NEA.TS, rAT-S, ••••tam • • , 'IS 110 •••• 10 ZI ... AI 110...... n .... I..... raoCES ED 1'00011. ..•• .la.. p •• X6 ...... b Z$ .... A:I IJo ...... 8» D .....alld . FaJr 8UGA.&. book 'our .'.D"P M .a .. 111 for flye p •• D ....~ IHOES. -'0011: tbree .lIplaae at. _mps. 1, t an' S ".tt. IIl'ellnUely. GASQLINE, 14 .. A e •• poal "oM t.r f •• , IOWA: c..~ ..". Wa7, .. aU.1UI aad 8-5. c .. I. B-6 aD. C-8. B-1 ..tI C-l e.•••• a • f ...... I~ ...... ror flvo .aUons. FUEL OIL, ~.Io' 0 •• Ill ••••• ·THE DAILY IOWAN x u.wen. 'Iye to.po .. t ,ood, allo Jut yea"". pert .. , •• , aD. 'h'e , •••. Iowa City', Morning "'ewlpape,



B\I Resistance West of Rhine anUi. ~ . 1.11\ LO I sfitt Reich Suffers Recent Events Beyond Pacific- . ' . 100,000 Nazis iI!l Mnol Wont Lashing Leaves Japs·Confused, l:JncerleJln Captured ~nol ve~~ 87 Klrk.e L. s...... Tokyo broadcasts live certain sea harbors was moving south- IhPil .\Moe"," Prell War Allalnt evidence ot the invasion teal'$ weatward a,ain, perhapS to strike G RAF, Yank Planes Pending further evolution of al- running hl'h In Japan. The ,arne Into the of the Ryukyu erman. Report \ Concentrate on Nazi lied-Russian eoneerted operations fear Is dominating Japanese army chain of is'-nda that rufIJ from the U. S. Troops Ready 1IIIl in Germany to disclose where the .. 1iIIt. East Rhine Defense, battle of Inner Germany will commanders in French Indo- southwestern tiP ot Kyushu In the To Storm River r oi:. be,ln, events beyond Ule Pacific China. It was redoubled by the home islands all the way to "or- IrfwI~ LONDON, Friday (AP)-More­ leave Japan hardly less confused NIpponese reported heav)' air at- mosa. PARI , (AP)-T 0 United Ail than 8,000 Amel'ican and British and uncertaIn than her crumbling tack on Hainan island, the big Tokyo renect II Japanese bt!:- t8t~ armi r u he d aU e\llll plane gave Germany its greatest NazI aceomplice. Chine e southern appendix doml- lief thaL the lar,e t and molt major r istance w t oC the dawn to dusk lashing yesterday, Within the last -48 houl'll allied natin( the Qulf ot Tonkin and the central Island ot the Ryu\cyu Rbin t rday in tbe last concentrating parttcularl)' on Nazi air power has the ,amut of northeast coast of the French ,roup, Okinawa, is an American phil!, of a battle that eo t the­ !OQ~ • Irlirt IlARINES of the 41st division .,Iow thrOllllh the danll lnnrle of Mindanao enIarrln.. their ,rip on defenses east of the Rhine, and Nipponese defensive deployments colony. Throulh it runs the alen- objective. That eem. a logical G rman 100,000 eapU"e8 alone eUII!. f,amoanca penlpsula, where, accordlnr to an old marine IIOne "The mookey have no tails •••" Tankll last night RAF Mosqutos main­ from western Burma to the hide- der and vulnerable Nippon se deduction tor Okinawa olters both and the enl'my id the river ), and move alone pa.rallel to the a.dvanclnr foot 4lOhunn. talned the terrific pressure by outs of Japan's sorely battered communicatlons life llne Hnklng good weather proof hllrborale at barrier \\"a about to he stormed forC!! bombing Berlin lor tlte 31st con­ fleet In the Inland sea. The her armies in China with Burma, ~!lha lind ample room for bomber lIlsoU· secutive ti me. swoopln, plane, land or cartier Malaya and the Dutch Indies. and fighter strips. There are open both .Crom the Palatin~te and in La. • The German radio declared that be ed, were obviously peving- the Formosa, the Japanese China plains and little forested land Opp08Jt th Ruhr, hlch W at Jeast four other formations of way lor something. but for just sea Gibraltar, Kat another blllst- and the Island lie. within 400 blasted. Id his night raiders were on the prowl what Tok)'o could not certainly ing, Tokyo sold. There was Jape- miles ot Formosa to the fOuthwest On Otrman rep 0 r t B8id I June Reds In over weslern Germany, the Han­ tell. Powerful naval \.ask forces nese word lor H, too, that the and I sa than 500 miles from Na- Lieut. Gtn. rge. Patton '8 nover-Hlldesh im area, Muenster were reported at one s\.age no great task torce {rom which navy sa akl to the northeast.. TOkyo has Third army had ma I'd 300 and tho province ot Bavaria. more than 60 miles offshore !rom bombers caught nearly a score ot lood reason to e sume lha\ It 11,- r gular and nmpbibiou tanks These were the major blows de­ Japan'. home Islands. war craft at moorinp ill Inland ures In American future strategy. and. • t ron g enslneerlnl and SergI. Ori'4e Within MUe motorized units for a sma.h into I Cit~ livered during one of the finest Packers Blame Guimaras Island flying days of the year yesterday: the mount.alnous Inner core or Ule enture rgean\ 0' (Iecb Border I-Approximatcly 4,000 planes, CommiHee Voles Reich. h:e\ 01 'M t '. , Invaded by Yanks including 2,000 American and Results 'Good' Another declared that Fi Id British heavy bombers !rom Brit­ Marshal Sir Bernard L. Montlom­ . ery had opened a thunderous ar­ r _ 'Ki\. Neustadt fans Bombers Blast ain, tOJ'e up enemy concentrations To Extend Draft Law ea easles ~eavy tllJery barraKe to screen a Rhine and r infore men within the '1e has \n first Stages Cebu for Three crossing of We I, add in, to de­ :a:Immer Ruhr Industrial bllsln and sur­ Todoy's White House Says As Superforts struction wroulht by the thou­ Of Soviet Breakthrough rounding areas. This attack, one ::Jloaro· f or Sh or tage Successive Days Selective Service CaUl sands of warp Ian which throuih­ of the most violent delivered by :n.A/the LONDON (AP)-Russian troops, air power d\.lring lhe war, was di­ out the day sowed ruin through " ~ 81:;0 in a powerful new two-pronged of­ MANILA,-- Friday (AP)-Gui­ Iowan · To Drop Aft.r July 1 the Ruhr valley. ~e-I. W.ASHINGTON (AP)-Qon- maras island, just 8 mile alld 8 rected aL targets across the Rhine Rangoon fensive In upper German Silesia, Third arm y stratellsta now from Field Marshal Sir Bernard WASHINGTO~ (AP)- Draft have smashed to within one milc gresslonal g r 0 ups heard com­ balf southea~t of pi.lplured Iloilo were free to plan the crossing ot L. Montgomery's impending "jump All major German resistance calla may drop all average of 31 \IIC~rch , of Czechoslovakia in twin ad­ plaints from the range countrY on· Panay, was Invaded by Amer­ * * * the Rhine lor possibly no more .from and packing houses yesterdaY thal ican doughboys WedneSday as o!f" posi tlons. . west of Rhine crumbles. CALCUTTA (AP)-A IJ&eable per cent afler July I, the White vances of 25 miles and killed Ot· torce of B-29 SUperiortresses from ftoU&e dl5clO&ed yesterda)' cofn­ than 4,000 German e.Uectives re­ , he captured 45,000 enemy troops in a there is plenty or meat on the heavy bombers on thrl!ll succe - 2-A Coree oC more than 5!0 India base attacked Japanese in­ II mained in action west of the :n. hoi· 450-square mile trap wesl of the hoof but thE' govl'rnment policies Rive days poured 214 tons at llaly-baseQ United Slates hea y ROMlanll In twin advance drive eldent. ~th house military com­ stnllatlolU around thc big Burmese mittee vote to extend the draft stream alter one of the worst diI­ Oder river, Moscow announced to­ keep it oIr legilimate buyers' bombs on Cebl,l island lQ Uw east. bombers blasled the bl~ Ruhrla d to within one mile of Czecho­ port of.RaIIf4on yt!uterdaT With law without chanSe. aster, ever visited on German .~ lnt· night. lables~ all refinery 7() mlLcs southeast ~r slo kian I>9rder. Gen. Douglas MacArthur re­ "sood to excellent" results, lay In, President Roosev-:lt, .endlnl up arms. LO Iowa IVeuue, Jowa City, JoWL 1 Board of Trustees: Wilbur Schramm, Kirk H. Porte.r, A. Crail Baird, Paul R. Olson, Donald Ottilie, Mary Jane Neville, Mary Beth Pilmer, Karal,yn Keller, Jack Moyen. Vol. XXI, No. 1896 Fred M. Pownall. Publflher ------61 :i)orothy Klein, Editor Dicit Baxter, Adv. MJr. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Entered 81 lleCond claSI mall Subll!rlptlon ra__ By maD $5 Friday, Maroh 23 WednesdaY, March U IDIItter at the postoHice at Jowa per year; by carrier, 15 centa 8 p. m. University play, UnIver­ 7:30 p. m. lowl! Mountalnee,,: L ft Dty, Iowa, under the act at eon.­ weekly, $5 per "ar. Illustrated lecture on "High Coun­ .. pe. ot March 2, 1879. sity theater. The Aasoclated Pr1!III II ezelu­ S.tuni." March !t try," by Alfred M. Bailey, Chelll· • slvely entitled to use tar repuhU­ I p. m, Matinee, University thlla­ istty auditorium. f TELEPHONES II p. m. Concert by Univtl1lty JWtortal omce ____,4192 cation ot all new. dlap,tch81 ter. F credited to it or not otherwlae enorus, Iowa Union. Society Office .4193 Sttnda, Mareh 25 Thutsaay, Mareh 29 II credlteci ia thil paper and allO '1 :30 p. m. Iowa Mountaineers: Io~a High School Forenslt 8ualn811 omce .4191 the local DeWI pubUshed herein. moonlight hike; meet at Englneer- league tournament. Ing building. Friday. March 30 T" fEIDA Y. MARCH 23. 1945 to tI- Montiy, Marcli le8 ;rows High School Forensic the 8 C.... le Landk, Ita,e 8 II. m. Daru!e recital by the league touranment. boar. Ann Sheridan, sereen Jane W,att, .II-Amerlcan OstlS, Macbride auditorium. Mareh a1 8aturd~y, day. The Worst Is Not Yet-Meat to Be Short T .....', March!' Iowa High School Forensic Prof. 12 m. Professional Women's league tournament. lege Until Fall, Eggs to' Be · ~carce, Too Luncneon, University club. 2 p. ID. Bridge, University club. Th (tot tilf.rIIIIliloll retarllin. aate. be,onll tbls acbecJule, _ AI' By Tom WnUams lamb, and 50 per cent of all ,ood, ; __vailoni til Die .lIlee 01 tbe trelldeot, Old OlpiloL) Bil CHICAGO (AP)-United States choice and commercial veal also Bri civilians will be on a light meat Is set aside for government pur­ GI:NERAL NOTICES Dv diet until autumn-at least. And chase, Gr. Iri! there's a possibility that there Packers regard the shortage of IOWA UNION CANDIDATES FOR DEGanS may not be enough eggs, lbe most hogs as extremely critical. MUSIC ROOM scmmuu All students who expect to reo Ka popular meat substitute. On Jan. l, there were approxJ­ Monday-l1-~. 4-6, 7-9. ceive a degree or certi1icate 81 the Lo' m~tely 60 million hogs on the na­ 'ruesday-1l-2, 4-8, 7-9. April 22 Commencement shou14 Ma The home front, already cdndi­ Me tioned to smaller meat rations in llon's farms-22 million fewer WedneSday-1l-2, 4-11, 7-9. make tormal application immedl. than on Jan. 1, 1944. The govern­ ThursdaJl-1l-2, "-II, 7-9. ately in the office of the Registrar, Mil many areas, faces II 12 per cent Ne! slash in Its share for the April­ ment requested a reduction in the Frl(/a,-11-2, 8-5, 6-8. University hall. May-June quarter. Packers be­ livestock population last summer 8atUrda1-11-4. HARRY G. BARNES Ne' sur~ Per lieve th~re will be little improve­ because officials feared large SUllda:;.-1-8 p. m. Re;lMr pluses in event of an early peace in Saturday afternoon lhe opera SnE m~nf betore fall. when a seasonal stu increase in the marketing of Hve­ Europe and because stocks of com Carmen (Bizet) will be the broad­ COMMENCEMENT INVITA. stock can be expected. and other feed grains at that time cast. TIONS ' Tes The government figures the per were small. Sunday- Philharmonic orches­ Students graduating at the April Wa Farmers, unable to obtain corn, Wi! capita allotment of meat tor civil~ tra, 2 p. m., NBC at 4. Commencement may order Invli,­ even at ceiling prices, complied too [ions !It lbe Alurvni olllce, Old Wi] ians will drop to an annual rate ot Nadine Conno"f, opera Major Juanita Redmond, nur~e Jane Froman, popular music VIvian Della Chiesa, concert Tuesday, March 27, Beethoven's 115 pounds in the next three readily, They cut their herds of "Missa Solfmnis" wm be played Capitol. Orders must be placed by Wo of months, the lowest in 10 yellrs. hogs 30 per cent instead 17 per THE FASHION ACAMDEY has announced the names of tbe 1!1 but- of the natlon'l war ~ffort 4nci "'!Kallon of wardrobe lo war work," in the Iowa Union Music room. 12tn., March 24. Invitations Rfe Yor cent-and the wartime demand for The American meat institute re~ dressed women of the year together with a special "public life" the aca!lemy nlmed tbe fashion winners In 12 fields of activity, 6 cents each and cash should ae­ ports that the situation "borders on pork continued to soat. award for all the women in mllitary uniform. Warnlnr Utat award. 