141 1 old word PICK A GOVERNMENT :; a hybrid noun's en ective, and ljeetive; I lich I can PAUL HELLWEG es sion a Northrid~e, California :3 in 1927 =:inc innatus , Living in a democracy, we are pe riodically cur sed ( ble s s ed?) with Trocenia' election year mania. Occas ionally, it all seems to amount to naught, Atlas Index; and people have been heard to ask: II Isn' t there another way?" Of such as Tro course there is. Different types of qovernment abound. More than n) both be eighty varieties are presented below. As you read through them, per ler than a haps youlll find one that sounds a little better than democracy. On the has any other hand, a look at these alternatives might be enough to renew every l? one's faith in the electoral process. thousands For the sake of this discussion, I have limited consideration to s Borg forms of gove rnment ending in - archy (G reek II arkhos" = rule r) and \.CEINORST. -ocracy (Greek "kratos" = strength, power). Admirers of dynasti orne kind of c ism, feudali sm, tr ibalism, and related gove rnments needn I t fear - ords, names there are regime s here bound to please anyone. To begin with, my personal favorite is LOGOCRACY, II a community or system of govern ment in which words are the ruling power" (OED). ::es lat By The Numbe r s es Ito Everyone knows that a monarchy is a state headed by a single rule r. 'on Lesser- known appellations referring to a specific number of leaders ian are listed here: ,In te r AUTOCRACY, MONOCRACY one ruler .te BIARCHY, DIARCHY (DYARCHY), DUARCHY two rulers :ic TRIARCHY three rulers ne TETRADARCHY (TETRARCHY) four rulers :an PENTA RCHY five ruler s in HEPTARCHY, SEPTARCHY seven rulers ns OCTARCHY ei~ht rulers ns DECARCHY (DEKARCHY, DECADARCHY) ten rulers DODECARCHY twelve rulers ~where? HECATONTARCHY (HECATONARCHY) one hundred rulers 1 scientific lude phras Oddly, the term HEXARCHY refers to a group of six states, not a gov was so cer ernment of six leaders.
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