The English Baptists
CO ~> -7 7 THE ENGLISH BAPTISTS, /*v WHO THEY ARE, AND WHAT THEY HAVE DONE. Being Eight Lectures, Historical and Descriptive, given byGeneral Baptist Ministers in London, dnring tne past winter. EDITED BY JOHN CLIFFORD, M.A., LL.B. E. MAliLBOROUGH & CO., 51, OLD BAILEY, 1881, PublisJied under the Sanction of the General Baptist Publication Board. CONTENTS. GROWTH, I._ENGLISH BAPTISTS : TIIKIII OKIGIN AND By J. CLIFFORD. II. DISTINCTIVE PRINCIPLES. J. BATEY. III. BAPTIST MARTYRS. W. J. AVERY. IV. SOME SEVENTEENTH CENTURY BAPTISTS DENNE, KEACII, BUNYAN, AND OTHERS. W. IlARVEY SMITH. V. DAN TAYLOR AND ENGLISH BAPTISTS. J. FLETCHER. VI, BAPTISTS AND MISSIONARY ENTERPRISE. J. F. JONES, VII. BAPTISTS AND SLAVERY. G. W, M CiiEE. VIII. BAPTISTS AND THE TEMPERANCE REFORM. DAWSON BURNS, M.A. PREFACE. HPHESE lectures originated at a meeting of the G. B. M. F. : which hieroglyphics being interpreted describe the London General Baptist Ministers Fraternal : a gathering held once a month for good fellowship, friendly counsel, and sympathetic co operation in Christian work. The suggestion of such an effort as this is due to the fertile mind of our friend Mr. M Cree. Some reasons urged, and accepted for it were, the interchange of services on week evenings by the ministers the of a fraternal in the churches ; development feeling ; the distribution of information amongst our younger members on not too often the of their and topics coining within range reading ; the production of a healthy and manly denominational enthusiasm. Those reasons vindicated the delivery of these for Lectures ; and the two latter are sufficient warrant their publication, ii PREFACE.
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