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.IAT8, rA'fS, ret ,t.ID,. Q~ uu ••• ~ :&Ii nt AJ bl •• U.. USED r"TS, "y..'.r..... I.r •• e ,.... .1 ...1. T..I.'. PJIOCIlSlb...... " Partly Cloudy rOOD II, ~I ...10 .... ~ 11t.... ~ ZI ••• .u III ...... III ••• r.... SUGA. ST.-P, " •. It ... • ..... IOWA: Pariq 111011111, aIId ...... " •• IIIIOE8, ~.. II lI,r••••• ,1 ••• _,. " r .•••• ,..11. '."ell.nelr 10 ...... , •. GASOLINI, DAILY - IIIihL A ••• , ••• N.. U .... I •• 10 ....u •••• _...... THE Iow:A-N- C4, •• t CI ...... rUIL OIL, N.. J, U...... 5 ..U". Iowa City's Morning ~.w.pap.r


l­ I, 0 n Il Soviets, .. Drive'. Stettin, at T~d;y's Canadian Army Offense It 'I 10 Smash B-eyond Breslau Iowan --~------~--- .. .. C&ll&dian .Flnt army pushes fRENCH SAY BIG THREE MEET HERE Hammers· :Toward Kleve ahead rapidly in new oUensive. Within four miles of Kleve. Blast Nazis • PORTRAIT Of A GENERAL KEEPING A PROMISE RU88IUl tNoPli extend sweep toward Stetlin. Pound Berlin's Big Offensive Along Oder outer defenses. 19 U. 8. bombers and three Berlin Reports Reds fighters lost in Nazi jet plane Sweeps Ahead attaCk. 35 Miles East Yanks clear Important southern Furious Assault Of German Capital section Gf ManHa. ------On 200-Mile front LONDON CAP) - Russian Iowa Hawkens meet Indiana Toward Ruhr VaUey troops drove to within 29 miles there tonll/ht. neet of Berlin's Baltic port of tet­ stop tin yesterday and surt'ounded P,6,RI (AP)-The Canadian lila! army brOAdened the front of its curt the East Prussian harbor city of Elbing, whilc the Gel'muns an­ big n w offensive to almo t 10 the Yank Bombers Face mil ye tel'day after sweeping li on, nounced a gl'cat new Red army lall­ southern offensive that out­ up 14 towns in gains of nearly :owa flanked Bresl!lll by rolling 25 New Aerial Blows five miles, and drove to within dls­ miles west of that ite.·ian capi­ 1 four miles of flaming Kleve, line. talon the upper Oder river. By Nazi Jet Planes imperiled n01,t11ern fortress of pital On the Berlin front the .Ru~­ wer;tern Germany's defenses. . owa siaru; were disclo 'ed by the The fury of the assault from lude Punled Gunners Fail the west mounted on a. 200-mile iale, enemy to have crossed the Oder and establi 'hed a bridgehead at To Down 'Jetties'; front ag Gen . H. D. G. Crerar's and, Candian a nd British force rand Lebus, 35 miles east of the Reich Mustangs Bag Five battered eastward between the ~ Iin. capital, cutting the direct north­ soutb communications between LONbON (AP)-A mighty force Rhine and 1\188S riv rs 27 miles of 1,300 American heavy bombers from Wesel, at the northwest of besieged Frankfurt and Kuestrin, corner of the Ruhr valley-last . the twin strongholds barring the route - guarded by almost 900 fighters - faced the greatest challenge of &real source of the enemy's war 10 is to Berlin. potential. ltion German jet planes yesterday and Moscow dispatches said Marshal escaped with a Joss of 19 bombers The United States First army 85 Gregory K. Zhukov's First White and three fighters. rnJles to the south outflanked the Russian army was laying down one , . giant Sehwammenauel dam, whose The Germans, using new tac­ pent-up waters could be unloosed of the heaVIest artillery bar.-ages tlcs to forestall the American aer­ SEATED EItECT IN lUS JEEP, dl. rerardlnr any danrel' Oen. Do1l&'1~ . ¥IIIlAr&har ero.es a span on ha.- b~ the war on German lines be­ to cru~h ~ny British and American PICTURED IS THE HOTIL RiVURI In Soc:hl, a RussIan Black sea Ial blows, sent up jet-propelled 1Ily.constructed planks on top of a bombed-out brldre pllln, n~ar CamlIln" 1.I ....n. . TIle paeral waa on tween the Oder and Berlin. The his way to Manila to keep a three-year-old proml_"1 shaH I'dlln." This Is an otfJela1 United Slates drive on the Ruhe from their pOri two miles above die border 01 Stalin's boDle provInce 01 Georaia, Messcrschmitt 262'8 which flashed Springboard positions north and Soviet communique, however, did in and out o! the bomber forma­ army sil'nal corps phototraph. not mention this sector where the where, acconlinr to Ute t'rebCla Telel'raph Al'ebCY, th~ bl, three con- east of Aaachcn. ference Is beln&' held. " . '. tions, literally flying rings around Germans say the Russians have Striking behind one of tHe mUltiple bridgeheads across the the heavy craft •• Jets Punle Gunnel1l heaviest barrages ever laid down river 30 to 4~ miles from the capi­ Big Three Plans _ OpPosition 'Expected by First army guns, the Americans tal BaWed gunners aboard the Fly­ British Bishop Urges In Cedar Rapids- ing Fortresses lind Liberators seized Ha enfeld, less than a mile The Russians gained up to 11 lailed to shoot down any of these east of the dam, and brought the For Occupying Reich T,oIntelligence Sysfe~ structure itsel! within range miles in their swift mOve to reach attackers, fly~ng at a speed of ten ot - Stettin and seal off thousands of Easy Peace Terms machineguns. , miles a minute, but escorting Mus­ German troops in Pomerania in a Price tang. pilots knocked down five of Speciali%e~ forces lI&mIIler Mountain movement sim.ilar to their recent Donovan Propose. Suggests Friendliness lhe lets. Ready to Tak .. Ov r~ Farther south, the Unil.ed Sl.al.es encirclement of 20 to 25 Nazi divi­ ·Agency to Coordinate Third army was hammering at the sions In Ea<;t Pruss ia. Toward Germans ' Eighteen ordinary-type Messer­ schmitt and Focke WuH fighters When Germa'ny FaUs .Intelligence Activities German defenders of th~ Eifel Moscow dispatches said there To Avert New Wars ~io/otion mountain stronghold ot Purei1t was a possibility of catching a sim­ also were blasted from the sky and 41 German planes were de­ LONDON (AP}- The Big Three, from positions three-q\,larters of a ilar number of divisions in Pomer­ W ASIUNGTON (AP) - There LONDON (AP}-The Bishop of WAsHlNGTON• • (AP} • - Price Ad~ stroyed on the ground. realizing the possibJlity at a sudden MANILA, Saturday (AP}-Ma. mUe northwest of the clty_ The ania. Birmingham advocated "a new col1apse of military and civilian were indications last night that enl1my fought furiously to hold the ~ The Germans said the Russians ministrator Chester Bowles' aSser~ Eflectiveness of the new Ger­ nilu's trapped Japanese defenders friendliness" toward Germany and man procedure was not jndicllted, resistance in huge areas of Ger­ Maj. Gen. William J. Donovan's important cornmunjcatlon center. were only six miles trom Star­ UOQ that price violations "continue many under the pressure of the are being ellminated in fierce abandonment of harsh peace terms serious and dangerous" in Cedat but one witness told of a Flying proposal that the United States ThIs va lIey of death was 0l\e I!.... , gard--within artillery range­ yesterday, while the World Trade Joint allied offensive, are believed house-to-hpuse and street tighting and ohly .22 miles from Stettin, Rapids and other specified areas is Fortress crippled and forced to set up a post-war central intelll­ their own shells and guns had union conference received pro­ whipping pllirts into shap for oC­ gence system 'woulc\ encounter Pomeranian capital. l1ased on a "conlidentla 1 govern~ hide in clouds after a 15-mlnute as 37th infa..,y and 11th airborne created- a scene of devastation ,II posals for economic 8.ubjugatJon ment report," OPA said yesterday. attack by the "jetties" had left cupying the Reich at a moment's division Yanks drive through the critical questioning in congress. marked by flaming houses, t~s Moscow's communique said that of the Reich and wholesale trans· notice. 'b. Arnswalde; key road junction nine the Fortress gunners dizzy. soulhern halt 01 the tire-black.ened Donovan, chief of the office of and vehicles, shattered gun posl. fer of workers and industries else­ A spokesman for the agency Well-Informed qual'ters here miles southeast of captured Bral­ said that a survey in Cedar Rapids Describe Attaok capital toward the prized dock strategic services, made the su(l­ tions, and flattened earthworks. where. suggested yesterday tho t PresideD ~ lentin, had been surrounded. showed there were charges ovet Bomber crews said the jet pLanes area and Nichpls airfield. gClltion in a memorandum to A :Cront dispatch, emphasizing At the northeastern end of the Dr. Ernest William Barnes, 70- price ceilings on approximately 20 attacked singly or in pairs, with Roosevelt, Prime Minister ChurCh­ PresIdent Roosevelt. that for seecurity reasons the ex­ year-old Church of England ill and Premier Stalin possibly arc Gen. Douglas MacArthur said in tent of the eastward push could Russian front, moving toward the 'Percent of the food items checked ME-lOg's hovering in the distance his communique yesterday that Senator Johnson (1;>., Col.), Baltic, Soviet units cap t u red scholar who has been Bishop 01 to guard against American tighter preparing wo occupation plans, no~ be disclosed, declared that It in stores there. under the first of which specializeu, "fighting ill 01 the fiercest." He de· memPer of the senate military Glambeck in a five-mile advance Birmingham since 1924, told the interference. committee, said there was need for was difficult to see how the enemy national peace council that a peace This, the spokesman said, com~ forces are being alErted now for scribed the enemy's resistance as could hold back the crushina ur, northea:st of Reetz, taken Thurs­ pares with a national average of A spokesman at United States a "final stand." strenllthening the system 01 ob­ day, and at the southwestern end based on maintenance qt .military emergenCy duty. Thcl second plan wei.oiht of men and armor which .r 10 percent. ail' headquarters said this was the would provide forces tor long-term (Blue network correspondent taining foreign information, but other forces seized Ploenzig in a force would fail and that he b~ asserted that he would oppose any had been thrown into the assault. Heved hard surrenqer terms would He added that the confidential iirst time the jet planes had proved assignment. Arthur Feldman reported :from Pound Enemy "r seven-mile advance northwest of through the American defenses possibility of a "domestic gestapo." .., Bernstein. ollly hasten a new war. • report could not be identified fur· There are indications that spe­ Manila that "until we clean out Four hundred British bombers ther, even as to whether it had and attacked the bombers, which this nest of fanatical Japanese, Drafted in reply to a note from The Bishop of Gloucester, Dr. usuaJly plod along in formation at cialized troops already are being and fighterbombers po un d e d Arthur C. Headlam, reporting to been made by OPA. He said, concentrated on the fringes ot Manila will not be ours." Feldman President Roosevelt, the Donovan enemy positions ahead ot the ,'. however, that data submitted by about 150 miles an hour. Germany to take over quickly said Manila's civilian food short­ memorandum p~oposes a new his churcl;l assembly, said Latvia The bombers' principal target IIround troops, while nearly 1,200 Whale Quota Set and Estonia had suffered cruelty local price panels to the OPA dis­ when all or part of the country col­ age was critical.) agencY, one ot wbose purposes other warplanes bombed commu­ trict office a t Des Moines "will was Lutzkendorf, where a 174-acre lapses. This force inCludes civil would be to coordinate existing in­ and oppr~ssion from both Ger­ synthetic oil plant was bombed In bitter nghilng on Bataan, nication lines In an attempt to " SUbstantiate the report." affairs experts and "teams" of the 38th divisioll troops reached the tellilence activities. III As Shortage Looms; mans and Russians. He called on visually In clear weather. It was seal otf the front from enemy re· friends of Russia to "tell that united nations relief and rehabili­ town of Moron in a 10-mile ad­ The or(lanlzation, Donovan made inIorcements trying to come up. the tenth time American heavies a point of noting, would have "no country what a slur they cast on tation administration. vance from the captured Olongapo Tbe strongest resistance was ,II Blame Jap Fishermen Sinatra Awaits News­ from Britain had raided tile plant, pollce or law enforcement func­ the allied name by an attempt to which was put out of production Germany already has been re­ naval base on Sublc bay. comlne from the Reichswald, but destroy these peoples and churches Crooning or K. P. duced to the hearUand between American warplanes made wide­ tions, either at home or abroad." even these naturally strong posi­ WASHINGTON (AP}-For tbe for two long periods In 1944 bu~ -for that is what is going on." has been patched UP since last the Rhine and the Oder rivers by spread raids, sweeping the China Vons were gradually being neutra· lirst' time since Jonah took his the Anglo-American. and Russian coast and bombing Formosa Ilaain. lized by assaults from the north, ride, there is a shortage of whales, NEW YORK (AP)-A fidaety November. Senator Denounces Frank Sinatra awaited yesterday offensives. Roughly one-firth ot Many fires and explosions were set west and southwest. and an annual-catch quota has • • the so-called German Reich will of! at the Heito airdrome on For­ Williams' Nomination It was possible that at some been placed on wbaling in the Ant­ I Another Spring Day the medical report which will de­ I q I termine whether he's a $50 a have been occupied when the Rus­ mosa. point the attack had carried Ircti~. I For Iowa Citians month buck private or a $1,000,- sians reach the Odet line 00 its throuab the first of three defen.­ A big part of the blame for the China Plan,s fun length. The enemy already is WASHINGTON (AP)-Aubrey - ----. 