Thunderward Volume 24., Number 9 CommunityHighlineMarchCollege 1,1985 Gardner provides funds

by DARREN TENNISON A major step for the capital fund in- Managing Editor creasehas already taken place. The Senate ways and Means committee re- After a threat by community college viewed the proposal yesterday, with the officials to propose a property tax hike, outcome of their meeting not available at GovernorBooth Gardner tripled the press time. amount of money in the capital fund Dr. Ed Command, Vice President of budget earmarked for construction and Highline. also has a positive outlook for renovation ofC.C property. the future."I'm certainly pleased with the John Terrey. executive director of the amountthat Gardner has allotted the State Board for Community College Edu-capital fund. Although we certainly could cation. said recently in theSeattle Times use a lot more, thisis definitely a step in that although overwhelming support for the right direction." a tax-levy initiative was shown througha Command also talked about the fact survey taken lately. community college that some legislators weren't really aware leadershave dropped their proposal ofour problems. "People look at our because of Gardner's increase incap the campus and theysay how nice it looks. ita1 fund. but they are just lookingat the campus in Terry went on to say that while he general and not at the buildings. whichis doesn'tthink Gardner's six-year plan where the problems are at." meetsall of the community college's Command continues, "We were re- canstructionneeds, it shows that the cently picked asoneof threecommunity period of neglect toward community cobcolleges to be inspected by the .Senate leges in the past has come to a hait. Ways andMeans committee. We led After re.writlngacapttalspendingplan theman a guided touraflhe-cXmp-dailU. submltted by former Governor JohnSpell- we showed them specific problems. Only man in December, Gardner asked the then did they begin to realize how badly Legislature to boost constructionmmey we needed the repair money." for the 27 community colleges $67to mil- Themoney proposed for thenew lion for the 198587 biennium. Spellman budgetwill be spentin the following had allotted527 million in his budget. departments: The $67 million Gardner has asked forRepairs...... S 18.377.OOo is strictly for renovation and construction.Renovations Among the major projects being consi- & Remodeling...... 10.144.oOO dered area $6.6million renovationof the Minor Improvements,...... S4.966.300 Edlson North classroom building at Seat-Major Projects ...... 824.667.000 tle CentralCC., and a$4.4 million heavy Miscellaneous Repair...... 4.057,000 equipment buUdingat South SeattleCC. Over a million dollars in repair money Bill Julius, Capitai Budget Officer for theis going to each of the foliowlng facilittes: State Board. is more than pleased with Everett, Seattle Central. Shoreline. High. the committment Gardner has shown. line, Spokane and Tacoma. This money "We can't be anything but pleased that will be spent on patching up problem Gardner is in supportof the communlty areas on campus, suchas leaking roofs college system:' Julius said. "He Intends or any otherdamaged property that can to set aside a good amountof money for be nxed. thenextslxyears.Grantedthatthemong The majority of the remalning funds is only halfof what weasked for, but it is will go to major projects (malnly new MOM Vlll for a layup durlnga HlghlJne b86ketkrll gama The 'Bird. wl the better half andit is a step in theright buildings. as mentioned above) on sev. be compatrngat the confmnc6 touraement thl. weekend dlrection." Julius continued. erai different campuses,

Security outlines plans for emeruencuU U prmedures by CINDY A LIEN

InacatasttophethatcouMaffectevery- Despltethis,Chapmanfcelssomep~ membersdatedSeptember12.1880."call campus outsideof the nmlaperatlng one on campus. having a trained and cedures needto be more widely known. the CampusSecurIty Office in the event hoursare encouraged to advke the well-prepared staff that could react sen. "Practke evacuations (for fire) are only emergency assistance Is required or if campussecuritydficerondutyofhis/her siMy Is essential. Campus police chief pfactked by the smaller children In the there is an immediate threatto the safety location. Jack Chapman and any of the campus Child Development Center." chapman of any petson.Also. call if there is an iUe. Use all equipment only for the pur- patrolmenare welhversed in campus remarked. Firealamare routinely tested gal disruption of the normal activities onpose it is intended. Insure power cords safety procedures and could help. when shodIs not in session. "Everyone the campus or in the event of personal are not frayed and are notout lying In the Chapman says he has a comprehen-on campus should know what to do in injury and/or accldent on campus." open where they becan trlpped on. Don't sive written plan for emergencies in the case of afire, and where the alarmboxes All accidents must be reported.A writ. overload bookcases or shelves and store developmental stages. which shouldbe are located;' Chapman said. ten form shouldbe submitted to security. allsupplies properly. Use ashtraysfor ready. for printing and distribution in the Chapman feels his monthly Campus This includes falling, bums. cuts. injury, cigarettes and garbage cans for tras'h. fall of 1885. This guide will cover whatto Safety Newsletter. directedto faculty and and the date of occurences. The name Keep your work area clean. do in any emergency and answer manystaff, Is an effectlve alternativeto formal andphone number of any witnesses Finally,when you see a potentlal questionsstudents and faculty have training. To reach students. he used to should alsobe included. This applies to hazard.report it as soon as possible. about emergency procedures, rely on Thundemrd reprints ofhis short students. visitors and guestsas well as Proper maintenance of campus facilities Because fires. extreme weather con. informative artlcles on safety. but "lost supporting staff and faculty. and properties makesit much easier for dltions, earthquakes. civil disturbances. interest in submltting artlcleswhen. the When we all do our part, we may the systemto function properly andalso bombthreats.andothercritl~lsltuatlons Thundemrd stopped printing them:' decrease the high number of accidents. makes it a much more pleasant expe- dohappen. proper training to handle Because safety awareness and edu In another safety memo: HCC Campus rience for all Involved. them Is necessary. although not easyto cationare essential to staffmembers, Parking Do's and Don'ts. the following Campus Patrd Officers are on duty24 accompllsh. o'Ananghgtime for training posted In every bulldingIs a 5" x 8" card advke Is given. .'Don't waitin lot for park. hours a day.365 days a year. according sessions Is hampered bylegal Umitations Usting Highline emergency procedures, ing stab to empty. This creates traffic to theHCCSecurityend Parklnglnforma- on howmany in-servke trainingscssions streselngallaspectsofreportlngacddents lams as well as Increasing the potentlal tkm handout, "If anyone has any quw the faculty must endure," Chapman con.and hazard prevention. for accidents" tknsorproblemsaboutcampussecurity tlnued. TmlnlnlJ must be carefully coor- In radditbn, the fd)awlng advice is In the Interest of safety and security, or safety, feel free to contact me." chap

dinated Wththe Dean Of ShKkntfL dfered In a memo to faculty and staff faculty and staff mcmbers who are on man urges .I

- " - c e Rast2 News Thunderword Business lecture will feature King's Touch

'I'ac*onla.l.ogctt Icr thest.JO~S g!avt. her it wc~ii.roundeci c'xlxbrlcnct*. ,AI ttw IDubiic I:tiiilicspint shop. which 1)rintcd all lmwhurcs and I.>anlptllt*tslor "11 >.ou'vcgot the right stull. go tor it . or tht*cornpm)-.Kingdid Layoutdesign and Snow causes problems startmg and qwrating >.our own tusi itx~rncrlto usc' a word prcxxssor. After nt's=;trorn a practical kx)int 01 vi"'." wiii tour )'cars thcrc stw realized thew was be the topu: tor the March HrownHat4 it.- no chance lor adwnccrnent and loft thc l'hc cost of purchasing replacement lure slmnsored bythe career Center. The conlpany. deicer was$170. speaker is Karen King. owner of Kirlffs M'ith money shehad saved. financial However. the heavycostscamein the I'ouch word processing service. backing from her credit union and her labordepartment. "We used between 'I'he lecture. which willbe held March diverse background, King startedown her When the great snowof 1985 hit the four.andane.half and fiveman-weeks of I 4 at noon in Building7, will concentrate Business. The Kings Touch,a word pro Highline campus. many students and labor. That was the biggest problem." 011 skiii evaluation. market research bus. cessing service. does a wide variety of teachers didn't make it to their classes. The hoursof labor devotedto the pro mess pianning the importance of goals. printing services. including mailing lists. But one group that stillhad to make it to ject didn't actually cost theschool money preparation for "hills and valleys". and brm-hures. newsletters. reportsand more.the school was the maintenance depart-they wouldn't have already spent sell in!tial stangp procedures tor your own In addition to her busy career. King ment. said, but "We had the workers tied up bushe&. The talk will interest not only has a husband and four children. She!s With the several inches of snow onwith the it and nothingelse wasreallygettlng business students but all students. be- also active in her parish activies andis a ground. and classesstill scheduled to done." run cause it deals with self-motivation. deter member of the the Tacoma Chamber of on time. the maintenance crew was hardOther projects that were neglected rnination anda desire to accomplish. Commerce and of theBoard of Directors at work trying to make the walkways a museof the snowfall included several King will tell the story of starting her of the Northwest Cottage Industries Net. little safer for those madewho It toschool. landscapeprojects and othernormal own business. King, a native of Tacoma, working&sociation.whlchsupportsand According to Phil Sell. the Director of maintenance jobs around campus. .emphasizes 'work experience and the encourages home-basedbusin-. Facllitlesand Operations for HCC the "Fortunately we didn't have anything development ofpersonal skills.' to forma King views herselfas a self-motivator crews usedup all of thedelcer Instorage freezeup. There weren't any broken aid business background. S and is happy with her business. "Every and used I 2-15 yards of sandIn combat- pipes," Sell said. few different positions whichram her morning I wake upto a challenge of my lng the Icy conditions. Sell noted that the project of making background. lncludlng secretarial work. mlnd and motivationalsWW However, the sand was donated to the school safer for pedestriansis a dlffi. and sales which she didn't like but helped King's Touch hwrs are 9 a.m. to 5so Highline. -We got It from the State High- cult one when you consider the size of her to "learn how to stay motlvatied. not.p.m. Monday through Friday.The officeis way Department." said Sell notlng the the campuswith it's oneandone.half to settle with where I'm at." Her last job located near 72nd and Portland Avenue approximatecost for the sand would mlles of roadways. three miles of walk, was at the'Publlc 'Utilities print shop of .InTacoma and the numberis 4738 140. have been$240300. ways, and twelve acres of parWnglots. !.-,#k* :.. ..*..',-.'!!b .., ',\. : . . A