01 whom are p!c.urecl above. Major Redmond was named as FIELD ROUSE company order, The war food administration re­ fi meat famine in many parts of winners are required to show "adlve participation in lome phaae reprelll!nta"ve of ,ervklewolP8n. Studen t! alld faculty must ar­ F. G, mOBil the country." Further, says the in­ ivsed its crop goals, and farmers range for lockers betore 6 p. m. ot Director of C6nvoclU_ -Ho stitute, the situation will "get were asked to shove tIM! food out­ the fleldbouse. put up another notch. But it takes much worse before it gets any ion All universIty men may use the BACONIAN LECTURE VOLUMI better." time to grow a hog-about 12 Patton Captures Land '~f W-'~""""m-en--"~I Op1ra on ~md off the Campus- field house (Joors and facilitieS The volume containing the months to get it up to market from 6:30 to 9 p.m, They tnust be' Meantime, the Chicago mercan- weight. Baconian lectures (or the current He dressed In regulation gym suit ot year is now off the press and may tile exohange says the nation alsd Meantime, the number of sheep • .If. .If. * * * What Are Your Plans for Summert By Wade Werner city officials, a police lorce and bla~k sliorts, whitl! shirt, and rub. be obtained from the office 01 is facing a serious shortage of and lambs declined approximately BAD KREUZNACH, Germany firemen must be found. ber-soled 10'10 shoes. publications. The price is one dol· Bar It eggs, reports national stocks 12 milJion herd and the cattle· pop­ Ardell James, Al of Walcott: E. G. SCUROEDBIl r were estimated at 621,000 cases on wation dipped slightly. (AJ:')-It is a land of women Eisenhower's proclamation, "we "I plan to work at the Arsenal in lar. Ill., DEAN CARL E. SEASBOII! dent March I, compared with 2,808,000 Total hoe marketinrs through which Patton's armored columns come as conquerors," was going Davehport this summer and hope c The Graduale ooIJe(6 cases on the same date last year. the 12 public stockyards and in- have been overrunning during the up on the walls. Contrasting iron­ very. much to go into Chicago WOMEN'S RECREA1'IONAL other Egg production is eight per cent terior Iowa and southern Minne­ past tew days. ically with these and the Bcene of nearly every weekend." SWIMMING Phylli under a year ago, thankl!\ to a re- sota during February were about The tanks have thrown an iron devastation was a poster left b)' 4-5:30 p. m. Monday, Tuesday, STUDENT ART SALON vice-p duced poultry population and a 58 per cent under the eount for net around countless towns and lbe Nazis: Thursday and Friday. The annual Student Art salon Shena' severe winter. At the same time, February of last year. villages whose inhabitants had no "With good humor everything 10 a. m.-12 M. Saturday , will open in the main lcunge of Doris ' chance to flee, but they seem to becomes easier. JoyoUs courage John Bressler, A1 of Carson: "I Recreational swimming periods Iowa Union Sunday, March 25 tine, c the demand for the armed ;forces Marketings at those centers dur­ want to go home, loaf and do a lot has increased and civilian needs ing the first week in March to­ be overwhelmingly women, a few will help us through." are open to all women students, itom 3 to 5 lJ. m. The exhibition Mary of fiBhing." 2 t also are higher, because of the toUed 406,000 head compared with old men and boys only emphasiz- While the fOfeign conquerors faculty, faculty wives, wives of will continue lbrough April and crly, meat shortage. 897,000 for the week ended March ing the absence of German males. and ,dazed leading citizens Q~ld graduafA! students and adrninistra- again from April 9- 19. All stu­ Nan Uve staft mefilbers. Students dents are invited to submit work port, \ Here's the meat situation: 4, 1944, Yanks are plentiful and there their first conference, just oJ.ltside Myron Lorenzen, AS I1t Water. are many men among liberated of town another discussion was , Fred Laros, A2 of Omaha: "I 100: " I am getting married in May should present thelr Identification at Iowa Union desk or at the Art Pat J( Amounts ot beef, veal, lamb and Cattle receipts reached large eards to the matron for admittance. office before March 18. Entries pork available are far too short to volume in recent weeks-but the foreign workers trudging or riding being settled between a Yank ar­ Ij"m going to stay in school this and we ate gOing to the Black pledge supply the mounting demands of kill was not enough to go 'round. trucks toward rear emergency mored scout car and a sniper. ~ ummer r but I want to take a short Hills. Then I'll return to school for M. GLADYS SCOTT will be judged and quality Bwartb Albia, civilians, lend-Jease and the armed Heavy marlceling's probably wlU oamps. '1;'he hundreds of trucks Sniping hereabouts has dwindled acation In Chicaao sO!Detime in the two month session. In August made. lin, A: CHILDREN"S ART EXIDBIT forces. continue lor another six weeks be- carrying German prisoners rear- rapidly, however, and the author­ u gust. " we are going to Colorado fOr an- BEATRICE MINTZ Eloise ville, Tne winter's hog run, sharply fore the seasonal slump. ward roll swiftly through the vil- Ities anticipat~ no speciaL /litJi­ i ... .• --, - other short vacation." .Af! exhibit of children's art is lages, leaving clouds 01 dust and cully. .. J!ilCk . N.... lt, ·lA ' of D... enpert~ being shown in the main corridors INfER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN Mary r~duced by a Shortage of farm ani- Grass fed cattle will not be in Herbol mals, already is tapering off and your corner meat market until the be.Wifdered women. Headquarters soon was plted "J'm staying in sehool this sum­ Pat Klrby, A3 of GreenvllJe! of the art building until March 27. FELLOWS HlP The work was done by children in quelln, 1~w swine will be marketed dur~ August or September, with no real The preponderance of women with confiscated German·'· fOod mer and will probably be kept "1'11 be taking work in the slleech The Inter-Varsity Chrisliail fel· City, I ing the summer. In another six jncrease until October and Novetn­ was rElvealed when an AMG de- stores. They will be Used pr·lmarlly pretty busy." department in Wayne university in the university experimental SChools lowship will meet at 8 p. m. fri· from jur1ior-primary to ei!lhth Marily weeks cattle receipts will begin to ber. tachment arrived in this health for foreign workers who aTe Detroit." day in 207, Schaeffer hall. Cadet diminish and will continue small The results of liquidation also resort and vacation center whose awaiting transportation rearward. Ruth Weber, A1 of Muscatine: grade. nurses will be in charge ot the lanUc, EDNA PATZIG FranCE until mid-August. will be shown in future supplies normal population is 30,000. The "J'll probably keep house this Vlr,-lnJa Beach, At of OskalOOsa: program. Officias of "packing plants in of beef. Last year 7,769,559 calves , summer llecause my mother is "I'm going to work in a babk in Instructor G. GARDJaIl l·ushin, streets were crowded with women of Chicago, the nation's butcher shop, 'were butchered-50 per cent more silently watching American traf­ worki~. I would Ilke to go to my home town." Program Chairman A2 cises c attribute the meat shortage princi- than in 1943. Normally this young fic. Wisconsin for a ~ouple of weeks, MUSEUM OF NATURAL pally to orders requil'ing federally stock would have been sent into Polish Leader Wanls but I dOUbt that I will." Bar-blU'a Kriebel, A2 of Keokuk: mSTORY SCHOLARaHIPS Others g a zed woodenly at "I'm just going to loaf." inspected slaughterers to set aside corn belt feed fots to be fattened smouldering fires from the latest [n order to save coal and co· Students wisihng to be consld· Legic most of lbeir kill for the armed and sold a yea I' later when they Baltic Ports for Nation htrlcla Coy, A3 of Newton: "I operate in the "brownout" the ered for a partial tuition exemp' bombing by hit and run luftwaffe would like to get some kind of FraneQ Schllllnt, At of Jama­ forces and lend-lease. Would produce an additional two raiders. Bad Kreuznach already museum will be closed Sunday lion, Carr scholarship, or La Verne To In recent weeks this set-aside to thl'ee hundred pounds of meat. \\IoI'k in the office of a manufac­ iea: "I'm going home to sleep Dnd had been severely pounded by al­ until 1 o'clock until fUrther notice. Noyes sctlOlarship during U1e sum­ bas amounted to 60 per cent of the Heavy marketings of young and MOSCOW (AP) - The Polish turing company." eat" It will be open Crom 1 o'clock until lied planes and in the final on­ mer session must have the appli· good and commercial steers and unfinished stock have been attrib­ press agency said last night thai 5 o'clock and the custodian will slaught of armor. cation Or renewal on file in the The beifers, except those of extremely uted to OPA price ceilings, other proviSional President Boleslall be there to show visitors the ex­ office of student affairs before /2 and It light weights; 70 per cent of all goverrtment regulations and the A few years ago Bad Kreuznach hibib" nOOn, March 31. would have seemed a tragicalJy Bierut told the first Polish trQoPS Marine Corporal Describes.First Hours St. Ma utility steers, heifers and cows abnormal demand for meat. B. £~ DILJl 1 to reach the Baltic that Poland ROBERT L. BALJ;ANTYNE 1Jnlver and 80 per cent of all cutters and For the first time in many battered city. But after Bitburg, Director SecretarY lo COIllJIIltlee canners. months no live poultry was re- Pruem, Wittlich, Mayen and oth­ would get the seaports ot Danzig guests Of Yanks' 26·Day BaHle for Iwo Jima on S tudea, Aid chow I One-hall the dressed weight of ceived at the Chicago whole~le ers in the Third IIrmy's path, the and SteW,. as well I!S ~ts pre-war BIGHLAlIIDERS PRACTICE Corrum all pork, 75 per cent of the lard market on Monday, Maroh 12, and tirst impreSsion is of the large outlet of Gdynia. SCHEDULE TABLE TENNIS ' produced in most states, 40 to 50 trade sources said the condition re­ number of houses still standing. (The foUl)wing is (1). eye­ I started looking for the rest ot Also "We are standing on the BalUc Tuesday 4-5 p. m. pipers. The university men's annual Wally; ~er cent ot the good and choice nected a nation-wide shortage, The AMG commander, Capt. S. witness account of tke aSSa1IU my outfit. They weren't far away, coast and will never move from Wednesday-4-5:30 p. m. drum- table tennis tournament will begin Frauci! M. Brown, estimated there were On [wo Jima during the first getting an artillery piece em­ mers. April 2, Registration blanks may it," Bierut said in his message to Lieu!. still 20,000 people her~mostly hectic. hours of tke fierce, 26- placed. Thursday 4-5:30 p. m. everyone. be obtained at Iowa Union desk, women and children, many of the troops. day balile, by Marine Corp. Pre-Fli Reporter George .Mill s Helps We were about 700 yards from WILLJAM ADAMSON and all registrations must be der, dit . whom were evacuees from other "The new democratic Poland," Pipe MaJor turned in at desk by March 30. Arthtt,. L. Natter 01 New York Mt. Suribachi, OUI- target, and Karl 1 bomb-ridden Rhineland cities. he said, "will not be satisfied wi~b City, among lite "irst 100 MARY BETH pItMII Brown, a formet school super­ tired rounl::! after round Into the merce. Solve Ironing Board Problem a single seaport connected with casltalties to be returned to the LAFEVR£ :MEMORIAL PRIZE Prof. intendent, found the fear of the face of that seemingly impregna­ SPEECH CONTEST WESLEY FOUNDATION the country by a narrow strip of U.",ited States. W' oU'IIded dur­ botany By Lewis HawkiJl& The Des Moines reporter was Gestapo still strong. The tormer ble fortress. By now the air was Th~ preliminary contest for the All students and servicemen lIe burgomaster, who had been ousted land as it was before September, ing the second dg,U of the the me W1TH THE SEVENTH ARMY George Mills, formerly- with The 3·trl£gg"le, he is now resting at filled with shells, and the beach Lafevre Memorial prize wlll be invited to the closing party of this (AP)-Here Is one of the favorlte Associated Press. Mills 1s now with and jailed by the Nazis, was con­ 1939, We shall have the seaports held Tuesday, April li. at 7:30 p. m. semester of Wesley foundation, sidered eligible to serve under the 'he Ullited States naval hos­ was IJttered with damaged equip­ stories of Col. A. C. Morgan, com­ the Des Moines Register. of Danzig, Gdynia ' and StatUn All freshmen who are candidates which will be a hayride, Saturday. military government, but could which will connect us with the en­ pital, .San . Franci$co, Calif. ment. dead and wounded marines, lor the prize should call Ilt SchaeI~ Phone reservations to 3753 by mander of the 276th regiment, 70th not be persuaded, pleading he was tire world of free nations." N(ltter is a son of Mr. and Mrs, and fresh troops s c ram b 1 i n g fer hall, roOm 13, for detailed in- Saturday noon . Meet at the Melh· divJsion, who as assistant com­ Uncoordinated Fight too old, Nevertheless, non-Nazi M. Natter of New Yorf.; .. ashore. structions for the contest. ' odist student center, 120 N. Du· mandant of Ft. Des Moines had a In Indo-Chlna That night, about midnight, the PROF. FRANKLIN H. KNOWEk buque, at 7:30 p. m. Bring 60 cents leading part in training the first "M" DAY 8, ()o.