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1.कᴂद्रीय शिक्षा मंत्री, श्री रमेि पोखररयाल नििंक िे 2.इंडिया पोस्ट िे ककि देिⴂ के साथ िाक शिपमᴂट से भारत के ककस रा煍य मᴂ DST-IIEST सोलर पीवी हब संबंधित िेटा के इलेक्ट्रॉनिक आदाि-प्रदाि के शलए िाक का उ饍घाटि ककया? सेवा पर हस्ताक्षर ककए हℂ? A. असम A. जममनी B. ओडिशा B. इंग्लℂि C. पश्चिम बंगाल C. यूएसए D. आंध्र प्रदेश D. फ्ांस E. हरियाणा E. कनािा

Sol. Sol. • The Union Education Minister, Shri Ramesh • India Post and US Postal Service signed pokhriyal nishank inaugurated the DST-IIEST agreement for electronic exchange of data Solar PV Hub. The hub was inaugurated at related to postal shipments. Shibpur in Howrah District of West Bengal. • Based on the agreement, the respective • The funds to develop the hub was allocated bodies will transmit and receive electronic by the Department of Science and data of international postal items before their Technology. It is backed by the centre of arrival. excellence for green energy and sensor • This will help the customs to clear the system located at the IIEST. The concept of postal items well in advance, that even before establishing the Solar PV hub mooted in the shipment reaches the port. 2018. • Also, it will improve the performance of • It aims to have world-class research facility. postal services. It will act as a central node for dissemination • In 2019, around 30% of small packets and of knowledge in the field of solar energy, letters transmitted by India Post were to USA. research and development, fabrication, solar Also, 20% of outbound EMS was to US. photovoltaics, solar PV module, testing of Around 60% parcels received originated from solar cells and Solar PV systems. The hub the USA. provides great boost for the eastern and North Eastern regions of India. 3.“नाइट ऑफ द िेस्टलेस श्स्प्र絍स:स्टोिीज़ फ़्रोम” शीर्मक • Also, the hub will help to align the national पुस्तक ककसने ललखी है? and local Industries, startup, Research A. सबमप्रीत लसंह Institute under the Make in India initiative. B. अरंधतत िॉय This will help in smooth transition from fossil C. सुधा मूतत म fuel energy to solar energy. D. नताशा शमाम E. आनंद नीलकांतन

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Verstappen (Red Bull – Netherlands) at the Sol. third spot. • Sarbpreet Singh has authored a book titled “Night of the Restless Spirits: Stories from 5.िहरी नियोिि शिक्षा प्रणाली मᴂ सुिार किने के शलए 1984”. The book recounts the Sikh massacre नीतत आयोग 饍वारा गठित 14-सदस्यीय पैिल का or anti-Sikh riots of 1984. प्रमुख कौि होगा? • The book narrates many stories of ordinary A. अलमताभ कांत people, that capture the horrors and B. िाजीव कु माि uncertainties of 1984 through the eyes of C. वी. के . सािस्वत Sikhs around the world. The book is D. िमेश िंद published by Penguin. E. वीके पॉल • The book is a fictionalised version of real happenings. It comprises 8 chapters. Sol. • NITI Aayog has constituted a 14-member 4.अ쥍गावे इंटरिेििल सककिट, पुतगि ाल मᴂ आयोजित advisory committee to look into introducing 2020 पुतगि ाली 嵍ां प्री ककसिे िीती है? reforms in the urban planning education A. मैक्स वस्टमप्पेन system. B. लुईस हैलम쥍टन • The panel will be headed by NITI Aayog C. वा쥍टेिी बोटास Vice-Chairman Rajiv Kumar. The members of D. िा쥍सम लेक्लेि the committee include Amitabh Kant, CEO of E. िैतनयल रिकािो NITI Aayog and secretaries of Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Ministry Sol. of Education(MoE) and Ministry of Panchayati • (Mercedes-Great Britain) Raj. has won the 2020 , • The committee will examine the current held at Algarve International Circuit, Portugal. system in terms of multidisciplinarity, • This was the 12th round of the 2020 curriculum and other related issues at the World Championship. This is level of graduates and postgraduates against Hamilton’s 8th win of the season and 92nd the challenges of rapid urbanization. career race victory. • The committee will examine the urban • With this win, he has surpassed the record planning education system in India and of 91 wins set by German great Michael examine the availability, demand and supply Schumacher. (Mercedes- of the qualified urban planners in India. Finland) came second followed by Max

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6.ऑस्रेशलया के राष्ट्रमंिल वैज्ञानिक और औ饍योधगक 7.तन륍नललखखत मᴂ से ककस िा煍य सिकाि ने प्रधानमंत्री अिुसंिाि संगिि (CSIRO) के सहयोग से ककस इकाई आवास योजना के तहत ऋण संववतिण मᴂ पहली िℂक िे भाित ऑस्रेशलया सकुि लर इकोिॉमी हैकथॉि (I- हालसल की है? ACE) आयोजित ककया है? A. उत्ति प्रदेश A. कफक्की B. मध्य प्रदेश B. ववचववव饍यालय अनुदान आयोग C. महािाष्ट्र C. प镍ृ वी ववज्ञान मंत्रालय D. आंध्र प्रदेश D. अटल इनोवेशन लमशन (AIM) E. उडीसा E. भाितीय उ饍योग परिसंघ Sol. Sol. • Uttar Pradesh Government has secured first • The ‘India Australia Circular Economy rank in approving the highest number of Hackathon (I-ACE)’ will be organised by Atal loans under centre's PM Street Vendor’s Innovation Mission (AIM) in association with Atmanirbhar Nidhi scheme (SVANidhi Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Scheme) Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). • UP has been ranked first in all the • This hackathon on the circular economy will categories like Applications, Sanctions and be held on 7th and 8th Dec 2020. Disbursements of the loans under PM • In the linear economy, raw natural SVANidhi scheme. resources are taken, transformed into products and get disposed off. 8.हाल ही मᴂ सेशे쥍स के िाष्ट्रपतत के रूप मᴂ ककसे िुना • Circular economy model aims to close the गया है? gap between the production and the natural A. जे륍स मनिम ecosystems’ cycles – on which humans B. जे륍स एललक्स लमशेल ultimately depend upon. C. वेवल िामकलावन • The hackathon will be based on four D. िैनी फॉिे themes: E. ववंसᴂट मेरिटोन (a) Innovation in reducing packaging waste (b) Innovation in food supply chains avoiding Sol. waste • Indian-origin Wavel Ramkalawan has been (c) Creating opportunities for plastic waste elected as the President of Seychelles reduction defeating incumbent Danny Faure. (d) Recycling critical energy metals and e- • He secured 54.9% of the total vote waste.

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• Seychelles has elected an opposition C. यूएसए candidate as its President for the first time D. यूिाइटेि ककं गिम since 1977. E. िमििी • Seychelles is an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, off East Africa. Sol. • Capital: Victoria * The US has committed USD 1.9 million to • Currency: Seychellois rupee support vulnerable populations in India like informal sector workers whose livelihoods 9.ओक्ला स्पीिटेस्ट ग्लोबल इंिेक्स मᴂ भाित की िℂक have been disrupted due to COVID-19. क्या है जो ग्लोबल मोबाइल इंटिनेट स्पीि के आधाि * The financial assistance from US Agency पि देश को िℂक किता है? for International Development (USAID), A. 101 extended generously by the American people B. 111 to partners in India, will support efforts to C. 121 rebuild local economies and improve the D. 131 livelihoods of Indians who have been hit E. 88 hardest by this pandemic.

Sol. 11.प्रख्यात व्यजक्ट्तत्व पुष्ट्पा भावे का लंबी बीमारी के • India has been ranked 131 in Ookla बाद मुंबई मᴂ नििि हो गया, वह एक _____ थीं। Speedtest Global Index, that ranks Global A. पत्रकार Mobile Internet Speed across the nations of B. कि쥍म अशभिेत्री the world C. सामाजिक कायिकताि • India was ranked 121 in 2019 in this index D. लोक गायक • South Korea has topped the list with an E. राििेता average mobile internet speed of 121.00 Mbps. Sol. • Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Nepal ranked * Veteran social activist Pushpa Bhave (81- higher on the list at 102, 116, and 117 years) passed away in Mumbai following a respectively. prolonged illness. * She has been associated with the Rashtra 10.ककस देि िे अिौपचाररक क्षेत्र के श्रशमकⴂ, सूक्ष्म Seva Dal and democratic movements since उ饍यमⴂ का समथिि करिे के शलए भारत को $ 1.9 her student days. शमशलयि की सहायता का वचि ठदया है? * She was also an academician and an A. िापाि intellectual, who fought for the rights of B. फ्ांस common citizens.

