POWER of PRAYERS with Some Correc- Tions and Additionals That I Very Much Hope Will Be Useful to My Faithful Sisters and Brothers-In-Faith…Inshaa’Allaah

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POWER of PRAYERS with Some Correc- Tions and Additionals That I Very Much Hope Will Be Useful to My Faithful Sisters and Brothers-In-Faith…Inshaa’Allaah Chapter 1 DEDICATION This work is dedicated for the pleasure of Allaah Sub’haanahoo wa Tta’aala. 2 Chapter 2 PREFACE I begin in the name of Allaah the Beneficent the Merciful. All Praises belong to Allaah Sub’haanahoo Wa Ta’aala, The Most Compassionate, The Merciful, The Lord of The Universe and Master of the Day of Judgment. And we beg to Him to shower His choicest Bless- ings on the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) and his pure Progeny (A.S.) (Ahlul Bait) who strived to the peak of perfection to restore and maintain the tenets of Islam. The five times Namaaz is one of the pillars of Islam, if it is accepted by Allaah then all other good deeds shall also be accepted otherwise the carelessly prayed Namaaz will we thrown back on our face rendering other good deeds void and useless. Allaah (S.W.T.) says in the Holy Qur’an in Surah Maa’oon, verse: 4 and 5 that, “Woe to those who do pray but are heedless in their prayer.”Therefore, Namaaz is such a prayer that it should not be taken lightly. It is a prayer that takes us face to face in front of our Creator. We know that when the righteous persons were preparing for Namaaz their condition remarkably used to change due to the fear of God. So we should atleast try to observe the sanctity of Namaaz to our best possible extent so as to reap its favourable fruits in this world as well in the Hereafter. Likewise, Duaa (supplication) also plays an important role in our lives. Although it is not Wajib (obligatory) but is highly emphasized to recite Duaas at every time, especially after Namaaz. However, Duaa is also a prayer. Namaaz without Duaa is same as to a house without furniture. Duaa is a channel to express oneself to Allaah (S.W.T.) We have been given this weapon of Duaa so as to beseech, beg, and complain to our Merciful Lord concerning our needs and wishes, and seek protection from troubles and problems through the medium of Duaa. And as for the Duaa to be effective it has the etiquettes to be followed faithfully. Duaa is like an application for obtaining something, so if it manifests carelessness it may never be responded. The similarity to it is 3 like a person in need going to the door of a rich person, if he begs with sincere humility there are more chances of getting what he wants, but if he begs carelessly or obstinately then the doors shall be closed on his face. To make our Duaa to be effective and fruitful we should foremostly realize the Majesty of Almighty Allaah (S.W.T.) In our very hearts we should have His fear as well as hope. Cause of fear for our shortcomings and faults and sins, and as for the hope it should be for his never ending Mercy and love towards His creation. The Duaa of one who expects fa- vours from other then Allaah is quite out of place. Therefore it is very es- sential to keep our thoughts clear of begging and expecting from others then Allaah. The other factor to be taken in consideration for the effectiveness of a Duaa is to be clean of any worldly thoughts, selfish motives, pride, jeal- ousy, vengeance and all other bad elements. Furthermore, one of the etiquettes of beseeching Allaah is that before requesting Allaah to fulfill our own needs we should first recite Salawaat, praise Allaah (S.W.T.), thank Him for His previous bounties and favours, repent sincerely for our sins, then pray and plead for others, this is a way to express that we are not selfish or self-centered, and fi- nally pray for ourselves. If the proper way is followed then there should not be any reason to despair. Allaah S.W.T says in His Holy Book that whenever any one calls Him He answers, and that He is not far away from His creatures, He is nearer to us than the jugular vein in our neck. So it is only a question of pure in- tention and sincerity of our hearts to make our Duaa reach His kind at- tention. This is the forerunner in our prayers, if it is missed than one should be ready to face silence in response to his/her Duaa. This is a ba- sic requirement. Pure intention and sincerity should be maintained upto the end. One more thing is worth noting down, and it is that if you are not re- sponded instantly do not despair, do not lose hope from The Merciful Allaah, keep on begging, and