Y Thunderward Volume 24., Number 9 CommunityHighlineMarchCollege 1,1985 Gardner provides funds by DARREN TENNISON A major step for the capital fund in- Managing Editor creasehas already taken place. The Senate ways and Means committee re- After a threat by community college viewed the proposal yesterday, with the officials to propose a property tax hike, outcome of their meeting not available at GovernorBooth Gardner tripled the press time. amount of money in the capital fund Dr. Ed Command, Vice President of budget earmarked for construction and Highline. also has a positive outlook for renovation ofC.C property. the future."I'm certainly pleased with the John Terrey. executive director of the amountthat Gardner has allotted the State Board for Community College Edu-capital fund. Although we certainly could cation. said recently in theSeattle Times use a lot more, thisis definitely a step in that although overwhelming support for the right direction." a tax-levy initiative was shown througha Command also talked about the fact survey taken lately. community college that some legislators weren't really aware leadershave dropped their proposal ofour problems. "People look at our because of Gardner's increase incap the campus and theysay how nice it looks. ita1 fund. but they are just lookingat the campus in Terry went on to say that while he general and not at the buildings. whichis doesn'tthink Gardner's six-year plan where the problems are at." meetsall of the community college's Command continues, "We were re- canstructionneeds, it shows that the cently picked asoneof threecommunity period of neglect toward community cobcolleges to be inspected by the .Senate leges in the past has come to a hait. Ways andMeans committee. We led After re.writlngacapttalspendingplan theman a guided touraflhe-cXmp-dailU. submltted by former Governor JohnSpell- we showed them specific problems. Only man in December, Gardner asked the then did they begin to realize how badly Legislature to boost constructionmmey we needed the repair money." for the 27 community colleges $67to mil- Themoney proposed for thenew lion for the 198587 biennium. Spellman budgetwill be spentin the following had allotted527 million in his budget. departments: The $67 million Gardner has asked forRepairs. .. S 18.377.OOo is strictly for renovation and construction.Renovations Among the major projects being consi- & Remodeling.. .. 10.144.oOO dered area $6.6million renovationof the Minor Improvements,.. .. S4.966.300 Edlson North classroom building at Seat-Major Projects .. .. 824.667.000 tle CentralCC., and a$4.4 million heavy Miscellaneous Repair. .4.057,000 equipment buUdingat South SeattleCC. Over a million dollars in repair money Bill Julius, Capitai Budget Officer for theis going to each of the foliowlng facilittes: State Board. is more than pleased with Everett, Seattle Central. Shoreline. High. the committment Gardner has shown. line, Spokane and Tacoma. This money "We can't be anything but pleased that will be spent on patching up problem Gardner is in supportof the communlty areas on campus, suchas leaking roofs college system:' Julius said. "He Intends or any otherdamaged property that can to set aside a good amountof money for be nxed. thenextslxyears.Grantedthatthemong The majority of the remalning funds is only halfof what weasked for, but it is will go to major projects (malnly new MOM Vlll for a layup durlnga HlghlJne b86ketkrll gama The 'Bird. wl the better half andit is a step in theright buildings. as mentioned above) on sev. be compatrngat the confmnc6 touraement thl. weekend dlrection." Julius continued. erai different campuses, Security outlines plans for emeruencuU U prmedures by CINDY A LIEN InacatasttophethatcouMaffectevery- Despltethis,Chapmanfcelssomep~ membersdatedSeptember12.1880."call campus outsideof the nmlaperatlng one on campus. having a trained and cedures needto be more widely known. the CampusSecurIty Office in the event hoursare encouraged to advke the well-prepared staff that could react sen. "Practke evacuations (for fire) are only emergency assistance Is required or if campussecuritydficerondutyofhis/her siMy Is essential. Campus police chief pfactked by the smaller children In the there is an immediate threatto the safety location. Jack Chapman and any of the campus Child Development Center." chapman of any petson.Also. call if there is an iUe. Use all equipment only for the pur- patrolmenare welhversed in campus remarked. Firealamare routinely tested gal disruption of the normal activities onpose it is intended. Insure power cords safety procedures and could help. when shodIs not in session. "Everyone the campus or in the event of personal are not frayed and are notout lying In the Chapman says he has a comprehen-on campus should know what to do in injury and/or accldent on campus." open where they becan trlpped on. Don't sive written plan for emergencies in the case of afire, and where the alarmboxes All accidents must be reported.A writ. overload bookcases or shelves and store