The Unlverslty of Washington is pat McClenn, a r-istered mas- A geneologyconference is There are stili a few work-study not accepting new students for the sage therapist. is volunteering her planned for the 23 of March In The Jobs available. If you submitted a sp-, quarter. .Students whoare en. sw thlsquarteron wednesdaysand Eutist~~urecenter from 8 am to 5 FlnandalAd form by August30, Igsq, ..~rkiays,1.9 qm p noon. c?all Q! SOPby pm. The speaker wlll be Betty Cola- contact the Financialhid office If Inter- *lrsw*Nnrzton,mWn!tY.W: .. leges during the spring quarter and k~thsetvices in ~ldg6, ta make. ' -&* .: ' . . . ested in a work-study position. Thlsis ?$/!J;,4$,#~~~?~y&~~~~ an extend&appiicatkm derwlUne'for 0 .. 0 workstudy eligibiilry. I5 addirkma1 credlts(beyond the usual 90). To take advantage of this policy. Scholarshipsfrom the Air Force, 0.. studentsshould submlt a letterof Army, Navy, and Marines ROTC are explanationwlth their application Soston Marathon winnerand still available. Scholarships paying for The state legislature made sev- form. Olympic athlete Jim Martlnson will full tultlon, textbooks laboratory and eral cutbacks In funds to colleges this be on campus Riving a rnotlvatlonal Incidental fees, and a SI00 monthly year, The Washington Need Grants 0.. talk In theGoid Room of Bldg 4. allowance. TimeIs runnlngout for the (WNG) were reduced by $50 for both next Tuesday. March5 at Is. I985- I 986 school year. For more Infor. wlnter and spring quarters.WNG's are Eve McClure has been certified A former businessmanand awar mation call the Army at24 1-2286.the available to anyone whois eligible for ,by t?'rYat/qnal Tdof Certiflq veteran, .Martinson wlllbe giving his Navy or Marines at833.6530, and the flnanclal ald. The FlnanClalAd offla +u;dI,orS fdrs+xi+sfulcompletion pr&ntatlon on the topic "overcorn. hir Force at 255-2022. does not know yetif the legislaturewlll of a three hour 'standardized exam. ing obstacles". The speech is spon- provlde addltional fundingIn order to Intheprevlwslssuedthemumlenuord sored by club members of thegroup 00. testore the full grant amounts. It was incortectly stated that only six seifArNtudeandlmageDevelopment. couflsielors had been certified. There wUl be no cost for admission. Registration for Sprlng Quarter at 0.. the Child Care DevelopmentCenter 0.0 began February 25 for chlldren who A positive thinking discussion are currently enrolled. Open regktra- group. SAID (Self Attltude and Image Campus securlty issuestempo- Watch out for yourbooks! ~ccord- tion begins March 18. Development). hdds meetings every rary disabled parking permits to lng to John Koehler. manager of the Friday In Udg. 23. Room I 14 from 1.2 students. mvering from serious 111. campus bookstore. book thefts In- .a. Pm. ness or surgery. Apply at the Securlty crease in the last few weeks of every Offlce, Bkdg. 6. lower level. quarter.Koehler has seen a large The BrownBag Concert on 0.0 number of people come In last the few March 13 wlll starJames Hersch. weeks buying new textbooksbecause The concert wlllbe held In theEutlsts. Prlday March 8th Is the last ekl their old ones were taken, so keep Lecture Center from12 to I pm. trlp to Skl Acres or Alpental. The \ track of yourbooks at all tlmes. rldes will be Ieavlng Hlghllne at 4:30 pm. For more inforrnatlon goBldg to8, '1' Room 20 I. P I CALENDAR This calendar is a list of events pertaining to Highline Community College. Stu. dents.staff and facultymay submit announcements to the Thunderword office MARCH 8 Thls willbe the last skl trip to Ski Acres or Alpental. The rldes will leave In Hldg I 0. Rm. 105. Highline at 430 p.m.slgn up now inBldg 8. Room. 201. MARCH 5 *'sandyBradley and the Small Wonder Strlng Band" will perform at Highllne MARCH 8 on -1'uesday. March5. at 730 p.m.in the Artists Lecture Center. The band plays The second "Showcase of Talent" will feature Charles Wood. baritone, and a repertoire consisting of "pop"songs of the 20's and 30's old-time fiddle tunes Patty Brown, singer-harpist at 8 p.m. and unclassifiable origlnals. This will be an evenlng of fine singing, playlng. high splrits and great humor. Tickets are available at the: HCC Bookstore and at MARCH 10 the door the evening of the performance. You may reserve tlckets by tcle. The wattle Symphony wlllbe performlng the music of Dohnanyi, Hartok phone. calling ext.535. and Sibelius in concert at3 p.m., In the Opera House. Tlckets cost$8.00 each. Students need to slgn up by Friday, MarchI, at the desk outslde the Student MARCH 7 Programs, Bldg 8. room 20 I.This programIs sponsored by the Llterature and Micheal Vena, a contemporary Christian singer, will present a brown bag Fine Arts Committee. concert at I 2 noon In Bldg 7. MARCH 13 There wlll be a double elimination pool tournament at 12 noon. The entry ' fee is S2.m and trophies wlll be awarded for Ist, ~nd,and 3rd prizes.sign up James Herschwlll be performing In the Artist Lecture Center 12 at noon, as part of the free BrownBag Concert Serles. now in BIdR8. Rm. 20 I. "The Two Maples", a Russlan fdk tale Is beingpresented by the Hlghllne MARCH l~ Drama Dept. on3/74 and 31 lo. 16. a1 8 p.,~.at the HlghllneLlttle Theatre, Bldg 4. TO accompany the show. there wlll also be 6 puppet exhlbltlon 3/7-8 In the Business:The Brown A Pract,ca;, Sag SeriesApproach. continues wlthStartlng And Operating YourOwn Gold Room at7 nm.

c that cw/d set them df and hi&@r a command saki she thlnks cornmunl- sulclde." camIS very important in preventfns CMnmand feels there arc pmtmbly these deathsPatents ezqxxUy shouki many factors that contribute to student Listen. "they should be sincere about Student suicides rising suicide. One element that COuId conntt, seem communkaUon and Weptlwl Ute ts school ploblems One teoclcurlng negative comments fromtheir chlklren sltuatlon lncludes the student that dld Teens that cut IhemlVeS dffrOm their by BEEEYscHtti3Eftr stveral nragazlnes such as People well in hlghshod and comes tocollege parentsusualiyshlltthtslrloyaltytopeers. andRdlfngStone.havepuMLshcdLlsrsd expectingittobeeasy.7beysAgnupfora If they arerejected by them lt can lead to Each year 5.ooO youa peopie be warnlrrg agns for US to )oak for In our heavy ioad and also have amEventu serlwsconseque!nces. Remlnd them the tween theages d 1S and 24 cammit sui- friends and relatives to see U they mlght aUytheystartgettingbehhd.Maybethelr door to communtcatkm Is always open." cide.Five hundred thousand others podslbly be conslderlng suictde. These fitst test scores are ITS and Cs. but they If you 01 wmeyou know is con- skieringsukkle you shouki talktosome. anem@ it. In the February 18 lssue d consist of 1. prevrars attempt 2. preoc. feel they can always catch up. Then PeOpleMogozlneDt.mmeb Cantorsays cupatlon with themes of death. 3. per- comesthe next tests and the grades one. You cango to the campus counseC ing center. talkto a minister 01 doctor or that sukide among youngpeoj3k in the sonallty changes 4. recent suklde of a have sllpped to Cs and Ds. Ultimately counseling united States has reachedepidemic frlend 5.verbal sukldethreat. 6.dlspoeal they are too far behindto catch up. Thls seek on your own.If you feel pmportlons. Studies haverevealed that of porssessions. 7.deteriorating grades 8. combineswith other problems and you can'tdo that, at least talk to a frlend. the numberof sukide deaths have rlsen loss of interest in favoredactivities. 9. colss causes manyof them drop outor worse. parentor someone you feel close to. 136% in the last 20 years. These facts of sense of humor,Io. cllnkal depression. There'sa lot of pressure.In a situation like-There arealso 2ehour crisls Unes in the came homelast month, whena HighUne I 1. drastk withdrawal from frlends and this. the student shouldgo to the tutoring phone book In King County the number student killed himself. normalsltuations.and 12.drugorakohd center. counseling centeror a teacher to to callis 447.3222 and in Plerce Countyit Many people on campus were abuse. talk about the -em. is 7586700. shocked by the suiclde and concerned Health and physical education instfuc. that students on campus become can so tor Marge Command agrees with these pressured and depressed Why people Srgns and says "When someone threat. klll themselves and how such deaths ens suicide. Listen.Not that they aredefi- Budget cuts could hurt students can be prevented was the suQjectof at nitely going to do it, but they are thinking least one class discusion during that abwt It. Listen to them and make neutral week. but there arestill many questions posltivestatements about their good in people's minds about such a desper-points. Ask themif they have considered ate act. other sdutions but don't say anything