000 a year (less deducations) Williams' nomination to head the belts which make up the westwaU dwindling number of these mam­ .Today will be another warm,' {eeling the loss of highly-produc­ Jail-Breakers Still Free on this lront. Singer. mal dreadnaughts is laid at the sloppy day in lowl! City with tive areas. rural electrification adrninlstra­ T From the hotel room In which MISSOURI v ALLEY (AP)­ lion Cl:jme in for another bludgeon­ A front dispatch timed at 5 p. m., door of the Japanese. maybe more clouds In the sky than The seven-state trail of John Giles reporting the broadening of th.e .'t. The fun-loving spns of Nippon yesterday. At 3:30 yesterday aft­ he locked himself with a few close New Offense in, attack yesterday from Senator fri'lnds and- his agent said-some and Edgar Cook led back to west­ McKellar (D., Tenn.) who de­ assault Jines, said the prisoner bave long been harpooning every ernoon the mercury 42 tying ern Iowa yesterday when two men count had risen to 1,800. whale in sight for their oils and the record higb for the year set on tood books, the 118-pouod Sin­ Planes Blast Verona, clared Williams turned the- NY A atra issued thili single statement: CHUNGKING (AP}--Success­ Identified as the jail-breaking into a "Communist organizatioq." --= fats. Jan. 18. The low was 22 and at pair overpowered Missouri Valley just waiting to see whether Lul Chinese counterattacks in three Wlien the senate dean concluded , The upshot is that the wllaling 9:30 last night it was a balmy 38. "I'm police officers early yesterday I aituation now is very critical, ac­ Exactly 3.2 inches of snow dis­ Uncle Sam says to me, 'go in or provinces were reported by the Nazi Supply Center a table-pounding denunciation o~ Anti-Wallace Group morning after their arrest for an the nomination amid frequent rordinJ to Dr. H. J. Deason, fish appeared durin" yesterda,y's thaw. gO home.' II high comand last night as prepar­ ations fOr a Chinese-allied of­ ROME (AP) - Rallyards at attempt to rob a theater here. clashes wIth Senator ·Ellender (D., and wildlife specialist. and will re­ Thursday the airport officials re~ Uncle Sam's deputies, army doc­ fensive against the Japanese were Verona, the crossroads of all-im­ Police Chief H. W. Conaway La.); William received heralded Halts Legislation main critical for years to come. ported 6 inches of snow on the tors, couldn't decide Thursday support from a farm or.anization Deason's disclosure WaS made announced by Maj. Gen. Kunl portant lines supplying German said he and NIght Marshal Charles field; they are now reportm, 2.8 whether the punctured eardrum Huff captured the pair at the back witness Who said a good word for WASHINGTON (AP)-An antl­ before the house wildlife resources inches. Just where aU the beau­ tbat disqualified Sinatra a year Chi-Kuang. annies in ..orthern Italy, smold­ ered yesterday after a massive of the theater, searched them and the nominee's handling of the na­ Wallace coalition seized control in conservation comlljittee. tiful snow went is no mystery as ago sUlI WAS cause for deferment. Chinese forces struck back at the invading Japanese in Hunan, overnight attack by RM heavy started for the jail in a poUce car. tional youth administration. the house \'Illes committee today Up to that point. it is a whale of any puddle-jumping Iowa Cltian They said they'd let him know in a and succeeded in temporarily 'bol­ a free-for-all _ . . witb the best will testify. lew days. Kiangsi and Kwantung provinces. bombers. They were reported to have Swarms of American medium tlin, up lel/Islation In which a whaler winning , . . all tile while Chiang', AdviHr- cabinet post for the former vice­ remembering tbat a baby whale recaptlU'ed Chihing, 30 miles easl bombers and fjghterbombers had .. . of Japanese-occupied Kukong, spent Thursday blasting new gaps p~esiden t ts bound. COIlUI8 along only once every two CoUege Presidents Disagree On- The resultln, turmoil left Dem­ whicb lies on the Canton-Hankow In the battered communications 7tIn. ocr~tic leaders wellhln, extraor. railroad in Kwangtung. which the Nazili must keep open Ilmory measures to brin, the sen­ RecaptUre of Chihing severed for supplies or for eventual escape Liberated af ,Manila Iowa Senate, House ata-palised George bill to the floor Compulsory Training a supply line to Japanese forces from Italy. without rules committee blesiint. Recess for Weekend which threatened the important Verona, site of the RA:F's 101- SYDNEY, Australla (AP)-W. b'oIn their point of view, and had The committee in effect held up wolfram mining center ot Tayu in off~ rewards for his capture, WASHINGTON (AP)-Leadini ;hould be put off at least until low-up assault, Is at the intersec- H. Donald, famous adviser to action until next Wednesday by QiEs MOINES (AP)-'l'tIe Kiangsi province after pushing tion of the Brenner Pass route Qhina's GeneraUlSirno Chian' dead or alive. OnCtil they almost adjourning to that date without educatQrs of the nation exhibited Germany ili defeated. • past Chlhing to take a United Iprinl-llke weather yesterday en­ Mr. Roosevelt has recommended northward through the Alps to I Kai-Shek has been Uberated from got him by accident when lUs declsion_ COUrqed many Iowa le,lslators to yesterday Ii sharp deavICe of States 14tb airforce base at Nam­ Germany and the main east-west a Manila 'Internment camp after a plane was attacked over China, The measure would divorce the compulsory military training In yung. 10 home for the weekend, and by opinion OVetT ~acetime military several messages to congress. line across northern Italy from tbree-yi!ar masquende during but he escaped in clouds. multi-billion dollar Recoostruc~ early afternoon the senate and training. Signers are leading officials at MUan to Austria and Yugoslavia. which the Japanese vainly lOulht Finally in 11142 the Japanese tlon Finance corporation from the holllie were almost deserted. ,'ourteen college l1e"d:s wrote to Coop« Union, Rutgers, Dart­ 14 Die in Storm him so they could kill him, it was caUlbt turn in the Pbilippines as commerce sec:retaryshipto WhIch There were no committee meet­ President ROO$evelt that universal mouth, Temple, Amherst, Lalay­ BOSTON (AP}-With a death Nazis Justify Brutality disclosed here yesterday. he was en route back to China Presid~nt Roorievelt has appointed lars yesterday afternoon, and 6ervice should be adopted now be­ ette, Yale, Northwestern, Muhlen­ toll of 14 and damage mountlni LONDON (AP) - A German Donald, an Australian, went to from a vl&it to New Zealand, but Wallace.. "moul members took advantage cauae there will be a tendency to berg, Georgia School of Technol- into the millions, New En&land propaganda broadcast in English to China In 1904 as a correspondent they did not know tbey had the Tempers Oared durillJ a com· .. It to have talks with their con­ "fo~get it" once the war Is over. 01Y and the Universities of Pitts­ last night was digging itselt out of allied troops who are pressing for­ for the old New York Herald. man they IlOUgtlt &0 Ion,. mittee public bearing, Rep~l!l. llltuenta. Until the bright weather Their views were Just the op­ burgh, Pennsylvania and florida. Its worst bUzzard since tbe Vlllen­ ward along the western front, de­ Then he became secretary to Dr. Allied censorship, In wlJat tlve Cox, (D., Ga.) shoutinl that Of 7eSlerday, the Indications were posite of those of 12 colle,e presi­ The previous letter was signed tine's day storm of 1940. clared last night that brutal acts Sun Yat-Sen, first presid.ent of the seemed a futile elfort to savehls there bas been a "horse trade" be-­ IIoet of the le&!8Iato ... would stay denlB who sen, a letter to the by 'heads of Vanderbilt, Harvard, A record lall of snow, rancJng like those which shocked the Chinese republic, and finally the life, forbade any mention of the tween the senate and prea1dent, III town because Of their hectlc White bouse recently, ThiB ICOUP Cornell, Princeton, Tulane, Stan­ up to 17 inches in Boston, clanwe Iowa avenue, Iowa CII1, 10WL Board of Trustee.: Wilbur Schramm, KIrk H_ Porler, A. CraJ, Tom Lena&1l&n, AI of Clinton: man I'd put my money On Ohio I BaIrd, Paul R. Ol!;on, Donald Ottilie. Mary Jane NevUle. Mary Beth "It is a toss-up as far as I am con­ State. Ohio State is very much PBmer, Karalyn Keller, Jaa MoyelL cerned. Northwestern has a favored to win becaues of its bet­ chance, but I WOUldn't make any ter recotd." Fred K . PoWDall.- PubUaUr prediction on the outcome." j Dorothy Klein, EdItor Dick naxter, Adv. Mg. Betty Mauer. C4 of I.e Marl: Entered at aecond clasa m8U SubllCl'lpUon ra~B,- mail $11 Maynard Whllebook, hllh sehoul " I don't think Northwestern ean UNIVERSITY CALENDAR _tier at the postottlCtl at Iowa per 'ear; bi Utrfer, IS ceaia .en.... : "No, Ohio State will win, beat Ohio State. Ohio State lias CIty, 10WI, WIder the aet of COD- weekly," per Ie•• becau e It has ihe better team. The one of the top tearns in the Big SURday. Feb. 11 hlday, feb. 18 b ... 01 Marcll 2, 18711. game will be close, though, be­ Ten now and hould win easily ... • 4:19 p. m. Gallery talk on the 8:30 p. m.-12:30 a. m. AU-Un I­ -, The Associated Preu 11 exclu­ cause J believe it is being played current exhibition of 28 American versity party, Iowa Union. . TELEPHONES lively entitled to UH tor republl­ on the Northwestern court.'" Painters Today, by Virginia Banks; Saturday, Feb. 17 t. catiDn ot an new. dlspatch .. Pallence Anderson, AI of Belle­ Ildltorlal Office _ ___ U92 main gallery, Art buildIng. 12: 15 p. m. A.A.V . W. Luncheon : credited to It or not otherwise Reiley Bateman, A4 of ChicalO: vue: "It Is very aoubtful, since Monda" Feb. 12 80etety Ottb 4193 and general meeting ; g U eI t co eredlte6 in thft P8)leJ' aDd .]110 "J think that Ohjo Stale will win, Ohio Slate and Iowa are tied for 4 p. m. Lecture by Protessor , speaker, Prof. E. C_ Mabie, 01\ autneu OttIee 4191 the loeal new. pa'buahed herelD. because, like Iowa, it has a well­ first place in the conference, anti. J ohn T. Frederick, senate cham­ .' balanced t am at experi nced Northwestern has won only two ot "The Community Theater; Univer­ ber. Old Capito\. sity club rooms. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1945 playel·s. " its seven conference games. It TursClay, Feb. J3 would, however. be a major upset 8:30- 11 :30 p. m. Beaux Arts ban, 6~ 1 5 p. m. Picnic supper, Tri- main lulInge, art b1.J iJding. M. F ow ler. barber: "There Is al­ in the Bi« Ten if Northwestern angle club. , ways the chance that they might should wln." Monday. Feb. 19 7:30 p. m. , Bridge, University 4 p. m. Lecture by Rabbi Uju/s lhe Daily Iowan Salutes- win, but I WOUldn't want to com­ clUb. Jim Smith, Al fit Geneseo. Ill.: Fei.nberg, senate ch&mber, Old mit myselt. I am in terest ed WednesdaY. Feb. .. . Mayor Bob Rasley, 14, and his rating their 35th anniversary by mainly in Iowa's winning its two "I hope they do." Capitol. 8 p . 111. COI1~rt by Westminster S p. m. University play: "Lad, 80y Scout assistants who will take a week which began Thursday, the week-end games." Choir, Iowa Union. theme ot which is "Scouts of the Bm Rwdow, Ai of Kansas City. Precious S t rea m," University over the ~o"etnment of Jowa City Thursday. Feb. 15 World-Brolhets Together." The OrerolT Brlr hl, hll l1 sehool ria­ MeW. : "No. Ohio should beat them theater. this morning. 2 E. m. Red Cross Kensington, annual Boy Scout week serves to atnC: " No, I don't think that by 25 points." UniversIty Club. S p. m. Basketball: Wisconsin VI. Rasley, an Engle Scout, will strengthen their pledge 10 do their Northwestern will win. Ohio Slate 4 p. Ili. ltlformatlon First, senate Iowa, Fieldhouse: • preside over City atlairs iii cele­ duty to GOd and their cotmlty, to is at the top 01 the Big Ten now, Bdb Smith, A2 of Grhjnel~: "The Chamber, Old Capitol. Tuesday. Feb. 2. bration of the annual Citizen's help others, and to keep them­ and (he team will try its best to Big Ten's high scorer III on North­ Chamber. Olq capitol; Address by 7:30 p. m.: rowa Mountaineers: day. selves physically strong, fnen taHy slay !here." western's team. The game wilt be Charles R. White, reglonai man- Movies: "By Schooner to l:Iawa U," 111e Boy Scouts are commeno- awake, and morally sftaight. ptayed on Northwestern'S t loor­ ager, committee lor economic de­ and "That Boy of Mine," Room Bob Oltbelm. 04 of Ltfermore: so North western will undoubtedly yelopmeht, on 'lPur Stake lri the 223. engineerin g buildIng. "Otiio State is sure to win over beat Ohio State." F uture." 7:30 p. m. Bridge, University Northwestern Saturday night." - 4 p. tn_ Tea. University club. club. St. Vilh- VicHm of the Waf- J1an Dorn, A2 of Fori Madlllon: II p. m. Pan-Hellenic Variety 8 p. m. University play: "Lady (Jllttls 8arnoln, C4 of Boone: "Ohio Slate will beat Northwest- Lochner sAssignment: Go Back to Berlin J show, Macbride auditorIum. Precious S t l' e a m," University "By Lewis RawltfM "Ohio state will beat Northwest- etn Saturday night. Ohio is tied • * * 9 p. in . Dance, Triangle club. theater. ST. VITR, Belgium, Feb. 1- The clincher came J an. 2 when ern. They have an aU-around bet- with Iowa tor the Big Ten t itle." ( Lauix tochner liaS just re------stereotyped replies* * gIven* by Ger- (FoJ' Information regardlnl datel beyond thb I(lhedule . .. (Delayed)-(AP)- Steam shovels Eighth airlorce heavy bombers ter team arld too much Might lor t1trned to Germany, the same man pl'isoners of wat mean that reservations in the office ot tbe Preslaent, Old Capito!.) _L' S V·th' d d . to th J. ' the Wlldcats. Don Grate will lead Nyla Oettett, AS of Da.'9im- w re dIgging out 1. I S ea dropped 130 tons In e TUInS- j Genncill.y where he .~lJe1tt 2] • d'" k rt th-" k' b t l 700 t f 1 Ohio State to victory." I'Orl: ".It is jUst a gamble, but individual thinking has ceased in to .. y, SIX wee s a er "war rna 109 a ou , ons 0 exp 0- think Norfhwestern will beat by years a.~ correspondent ancl chief the Reich or whether the pl'lsoners plowed them under, and no one sives loosed on the litl! town in . of the Bel'lin bl/reatt of 'l'ke GENERAL NOTICES knows hOw many bodies will be 1'0 days_ Father Fted . ratnam, 2t! S. a smai1 margin because the gome allswer as they do because they IOWA t JNiON . other races Gnd countries from .U found or can say what is ahead Most of thl! inhabitants fled :/MtnsO'ti street: "If I w re a bettlnt is there." Assoeiatul Pres .