imploring, and supplicating, and beseech- ing, keep the door knocking, it will unlock one day. Moreover, Allaah (S.W.T.) is our Kind, Merciful and Powerful Creator Who knows quite well that which is beneficial and useful to us, so He gives according to His appropriate and just measure. If it was according to our wishes and cravings then imagine the ultimate result of a toddler begging for a loaded gun. 4 Although some Duaas and A’amaal will apparently be seen very at- tractive, and in fact they surely are so, but side by side, one should not under-estimate the values of pre-requisites. Only Allaah (S.W.T.) is the sole proprietor of whatever is in the earths and heavens, and He bestows according to His own wish. Are there not well-educated persons who are fed on fixed salaries? And are there not non-educated persons who con- trol a sizeable part of economy? There are. So we must have a staunch belief in Allaah, and our sole relying and trust should be on Him only, that is Tawaqqul. Side by side with Duaa it is our duty to work hard for lawful earning and keep away from illegal ways and not to be deeply en- grossed in the glitters of this temporary world. It is upto Him that when, what, where and how much to bestow. May Allaah (S.W.T.) help and guide us achieve our lawful needs of both the worlds through sincere prayers and good deeds, in accordance to His pleasure only. Aameen. This is my revised edition of POWER OF PRAYERS with some correc- tions and additionals that I very much hope will be useful to my faithful sisters and brothers-in-Faith…Inshaa’Allaah. I humbly pray to Allaah (S.W.T.) for the best rewards to shower on my daughters and sons who helped me to accomplish this work, and also those who in one way or the other helped me in this devoted causeIltimaas-e-Duaa. I also humbly offer my thanks to M/s Ansariyan Publications of Islam- ic Republic of IRAN for making this third edition successful, elegent and magnificient. May Allaah S.W.T. reward them all in both worlds with His choisest blessings. Wassalaam. Mustafa Hajji Ahmed Khaki, Box 8310, Dar as Sa- laam. maksvs@hotmail.com Safar, 1424: April 2003 N.B. As the contents of this book include Holy Names of Allaah (S.W.T.), Ma’asoomeen (A.S.), Verses of Holy Qur’an, and Duaa, I request everyone to handle with Twahaarah. 5 Chapter 3 MAGHFIRAT-TAWBA (REPENTENCE) It is very essential for every person to do Tawba and seek Maghfirat from Allaah for our sins, mistakes, and wrongdoings that were commit- ted either knowingly or unknowingly. Allaah (S.W.T.) prefers the one who seeks pardon from Him and He is at that instance as happy as the one who had lost his every belonging and then suddenly found it in front of him. To seek pardon from Allaah (S.W.T.) is the remedy for every problem. Once a person came to Imam Ali (A.S.) and asked him for the solution of repaying the debts, he was told to do Tawba and seek repentance from Allaah. The other person came asking for the remedy of a sickness, he was prescribed the same thing. Yet another person came asking for the bestowing of an offspring from Allaah and he was also told to do Istighfaar as much as possible. It should not be forgotten that we, being human beings are prone to committing sins, The sinless are nobody in the universe except the Ma’sumeen (A.S.) and the Prophets of Allaah (A.S.) Might be there are some Qaza Namaaz we have forgotten, or there might be some Namaaz prayed not on its time or hastily without due concentration; might be there are some Roza which were made Baatil and we do not know; might be there were some unobserved rights of our parents, children, of our re- latives, neighbours, our teachers and scholars, of our workers, the needy and poor etc. It might also be that we have made mistakes in our earn- ings by taking that which was Haraam. Might be that we have not paid Khums or Zakaat properly. Might be in the case of performing Hajj or Zi- yarat we have made some mistakes. Might be that we have committed some mistakes in our young age or because of improper understanding, or because of worldly attachment. And might be that we have not prop- erly propagated our religion which is the duty of every individual ac- cording to the extent of his/her ability. It should be kept in mind that while one seeks repentance then it should be a sincere repentance, that he or she is really sorry for the sins 6 committed, a firm resolution not to repeat again, and if anything unbe- coming has occurred due to the sins it must be rectified to the best pos- sible way.
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