Taking responsibilities for tomorrow’s Europe: the role of young people in the religious dimension of intercultural dialogue


Prendre des responsabilités pour l’Europe de demain: le rôle des jeunes dans la dimension religieuse du dialogue interculturel




Deborah ABISBOR Executive Director of the European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS), France / Directeur Executif de lřUnion Européenne des Etudiants Juifs Européens, France

The European Union of Jewish Students is an umbrella organization for 34 national Jewish student unions in Europe and the FSU, representing over 200,000 Jewish students. Cognizant of the religious, linguistic and cultural diversity that make up the European Jewish community, EUJS strives to present a variety of perspectives through its leadership training programs, educational seminars and international conferences, all tailor-made to the needs of its students. Throughout its history, EUJS has placed itself at the cutting edge of inter-cultural and inter-religious programming, as well as programming related to genocide , advocacy and Jewish continuity in Europe. EUJS is a constituent member of the European Youth Forum, the leading platform for more than 90 national youth councils and international NGOs, and is the only Jewish organization represented at that level. It is supported by the , the European Commission, all recognized Jewish organizations, and is a member of the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS). EUJS is one of the largest international student organizations worldwide and the first Jewish Youth NGO to obtain the special Consultative Status to the ECOSOC of the . Its annual programming includes the Summer University, international, inter-religious, inter-generational seminars, study sessions at the European Youth Centre, and cutting edge work that puts it at the forefront of the European context.



The Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania (Albanian: Kisha Ortodokse Autoqefale e Shqipërisë) is one of the newest autocephalous Eastern Orthodox churches. It declared its autocephaly in 1922, and gained recognition from the Patriarch of Constantinople in 1937.The church suffered during the Second World War, and in the communist period that followed, especially after 1967 when Albania was declared an atheist state, and no public or private expression of religion was allowed. In 1967, inspired by China's Cultural Revolution, Enver Hoxha closed down all churches and mosques in the country, and declared Albania the world's first (and only) atheist country. All expression of religion, public or private, was outlawed. Hundreds of priests and imams were killed or imprisoned. The church has, however, seen a revival since religious freedom was restored in 1991, with more than 250 churches rebuilt or restored, and more than 100 clergy being ordained. It has 909 parishes spread all around Albania, and around 500,000 faithful. The Orthodox Church of Albania has its own radio station, named "Ngjallja" (Resurrection) which 24 hours a day broadcasts spiritual, musical, informative and educational programs and lectures, and has a special children's program. A monthly newspaper with the same name, Ngjallja, is published, as well as a children's magazine Gëzohu (ŖRejoiceŗ), the magazine of the Orthodox Youth Kambanat (ŖBellsŗ), the student bulletin Fjala (ŖWordŗ), the news bulletin News from Orthodoxy in Albania (published in English) and Tempulli (ŖTempleŗ) and Kërkim (ŖSearching/Researchŗ) magazine, that contains cultural, social and spiritual materials, Enoria Jonë (ŖOur Parishŗ).The Orthodox Church in Albania has taken various social initiatives. The Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania made extensive humanitarian


contributions during the political and social crises (1992, 94, 97), collecting and distributing thousands of tons of food, clothing and medicine.

His Beatitude the Archbishop Dr Anastasios of Tirana, Durrës and All Albania was born on 4 November 1929 in Piraeus, Greece. His born name Anastasios Yannoulatos, is the Archbishop of Tirana, Durrës and All Albania and as such the primate and Head of the Holy Synod of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania. The Ecumenical Patriarch appointed Anastasios to be the Patriarchal Exarch for the Albanian Church in 1992. Bishop of Androusa Anastasios before his appointment was dividing his time between his teaching duties at the University of Athens and the Archbishopric of Irinoupolis in Kenya, which was then going through a difficult patch. Elected on 24 June 1992 and enthroned on 2 August 1992. Over time Anastasios has gained respect for his charity work and now is recognized as a spiritual leader of the Albanian Orthodox Church. He is Professor Emeritus of the National University of Athens, and Honorary Member of the Academy of Athens. The Archbishop is the President of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches and Honorary President of the World Conference of Religions for Peace.



The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (Greek: Οἰκοσμενικὸν Πατριαρτεῖον Κωνσταντινοσπόλεως, Turkish: Rum Ortodoks Patrikhanesi) is the highest see and holiest center of the Orthodox Christian Church throughout the world. It is an institution with a history spanning seventeen centuries, during which it retained its see in Constantinople (present-day Istanbul). It constitutes the center of all the local Orthodox Churches, heading these not by administration but by virtue of its primacy in the ministry of pan-Orthodox unity and the coordination of the activity of the whole of Orthodoxy. It is headed by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, currently Bartholomew I. The function of the Ecumenical Patriarchate as center par excellence of the life of the entire Orthodox world emanates from its centuries-old ministry in the witness, protection and outreach of the Orthodox faith. Because of its location at the former capital of the Byzantine Empire and its role as the Mother Church of most modern Orthodox churches, the Ecumenical Patriarchate has enjoyed the status of "Primus inter pares (first among equals)" among the world's Eastern Orthodox prelates. Unlike the Pope, he does not exercise control over the individual autocephalous churches, which are fully autonomous. He is, however, widely regarded as the representative and spiritual leader of the world's 300 million Orthodox Christians.

Son Eminence le Métropolite de France Emmanuel (Adamakis) est né le 19 décembre 1958 à Saint Nicolas de Crète (Grèce). Après ses études à l'Ecole Normale d'Iraklion il poursuit ses études supérieures à la Faculté de Lettres de l'Institut Catholique de Paris et à l'Institut Orthodoxe Saint Serge. Il continue ses études d'histoire des religions à la Sorbonne (Paris IV) et à l'Institut Supérieur d'Etudes Œcuméniques de l'Institut Catholique de Paris. Il est ordonné diacre et prêtre en 1985. Il poursuit ses études à l'Institut de Théologie Orthodoxe 4

de la Sainte Croix à Boston (Massachusetts) dont il obtient le Master en 1987. Ensuite il est nommé vicaire général de la Sainte Métropole de Belgique tout en étant recteur de la paroisse des Archanges Michel et Gabriel de Bruxelles. Il assure la direction du bureau de l'Eglise Orthodoxe auprès de l'Union Européenne, dès sa création en 1995. Le 5 septembre 1996 il est élu à l'unanimité évêque de l'ancien évêché de Reggio et est nommé évêque auxiliaire du Métropolite de Belgique. Le 20 janvier 2003 il est élu à l'unanimité par le Saint Synode du Patriarcat Œcuménique, Métropolite de France. Il lui est confié la représentation du Patriarcat dans le dialogue théologique avec les antiques Eglises orientales. Il conserve la direction de la représentation de l'Eglise Orthodoxe auprès de l'U.E. et a la responsabilité du dialogue académique bilatéral avec l'Islam et le Judaïsme. Il est membre du bureau central des Eglises Européennes (KEK). Il participe régulièrement à de nombreux congrès scientifiques. Il parle couramment le français et l'anglais et connaît l'allemand et l'italien.

Michel AGUILAR Vice-Chair of the European Buddhist Union, Committee on European Affairs, France / Vice-Président de l’Union Bouddhiste Européenne, Comité pour les Affaires Européennes, France

The European Buddhist Union (EBU) is a federation of Buddhist communities and organizations in Europe. Being broad and impartial it is open to Buddhists of all schools and traditions. Its principal aims are to promote the fellowship and encourage co- operation between the Buddhists in Europe: to promote Buddhists in Europe to meet and get acquainted. To promote the development of friendly relations between Buddhist organizations and consequently to promote co-operation on matters that are of interest to all. As such EBU supports and promotes a natural growth of Buddhism in Europe.

Vice-Chair of the European Buddhist Union Committee on European Affairs, Michel Aguilar has been a French consultant for dignity and ethics in work for 25 years. He teaches Ethics and Business at the Compiègne University in France. He is the administrator of the French Buddhist Union and responsible of Ethics. Michel is also the representative of the European Buddhist Union at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.


Mohammed Amin AL-MIDANI Chairman of the Arab Center for Education on International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, France / Président du Centre Arabe pour l’Éducation au Droit International Humanitaire et aux Droits Humains, France

Le Centre Arabe pour lřEducation au Droit International Humanitaire et aux Droits Humains (Lyon-Strasbourg, France) est une association française avec des représentants dans plusieurs capitales et villes dans le monde arabe. Le Centre a pour objet de favoriser le dialogue euro-arabe, de promouvoir les échanges culturels entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée, de participer à la formation des cadres travaillant dans le domaine du droit international humanitaire, aux droits humains et dřélaborer et diffuser des recherches, des rapports, des études et des traductions et, enfin de coopérer et échanger des expériences avec les organisations gouvernementales et non gouvernementales arabes, régionales et internationales.

Mohammed Amin Al-Midani, Né le 2 décembre 1952 à Damas, Syrie. Docteur dřEtat en Droit Public, Université de Strasbourg, France. Président du Centre Arabe pour lřEducation au Droit International Humanitaire et aux Droits Humains, France. Directeur adjoint du Groupe dřEtudes et de Recherches Islamologiques, Université de Strasbourg, France. Chercheur et Enseignant en droit international des droits de lřhomme. Il a publié plusieurs articles et ouvrages en langue arabe. Il a publié en français : Les droits de lřhomme et lřIslam, 2ème édition, Orient-Occident, le Centre Arabe pour lřEducation au Droit International Humanitaire et aux Droits Humains, Université de Strasbourg, 2010. Il est membre de lřInstitut International des Droits de l'Homme, Strasbourg, du Réseau Méditerranéen de Formation et Recherche en Droit de l'Homme, Messina, Italie de la Société Française de Droit International, Paris, du Séminaire d'Est-Sud, de Proche-Orient et des Etudes Islamiques , South Georgia University, Etats- Unis.

Reverend Christophe D’ALOISIO Chairman of SYNDESMOS - World fellowship of Orthodox Youth, Belgium / Président de SYNDESMOS - Fédération mondiale de la jeunesse orthodoxe, Belgique

SYNDESMOS is the World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth. It is a federation of Orthodox youth movements and theological schools around the world. The organization works under the blessing of all the local canonical Churches to serve the Church by promoting unity, witness, and renewal. Syndesmos, in Greek, means bond of unity. SYNDESMOS was founded in 1953 to encourage contacts among Orthodox youth movements in Western Europe, Greece and the Middle East. The fellowship is now made up of 121 Member Movements. These are various Orthodox youth organizations and movements and theological schools from more than forty different countries. The member movements, each blessed by their local bishop, belong in one of three categories: Affiliated, Federated, or Associated. Since 1992, youth movements of the Oriental Orthodox have joined the fellowship as federated members, with their own vice-president.


Révérend Christophe DřAloisio est inspecteur pour les cours de religion orthodoxe de lřenseignement public en Belgique, Directeur de lřInstitut de Théologie Saint Jean le Théologien à Bruxelles et président de Syndesmos - Fédération mondiale de la jeunesse orthodoxe. Il est également responsable du site

Driss AYACHOUR Vice-President of CRCM (Regional Council of the Muslim faith), Alsace, France / Vice-président du CRCM (Conseil Régional du Culte Musulman), Alsace, France

Driss Ayachour est vice-président du Conseil Régional du Culte Musulman (CRCM) est professeur de mathématiques et dřélectronique. Président de la Grande Mosquée de Strasbourg (GMS) de 2003 à 2009, il a été président de la Coordination des Associations de Musulmans de Strasbourg (CAMS) de 2005 à 2008 et président du Conseil Régional du Culte Musulman dřAlsace (CRCM) de 2008 à 2011 et membre du Bureau National du CFCM (Conseil Français du Culte Musulman) depuis juin 2011. Le 7 octobre 2009, il a été signataire, avec le Sénateur Maire de Strasbourg, M. Laurent Ries, de la convention pour la création dřun premier cimetière musulman à gestion publique en France dont lřinauguration a eu lieu le 6 février 2012.

Lama AZAB Group of European Interfaith Youth Network, Religions for Peace, France/ Groupe du Réseau Européen Interconfessionnel pour la Jeunesse, Religions pour la Paix, France

Religions for Peace Global Youth Network, established at the 2006 World Youth Assembly in Hiroshima, Japan, harnesses the energy and commitment of religious youth leaders all over the world to advance the mission of multi-religious cooperation for peace. The Global Youth Network is focused on multi-religious youth action by working to stop war, end poverty and protect the earth. Concurrently, the youth are working to mainstream youth and youth issues into Religions for Peace programming activities at the local, regional, and global levels.

The Global Youth Network is led by the International Youth Committee (IYC), comprised of fifteen members representing the world's faith traditions from six continents. The present IYC was elected at the Religions for Peace VIII World Assembly in Kyoto, Japan in August 2006. The Religions for Peace Global Youth Network and the IYC is led by its newly elected Youth Coordinator, Ms. Stellamaris Mulaeh, who is actively engaged in grassroots multi-religious youth-led peace building in Kenya. As a global agent, the IYC is mindful to choose a location where impacts of their meeting include bringing awareness to the conflict, or initiations of service projects in the location. 7

The Global Youth Network seeks to advance its work of mobilizing power of religious youth, building strategic partnerships with the United Nations, inter-governmental institutions, and civil society organization, and implementing action programs through national and regional inter-religious youth networks.