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* During the Emergency, she had offered her A. शसगं ापुर home as shelter to underground political B. स्पेि workers. C. श्रीलंका D. यूएसए 12.“ऑि द रायल ऑि बु饍िा: ए ििी टू द ईस्ट” E. िापाि ककताब ककसिे शलखी है? A. िशि थरूर Sol. B. दीपंकर एरि * India and Sri Lanka conducted a three-day C. िगदीप ििखड़ military exercise “SLINEX” 2020. D. अरंिनत रॉय * The eighth edition of the exercise was held E. रोशमला थापर off coast of Trincomalee. * It was conducted in non-contact at-sea only Sol. format. • The book titled “On the Trail of Buddha: A * This strategy has been adopted due to Journey to the East” by Deepankar Aron has COVID-19 pandemic. been released by West Bengal governor * The drill included series of anti-air weapons Jagdeep Dhankhar. firing, cross deck flying operations to fine • On the Trail of Buddha—A Journey to the tune high degree of inter-operability. East is a unique sojourn in search of the * Indian Navy deployed INS Kiltan and INS spiritual, philosophical, and cultural linkages Kamorta, Chetak helicopters and Dornier that bind India to the East Asian civilisations. maritime patrol aircrafts in the exercise. • From the wandering monks of Asia to the * The Sri Lankan Navy was represented by temples and monasteries they visited; from SLN Ships Sayura and Gajabahu. the statues and frescoes in grottoes to those * Gajabahu is a training ship and Sayura is in the museums; from the diverse ethnicities an offshore patrol vessel. of the people to their common gods and goddesses—the book explores the ‘ancient 14.रक्षा अिुसंिाि ववकास संगिि (DRDO) िे India’, beautifully preserved in the traditions, िौसैनिक संस्करण ब्रह्मोस (BRAHMOS) शमसाइल art, and architecture of China, as also in का सिलतापूवकि परीक्षण ककस िौसेिा बेस से ककया Mongolia, Korea and Japan, to where it गया है? spread from China. A. आईएिएस 饍वारका B. आईएिएस चेन्िई 13.भारत और ककस देि के बीच 饍ववपक्षीय समुद्री C. आईएिएस कशलंग अभ्यास SLINEX-20 का आिवां संस्करण आयोजित D. आईएिएस कोलकाता ककया गया था? E. आईएिएस वविाखाप絍टिम

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Arun Jaitley had also served as the president Sol. of DDCA between 1999 and 2013. * The Defence Research Development Organization test fired the naval version 16.वेलथंगरलाइि और कंसिि व쥍ििवाइि 饍वारा संयुक्ट्त BRAHMOS missile from INS Chennai रूप से तैयार "ग्लोबल हंगर इंिेक्ट्स 2020" मᴂ भारत successfully. की रℂक क्ट्या है? * The missile was test fired from an A. 75 वां indigenously built stealth destroyer INS B. 86 वां Chennai. The missile hit a target in Arabian C. 89 वां Sea. D. 94 वां * BRAHMOS is a supersonic missile. It was E. 102 वां jointly developed by India and Russia. * The major classification of the missiles is Sol. Cruise Missiles and Ballistic Missiles. * The Global Hunger Index 2020 was released, it is jointly prepared by Welhunger 15.ठद쥍ली एवं जिला किकेट संघ (DDCA) के अध्यक्ष life and Concern Worldwide. के रूप मᴂ ककसे चुिा गया है? * As per the report, India ranked 94th among A. रोहि िेटली 107countries. B. मिीष शससोठदया * According to the report India has the C. मिोि नतवारी highest prevalence of wasted children under D. वविय गोयल five years in the world, which reflects acute E. गौतम गंभीर undernutrition. * India's rank is lower than it neighbouring Sol. countries like Sri Lanka (64), Nepal (73), * Advocate Rohan Jaitley, the son of late Bangladesh (75), Myanmar (78) and Pakistan Union Minister Arun Jaitley, has been elected (88). unopposed as the President of the Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA). 17.भारत के प्रीशमयम कपास को क्ट्या िाम ठदया गया * He was the single candidate left for the है? post, as the lone candidate who had filed his A. कलबरी कपास nomination against him withdrew his B. कस्तूरी कपास candidature. C. अमतृ सरी कपास * The 31-year-old lawyer is slated to remain D. मलमली कपास in the post till June 30, 2021. Notably, late E. हेमावती कपास

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Sol. 2020 Speed Chess Championship Final • Minister of Textiles Smriti Irani launched which will feature the world’s best players. the first ever Brand and Logo for Indian • Sarin had beaten American Andrew Tang, Cotton on Second World Cotton Day through Australia’s Anton Smirnov and Armenian Haik video conferencing. Martirosyan en route the title. • Now India’s premium cotton would be • Past winners of the Speed Chess known as ‘Kasturi Cotton’ in the world cotton Championship include Magnus Carlsen trade. The Kasturi Cotton brand will represent (2017) and Hikaru Nakamura (2018, 2019). Whiteness, Brightness, Softness, Purity, Luster, Uniqueness and Indianness. 19.प्रिािमंत्री िरᴂद्र मोदी िे ककस योििा के तहत • India is the second largest cotton producer संपवि कािि का किजिकल ववतरण िुरू ककया? and the largest consumer of cotton in the A. SAMPADA world.It produces about six million tonnes of B. SAVNIDHI cotton every year which is about 23 per cent C. SVAMITVA of the world cotton. She said, India produces D. SAMADHAN about 51 per cent of the total organic cotton E. SWARAJYA production of the world. Sol. 18.2020 िूनियर स्पीि ऑिलाइि ितरंि • PM Narendra Modi launches physical चैजपपयिशिप ककसिे िीती? distribution of property cards under A. रौिक सािवािी 'SVAMITVA' scheme B. पथ्ृ वी गुप्ता • Under this scheme, beneficiaries of C. निहाल सरीि ‘SVAMITVA Scheme' can use the property as D. एिआर वविाख a financial asset for taking loans and other E. धगरीि कौशिक financial benefits. • SVAMITVA Scheme is a Central Sector Sol. Scheme on National Panchayat Day 24th • Young Indian player Nihal Sarin emerged April 2020. In the States, the Revenue winner in the Chess.com’s 2020 Junior Speed Department /Land Records Department are Online Chess Championship, beating the Nodal Department and shall carry out the Russia’s world junior No. 6 Alexey Sarana scheme with the support of State Panchayati 18-7 in the final. Raj Department. • The title win earned the 16-year old Sarin • Survey of India shall work as the $ 8,766 and enabled him to qualify for the technology partner for implementation.

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• The purpose of this scheme is to provide Sol. the 'record of rights' to village household • World Arthritis Day is observed globally on owners in rural areas and issue property 12th October every year. cards. • The day is celebrated to raise awareness about arthritis, an inflammatory condition 20.ककस रा煍य सरकार िे “मुख्यमंत्री सौर स्वरोिगार which causes pain and stiffness in joints योििा” िुरू की है? which can worsen with age. A. उिर प्रदेि • This day was started by Arthritis and B. उिराखंि Rheumatism International (ARI) in 1996 in C. हररयाणा order to spread awareness about arthritis and D. रािस्थाि encourage policymakers to help reduce the E. मध्य प्रदेि burden of arthritis.

