ANNUAL REPORT 2016–2017 Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales ANNUAL REPORT 2016–17 CONTENTS CONTENTS Acknowledgment of Country 2 APPENDICES 110 The Hon Don Harwin MLC From the Chairman 4 Minister for Resources, Minister for Energy and Utilities, From the Executive Director 5 Minister for the Arts, Vice-President of the Executive Council HHT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 133 Level 15, 52 Martin Place Highlights 2016–17 6 SYDNEY NSW 2000 Performance overview 8 Program supporters & partners 198 Our vision, mission, values and approach 10 Admission fees & contacts 200 Index 202 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 12 Corporate partners 204 Dear Minister Our museums 13 Picture credits 205 On behalf of the Board of Trustees and in accordance with the provisions of the Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Endangered Houses Fund 21 Act 1984, the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 and the Public Finance and Audit Regulation 2015, we submit for presentation to Parliament the Annual Report of Sydney Living Museums under the statutory authority of the Historic Board of Trustees 23 Houses Trust of New South Wales for the year ending 30 June 2017. Senior management structure 28 SLM divisions 30 Yours sincerely Organisational chart 31 Volunteers 32 Foundation for the Historic Houses Trust of NSW 32 Strategic Plan development 33 Michael Rose AM Mark Goggin Chairman Executive Director FIVE PILLARS 34 Increasing visitation 34 Deepening engagement 52 Investing in our assets 72 Growing revenue streams 92 The Historic Houses Trust of NSW, SYDNEY LIVING MUSEUMS T 02 8239 2288 Investing in people and culture 100 incorporating Sydney Living Head Office F 02 8239 2299 Museums, cares for significant historic The Mint E
[email protected] places, buildings, landscapes and 10 Macquarie Street TTY 02 8239 2377 collections.