Lama Azab is involved in many interfaith projects; she is a member of the Core Group of European Interfaith Youth Network, a member of International Youth Committee of Global Youth Network of Religions for Peace, board member of Religions for Peace France, member of Association Coexister. She worked as an educator with youth in high school.

Ioana AVADANI Executive Director, Center of Independent Journalism, Romania / Directrice Exécutive, Centre pour le journalisme indépendant, Roumanie

The Center for Independent Journalism is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, offering courses and specialized training for journalists and media organizations. The Center organizes courses, seminars, debates, roundtables and professional assistance focusing on media specific problems. CIJ is a project of the Independent Journalism Foundation, New York, which operates similar centers in Bratislava and Budapest. CIJ opened in 1994. Since then, hundreds of students have received opportunities in professional training at the Center. Throughout the year, the Center offers a variety of courses, ranging from the basics of journalism to specialized courses for print, radio and TV.

Ioana Avadani is the executive director of the Center for Independent Journalism in Bucharest, Romania. She has an experience of over 17 years in the media field, having worked as a news agency deputy-in-chief editor, a TV editor and as a media developer with CIJ. As a CIJ director, Avadani coordinated programs ranging from professional training for journalists to targeted assistance for media operations, from advocacy for transparency, press freedom and protection of journalists to curricula development and strengthening the journalists associations in Romania. She was instrumental in the passing of critical legislation such as Access to Information and sunshine laws, Broadcast law, Public Broadcast Services and public procurement legislation. She has also been central to the media self- regulation in Romania. Between 2004 and 2006, she served two successive mandates as the president of the South East European Network for the Professionalization of the Media, a network gathering 18 training centers and media institutes in 10 countries in the South-Eastern Europe. She is a member of the Prime Ministerřs College for Consultation with the NGOs, as well as a member of Team Europe, a group of independent experts in EU issues, created by the European Commission. Avadani published several articles and studies dedicated to the media developments in Romania and SEE region. She appeared as a speaker in many national and international events and taught numerous courses for various audiences. She is also active in literature translation from English (especially from the Romanian- born American writer and poet Andrei Codrescu).


Reverend James BARNETT Anglican Church, Conference of International Non-governmental Organizations (INGOs) of the Council of Europe, Representative of the Intereuropean Commission on the Church and School (ICCS), United Kingdom / Eglise Anglicane, Conférence des Organisations Internationales Non Gouvernementales (OING) du Conseil de l'Europe, Représentant de la Commission Inter-européenne sur l’Eglise et l’Ecole (ICCS), Royaume-Uni

ICCS est une OING dotée de statut participatif auprès du Conseil de LřEurope depuis 1986. Elle se fait représenter par ses ŖCorrespondantsŗ dans 24 pays de lřEurope. ICCS est membre du CoGREE, elle travaille avec lřUNESCO. Le siège est à Münster en Allemagne, à lřInstitut Comenius, qui est un institut de recherche et dřactivités éducatives. Les correspondants travaillent avec des Instituts de formation, des Universités et avec des centres parrainés par les églises, mais toujours dans le contexte de dialogue et de rencontre à travers la diversité. ICCS organise une Conférence tous les trois ans, dont la prochaine, sur ŖL’employabilité, la Mobilité et la Flexibilité : les Exigences européennes un défi pour la Religion et l’Éducationŗ sřest tenu à Prague du 29 juin au 3 juillet 2011.

Révérend James BARNETT est formateur et Prêtre Anglican. Il a travaillé dans deux écoles en Angleterre et sřintéresse en particulier à la sensibilisation non confessionnelle au fait religieux. Dans le Lancashire, il a été membre du Conseil dřAdministration dřun centre de jeunesse à Preston. Le centre était un lieu de rencontre et de dialogue interculturels ainsi que de connaissance mutuelle à travers les différences religieuses. Il a travaillé avec lřInstitut Farmington, un institut de recherche basé à Oxford, et a été directeur avec lřAbbé actuel de Westminster dřun projet de développement des cours sur la religion pour les examens publics. Il a travaillé sur lřéducation des Adultes et a enseigné à lřUniversité dřExeter. Il a vécu à Strasbourg pendant six ans et a été membre du Staff Associé de la KEK. Il porte un intérêt aux media, en particulier à lřinfluence des media sur les adolescents au regard du développement de leurs valeurs personnelles.

Daniel BARTON International Youth Committee of Religions for Peace, Czech Republic / Comité International de la Jeunesse de Religions pour la Paix, République Tchèque

Religions for Peace Global Youth Network, established at the 2006 World Youth Assembly in Hiroshima, Japan, harnesses the energy and commitment of religious youth leaders all over the world to advance the mission of multi-religious cooperation for peace. The Global Youth Network is focused on multi-religious youth action by working to stop war, end poverty and protect the earth. Concurrently, the youth are working to mainstream youth and youth issues into Religions for Peace programming activities at the local, regional, and global levels. The Global Youth Network is led by the International Youth Committee (IYC), comprised of fifteen members representing the world's faith traditions from six continents. The present IYC was elected at the Religions for Peace VIII World Assembly in Kyoto, Japan in August 2006. The Religions for Peace Global Youth Network and the IYC is led by its newly elected Youth Coordinator, Stellamaris Mulaeh, who is actively engaged in grassroots multi-religious 9

youth-led peace building in Kenya. As a global agent, the IYC is mindful to choose a location where impacts of their meeting include bringing awareness to the conflict, or initiations of service projects in the location. The Global Youth Network seeks to advance its work of mobilizing power of religious youth, building strategic partnerships with the United Nations, inter-governmental institutions, and civil society organization, and implementing action programs through national and regional inter-religious youth networks.

Daniel Barton from Czech Republic, he has been long involved in Christian ecumenical movement, as a board member of European Youth Council of Europe and involved since 2005 in global interfaith movement, serving as a member of the International Youth Committee of Religions for Peace.

François BECKER Secretary General, European Network Church on the Move / Secrétaire général, Réseau Européen Églises et Libertés

European Network Church on the Move, France / Réseau Européen Eglises et Libertés, France

Le Réseau Européen Églises et Libertés (The European Network Church on the Move) is a spontaneous convergence of organizations Ŕ associations, communities, informal groups and networks Ŕ of European Christians who are in majority Catholic, sharing Ŗthe vision of a Church prophetic, ecumenical, liberating, supporting, loving, which neither excludes nor discriminates and which follows on the steps of Jesus the liberator and the will to work, respecting cultural and religious diversity, for peace, justice, freedom, human rights and democracy, including in the (cf. Declaration of rights and freedoms in the Catholic Church, European Network 1994 (d)). The European Network declares itself an integral part of the Catholic Church enjoying the freedom of association under the law of the Catholic Church (Canon 215) (Constitution Preamble b and d).



L'Osservatore Romano (English: The Roman Observer) is the "semi-official" newspaper of the Holy See. It covers the entire Pope's public activities, publishes editorials by important churchmen, and runs official documents after being released. The publication prints two Latin mottoes under the masthead of each edition: Unicuique suum ("To each his own") and Non praevalebunt ("[The gates of Hell] shall not prevail"). The current editor-in-chief is Giovanni Maria Vian. L’Osservatore Romano is published in nine different languages (listed by date of first publication): Daily and weekly in Italian (1861/1950), Weekly in French (1949), Weekly in English (1968), Weekly in Spanish (1969), Weekly in Portuguese (1970), Weekly in German (1971), Monthly in Polish (1980), Weekly in Malayalam (2007) .The daily Italian edition of L'Osservatore Romano is published in the afternoon, but with a cover date of the following day, a convention that sometimes results in confusion. The English weekly edition was first published on 4 April 1968. Currently it is distributed in more than 129 countries, including both English-speaking countries and locales where English is used as the general means of communication.

Marco Bellizi, 43, is an Italian political columnist and the coordinator of the International Religious News Service of the "L'Osservatore Romano". Graduated in Political Sciences with specialization in International Politics, he started his career working for the daily newspaper "Corriere della Sera" and for others daily newspapers and magazines. The International Religious News Service of "L'Osservatore Romano" collects any religious news from the country all over the world, paying special attention to religious freedom and ecumenical and interreligious dialogue. Marco Bellizi is also committed in promotion of mutual understanding between faiths, through organization and advertising of interreligious meetings in Rome.

Abdel Hamid BEYUKI Member of the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) / Membre de la Commission Européenne contre le Racisme et l’Intolérance (ECRI)

Abdel Hamid BEYUKI est diplômé en sciences juridiques à la Faculté de Droit, Université Med V- Rabat et de la Faculté de Droit, Université Complutense, Madrid 1998.Entre 1987 et 1990 il est vice-président du Comité de Défense des Réfugiés en Espagne et de 1991à 1996 coordinateur de migration au syndicat espagnol UGT. Il a été président fondateur de l'Association des Travailleurs marocains en Espagne (ATIME) entre 1989 et 2002, président fondateur de l'Association Entre Cultures. Directeur du Réseau Euro-Méditerranée de Coopération et Développement ainsi que membre du Conseil dřAdministration de la Plateforme EUROMED. Hamid Beyuki est aussi écrivain (4 livres en arabe et 2 en espagnol) ainsi quřauteur d'articles d'opinion dans des journaux espagnols (El Pais, El Mundo) et marocains. Il est le directeur du journal électronique Al Moulahed ("Observateur")


Abdellah BOUSSOUF Director, Euro-Islamic Center for culture and dialogue, Charleroi, Belgium / Directeur, Centre Euro- Islamique pour la culture et le dialogue, Charleroi, Belgique

Abdellah Boussouf est un historien marocain né le 15 mars 1962 à Nador au Nord-Est du Maroc. En 2007, il a été nommé secrétaire général du Conseil de la communauté marocaine à l'étranger par le roi Mohammed VI. La thèse de doctorat soutenue par Abdellah

Boussouf en 1991 porte sur les relations dans le bassin méditerranéen au XIIIe siècle. Il a été vice-président du Conseil français du culte musulman (CFCM). Il dirige le Centre euro- islamique pour la culture et le dialogue à Charleroi en Belgique.

Sue CARO Diversity Manager / Gestionnaire de la diversité

Sue Caro is a Diversity Manager. She worked at the BBC, promoting the business and creative case for diversity; internally and externally, nationally and internationally. She interacted and worked with senior management and other BBC colleagues, internal staff networks, external opinion formers and interest groups, license fee payers, a wide range of diverse talent and represents the BBC at events both in the UK and overseas. Before she took up this role she worked in production, commissioning and editorial management for ITN, Channel 4, ITV and Sky - and in the independent production sector. She began her TV career working in News, historically a very male dominated and macho area of production. Many of her ideas about diversity and inclusivity were forged in the deadline focused, adrenaline fuelled environment of news where for example women.

Maria Cheresheva Vice chair, Association of European Journalists, Bulgaria / Vice presidente, Association des Journalistes Européens, Bulgarie

Association of European Journalists Across Europe, the AEJ brings together individual journalists through their membership of the national sections. The AEJ was set up in 1962 in the then six EEC-countries and was founded by 70 journalists, convinced by the need for European integration in a democratic way who believed in the potential of journalism to promote European harmony. For that reason they were determined to defend the freedom of information and freedom of the press in Europe. Most activities of the AEJ are arranged by the sections at national level. However, one of the aims of the international association is to create links between individual journalists; to exchange contacts, information and ideas. The AEJ partners with the European Journalism Centre (EJC), an independent institution for further training of journalists. There are now more than 20 sections (click here for national contacts), independently established in countries that belong to the Council of Europe. Members in each section are drawn from a wide spectrum of the media staff and freelance contributors to 12

television, radio, national, regional and specialists newspapers and periodicals and the new media. Membership in each section is open to all journalists including foreign media representatives based in the country.

One of the founders of AEJ-Bulgaria and vice-chair of the organization, Maria Cheresheva is an author in the business magazine Enterprise. She has worked as a freelance journalist on projects dedicated to the European Union and human rights protection and as an editor in the business portal, she is a former editor of Focus on European funding project. She has studied European Studies in Sofia and Maastricht and has worked as a trainee in DG Communication of the European Parliament. Researching and publishing on the problems of media freedom in Bulgaria and the EU, representing the NGO, she has an active participation in the organization's activities and policies.

