Driving Too Closely Behind Another Car, Or Tailgating, Has Been One Of
Driving too closely behind another initially caught the interest of inter- car, or tailgating, has been one of national markets, where govern- those traffic infractions on U.S. ments closely monitor vehicle roadways that has defied law separation to foster higher enforcement officers for traffic safety. In the United years. After all, if you’ve States, as “road rage” inci- written a ticket for a dents have grown, law driver who was driving enforcement agencies too closely, chances are have become very inter- high the driver took it to ested in the ability to court. Lacking hard proof measure the travel time of the tailgating episode, and distance between you may have had diffi- two cars in their culty proving your case. attempt to show evi- Now, however, court- dence for enforcement. room showdowns between According to The violators and traffic officers National Road Safety PHOT are frequently going in the Foundation, aggressive driving O DALE officers’ favor with the advent of behaviors, from which road rage ST a new tool that tags tailgaters evolved, are linked to half of all car OCKT ON with arresting evidence. Lidar (light crashes. High-risk behaviors include detection and ranging) technology, the usual suspects: speeding, running which has already proved to be effec- Although Lidar is commonly used for speed red lights and stop signs, tailgating, fre- tive in nabbing speeders, can now enforcement, recent developments have made it quent lane changes and angry or threat- detect with pinpoint accuracy vehicles a valuable tool in determining whether a vehicle ening behavior toward other motorists.
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