
toxics release inventory

Chemical Profile

Environment Thallium Science & Technology Development

What is thallium? The amount of thallium that U.S. How might people be exposed to Thallium (Tl) is a bluish-white power plants release into the air each thallium? that is very soft. In nature, thallium year is presently unknown. People are commonly exposed to small combines with other elements to form amounts of thallium naturally present in thallium compounds. Small amounts of Is thallium also released by other the air they breathe, the water they thallium are naturally present in rocks, sources? drink, and the foods they eat. , and water. Thallium is released into the air by soils However, some people may be exposed Thallium combines with other as they erode in wind and rain. It is to larger amounts of thallium when to form mixtures called alloys. For released into water and soils by eroding they smoke tobacco or eat fish that example, thallium mixed with rocks and . have accumulated it in their flesh. forms a fluid alloy that is used in low- Thallium released into the environ- Industrial workers may breathe thallium temperature and switches. ment by human activities comes mainly dust or fumes. Thallium is also used in electronic com- from metal production facilities, indus- ponents and special grades of . trial boilers that burn coal, glass facto- What are the potential effects of Physicians introduce thallium into the ries, and plants. Industries thallium on human health? body to show blood flow to the heart. reporting to the U.S Environmental Thallium affects people’s health in the Rockets and flares emit a bright Protection Agency (EPA) released about same way, whether they eat, drink, or flame when they burn thallium salts. one-half ton of thallium into the envi- breathe it. Exposure to large amounts Thallium sulfate is used to control ronment in 1997. About 80% was of thallium can cause stomach and insects and . released to the . intestinal distress, hair loss, changes in blood chemistry, and damage to the How is thallium released by What happens to thallium after nervous system, internal organs, and electric utilities? it is released by electric utilities? testicles. Long-term exposure to small Trace amounts of thallium are present Ash particles carrying thallium settle to amounts of thallium seems to have no in coal and oil. When electric utilities the ground after they are released into harmful effect on human health. burn these fuels at their power plants, the air from power plants. Most thal- There are no studies of cancer in thallium is released. Most of this thal- lium reaches the ground through gravity people exposed to thallium. lium is carried by particles of ash. and air turbulence. Thallium com- Coal-burning power plants are pounds that dissolve in water are carried How likely is it that utility equipped with devices to capture these to the ground by rain and snow. releases pose a risk to human particles before they reach the air. Thallium builds up in the flesh of fish. health? Particle control devices typically capture wastewater discharged into It is unlikely that thallium from power more than 99% of the ash, so very little public waterways may contain small plants poses a significant risk to human ash enters the air. Thallium-carrying amounts of thallium, but these amounts health. EPA has not evaluated the ash captured by these devices is usually are regulated by local permits. potential health risks of breathing thal- sent to ash ponds or land disposal sites. lium for people who live near power plants that burn coal or oil.

MARCH 2000 IS-113993 Preliminary estimates from plants preparing to report thallium releases to EPA indicate amounts of thallium that are unlikely to cause significant health effects. Since airborne ash particles carrying thallium are widely scattered before they settle to the ground, it is unlikely that ash from power plants significantly increases the amount of thallium in soil, water, or food.

How is thallium regulated? EPA has established limits for thallium in drinking water. EPA also requires that 1000 pounds or more of thallium be reported if it is spilled or released without a permit. Under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, federal and state regulators determine how much thallium each power plant may release in wastewater discharges. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health have set limits on the amount of thallium in workplace air.

Where can I get more information about thallium? The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has a fact sheet with answers to frequently asked health questions about thallium. It is available through the ATSDR Information Center at 1-800-447-1544, or on the Internet at http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts54.html

This Toxics Release Inventory Chemical Profile is available by email at [email protected]. © 2000 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Inc. All rights Funders of Environment may download it from the Internet at reserved. Electric Power Research Institute, and EPRI are registered http://www.epriweb.com/epriweb2.5/eg/funders/tri/index.html service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.

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