INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of SYSTEMATIC- BACTERIOLOGY Vol. 23, No. 1 January 1973, p. 55-61 Printed in W.S.A. Copyright 0 1973 International Association of Microbiological Societies Type Strains of of the Order Mycoplasmatales, Including Designation of Neotypes for mycoides subsp. mycoides, Mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. agalact iae, and Mycoplasma arthrit idis

D. G. ff. EDWARD and E. A. FREUNDT

Bacteriology Laboratory (P.H.L.S.),County Hall, London, England, and the Institute of Medical Microbiology, University of Aarhus, Denmark

Only in a minority of the original descriptions of named species of the order Mycoplasmatales has a type strain been unequivocally designated, although in some instances only a single strain was described, that strain thus becoming the type strain by monotypy. These species and their type strains are listed in the American Type Culture Collection Catalogue of Strains. Strain PGl (NCTC 101 14) is here designated as the neotype of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides, strain PG2 (NCTC 10123) as the neotype of M. agalactiae subsp. agalactiae, and strain PG6 (ATCC 1961 1) as the neotype of M,arthritidis. Type strains are designated for the named species of the order Mycoplasrnatales which lack type strains, in most instances the wishes of the original author being followed. Authors are urged, when describing new species in the future, to designate the type strain, avoiding ambiguous wording, and to deposit that strain in at least one of the permanently established collections, its catalogue number in that collection being stated in the paper.

The International Code of Nomenclature of type strain may be designated by a subsequent (3 1) recommends that authors, when author, and the author who first makes the publishing the name of a new taxon, designate choice must be followed.” Rule 9d[ l](c) the nomenclatural type of that taxon (Recom- describes the procedure necessary for designat- mendation 9b). Moreover, in the case of a new ing a neotype strain. The purpose of this paper species or subspecies, so that the original is to designate type strains, according to these “type” material on which the description was rules, for those species of Mycoplasmatales based may be preserved, an authentic culture of where a type strain has not previously been the designated type strain should be deposited designated. In some instances neotypes will be with one or more permanently established proposed; in others, the intentions of the culture collections (Recommendation 9c). Only original authors in the choice of type strain will in a minority of the original descriptions of usually be followed, even though it was not named species of the order Mycoplasmatales unequivocally expressed in the original publica- has a type strain been unequivocally designated, tion. It is hoped that the existing untidy although in other instances only a single strain situation will thus be clarified. For the future, was described, that strain thus becoming the authors are urged, when describing and naming type by monotypy (Rule 9d[2]). These species a new species or subspecies, to designate a are listed in Table 1 with their type strains. “type strain,” avoiding ambiguous terms such The situation where a type strain has not as “representative,” “reference,” or “proto- been clearly designated is covered by Rule type” strain. A culture of the type strain should 9d[3], which states: “If the author in the be deposited in at least one national collection original publication of the name of a species or of type cultures and its catalogue number in subspecies failed to designate a type strain, a that collection should be stated in the paper. 55 56 EDWARD AND FREUNDT INT. J. SYST. BACTERIOL. TABLE 1. Species of the order Mycoplasmatales for which type strains either have already been desknated or are the type by- monotypy ATCC NCTC Species Type strain no.= n0.b References and comments

Acholeplasma axanthum s743 25176 10138 59 Tully and Razin

Mycoplasma anatis Roberts 134OC 25524 44 (Type by monotypy)

M. bovigenitalium Freundt PGll (B2) 19852 10122 50,24, 12

M. canis Edward PG14 (C55) 19525 50, 15, 16 M. conjunctivae Barile et al. HRC581 25834 4 M. cynos Rosendal H 831 27544 10142 45 M. dispar Gourlay and Leach 46212 27140 10125 27 M. edwdii Tully et al. PG24 (C21) 23462 10132 60 M. fermentans Edward PG18 (G) 19989 10117 15,47 40 (Type by monotypy)

M. feliminutum Heyward e t al. Ben. 125F49 29 (Type by monotypy) M. gallinarum Freundt PG16 (Fowl) 19708 10120 24,14,23,13 (Type by monotypy) M. hyopneumoniae 1Id 256 17 10127 38 (Type by monotypy) Mare and Switzer