~. AllTOUR L. NATTEa, ~aps opened up with everything S~ch O ..1tartment for the hayride and refreshments, WAC ofticers. • Hinders Campaign tJ~MCR they ~d. They had evidently re­ IRENE BALDWIN ''We had the barracks all fixed DistrlbuUct By ceived information as tq our gun CAMERA CLUB Social CbaIrIIIIIl The Spring Photography salon up tor the first officer candidates PARIS (AP)-Serious differ­ 1'I\e Associated Presl position anp were concentrating and were already to open up when SAN FRJ\NCISCO (AP) - It on putting it out of commission. presented by lhe Camera club will INTER~RACIAL FELLOWSBIP an ' Assocla led Pre s s reporter ences among fbe allies over the A giant mortar shell came be on display in the main audl-. The Inler-Racial fellowship will of )Val about 1100 (11 a.m.) D-day whose name I can't recall came status French resistance forces screamin~ down out ot the sky torium of the art building through meet ·Friday evening at 8 o'clock within Indo-China are preventina that I climbed aboard the am­ out !rom Des Moines to look the pl)jbious tractor with some of the and llinded just a few feet away, March 24 , in the Congregational church rec· effective coordination of a cam­ place over. . other members of our unit. We messing everything up in general. R. PAbGHAM reatlon room. Dr. H. W. Saundtl1 paign against the Japaneae in Iba( "It already had been inspected A:bou~ six of us were hit, somE! President will Ifa speaker. His subject is far eastern colon,., it was re­ illoyed off for th.e-beach and the badly, others not quite ~o bad. A "Why the American r:f,egro ConstI· by Mrs. Hobby (Col. Oveta Culp ported reliably yesterdll1. hell that' lay ahead on Iwo. Hobby, director of tbe WAC) and We could see ihe i!!ysers of oorpiman came runninll up and IOWA MOUNTAIN EEllS tutes a Problem in· the United the by various generals, Presidents of For a year and a balf Frenc!b water thfown up by some of the whippeq put his battl!! dressings. A. moonli~ht hike is planned for States." Anyone interested rna, women's clubs and other women have persisted in orpniziDI aDd shells as they splattered into the Jie found me laying there besidE! the evening of Saturday, March 24, attend. including my wile, and all had directin, a separate reaiataJre ocean alongside our ships and the iun numb and dazed and not Members will meet at 7:15 p, m. M. J. MIlKEI agreed that everything was lovely movement within the coJon,J in­ winced a bit as others received Quite sure just what had hap­ at the intel"Section of Court street PrtJaldeal -particularly the thoughtful touch stead of developiDlr units of an direct hIts and C"apsized. pened to me. and Muscatine avenue. Registra­ overall inter-allied plan. Britain . of putting 20 ironing boards and Just about then Is ,when we got Then he took a look at my right tion Is not necessal'y, but the TABLE TENNIS electric irons in each barracks so and the United States wen aai4 oUTI!. f., sheU, r think It was a leader will appreciate your calling The University men's annual to have encourapd attitude arm and started to work on me. the girls could keep unilorms neat. uu.. mortar shell, knOcked out the After the tw.ttle dreuin,a t)im at phone 4928 so

The anlfular carUle,e of the The German sbeep dOl is a r Ilarynx m.altes wbat is called the large and handsomely built dog Twenty-Two Elected to Phi Beta Ka p p a 'i'Aidamii"iiaiPPilie'i' iinimanii·iiiiiiwlithiiaishiioirtismiooithiCO&iliii

INFANTRY CUTS FAMOUS GERMAN SUPERHIGHWAY 118-IU Soutb CllDlooStreet Phoa.9607 Group Has I Colorful Rhythms of Teresita, Emilio Os'a STRUB·WAREHAM To Recreate Old Spain for SUI Audience 10u:o tCy'. DfJ)fJrlm 111 .'I/) r - E. I. 1 67 Yearly Session • Iowan Citiallll will take a Irip Emilio add 1o the colorful dan CHEN YU 5 south of the Rio Grande when the at Ter It the m lIo tone of Prof. H. Dabney Kerr Latin brother and ,i ter dance Te ~l ta'5 ca tan t which he h Presides at Meeting team of Te~ita and Emilio Osu. been u ing inee 1936 . To pr rve brin' a brilliant program of au­ th.. melliow ton • Ih.. elll tanf'ts In Old Capitol thentic dances of the provin~ of are al ways earned in a green a pre-war 5p In In the color ful kmlted pouch to protrct th m from Twenty-two names were added costumes of our South American extrem of cold and heat. to the Phi Beta Kappa roster at neighbors to Iowa Union as an The combination of Emilio' the annual business meeting In the extra attraction of th university rhythm at the piano, the colorful board room of Old Capitol yester­ lecture eries this Monday, March costuml'S at far-away lancb on the day. Presiding at the meeting was 26 at 8 o·clock. raceCul T creslla and the click­ Prof. H. Dabney Kerr of the col­ Thi is the ond appearance in c1 ck o( h r m.ellow <: tan as lege of medicine. Iowa City for the Ostas: their fi rst she d n , is the tick t th t tran - Those elected are: performance was given in the ports sudlenc . to Latin America Arnold, William Union dUring July of last year to of loog 111:0. BiUlngs, LillIan an enthusiastic audience. Briggs, Bernadine Maslal Lore Dvorsky, Harry From their varied store of m usi­ Prof. Craig to Return Groom, Helen cal lore acquired In countrl all Irish, Alice over the world by actually living Katscbkowsky, Kathryn with the peepl to study their For Summer Session Low, Donald musi!! first hand, Teresita and Mathers, Jean Emllo bring to their audiences the Prof. Hardin Cr il[. h d or Mercer, Ann FIRST UNITED STATES army troops or the 9th lnrantry dlvlslon work theIr Way pa t the famous AdoU exotic and strange liubtletia ot Hiller autobahn, super-hl .. hway In the Ruhr valley, near IIlmbllrK eut of Honnet. the Eogli h tI partm!'nt at UI Miller, Mary an ancient people in such dance from 19 18 to 1928, w I r!'tu rn to Nesper, Marilyn as "Jorono" of Vene2:uela, the the Towa campus to tf'8ch two Neville, Mal"Y Jane Hollywood Thelre (WHO) "Cueca" from Chile and HEI Galo" cour. durin, the eilht-week Penningroth, Ellzabeth Whirligig (KXEL) nalive to Argentina. One favorite Foreign Student Adviser to Be Interviewed- summer ses~io n . Snell, Beverly 10:00 is a colorful pea5llIlt number rep­ On ia a two hour eour , Dou, Grant News (WMT) re ent.atlve of the ancient kin dom Studley, Lois "IIU' {I,e, 01'1_"'''''. "., Shak pear 'I comedies, a nd tho Tester, Terry NDo-WOO er ..e, ."_WUI' (In) 6:00 Dinner Hour Music Supper Club (WHO) of Aracon. other a three hour cou , The CII_WMT (eat) III ...... " ... (, ...., 6:55 News, The Daily Iowan Waterman, Anne H. R. Gross &th News(KXEL) Teresita danc to creale vivid Study of Literathrt', which In­ 7:00 We Dedicate 10:15 Wilson, Jeanne Margaret Ems, adviser to [orelgn pi!!tures to merge one Into another cludes Iiterllture All rommunka­ Wilson, Luella students in the office of student 7;25 I'lwa State High School Fullon Lewis (WMT) In an unbroken now of beauty t1 on, os rl'Cord, as rine arl, and Tournament News, M. L. Nelsen (WIIO) Workman, Lois aHairs, will illscuss "Foreign Stu­ The melodIes played by Emilio on lUi cultural agency. York, Ruth dents on the Iowa Campus" on 9:45 News. The Dally Iowan H. R. Gross & the News (KXEL) lhe plano. build a backdrop of Car 10:Z0 Arter leavln" Iowa. Pror ssor WSUI's Views and Interviews off places tor the pictures Teresita Craig w nt to Stauford university . today at 12:45 . Edna Herbst at the NETWORK lOGULIGUT Fullon LeWis (WMT) creates. He retired from there In 194!. Beaullful C~tume WSUI staLl will conduct the inter­ 6:00 News, M. L. N Isen (WIlO) Sine then he hal b 0 teachinl! One of the most beaullrul cos­ " a hell," I dilluiJied .House Elects view. The Jack Kirkwood Show SporUI$ht P orad (KXEL) al th University of North Caro­ tumes worn by Tere Ita i m de Iowa. ta.te m,h School (WMT) 10:25 lina. .h \I . hade .•. " .1011 erin~ Plum," Lucia, Koch and Au. tin (WHO) Fulton Lewis (WMT) of white ImPQrted French lace Baskdbltll Tournament Pror.. or Crlli, hos b cn visi t­ iii." • ill ilill pring bIll m .• • The two semi-Cinal games or Grain Belt Rangers (KXEL) News, M. L . Nel en (WHO) which now I. no lon,er available. 6:15 Interlude (KXEL) When her dressmaker threw up ing Instructor herr every summer "Fruun firl'." .n in ial nl red I NQW Officers the 1945 sta le high school baskel­ since h left xc-cpt lost lummer Jimmy Fidlcr (WMT) 10:80 her honds In horror at the job of . ·or nsils and lips .• i ball tournament held In Des wh n he taught lit th Univ ralty News of the Wol'ld (WHO) Symphonetlc (WMT) sewIng sequins on the costume, Moines this weekend will be oC Woshinaton In S i1ttl • and I lovelier you. Barbara Lund, A3 of Peoria, broadcast over WSUI tonight at H. R. Gross & the News (KXEL) Can You Top This? (WHO) Min 0518 got busy and put th m recently was elected presi­ 7;25 by Dick YoakAm and Bob 6:30 The Doctors Talk It Over on herself. m., One of the minor war casualties Th U. S. hn< IIpproximat('ly Brooks the sports Friday on Broadway (WMT) (KXEL) dent of Gamma Pbi Bela sorority. at wsur start. {or the Oslas was the lnavaliablUty 26,000,000 d Iry tows. Other officers named incl udo University tudent Forum News, M. L. Nel en (WHO) 10:45 If." R R lET HUBBARD of the vivid ,,"001 in flower designs ' ~ The United States and ]nter­ Did You Know? (KXEL) Symphon lte (WMT) PhylIls lJedges, A3 of Iowa City, which are typical o[ the pellSllnl vice-president; Mary Brush, A3 of national Communicatiuns" will be 6:35 Can You Top Tnl ? (WHO) CU6tumes, but beln resourceful, Shenandoah, recording secretary; dis<;ussed . this afternoon at 3 Friday on Broadway (WMT) Melodies of the Masters (KXEL) News, M. L. Nelsen (WHO) 11:00 Miss Oata converted 15 Imported ~ Doris Havercamp, Al of Musca­ o'clock on the weekly WSUI pro­ brl,ht yellow, green and red fiow­ gram, University Student lorum. Btack Hawk Sport Flashes News (WMT) tine, correspom:llng secretary, and er-patterned ker!!hlefs which she Mary Jane Hertlein, A2 of Wav­ Students in the public discussion (KXEL) Bill Stern-5ports (WHO) 6:40 News (KXEL) dlscovered In a New York shop erly, treasurer. and debate classes under the di­ Into a peasant costume tor Nancy Romine, Ai of Daven­ rection of Prof. A. Craig Baird Of FridllY on Broadway (WMT) 11:05 News (WMT) of her dance. port, was named house president; the. speech department will dis­ News, M. L. Nelsen (WHO) Mellow Tone cuss the problems that face the Bill Slern-5ports (WHO) Pat Jensen, C3 of Webster City, Spol·t Cavalcade (KXEL) Along with the brilliant lind I Dance Orchestra (KXEL) pledge· trainer; Bctty Smith, A3 of United Stales wi th reference to 6:45 tan t a I I z I n g a!!companiament Albia, song leader; Jeanne Bow­ postwar communications. Carol FridflY on Bl·oadway (WMT) 11:15 iln, A3 of Des Moines, publicity; Ra y m 0 n d, Ail, of Cleveland News, H . V. KaJtcnbQrn (WHO) 0([ the Record (WMT) Eloise Simmons, Al of Center­ Heights, Ohio, will act as student Preferred Melociie (KXEL) Timely Topic (WHO) ville, scrap book and historian; chairman. '7:00 Rev. Pietsch's Hour (KXEL) Two Local Veterans Mary Ann Lawton, A2 of Benton The Aldrich Family (WMT) 11:30 Harbor, Mich., activities: Jac­ TODAY'S PROGRAl\l Highways in Melody (WHO) Guy Lombardo's Band (WMT) On Way to Iowa City quellne Shelladay, Al of Iowa 8:00 Morning Chapel Stars ot the Fulure (KXEL) News, Garry Lenhart (WHO) City, C res c e n t correspondent; 8:15 Musical Miniatures 1:30 Rev. Pietsch's Hour (KXEL) Marilyn Henningsen, A3 of At­ 8:30 News, The DalJy Iowan Adventures ot the Thin Man 11:45 After Duty Overseas lantic, schOlarship c h a I r man; GUY Lombardo's Band (WMT) 8:45 Program Calendar (WMT) Two Iowa Cillans, veterans f Frances Arthur, AS of Hampton, 8:55 Service Reports Dully's Tavern (WHO) Music: News (WIIO) rushing chairman, and Hope liea, Dance Orchestra (KXEL) the TuniSian and Italian cam­ 9:00 Greek Drama Variation by Van Cleave paigns arc en route home {rom A2 of Mason City, literary exer­ 9:50 Red Cross Girls In Action (KXEL) 11:55 cises chairman. Guy LombardO'S Band (WMT) the Fifth army front In Italy aCt I' 9:55 News, The Dally Iowan 1:55 serving more than three years 10:(J{) Week in the Magazines & lhc News (WMT) Music; News (WHO) twa feillalle Wilt)' ddt belp )'au 10 I"';" ),001' I...... overs 8S. "'eK 10:15 Yesterday's Musical Fa- Du!fy's Tavem (WHO) News (KXEL) lJe4l l lw1)''' legion to Be Host 12:00 They are 5ta(( Sergt. Keith vorites Variations by Van Cleave lIora, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ l&A,,"nlJ'(c;. "41tt .. nUl - con«.I. 11 .... - alune thll.kla To SUI, . High School (KXEL) Press News (WMT) 10:30 The Bookshelf ward Hora, 813 S. Gilbert street, -ffllia. DUliI"p. Pelt"b and Recbel. 1.00 01 11 ;00 Musical Interlud U. S. Marin Bond (WIJO) Basketball Players 8:00 and Corp. JU5eph Motte, whose 11 ;05 American Novel H P ays 0 Be I,norant (WMT) StaUon Break ~ Sign Oct WluaJA ua 1'O'II'DUI- mwotb-atlberrDl-'rqnnl. Chtlk'.,.,l parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malt Mat­ 11:50 Farm Flashes Waltz Time (WHO) (KXEL) ....)' &'lleriq bades blelld~ 'IIi\h Kienilii. ~ttcl ;(>11. \.~ The Iowa Big Ten champions tes. live at 5 I 6 E. Burlinglon and the basketball squads from 12;00 Rhythm Rambles Famous Jury Trials (KXEL) J2:30 News, The Dalty Iowan 8:30 street "''''-.- st. Mary·s, S1. Patrick's, City and Methodist Students' Both men were members of the IN THE ONLY moUon plcturo University high schools will be the 12:45 Views and Interviews Those Websters (WM'l') 1:00 Musical Chats People Al·e Funny (WHO) Spring Conference naUonal guard in Iowa City be­ scene ever made ot a Jap actually guests at the American Legion rore federal mob III z a t Ion In fighting back, this NIppon chow Monday night at 6:30 at the 2:00 Victory Bulletin Board Spotlight Bands (KXEL) To Convene in Ames 2:10 Recent and Contemporary 8:55 February, 1941. They trained at warrior wu snapp d all he lOlled Community builclJng. Camp Claiborne, La., with the a miniature bll.ngalore torpedo at Also present will be coaches Music Those Websters (WMT) The Iowa Methodist student 3:00 University Student Forum People Are Funny (WHO) medics and went over eas in a MarIne tank a Bpll t llecond be­ Wally Schwonk, Ross Wedemeyer, movcmen~ will hold its annual February, ]942. 