Sol. 22.फाउंिेिि फॉर एिवायरमᴂटल एिुके िि (FEE) के • Uttarakhand Chief Minister, Trivendra Singh तत्वाविाि मᴂ ब्लू फ़्लैग कायििम संचाशलत ककया िाता Rawat has launched the “Mukhya Mantri Saur है, इसका मुख्यालय _____ मᴂ जस्थत है। Swarojgar Yojana” at the Veer Chandra Singh A. पेररस, फ्ांस Garhwali Auditorium in Dehradun, B. कोपेिहेगि, िेिमाकि Uttarakhand. C. बशलिि, िमििी • The scheme is aimed at promoting self- D. ब्रुसे쥍स, बेज쥍ियम employment of the youth and promoting the E. लंदि, ब्रब्रटेि production of Green Energy. • The targeted beneficiaries include youths Sol. and migrant workers, who returned home • As per the Environment Ministry the all after leaving jobs in various parts of the eight beaches recommended by the country due to pandemic. Government has got the coveted International Blueflag Certification. 21.ववश्व गठिया ठदवस हर साल ववश्व स्तर पर ककस • The beaches which got International तारीख को मिाया िाता है? Blueflag Certification are Shivrajpur beach in A. 9 अक्ट्टूबर Dwarka Gujarat, Ghoghla beach in Diu, B. 10 अक्ट्टूबर Kasarkod and Padubidri in Karnataka, C. 11 अक्ट्टूबर Kappad in Kerala, Rushikonda in Andhra D. 12 अक्ट्टूबर Pradesh, Golden Beach in Odisha and E. 13 अक्ट्टूबर Radhanagar beach in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

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• The iconic Blue Flag is one of the world’s most recognised voluntary awards for 24.मठहलाओं का 2020 फ्ᴂच ओपि शसंगल का खखताब beaches, marinas. ककसिे िीता? • The Blue Flag programme is operated A. सोकिया केनिि under the auspices of the Foundation for B. इगा स्वोटेक Environmental Education, FEE and is C. िाओमी ओसाका headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. D. सेरेिा ववशलयपस E. शसमोिा हालेप 23.मेडिकल िििल लℂसेट मᴂ प्रकाशित एक अध्ययि के अिुसार, 2050 तक कौि-से देि के दनु िया की तीसरी Sol. सबसे बड़ी अथिव्यवस्था बििे की संभाविा है? • Polish teenager Iga Swiatek won her A. रूस country’s first-ever Grand Slam singles title. B. ब्रािील • She defeated American fourth seed Sofia C. भारत Kenin 6-4, 6-1 to become the youngest D. इंिोिेशिया women’s French Open champion since 1992. E. िापाि • The 19-year-old Swiatek, at 54 the lowest- ranked woman to capture the Roland Garros Sol. title in the modern era, is the ninth first-time • India is likely to overtake Japan as the third Major champion in the past 14 Grand Slams. largest economy in the world by 2050 and • Swiatek is the youngest women’s French continue in that position till 2100, according Open winner since Monica Seles 28 years to a study published in the medical journal ago. Lancet. • Swiatek was only the second Polish woman • The study constructed scenarios for GDP to reach a Grand Slam final in the Open era using the working age population of after Agnieszka Radwanska at Wimbledon in countries. It also assessed potential economic 2012. and geopolitical effects of future demographic shifts. 25.कᴂद्रीय मंब्रत्रमंिल िे ककस देि के साथ एक समझौते • The study based 2017 as the reference पर हस्ताक्षर करिे को मंिूरी दी जिसका उ饍देश्य when India was the seventh largest economy उभरती प्रौ饍योधगककयⴂ, महत्वपूण ि बुनियादी ढांचे की in the world, and forecast that India will सुरक्षा, साइबर स्पेस और संचार िेटवकि के खतरⴂ को emerge as the fourth largest economy by कम करिे मᴂ सहयोग बढािा है? 2030 behind USA, China, Japan and by 2050 A. रूस it will go onto the third spot and retain it till B. िापाि 2100. C. इ焼राइल

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D. फ्ांस शुरू ककया औि 1969 मᴂ बबहाि ववधानसभा E. यूएसए के ललए िुने गए। • बाद मᴂ, पासवान 1974 मᴂ अपने गठन के बाद Sol. लोक दल मᴂ शालमल हो गए औि इसके • The Union Cabinet approved signing of an महासधिव बने। agreement with Japan that is aimed at • उन्हⴂने आपातकाल का वविोध ककया औि इस enhancing cooperation in emerging अवधध के दौिान उन्हᴂ धगिफ्ताि कि ललया technologies, protection of critical गया। infrastructure, cyberspace and to mitigate • उन्हⴂने 1977 मᴂ हाजीपुि तनवामिन क्षेत्र से जनता threats to communication networks. पाटी के सदस्य के रूप मᴂ लोकसभा मᴂ प्रवेश ककया, • The approval to the pact by the cabinet उन्हᴂ 1980, 1989, 1996 औि 1998, 1999, 2004 comes in the midst of growing concerns over औि 2014 मᴂ कफि से िुना गया। cyberattacks from China, particularly after India banned over 100 mobile apps with 27.उिकी काव्य कृ नत ‘सेतबेलकु िाधथबा (Setebelaku Chinese links. Nathiba)’ के शलए प्रनतजष्ट्ित सरला पुरस्कार ककसे ठदया िाएगा? 26.कᴂद्रीय मंत्री रामववलास पासवाि का हाल ही मᴂ A. रंिीत कु मार िाग नििि हो गया, वह ककस राििीनतक दल के अध्यक्ष B. श्यामसुंदर प絍टिायक थे? C. नित्यािंद िायक A. राष्ट्रीय ििता दल D. सतरघ्ि पांिव B. लोक िििजक्ट्त पाटी E. िगन्िाथ प्रसाद दास C. राष्ट्रीय लोक समता पाटी D. ठहदं स्ु तािी आवाम मोचाि Sol. E. • Noted Odia poet, Nityanand Nayak will be उपिोक्त मᴂ से कोई नहीं/उपिोक्त मᴂ से एक से अधधक conferred the prestigious Sarala Puraskar for his poetry work ‘Setebelaku Nathiba’, published in 2017. Sol. • कᴂद्रीय उपभोक्ता मामले, खा饍य औि सावमजतनक • The poet will be felicitated with a cash ववतिण मंत्री, िाम ववलास पासवान का तनधन। उनका award of `5 lakh and a citation. जन्म 5 जुलाई 1946 को हुआ था। • Two other eminent personalities from the • वह लोक जनशश्क्त पाटी के अध्यक्ष, आठ बाि State – Ranjit Kumar Nag and Shyamsundar लोकसभा सदस्य औि वतममान िा煍यसभा Pattanaik – will be felicitated for their सांसद भी थे। contribution to fields of music and art • िामववलास पासवान ने अपना िाजनीततक जीवन respectively. संयुक्ता सोशललस्ट पाटी के सदस्य के रूप मᴂ

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• While Nag will be awarded the Ila Panda Sangeet Samman, Pattanaik would be 29.सबा अल खाशलद अल सबाह िे ककस देि के felicitated with Ila Panda Chitrakala Samman. प्रिािमंत्री के पद से इस्तीिा दे ठदया? • The awards comprise a cash award of A. यूएई `1,50,000 and a citation. B. इराक C. कु वैत 28.2020 के शलए साठहत्य मᴂ िोबेल पुरस्कार से ककसे D. ओमाि सपमानित ककया गया है? E. सऊदी अरब A. अबी अहमद B. लुईस ग्लूक Sol. C. ओ쥍गा टोकरचुक • The Kuwaiti government, headed by Prime D. पीटर हℂिके Minister(PM) Sabah Al Khalid Al Sabah E. का焼ुओ इशिगुरो submitted its resignation to Emir Nawaf Al Ahmed Al Jaber Al Sabah in anticipation of Sol. the upcoming general elections that are due • The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2020 is to be held in November 2020. awarded to the American poet Louise Glück • He took charge as the PM in 2019. “for her unmistakable poetic voice that with • He started his career in 1978, joining the austere beauty makes individual existence ministry of foreign affairs, where he worked universal”. at various capacities, including being a • The Nobel Prize in Literature is awarded member of Kuwait’s permanent mission to the by The Swedish Academy, Stockholm, United Nations (1983-1989). Sweden. • The American poet Louise Glück was born 30.भारतीय वायु सेिा ठदवस हर साल ककस तारीख को in 1943 in New York and lives in Cambridge, मिाया िाता है? Massachusetts. A. 4 अक्ट्टूबर • Apart from her writing, she is a professor B. 5 अक्ट्टूबर of English at Yale University, New Haven, C. 6 अक्ट्टूबर Connecticut. She made her debut in 1968 D. 7 अक्ट्टूबर with Firstborn and was soon acclaimed as E. 8 अक्ट्टूबर one of the most prominent poets in American contemporary literature. Sol. • She has received several prestigious • Indian Air Force Day is celebrated every awards, among them the Pulitzer Prize (1993) year by the Indian Air Force on 8th of and the National Book Award (2014).