M. maculosum Edward PG15 (C27) 19327 50, 15, 16

M. mycoides subsp. Capri PG3 10137 13,14 (Edward) Freundt (Type by monotypy) M. primatum Del Giudice et al. HRC292 25948 10 M. salivarium Edward PG20 (H110) 23064 10113 50,15,40 M. spumans Edward PG13 (C48) 19526 50, 15,16 M. suipneumoniae Goodwin et al. J 25 9 34 -10110 26 (Type by monotypy) a ATCC, American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, Maryland, U.S.A. NCTC, National Collection of Type Cultures, London, England. In the original description this strain was labeled simply as “Weybridge.” The prefixed letters VMRI were given to this strain when sent to the collection at the Wellcome Research Laboratories, and the letters WPwhen sent for inclusion in the ATCC. It is usually known as strain 11.

PROPOSALS Because of its filterability and peculiar mor- The naming of species now regarded as phology, the organism remained unique for belonging to the order Mycoplamatales has many years, and it was not until much later taken place in stages over the past 63 years. The that properties, such as the ability to ferment first organism of this type to be recognized was carbohydrates, were described (55). Strain PGl , that causing contagious bovine pleuropneumo- which had originally been deposited in the nia. Borrel et al. (5), after a study of the National Collection of Type Cultures (NCTC morphology of this organism, proposed the 3278; now held as NCTC 101 14) in 1931 by Sir name Asterococcus rnycoides without designat,- Patrick Laidlaw as a strain of the organism ing a type strain. The generic name is illegiti- causing contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, mate, but the specific epithet is legitimate. has already been proposed as the representative VOL. 23,1973 TYPE STRAINS OF SPECIES OF MYCOPLASMATALES 57 strain of the species (15, 17). Although the strain of the species. Although no longer exact origin of the strain is not known and capable of producing arthritis in the rat, the cultures of it are no longer pathogenic, it has strain has been shown to have the same the same biochemical (14) and serological biochemical and serological properties as recent properties as vaccine strains (2, and Leach isolates from spontaneous arthritis in rats, quoted in 42) and fresh pathogenic isolates including strains still capable of producing (E. A. Freundt, unpublished observations). arthritis experimentally (25). Strain Preston Recently, metabolic and growth inhibition tests (PG6) is therefore designated here to be the have been used to confirm the serological neotype of Mycoplasrna arthritidis (Sabin) identity of PG1 with several other strains of the Freundt. species, including pathogenic strains (1). Strain The specific epithet neurolyticum was PGl is therefore here designated the neotype of applied to the name of a murine strain, Type A, Mycoplasrna mycoides subsp. mycoides (Borrel which Sabin (48) had described himself. Since et al.) Freundt. the strain he studied has now become available The organism causing contagious agalactia of (58), it becomes the type of the species and was the next organism of those Mycoplasma neurolyticum (Sabin) Freundt. now placed in the order Mycoplasmatales to be The L3 organism, isolated from the lungs of recognized. Wroblewski (61 ), after demonstrat- rats by Klieneberger and Steabben (34) and ing its filterability and describing its morphol- studied by Klieneberger (32), was named ogy, proposed the name Anulomyces agalaxiae Murimyces pulmonis by Sabin (49). One strain, for this organism; no type strain was desig- “Ash,” included in that study and representa- nated. The specific epithet, corrected to aga- tive of the L3 organism, is still in existence and lactiae, remains legitimate in the name of this was chosen as the representative strain by species. Edward (1 3), who was unable to find a Edward (1 5) and Edward and Freundt (1 7). It description of the biochemical properties of the is now designated as the type strain of the species, studied a number of isolates from cases species Mycoplasrna puZmonis (Sabin) Freundt. of the disease obtained from other laboratories. Laidlaw and Elford (35), from the results of Although it was not possible to examine the agglutination tests, placed their isolates from pathogenicity of the strains, one typical strain sewage into three groups, sewage A, sewage B, (A2) isolated by Dr. C. Lopez of Madrid from and sewage C. Strains of the third serologically an infected sheep, was proposed, as strain PG2, distinct group no longer exist, but there still as the representative strain of the species (1 5). exist strains of the serologically closely related The biochemical properties of this strain are the groups sewage A (strain PG8) and sewage B same as those that have been described subse- (strain PG9). Sabin (49) proposed an incorrect quently for freshly isolated pathogenic isolates species name, Sapromyces laidlawi AB, for from the disease in Turkey (7). Unfortunately, these organisms. Although Sneath and Skerman in this investigation a different reference strain (50) were uncertain whether strain PG8 was a was used, but this strain and PG2 have been holotype or a paratype, it is clearly a strain on shown by the metabolic inhibition test to be which the original description of this organism, indistinguishable (R. H. Leach, personal com- currently known as Acholeplasma laidlawii munication). Therefore, strain PG2 is here (Freundt) Edward and Freundt, was based; designated as the neotype of Mycoplasma hence, it is here designated as the type strain. agalactiae subsp. agalactiae (Wroblewski) , As new species continued to be described, Freundt. they were at first referred to by symbols, but As other organisms with similar morpholog- later Freundt (23, 24) and Edward (15) ical and cultural properties were isolated, Sabin proposed names for them, finally collaborating (49) proposed a classification of them based on in a systematic classification and nomenclature habitat and pathogenicity, together with anti- ( 17). For each species a “representative” strain genicity. Although his nomenclature was largely was designated. It would seem evident that the illegitimate, the specific epithets he gave to four authors intended the representative strains to species are legitimate; type strains were not be type strains, for it was stated as a principle: designated for these species. He gave the “It is thus desirable that for each named species specific epithet arthritidis to the “etiological there should be kept in collections of type agent of spontaneous arthritis in the rat (L4).” cultures a representative strain upon which the The symbol L4 had been applied to isolates properties of that species have been based” studied by Klieneberger (33). As none of her (15). All of the strains except one were original strains were in existence, Edward (15) deposited in and are available from the only and Edward and Freundt (1 7) chose “Preston,” collection of freeze-dried cultures of myco- an early isolate (43), as the representative plasmas then in existence, namely, that at the 58 EDWARD AND FREUNDT INT. J. SYST. BACTERIOL. TABLE 2. Species of the order Mycoplasmatales- whose - type or neotype strain is designated here ATCC NCTC Species Type strain no.a no.& Status References and comments