3:30 News, The Dally Jowan Coronet Story Teller (KXEL) toro a Leatherneck bullet gavlI Francis Sueppel and C. B. Kritta, spring conter nee at Ames Irom After further training in Ire­ him an honorablo dl echarge lrom Lieut. Ellis Johnson of the Navy 3:35 Music of Other Countlie~ 9:00 April 6-8. Delegat (rom the Col­ land and Scotland, Sergl Hora thin world. The torpedo-a I~ngth Pre-Flight scbool, 1':. G. Schroe­ 3;45 Reviewing the Polls Moore & Durant Program leges of Iowa will be lImiled to 50 and Corp. Mattes took par in the 01 piping jammed with explosive. der, director of athletics, and Prof. 4;00 Elementary Spoken Portu- (WMT) in keeping with t,dveL restric­ guese Amos 'n' Andy (WHO) invasion of North Africa, landing - Is lleel\ above the Jap's head. Karl Leib of tbe college of com­ tiuns. The photo Is (rom the documen­ 4:30 Tea Time Melodies Sjunmy Kaye's Varieties at Alilers Nov. 8, 1942. merce. Among those planning to atlend tary film "Fury In Ute Pacl1lc" Prof. Walter F. Loehwlng of 5:00 Children's Hour (KXEL) Sergeant Hora is a platoon ser­ irom the University of Iowa are geant. Corporal Mattes Is a medi­ made by combat cameram n of botany department is in charge of 5:30 Musical Moods 9:30 Ruth Quinlan. Bette Jacobson, !,he Army, Navy, Marine Corpi 5:45 News. The Daily Iowan stage Door Canteen (WMT) cal ward attendanl the meeting. Don Davis. Irene Baldwin, Ethel JlJl.d Air Forces. (] nternaLionalJ Miller, Gwen Wager, Meredith Moyers, Dale Dilts, Jean Loomis Lieu\.. Blil Bowles of Des OHIO THEATER OWNER DEFIES CURFEW, KEEPS OPEN and Dorothy Steinel'l. Momes, recently arrived at a stra­ New Bags 52.98 Up tegic alrforce station in England, Dr. Rockwell Smith, proleuor 01llteninC patent.. ruUled loa­ of Christian elhics at Garrett from where he will 600n transfer WAR BONDS to his pennanent slation. thei'll, amart a.1Ii,s tor., pJa.ln Seminary in Evan ton, Ill., will be and nOTal printed labrlca - the principai speaker on the theme, Before entering the army alr­ evetYthin.. pretty In IUJDmer "Crisis in Community." Dr. Smith forces he was enrolled 8S a pre­ wiU speak on the implications of law student in the UnIversity of hand~,a ••• In black a.nd the Christian faith for both rural Iowa where he was a member of colon. and urban livin". Sigma Nu fraternity. His wife, Other speakers will include Dr. Mrs. Jean McGrew Bowles, lives Frank Lindhorst, area director of in Des Moines. religious education for the Meth­ odist church; Mrs. Mary Hazel­ A former pre-medic at the uni­ You look better 'rMI· wood, church leadership expert versity, J obn J. Baird of Cedar .. weartng ,lot.., IUld from Nashville, Tenn.; Allison Falls, a P-51 Mustang flghter­ u... are rteItI7 warted Hopkinson, Mrs. Ella Bradford bomber pilot, bas been promoted .. a&fle. 8M4Ie .tltdI­ and Vic Goll, minister to students to the rank of captain. la" taeIdaJ ...... ,. at Ames, Cedar FaU, and Iowa A veteran or over 120 sorties ell dee.n. City, and Libby Anderson, youth against the enemy, Captain Baird minister al lndiallOla Methodist 111 a member of the Ninth alrforce church. "Pioneer" fighler group. His SI up The conference wlJ) start with group has made a record uf nearly a party on Friday evenin. and con­ 700 enemy aircraft destroyed in tinue on Saturday lit the Lynn 14 munths of tactical operations. Fuhrer Lodge, a short distance Son of Mr. William S. Baird, (rom Ames. A banquet and party the Cedar Falls nyer has the Air will be held at the Collegiate medal with seven Oak Leaf Methodist church in Ames on Sat­ clusters. He entered the service in tUrdllY evening. The Iowa City January, 1942, and bas been on delega tion is in chn,e of a. Sat­ overseas duty with the 19th lacti­ Bee Strub', Large urday party. cal Idr command fur the past 16 eleclion of Oller There is still opportunity for months. more Iowa City dele,.tea to 10. Spri7l{l Arcusortu Those interested sl:ould contact Pfc. James Dunnington, son or Vic Goff at the Methodist student Rev. and Mrs. L. L. Dunnington, American loldiers in the Admiral· center. 214 Jefferson street. returned this ty Islands write a message and at· week from dut1 in the South Pa­ tack the container to the Ie, of a New York City'll public water citlc to spend a 3D-day leave with carrier pigeon. The pigeon "Bit S)'ste!IUI supply an avera,e of 125 bill parenill. force" does an invaluable job in 1II0VU-~DS are .bown above enterlq tbe Loop theater In Toledo. 0., at lZ:U a. m. dea,"e the gallons of water per capita per Private Dunnington attended the communications in tbe dlfftcult ldnd JaklDIrhtrmufew. "1&'. the bunk," Mid Jack O'ConnelJ, mana.. er 01 the tbeater. relerrln~ 10 tbe curfew day. university durin, the fall seme3ter of warfare we ate up Igalnst in &be O'Connell said hili thea.ter eatered 10 wolten. Said,. DIrector Edward DeAna-elo annoa.nced PlciOc. Your War Banda helped to order. war of 1943 and lett in January to en­ train !hll "air force." Keep up your tat II the theater continued to violate the eurrew "there Is no qaeation that it wllI be el_d wlUIln • few The Assyrians of about 600 B. list In the ma.rine corps. He has Bond purchase., untU G. I. Joe ~~ ------..'------C. had I114itW-Uke b.~4s . . been overseas for about a year, .I~ '!alt!>o.u. S. TJ'n.~;, !)~-'.::u:4 ------.1 'AQEFOUJ\' TH! D A-I f. y. I 0 W-A N. i ~WA- G I T-Y.. -lOW A FBJDAY-, MARCH 23 1145 Muse'dt'ine, St,arm lake, Maybe S~ Ceach Davis'Announc'es

Mighty l\likan Fi:y:e --~ Pe tm a rie nt Ames, Si:aux )~~. JaCkiSotds Twelve Hurlers See~ B, BOB IUlAV!tB Dai'" Iowan Spor" Edlfor . Diamond Assignments N. C. A. A,- YOU PROBABLY K.NEW wE! were Semi-finals going to talk about it anywat, but we hope you will pardon us if , Catch.r, Two we mention it in the midst of Outfield Positions Still Buckeyes this sizzling state ba sketba1J bUSi­ Open Tonight ness-we understand Muscatine Undecided by Coaches will have a new school song next 1--' year, something in the nature of Coach Waddy Davis has ~­ Ottumwa Falls Before "Hail Charley Mason, We Love nounced the permaneht llnl!\lp 10r Muscatine Quintet Triumph You." What we had in mind was live of tlfe nine positions oh the George Mikon of DePaul. Hawkeye baseball team, with the In Fihal Seconds By Orlo* *Robertson * If you took even a peep at yes­ lEft and right field, pitcHer aM NEW YORK (AP)-Ohio State's terday's sports pages you will catcher posts still ,in doubt as the DES MOINES (AP)-Muscatine rugged basketball team squared know that Mr. Mikan's 6 feet and Hawks go into theIr second week defeated Ottumwa 29 to 27 in the accounts for the season with the 9 Inches of even-better-tilan-you­ of outdoor workouts. second game 01 the opening round University of Kentucky last night, thought basketball player. As the Bob Schulz will play lirst base; of the state basketball champion­ scoring a 45 to 37 victory to enter moment he is engaged in the pro­ Leo Cabalka, second, ,base; Jerry ship tournament today as Charles the finals of the N.C.A.A. eastern cess of trying to place the Blue Walser, third base; lienry Quinn, Mason shot a basket lor the win­ division championship with New Demons in the position of 'best.. shortstop; and Pa,hl Greiwe, cen­ ners as the gun sounded to end York unive,·sity. in the nation. We are willing to ter field. In left, {Ield, George the game. Putting up a defense that forced bet you a Kool cigarette-noth­ Knack is battlinl it out with Jack The Muscatine victory, rather the Southeastern conference cham­ in, more potent - that Giani Kelso, and in the right garden spot unexpected alter the Bulldogs had pions to take Inost of their Shots George will do it, too. Paul F'agerlind appears to have taken an 18 to 9 halttime lead, (rom outside, the Buckeyes the nod, with Bill Anderson a followed anoUler sparkling first It all began last Monday night strong contender. avenged a 62-52 licking they took when DePaul played its first round round battle in which Storm Lake, early in the season before a crowd Catcher Undeelded the underdogs, rallled to oust game in the National Invitation of 15,584 at Madison Square Gar­ tournament at Madison Square Although the catching post Is Dowling of Des Moines, 29 to 28. den. New York university whipped still undecided, Joe Zulfer shows Ottumwa, whlch had shared the Garden. On this occasion they de­ Tufts 59-<44 and will clash with feated West Virginia by a margin the most promise, and will prob­ Little Six conference Htle with the Ohio State tomorrow night. a bly see a good deal of Ilctioh dur­ Muskias witb a 13 to 1 record, per­ of 72 to 56. Mikan glutted the It was a roughly fought affair hoops with 33 points. ing the season. Davis, however, formed like champions for their with 21 fouls being called against lauded the Improvement of Russ wide halftime lead. The Bulldogs The night before last the De­ Ohio State and 18 against Keh­ McLaughlin and indicated that the held their foe at only two field mons took on an old pal of ours, tucky. Neither team, hoWever, was Rhode Island State, in the semi­ Audubon freshman will also be a goals and five free throws. especially accurate from the fr€e Three-Quarter Mark final round at the extravaganza. great asset behinll ihe platt>. throw line, the Wildcats mlssiJig Our Rams went into the fray with The best-staffed po.sition on the At the three-quarter mark, with repeated opportuniUes to close in the score 22 to 15, it still looked an offensive average at 85 .5 pOints team is that at pitcj1l!r. Six of the late in the game when the Ohioans per game. The linal score, amaz­ 12 hurlers are $howing elmOlt like Ottumwa. were protesling a 10-point lead. But Mason collected his first ing in itself, ;Nas 97 to 53- favor equal ability as top-flight canlehd­ Both teams lost their chief of DePaul. ers, presenting l:>avis and Maury and followed with a operatives six minutes from the in the first minute of But the real triumph of the eve­ Kent with quite 'a problem In end when Arnold Risen, Ohio's making their permanent selections. the last session. six-loot, nine-inch center, went ning belongs to Mikan, who ap­ Ultimately it was 24-24, then out on personals and Jack Tin,le, pears to be basketball's only one­ Six Able PUebel'S 26-24 Ottumwa. Mason right back slippery Kentucky forward, suf­ man combination. Believe n or Max Smith will probably be for a field goal and it was 26-a II. fered a badly sprained ankle. Not-courstey of Ripley-he ac­ number one hurler this season, but Don F'erguson, the expert Ot­ Ohio State never traJled, al­ tually matched the entire total of he will have able support from tumwa guard, made a free throw though the score was tied twice in the whole Rhode Island team-53 Wilmer Hokanson, Gene Hot/mIn, and took the ball out-of-bounds the first ha 11 before Rod Caudill points. Adding to other ' l'ecords high jump and pole vault. The Paul Fagerlind, George Knack and instead of trying his second shot. Melvin Levy- led a sprint that gave the BUCk­ George has splintered so far he broad jump seems to be in the Allen McCord. With 40 seconds remaLhing eyes a 21-15 margin at the inter­ now has a total of 86 paints in two University High Track capable hands of Williams. Charley Riek dropped in a free Cadet Boxers "We can't tell about the mission. With flnding nights play. The schedule as completed to yet, other than that they are all throw for the Little Muskies to tie the range, the Big Ten boys Considering the fact that he does date Is as follows: the count and set the stage for pretty good," Davis said. "It Will opened up a 12-point morgin early have to lug that tremendous height Squad Opens Season Saturday, March 31-Eastern take an actual game with some Mason's heroics. End Season Sea hawk in the second period but Tingle around with him all the time you Towa conference indoor meet, rowa lood hitters to sift 'out the bfst. OpenJn~ Went off on a scoring spree that might suppose that Mikan would City. In the opening game of the Saturday, March 31 Ottumwa will give us such a test, made the game an argument until be a little awkward-from the al­ Friday, April 6- Dual meet (op­ because they hove 1\ slrong team, tournament Storm Lake's big team he left the game. titude if from nothing else. Well, ponent not yet selected), Iowa caught Dowling by surprise as the and the pitchers that are able to Grate and Caudill )jaced th a couple of years back this was About a dozen University high Clfy. - hold them will have prtlVed their Northwest challenger blazed back AI Minneapolis He~~~ winners with 15 and 14 points, re­ very true_ We saw him play il1 men have been working out the Saturday, April 14- Marion re­ worth." to wipe out· the IrUih's 26 to 22 by 1\1EltLB FLEMING spectively, while Tingle was Ken­ Madi on Square Garden at that past few weeks under Dr. M. F. lays, Marion. three-quarters lead. tucky's No. I scorer with 11 tallies. time and he looked like Mortimer Carpenter in \>re\>aration for the Saturday, April 21 - Teachers The Hawks dispen a with their Winding up their season, the Dally '!'Wan Sports Writer usual inlra-squad flarlre Yesterd." The Irish, winn\!r of recent Seahawk boxing-team wlll face the Sner4 in high society. first meet of the season Saturday, college relays, Cedar Falls. games with exciting finishes, saw State aM regional handball March 31 . At that time the R\v­ lind buckled down to the blisu.s Minneapolis NAS team in a relurn champion, a winner of three box­ It is hardly necessary to say Wednesday, AP1'il 25- Quadran­ Storm Lake turn the trlck on them that, since those days, George has ermen will face opponents from all gular meet( opponents not yet se­ of polishing individual play. De­ match at Minneapolis tonight. ing bouts in seasonal collegiate fensive setu ps were I!mphaJiud as the Tornadoes showed more learned what to do with his feet. conference schopls at the Iowa lected), Iowa City. The cadets this year have the contests, and a full-fll!dged petro­ Halldorsson, during the two and a haU hoUr poise in the stretch drive. The Invitation has now reached fieldhouse. Saturday, May 5-Eastern Iowa Jackie Donahue, Dowllng star, most :;uccesslul record In the his­ leum engineer after he has 12 confErence outdoor met, Mount drill, and Davis coached his mtn tory of var!