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October. This year Indian Air Force celebrated its 88th anniversary. Sol. • Indian Air Force was officially established • The 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry is on 8 October 1932 by the British Empire as awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier and the Royal Indian Air Force. Jennifer A. Doudna “for the development of • The name was changed to Indian Air Force a method for genome editing”. in 1950. • The Nobel Prize in Chemistry is awarded by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 31.प्रशस饍ि व्यजक्ट्तत्व वविाल आिंद का हाल ही मᴂ Stockholm, Sweden. नििि हो गया है, वह एक अिुभवी _____ थे। A. कि쥍म अशभिेता 33.हाल ही मᴂ किकेटर ििीब तारकई का नििि हो B. पत्रकार गया, वो ककस देि से थे? C. लोक गायक A. बांग्लादेि D. संगीत निदेिक B. पाककस्ताि E. राििेता C. यूएई D. अिगानिस्ताि Sol. E. श्रीलंका • Veteran Bollywood actor, Vishal Anand has passed away. He came to fame with 1976 Sol. super-hit song and film ‘Chalte Chalte’. • Afghanistan right-handed batsman, Najeeb • His real name was Bhishmam Kohli. He Tarakai passed away in a road accident. has appeared in 11 Hindi films during his • He played 12 Twenty20 Internationals acting careers like Hindustan Ki Kasam and (T20Is) for Afghanistan, after making his Taxi Driver. international debut in the 2014 T20 World • Apart from acting, Anand had also directed Cup. and produced a few films, including Chalte • He played his only one-day international Chalte. against Ireland in 2017.

32.व्यजक्ट्तयⴂ के ककस समूह िे रसायि िास्त्र मᴂ िोबेल 34."द वेरी, एक्ट्सरीमली, मोस्ट िॉटी एिुरा टे쥍स िॉर पुरस्कार 2020 िीता है? कक蕍स" िामक िीषिक की ब楍चे की पुस्तक ककसिे A. रोिर पेिरोि और रेिहािि िेििेल शलखी है? B. हावे िे ऑ쥍टर और माइकल ह्यूटि A. आिंद िीलकांति C. इमैिुएल चारपिीर और िेनििर ए. िोििा B. सुभद्रा सेि गुप्ता D. चा쥍सि एम. राइस और एंडिया गे焼 C. पारो आिंद E. इिमᴂ से कोई िहीं D. सुिा मूनत ि

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E. ितािा िमाि • This virtual event was organised by the Delhi Archives & Department of Art, Culture Sol. and Language, Government of Delhi. • The author of Baahubali series, Anand • The department also organised a webinar Neelakantan has authored his first kid’s book on “Footprints of Gandhi Ji in Delhi”. titled “The Very, Extremely, Most Naughty • The book “Bapu – The Unforgettable” will Asura Tales for Kids”, published by Puffins make the readers think and provide a glimpse Publishers Private Limited under the Ministry of the ideology and philosophies of Mahatma of Corporate Affairs. Gandhi. • The book narrates the story of the asura • The book also holds several untouched twins Kundakka and Mandakka who hate to aspects of history, rare photographs, go to school, troublesome Bhasma and per epigraphs and other details about Delhi. pig Nakura, brothers Atapi and Vatapi and others. 36.भारतीय सांकेनतक भाषा अिुसंिाि और प्रशिक्षण • This book introduces the Indian Puranas to कᴂद्र (ISLRTC) िे िैक्षखणक साम嵍ी को भारतीय the kids who are indulged in electronic सांकेनतक भाषा मᴂ पररवनतित करिे के शलए संगिि के gadgets. साथ समझौता ज्ञापि पर हस्ताक्षर ककए हℂ? • The illustrations of the book are made by A. CBSE Subhadeep Roy and Shiladitya Bose. B. ICSE C. NCERT 35."बाब ू - द अिफॉरेबल" िामक िीषिक की कॉफी- D. IGNOU टेबल बुक ककसिे लॉन्च की? E. NIOS A. अरववंद केिरीवाल B. मिीष शििोठदया Sol. C. संिय शसंह • A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) D. अनिल बैिल has been signed between the Indian Sign E. सोनिया गांिी Language Research and Training Center (ISLRTC) and the National Council of Sol. Educational Research and Training (NCERT) • On the occasion of the 151st Birth to make educational materials accessible for Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Deputy hearing impaired children, informed the Chief Minister of Delhi, Manish Sisodia has Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. launched the coffee-table book titled “Babu – • The conversion of all education material in The Unforgettable” over the virtual event. sign language will strengthen the concept of

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equal opportunity for everyone irrespective of 38.कौि-सा देि संसाििⴂ की पहचाि करिे और उन्हᴂ their physical inability,". निकालिे हेत ु िवंबर 2020 तक ‘क्षुद्र嵍ह खिि रोबोट’ • The signing of MoU between ISLRTC and िामक दनु िया का पहला खिि रोबोट अंतररक्ष मᴂ भेििे NCERT was attended by Dr Ramesh वाला है? Pokhriyal Nishank, Union Cabinet Minister for A. यूएसए Education amongst other members of the B. रूस NCERT, ISLRTC, and Ministry of Social C. फ्ांस Justice and Empowerment. D. चीि E. भारत 37.निपिशलखखत व्यजक्ट्तयⴂ के ककस समूह िे भौनतकी का िोबेल पुरस्कार 2020 िीता? Sol. A. िेपस पीब쥍स, शमिेल मेयर और डिडिएर क्ट्वेलो焼 • An IEEE Spectrum report, the Beijing-based B. आथिर अजस्कि, िेरािि मौरौ और िोिा जस्रकलℂि company is set to send the world’s first C. रोिर पेिरोि, रेिहािि िेििेल और एंडिया गे焼 mining robot named ‘asteroid mining robot’ D. िेपस पी., एशलसि और तसुकु होन्िो into space by November 2020 to identify and E. हावे िे. ऑ쥍टर, माइकल ह्यूटि और चा쥍सि एम. extract resources. राइस • The mining robot will be launched into space by a Chinese Long March series Sol. rocket. • Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to Roger • The 30-gram spacecraft, NEO-1, is likely to Penrose, Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez be launched as a secondary payload on a for black hole research. Chinese Long March rocket. • The Prize in Physics 2020 was divided, • This company also has another mission, one half awarded to Roger Penrose for the Yuanwang-1 (‘Look up-1’), nicknamed ‘Little discovery that black hole formation is a Hubble’, which is to be launched by late 2021 robust prediction of the general theory of or early 2022. relativity. • The other half jointly to Reinhard Genzel 39.ककस रा煍य सरकार िे अपिे "आत्मनिभिर" कायििम and Andrea Ghez for the discovery of a के तहत कृ वष और पिुपालि का समथिि करिे के शलए supermassive compact object at the centre of एक कायि योििा िुरू की है? our galaxy. A. महाराष्ट्र • The Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded by B. गुिरात The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, C. गोवा Stockholm, Sweden. D. किािटक E. तेलंगािा