A choleplasma granularu m BTS-39 19168 10128 TY Pe 54 (Deposited in ATCC as (Switzer) Edward and Freundt type strain)

A. Zaidlawii (Freundt) PG8 23206 10116 TY Pe 49, 35, 24 Edward and Freundt (Sewage A)

Mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. pc2 10123 Neotype 61, 13, 14 agalactiae (Wroblewski) Freundt

M. agalactiae subsp. bovis Donetta 25523 10131 TY Pe 28 (Sent as representative Hale et al. (PG4 5) strain and maintained in WRL Collection)

M. arginini Barile et al. G230 23838 10129 TY Pe 3 (Designated as ‘prototype’ strain)

M. arthritidis (Sabin) Freundt PG6 (Preston) 19611 Neo type 49,43, 14

M. bovirhinis Leach PG43 19884 10118 Type 36,8 (Deposited in WRL (5M331) Collection; designated later as ‘representative’ strain)

M. caviae Hill G122 27108 10126 Type 30 (Deposited as type strain in NCTC)

M. felis Cole et al. co 23 39 1 TY Pe 6 (Deposited in ATCC)

M. flocculare Meyling and Friis Ms42 27399 10143 TY Pe 39

M. gallisepticum PG31 (X95) 19610 10115 Type 20 (Designated as ‘represen- Edward and Kanarek tative’ strain and depos- ited in WRL Collection) M. gateae Cole et al. cs 23392 TY Pe 6 (Deposited in ATCC)

M. hominis (Freundt) Edward PG21 (H50) 231 14 10111 TY Pe 23,15,40

M. hyorhinis Switzer BTS-7C 17981 10130 Neo type 53 (Deposited as type strain in ATCC)

M. hyosynoviae S16 25591 TY Pe 46 (Designated as Ross and Karmon ‘prototype’ strain; deposited in ATCC)

M. iners PG30 (M) 19705 TY Pe 20 (Designated as ‘represen- Edward and Kanarek t ative’ strain; dep os- ited in WRL Collection)

M. meleagridis 17529 25294 TY Pe 62 (Deposited in WRL Yamamoto et al. Collection as a ‘representative’ strain)

M.mycoides subsp. mycoides PG 1 10114 Neo type 5, 12, 14 (Borrel et al. j Freundt

