www.gradeup.co 1 www.gradeup.co 1.कᴂद्रीय शिक्षा मंत्री, श्री रमेि पोखररयाल नििंक िे 2.इंडिया पोस्ट िे ककि देिⴂ के साथ िाक शिपमᴂट से भारत के ककस रा煍य मᴂ DST-IIEST सोलर पीवी हब संबंधित िेटा के इलेक्ट्रॉनिक आदाि-प्रदाि के शलए िाक का उ饍घाटि ककया? सेवा पर हस्ताक्षर ककए हℂ? A. असम A. जममनी B. ओडिशा B. इंग्लℂि C. पश्चिम बंगाल C. यूएसए D. आंध्र प्रदेश D. फ्ांस E. हरियाणा E. कनािा Sol. Sol. • The Union Education Minister, Shri Ramesh • India Post and US Postal Service signed pokhriyal nishank inaugurated the DST-IIEST agreement for electronic exchange of data Solar PV Hub. The hub was inaugurated at related to postal shipments. Shibpur in Howrah District of West Bengal. • Based on the agreement, the respective • The funds to develop the hub was allocated bodies will transmit and receive electronic by the Department of Science and data of international postal items before their Technology. It is backed by the centre of arrival. excellence for green energy and sensor • This will help the customs to clear the system located at the IIEST. The concept of postal items well in advance, that even before establishing the Solar PV hub mooted in the shipment reaches the port. 2018. • Also, it will improve the performance of • It aims to have world-class research facility. postal services. It will act as a central node for dissemination • In 2019, around 30% of small packets and of knowledge in the field of solar energy, letters transmitted by India Post were to USA. research and development, fabrication, solar Also, 20% of outbound EMS was to US. photovoltaics, solar PV module, testing of Around 60% parcels received originated from solar cells and Solar PV systems. The hub the USA. provides great boost for the eastern and North Eastern regions of India. 3.“नाइट ऑफ द िेस्टलेस श्स्प्र絍स:स्टोिीज़ फ़्रोम” शीर्मक • Also, the hub will help to align the national पुस्तक ककसने ललखी है? and local Industries, startup, Research A. सबमप्रीत लसंह Institute under the Make in India initiative. B. अरंधतत िॉय This will help in smooth transition from fossil C. सुधा मूतत म fuel energy to solar energy. D. नताशा शमाम E. आनंद नीलकांतन 2 www.gradeup.co Verstappen (Red Bull – Netherlands) at the Sol. third spot. • Sarbpreet Singh has authored a book titled “Night of the Restless Spirits: Stories from 5.िहरी नियोिि शिक्षा प्रणाली मᴂ सुिार किने के शलए 1984”. The book recounts the Sikh massacre नीतत आयोग 饍वारा गठित 14-सदस्यीय पैिल का or anti-Sikh riots of 1984. प्रमुख कौि होगा? • The book narrates many stories of ordinary A. अलमताभ कांत people, that capture the horrors and B. िाजीव कु माि uncertainties of 1984 through the eyes of C. वी. के . सािस्वत Sikhs around the world. The book is D. िमेश िंद published by Penguin. E. वीके पॉल • The book is a fictionalised version of real happenings. It comprises 8 chapters. Sol. • NITI Aayog has constituted a 14-member 4.अ쥍गावे इंटरिेििल सककिट, पुतगि ाल मᴂ आयोजित advisory committee to look into introducing 2020 पुतगि ाली 嵍ां प्री ककसिे िीती है? reforms in the urban planning education A. मैक्स वस्टमप्पेन system. B. लुईस हैलम쥍टन • The panel will be headed by NITI Aayog C. वा쥍टेिी बोटास Vice-Chairman Rajiv Kumar. The members of D. िा쥍सम लेक्लेि the committee include Amitabh Kant, CEO of E. िैतनयल रिकािो NITI Aayog and secretaries of Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Ministry Sol. of Education(MoE) and Ministry of Panchayati • Lewis Hamilton (Mercedes-Great Britain) Raj. has won the 2020 Portuguese Grand Prix, • The committee will examine the current held at Algarve International Circuit, Portugal. system in terms of multidisciplinarity, • This was the 12th round of the 2020 curriculum and other related issues at the Formula One World Championship. This is level of graduates and postgraduates against Hamilton’s 8th win of the season and 92nd the challenges of rapid urbanization. career race victory. • The committee will examine the urban • With this win, he has surpassed the record planning education system in India and of 91 wins set by German great Michael examine the availability, demand and supply Schumacher. Valtteri Bottas (Mercedes- of the qualified urban planners in India. Finland) came second followed by Max 3 www.gradeup.co 6.ऑस्रेशलया के राष्ट्रमंिल वैज्ञानिक और औ饍योधगक 7.