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widen 889kms of road linking Chardham Sol. shrines. • The Goa government released an action * The Committee has alleged that the plan to support agriculture and animal Chardham road project has violated court husbandry under its “Aatmanirbhar” order. programme. * The Supreme Court had ruled that width of • The government has announced a series roads constructed under Chardham project of initiatives under the ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat shall be 5.5 metres. This was ruled based Swayampoorna Goa programme’ (ABSGP) on the recommendation of Ministry of Road including promoting dairy and poultry farming. Transport and Highway (MoRTH) for • It talks about checking ‘menace’ of wild mountain roads. animals and cattle at agriculture fields. * To the contrary, the GoI had sanctioned • To help farmers, crop insurance and road width of 10-12 metres. fencing will be availed. Horticulture * The MoRTH has allowed the 700 km road cultivation, procurement of agricultural project to continue with 10-metre width. This equipment, and sustainable harvesting of according to the Committee is a contravention medical plants will also be assisted with it. of the SC. * The project aims to provide connectivity to 40.निपिशलखखत मᴂ से ककस संवैिानिक संस्था िे the four Hindu pilgrimages such as चारिाम सड़क पररयोििा मᴂ पयािवरणीय उ쥍लंघिⴂ का Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri and आकलि करिे के शलए रवव चोपड़ा सशमनत का गिि Yamunotri. ककया है? A. सड़क पररवहि और रािमागि मंत्रालय 41.इंटरिेििल ऑिलाइि िूठटगं चैजपपयिशिप B. सवो楍च न्यायालय (IOSC) के पांचवᴂ संस्करण मᴂ 10 मीटर एयर वपस्टल C. भारत के नियंत्रक और महालेखा परीक्षक स्पिाि ककसिे िीती है? D. िीनत आयोग A. मि ु भाकर E. ववि आयोग B. यिजस्विी शसंह देसवाल C. अंिुम मौदधगल Sol. D. राही सरिोबत * The Ravi Chopra Committee was appointed E. तेिजस्विी सावंत the country’s apex court, the Supreme Court. * The SC appointed the HPC to oversee the Sol. dream project of Prime Minister Narendra • Indian Olympic quota winner Yashaswini Modi worth Rs 12000 Crore which aims to Singh Deswal won the 10m air pistol event

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in the fifth edition of the International Online D. आईआईटी बॉपबे Shooting Championship (IOSC). E. आईआईटी ठद쥍ली • The second place was grabbed by Ahmed Nabil of Egypt while his compatriot Yehya Sol. Shams took the third place. Sylvia Steiner, • IIT Kharagpur researchers have launched a an Olympic quota winner for Austria, settled telemedicine system ‘iMediX’ to help patients for the fourth place. receive assistance from doctors without having to go to hospitals or clinics. 42.इंिो-अमेररकि चℂबर ऑि कॉमसि (IACC) 饍वारा • ‘iMediX’ allows patients to request for लाइिटाइम अचीवमᴂट अवािि से ककसे सपमानित ककया consultation by choosing a department of a गया है? hospital, entering their complaints and A. रति टाटा uploading necessary medical records. The B. अिीम प्रेमिी hospital then processes the request and C. राहुल बिाि assigns a doctor. D. पलोििी शमस्त्री • The system iMediX which is accessible by E. सुिील भारती शमिल any standard internet browser and also from a mobile device, has been developed by Sol. researchers at IIT Kharagpurs Department of • The Indo-American Chamber of Commerce Computer Science and Engineering. (IACC) has bestowed a lifetime achievement award to Indian business icon Ratan Tata at 44.‘यु饍ि, प्रदषु ण के ववर饍ि’ अशभयाि ककस रा煍य a closed-door meeting, owing to ongoing 饍वारा िुरू ककया गया है? pandemic. A. हररयाणा • Tata, who grew the revenues for India’s B. किािटक largest conglomerate ‘The Tata Group’ to C. ठद쥍ली nearly USD 100 billion by 2011-12, remains D. उिर प्रदेि an influential industrialist, philanthropist and E. महाराष्ट्र humanitarian to the day. Sol. 43.अस्पतालⴂ या क्ट्लीनिकⴂ मᴂ िाए ब्रबिा मरीिⴂ को * Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal िॉक्ट्टरⴂ से सहायता प्राप्त करिे मᴂ ककस IIT िे एक launched a mega anti-air pollution campaign टेलीमेडिशसि प्रणाली 'iMediX' िुरू की है? ‘Yudh Pradushan ke Virudh’, saying polluted A. आईआईटी कािपुर air can be life threatening in view of the B. आईआईटी खड़गपुर COVID-19 pandemic. C. आईआईटी ठद쥍ली

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* Under the campaign separate detailed D. 1500 ककमी plans have been prepared for each of the 13 E. 2000 ककमी pollution hotspots identified in the city. * The chief minister said one of the major Sol. reasons for high levels of pollution in Delhi * India successfully test fired its indigenously and nearby areas is stubble burning. developed nuclear capable hypersonic missile * As part of the campaign, the state will be ‘Shaurya’ with a strike range of around 1,000 using a technology developed by Pusa km from a test range in Odisha. Agriculture Institute to curb the menace of * The surface-to-surface tactical missile, stubble burning. which is the land variant of India’s K-15 missile, has a strike range of 700 km to 1000 45.किजियोलॉिी या मेडिशसि मᴂ 2020 का िोबेल km and is capable of carrying payloads of पुरस्कार िोबेल पुरस्कार ककसिे िीता है? 200 kg tO 1000 kg. A. गुिएिि, एम. स्टेिली व्हीठटंगम और अकीरा * It is 10 metres long, 74 cm in diameter योशििो and weighs 6.2 tonnes. Its two stages use B. िेपस पीब쥍स, शमिेल मेयर और डिडिएर क्ट्वेलो焼 solid propellants. C. हावे िे. आ쥍टर, माइकल ह्यूटि और चा쥍सि एम. राइस 47.भारतीय ववमािपिि प्राधिकरण (एएआई) का पहला D. ववशलयम कैलेि, पीटर िे. रैटजक्ट्लि और 嵍ेग एल. हवाई अ蕍िा कौि-सा है िो पूरी तरह से सौर ऊिाि से सेन्焼ा संचाशलत है? A. पुदचु ेरी एयरपोटि Sol. 2020 मᴂ कफश्जयोलॉजी या मेडिलसन के नोबेल B. गोवा अंतरािष्ट्रीय हवाई अ蕍िा गोवा अंतरािष्ट्रीय हवाई पुिस्काि को हावे जे. अ쥍टि, माइकल ह्यूटन औि अ蕍िा िा쥍सम एम. िाइस को "हेपेटाइटटस सी वायिस की खोज C. बीिू पटिायक अंतरराष्ट्रीय हवाई अ蕍िा के ललए" टदया गया, "स्टॉकहोम, स्वीिन मᴂ किोललंस्का D. श्री गुर राम दास िी इंटरिेििल एयरपोटि, अमतृ सर इंस्टी絍यूट मᴂ नोबेल असᴂबली की घोर्णा की गई। तीनⴂ E. कोचीि अंतरािष्ट्रीय हवाई अ蕍िा के काम ने िक्त-जतनत हेपेटाइटटस के एक प्रमुख स्रोत की व्याख्या किने मᴂ मदद की, श्जसे हेपेटाइटटस ए Sol. औि बी वायिस 饍वािा समझाया नहीं जा सकता है। * The Puducherry airport has become the first airport of the Airports Authority of India 46.हाल ही मᴂ परीक्षण की गई परमाणु सक्षम (AAI) which is entirely solar-powered. हाइपरसोनिक शमसाइल ‘िौयि’ की स्राइक रᴂि क्ट्या है? * The 500KWp ground-mounted solar power A. 500 ककमी plant was commissioned on 2nd October B. 800 ककमी 2020. C. 1000 ककमी

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* The approx cost of the plant is Rs 2.8 * It is to be mentioned that the largest crore. manufacturer of Dalle Khursani products is * With becoming absolutely power-neutral, the state government-owned Sikkim Supreme. the Puducherry airport will be able to meet its entire power requirement through the solar 49.तन륍नललखखत मᴂ से कौन सा देश इजिायल के साथ power plant. संबंधⴂ को सामान्य किने के ललए तीसिा अिब िाष्ट्र बन गया? 48.ककस रा煍य की लाल चेरी शमचि “दाले खुरसािी” िे A. संयुक्त अिब अमीिात उ饍योग प्रोत्साहि एवं आंतररक व्यापार के कᴂद्रीय B. लीबबया ववभाग से भौगोशलक संकेत (िीआई) टैग अजिित ककया C. सूिान है? D. अ쥍जीरिया A. आंध्र प्रदेि E. ओमान B. किािटक C. रािस्थाि Sol. D. शसजक्ट्कम • Sudan has became 3rd Arab nation to E. महाराष्ट्र normalise relations with Israel, after US removed Sudan from its State Sponsor of Sol. Terrorism list. * The red cherry pepper chilli of Sikkim which • The new agreement between Sudan and is locally known as the “Dalle Khursani” has Israel will establish economic and trade links, earned the geographical indication (GI) tag with an initial focus on agriculture from the Union department of Industry • United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain promotion and internal trade. were the other Arab nations to establish * Notably, it is considered as one of the formal ties with Israel. hottest chillies in the world. Dalle Khursani • Capital of Sudan: Khartoum fetches as much as Rs 480 per kg in the local market today. 50.अमेररका िे ककस देि को तीि हधथयार प्रणाशलयⴂ * Dalle Khursani has been included in the GI सटहत शमसाइलⴂ और तोपखािे की संभाववत ब्रबिी को Registry of the Government of India on the मंिूरी दी है? basis of an application filed by the North A. दक्षक्षण कोरिया Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing B. ताइवान Corporation Limited (Neramac) on behalf of C. ववयतनाम Sikkim. D. कंबोडिया E. कफलीपींस

