M Ringer | 1/3/21 | #6357243


That Council notes the minutes of the Road Safety Traffic and Transport Advisory Committee meeting of 16 March 2020 and the updated Terms of Reference to reflect the change of name for the Committee


This report provides the notes, agreements and actions from the Road Safety Traffic and Transport Advisory Committee (RSTTAC) meeting of 16 March 2020 (see attachment 1), and the updated Terms of Reference (ToR) (see attachment 2).

The main topics discussed at the meeting were:

1. / Munro Street intersection upgrade 2. intersections – signal operations 3. Town Entry Statements 4. Bruce Highway / Draper Road intersection 5. Zip Merges 5. McFarlane Drive 6. Boulders Road 7. Committee Name – proposed name change to Traffic Advisory Committee (CTAC) which has been included in the updated ToR.


The objective of the RSTTAC is to enable a forum for discussion and information exchange between the relevant groups and Council about issues of concern relating to road safety and traffic matters. The scope of the committee includes any strategic traffic related issue which affects all or the majority of committee members and is within the boundaries of Cairns Regional Council’s area of responsibility.

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Invitations for the meeting of 16 March 20202 went out to representatives from Council, Transport & Main Roads (incl. Translink), Police, Sunbus, Cairns Taxis, RACQ, Education and Queensland Rail. Due to Covid 19 restrictions, representation at the meeting was low. Attendees included Council officers, TMR Infrastructure officers and a TMR Road Safety officer. Apologies from the other agencies were received.

A number of matters raised at the meeting for TMR to respond to. Council has received these responses and details will be provided to Committee members, and also Councillors upon request.

Terms of Reference (ToR)

It was agreed at the 16 March 2020 meeting that the name of the committee be changed to Cairns Traffic Advisory Committee (CTAC), for simplicity reasons. Other local government traffic and road safety committees within Far North Region are known as Traffic Advisory Committees.

The Terms of Reference for the committee have been updated to reflect this name change. Other amendments include a change to the core members following the recent Local Government elections and more information about the Cairns Roads Safety Action Plan.


Option 1: (Recommended)

That Council notes the minutes of the Road Safety Traffic and Transport Advisory Committee (RSTTAC) of 16 March 2020 and the updated Terms of Reference (ToR)


That Council does not note the agreements and actions of the RSTTAC minutes and the updated ToR and requests Council officers provide further details.


Corporate Plan:

The RSTTAC relates primarily to the Strategic Goal of Liveability, and the Strategic objective of Improving Transport.

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The following organisations are core members of the RSTTAC:

1. Cairns Regional Council 2. Transport & Main Roads 3. Queensland Police Service. The following organisations are support members of the RSTTAC:

1. RACQ 2. Education Queensland.


Attachment 1 – Minutes of RSTTAC Meeting – 16 March 2020 (#6328930v2)

Attachment 2 – Updated Terms of Reference (#234459v6)

Helius Visser Manager Infrastructure Palnning

Bruce Gardiner General Manager Infrastructure Services

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Attachment 1 - Minutes of RSTTAC Meeting #6328930 – 16 March 2020

Meeting Minutes Date 16th March 2020 Start Time: 10:00am Finish Time: 11:15am Location: Committee Room Meeting Purpose Road Safety, Traffic and Transport Advisory Committee Meeting - RSTTAC

Attendees CRC - Helius Visser (HV), Michael Ringer (MR), Oscar Bengochea (OB), Briony Twittey minute taker. TMR – David Hamilton (DH), Road Safety - Marita Stecko (MS), Richard Sheedy (RS)

Apologies CRC - Div 4 Cr Terry James (Cr James), Div 2 Cr John Schilling (Cr Schilling), Div 6 Cr Linda Cooper (CR Cooper), , Div 7 Cr O’Halloran (CR O’Halloran), Div 1 Cr Moller (Cr Moller), Div 8 Cr Jessie Richardson (CR Richardson), Div 5 Cr Bates (Cr Bates), Div 7 Cr O’Halloran (CR O’Halloran), Div 9 Cr Brett Olds (CR Olds), Div 3 Cr Zeiger (CR Zeiger), Brendan Smith (BS), Michael Ringer (MR), Bruce Gardiner (BG), Translink – Tony Zafer (TZ). Phillip Donnelly (PD) TMR – Tai Z Moor (TM) DET - Geoff West (GW) Sunbus - Craig Richardson (CR) RACQ – Trevor Walsh (TW), Greg Miszkowycz (GM) QPS – Jason Smith (JS) Sunbus / Wearekinetic – Warren Fowler Cairns Taxis - Chris Balsom (CB), QR – Luke O’Neill (LO), Steven VanBallegooyen (SB)

