Eric H Walther | 9781469628424 | | | | | Tinkler on Walther, ' and the Coming of the Civil War'

So a plantation with forty slaves received only one exemption, not two, as Walther's wording might suggest. An early critic of John C. When William Lowndes Yancey and the Coming of the Civil War 1st edition newly established Confederate States of America met later that month in Montgomery to establish their formal union, Yancey was not a delegate, but he delivered the address of welcome to Jefferson Davisselected as provisional President, on his arrival at Montgomery. Yancey supported a plan originated by for the creation of William Lowndes Yancey and the Coming of the Civil War 1st edition League of United Southerners as an alternative to the national political parties. In Yancey was elected to the U. He knew, for instance, that Beman personally profited by selling rather than freeing his wife's slaves before moving from to New York. The opening salvo in a new level of sectional conflict occurred on December 13,when Whig John G. Hence Yancey appears as more than just a fire-breathing secessionist. Yancey was opposed to both the Compromise of and the disappointing results of the . Most important, Walther provides a cogent psychological explanation for Yancey's development into a fire-eater. More than a portrait of an influential political figure before and during the Civil War, this study also presents a nuanced look at the roots of Southern honor, violence, and understandings of manhood as they developed in the nineteenth century. Walther is associate professor of history at the University of Houston. Drawn up in response to the —a proposed ban on in the territories newly acquired from Mexico—the Platform insisted that slaveowners had the right to take their chattel property with them into the territories, that Congress had the duty to protect the rights of slaveholders everywhere, that a territorial legislature could not ban slavery, and that the Democratic Party should endorse only proslavery candidates for national office. At in Boston, Yancey defended the practices of slavery:. Yancey continued to support the most radical Southern positions and is generally included as one of a group of southerners referred to as " Fire-Eaters. Secessionin U. Volume One: Aachen—Assize. Uncle Tom's Cabin has been read and believed Scholars will thank Walther for finally giving them a full portrait of this intriguing figure. Yancey persuaded a June state Democratic Party meeting to endorse Calhoun's address and was instrumental in calling for the Nashville Convention scheduled for June The reason, Walther makes clear, was his increasing commitment to the peculiar institution, especially after acquiring thirty-five slaves through marriage into a wealthy family. Douglas and popular sovereignty were the immediate targets, but by then, Yancey also recognized that secession would be necessary if a William Lowndes Yancey and the Coming of the Civil War 1st edition Republican" were to gain the White House. Potter refers to Yancey as "the most silver-tongued of a race of uninhibited orators, and the most fervent exponent of southern rights. Yancey sought to prove his devotion to the South by "embrac[ing] in the extreme the most valued characteristics of his adopted frontier society: slaveholding, oratory, public affairs, and manly, honorable conduct" p. On the next day, the Georgia delegation and a majority of the Arkansas delegation withdrew. Hubbard, Charles M. Graham N. Walther's contributions in tracing and explaining Yancey's shift from unionism to secessionism are among the most illuminating in the book. Though born in GeorgiaYancey in moved with his mother and stepfather, an antislavery Presbyterian minister, to TroyN. As Eric Walther states, "Through his years of preparation and despite some brief wavering, William L. Yancey turned down a cabinet position, but indicated he would be interested in a diplomatic post. Caperton Va. Rable states that while Yancey here appealed to "antiparty rhetoric" and "Southern unity", neither here nor elsewhere did he present a picture of "what a Southern nation might look like". William Lowndes Yancey and the Coming of the Civil War

