Proorarol Hoolor, OHO Also Contains an Illustrated Taxonomic Voy to 1' St,Rries of Anonheline Larvae
DOCTIMFVT RFSUMF FP 011. bU4 010 hug Tratt, Farry P. olanovici-, Chr-trr 3. Vorkook or thc T(lcntificati.or of Arotl--0,,E /Arva. Frolim3nary TssuP. "757-7TT1770!: National Cor,munical,le r'isqarr Cor,tc'rU.T1"V), Atlanta, C.a. r'' ft 'Ar-7 rF. ,T117.-r frn. F'TCH Frrq ?rico "17-4n.'70 VC-.Lr) 7)",C77nTr" Autoinstructional Ai6s, *Tiolooy, rrtonloiv, Occunators Flucatior, e-rt!F;tructionAl tcrials, *Prouramerl !,"atcrials, Public "caltl, *-axonory APFTI'AC- This self-insfructional hooklot el«.7i_on(,1 to crahlo malarial control workors to iArntify the larvAr of "rnol'v'r1,*" snociPs that arc imnor+art ralaria vectors. -0 feat -urns of 410 larvae aro illustratoA in 9 proorArol hoolOr, OHO also contains an illustrated taxonomic voy to 1' st,rries of anonheline larvae. olossary and asl-,ort 1,ihliortrary arm (PI) ,,,. ,-,,;. ,:"-.4. - . .'?' ::,-,..1,..- -''' '''',-,'-,.' '-'.-:' '- - -..'.--. --.. '... , , . ,. -..,--: .,-, ','''.:-5.f'1.if!.''' f*.c' ,',,',--''.. ,t ',...','', ''. .,....,, ,. ,r.,. re ,, , ;' , .'s,''../,' ,' 4;',1-!,--17.0"t ' k c'-- i;,' -...-:' '.,;'".4. ,...'',... ''.*,',...'' .:ff' 4 , , ,',.';'. -(:;',. "-0 ...,...".."4.,!, ,.,, ,1"..,'', ''4'.' ' P''''''''-' '' ,:44.,./A t;;A:-.,, , . , , ..,. f- . I....., t'' ''...'1'.'''.:''') , "..f A '. -,;1 ,4.: , '4> ,r . .:,11 ."' t A.'.'.'e -,', .1...."'1".'L.'"`.. -. ' , 4 ,0 , i, i ' ''. .4 ; .1' i'''',. '. ." 5.' '''':): ...17;' '-!:,, 44''''''''''41I' ''' ';'°Ii , ,!.11,7, ' : . ' ,',1 o ), %' ' 11', , 1, , RKBOOK ON THkIDENTIFICATION):'...,% :c4F.y! '1;- .,. ANOPHELES LA V I `4"ie' 4- 51 i k. 4 5t , ,t; I4 '1 .! f.1if",fi ' 4 *"*4*"1 ) 4, , ", .."4' : '' r " . c , ., . , % .; r ,; . , f./ . 4, .;!4;.:; )4: r .1.4 '" .:; . ,..- 4,''"' . ..,-, , jj 4' ,C. -',..; . /* 4. ',.! 4/ ,.'0, . '. ' ''*. ',"' '',... '.0, 7'.........10'' 00 4,- -t,p 'Jos,*".
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