kial aid many students receive. These Imagine being a financialaM student cuts will come In three areas: PeUgrants at SeattleUniversity. where tuition is Transfers require help guaranteed student bans and umlls m around S 1500 per quarter, along wlth the total amntof aid received per stu room. board. and other living expenses. for grades to be much higher." Urubiak dentperyear.Thesecutswillaf~com- or at one of the puMic institutions where warned munitycollegesas wellas unlversitks students who Uve on campus pay a successfully transkwhgtoafw~r wghhne dfers two standard transler Thepmpo6akwhichsEUIhavetopss Cofwlbhd yearly 1- around S6bm n collegefm~~~requlrespbnnt~and~ms."opbnA" the H0Us;e of Representatives and the would Seem a great number d these comptetelnfonnatlonThe" R~AmeetstheGeZWZaIUnder. Senate. would take effect in the 19868t students mignr forsake private %hods lemlnaanslerrlnglsthatstudentsdonor graduate Requirements (G.U.R)for gr& 'Sch0d"year.u paseed. these propox& .for. twoyem irrslwutbns-and attm&=a take the initbthre toseek hdp.acCordbrs uation at schods within the State d w0U)d: umit RUgrants to those wtth community CcNege. torrsslstantDeanofStudentsandw. Washlng~onwtth whichHCC has a cot). incomes (or parents' Income)under A maw dllference between the pro tor of Counseling Michael GNbbk. Tm tract. While most four-ytatschaobin the SZ.ama year. llmit guaranteed student pxwdnew requlrements and the oid is Meshoofing trader programs is a large state accepl M graduates directly, the bans ta students with incomes under thatthegmemmentwillno~rpermtt part d the counsdlng department*sjob. University of Washington some prlvate S32500:andflnaily,UmItthetotalald(PeU aneedsress,Whataneedstestdoes& yet students often remaln misinformed cdeges within the state and any cd- grant, student ban etc3 that a sludent take into consldemtlon other "es rather than use thisservice. Iegf39 outside d Washington are under may receive for one year to $4mO. than lust money. For example. a needs Thtee guidelines for translet sludenrs no~mtoacceptMlursewwk. How wtu these plopoeed cuts affect test would take into conskleraticm how are offered by the department. 1) Read OplbnBcconsistsoltakingclassesthat studentsatWghiine??hetearecunendy the cdlege catalog and transfer gukk for would have been takenat the transfer- sevenstudenwnxevtngaidatthls~ the college you pbn to attend 3) Seek ting lmitutlon. It ts used for cdkgtzs &at who WU ncjt ~~al~yfw'a FM mnt mntsfor a guaranteed stwudent kmt. If a advice from a counseb at Hlghunct. 3) do not have a contract to accept High. under the new regulations Whh thegua- st,~tMhls~~en~make~v~~~25cB contact a counselor at the transferring line's Associate Degree and instances ranteed student ban, 2s to 30 siudents they do not qiialify'for aid iegardless ol lnstitutlon to double check your plans when students canna complete all the now recetving aid would not meet the famUy size. Thls does not coosider that and information. G.U.R durlng theirfirst two years. Sctence new requirements. thisstudents'parentsmightmakeS33,(100 'Sometimescounselors make mls majors, for example. usually take four In fact, there is a passiMiity budget and haveIhree ather chlkiren attending takes.We're not perfect." Gfubiak ex years tocomplete undergmduate requirecutscould cause an increase in students college,whereas, the present require- mentsbecause of the quantity and plained. "Check out ali the informawn on finanCial,Wattending Highllne. Finan.ments take these factors into consider- you are glven. It's the student'sresponsl. sequence of classes for the maJor. No cia1 Nd Director Jeff Mxahamson ex. atbn bihty to make sure everythingls Conect." fourayear college is obligated to accept plained "the impactwill be less on This also applles to the Pel1 gmntand Acceptance to a four-year University more than 90 credit hours from a com- community colleges than on highcost the total annual aid. changingthe grant does not guarantee acceptanceto a spe- munity cdlege. institutions:* fro^. a ne- i,?! to a et.!wyw \h:.Ur cific departmental maJor. For example. Pamphlets explaining both options in Abrahamson explained thisis due to whlle *cutting th+ urirr;ntti+.:?~t1 therequirements for acceptance and greater detail are available In the advls the limtt on total funds a student can studhi can ndw..rm.eivdf0r.a: 'f&r 16 ing center. .. ., ,. graduation fromthe University of Wash- receive annually. With the new Umit on 54.000. I ington differ from the requirementsof a Some students encounter problems specific program, like business, that Is because they take classes without any within the University. direction. "Visions don't just cometo stu Students need tobe aware of applica.dents.They need toengageina planned tion deadlines,as well as the importance program of investigation through Iifeand of grades. Thegrade point averagepub career-planning"Grubiak emphasizes. lished in the collegecatalogis usually the Workshopsand advisors can help in minimum required for acceptance."It is decision-making but the final decisions not uncommon in acompetitive programare up to the individual New building coming \ by FFWNCINE SIMMONS '1' in the Seattle areaa few yearsago follow- P Theremay be a newbuilding on lng a mandate by the State Cou cil for i campussoon.A 523288ooCapital budget Post-Secondary Education. TheNop rman- requestmade by Central Washington dy ParkCenter isonly marginallysultable University has received the endorsementto CWVs daytime and evenlng opera. tions due to thelimited space within the Vletnemcse fan dancers performat the Vletnamese New Year Festival held at of the Board of Trustees from Community Cleveland Hlgh School, College DlstrlctNo. 8 and the State Boardelementaryschoolandbecauseofalack forCommunityCoUegeEducatlonACCOKI. of parking space. According to CWVs Ing to Highline Vice President Ed Corn. facility prqject request, the present issite mand, the requestIs currently before the overutlllzedfor classes, short of office Vietnamese union is formed I985 Washington State Legislature. space and not adaptableto an addition. CWU also operates programs at Ed. by PHUONG PHAM The funds are targetedto plan, design sored by the Council of Vietnamese monds andFort Stetlacoorn Community and construct a Jointlyused buildlng on Associations. Colieges,where simllar proposals are The flrst Highline Communlfy Collegc the HCC campus. CommandIs in charge All eight fan dancers. including Thach of preplannlng actlvltles Involved in the being supported by theirrespective Vietnamese Student Association was boardsof trustees. The ECC budget formed during fall quarter thls year and Nguyen, Tlen Maringer,Blch Thuy. Hue. pro)ect. The'buildlng will be used by PhuongPhamJUgocDung PhuongThao, request is for pre@annlng money In the currently has about 30 members. Even HCCdurtngthedaytlme,sinceCWUoffers and My Hanh gave an excellent perfor. amount of 544,700. The FSCC request Is though the asmclatlonis relatively new.it their courses prlmarlly In the evenings," mance front of approxlmately 000 for pplanningmoney In the amount of Is wellorganized and advlsed by Marge In states Command. people,including such dignitaries as 573630. Kennedy. the group's sponsor. CWU presentlyoperates fowyeat pro Mayor Charles Royer and King County 7hestaterarelyaUocatespreplannlng The group has had meetlngs,a Chrlst. grams In theNormandy Park Center, Executive RandyRevelk. money, unless they intendto fund a pro masshow and apot luck. Recently.High- whkh Isleased from the HlghUnoSchod Momover, the group also participated ject," emphasized Command. **It'll be Iine*sFanDancegroup(theFanDanceis Distrkt. Dr. Shlrley oordon, Plzsldent of In the Festlval d Tradltlonal Foods, held decklad by the end of this kgtslatlve se% a traditional dance done at all Vletna. HCC, stated In a board meeting that pro at thesame tlmeon theoth. With the help skm." Hthe pC0)act bfunded,pre-planning mese festlvals)was invlted topartklpate grams In operatlon then Include bu& o( Thinh Pham. the group's president. wlll taka two yeam and construction In the Vietnamese New Year Festival. ness, law enforcement and ch- and many of the other members the fes wouldnot~nuntllplansareapprwed The festival toak place on February 9 at educankn. tlval was a great succtzx5, cwv~dfefirrge%~" by the nmt k@€wfc. Cleveland High Shod and was span.

1 - "- - " C (>pinSon Thunderword EDITOR THOUGHTS Juggling two jobs and school is hard

'workingtwo jobs. Sleep becomesa NOW that 1 havecoveredweekdays. take up most or all of my sparetime on rare and precious commodity.If you 1'11 tell you whatI do on weekends. I'm weekends. work two job. you probably spend a desk clerk at the Federal WayExe This is beglnning to sound like a 1 AS Some Of anywhere from fi to I6 hours a day at cutel (for thoseof you whoaren't famil.gripe column aboutmy apparent iack you struggling work. The only problem with this if iarwith it. theExecute1 is ahotel of time to domy homework Actually. college students you're a student is. when do you have located behind Big 5 Sporting Goods I'm just trying to enlighten you on the have come to time to do your homework? SinceI'm in Federal Way). Although weekends subject of workingtwo jobs while realize. juggling in this predicament. I'll tell you right aren't our busiest time,I neverseem to being a student.It is an undertaking two jobs and be now. You have no time. have an uninterrupted 45 minutes or that I would wholeheartedly discour- inga student is I'm at school five days a week. I so to sit down anddo my homework. I age. probablyone of have classes in the mornings and I work from 3 to 1 1 p.m. on Saturday Although I have beentold that the themost strenu. spend afternoons (and evenings on and Sunday and sometimesIcome in experience is invaluable, the lack of o~sundeflakin@ most occasions) in Thunderwordthe earlier if needed. free time(I have absolutely none) and nat you could come up against in office assigninIE writing and editing I realize thereis a gap thatI haven't the physical and mental exhaustion 'our lifetime. That may be aslight stories.This may notsound like it accountedfor yet. You are asking are factors that take their toll on my xaggeration but 1 think you get the should take 10to 14 hours out of my yourself. "what does he do before 3 grades as well as my usually happy mint. day but it frequently doesbecause I'm p.m. on weekends?' Well. I have an golucky attltude. I guess it's all upto When YOU first besin to work two dealing not only with my own mis- answer for that one, too. You know the individual, but I figure life Is too abs,your only thought LS on how takes.but everyone else's. While I those essential little chores youhave shon and 1'11 be working for the restof it. I nuch money you are going to earn. have always been a consistent "B" ' to do during theweek inorder to con- so might as well enjoy whatever Aoney is one of the few benefits of student.onethingl haveneverlearned tinue functioning? Washingand iron- free time I can get now. to do is organiremy time. lng my clothes or workingon my car AFTERTHOUGHTS The Iife of a movie concessionist isn't glamorous by KIM GREER who I'm talking about. The person a headache forme but also other cus The midnight moviegoesare always :eutures Edltor who whines and complains. not for tomers. is the child. Thisis the littleboy a source of amusement. sometimes any particular reason. but becausejust or girl who mom and dad dedded to intentionally. sometimes not. psryficu- coun-souts they consider it a right and a social escape from fora few hours. Solution- lady funny are those who go to the have dreamed of service. send Janeor Joey to a movie. Rocky Homf Picture Show. You get making it big in Even if you're not aMr. or Ms. Rude, of course for Jane and -y the people dressed as their favoriteRwkg the movie busi- you can probably identify withfol- the popcorn and candy are the primary character. which sometimes means ness. Well. let me lowing situation. You arrive at your motivation for going to a movie. That guys in nylons, heels.and garter belts tell you, it's not movie about ten minutes priorto the in itself I can deal with. The problem At the conclusion of the movie you easy and lshould stact and decide you wantsome pop lles in the fact that they usually donr may find anything fmm wmnies to know. I work part. corn. BY the time you get your pop know what they want.or how much it rice coating the a- and anything 1 time at a movie corn, it is ten minutes after your movie costs and they almost always pay in else in the vkinity. One night a man theatre. has started. You are. to say the least. pennies. In the meantime. thirry peo ~tsoexciIedheattempred,~thsome If the average person goingto the irritated. Take that irritationand mul. ple are waiting behind them tapping success. to not only watch the movie novies knew whatit was like working tiply it by about50. then place yourself their feet, folding theirarmsand scowl- but be in It. He ended up leaving a it the mdvies they might reevaluate at the receiving end a nd you have ing, which makes foran uncomforta- twofoot holein the screen. Wild times who the real heroes and heroinesof just entered the world of the movie ble situation all theway around. I love indeed! he industry are. Talk about a high- concessionist. children, but have to wonder about Then there arethediehard rockers ztressj ob...Thisisit.O.K.yousay. what's Fortunat~y.mastpeoplerealizeyou the judgment of their parentsin some whocome to see AC/DC orPink io stressfulabout tossing popcorn? are doing the bestyou can and willbe situations. Floyd's The Wall. I've hadto change -Ic rhe popcorn'snot the problem. it's polite or at least civil, but too often you Along with the problems come the my imageof a rocker. One nighta lady of the patrons. encounter Mr. or Ms. Rude. encouraging moments, like when Jane about 30 in a business suitcame out 1; Idon't hate the human raceandI'm I recall one incidentin which calling or Joey is dimea short and the persor. and askedme if someone could turn lot antisocial.but give mea little the man Mr. Rude is quite the under- behind them helps out,or when you up the sound in AC/DC. which was i onger at the theatre and who knows? statement. It was a very busy Friday are greeted witha smile in placeof a already being played at a doatening 4nythings possible.Prior to my job at evening and on his turn at the registerscowl. i rememberone incident which volume. he theatre I was one of those rude he shouted. "Why are youso slow!" restored my faithin the human race,or Well. thanks for listening.I feel much xstomers who was always a inhurry Surprised I replied, "Pardonme?'' at least in the moviegoer. One eveningbetter. Next time you're at the movies md often critical. Boy. have I learned He replied backsnapping his fin- a young lady waiting in line fainted. and are irritated at havingto wait in a my lesson. gers. "You heard me. c'mon. hurry up!Immediately, at least five other patronsline, look on the bright sick. you coulrl I have a namefor the rude patronsI Believe me. oneno was more eager made a real effort to help her. be me. LikeI said, the movie business rleal with-h;lr. qr Ms. ,Rude,You know to see him leave than1. I must admit my job isn't always a isn't easy. Just call me Supergrl. . .. P. -- ...... 7 ' t-. . ., Another situation which is not only bummer, at times it's very comical. .., .. STAFF OPINION Gardner is coming to aid of community colleges

