Dau's Blue Book 1910
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DAU S BLUE BOOK TORONTO HAMILTON AND LONDON 191O The Longest Double Track Railway in the A . * Fines tid METROPOLITAN if >?> Mode f Drains TORONTO it- Cour LIBRARY on Beau Th em . 789 YONGE TORONTO Read M4W 2G8 Ontario and (; .Iso the mour ite for partic I E W. E GEO. W. VAUX, General Passenger Agent, Montreal THE CROWN BANK OF CANADA At the 34 King Street West branch of The Crown Bank of Canada there is a Banking Room especially set apart for women with young women tellers and ledger keepers in attendance. A private staircase leads from the bank ing department to a room above Where Women May Rest In the Retiring Room is a work table with mending basket and other home necessities, in charge of a maid. These conveniences have been instituted not only for the Toronto customers of the Crown Bank, but also that women from Out-of-Town may have the use of Resting r and Retiring rooms w hile staying in the city. If you were told three hundred and sixty-six times this year that you can build up a certain income by placing your small amounts of money in the Savings Depart ment of The Crown Bank of Canada the information would not be given you once too often. It is the steadily increasing Bank Account that adds to your prosperity. No other investment is more safe; no other investment is so sure. Electro-Pneumatic Cleaning Machines Sweep and dust in one-quarter of the time of the old way and do it ten times as effec tively. It saves the wear on carpets, rugs, upholstery and curtains. It is the only method by which a room can be perfectly cleaned- -walls, ceiling, woodwork, furniture, floor and all. For further particulars, phone Main 3975 The Toronto Electric Light Company, Limited "USE TORONTO ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY SERVICE" v.s*-?&-*#*S^^ 1 X ,y . ..ViV. -*;! IvX .v .""-! ^-! -Mm SJiiiSSi-Sci^ -* " >f* *: J^s-^ PICKERING NEWMARKETCOLLEGE A RESIDENT SCHOOL For Boys and Girls PREPARATORY, COMMERCIAL AND COLLEGIATE COURSES New buildings, Beautiful surroundings, Country life, Easy of access from Toronto. : . .: .: .: .: . APPLY TO W. P. FIRTH, M.A., D. Sc., Principal - NEWMARKET, Ont. Ladies! YV7HEN you have occasion to send money by mail to any part of the world do not overlook the fact that the cheapest, safest and most convenient method is by Dominion Express Company Money Orders and Foreign Drafts If lost or delayed in the mails, a refund is promptly arranged, or, if desirable, another order issued without further charge. When Traveling, equip yourself with Travelers Cheques, on the face of which is shown the exact amount for which they will be paid in Foreign Countries. If short of money when away from home and you require cash at once, have it telegraphed or cabled through the Dominion Express Company. General Offices TORONTO, CANADA LADIES TAILORING A list of advantages for coming to this store 1. Finest choice of Suit ings in Canada. 2 . A Ladies Tailoring and Dressmaking Depart ment second to none. 3. A Magnificent Silk Department. 4. A very complete Lin ing Department. 5. Everything in conve nient conjunction. 6. Moderate prices and qualities the best. Let us especially recom mend our Broad cloths. Come in and see our department and Consult our Modistes. LADIES TAILORING and DRESSMAKING DE PARTMENT 2nd FLOOR RICHMOND ST. WING THE ROBERT SIMPSON COMPANY THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK OF TORONTO, HAMILTON AND LONDON A SOCIAL DIRECTORY A RELIABLE DIRECTORY TO OVER 4,000 OF THE ELITE FAMILIES OF TORONTO HAMILTON, LONDON, AND NUMEROUS SMALLER TOWNS, AllPANT.ED ALPHABETICALLY, WITH MUCH ADDITIONAL .INFORMATION REGARDING FAMILIES, CLUB MEMBERSHIP, SUMMER RESIDENCES, MAIDEN NAMES, RECEIVING DAYS AND OTHER ITEMS OF SOCIAL INTEREST EDITION FOR 1910 DAU PUBLISHING CO. ST. >-> TORONTO STRKKT 10 WKST ;ttlD TORONTO, ONTARIO NK\V YORK CITY COPYRIGHTED 190!) BY DAI ITBI.ISHING CO. WELL DESIGNED GLASS DECORATES BOTH INSIDE AND OUTSIDE C. Does not wear out Does not soil The longer you have it the better you like it *.;.,~t . G. Our electro is * * * 4 glazing not lead C. Does away with un sightly bars and braces C, Is one of the best in vestments to beautify the home Luxfer Prism Co. (Limited) zoo King St. West See our Sample Room Toronto Parker s Dye Works Established over 30 years Quality Dyeing and Cleaning The award of merit in dyeing and cleaning has come to these works as the outcome of more than thirty years careful and skillful work. It is one thing to simply sponge out the spots, It is quite another to thor oughly refreshen and liven up the fabric so that it closely approximates that wrhich