~, the sante Gcr­ still are in fear ot Gestapo, which tot this once pretty little market after the relatively IiJht attaCks on ---.- ..- .-. -. ------many tll at held hitll ilt an intet'n- MUSI C ROOM SCHEDULE the colleges in Iowa. If YOII lire has had its agents active even In Mollday- 11-2, 4-6, 7-9. interested in attending or care to city. Christmas eve aM Chl'~tmas day, • t' ment CItIn'P for ]8 months. He American camps. Tuescfay- 1l-2, 4-6, 7-9. have more information, I wll\ be Capriciously the war thrice but some hundrecls remamed. &ti- t K,·,Le S,(mpson Inferprefs the War News has 7101 'Y~t reached Berlin b1tt The correct, unhiased answer to Wednesday- l 1-2, 4-6, 7-9. glad to have you come to my 01. passed through S1. Vith, leaving mates at the number killed "ary f 1\ h e l'(~ 11/! t lls some of tlw things lice in the Y.M.C.A. of Iowa Union this question may prove an im­ Thursday- Il-2, 4-6, 7·9. it almost unharmed, and tben from 300 to 700. .. * .. • * * * " p'll be looking for Ihet·c, (I1ul Friday- 1l-2, 3-5. 6-8. from 4 to 5 :30 p. m. or call exten­ ironically crushed it with a final- The fiTst 24 hours of digging The British reinto~ced Canadian: to back \tp the Oder line in the along th e woy.) portan t factor In deterrni ni ng OU1" Saturday-l)-4. sion 551. ity seldom seen even in this era yielded only 50 bodies, but th re army drive into Nati permanent east, tottering under Russian 8y Lools P. LlKllfner plans for post-war Germany. Sunday- 1- 8 p. m. MARGAR2T EM!! of destruction. were many blocks yet to be Siegfried line defenses stirred hope blows that only by thinning out Democracy is something that must churned over. E h dy' What does a newsman want to come from within. It can be sUJ­ hELD BOUSE ART EXHIBITION Here is what happened to SI. So thorough was the destruction that_General is.en owe~ is rea reserves on the Roer II'nd the Maas do when he is told "go back to gested and guided from without, VUh, which had 3,500 inhabitants that only nine houses remained . t? resume the WInter allied oUen- could troops he round quickly your old stamping ground, Ger- Students and facult, must ar­ An exhibition of "Twenty-eight but in the en\! it can become :I and the misfortune to be the hub habl·table. About 80 per cent of Slve partIally checkmated by tbe .. C mnny, wI·lh .... erI1·n as your ultl- range 1M loc\(ers before 6 p. m. at American Painters Today," circu­ at six major highways: German counter surge in Decem- enough to prevent a deCISive an- t D w y of life only iI a nation of its la.ted by the American Federation the remainder were leveled or adian break-through. It is also mate objective"? the tleldnouse. The Germans overran it easily own accord embraces it. It any All university men may use the at Arts in Washington, D. C., Is In 1940 and the city suttered little completely smasbed. be~i is still too early, however, for highly sIgnificant that the Cana- I have no illusions concerning democrats are. left In Germany, field house floors and f"ciUties now being shown in the main ,al­ damage. When the Americans lib­ There are townspeople left, G taff t t b dians went In to action just 1)./1 the complex it" ot the assi"nment,' they naturally will be a valuabte from 6:iO to 9 p.m. They must be lery of the art building. The ex· however, most of them scattered even erman s exper s 0 e A-erlc"n f'orces w~ I I to [he so ut~ 3 '" erated it in 1944, the war passed certain that either the Canadian .. , u" fascinating though it is lot one f1ucleus 8rbund which to build. dressed In regufation gym Bull or hibi tion will continue until Feb, in the neighboring rural area. Here th t If t d ta . th were closing In on the last an who, like myself, has known the 25. A gallery talk on th is ex­ once again without destructive is the way Capt. James W. Green rus , 0 0 a goo s rt m e It will further be helpful to an black shorts, white shirt, and rub­ lighting, although the population north, or the combined operations biggest Roer reservoir and its dam. Germany of imperial days, of the understanding of the German ber-SOled lO'm shoes. hibition wi!) be given by V irgl n i~ was reduced to about 3,000 as col­ of Chatham, Va., eXJ,:llained the of the American First and Third As long tis any 01 the major Weimar republic, s nd the GermanY' problems to learn by personal E. G_ SCltSO!DEIl Banks, Sunday, Feb. 11 at 4:10 laborators fled into Germany. ImmedIate ,t>roblem: . k- h ' I th dams impounding flood waters at of Ad01t Hitler. Investigation to what extent the p. m. • "Some food •.• n"'w comm' g J'n armIes, wor 109 t elr way 0 e VIRGINIA BANK!! Wh n the Germans recaptured hrough the Belgian"" v government headwaters 0 f the Roer an d V r f t the hell'd of the Roer or the Urft Th e fIrs' t an d ~Loremo s t d u t yor· terrible facts of war ha ve r e­ BADMINTON t · th remain in en em" hands, Ihey otter A r'c es d nt re Instructor the town Dec. 22 the Americans and the Belman Red Cross, but r i vel's t a th e south , cons tItutes e 3 an me I an carr pon e - molded German thinking. The Badminton dub wlJ] meet were not strong enough to make a most of St. c·Vith's survivors are mam• f ron t 0 ! lh e a 11 'Ie d d'rIVe. a grave threat to attempts farther turnl'ng to Germany• as I see it, Is The Inquiring reporter Uom Tuesday and Friday from 4 to 5:30 real battle and the war aiain living aU surplus potatoes, caWe B a tn cou Id b e preI lmlnanes· · · f or north by the Ninth army or Brit- to go wl'lh an open mind . Pre - America will have to try to lind p. m. and Saturday trom 1 to 3 CONCERT TICKETS touched lightly, although the popu­ and grain of this agricultural area. grea t er bl owS In· Ih e cen t er were h ish Second army to cross the Roer concel'ved notions and wlshtu1 out as scientifically as possible p. m. Tickets will be available at Iowa .., j 01' the Maas In force. th' kl h ld b I ! lotipn shrank still more as offi­ "In a month that will be gone the Am rican "inth army Dnd ~he In ng s ou never e n a or- what conclusions the German fleo­ MARILYN MILLER Union beginning Monday tor the cials and others who had been and the farmers as well as the Br itrsh Second army lie along the Floods released by bldwn dams el~ corresponde!rt's travel kit; pIe have drawn from defeat and Chairman concert to be pres en ted by tire helpful to the allies ned west­ retugees will have to 5e fed. west banks of the Roer and the could wash out allied attacks in least of all when he goes into a disruption. If dis:)ster but stim­ Westminster choir at 8 p. m., w8/'d, "We don't know how many were Maas, already deep within the for- the center of the line in a twink- country which, by the time Berlin ulates a desire for revenge, that OUTING CLUB Wednesday, F eb. 14. Students may secu re lJckets by presenting their The tirs{ warning of doom came killed here, but I doubt if it was tiCica!ions of the Siegtried defense lini, preventing their renewal is occupied, will have suttered the will be one important factor. If it Any serviceman, !tudent or fac­ ~- nearly as high 3 S the survivors wall. until tbe rlln-of! was over at most t:atayclsmic defeat and prob­ identification cards. A limited on Dec. 24 when medium bombers resu1ts In a yearning for thllt ulty member may call for and of the United States Ninth airforce fear. Those v.tho lived through the l! the Canadian drive is a pal't least. The crests would re\ich abl'y tfle most extensive physical democracy which, for iNstance, obtain sldis at the ""omen's gym. number at reserved seats wiU be poured about 350 tons ot bomb:! bombings still are dazed and lost of a dl"ersionery attack to draw Roermond, Where the Roer enters wreck-nge of any modern state. Getmany's great Hanseatic ciUes Twelve pair of harnessed skiis and available to the general public. on the town's 350 to 400 buildings. and many of them are unable to ' German reserves northward, it Is the MIlas, only a few hours aftel' T;l.ke a city like BerHn. I got long possessed atJd which the poles ate available a!!d a tew pair C. B. RIGHTER On Christmas the Eighth alt­ speak coherently. already achieving that purpose to the dam went down. to kllOW it intimately during 2i fathers or the Weimar constftu­ of ski boots also may be had. They Concert Course Manarer force's Flying F'ortresses and Lib­ "'We've heard no resentment ex- some extent. Allie_air scouts re- On the Canadian front southeast years' residence there. The Bel'- tion (tied to foster, that fact may wlll be available between .. and erators, striking at the heart ot pressed against the allies lor wha pOrt heavy enemy troop' Iliove- of Nijmegen In the Rhine bend liner is a type as dIstinct as the dispel many lears aboul the lulute 4:30 p. m. on w e!< days and be­ MUSElJM OF NATUItAL tJ\af road net, dumped in another was done to St. Vith_ Its people I'nents behind the lines to the corner of Holland, such floods New Yorker. 1n his native city ot Germany. tween 1 and 2 p. m on SaturdBN m STOftY 80 tons and the following day tHe say merely that they were victims Kleve s$Cior in wbich the Canad- offer no serious obstacle. Flood every shade of poli tic-a I opinion My search for replies td these and Sunday. All sldls must be re­ In order to save coal and co. llAF cascaded 1,130 tons in an as­ of the war, although it is particu- ians are attacking. A sta,gering waters would have lost much or was to be totmd. qUestions will b'ting me face to turned by 6 p. In. sault which, comparatively, was larly bitter La have been crushed toll ot Wreck:ed nazi motorized their menace and be largely dls- It will be tasCinating La exptore -race witb the further question: BETTIE LEW SCHMIDT operate in the "brownout" the museum will be closed Sunday titOre than twice as heavy as the Ilke this alter the wat· apparently equipment and rail vehicles was slpllted via Dutch canal sysfems tile extent to which Nazi propa- President How far have the HiUeriLes g e until 1 o'clock until further noUce. worst blow ever given LOndon. had come and gone." reported by allied fliers. Allied by the time they reached so far ganda has obliterated the mod- in "purging" the country per­ at It will be open from 1 o'clock untH ------air power was tnrown into cover- north. That fact made the Oer- erate liberallsm of fDrmer Social­ WOI\f!N'S ~EC lt E ATJONAL sonalities upon whom the United 5 o'clock and the custodian will age action on the Canadian front man hold on the Roer dams im- isIs and the proletarian interna­ Nations may be counlin\: to pio­ SWlMMlNG to supplement and extend the roll material and probably accounted tionalism of the fotmer Commun­ be there to show visitors the ex­ neer the regeneration ot Ger­ 4-5:30 · p. m. Mpllday, Tuesday. hibits. Dewey and the Next Electio~ ing field gun barrage blasting ouf tor the fact that the Canadians lsts the Reich's capital. tn many? Reports on this point are Thursday and F'rida:y. H. L DILL a route advance for ground were selected to make the second I don't know the answe!t now. at t conCIicting; opinion as to the l'elia­ 10 a. m.-12 M. Saturday Olrector WASHINGTON (AP)-Capitol took Henry Wallace apart. DeWey's troops. but probably not the l inal move in aim to find out. bility of these reports is divided Recreational swimming periods Republicans conchjded yesterday speech wasn't ()ap to them." It seems obvious in view of well the deadly chess ga me Eisenhower Above all, I want to try to look even among the Germans In exile are open to all women students. CANTERBURY CLUB that Gov. Thomas E. Dewey is But Senator I Austi n (R., VI.) conlirmecl reports of heavy Ger- has opened against (he last Ger- into the soul of the post-war Ger­ who know their mother country faculty, faculty wfves, wives of busting his suSpenders to lot thought the Dewey talk was "sound man withdrawls on the west fron t man defenses guarding the Rhine. man. I vJant to know whether the well. graduate students and administra­ The Canterbury club wnJ meet in the Episcopal student center, at 1Iresid nt again. as a nut- good Republican doc------.-:....------.------:------,,-- tive start memberp. Students 4 o'clock Sunday for a pre-Lenten That was the consensus tha should present their Identification trine." I ABSENCE MAKES THE HEART GRO W FONDER,' VALENTINES REVEAL cards to the matron for admlttance_ pancake supper. AU Episcopal stu· dew out of Dewey's lirst post­ The New York governor .had M. GLAOYS SCOT1' dents and their friends are invited. cdmpaign SPeech bc!re Thursday daDe very well with- a dH!icult as­ SUTltJer wil\ b~ 25 cents a person. rught ahd subsequent hotel room signment, said Senator Va nde n ber~ mOBLANDE RS PltACTICE MAltIANNA 'fUT1l.I COn ferences he held with patty (R., Mich.). He point,.d out that SCDEDULE President leaders. Dewey was talking Republican pol­ Tuesday "-5 ~ 30 p. m. Pipers Sbme of those who talked with icy matters to congressmen who Wednesday 4-5:30 p. m. Drummers IOWA MOUNTAlNEEIl8 the New York governor said they would resent his telling them how Thursday 4-5:30 p. m. Everyone There will be a skalin, lIarl1 .t came away with the idea thai to run their business. Pipe Major Melroire lake Sunday, Peb. 11, .t WILLI,"! ADAMSON 1:30 p. m., wellther pennittinl. If Dewey is concentrating' most of hJ s Democrats made out as if they the ice is too soft for skating, meet Mforls now on cleaning up the were vastly unimpressed by the GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS at engineeting buildin, for an pa rty machinery in New York whole business. Senator George alternate event. Bring 45 Cents to slate in preparation for a race for (D., Ga.) thought the speech There probably will be 12 Lydia oover cost of admission and rr­ reelection in 1946. fie lost New "sounded like II college declaMa­ C. Roberts graduate fellowships freshments. Register vJith leader York in the ordinarily strong GOP available for the year 1945-46 to by Satu rday (loon by telephoning tion." Senator Tydings (D., Md. ) graduates of an Iowa college or upstate sector. felt it lacked "oomptr." 