Thanks are in order to Governor ceived any substantialcapital funding lems which were initially minor ones requested. 3ardner for acknowledging Washing was 1976. are now serious ones. Problems an As society becomes more techno- '~~~~nmnftg"~~'system-an~Community colleges have a uni- Highline's campus vary from leaking logically advanced and oriented the supporting it. que funding problem in that they are roofs to broken heating systems. lmponancedcommunity~eswill Gardner has asked for$67 million theonly educational institutions in The most recent action takenin the be even greater. Community colleges 'or the community'college(CC) sys Washington state thathave nosource fundingcrisiswasaplanbycommun. not only serve the traditional outof- tern in the 85.87 biennium, in opposb of capitalfunding Public schoolsand itycollege officials toseek voter high.school students but also return. tion to Governor Spellman's request universities have land grants. band approval of a statewide propertytax ing students. those who are attempt- lor $22 million. issues and endowments. This fundingeffort Isbeingabandoned ing to asslmUate therapid changes in 11's encouraging to see that some. Because of it*sunique probiem in hapesthat Gardnefs budget re. the wark workl. one in a position of authorityis, at last, communltycollegeshavebeenessen questsare approved. The fateof Attractive, functionaland well maln. comingto the aid of Washington's tiallylngnored In termsof capital communlty college capitalfunding rained communlty colleges are not CC.'S. funding now lles with the legislaturq only important to those who and work The lackof capital funding(fund1ng It is no secret thatmany of washing Although th& Is nowhere near the learn in them but make a statement for construction and renovation) has ton's C.C.'sare In sad disrepair. High. s 100 to $250 million needed,it is fund- about thecommunityasa whole. Let's been a serious problem for some time.line is certainly among them. ing We hope the legislature will realize hope that statementis a positive one. Thelast tlme Washington C.C.3 re- Due toinsufflcient funding, prob theneedandmakethepartialamends Thunderword Highline Community College Managing Edltor Reporters Cartoonist South 240th and Pacific Highway South Darren Tennison Bill Bomber, Sheila Karhlmn Zucari Boswell, Dave Davles, Midway, Washington 980320424 Features Editor Copy Edltor (206)878.37 IO, ext. 29 1 Collette De Tienne, Mlke Klm Greer Enyeart, Don Kina Ray Dave Mar The Thunderword is published every other Fridayby the journalism Features CBEdltor Kirwan, Clndy Lien, Phototypesetter students of Highllne Cammunlty College. The opinlons expressed Gloria Kase Connie Moreno, Debra Kathy Perklns Peterson, AI Rooks, hereln are not necessarily thoseof the collegeor Its students. Sports Ed1 tor Advlsors We welcome all letters, news, guest edltorlais, and criticlsm from the Andrew Schauer, Betsey Duncan McDonald Schubert, Francine Llnda Elaker, Terry campus population. Letters and guest editorials shouldbe kept to a Mclafferty 300 word maxlmum(500 for guest editorials). Anything longer willbe Photo Edltor Simmons, Rod Sweeney subjectto edltingAnythlng submitted Thundeiwordtheto must Scott Smith Photographers have a signature in order tobe published. AdvertislngManager Garth Gullstrand, Erlc TheThunderword office is locatedIn BId& IO, room 105.Office hours JenniferDoerflinger Moore, Warren Paquet re are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. The Thunderword isprlnted by Valley Publishing in Kent, Washlng Production Manager ton. Shelly McOllllvaty

c March I, leds rocus psscs

the past year.Although Highlinedoesnot students without theF. I visa status They Foreign studen t' gain keep formalstatbtics. thcre are approxi. classify these students are "r-terttd mately an additional 400 students en- aliens" rolledwhoarefromhsiancountries.They North Seattle Community College experience in Am erica are classifid =elan Americans. presently does nothave any F. 1 v&sa stu. Somecomparisonswith thelocalcorn. dents enrolled; however. thereare about - of 40 students attending NSCC with the munity colleges on their enrollment by GLORIA KASE undervarioustitles such as "reghtered foreign students are as follows. Green "refugee" status. and ELAINE JANA! aliens". hside from an academic expe River Community Collegealsohasseven The cultural differences of these stu. rience. these students receivean educa- studentsenrolledwith the F. I visa status. dents makes our educational experience Foreign studentsmake upa small but tion in a new and different culture. Green River's admissions said thisnum- unique. significantpart of the community college Currently. Highline hassevenstudentsber has remained about the same over Wlow are profilesof two individuals population. -Some are here on F-1 visas attending with the F-I visa status. This the last year. Like Highline. Green River from Mexico and Romania that are cur. (student visas) while some are classified number has remained consistent over does notkeep a record basedon foreign rently attending Highline.

.- Student feels'right at home' Mexican finds adventure in Northwest

by MARC ST. Y\'ES the way the buildings are constructed pleting his studies here."I liked the cam- engmeers back home and they arepaid and all the trees on campus make me pus very much and I would prefer going very well." saidMunoz Highline has many foreign students feel right at home." to a smaller university. They alsohave a attendingclasses here.but most of them verygoocfengineering progmm,which is probably didn'tcome to this area for the Munoz is not the only oneof his family my number one concern." Back home same reason Fermin Munoz diduduen- living in the United States. Hehasa sister Ferminattended the Universityof Mexico we. in 1-0s Angeles and his brother also lives in Mexico City before coming here. * * Munoz 2 1, came to Des Moines on away from home in Germany. Buthe still March 9. 1983 from his hometown of has ties back home in Mexico City.where Munoz finds plenty to do during his Mexico City to staywith a friend who had his mother resides. spare time. "I enjoy going to the movies visited him in Mexico three summersin a Munoz is currently enrolled in Math the most. The movies here are much row. "I wanted to come here and stay 126 and Psychology 2 lo. He plans on more expensive than in Mexico." Said with myfriend. I figured I had to pay him attending Seattle University after com- Munoz "1 also like using my Atari MXI Munoz who speaks English fluently. computer. which I can spend hours in mlieves that front of." But there arealso some things will increase hisjob he enjoyed doing in Mexico that aren't only way I won't move "It has been very always available here. "I Iove to play the fain +dU'ces(,me ...... ,.. interesting to me to be laughfngiy. '' . )' '

able to liue intwo totally "I have enjoyed my stay here. It has different societies.*' been very interestingto me to LE able to live in two totally different scxietiesand see how each one runs." back for coming to Mexico." The reason STUDENTS he ended up coming to Highline was the Muno2 also wanted to clear the air proximity to his new home. about how the Americans view Mexico. squash, which is very popularin Mexico "Sure.someofour townsarethesameas FEELS RIGHT AT HOME but isn't played here very much. There they were hundreds of years ago, but 5 are also .many more swimmtng pools most'people here who haven't been to . 'Munoz, who is planning to major in where I lived.'' Mexico thinkof it as theysee in old West- electrical engineering. has enjoyed his ern movies. In just about all of our big ' stay in the Pacific Northwest."I do miss cities we have skyscrapers and modern the warm climate of Mexicobut this area FUTURE PLANS buildings justas America does." is very beautiful," Munoz said. He also Even though Munoz misses Mexico. feels very comfortablehere at Highline. After receivinghis degree in engineer- he still loves theSeattle area."On sunny "In Mexico city, the high school 1 attended ing he plans to move back to Mexico. days, Seattleis as beautifulas anywhere was very similar to the campus here in Permin Munoz "There is a high demand for electrical in the world." Romanian content with life in America !