is new. The latter is our way in all wr ork we do. Ladies costumes and evening dresses are cleaned by modern methods. Cleaning fine laces, such as Duchesse, Old Point, Guipure and Brussels, is one of our perfected specialties. By cleaning and dyeing lace curtains, drapes and furni ture coverings we save the housekeeper much trouble and worry. The proper and hygienic way to clean blankets is known to us. Equal care is given to men s clothing. We keep men well dressed the year round, returning their coats and suits r looking as if new . R. PARKER & CO. TORONTO, CANADA Stores in leading shopping centers of the city Branches: HAMILTON, LONDON, ST. CATHARINES, GALT, WOOD STOCK, BRANTFORD, KINGSTON, ST. THOMAS. MON TREAL and agencies in all parts of Canada. would be hard indeed to wish for any IT Wall Papers thing more attractive in coloring and design than this season s Wall Papers. and Decorations Cut Out Decorations Modern Ideas Floral Patterns Period De signs Silk Brocades Patterns with Crowns Linen and Chambrey Effects Self Tones. Our stock of imported Wall Papers is not equalled in Canada, and the prices are as attractive as the goods. Dainty papers at from loc, to magnificent creations at $12.00 per roll. The jr. J. BOLUS Co., Limited DECORA TOES 245 Yonge St., TORONTO CITY DAIRY CERTIFIED MILK FROM DENTONIA PARK FARM From Tuberculine Tested Cows. Certified by Milk Commission of Academy of Medicine, Toronto. Certified Milk delivered in ice or protected from freezing accord ing to season per quart 4 milk tickets. Dentonia Milk delivered with out ice or protection per quart three milk tickets. CITY DAIRY CO., Lmited TORONTO PREFACE TjTHE Seventh edition of the BLUE BOOK possesses some features which we trust will entitle it to retain the high place in public favor that has been accorded its predecessors. We desire especially to thank our lady patrons for their cordial appreciation of our efforts. Neither time nor money has been spared to make this work as complete and valuable as possible. The difficulty attending the compiling of such a book can be easily appreciated; and we therefore trust that any omissions will be brought to our notice, that they may be corrected in future. We hope to make the BLUE BOOK as nearly perfect as it is possible to make such a volume. We do not claim the BLUE BOOK is either a City Directory or absolutely an Elite Directory; neither do we pretend to pass upon the social or financial standing of the parties whose names are contained therein. It is simply a compilation of about four thousand names of the most prominent householders of Toronto, Hamilton and London, and numerous smaller towns, published in the most convenient form for reference by our lady patrons. The title "BLUE BOOK" is given the work because of its blue cover. It does not refer to blue blood, as many people sup pose. Webster s definition of Blue Book is as follows: "Blue Book a book containing a list of fashionable addresses." The data for this work have not been compiled from circulars or from other directories. Experienced men, particularly adapted for such work, have been assigned to each locality, and the greatest care has been used in selecting these names. Please send any information you may have that will aid in keeping the records correct to Dau Publishing Co, 22 Toronto Street, Toronto, Ont. THE PUBLISHERS THE FIT-REFORM WARDROBE LEADERS OF FASHION High-class Hand Tailored Garments G. HAWLEY WALKER, Limited 126 YONGE STREET One of Toronto s Most Prominent Resorts are Mrs. Meyer s Parlors at Sunnyside (1801 West Queen St.)- Here you will find the prettiest Ballroom in Toronto, a perfect floor open the year round for Balls, Banquets, Parties of all kinds. Our famous Fish Meals in Season, Lunch eons and Delicacies of all kinds served daily from 12 noon to 10 p.m. or by appointment. P. V. MEYER, Prop. Tel. Park 905 TORONTO CLUBS AND SOCIETIES 1 ALBANY CLUB. 15 CANADIAN WOMEN S PRESS CLUB. Chas. H. Ritchie, K. C., President; Stair Mrs. Robert Falconer, President; Mrs. Dick and Treasurer. J. Lander, Secretary George Burnett, Secretary ; Mrs. A. H. Garratt, Treasurer. 2 ALEXANDRA LAWN BOWLING CLUB A. E. Stovel, President; Dr. MacLaren, 16 CARTWRIGHT CLUB. Vice-President; J. W. Marks, Secretary and Treasurer; James A. Knox, A. C. 17 CENTRAL LEAGUE OF SCHOOL ART. Cork. J. W. Smith, G. T. Clarkson, Di rectors. 18 CLEF CLUB. 3 ALPHA DELTA PHI SOCIETY 19 CONSERVATORY FORTNIGHTLY CLUB. 56 Lowther avenue. 20 CUCKOO VALLEY FISHING CLUB. 4 ARGONAUT ROWING CLUB. R. McKay, President; Joseph Wright. 21 DICKENS FELLOWSHIP. L. Jean Captain ; C. Hoskins, Secretary and E. S. Williamson, President; Mrs. Treasurer. Blewett, Rev.