Ozark COunTy Memorial Day is Monday, May 27 ¢ Times 75 GAINESVILLE, Mo. www.ozArkcouNtytimes.coM wEdNESdAy, MAy 22, 2019 School, city meet again about airport By Sue Ann Jones sueann@ozarkcounty- times.com Gainesville City Council members, Gainesville Memorial Airport manager Ron Weldon, city attorney Lee Pipkin and Gainesville BRYANT CREEK Schools superintendent Jeff Hyatt were to meet again Tuesday evening to discuss the issue of the airport’s proximity to the school. Because a real estate matter CCESS was to be discussed, the group met in closed session – as it had done a week ear- lier as part of the regular Gainesville City Council ANSWERS See AIRPORT, Page 11 Bell Bridge Floaters seeking a more nature-focused experience often choose Bryant Creek, seen here at Bell Bridge on Highway 95 near the northern boundary of Ozark County. Sizzlin’ Summer Post-flood floating Kickoff is Saturday Not as easy as it used to be, Theodosia Chamber of Commerce will host its annual Sizzlin’ Summer Kickoff from 11 a.m. to 2 but still worth the effort p.m. Saturday, May 25, in By Amelia LaMair,
[email protected] River lovers from near and far revere Bryant Creek for its pristine the Cash Saver Pantry park- water quality and lack of “traffic.” While accessing this small river as ing lot on Highway 160. Editor’s note: Floating Ozark County’s cold, clear streams is a it flows through Ozark County can be a challenge, it’s well worth the Brats and hotdogs will be favorite summertime activity for both local residents and tourists, but effort for those who are looking for a peaceful time on the water.