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Actions and Agreements No What Date Who When Raised 1 Welcome and apologies 2 Confirmation and actions from previous minutes

3 Outstanding actions

3.1 x Munro Street Upgrade - Councillor Moller has requested an update from TMR on the project status. Business case is progressing. Preferred solution is

signalised lights with pedestrian crossing facility on the highway and safe crossing at the railway line.

Update / Action: In the Capital Works Program. Information can be found on the 23/08/18 DH 30/04/20 website - https://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Projects/Name/B/Bruce-Highway-Upgrade- Package-Babinda-intersection-upgrade New advisory signs are currently being

designed and once approved TMR will roll out and install. DH to keep CRC informed. 3.2

x Gillies Highway (near old Riverstone house) – Vehicle speed issues for property owners that enter and exit the road (100km/h section). 29/11/18 For Update / Action: Review has been completed and accepted though the Speed Noting

Management Committee. TMR will be changing the speed limit to 80km/h on the Gillies Highway, in the vicinity of Vico Street. 3.3

x Mount Millman Drive – Discussion around speed limit review of Mount Millman Road between Captain Cook Highway and Cattana Road. Council

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concluded its speed limit review. CRC’s recommendation is both sections of

the road should be 60km/h due to the data provided and it being a sub-arterial road. No agreement reached on recommended speed limit. TMR and QPS to

review Council’s speed limit investigation results and provide a written response. 29/11/18 For Update / Action: TMR (DH) advised that they will accept a CRC’s decision to Noting change the speed limit along Mount Millman Drive to 60km/hr. No further action

3.4 for this committee.

x Cairns CBD 40KM/H Speed Limit: The new Cairns CBD 40km/h Area Speed Limit was introduced on Monday 18 February 2019. Council will monitor changes and review speed data. June 21/02/19 MR 2020 Update / Action: Council officers have assessed speed and crash data. Crash data is not available for crashes after 30 June 2019. TMR (Brisbane) have requested data to 31 August 2019 to enable a 6 month review. TMR is collating a

report, and will present the findings to Council in April 2020. This report will be tabled at the next TAC meeting.

3.5 x Captain Cook Highway – Loridan Drive / Arnold Street / Clifton Road

Traffic Signal Timing: Cr Olds would like to see the signals operations modified to allow a right turn filter movement from the highway after hours (off peak). It was noted there is no opposing right turn. Also, left turn out green arrow during right turn in green arrow would provide benefit to motorists on For Clifton Road. 23/05/19 Noting

Action / Update: TMR have provided a response. No filters in high speed locations. TMR and CRC will review this in 12 months’ time. No further action for 3.6 this committee.

x Sheridan Street upgrade: Can information be provided on the proposed 26/09/19 DH 20/03/20

upgrade of Sheridan Street to six lanes. Action: TMR will provide an overview of the early works proposed by 20/03/2020.

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3.7 x Town Entry Speed Statements – TMR wants to coordinate with CRC on these entry statements – Highlighting the speed limit when you come into town, through signage and pavement messages. TMR are considering entry statements for Fishery Falls, Babinda, Deeral and Miriwinni. 26/09/19 DH 20/03/20

Action: TMR will provide an overview of the project / proposed treatment (picture)

by 20/03/2020.

3.8 x Sheridan Street bus corridor - When TMR and Translink review the Sheridan Street bus corridor please ensure the stop opposite Tobruk Pool is reviewed. Sunbus would like this stop removed. It is a difficult stop for them to serve, and there are other stops close by. 26/09/19 DH 20/03/20 Action: TMR is reviewing this. TMR will provide a response to Council asap.