>ity boxing at the Pre­ more wceks of study- that's a the final stage and, on March 26, This event, the Eastern Iowa in cutoffs and outfield plsy. COICh was held without a field goal and DePaul will face Bowling Green conference meet, will be thl! only Vernon. F'light school. They have two vic­ pocket size record of Melvin Levy, Kent conducted a stiff infl~d made only four of the 11 chances for the title. George won't forget indoor contest on the Blue Hawk Saturday, May 12 - DUitrict tories over Wisconsin, a defeat by 22-year-old Seahawk heavyweight To Compete workout toward the end of Ihe from the free throw line. meet, Marion. and a draw with the Bunker Hill who is currentl1 causing the much between now and then. schedule, and will be followed by such events as the Marlon relays, Saturday, May 26-State meet, session, Waverly, the 1944 stote high NAS, and a 4 to 3 victory over the sports wodd to sit up and take no­ Jonas Halldorsson, 30-year-old Ames. Davis appeared mQ,lie optimistic same MinneapoJjs learn they meet tice. Teachers college relays and the s c h a a I basketball champions, distance Bwimmer from Iceland outdoor conference meet. than ever about the hlttihll situa- {onlght. A native of Denver, Col., Levy bowed out of the 1945 race to­ has been chosen to represent Iowa Romelo Matias, Woltz Leading contenders for places Ford Frick Assures tlon, wl1lch began 0 show Jm- night as Ames shattered the Go­ The same series of bouts will started on the road to athletic in the National Collegiate SWim­ . I f b II Iprovement early Ulis week. He is be t.J:sed tonight as that of the fame at Regu8 high school. Be­ on Ule team are Eric Wilson Jr., Survlva 0 Base a planning a nine-inning 'game Sat- Hawks 22-game winning streak, ming meet at Ann Arbor, Mich., To Compete Tonight seniol' sprinter who last year broke 25-18. The Little Cyclones led all match here two weeks ago. There tween his work and study hoUrs, March 30 and 31, Coach David --_.. - urday between thEl ' ~\lad8, alld are nq, contestants available in the he played handball with the stu­ the existing state record for the BEAR MOUNTAIN, N. y, (AP) hopes through this to Cjiscover the of the way, Armbruster announced yesterday. 440-yard dash at the Marion re­ Sioux City Central, the lanky 120 alld 127-pound division at dents and facult)' members, and Rometo Macias and Jim Woltz - Branch Rickey, president of the men behind the Slrorlng talent Halldorsson will swim the 440- of the Hawkeye wrestling learn lays, and Jim Williams, who Is challenger from the Northwest, MinneapolUi so there will be two Ihough his spare moments Were yard free style and the 1,500 meter Dodgers, disclosed today that he which has become apparent re­ will wrestle their first bouts in showing up well as a broad­ opened the night program with Il bouts in both the 135 and the 155- lew, he man:lged to ,et the knack received the following statement cently. free style in the national meet. the preliminaries of the National jumper. 66 to 41 victory over Little Gene­ pound classifications to fill out the of the game. Halldorsson bas not swum the from Ford Frick, president of the seo, the winnerS racking up what card. A heavyweight fight wiU be AAU meet in Dallas, Texas, to­ Dr. Carpenter expects the team National league: After graduation from high longer dUitance in competition this night. to be strong in the sprint events, was believed to be the highest staged giving the schedule eight school, he attended the Colorado season, but he won the 440 against "The Director of War Mobiliza­ Borowy Joins y,ank.*. score in tournamen t history. bouts. The former meeting be­ Mac!!I'S, twice 128-pound cham­ and the relay te8ms are expected tion (James F'. Byrnes) contem­ School of Mines at Golden fot Illinois and Illinois Tech. The Ice­ pion of the Big Ten and captain of to show up well thls year. Several ATLANTIC CITY ~AP)-HIIIk Sturdy Defense tween the two teams omitted the three and one-hal! years, coming lander racked up 35 points during plates no action or rulinll that Borowy, highest r!lfi.klng pitcher heavyweight match. the 1945 Iowa mat squad, won distance runners who have pm·tiei­ will embarra&S or interfere in any Ames' Little Cycl,ones, throwing Within 12 weeks of a degree in en­ the dual meets this year to tlhish for the New YorK I Yankees last With 1he addition of the heavy­ matches in the dual meets against pated in cross-country track are way with baseball operations dur­ up a sturdY deferse, elln1!nated gineering. In his last semester he second to Captain Bernie Walters also expected to turn in commend­ year, jolned his teammotes yes~r­ Waverly's defending champions, 25 weight and new candidates in the Minnesota and Wisconsin and went ing the coming season. The only was called into the navy, in July in the scoring. able performances during the sea­ day, but the entire squad was to 18, in the final first round game 175, 165, and 145-pound divisions, on to take the Big Ten crown. He possible in terference would be of 1944. According to an unofficial agree­ is undefeated since enrolling in son. forced indoors {dr the second to shoot into a semi final round Lieut. Comdr. Roy Simmons will Two ChampionshipS ment among the Big Tl!n coaches, pending legislation and we have straight day. ,;' the University of Iowa last year. no reason to believe that any pres­ battle with Central. probably present a tougher team College was not all study for the no coach will enter a man in the Among the toughest jobs ahead Twenty-two players. took calis­ The other Iowa entry in the na­ for the U-high mentor will be ently contemplated bill would in­ The little Cyclones revealed lin to the Seahawks for the last match powerful, sports-loving cadet. Dur­ national meet who did not take thenics in an abandoned navy hin­ airtight defense which limited of the season. tional meet, Jim Woltz, is a prcld­ those of developing weight men terfere at all. On the oth~r hand, ing his years at Golden, he capi­ points in the Big Ten meet, and uct of the wrestling classes held gar whose cdncrete ' f1001' made Waverly to just two field coals in talized on his handball playin. and jumpers, especially in the it might eVen be helpful. There will be no changes in the under this rule, only Walters, HaU­ in connection with the university's batting impossible. ' the first hal! and only six in all. pronciency, and when he attended _..... ------"The message from Frick," said ! ! navy lineup that laced Minneap­ dorsson and the medley relay team physical education program. He Rickey, "will remove all doubt Ames led at the half 14-9. oils before except for the addition the Rocky Mountain regional meet were eligible. Scorln, Honan enrolled in the class last fall and from the mind of the public -ENDS TONITE- of Melvin Levy who has a record at San Francisco lit 1942, he was Walters and the relay team felt went out for the varsity squad. With defense dominating the runnerup in the doubles whether baseball will survive this "1'ORM OVERl LISBON" of three knockouts in four starts AAu that the time lost rrdID stUdies as Although lacking in previous ex­ play of both teams, Joe Morton, at the heavyweight s9ot, and Law­ tourhament. The next year, he the result of such a trip would be Go-Hawk guard, copped scoring was sin!!les champion in the Rocky perience, the 155-pouoder was uh­ rence Hickey who made his first too great and declined to go. defeated in dual meets this sea­ honors with nine points. For the Mountain region, and wah the title l performance for the Seahawks a son and placed in the Big Ten winners Jerry Galvin and Jim lively one by scoring a knockout again in 1944. he was home in Colorado when the championship meet. Yi[el~7!' Buck, forwards, fired · six pOints over Ted Chmura of Wisconsin in , When the tall Colorado youth ~'4' et11 " bouts were held. NO,," S1fOwtNO Star"n. each. the third rOund of the 165-pound arrived at Iowa Pre-Flight, lie His plans after the war are fhe SATURDAY Sioux City led at the half 29- event. took up boxin, for the first time, same as many cadets who have noi Y fill Aslrell to B~i,jg 1/ 20, pulling way late in the. period Undefeated Bob Wilson who has getting the necessary ring experi­ quite completed their educatlon- THEBEStOF after a fatrly close game. In the ence in squadron competiUon. His Again . .. ctfId Here fiVll straight victories in as many he is going back to school. After BLUE It III second halI Central rapidly moved contests and Don McLaughlin, an­ new ability came i1no full focus that he isn't sure about his future, out in itont of the Class B school. THE other talented navy performer, when the varsity season opened, but one thing he is certain of now Vic Bianchini and Dudley wlll take over the duties in the tm' he was one of the chief candi­ 11:..1.0 Ruisch, Central forwards, shared 135-pound class. Wilson fought in dates for the heavyweight position. amateuris that he boxing. will not do any more :~~~~:~~~7~"~md scoring honors with 14 counters the 145-pound <\i-vision last week Three KaJOII "If I'm going to be beaten up, 1 50.000 WATTS apiece while Bob Williamson, who to gain his victol'y ovcr Sullivan Levy's record on the cadet team went out on fouls early in the sec­ want to get paid for It,'' M says. of Wisconsin. has been a commendable one, and "I still think boxing is a lot ond ha If, scored 13. he is rated one of the top-ranking at Harold Brady will take the 145 fun, and more teen age boys should STRAND LAST BIG DAY The game's high scorer was heavyweights in boxing. In this spot again and Walter Kuhta, who, get the chance at H." "I~ OLD CmCAGO" Reece Lambert of Geneseo who season's competition, he has three AND poured in 18 counters. after being deefated by the Minne­ About his navy career, he says, apolis contestant two weeks ago, kayos to his credit, one of them "I'm an aviator who hacr1't aved, "TAKE IT BIO" CUI Rose DisJ)4 came back and scored a sensa­ technical and the other two and a sailor who hasn't sailed!" EXHIBITION OAME knockdowns. He fights his last Inllre Mew 8hft be the guest tional second l'Ound knockout over CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. (AP) bout for the navy tonight at Min­ cousin, GeQ -The American League champion the Wisconsin opponent last week, wUl retain his 155 pound position. neapolis, and then will be trans­ -MANY NEVER 3ijrn~1~j­ · SATURDAY ot Sioux Cit Sf. Louis Browns reaped two runs ferred to a primary base within Celia Ec~ off three singles and a double Don Turner, who scored a win the next two weeks. A Bloek-BUII&er 01 RlJihane_ be the w~ while pitchers Sig JakUckl and by decision in the previous meet­ Y.M.C.A. 011 ...... SUSPECT CAUSE' sTAiFSAfURbAY Boltz, AI a rookie Al Lamacchia shut out To­ ing with the Minnesota team, will Handball, hoWever, seems to be UUlh&er - Aetl8ft! handle the other 155-pound job for 8_ ••' J\llls, Wis. ledo at the American Association his ':first love. After scorln, a At- Gloria Hs on one hit in 1heir first eXhibition the local team. OF BACKACHES technical knockout, his third of the 1:"· Tex., will be game of the season Wednesday. Blaine Heaton with three vic­ season, In a boxing match here last ':16- Mrs. DaVid tories will be after his fourth in Friday night, he went to Cedar .:~ft this weekend the 175-pound event tonight. Mel­ Rapids the hext aftetnoon and wah ' :11 Seena L~' vin Levy will finish- out the navy his th ird sinilles champlotIBhlp, the calo, wm lineup lor the final event of the state Y.M.c.A. handball crown. horne. Tourney Pairings Levy's navy career has been en­ match and the season. Mrs, H. DES MOINES (AP)-Palr­ tirely in the V-5 aviation cadet Vi ings for tonight's semi-final Vue will be tl Mort Cooper SI~IL~ program. Alter his induction last let, Pa lieneE round in the boys' state high CAIRO, Ill. (AP) - Morton year, he was stationed at William school basketball tournament -PLUS- Weekend. Cooper, ace righthander of tile St. Jewell colli!je, LI~etty, Mo., far a FUll anel Feathers are: J,an Dew, Louis Cardinals' pitching staff, has period of prep-fIillht tralnln" "Novel Bit" will visit Jar Storm Lake vs. Muscatine at siltned a 1945 contract and joined IXlmin,' to tl)e local Pre-Pliant Super_ute IUdes Aaaln 7:30. Pl--.s&GI'J With 2 Iodin,. Grinnell coli the squad in workouts yesterday. Ichool In October. "Cartoon" "8,.1aI HU" Weekend. , " Sioux City (Centrlll) VS. The.tre Lean' to .Nth Celli." r ... C.r._ '.r Word also reached camp that util­ Leave last January made It Im­ March of TIme -1AteH New.--- . Nancy Cq~ Ames 8:45. ity outfielder Augie Bergamo i8 possible for Levy to , compete for Boufflce open 1:15-9:45 I~ •••• .f Tbl. AUra.II •• , Ybited Pvt , • en route here, the rea1mlntll boxJng title, since Bhalltown iIii • • .J _ lUest in 11' III! • nHDA~~~18 ~N5 • "'It~ DA I-LY-IOWfdf. IOW~ CI TY, lOW A PAG~ FIVE -t % ~-·