In these efforts, Yancey was unsuccessful and frustrated. Secession precipitated the . Baker Fla. Conversation turned to violence, and the always-armed Yancey ended up killing the doctor in a street brawl. Sometimes Walther uses imprecise language that could lead a reader astray. We must rely on ourselves alone. In Congress, Yancey was an effective spokesman in opposing internal improvements and tariffs and supporting states' rights and the start of the Mexican—American War. Member of the U. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: Alabama Platform. He was elected in to the Alabama House of Representativesin which he served for one year. Download as PDF Printable version. William Lowndes Yancey. Volume One: Aachen—Assize. In late August, with little else to do, Yancey submitted his resignation but, due to the events of the Trent AffairYancey did not leave until his replacements, James M. The delegates were split between those insisting on immediate secession versus those who would secede only in cooperation with other Southern states. Influenced most by Dixon Hall LewisYancey fell into a social and political circle that included political leaders of the state such as Thomas Mays, J. Category Commons. Douglas and popular sovereignty were the immediate targets, but by then, Yancey also recognized that secession would be necessary if a "Black Republican" were to gain the White House. A political slur by Yancey in a private conversation was overheard by a teenage relative of the aggrieved party. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. See also Drew R. William Lowndes Yanceyborn Aug. In this influential work Wyatt-Brown links the Southern code of honor to the South's reaction to the antislavery movement as part of the build-up to secession and civil war. Beman worked with Reverend Charles G. The misguided, deluded, wicked men in our midst, if any such there be, who shall oppose it [secession], will be in alignment with the abolition power of the Federal government, and as our safety demands, must be looked upon and dealt with as public enemies. Our negroes are but children. Yancey recognized the significance of the Wilmot Proviso to the South and inas the first talk of slaveholder as a presidential candidate surfaced, Yancey saw him as a possibility for bringing together a Southern political movement that would cross party lines. He used the phrase "squatter sovereignty" in a speech he gave at the convention to describe popular sovereignty. Walther does a great service by reconciling the earlier, less familiar Yancey with the later fire-eater and Confederate patriot. Catholic Encyclopedia. Yancey Law Office". Throughout his career as an editor, he had faced the problem of many William Lowndes Yancey and the Coming of the Civil War 1st edition editors in obtaining and collecting on subscriptions and decided to open a law practice instead. In Julyhe spoke at the 's graduation on "the distinctive characteristics of the Northern and Southern people of the Union. The Alabama platform insisted that the U. On his way to Richmond, he stopped in where he made a public speech lamenting the fact that Europe looked down on the Confederacy over the issue of slavery, stating, "We cannot look for William Lowndes Yancey and the Coming of the Civil War 1st edition sympathy or help from abroad. Cambridge University Press. He returned in and was elected to the Confederate Senate, where he served until his death. Email address. Critics maintain that the Yancey mission failed to adequately exploit openings presented by Union Secretary of State William Seward's antagonist attitude towards Great Britain or to address British concerns concerning the effect of the war on Great Britain. The year-old Yancey was admitted as a sophomore based on the required entrance examinations. Hence Yancey appears as more than just a fire-breathing secessionist. But the blended Beman-Yancey family never experienced the joys of affective kinship for which its members might have yearned. Print Cite. Yancey was ill for much of the remainder of and early Walther adds that Yancey, in response to criticism within the South would William Lowndes Yancey and the Coming of the Civil War 1st edition that "I am a secessionist and not a revolutionist. The Zealotry of the Convert: Slavery's Firebrand Defender

Our negroes are but children. National Convention, Charleston and , After first waiting for the official electoral votes to be counted, Governor Andrew Moore called for the election of delegates to take place on December 24 with the convention to meet on January 7, Curry, John A. Sign up here to see what happened On This Dayevery William Lowndes Yancey and the Coming of the Civil War 1st edition in your inbox! For the next decade he sought to arouse Southerners to the peril of remaining in the Union. When the newly established Confederate States of America met later that month in Montgomery to establish their formal union, Yancey was not a delegate, but he delivered the address of welcome to Jefferson Davisselected as provisional President, on his arrival at Montgomery. Washington, Shall we wait to bear our share of the common dishonor? Walther examines the personality and political life of the uncompromising fire-eater. Yancey's mother, Caroline Bird, lived on her family's plantation nicknamed "the Aviary" located near the falls of the Ogeechee River in Warren County, Georgia. Suffering from ill health for much of his life, Yancey died during the Civil War, in July at the age of While still in England, Yancey was elected to the Confederate Senate. However, Taylor announced that he would seek the Whig nomination, and in December of Michiganthe leading Democratic candidate, William Lowndes Yancey and the Coming of the Civil War 1st edition the policy of popular sovereignty. Another example of imprecision, admittedly not about a central point to Walther's story, is the statement that "Jefferson and Madison agreed that each state, by its own authority, could nullify acts of Congress they [sic] deemed unconstitutional" p. Robinson Earle. In essence, therefore, Yancey was William Lowndes Yancey and the Coming of the Civil War 1st edition for the dissolution of the last national institution of the antebellum era. A political slur by Yancey in a private conversation was overheard by a teenage relative of the aggrieved party. In late August, with little else to do, Yancey submitted his resignation but, due to the events of the Trent AffairYancey did not leave until his replacements, James M. Selected to introduce in Montgomery as the president-elect of the Confederacy, Yancey also served the Confederacy as a diplomat and a senator before his death injust short of his forty-ninth birthday. William Lowndes Yanceyborn Aug. Rather than asserting the right of nullification, Madison declared a state could "interpose" its authority to protect its people from an unconstitutional federal law. Phelan Miss. Throughout the South in"the rhetoric of resistance to the North escalated and spread". On his way to Richmond, he stopped in New Orleans where he made a public speech lamenting the fact that Europe looked down on the Confederacy over the issue of slavery, stating, "We cannot look for any sympathy or help from abroad. Category Commons. Failing to nominate a candidate, the convention adjourned and reconvened in Baltimore on June 18, If slavery is right per se, if it is right to raise slaves for sale, does it not appear that it is right to import them? Yancey did make one further attempt to meet with Russell in the wake of the , but Russell replied to the delegation that "we must decline to enter into any official communication with them. For more information about Eric H. But if we could do as our fathers did, organize Committees of Safety all over the cotton states and it is only in them that we can hope of any effective movement we shall fire the Southern heart—instruct the Southern mind—give courage to each other, and at the proper moment, by one organized, concerted action, we can precipitate the cotton states into a revolution. This kind of thing does not suit me. The reason, Walther makes clear, was his increasing commitment to the peculiar institution, especially after acquiring thirty-five slaves through marriage into a wealthy family. In he drafted the Alabama Platformthe foundation of his political creed until the outbreak of the American Civil War.

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