5563. university fo r study at Columbra ANsn MARTIN It he Wi ns reelection as governor, university_ Applicati ons should be most polifiiians here think Dewey made before Feb. 15 at the office Le&der will be IJack in t h er~ pi fching (or U. S. Watches of the dean or the colle!!e ot Jib­ the 1948 presidential nomination. Fot Fleeifta Nett; eral arts, or direct to Philip M. CANDIDATES FOR DEG.• '" He will be backed then by experi­ Hayden, secretary, Columbia uni­ All students who expect 'fo re­ ence gained in the last campaign. War Crimina" versity, New York City. cei ve a degree or cerlificate at tilt Some of that experience already These fellowshlpq are awarded April 22 Commencement ! t8bould has cropped out in his dealings annually to persons of the Cau~ ma ke formal application .Immedl· WASHINGTON (AP) - Amer­ casian race, ot ei ther sex, born ately in the office of the Re,iBtrar, with members of congress. Ican obserVers in Spain and Portu­ in the state of Iowa, whQ have University hall. ' For instance, he has told Repub­ ial are keeping a sharp lookout been graduated frOm a college or, HARRY G. BA. lican senatars and house members university located in Iowa, and . Rel~ that he doesn'! intend to attempt these dllYs lor fleeing Nazi war selected because of their scholar­ fo dicta te the party's poliCies in cirrninals, acting Secretary of ship, seriouSness at purpose: moral convess. He tried tentatively to State Grew disclosed yesterday_ character and need ot financial offer a generalized program at a assistanCe. Incumbents a re ~U~­ TAU GAMMA -' At the same time he called in­ conference earlier, but quickl y ible for reappointment, No Rob­ Tau d amma will meet' at 31!' (ossed it overboar d when he felt directly for definite assurances erts fellows may pursue, is ma­ S. Clintbrt Itreet, apartment t, filii a Valentines' party Monday eVe­ the tempe'r of the meE-ting. (rom neufral cOUlltries that fhey jors, the studies of law. medicine. _ dentist ~ y. veterinary medicine or ning at 7:45. Dewey a]so assured legislatOrs Will not harbor Allis fing leaders theology. Each feUowshlp pro­ MZIt~E "LEMI~Q, that he doe~ 't p lan to fnake a lot wbo escape from Germariy. Pabilctty' elraltmlni' of speeches, but wiu tall( once til a vides an annual stipend or $1,100. The subject e.~ up for a thoi ­ while on major questions. In accepting the ward. the holder ·The New York govprnor'h speeeh outh lIirltl' lit C1re .... ·s news con­ mus' slate his purpose to return tlOr.m ECO~OMICs here thursday night prod aced cOf/­ ference, In con6ectlon with reports to the state of Iowa for a period CONVOCATION' flictin.r reactions among the GOP that Brrtain and Arjent1na made of at least two years following the A convocation of home econo­ congressmen and senators. who a seeret atgr~t la8[ s u~i completion of his studies at Co· mics students Will be held iii the with their wives, made up are by which the Ar,entillft pfedi ed lumbia vniverslty. , • senate chamber of Old Cipltol major share ot the audience. themselves fo Ibut their doors IInRY , ~. N~1JftN. De.~ Tu ~sday, Feb. 13 at 7: 3' p. JII. As :In example, Semrtor "Brew­ a,ajnst Hmer and his nk. Colle.e of Liberal "'rlli Attendance is required of ap tnt ster- (R., Me.) said he thoughf he The agreement was reves1ed In jors. Others are invIted. had dr awn an excellent GOP docu- Buenos Atre8 after Lord Vamflttart D!!r~ 1I1ent. "Putting President Roose­ had criticiftd Argentina and other 8rmsq~ COLLEGE DINN.E1l Ross, A3, will preside as ""era Velt on the spot" by his denumd far neulra~s in a speech in the House The Student Pellows~lp troup chairman. t ~ contmous American partiCipation of Lords at London three day's ago. , ot S!lhpsorr cot1ege, Indianola, is lfOOblvn; ;G the' political deciSions Wbich are The Ar,entlnes were repotfed snn. .'"!shaping Ihe wprld to come. as sayln, thaf fhis constituted a , •, te-nt 1'1...... VII!nU'IIH WIll )e matlitl In hdlding its itllrd ann up I Intema- fiead ,,; 'be Rome leohollleJ ("Blrt two-tb ird~ ot bls audience violation of the a'reem~nt ; that VAL.~ · O.*ETn1G8 ...... 8 ,eu... let ...... abeye', plOve Chat me wllelt DIll war. Is ...... _.&..w ~ "alleenee mIIke. tile hear' ir,"" ' ~ohal dinner on its campuB De ...,...... , ...... Cae anieI IIIflKaIf "'JIIWIIe • ~ - "' , IIMN IRS' "" Ii &lie ... -" , , 1 - I... ,'. .!:.I rI oJ. b .I k ' -;nere didn't like It," Brewster sald. Britain had tn'omised to refrain .", .end CO tevp/I , Ill. '''rhey wanted to hear the kind of from such crltlcisrn in return for -:;;!tw::-", ~ ~JIteI' r~ " -- 01 .... DHIrIII Ie; F". 14 ...... tIai ..~ ~ It7 w.... WI ..'" Wlelr hive , Thu~da~ g, re lI,eX- ...... _II tIie Ale Veraea apeak of-tbe·bapp"' ...... :...... b'" _•• w~. . .- . . I tentis 11'1, inVitation to stude~t, at (See 8ULLETIM PIt",.) speech Joe Martin made wbtm He the assurances. lie..., ...... # ...... eu o... er ••. 0.,. .. ,. IATUB.DAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1945 .- - l' HE D A I L T lOW A N, lOW A C ITY, lOW A PAGE TIIllD = Shoe R.tail.... Juniors to Pr.sent Sweetheart, AHendants Will Be Presented Prof. A. Craig Baird Releases Bulletin Book, Bask.t Club- Weslmin,sler To 5.11 OcId-l.ot Play at St. Mary's At Currier Dance in Iowa Union Tonight Shoes Ration·F.... Concerning Members of Delta Sigma Rho • Assembly Monday Iowa City shoe dealen will have department of the San Diego Tri­ Half The junior class 01 51. Mary', [hoi~Program limited quantities of odd lot Ihoes ProI. A Cralg Balrd of lhe high school will present a one-acl that will be sold to consumen ra- speech department bas coi­ bune. ju~t UeuL Orvllle Penoe play, "Wildcat Willie' Gets Girl tion-free during the two-week lec~ and released a bullehn .con­ Trouble," at a student assembly, period Feb. 19 through March 3,1 cermng mem~rs of ~lta SI~a Lieut. Orville Pence was in the Monday. Announced landings in Sicily, Italy and soulli­ Century according to local shoe dealers. Rho, honorary Incolleglate debah,!g The cast is as ronows: Willie, Most t d th I allot- fraternity. Included in the bulletin ern France and rect.nUy visited s ores un er e r which was compiled to be sent es- Iowa City on his way to Florida Jack Shrader; his sister Gladys, The Westminster choir, under m~nt, plan to have fro~ 100 to ISO pecially to servicemen are the gen­ for reassignment. When Lillian• •Russell • was the Marilyn Mottet; Mrs. Wilkins, \be direction of John Finley Will­ palr released from ratIOn. current queen and the Gay Nine­ Jeanne Lienemann; Angel, the 'lrl Th l' limited to men's eral whereabouts of all members Initiates or 1944 include: T. Gor­ Iamson, will present a concert e sa e IS , who were initiated at the Univer­ ties were in full swinK, five plume­ next door, Betty Shay; Allison, the den Christensen who was dis­ hatted ladies met in the home.. of unexpected guest, Betty Bar17; Wednesday evening in the main dress and w~rk shoes and women ~ sity of Iowa chapte:- since 1933. charged trom the army for physi­ lOUD,e of Iowa Union at 8 o'clock. shoesa~d Will. not ~ude JOulhs Included in the bulletin are the Mrs. G. T. W. Patrick, 784 N. Du­ Cary, Glady's boy friend, PaUl or boys shoes, accordilll to Wal- roUowing' cal disability. He entered the 10wa buque street, to form the present Haman; Vernon, Angel's ardent Tlil! Is the fourlh concert in the college of law and is now president concert course series. ter D. Kline, director of the Des Am . th " U t f 1933 is Book and Basket club. Orgaonized admirer, Dale Johnson; Joe, John Moines OPA district. ong e 101 ~ es 0 of Del ta Sigma Rho. during tbe fall of 1895. It was the O'Brien. ' The choir will open the program Kline stated that before ration- Tom Yoseloff, presL~ent and edUor Corwin Cornell was graduated first nei,hborhood club in town. "';Jth Mo tet "Sing Ye to the Lord" Willie's ,irl friends are; Janet, ing odd lot shoes were customarily ot the publishing firm of Bernar.d Irom Ft. Benning, Ga., and has The Initial organization was Mary Kubik; Judy, Christian Ad­ (a ach) 'in four parts: Allegro disposed of in seasonal clearance Ackerman, Inc., New York. He IS gone on to other assignments. called the North End Book and rian; Fran, Caral Chopek; Mary, Moderato-"Sing Ye to the Lord"; sales, but under the ration pro- also the author of several recent Ruth Reln.inea Basket club because the boundary Plorence Fout; Rosie, Bonni e Andante Sostenuto-"iLike as a gram it has been found that this books. Ruth Reininga is at the Ameri­ for membership eligibility was Blaha; JOSle, Wilma Donovan. 'Ither Bendeth"; Poco Allegro­ odd lot merchandise does not sell Coliman Yudelson, who has been can Red Cross headquarters at SL. "north 01 Fairchild street; west of Ba.rt Toohey and Andy Chucka­ "Praise ye the Lord"; Allegro for stamps, even at reduced prices. Oil active duty since November, Louis In the speakers' bureau. Gilbert street and east of the Iowa las will serve as "tage managers. Vivace-"All Breathing Life." 1940, spent 21 months in active Eleanol' Keagy is with Kenyon river." "It was organized solely The play Is under the direction They wlll next sing "CruciUxus" service overseas in England and and Eckhardt, advertisers in Chi­ for thase within its neighborhood of Velma Martin. (LotU), followed by "C 0 m e AIrica. At the present time he is cago. boundary who might be cut 0([ B.lellSed Rest" (Bach). with the personnel division ot the from a sufficient social life, and An owl cannot actually see In Baird Lisls war department general star! and Donald Ecroyd is a graduate stu­ Brahms' Motet, Opus 29; No. 2 dent in speech at SUI. for the promotion of happiness and total darkness. (Psalm 51) In three parts' will also holds the rank of lieutenant col­ future development oC Its mem­ onel. Velma Martin is a senior at the be SU h,. The parts are: Andante bers." University of (owa, where she Is "Once a member, always a Modera to-"Create in Me, 0 God"; Forensic Plans Coun~J AUomeJ secretary of Delta Sigma Rho and , Andante Expressive-"O Cast Me John D. Moon, county attorney member," was the slogan adopted president ot Gavel club, under­ by the group at the suggestion qt Not Away From Thy Counten­ of Wapello county, recently at­ graduate debating or(;anjzation. Notice of Primary EI.ction Prot. A. Crai, B a I r d of tracted state-wide attention by his Mrs. J . A. McKinley a few years ~ nce"; t.ndante--"Grant Unto Me ag~ , the Joy of Thy Salvation." To DOLORES PAUL and Waller Bloom, feature eniertalners with Bob of the speech department and prosecution of alleged law v1ola­ Berkey and his Musical Gems who will play for the CUrTier Sweel­ director of sforsenlcs an noun­ tors at Ottumwa, a lqrge navy n1r­ Meeting every other week on NoUce is hereby given to the close the first half ot the program Skating to Be Feature quaU!Jed electors ot Iowa Cit)', the choir will Sing "Ballad for heart dance tonigbt from 8:30 to 11 :30 at Iowa Union, I'd In a bit of ces that the foliowln, for­ base trai ni ng station. Monday, the organization was all­ practice berore lbe performance. The band has been playlnr currently ensic program for the University prlately captioned by Mrs. Joseph Johnson County, Iowa that a pri­ Americans" (Earl Robinson). This PubUsher of the Jefferson See mary election will be held at the at tbe Club Madrid In Louisville, Ky. of Iowa hall been scheduled: lind Jefferson Herold Is Fred E. Rich. At each meeting a short selection was arranged for the At Gym Open House story was read or current events re,ular polling places in the sev­ choir by the composer. .. .. Feb. 20-10wa vs. Coe at the Morain, who gradulI.led from Jaw Stcpping through• * *white stream- {ormal. On the committee. are Pat Coe college chapel on the subject school III 1937. He is a past presi­ dlscUSlied, and during the after­ eral election precincts of Iowa Roller katlng will be the gen­ Following intermission the pro­ ers centering a red heart back­ Emal, A3 of Iowa Falls; Jeahne "Prohibition of Strikes." Vir,inln noon, members worked on their City, Iowa, on Monday, Februray ,ram Includes: "Ezekiel .Saw de dent of the Chamber of Commerce. eral feature ot the weekly open drop, the queen of the Currier Baker, A4 of Milwaukee, Wis.; Rosenberg, Al ot Burlin,ton, and An initiate of 1934, John M. personal sewing or mending which 26, 1945. Wheel" (WIlUam L. Dawson); house at the womens' gymnasium they brought In baskets. "Bring Sweetheart semi-formal dance to­ Jeanne Wilson, A4 of Des Moines; Dorothy Kottemann, A2 of Bur­ Harrison is now editor oC the St. tonight. A complete sellout of The polls will be open {rom "Water Boy" (Avery ltobinson); night from 8::(0 to 11 :30 at Iowa Ruth Schultz, A2.0( Waterloo; Ar­ lington, will be Iowa's representa­ your work and otherwise leave "Set Dl1Wn Servant" (Robert Helena Ore., Sentinel-Mist. For tickets by 8 o'clock has been com­ your burdens at home, and let seven o'clock A. M. to eight o'clock Union, will be presented by Cur­ lene Nelson, A2 of Sioux City; tive speakers at this annual affair. merly, he edited the Oakland, Shaw); "01' Man River" (Jerome mon the past few weeks, so patrons your light shine," was the theme. P. M . rier President Mary Jane Neville. Margaret Daughton, C4 of Mt. Feb. 23-24-Unlversity of Wis­ Iowa, Acorn. are urged to come early. Kern-O'Hara); "The Shower" (W. The four attendants, entering from Ayr; Ruth York, A4 of Melrose, consin Invitational Forensic Tour­ A $5 fine was charged if refresh­ At this primary election candi· Aniel!I); "Whoop-ee, Ti Yi Yo" Pror. R . Clay Hanhbarrer Univ rsity students, faculty ments were served by the hostess. the side of the heart, will be pre­ Mass., and Marjory Swanson, A3 nament. Two debate teams, com­ Prof. H. Clay Harshbarger IS members and ervicemen are In­ dates are to be nominated by the (Geoffrey O'Hara); "Old Black sen ted before the entrance of the of Webster City. Most apparent among the posed ot four speakers will be sent executive secretary of the liberal vited. One hundred pairs of changes in activities which have Republican and Democratic par­ Joe" (Stephen Foster-D. H. queen. Maestro Burkey and his IS-piece to this conference. ties for the following oUices: Jones); "Navajo War Dance" arts advisory program at the Uni­ skates arc available. Privately taken place during the 50 years To a medley of "sweetheart band, who were playing currently Feb. 23-24-Mlssourl Valley In­ versity of Iowa, where he also Is owned skates may be used if they (Arlhur Farwell). music" by Bob Berkey and his at the Club Madrid in LouisvllIe, of the clUb's existence, Is the mak­ One Mayor tercollegiate Forensic tournament, director of radio speech programs have fabric or wooden wheels and in, ot shelter qUilts, chIldren' Tickets for this concert will be Musica~ Gems who wlll play for Ky., will feature, as special enter­ under the auspices of the Univer­ and of special courses in radio. are passed by the inspector. One Treasurer ayallable at Iowa Union begin­ the dance, the queen will lead the quilts for bundles tor Britain, and tainers, vocaUst Dolores Paul, sity of Nebraska. Four debaters Slnee-1939, Harry G. Barnes has There wUl be no swimming to­ the contributions to the Red Cross, One Police Judae nmg Monday. 