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Sol. • The National Coaching camp has been • The United States approved the potential allowed at an estimated cost of Rs 18 lakh sale of three weapon systems to Taiwan, as (plus air travel and medical expenses). well as missiles and artillery. The three • The Table Tennis Federation of India has weapon systems could have a total cost of organized the camp at the Delhi Public USD 1.8 billion. School Sonepat • The United States also approved 11 truck- • The camp consists of 11 players (5 male, based rocket launchers created by Lockheed 6 female) and four support staff. Martin Corp called a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System for an approximately cost of 52.िपमू-कश्मीर को पूण ि रा煍य का दिाि और वविेष USD 436.1m. संवैिानिक दिाि बहाल करिे की लडाई मᴂ गुपकाि • It also approved 135 AGM-84H Standoff गिबंिि के अध्यक्ष के रूप मᴂ ककसे चुिा गया है? Land Attack Missile Expanded Response A. महबूबा मुफ्ती (SLAM-ER) Missiles & associated instruments B. फारूक अब्द쥍ु ला created Boeing, for an estimated cost of USD C. उमि अब्द쥍ु ला 1.008bn, and six MS-110 Recce external D. एम. वाई. तारिगामी sensor pods made by Collins Aerospace for E. स煍जाद गनी लोन jets, at an approximate value of USD 367.2ml. Sol. • Seven mainstream parties of Jammu and 51.भारतीय खेल प्राधिकरण (SAI) िे ककस खेल के Kashmir on October 24 gave formal shape to शलए एक राष्ट्रीय कोधचंग शिववर की सहमनत दी है? their recently cobbled alliance for the A. टेबल टेतनस restoration of Article 370, electing National B. लोन टेतनस Conference’s Farooq Abdullah as its C. बैिलमंटन chairman and PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti as D. किकेट vice-chairperson and asserted that theirs was E. हॉकी “not an anti-national” grouping. • Veteran CPM leader M.Y. Tarigami was Sol. elected the convenor while Lok Sabha • The SAI stands for Sports Authority of member from South Kashmir Hasnain India. It has consented a national coaching Masoodi will be the coordinator of the camp for table tennis. It will be held from 28 conglomerate known as Peoples Alliance for October – 8 December 2020. Gupkar Declaration (PAGD).

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53.ककस देि िे ‘िो मास्क, िो सवविस’ पॉशलसी की • The Nazca lines consists of hundreds of घोषणा की है? gigantic geoglyph that date back more than A. बांग्लादेश 2000 years. B. पाककस्तान • The newly discovered cat Geoglyph is older C. अफगातनस्तान than the ones discovered earlier. D. ईिान • The cat figure was 37 metres long and E. श्रीलंका date from the Paracas Era 500 BC to 200 AD. Sol. • The Geoglyphs in the region are still intact • The Bangladesh government has decided mainly due to the dry climate of the region. that no service will be provided to people who don’t wear masks. 55.कᴂद्रीय सड़क पररवहि, रािमागि और एमएसएमई • The cabinet meeting Chaired by Prime मंत्री, निनति गिकरी िे ककस रा煍य मᴂ भारत के पहले Minister Sheikh Hasina decided that no one म쥍टी-मोिल लॉजिजस्टक पाकि (MMLP) की will be allowed to enter offices without the आिारशिला रखी? mask. A. गुिरात • It decided that all offices must install notice B. असम boards saying ‘no mask, no service’ in order C. उिर प्रदेि to control the spread of COVID 19 virus in D. मध्य प्रदेि the country. E. महाराष्ट्र

54.ववश्व प्रशस饍ि यूिेस्को हेररटेि शसटको, िा焼का Sol. लाइि ककस देि मᴂ जस्थत हℂ? • Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister for Road A. इक्ट्वािोर Transport, Highways and MSMEs (Micro, B. पेरू Small & Medium Enterprises) virtually laid the C. अिᴂटीिा foundation stone for India’s first Multi-modal D. ब्रािील Logistic Park(MMLP) at Jogighopa in Assam. E. धच쥍ली Rs 693.97 crore park will provide direct air, road, rail and waterways connectivity to the Sol. people. • The Peruvian archaeologists have • The park will be developed under the uncovered a 37 metre long cat on the famous Bharatmala Pariyojana of the Government of Nazca lines of Peru. It is a world known India. UNESCO Heritage site. • It is being created by National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation

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(NHIDCL), owned by the Ministry of Road िेटा िेमोिेटाइिेिि के माध्यम से िेटा क쥍चर स्थावपत Transport & Highways(MoRTH). करिे के शलए, एक माकेट िेटा एिवाइिरी कमेटी (MDAC) का गिि ककया है? 56.ववशभन्ि िेडिट कािि िारीकतािओं के साथ साझेदारी A. मािबी पुरी बुच मᴂ कौि सा ई-वॉलेट अगले 12-18 महीिⴂ मᴂ भारत मᴂ B. अिंता बरआ उपभोक्ट्ताओं के शलए 2 शमशलयि सह-ब्रांिेि िेडिट कािि C. मदि भीमराव लोकु र पेि करेगा? D. िी महाशलंगम A. अमे焼ि पे E. एसके मोहंती B. मोब्रबजक्ट्वक C. िोिपे Sol. D. पेटीएम • In an effort to set up Data Culture through E. गूगल पे Data Democratizationin the Indian securities market, The Securities and Exchange Board Sol. of India (SEBI) has constituted a Market Data • Paytm in partnership with various credit Advisory Committee (MDAC), Standing card issuers will introduce 2 million co- Committee. branded credit cards for consumers in India • The committee is headed by Madhabi Puri in the next 12–18 months. Buch, Whole Time Member, SEBI and has • The company had digitised the entire credit CEOs of stock exchanges and depositories, card experience on Paytm app, in order to representatives of various stakeholders and include a digital application process and help senior officials of SEBI as members. customers track issuance of their new credit • The committee will recommend appropriate card. policy for accessing securities market data, • The users can choose a convenient time identify segment wise data perimeters, data to collect the documents on the app. needs and gaps, recommend data privacy • Paytm has also announced that it is and data access regulations applicable to building the new ‘Next Generation Credit market data, etc. Cards’ will have diverse one-touch services, • MDAC is part of the initiatives of SEBI to including changing security pin number, make the shareable data on the Indian updating address, blocking card in the event securities market, available for the of fraud prevention, issuing duplicate card researchers, policy makers and general and viewing outstanding credit limit. public, and to improve the quality of such data. 57.ककसकी अध्यक्षता मᴂ भारतीय प्रनतभूनत और ववनिमय बोिि (सेबी) िे भारतीय प्रनतभूनत बािार मᴂ