by SHEILA BOSWELL * to Obrega, he was given nothing to eat decided to lie down andgo to sleep at the and was notallowed to sleep for several foot of the tree. "I like this country For Gheorghe Obrega.attendlng High- days. Duringthat tlme he was grilled and Obrega reached the spot where he line is pan of the "new beginnlng" In his repeatedlyaccused of trying to leave the would cross the borderIn the middle of very much. The United life that came aboutwhen hefled from country. the night. There was a seven-foot-high t States is good for every his native Romanla about 15 months chain-llnkfence and he couldsee a guard ago. I tower. kind of person ..." .. . .< As he made his way toward the fence, > said, 'all life or no .. . . * CHANGES he was spotted by a border guard who . .. , ? life' and I kept going." called out forhim to stop. Obrega.know his ear, temporarilydeafenlng hlrn, and a 'There is so much change In my life," Ing that to be caught could mean seven second bullethit hlm In the leg. he saki, "It Is sometimes verydiffkult.** or eight years InJaIl,kept going Obrega said he probably ran for about Obrega said the eventswhlch promp "AfterthreedaysIsl8nedadeclaration "Ilooked at the frontierand I looked at flve hundred yards on the Yugoskvlan , ; \r tedhlm toescape fromhiscountry began saying I would move out of the city," him but I dMn't stop." Obrega said. "Isaid, slde of the border beforehestopped. The In October, 1883 when a friend Invited obrega said. When he was finally re. 'all life or no llfe' and I kept going" nextthingheremembersiswaktngupin f him to come for a visit. The friend lived In leased. he was told to hvethe clty the As he cllmbed the fence the guard hospltala In Yugoslav&.. ' . .. ! j -1 -* a clty very nearthe border of Yugoslavia, followlng mornlng because It was too began shootlng One bullet whlzzedpast Durlng his stay In Yugoslavia. Obrega ,: and the policebecame very suspic~ous close to the border,and that he would be applied to the UnitedStates Embassyfor j of Obrega's presence there. sent to Jailif he returned, lmmlgratlonandhisrequest wasgranted. 1 One evening about 0 p.m. the police His frlend had been told not to allow Wlthln a few short monthshe wasaboard : came to the house toquestion hlrn, and Obrega tostay at his houseagain,but did an airplane flylng over the Statueof Lib subsequently took him tojail. According let him stay there for onenlght. erty as he arrived In the UnitedStates. . I . ,. NEW LIFE CROSSING THE BORDER . .. Obrega Ls .very &.td. be h&re.-"Illke By this tlme Obrem was beginning to this country very much." he said. 'The thlnk that crosslng theborder might not United States Is good for every klnd of besuch a bad Idea. He knew that It would person.In mycountry you cannot decide not be easy tocross the border near the what you want todo'withyour Ilfe." clty. because It was so heavllyguarded, In Romanla. Obrega worked as a so he began walking toward the moun. mechanic.He had been on hisownslnce rains. he was 15. He said that a colle$e educa. Obrega descrlbed thetwoweek jouv tlon was not easy to unless"youget were ney to where he crossed the border as polltlcally involved." "very hard". He had only the clotheshe Although he hasn't yet decided what was wearing and hls food supply con- he wants to do with his new Me. obredo sisted of flve lemons. He dldn't have a thlnks he would llke to study internal map and just had to hope he was going mediclne. "I like to help people." he said. the right dltectlon. Obrega works atSteak and Ale in One nlght he was startledby the snort- Tukwila and said that going Io schoul Ing of a bearand very hastilyclimbed a and working is very hard Ljutthat hr tree. Hesaid he had to stayin the tree for knows the herd worknow will pay oll four or flve hours because the bear Ohmr@cObfW with an easier life later.

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c Rage7 March I, 1B6S Features . E ts C >meto life by BETSEY SCHUBERT technically as well as a,cting" said En. tkknap. A Russian folk tale. The Two MopkS is Some of the studentsdisplaying their being presented by the HighlineDrama technical talents in the production are Department on March 7 through 9 and Victoria Webbas stage nlanager. Miriam March I4through 16. The hour-and-a-half Doll as set designer. Davic d Hattonaslight. play will be shown at 8 p.m. in the High- ing designer and Jill Epp as musical line Little Theater. Bldg 4. director. The directorand advisor for the show They areworking with music written is Jean Enticknap. who has a Master of especially for the show by Greg Ham- ~rtswith anemphasis in puppetry from mock. a former Highlinestudent. Another the Universityof Washington. Enticknap former studentis Robert Webb. a gradu- says thisisa family play which should be ate in Technical Theater from theUniver enjoyed by anyone over the ageof 5. It is sityof Washington whobsupervisingthe done in a Bunraku style. which is a Japa- construction of the 20foot stage. nese puppet form in which the puppet- The play is abut Vasallsa. the hard eers are visibleand dressed completely worker. played by Darcy Berg She is one in black. From one to three puppeteers of the characters frequently seenin Hus. operate each of the puppets,which are sian folk talesalong with Baba Yaga the onethird life size. witch, played by Stacy Buroker. Baba Enticknap spent three weeks last Yaga turns Vasalisa's two sons Fedga summer in Dresden.Germany at the and Egorushka into maple trees. Fedga UNIMA PuppetFestival studying and is played by Steve Wiltonand Egorushka obsen'ing puppets.She said "The Euro- by David Hatton. AnothersonofVasalisa's, peans considerpuppetry an art form not Ivan. played by Jim Testerman. fol~ows exclusively for children as is commonly her without her knowledge and adds hclcf in the UnitedStates. I have always excitement and problems to the play. been interested in creating puppet pro- t'asalisa is then aidedin her quest to ductions that are not frequently seen save her sonsby a bear. Lance Woolen. a here. Outsideof central Washington Uni- cat. Heidi Way. and a dog. Bob White. Jill versity no other collegeor puppet group Epp. vicki Webb and Jeanette Fourre offers large cast,non-touring productions play mice chamctersin the productionas in the Northwestas u'c do here." well as operate puppetshands. feet and "Certain productionsarealmostimps. other objects such as a hut on chicken sible without using puppets. The witch legs. flies around in a mortar and pestle and To go along with the play the dram2 her home walks on chicken legs. Try department is also presenting a puppel doing that with real people," Enticknap exhibition in the Gold Room in Bldg. 4. Il exclaimed. will be on March 7.8and 9 at I 1 a.m. and The puppets are all designed and 7 p.m. and again MarchI4 and I5 from 4 operated by thestudents.Tony Driscoll is to 7 p.m.. It will feature puppets made by the leaderof puppet construction aided students from past productions and by David Scully and John Bogart. "This classes- well assome historical puppets play is the first time we've done a full. General admission to the performance scale main stage productionwith puppets and puppet exhibition is $3.Highline stu Highlinedramastudents rehearse with pupmtsfor the upcoming production, at Highline. It combines students talents dents, children and Sr. citizens pay $2. "The Two Maples**.

~ .- ~~ ~~ Band is big on talent . ,. by RAYMOND KIRWAN sounds of the fiddle, banjo, guitar. har- monica, and piano, as well as their vocal Music and Comedy will be merged chords. once againin the confinesof the Artists- Foolish Questions is the name of Lecturecenter (Bldg. 7) as Sandy their album whichisavailable from Roos- Bradley and the Small Wonder String terRecords (RFD 2. Bethel.Vermont Band isscheduled to performthe 05032). mergjng. Tickets for the show have been set at The show is set for Tuesday, March5, $3 dollars for senior citizens, students at 7:3oin the evening. (high school and college) and $5 dollars The group's repertoire is somewhat for the generalpublic. unusual. Theyplay popular songs from Tickets are available at theHCC book- the 20's and 30's as well as old time fiddle store or by calling 878.37 10, ext. 535 tunes and some unclassified originals. between gam and noon and I pm and 4. The band also plans to insert a great Monday through Friday.'Tickers will also deal of comedy into the act. Their act is be sold at the door on an availability light-heartedon one side, but at thesame basis. time it's three good musicians seriously They have received glowing reviews performingthe music they love. Theyfrom just those who have seen them in con- do it with smiles on their faces. cert. Many criticshavedescribed thtxn as The feelingof the band is oneof "no- being highly entertainingand well worth guilt fun and laughs" according to their going to see. press release. The concert is part of the Performing Sandy and the Small Wonders was Arts Series'85and is sponsored in part by formed in June of 1981. and since that the King County Arts Commission. time they have toured extensivelyin the This is the third in the series of four US.and Europe. offerings sponsored by the Performing The group Is comprised of twln broth- Arts Series1985. Next on the listof shows is Spllttln' Halrs a one woman show by Sandy Bradley and the Small Wonder StrlngBand wlll be at HCC on March 6. ers Gregand Jere Canote and, of course, Sandy Bradley.The trio utilizes themany Rebecca Wells,

'\ ' Classical guitarist is a clQss act by DEBBIE PETEWON positiveenergy andlotof a fun."Heper. forms origlnal songssupplemented by a James Herschwill appear few classlcal guitarpiecesand tradltional in a free noon concert Wednesday, March folk songs. He also performs interpreta. 13, in theArtistSLecture Center. tlons of songs by otherartists, lncludlng Hersch, a product of the Minneapolls The Beatles, BbDylanand BruceSprlng music communlty, Is currently on a tour steen, that wlll lead hlm to over slxty collegesin Hersch has been recelved enthusias twentyflve states thls year. He has pre- tlcaUy byothercollegecampuses.AccoK1. vlously performed In Los Angeles, the ing to an activlty board chalrman at Midwest, the East Coast and London. anotherschool, "James Hersch drew one Hersch was a grand prize wlnner in of the blggest crowds we've ever seen. the MlnneapollsSongwrltefscompetltlon He is an exceplional performer. very tal. in 1875. He was awarded a natlonal ented and easy lo work with. Thequallty ASCAP scholarship In 1970. which he of hls performance could be recognlzed used to earna Bachelor of Arts degree in by the largenumber of passersby thathe classical guitar. He hashad two albums drew in and the number of people that released wlth alrplay In four reglons stayed for the entlre show." across the Unlted States. Hls mwt recent Hersch'ssongwrltlngIsveryImportant album, Audlllon, reflects hls dedlcatlon IO hlm, 'Through my lyrics, I try to evoke to musk expresslng the "spirlt of the emotlon and provoke response, to come Indlvldual." munlcate to aU who Ilsten, Indlvldually... Wrsch's typkal concert Includes "no meanlngfuUy. And reveal some of the presantlng Hamch 13, props, nogags, no rnonologue-Justa lot of sad/ happy truths I see as beautlful." Highline wlll be Jam- in concert on mrch

