn Technology and Director of University, Thailand. ANIS LAOUTI, HIPERCOM/INRIA and intERLab. [Internet for Associate Professor School of Assistant Professor, TelecomSud, education; Heterogeneous Engineering and Technology France Networks; Emergency Networks; [Digital Signal Processing; [Mobile Ad Hoc Network, Peer- Mobile Ad Hoc Networks; Routing Algorithm in the to-Peer system] Streaming Media and network such as IP and MPLS Distributed Computing] network; High Speed network HAJIME TAZAKI, Jun Murai and IP-based multimedia Laboratory Keio University and WIDE Visiting Faculty applications] Project [IP routing architecture for NOEL CRESPI, GET/INT, France; Ing. Adjunct Researchers mobility environment: IP Dipl (ENST), MSc, PhD. Mobility architecture] Visiting Professor. [SIP; 3G PANITA PONGPAIBOON, Ph.D. in Services; IP Multimedia Electrical and Computer Engineering, Research Staff Subsystem And Context Carnegie Mellon University Master Awareness B3G Core network of Science in Electrical Engineering, KHANDAKAR RASHEDUL AREFIN, and Service Architectures] Stanford University Bachelor of Master of Engineering in Information Science (with University Distinction) and Communication Technologies YASUO TSUCHIMOTO, Keio in Electrical Engineering, Stanford (ICT), Asian Institute of Technology, University, Japan, PhD in Media and University Thailand, Bachelor of Engineering in Governance, Keio University, Japan Researcher National Electronics Computer Science and Engineering, Master of Media and Governance, and Computer Technology Khulna University of Engineering and Keio University, Japan Bachelor of Center (NECTEC) [Optical Technology, Khulna, Bangladesh. Arts in Environmental Information network management; IP- Research Associate [Mobile Ad from Keio University, Japan overoptical networking; Hoc Network] Visiting Assistant Professor. Survivable and fault-tolerant [Computer Networks; Internet networks; Network PUJAN SRIVASTAVA, Master of Education; Multimedia measurement; Traffic Technology (Information communication and Overlay classification; IPv6; Mobile IP Technology), Indian Institute of network Adjunct Researchers] and Intelligent transport system] Information Technology, Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics & Affiliates SURAT LERTLUM, Doctor of Technical Communication) Agra University Science in Computer Science, Asian Research Associate [M-learning, POOMPAT SAENGUDOMLERT, Ph.D. Institute of Technology (AIT), Multimedia Communication] in Electrical Engineering and Thailand, Master of Science in Computer Science, MIT, USA M.S. in Computer Science, The George Electrical Engineering and Computer Washington University, Washington D.C., U.S.A., Bachelor of Science in

150 | Annual Report on Research 2009

AIT – Vietnam

30.6 Grants and Sponsored Multicast Workshop Epidemic Protocol for Car Talk Research Completed in Duration 1-Oct-08 - 30-Nov-09 Duration 1-Aug-09 - 01-Sep-10 Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut, Wit Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut 2009 Hmone Tin Latt Sponsor National Electronics and Computer Sponsor Training participants Technology Center, Thailand Advance Routing: BGP Multihoming Total Contracted Amount (THB) 300,000 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,970,000 workshop Duration 1-Jul-09 - 30-Nov-09 Technical Support for National IT Training for National University of Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut University of Laos Laos (NUOL) Sponsors Multi donors Duration 1-Jun-07 - 31-May-09 Duration 1-Jun-07 - 31-Dec-10 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 400,000 Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut Sponsor Swedish International Development Sponsor Swedish International Development Asia Pacific Networking Group (APNG) Agency Agency Secretariat Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,507,358 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 3,063,745 Duration 1-Nov-08 - 31-Dec-09 Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut, Wit TEIN3 HRD Programme for 2009 The TEIN 3 Human Resource Program for Hmone Tin Latt Duration 1-Dec-08 - 01-Dec-09 2010 Sponsor Asia Pacific Networking Group Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut Duration 1-Dec-09 - 01-Dec-10 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 500,000 Sponsor TEIN3 Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,500,000 Sponsors Multi donors Asian Internet Engineering Conference Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,000,000 2008 Duration 1-Jul-08 - 31-Mar-09 30.7 On-going Grants and UniChannel: Distance Education Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut Sponsored Research Infrastructure on UniNet Sponsors Multi donors Duration 1-Aug-08 - 30-Jun-10 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 900,000 Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut Asian Internet engineering Conference Sponsors Researchers/engineers DNSSEC Hands on Workshop 2009 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,000,000 Duration 1-Jan-09 - 30-Sep-09 Duration 1-Jul-09 - 31-Mar-10 Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut Wireless Internet :Emergency Networks Sponsor Multi donors Sponsors Various Workshop Total Contracted Amount (THB) 600,000 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,000,000 Duration 1-Sep-09 - 31-Jan-10

Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut ICT Policy foR National University of Asian Internet Engineering Conference Sponsors RISTEK, NECTEC, ISOC, NSRC, and Network Laos 2010 the World.Org Duration 30-Jun-07 - 31-Dec-09 Duration 15-Dec-09 - 15-Mar-11 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 750,000 Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut, Wit Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut Hmone Tin Latt Sponsors Multi donors Total Contracted Amount (THB) 900,000 Sponsor Swedish International Development Agency Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,201,308 CanalAVIST (Initial Phase) Duration 1-Dec-07 - 31-Dec-10 Interconnectivity between Mobile Ad Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut Hoc and Fixed Infrastructure Netwroks Sponsor DANTE Total Contracted Amount (THB) 729,440 for Multimedia Disaster Emergency

Communications Development of Emergency Networks Duration 1-Jan-08 - 30-Oct-09 Training and Tools Kit Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut, Duration 1-Feb-09 - 31-Jan-11 Teerapat S. Sponsor NECTEC Project Investigator Kanchana Kanchanasut Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,900,000 Sponsor ISIF Asia Total Contracted Amount (THB) 990,000

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Internet Education & Research Laboratory (intERLab)

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31.1 Grants and Sponsored Workshop on "Doing Business in Africa" Duration 1-Sep-07 - 31-Dec-09 Wetland Alliance Aqua Outreach Research Completed in Project Investigator Vilas Wuwongse Program Sponsor Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Thailand Duration 1-Jun-09 - 31-Dec-11 2009 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 2,194,280 Project Investigator Theo Ebbers Sponsor SIDA GMSARN Case Study Research and Total Contracted Amount (THB) 11,086,333 Training 31.2 On-going Grants and Duration 1-Sep-04 - 31-Dec-09 Sponsored Research Wetland Alliance Secretariat Project Investigator Weerakorn Ongsakul Duration 1-Jun-09 - 31-Dec-11 Sponsor Swedish International Development Project Investigator Hans Guttman Cooperation Agency, Sweden Capacity Building of Faculty of Sponsor SIDA Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,022,500 Engineering, Balkh University, Total Contracted Amount (THB) 11,086,333 Afghanistan Wetlands Alliance Program Duration 1-Jan-08 - 30-Jun-10 Duration 1-Jan-06 - 31-Dec-09 Project Investigator Naveed Anwar Project Investigator Nicholas Innes-Taylor Sponsor Balkh University, Ministry of Higher Sponsor Swedish International Development Education, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Cooperation Agency, Sweden Total Contracted Amount (THB) 42,979,260 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 123,520,311

Training Workshop Thematic Research Wetlands Alliance Program-Secretariat on Gender mainstreaming and Economic Duration 1-Jan-08 - 31-Dec-09 empowerment Project Investigator Hans Guttman Duration 6-Feb-09 - 30-Nov-10 Sponsor Swedish International Development Project Investigator Jayant K Routray Cooperation Agency, Sweden Sponsor UNIFEM Total Contracted Amount (THB) 10,200,000 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 1,650,000

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Institute-wide Sponsored & Contracted Projects

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32.1 Introduction

Asian Institute of Technology-Vietnam (AIT-VN) was established in 1993 under the agreement between the Government of Vietnam and AIT. Asian Institute of Technology-Vietnam takes pride in being the first international institution in Vietnam and the first Center of AIT out of its headquarters in Thailand.


