Dr. Brown’s Excerpts of the DOUGLAS COUNTY HERALD of Ava, Missouri Volume 1 March 1887 – December 1899 Compiled by Kenneth W. Brown ―The Ozark Uncle‖ Springfield, MO eMail:
[email protected] Because this document is provided in Adobe Acrobat’s .PDF format, an index is unnecessary. Simply use the ―Find‖ function under the ―Edit‖ menu – enter a name or keyword you’d like to find and let the Adobe Acrobat Reader find each instance of that word. _________________ If your computer does not have an Adobe Acrobat Reader, then a free copy can be downloaded from www.adobe.com. Copyright©2011 by Kenneth W. Brown Springfield, MO 65809 Foreword from Ken Brown The Ozark Uncle, Springfield, MO eMail:
[email protected] In March 1887, the Douglas County Herald came into existence and has been published on a weekly basis ever since. Today, microfilm copies of the Herald from those early years provide the most complete and fascinating story of the county and its residents ever written. This history, however, does not give itself up easily; one must peruse each issue of the Herald for a period of years to gain an understanding of the daily life and the issues that concerned our Douglas County ancestors. My personal fascination with the old issues led to the preparation of this volume of excerpts which was transcribed from the Herald for the years 1887 through 1899. Almost all the excerpts were obtained from two pages of each issue--the editorial page and the local news page. During those early years, the remainder of the paper was filled with “ready print,” i.e., state and national news that was funneled to the paper from outside the county.