3.9 x Draper Road Bruce Highway Intersection – Cr Moller – A Gordonvale High School Student was hit trying to cross to McDonalds. No crossing from Cairns

Road to the McDonalds’ Side.

Action: TMR to consider additional signalised crossings at this intersection to

improve safety. David Hamilton to provide a report by end of March 2020. 26/09/19 DH 31/03/20

3.10 x Zip Merge – Cairns Regional Council have plans to implement changes to merging lanes at 8 intersections – making them into Zip Merges with new

signage and changes to line marking. This will be a combined process with TMR. Action / Update: CRC and TMR looking to implement in mid-2020 (May / June) – 09/12/19 DH 31/03/20 joint implementation. TMR to provide their Comms plan regarding the new signage and implementation.

3.11 x School Zone Times – Cairns Regional Council have contacted all schools within the region requesting agreement to change the school zone times.

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Feedback provided has indicated a change – Morning Times – 7:30am to For 09/12/19 Noting 9:00am and Afternoon Times – 2:30pm to 3:30pm to suit majority of schools. Action / Update: Well done. Rolled out seamlessly with good coordination

amongst all stakeholders.

3.12 x Graffiti on Charlotte Close Highway Sign – Cr Zeiger raised the issue of the massive graffiti tag on the back of the Highway Sign

Action / Update: The graffiti is very high on the sign and requires an Elevated 09/12/19 DH 20/03/20 Working Platform. TMR will remove the graffiti. TMR to provide response by

20/03/2020. x Stratford Connection Rd Freshwater – New Pedestrian Refuge – This area 3.13 feels a little tight and night visibility is a concern.

Action / Update: TMR reported an accident at this location last Thursday (12/03). CRC maintenance team repaired fencing within two days. TMR will continue to 09/12/19 For monitor. Noting

x Black Links Program (State Roads) – TMR will be reviewing the Captain 3.14 Cook Highway, Kuranda Range and Gillies Ranges as part of this this new program – safety issues / possible infrastructure upgrades. Action: David Hamilton to convene Speed Management Committee Meetings to For discuss any proposed speed limit changes as part of this program. 09/12/19 Noting

x Whitfield Street Train Accident – CRC and Queensland Rail would like to 3.15 see this section of road closed. Action: TMR have advised that this closure will be considered as part of the

Florence Street to Barron River (Captain Cook Highway) upgrade planning. 09/12/19 For Noting

x Arnold / Arthur Streets intersecting with CCHWY– Signal activation – CR 3.16 Olds is incurring delays at these intersections as it appears cars turning left at these intersections are triggering a red signal.

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Action / Update: TMR have reviewed this intersection (loops detections and operations) and confirmed that the intersection is operating as it should. 09/12/19 For Noting

4 Council Matters / Projects

4.1 x McFarlane Drive – CRC considering lowering the speed limit along this entire stretch to 40km/hr if the road is to remain open. Currently out to consultation. Action: Meeting attendees agreed to proposed speed limit change, should the 16/03/20 For outcomes of the consultation require it. Noting

x Babinda Boulders Road – CRC has completed a safety review of The Boulders Road including horizontal curve testing. CRC recommends a change 4.2 to the last 700m of road to The Boulders car park. Safe curve operating speeds are less than 60 km/h. A speed reduction to 60km/h is proposed coupled with a number of 50km/h curve warning signs. Action: Meeting attendees agreed to the proposed changes. CRC to request 16/03/20 MR 20/03/20 support from QPS.

x Name of Committee – CRC would like the Committee name changed from 16/03/20 For ‘Road Safety Traffic and Transport Advisory Committee’ to “Traffic Advisory Noting 4.3 Committee’. Action: Meeting attendees agreed.

5 TMR Matters / Projects

• STIP funding deadline 29 May 2020 For • Community Road Safety small projects deadline 22 May 2020. 16/03/20 Noting

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6 QPS Matters

Not in attendance.

7 Department of Education

Not in attendance.

8 Sunbus

Not in attendance.

9 Taxis

Not in attendance.

10 Queensland Rail

Not in attendance

11 General Business:

None 12 Next Meeting: June 2020

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Attachment 2 – Updated Terms of Reference (ToR) - #2434459

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