Paolo CORSINI Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe / Commission de la Culture, de la Science, de l’Education et des Médias, Assemblée Parlementaire du Conseil de l’Europe

L'Assemblée Parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe (APCE) est composée d'un certain nombre de représentants de chaque Etat membre et son Président est élu chaque année parmi ces membres pour une période maximale de deux sessions. L'actuel Président est Claude Mignon (France). Il a été élu en janvier 2012. Alors qu'au sein du Comité des Ministres chaque Etat membre a une voix, au sein de l'Assemblée parlementaire, c'est la population du pays qui détermine le nombre de représentants et donc de voix. Le plus grand nombre est 18, le plus petit 2. Comme il y a un nombre égal de représentants et de suppléants, l'Assemblée compte au total 636 membres, auxquels s'ajoutent 18 observateurs. Chaque Etat membre est libre de choisir le mode de désignation de ses représentants à l'APCE, à condition que ceux-ci soient élus ou désignés en son sein par le parlement national ou fédéral. La composition politique de chaque délégation nationale doit refléter de façon raisonnablement fidèle la représentation des différents partis au sein du parlement national. Le processus d'adhésion commence généralement par une requête adressée au Secrétaire Général du Conseil de l'Europe qui la transmet au Comité des Ministres pour examen. Ce dernier consulte l'Assemblée parlementaire qui, à son tour, vérifie si le candidat satisfait aux conditions requises. Il s'agit de visites sur place de commissions parlementaires et aussi, plus récemment, de missions d'information effectuées par des éminents juristes. Sans être une disposition statutaire, il est désormais de règle de demander à tout nouveau candidat qu'il adhère aux principes de la Convention européenne des Droits de l'Homme. C'est alors en fonction de l'avis adopté par l'APCE que le Comité des Ministres invite l'Etat en question à devenir membre à part entière.

Paolo Corsini was born on 09/12/1947 in Italy. He is the Italian Deputy for the Democratic Party. Member's roles in the PACE: Membership of political groups: Representatives not belonging to a Political Group (25/11/2011 - 31/01/2012) (Member), Member of the Socialist Group since 31/01/2012. Assembly Member: since 25/11/2011 (Substitute), MP's role(s) in Committee(s) and Sub-Committee(s): Member: Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media, Member: Sub-Committee on Education, Youth and Sport.


Catharina COVOLO Chairperson of the Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe (EYCE), Germany / Présidente du Conseil Œcuménique de la jeunesse en Europe, Allemagne

EYCE was founded in 1968, but its roots go back to just after World War II. In 1947 the World Council of Churches (WCC) began to organize annual meetings for those responsible for ecumenical youth work in the different countries of Europe.1968 was a special year for youth and students throughout the world - these youth leaders decided to found their own organization, later known as the Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe. EYCE's first General Meeting was held in October 1969 in Sweden. EYCE appointed its first full-time General Secretary in 1978. Its Secretariat has since moved from East-Berlin to Budapest, to Belfast and Helsinki. In 1999 a permanent office was established in Brussels. As a Christian youth organization, EYCE strives to represent young people in Europe as much as possible. EYCE works on an entirely ecumenical basis, and therefore considers itself to be part of the wider ecumenical movement. It wants to encourage Churches and Christian youth movements in Europe to strive towards the unity of all Christians. Its goal is not to form one church structure, but to look for a means to work together in spite of their different denominational viewpoints. This means working together to overcome such obstacles as nationalism, xenophobia, social exclusion and proselytism .Many of the above mentioned obstacles are the result of a lack of information and the fear of the unknown. EYCE believes that bringing people together is the best way to foster mutual understanding between different Christian denominations and traditions. It tries to provide young people with a place to develop an understanding of the different expressions of faith in different denominations and countries.

Catharina Covolo has been voluntarily involved in the work with young people in the Lutheran Church in Germany at different levels, from local to international, since 2000. Her special contribution to the youth work has been in the area of educational work and training for youth leaders and youth workers. She also is the Vice-chairperson of the Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe (an umbrella organization of Christian youth organizations in 25 European countries). In 2011 Catharina was awarded the honorary Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for extraordinary voluntary civic engagement. The Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland) is the only/ highest state decoration, which has been awarded to individuals for their outstanding achievements in political, economic, cultural, intellectual or volunteer field since 1951. Catharina is currently finishing her studies in Lutheran Theology at the University of Heidelberg in Germany.


Maryse DAVIET Chief of the Departement of Religions, Directorate of foresight, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, France / Chef du pôle Religions, Direction de la prospective, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et europénnes, France

Née en 1955, Maryse Daviet est responsable du pôle « Religions » à la direction de la prospective du ministère des Affaires étrangères. Elle est licenciée ès lettre (chinois), diplômée de lřInstitut dřEtudes Politiques et de lřInstitut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (chinois). Entre 2003 et 2007 elle est détachée auprès du Conseil Europeen en qualité de chef de la Mission de surveillance en ex-Yougoslavie (EUMM). Entre 2008 et 2011 elle a été ambassadeur extraordinnaire et plénipotentiaire en Albanie. Depuis décembre 2011 elle est reponsable du pôle « Religions » à la direction de la prospective du ministère des Affaires étrangères.

Jean DE BRUKER Deputy Secretary General, Centre d’Action Laïque (CAL) (Centre for Secular Action), Belgium / Vice- Sécretaire Général, Centre d’Action Laïque (CAL), Belgique

Le Centre d’Action Laïque représente 7 régionales, 28 associations constitutives, 320 associations locales - 200 permanents Ŕ 3500 bénévoles. Il a pour objet de défendre et de promouvoir la laïcité en Belgique et en particulier en Wallonie et à Bruxelles. Par laïcité, il faut entendre, dřune part, La volonté de construire une société juste, progressiste et fraternelle, dotée dřinstitutions publiques impartiales, garante de la dignité de la personne et des droits humains assurant à chacun la liberté de pensée et d'expression, ainsi que lřégalité de tous devant la loi sans distinction de sexe, dřorigine, de culture ou de conviction et considérant que les options confessionnelles ou non confessionnelles relèvent exclusivement de la sphère privée des personnes, et dřautre part, lřélaboration personnelle dřune conception de vie qui se fonde sur lřexpérience humaine, à lřexclusion de toute référence confessionnelle, dogmatique ou surnaturelle, qui implique lřadhésion aux valeurs du libre examen, dřémancipation à lřégard de toute forme de conditionnement et aux impératifs de citoyenneté et de justice. Le CAL est membre de la Fédération Humaniste Européenne (FHE), association internationale sans but lucratif de droit belge, créée en 1991 et qui regroupe de très nombreuses associations laïques et humanistes dřEurope au sens large et a pour objectifs la promotion des principes dřhumanisme et de la laïcité de la société en Europe. Il est également membre de lřInternational Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) fondée en 1952 à Amsterdam. LřIHEU comprend des associations humanistes nationales et régionales dřun grand nombre de pays dans le monde. Son siège social est à Londres. LřIHEU est reconnue comme organisation non gouvernementale par lřUNESCO, lřUNICEF, les Nations Unies et le Conseil de lřEurope. Le CAL est membre de la COFACE, une organisation pluraliste, au sein de la société civile, qui a pour mission de promouvoir la politique familiale, la solidarité entre les générations et les intérêts des enfants au sein de l'Union européenne. Le CAL est aussi membre de la FESEFA, une organisation qui regroupe plus de 300 associations de tous horizons philosophiques et installées dans toute la Communauté française. Ces associations relèvent du champ de l'éducation permanente, et/ ou de lřinsertion socioprofessionnelle wallonne et bruxelloise et de la formation des adultes.

Jean de Brueker est secrétaire Général adjoint chargé des affaires internationales du CAL. Formation : Licence en Sciences Sociales, agrégation en Sciences politiques et sociales, cycle de formation Coopération au Développement. Connaissances linguistiques : Français, Néerlandais, Anglais. Expérience professionnelle : Bureau International du travail (BIT – ILO) : expert associé en République populaire du Congo : promotion féminine et familiale au Cameroun : évaluation de projets Ŕ affaires sociales. Asbl Sésame : Coordinateur AMO (Action en Milieu Ouvert) Centre d’Action Laïque depuis 1985 : Coordinateur projet jeunesse, délégué gestion, secrétaire général adjoint puis secrétaire général adjoint chargé des affaires internationales du CAL.


Marianne EJDERSTEN Programme Director for National Communication, Church Of Sweden / Directrice pour la Communication Nationale, Eglise de Suède

The Church of Sweden (Swedish: Svenska kyrkan) is the largest Christian church in Sweden. The church professes the Lutheran faith and is a member of the Porvoo Communion. With 6,589,769 baptized members, it is the largest Lutheran church in the world, although combined. There are more Lutherans in the member churches of the Evangelical Church in Germany (10 million). Until 2000 it held the position of state church. Approximately 2% of the church's members regularly attend Sunday services. The Church of Sweden is an Evangelical Lutheran community of faith manifested in parishes and dioceses. The church also has a national organization. It is an open national church which, working with a democratic organization and through the ministry of the church, covers the whole nation. The Primate of the Church of Sweden is the Archbishop of Uppsala, currently Anders Wejryd.

Marianne Ejdersten is the programme director for national communication for the Church of Sweden.

Jeanine ELKOUBY Vice-President of the Israelite Consistory of Bas-Rhin, France/ Vice Présidente du Consistoire Israelite du Bas-Rhin, France

Vice Présidente du Consistoire Israelite du Bas-Rhin à la fois versée dans la culture française, via l`enseignement des lettres classiques en université et en lycée, et dans l`enseignement de l'exégèse biblique et de la pensée juive, Jeanine Elkouby milite également dans diverses associations, en particulier le Consistoire Israélite du Bas-Rhin, dont elle est vice-présidente, le Conseil International des Femmes Juives dont elle est déléguée au Conseil de l`Europe et l`Amitié judéo-chrétienne de Strasbourg qu`elle préside.


Dina ELMAHI Youth Coordinator for the Interfaith project at Fryshuset, Together for Sweden, Sweden / Coordinatrice du Projet Interreligieux pour la Jeunesse au Fryshuset, Ensemble pour la Suède, Suède

Fryshuset is often referred to as the largest youth center in the world - but it is actually much more than that. Above all it is a vision based on the conviction that encouragement, confidence, responsibility and understanding are necessary in order to enable young people to develop their innate abilities and find their way into society. This is exactly what Fryshuset is trying to do and the place is therefore packed with all kinds of creative and constructive activities. Young people mix with grown-ups in order to participate, contribute and learn. Fryshuset is a meeting place where people share and develop passionate interests, social commitments, sports, entertainment, culture and innovative educational programs.

"Together for Sweden" is a new three-year Fryshuset project focusing on inter-religious guidance and training for young people in order to combat xenophobia, racism and extremism. The project is based on human rights and to show how religion can be a path to integration and vigor of youth in the work for peace and understanding. Projectsř objectives are: To provide a deeper understanding of "the other" and to eliminate misconceptions and prejudices between people in society, to provide support and guidance to young people who want to deepen their faith and use it as a growing power in the work for peace and understanding, to prevent conflicts at the encounter between different religions and social groups to combat xenophobia, Islamophobia, Western phobia and Christological phobia, to discuss and create understanding about the role of women in religion to initiate collaboration with various organizations and communities around diversity, democracy and coexistence, to create an in-depth debate and nuance in the media about the religions. The project is led by a steering group formed with representatives from the Swedish Church, Sofia Church, the Islamic Association in Stockholm, the United Islamic associations in Sweden and Fryshuset. "Together for Sweden" gets financial contributions from the Diocese of Stockholm and Sofia parish. Dina Elmahi is the youth coordinator for the interfaith project at Fryshuset.

Mihai FLORAN International Young Catholic Students / Jeunesse Etudiante Catholique Internationale

The International Young Catholic Students (IYCS), also known as the Young Christian Students, has its roots in the development of several YCS national movements in the late 1920řs in Belgium and France. Since its creation, YCS movement grew in the spirit of the Specialized Catholic Action movements that were inspired by Joseph Cardijn (the founder of the Young Christian Workers) with the methodology of See-Judge-Act. In 1946, just at the end of the Second World War, the International Coordination was established in Paris - France. Today, the International Secretariat is coordinating 85 national movements across the continent. The IYCS has a General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Commission (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, and an Operational Status with UNESCO in 1998.IYCS is recognized by the Holy See and since the World Council of 17

Kampala in 2007, has the private juridical statute according to the Canon Law 298-311 and 321-329. IYCS aims to evangelize and transform the student milieu (both secondary and tertiary), through forming students and encouraging them to look at the world from the perspective of the poor, with a commitment to global solidarity, freedom, justice and peace. The IYCS members understand themselves as the presence of the Church in and at the service of the student milieu.

Mgr Aldo GIORDANO Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the Council of Europe / Observateur Permanent du Saint-Siège auprès du Conseil de lřEurope

Mgr Aldo Giordano est né à Cuneo (Italie), le 20 août 1954. Ordonné prêtre le 28 juillet 1979 dans le diocèse de Cuneo, il a fait ses études de théologie à la section de Fossano (Cuneo) de la Faculté de théologie dřItalie du Nord, avant de suivre une spécialisation en philosophie à lřUniversité Grégorienne de Rome. Professeur de philosophie, sa recherche et ses essais portent en particulier sur lřéthique et la philosophie contemporaine. Nommé Secrétaire général du Conseil des Conférences Épiscopales (CCEE) le 15 mai 1995 avec un premier mandat de trois ans, il a été ensuite réélu le 4 octobre 1998 puis le 3 octobre 2003, chaque fois avec un mandat de cinq ans. En 2008 Mgr Aldo Giordano a été nommé par le pape Benoît XVI, comme observateur permanent du Saint-Siège auprès du Conseil de lřEurope à Strasbourg.

