NEA.TS, rAT-S, ••••tam • • , 'IS 110 •••• 10 ZI ... AI 110...... n .... I..... raoCES ED 1'00011. ..•• .la.. p •• X6 .......b Z$ .... A:I IJo . ..... 8» D .....alld . FaJr 8UGA.&. book 'our .'.D"P M .a .. 111 for flye p •• D ....~ IHOES. -'0011: tbree .lIplaae at. _mps. 1, t an' S ".tt. IIl'ellnUely. GASQLINE, 14 .. A e •• poal "oM t.r f •• , IOWA: c..~ ..". Wa7, .. aU.1UI aad 8-5. c .. I. B-6 aD. C-8. B-1 ..tI C-l e.•••• a • f ........ I~ ...... ror flvo .aUons. FUEL OIL, ~.Io' 0 •• Ill ••••• ·THE DAILY IOWAN x u.wen. 'Iye to.po .. t ,ood, allo Jut yea"". pert .. , •• , aD. 'h'e , •••. Iowa City', Morning "'ewlpape, n FIVE CENTS IOWA Crrt. IOWA FRIDAY. MABCH 23 lN5 .. A ••• .,...- VOLUME XLV HUMBER 152 MARINES ENLARGE BEACHHEAD ON ZAM80ANGA Americans Crush All Maior B\I Resistance West of Rhine anUi. ~ . 1.11\ LO I sfitt Reich Suffers Recent Events Beyond Pacific- . ' . 100,000 Nazis iI!l Mnol Wont Lashing Leaves Japs·Confused, l:JncerleJln Captured ~nol ve~~ 87 Klrk.e L. s........ Tokyo broadcasts live certain sea harbors was moving south- IhPil .\Moe"," Prell War Allalnt evidence ot the invasion teal'$ weatward a,ain, perhapS to strike G RAF, Yank Planes Pending further evolution of al- running hl'h In Japan. The ,arne Into the center of the Ryukyu erman. Report \ Concentrate on Nazi lied-Russian eoneerted operations fear Is dominating Japanese army chain of is'-nda that rufIJ from the U. S. Troops Ready 1IIIl in Germany to disclose where the .. 1iIIt. East Rhine Defense, battle of Inner Germany will commanders in French Indo- southwestern tiP ot Kyushu In the To Storm River r oi:. be,ln, events beyond Ule Pacific China. It was redoubled by the home islands all the way to "or- IrfwI~ LONDON, Friday (AP)-More­ leave Japan hardly less confused NIpponese reported heav)' air at- mosa. PARI , (AP)-T 0 United Ail than 8,000 Amel'ican and British and uncertaIn than her crumbling tack on Hainan island, the big Tokyo renect II Japanese bt!:- t8t~ armi r u he d aU e\llll plane gave Germany its greatest NazI aceomplice. Chine e southern appendix doml- lief thaL the lar,e t and molt major r istance w t oC the dawn to dusk lashing yesterday, Within the last -48 houl'll allied natin( the Qulf ot Tonkin and the central Island ot the Ryu\cyu Rbin t rday in tbe last concentrating parttcularl)' on Nazi air power has run the ,amut of northeast coast of the French ,roup, Okinawa, is an American phil!, of a battle that eo t the­ !OQ~ • Irlirt IlARINES of the 41st division .,Iow thrOllllh the danll lnnrle of Mindanao enIarrln.. their ,rip on defenses east of the Rhine, and Nipponese defensive deployments colony. Throulh it runs the alen- objective. That eem. a logical G rman 100,000 eapU"e8 alone eUII!. f,amoanca penlpsula, where, accordlnr to an old marine IIOne "The mookey have no tails •••" Tankll last night RAF Mosqutos main­ from western Burma to the hide- der and vulnerable Nippon se deduction tor Okinawa olters both and the enl'my id the river ), and move alone pa.rallel to the a.dvanclnr foot 4lOhunn. talned the terrific pressure by outs of Japan's sorely battered communicatlons life llne Hnklng good weather proof hllrborale at barrier \\"a about to he stormed forC!! bombing Berlin lor tlte 31st con­ fleet In the Inland sea. The her armies in China with Burma, ~!lha lind ample room for bomber lIlsoU· secutive ti me. swoopln, plane, land or cartier Malaya and the Dutch Indies. and fighter strips. There are open both .Crom the Palatin~te and in La. • The German radio declared that be ed, were obviously peving- the Formosa, the Japanese China plains and little forested land Opp08Jt th Ruhr, hlch W at Jeast four other formations of way lor something. but for just sea Gibraltar, Kat another blllst- and the Island lie. within 400 blasted. Id his night raiders were on the prowl what Tok)'o could not certainly ing, Tokyo sold. There was Jape- miles ot Formosa to the fOuthwest On Otrman rep 0 r t B8id I June Reds In over weslern Germany, the Han­ tell. Powerful naval \.ask forces nese word lor H, too, that the and I sa than 500 miles from Na- Lieut. Gtn. rge. Patton '8 nover-Hlldesh im area, Muenster were reported at one s\.age no great task torce {rom which navy sa akl to the northeast.. TOkyo has Third army had ma I'd 300 and tho province ot Bavaria. more than 60 miles offshore !rom bombers caught nearly a score ot lood reason to e sume lha\ It 11,- r gular and nmpbibiou tanks These were the major blows