Our vision is to become a unique and prestigious regional institution that offers responsive, work-relevant AITVN offers professional training higher educational programs and programs: outreach services for sustainable

growth of Vietnam and the region as 32.5 AIT-VN’s Training it integrates into global economy. Short-term training courses specialized in Management and Programs Mission Business, Environment and Development, Language and Training for Professional Development

The mission of AITVN is to become a Training, Advanced Technologies, AITCV offers short training courses in leading international educational etc. 16 fields of professional skills institution of higher learning in Customized training courses Vietnam and the region. Seminars nationwide. The programs are designed and conducted by AIT Outreach (consultancy) services trainers, international experts and 32.2 Governance alumni. Newly acquired skills from 32.4 Fields of Postgraduate those short courses are immediately Education (On-Going) applicable in improving performance at work. 32.3 Services Information Technology (IT) Short-Term Training Courses Environment Technology Management AITVN offers academic services (in (ETM) collaboration with Schools): Training Skills International Executive Master/Doctor

of Business Administration Interpersonal Communication Skills Two-stage Masters, Doctors (iEMBA/DBA) Language skills Programs Industrial System Engineering Administration and Secretarial Master Programs in Vietnam: Master Management (ISE) Human Resource Development of Business Administration Program Telecommunications and ICT (TC and Management Development for Executives; Doctor of Business ICT) Marketing, Sales and Customer Administration Construction, Engineering and Services Professional Masters Programs Infrastructure Management (CEIM) Supply Chain Management International Masters of Advanced Geo-Engineering and Management Industrial Engineering and Studies Geo-exploration and Petroleum Management

Engineering Basic Management of Environmental Engineering & Development Project Management Knowledge of Development Project Management

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AIT – Vietnam

Environmental and Natural Professional Master in Project DBA Program in HN 2007 Resources Management Management Ho Chi Minh City Duration 1-Jul-07 - 30-Jun-10 August 2008 Project Investigator Indra Pandey, Nicholas Urban Environmental Management Dimmit, Fredric Swierczek, Do Ba Khang, Duration 1-Sep-08 - 31-Dec-09 Agribusiness Management Sundar Venkatesh,Sununta Siengthai, Nazrul Project Investigator BHW Hadikusumo Islam, Illka Kauranen Interpersonal Skills for Chotchai Charoenngam Sponsor Participants Development Project Officers Sponsor PetroVietnam and Corporations in Total Contracted Amount (THB) 12,250,000 Vietnam Finance Management Total Contracted Amount (THB) 3,802,900 International Executive MBA for Tailor-made Courses Professional Master in Project Vietnam for Hanoi #10.1 & 10.2

Management Vung Tau August 2008 Duration 1-Aug-09 - 31-Dec-11 Upon request, AITVN organizes Project Investigator Do Ba Khang Duration 1-Sep-08 - 31-Dec-09 Sponsor Multi donors ‘tailor-made’ training courses and Project Investigator BHW Hadikusumo Total Contracted Amount (THB) 14,875,005 training combined with study tours Chotchai Charoenngam

for organizations in Vietnam and Sponsor PetroVietnam and Corporations in Vietnam International Executive MBA for overseas. Training contents, venues Total Contracted Amount (THB) 6,964,900 Vietnam for HCMC and time are made to match the #6.1HCMC#6.2DN#3VT#2 requirements of the recipient. Professional Masters in Geo- Duration 1-Aug-09 - 31-Dec-11 exploration & Petroleum Geo- Project Investigator Do Ba Khang Training and study tour program has engineering, HCMC Sponsor Multi donors Total Contracted Amount (THB) 46,627,384 recently been one of AITVN’s Duration 1-Sep-08 - 31-Dec-09 trademark. We closely cooperate Project Investigator Pham Huy Giao, Noppadol with universities and other Phien Wej International Executive MBA institutions in Australia, Belgium, Sponsor Oil and Gas Company, Vietnam Vietnam :Hanoi Total Contracted Amount (THB) 3,233,400 Bangladesh, China, Malaysia, Duration 1-Aug-08 - 31-Dec-10 Project Investigator Do Ba Khang Indonesia, Norway, Singapore, IHEID Sponsor Multi donors Taiwan and Switzerland. These Total Contracted Amount (THB) 21,250,008 training programs have been widely International Executive Masters in International Executive MBA appreciated by the participants Development Studies (IMAS) indicated by increasing repeat Duration: 2003-2012 Vietnam : HCMC,DN,VT requests. Project Investigator: Daniel Fino Duration 1-Aug-08 - 31-Dec-10 Sponsor: SDC- Bern, Canton de Geneva Project Investigator Do Ba Khang Total Contracted Amount (USD) : USD 130,000 Sponsor Multi-donors 32.6. Academic Programs in (operation cost in Vietnam only) Total Contracted Amount (THB) 32,075,384