Rinck, A3 01 LaGranie, m. LAW COMMO~8 AwireJ; Ku and J oan Kautman Anita Beattie, A:J of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Schoenfeld Qt M.lIJV'uUe~ 'Vis. .. AIln Yellin Ohio, will visil J ean Luther, tor­ at Nashua will visit their daugh­ • ELL BOU E and Betty Argu of Clayton, Mo., fStudents in Hospital I mer university student, at J effer­ ter, Lucile Schoenf Id, AI at Visilln, Norma Ems, P3 at Wall Mendelson and Bunny Llitt­ ! son this weekend. Nashua, thJ weeltend. Sav r ton, Wyo., wtll be Ramiro ~r of Omaha, Neb., and G iGlia Ann RwtY n. AS f IrawOerry to HOUSE Mary Helen 5emuth, Tri Delt af­ ho '\ a stud t In ChI­ Si,el of Oltumwa will be week­ Polnt- W rd CU HGUSE Anne Kacena of Cedar Rapids filiate lasl year, wa a gu t In will spend Ih w kend h re nllO. end III at lh plA!r hous.. Mary Elder, N.. at DeWitt­ Second west Private ALPHA OMBGA. AI of Oelwein. Private Rlchards the chapter house th week.. III st at EiI~n Smith. A t at Dick B II 11 1', G toft. Pleasant, A.n I ri Van DUUT, A2 01 cm at Middle Barbara Hallman, A3 of Aurora, was on lh"e from the army base Ced r Rapids. Is spendJng the weekend to Chi­ Waterloo, will have as her auest R ei n Pia. A2 f Amana- boIati n nt, will visij Jean Luther, form.,r at Far,o, N. D. EASTLA.WN Mrs. Drummond Strathman of cago" lUng friends. thi weekend Ed VOl'b3. student at Dave Danner, A2 of Iowa CIty. Kathleen Be y, G of Arrln(- unJversify 01 Iowa student, in Jet­ Gayl Roberts, A2 ot Davenport, Louise Campbell, AI at MartJm­ Davenport will be the weekend the Chi go Th.~log cal Seminary will spend tb w It, nd IIh Jim ferson this weekend. guest of her daughter, Donna In Chi ago. t n. Tenn.- Isolation will spend the weekend AI the bUrg, will have as her guests thl PHI EP 1LO PI Dunfrund, C4, t h h me in Richard Emmons, A2 of Clm n Virginia Moran, A3 ot Preepori, guest of Leta Gilmore, At, at her weekend her sister, Lucill and Strathman, AI of Davenport. Mrs. Herman Schweitzer will Strawbtrry Point.. - Ward C32 Ill., will have as her IUHt this home tn Montemma. her cousin, Mildred Warren, both Mrs. J . R. Dunne at Aurora, vlsIt her son, Don SchweItzer, Al 10 A ALPHA EP$ILO NIUlCY Dunlap, AI ol CUyaho,a weeKend Do*61hy O'Brien of Pe­ Spendln, the weekend with of Mart.insburg. m., wl\l visit her granddauihter, of Iowa City, this weekend. Bill Wund I'll h, AI of Du- ZETA TAU ALPHA Palls, Oh i~ Isolation oria, m. Alice AdaJl', A2 of Redd!ng, will Charlene Peura, A3 at Kettle Maryon Keeley, AI at Aurora, Irving Sh rrnon of Sioux Clly, bUQu, enlisted in the M rchent h M J e nn Scblab h. NI fDa" n­ Ens. Willi~m Sullivan ot Bost n, TIl., this weu end. ..J__ Ka las Mary Mcln loc of Des oln be her siner. Dorothy Adair, lind Riller, Minn., Wilma Robin, A2 of former unlvenity student and Ma,UlCIi at IWlJ City, Mo., t will be t t Ih h port- bolaUon Mass ., was the .uest last weekend "-rt Law'-n who Is s . ~tloned ... d • ru. c apler Marce Whitman, t::o th at Stan­ Crompond, N. Y., Ros Lang r, C4 Ro"".... HI m mber at PhI Ep:fllon PI, is w "n . hOUse this w~ltend . at Jacquelyn Day, AJ of High­ J o My!' , N4 of lanninc- \l.rood. of Dubuque, and Elaln Glasser, with the UnJted States navY at S vlsmng Ihis w k nd at the chap- Bob Van d I' ~, AI ot Iowa The JU t at PeP>' Wood, I\l, nd II( t Prh'at land Park, Ill. Al of Brooklyn, N. Y., wiU !pend Ambro colleee In Davenport, tel' hou. e. City, h retumed to hool alt l' . t her home In Glen Ellyn, m, Dorothy Halglar of Denver, Glad,s stohlgren of De! Moines VWtlq 1I0Il th!t weekend in Chlc1ao. will be the weekend guest of receiving I medical discharge last weekend wal J oy Kearslnl. Colo" Mrs. !Barbara Holland and Spent lut weekend with Mildred Pnvate Pa ~ienu- 10 1I -m. to 8 : £1iUlbeth hults, AI at Rock PI BET PHI trom th army air COrpl!. At of Spring Vi lle" "l. Y. p.m. Jean Ann Dod~e , both of Indepen­ l'iicholl and Miri.m Burke, both dence, and Margaret Swain of At at Des Molne~ . GAMMA PRI B A Fall, Ill. Carolyn Wells, AI of Daven- S am n First Cla P aul Van KAPPA ALPHA TlfETA Ward Pali n 2-4 pm. and '1- Guthrie Center. all Alpha Chi Eloise Finch, At 01 Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dukes and Mary Lee Woods. who atl nds port, and Frances Marshall, Al of Order, form r pledge of th l'hap- Jeanne Lounsbury, AI of Des 8 p.m. Omega alumnae, and Audrey Soe­ will entertaIn Lucille Ausbrant at Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Simmon. all at Antioch college In Yellow Sprlngs,l Cedar Rapid. will 'pend til t r who h • be n vi lUna al the V alllH, wll1 have as her ru I this N vi Hoi'll In ord ner of Independence will be guests Davenport thill weekend. Centerville, will be the weekend Ohio, will be the weekend guest w kend In Chicago. chapter hou , has returned to weekend her fath r, C. Louns- in th chapter house this week.end. Muriel Lawson, A2 . of Des gu t ot their r specUv daUllh- at h r sister, Colt, Woods, A2 at J an Donn 11 and J n Magr Gre t LukeB, JII where he Is sla- bur1. VMpel'l to Featur. LaVerne Capel at Council Bluffs Moines, will spend the weekend in leTs, J ounne Brown and EloiSe Burlington. both or Wa t rloo, will be th' tioned V Itlng Betty Bevan. A4 of Den- will be the weekend guest of Ottumwa visiting Cadet VirgO Simmon . both Al of Centerville. Delores H and Jo nn Van rues of Alln Fowl I' and Loy I Elmer Larson. A:t and Bob vn. Col., th wee1tend will be h I' Last Supper Theme Dorothy Goldapp, A2 at Council Brown. Pattye J enstn, C3 at Web t r Vranken ot Winfield will spend McCoy, both A3 of Waterloo, dur- Barth'II, Al both a oline, Ill.. • w r, Sa1l, Bevan , student al Blut!s. Prltlzlt Mathis, A2 of Des City, will be th weekend gu t the w kend here lue Is of Inl the week . and Gene Sharp, A4 of El kader. Stephens collere In Columbia, Mo. Molntl, will have a her weekend of Nan Romine, AI , li t her hom in Jeanette Grimm 1', AI at Wln- Marmee ~iller , A4 at Gary, will pt.'nd th weekend at home. Paul Winquist, navy . tudent In guest Betty Ann Ortlund of Des ALPHA DELTA PI Davenport. field. Ind., will entertain Marlyn Mor- Chuck K nt, E I of Rock Island, the colle.. 01 mtdlcine at North. MOlnH. Sally Umlandt, Al ot Mu e&tine, Bette John on, AI of Duluth, chol a a of Gary, Ind., at the spent th first Plirt of th w III: at westem universily. g"aruton, Ill. the Upper Room," Sarah Durst of DanburY, will Pat Kilbourne, A3 ot Lone Tree, be the guest of MarJaret Walk, will spend the weekend In Des Mlnn" will hav as her guests this chapu.'r hou, . hi hom . will be the r.eelrend rue t or Ih Last SUp r. Is havlnl 88 her guest this week A3 of Orafton, at the chapter Moi nes with her par n ,Mr. nd j weekend Katherine Bye. student 11"1. Ralph Ov rhol. er of Rtod J a k ~ D ocket , A4 of LaGran, Th r will be ml!ditlltions to her cousin, 5erf1.. Larry Wa lien Mrs. Carl H. Umlandt. Iat the Un iv rsity of Minnesota In Oak, will be Ih lU t at hl'r 1 DELTA. TA Ill. pk;ture Inci" nts In th IIf of house this weekend. of the U.S.M.C.R. who is home on Marilyn Nesper, A4 of Toledo, Virginia Ducharme, A4 at Spen- Minneapolis. dOlllht_er, J oan, A3 , of Red Oak A w ekl=nd gue. t or Louise . Mrs. J . fl. DU l1 1ap will ,pend J eau furlough after being overseas. cer, will spend the weekend in Mary Feller, A2 of Von MeIer, today. Th y will pend Sunday In HIICman, J3 oC B tt ndort, will be veral weeks In the chapter hou. The committee In ch rle In- Ohio, will visit Mr~. Joe Patrick Kathryn Knight, A2, and Mar­ Ames. will enlertaln h~r slst 1', Mor,- Tipt.on with r lallv . Bernard Goldman of Rock Island, whne her d a u gh~r, Naney Dun- clud Dorothy Sct.ull&, Mary in Champaign, IlL, tMs weekend. jorie Vietor, A2, both of Ackley, Sue Coble, A I of Aurora, Ill., aret Elaine Feller of Van Meter, Georgi nn W 11 n of BUrlinIC- nt. lop, AI of Cu),ahola .fa ll I Ohio, Kath rin Van !it I r, M rllyn will entertain as her weekend guest will spend the weekend at the KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA a h r gu st this week nd. ton, will be guest oC Yllonne Rella AJln ISl'lIly of De in the hospital . Mot and Mary Shirl y. home of Mary Lee Bower, A2 at her mother, I.Mrs. G. F. Coble. J ane Schmidt, A3 of Fairfield. MI'I. Stanley M. Horris of Don- ======-====:==;======Maryon Keeley, AI, also of Aurora, Keota. will be the gu t this w ek t nelisan will be the weekend Jane Pyle, A2 of Newton, will will entertain her grandmother, Mrs. Blaine Suiter at Chlcllio. ruest of Doris Sl'hmitt, AI of Don­ spend the weekend at her home Mrs. H. Dunn. Mrs. Coble and Mrs. Mrs. Suiter is !.he former Ruth nellson Dunn will arrive this evening. where she will have as her guests Swallum, graduate of the univer­ Mr. R. C. Wittmann and Marge Clark of Victor will spend Dorothy Reinhold, A2 of Win­ sity in t944 . dauihter ot Mount Ayr will s nd Ihrop; Joyce DIIVls, A2 of Peter­ the w ee ken~ here as the guest of The guest of Winifred Shield , Friday he!' as Ilu . ts of Mrs Bernadine Feller, AS of Victor. son; and Shirley Sherburne, A2 A2 ot Kansas City, Mo., this Wittmann's ISler, J on Pr ntl., JacQuellne Rankin, A2 at ot­ ot Lone Tree. weekend wlll be Marlon Shields, AI of Mt. Ayr. tumwa, will spend tt,e weekend at Elsyne Kamins, Al of Wood­ stud nt at Knn as Stat call g in her home where she will be the mere, N. Y., will spend the week­ Monhattan. M H NEY 1I0V guest of hOnor at a shower given end In Chicago, III ., as the guest of Louise Harkn ,graduate of J an Vandemark, AI of M di­ by her friends. Seaman First Class Le Roth n­ the university In 1944, will b the a polis, will hove ns her guest this Aviation Cadet H. F. Conrad, berg J r., who Is stationed at Novy we kend KU t of Mary Jane weekl'lld, Kay Rlssel or BurJin,­ who is stationed at the navy base Pier. Mocre, A4 of Spen('er. ton . Marjory in Ottumwa, and Elaine Foley, a Swanson, J 3 of Webster Martha Garrett, C3 of Del A gu sl. of Donna Pendleton, A I City, will visit her brother, Don C. student at Mary Crest college in Moines, will entertain her sister, Storm Lake, b 0 rl n Swanson, In Chicago this week­ at will Davenport, wJu be the JUests of Mary Garrell, student at Iowa Anderson oC 0 s Moine •. El eanor And'erson, J4 of Rock end. Vi lUn g Shirl y Sindt, AI of Vis iting PeUy Cowa n, At of State coUee at Ames this week­ Island, III., ~h is weekend. Wal all, will b Aviation C d 1 Laurens, last week were Seam n end. Anne Gilman, A2 of Ames will Dole Hinton, G or Akron, OhiO, Rob °rt Wh~" I' at Otlumw . 5-25 have as her weekend guests Mll ry Second Clas Dick Workman, Aus­ tin Wright and Coll een Workman. will have ~ s her guest. this we k­ Luch and Darlene Barnes, path end, Dore/thy Be her, aroduate at PIU D LTA THETA stud ents ot Iowa State college In Ma rilyn Morehouse, Al of Cedar Rapids, will spend the week end In Ohio State unlv rslly at COIUOl ­ A former m mber of Phi 0 Ita BLONDIE CHIC YOUNG Ames. bus, In 1944. Theta, H. B. Church of Des J eanne Blowers 01 Mason City Sioux City, visiting her brolher and Bister-In-low, LI ut. and Mrs. ON )'OUR WAY will be the weekend guest of Betty UP. W ILL YO...J ..BRING Diercks, AI of Mason City. R. L. Morehouse. ME A PtECf!O= The guest of Dorothy Galllln, P I CAKE.lOO? of Waterloo, at her home this ALPHA TAV OMEGA '--'" ...... -"'~ Gordon Wills of. Des Moines weekend will be Claire Rankin, P I spent last weekend at the chapter of J ohnson City, Tenn. Daily Iowan Want Ads house visiting Con Hamborg, Al of VisiOn, Phyllis Kadel, Al of Des Moines. Tipton, this weekend will b Cadet Bud Wmer ot Ottumwa. Losi: Bla It ALPHA XI DELTA ~arj ori e Scltmldt, Al of Musca­ CLASSIFIED Dial 4884. Belva J ean Korn, A2 of Peru, tine, will 'A to Chlcsgo this week­ RATE CARt HELP WANTED Ill., will visit relatives in Des end to- attend the wiMdl ng of her Moi nes this weekend. sister, Ens. Beverly Schmidt, CAsH RATE Student waltr sses 8t Mod Hatters J oan Ess\ey, SPAR radioman graduate of Ihe university in 1942. lor Ida,s- Tea Room. Dial 6781 . ' th ird class, who is stationed at Guests of Betty Schorl, A3 of tOe per line per eta, Long Beach. Calif., will spend the Elgin, last weekend were Geor.l­ • coD8eCuUn days- INSTRUCTION weekend with Rose Marie EssIe,., IInns and J ane Palb of Elgin. 