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58.स्टेट ऑि ग्लोबल एयर 2020 (SOGA 2020) monitors and satellite to make their की ररपोटि के अिुसार, अमेररका जस्थत हे쥍थ इिेक्ट्絍स assessments. इंस्टी絍यूट और ग्लोबल बििि ऑि डििीि (GBD) 饍वारा िारी की गई ररपोटि मᴂ ककस देि िे 2019 मᴂ 59.िवंबर 2020 मᴂ होिे वाले मालाबार अभ्यास मᴂ दनु िया मᴂ सबसे अधिक वावषिक औसत पीएम 2.5 कौि सा देि भागीदार िहीं होगा? संकᴂद्रण िोखखम दिि ककया है? A. भारत A. िापाि B. िापाि B. िमििी C. यूएसए C. यूएसए D. शसगं ापुर D. इंडिया E. ऑस्रेशलया E. चीि Sol. Sol. • The Government of India announced that • India recorded the highest annual average the Australian Navy will join the Malabar PM 2.5 concentration exposure in the world exercise that is to be conducted in November last year, according to the State of Global 2020. Air 2020 (SOGA 2020) report. • This means that all the four Quad countries • India was followed by Nepal, Niger, Qatar are to participate in the exercise. and Nigeria in high PM 2.5 exposures. • The countries to participate in the exercise • This means people in India are exposed to are Japan, India and US. the highest PM 2.5 concentrations globally. • In the process of seeking international • India has been recording an increase in cooperation in maritime security domain, India PM 2.5 pollution since 2010 contrary to had sought Australia to participate in the Centre’s claims that annual air pollution levels exercise. The exercise is to be held in “non- in the country are coming down. contact at sea” format. • Out of the 20 most populous countries, 14 • The Malabar Exercise was initially held have recorded a gradual improvement in air between the Indian and US Navy. The quality but India, Bangladesh, Niger, Pakistan exercise begun in 1992. Japan joined the and Japan are among those that have exercise and became a permanent member recorded a modest increase in air pollution in 2015. In 2018, India rejected the levels. participation of Australia in the exercise. This • SOGA, released by US-based Health was done to avoid posturing the exercise as Effects Institute and Global Burden of a military group against China. Disease (GBD), uses both data from ground

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60.भारत िे रक्षा अिुसंिाि और ववकास संगिि 饍वारा C. गुिरात ववकशसत ककस एंटी-टℂक शमसाइल का सिलतापूवकि D. उिर प्रदेि परीक्षण ककया? E. केरल A. रद्रम B. िौयि Sol. C. सℂट • Uttar Pradesh attracted the highest number D. रूस्तम of domestic tourists in the country in 2019 E. निभिय with a share of 23.1 per cent travellers visiting the state. Sol. • According to the Indian Tourist Statistics • India successfully test fired the Stand-Off 2020, 53,58,55,162 domestic tourists visited Anti-Tank Missile called SANT. the state in 2019. • It was developed by the Defence Research • The state bagged the third spot in terms and Development Organization for the Indian of the arrival of foreign tourists. As many as Air Force. The missile was test fired at the 47,45,181 foreign tourists visited UP in the Chandipur test range. same year. • The missile has both lock-on before launch and lock-on after launch capabilities. 62.िीनत आयोग िे ककस इकाई के साथ एक फ्ंठटयर • SANT missile is a variant of Nag missile. टेक्ट्िोलॉिीि क्ट्लाउि इिोवेिि सᴂटर (CIC) की The other variants of Nag missile are Helina स्थापिा की है िो डिजिटल िवाचार के माध्यम से (or Dhruvastra) and MP-ATGM. SANT is an कृ वष और स्वास्थ्य सेवा िैसे क्षेत्रⴂ के आसपास upgraded version of HELINA. It was सामाजिक चुिौनतयⴂ को दरू करिे पर काम करेगा? successfully tested in Pokhran in November A. गूगल 2018. This upgraded version of the Nag B. अमे焼ि वेब सवविसेस (AWS) Missile has a nose-mounted active radar C. माइिोसॉफ्ट homing seeker with an extended range of 15 D. इंटेल to 20 km. E. आईबीएम • HELINA is usually referred to as upgraded SANT. Sol. • Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the NITI 61.भारतीय पयिटक सांजख्यकी 2020 के अिुसार ककस Aayog have set up a Frontier Technologies रा煍य िे 2019 मᴂ देि मᴂ सबसे अधिक घरेलू पयिटकⴂ Cloud Innovation Center (CIC) that will work को आकवषित ककया? on addressing societal challenges around A. किािटक areas like agriculture and healthcare through B. रािस्थाि digital innovation.

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• The NITI Aayog Frontier Technologies A. फ्ंटटयि टेक्नोलॉजीज एज़ ए इनोवेटटव टूल टू Cloud Innovation Center is the first AWS CIC रांसफॉमम वेस्ट टू वे쥍थ in India, and the first such centre that has B. नगिपाललका ठोस अपलशष्ट्ट प्रबंधन been set up at a national level. C. सभी के ललए आवास : एक बेहति शहिी भववष्ट्य • It has such centres across countries like D. हाउलसंग नीततयां: ककफायती आवास Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, E. कᴂद्र मᴂ आवास (हाउलसंग एट द सᴂटि) Germany, South Korea, and the US, including one in partnership with the University of Sol. British Columbia. • Every year, the World Habitat Day is celebrated on October 5. 63.ककस वस्तु ववनिमय िे वास्तववक समय बेस मेटल • The day is celebrated to remind the people इंिेक्ट्स 'METLDEX' मᴂ वायदा कारोबार िुरू ककया है? that they have all power and responsibility to A. म쥍टी कमोडिटी एक्ट्सचᴂि ऑफ इंडिया (MCX) shape the future of towns and cities. B. िेििल कमोडिटी एंि िेररवेठटव एक्ट्स्चᴂि • The first Monday of every year is being (NCDEX) celebrated as World Habitat Day. This was C. भारतीय कमोडिटी एक्ट्सचᴂि शलशमटेि (ICEX) designated by the United Nations. D. ऐस िेररवेठटव्स एंि कमोडिटी एक्ट्सचᴂि (ACE) • The first World Habitat Day was celebrated E. इिमᴂ से कोई िहीं in 1986. • This year the day is celebrated under Sol. theme “Housing for All-A better Urban Future” • Leading commodity bourse MCX has launched futures trading in real-time Base 65.लुइस एसे को ककस देि के राष्ट्रपनत के रूप मᴂ Metals Index 'METLDEX'. चुिा गया है? • The Base Metals Index will track real-time A. बेतनन performance of a basket of MCX Base Metal B. बोलीववया (near month) futures that includes zinc, C. पेरू copper, nickel, lead, and aluminium. D. अजᴂटीना • Index trading will facilitate instant portfolio E. 絍यूनीलशया diversification and encourage passive, thematic elements in portfolios. Sol. • The Index will soon emerge as a new real • Luis Arce has been chosen as the time barometer for Indian metal industry. President-elect of Bolivia, after winning a landslide victory in the 2020 Bolivian general 64.हि साल 5 अक्टूबि को मनाए जाने वाले व쥍िम election. हैबबटेट िे (ववचव पयामवास टदवस) का ववर्य क्या है?

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• He captured 55.1% of the total votes. Arce B. अमेज़न पे will take the charge of the office on 8 C. पेटीएम November 2020. He would succeed Jeanine D. मोबबश्क्वक Anez, who is serving as the interim President E. जेस्ट मनी of Bolivia. • The 57-year-old, Luis is a member of the Sol. political party Movement Toward Socialism. • Dialling things up a notch in the fight • Previously, Arce served as Minister of against Google, Paytm has announced the Economy and Public Finance from 2006 to launch of its “mini app” store to “support 2017 and in 2019 under the President Evo Indian developers” in taking their products to Morales. the masses. • The mini apps are a custom-built mobile 66.तन륍नललखखत मᴂ से ककस झील मᴂ प्रवासी पक्षक्षयⴂ website that give users app-like experience के ललए अस्थायी आश्रय स्थल हⴂगे? without having to download them. A. सांभि • Paytm will add a new section on its main B. धिललका application wherein these mini apps will be C. पुललकट listed and can be accessed by Paytm app D. वे륍बनाद users. E. पुस्कि 68.ववदेशी औि तनवासी भाितीय शोधकतामओं एवं Sol. लशक्षाववदⴂ के आभासी लशखि स륍मेलन “वैश्चवक • The Rajasthan government will build भाितीय वैज्ञातनक (वैभव) लशखि स륍मेलन 2020” का temporary shelters for migratory birds near उ饍घाटन ककसने ककया? the famous Sambhar Lake before this year’s A. निᴂद्र लसंह तोमि winter season, when a large number of avian B. निᴂद्र मोदी guests from the cold northern regions of C. िववशंकि प्रसाद Central Asia are expected to arrive at the D. प्रकाश जावडेकि country’s largest inland saline water body. E. िाजनाथ लसंह • More than 20,000 migratory birds had died due to avian botulism in the lake last year. Sol. • Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated 67.तन륍नललखखत मᴂ से ककस ई-वॉलेट कंपनी ने भाितीय a virtual summit of overseas and resident िेवलपसम के ललए ’लमनी ऐप’ स्टोि शुरू किने की घोर्णा Indian Researchers and Academicians की? namely “Vaishvik Bharatiya Vaigyanik A. फोनपे (VAIBHAV) Summit 2020” via video