Rabbi Gerald Herschel GLUCK Chairman of the Muslim-Jewish Forum, honorary secretary Arab-Jewish Forum, United Kingdom / Président du Forum Musulmano-Juif, sécrétaire honoraire du Forum Arabo-Juif, Royaume-Uni

Currently based in Stoke Newington, Rabbi Herschel Gluck is honorary secretary of the Arab-Jewish Forum and is chairman and founder of the Muslim-Jewish Forum. Established in 2000, the Forum was the first of its type in the world. It deals with a broad range of issues which are of concern to both communities and also serves a role in preventing and defusing tensions. Rabbi Gluckřs role as a mediator is not confined to the domestic arena. He has also been heavily involved for some time with the Next Century Foundation, through which he has played a significant role as a mediator in conflicts as diverse as the Sudan and Former Yugoslavia.


Rabbi René GUTMAN Chief Rabbi of Strasbourg and Bas-Rhin, member of the Conference of European Rabbis, France / Grand- Rabbin de Strasbourg et du Bas-Rhin, membre de la Conférence des Rabbins Européens, France

Le Grand Rabbin René Gutman est diplômé du Séminaire israélite de France, diplômé de lřInstitut national des langues et civilisations orientales à Paris (diplôme unilingue hébreu, diplôme supérieur hébreu).Il a poursuivi ses études à lřuniversité de la Sorbonne nouvelle (Paris III) où il a obtenu un diplôme universitaire dřétudes littéraires, une licence ès lettres dřenseignement (hébreu), une maîtrise ès lettres, un diplôme dřétudes approfondies (D.E.A.) dřétudes hébraïques et juives, un doctorat en sciences religieuses (Ecole Pratique de Hautes Etudes). Il est membre du Conseil national du SIDA, membre du Bureau permanent de la Conférence des rabbins européens, membre du Conseil supérieur rabbinique (Paris), professeur associé à lřUniversité libre de Bruxelles. Il a exercé ses fonctions de rabbin à Besançon, Reims, Bruxelles avant dřêtre nommé Grand Rabbin de Strasbourg et du Bas-Rhin. Il est membre du conseil scientifique du Forum Européen de Bioéthique.

Marc HARRIS Great Synagogue of Stockholm, Sweden / Grande Synagogue de Stockholm, Suède

The Great Synagogue is located at Wahrendorffsgatan in Stockholm and was built 1867-1870 according to designs made in 1862 by the architect Fredrik Wilhelm Scholander. The building has been called a "paraphrase over Oriental motifs" and it is listed in the Swedish registry of national historical buildings. It was preceded by an earlier synagogue at Tyska Brunnsplan in the Stockholm Old Town used from1790 until 1870, and services were held in an even earlier location on Köpmanbrinken near Köpmantorget in the Old town 1787-1790. It seats 900 people, and is an official national historical building. Services are Masorti and egalitarian - men and women sit together, and women are counted in the minyan. Marc Harris is chairman of the Advisory Committee for the Great Synagogue.

Dorian HATIBI Parish Youth Group, Albania

The Parish Youth Group consists of 18-30 year old believers that once a week gathers together to share experiences and knowledge of spiritual fear with each - other. The goal is the sharing of individual experiences to strengthen the faith of other believers.


Jean-Marie HEYDT Vice-Chair of North-South Center / Vice-President du Centre Nord-Sud

Centre Nord-Sud - Centre Européen pour l'interdépendance et la solidarité mondiales

Le Centre Nord-Sud, dont le nom officiel est le « Centre européen pour lřinterdépendance et la solidarité mondiales », est une institution autonome du Conseil de lřEurope. Créé en novembre 1989, sous la forme dřun « Accord partiel élargi » et compte, à ce jour, 22 Etats membres. Le Centre européen pour lřinterdépendance et la solidarité mondiales (plus communément dénommé «Centre Nord-Sud»), a été mis en place à Lisbonne en mai 1990. Le choix de Lisbonne répondait à une initiative du gouvernement portugais, qui a proposé (suite à la campagne publique européenne sur lřinterdépendance et la solidarité nord-sud organisée en 1988, par le Conseil de lřEurope en coopération avec la Communauté européenne) de créer un centre chargé dřassurer le suivi des propositions issues de la campagne. Dès lřorigine, il sřest appuyé sur ce qui constitue, aujourdřhui encore, sa dimension fondamentalement novatrice et son potentiel de développement. Le Centre Nord-Sud, fait unique dans le monde des organisations internationales, est géré par un «quadrilogue», néologisme désignant la réunion de quatre partenaires issus à la fois dřinstitutions publiques et de la société civile : gouvernements, parlements, collectivités territoriales et organisations non gouvernementales. Cette formule contribue au rapprochement dřacteurs aux approches, points de vue et priorités différents, créant ainsi des synergies constructives.

Jean-Marie HEYDT, de Nationalités suisse et française, père des 5 enfants, domicilié à Strasbourg est Docteur en Sciences de lřÉducation. Jean-Marie Heydt est, dřune part, directeur général et gestionnaire dřune organisation française créée en 1946, reconnue dřutilité publique, intervenant auprès de familles dans tous les domaines de la vie et structurée par plus de 40 établissements employant 400 salariés. Dans le Bas-Rhin, elle regroupe plus de 11000 membres et 877 bénévoles qui animent et participent aux multiples activités familiales proposées. Il est, dřautre part, enseignant universitaire chargé de cours en Sciences de lřéducation - Politiques sociales. Diplômé dřÉtudes européennes Jean-Marie Heydt a été président de la Conférence des Organisations Internationales Non Gouvernementales (OING) entre 2009 et jusquřen septembre 2012 lorsquřil est devenu le vice-président du centre Nord Sud du Conseil de lřEurope.


Julia Maria KOSZEWSKA Club of Catholic Intelligentsia (KIK), Poland / Club de l’Intelligentsia Catholique (KIK), Pologne

Klub Inteligencji Katolickiej (KIK) (Polish: Club of Catholic Intellectuals) is a Polish organization grouping Catholic intellectuals. KIK is organized into a series of local chapters (clubs). KIK was founded after Gomułka's Thaw in communist Poland in 1956, evolving into a mild Catholic-center opposition group in communist Poland.

Julia Maria Koszewska (born in 1982 in Warsaw, Poland) Ŕ trainer, photographer and genealogist (specialization: genealogy of Polish Jews), graduate Student, a PhD candidate and an assistant lecturer at University of Warsaw, Poland. She is actively involved in inter-religious and ecumenical dialogue in Europe and Poland. She is by education: librarian (specialization: information science, management of knowledge and information. Since 1998 she actively participated in the life of Club of Catholic Intelligentsia (KIK) in Warsaw, Poland. In the academical year 2005/2006, Julia Maria became a member of the board of Students' Section of KIK. In January 2007 she became representative of KIK to the Youth Committee of Polish Ecumenical Council (PRE). Since 2006 she is coordinator of inter-religious projects and international relations of KIK. Member of ELC of Pax Romana ICMICA/MIIC of Europe region, in May 2010, she was elected vice president of Club of Catholic Intelligentsia (KIK) in Warsaw, Poland. Since 2004, Julia Maria Koszewska participates in the work of Pax Romana ICMICA/MIIC. In 2008, she was elected (for the mandate 2008-2012) to the ELC (coordination team) of Pax Romana ICMICA/MIIC in Europe region. Julia Maria Koszewska is actively involved in women groups such as Pax Romana: Women's Vision (women of Pax Romana), and European Women of Faith Network working in the structures of WCRP (World Conference of Religions for Peace)

Peter KREKO Director, Political Capital Institute, Hungary / Directeur, Institut Capital Politique, Hongrie

Political Capital (PC) is a leading Budapest-based research and consultancy institute founded in 2001. PCI has been conducting extensive comparative research on right-wing extremism, prejudices and migration tendencies since 2006. In 2012, Political Capital has launched a project with partners from France, Norway, Slovakia and Poland of research and advocacy focused on the role conspiracy theorizing plays in radical and extremist politics, supported by the Open Society Foundations, Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research and the Visegrad Fund. Comparative evidence-based research help the project members to elaborate and pilot efficient advocacy, communication (awareness-raising) and education strategies and counter-narratives against conspiracy theories. Political Capital has become in June 2012 a leading institution in the EU Radicalization Awareness Network (RAN), an organization that was set up by the European Commission as an EU-wide umbrella network of practitioners and local actors involved in countering and preventing violent radicalization. RAN supports the policy process at the EU and Member Statesř level. The purpose of this working group is to capture and disseminate approaches in practice, learning from those in Europe actually working Řon the groundř with young people vulnerable to violent radicalization, with the aim of improving future practice in the prevention of violent extremism.


Peter Kreko holds a master degree in psychology and one in political science from Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary. He is the director of Political Capital Institute and an assistant professor at Eötvös Loránd University. Since June 2012 he has became a co-chair of the working group RAN-PREVENT. The purpose of this working group is to capture and disseminate approaches in practice, learning from those in Europe actually working Řon the groundř with young people vulnerable to violent radicalization, with the aim of improving future practice in the prevention of violent extremism.

Kyrylo IVLIEV Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) / Jeunesse et environnement en Europe (YEE)

Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) is a platform of many European youth organizations that study nature or are active in environmental protection. These member organizations come together from 28 countries. The aim of YEE is to encourage youth to be involved in environmental protection and to provide a platform where these organizations can work together.YEE gives an opportunity to contact other European organizations, to exchange experiences and ideas and to work together. All the activities of YEE are organized and carried out by young people under 30. YEE organizes and encourages all activities that can increase the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of nature and the awareness of environmental problems among young people in Europe. Its aim is to promote the commitment of youth to the principles of environmental conservation. Therefore, young people's voluntary actions have to be stimulated for the protection and the rational use of the Earth's resources. Since environmental problems do not accept any borders, YEE members act together in order to implement their ideas in their local groups and in joint activities. Within international actions, they intend to raise public awareness and to put pressure on enterprises and politicians.

Kyrylo Ivliev is a member of the Advisory Council on Youth 2012 Ŕ 2014 of the Youth and Environment Europe (YEE)

Argyrina JUBANI Chair of the Albanian Youth Council / Présidente du Conseil albanais de la jeunesse


The Albanian Youth Council is a nonprofit youth organization, an umbrella NGO and its activity extends across all the Albanian territory. This national organization was created in 1994 to serve at local and national youth organizations, namely youth, and to mediate the relationship between youth and the state. On November 9, 2010, after two years of not being active 34 youth NGOs gathered in a meeting and organized the General Assembly, to reactivate the Albanian Youth Council. Now there are 38 Youth NGOs member and 2 Youth NGOs observer. The AYCřs mission is to improve democratic participation of young people and to contribute in developing their skills and knowledge for a better society. The organizationřs primary objectives are to: promote mutual understanding and cooperation in joint initiatives, represent and highlight the interests of youth, to mediate for solving problems in youth work to influence the development and improvement of


democratic processes in the country with the involvement of youth in decision making processes, to influence the development of youth legislation to work for equal rights between boys and girls, to work against racism, national, ethnic or religious extremism, discrimination and xenophobia. Very active in promoting multiculturalism and Ŗliving together in diversityŗ, the AYC is organizing from two years now informal meetings called Café dřEurope, a place for young people to share ideas and concerns. In 14 November 2011 the AYC was the coordinative Organization of volunteers and public relations in the first interreligious activity organized in Tirana from the Pontifical Council for Culture, called Atrium Gentium, with the participation of the heads of the major religious communities in Albania. This meeting was a successful tentative for building new bridges of communication not only between different religions, but also with non religious and atheist persons. More information on the Albanian Youth Council can be found in

Argyrina Jubani holds a Bachelor's degree in Social sciences and a Master's degree in International Relations and Political Science from the University of Tirana. From 2008 to 2010 she worked as a Specialist of Youth Policies for the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports. From 2007 to 2008 she was a project coordinator for the Organization of Albanian Students of Political Science.

Elizabeta KITANOVIĆ Conference of European Churches (CEC), Belgium / Conférence européenne des Eglises (CEC), Belgique

The Conference of European Churches (CEC) is a fellowship of some 120 Orthodox, Protestant, Anglican and Old Catholic Churches from all countries of Europe, plus 40 associated organizations. The CEC was founded in 1959. It has offices in Geneva, Brussels and Strasbourg. The Church and Society Commission of CEC links member churches and associated organizations of CEC with the European Unionřs institutions, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, NATO and the UN (on European matters). Its task is to help the churches study church and society questions from a theological and social-ethical perspective, especially those with a European dimension, and to represent common positions of the member churches in their relations with political institutions working in Europe.