7c per line f>er da1 Betty Mauer, C4 of LeMa r!, w ill • cowsecutive d.,s- DlIJlclng Lessons- ballroom, bll l­ A3 of New Boston, Ill. Radioman let, lap. Dial 7248. Mimi Youde Ess ley is a 1944 graduate of the go home this weekend to visit her Sc per III1e per m Wurlu. Un iversity of Iowa, and a member brother, Lieut. Norman Mauer, 1 month- of Sigma chapter. U.S.N.R., who has just returned 4c per 11n per da, Flight offi cer Ralph Gehrig will from 19 months' service In the - FI&Url a 'lll/ordt 10 11n_ visit Margaret Spann, A3 ot Chi . South Pacific. MiIllmum Ad- z linea cago, this weekend. Dorothy Isebrands, A2, will en­ horthanil tha MODIIlN Wa, Dorothy Greer, A3 of Aledo, Ill., terlain Twylah Schnoebelen, C3 of CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Enroll now tor a covne In will spend the weekend visiting Iowa City, at her home in Webster 50e coL Inch TbolOU Natural ShorUlan4. in the home of Marcella Warner, City this weekend. Or *5.00 per manU. Iowa ctty Commerce ColJe,,, Marian Isebrands, A2, will h ave A2 of Da venport. !'3 ~i E. Washln,lon Phllne , ... will as her weekend guest Dorothy 8. Lee Gardner, A3 of Newton, I AU Want Ada Cash in Advance be the weekend guest in the home Korneisel, A4 of Jefferson, at her PlI7able at Dail, rowan BUli­ of Islea Beth Hope, A2 of Chicago. home In Webster City. n_ oUlce dally unUl Ii p.m. ------~--WHERE TO BUY~~--- IT COOHTV Saturday evening both wil attend Charlotte Fuerst, A4 of Cl arinda, DO JAIL I .. ) the Graduation ball of Midsnipmen will spend the weekend In Ch icago C8DcellaUcDS mUit be ~ed III F. A. Hayler and William Henseley visiting Ptc. Robert F . Ross, before II p. m. PLUMBING AND BUTING at Abbott hall in Chit-ago. U.S.M.C. hpoD.lble for one Incorrect Ellpert Workmanship CLJ~TON PLACE A .uest lost weekend at Sarah \nIerUon ani,. Vlv.ian Lan~ , Al of Los Aneeles, Gibson, Al at Marshalltown, was LAREW CO. Calif., will ,spend the weekend in Doris Elliott, student at North­ 11'1 B. Wash. Pbone .61 Newton vlsiUpg her brother, Ken­ western university ~t Evanston, nHh Land, seaman secpnd Class, III. DIAL 4191 who is on leave from Texas. A guest !)t Jean Utter, A2 of Dinner ruests of Phil Taub, A3 Columbus Junction, last weekend I~======!I You are Ilwa,l welc_. of East Oral:llle, N. J ., Friday were was Phyllis Hesseltine, also of and P81CES are Iowa' Ule ETTAIETT PAUL ROBINSON Ruth Blackeler, Nt of What Cheer Columbus Junction. and Judy Brause of Iowa City. Gretchen Heyer, A2 of Sumner, WMC Regulations Betty Schmidt, A2 of Keokuk, lelt for her home yesterday to v isit A'.ertlllelDenfi lor mala or ..- will spend the weekend as the FIi,ht Officer, James P. Murphy, Matlal female wo.rlten are CIU­ lues! of Barbara Frank, student who Is on leave. Flilhi Otticer rIed lD &heae "Belp WaaW" at Cottey college in Nevada, Mo. Murphy is stationed at Sioux City. colulllU wl&b &be uJlderaiaDII­ I~~~~ A guest today of Kay Hart, J{2 dua Eckey, A2 of Newton, la, &hat blrllll' proeedurs aIaaU of Inalew~l1 , Calif., will be her spent. last weekend at home where conform &0 War MUpowv cousin, Se(gt. Hart of Musca­ ~he visited her parents, Mr. and CoJlllllllaloa Be,UIaUeDL tine. Sergeant Hart recently re­ Mrs. R. P. Brewer, who recently turned o!t,~ servinl two and a returned from Tucson, Ariz., and yea rs in India. her br{)ther, Staff Sergt. Malcolm LOST AND fOUND Weekend guests 01 Helen Zim­ Brewet. Sergeant Brewer, who merman, tA2 o[ Waterloo and recenU, returned (rom 36 months' Lost-Brown Eversharp fountain Bernadette Lyon, A3 of Cedar service in fhe Tunisian, African, pen engraved Patricia A. King. Falls, will bit. Jean Muth, senior and italian campa laos, was a stu­ Finder call X8750. at the Unl"er~ity o! Minnesota at deil* at the University of Iowa be­ Losl: Black Shaefler pen. Senti­ Minneapolis; Nancy Wallace, senior fore he entered the service. FURNITURE MOVING mental value. Call X398. Re­ at Grinnell eollege at Grinnell; ward. Elsie Colson end M8I'Y Jean Hurl­ DEAN BOUSB bui, both ~l!f1iors at Iowa State The guest at Lois Studley, A4 of MAHER BROS. TRANSFER ROOM AND BOARD By GENE AHERN OLD HOME TOWN IT STANLEY Lost-Parker tountain pen, black I'or l:WcleD\ lIov!DI Teachers col e at Cedar Falls. Cumberland, last weekend was 'F,uraltur. and blue stripes. Ann Kush­ AU About Out Robert DIlY, who Is sialioned In ner engraved. X339. cvaUER BALL Chlcslo. WARDROBE SERVtcB Rose Dispetris of Sioux City will Elinor Jones, A4 of West BranCh, Gamma Phi Beta Pin. Reword. DIAL - 9696 - DIAL be the guest this weekend of her attended the wedding of a friend, Call 3135. cousin, Gseya Dispetris, Al also ~chel Elizabeth Edgerton, at West - at Sioux Cit* ifranch Thursday. Celia Eckel.. A2 of Newton, will be the weekend guest of Jalle DELTA em Boltz, Al af her hc,me in West Crawford Thayer, G ot Haver­ IT BRINGS RESULTS Allis, Wis. liiD, Miss., will be the weekend • Glorili Haidls, A2 of Houston, kuest of FJemin. Praker, A2, at his Tex., wiU be the guest at ~r . .lnd home in Des Moines. Mrs. David Biber of Des Moines , Rome Schaffner, A2 of Cedar this weekend. Rapida, has been at home for the Droppmq a handkerchief Is the old­ Seena =Ultz, A3 of Chl- past three weeks because of illness. fash10Ded way of optalDlnq the de­ calo, will . Wednesday at her IIred results ••• The DAILY IOW.AN home. , DILTA DELTA DBLTA Mrs, H. (;V. Anderson of Belle- Mrs. H. J. Engel of Wilmette, claalfleda offer TOU an usHo-date Vue will be the guest at her daugh- m., will be the guest at her sis­ method that'. tried cmd tru•• ter, PatieAco Andenon, AI, this ter, Kay Katschkowsky, A4 of EI- 'NeeItend. kader, this weekend. Jean Dawton; At of Des Molnes, Jean Sanche at Chicago will will visit Janet Ryden, student at visit Winnie Johnson, A3 of Chi­ CALL 4191 TODAY Grinnell colfe,e In GrirlMlI, this caao, this weekend. weekend. 'ft A lUest of ROlle-Marie Doty, Al Nancr pq~n, Al of Whltina, 0; Peoria, 111., wl1l be her molher, vilited Pvt) ~dy Richards at lIar- Mrs. R. S. Dot1 of Peoria. sltalltown ~ ' week.end and was a Betty Blaul at Cedar Rapids will auest In the home of Ruth Roepke,be ~ tba, - ",eekend guest 01 Anne:"-_~~":-:";";';;'~:':'::;~~...,.-_____~_--:"...:-~~~:-_-: PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY,IOW A FRIDAY, MARCH 23 1945 FIRST TIME IN HISTORY KRUPP WORKS GETS THE WORKS usa Hostesses Plan . . ~ Prof. H. B. Chenney Outlines Soil·Saving Servicemen·s Dance Measures for Rotarians, County Farmers they found that there was a dif­ For Saturday Night Stating that the large crops ference of corn yield of 30 bushels Which Iowa farmers have pro­ from fields planted' in corn after duc(!d the past three seasons, the Eleanor Pownall will serve as one andl two years from the sea­ rJVI chairman of the junior hostess in largest crops in histol'y, have re­ son that the fieldS were planted charge of the dance for servicemen duced seriously the fertility of the in alfalfa. soil, Prof. H. B. Cheriney, exten­ at the USO tomorrow evening In another test, one field was from 7:30 to 10:30, with music for $ion agronomist of Iowa State col­ planted in corn season alter season dancing provided by the public ad­ lege, outlined the measures which for 12 years while a nearby field dress system. can be taken to save the soil of The junror hostess committee for Iowa. was rotated between corn, legumes and other crops The first field the evening will include Lorraine He spoke at the annual Farmer yielded 86 bushels to the acre. Carrington, Sue Coble, Betty Friend luncheon of the Iowa City Diercks, Betty Frederick, Helen Rotary club in Hotel Jefferson "An inch of topsoil is lost Gardner, Rachel Gould, Dorothy yesterday. Members of Rotary in­ through erosion very four years Johnson, Maryon Keeley, Patricia vited farmers of the county as from a field that is planted con­ tinuously in one crop while an - K,ing ,Winifred Miller, Colleen their special geusts. inch is lost only every 15 years Moser, Shirley Jean Olson, Audrey "The intensive farming methods from a field that is rotated," Pro­ Ross, Roslyn Weinberg, Nancy Gil­ which farmers have had to use to fessor Chenney explained. AMBROSE E. COOPER, 913 8. Ha son, Evelyn Powers and Maxine produce large crops for the war GUbert street, Democratic ca ..... Teefy. effort have allowed erosion to The u@e of lime as a fertilizer ~ate for councilman Crom Ibe 5Ik Dorothy Lowery, A4 of Mason take away a serious amount of the helps but is not sufficient to enrich ward, is employed by Ihe U. 8. City, will be featured at the piano valuable top . soil as well as de­ the soil properly. In addition to Bel in the lounge, which has been lime, phosphates and potash must ROY EWERS, 1530 MIJS(lll.~Uae av­ Geological survey. A gradua \ III plenishing tbe fertility of the soil," enue, Republican candidate for Sl Patrick's s(hool in decorated in an Easter motif, with Professor Chenney explained. also be restored to the fields of "Igh 1931, counellma:n' from the 5th ward, is he was a student in the coHere" pastel crepe paper streamers and He advocated the following Iowa. rosettes with streamers attached. a partner In A.M. Ewers aDd com­ engineering from 1932 to 1t3s. farming methods to reduce loss "Burning cornstalks is really pany. I{e was graduated from the Re: Cooper was employed durin, 1941. Mrl;. Harriet Walsh will give fl'om erosion and increase fertil­ throwing valuable nitrogen to the University ( If Iowa In J,926. A 42 by Ute Chlcaro Ordnance dis. dancing instructions for all serv­ winds," the soils expert asserted. Ity: member of' the Methodist churoh, trict In the tank and automotl'e vlcemen and junior hostesses to­ Cornstalks s h a u 1 d be plowed 1. Growing of alfalfa, clover Ew&~s is married and has twin branch and did research wort 01 So morrow afternoon from 5:15 to under so that the nitrogen con­ and other legume crops to build daughters, J~n and Joan. 11 . . "." the Missouri river nood eonlr. 6:15 in the gymnasium of the USO tained in them is not lost.' Ge building. From 1 to 11 p. m. there up nitrogen in the soil. "The soil at Omaha. Neb .. during 19U-U will be music and recreation pro­ of Iowa is especially deficient in Contour and strip farming re­ Cooper Is married and has !w, Of vided in the lounge. The new FOR THE FIRST TIME in history the great Krupp Arms Works, above, at EBsen, Germany, home of the nitrogen," Professor Chenney said. sults in greater yields and saving daughters, Roberta, 6, a.nd Dorol"', monster gun "Big Bertha" and all 'ber kin, is under Allied IIhelllng. It III the Initial taste of their own 2. Increased practice of contour the soil and is an easier method of . . classical music room will also be 3. Lm open. lI1edicine for the factories and workers-the medicine they delighted In giving to ParllI In the last farming. farming and I·equlres less labor mans war and to Dover In thlll one. Over 200 IIquare miles of Germany's most densely populated and most and power. Strip farming breaks Bicycles, cameras BIld golf cluBs 3. Combining strip farming with OOOF highly industrialized territory, lies, under th.. muzzles of our bIg guns. (Interns/jenl/') contour farming. up the slopes into shorter slopes Manpower Director will be available for servicemen and thereby helps to hold the tanks throughout the weekend. 4. More widespread practice of Prof. Earl E. Harper tor B. crop rotation. water and keep it from running Attends Conference A tea dance from 2:30 p. m. to Party Line- off and carrying the top soU with we t 0 4:30 p. m. will highlight the Sun­ Association 'Elects Proprietor Pleads 5: Building bench terraces on it. Area Manpower Director E. E. To Attend Art Exhibit line w day afternoon activitjes with a the slopes to keep the water from T.errace farming on slopes can Kline has returned from Mason perilec floor show at the 4 o'clock in~er­ running off. :Emeritus Life Member Innocent to Charge be done with simple equipment City where hc attended a three­ Prof. Earl E. Harper leaves iml rrusslon. A moving picture will 6. Keeping waterways, draws, and is an excellent soil conserva­ day conference for manpower di­ today to attend the annual exhibit DOUne€ be shown in the lounge at 2 Spring in the fields planted in grass sad tion practi ceo rectors of this region, Henry Musack, propri~tor o.f of cont~mporary American art D8nzi~ o'clock. Leo Cortimiglia wlll take Prof. Edwa~d Bartow, retired to prevent gul1ies from. starting. Terracing is not a new theory Staffing of war pLants and ser­ Musack's pool room, 221 S. Du­ being held in Mar r ilL hall, but has been used by the Chinese vice to war veterans were dis­ split ii over at the piano after the movie head of the chemistry departme"t, street, plead not guilty in police Iowa State college soil experts Lincoln, Neb. The exhibit has for the regular song and jam ses- have made many farming tests to for centuries. With colored sUdes cussed. to DSI sion. has been recently elected lin Formals court yesterday to a charge of il­ Among members of regional and been shown since March 14 and coastal determine the best methods of soil Professor Chenney showed how Members of the Daughters of emeritus life member of the • .. .tC- legal possession of intoxicating state staffs attending the meeting will remain until April 4. betweel liquor with intent to bootleg. conservation. In one of their tests the Chinese had built up bench the American Revolution from American Association far the Ad- "The Cloudburst," annual spring terraces with hand labor over the were regional director Frank M. The exhibitl"n is an annual The Tipton will serve as snack bar vancement of Science. formal, will be held for members At the preliminary hearing centuries. RaJ'ig or Minneapolis and George event ,and it was' from this show. 8rmy h hostess this weekend with Mrs. Police Judge John Knox bound "Iowa has 25 per cent of the D. Haskell of Des Moines. ing that Professor Harper reo sault fr Martha Hane Henry as -chairman. In 1911, thc sum of '5,OO~ was of Alpha Delta Pi sorority and Musack over to the district court best farmi,ng land in the Uni ted ceived the inspiration to have a thundel n her committee will be Mrs. bequeathed to the assQcia\ton, guests at the chapter house Church Plans Q thei~ and set bond at $500. . , summer exhibit here. . . ' . ' tomorrow evening from 8:30 to States," Professor Chenney as­ Prof. Wilbur Sc~ramm barrage Eleanor Aker, Mrs. Alice Maurer, subject to condition that the PTl!l- '.11 :30 ' with the Avalon orchestra, serted. "Tha1, is worth preserving." On his return trip he will stop mortars MrS. Dorothy Bell, Mrs. Jean ~ipal should ~e preserved anp . the. directed by Bob Horne, providing Student From Bagdad The fertility of the soil is the To Address MQsons to lecture Sunday afternoon al France, Mrs. Margaret Edge, Mrs. lDcome from It used for esta6hsh- the music for danclhg. Good '- Friday basis of our civilzation. rt Ilffects Josolyn memorial in Omaha 011 A fel To Speak at Vespers Prof. Wilbur Schramm, director Margaret Albert, Mrs. Dortha ing emeritus life memberships. Monte Eccarius, Al of Sioux all the I?co,Pie. "The people of the "Fine Arts and Religion." front n of the school of journalism, will Spencer, Mrs. Iris Wanger, Mrs. Previous to this year 151 mem- Falls, S. D., is general chairman For Presbyterians cities and towns cat:l do a great rtmen Van Buren, Mrs. Ruby Barkley, deal in helping the farmers to addreSs the Masons of Iowa City ¥rs. Florence Reilbehn, Mrs. bers of the IIssoci!