C Features Thuaderwotd

Showcase disr I.a 'S tal.ent by MARK HhlSTON ist and harpist. she hashad an opportun. ity IO play a varietyof localengagements. Highline's Shourmw of Tulenr .wries Brown graduated from the University will be presentingthe secondprogram of of Washington and has appearedin con. the IW"~season. The featured per cert with the Bellevue and Cascade formers will be Charles Wood. baritone Symphonies.Along with her musical vocallst. and Patty Wood. singer/ harpist. ability. Brown is also an accomplished The event Ls being held on March 0 at actress. 8mP.m. in the HCC ArtistLecture Center. Highline music instuctor Gordon Voiles The program is free. and the HCC drama department are Mr. Wmdhasextensive theatrical and responsible for production and arrange- singingexperience.He was lead baritone ments for the series. with the Berne. Swltzerland Municipal Tammy Sublett. the performing arts Owra Company for six years. where he chairperson in charge of promotion. had sang in 3x1performancesand played 20 the following to sayabut the series. roles. "The project started last quarterwith A He received bachelor and masters Gijr vf-Song starring MichaelKysar and degrees in Music from the University of SharonMeinert. Telephone. an opera. Texas and a doctorate from the Univer- was also a productionof the Shoulct~,~~of sity of Arizona. Talent.starring Linda Elingsonand Roger His non-operatic roleshave been as a Meesen.Therehasbeen a large turn-out." soloist in hfimiah, and lead in Amuhland For the March 9 program Wd will r/w Nicghr t'isifors by Minotti as well as perform selectedBroadway hits and The King and I and Wuth Pucijic. operatic arias accompaniedby Sue Ver- Most recently Wood was the Director cammen.Brownhaschoosen todosome of Vocal Programs atIdaho State Un!ver. harp solos and vocal numbers. sity. The third Showcase oj Tulenr perfor- Patty Brown has found success on a mance will be May 1 I,with the performers SilWr/harpm patty Brown will be one of the featured performers in the local level. Beinganaccomplished vocal. Mdrch 8 "Showcase of .Talent". to be announced at a later date. C

I .. 1 i I ,' 1 ,I missing.Her only hope is to bringcrueger defeat Crueger.the dimensionfright of back to reality by holding on to him previously maintained loses its validity. before waking up, as she did with his hat In Nancy's last dream. even Cruegefs Nightmare is no sleeper (with Fred Crueger embroidered on the previously sinister and ghostly appear. inside). ance looks more like a man stumbling by ANDREW SCHAUER mare, wakesup screaming and discov- "Nightmare's" best assets are the around in old clothes and a rubber mask. . ers the nextmorning that Nancy had the beginning dream sequences and the The problem begms when Nancy's b same dream. Crueger. appropriately uniquely unnerving quality of Crueger's attitude toward Cruegerchanges from . LVhil? Nightmare on Elm Street scorched and wearing a glovewith long characterization. Insteadof the basic.axe. fearful to cocky. To remedythe subse- ' de efd~~~hjn't~~~sti~~iin,ce~irliyabO"t knife, blades gttached tothe fingers. wielding killer attacking his victims by quent loss of tension. Craven tossesin an surprise (so typical of films from this assortment of campy touchesduring the th kd'ih&d&?&'&iGeen &rea&$ and kea\-*' eventually murders Tina while she is ity.:'as l$es Craven's (Hills Have Eyes, sleeping with her boyfriend, who is held genre). Crueger confronts them face-to- film's last halfand climaxes with nothing Swamp Thing)most ambitious project responsible for the murder. face and gainsa sadistic form of pleasuremore than annoying horror film schlock. ' it's morelike falling out of bed and, once \'iewers are shown the murder in doing so. while some may be repulsed Without aving it away, the film's final the initial shock is over, realizing there graphic detail, but Crueger neverappearsby himslicing off two of his own fingers Scenes resort to humor and pure shock was neveranything to worr).. about. in what is presented as reality. We only and laughing about it during Tina's first tactics in an attempt to leave viewers Craven. who wrote. produced and see the look of confused frustration on nightmare, thesituation's realterrorisdef- questioning whether it was all just a directed the film, centers an intriguing the face of Tina's boyfriend as she's initely more concrete tofilm audiences. dream. And no one can be sure how premise around a conventional set of pushedaround the bed,wallsand ceiling We not only see him as believably seriously Cravenwanted his story to be horror film characters:four teenagers, while cuts suddenly appear across her menacing but as Crueger is shown to taken. since thecampy ending looks like th$r parentsand ct;rilda murderernamed stomach. have more control over andTina Nancys' it was purposely tacked on in order to The remainder of the story revolves dreams than they do, we also ideqtify satisfy hisconceptionof audienceexpec- Fr%LGLu!sR!: _c-~ueger_is=a"t~cipus-fiEJ~!e., . "- from the past who is now stalking the around Nancy. who becomeslocked in a with a .m-6iie r&lktic -=nse"of helpless- tations. I can just'imagine him 'Saying: children of theparents who banded virtual one-to-one battle to stay aliveand ness. "Nobody else isgoingtotake thisseriously, together, trapped him in a warehouse convince people she's in danger. Along All the film's dream sequences are why should we?'' and set fire toit. the way, her mother recognizescrueger'sdepicted as virtually indistinguishable The real nightmare is seeing a film Though he's presumed dead, Crueger name since she was oneof the parents from reality. Thisworks effectively as the with potential and good ideasgoing for it has somehow found away to enter the who killed him in the warehouse. Nowan plot develops.but later thestory begins to build up anaudience's expectationsand t dreams of two young females, Tinaand alcoholic, she shows Nancy the knife- fall apart step by step. It's understandable then fall apart. But onceNightmare gets Nancy.The mystery and eeriemusic bladed glove she took from Crueger's seeing Nancygoing to extremes avoidto lost among the surplusof splatter films, at least you can say it was all Just a dream. begin to unravel once Tina has night-a charred remains,but Nancy later findsit sleep. but once she starts findinst" ways to Classifieds WANTED WANTED: I need 5 people who are seriously interested in losing weightor improving their nutritional needs.Call Arlin at 722-9053. Leave name and number.

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J McCRORY: I love your speeches! My eyes are always on you. Love Buffy.

PATRICE: Only the shadow knows for sure.V.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIE! Have a fun trip. Love me.

8com 6, I know you want to buy my car. So it's for sale. It's very dependable. JD.

Photo/ WARREN PAQUETTE T-WORD STAFF: I wasn't always real fun to deal with but you guys all made my job a Gultarlst and singer Jim Greenlnger entertalned sfudents,staff,and faculty In little easier. lhanx. ME. PS: Here kitty kitty. a recent perfOmN"m in Highline's Artlets-Lecture Center. Greeningerwas one of may talented performers to play here this quarter. L118A: I did it finally--8KILand I've progressed. Aren't you thrilled?Your frvorlb buddy.


-I"- ~.. - ..-. . . . . - . . .. , . .

"" "- .. c March 1,1885 Features pago9 Vight Patrol inspires paulsen's return

~y RAYMOND KIRWAN lights as acomedian. This allows and things that are down right offen- It's a iittle difficultfor me to see why Langston to revive the characterof the sive. If you're normallyeaslly offended. it got an 'R' ratlng. When it'scompared Several years Unknown Comic. you'd do well to miss this one. But if to other films out now it is probably ago, the united blue humor is your bag, don't let me more deservingof a 'PE I3' rating States faced a Paulsen plays Langston's woman. hdd you back iting partner.He's so suave and Nonethelesmyrntlngscalesenses political crisis. One last comment1 have onit is if this show tobe worth five five smiling The country was debonair it's easy to see why all the women are wild about him. you can go to the matinee or twi.llte and four frowning faces It's not bad, in apparent ruin. show and save a few bucks. do it. and an adequate wayto kill a couple Andone man Blair plays a fellow officer who is You'll feel better about it.I know I did. of hours. tried torise: above quietly in love with Langston. Every. I've beenasked by a reader to it all and save this body seems toknow her feelings On my ratingscaleof faces, thisone explain my rating system. I did that great nation. I'm except for Langston. who isenamored gets five smiling faces for makingme once last quarter. but1'11 do it again. as talking, of course, about PatPaukn. with another woman whois loose. to 1augh.and fourflowing faces forjokes a public service. Ifyou don't rememberPat Paulsen. put it nicely. that don't work and for some sense- you're probably too young beto read. less nudity. It's really quite simple. yet It gives ing this. But as a reminder. Paulsen Morgan plays the Unknown Com- me more detail than just saying a was the enrertalner who ran unsuc- ic's agent. And Barty playsE3arty. Not movie gets four stars or something cessfully for the office of president. really, he actuallyplays Langston's Heaven Help Us The smilingfaces represent good immediate superior officer, whohasa things about the movie-things1 liked. The rigors of the Campaign were severe gas problem. seemingly too much for Paulsen.and Heaven Help Us is certainly notas Thefrowning faces stand for bad his career fell into relative obscurity. To say this movie's jokesare gene crude as mat of the "teenage come- thingsthings I didn't like. erally crude doesn't quite cover it. I dies"wetebeensubjectedt0inrecent But nomore Pat Paulsen is back Ifthesmilingfacesqual the frown- In his new movie. Night Patrol. can't really go into details on content.Years. ing, themovie is probably so.so: if the Paulsen stars Wth several other per- but 1'11 try to glve you an idea of the Notto say it doesn't have it's smiling faces areahead Seven to two. formers who5e fortunes inare need of level of humor. moments.but it certainly is alittle the movie is very god: and if the a rebound. more tame. frowns come outon top one to nine. Earlyonin the movie. thereisa joke the movieis lousy. Unda~ir,whohascertainlygroWn about a woman waitingin line ouWde Heaven Help Us is a story about kids going toa severecatholicall boys up since theExorcist: Jaye P. M0-n. of a sperm bank Before that. there By theway, about one month I ago. who has really done nothing recog was a joke about a cockfight that I school in the eady 1960's. It has two revieweda movie called Stranger nimble since her stint as a judge on don't thinkI need toelaborateon. After plots running through the course of Than Paradlse. It hadn't come out The Gong Show; Murray Langston. that. while on patrd with Paukn. a the movie: a Cove affair betweentwo then but now it has. For those who whorocketed tofameastheUnknown victim d a Peeping Tomshows Lang misfits that doesn't work outjust right, didn't catch my review. thisis a very and the constant brutalization of the Comic. then rocketedr@ht back down: Ston exactly whatthe pervert saw. good film. If I remember correctly. I and Billy Barry. who is just plain Billy boys at the schcml by anover-zealous gave it seven smilingand two from Unfortunately.rmashamed toadmit instnrctor. ing faces saw. i laughed at sevml d these jokes. Themowsmostrecognizablestar gags and puns. If that labels me a low. It is playingnow at the Market Nlght Patrol is a film thathas a M, is DonaldSutherland who actually life, so be it. On the other hand. there Theatre in the pike phce Market. The hddsbarred attitude about comedy. lowers himself quite abit for this were many times whenI felt the movie role. NationalSodetydFUmCdtkSchoseit Mythinggoesinthisoneandalotofit The other Is not a face that's familiar did go a little too far. That made me as the best picture of 1~84.I mom- should have gone. However, much of but a name.He's Kevin Dillon.Matt DII- feel better about myselfas a human mend it toanyone whohasa real love the movieis quite funny. Ion's brother. being of comic timing. This film has received some very The jokesare this movie,and this is To recomend Nlght Patrol 1'd have mixed reviews since it's releaseand This is the lastreview of the quarter a situation similar to what you'dif a get to be crazy. But to blastit wouldn't be some of that is nottoo fair. By no for me. But any ofyou who have comedian's routine couldbe acted out right either, since my emotions are means is this a great movie. but it's ~mments.questions.or~pes.should on the silver screen. mixed on this one. certainly not awful either.It is humor. let me know. I'm in room 105 of bldg Night Patrol is the story of a Cali. Night Patrol made me laugh at ous in spots and hasa couple of very IO. That's extension29 1 on the cam. fomia pdicerIIan. Langston. who moon.things that reaiiy aren't too humorous, believable characters. pustelephone system. , .I I Past and present music merge