Mag. Elisabeta Kitanović is Executive Secretary for Human Rights and Communication of the Church and Society Commission of CEC in Brussels. She edited the Human Rights Training Manuel for European Churches and is editor of European Churches Human Rights Library and the CSC Annual Report. In 2009/2010 she has been a member of the Advisory Panel of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency and was again nominated for 2012/2014. Ms Kitanović completed her studies in Theology and post-graduate studies in International Affairs of the Political Science Faculty in Belgrade. She graduated from the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Serbian Government. Prior to her current post she was at first working for the Serbian Orthodox Church and then for the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Serbian Government as Adviser for Interreligious Affairs and its PR. Ms Kitanović is regularly giving lectures and presentations in the area of human rights and communications. She speaks English, French, Greek and Serbian.


Pastor Viktoria KOCZIAN Minister of the Hungarian Reformed Church, Debrecen Reformed Theological University, Hungary / Pasteur de lřEglise Reformée Hongroise, Université Théologique Reformée de Debrecen, Hongrie

The Reformed Church in Hungary (Hungarian: Magyarországi Református Egyház) is a key representative of Christianity in Hungary, being numerically the second-largest denomination in Hungary after the Roman Catholic Church, and the biggest denomination among ethnic Hungarians in Romania. It is a Reformed Church in the Calvinist tradition. The Reformed Church in Hungary is one of only two Reformed churches with an Episcopal form of church government (the other being the Polish Reformed Church.) As of 2005, there are 22 Hungarian Reformed denominations. The Reformed Church in Hungary consists of four Districts headed by Bishops, almost 30 presbyteries with 1,500 churches, with a membership of around 2.4 million. There is a fraternal body, the World Federation Reformed Hungarians, with members in about 20 countries. The RCH is member of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the World Council of Churches.

Pastor Viktoria Koczian was born in Szikszó (Hungary), in 1980. She holds a Master of Divinity from the Debrecen Reformed Theological University, Master of Theology from the University of Edinburgh, from the Debrecen University a Master of Hungarian Language and Literature, and a Master of English Language and Literature with a specialization in North- American Literature and Culture. Since 2010 she is a PhD student at Debrecen Reformed Theological University, studying Jewish Mysticism. Since 2012, she teaches at the Department of Biblical Theology and History of Religions at Debrecen Reformed Theological University.

Annika LAATS Pastor, Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church / Pasteur, Eglise Protestante Luthérienne d’Estonie

Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church (Estonian: Eesti Evangeelne Luterlik Kirik) is a Lutheran church in Estonia. EELC is member of the Lutheran World Federation. It is also a member of the Porvoo Communion, putting it in full communion with the Church of England and other Anglican churches in Europe. The Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church (EELC) was constituted in 1949, when the previous church hierarchy, Eesti Evangeeliumi Luteriusu Kirik, headed by Bishop Johan Kõpp, had escaped to Sweden in 1944. When the Soviet Union invaded Estonia in 1940, most Christian organizations were dissolved, church property was confiscated, theologians were exiled to Siberia, and religious education programs were outlawed. World War II later brought devastation to many church buildings. It was not until 1988 that church activities were renewed when a movement for religious tolerance began in the Soviet Union. Although women had studied theology at Tartu University in the 1920s and some had sought ordination as priests, it was not until 1967 that the first woman, Laine Villenthal, was ordained.

Annika Laats was born in 1970 in Tallinn, Estonia. She started her university studies in the faculty of medicine but later switched over to theology. She studied both in the Institute of Theology of the EELC (Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church) and in the faculty of theology of the University of Tartu (Dorpat). In 2002 she completed her training for ministry in the Pastoral


Seminary of the EELC. Since then she has been pastor in the EELC, at first as the second pastor in a big city congregation in Tartu and now as the pastor of a small village congregation in Northern Estonia. She is an assistant-dean of the Western-Harju deanery and the delegate of the council of EELC. At the same time she is a part-time doctoral student in the University of Helsinki in the field of systematics. She is married, she has three children.

Remzi LANI Director of the Albanian Media Institute, Albanie / Directeur de lřInstitut des Médias Albanais, Albanie

The Albanian Media Institute (AMI) was established by the end of 1995, thanks to the grant provided by DANIDA and the assistance of the Danish School of Journalism. After more than a decade AMI has been consolidated, constituting at present one of the main actors of civil society in Albania and one of most important journalistic training institutions in the Balkan region.

The mission of AMI is: to become a training centre for the journalists of Albania, to co-ordinate and support the activities related to the training of journalists and the overall development of media in Albania, to undertake studies and projects in support of the development of the Albanian media, to establish relations with similar foreign and international organizations, to facilitate and make possible the increase of funds and adopt financial strategies which assure long-term sustainability, to participate in the legislative processes in the field of media to establish strong relations with the Faculty of Journalism at the Tirana University, to create special units for conducting opinion polls. The Albanian Media Institute has succeeded in having a substantial support from the Swiss Development Agency, the SOROS Foundation, IREX, and other partners and donors. This support has been materialized in organizing training courses in different fields of journalism, establishing and maintaining an Internet studio that offers free service to journalistic community, organizing joint activities, conferences, and roundtables, promoting media dialogue and developing media policies, as well as sharing the same facilities.

Every year, approximately 300 Albanian journalists participate in the training courses of the AMI. The Institute has established a team of about 15 Albanian trainers, who teach in most of the courses, organized by AMI. After years of work in cooperation with its donor community new training formats have been initiated and these formats serve today as models in other similar centers in the region. At present, AMI is substantially engaged in media policy issues in Albania, such as the improvement of media legislation, Code of Ethics, various issues related to freedom of expression, access to information etc. In addition, the Institute has organized several research works, the most important one being, ŖMonitoring Albanian Media Landscapeŗ. The AMI has published within the last 5 years approximately 20 books in the fields of journalism, PR, etc, filling in this way the existing voids. With the support of the SDC, the AMI has completed an extensive project in the field of PR, becoming one of the early pioneers in this area. The AMI has played an important role in regional projects, in particular after the SEENPM (a Network of 17 media centers of SEE) was established upon the AMIřs initiative in 2000. The AMI held the SEENPM Presidency during its first two years. The AMI is presently member of several international organizations, such as the EJTA (where it had one chair in the board for 2001- 2003), the World Association of Newspapers, the Reporting Diversity Network, etc.


Remzi Lani is the director of the Albanian Media Institute. ". He is one of the most prominent figures in the Balkan media community. He has worked as the Chief Editor of Zeri i Rinise (1983-1992) and as correspondent for the Spanish paper El Mundo as well as the Zeri. He has co-authored My Albania Ground Zero and Masters of Humanist Philosophy.

Louisa LOUHIBI Newspaper columnist, Norway/ Editorialiste, Norvège

Louisa Louhibi is currently a newspaper columnist and politically active in the Norwegian Labour Partyřs Gender Equality Committee. However, she is perhaps best known for bravely sharing her story of being raped four years ago when she was only seventeen. In doing so, she tried to give victims of rape in Norway a face and humanize the problem.

Ksénia LUCHENKO Journalist, Rossiya K Russian Federation / Journaliste, Rossiya K, Fédération de Russie

Rossiya K

Rossiya K (en russe Россия K) est une chaîne de télévision publique russe. Héritière de la troisième chaîne de la Gosteleradio (la radio-télévision nationale soviétique), elle est entièrement consacrée à la promotion de la culture. Elle appartient au groupe audiovisuel public VGTRK et est une filiale de la chaîne de télévision Rossiya

1. Une partie de ses programmes sont repris par la chaîne satellitaire RTR Planeta, autre filiale de Rossiya 1. À l'époque soviétique, la compagnie de radio-télévision nationale Gosteleradio émettait déjà une chaîne à vocation culturelle et éducative. Celle-ci est rebaptisée RTR-2 ou « Chaîne des universités de Russie » en 1991, un an après la promulgation d'un décret-loi mettant l'accent sur la nécessité de réformer l'audiovisuel soviétique. Soutenue par l'Unesco, la chaîne souffre néanmoins comme les autres médias russes de la crise

économique qui frappe le pays au cours des années 1990, et doit céder progressivement la fréquence qu'elle occupait au profit d'une chaîne commerciale, NTV. Lřapparition de la chaîne éducative intervient le 1er novembre 1997, date de création de Kultura par un décret du gouvernement. La mission de cette chaîne de télévision reste la même qu'à l'époque soviétique : promouvoir la culture, l'information et l'éducation, à travers des documentaires, bulletins d'information, programmes didactiques, séries, dessins animés et cours télévisés.

Ksénia LUCHENKO est journaliste à la chaîne culturelle publique russe et docteur es lettres.


Anders ELLEBÆK MADSEN Chief of Digital Media Christian Daily, Kristeligt Dagblad, Denmark / Chef des médias numériques, Christian Daily, Danemark

Christian Daily is a national Danish newspaper established in 1896 as a protest against the other Danish media considered as being unfair in their coverage of religious matters. In the last 15 years the newspaper has succeeded in developing a journalism that reaches far outside church circles focusing on the core topics of faith, ethics and existence. This also includes non religious coverage of family life, sorrow, life stages and so on. In the digital age the old newspaper has launched 9 web sites 6 of which are user generated. The sites focus on news, Christian living, interreligious dialogue, books, calendars, memories of lost ones and dating. Contrary to most religious newspapers in the world we donřt just publish texts written on other religious groups - we also publish texts written by other religious groups. On the biggest portal on religion in Scandinavia,, much of the content is written by monks, priests, imams and rabbis. Christian Daily has the biggest web site on religion in Denmark.

Anders Ellebæk Madsen started out at the Christian Daily (Kristeligt Dagblad) in 2001 when the newspaper had just launched its first web site in 2000. Became Chief of Digital Media in 2004 and he is now responsible of content and development on the electronic platforms of the media house He is filling out the position both as the editor and the chief of the organization's digital media. Has been running both web 2.0 and news sites. Education: Studies in French and German culture and language with a focus on existential matters. He writes about religious and ethical questions as well as the effects of the internet.

Monsignor Archbishop Angelo MASSAFRA President of the Albanian Bishops Conference / Président de la Conférence Episcopale d’Albanie


The Albanian Bishops' Conference (Alb.: Koferenca Ipeshkvnore e Shqipërisë) is the central organ of the Bishops of Albania. The conference is organized by Bishop Kola Rrok Mirdita, Archbishop and Metropolitan of Tirana - Durres. It is a member of the Council of European Episcopal Conferences (CCEE).

Monsignor Archbishop Angelo Massafra was born in 1949 in Albania. He was ordinated priest in 1974. He was consecrated Bishop in 1997. He is Metropolitan Archbishop of Shkodrë-Pult and president of Albanian Bishops



Reverend Father Laurent MAZAS Pontifical Council for Culture, Holy See, Vatican / Conseil Pontifical pour la Culture, Saint-Siège


The Pontifical Council for Culture (Latin: Pontificium Consilium de Cultura) is the department of the Roman Curia, promotes relations between the Church and the world of culture, and promotes intercultural dialogue. It takes dialogue initiatives in the fields of science, literature and the arts. It establishes dialogue and organizes meetings of studies in this area with those who do not believe in God or who profess no religion through a structure called the court of the Gentiles. It follows the work of international organizations with regard to the field of culture, in particular the Council of Europe and UNESCO, ensuring the participation of the Holy See in international congresses concerned with science, culture and education. It follows the political and cultural activities throughout the world, and welcomes the representatives of culture interested in better understanding the action of the Church in this area.

Reverend Father Laurent Mazas is a French Catholic priest born in Japan to a French father, who was himself born in , reverend father Mazas lived in an environment of cultural encounters and religions since a very early age, especially in Greece where he spent his childhood. Ph.D., he worked in education, especially in Cameroon where he was at the head of a large school. Pontifical Council for Culture for the past ten years, reverend father Mazas holds the leadership of the Department of International Organizations and Dialogue with "non-believers" through the new dialogue structure called the Court of the Gentiles, launched in March 2011 in Paris.

Father Piotr MAZURKIEWICZ General Secretary of the Commission of the Bishop Conferences of the European Community (COMECE) / Secrétaire General de la Commission des Episcopats de la Communauté européenne (COMECE)

COMECE is the Commission of the Bishops of the European Community. This commission is composed of Bishops delegated by the Episcopal conferences in member states of the European Union and has a permanent secretariat in Brussels. It aims to support and analyze the political process of the European Union to inform and raise Churchřs awareness to the development of legislation and European policies to encourage reflection, based on the social teaching of the Church, on the challenges of building a united Europe.

Father Piotr Mazurkiewicz was elected in 2008 by the member Bishops of COMECE. Fr. Mazurkiewicz is a priest from the Archdiocese of Warsaw (Poland). He is a professor of Political Science at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (UKSW), where he directed the institute of Political Science and still holds the Chair of Social and Political Ethics in the Department of Historical and Social Studies. He is also a member of the Board of the European Society for Research in Ethics ŖSocietas Ethicaŗ. Fr. Mazurkiewicz is a specialist in European studies, political philosophy, Catholic social teaching, social and political ethics.