\tion of the semi-formal party which the KIl who~e Observance practice methods whlch will pre­ a.t their 'lunch,eon meeting this Eagle Club Officers Margaret Floyd, ;Edith Buck, membersh ips wcrc' of long stand- ,Will take place in an atmosphere Sismat· Theodorus of Bagdad, a road, a1 Edith and Verda Hill. ing had been elected members of of pink and silver clouds accented vent erosion and build up soil fer­ noon on the ,s ubject, "Postwar graduate student in biochemistry, tility," he concluded. Tra,r)smissiol'l of ttte News." . From Out-of-Town German Cookies to fill the USO cookie this group. At present 55 of tttem by s potli ~hts. will sl?eak at the 4:3() Sunday ves­ Trinity Episcopal church will To Be Initiated Here lelegrs): jars this weekend will be furnished are still living. This year it was Assisting on the committee are per services at the Presbyterian again be host to the community at aald: by Units F and I of the Women's possible to elect 15 new .life mem- Janet MacTavish, A3 of Esther­ church on "Bizarres of Bagdad." 'The the traditional three hour service CANDIDATES FOR ALD~RMAN Eagle officers from WaterlOQ, Society of Christian Service of the bel'S. ville; Mary Elizabeth Bell, A3 of Miss Theodorus attended grade of Good Friday March 30. The again~t Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Mar­ Methodist church. Mrs. C. W. Prof. Bartow was elecLea to the Colfax; Anne Gilman, A2 of Ames, school in Iraq where 95 per cent service will consist of hymns, hand." Whipple heads Unit F' and Mrs. G. association in 1906. He retired as and Judy Brennan, A3 of Mar­ of the people 'are Mohammedans. prayers and meditations on the shalltown and Boone wi\l ~ at The I W. V. Miller is chairman of head of the chemistry department shalltown. She received her degree in medi­ spven last words of Christ upon a district. meeting' here SWlday by the Unit 1. here at the university in 194.0. Chaperones for the "Cloud- cine from the Ainrican University ______~--- ______. _..,-__ burst" will include Dr. and Mrs. tfie cross led by guest ministers attemoon at 2 o'clock at the EaI1es' whIch, I of Beirut in Lebanon, a"Q taught B. V. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. D. from various Iowa City churches. , club rooms. bulletin science in a Bagdad high school In Gero The service will begin at 12 Initiation Qt candlda\~\\ will \)t . SERGT. CALVIN SMITH WITH HIS 'KP'S DREAM' A. Armbruster, Mrs. George Coble for girls before coming to this n~o n and continue until 3 p. m. held at a l'egular meetiog follow­ -freqLlI of Aurora, III., and Mrs. Alta Mc­ country. Clenahan, Alpha Delta Pi house­ An iJltroductory meditation will ing the district meeting .• pGwertu be given by the Rev. Fred W. Put­ mother. A skilled linguist, Miss Theo­ During the evenicg, Eagles end dorus speaks Arabic, Assyrian, nam, rector of Trinity church. The their guests will hc entertained Aerosl Plans ror the "Spring Fling," an­ Kurdish, French and English. meditations on the last seven at a banquet and dance. troops" nual spring formal party of Zeta Arabic, the national language in words will be given by the Rev. forces ir 'l'au Alpha sorority, are being Iraq, is required in tl].e schools. ILlon T. Jones, the Rev. Elmer E. len mal made for tomorrow evening at the After the vesper service supper Dierks, the Rev. Victor Goff, the S. Kane chapter house. A buffet supper will be served. Mary Louise Mil­ Rev. James Waery, the Rev. Dono­ 4 MONTH INTENSIVE capture< will begin the evening's activities, ler, Marilyn Fontaine, Louella van Grant Hart, the Rev. David Cours. lor nau, 10 after which the guests will dance Bare and Bill Smith are in charge Shipey and the Rev. Lewis L. Dun­ COLLEGE STUDENTS and 6UDUA1IS bor and to records. of arrangements. Bill Burney will nington. A thorouj!b, inten,ive ~outle-II'" At thl supervise the recreational hour, ing Fe!>rua~y, July, October, In charge of arrangements are Ushers for the service will be lleg'lStralJon now opea.. • tour-d Marvelle Gregg, Al of Rock Is­ vestrymen of Trinity church. Prof. • Hungar) Winifred T. Root of the history i,.:...~~-__ land, Ill., and Jan Keel, Al of Villa YMCA Executive Regular da, and enn!n! school strategic Park, Ill. Committees include department, Prof. Vance M. Mor­ ADOLPH N. BOEYE. RepubUcan TilE DE~OCRATlC CANDIDATE throughout 'he* year. C... IOI. and Viel Joyce Kearsing, A2 of Spring Val­ To Talk at Meeting ton of the dramatic art depart­ candidate for alderman 'rom the for alderman from the thIrd ward A SCIfOOl 0' IUSINI!II With ley, N. Y., program; Dorothy Ped­ ment, Prof. M. F. Carpenter of thlrd ward, Is 'a buyer for Brem­ Is (lha..-Ies T. SmUh, senior lab­ "_RID 'f COllfOf MEN 4ND we-. . Konev's erson, A4 of Clear Lake, music; Hillis Houser, boys' work secre­ the English department, Roy J. mer's. He Is a. veleT'4n of Ihe first ora.tory asslst.ant in the state THE GREGG COLUGI ward M Norma Stemple, A2 of Ft. Madi­ tary of the national Y. M. C. A., McGinnis, President Virgil M. W(rld War and a member of the hygenlc. Ia.boratory for i.he past "."d.ttI. John ~ob"" G,.u. '.c.o. to wJthi Dtr.ct~. PCI. M. Pair. MA son; Marian Howard, Al of Des will speak on "How to Play" at Hancher, WiJliam Cameron, Prof. American Le"on. He Is also a 15 years. A resident of Iowa City the Indu Moines; Lorraine Bryant, Al of the University pf Life meeting for B. V. Crawford of the English de­ member of the Junior Chamber for 39 years, he was educated In Dept. C. P. 6 N. Michlran An' Chicago III. an outfi. MU'scatine; Peggy Green, A2 of high school students Sunday at partment and Senator LeRoy of Commerce. Boeye Is married, the public schools and now lives heavy 1 Louisiana, Mo.; Jean Hawley, Al 7:30 p. m. at the Presbyterian Mercer. has two children and lives &t 830 a.t 906 E. DavenpOrt street. l'Ie is cIty's rai of Davenport; Elizabet.!t Peterson, church. John Adams will be organist. N. Dodge street. With 25 years of a member of St. Wenceslaus' ers also A! of San Diego, Calif.; Mary Jane Houser, now a graduate stUdent Those unable to remain for the buslness experience be/1ind him, church a.nd the Eagles a.nd Moose in weste Quinn, C3 of Riverside, and Rosa in the university, was president whole service are urged to attend he promises to . In conti.,­ lodges and Company C of the state nounced. Lee Shay, A3 of Maloy, decora­ of the Y. M. C. A. while an under­ during the hour most conv.enient uinr the bUSiness-like IUImlnls­ guard. He Is married and has on tions; Betty Lou Faris, A2 of graduate. for them, Revel'end Putnam said. tJlation of Mayor Teeten if 'elected. son, Leland, eight years old. Keota; Cecilia Laufersweiler, A3 ------~------~~------of Ft. Dodge; Gloria Barbee, Al Senat, of Centerville, and Maxine Holler, National Defense" War Production Supplants Classes in Japan' Al of Davenport, refreshments. FOR's Chaperoning the affair will be iiGINNING April 1 and continuing for one MrS. Hazel Miller, Dr. and Mrs. year, achaol children living In Japan will Rabbit Centered 1. C. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. have comple~ed their formal education upon 01 Au ...... Howe, and Dr. and Mrs. I. A. graduation from the ftrst grade. This an· Packages * * * hurt looks when he tells. his KPs Rankin. An Iowa City boy makes good. nouncement comes from Tokyo and the WASH At least the news release from an to peel potatoes." . reason otrered for this sudden halt In the Rnate l'1 The sergeant's maG h In e Js In honor of all Currier women army air station In Abadan, Iran, Japanese educational program Is that It velt yest. indicated that Sergt. Calvin L. powered by a vertically-.set 3/4'­ who received a three point or will be nocessary for school children and Jectlon 0 Smith was a hero to the in electric motor which revolves tlle pbove grade Pl'int average last p)'s teachers to devote their entire attention to brey Wi! the Persian gulf cOO\J11'and. They platform in the bottom ' of' the semester, a buffet supper will be national defense and war produotlon. Pho­ tlon adm are searching now for iust the drum through a couple ' of bel\S: given Sunday at 5:30 p. m. in the tos shown illustrate the type of education Thirty. right kind of medal to decorate pulleys and a reduction gear. south recreation room of Currier which wm take the place of the usual class­ his uniform. The story came hall. Pat Emal, A3 of Iowa Falls, Democra An old boiler is used' as the room IItudy. (Inter nlltional) selection from Iran like this: drum. The inside surface !l~s Is in charge of the party. Donna Nelstm, A3 of Humboldt, tor a Job "Sergeant Calvin L. Smith of been scratched and roullhened,~ 418 S. Madison street, is a hero to will be featured in a tap dance as war peri that's the part tha~ does the peel­ a part of the floor show which will up to a the Gl's who pull KP In this army ing - by Smith's spot welding air base. In lact, the Iowan will also include several vocal selec­ Nral ele. torch, \ions by Rosalie Smith, Al of be a hero to millions of GI's Voting Water fiowing through the ma­ Macedonia, and a reading by Helen throughout the world if his "In­ Democra1 chince carries away the' peelings. Caro, A3 of Highland Park, 111. vention" ever catches 0,\ with the When the' potatoes are peeled,' a Se~'or I On the committee for the party Willian army-for Sergeant Smith is the touch of a lever tuml;>les the for "three pointers" are Dolores builder of an electric potato peel­ .~on, sa finishd spuda Into Ii cookin~ pot. Thomure, A3 of Bonne Terr,.. Mo.: ing machine. That, to any soldier pt. qt. ' pie to 10 Sergeant Smith returned to the Jean Dawson, Al of Des Moines; pkr: • 34c or ex-soldier who has ever been PU. InJ" here United States recently tor Marjorie Miller, Al of Hillsboro; confronted by a few bushels of re­ Set the fashion for !:alter It was assignment. But he lett the elec­ Muriel Burnell, A 1 of Cedar Rap­ by dressing up your featlv. ' that apr potatoes to· peel by hand, is great ids; Frances F'slck, Al of Decorah, news! \ tric potato peeler behind as a git~ dinners with Old Mill's Ral>­ than for to the grateful sqll;adron members and Betty Jane Atkinson, Al of bLt Centt!red Ice cream for "Sergeant Smith got the idea Itcted by in Iran. Cedar Rapids. dessert. You'll love Old for his potato-peeling mllchine Spring will be the theme of the , Mill's rlch vanllla lee c.... 1D tion was one day when he was a corporal buffet supper and the table will around a smooth chocolate . States at1 -and seated in back of the head­ Driver Fined $5 be centered with a bowl of spring Ice cream rabbit. Buy l0III' . WlIIlan torqOlle quarters mess hall with a pUe of Mrs. Herman Good was ti~d $5 flowers. tonight! spuds In front of him. A few days in pOlice court festerday for 'dri"': t.ct'l~ml later he presented the machine to IJlg without a driver's licens\,. Pleqee iii Theta Xi fraternity - the mess sergeant. • Police Judge John Knox. Sl.\8~nded will give a party for the actives at :C:hd~ .. After a few trials, the mess $3 of the .fine. 8 o'clock ·tonight at the chapter sergeant was very pleased. In the house. Chaperones will be Prof. first place the "RB'. Dream" Samuel F. B. Morse, wbo In­ and Mrs. John Russ and turns out more potatoes in an vented the teleJl'llph, p.ln~ t~e ~rs. ,Louis Zopf. Kenneth Nlel­ hour than a dozen KPs could do portrait of Lafayette which ban~s BOn, At of Ringsted, is chairman In a day. It also enables the mess in New ~ork'8 City Hall. I ,. of the party committee. to use small potetoea other­ I wise thrown away because they I The expression "pin money" !'he first seven ribs in tbe body are too small to peel by hand." refers to the allowance men gAve are called true ribs, the next three "But, most Important, the mess their wives in the' 16th ce~~y' false and the last two fioatinS IOl'ioallt doesn't ~et any more for pins, which were 1I1Wii4l'Y., • ribs,