Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-03-07

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-03-07 ~ 8, 1'4s , =--::; IS RentQI MCAT , 'AT8. re' .I•• p •• Q5 I~ r •• ,. ZI ... "" Partly cloudy t •••• r. J: r.... raOCE88JtD F OODS, Itl • • • ta_" XI I . ..... IU ••• M IIIr••• 1o U ••w r .... 8UOAS IOWA: PvQy doIId7 with rts- In Plots It•• • t •• r, ....., IS ,. ...... r. r fl •• ,...... SHOB8, ••• • ...... 1.. 1a.. ....... I . t a.. a ..U' 1••• f1 - 1nl1eIIa~ allel,. OA80LINI, 14. A .... f . r f... aII . .. DAILY IO-WAN • ~"" C-5. B.. 8 a D. c-e e...... r." f. r .I.e .aU..... THE FtflL OIL, .....t ,t..". perl ... ....4 0 aD" lbll ,If..". 1, 1', I . ... -4 ...Il tl . Iowa City'. Morning Uew.pap.r = VOLUME XLV NUMBER 138 t1VECENTS IOWA CJTY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7. 1945 , 5 • irst rmy STREET SCENE IN WRECKED MANILA 'La.t Strong Heave'- Marines Gain IAt 0 Glonc.- Third Army Today's Allies Consolidate Positions Nears Rhine On Iwo Jima --------------~--~~~~~~~~~~I B, KJ1lKE L. IMPSON b nk org nized rt'. istance all th the Nazi defense line alOl'\l the way from tht' Ifoyelle to Arnhl'm east bank loo thin for I curity. Yonks Take Offensive ~la ted Pr _ War Analylll hn t m . Th Coblenz area of the Min Sporadic Fighting Iowan Allied nd Russian armi alike An even mort' starUIn 25-mll vaUey toward which Third anny On Northern End are rapidly consolidating posltlons forward luni by Third Army tankJ r charging Is a vulnerable Continues in Captured U. S. First •IU'my • cap• tures city In Heavy Fighting In read!n for that "one strong tanks to within striking distance • tor. There Is flat il'Ound on Rhineland Capital of Cologne; slashes further Into heav" which Prime Mini t l' of Cobl IlZ on the mlddl Rhine both Ides ot the stream IiUtlicLenl Germany. u. s. PACIFIC FLEET HEAD­ Churchill y could end th Eu- w s r porled at the me tim. It t r ast bank brldgeh ad opera­ P ARIS (AP) - Colofne fell l' pean war. Too many 1 ctOI't ar means thaI Patton' la t moving tlonl. Left bank road and rill QUARTERS, w ednesday (AP)­ M"arlann on lwo J lma advance swiftly to the United States First preceded by the ~ost Intense ar­ unknown to any but highest com- ormor i~ wcll nstr d Nozi sup r connections vital to th foe lor army In the climax of its ,reat in lace of stubborn J ap defend­ mand r circles, however, for more military highways west or the linking the middle and lower tillery bombardment of the Iwo ers. eaJtward drive Monday as General campa ign, three marine divisions thnn a gu at when, where and Rhine, virtually splittJn, Ihe Saar Ir eh ot the Rhine defellllve\y Eisenhower Utted the news black­ resumed the offensive on the how lhe la:st big push will develop. basin sectOI' ott trom the c iJOJ)bed run w t 01 the river under shadow out on operations of the American Prime MInister Charehlll visits It Is to be umed that Mr. north rn end of th G rman wt'St 01 the letl b nk hills through north end of the tiny island yes­ trOOps on Western tront. Third army and revealed that 11$ terday and engaged the J apanese Churchill hlld the Rhln Ing bank d t n:(l front. whl h Patton's tanks are plunll- armor wu ra Ing tow(lrd th In "heavy fig hting." By 5:30 p. m. In mind wh n he m de th tal - ' ti etr l Ing. Rhine In a breakthrough that cov­ Left Win.. parties demand res­ m nt on his surprl e w kend Th br ak-through down the Lut Witch on llhlae the Leathernecks had scored small ignation ot premier in Rome. red 32 miles In two days. local gains. v It to the Amerlc.n and Cano- Mo. Ill' clt'arly Indicutl'5 11 Nazi re- As lhe roe endeavors lo brace These dramatic d v lopm nts, The marines were supported lor dian fronl.'! In G~many. It Is also treat behind the Rhine throughout for thot last grim watch on the coming when th Ninth army and I the first time by land-based army to be assumed, nevertheI ,tbot II whole ngUI. That will aUord Rhln there is another factor to 11$ British and Canadlan allies had figh ter planes flying from the Ohio FlOod Swells hb trip wa more thaD a slght-. - the allied high command opportu· glv him uneasiness. Th rlv r i vIrtually completed occupation of captured Motoyama airfield No. 1 Jng xpe<litlon nnd was som how nlty 10 ma .. k It. Intended main bini reached by the allie. at 011 aU German territory west ot the on the south end of the island. related to Russian-allied