by DON KING The second piece is one of Randail Thompson's songs, Alleluiu. Voiles com- OBusboys @Chambermaids@Service Station Aconcert withan assortment of music mented. "Thisis an a cappeila number. Attendents aKitchen Help @RoomClerks from "Bachto Pop" will be presented by meaning no instruments." . Highline's music department on MarchI The third numberis f Get Along With- OSwOtch Board Operators - Etc., Etc.. I ,. , fromnoon to one in the ArtistLecture out You Very Well by Hoagy Carmichaei. If ou like the fun and excitement of workin the summer for a NATIONAL center. Voiles noted that this number involvesa P~RESORTHOTEL.OUEST RANCH-&MER CAMPCRUISE SHIP- ALASKA-ETC. ETC...we have researched and compiled a new SUMMER "Bach to pop" coordinatorand music solo, which willbe done by Alex Pedano. EMPlOYMENf GUIDE that will show you how and whom to apply for a instructorGordon Voiles initiated the The secondand third parts of the pro- summer job of your choice! program about five yearsago. Voiles has gram will be primarily "pap". The tried to organize at least one "Bach to Women's Choir Ensemble will perform ICompiled in our GUIDE is a list of NATIONAL PARKS-RESORTHOTELS- GUEST RANCHES-SUMMER CAMPS THROUGHOUT THE0.8.9PPC)R- Pop" program a quarter. second followedby soia and duets. TUNITIES ON CRUISE SHIPS-AND OPPORTUNITIESIN AUSKA. I The first number in the March perfor. The Women's Chair Ensemble willbe I I mance will be one by Bach. The sangs doing one piece. "I thinkthey will be II=D==D=II=ORDER FORM,==-=m=-m that follow siowiyevalve instyle to popu- doing the number Bless the must ond SUMMER EMPLOYMENT GUIDE lar music.Voiles had the following tosay the Children." stated Voiles. 131 ELMA DR. DEW. 0-248 about the selection of Bach as a starting The final part of the performance will CENTRAUA, WA. 98531 point far the program. be solos and duets. Some solos include:r/ loorder our SUMMER CYPLOYYENTQUIOE,send 58.00 cash, check,or "L3ach is my favorite composer. He She Wulked Into My Lve Tcxiuy. per. money order. Our WlOE is sent to you with a 90 da money back guarantee. came before so many composers thereis formed by Chris Provetwino: Hello. by If for myreason you are not satisfiedwith our WdE, sim I return it within not much musicto do for a choir before Troy Smith and Morning performed by 90 days and your full purchase price will be refunded IY&&DIATELr. tach." Voiles ahbelieves, "it is a good Gale Ullerick. rrrrvL(?Ioma.rnm) i- starting placein music." Voiles emphasized the performers in The first three songs willbe done by "t3ach to Pop" are highlyskilled. "These Abol## U Highline's Vocal Ensemble. students are near.professionals." I'- "The first, Christ Lug In Wth'sDurk He alx, believes this performance cm STATE ZIC Prison. originally composed byJ.Y. Hach. offers something for everyone. "You wan't Summar Employmont Ouido 1B88 isaverydifficult fugue-like pieceof music."walk away without enjoying at least one said Voiles. said songs." of the Police Officers Dairy Queen The CaliforniaHighway Patrol, Los Angeles is looking for PoliceDepartment, 15 otherCalifornia public hardworking people to fill safety agencies are looking for over8,000 men and women to serve as peace officers. Starting 5 positions . salaries average $22,000. Full pay during train- Day shift only. ing. California residency not required. No experiencenecessary. For complete details, send $5.00 (includes shipping) to: Applications available at: 26136 Pacific Highway South California Law Enforcement Recrultlng 8-10 a.m. P.O. Box 770, Mt. Sha8ta, California 96067 6-0 p.m.

e C On to Ellensburs. Women win fourth straight Region I title

byDUNCANMcD03Ylll9 {hat the skagh game was hb team's best In truechampionship fashkm. the prepatatlon."lthastObeveryreinforclng women'sbasketball squad downed togetawInUethat"heriaid skaglt valley on the mdFeb. 16 and In the zirst few minutes d that game. clinched their fourth consecutive Regbn skagithlttheirfirstsevenshotsandhad I title. 8d-r wondering if ?hey'd ever mlss" ~6?~wln~~the*Blrds(22.S)an?hey shot over 60 pewnt from the automatk berth ln the NWMCC Tour- field for the game. and we only rnade 33 namentwhlch started yesterday in percent." mnger expblned. That's the Ellensburg. Wghllne was scheduled to way thls teamIs We don't shoot well all face unn.6enton(Region IV)yestetday in the time,but we make upfor that inother the first roundof the tourney,being held areas" at Central WashingtonUniversity. Fleshmen Katrlna -win and Mona '70wln at the tournament. we will vu1 paced HlghlJne'soffensive charge havetoplayasuccessIulfullcourt&ame," with 22 and 18 pornts tespectively. VU head coach Dale Wnger saw. "when had 14 rebounds,whUe saldwin and we meet teams like Spokane Falls who ~oniWWmo added nine each As a are very big, we won't be able to settle team the 'eoutebounded skaglt52. Into a halfcourt game as much. We'll 38.KathyMclnturffaddedelLShtasslstsfor need to press. and work out fast break the game. well." Bolinger also noted that the men's But Wnger does think the'tearn Ls basketball teampovkled plenty of side better off slze-wise than they were last line help in the skagit gym where It can year. when they could onlymanage fifth ga pretty kmeiy for the Vwttrtg team. at the tourney. 7he men were great." said Wnger. "We'rea Unle b@gerand that wlU help. "We couldn't have asked for a more but we are stUl the SmaUest team d the enthusbstic rootlng Secllon" fourm@atWchampicm%-henoked ~lghllnewasschedulexitopbyOlym- Thase other thtee teams include plconFeb.3o,buttheladyFtan@m3for- ~mRiver. mglon 11.232 and third at fettedbecwseofabckdpbyers~nsread lasryeafsfoomey)~neFaiis(~the 'Birds prayed the MU.-SBnCtbfKd llL22-3andfifStbSyear)andCIPrckamas SegttteA&8ndWWl81-?1. (RegbnlV,242andn,pbCelast~. ?hat~wasa~~tfor mderencemthelastfewgames us,"nolredBdinger.Wewefelooee.and It=.&naUP~"." everyone~pbylns-.- \ ., . .. '. ,. i by ROD SWWEY InSaturdayag8instGraysHatbtlrandwe ran off 12 points," saM Harrison. Thedefensewasazcmetrap,Mlkeand mhind a balanced sttack the men's pad are respond* for the game Satw basketbellSquadtJewpastvlsitl~olYm. day. We wouldn't be here without them" plccc,eoasonFeb. 1sTheVMorywas Foilowing the hIgh game honors of H@"S third Stmlght cW~the RanSRrs mersen. Barnes added 14 as well as thisseason. @ving them a ctean sweep. contributingsk ass&s. and Tlnned and "We piayed Olympic man to man ail Btutleach pumped in lopoints. the way and beat them Srrabght up:'Sakl TS always good to win the clast? Coech Fred Hantson. "We dldn't want to ont%c