de­ Japan'. home Islands. war craft at moorinp ill Inland ures In American future strategy. and. • t ron g enslneerlnl and SergI. Ori'4e Within MUe motorized units for a sma.h into I Cit~ livered during one of the finest Packers Blame Guimaras Island flying days of the year yesterday: the mount.alnous Inner core or Ule enture rgean\ 0' (Iecb Border I-Approximatcly 4,000 planes, CommiHee Voles Reich. h:e\ 01 'M t '. , Invaded by Yanks including 2,000 American and Results 'Good' Another declared that Fi Id British heavy bombers !rom Brit­ Marshal Sir Bernard L. Montlom­ . ery had opened a thunderous ar­ r _ 'Ki\. Neustadt fans Bombers Blast ain, tOJ'e up enemy concentrations To Extend Draft Law ea easles ~eavy tllJery barraKe to screen a Rhine and r infore men within the '1e has \n first Stages Cebu for Three crossing of We I, add in, to de­ :a:Immer Ruhr Industrial bllsln and sur­ Todoy's White House Says As Superforts struction wroulht by the thou­ Of Soviet Breakthrough rounding areas. This attack, one ::Jloaro· f or Sh or tage Successive Days Selective Service CaUl sands of warp Ian which throuih­ of the most violent delivered by :n.A/the LONDON (AP)-Russian troops, air power d\.lring lhe war, was di­ out the day sowed ruin through " ~ 81:;0 in a powerful new two-pronged of­ MANILA,-- Friday (AP)-Gui­ Iowan · To Drop Aft.r July 1 the Ruhr valley. ~e-I. W.ASHINGTON (AP)-Qon- maras island, just 8 mile alld 8 rected aL targets across the Rhine Hit Rangoon fensive In upper German Silesia, Third arm y stratellsta now from Field Marshal Sir Bernard WASHINGTO~ (AP)- Draft have smashed to within one milc gresslonal g r 0 ups heard com­ balf southea~t of pi.lplured Iloilo were free to plan the crossing ot L. Montgomery's impending "jump All major German resistance calla may drop all average of 31 \IIC~rch , of Czechoslovakia in twin ad­ plaints from the range countrY on· Panay, was Invaded by Amer­ * * * the Rhine lor possibly no more .from and packing houses yesterdaY thal ican doughboys WedneSday as o!f" posi tlons. west of Rhine crumbles. CALCUTTA (AP)-A IJ&eable per cent afler July I, the White vances of 25 miles and killed Ot· torce of B-29 SUperiortresses from ftoU&e dl5clO&ed yesterda)' cofn­ than 4,000 German e.Uectives re­ ,t:.er he captured 45,000 enemy troops in a there is plenty or meat on the heavy bombers on thrl!ll succe - 2-A Coree oC more than 5!0 India base attacked Japanese in­ II mained in action west of the :n. hoi· 450-square mile trap wesl of the hoof but thE' govl'rnment policies Rive days poured 214 tons at llaly-baseQ United Slates hea y ROMlanll In twin advance drive eldent. ~th house military com­ stnllatlolU around thc big Burmese mittee vote to extend the draft stream alter one of the worst diI­ Oder river, Moscow announced to­ keep it oIr legilimate buyers' bombs on Cebl,l island lQ Uw east. bombers blasled the bl~ Ruhrla d to within one mile of Czecho­ port of.RaIIf4on yt!uterdaT With law without chanSe. aster, ever visited on German .~ lnt· night. lables~ all refinery 7() mlLcs southeast ~r slo kian I>9rder. Gen. Douglas MacArthur re­ "sood to excellent" results, lay In, President Roosev-:lt, .endlnl up arms. LO<JI in Massed forces of Marshal Ivan A nLailer said "meatellsle .OJ ported this 27th island Invasion Serlin. This blow was beHeved fo WrItten olf were the Ireat Rhine BrItish. AJntrl_ del i v e r at least five bombs squarely in a request. to congress for $54,- ,d. two S. Konev's First Ukrainian army are gftting more and more of the of lhe Phillppilles jn his commu" have virtually halloo the p~odu - cities of Malnz and Ludwig hafen, heaviest sustained aerial blow dump areas, the 20th United States 500,000 lo finance selective ~­ were battling forward in an all-out steak and roasts to sell on the nique today, announcing only that lion of g~solin within the United where r listance folded durin, the assault to clear industrial upper sly. States 15th alrioree's ronge In to Germany. bomber command announced. vice another fiscal year, said this "in a shore-to-shore operation our The aUackinl Superforts. mak­ contemplated an avera,e draft day and the lew defend TI were Silesia and win the last Nazi war The congressmen also got this troops seized Gulmaras island, southern Germany, Austria and chased into corners from which Twent7-lwo elected to Phl Beta ing their fourth larle raid on the call of 93.000 a month.
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