Anna MAGNAND Muslim Jewish Conference, / Conférence Islamo-Juive, Autriche

The Muslim Jewish Conference is a registered non-profit organization in Austria. The Muslim Jewish Conference (MJC) is an annual inter-cultural, inter-religious conference based in , Austria. MJC is a dialogue and leadership project that targets future leaders from sectors of economics, academics and politics in the start of their careers. The first annual Muslim Jewish Conference has taken place from the 1st until the 6th of August 2010 at the University of Vienna. The MJC is a global grassroots based group and involves 35 team members, young academics and professionals from all around the world and various faiths; living in 16 different countries and 4 different time zones. All communication, interaction, and production exclusively take place through telecommunication tools, email, or online social media. The Muslim Jewish Conference (MJC) gathers over 70 to 100 participants annually to discuss topics of concern for Muslim and Jewish Youth. The main conference goals are to provide the next generation with a learning experience for life and a positive outlook for establishing intercultural relations and sustaining Muslim-Jewish partnerships. The six-day conference is a unique opportunity for Muslim and Jewish youth as well as other young adults to discover each otherřs identity by listening to one another, sharing narratives, and engaging in meaningful discussions. The Muslim Jewish Conference is officially endorsed by the United Nations' Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the University of Vienna. The project is partly financed by the Karl Kahane Foundation as well as by private donors.

Leila MERABET ViceŔPresident of the Youth Commission, Regional Council, Alsatian Youth Parliament, France / Vice présidente de la Commission Jeunesse du Conseil Régional, Parlement Alsacien des Jeunes, France

Le Parlement Alsacien des Jeunes (PAJ) est un espace de réflexion, de concertation et dřéchanges entre ses membres, mais également avec les élus du Conseil Régional, sur tous les sujets en lien avec les politiques et compétences régionales concernant la jeunesse. Il constitue aussi un espace dřévaluation, de projet et dřaction. A ce titre, il formule des propositions, prend position sur tout sujet mis en exergue dans le cadre des commissions. Il peut être consulté par le Conseil Régional et participe, par ses travaux, à lřévolution des dispositifs mis en œuvre par la collectivité régionale. Enfin, le PAJ est une instance de formation. Il contribue à former ses membres à lřexercice dřune citoyenneté active, en les initiant à la conduite de lřaction publique. Cet apprentissage permet par ailleurs lřacquisition de compétences transversales comme la conduite de projet, lřaide à la décision ou encore une meilleure maîtrise des outils dřexpression et de communication. Le PAJ réunit 30 à 40 jeunes alsaciens âgés de 15 à 28 ans : apprentis, lycéens, étudiants, jeunes accompagnés par les Missions locales, en recherche dřemploi ou en activité. Ils ont été sélectionnés après appel à candidatures sur des critères objectifs (âge, parité garçon/fille, représentation des différents territoires urbains et ruraux, statuts, filières) afin de représenter au mieux la jeunesse de lřAlsace dans toute sa diversité. Il nřy a pas dřélection de Président, de Vice Présidents ou de Bureau. Tous les jeunes se trouvent sur un pied dřégalité, sans hiérarchisation des points de vue. Lřobjectif est de mettre en place un outil simple et efficace, qui fait la part belle aux initiatives des jeunes et à leurs propositions. Les jeunes sont accompagnés dans leurs missions par des animateurs extérieurs et par les services de la Région. Trois commissions sont créées, qui se réunissent régulièrement toute lřannée pour réfléchir et faire des propositions sur des thèmes ou dispositifs majeurs, tous liés à une compétence régionale : La 1ère commission dite « Commission dřappels à projets » instruit les projets reçus dans le cadre des appels 29

lancés par la Région en direction des jeunes (dispositifs « Sac à dos », « Expériences de jeunes »…). La 2ème commission « Engagement, citoyenneté et conditions de vie des jeunes » est dédiée à un sujet transversal et général, relatif aux espoirs des jeunes en Alsace, aux questions de citoyenneté, dřengagement, dřaccès à la culture et de conditions de vie. La 3ème commission est consacrée aux thèmes de lřorientation, de la formation et de lřemploi/insertion professionnelle des jeunes. Le PAJ se réunit en séance plénière 2 à 3 fois par an, dans lřhémicycle de la Maison de la Région. Les 3 commissions y présentent lřavancée de leurs travaux, leurs analyses et expriment leurs propositions. Les travaux et propositions du Parlement seront ensuite soumis aux élus régionaux par les jeunes eux-mêmes.

Leila Merabet est vice présidente de la Commission jeunesse du Conseil Régional à Strasbourg, France

Ritva-Sini MERILAMPI Editor in chief, Finnish Society on Media Education, Finland / Rédactrice en chef, Société finlandaise d’éducation aux médias, Finlande

The Finnish Society on Media Education, founded in 2005 by Finnish researchers and practitioners within media education, is an association operating nation-wide in two main languages (Finnish and Swedish). The society and its activities are funded by the Ministry of Education and culture. Its aim is to support and develop the field of research and practices concerning media education, contribute to the public debate and provide opportunities to share media educational experiences online and offline. The Organization has over 200 personal members from all over the country (teachers, early childhood pedagogues, social workers, librarians and more). In 2011 it has nearly 50 community members, among them are film centers, youth centers, culture centers, associations, companies and so forth. Finnish Society on Media Education is a member of UN-Alliance of Civilizations Media Literacy Education Clearinghouse and in co-operation with International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media.

Mohammed MOUSSAOUI Chair of the French Council of Muslim Faith / Président du Conseil Français du Culte Musulman

Le Conseil français du culte musulman (CFCM) est une association régie par la loi de 1901 destinée à représenter les musulmans de France. La consultation initiée en 1999 par Jean-Pierre Chevènement, et poursuivie par Daniel Vaillant, aboutit à la création du conseil en 2003. Il est officiellement créé et soutenu par Nicolas Sarkozy, alors ministre de l'Intérieur. Le CFCM intervient dans les relations avec le pouvoir politique français, dans la construction des mosquées, dans le marché des aliments halal, dans la formation de certains imams et dans le développement de représentations musulmanes dans les prisons et dans l'armée française. Il essaye de coordonner les dates des fêtes religieuses (dont celles du ramadan). Le CFCM, se déclare être le représentant des plus de 3,5 millions de musulmans en France. Le conseil d'administration est élu pour trois ans par des délégués des mosquées dont le nombre est déterminé uniquement par la surface des lieux de


culte. Le conseil élit en son sein le bureau exécutif qui élit à son tour le président du CFCM pour la durée du mandat. Les Conseils régionaux du culte musulman (CRCM) sont élus en même temps.

Mohammed Moussaoui, né le 1er avril 1964 à Figuig, dans l'est du Maroc, est un maître de conférences franco-marocain à l'université d'Avignon et vice-président du Rassemblement des musulmans de France. Depuis le 22 juin 2008 il est président du Conseil français du culte musulman. M. Moussaoui a poursuivi ses études à Oujda. Après l'obtention de son baccalauréat en sciences mathématiques, il intègre l'université Mohammed Ier où il obtient en 1984 son diplôme des études universitaires générales en mathématiques et physiques. Il prépare ensuite une licence de mathématiques à Rabat et sort major de sa promotion en 1986. En septembre 1986, il rejoint Montpellier(France) où il obtient en 1990 son doctorat et son agrégation de mathématiques. En 1991, il rejoint lřuniversité dřAvignon sur un poste dřattaché temporaire d'enseignement et de recherche, puis de maître de conférences en 1992. En mars 1998, il est habilité à diriger des recherches. Il est auteur de nombreux articles et notes académiques sur différents thèmes de mathématiques. M. Moussaoui a, par ailleurs, acquis une formation en théologie et sciences islamiques auprès des Oulémas da la région Est du Maroc. Il assure, depuis une vingtaine d'années, les prêches de vendredi dans plusieurs mosquées de France. Il a participé à de nombreuses conférences nationales et internationales sur la pensée islamique et le dialogue interreligieux. Il est membre du Conseil français du culte musulman (CFCM) depuis sa création en 2003. Il est vice-président du Rassemblement des musulmans de France, créé en 2006. Lors des élections au CFCM de juin 2008, la liste du RMF qui représente les musulmans marocains vivant en France obtient 43,24% des voix. Il est ensuite élu président du CFCM en juin 2008 et réélu en 2011. M. Moussaoui est membre de la Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme (CNCDH).

Haxji Selim MUÇA Head of the Muslim Community of Albania / Chef de la Communauté Musulmane d’Albanie

Haxji Selim Muça comes from a family with Islamic tradition. His father was Imam is in his native village. With the onset of democratic processes, he is fully engaged in the service of Islam and the resurgence of the institution of the Muslim Community of Albania. Since 1964 until 1991 he held the position of Surveying Engineer at the Geological Enterprise Bulqiza-Debar. From 1992 to1994 he was an Inspector of Education in the Muslim community. In 1994 for 4 months he was Mufti of Manchester. Since March 2004 until present he is the chairman of the Muslim Community of Albania.


REVEREND FITOR MUÇA Chairman, Evangelical Brotherhood of Albania / Président de la Fraternité Evangelique d’Albanie

The Evangelical movement in Albania has its roots in 1843 and in 1892; the Albanian Evangelical Alliance (VUSH) was established. However, when one talks about Albania, it is impossible not to recall it as the only country in the world where its communist regime included in its Constitution the denial of faith in God. During that time, religious gathering places were destroyed, hundreds of clerics were persecuted and imprisoned, and for almost 24 years, even mentioning the name of ŖGodŗ was forbidden. Evangelicals in Albania suffered the same consequences. The VUSH organization is the representative of all the Evangelical and Protestant churches of Albania, (over 135 at the moment) and is a part of the European- and the World Evangelical Alliance.

Gabriel NISSIM World Catholic Association for Communication (SIGNIS), France / Association Catholique Mondiale pour la Communication (SIGNIS), France Council of Europe’s INGO Conference / Conférence des OING du Conseil de l’Europe

Conférence des Organisations Internationales Non Gouvernementales du Conseil de lřEurope Ŕ Strasbourg, Paris

Grâce à la Conférence des Organisations Internationales Non Gouvernementales et au cœur de la démocratie européenne depuis plus de cinquante ans, la voix de la société civile se fait entendre au Conseil de lřEurope. Créée dès 1952, elle représentante la société civile au sein du Conseil de lřEurope. Dotée du statut participatif, elle participe au renforcement actif des politiques et programmes de travail du Conseil, ainsi quřà la coopération entre le Conseil et la sphère associative dans les Etats membres. Par le biais de ce statut, la Conférence des OING est aujourdřhui reconnue comme une institution du Conseil de lřEurope qui lřinclut dans les activités intergouvernementales et encourage les membres des parlements et les collectivités publiques à dialoguer avec les associations. Près de 400 OING représentent la voix de la société civile dans le quadrilogue du Conseil de lřEurope, aux côtés du Comité des Ministres, de lřAssemblée parlementaire et du Congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux.

Gabriel Nissim est né en 1935 à Florence (Italie) et est de nationalité française. Il est entré dans lřOrdre des Dominicains en 1954 et ordonné prêtre en 1962. Il est titulaire dřune licence en philosophie et dřune maîtrise en théologie. De 1968 à 1975 G. Nissim a été responsable dřéducation, dřémissions de radio et dřenseignement à lřUniversité de Yaoundé. Il est titulaire dřun Doctorat en études africaines de lřEHESS (Paris) (1979) et a été membre de 1975 à 1985 du Laboratoire des langues et civilisations à tradition orale du CNRS (France). Producteur de lřémission catholique française de télévision « le Jour du Seigneur » de 1985 à 1991, il a été président de lřAssociation des producteurs religieux de la chaîne France 2 (1987-1991) et est représentant de lřAssociation catholique mondiale de Communication (SIGNIS) au Conseil de lřEurope depuis 32

1993. Il a également publié plusieurs brochures sur les Médias. Président de la Commission des Droits de

ème lřHomme (2 mandat) il est représentant de la Conférence des OING au CDMC et a participé aux Conférences ministérielles sur les médias (Kiev et Reykjavik).

Nadiia PAVLIK Assistant professor, Ivan Franko State University, Ukraine / Maître de Conférence, Université d’Etat Ivan Franko, Ukraine

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University has a long and glorious tradition. The oldest in Zhytomyr region institute of higher education continued to work and develop in various forms imposed by authorities and the merited idea of science and enlightment has always been dominant in it. The powerful potential of the teaching staff, upgraded material and technical supply, modern innovative learning technologies have added to its growing into one of the most prestigious educational establishments of Ukraine. International Academic Rating of popularity and quality the universities is acknowledged as "The symbol of classical education" and praised with silver medal "Glory of allegiance to the Motherland", ZhSU is the holder of silver Stella and diploma of quality. Achievements of the university are awarded with honorary prizes of prestigious ratings of "Sofia Kyivska", "Assembly of business circles of Ukraine", International Fund for high quality in business (Geneva), Club of the Rectors of Europe and Nominating Committee of the European Business Assembly (Oxford). During last decades 13 scientific schools, 13 scientific research centres, 23 research scientific and research methodological laboratories emerged. scientists of the university during only last 10 years published more than 15 thousand scientific and methodological works, won over twenty grants for scientific investigations in linguistics, psychology, physics, biology and chemistry, all that testifies to intensive research work of all departments. The university publishes 5 scientific journals that have high positions among Ukraine publications. Due to close scientific and educational connections with university centres in the U.S., Germany, Great Britain, Italy, France, Austria, Mexico, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Russia and other countries faculty and students can participate in various competitions, conduct joint academic researches, practice, study and continue their education abroad.