the sled through turns." Each sit.skier is year at Mt. Hood Meadows, ore.,will be assistedby a competent instructor, trained Mar. 2.3. Mar. 22-24 are the dates pres-. by MIKE ENYEART ends called "outriggers". said Stech."If a to be a tetherer. entiy set for the State Speclal Olympics Since 1979the SkiforaU Ski School has student bcks totalcontrol of their leg With the use of adaptive equlpment Races set for Mar. 24-28 at Park City, Utah had one goal: "To enhance the lives of muscles, theytoo can use the outriggers and modlfying techniques,"Sklforall can thls year. National Champlonshlps are oersonswithdisaMlltlesthroughthesport as they learn four-track skiing,or use a sW teach almast any disabled personto skl," planned for March mAprl15.to be run at of skilng,"expbinsrnn Seck Executive bra."The ski bra Is a metal devlcewhkh says executive ditectorSteck The motto Breckenrldge, CoL according to Mrector Mrector of the Skiforall Foundation. clamps ontothe tips of their sWS so stu- "YOU CAN Do 1-1'7" has led many Sklforall Steck During thepast Seven years of opera- dents can make wedge turns without studentsto competition. "Many have tion at snoqualmle Summft, over ooo their tips wandering apart or crosslng become actlve nationally by cornpetlng In addltkm to Sklforall, thereare a studentswlthvallousd&abiNUes(lmluding To teach skllngto people who cannot inthe National Handlcapped Skiing number dotber OrllJanlzatbns that share paraplegics, amputees,cerebral palsy. stand on skles. such as parapleltlcs. SW- champlonshlpsheklatsklareasthmugb~ the same god. They include: TheFlying and the hearlng and v5suaUylmpalred), forall uses a unique piece of equlpment out thecountry." she wenton tosay."We outrlggetsln PwtI8nd;TheMWonFUdge have benentted from sklforall's alphe called an mya.m'haya, orsltskl, Is hadfivepeoplefmtheseattJe/Tacoma MsaMed Skbet Plogram;sharedOutm and crosscountry programs. Sklforall ls basicsllyafancyflberglasssled.andcould area make it to the Re!glonal Races, and RectegUaMS0AR)lnPwtland;snd~ now the lar@estprogram for teachingskl. be compared to a kayak on snow." fwt of the We wcre medal wlnws." atkm Unllmlted In Bdse.mho. IngtopetsonswlthanyandalldlsabUltles explains Steck. "The sled's base Is The 1885Washln@tcm stam Msew SkrforaU Is a nonpmflt founclatlMl In the Northwest. dWgmdUkeasnawsW.enabllngittobe sWlngchamp)orrshlpahastcdbySWtor. fundedbygrantsandconMbutlonsfm **Amputeesbarn three-track skllng con- by the swer. DLnectlon and aU was htld Feb, 33 at Snoqualmle corporatbns. sewkc dubeand Indlvldu. uslngspecialcnrtcheswithskltlpgon the speed am C0ntrd)ed by maneuvcflng summlt,Thefw@onalRw'rcahoklthb abn

... , . . , . . ._...... , ...... ,. , ...... " ,. ...

c e Award will honor men/women hoopsters

"I thlnk it's a good idea to have some.should theyconcernhaveotherstor,- for - photo/GARTH GULLSTRAND thingawarded In hisname,"sald women's and they should conduct themselvesas Eina Hubbard (center),widow of the lateHCC basketball coachJack Hubbard, basketballcoach Dale Bollnger.gentleman/ladya atall times" presents one of theJack Hubbard MemorialAward trophies toHighllne In the period Hubbard wasat Highline. Also displayed on the trophles are Athletic DlreCtOr Don McConnaughey (right)for the men's basketbait team on ( 1962-8I 1 he wasalso Assistant Coordina- three favortte phrases ofHubbard's: "Mix Feb. 20. President Dr. Shlriey Gordon looks on, awalting the presentationof tor of Athletics,Director d Student ACtlVi- It up"."Honest effort" "Justand do It". women*sthe team award. .) Scorecard .. -e ,,

Final NWAACC Basketball Standings

Women's Reglon I Reglon I1 Reglon 111 ReglOn IY ...: ...';* :?.. Reglon overall Heglon Overall Region overall Region Wedl TEAM w LW L TEAM w LW L TEAM w LW L TEAM w tWL HIGHUNE ...... 16 2 22 5 Green River...... 12 0 23 2 Spokane Falk ...... le I -22 3: .. - .-;.x.;;;r.,.rc...c)P+*- skaljlt Valley...... 15 3 23 4 LowerColumbla...... o 3 22 5 Wenatchee valley .... 12 5 I7 Q Unn43enIon ...... lo a 22 5 Bellevue ...... 14 4 16 I I Clark ...... 8 4 17 9 Columbia Basin...... 12 5 17 L) Chemeketa ...... 8 4 I7 9 Edmonds ...... 8 10 8 14 TacMna ...... 6 6 12 I1 YakimaVaky ...... IO 7 12 12 Mt.Haod ...... 5 7 7 13 Everett...... 5 13 6 17 Grays Harbor ...... 4 8 6 13 Wdhwalh ...... 6 12 10 15 Lam ...... 4 6 I1 I1 Shoreline ...... 5 13 7 19 Centralla ...... 2 10 5 17 t3Igwnd ...... 2 15 4 20 umpqua ...... 3 o t 14 aymprc ...... o 18 o 26 Ft. sreibcoom ...... 1 I I 3 2 1 Wue Mounsin ...... 2 15 3 18 s.~.oregon...... I I I 8 18 Men's RcgIon 1 ResrcJn Overall TEAM w LW L .... .~~~~.+~...... 18.. . 0 24 1 skagit Valley...... 14 4 2 I 6 HIGHUNE ...... 12 6 20 7 LowwCOiUmbla...... 7 5 15 13 walhwalh...... I1 7 I6 10 Mt.Hood ...... 10 4 13 12 t3ekWUe ...... 10 8 16 10 Cbrk ...... 6 6 12 14 columblamsin...... 8 9 14 12 L;rW ...... 8 620 8 olymplc ...... 3 15 4 22 Centralla ...... 5 7 I I 13 Wmnd...... 8 IO 12 14 Bnhnd ...... 6 8 0 16 Everett...... 3 IS 4 22 Green Rlver ...... 2 10 9 17 WenatCheeVaky .... 6 12 9 I7 Unn43enton ...... 3 I 1 8 I8 ShoreUne ...... 3 I5 3 23 Ft.SrdhcWm ...... I I I 3 22 Hue Mountaln ...... 4 14 10 15 umpqua...... 3 I I 8 18 S.W.Oreyon ...... 2 12 4 21

Men's HCC- Toby 1 2-3 4. Mcinturff 6 2.2 I+. Baldwin 102-3 22. Wiblemo 2 246. Vlli 6 Player FGM FTM Reb luuu pls Avg BASKETBALL 6-9 18, Theofells I 1-33. Barnes 87 ?6 72 1 I I 252 .9.6 SVCC- Prunty 2 00 4, Reynalds I 00 2. Tinned 141 28 82 128 310 1,):4 Men's Box BUrt'Ous624 14.McI3ee42.2 10.Kulken5 Pettecsen I65 69 295 35 399 14.6 Duncps Triv 4-5 14, Fleming 1 3.7 5.Swanson 600 I2, Brown ?O 34 98 I I 133 9.6 mull I22 40 121 88220 9.4 Febwry 20 I985 Waldrop I 00 2. Because of hls overwhelming statis Hagen 14 11 22 I 39 3.2 Highllne 80, Oiymplc 68 Halftime- HCC 36, SVCC 3 1 tlcs. Wayne GrfSZkyt he of N.H.L's Edmon- Kosloski 10 4 26 7 24 3.0 HCC-Bames3 1014 l6.Tinned5. 1-2 11, Total Rebounds- HCC 52, SVCC 38 tonOilers has overshadowed another carlson IS 7 26 6 37 2.4 PctterSen 6 35 IS, Brown 7 1-2 I5. Bruil6 Upcoming Women's Games star in recent years. Thisunderrated Sahllnger 8 1 I 20 7 27 2.I 1.2 13. Kosloskl 2 1-1 5. Carlson 1 00 2. Feb. 28 throughMarch 2 - NWMCC hockey player scored over 50 goals in Werson 17 IO 22 744 3. I I 143. Tournament at Central Washington Uni- seven seasons. Who k he? I SahUw Mitchell 17 258 35 43 c OLY- mwis 4 00 8, Prunty 2 00 4. Krlua- verslty, Ellensburg. MRedmond 141 41 120 34 323 179 WlW 3-v nek3016.Cokers7-7 r7.HameyO 1.2 1. Final Individual S Redmond 22 1 I 17 31 55 0.9 Drake 2 35 7,Branch I 1.2 3. PetefSOn 8 Basketball Statistics 01IEi,Hak200+.CreceliUS 10.02. Women's Halftime-HCC.37.OLY.27 Total Rebounds- HCC.36,OLY-26. Player FGM FTM Heb Assa pts AVg Highline Ski Club presents... * e. Toby 83 30 53 77 196 7.5 Mclnturff 126 34 92 I88 386 11.0 Upcoming Men's Games Baldwin I+B 53 I32 55 349 13.9 Feb. 28 through Mar. 2 * NWMCC TOUF wlblemo 83 26 I07 54 192 7.3 nament at Yaklma Valley College, Yak]. Fellen 76I1 2 20 1.6 ma. Highllne's flrst game was yesterday Adams 42 39 80 2 1 I8 6.5 SPRl against Spokane Falls ( 18.8) . Marsland 9112 13 I9 1.8 Moberg 51 29 133 IO 131 6.5 1A1 Women's Box Collins 80 28 182 14 I88 7.2 Macready 44 10 58 33 98 4.0 f 6. 1985 February vi11 141 79 278 29 361 13.8 67, 63 Hlghllne Skaglt Valley Theofelis 40 5 150 18 85 3.2 The Highline CC Soccer Club has a few South End Spend Spring Vacation in Banff, Alberta, Canada March 23-30, 1985 Accommodations in Condominiums Coupon Books Ski Areas: Lake Louise, Sunshine Village .... and Mt. Norquay 500 2 for 1coupQns for dining, movies, sports and hotels. All for $199 Deadline is March 5 only 10 spaces leff See Ed Newell - Bldg. 18 Information and sign-up In Bldg. 8, Rm, 2 IO c

€In WiDd 66 Neutron99 Wednesdays From 6 BD.~.t(> 2 a.m. Four full shots of secret, powerful fire waters and Jungle Juices. Please limit yourselfto two of these potent drinks. b Lev€ ALL S€RV€ ALL ALL US @N€ 25 SPACEBURGERS & ATOMIC PIZZAS BELIXVUE SQUARE 0 SOUTHCENTER MALL

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