ISSN: 1979-4975 PROGRESSIVE Vol. XII, No. 2 September 2017 LIBERAL FEMINISM‘S ASPECT ,1 KATY PERRY‘S S21GS Rini Martiwi1, Eulin Karlina2, Dedi Suharyadi3 1ASM BSI Jakarta/Manajemen Administrasi
[email protected] 2AMIK BSI Jakarta/Komputerisasi Akuntansi
[email protected] 3AMIK BSI Bekasi/Komputerisasi Akuntansi
[email protected] Abstract ± The objective of this study is to analyze the basic aspects of liberal feminism and explain the representation of liberal feminism ideology in the lyrics of .aty 3erry‘s songs. The Data of research are taken from six songs, there are "One of the boys", "Pearl", "Part of me", "Dark Horse", "Roar" and "International Smile". This study used a qualitative descriptive method to collect data and required information. The results of this research indicated that: (1) There are 14 data containing liberal feminist ideology which is based on the value of personal autonomy of freedom. The basic values of freedom seen of personal autonomy that mostly found are being free of the limits set by patriarchal paternalistic (6 data). (2) The lyrics of Katy Perry songs have a criticism of women who should be free from all form of threats of violence, have a facilities in various field and should not always subservient to the men and social law. (3) Katy Perry wants to tell the women, they have power, the form of power is in physical and psychological strength. Keywords: Liberal feminism, Songs, lyric I. INTRODUCTION rhythms that are tailored to the type of song lyrics Humans are the most perfect creatures of God.