developmental stages. which shouldbe are located;' Chapman said. ten form shouldbe submitted to security. allsupplies properly. Use ashtraysfor ready. for printing and distribution in the Chapman feels his monthly Campus This includes falling, bums. cuts. injury, cigarettes and garbage cans for tras'h. fall of 1885. This guide will cover whatto Safety Newsletter. directedto faculty and and the date of occurences. The name Keep your work area clean. do in any emergency and answer manystaff, Is an effectlve alternativeto formal andphone number of any witnesses Finally,when you see a potentlal questionsstudents and faculty have training. To reach students. he used to should alsobe included. This applies to hazard.report it as soon as possible. about emergency procedures, rely on Thundemrd reprints ofhis short students. visitors and guestsas well as Proper maintenance of campus facilities Because fires. extreme weather con. informative artlcles on safety. but "lost supporting staff and faculty. and properties makesit much easier for dltions, earthquakes. civil disturbances. interest in submltting artlcleswhen. the When we all do our part, we may the systemto function properly andalso bombthreats.andothercritl~lsltuatlons Thundemrd stopped printing them:' decrease the high number of accidents. makes it a much more pleasant expe- dohappen. proper training to handle Because safety awareness and edu In another safety memo: HCC Campus rience for all Involved. them Is necessary. although not easyto cationare essential to staffmembers, Parking Do's and Don'ts. the following Campus Patrd Officers are on duty24 accompllsh. o'Ananghgtime for training posted In every bulldingIs a 5" x 8" card advke Is given. .'Don't waitin lot for park. hours a day.365 days a year. according sessions Is hampered bylegal Umitations Usting Highline emergency procedures, ing stab to empty. This creates traffic to theHCCSecurityend Parklnglnforma- on howmany in-servke trainingscssions streselngallaspectsofreportlngacddents lams as well as Increasing the potentlal tkm handout, "If anyone has any quw the faculty must endure," Chapman con.and hazard prevention. for accidents" tknsorproblemsaboutcampussecurity tlnued. TmlnlnlJ must be carefully coor- In radditbn, the fd)awlng advice is In the Interest of safety and security, or safety, feel free to contact me." chap dinated Wththe Dean Of ShKkntfL dfered In a memo to faculty and staff faculty and staff mcmbers who are on man urges .I - " - c e Rast2 News Thunderword Business lecture will feature King's Touch 'I'ac*onla.l.ogctt Icr thest.JO~S g!avt. her it wc~ii.roundeci c'xlxbrlcnct*. ,AI ttw IDubiic I:tiiilicspint shop. which 1)rintcd all lmwhurcs and I.>anlptllt*tslor "11 >.ou'vcgot the right stull. go tor it . or tht*cornpm)-.Kingdid Layoutdesign and Snow causes problems startmg and qwrating >.our own tusi itx~rncrlto usc' a word prcxxssor. After nt's=;trorn a practical kx)int 01 vi"'." wiii tour )'cars thcrc stw realized thew was be the topu: tor the March HrownHat4 it.- no chance lor adwnccrnent and loft thc l'hc cost of purchasing replacement lure slmnsored bythe career Center. The conlpany. deicer was$170. speaker is Karen King. owner of Kirlffs M'ith money shehad saved. financial However. the heavycostscamein the I'ouch word processing service. backing from her credit union and her labordepartment. "We used between 'I'he lecture. which willbe held March diverse background, King startedown her When the great snowof 1985 hit the four.andane.half and fiveman-weeks of I 4 at noon in Building7, will concentrate Business. The Kings Touch,a word pro Highline campus. many students and labor. That was the biggest problem." 011 skiii evaluation. market research bus. cessing service. does a wide variety of teachers didn't make it to their classes. The hoursof labor devotedto the pro mess pianning the importance of goals. printing services. including mailing lists. But one group that stillhad to make it to ject didn't actually cost theschool money preparation for "hills and valleys". and brm-hures. newsletters. reportsand more.the school was the maintenance depart-they wouldn't have already spent sell in!tial stangp procedures tor your own In addition to her busy career. King ment. said, but "We had the workers tied up bushe&. The talk will interest not only has a husband and four children. She!s With the several inches of snow onwith the it and nothingelse wasreallygettlng business students but all students. be- also active in her parish activies andis a ground. and classesstill scheduled to done." run cause it deals with self-motivation. deter member of the the Tacoma Chamber of on time. the maintenance crew was hardOther projects that were neglected rnination anda desire to accomplish. Commerce and of theBoard of Directors at work trying to make the walkways a museof the snowfall included several King will tell the story of starting her of the Northwest Cottage Industries Net. little safer for those madewho It toschool.
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