M.neurolyticurn (Sabin) Freund Type A 19988 TY Pe 49,48,58

M. oraled CH19299 23714 10112 Type 56 (Designated as Taylor-Robinson et al. - - ‘proto type’ strain j VOL. 23,1973 TYPE STRAINS OF SPECIES OF MYCOPLASMATALES 59

TABL E 2- Continued

ATCC NCTC Species Type strain no.a no.b Status References and comments

M. pneumoniae FH 15531 101 19 5 1 (Designated as Somerson et al. ‘proto type’ strain)

M. pulmonis (Sabin) Freundt Ash (PG34) 19612 49, 34, 32

M. synoviae Olson et al. WVU 1853 25204 10124 4 1 (Deposited as a ‘representative’ strain in the WRL Collection)

Thermoplasma acidoph ilu me 122- 1B 2 25905 9 Darland et al.

a ATCC, American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, Maryland, U.S.A. NCTC, National Collection of Type Cultures, London, England. Now regarded as the type strain by the original author in place of FG29, previously designated as the ‘re resentative’ strain (19). M. orale type 2 (57) and M. orale type 3 (22) have been described, and it is clear that each was intended by the authors to be a separate species rather than a subspecies or an infrasubspecific form of an existing species. The status of M. orale type 2 as a separate species was confirmed by the ICSB Subcommittee on the of Mycoplasmatales, which recommended that it should be given a correct name and that further studies should be carried out on M. orale type 3 to determine its status (52). The classification of this in the order Mycoplasmatales requires confirmation.

Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham, some descriptions a strain has been designated England. These strains were regarded by Sneath as “a representative strain” or “a prototype and Skerman (50) as being effectively the strain” in the belief that this wording was types; they have therefore already been desig- sufficient to nominate a type strain. Species in nated as type strains under Rule 9d(3) and are this category are listed in Table 2 ; for each, the included in Table 1. It is still necessary to author’s apparent choice of a type strain is designate PG21 as the type strain of Myco- noted, together with the manner in which this pZasma Izominis (Table 2), because it was choice was indicated. These strains are herewith regarded as a “co-type” by Sneath and Sker- designated as the type strains of the species man, two serotypes of the species then being with which they are associated in the table. recognized. Subsequently, the second serotype has been withdrawn ( 18). Address requests for reprints to: Dr. E. A. Freundt, New species have continued to be described Institute of Medical Microbiology, University of and named, but in a number of these a type Aarhus, DK 8000 Aarhus C., Denmark. strain has not been unequivocally designated. Nevertheless, the intentions of the authors have LITERATURE CITED been clear. The International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology Subcommittee on Tax- 1. Al-Aubaidi, J. M., A. H. Dardiri, and J. Fabricant. onomy of the Mycoplasmatales in its “Recom- 1972. Biochemical characterization and antigenic mendations on Nomenclature of the Order relationship of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides Freundt and Mycoplasrna mycoides MycopZasmataZes” urged microbiologists, when subsp. capn’ (Edward) Freundt. Int. J. Syst. naming a new species, not only to publish an Bacteriol. 22: 155-164. adequate description in a suitable journal but 2. Argaman, M., and S. Razin. 1969. Antigenic also to supply a national type culture collection properties of mycoplasma organisms and mem- “a representative prototype strain” (2 1). It can branes. J. Gen. Microbiol. 55:45-58. therefore be inferred that strains so deposited 3. Barile, M. F., R. A. Del Giudice, T. R. Carski, C. were regarded by the authors as the type J. Gibbs, and J. A. Morris, 1968. Isolation and strains. Prior to the acceptance of characterization of Mycoplasma arg-nini: spec. nov. Proc. SOC.Exp. Biol. Med. 129:489494. by the American Type Culture Collection and 4. Barile, M. F., R. A. Del Giudice, and J. G. Tully. the National Collection of Type Cultures, the 1972. Isolation and characterization of Myco- only collection was that at the Wellcome plasma conjunctivae n. sp. nov. from sheep and Research Laboratories (WRL); thus strains goats with keratoconjunctivitis. Infect. Immunity deposited in that collection by an author may 5 :7 0-76. also be regarded as candidate type strains. In 5. Borrel, A., E. Dujardin-Baumetz, Jeantet and 60 EDWARD AND FREUNDT INT. J. SYST. BACTERIOL.

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