The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record Volume Li, 1920
THEEW N YORK Genealogical a nd Biographical Record. DEVOTEDO T THE INTERESTS OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY AND BIOGRAPHY. ISSUED Q UARTERLY. VOLUME L I, 1920 PUBLISHED B Y THE NEW Y ORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY 226 West 58TH Street, New York. Publication C ommittee : HOPPER STRIKER MOTT, Editor. JOHN R. TOTTEN, Financial Editor. JOHN E DWIN STILLWELL, M. D. TOBIAS A. WRIGHT. ROVDEN W OODWARD VOSBURGH. REV. S. WARD RIGHTER. CAPT. R ICHARD HENRY GREENE. MRS. ROBERT D. BRISTOL. RICHARD S CHERMERHORN, JR. WILLIAM ALFRED ROBBINS INDEXF O SUBJECTS. Accessions t o Society's Library; not Accessions t o Society's Library; not reviewed — reviewed {Continued) American Historical Society, Re Essex, Mass., Quarterly Court of, port for 1916, Vols. I and II, Records and Files, Vol. VII., 100 280 American R evolution, National Ffoster, T homas, Photographic Society Sons of, Report for copy of deed by him dated 1919, 280 March 3. 1674-5, 280 Andover, N . H., History of the Fleming, O wasco Outlet, Cayuga Town of, 100 Co., N. Y., Records of the Re .Athens, N Y., First Reformed formed Protestant Dutch Church, Report of, 280 Church, typewritten manu Auburn D ale, Mass., Early Days script, 100 in, (1665-1870), 100 Florida, M ontgomery Co., N. Y., Beanes, D r. William, Biographi Records of the United Presby cal Sketch of, 172 terian Church, typewritten man Belfast, M aine, Vital Records to uscript, 100 1802, Vol. II, 172 French G enealogical Associa Brookins F amilies, a brief sketch tion, Letters and Papers of, of, 280 100 Brown F amily Chart, manuscript, Genealogies, A merican and Eng 100 lish, List of, in the Library of Cambridge, M ass., Kitty years a Congress, Washington, D.
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