CURRICULUM VITAE Name Dr. S. LAKSHMI DEVI Date of Birth 10 November 1971 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Kannada Language & Translation Studies, Dravidian University, Kuppam. Present Position and Address Mobile # - 09731181283/08978812095. e-mail ID :
[email protected] No-13 Dravidian University Staff Quarters, Dravidian Address for Correspondence University, Kuppam – 517 425. Mother Tongue Telugu Language Known Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, English Qualification M.A., Ph.D. Teaching Experience x United Mission P.U. College, Jan. to Sep. 2000. Part-Time Lecturer x S.S.M.R.V. College P.U. and Degree College 03 July 2000 to 31 March 2001 Part Time Lecturer. x Oxford College of Nursing, 12 Sep. 2001 to 31 May 2002, Part Time Lecturer. x Oxford College of Science, Degree. 10 Sep. 1999 to 31 Aug. 2002. Part Time Lecturer. x Acharya Management and Science, 09 Sep 2002 to 20 Dec 2005. Full Time Lecturer. x Assistant Professor Dravidian University, Kuppam, 20 Dec. 2005 to till Date. Educational career M.A., Bangalore University, 1995-97, First Class Topic of the Ph.D. Hosakote Talukina Grama Devathegalu - Ondu Adhyayana Dissertation Details of other Exams x Kannada Pravesha Parikshae, Vishwavidya Sadhana, 1985. x Kannada Rathna Exam, 1993. x NSS Exam, 1990 x Karnataka Music Junior Vocal Exam, 1993. x Bharatha Samskruthi Parichaya Exam conducted by Vishwa Hindu Parishat Karnataka, 1985. NET Accredited by UGC, New Delhi, 1996. 1 ¾ EDITED x Worked as Editorial member for Dravidian News Letter. x Indian Ranga Kalavidaru Part-II - Karnataka Nataka Academy - 2000. x Editorial Experience - 2 Years. ¾ EXPERIENCE x TEACHING 9 Lecturer : 6 Years (Jan 2000 - Dec 2005) 9 Asst.