'Students must pre­ grand ma~ch immediately after the guitarist and vocalist W a I t e r from the University of Iowa will been re,istrar at the State Univer­ night, but othcrwise open house One Park Commi sioner .enl 1jdentitication cards and will presentation. the war relief and clilneer conttol. Bloom, and the Three Jewels, a atlentl the tournament at Lincoln, sity of 10V/a. will be as usual. The rooms wi)! Also today the hastcsses tor the Two aldermen -at-large receive theIr tickets without A .1 :30 night has been declared vocal trio which includes Band­ Neb. From the 1986 roster of initiates. be open for anyone who wishes to darle: Tickets are also on sale for alJ Currier women who atlend master Berkey. meetLnas serve refreshments and One Alderman {or each ward Feb. 24-(tentalive date), Inter­ Robert Blakely is a marine lleuten­ play table tennis and the confer­ the pre ent 34 members hold a fo~ the general pUblic. the dance. . Tickets to the dance wlll be dls­ collegiate tournament at Iowa ant In the PhllippiDP. zone. He was ence room will be open for those mid-winter and May picnic. At this primary election caodl­ Although the queen and her at­ tl'lbuted in the south lobby of Cur;­ formerly administrative secretary desiring to play cards. dates are to be elected by the Re­ tendants, named on . a ba:sjs of rier hall from II a. m. to 2 p. m. State Teachers college, Cedar The organization which Is now of the domestic branch of OWL General admission for skating Is more than six times It'll orlglnl\l publican and Democrlltic parties beauty and popularity, we r e Miss Wilson, Miss Nelson and Bar­ Falls. Four Iowa speakers will A graduate of the Yale law 25 cents. Doris Bird, A2 ot Keo­ size, was tounr;le4 by Mra. Samuel tor the foUowing oCilces; Roy~r Agne to' Speak elected Wednesday, the announce­ bara Thompson will check ticket­ altend. school, Robert King Is connected kuk, will be cashier; Allce Adair, Hayes, Mrs. Patrick, Mrs. Frlll1k ment will not be made until their holders at " the door. White pro­ March 8·9-Western Confer­ with the New York City law firm A2 of Redding, Is in charge of FOX, Mrs. Will liotz and Mrs. Wil­ For members of the party ci\;y At War 'Fund Meeting presentatJon. . grams, tied with red silk cord, ence Men's Forensic tournament central committee, one man and ..., .' at Northwestern university. of Root, Clark,Buckn&r and Bal­ checking; Mary Ellen Schneider, cox. Ot the two living charter Jean Newland is chairman of the feature an oldtime red heart cen­ lantine. A2 of Des Moines, will plan re­ one woman. committee for the annual sl?rlng tered by the Currier monol/ram. memben, Mrs. Patrick now makes ·The J9411 Johnson county' War E. Stalen BrownLnl' freshments, and Janet Cumming, her home in Ca\l!ornia and Mrs. (lind campaign meeting to be held Capt. E. Staten .Browning has For delegates to the City Con. Instructor in the physical educa­ Hayes In Massachusetts. venUon. Feb. 12 a\. the Elks club will fea­ -Students in Hospital .! been overseas In the European tion department, will act as (acuity Present outcen of the Book , ture as the overseas speaker, Roya I Betty Jan'eBeer to'Wed John Maxey theater ot war for the past two chaperon. and Basket club are Mrs. H. J... Dated thl 9th day of February, clyde Agne, assistant manager of JanetCa Coder, N4 of Newton­ year~. Dorothy Bonn, A3 of Highland Hegland, president; Mrs. A. O. J945. llie American Red Cross midwest­ Second West Private Orvin P. Larson, after receiving Park, Ill., Is general chairman ot Satinforth, vice-president, and ern 'area office. In Double Ring Cere~ony This M9rning Elizabeth Kimmel, Nl of Des his Ph. D. degree in speech at the the open house and Marian Olson, Mrs. R. R. Sherman, seeretary­ •Agne has held this position since Moines-Isolation Univer Ity of Iowa, later became Al of Mason City, Is the skating treasurer. 1941. He has served the Red Cross Before an altar decorated with veil and a corsage of pink and Shirley Lowrey, Nt of Keokuk acting head of the dep~rtment of rink manager. June Macabee, A2 In various capacities tor more than carnations and snapdragons, Betty white sweetpeas. Her jcweiry will --Second West Private speech at Indiana State univerSity. of Decatur, Ill., will assist as rink Stem rot occurs nearly every­ l'A years. Jean Beer, daughter of Mr. and be pearls. Winifred Kale, NI of Rock Is­ Unlll last year Paul Hendrick manager. where sweet polatoes are grown. His tirst Red Cross service was Mrs. Jesse L . Beer, Coralville A black crepe dress has been land, Ill.-Isolation wa .. with the foreign economic ad­ as a volunteer in Beirut, Syria, Heights, will become the bride of chosen by the bride's molher. Mrs. Jo Ann Vlggers, Nl of Des ministration In Washington, D. C. Phi Gamma Delta where he assisted in case work for John B. Maxey, son of Mr. and Maxey will wear a green dress, Moines-Isolation Now he Is general manager of the Armenian deportees from Tur­ Mrs. J. B. Maxey, route 4. this and each will have a corsage of Mimi Fischman, AI of St. Louis, Commercial de Guadalojara, Ja­ To Honor Alumnus lisco, Mexico. key, while teaching at the Ameri­ morning at 8:30 in St. Mary's sweetpeas. Mo.-5econd West Private With Party Tonight church. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. H. Wedding Breakrast Vernell Malone, Ai of Cortland, Robftrt. chulz can. University there. He was also A recent promotion raised Rob­ the founder of the Boy Scout Meinberg will ofliciate at the After the ceremony a wedding Neb.-Isolation double ring ceremony and Zita Helen Eaton, Nl of Cresco-Sec­ ert Schulz to the rank of lieutenant Phi Gamma Delta social frater­ movement in Syria and Palestine. breakIast will be servcd in the D colonel. nity will have a party at the chap­ After returning to the United Fuhrmann of Iowa City will be and L drill. Pink and while snap­ ond West Private organist. Robert Kooiker, M3 of Iowa Mrs. E. Staten Browning (Betty ter house tonight at 8 o'clock hon­ States, he spent eight years doing dragons and sweetpeas will deco­ Holt) is with the bureau of public oring WlIUam Carmichael of Chi­ !Oclal settlement work in Brook­ Attending Lhe bride as maid of rate the lable. City-Second West Private Nellie Wilson, N3 of Wapello­ relatloM, .. war .. department., . .I n cago, who Is chief of sectlon 10 of lyn, Oleveland and Chicago. honor will be Susan Showers of For her wedding trip the bride Washington, D. O. Iowa City. Timothy Kelly of Ward C53 Phi Gamma Delta. Lloyd Coomes, h9S chosen a powder blue uil w.ith SergI. Merle Miller is on the Iowa City will serve as best man Ruth Roudabush, Ai of Brook­ Al of Buffalo Center, is in charge white and black accessories. She slaU,of the Yank and has been in 'Religious Opera' and usher will be George Mc­ lyn-Ward C34 of the aUair. will wear a shol\lder corsage of the PaciIic. To Be Discussed Cl'ory of Iowa City. sweetpeas. Bessie Jennings, NI of ArHng­ ton-8eeond West Private Mrs. Paul S. Kempf (Dorothea The Rio de Oro is not a river, At Student Vespers Floor-Len.Ph Gown Miss Beer aLtended University Guenther) has been traveling over but a 16-mile long bay named by Given in marriage by her father, high school and was graduated Doris Owens, N4 of North Eng­ the country with her husband who lish-Isolation Portuguese traders five centuries Lhe bride will be attired in a from the college of commerce of is in the navy, and has been work­ Prof. W. Leigh Sowers of the Vlsltlnl' Hour'll ago when they bartered tor ,old floor-length white gown, the salin the University of Iowa in August. ing in the classified advertising dust with the nativcs in Africa. English department will discuss bodice of which is styled with a She is employed as a secretary in Private Patients-IO a. m. to 8 "Religious Opera" at the Presby­ sweetheal·t neckline and bridal the psychology department of the p.m. terian student vespers at 4:30 point sleeves. Her bouffant ~klrt University of Iowa. ~ Ward Patients-2-

HEAR THE CARE IT DESERVES WESTMINSTER CHOIR HtJ number of new electric John FInley WUliCDlUlOn, Conductor T irons now available is very limited and will continue so for WEDNESDAY, lOme time to come. In the mean­ 8:00 p, M. While your pre!Jent iron will have to continue filling its important • Iowa Memorial Untoa wartime assignment. To make sure that it doesn't fail you , heed the tips listed above. Better care means lonler wear-lellS repair. __AN LIADEl of the lI'ijIplno ruerrlllu, Maj. Claude E. Fertig 1I11hown above with hi, wlte at LaJunta, Colo., where he hllll arrived Geo. Adm. Tlcb. May Be Obtained Without CbClfQe By to lpelld a SO-day lea.ve. lin. F~rtl r remained with her hUiband In Holdera of Student IdentUlcatloa Carda I · till PhWpplne, when the Ialaadll were aelsed by the Jape &tid waa 10W~.ILLlI011 las *rtIq rttumed to thla coun\J'Y OIlly four monthl ago. While with Tickets A.,aUabl. to the Geaeral Publ1u the lUerrUlu, Mr• • Ftrtlr cave birth to • bab1 ilaughter, now 13 $1.20 UncludIDCJ tax) aiD ELEOTRIO 00. MUla oIfl, .~! n, attede4 ~l, _nauVl 1'Ill~~ ..-. ( lDtulJAtiQzW) , " pAGEFOVR T I!'t 1) A t L Y "I 0 11 A If: 1 0 .. A . C t f f, -1 0 \V A SATOIlDAY.-FEBRUARY 10, INS I-owe ·Feces • Double -Test 'Ohio State ·MaybeSo (adet Play TakesOver Tigers Tonight

Foe Possesses Highest Seahawks Should Have League Point Average; First Place fbe Ones Easy Go With Missouri; Boilermakers Next That co~nt Same Five to Start Buckeyes Overwhelm Iowa Po s. lndlana Probable startll1&' lIneup!! Ives ...... LF...... Herrmann Wisconsin, lJ4.34; SeallJl.wks Pos. lI!iSOuri Postels ...... RF ...... Copeland Victors Divide Scoring Baggott ...... L1" MikelSon C. Wilkinson .... _C .... Kralovansky By BOB KRAUSB Weavcl' ...... RF ...... Weir Dally Iowan Sports Editor Spencer ...... LG ...... Mercer MADISON, Wis. (AP) - Ohio Holland ...... C ...... HeInsohn H. Wilkinson .... RG .. Brandenburg State took possession or first place fHAT ' WORD "CRUCIAL" has Pugsley ...... LG ... Stiegmeier All Iowa basketba 11 tans will in the Western conference basket­ been beaten to death by a good Klein ...... RG ...... Kurash have their ears glued to the wave ball race la~t night by trouncing many typewriters. Pub I i c it y OffiCials: Fr d Winter (Grin· leniUls tonight as the Iowa Hawk­ Wisconsin, 63 to 34. hounds have slugged the lile .out nell) and Bill F rr II (Minne­ eyes engage the Indiana Hoosiers The victory pushed the Buck­ of it and the reading public yawns sota) . In perhaps the most crucial test 01 eyes past the Iowa Hawkeyes with when it sees it. And yet. It this Gunning for their seventh the season tor the title-hungry whom they had been tied for the isn't a crucial week for a certain straight victory nnd their 15th tri­ Iowans. top with five wins against one de­ basketball team lhen we never umph or the seaSOn the Iowa Sea­ Currently leading the conlerence feal saw one. hawks will oppose the Missouri race, along with Ohio State, Coach Superior Helchl This ·partlcular team, as if you Tigers in th iieldhouse this eve- Po):>s Harrison's rangy quintet will Breaking up the Badgers' efforts didn·t know, is Iowa's Hawkeyes. ning. j be shooting for its sixth league to "freeze" the ball, Ohio State You may also have heard that this Jl Was against the Tigers that win out of seven games pluyed. pumped in long shots and used its club is making a two-day junket the Navy five start d its present The Hoosiers, although resting at superior height to earn a 14-5 lead. into a couple oI bristling Indiana winning str\!ok with a record the bottom along with Minnesota Turning on the speed, the Buck­ basketball towns-La1'ayelte and breaking 74-38 triumph. Since and Northwestern, possess the City HighDefeats eyes took a commanding 37-15 Bloomington, in reverse order. then the C;ldets have rolled over highest ottensive record with an WildcatsH alt margin at halltlme. Two Coun' Drake twice, Camp Ellis, Ne­ average of over 45 pojnts per gsme. Stubborn Franklin No Doubt Cloee Delea.. Well, the way things are sbap­ braska. llnd Bunker Hill naval air Most ot the losses have been With the issue no longer in ing up in the Big Ten, tonigh t and WAYNE WEAVER. SEAJIA'VK FORWARD station. close, two of them coming by one InLast Period Wolverines doubt, Ohio State played its re­ Monday evening are going to be However, Seahawk coaches are point. The Hawkeyes, In their pre­ serves through much of the second the