, IS . .IAT8, rA'fS, ret ,t.ID,. Q~ uu ••• ~ :&Ii nt AJ bl •• U.. USED r"TS, "y..'.r..... I.r •• e ,.... .1 ...1. T..I.'. PJIOCIlSlb..... ....." Partly Cloudy rOOD II, ~I ...10 .... ~ 11t.... ~ ZI ••• .u III ...... III ••• r.... SUGA. ST.-P, " •. It ... • ..... IOWA: Pariq 111011111, aIId ......." •• IIIIOE8, ~.. II lI,r••••• ,1 ••• _,. " r .•••• ,..11. '."ell.nelr 10 ......, •. GASOLINI, DAILY - IIIihL A ••• , ••• N.. U .... I •• 10 ....u •••• _. ... ... THE Iow:A-N- C4, •• t CI ....... .... ..... rUIL OIL, N.. J, U....... 5 ..U". Iowa City's Morning ~.w.pap.r t1VE CENTS IOWA CITY. IOWA SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 19U VOLUME XLV NUMBEJl1l8 l­ I, 0 n Il Soviets, .. Drive'. Stettin, at T~d;y's Canadian Army Offense It 'I 10 Smash B-eyond Breslau Iowan --~----------------------------------~--- .. .. C&ll&dian .Flnt army pushes fRENCH SAY BIG THREE MEET HERE Hammers· :Toward Kleve ahead rapidly in new oUensive. Within four miles of Kleve. Blast Nazis • PORTRAIT Of A GENERAL KEEPING A PROMISE RU88IUl tNoPli extend sweep toward Stetlin. Pound Berlin's Big Offensive Along Oder outer defenses. 19 U. 8. bombers and three Berlin Reports Reds fighters lost in Nazi jet plane Sweeps Ahead attaCk. 35 Miles East Yanks clear Important southern Furious Assault Of German Capital section Gf ManHa. ------ On 200-Mile front LONDON CAP) - Russian Iowa Hawkens meet Indiana Toward Ruhr VaUey troops drove to within 29 miles there tonll/ht. neet of Berlin's Baltic port of tet­ stop tin yesterday and surt'ounded P,6,RI (AP)-The Canadian lila! army brOAdened the front of its curt the East Prussian harbor city of Elbing, whilc the Gel'muns an­ big n w offensive to almo t 10 the Yank Bombers Face mil ye tel'day after sweeping li on, nounced a gl'cat new Red army lall­ southern offensive that out­ up 14 towns in gains of nearly :owa flanked Bresl!lll by rolling 25 New Aerial Blows five miles, and drove to within dls­ miles west of that ite.·ian capi­ 1 four miles of flaming Kleve, line. talon the upper Oder river. By Nazi Jet Planes imperiled n01,t11ern fortress of pital On the Berlin front the .Ru~­ wer;tern Germany's defenses. owa siaru; were disclo 'ed by the The fury of the assault from lude Punled Gunners Fail the west mounted on a. 200-mile iale, enemy to have crossed the Oder and establi 'hed a bridgehead at To Down 'Jetties'; front ag Gen . H. D. G. Crerar's and, Candian a nd British force rand Lebus, 35 miles east of the Reich Mustangs Bag Five battered eastward between the ~ Iin. capital, cutting the direct north­ soutb communications between LONbON (AP)-A mighty force Rhine and 1\188S riv rs 27 miles of 1,300 American heavy bombers from Wesel, at the northwest of besieged Frankfurt and Kuestrin, corner of the Ruhr valley-last . the twin strongholds barring the route - guarded by almost 900 fighters - faced the greatest challenge of &real source of the enemy's war 10 is to Berlin. potential. ltion German jet planes yesterday and Moscow dispatches said Marshal escaped with a Joss of 19 bombers The United States First army 85 Gregory K. Zhukov's First White and three fighters. rnJles to the south outflanked the Russian army was laying down one , . giant Sehwammenauel dam, whose The Germans, using new tac­ pent-up waters could be unloosed of the heaVIest artillery bar.-ages tlcs to forestall the American aer­ SEATED EItECT IN lUS JEEP, dl. rerardlnr any danrel' Oen. Do1l&'1~ . ¥IIIlAr&har ero.es a span on ha.- b~ the war on German lines be­ to cru~h ~ny British and American PICTURED IS THE HOTIL RiVURI In Soc:hl, a RussIan Black sea Ial blows, sent up jet-propelled 1Ily.constructed planks on top of a bombed-out brldre pllln, n~ar CamlIln" 1.I ....n. TIle paeral waa on tween the Oder and Berlin. The his way to Manila to keep a three-year-old proml_"1 shaH I'dlln." This Is an otfJela1 United Slates drive on the Ruhe from their pOri two miles above die border 01 Stalin's boDle provInce 01 Georaia, Messcrschmitt 262'8 which flashed Springboard positions north and Soviet communique, however, did in and out o! the bomber forma­ army sil'nal corps phototraph. not mention this sector where the where, acconlinr to Ute t'rebCla Telel'raph Al'ebCY, th~ bl, three con- east of Aaachcn. ference Is beln&' held. " . '. tions, literally flying rings around Germans say the Russians have Striking behind one of tHe mUltiple bridgeheads across the the heavy craft •• Jets Punle Gunnel1l heaviest barrages ever laid down river 30 to 4~ miles from the capi­ Big Three Plans _ OpPosition 'Expected by First army guns, the Americans tal BaWed gunners aboard the Fly­ British Bishop Urges In Cedar Rapids- ing Fortresses lind Liberators seized Ha enfeld, less than a mile The Russians gained up to 11 lailed to shoot down any of these east of the dam, and brought the For Occupying Reich T,oIntelligence Sysfe~ structure itsel! within range miles in their swift mOve to reach attackers, fly~ng at a speed of ten ot - Stettin and seal off thousands of Easy Peace Terms machineguns. , miles a minute, but escorting Mus­ German troops in Pomerania in a Price tang. pilots knocked down five of Speciali%e~ forces lI&mIIler Mountain movement sim.ilar to their recent Donovan Propose. Suggests Friendliness lhe lets. Ready to Tak .. Ov r~ Farther south, the Unil.ed Sl.al.es encirclement of 20 to 25 Nazi divi­ ·Agency to Coordinate Third army was hammering at the sions In Ea<;t Pruss ia. Toward Germans ' Eighteen ordinary-type Messer­ schmitt and Focke WuH fighters When Germa'ny FaUs .Intelligence Activities German defenders of th~ Eifel Moscow dispatches said there To Avert New Wars ~io/otion mountain stronghold ot Purei1t was a possibility of catching a sim­ also were blasted from the sky and 41 German planes were de­ LONDON (AP}- The Big Three, from positions three-q\,larters of a ilar number of divisions in Pomer­ W ASIUNGTON (AP) - There LONDON (AP}-The Bishop of WAsHlNGTON• • (AP} • - Price Ad~ stroyed on the ground. realizing the possibJlity at a sudden MANILA, Saturday (AP}-Ma. mUe northwest of the clty_ The ania. Birmingham advocated "a new col1apse of military and civilian were indications last night that enl1my fought furiously to hold the ~ The Germans said the Russians ministrator Chester Bowles' aSser~ Eflectiveness of the new Ger­ nilu's trapped Japanese defenders friendliness" toward Germany and man procedure was not jndicllted, resistance in huge areas of Ger­ Maj. Gen. William J. Donovan's important cornmunjcatlon center. were only six miles trom Star­ UOQ that price violations "continue many under the pressure of the are being ellminated in fierce abandonment of harsh peace terms serious and dangerous" in Cedat but one witness told of a Flying proposal that the United States ThIs va lIey of death was 0l\e I!.... , gard--within artillery range­ yesterday, while the World Trade Joint allied offensive, are believed house-to-hpuse and street tighting and ohly .22 miles from Stettin, Rapids and other specified areas is Fortress crippled and forced to set up a post-war central intelll­ their own shells and guns had union conference received pro­ whipping pllirts into shap for oC­ gence system 'woulc\ encounter Pomeranian capital. l1ased on a "conlidentla 1 govern~ hide in clouds after a 15-mlnute as 37th infa..,y and 11th airborne created- a scene of devastation ,II posals for economic 8.ubjugatJon ment report," OPA said yesterday. attack by the "jetties" had left cupying the Reich at a moment's division Yanks drive through the critical questioning in congress. marked by flaming houses, t~s Moscow's communique said that of the Reich and wholesale trans· notice. 'b. Arnswalde; key road junction nine the Fortress gunners dizzy. soulhern halt 01 the tire-black.ened Donovan, chief of the office of and vehicles, shattered gun posl. fer of workers and industries else­ A spokesman for the agency Well-Informed qual'ters here miles southeast of captured Bral­ said that a survey in Cedar Rapids Describe Attaok capital toward the prized dock strategic services, made the su(l­ tions, and flattened earthworks. where. suggested yesterday tho t PresideD ~ lentin, had been surrounded. showed there were charges ovet Bomber crews said the jet pLanes area and Nichpls airfield. gClltion in a memorandum to A :Cront dispatch, emphasizing At the northeastern end of the Dr. Ernest William Barnes, 70- price ceilings on approximately 20 attacked singly or in pairs, with Roosevelt, Prime Minister ChurCh­ PresIdent Roosevelt. that for seecurity reasons the ex­ year-old Church of England ill and Premier Stalin possibly arc Gen. Douglas MacArthur said in tent of the eastward push could Russian front, moving toward the 'Percent of the food items checked ME-lOg's hovering in the distance his communique yesterday that Senator Johnson (1;>., Col.), Baltic, Soviet units cap t u red scholar who has been Bishop 01 to guard against American tighter preparing wo occupation plans, no~ be disclosed, declared that It in stores there. under the first of which specializeu, "fighting ill 01 the fiercest." He de· memPer of the senate military Glambeck in a five-mile advance Birmingham since 1924, told the interference. committee, said there was need for was difficult to see how the enemy national peace council that a peace This, the spokesman said, com~ forces are being alErted now for scribed the enemy's resistance as could hold back the crushina ur, northea:st of Reetz, taken Thurs­ pares with a national average of A spokesman at United States a "final stand." strenllthening the system 01 ob­ day, and at the southwestern end based on maintenance qt .military emergenCy duty.
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