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conferencing which will continue till October an annual review or “health check” of its 31, 2020. economy by the IMF, tap technical • During the summit he encouraged assistance, and access IMF lending if indigenous vaccine production. needed. • The aim of the summit is to bring Indian origin experts in academic institutes and R&D 70.तन륍नललखखत मᴂ से ककस मंत्रालय ने ‘ई-धिती श्जयो organizations across the world on a single पोटमल’ लॉन्ि ककया है? platform to debate upon collaboration A. प镍ृ वी ववज्ञान मंत्रालय mechanisms to strengthen academic and B. आवास औि शहिी मामलⴂ के मंत्रालय S&T (science & technology) base in India for C. गहृ मंत्रालय global development. D. कृ वर् औि ककसान क쥍याण मंत्रालय • It is organized by 200 academic institutes E. ववदेश मंत्रालय and S&T departments, led by Principal Scientific Advisor, Krishnaswamy Sol. VijayRaghavan. • Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has launched ‘e-Dharti Geo Portal’ to integrate 69.कौि सा देि अंतरािष्ट्रीय मद्रु ा कोष (IMF) मᴂ इसका legacy drawings such as maps and lease 190वां सदस्य बििे के शलए, िाशमल हो गया है? plans in the management information system A. साइप्रस and make its geographic information system B. जमैका (GIS)-enabled. C. दक्षक्षण सूिान • Union Housing and Urban Affairs Minister: D. अंगोला Hardeep Singh Puri E. अंिोिा 71.अगले 10 महीिⴂ मᴂ भारत मᴂ एक लाख से अधिक Sol. मठहलाओं को डिजिटल कौिल प्रदाि करिे के शलए • Andorra has joined the International ककस तकनीकी ठदग्गि िे राष्ट्रीय कौिल ववकास Monetary Fund (IMF), to become its 190th निगम (NSDC) के साथ सहयोग ककया है? member. A. आईबीएम • Andorra is a microstate situated between B. माइिोसॉफ्ट France and Spain. However, it is the largest C. इंटेल microstate in Europe. D. इन्फोलसस • IMF’s Membership allows the Andorran E. गूगल government to benefit from IMF policy advice, especially as the country tackles the crisis Sol. caused by COVID-19 and can now receive

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• Microsoft has collaborated with the National first running in the history of the Eifel Grand Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) to Prix. impart digital skills to more than one lakh underserved women in India over the next 10 73.पुरषⴂ का 2020 फ्ᴂच ओपि एकल खखताब ककसिे months. िीता? • As part of the collaboration, more than 70 A. रािेल ििाल hours of course content will be made B. िोवाक िोकोववच available free of cost, covering topics such C. िोशमनिक धथएम as digital literacy, enhancing employability, D. रोिर िेिरर nano entrepreneurship, and communication E. िेनियल मेदवेदेव skills. • This initiative is an extension of Microsoft's Sol. partnership with NSDC to provide digital skills • Rafael Nadal beats Novak Djokovic to win to over 1 lakh youth in the country. the men’s 2020 French Open Title. • This is his 13th French Open men’s singles 72.िमििी के िूबगि ि मᴂ िारबुगरि रगं मᴂ आयोजित 2020 title and 20th Grand Slam title. ईिेल 嵍ांि वप्रक्ट्स ककसिे िीता है? • The Spaniard defeated Novak Djokovic 6- A. मैक्ट्स वस्टिप्पेि 0, 6-2, 7-5 in 2 hours and 41 minutes at B. िैनियल ररकािो Court Philippe-Chatrier in Paris. C. लुईस हैशम쥍टि • In 2018, Federer became the first men’s D. ककमी रायकोिᴂ player to win 20 Grand Slams in singles E. रबᴂस बाररकेलो when he defeated Marin Cilic in the final of the Australian Open. Sol. • The 34-year-old Nadal won the first title in • Lewis Hamilton (Mercedes-Great Britain) 2005. has won the 2020 Eifel Grand Prix, held at the Nürburgring in Nürburg, Germany. 74.राइि-हीशलंग सेवा ऐप पर भुगताि ववक쥍प के रूप • This is Hamilton’s 7th win of the season मᴂ डिजिटल भुगताि मंच को एकीकृ त करिे के शलए and 91st career race victory, which was till ककस डिजिटल वॉलेट िे उबर टेक्ट्िोलॉिी के साथ now achieved only by . भागीदारी की है? • (Red Bull – Netherlands) A. गूगल पे came second followed by B. अमे焼ि पे (Renault, Australia) at third position. C. पेटीएम • The race was the eleventh race in 2020 D. मोब्रबजक्ट्वक Formula One World Championship and the E. िोिपे

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and influential Congress leaders operating Sol. from the prime minister’s residential office at • Amazon Pay and Uber technology 1 Akbar Road, New Delhi. announced a partnership that will integrate the digital payment platform as a payment 76.ककस टीम िे िेििल बास्केटबॉल एसोशसएिि option on the ride-hailing service app. (एिबीए) चैजपपयिशिप 2020 िीता है? • This partnership with Uber will allow A. शमयामी हीट customers to complete their transaction in a B. शम쥍वौकी बक्ट्स contactless manner, especially during the C. लॉस एंजि쥍स लेकसि pandemic. D. टोरंटो रैप्टर • The strategic association will also focus on E. शिकागो बु쥍स providing users one-click payment experience with cashback offers to drive adoption and Sol. further strengthen the digital payments • The Los Angeles Lakers defeated the ecosystem. Miami Heat to win the National Basketball Association (NBA) Championship 2020. 75."द खाशलस्ताि कⴂसीपरेसी” िामक पुस्तक ककसिे • This is the 17th NBA title win for LA Lakers शलखी है? and also there first since 2010, after late A. िीबीएस शस饍िू Kobe Bryant’s fifth and final title a decade B. आलोक िोिी ago. C. राजिंदर खन्िा • LeBron James of the Lakers’ was named D. अनिल िस्मािा the NBA Finals Most Valuable Player (MVP) E. सामंत गोयल for the fourth time in his career. • With this, he became the first player in Sol. league history to be named Finals MVP with • A former intelligence officer with the three different franchises. Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), GBS Sidhu has written the book titled ” The 77.ककस रा煍य सरकार िे 10,000 से अधिक ककसािⴂ, Khalistan Conspiracy”. 50 ककसाि-उत्पादक संगििⴂ और 1,000 सत्यावपत • The book published by HarperCollins will कृ वष व्यापाररयⴂ को इसके इंटरफेस पर िोड़िे वाला be released on October 24. एक मोबाइल ऐप “ककसाि रथ” लॉन्च ककया है? • The contents of this book revolve around A. मध्य प्रदेि a two-phased, top-secret operation, which he B. उिर प्रदेि named “Operation Bhindranwale-Khalistan”. It C. आंध्र प्रदेि was initiated and managed by some senior D. असम

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E. गुिरात Pradesh employing 10 or more persons, along with other benefits Sol. • ESI Scheme has been implemented in 568 • Assam government has launched a mobile districts in all the States and Union app “Kisan Rath” App connects more than Territories, except Lakshdweep. 10,000 farmers, 50 farmer-producer organizations and 1,000 verified agricultural traders on its interface. • The app has been customized by National Informatics Centre (NIC) Assam to suit the requirements of the state. • It is available in 3 languages- Assamese, Hindi and English. • PM Kisan Samman Nidhi, Krishi Sinchai Yojana, Fasal Bima Yojana, KCC etc., have strengthened agricultural ecosystem in the country and made agriculture a dignified calling.

78.तन륍नललखखत मᴂ से ककस िा煍य को हाल ही मᴂ पहली बाि ईएसआई योजना के तहत शालमल ककया गया है? A. नागालℂि B. आंध्र प्रदेश C. पंजाब D. अरणािल प्रदेश E. उडीसा

Sol. • Centre has extended Employees' State Insurance (ESI) Scheme for the first time to Arunachal Pradesh with effect from 1st November 2020. • It will be applicable to all the factories located in Papum Pare district of Arunachal

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