Nadiia Pavlik, associate Professor of Social Pedagogics professorial chair in Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, she is the deputy director in the Student Social Department for Youth in Zhytomyr State University. She is a coordinator of youth programmes in the Ukrainian Public Youth Organization ŖKVN Association of Ukraineŗ and a co-founder and a trainer in Zhytomyr Regional Public Organization ŖThe Association of the Social Sphere Specialistsŗ. She holds a Master of Science (Mathematics), graduated with Honors from the Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University and a PhD in social sciences from National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv. Her thesis was entitled ŖPsychological and Pedagogical Conditions of Organization of the Process of Upbringing in the Asylum for Children under Ageŗ.


Ana PERONA-FJELDSTAD Executive Director/ Directrice Executive

The Wergeland Centre, Oslo, Norway is a European resource centre on education for intercultural understanding, human rights and democratic citizenship. Established as an innovative cooperation initiative between Norway and the Council of Europe in 2008, it is located in Oslo, Norway. The Center opened in February 2009, and it builds on and promotes the work performed by the Council of Europe and Norway for intercultural understanding, human rights and democratic citizenship. The Centre is open to all member states of the Council of Europe, and the main target groups are teachers, teacher trainers, decision makers and multipliers within education for intercultural understanding, human rights and democratic citizenship. By providing in-service training, carrying out and supporting research, facilitating networks, serving as a platform for further collaboration and disseminating information and good practices on the field, the Centre aims at becoming one of the leading professional bodies of its kind ( the presentation will contain a summary of the activities planned for the near future).

Ana Perona-Fjeldstad was born in Argentina. She is an Argentinean-Italian citizen living in Norway. A lawyer with a MA in International Relations, she has working experience from the Argentine Parliament and at the Latin American Graduate School of Social Sciences (FLACSO). From 1994-2009 she worked at the International Council for Open and Distance Education, a global NGO in the field of open and distance learning in close relations with UNESCO. Perona Fjeldstad held several positions there until she became ICDEs' acting Secretary General. Since February 2009 she is the Executive Director at the European Wergeland Centre.

Teodora PETROVA, PhD, is the dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, Sofia, Bulgaria / Doyenne de la Faculté de Journalisme et Communication, Sofia, Bulgarie

St. Clement of Ohrid University of Sofia or Sofia University is the oldest higher education institution in Bulgaria, founded on 1 October 1888. Sofia University has 16 faculties and three departments, where 14,000 students receive their education. In addition, it also disposes of a university library, a university press, a computer centre, a sports centre and several other structures.


Shannon PHILLIP Campaigns Coordinator, World Student Christian Federation (WSCF-E) / Coordinateur de campagne de la Fédération Mondiale des Étudiants Chrétiens (WSCF-E)

The World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) is a global community of Student Christian Movements (SCMs) committed to dialogue, ecumenism, social justice and peace. Its mission is to empower students in critical thinking and constructive transformation of our world by being a space for: prayer and celebration, theological reflection, study and analysis of social and cultural processes, solidarity and action across boundaries of culture, gender and ethnicity. The WSCF organizes conferences, training events and solidarity activities. Europe is one of the Federation's six regions, with 23 national Student Christian Movements (SCMs) in 18 countries. There are two sub-regional structures within Europe at the moment: the Central European Sub-region and the Nordic Cooperation Council.

Campaigns Coordinator at WSCF for two years, Shannon is currently living and working as an intern in Berlin but he is from England. He has recently finished his first degree in International Development which is about politics in developing countries, social justice, gender and economic issues in the developing world and its relation with Europe. Originally he has Indian roots and he had lived in India for several years. Hence he has a particular interest for European as well as Global campaigns towards equality, fairness and social action. He got involved with WSCF when he attended and fell in love with Power, Politics and Religion conference in Berlin.

David POLLOCK Lead Representative at Council of Europe for the International Humanist and Ethical Union, Trustee of British Humanist Association / Président de la délégation de l’Union Internationale Humaniste et Ethique auprès du Conseil de lřEurope, délégué de la British Humanist Association, Royaume Uni

The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) is an umbrella organization embracing humanist, atheist, rationalist,secular, skeptic, freethought and Ethical Culture organizations worldwide. Founded in Amsterdam in 1952, the IHEU is a democratic union of more than 100 member organizations in 40 countries. Julian Huxley (the first director of UNESCO) presided over the founding Congress of the IHEU. The next international congress is to be held in Oxford, UK, in 2014. In 2002, the IHEU General Assembly unanimously adopted the 2002 which represents the official defining statement of World . The Happy Human is the official symbol of the IHEU. Based in London, England, the IHEU is an international NGO with Special Consultative Status with the United Nations, General Consultative Status at the Council of Europe, Observer Status with the African Commission on Human and Peoplesř Rights, and maintains operational relations with UNESCO.


Actively involved in the since 1961, David Pollock was a trustee of the British Humanist Association from 1965-75 including a stint as Chair from 1970-72. He was re- elected to the board in 1997.In addition David is a board member and former Chair of the Rationalist Association and has been President of the European Humanist Federation from 2006 to 2012. He takes a special interest in policy and campaigning on the place of religion and belief in society and other questions of public policy. An Oxford classics graduate, after 25 years in management with the National Coal Board, he was Director of Action on Smoking and Health (1991-95) and then of the Continence Foundation (1996-2001) before retiring to (almost) full-time Humanism. Lead Representative at Council of Europe for the International Humanist and Ethical Union Davis is Trustee of the British Humanist Association.

HEGOUMENE PHILIPPE(RIABYKH) Moscow Patriarchate Representative, Russian Federation / Représentant du Patriarcat de Moscou, Fédération de Russie

The Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church in Strasbourg (France) was established on 24 March 2004 by Alexis II, Patriarch of Moscow and Beatissime of all Russia, and by the Holy Synod. The representation is responsible for expressing the position of the Moscow Patriarchate to the Council of Europe. The purpose of the Russian Orthodox Church is to contribute to strengthening the spiritual foundations in the collaboration between the different peoples of Europe through the believers living in these countries and also through a direct dialogue between the religious authorities of the Moscow Patriarchate and the European intergovernmental institutions.

LřHégoumene Philippe (Youri Anatolievitch Riabykh dans la vie civile) est né le 23 janvier 1977 à Lipetsk. Une décision du Saint Synode du 22 mars 2011 le libère des obligations du poste dřadjoint au président du Département des relations extérieures et le nomme représentant du Patriarcat de Moscou auprès du Conseil de lřEurope, ainsi que recteur de la paroisse de Tous les Saints, à Strasbourg. A partir du 27 juillet 2009, il est membre de la Présence Œcuménique de lřÉglise Orthodoxe Russe. Le 31 mars 2009, il est nommé adjoint au président du Département des relations extérieures. Le 16 juillet 2009, le président du Département des relations extérieures du Patriarcat de Moscou, lřarchevêque de Volokolamsk, Hilarion, lui fait prendre lřhabit sous le nom de Philippe, Lřhigoumène Philippe a occupé le poste dřadjoint au président du Département des relations extérieures du Patriarcat de Moscou et, avant sa nomination à ce poste, il remplissait les fonctions de secrétaire aux relations entre lřÉglise et la société. Le 15 avril 2009, il est élevé au rang dřarchiprêtre par le Patriarche Cyrille. Le 28 août 2005, il est ordonné diacre par le métropolite de Smolensk et de Kaliningrad Cyrille, et le 16 octobre 2005 il est ordonné prêtre. En 2001, il termine ses études à lřuniversité dřEtat de Moscou des relations internationales. Il est Docteur ès sciences politiques.


Oleksandr RYKHLYTSKY President Student Council in Kirovograd State Pedagogical University, journalist, Ukraine / Président du Conseil Etudiant à l’Université d’Etat de Kirovograd, journaliste, Ukraine

Kirovohrad Volodymyr Vynnychenko State Pedagogical University Teacher education has a long history in Kirovohrad region. As far back as 1881 the additional VIIIth teacher training class was opened at the Public Girls' Gymnasium of Yelysavethrad town (Zhinocha Himnaziya).Its graduates used to become primary school teachers or engaged in ""free teaching"". At the beginning of the XX century a people's teacher could also get education at teacher training courses or seminary. In the mid 90's the Pedagogical Institute enters the new frontiers of its progress. There was created Educational and Scientific Production Complex "ŖContinuing Educationŗ", which included the best secondary education establishments of the region, the regional branch of the Small Academy of Sciences began their work, Masterřs Degree Program was originated. In April 4, 1997 by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Kirovohrad State Pedagogical Institute was granted the status of the State Pedagogical University. This event marked a new phase in the history of the higher pedagogical establishment in Kirovohrad.

Oleksandr Rykhlytsky is president of Student Council in Kirovograd State Pedagogical University. Born in 1990 he is a young journalist and a blogger.

Klaudia SHKURTI Member of the editorial staff, Mondinsieme, Italy / Membre de la rédaction du journal Mondoinsieme, Italie

The Intercultural Center Mondinsieme was born in 2001 as a Foundation, established on the initiative of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia.. It deals with cultural processes of integration, working with both Italians and foreigners with to facilitate cohesion and social participation. It is designed and developed according to methods and values of networking, civil rights and intercultural citizenship. The intent is to make integration a participatory process, shared and dynamic, as well as enhance the commitment of citizens, associations of foreigners, and especially young people, from the second generation and the high school students of the second degree. Important actions Mondinsieme are raising awareness of cultural pluralism, the active participation of citizens, and the individuality is against of any forms of racism, discrimination and xenophobia. Mondoinsieme works through dialogue projects, education and intercultural communication. Mondinsieme has established itself as a meeting place and has become over the years an instrument and a structure that facilitated exchanges and intercultural relations, a place of training with respect for diversity.

Klaudia Shkurti is a 23 years old student in Cultures and Foreign languages at the University of Parma. She is young poet of Albanian origin. She lives in Reggio Emilia and has a degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Parma. In 2010, she publishes a poetry book. Klaudia has translated a book from Albanian to Italian language. She is also


active in the Albanian Association of Reggio Emilia being a point of reference for younger generation and cultural initiatives. She is being active for one year with the editorial staff of Mondinsieme focusing on issues as intercultural education in schools and relations among youngsters with different backgrounds.

Yaroslav SKVORTSOV Dean of the Faculty of International Journalism, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), University of Moscow, Russian Federation / Doyen de la Faculté de Journalisme International, Institut national des Relations Internationales (MGIMO), Université de Moscou, Fédération de Russie

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University) MGIMO is Russia's most prestigious educational institution for young people with international interests. MGIMO offers a broad range of courses at undergraduate and graduate levels ŕ from international law, political science, and economics, to journalism, business management, and energy policy. In the last five years, the university has formed numerous new partnerships with leading institutions around the world. MGIMOřs seven schools and four educational institutes encompass numerous academic departments, divisions, and award programs, as well as interdisciplinary centers and scientific work programs extending beyond traditional departmental boundaries. MGIMO University was one of the first Russian universities to join the European Universities Association, and is a signatory to the Bologna accords. Under the umbrella of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MGIMO is an esteemed policy think-tank and forum for debate and analysis of international developments and current affairs, with its contributions to global analysis highly sought after. MGIMO graduates include presidents, prime ministers, and foreign ministers of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Slovakia, Ukraine and other countries.

Yaroslav Skvortsov is the Dean of the faculty of International journalism of the MGIMO, PhD in Sociology and the senior lecturer of the chair. He has finished MGIMO studies in 1989 and worked as an observer on Western Europe countries in "the Literary newspaper"; an observer, deputy editor, and later - the editor of department of finance in the publishing house "Kommersant"; the assistant to the editor-in-chief in newspapers "Russian telegraph" and "Time of news". He ran the Moscow bureau of magazine OST in WEST (Munich, Bavaria), and was a member of an editorial board of magazines "Companies" and "the popular finance". In March, 2004 he became one of founders of educational center RAMI "RIA Novosti news agency" where has conducted a number of trainings for journalists and representatives of the press-services. He is the winner of the award of the Union of journalists of Russia for the best journalistic work on an economic theme of 1993, and of the award of Association of the Russian banks of 1999. He has been lecturing at the University since 1997 the courses "Business journalism", "Foreign journalism", and he has conducted a master class for young journalists. In December 2003 he has presented a sociology thesis with the title "Printing mass-media as the actor of social reforms in Russia".