two occasloll5 which count lor not discounting Missouri's chances vious wt, had trouble downing Northwestern Breaks hall. Paced by forward Rod Sau­ Iowa. If they don't win both con­ here tonight as the Tiger team has them by the slim margin of five Hawklets Display Poor dlll, who scored five baskets, the tests you might as well kiss that Eight Teams Enter been gaining speed in recent weeks points, 56 to 51. Long Losing Streak Buckeye subs showed fire and Big Ten title good and hal'd, be­ Ohio State and comes to Iowa City with re­ Play in 34-29 Win; dash against a Wisconsin team So, as the Hawkeyes hend Into For 49 to 34 Triumph cause you may never see it again, cent Victories over lowa Slate and Van Deusen Gets Ten that clearly had an off night. this year at any rate. Michigan Relays; Nebraska. Coach George Edwards the lo st half stretch drive for the Caudill, subbing for Don Grate, conlerence tille, it becomes more Did you notice what Ohio State has regrouped his forces for the By CHAR FERRIS ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP)-Pil­ took point honors lor the wlnner~ Coach Stays and more evident that they will dld to Wisconsin last n I g h t, 179 to Compete Iowa invasion. sending Ed Mikel­ Dally Iowan Sports Writer Ing up a 15-point lead early in the with 10 tallies. Ray Patterson led son to forward, wh fe he can team likely have to win all their re­ In their poorest exhibition of second half, Northwestern broke Wisconsin with 13. brother? After that one the Badg­ maining games to snatch the title. ers, supposed to be a dark horse, COLUMBUS, 0 hi 0 (AP) ­ ANN ARBOR, M[CH., (AP)­ up with Heinsohn to compose one baskelba 11 all season, Iowa City's a five-game victory fllmine to of the tallest forward lines in the Even then they might be forced way to a scant 34-29 victory over whip Michigan, 49 to 34, last night Ohio State FG FT PF TP have become bleached. Unless There doesn't seem to be much Eight midwestern college track to share it with the Buckeyes of you're sucker enough to bet one doubt about it-the "acling" will teams, represented Ly 179 entries, middle west. Harold Weir has also LItUe Hawk cagers battled their in II Big Ten basketball game be­ Grate, t ...... 4 1 0 1 8 been shifted to a forward slot Ohio State. The Bucks are run­ the last place Franklin Thunder­ fore 4.000 fans. team against the other on a bas­ be dropped (rom Carroll Widdoes' line up here tonight for 15 events ning neck-and-neck with th e Caudill. f ...... 5 0 2 10 o( the Michigan R~lays, the slate's where his scoring ability may be bolts in Cedar Rapids last night. , Northwestern's ketball parley ticket you won't Ohlo State university football Hawks and a defeat Is necessary Dugger, f-c ...... 4 1 2 9 coaching title, lil'st big meet of the indoor track felt, as he was high SCOl"er for the Way off their usual good game, Big Ten scoring leader, was I1mlted pick Northwestern to beat the for the Iowans cause. Illinois, hOW­ Snyder, :f ...... 3 0 1 6 Buckeyes tonight, either. season . Tigers in their victories over Iowa the Hawklets had to fight for to one basket in the first half by McFadden, :f ...... 1 2 That is if Widdoes wants the State and Nebl·aska. In another ever, repr~ents a great threat to 0 0 Though no team champion is to every basket as the Franklin team Miehigan's John Mullaney but Risen, c ...... 2 3 2 7 How Good head coaching job left vacant yes­ change Genc Kurash, who scored the Hawkeyes, but Coach Harri­ terday when Lleut. Paul E. Brown be crowned, the Univel'sity of put up a strong chnJienge to the banged in eight points in the sec­ Pfeiffer, c ...... 2 2 0 6 Incidentally, one way to judge 16 points in the previous meeting son and the Hawks have vowed to Michigan leads in entries with 47, Red and White throughout the ond hall to hike his total to 125 Huston, g ...... 3 5 7 just how good the Bucks are is to signed a contract to coach the with the navy team ,has been beat the Illinl for the one-point 1 Cleveland entry in the Ali-Ameri­ followed by Notre Dame with 31, entire con test. for eight games. Amling, g ...... 3 2 1 8 take a gllm at last night's box shifted to a guard pOsition fOr­ defeat they handed them at Cham­ can Professional Football league. Ohio State 28. Purdue and West­ Cold Spell Leads corers Simms, g ...... 0 0 3 0 score. There will you see the mark merly held by Paul Collins. paign, Jan. 26. Widdoes, who was Brown's as­ ern Michigan 27 each, Michigan After starting out with a bang Frank Wright, guard for the Jacobs, g ...... -...... 0 0 1 0 of greatness. The point-making The Seaha wks lin'eup will re­ Come Through was almost evenly divided among sistant both at Massillon (Ohio) State 15, Marquette thrt.'e and Case in the !irst few minutes of the Wildcats, played brilliant ball to one. mmn the same as that Which At ahy rate, the Iowa basketball first quarter, the Little Hawks lead all scorel'S with 12 points. Totals ...... 27 9 18 63 a ll those present. high school and at Ohio State, be­ Case's lone entry, received yes­ started the la st two Cadet encoun· clientele are keeping their fingers lapsed into cold spell as shot Michigan's forward Bob Geahan Well, to get back to the business came acting head coach last spring a terday, is William Lund, Natioqul ters, with Bob BaggOtt, the new crossed and praying that the led the Wolverines with ]0 points. WlsconsLn FG FT Pi-' Tt at band. The way it looks to us when Brown joined the navy. His after shot missed Its mark. The A.A.U. broad jump ehampion who offenSive star, teaming IV i t h Hawkeyes can come through their Michigan, failing to connect with the tougher of the two contests 1944 team went through a nine­ last quarter saw the Hawklets has done 24 Wayne Weaver at the forwards; first double road trip in many its shots in the first half, fell be­ Bunke, f ...... 1 2 1 4 will not be tonight's affair, but game schedule without a defeat or feet. 'hitting something of their old Ohio State's contingent is headed tall Joe Holland, leading scorer years unscathed. It the Old Gold stride. although they hardly hind, 9 to 6, In the first seven min­ Smith, f ...... 2 1 3 5 that business Wilh Purdue on Mon­ a tie and won the Western confer­ with 198 points. at centcr. and Jim cagers can dispel the ugly r umor utes of play and Northwestern Mathews, f ...... 1 0 1 2 enc!! championsh Ip. by shot-putters Russ Thomas and looked likc the team or the past day. The Boilermakers present n Bill Willis and the Big Ten pole Klein and Charley Pugsley at the that they may not win out of town then :sank nine stra ight poi nts for Patterson, f-c .. . .. 5 3 4 13 L. W. St. John. Ohio State ath­ few weeks. paradox. Some time ago they lost vault champion, Johnny Schmit. guards. with a viclory tonight, the future lligh man for the Red and an 18 to 6 lead. At hal(time the Bachman, c ...... 0 0 2 Q their best scorer, Billy Gosewehr, letic director. said today no date will take on a much brighter hue. Rosendah I, c ...... 0 0 0 0 had been set for the selection of Marquette's thrce-man entry White was Jimmy Van Deusen Wildcats led, 26 to 18. to the army. includes Ken Wiesner, who won Trim Lead J ohnson, g ...... 1 4 1 6 Brown's permanent successor. who, in spite of miSSing a number Steam Alone Purdue Relays with a leap o( 0 of his usuol sUl'e set shots, scored The Wolverines rallied to out­ Zorn, g ...... u •• 0 0 0 0 Since then, instead of faJiing Natives hunting wild yak in feel 5 ~ inches . five field goals and three free score Northwestern, 12 to 4, over Goedn", g ...... 2 0 0 .. apart at the seams, they have been Grimm, g ...... 0 0 0 0 Tibet generally Ilo in pairs, for Ben HarveY, Purdue veteran: Irish Victors throws to give .him a total of 13 a nine-minute ~pan a short time steaming along like a hot Boiler. the beast, unless m01'la1ly wound­ g Don Murphy of NOll'e Dame, ana later, trimming tile lead to 40 to Hollinger, .·.h.· ..... 0 0 1 0 Bob LewiS, a V-12 trainee, not points. ed, will charge furiol1sly at his Julian Witherspoon of Michigan 34 with four minutes to play. Sullivan, I ...... 0 0 1 0 only stepp d into Gosewehr's shoes Trails Van Deusl'n attacker . are expected to wage a three-way Trailing Van Deusen by one NOrthwestern's victory was its but, by now, he's outgrown them. fight in the GO-dash, only individ­ By 41 to 21 pOint was City High's other high first in the Big Ten since Jan. 12, Total...... ~ ..... 12 10 14 3. Add tha\ to the fact that Purdue FLY when the Wildcat · downed Minne­ ual sprint evenl on the program. scorer, Bob Freeman, who dumped Is coached by Piggy Lambert, who, Ray Helsing oC Purdue, Tom sota. 52 to 33. besides having a loud voice, has Now YOU Can Leam B)' BEHYE NEAL in five field goals and two ehal'ity McSpaden Leads White of Ohio State und Ross Wil­ losses for a 12 point total. Michigan is at Wisconsin and NEW ORLEANS (ApI-Harold a large and efficient brain. You U-High Conquers Ground and Fllrht classes Ju' Dall)' Iowan Sporl8 Writer Northwest rn entertains 0 h I 0 lard of Michigan arE' st3ndouts in starting. Cal) today. Dual III­ As City High's basketeers led (Jug) McSpaden. the steady man can be sure that Piggy will have a wide-open fi Id in the mile and The flghtlng Shamrocks ot St. State today. tricks enough ready to make Man­ strullUon !tlven. Trajnlne plaDeII Patrick's regained their stride last 9-3 at the end of the first quarter, from Sanford, Me., topped a field Williamsburg 39-36 one-half run. j t looked a L ri rst as though they drake throw in his top hat :md fOr Rcnt. night to chalk up their eighth win Northwestern (49) FG FT PF TP of 104 professionals and amateurs University hje:h defeated tails. of the season by dowrllng a fast­ might g'o on to thoroughly trounce in the opening round of the .5,000 Wllliamsburc- last nlght 39 to Cool cakes thoroughly before Make a Trip in a Hurry Schadler. r ...... 3 0 1 6 More Uncertainty breaking Oxford five, 41-21. the Thunderbolts, buL the poor New Orleans Open Golf tourna­ 36 in a hot and contested frosting. Wc arc now equipped to bandle shootlng and play of the Little Johnson, f ...... 5 0 4 10 ment yesterday by touring the dif­ More uncertainty is add d to the charter trips by plane, 1111 Taking an early lead which they basketball 1B1Jle. The River­ Hawks 1\lus the scrappy, agres­ Morris, c ...... 4 3 1 11 ticult course in a 4-under par 68. plot when one reali2.es that Iowa men bad a. halftime advantage time, Any III ace. never relinquished, the I r ish sive work of the Franklin quintet Clawson, g ...... 3 0 1 6 is not the greatest road team in SOX OFFICE OPEN 1:15-9:30 poured in goal alter goal. They of 21 to 16. Jack Kennedy was made the score close a II the way. Wright, g ...... 5 2 1 12 the history of basketball. How they high scorer with 11 points. 'fhe were led by Red Gatens and Doc Shaw Aircraft Co. Fight Constantly Sicke ls, f ...... 2 O' 1 4 will react to the hot breath of hos­ winners were behind by one Connell, who garnered 17 and 14 Iowa Natators- Dial '7831 With both teams constantly tile crowds on two nights remains point late in the second half 1Jl~ Fi i ;,":] I ] S£~ Iowa City MUIJJclPal AIrport points, respectively. righting tor the ball the gnme de­ Totals ...... _...... 22 5 9 49 to be seen. The first quarter started slowly after the score bad been knot­ veloped into something of a jump­ The problem presented by the ted several times. U -hleh Starts "Ends with Oxford being held to two Mich\can (34) FG FT PF TP TO.DAY ing contest as jump balls were Hoosiers tonight m ay not be so flnlsbed stroncly for the vic­ Tuesday tosses and a free throw. At the called frequerttly. Neither team Against difficult to Ilolve. When Indiana Geahan, f ...... 2 2 tory. half the Shamrocks led, 18-6. as 4 10 Stal'lf! had very good control of the ball. Mullaney, f ...... 2 0 3 4 came to Iowa City they had a real Gatens and ConneU broke loose as passes were intercepted or Lund, c...... I 0 0 2 cutey with them hamed Gene TO-DAY with a series of baskets, while the VA~5ITr muffed and players hit the lIoor Lindquist, g ...... 0 3 0 3 Faris. Faris is one of the best shots enemy was held to three points. with ama2.ing rapidity. Kell, g ...... 3 0 0 6 Wildcats seen in many II year. That Is, he Both teams began to hit in the Th ree baskets by Van Deusen, Harder, f ...... 2 1 '0 5 was. He's since been drafted and second half. with the Pirates using two by Russ Lackender, and one Berce, f ...... 2 0 1 4 A squad of* 11 *Hawkeye.. swim-4 Indiana hasn't been the same baJl the very effective fast break to by Freeman in the last quarter mers le.ft on the 4:49 a. m. Rocket club, RESULTS rack up 12 points in rapid succes­ saved the day for the Hawklets Totals ...... 1' 6 8 34 for Evanston today, where they Arter ThIs sion. But the Irish again stretched Yes, for best results and gave them the hard-Cought will engage the Northwestern If you'll take a glance at the their lead, 34-111, taking advantage triumph. mermen in a dual meet this after­ remainder of the Hawks' schedule with your dry cleaning, of weakness in the enemy defense. noon. you'll see that, after this weekend. you can depend on . . Connell hit for \hree quick goals Iowa City (34) FG FT PF TP It will be the third meet of the they'll be pretty well over the before being bottled up, but Herd­ (ourl Gianls season for the Hawks, and the sec­ hump. Wisconsin remains to be Freeman, 1 ••. , •••••. '0' 5 2 4 12 liska, Gatens and Hoye took over ond conference affair. Iowa beat played twice and Minnesota once. Krall, f ...... 1 0 0 2 KELLEY CL EA NERS the scoring, while Connell succes's­ illinois Tech in the first of the They appear to be more or less the ...... 5 3 1 13 1Z4 S. GlLBERT UGI fully broke up the enemy passing Van Deusen, c five meets scheduled, and they weak sisters of the conference. attack. ~ Lackender, g ...... 3 1 3 7 To Meel 218 E. WASIllNGTON 72"84. trounced Wisconsin in the second . No. we didn't forget Illinois on Kallous, g ...... 