तन륍नललखखत मᴂ से ककस िा煍य सिकाि ने प्रधानमंत्री अिुसंिाि संगिि (CSIRO) के सहयोग से ककस इकाई आवास योजना के तहत ऋण संववतिण मᴂ पहली िℂक िे भाित ऑस्रेशलया सकुि लर इकोिॉमी हैकथॉि (I- हालसल की है? ACE) आयोजित ककया है? A. उत्ति प्रदेश A. कफक्की B. मध्य प्रदेश B. ववचववव饍यालय अनुदान आयोग C. महािाष्ट्र C. प镍ृ वी ववज्ञान मंत्रालय D. आंध्र प्रदेश D. अटल इनोवेशन लमशन (AIM) E. उडीसा E. भाितीय उ饍योग परिसंघ Sol. Sol. • Uttar Pradesh Government has secured first • The ‘India Australia Circular Economy rank in approving the highest number of Hackathon (I-ACE)’ will be organised by Atal loans under centre's PM Street Vendor’s Innovation Mission (AIM) in association with Atmanirbhar Nidhi scheme (SVANidhi Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Scheme) Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). • UP has been ranked first in all the • This hackathon on the circular economy will categories like Applications, Sanctions and be held on 7th and 8th Dec 2020. Disbursements of the loans under PM • In the linear economy, raw natural SVANidhi scheme. resources are taken, transformed into products and get disposed off. 8.हाल ही मᴂ सेशे쥍स के िाष्ट्रपतत के रूप मᴂ ककसे िुना • Circular economy model aims to close the गया है? gap between the production and the natural A. जे륍स मनिम ecosystems’ cycles – on which humans B. जे륍स एललक्स लमशेल ultimately depend upon. C. वेवल िामकलावन • The hackathon will be based on four D. िैनी फॉिे themes: E. ववंसᴂट मेरिटोन (a) Innovation in reducing packaging waste (b) Innovation in food supply chains avoiding Sol. waste • Indian-origin Wavel Ramkalawan has been (c) Creating opportunities for plastic waste elected as the President of Seychelles reduction defeating incumbent Danny Faure. (d) Recycling critical energy metals and e- • He secured 54.9% of the total vote waste. 4 www.gradeup.co • Seychelles has elected an opposition C. यूएसए candidate as its President for the first time D. यूिाइटेि ककं गिम since 1977. E. िमििी • Seychelles is an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, off East Africa. Sol. • Capital: Victoria * The US has committed USD 1.9 million to • Currency: Seychellois rupee support vulnerable populations in India like informal sector workers whose livelihoods 9.ओक्ला स्पीिटेस्ट ग्लोबल इंिेक्स मᴂ भाित की िℂक have been disrupted due to COVID-19. क्या है जो ग्लोबल मोबाइल इंटिनेट स्पीि के आधाि * The financial assistance from US Agency पि देश को िℂक किता है? for International Development (USAID), A. 101 extended generously by the American people B. 111 to partners in India, will support efforts to C. 121 rebuild local economies and improve the D. 131 livelihoods of Indians who have been hit E. 88 hardest by this pandemic. Sol. 11.प्रख्यात व्यजक्ट्तत्व पुष्ट्पा भावे का लंबी बीमारी के • India has been ranked 131 in Ookla बाद मुंबई मᴂ नििि हो गया, वह एक _____ थीं। Speedtest Global Index, that ranks Global A. पत्रकार Mobile Internet Speed across the nations of B. कि쥍म अशभिेत्री the world C. सामाजिक कायिकताि • India was ranked 121 in 2019 in this index D. लोक गायक • South Korea has topped the list with an E. राििेता average mobile internet speed of 121.00 Mbps. Sol. • Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Nepal ranked * Veteran social activist Pushpa Bhave (81- higher on the list at 102, 116, and 117 years) passed away in Mumbai following a respectively. prolonged illness. * She has been associated with the Rashtra 10.ककस देि िे अिौपचाररक क्षेत्र के श्रशमकⴂ, सूक्ष्म Seva Dal and democratic movements since उ饍यमⴂ का समथिि करिे के शलए भारत को $ 1.9 her student days. शमशलयि की सहायता का वचि ठदया है? * She was also an academician and an A. िापाि intellectual, who fought for the rights of B. फ्ांस common citizens. 5 www.gradeup.co * During the Emergency, she had offered her A. शसगं ापुर home as shelter to underground political B. स्पेि workers. C. श्रीलंका D. यूएसए 12.“ऑि द रायल ऑि बु饍िा: ए ििी टू द ईस्ट” E. िापाि ककताब ककसिे शलखी है? A. िशि थरूर Sol. B. दीपंकर एरि * India and Sri Lanka conducted a three-day C. िगदीप ििखड़ military exercise “SLINEX” 2020. D. अरंिनत रॉय * The eighth edition of the exercise was held E. रोशमला थापर off coast of Trincomalee. * It was conducted in non-contact at-sea only Sol. format. • The book titled “On the Trail of Buddha: A * This strategy has been adopted due to Journey to the East” by Deepankar Aron has COVID-19 pandemic.
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