Friedemann TRUTZENBERG Taizé Community, Germany / Communauté de Taizé, Allemagne

La Communauté de Taizé est une communauté œcuménique basée à Taizé en France. Fondée en 1940 par le Frère Roger, elle rassemble aujourd'hui une centaine de frères venant du monde entier et qui ont choisi de vivre ensemble une vie de prière et de célibat dans la simplicité. L'unité des confessions chrétiennes et l'accueil des jeunes adultes font partie des engagements de la Communauté depuis sa fondation. La Communauté de Taizé est fondée à Taizé en 1940 par frère Roger Schutz, avec pour but de « construire une vie commune dans laquelle la réconciliation selon lřÉvangile serait une réalité vécue concrètement ». Pendant la guerre il aide les personnes en difficulté et accueille des réfugiés allemands. En 1942, la Gestapo menace d'arrêter frère Roger, qui fuit en Suisse jusqu'à la fin de la guerre. Après la Libération, il retourne à Taizé où le rejoignent des frères de différentes Églises. La communauté monastique et œcuménique vit de son travail et de son journal écrit. Elle accueille des milliers de jeunes chaque année qui viennent prier et méditer. La communauté accueille également tous les ans des rencontres internationales de moindre ampleur. Ce sont des rencontres qui concernent particulièrement les jeunes du continent où se trouve la rencontre. Elles sont souvent organisées dans des pays qui vivent des difficultés économiques ou politiques. De tels rassemblements sont alors un soutien pour les églises locales. La présence de jeunes des autres continents, même en petit nombre, montre donc le soutien des jeunes du monde entier.

Né en 1992, Friedemann Trutzenberg a grandi à Cologne et a pris des responsabilités dès son adolescence : rédaction du journal des élèves, mise en place dřun projet social au Tibet, participation à un séminaire sur l'Europe de la Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Il est aujourd'hui volontaire auprès de la communauté œcuménique de Taizé où il anime, entre autres missions, un carrefour sur le thème « Solidarité avec toute la création Ŕ Notre responsabilité pour le monde de demain ».

Marco VENTURA Public Law Professor, Sienna University, Italy / Professeur de droit public, Université de Sienne, Italie

Marco Ventura is a full professor (Professore Ordinario) of law and religion at the Faculty of Law of the University of Siena, Italy. After a PhD at the University of Strasbourg he was a visiting professor the universities of London (UCL), Oxford, Strasbourg, Coimbra and Brussels (ULB). He is a member of the European Consortium for Church and State Research and of the Center for Society, law and Religion in Europe (Centre for Societé, Droit et Religion en Europe) at the University of Strasbourg. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of the Ecclesiastical Law Journal (Cambridge University Press). In 2007 and 2009 he was heard by the Italian Parliament on religious freedom issues. His subjects of study include church and state relationships, religious laws, religious freedom, bioethics and biolaw. Marco Ventura is the author of many books: Procréer hors la loi (Outlawed Procreation) (Strasbourg, 1994), Pena e penitenza nel diritto canonico postconciliare (Punishment and penance in the post-conciliar canon law) (Napoli, 1996) and La laicità dell’Unione Europea (European

Unionřs Secularism) (Torino, 2001). He has published over 70 papers in Italian, French and English.


Stein VILLUMSTAD Secretary General of European Council of Religious leaders, Religions for Peace / Secrétaire Général du Conseil Européen des leaders religieux, Religions pour la Paix

The European Council of Religious Leaders is one of five regional Interreligious Councils (IRCs) within the Religions for Peace network. The European Council of Religious Leaders brings together senior religious leaders from Europeřs historical religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam together with Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs and Zoroastrians. The Council was founded in Oslo in 2002. The Council is funded by its members and has received project support from The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Religions for Peace is a network of national and regional Interreligious Councils (IRC) connected through an international World Council and Secretariat, based in New York. The global organization brings together 70 national and 5 regional IRCs. Through these IRCs Mosques, Synagogues, Churches, Temples and Gudwaras form a network that enables them to mobilize and use their shared potential as religious communities for Reconciliation and Peace. The vision of the European Council of Religious Leaders is based in the shared commitment of the faith traditions to human dignity and the right to live in peace. On this basis religious leaders have committed themselves to work together to prevent conflict, to promote peaceful coexistence and to encourage their communities to do the same. Work through the European Council of Religious Leaders is undertaken on the basis of mutual respect and appreciation for religious diversity. The task of is Ŕ based in the different religious traditions and Holy Books - to encourage a common moral responsibility for the prevention of conflict and the promotion of dialogue. In a continent where religion has often been seen as a source of conflict, the European Council of Religious Leaders seeks to be a resource for peace. The European Council of Religious Leaders was founded at a time when political and social changes in Europe are being achieved through peaceful negotiation. In these processes of change a great diversity of religions, traditions and cultures are brought together. Through dialogue, education and influence the European Council of Religious Leaders promotes cooperation for peace and stability among religious communities The European Council of Religious Leaders supports and equips inter religious councils in countries like Bosnia, Kosovo and Albania to work through dialogue and cooperation for peace between different ethnic and religious groups- from the grassroots to political and religious leadership in countries with a past filled with conflict.

Stein Villumstad has extensive experience in interreligious dialogue, international development, conflict transformation and human rights work. He comes to ECRL after serving five years as deputy secretary general in Religions for Peace. He also served in Norwegian Church Aid for twenty years, both as regional representatives in Eastern Africa and as assistant general secretary. Mr. Villumstad was the first co-chair of the Action by Churches Together (ACT International) Executive Committee, charged with coordinating church based emergency relief for more than one hundred organizations worldwide. He has been a member of the World Council of Churchesř (WCC) Commission on International Affairs. Stein Villumstad holds a masters degree of international administration from the School for International Training in Vermont, where his thesis focused on policy considerations for non-governmental organizations involved in humanitarian assistance during conflict and complex emergencies.


Bram VISSCHER Taizé Community, Holland / Communauté de Taizé, Pays-Bas

Originaire des Pays-Bas où il est né en 1992, il a vécu trois ans au Zimbabwe dans son enfance. Après plusieurs séjours pour une semaine à Taizé (France), il a décidé d'y rester pour participer comme volontaire à l'accueil des jeunes participant aux rencontres internationales. Au cours de son séjour, il a également passé plusieurs semaines en Angleterre et a participé à la rencontre européenne de Berlin, fin décembre 2011, qui a rassemblé 30000 jeunes chrétiens dans la capitale allemande.

Neriona VORPSI Young European Federalist, Albania / Jeunes Européens fédéralistes, Albanie

JEF Albania (European Young Federalists) JEF Europe section is headquartered in Brussels, which is an international organization active political majority of European countries. Young European Federalists (JEF, French Jeunes Européens fédéralistes) is a political Youth organization. With around 25,000 members in Europe, it seeks to promote European integration through the strengthening and democratization of the European Union (EU). JEF has close ties to the European Movement and the Union of European Federalists and is a full member of the European Youth Forum (YFJ). Former activists of JEF are organized in the Friends of JEF. First founded in the late 1940s, the now existing European level structure of the JEF was founded in the 1970s. According to its statutes, JEF is a non-partisan and non-denominational European NGO. It advocates for a united Europe with a federal structure. At the centre of JEF's political program is the demand for a federal constitution for Europe, whose core element is a two- chamber Parliament (consisting of a directly elected chamber and a chamber of states). Hereby, JEF insists on the subsidiarity principle as a form of decentralized distribution of powers. Another key element is the demand for a unified foreign and security policy of the European Union.JEF is committed to comprehensive reform of the EU towards more democracy, participation, transparency, efficiency and sustainability. In addition to the policy objectives, the organization tries in particular to promote European awareness among young people and encourage civic activism.


Keith WHITMORE President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities / President du Congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux

Created in 1957, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities is a political assembly composed of representatives of 318 full members from over 200 000 European municipalities and regions. The Congress helps the Organisationřs new member states in tangibly introducing real local and regional self-government. It delivers support in founding the actual units of local and regional self-government while encouraging consultation and political dialogue between the national governments and the territorial entities and performs a function of keeping watch on local democracy in Europe, by producing Ŗmonitoring reportsŗ on the situation in the member States. The Congress is also in charge of local and regional election monitoring and of setting the standards for Europe in electoral matters. It advises the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on all aspects of local and regional policy.

Keith Whitmore was born on 15 June 1955 in Manchester, United Kingdom and has lived in Manchester all his life and plays an active cultural role in civic life as well as being an elected politician, being a board member of the Royal Exchange Theatre, People's History Museum, Museum of Transport and Heaton Park Tramway. He is a passionate steam railway enthusiast and strongly supports the heritage railway sector. On 26 October 2010 Keith Whitmore was elected President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. Prior to his election, he was the Chairman of the Institutional Committee of the Congress. He has been a member of the Congress since 1996 and previously held the positions of Vice-President of the Congress and Chairman of its Sustainable Development Committee as well as being Head of the UK delegation to the Congress. He was also the Council of Europe Political Coordinator of the European Local Democracy Week (ELDW) and was the former Congress representative on the Venice Commission In addition, he is a member of the Policy Committee of the Council of European Municipalities & Regions (CEMR) and the Vice-Chairman of the CEMR Governance Committee, as well as a former member of the EU Committee of the Regions. Councilor Keith Whitmore has been an elected member of Manchester City Council for over 30 years having first been elected in May 1979. He was last re- elected as a Manchester City Councilor in May 2008.He is one of the UK's leading councilors involved in European issues. During that time he served as leader of the Manchester Liberal Democrat Group of Councilors for nine years from 1988 to 1997. Previously he was also a member of the Greater Manchester Council until its abolition in 1985 and led the Liberal Party for five years on the Greater Manchester Council. He was formerly Deputy Chairman of the Greater Manchester Integrated Transport Authority, he is a Director of Greater Manchester Accessible Transport and the Manchester Museum of Transport, as well as chairing the Board for the Heaton Park Tramway.


Jamila ZEKHNINI Journalist, Intercultural Agenda, Brussels, Belgium / Journaliste, Agenda Interculturel, Bruxelles, Belgique

L’Agenda interculturel est le mensuel publié par le CBAI Ŕ Centre bruxellois dřaction interculturelle. Le CBAI est une association fondée en 1981 à partir de lřexpérience des migrations et des exils à Bruxelles, capitale multiculturelle. Le CBAI est une association sans but lucratif, créée en 1981. Son objectif est la promotion active des relations interculturelles à Bruxelles en particulier, et dans la société belge en général Le CBAI travaille autour de 4 axes : Formation (pour améliorer les compétences interculturelles), Accompagnement associatif, Diffusion culturelle et Information, via le centre de documentation (42 000 titres) et lřAgenda interculturel. Depuis 2006, le CBAI réalise les missions de Centre régional d'Appui en Cohésion sociale (CRACS) dans la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale Dans sa revue l’Agenda Interculturel, priorité est donnée aux informations liées aux thèmes de lřinterculturalité, de la lutte contre le racisme et de la sociologie des migrations. À titre dřexemples, des dossiers ont traité de la reconnaissance des minoritiés culturelles, des politiques et pratiques de cohésion sociale, du féminisme musulman, des politiques urbaines et de mixité sociale, de la déconstruction des stéréotypes. Le CBAI agit comme facilitateur ou intermédiaire dřautres acteurs de lřinterculturel et des médias belges grand public, en faisant partager analyses et en facilitant les contacts.

Jamila Zekhinini est licenciée en Journalisme et Communication de lřUniversité Libre de Bruxelles. Elle a travaillé une dizaine dřannée dans le secteur de lřinsertion sociale et professionnelle, comme formatrice en communication interculturelle et comme journaliste de « presse associative » depuis 2 ans pour le mensuel l’Agenda interculturel, éditée par le CBAI qui propose des dossiers thématiques, des bons tuyaux, des articles dřopinion, les derniers ouvrages disponibles… Toutes les rubriques approfondissent des sujets liés à lřimmigration et à lřinterculturel. Analyses, interviews, expériences, récits de vie rythment les dossiers qui, bien que pris dans le tourbillon de lřactualité, sont traités avec recul et réflexion pour stimuler les débats dřidées et les actions de solidarité.

Dritan ZIU Representative of Roma Active Albania (RAA), Albania / Représentant Roma Active Albania (RAA), Albanie

Roma Active Albania (RAA) was founded in 2006, and is a motivated and capable organisation with experience in mobilising and organising grassroots Roma, as well as lobby and advocacy for Roma issues. Roma Active Albania is one of the few organisations specialised in addressing Roma issues, constantly analyses and develops new methods, strategies and approaches to tackle mechanisms of exclusion of the Roma people. RAA has taken initiatives engaging in finding action plans in order to bring changes in a society where Roma people belong to and have their own values. Its vision is to contribute to empowering Roma people to come together in a grassroots Roma movement that will change position of Roma by fighting against exclusionary mechanisms. RAAřs philosophy is based on the idea that grassroots Roma and their allies should lobby for their own issues. Local leaders lobby and advocate through organising in networks that establish contacts with authorities and relevant stakeholders. Also, RAA actively meets with other Roma NGOs and regional and national authorities, to prepare the ground for lobby and advocacy activities of the networks. Roma Active Albania supports networks and groups consisting of leaders, youth and woman and coaches two regional networks in the region of Fier and Korca. Both networks are coordinated by regional coordinators that capacitate local leaders to assess and monitor the implementation of local policies in order to enhance actions towards authorities and institutions in their regions. RAA is a key player in Albanian civil society and has an international exposure as well. 43