5 0 Coach Kritta substituted,lreely 0 0 Touchest Team March 3, B\Jt that, friends, is Drake, g ...... 3 0 in the last quarter, and the 0 0 Coach David Armbruster stated somelhlng special. Like the icing Ruppert, r ...... 0 0 0 0 Shamrocks increased the~r lead, At (hiGago that he considered Northwestern on the cake you save tha t one till 4 BIG DAVS I pouring in seven more tallies and the toughest team that the Hawks last. But, if the Hawks gets by Tol.a.ls ...... 14 6 16 rting Sun. holding the Pirates to three. 3. will have to face this season. these two at hand, you can take The most spectacular shot of the II'l~ '/!, Franklin (29) FG FT PF TP CHICAGO (AP)- There'll be 10 The Wildcats have beaten .Min­ off your oxygen mask for a while. STARTS TODAY • game was a tip in by Gatens on a men playing basketbaU for a sort nesota, but have lost to Michigan, The breathing will be easier. jump ball from the free throw Rust. f ...... 3 1 3 7 of unofficial midwest-southwest Great Lakes and Purdue. The line. Chadima, r ...... 2 0 0 4 title on the Chicago stadium to­ three losses do not necessarily re­ ~ IMfs\1f'!" MIl In a preliminary game between Jennings, c ...... 2 2 4 6 night, but to the more than 15,000 fiect on the Wildcats, however, a$ the second teams St. Patrick's Pbillips, g ...... 0 2 3 2 fans expected to be present, it will their opponents are among the 0lIl7 ,.. 'rmI' eta hOld lIlY . Plncb, g ...... 0 2 4 came from behind in the lait two 2 be more 01 a battle between two strongest teams in the midwest. Joye. ....y ....e ..... y tormeat minutes to defeat Oxford, 15-14. Gable, f ...... 3 0 3 6 individuals-two ot the nation's Armbruster is a little worried Watson, g ...... 0 0 0 0 outstanding centers. over the effect this first away en­ SAMUEL . present! 8l Pair..... FG FT PF 'tP They are 7-foot gagement will have on the Hawks, 'totals ...... c...... 12 5 15 28 of Oklahoma A. & M., and 6-foot, who swam the two previous meets Hoye, f ...... ,...... 1 012 France is Europe's second larg­ 9-inch of DePaul in their home pool, but feels cer­ "WUTDERING Sullivan, f ...... 0 000 est country, covering 21~, 659 university. tain that his men will give North­ Bel~r, f ...... 0 000 The two have gained nationwide western a battle. Brown, f ...... 1 012 square miles, with a world-wide r eml>lre spread over four Cbnti­ reputations during the past two Recent nls DEIGDTS'~ Connell, c ...... 6 2 0 14 years as they led their teams into Although recover in, from re­ Herdliska, g ...... 3 006 nents, totaling 5,150.000 SQuare miles. national prominence, not only in cent Iltnesses, the Hawks have Gatens,g ...... 5 7 4 17 regularly scheduled games, but improved rapidly this wee k. Moore, I ...... 0 020 also in national tournaments. Armbruster reported that they BIG TEN STANDINGS Mjkan already has scored 380 would not be In top fohn today, Totals ...... 16 9 • n team W L points this year while leadin, his b\Jl that they wbuld ptobably swint features at-- Ohio State ...... 6 1 team to 18 victories In 17 starts. much better than they did alainst 12:.0 - 3:42 Iowa ...... _...... _... 5 1 Oxford FGFTPFTP Tech and Wisconsin. I:U - 9:46 IIItnois ...... _...... 3 1 McMilltn to Stay The Iowans will be l~ by Capt. HIT OF HITS' Rotter, f ...... 1 0 3 2 Purdue ...... _..... 6 .. BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP)­ Bernie Walters, who has 24 points Grummer, f ...... 2 0 1 4 Michigan ...... _"...... 5 5 Coach Alvin (Bo) McMillin of (n­ to his credit this season, tncludinj Dunn, c ...... 4 1 4 II Norihwestem ...... S 5 diana university said last nijnt three firsts Igainst W liconsin last ~.dlaba...... _... 2 5 Spratt, g ...... 2 1 5 II that "there's nothing to the stOry Saturday. Walters wib enter th. 1 Floerchlnaer, I ...... 0 1 1 1 Mia.nesola ...... 2 5 I might accept a coaching pOsition 60-yard free 9\.)'1., the 200-yard WI_nsln ...... _... 2 6 in the new A11-A.merica profes­ breast stroke and the low board II 'T.w...... _...... t I " Bl sional loop. faftc1 dtvilll, TJ . SATORf)AY, FEBRUARY to, l!Qs r HE & X u: t 1'0 \9 AN. 10\9 A CIT T. 10" A • general theme, "Important Declar­ Meeacalia GtIUd KIIII,. 5 p. Ill. ;Vesper pteetin( of the Roger • William fellowship. Dr. BUlLETIN . ations Found in (he Passion His­ 10 a. m. Sunday ~ool. Mr. t~meen' JOllrnal (Continued from paJe 2) tory of Christ." The first sermon and Mrs. Barnes of Des Moines. Lo~is F. Jaggard, for many years M is based on th declaration, "J state dirKtors lor the movement a niedjcal rnissima ry in the Be 1- (For Tomorrow and Next Week) Am He." of child eV801elistn, will demon­ gian Congo, will be the guest To Be Pub6shed Soon Friday, 7 p. J11. Teachers meet­ strate Bible stories with picture­ speaker. Fireside and supper CAN'OmATE FOIL ADVA,,\CED ing in the chapel. era ph board and explain the work. hours follow the meeting. "Our Inll\vef8a'l"Y journal, 'The DBORRES AT THE APRIL first Presbytertan Chureh j :30 a. m. Sunday school. Saturday, 1:30 p. m. choir re­ 7 p. m. Y.P.B. meetJlli given by Iowa CUmber,' will go to the CONVOCA'J'lON 26 E. Market street IO:45 a. m. Morning worship. hearsal in the chapel. junior and Intermediate ages. Methocllst Chtlftb printers In about a week," an- The requirements to be met are Dr. DlOIl T. Jones, pajltor The subject of the pastor's sermon Topic, "Know My Salvation." Jelterson and Dub1l4ue .treets nounced John Ebert, member of as follows: Check your record at g:30 u. m. Church scnool. All de­ will be "Can Christians Be Conrnratlol\aJ, Church Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Cottage Dr. L. L. lJulullarton &nil tbe Iowa Mountalneers c l u b. the office of the registrar and in partments meet at thl' same hour. Great?" Jelfersoll and Cllhton alreela meeting at Old Ladies' home, TIle aev. Y. V. ure Robert C. Wilson, superintendent. 5:30 p. m. Lunch,eon and tel~ The Itev. Jame& E. Waery, Clark street.. 9:15 a. m. Churcil school, Don reserve one Immediately,.. as a Y(lunell that you can Qualify at the 9:30 a. m. Princetonlan class lowship hour of Lutheran Student minister Mr. IlJId Mrs. Barnes will spend Stow, superintencknt. Prot. H. great many caples are going to April convocation. taught by Prof. H. J Thornton. association. 9:30 Church school, classes tor sometime next week in organi:ting J. Thornton will b gue t speaker men and women in ervl~ ." 2. Fill out a tormal appllcaUon 9:30 a. m. Couples' class taught 6:30 p. m. Luther league meet­ all grades; high school, 1.P.F. child's Bible work In Iowa City. of the Bungalow cl "Tbe Iowa Climber," the first for graduation at the office ot the by M. E. Steele. ing at the church. Discussion and Pastor's class. 10:30 a. m. Morning worship, magaline publlilohed by the MOUj'I­ r gistrar. 10:30 n. m. Morning worship. hour of the Lutheran Student as­ 10:30 a. Tn. Morning worship Flm Baptist Cburch sermOl1, "Do Brains and Charcter tain rs. wUl pres n.t the club's 3. Secure from. the grllduate of­ sociation. Arlfile Balster and Lor­ Sermon, "When Our Spirits Are hour. Brotherood sermon by the ClInton and Blltlinct.on streets Go Together?" by Dr. DunnLn,- 1ive~year history-how It de. fice the Instructions ror typing a etta Gerdes wi II lead a discussion Low," by Dr. Jones. pastor. The Rev. Elmer I. Oterlts. pastor ton. A chur h hour kindergarten velope

hour over radio station WMT. Friday, 8 p. m. Meeting of the ! Aak ~" Our 9 :~0 a. m. Church school with de- Women's Missionary society in the FOR BERT WARDROBE S£RVICE parlments for all ages. pastor's home. Mrs. Herman Eck- 10.30 a. m. Morning worship with berg of Boone, chairman 01 the Warm, single room. Men. 14 N. DIAL - 9696 - DIAL sermon : "Why Is the Gospel With- Iowa district society of the =::J:· 0:h~n:io:n:.=D~i~a:l:e:f()~3:,==::=~;_::;;~==;;,~===;;;;j~ out Adequate Power?' by the pas- Evan,elical Free church, will be t tor. the guest speaker. LET'M PLAY IT I HtS OlIN WAyl 3:30 p. m. Junlo~ Volunteers -- IF A. GUY CAN Url ~r the direction of A. Del!aan. Sa. Pau)'e Lutheran U.lvenlty JUMP OJER. " 5:30 p. m. The Young Peoples . church One Sure Way l'OL.E VAUcr society wlll meet at the home a! Jef~n and Gilbert st~ WIOOVT A POLE, Joseph Leach, 729 S. Riverside The Itev. L. C. Wuerflel, .-tor to Rent that Room AIN'T iT JES' drive, for a fellowship and potluck 9:30 a. m. Sunday schoo)' and ~5ANE.r dinrler. Bible class for all. 7i30 p. Ill . University of Lile 10:30 a. m. Divine worship with Is With A al the Presbyterian church for an holy communion in which the pas­ hlg}! school people. tor will speak on "Viewing the Low Rate M °n day-Board meeting of CrOss." church. 11 :30 II. m. The Lutheran hour Tuesday- Junior league basket- over WMT lind again at 1 p. m. 'WANT AD' ball. over KXEL. Wednesday- W.M .B. meeting at No Gamma Delta meeting: over l~e home ot Mrs. G. Guzman, 115 this week-end. Students and their 81opmington street at 2:30. friends wlll meet apln on next 'l'hunday- Loyal Helpers class Sundar afternoon and evening for DArL¥ IOWAN !latty at church parlors; Mrs. Day their fellowship. &n4 Mrs. Edwards, hostesses. Tuesday, B p. m. St. Paul's 'ri4ay - Choir rehearsal at LadleS' Aid will meet in the home Church. of Mrs. Gustave Brender who lives C[ ASS ~ If D S,EtTl 0 N at Cou Falls. Tbe Fint EnrUsh Lutheran Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. Ash Church Wednesday service in which the Business Office - Basement East Hall ...... ~ M..... et Ilfee.. ~tdl wl1J P.. es~t the first In a TIu! le\'. Ralph M. KrOec'W, series of senTIorts based on the ..------III!II-~------...- ...IIIf!I-----..;.. PAGE SIX THE D A I L Y lOW A N. lOW A CIT Y. lOW A -SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 10; 1t4S YANKS RACE TO CLEAR ALL JAPS FROM MANILA- DAR to Present Music Program-, Bob Rasley- Phelps Resigns '7:15 c.s-".... (., ..as-"ON 1_' Danny Kaye Show (WMT) ..._&X ... CUM) Gaslight Gayeties (WHO) ­ Mayor-for-a-Day As OPA Head Early Americian Dance Music Compositions of Roger Goeb of (KXEL) For the perfect ending to hi& the unlvllrsity's music department 7:3' Long-time workers at the l:ity hall won't be surprised at any­ one day as mayor, His Honor can will be played on the monthly The FBI in ~ace and War think of nothiog he'd like betllt Co-Chairmen Prefer WSUI program sponsored by the (WMT) thing they $ee today. If His Honor, .: Mayor Rasley, suddenly closes up than a big, juicy T-bone Bleak To Quit Quietly Pilgrim chapter of the Daughters Truth and Consequences (WHO) with french fries. of the American Revolution, this The Boston S1rnphony (KXEL) his desk and invites the chief of After Three Yean morning at 9 o'clock. The program, '1:45 police to step outside for a rous­ arranged by Mrs. Paul Shaw of The FBI In Peace and War ing snow ball fillht or a bike ride Legion to Meet After more than three years of Iowa City, will present the fol­ (WMT) to the store for a chocoillte soda, The regular Legion meeting for service on the Johnson county war lowing compositions: "D 0 ubi e Truth and Consequences (WHO) they'll think nothing of it. the month will be held Monda)' price and rationing board, R. J . Fugue in E Minor" (ror two pi­ The Boston Symphony (KKEL) Bob, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. evening, Feb. 12, at 8 p. m. in the Phelps and C. R. McCann, chair­ anos) and "Fantasy" (also for two I:" Rasley, was elected last Monday American Legion quarters of tilt man and co-chairman, respec­ pianos). These compositions will by. his fellow scouts to reign as Community building, accord in, 10 tively, have resigned. Hit Parade (WMT) be played by Rita Hutcherson, G National Barn Dance (WHO) mayor for Citizens' day today. Frank Lee, commander of the McCann also has resigned as a of Iowa City, and Melba Sands, G The B06ton Symphony (KXEL) l'rIelUll, Personallt, local post. member of the tire panel. Al­ of St. Paul, Minn. 1:15 though no successors have been His Honor, unpretentious and ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Basketball Game Hit Parade (WMT) likeable, has a warm, friendly per- I named for the posts, Iowa City A play-by-play description or National Bam Dance (WHO) sonality. While he has fun with Chamber of Commerce oHicials the basketball game between the . The Boston Symphony (JOQ:L) the Qoys, he', no cut-up. He can here are contemplating the recom­ University of Iowa and the Uni­ 1:30 put a friendly restraining hand on WAR BONDS mendation of two persons to fll1 versity of Indiana, will be broad­ Hit Parade (WMT) scouts who gel too obstreperous, the vacancies. cast over WSUI tonight direct from 19wa Barn Dance Frolic (WHO) without betng .resented. Phelps said yesterday that he the fieldhouse at Bloomingtpn, Spotlight Bands (KXEL) Bob's dad is the distinguished preferred to resign quietly and Ind., beginning at 7:25 by Dick 1:45 looking university' cashier who wished no recurrance of the Yoakam, WSUI sports editor. Freedom of Opportunity (WMT) hands out checks Ind collects stu­ trouble aroused a year ago when dent. tuIUon. Mr. and Mrs. Rasley McCann was removed from the Iowa Barn Dance Frolic (WHO) TODAY'S PROGRAMS Spotlight Bands (KXEL) and Bob live at 406 Magowan ave­ rationing program by regional 8:00 Morning Chapel nue. Bob's bill brother, 19-year­ OPA Director Walter A. Kline of 8:15 Musical Miniatures }'reedom of Opportunity.:" (WMT) old Jim, is In the navy now and Des Moines. Phelps, concurring 1:30 NeWS, The D.Uy Iowan his address is "somewhere in the with McCann, at that time re­ Bam Dance Pariy (WHO) south Pacific." 