joint ('ro~ . lllg point. from the foe by vital point.s without the full b t- Ruhr. shltted the big punches to These fighter planes thus began To Historical Level op ratio", planned at Yalta. feinlt or air and big ,un bom- tie strength at General Eisenhow· the middle Rhine farther south and operating from a base which puts Final DI51nt.qraUo n bardrnent or many points almul- er's command having be n m- opened the way for the allies to t he m within flying range of As War Plants Close Final disintegration of Na2i left toneou Iy It will c rtalnly stl tch mltled to cUon. push the enemy out of the area Tokyo, 750 mil es to the north. welt of the Rhine Dnd north of the More than 14,000 enemy dead CINCINNATI, Ohio (AP)-The Moselle. have been counted. midwest's most disastrous war­ catw,red Flrht1n6 Gams Scored Churchill Visits Troops Conference Delegates Reach time flood swelled slowly last The Supreme Allied Headquar­ The gains were scored on the night toward levels reached only ters announcement ot the capture west side by Maj. Gen. Keller E. twice before in history, closing On Western Front D " R d' A r of the bomb-blsckened Rhineland Rockey's Fifth marine division war plants by the score and send· capital saId that only sporadic Dnd near the center by Maj. Gen. in, thousands of lowland dwellers Encourages Scottish eClslon egar Ing rgen Ina tlghtln, contlnu d lalt night In Cllftoh B. Gates Fourth marine scurrying to higher ground. COIOane', lIouthern outskirl.'!. division Which is on the rigbt Three deaths had been r ported own use. Troops in Northern up have be n approved by each Thus, Germany', fourth lurgest flank of Maj. Gen. Graves B. MEXICO CITY (AP)- Delegates last night. Twu were in Pennsyl­ (Jntemdlonal oundphotG) d lellatlon and pa a Is oscur d. city and the greot t enemy Indus­ Erskine's Third. Rhine Sector to th Intet-Amerlcan con terence vania and here 16-year-old John today r al'h ed In fonna I Bireemen t The postporunent of the lin I trial center that hili 110 far capl. By nightfall, the Leathernecks tUlated Will In allied handa on the Martin Jr., drowned as a boat in WITH CHURCHILt. IN GER- on whaL to soy to Argentina, it e I n unUl Thursday Is due more sWI were approl(imately 600 yards which h was doing rescue work was learned on high authority. to dim ult.les In clearlna the eco­ 12th day ot the powerful offensive fro m the northeast shoreline at capsized in suburban Commins­ Selflement Foreseen' MANY (091ayed by Cenlor) (AP) The statement, which is ex- n mlc charter and a flood at minor from th Roer river. the bulge which, J1 reached, would ville. Reds Reach -Prim Minister Churchl11, tour- p cted on Thursday, tile Ia i day r .olutlon than to any trouble on N .... Drtvm outh cu t the thinning enemy garrison in From the Ohio rlver's headwa­ In Strike Closing Ing the Western front in GermDny, of th conterence. remains to 00 the Argentine QuestJon, it was Last night lit beaten NaZI gar­ two. The Fourth has about 250 ters at Pittsburgh, down the Ohio told Scottish troop in the north- phrased, how ver. learned. rison was beinll driv n southward yards to go to reach volcanic cliffs toward Bonn throu,h n narrowing valley to points on the Misslsslppl, ern Rhlnc SE'CLor yesterdliy thot The main potnt3 will be: fmm where the heavily defended rain-fed flood waterll caused city, Mouth of Oder Detroit War Plant 1. Expr sion of regrel at Ar­ Stephenson Trial corridor along th Rhine's west beach extends lor 350 yards. staLe and federal agencies to mo­ "Soon the enemy will be driven ien Ina's abs nce Crom the Inter­ bonk. Th e developments were on­ biliz all their resources. the Rhin and any n cnn American epnfer nee. OBLESVILLE, Ind. (AP) Since the start of the slashing aounced in teday's communique of LONDON (AP)- The first wh!~ DETROIT (AP)- a deadl F'Wy-one-year-old D. C. Stephen. CinCinnati, hard t hit major one trong heave ... 111 win Ult! 2. J. p;.: t 18L ArgcnUnll w1l1 be atacit from ea t of captured Blt­ Adm iral Chester W. Nlmitt. Russian army .in a 25-mll ad­ continued In the strike of nearly ljOu, grand drallon of Indiana', city, reported the Ohio river at 65 vance that captured more thon 500 war." .bl to put hers If In 1\ position to bur, at dawn MOnday. Patton's Marine Objective 'leu Klux Klan until he was con­ armored force.
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