cooperation with AIT SET Schools in 2009 32.7 On-going Grants and Professional Masters Degree Sponsored Projects Program in IE&M HoChiMinh City In cooperation with: Duration 1-Jan-09 - May-10 In cooperation with: Project Investigator: Vorats SOM Kachivichyanukul, Huynh Trung Luong, Eric SOM Bohez, Pisut Koomsap IEMBA Program Vietnam Sponsor: Multi donors Total Contracted Amount (THB) 4,506,700 Duration Aug-00 - 31-Dec-09 DBA Program in HCMC 2007 Project Investigator Frederic William Duration 1-Feb-07 - 31-Jan-14 Swierczek Project Investigator Indra Pandey, Nicholas Professional Master in Project Sponsor AIT Operation Dimmit, Fredric Swierczek, Rian Beise-zee, Do Management Hanoi August 2009 Total Contracted Amount (THB) 36,000,000 Ba Khang, Sundar Venkatesh,Sununta Duration 1-Sep-09 - 31-Dec-10 Siengthai, Nazrul Islam, Lalit Johri, Illka Project Investigator BHW Hadikusumo SET Kauranen Chotchai Charoenngam Sponsor Participants Sponsor PetroVietnam and Corporations in Total Contracted Amount (THB) 14,000,000 Vietnam Professional Master in Project Total Contracted Amount (THB) Management Hanoi August 2008 DBA Program in HCMC 2009 Duration 1-Sep-08 - 31-Dec-09 Duration 20-Jan-09 - 31-Dec-12 Project Investigator BHW Hadikusumo Project Investigator Barbara Igel Chotchai Charoenngam Sponsor Professional managers Sponsor PetroVietnam and Corporations in Total Contracted Amount (THB) 7,425,000 Vietnam Total Contracted Amount (THB) 3,802,900

156 | Annual Report on Research 2009

AIT – Vietnam

Professional Master in Project Report Writing Skills for Project Training of Trainers Management HCMC August 2009 Officers Duration: 30 November - 1 December 2009 Duration 1-Sep-09 - 31-Dec-10 Duration: 16 to 20 November 2009 Total Contracted Amount (USD): $2,423 Project Investigator BHW Hadikusumo Total Amount (USD): 3,000 Chotchai Charoenngam Leadership Skills for MOLISA Sponsor PetroVietnam and Corporations in Bridging Program for SET Master Duration: 24 - 25 December, 2009 Vietnam Studies in Can Tho Total Contracted Amount (USD): 2,450 Total Contracted Amount (THB) Duration: September 14– October 23 Total Amount (USD): 3,000 English Language Testing service Professional Master in Geo- Duration: January – December 2009 Engineering and Management Leadership Skills for MOLISA Total Amount (USD): 2,469 August 2009 Duration: 19-21 February 2009 Duration 1-Jan-09 – May 2010 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 3,666 By Management Business Section Project Investigator Pham Huy Giao Sponsor Multi Donors Total Contracted Amount (THB) 4,338,985 Report Writing Skills for Project Human Resource Management Officers Duration 05 – 09 January 2009 Total Amount (USD): 3,500 Professional Masters in Duration: 18-20/3/2009 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 3,795 Geoexploration & Petroleum Management and Leadership Skills Geoengineering, HCMC Basic Training of Trainers Duration 04 – 06 March 2009 Duration 1-Sep-09 - 31-Dec-10 Duration: 23-27 March 2009 Sponsor National Assembly Office Project Investigator Pham Huy Giao, Noppadol Total Contracted Amount (USD): 4,220 Total Contracted Amount (USD) 6,058 Phien Wej Sponsor Oil and Gas Companies, Vietnam Total Contracted Amount (THB) English Skills for Interpreters Project Financial Management and Duration: 4-9 May, 2009 Project Management IHEID Total Contracted Amount (USD): 6,641 Duration 16 – 20 March 2009 and 23 – 27 March 2009

Introduction to Vietnamese and Sponsor ETV2 Project International Executive Masters in Total Contracted Amount (USD) 13,954 Development Studies (IMAS) Vietnamese history and culture for Duration: 2003-2012 Macquarie university volunteers Negotiation Skills Duration: 30 June, 10 & 14 July 2009 Project Investigator : Daniel Fino Duration: 26 February 2009 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 750 Sponsor: SDC- Bern, Canton de Geneva Total Contracted Amount (USD) 650 Total Contracted Amount: 4.,160,000 (THB)

Presentation skills for VNPT Youth Communication Skills Union Duration 01 – 02 April and 06 – 07 April 2009 32.8 AITVN Short term Duration: 17 July, 2009 Total Contracted Amount (USD) 4,200 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 800 Courses Completed in Kaizen, 5S, Kanban and Teamwork 2009 SET Bridging Course- Hanoi & HCMC and Team Building Duration: 6 July - 16 August (HN) 13 July to 23 Duration 13 – 19 June 2009 August 2009 (HCMC) By Education Management Section Total Contracted Amount (USD) 8,870 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 8,000

English Skills for Interpreters Office Administration Bridging for EMBA Hanoi & Vung Duration: 8 - 19 June 2009 Duration 7 – 10 July 2009 Total Amount (USD): 7,200 Tau Total Contracted Amount (USD) 3560 Duration: 20 July - 25 September (HN) 27 July to 29 August (Vung Tau) Report Writing Skills for Project Total Contracted Amount (USD): 32,200 Advanced Office Administration Officers Duration 23 – 26 June 2009 Total Contracted Amount (USD) 6,722 Duration: 22 - 26 June 2009 Effective Presentation Skills Total Amount (USD): 5,500 Duration: 6 to 7 August 2009 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 2,300 Leadership Skills Proposal Writing for Development Duration 20 – 22 July 2009 Project Total Contracted Amount (USD) 4,000 English for Effective communication Duration: 20 - 24 July 2009 for Petro Southwest Gas Project in Total Amount (USD): 6,500 Advanced HRM Can Tho Duration 17 – 20 August 2009 Duration: October 5 – December 16 Total Contracted Amount (USD) 4,000 Translation Skills Total Contracted Amount (USD): 6,000 Duration: 21 - 26 September, 2009

Total Amount (USD): 5,400 Effective Writing and Work Training Management Management Skills Duration: 16 to 19 November 2009 Duration 27 – 31 July and 5 – 8 August 2009 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 5,000 Sponsor National Assembly Office

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AIT – Vietnam

Total Contracted Amount (USD) 12,840 Clay Brick & Tile Tech , Best Practice Marketing Strategy for Agricultural sharing Products Basic HRM Duration: 12-18 July 2009 Duration: 21-23 December 2009 & 28-30 Duration 21 – 25 September 2009 Total Amount (USD): 8,984 December 2009 Total Contracted Amount (USD) 6,650 Total Amount (USD): 3,648 Operation of Wastewater Training program for BIDV Treatment Plant Consultancy Service on Bio-energy Duration July – October 2009 Duration: 6-10 July 2009 Study Total Contracted Amount (USD) 61,479 Total Amount (USD): 4,497 Duration: September -November 2009 Total Amount (USD): 3,400 Telephone Skills Training-cum-Study Tour on Duration 16 – 17 September and 18 – 19 "Community-Based Sustainable Participatory Monitoring and September 2009 Evaluation of Development Project Sponsor Toyota Vietnam Development Duration: 20-24 April 2009 Total Contracted Amount (USD) 6,130 Duration: 12-18 July 2009 Total Amount (USD): 2,800 Total Amount (USD): 22,267

Work Planning and Time Participation Mobilization and Environment Planning & Management Management Duration 28 – 29 October 2009 Policy Advocacy Duration: 15-18 June 2009 Total Contracted Amount (USD) 3,820 Duration: 22-24 July 2009, 27-31 July 2009 Total Amount (USD): 2,400 Total Amount (USD): 14,100

Advanced Office Admin Planning for Natural Resources Duration 28 – 30 Dec ember 2009 Study tour on “ Field & Lab Tests for Total Contracted Amount (USD) 6,800 Highway Engineers Management Duration: 9-13 August 2009 Duration: 22-24 June 2009 Total Amount (USD): 1,620 HRM of Volunteers in Faith Base Total Amount (USD): 5,416

Organization Environmental Economics Duration 26 – 30 October and 2 – 6 Public Participation in Duration: 17-20 August 2009 November 2009 Environmental Planning and Total Amount (USD): 2,400 Sponsor NAV Management

Total Contracted Amount (USD) 10,344 Duration: 24-27 August 2009 Total Amount (USD): 7,728 Management & Implementation of By Environment & Development Section Development Projects Cooling in the Brewery Plant Duration: 14-18 September 2009 Total Amount (USD): 8,000 Leadership Skills Duration: 5-9 October. 2009

Duration: 5-7 May 2009, 12-14 May 2009 & Total Amount (USD): 4,850 19-21 May 2009 Participatory Monitoring and Total Amount (USD): 6,180 UNDP National Climate Change Evaluation of Development Project Expert Duration: 2-6 November 2009 Total Amount (USD): 2,400 Effective Communication Skills Duration: September. 2009 Duration: 25-27 May. 2009, 1-3 June 2009 Total Amount (USD): 4,600 Total Amount (USD): 4,120 By Information and Technology and Workshop on Bio-energy, Rural Industrial Management Section Gender Mainstreaming Development and Poverty Duration:1-5 June 2009 Reduction for SNV Automation Technology Total Amount (USD): 6,384 Duration: 15 October 2009 Duration: 5-7 January 2009 Total Amount (USD): 3,400 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 14,400 Workshop-Promotion for Sanitation in Water Resources Management Workshop on Impact Monitoring Risk Management in Vung Tau Duration:25-26 June 2009 and Social Work in Vietnam Duration: 12-16 January 2009 Total Amount (USD): 8,440 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 12,000 Duration: 3-4 December 2009 Total Amount (USD): 1,639 Organization Development Training cum Study Tour for Duration: 19-22 June 2009 Effective Marketing and Selling Ministry of Rural Development – Total Amount (USD): 3,846 Skills Bangladesh

Duration: 30 Nov-2 December 2009 & 7-9 Duration: 12-21 January 2009 & 1-12 February National Consultant - UNDP/GEF December 2009 2009 Con Dao Marine and Coastal Total Amount (USD): 3,648 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 42,220 Biodiversity Conservation Project Duration: June 2009 Warehouse Management & Control Total Amount (USD): 2,878 Duration: 26-28 February 2009 Total Amount (USD): 1,500

158 | Annual Report on Research 2009

AIT – Vietnam

Seminar cum Study Visit Program: Seminar cum Study Visit Program: Building Business Management for Impact of Environment & Climate Project Management & Monitoring Top Management of VICEM Change on Rural Infrastructure & Evaluation in HCMC & Hanoi Duration: Oct-Dec 2009 Duration: 23 Mar – 1 Apr 2009 Duration: 3-14 August 2009 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 38,739 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 17,000 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 20,615 Effective Contract Negotiation Production Planning & Scheduling Maintenance Planning & Control Duration: 28-29 Nov 2009 Duration: 25-27 Mar 2009 & 16-17 July 2009 Duration: 26-28 August 2009 & 20-22 October Total Amount (USD): 1,700 Total Amount (USD): 3,900 2009 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 4,500 Vietsopetro, Organizational Material Inventory Management Structure & Restructure cum Study Duration: 2-4 Apr 2009 Consultancy Selling Skills & Setting Tour Total Amount (USD): 1,200 up & Organizing Distribution Duration: 14-24 Dec 2009 Networks Advanced Total Contracted Amount (USD): 18,900 Maintenance Planning & Control Duration: Sep-Oct 2009 Duration: 22-24 Apr 2009 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 3,000 Total Amount (USD): 2,100 32.9 On-going Activities Material Inventory Management & Data Analysis & Presentation using Control By Education Management Section Excel Duration: 10-12 September 2009 Duration: 14-16 Apr 2009 Total Amount (USD): 1,380 EMBA Bridging Ha Tien 1 Total Amount (USD): 3,420 Duration: 16 November, 2009 - 8 February Production Planning & Control 2010 Supply Chain Management Duration: 17-19 September 2009 Total Contracted Amount (USD) 10,000 Duration: 2-6 Jun 2009 Total Amount (USD): 1,350 Total Amount (USD): 3,500 English Communication Skills (ECS)

Data Analysis & Presentation using Ha Tien 1 Setting up & Organizing Distribute Excel Duration: 16 November 2009 – March 2010 Networks Duration: 24-26 September 2009 Total Contracted Amount (USD) 9,320 Duration: 27-28 Jun 2009 Total Amount (USD): 3,300 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 1,620 Upgrading English for MPM Master Training cum Study Visit Program: Studies Training cum Study Visit: Training Rural Road Access & Community Duration: 18 December, 2009 - 27 March, on Project Management & IT 2010 Market Total Contracted Amount (USD) 5,400 Application Duration: 24 Sep – 4 Oct 2009 Duration: 29 Jun – 11 Jul 2009 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 16,360 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 24,200 Warehouse Management & Control Data Analysis & Presentation using Duration: 28-30 Sep 2009 Excel Total Amount (USD): 1,500 Duration: 13-15 August 2009 Total Amount (USD): 1,550 Data Analysis & Presentation using Excel Effective Presentation Skills Duration: 8-10 Oct 2009 Duration: July 2009 Total Amount (USD): 2,400 Total Contracted Amount (USD): 3,000

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AIT – Vietnam

160 | Annual Report on Research 2009


Overall during the period January to December of 2009 there were 574 sponsored and contracted projects which were conducted by the faculty and staff from within the Field of Studies (FoS) of the three schools, SET, SERD and SOM, as well as in AIT Extension, IntERLab, and Institute wide projects. The total Publications for the same period stood at 611 from across AIT. The breakdown of which is indicated in the table below.

SPONSORED & CONTRACTED PUBLICATIONS PROJECTS TOTAL TOTAL SCHOOL/FoS Refereed Other PROJECTS Refereed Conference PUBLICATIONS Completed On-going Books/Chapt Publicatio Journals Proceedings ers ns SET 71 115 186 121 164 12 21 318 ACECOMS 7 6 13 - 2 - - 2 CS/IM 10 7 17 1 9 - - 10 CEIM 2 3 5 7 2 - 1 10 GGE 8 13 21 12 31 - - 43 IME 7 7 14 23 35 2 6 66 Mech/Mic 6 12 18 16 37 3 - 56 RSGIS 6 22 28 16 7 1 7 31 StE 9 10 19 5 2 - 1 8 TC 1 2 3 10 20 - - 30 TrE 5 8 13 10 5 - - 15 WEM 10 24 34 21 14 6 6 47 ICT - 1 1 - - - - - OTM ------SERD 51 88 139 104 77 29 29 239 ASE 6 4 10 10 12 1 2 25 AARM 1 7 8 8 8 1 2 19 E 9 12 21 10 - - - 10 EEM 11 28 39 38 18 5 3 64 FEBT 5 10 15 13 13 - 16 42 GDS 2 12 14 2 7 3 3 15 NRM 7 2 9 12 5 5 2 24 PPT 2 2 4 2 - 1 - 3 RRDP 2 2 4 5 - 2 - 7 UEM 6 9 15 4 14 11 1 30 ABM ------GTD - - - 3 14 1 1 19 SOM 5 15 20 26 4 3 2 35 intERLab 9 9 18 - - - - - AIT Ext 78 15 93 - - - - - Inst-wide 4 4 8 - - - - - AITVN 93 17 110 - - - - - TOTAL 311 263 574 254 259 45 53 611

| 161

Overview of Research Activities for 2009

For the same period January to December of 2009 there was a total of 79 Doctoral Dissertations which

were undertaken by the faculty from within the Field of Studies (FoS) of the three schools, SET, SERD

and SOM. The total Masters Student Research for the same period stood at 638 from within the three

schools. The breakdown of which is indicated in the table below.

DOCTORAL MASTERS STUDENTS RESEARCH TOTAL MASTERS SCHOOL/FoS STUDENTS’ STUDENTS Thesis Research Studies Projects DISSERTATION RESEARCH SET 28 259 75 42 376 ACECOMS - 1 - - 1 CS/IM - 34 19 - 53 CEIM 1 26 1 42 69 GGE 2 20 - - 20 IME 5 19 1 - 20 Mech/Mic 4 32 1 - 33 RSGIS 7 18 2 - 20 StE 3 10 - - 10 TC 3 32 10 - 42 TrE - 10 26 - 36 WEM 3 27 2 - 29 ICT - 15 13 - 28 OTM - 15 - - 15 SERD 43 168 15 - 183 ASE 7 14 2 - 16 AARM 3 14 - - 14 E 2 12 2 - 14 EEM 9 27 3 - 30 FEBT 5 24 - - 24 GDS 2 14 - - 14 NRM 2 13 3 - 16 PPT 3 12 - - 12 RRDP 5 11 5 - 16 UEM 5 23 - - 23 ABM - 4 - - 4 SOM 8 2 13 64 79 TOTAL 79 429 103 106 638

| 162

Chapter 34: AIT Masters Theses Competition 2009

The AIT Masters Theses Competition was held on the 14th of May 2008. There were seven competition categories (see below) and students with excellent grades in their theses were nominated to represent their respective fields of study. Theses presentations have been judged according to the relevance; originality; scientific/society contribution; general knowledge of the field; future potential for innovation; and presentation skills. A total of 44 students participated in the competition. There were 18 judges from industry, developmental agencies, international organizations, universities, etc. A number of spin of activities and possibilities including employment, projects, interaction with other organizations, press coverage, etc. from the competition.

The winners of the respective categories were the following:

Category Name / Title of Presentation Advisor

Mr Mohammad Al-Amin Sadek: Resources “Feasibility of Improving Tillage Performance by Using Nano Dr Hemantha P Jayasuriya surfaces on Tillage Tools”

Mr DPC Laknath: Civil Engineering “Assessment of fishery harbor for livelihood improvement: A Dr Sutat Weesakul case study of Hikkaduwa Harbor, Sri Lanka”

Mr Kanthaiah Sivapragasam Vijayalayan: “Channel assignment in wireless mesh networks-Emended ICT election based transmission timing mechanism for coordinated Prof Kazi M Ahmed distribution scheduling in IEEE 802.16 mesh networks”

Ms Miruza Mohamed: “Vulnerability of Maldives Islands to Climate Change and Development Dr LAS Ranjith Perera Extreme Weather Events: A Study of Perception, Impacts and Adaptation”

Mr Niti Wiromrat: Information Systems Dr Joydeep Dutta “Gas Sensors Based on Zinc Oxide Nanorods”

Ms Yiarayong Klangboonkrong: “Enhancing Navigation Safety from the Perspective of Management Dr Barbara Igel Knowledge Management: The Case of a Shipping Company in Thailand”

Mr Cesar Ortinero: Energy/Environment “Improvement of Nucleic Acid-Based Detection Techniques Dr Oleg V Shipin through the Use of Nanoparticles”

| 163

AIT Masters Theses Competition 2009

164 | Annual Report on Research 2009