8:45 Program Calendar Andy Russell Show (KXEL) signed his position as director. WHILE THE NORTHERN half of Manila wu entirely In American hands within a ahort time after the 8:55 Service Reports Wanta 10 Coach Later, they were reinstated as Stara and Strlpea returned to the PhlJlpplne capital, a race to trap large numbers of Japs Bouth of 9:15 • 9:00 Daughters of the American Acting part-time mayor is members of the board. the Pulg river tollowed consolidation ot American divisions In area (A) on map. Arrows point to Al Pearce Show (WMT) as Revolution Barn Dance Party (WHO) just a sideline for Bob. What His Both of the men now say they directions taKen by the U. S. First cavalry and the 37th Dlvlalon In entering Manila. The Palace (1) 9:30 American Sings wu loon taken over and Internees at Santo Tomas concentration camp (2) were freed. One of the Andy Russell Show (KXEL) Honor really wants to be is a foot­ are resigning because they feel 9:45 Keep 'Em Eating baU and basketball coach. In the they have done their part since Hcttons to which the Japs tied tor a stand wu (s) the Iatramurous. House to house fighting Is ItIIl 9:3' 9:50 Musical Interlude Al Pearce Show (WMT)I summertime Bob puffs up and tbey have been with the OPA In prove., as the Iiberaton attempt to secure the rfeat elty. (]nUrn.lionaJ) \ 9:55 News, The Dall, Iowan Bam Dance Frolic (WHO) down hUl caddying a1 the golf prJce control and rationing board 10:00 What's Happening In Hol- A Man Called X (KXEL) cout'se. 5, ...... -+ since its organization here Jan. lywood 9:45 1942. Charge of Cruelty The 24-hour mayor is in the usa Valentine Queen 10:15 Yesterday's Musical Fa- Frank 'Singiser News (WMT) ninth grade at University high When they announced their To Animals Filed Judges Name vorites Barn Dance Time (WHO) schoOl where he's a member of a resignation they made a statement 10:30 Famous Short Story A Man Called X (KXEL) club' qJ. nulle cooks, The Dough­ in appreciation of the help and co­ To Reign Tomorrow At Police Station 11 :00 The Reporter's Scrapbook 10:00 boys, Mayor Rasley is also on the operation of members of war price 11 :15 Hasten the Day • Doug Grant News (WMT) U -high student 'council and the and rationing panels and persons Charges of cruelty to animals 11 :30 Fashion Features have bBf!n filed ogainst Irving Chi Omega Sunset Corner Frolic (WHO) victory councll. who have directed the panels dur­ At Hostess Dance 11 :45 On the Home Front Petersen at the Iowa City police H. R. Gross and the News PlayS Baaketball Ing the three-year period. 11 :50 Farm Flashes (KXEL) Stepping through a large red Station. He is to appear before Po­ II) line with his ambition to 12 :00 Rhythm Rambles 10:15 heart in the spotlight on lhe stage lice Judge John Knox at 9 o'clock 12:30 News, The Dally Iowan coach someday, Bob spends his this morning. Miss Valenline Parade of Features (WMT) ~pare time-and it really is spare Currier Annex Downs of the USO ballroom, a Valentine 12:45 Beyond Victory-What? Thursday night about 9 o'clock News, M. L. Nelsen (WHO) with. Mayor Rasley-playing bas­ queen will present several awards 1:00 Musical Chats COI1'6 Chi Omega, 32 to 7, and .teiga over the Valentine dance police found a cow in the back of H. R. Gross and the News ketball, a favorite ,ame. Blonde Jo Anne Huss, A3 of 2:00 Behind the War ~ews (KXEL) Road outside an Ordnance Depot In Intramural Game at the USO tonight (rom 7:30 Petersen's pickup truck parked at Burlington, representing the Chi :With 21 medt Qadges to his jn France shows the kind of heavy ?31 E. Burlington street. A neigh­ 2:15 Drum Parade 10:%0 to 10:30. Recorded music will Omega sorority, was named Miss 2:30 Science News credit, Bob is an Eagle Scout. He going American troops have had to bor said that the animal had not Sportlight Parade received that, honor Dec. 10 of last tace. War Bonds pay--tor neces­ Currier i1nnex defeated Chi be provided over the public ad­ Valentine of 1945 at Campus Night 2:45 Light Opera Airs been fed or given water and that 10:30 yelil': The mayo\" has been a sary muto! equipment. Buy War Omega, 32-7, in an .intramural dress system. In Iowa Union last night. Judging 3:15 Unfinished Business the truck had been parked there Anti-Saloon League (WMT) now (or two yeerS. ;Bonds. u. S. 1 rlasorJl De;.,,..,., baskelball game played Thursday Havi ng kept her identity a se­ was on the basis of originality and 3:30 News, The Dally (owan sc~t cret during the first part of tile since early in the afternoon. Judy Canova Show (WJ{O) night at VJe women's gymnasium. Sometime ring day the cow cleverness of costume and explan­ 3:35 Afternoon Melodies Meet YOur Navy (kXE ) In the second game Delta Delta evening, the queen will present an ation. 3:45 The Bookman 1 awal'd . to the tenth serviceman had kicked out the glass in the 10:45 Del ta was victorIous over Inde­ rear window of the cab. Commentary lor the winning 4:00 Voice of the Army Les Brown's Band {WMT) with whom she dances and to the pantomine was read by Gloria 4:15 Women Today pendent II, 15 to 11. Police took the cow to the inter­ Judy Canova Show (WHO) one holding the most tokens from 4:30 Tea Time Melodies The game percentages as of urban stockyards where she was Weiser, J4 of Burlington. Meet Your Navy (KXEL) the junior hostesses who will re­ Jo Anne appeared as an old­ 5:00 Children's Hour Thursday night are: Currier fed and watered. 10:55 annex, 1.000; Kappa Alpha Theta, ceive two tokens each. These to­ fashioned girl, Sue Heart, who 5:30 Forward March kens will then be given away for If found guilty of the clJarge of News (KXEL) .750; Delta Delta Delta, .500; ChI was .. a real old sad tomato" a 5:45 News, The Dally Iowan dancE:s. cruelty to animals, section 1155 of 11:" Omega, .500; Independent II, .250, the Iowa City cQde, Pctersen can busted valentine," in a long black 6:00 Dinner Hour Music A IIrand march for couples only skirt and waist with a hat of now­ 8:55 News, The DaU, Iowan News (WMT) and Clinton Place•. 000. be fined up to $100. News; .Music (WHO) will open the evening at 7:45. The ers. In keeping with the narrative 7:00 Iowa Editors Currier IV and Conunons I are grllnfi march will illrlude the first Dance Orchestra (KXEL) describing Sue's purchase of a new 7:15 College Airs the two unbeaten teams in the af­ three dances. heart hat, with the $18.75 she had 7:25 Basketball-Iowa and Indi­ 11:15 ternoon league with a percentage Maureen FarreU i chairman or Red Cross Meeting Off tl)e Record (WMT) ave~ages of 1.000. Zeta Tau Alpha the junior hostess central com­ saved for a war bond, shc threw ana her clothes one by one, to the Thomas Peluso Orchestra .. and Currier III have the average mittee this weekend which includes (WHO) Scheduled Feb. 12; Clothes for Russians barrel and NETWORK IDGHL10HTS of .500; Pi Beta Phi holds an aver~ Ruth Carpenter, Elaine Freswick, Rev. Pietsch's Hour (KXEL) age or .333 and Commons II, .000. Meffie Scales, Fllomena Rohner, emerged in a costume of red, be­ 6:00 decked with hearts, black hose and Mayor of the Town (WMT) 11:30 The Wednesday nIght leaal$! Mary Lou Yenter, Iris Wilken, Hili McIntyre (WMT) Drive Leaders Named gloves and heart studded shoes­ CIiU Carl and Co. (WHO) slso has two undefeated teams. Janet Van Alstine, Ruth Schultz, News, Garry Lenhart (WHO) a Valentine pin-up girl. Appro­ Christian Science Church Independent III and Currier I hold Darlene Ross, Charlotte Penning­ Stacks and stacks Qf brown en­ Rev. Pietsch's Hour (KXEL) priate music was played by Ruth (KXEL) a 1.000 average; Gamma Phi Beta, roth, Dorothy Miel!te, Helen. Klahn velopes, posters, Uterature, stickers 11:45 .500 ; Independent I and Alpha and Barbara Clinton. and lapel buttons now are heing Kohl, A1 of Cedar Rapids . to 6:15 Other contestants were: Marilyn Mayor of the Town (WMT) Les Crosley's Band (WMT) Delta PI, both .333, and Sigma DQrothy Lowery, A4 of Ft. sorled at Johnson COl;nty Red Cross Music; News (WHO) ~nningsen, A3 of Atlantic, Tin Pan Alley (WHO) Delta Tau and Delta Gamma, .000. Dodge, will preside at the piano in War fund headquarters ror the dis­ Emil Vanda's Orchestra (KXEL) Independent III will meet the the USO lounge, which has been tribution at the War Fund meeting Gamma Phi Beta; Nancy Schmidt, H. R. Gross and the News (KXEL) 11:55 Alpha Delta Pi's in next week's decorated in red and whlte and Monday, Feb. 12. A3 of Davenport, Pi Beta Phl; News (KXEL) round, but Currier I will remain valimtines. Solicitation for the War Fund Helen Oltman, A3 of Oak Park, 6:30 idle until the following week wt\en Mrs. Han'iel Wnlsh will con­ campaign will be under the direc­ Ill., Alpha Chi Omega; Betty Jean America in LIle Alr (WMT) they play Independent III. tinue dancing instructions for ser­ tion of Mrs. C. W. Keyser in the Baldwin, C3 of Titrin, Alpha Delta News, M. L. Nelsen (WHO) Change Voting Date vicemen and junior hostesses from headquarters office. The chairmen PI; L'Louise Smith, A3 of Elkader, Leland Stowe (KXEL) Deadline for voting for the For VALENTINES Say 5:15 to 6:15 in the gymnasium of for lhe residential districts are Currier Hall; Louise Slotsky, Al 6:45 Paper Doll queen has been ex­ the USO building. Mrs. M. Willard Lampe, Mrs. E. of Sioux City, Sigma Delta Tau, America in the Air (WMT) tended to Feb. 23 so that all elig­ Victory Speakers Tomorrow afternoon's activities Y. Sangster, Mrs. Homer Cher­ and Janice Larson, Al of Daven­ Barn Dance Carnival (WHO) ihl .. hillh school members may par­ will be highlighted by lhe tea rington, and Mrs. H. S. Ivie. Mrs. port, Delta Gamma. Eye Witness News (lOCEL) 'ticipate. "J Love You" Chosen to Discuss dance from 2:30 to 4:30 with the Howard L. Young is chairman for Mary J ane Neville, A4 of Em­ 7:00 'Loe junior council accepts bal­ public address syste~ providin, the business section and Regina metsburg, introduced each entry, Danny Kaye Show (WMT) lots at the recreation center. Date the music. An adventure movie Schneider for the professional men and presented MIss Huss with a Gaslight Gayeties (WHO) for the party when the queen will Purpose of WSSF will be shown in the lounge before and women. Special gilts will be box of candy. Early American Dance Music be crowned has not been an­ 112 So. Dubuque OpJ)08i1e Jefferson Hotel LIle dance begins. under the direction o! Dr. Andrew (KXEL) nounced. Victory speakers for the World Leo OOrlimiglia will be at the H. Woods and Harry Shulman. Student Service fund campaign, plano in the lounge for the after­ Prof. Joseph V. Howe, Mrs. Wil­ Feb. 11-18 have been announced. noon song and jam fest. liam J . Petersen, and Donald These speakers will So to the vari­ The snack bar will be open all Seavy lind Elizabeth Hunter wiU Kay Rummells ous housing units on the Univer­ day today and tomorrow. Women cover county organizlltions. sity of Iowa campus Monday of the Amistad circle, with Mrs. The University of Iowa students, Killed in Action throueh Thursday to describe the F. A. Willie as chairman, will be facujty, and the United States Lieut. Khalrom (Kay) Rum­ purpose of Ihe WSSF. the hostesses this weekend. The Army units on campus wlll be mells, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Following is the list of speakers commiUee includes Mrs. Philip under the direction of Donald Mal­ and the housing units they will Key, Mrs. Guy Chappell, Mrs. lett, Virgil Copeland, Ray Phlllips, J . Rummells, 415 N. Van Buren vi:sit: Feb. 12; Velma Martin, A4 of RobeH. Hull, Mrs. Eli Messer, Mrs. Helen Focht, Prof. E. D. Plass and street, was killed in action In , Laurens, Dean house; Virginia E. L. Kringel, Mrs. Donald Coffey, Lieut. William J. Silverman. Lieut. Belgium Jan. 16, accQrding to a GET EXTRA Jackson, A4 of Marion, Rllssell Mrs. M. E. Wicks, Mrs. Ethel Rod­ Everell Fisher will canvas the Iowa telegram received last night by house; Peggy Banks, A4 of New gers, .Mrs. Owen- SbtberJand, Mrs. Navy Pre-Flight School, giving his wife. Lieutenant Rummells York, N. Y., Clinton house; Owen Ernest Bright, Mr. Dnd Mrs. Carl Navy students and staIf an op­ had previously been reported Peterson, A3 of Parker, S. D., Kringel, Mr. and Mrs. Howard portunity to enroll in the Red missing in action. Palrchild. Huskins ~nd Mr. F: A Willie. Cross. Feb. 13: Dorothy Kottemann, A2 RED POINTS,! of Burlington, Chi Omega; Jean Collier, A2 of Freeport, Ill., Pi Beta Phi; Mary Forslund, A2 of Sioux Falls, S. D., Kappa Alpha Theta; Peggy Banks, Alpha Xi ---AND HOW TO * * Delta. 'Feb. 14: Sally Birdsall, AS of Waterloo, Zeta Tau Alpha; Jean Collier, Sigma Delta Tau; Viremia 6fT THEM Jackson, Gamma Phi ~ta; Velma Martin, Delta Gamma; Owen Pet­ erson, Alpha Chi Omera. Feb. IS: Owen Peterson, East­ Yes, sir! Like in " courting"­ lawn; Dorothy Kottemann. Kappa good judgment in placing classi­ Kappa Gamma; Sally Birdsall, fie~ advertising will bring results. Delta Delta Delta; Edna Herbst, A3 What's more-T H E D A I L Y Keep savini all UJed kitchen fata. of Newton, Alpha Delta Pi. lOW AN CLASSIFIED ADVER­ TISlNG RATE IS LOW! For as Your country urlently needJ them .•• to help _ Auxiliary Entertains little 88 60c per week you can run make medicines, parachutel, I)'Dthetic rub~, Members of the Postofllce It. "Want .Ad" in THE DAILY munitions, paint. and IOaPi for military IDeS , Clerlu' auxillary wJ1l entertain lQWAN- and gel results. ~ LY'rELL :l1lc1 hU Ol'(hel&tra. their husbands at 8 Valentine din­ civilian uses. ner toniaht at 6 o'clock in the TQ.E LISTENING LADY home of Mr. and Mn_ EllI, Craw­ So keep up your aood work. save every p0s­ ford, 1103 MUlCltJne avenUe. sible drop of uaed lata. Remember, lor Nch 1rith DAVID 1l0S~ Hostesses will be Mn. Arthur pound you tum in, you fet 2 red ,ation poittlll Parlze.k, Mrs. Arthur M. J{otz, Mrs. Frank Strub and Mrs. Geor.e \ . Yanda. 'M' T 4:45P.M.CWT Delta Delta Delta IOrorlty wUl Save Used Fats- W 600KC ' hold Its annual scholarshIp' din­ ,RI8ENTED BY ner for active and alumnae mem­ Phone 4191 ben Monday at 6 p. m. in the cQ)~ RAP~ COCA~OLA BOTTLING CO~ cbapter house. Patricia BaldrJdle For the Fighting Front is in char,e of the P1'Olram and A ICholarship awants. Vocal aeltIC- BASEMENT EAST HALL Appro". "1 OPA;,u WPA. PIIItl/~ .,1""1 '-- £eUv~tiona will members. be pr.aented by varloUi I~iiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiilii~iiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil \